;-aMTraaf anas- -zr-?, immt-' VJ'tr v iM ghctoccMB (Enterprise. TOWN AK" COUNTY. -lllon. Geo. II. Williams cd- dreswd ths people on Thursday, al " .. . ttii :r Washington xiau tu "-y . Mr. Wm. Welch has left at our rfSce some of the finest samples of potatoes ever seen. Fifteen of them filled a common market basket full. Rer. J. W. Miller, late of Wis consin, will preach at the Congrega tional Church in this city, to morrow morniDg and evening, at the usual hour of holding service. Ben. Holladay & Co. are acta T!ly t prk "in'CrS?11 City, Mr. Gaton. Those bad places will all oon be made 'snfooth. "87 men are at work on the road in Bliifr street, alone have yda as "many on your entire line ? -- The store of Messrs.' Charm an & Bro.s, in this city, is 'a fire proof brick, as large as any in the State for a retail trade, and it is now again filled with a chotce assortment of tho bWkt goods that' cm be fonod, and lhy will be sola at tne towost notcn. Thk Locks Refkkred to. Speaking of the bill introduced by Mr. Thompson, Sen ator from Clackamas county, granting State aid to build locks around the falls of the Wallamct at Oregon City, the Ore ijonlan says : Tb bill proposes to appropriate the mm of $25,000 annually, lor ten years, and allow the company constructiisg the locks the right to charge 73 cents per ton upon all merchandise passing through the luck. Apropos of this, the People's Transportation Co. introduces a proposi tion to build locks from their basin for $150,000, reserving the right to charge 50 rnt.i only, per ton. as toll. Their pro posal Will-cost the fctate $100,600 less ex pense than is contemplated 'by the 'bill, and fifty per cent, in tolls. Tb,price now charged for hauling by -Wagons from Ca ncmaU to a point below the I T. Cos warehouse at Oregon City, hi fifty cents a ton. "The ljt named "company have it in contemplation to build lock3 as soon as the shipping business of the State demands mich improvement, and the plans, specifi cations and maps showing the number and position of locks necessary -ftre already draw n. If. then, the State demands this improvement, by all means let her save th? $100,000 and hare it built on the side of the river where it will benefit the great est number. l. A.fiOrAire. J. It. LAKE. CODARD & LAKE. -Not. 114 and 110 Second street, tor. Mormon, Portland. $t AVlng Bought out and Ilefitled THE OLD BEXXETTJ: WtflTE Livery , Sale and Feed Sta&lc 4 Arc now prepared to receive all the rjld ruitomers, and as m;:iy new psf fons as may e bt to give us a call, we will give ' t Particular attention to Farmers stock! j I We are satisfied that we erth jrive cnflfe - Mti.factiuu to tun frieuds and tlie public tnd we shall do so, '. "OUR LIVERT IS ALL NEW ! BOTH AS TO ; carriages axd horses ! I And we shall take pride in turning out as We an outfit as any establishment on the - tut for the name money, f Itf" We will also be "prepared to nry all I the geod hnea that come to this market, at I 1'fttrr price than any one else can pay, m 1 we liare a connection bcfs'vV giip'ferior to any . u'.her parties in San fraucrjfeo. this line I of business XSKJDAKD LAKE. . wsm mm AST ; Vst 4oor south fro3 the corner of FiTsft-a-rrd j ilorrison streets, near the WtsteVn-, Portland, Oregon. j Wm. T. Shanahan, j importer and dealer iy MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FINE ENGRA I INGS, J PICTURE FRAMES i And MOLDINGS. rPnE FIXrST ANI LARGEST STOCK ; j , 'nKrT,nSs. Crouios, Plain and col t "red Ltthagraphs, etc., eTer before ottered li th market, just recei .'ed and for sale at j GREATLY KEDUCED PRICES! 5 Atso: t- - Ucict of Columbia River Scenery! i Constantly on hand. J ACExt ron bbadbcrt's celebrated Grand Scale I'isinos ! , hlc.h.l,?Te gTcn univeraal satisfaction, Sri. ' Suantees to sell at San Frafl-- ' .W Pcial attention fiv vr.H i ' "025rph ttegraviues, etc. " iJfT. r;-h,nab5MS"' f'Jr'ncrlvof A. Koh- lert ftahlthmw. Jet t.u: ' trrf. . u rra'sco, win at- HIMKIXg, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, U X. U0 Flr.t Street Out Fixtures, I Cooking Ranges, ' Hot Water Boilers, I Marble Top Washslatids, j Sheet Lead and Block Tin, ) Water Closets, Bath Tabs, Lead Iipe. it wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. I rr'. rXBOWsRETURXBEXDL t Ml'J'L AW, h US111XGS, J v.-f Jvr 2tam, Water and Uas. AI-SO tubes, Water fiuageS, W 1 ,lun, I'umps, Steam Guages, G t'histlcs ft! fH Si to ft m f- tt a m m 1 lO AnRle, and Check Valves, Guage t'ock, Air Cock, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber IIl... It ... it: O uusc npes, dn Vl rubhc building, and private resi h tvd wilb tbe ilUest iniproveirients teani or hot air apparatus. tnlinV " cirizens generally to call and ei itk my sKock' which his becu selected u ,1 "rcal care' and especial attention given u the waurs of tbis market. vauts of tbis ujarkct. O. H. MYERS. BENTON KILLIN, Ojifu,,., (l. 0(5c 'airej. "us iiricK ufoCK, xtp TMU- HEADS PRINTED. LETTER FROM KEY "W AST. THE ISLAND IT8 USKS INHABITANTS. By looking on tbe map one may see that this little island is, at pres ent, tbe southernmost part of the United States. Originally, the island was a coral reef, but successive ages have each' in their turn left additional verdure and shrubbery until it has become one 6f the most important stations in tbe South. Not that the produce of the island actually amounts to anything" 'of importance, for bes yond a few cbcoanut trees, an occa sional lime and tamarind tree, and yet "fflore seldom a plantain bush, there 1s nothing eatable grown on the island. But the verdure is refreshing to the eye.and the shrubbery is shadv. The island contains a population of sotne 0,000 people, about one half of whom are colored, all of whom man age, after their fashion, to eke out a subsistence. The Government has a large fort here, very large and commodious bar racks, where there are constantly quite a force of soldiers kept, I sup pose, to get them acclimated." JBe sides, the island has been la'rery im. portant coaling station for Goverii ruent steamers during the war and the trade thus brought in kept up the life of the place until 'he war ended, when it retUfhed to its present con dition, best defined by the superlative degree of dull. Soldiers and sailors, however, will exchange their hard earned 'currency for the perishable thhigs which gratify the 'taste, and hence the Key Westers exist. There are two passable hotels, and .perhaps five well built houses on the island. Besides these 'five, with the exception of the Government buildings, the rest of!Key West is an accretion of in built, tumbledown shanties, which would disgrace the worst mining camp in Idaho, during the war, however, these shanties did a tbfiv. ing business. Though the island was under martl law, yet it did not pre vent them from peddling bad rum, or keeping a room Tor a quiet game, at which game ye gallant navy officer often left enough to Support his family for a year. The proclivities of the place have been most intensely seccsh. Mallory, the re"bel Secretary of the Navy, and the buHder cf trie -fa-re ous Atlanta, had his home here. The house in which he 'Iivtd before 'the rebellion is in sight from where 1 write a white cottage with green blinds, two dor mer windows, and surrounded by a few stimted cocoaftut trees j like the late Secretary, nothing remarkable either way. Some of the leadin" citizens, at the time of the firing on Sumter, sent down word to the com mandant of Fort Taylor that he must haul down the United States fl g and run up the spcesh thing. Command ant Major French sent back word thiftif tfcey oiQ sot take down all to kens of Secession ftying from their houses within thirty minutes, he would kindly help them to do so, even at the expeuse of Government powder, arid the loss of a few shells. He then turned his guns on the town and th seccsh rag came down within the allotted time. After that Mal- lory left. The secesh bft ds ate now winging their way bac&, compiaml'ng of dull times. But you will ask me how the people all live, now that the war is eirded and the sti;!urs departed. 1 answer, 8POKGE. Not that kind of sponging done in the Web-foot State,where they some' times sponge a man out of a dinner, a breakfast, a Siiit of clothes, or what not, but veritable sponges, hauled up from the rocks of the sea.cured, dried, baled and sold. Ench year sees this branch of trade increase; last year it was over $100,000, which, for a place like this, is quite an item. Method of gkttis(g the sonIse. The persons who engage in this business have boats, hooks and grap nels. Thev start off earlv in the morning, row or sail to some of the many reels which abound off the coast, and there, While One or two of the men steady the boat by deans of weights, or" stohe anchors," as they are termed, the others Ipt down their poles with honks, (something like a boat hook,) and hook the sponge from the rocks and hatll it Ititd-the boat. This is Called "gathering" the sponge;' and many a day may pastf before they are enabled to gather one sponge. First, because the sea is too rouch and they cannot steady their boat (for the best sponge grows between 15 and 90 feet under water) to get the hook properly placed" about the rock ; and next, if it is ever so calm, and tho fish make a disturbance in the water to stir bp the sediraent, they cannos see where the sponge is, and they can do nothiog until it is clear and calm again. Sometimes a whole month passes without their being able to take a sponge, and then in one da thev mar collect enorjffh j v m J to par tbem a hondred dollars. Like all others who 44 go down to the sea." they are exceedingly thriftlcsa and all the same ; ignorant of to day and careless of to-morrow.. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. ARE THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS or SAN FRANCISCO. -o- SPECIMiTiES. tltlCE AID Cl'AIlAItTEE'. hc'largest arid most varitd stock of Gen tlemen's Clothing, Furnishing Good, Trunks, Bags and Valises, on the Pacific Cohst. Every article sold, being of our own manufacture, ta guaranteed. 'Having con tracts direct with European and American Manufacturers of piece troods we thereby effect a saving of fully, 50 percent, in wbole-J sale dealers profits ana are thus able to otter superior Goods at les than second-rate prices. STYLES. ftjMhg a "get; ts 'in London and f'arisVe' introduce th new styles .Mn Xan Francisco simultaneously with their appearance in dOODS'lMADE TO ORDER. For the accommodation of such as mar de sire, we have secured the services of a cel-' brated European cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goods in a style superior lto; anv other house on the coa.st' Hhirt. Ties. Collars, etc., made to-order at shtjrt flOtlec. -0- COUNTRY ORDWS. "Goods 'forwarded by Express to any part of he I'acitic Coast ou receipt qf'efders and measures ; send for directions 'for ineasure tncti. -o- HfeUSTON, HASTINdS & CO. LICK HOUSE IIJiOCK, SAN FRANCISCO. novS PACIFIC MAIL STK.VM.SHIf'.S KOK v New York, Japan & China, Will be dispatched as follows : q Leave wharf corner of First and Brannan streets, at 1 1 o'clocR a. m. of the following dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama K. K: with one of the company's splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, or THetVI, Xy, 3 l anil 30(h, O F E A C Jl M O N T H! Steamers leaving SanFrancisco on the 14'th 1 and 30th touch at ilanzaiiillo. All touch at Aeapulco. Departure of the Gth connects with English steamer for Australia. Depart ure of the 14th is expected to. connect with the French Trans-Atlantic Co.Vsteamer for St. Naiaire, and English steamer for South America-. Through tickets 'can. fcc Obtained. Departure of 11th is expected to connect with English steamer for Southampton.South America, and P. R K: Co.'s steamer for Cen tral America. Through ticket can be had. kgT Passengers berthed through. ISag. gage checked through. 100 lbs. allowed to each adult. An experienced surgeon ou board. 5! edict ant, atrendarefc Ire's. These steamers will positively sail at H o'clock. Passengers are requested to bare their baggage on board before ten o'clock. STEAMEHS FOR September UHS. flie fdVWwing Steamships will dis patched Ofi iflares follows: September 14th Xacramentfr, Capt Parker connecting with. Oaan Queen, Capt. King. September 22d -Captain Cavalry connettirii with IIenr$L'hauceVaVCd'&frir-. Sept. smhConseUutiflit, tMt llu'dabnc'on necting with Arhdna, Capt Maury. t-if Thfouirh tickets to Liverpool by the Cunard, Inman and National steamship lines cau be obtained at tbe P. M. S.S: Co.'s oflice in SanFrancis'co, wh'ert niav also be obtained ordVrs for faSsase frdrrt LivterpOol or South ampton to au t rancisco. euner ia .ei York or tit. Thomas U desirea an anioum of 10 or 20 will be advanefcd with tbe above orders. Holders of orders will be re quired to identify theoiseives to the Agents in bngiana. For merchandise and iVeVghl for 5'ew ork and way pdVls, apply to Wells, Fargo & Co. orreigni received aiicr s r. m. i v" day prior to departure. j?T The steamabip Ureal Ji'.puouc, uapi. S. Doaue-. will be dispatched on baturaay Oct. 3d. at 12 o'clock, noon, for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, connecting with the str. Wii jtuA, for shanghai. For passage and all other ififormation. ap ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s office corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorfl" sts. OLIVER ELDKIDuK, Agent. OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION G0.JS TOATS OF THECOMPAM ILL leave JL Pbrtland' as fellows: F6R DALL1X CITY : DA7IA , Sundays excepted,) at 5 ocloik ft. ni. FOR UMATILLA AND WALLULA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, At 5 o'clock t. . l-W Returning, leave Wallula oq Monday Tedncsday &. Friday, touching at Umatilla. O FOR ASTORLV: Mbnd&y end Friday, at G o'tlo'ck a. m. FOR MONTICELLO : Daily, Sundays excepted,) Mbnday, , Wednesday, and Friday, at G a m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, all o clock U. ftl. Boats for the transpof taf iotf 5f stocli : - a,- l : .V J. C. AINSWORTU, President O. S. N. Companr, Partlaud, Oregon THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OREGON 'CITY ! Ndw is the Time to Take Passage for The Eatakliabment of JT A W & IBIHldDTIHIIElHl ! WHO HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF TTIE LARGEST AND BEST AS Bortrnenld of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Erer brougEt'tb' this Market, consisting, in part 6f CLOTTIIN'g. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents' anaTJojs'Hrearl FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety I LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS,. HOSIERY, "etc., HER RIM AC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -Anti an 'endless Variety cf :gt6ds, too rlnlaerous tb fcientlda. Wlif rfi ikcy iRlestl t sell Lower iMft A&y $6use in -Or>i ! 'if any one is disposed to doubt the genuineness cf the above sizicnienls, Especially the latter all iheh'.ri'dersigned aiTc'of'ihem is, that they Call and Examine "t,he Goods -and Prices ! Jind satisfy themselves. Hre mdy7e found ut the old stand, the 'Brick Building, Mdin stteet 'Oregon City. JA COB Bit OTHER. 07 'Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. itook "Oal ! The Railroad is not oming Tet ! BUT THE PEOPLES' TR ANSFORTATIUN t3ai Are Still RaCtfSrg'thcTr Ariia foiling in a uja in Canaan "Er. Warner's old Brick Store, lYTain Street, Where Tie not only intends to self, bet WAX Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will sar, COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yo'irselve's that it is no trouble to me to show good. I have received one ol the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consisting in part of a Hue assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID CLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY : BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOtS AND SHOES : H ATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FLNE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS: SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS: BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all .sizes and qualities. jTt- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the mo.t reasonable terms. Also a lare ntock of Gents' Fiirnirdiing Goods. GROCERIES -A veil srlextvd assortment S. ACKERMAN. .fh Att Elnds 6f Produce Boih. v, x . . OREGON CITY BUSINESS. G. W. POPE & Co., DEAt-F.tlS IS S T O V E S i Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tii, Copper and Sheet Iroa Ware, Main Street, Orego'u 'City. The snbserio'srs wbuld r'espt'crilly an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and, other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Tortland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, ilicluatug the BUCK, , , HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC BLACK KNIGHT, &c Roofirlg aCd .loSbing oi every uescnpuou done to order, in a manner that cannot fail . . - Tn ttsl.littrtn in lh nhnvft may be found a pBod ass'ortulfeut ol Hard ware 'vVoodeiiware, etc. C. Y. POPE & Co. NEW LIGHT I NEW LAMP! AND BEST NIGHT LAH? LTT UZ Its Many Advantages: EIRSTIt it S' ll-Erjitoeiv.' and entire! free from nu)ke or (ifemiiie odor whiU twining. . SECOXDIt gives a Sft, tlan, WniU Zf7?. TIttRfIt i CHEAPER tJii any ttUr hull or OIL LUCINE BURNING FLUID Tables, etc LUCINE LAMPS AND THE FLUID CAN BE HAD OF C. W. POVJE & Co,, OREGON 6ITY, DEALKBS I" Store: Tinwzr', Zvt, a im nry. 'Lcnte. c, d-t. l u For burning in amAVtnvY all other Fluids for LIGU i aiid,LLOOM . It will not Stain or Grease Ctolaes; Carpets, the Goods Yor 4ij m uu ila OREGON CITY BUSINESS. CITY BAKERY ! 31 AIX STREET, OREGOX' CITT. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to "Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Lin -frill nTfet with PROMPT ATTEKtroiT ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STAKES! An'd all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLO W& FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO 1 By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! lli SH0ET! Farmers and the public generally, arc in: vited to call at the City Uakerv, where thk truth Trill be made apparent that our stock fs complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange fur goods. BARLOW & PULLER. ivkv P i it 3i : JACOB WORTMAN. TffOMAS R. TIELUS Wortmafl & Fields, Xext Door to the Post Office, Oreyon City, Oregon': TEALE3S IN' Faiftily Groceries I Provisions" of all Kif-ds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spice i ! Canned Fruits end Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar The highest market prices paid I ,.. I ror '"r'J 1" "'LC- tub Scabs HATE AER1VBB I Tlie G-bodis'! AttK QKBE Tdlt ARTICCLAR3 Call Cra rmiviis ! At'lieoldiand, Main Street, Oregon ity. KFOHE VISITIXO PORTLAND CALL AT Charman 'Brothers. JOOK AT THE VARIETY lor sale by Charman & Brother. BOOTS ife SHOES ! 'J'HE B'EST AND CliEAVEST A t ' Char ma n c ''Bros. Portland Price QANNOT COMPETE WITH Charman Brother. CliOTIIIlVO ! II TAVE YOU SEEN THE BEST N'ot until you have called vpon Charman & Bro. KITS, HATS, JOTHING CAN EXCEL The stetk of 'Charman - Bro. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Mahcfacturers of and Dealers ir. Furrfiture OUEGO.V CITY, rpAKE'i'HIs METHOt) OF iyFOltMtNO JL the public that they have now on hand a large invoice of "SQUARE AND EXTFJION TABLES, UUKEALS, UelvSteads, LOUNGES. DESKS.,. . STANDS, CHAIRS, And various' other Qualities of Rich a'tid Medium Furniture ! FoYmlrijr a comple'e atid desirable ascort rnent, which merits the attention of buyers. We MANUFACTURE FURNITUKE Usinp good 'materials, and employing the very best mechanics 'iu the State, beuce we can warrant our goods 'to be as represented, and we fcr'e prepared To !l all crdir with p'romptness. , lT We csli fhc atfe'-ifion V. the oubli; .o 'our- sarsiOiom, as containing the .most rorppicie assorimcni oi acmraou yooas in me Statu. LEV',& FECHHEIMEJl, 4,",.lvl Main street, Oregon City Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! Aim! no HUMBUG I Tlie Entire Stock! ' or DRY GO0PS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, EC0TS AND SHOES, Mens Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS". Groceries, "crcceJy Glass ana rlated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc.j etc. Has got to be sold Flegrdless of Price! rar To convince Vouraef of this action cali at the Old Corner ! . I. SELLINfJ; South of Tope &, Co 's Tin store. Main at., Oregon City'. OREGON CITY WOOLEN iMAHUFACTURINQ C t) M P A N V. rtllfe AlibYFj COMI'XAY AHE NO" 1 producing aquality cf WOOLEN GOODS V.HICn ARE Supsrlor to gny evet Before fiered tn the Pacific Coast fccmprisTng cAssiMERES, TWEEDS, HAHD" tW!Sf PLAfNNEI,' . BLANKETS, YARN, etc. . . t Using only the best grades of WooL The above goods are offered to the trade on the most favorable terms. All orders will njeet with prompt attention. Address : U. JACOB, Agent, 30.6m) Oregon City, Oregon. Or L. tVHITE & BRO., Agents at Portland. Establishes ) 1657. . I Established 157. J. O'CONNOR, . Ifo." 90 ?iri5t street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia Garden, Grass anrt Flower Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. foreign and. Domestic Dried Fruits and v egctaoics. , Foreign and Domettic Green do do Verjttnbles ami Fruit Packed icith care for Shipment. NUTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal-nuts, Fil berts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bought expressly for family use. JT" All of which is offered fur cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. 35:ly .TOII.-V O'C'OMXOR, No. C'. First st., Tortlind, Oregon. TEE OCCIDnSTAL Insurance Company. fSTE'NT) TO CEASE SUSIXES0 . 'V THIS 'S T A TE! , ... - -- A .. . S3.6hn) 15. GOLDSMITH, Agent. J ' AND. ... .A jLifi Insurance. ffOUNSON Jb. McC0N ARE THE Local fj Agents m uregon Uity, oi tu Jt'aciuc Fire Insurance; Company," the best doing business on this coast. This Company ia the only one in Oregon that , . Issue Policies and Adjusts Losses Without referring the case to l5an" Francisco. Also, a' gents of 'the North America Life Insurance Co.! t Presenting the moBt.dVslrable features, slaving its. policies guaranteed by the State of New York, ' - , - Dou't dolay attention-' to these mat tery until your'prOperty. is. destroyed by fire, or(until yoa are sick, when you cannot be insured. Call immediately. (32.tf C. P. FEUKY, . No. 10S Front street, ro'rtfand. , . . ...,.. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company.! , . And .Manhattan Xife Insurance Co GOYERHlENVsECUrvlVlESsfo'cKS Bonds, and Real Estate bought and gold on Commission. . . . , - 3: THE MANHATTAN I Ate Insurance C5. OF NEW YORK. Assets Nearly $5,000,000 00. Dividend to Jaxcakt 1st, 1667, . $1,106,316 3S. - Dividend of 18G7, 40 per cent. Cash. rVniS LARGE DIVIDEND.- IS VERY J gratifying, and assures the roncx. noi-r-ehs that tey will, in this carefully conductd cbmj5:hy, obtain'insurance at the lowest cost consistent with the safety of the insured. Special 'features. Dividends Arinzi'cily, . Policies iionry,drfeit'n'g, . After one Payvient. Policies Incontestable, Credit Given for part of The Premium if Desired Prompt Payment cf Losses! rij All classes of Life and Eudowment Policies issued. . , . , ... . Jte Important New Features iii Dividends, and Modes of Insurance : The following are examples of the opera tions of the last dividend. Policies issued in 1668 only four years ago : Amount Premium Added Total Age. Insured. Paid. to Pohcv. Amount. 40 10,000 $1,''80 : ?lS,r.72 R5 3.000 l,if2 'ifi-m 10,S48 TO 7',rj9 Tt.'8 2.7C3 10.20S 25 '7,000 k. 571.- -2,505 S.MG This 'is an'pfctfreiy heVr plan, orrginating with this company, and gives insurers the largest return vver made by any co'inpany in the same period. All nformatjon,. books, blank Applications, qatv b(4 obtained. from ,. . ; X I. EKlty,. Agent, ;T9? Front st., Portland, Oregon. H. tZItAslX, Oregon Cily Agrm. Drt. A.D. Um.ts. ... j . - - -Dr. W. 11. W akins, ) Medical Examiners. HIRArVI SMITHS' OPHTHALMIC P AN ACE A! Is without doubt the most tconderful EYE HEALER that has yet been discovered ! It cures t'.ie most stubborn and homeless cases of chronic Ifkimations. Granulated lids, films, Ac, as lwss been sufficiently dem onstrated during the few months in .which ia which it has bce;i. brought into public no tice. The proprietor is so fully convinced of its infallibility, that be warrants a cure, or refunds the money. It can do the eyes no harm, and a trial of it is therefore witl ut injury or expense to tho patient, if a cure is not effected. It has cured cases of five, six sine, fifteen and even . . . . ' Eighteen Years'' Standing !! ... In Harrihur! ar?d vicinity, Linn Co., Oregon: To which the following persons will bear Witness : : E. B. Moore, .Nathaniel Bcllj A. L. Wallace,- V. R. Ward, Mrs Montgomery, John M Holloway W. D. l'oi ter. " Rob't Ramsey, And Other Citizens. Jf perrons afflicted with the distressing scourge of diseased eyes ae advised to give this remedy a fair trial On the "No cure, ho Fay," and no injury plan. - Prepared by Smith A Roach, ITaTrisburg, Oregon. ... SMITH A DAVIS, ' General Agents, Portland Oregon, To whom sll orders should be addressed. J-sfFor sale by all Druggists. (29 Family Dye Colors. , Patented October ISth, 1'53. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Bla'tk, Dark Gfven, Btack Silk, Light Green, Dark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue, Maize, French Blue, Taroon, Cflarel Broicn ,' Or a nge, Dark Broicn, Pink, .Light Brouin Purple, Snrtff Br own, Hoydl Purple, Cherry, Salmon, , Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, SlaTp LigJU Drab, Solferino, Fawn Drab, Violet, jTe?&5jp, Light Patch. Ji'rab. tVoo.en and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, QJpves, tldhhefs, Hats, Feathers, Childheil'ss Clothing, Ait(lall yvld8 of Wearing Apparel. A Saving of Eighty per Cent. For 25 ceMs you can color as many goods tin wruild otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye., The process is simple, and any one cau use the dye with perfect success. Diiections in English; I reuch and German outside of each paclcf.e. .- HOWE & STEVENS, , So6 Hroadway, Boston. , For sale by Smith & Davis Portland,and by Hell & Parker, Oregon City. 21 JAMES L. DALY, (Late Daly & Stevens,) 'G EX'ER A L A G EX T, Orgies No. 104 Front street, Portland; Will giv, special attention to Collecting and adjustment. of accounts, bills and yotjes J. Negotiating Inland bills J etlcctLpg .loaus ; buying, selliugaud leasiogtal estate; bouse renting, and to the general agency business in all its branches. HOME MANUFACTURE. KIGGINS&CO. Are Now 2u n u Curt u ring tt Snperlor ARTICLE OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Bro ?td. FAMILY SOAP, TTHICU WE WILL SELL AT SAN V V Francisco Prices, aud deliver to up rivor boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory. j or to McCrakeu, Merrill A Co., Agents, will mcei wiia prouipi attention. W. L. UIGGINS & CO., ll:ly Proprietors. No. f Front Street, Portland. Oregon," One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. McCRAKEN, MERRILL A CO., Agents Oregon lrfdge No! 3, I. O. of (5. K. oSi;'4fe. Meets every Wednesday evenine 7 o'clock, in tbe Masonic Hall Membcrs of the erdc are iu NERVOUS AFFECTIONS', , . . - i : t . ' t i . -s. The biiape8 or the clouds axdtiis trees do not differ more widely thaa tho forms of nervous disease. Sometimes bo tU the mind and body are affected, soinetimea the body .only, and often the complaint ijs confined to. a jingle member. In one class of cases, the motiye nerveS alona are disor dered, as iq SU.. Titus' Dance; in another class the nerves of sensation only ar attack ed, as in neuralgia, tic douloureaux, tooth ache,, earache, eH. Paia. is, in fact, the im mediate consequence, of a disturb condi tion of the nervous .system ; for only thro. the delicate fibers of which it is, aomposed can pain be experienced. , Tremors hysteria and most ot the unpleasant feelings usually ipclu4ed under the head of nervousness, arise from the weakness of these sensitivo tkreada which pervade every part, of, the aar iraal structure, and have their source in the focntain Lead -of all seostion, tbe brain. The tonic action of Hosteltcr's Bitters is of vast service in cases of this kind.. Nervous headache, ordinary Jaceacheneuralgic paiu andcverv variety of spasmodic, torture, are quickly .alleviated, by the use of the prepa ration whicl: at onee braces and tranquilizer the nerves. Person's of a lymphatic temper ament and feeble organfzation, arc especial ly subject to these complaints, and should ( tako the Bitters daily as au invigoraot. La dies will derive great benefit from tbem in all the peculiar mental and physical disturb ances to which, a3 a sex, they are subject. AsafcEtida, valeraiu, and, the other nervines, usually prescribed fbr these affections, at best, merely alleviate them, for tbe time being but theUitters are a permanent inyigorant, and'theiryai'je as a remedy for cery pkaso of nervousness fslteyrnd all estiujate. ConctitvtWka'l WEAKNF.S9 It is a great thing to have a sound anijl vigorous constitution. .There is nothing that money cau buy, comparable in value ,t this best gift of nature. The difference be tween the individual who has.it, and, the uu: fortunate "who lias it not, is just the difl'erence between thema:i whojeoes into battle cloth ed in defensive armcr, aiwl one whr taa nothing. to oppose the swerd aad bulk-t.but hi3 naked breast. "The pestilenee that walketli in darkness, the sickness that dei: troyeth at noonday," while it lays lew tho jnan of feeble stamina, is cften conquci ed by, the native strength of what is called aiv " iron constitution.". Heaven, however, has not endowed even a moiety of mankind with this inestimable blessing, and therefore it behooves those who have it not to resort to tfmse most effi cient means of eonstitutional, iuv.igoration which ccVence jean supply. -There is good y-arrstst for asserting tlmt Ilostetter's it't ters are admirably adapted to promote this end. t)ther touics have their drawbacks. The concentrated extract of poijoncus veg etable substances, winch within the last few years have been Introduced into the practice of medicine as invicorants, are all cxtremel- t . . . - - . .... dangerous. Prussic acid and strychnine", though often given as strengthening medi cines, are not tafc even iu the diminutive doses; and quinine disastrously effects tho nerves and the bones.. But iu Hostetter's Bitters. there is positively nothing that is not healthful and yrholesotnc hey contain no Ingredjent which by any process coijld bs converted. into aa active. poison, and yet as a constitutional stimulant are infinitely pref erable to any of the sidpba.tes and aeetateij which have been recently added to the teria mediea. The Government tobxTinsiGK The counterffiting of JIos.tctter's Stpmacjt: Bitters is iiow a somewhat, more serious as well as difficult business than it was a few years ago, each bottfc of tte genuine articH being authenticated by the. official endorse ment of the Un,ited States Revenue Depart ment iu the foira of a. stauip engraved ou steel, to counterfeit which is a felony. Sec, therefore, that this Government Counter sign, aa wel! as tbe engraved label auf neta efhand of tlje proprietors, is attached to tlie br.ttle. The label is embellished with a superb representation of St.George.onhorse back, in the act of spearing the. Dragon, aud underneath is a shield or csc'utcheen, bear ing a warning inscription, which couutot -feiters arc adtised to read before they c counter the penalty which jt setsfvrtb Be-, low tbis again is Hostetter &. Smith's note of hand, the signature to which it would be rather a serious business to torge. If tlie public will look to these verifications ef th-? genuineness of thearticle before. a the; purclias'e, they ..caiipc-t be, . deceived v the proprietary label, and Govcrameni, stamp arc both executed on steel in tht most elaborate yle of bank-note engraving" aud are probably the most expensive speci men of graphie .art, crcr attached to any medical firearatiou. PREPARED AND' SOLD BY ttostetter & Smitfr 0 PITTSmJUG,' Pa. Eor sale by all Druggists, Grocers,' and shopkeepers throughout the world. iTos'letler, Smith & Co'.', WLoicsalc Druggists, San Francisco, Agents for Pacific CoasZ (Htnii) O O o 2 o 0 O O O