0 O 1 JEIjc ttJcckln entcrpvisc. " -J YOWS AM) CO CATV. 1 Too much " laws" to us suit this reek. I QCiipt- Smith has named his boat ugene City. AH orders for paper c; in be filled rosv nnd henceforth, by II. L. Pit- tock & Co. Some persons around this town ? should be arrested for selling liquor j to ladSanfe. I Elder liich trdson, of the Chriss -j-a Church, has beer, engaged to " .-each in this city for one yeur. j . - ! A, Levy has a good cigar for j 3.50 per box of o'J. lie has a full j hew assortment of goods. 1 Business eu the iuper Wal'amet Ifs iRcreasinp, but there is no itnprove Itueut in navigation. I . The steamer Huinitr is owned hjf Mt-ssrs. J. G. Toner, Ilai baugh, J r.d others. She will be running I 1 !.;.. r.ittt nr.,) T. ,-".... ,4 VJ3SUO1I Ul'lttct'll una v.i,j "u 1 u uunu. Jf Messrs. Andrew Willis am Wm. T4 1 . 1 . I ...... .1 . u . , J lirougntoii nave puici.utseu me iiv. I cry establishment ol Mr. S. Cram, in this citv, S I M.j. Jack iStratin-.n, 500 Wash I ington street, San I'l aneiseo, litis I placed us again under obligations to fhim for a file of the be-d Eastern I papers. O o I The cntei tainmenls at Washing. 5 nn ll.-l I fillil fit thn C.mrt II,..- i Itwo evenintrs this week. iven liv the i $ ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Viis decidedly successful. Messrs. Geo. Marshall, C. P I Church, Capt. J. I). Miller, unf others, have purchased the splendid i i brick building on First street, in Uiis ; I citv, built for the Pioneer Paper; Factory, and will soon put into it j thruu run of stone for flouring wheat Mr..). W. Lewis, oflhis citv, h:is I a machine which turns out from 450 4 to 000 spokes in a day. A man can turn out JjO a day by hand. This machine is now employed r.pon spokes for gang plows, advertised in another column. I -t-m $ On Weduefduy a little child of j Mr. J. S. Church, near the Clackamas j paper mi:!, was badly scalded on its j I ftee chest and stomach; bv tiie neci. j V I lii'iital disitl'urge of a cup of hot water tlth t 3 throii''li an open window, by a ser- i I va)it in the kitciien. I - -C -"- - At risK Ul CXJIO: Jl rorruicc we wish to a for mlnrrna- F lion that will tell us zchut is "Honey Dew." Cap-t. F. (). McCown ha's i b uu (.a i i n i i i tell U : , I Li ; i Ol I lioney dew. it is tormtd Hi clusters, I Jind is as sweet as rt-fnied sugar, v.U most lote. There is a large, quan tity of it in tiie forests where this canto from. Mr. X. W. Kanddil, of this city, has young elms, ten inches ia height, wcii grew 'from seed of last spring's blossom. These elms are scarce, and I Ills fact Sl!""i s!s :i luirsprv Tlio 1 elms of this city were planted some I IS years ago by Pev. (J. JI. Atkin ? son, the seed having been brought by 1 hi111 from Vermont. The North American Steamship j Company advertise that they are 1'iuiiiing "unflinching opposition I loner rates than ever to New York I via Panama." The JievaJa will sail IlM-pteinbii,- 19th, Mid the Orcjonian JOeUiber 5th. The popular coin foiaaiier, John R. Kelly, goes in com f ''Und of the fot iii.r. Messrs. Walter Bros. Lave late- i Jy increased their stock of carpets, oil ! loths. paper lian-M,,. inouhlin-r, ! 'aper ra'., lt euioing almost every concoiv 5ai,'ej CUt-title of house funu'.shiii" i . ... " ' ' Tilev lui'.v have . , i. , .'. ' ' e 'ilioit; yjr i siliil i,.trui. ca'o.t...! .1,., - letter selected slock k . f . .-ivv.i 'f goods than can be found on this j 5H"asr, outsidu of tin S.-.n Vv.t,xo fl,.. 1...1 . ... i . c r,. . . ! wtiolesale houses. Tiiev h.-n-o .-.lsn a large stock of beautiful oil paint :ags and tliromo ithoi;raphs, which they are framing for wall ornamenta 'hm. N e invite special attention to their stock. On Tuesday last Sheriff Myers attempted to clean up the old jail, corner of KlulF street and the alley hcn he found that his ifforts liter-. iv. nun , i icit tne estab ishmont. wirbont I hooT. The sills ot the wooden part ;!e all rotton and new siiis and floor i p-:p,. ...oi i, '. , I ''lore will bo necessary to ieak it. at. I ,W , , . . . . , ( ' - -" tf"u h.eej.iu oi- neauti ot i prisoner. It will also lie necessary i 1 put in a new floor in part of the t : i Waiil buildiroT Tbp roiintv nn.Oo tn OU'lUIIIg. A oe- eouniy OUgtll tn ; ;,, - ,. , . i rar --..vie -uiiik nn 01 uis-.nMfig n uii-s i propertv and begin the work of erect- i J ;ig a court house nnd j-eil together J Ihe present building is utterly unfit I 'or the uses to whicli it is put. t j IjAws of the United States, I AT TU8 SKCOND SKSSION OF I THE iOTU COX3BBSS. r An Act making appropriations I xpynsoM of the government for the Year 1 .'.''"tae thirtiedh of Juiu?, eighteen bun 1 -i"cF al sixty-nine. h enacted by the Senate and House of 1 iiePresentalives or the United States or -wiuriCA in Congress assembled, tt , f'dlowing sarns be. and the If l'"'0are hereby, appropriated, out of anv i '"')T m Ik.,." ' . ..i . ... .nt- ue.i-urv uoi oiaetuise ap- rrSt! f0.r.tbe objects- hereinafter ex- thif k ucal year ending toe 'je-rri of June, fihteen hundred and J ame, namely : LEGISLATIVE. J.V. '"'illi. ,,Cc"1JrcnsatiQn and miieatre of sens- ui'tc huadrcC aa4 tweuty thcu-uud dollars, in addition to any unexpended balance of appropriation ior that purflosu in the treasury. For compensation of tin officers, clerk?, messengers, and others receiving an ai. ,,..,1 i .1 - ! uual stuary in tho service or tne Senate, viz Secretary of the Senate, lour thorns- ! and tLree hundred and twenty dollars ; Oiiicer charged with disbursements of the Senate. live liunuied auu seventy-six Col- ! lars ; chief clerk, three thousand dollars ; j principal clerk and principal executive ! clerk in the office of the Secretary of the I Senate, at two thousand live hundred and j ninety-two tiolUirs each ; eight clerks ia j ofliee of the Secretary of the Senate, at ! two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars each ; keeper of the st-0io e-y I two thousand one hundred and two dollars ? and forty cents ; two messengers, at one ; "w uumuivu u;m nmety.six uol- i V '"- VW. at seven liunured and iweniy e:ou,.rs ; t-ergonrit-ut-arms and Doorkeep. two thousand four hundred dot- j lars ; assistant doorkeeper, two thousau.l ! I ami forty dollars : Postmaster to the ate. two thousand two-hundr-d duik;rs ; ! assistant postmaster and mail carrier, one ' thousand seven bun.ired and twentv-eight- : dollars ; two mail boys, at, one thuusaud i two hnndreil dollars ea'ch ; superintend -nt ! of the document room, one thousand eiht I hundred dollars ; two assismnts hi do'eu- I merit room, atone thousand four hunriml I j and forty dollars each ; superintendent of j the folding room, one thousand eight bun- i ' dred dollars ; three messengers, aedng as ' J nssistant doorkeepers, at, One thousand ! j eight hundred dollars each ; seventeen 1 messengers, at one thousand i'(,ur hundred j and forty dollars each ; clerk or secretary i to the President of the Senate, two thous- ! and one hundred and two dollars and frr?v ! cents: clerk to the Committee on Finance, j two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars ; cletlc to the CommiUee on clam s ; -22o dollars ; clerk to committee on print- j ing Records, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars ; clerk to the Commit- i tee on Appropriations, two thousand two i hundred and twenty dollars ; superintend- j ent in char-re ol the lurnaees, one th iOUS- and four hundred and forti do!!a sisLint. in charge of furnaces, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars ; laborer ia charge of private passages. $Sti f : two laborers, at $s!M- each ; chaplain to tin Senate. $1)0') : one special policeman. $1000: mak ing $100.02-'J SO. i- or cor uit expeiices o if tl For stationery $10. not). For newspapers and stationery for ent v-four senators, to the amount of Si'V- $125 each. $0,250. ! For Congressional Globe and Appen- J dix. $20,000. ' i For reporting and printing the proceed- I ings in t he Daily Globe tor the third ses- i s;o;i of the fortieth Congress, $15,000. j For the usual additional compensation j , to me reporters oi the senate lor ttie t on- i - i gre-sionai Globe for repornncr the Tiro- ceeuinrs of the .senate for the third se.-rh n of the fortieth Congress. SWi!) each. $4.00 I. j i For paying the pubiir-hers of the Con- ; I trressionai H lobe and Annondix. accoruina- ! to the number of conies taken, one cent for every live Pages exceeding fifteen hundred, inciudiug the indexes and laws of the United States, $lt).b;0 For cieiks to committee's, pages, kor-. 's. an 1 tarry a' Is. $25. hO". For expenses of heating and ventilating apparatus, including coal, wood, a:;d labor. $20,000. For pluiiiblug. fas-fitting and labor. $5.- ooo. For packing boxes for senators. K 1.000. For furniture and carpet-s $10,000. Fo additional laborers a Lessengers, $5.0;) ). For folding uocumen' $2o.o;;o. 1'or miscellaneous ivorr not 'sic iif taci'ur.s: For com.p-'nation and hers o." the Hoi'.se o' lie delegates ii'. i.a I'eri iU.ri.' For compe-nsajiou of ti messenii'rs. and others s ar.d materials. :s, $:.5.030. CNT.eTiVi.'S. miieagi-! of mcm ;i es.entatlves aiel :-. $ I .ioo.tnri. hi' O'l-'-ers. clerks. tech ing an ;.ti- una! salary in the j Ion j tivt s, viz : Cho-k of i I ot i-'-oreenu.-e-f K.-,.ro- senrati ves.S f 320 : elilef tier si-iant cb-rk, at $2. 502 e twelve assistant cbvks rmti!:: at $2.10;) each. $25.;, 20 : c: -eng"r. and eierk i lie.? Sjev ..ling UbariM: ) .! thief t;i(-.;-ik:u-, :.t $5 7 0 per eoiy euen. 0 b r -a fur ! -e i i -s- setigers. at $ I. i-o) ea nee,-. $i:,00: thrt e : 1.-1 10 (lollais each 4 men. at $- 40 each k. $ 1.320 : r.e ei:--;-:.-is'aet, e;;gi;;eers at ;20 doilurs: six fre er I.iy. $5, LL:.')!i : lv,r clerk to Commistec- on V'ays and Mean-, $2,502 : clerk to Cormit tee on Appropri aliens. $2,502 ; clerk to the C,ift:::ittee on uoi .an is. $2,100 : ci ,t.- in i 'e on Claims, $2,100; Sergeunt-at-ai n s. $2. 502 ; clerk to toe Sc-geant-at arm. $2.1 'Hi; messenger to the Sergeant-at-arms. $1.-140 ; Doorkeeper. $2,502 ; fust assist n: doov kee;er. $2,502 : postmaster. $2,502 . first assistant postmaster. $2 OSS : five m.-sscn-?:.. e.t $1.72e each: two mail bovs at $I.tlc0 eacii f chap.'.:! o tne W O.I e:;. 'p i w ) stenograp. is, si n -IlpeViit- ! tendent of iouiing-ioom. $2.10'.).: M-.pertn-i.leiident and assistant of the doeiiieoetil i room, at S5 7C. per ti.iy or. eh. $ 2 .2)5 .v) : el ven messeng-'is. f:v- ai $i$ii0 and six at i $1.4-10 : twelre messengers during the ss I sion, at the rate ol $1.-110 per annum. $6.- 520. I evnTO!, roiiicK. J For one captain .-$2.03i' ; two lleuten- ants, at $l.Sotf each. $3.t;t)0 : thirty pri- vates. at $1.51 each $47.10 ; iwedve i watchmen, at $1,000 each. $12,000 ; one P'-'"atendent in the cr 44 0 : lorm- S;.! ll,l . e.-.n 1 i -e'er. 1 e Y te'l -es S50.) making in all. $71.7 is ; one half to be VM iato ttie contingent tuna or n- Senate ami tne oilier nair meo tne eoiu.u- geut iuwd of i be House ol Representa tives : I'ro'-l'ied. Tii it alter the 3n;h day ..( r.,.l.. twi-n r.. I. .. .j ,,f ,1... ,JLI!C. IL'.,.'. lil t.l.J . s J i l ii . i lice saa.il inrnisti at ineir own ex pi i ... i. i. : r i,:..i, ..i,.,n eac.t ins uuii tm.iui ::i. wuilu h.vu i. m exact conformity to that reijulred by r g- ulations; and a 1 provisions o: HV I equir- uniorms !, rr ::i :niTi:0!0.'i.i: i. ei lor S'l appropri.it I ate hereby repeaieo. For contingent expenses of the House of Repres.-nlatives. viz : For eartag", $3.H .') .). For clerks to Coi.rnl!:ees nnd temporary elerKs o, the i u,. o: l-.en resell tatiVe'S. $20.30.). For twemtj'-four copies of the Congres sional Globe and Appendix, for each member mid delegate of the liiird session Oi Ihe f, irt: h Congress aliOi on: , 0 I. nnd red library. ipies of tiie same for the Ib.m-t i muca tiu.'reo as may be ,.,..,.-..,.. r or paying tiie of the Con- gressional Globe and Appendix, accord- I t( t'1!- n';!U'"''r o-' ep;es taken,, one j cwnt for every five packages exceeding :,- , - .. . . , .. iioei.ii mi no i eo. l.iceiooig oie iu,'.i;s u.iu i the laws ot the l nited States. $'.!.5o). j '' enable the Secretary of tiie Interior j purcaase n Tuessr. Little Drown and j C . ,,i - n i n-, t- . . .... 0 , , : . . . . r . .. . " "'V " 'i'' "ui- teenl . eu ,i"ir. r,f i ,. r ,,.,1 C.i. c,.,. ; '- in. v. .ue . . inn a . mi- j mes hi oarge. mr oisir.ouiiun agreeaoiv to Uic a'-,s ot Congress di recti ns the dis- ! I uiiiiiiiwii o use or.ier vo.umes. si.imj. . j 1-or boding documents, inciu.ling ma- j ; tenals. $12,000, I eortuei ano ugats. mciuung pntmo- ing and gas fit ng, repairs, ami materaus. : f. $i o.OOO. For furniture, boxes. $30,000. rep a 1 paciimg- For horses and carriages for th ponatson ot r,ia..s auu ioi me use ci mes- sengers, sio.oou. f om- messenger, one assistant messenger, in his discretion, to classify the clerks ac- For laborers. s,.!);j. . .,flll i:,!ve hdmrers. Slnl.'SOO. cording to the character of their services. For miscellaneous items. b.u.O.K). 1 ia the con'strucfion branch of the treas- For furniture, carpets, and miscellaneous For stationery and newspapers for two I nry: For supervising architect. $3,000; items for the Treasury bureaus, thirty-five hundred and fltty members ami .delegates, ; assistant supervising architect. $2,000: for thousand dollars. " ' to the nmonnt ot $li;o eacn. So.-oO. j tor two clerks of class four. $3,000; for i for the general purposes of the treas For twenty-five pages and three tempo- , four clerks ot class three. S6.400; for two j vkt hepautmkxt Dliildixg, inclcding rary mail boys. $b. 20. , coerks of cho.5 one. $2,400: and one mess- the extension-. . For reporting ana puuusnmg piu.eca - j .p, ltjT;. j i0 the bim cry bv him received and dis; For the usual additional compensation lo the reporters of House for the Congres sional Globe for reporting the proceedings I Silillill lliuuriui l-'vi ,"( ."v ; - I of the House for the third ses-ion cd tue fortieth Ccnsr.-is.. :?:00 each. $? .OD. ings in the Pauy Giooe. Si.-.'u. ; e lease in act 01 -Marc a 14. 1$:M, providing and eleven laborers of the building, six- I 0., t :,-.n, - '-lli Hilt I : T I'l'Vl'lcii. I ria. 1 i.-.r tne" officers, e ieid.- r.r.rl 111..,,... . 1 . ... i c . 1 j . , 1 ,it i ,w"v-. . . . ; . . , - "--"ijcis in 1 teen euousanu. 1111: umiurcu auu oi.iy ur istcr of the House saad account ; tri construction branch of the Treasury j p. r5 j k of ihe House, at the end of; Department, is hereby continued in force " Vnr eontin-pnt expenses of said build- each session of Congress, for all station- j until July 1. ltlrti, and no longer. ta v;7 . for VUeL lisht. labor, and miscel- ... ,eii 1 l.J.ie. ... UTI'i.IC PRINTING. I T, . r compensation of the Congressional pPrmter. and the clerks, and messengers i:i I ! bis office, $12,514:-- Prockl-H.1. That the i siu.trv of ti:' fir.-nn:- s. i ... . . ' "it. mi.il: ill iin; ! Government Piintimr Ofrice -vi hnn..-. i be ;-?l.x(t: ..r mm,,.;, or conungeiit expenses of bis ofiice, j copyists, one messenger, one assistant mes viz : For Maticnory, postage, ad vertisin" ! senger, and two laborers, in all, si 37.090. J urn nun expenses, horses nru wagon :;d miscellaneous items. $1,500. r or tne puijlie r)nn!intr. Sli'.i!) 4' 1 For t.uycr lor the public pnuting,$400,- 00 For th" publiT binding, $316,220 32. lith.,1 running and engraving for fhe House, of Representatives, Senat piove-s in the Government shall be entitled to twenty 1 nut tne leniale em- Printing Office ty per centum ad- Uitional upon their nresent pav, and the necesarv amuiint is hereby annronriated to pay tl.e snuie. i.iiuiA.'iY or cox;rtEs:s. For corapeiis.it.'.nn of the libarian, $2,502. l or three assistant libarians. at S2.1G0 ! each. $(i -i;'. For two jfs.-ish; nt libarians. one at $1, 10'.). and one at $1.F For one messenger Fur three laborer; 2. $2.52. $1.72S. -. at $bbl each S2,- For thre e assistan libarians. at $1,-1 10 eacn. $ t..;..1). For contingent exnensesof said llbrarv. $2,000. For purchase of books for said library, $S.0;;0. For purchase of law books for said li brary. C2.0-.KI. For purchasu of files of periodicals and newspaper?, $1,500. For botanic garden, grading, draining. proeurmg nr.:n:n'i'. l.iio:s. lisel.and repairs. mi.! ircl;as'.n:r es arm sum oh, under Library Committee of ; n. u: rec-in m o: Hi .;5.-l!K.t. Congress. : . For pay tnnts in bo of .v.;perin!.enilents and p.ss.is auie garden and crreeiihouses. under the direction !' tiie Library Com mittee of Congress, $11.2lMi. i'"or i'.o exoeuscs of exchanrr'ner public fbvuinents j',,r th the pui)!ie:'tiu:s of ioiviiru ' .rovernmei; ts. pro i,U-d bv resolution ! ipproved March 2. 18!7. SI. 500. CUt'IlT or l T.A I.MS. For sal lines of live judges of the Court i oi Claims, the so.ieitor. assistant, solicitor. I uopnty clerk. nr. c!i !,'-!' c'.erk and assistant e.'.ger thereof, $37.- tiiii md nc- 5T). For compensation ol" attorneys to attend to taking testimont-y, witnesses, and com missioners. $U 500. For payment of judgments which may he rendered by the Court in favor o'f claimants, $10;j.0;K). i:xi-c;'Tivi-:. For compensation of the President of the United States. $2o.00t). For compensation to tiie Vice-President oT the United Suites, from March 4, to June ltfigl. $2.tt22 22. r or compensation of secretary to sicn 1 for public lands. Sl.otg). i For e, upe'.isation to the luivare score- i tary. assi-iaut secretary, who shall be a! snort-hand writer, two clerks of class four, j steward and messenger. of the President j ;;' the Uniied States. $12,500: l'iovhh:d, i That so much oi" the fourth sect ion of the ! act of .July 1:3. l$:itk making appropria- I tiens far legislative, executive, and judi- eial expenses of the government for the i year ending June 30. 1Su7, as authorizes the 'resident of the United States to ap- J point a cleric of pardon-, and one clerk of ' the fourth class, is hereby- repealed. j- cv contiogen five office, inch: exnenses of the execa- ng statio: ry tncrel'or, :;3X00. ijt ri.ic I'rn.oi.No; -I"or salary of the AI) Gr.O'.'Xlis;. i den of the iu.ll in ii.o ii-tr.-:i oi v.oi'ituoia. S-,0oo. For ciuipeusittion to tiie laborer iu e'.uirge of ia. waler-clcscts in the Caoiiol. cortoiensuti cf four laborer: in en.saUoa to tl.e i .ratner. i or co uiu'n- ;:ovi o, a i-rs e;n ;iio foreman and t'.'eiiiy-o,;-- ialio i:o grounds. ; ; : r.t m ' a tile puo- . i compciisaoon ol two watchmen el- tiie President's House. $1.S00. For compensation uf the dooi keeper at tk' Pres. dent's House. $1,000. . For c-eupensatioti of five watchmen in rc.-ervatiou nui;'uer i-.yo. $5,000. b or com ;,ei:sa : i,,n of draw-keepers at the I'ot.inae bridge, and for fuel, oil, and lamps. $5. 000. For compensation of two draw-keepers at the two bridges across the eastern oran :i in ;. i o'omac, and ior fuel, oil. an ! I. oups. $1.3!'j. connKhise.iion of furnace-keeper un- ue e edd oi the Hones of Pepre- senmtiVes, .-!!.. For compense.tion of furnace-keener at the Prei,ient's House. $7 20. For clerk iu the ofiice of Public Piiild- j subscriptions for such number of copies gs, $1,200. I of the Internal Revenue Uecord and Cus- For messenger in the same office. $1,000. j toms Journal as the Secretary of the Tfeas-l-'or two policeiuen at tue Presideni's ! urv may deem necessary to supply to House. $2.(, Ul. For compensation of the person in charge oi' the healing apparatus of the Li brary of Congress, and Supreme Court room, $I.0:).J. For electrician for the Capitol. $1,200. P;:!'AU I Ml'lNT OF STATIC. For compensation of the secredarv of State. Second Assis' and L'vai.'iiner of ( nt Secretary of Siau. j aims: Provided. That! the oince of Examiner of Claims shall be aboliskeel on the thirtieth day of June, l-st-O: ar.d Assistant. Secretary of St ite. for chief clerk, ok dliion i to ore. ht clerks of class four, ad clerk of class four as dis- bur thre nig ciera. nine co. s of class threej clerks o! class two, three clerks of class one. one messen-rer, one assistant O...S I messenger, and seven laborers. 03. tSsO dol ! lars: iVoei;?-Z. That the third section of ; the act of An I act. to amend pist Is:. lfc'5f. entitled - An . .,..( ..-.'PI, i.l ' An ..O , I .ii m,i liimii vi .m iiv ii- t ,,)iT:':;' I"' rii'r.n t'efrut g fere 'en regulations of commerce j laid antiiialiy before Congress.' ap- .1 August 10. 1$ 12, and for other pur- J " In-.and the same is hereby repealed. j t'o be ! r r"v ! Pose; I 1011 TiiK I.C.iKXT.J ! rCXSES OF TIIK i'. 5. AND COX'i IXOKM' CFAK'TMBXT OF S'l'ATl ux ; For pnbiishin the laws in pamphlet j form and in n wspapers of the States and j 'i'erriio' ies . an 1 in the city ot Washington. I in on.) uoiia:. lot-reao; d packing of. or the 1; AVS sua i.icn,nea:s to. iue .uiou- ieiai.on.-i and consulates, tnelnding boxes and trans 1 o 'tatioii of t;;e same, 5 ooo dollars. For stationery, blank books, furniture, flx'ures. and repairs, li.ooo dollars. For mi.-eellaneous items. 2.5oo dollars. P -plate printing, books, and maps, 5.ooo doi'ars. For extra clerk hire and copying 5,ooo dollars. .. .... -,,, r.,-,r in; Tin, u.-,.nci;ao i-i i.j o.si-..i o. inc. i.n.!- pj a:cvv v ) ey the statk picpautmen't. For compensation of four watchmen, ami two laborers of the Imilumg. -l.olo noiiars. i . t- ,!-' t... t a K n I PI - ror eouongint a ii-u.-i-.- ' ""t i ......... i- r..l !l,i,k r..r..-ire ,,n, i ui i vol, i.e. i. ti..iw, miscellaneous expenses, zo.ooo uowars. TUiiAscuv dkpaf.t.vsext. For compensation ot tne &ecret.iry or ft,e Trea?ury, two Assistant Secretaries of tin? Treasury, chief clerk, eleven clerks of i-b,.- f,-,,.. :bii:i..r.nl ru one cb-rk ol cla?s iUi ar as u:-bursing clerK. twelve ciei a 01 three, fourteen clerks of class two. ci.'.S.: (WO c vS Ot . ass two, (transferred irom S the Third Auditor's office.) fifteen clerks j Department, one hundred thousand dol-trans- j 0f class or.e. (two of whom were trans- j birs : Provided. That the Secretary of the n-nvd from the Third Auditor's office.) , header, n, m au. 5 18.120 ; and the i ori'ii-st e oiapt.tooer o: tue ireasury, chief clerk, six clerks of class four, eight clerks of ciass three, seven clerks of class ' , T , c two. (turee or tneru trunsterrcd Irom Third Auditor's office,) two clems of class a: ,'0 hbe-rer. all, $43,740. For See urv," elite: lbfir. twei For Second Comptroller of the Treas- lef clerk, twelve clerks or class ntv clerks of class three, twenty- ,.:t- .i..r).-s r.v .-a thorn viLiut ui ti.t.s.- luv, tunc v ...v... onsm,-,-..! tv, 'ri,i,.,i A,ist-.r-i ofnee.i !. ...,..... J.. .., -,.-,.w- For Commissioner of Customs, chief clerk, two clerks of class four, six clerks of class three, nine clerks of class two, seven clerks of class one. one .messenger, and one laborer, ia all. $40,920. For First Auditor of the Treasury, chief clerk, three clerks of class four, eight clerks of class three, six clerks of class j two. five clerks of class one: also, two clerks of class turee, lonr crerKs oiciatt two. and eight clerks of class" one, (trans ferred from the offices of the Thirtt Audi tor and the Solicitor.) one messenger and one assistant messenger, ami one laborer, in till. $57.5(10. v or compensation of the Second Andi- for. chief clerk, six cleiks of elass four. fifiv-four clerks of class three, one hun dred and eight clerks of class two. tivo hundred and twelve clerks of class one; also one clerk of class two, and one clerk of class one, (transferred from Third Au ditor's office.) one messenger, five assistant messengers, ami seven laborers, in all. $520.'Ji0. For compensation of the Third Auditor, chief clerk, thirteen clerks of class four, for additional to one clerk of class four. as disbursing clerk, thirty-two clerks of class three, ninety-seven clerks of class two, one hundred and twenty clerks of class one. ten copyists, three messengers, t.vo assistant messengers, and seven laborers, employed in liis office, in all. $377,880. 1 or compensation of the Fourth Audi-J tor. chic! clerk, lire cieiks of class lour, eighteen clei ks of elass three, sixteen clerks of class two, thirty-six clerks of class one, one messenger, one assist ant messenger, and one laborer, emplovedin his office, in all. $110,Jii0. For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, chief clerk, two clerks of class four, four cie rk. oi c ;s three, seven cieiks of class I two, fifteen cieiks of class one. six copy j ists. one messenger, and one laborer, em ! ploved in his oCice. in all. $ 10.1)20. For compensation of Ihe Auditor of the Tieasury, ior the Post Ofiice Department, chief clerk, nine clerics of class four, (ad ditional to one clerk of class four as dis bursing clerk.) forty clerks of class three, sixty-four clerks of class two. thirty-seven clerks of class one. one messenger, one as sistant messenger, and eleven Iaboreia, employed in his ofiice, in all. S220.1GO. f or compensation of 'he Treasurer of the United States, assistant treasurer, cash ier, assistant cashier, five chiefs of divi sion, two principal bookkeepers, two tel lers, one chief clerk, two assistant tellers. iiftCLMi el.'i ks of class four, fifteen clerks of cias three, eleven clerks of class two. nine ciei ks of class one, sixty female cU-vks. fntee.u messenffeis, live male and seven female laborers, emrdoved :n h s oftice. in all. S101.-! For compensation of the Kegi-der of tiie Treasury, assistant register, chief clerk. five clerks of class four, thirteen clerks of class three, twenty-iive cieiks of class two, (one of which trauslerred from Third Audi tor's ofii one, one me :v.) eleven clerks of class -seiiirer, two assistant mes- s-engers. and two laborers, employed in his oil! eo, iu all, J50.120 dollars. For com;jen.ation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, assistant solicitor, chief clerk, one clerk of class four, three clerks of class three, three clerks of class two. (one of which transferred from the 3d Auditors oiliee.) one clerk of class oil", one mes senger, and one laborer, employed in his ofiice. ia all. 22.100 dollars. J For compensation of the chief clerk of! the Light-house Hoard, two Clerks of three, J one clerk of class two. one clerk of class j one, one messenger, and one laborer, em- j ployed in ids ofiice. ia all. 9.520 dollars. ! For Comptroller of th e Currency, depu- j ty comptroller, clerks, messengers, and j hi borers employed in his ofiice, iu all, J fcO 000 dollar-. - - ' 1 For paper, special dies, printing oircu- j iating notes, ..-;;, rcss charges, ami all ex- ! peases necessarily incurred in procuring ! the samv. in above cilice. 100. 000 dol!a-s. i For Commissioner of Internal Pcvenue. j three deputy commissioners, one solku'o-. seven heads of divisions, thirty-four c erk ; ' of class four, fortv-five clerks of c a-s 1 ree. tiny clerks of elass two. thirty-seven i cicr tlve and vs of class one, fifty-five female clerl s, j in; setiirers. three assistant messeiiffciSi i titleen laborers, employed in his ol- bee, in ail. $5-10.-250 : i Voce V7, That until a solicitor i appointed in accordance with law.no part of the moneys hereby an- j proprhited shall be applied in payment of : services properly pertaining to such t office. For rent. dies, paper, for stamps and in cidental expenses, includine the Cost of revenue otiicen 150.000 dollars. i For salaries and expenses of collectors. ; assessors, assistant as-e.-s.ors. revenue ': agents, inspectors and superintendents of j exports and drawbacks, together with the ; expense cd carrying into ell'eet the vnrious j provisions of tiie several acts providing ! internal revenue, excepting items other- wise estimated for. 0.00 J.O Kl dollars, l-Vr detecting and brin Grins' to trial and punishment persons guilty of violating the internal revenue laws, or (onniving at the same, in cases whtire such expenses are not -t'herwise provided lor bv law, 100,- 000 dollars. FOlt IXC;iKXT., AXn COXTINGENT EXPICXSES j tiF Tin: t n fas fit y dfpai-tmext. In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury nnd the several bureaus, includ- j ing copying, labor, bindins; sealimr ships' i registers, translating foreign languages. I .. ,V :.-,. t.. .a....i. i- .. 1. ! auv ti i.Mii", uiiu v.M.a eoeiiv mi.; ior ore- paring and collebting inform itida to be laid before Congress. and for miscellaneous hems, fifty thousand dollars. And it shall be the duty of the Sectetarv to lay before the Jlor.se of Representatives, annually, with his. report of receipts and exDendi- tures. a statement in detail of Ihe disburse- meats made from the sum herebv annro- pria'ed. J.lut the Special Commissioner of the- Revenue shall, after the tlrst of Janu ary, eighteen hundred arid sixty-nine, un der the direction of the Secretary of the Ti easury, act as superintendent of the di vision ia the office of said Secretary cre ated by the thirteenth section of the act approved July twenty-eight, eighteen hundred nnd sixtv-six, entitled "An act to protect the revenue, and for other pnr- j poses."' and called the Pureau of Statistics; and the Secretary of the Treasury may a;. point one division clerk, at. the same i ' . . . , ...... . ., ... . - saiai v as tne iieau or envision, ill tue ounce : 0l the Coinaii.' j w ho shall ac ssioner of Internal Revenue. t as deriutv to sai l Special j Commissioner of the Revenue in respect . .. :. : -, i .... . . . t : i io uie saiu oureau. auu exercise ui uis ao- ! ,,m a, u .1 i- ...,,.u ! Benoc an po ei a ue long lag 10 una as micu superintendent, except the franking privi lege : and the oihce of Director ot tiie lu- reaii of Statistics is hereby abolished alter j the first of January, eighteen hundred and sixtv-nine. ' For stationery for the Treasury Depart ment and the several bureaus, seventy-five thousand dollars. For temporary clerks in the Treasury Treasury be. and be is hereby, authorized. laneous items, seventy-five thousand dol- ' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. For compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, Assistant Secretary, chief clerk, four clerks of cl'aig four, adlitiot! 1 For compensation of twelve watchmen ' to thr disbursing clerks, thre clerks of class three, four clerks of class two. one return clerk, one messenger, two assistant messengers, fine watchman, mnd three laborers fn his office, in all: foriy-one thousand five hundred and forty dollars. OENEKAL LAND OFFICE. For Commissioner of the General Land Office, recorder, chief clerk, three princi pal clerks of public lands, private land claims and surveys, three clerks of class four, twenty-three- clerks of chrss three, forty clerks of ciass two, forty clerks of class one. draughtsman, assistant draughts man, two messengers, three assistant mes sengers, two packers, seven laborers, and eight watchmen employed in "his ofiice, in all. $178,200. For compensation of additional clerks iii the General Land Cflice iinder tht act of March 3. 1855 : For one principal clerk as director, one clerk of class three, four clerks of class two. forty t'l k of f!ns! one, and tvo laborers. $58. 640. 1MUA OFFICfc. l or compensation .of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, chief clerk, three clerks of class four, seven clerks cf class three, live clinks of class two, one messenger, one assistant messenger, one laborer and two watchmen, employed ia bis ofl!ce, in all, $32,000. rKNsrov office:. For compensation of Commissioner of Pensions, chief clerk, twelve clerks of thss four, thirty clerks of class three, fifty-two clerks of class two, fifty clerks of -class one, one messenger and three assistant messengers, five; laborers and one watch man, employed in his office, $215,240. And the eight clerks of class four, ten clerks of class three, tivelte ciei ks of class two. and twenty-five clerks of class one, authorized by clause in the act of Febru ary 25. 18C3. may be continued until the 30th of June, LSfiO, and no longer. For compensation of additional clerks in the Pension Ofiice, viz : For ten clerks of class four, eighteen clerks of class three. Iwenty-four clerks of class two. and tw enty-eight clerks of class one, $114,000. For temporary clerks in the Pension Office. $20,000. 1XCIPEXTA1. AND C0XTIXGKXT EXrF.rJSKS DK PAIITMKXT OF J lib: 1XTKHIOK; Ofiice of the Secretary of the Inferior: For stationery, furniture, and other con tingencies, and for books and maps for the library, $10,000. For casual repairs of the Patent Office building, $10.000.. For expenses f packing and distrib uting congressional journals and docu ments, in pursuance of the provisions con tained in the joint resolution of Congress approved 2Sth January, 1S57, and act 5th February. 1859. $(i.00O. For fuel and lights for the Patent Office building, including the salaries of engineer and assistant engineer of the furnaces and repairs of the heating apparatus, $18,000. Office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs : For blank books, binding, stationery and miscellaneous items, including two ot the daily city newspapers, to be filed, bound.. and preserved for the use of the office. $5,000. Office of the Commissioner of Pensions: For stationery, engraving, and retouch ing plates for bounty-land warrants, print ing and binding the same, office furniture, and repairing the same, and miscellaneous items, including two daily newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, and tor detection and investi gation of fraud. $40,000. Office of the Commissioner of 'be Gen eral Land Office : For cash System, maps, eliagrahis, flta tionery, furniture and repairs of the Same, miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to be filed, hound, nnd preserved for the use of the office, for ad vertising and telegraphing, for miscellan eous items on account of bounty lahds and military patents under the Several acts, and for contingent expenses under swamp land acL of Seplember 2.S, 1S50. $1(1.000. sr nvicYous ckxeiui. axp tiil-.hi ci.iciucs. ror compensation or tne surveyor gen eral of Muniesota, $2,000, and the clerks in his office, $2,500. For surveyor general of the Territory of Dakota. $2.1)00. and the clerks in his office. $2.500 $4,500. For surveyor general of Kansas. $2,000, and the clerks in his office, $4,000. For surveyor general of Colorado and Utah, $3.01)0, -and for the clerks in his ofiicre, $4,000. For Siirve-yor general of New llexico. $3,000. For surveyor general cf California and Arizona. $3,000. and lor clerks in his of iice. $4,500. For surveyor general of Idaho1, $3,000, and for clerks in his office. $4,000. For surveyor general of Nevada, $2,500, and the clerks in his office. $1,000. For the surveyor general of Oregon. $2,500, and for the clerks in his office. $4,000. For surveyor general of Washington Territory, $2,500, and for the clerks in his office, $1,000. For surveyor general of Nebraska, and Iowa. $2,000, and the clerks in bis office, $4,000. For survevor general of Montana, 53,000, "and for the clerks in his office, $3,000. For recorder of land titles in Missouri, ; r, n a For services of the clerk of the elistrict court of the northern district of Mississip pi, as keeper of the records and files of the land office at Ponibioc, Mississippi, from June 4th, Ifc'GO, to June 4th. 10$. $500 : and it is hereby made the duty of said clerk, on the passage of this act, to transfer thfe records and file's afohk-said to tim register of the land office at Jacksdn. Mississippi ; and the nineteenth section of the act of March third. 1853, entitled "An act making appropriation!) for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the govern ment for theyesr ending the 30th of June, 1851,", be, and the same is hereby, re pealed. For defraying the expenses of Ihe. Su preme Cdurt and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia, and also for jurors and wit nesses, in aid of the funds arising front fines, penalties, add forfeitures, in the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1801). and previous years, and likewise for defraying the ex penses of suits in which the United Slates are concerned, including legal assistance to the Attorney General, and other Special and extraordinary expenditures in cases of the S'tpremte Coiirt of the United States iu which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for Offences committed against the United Suite's, and fof the safe keeping of prisoners. $1,000,000. For compiling and supervising the Bi ennial Register, $500. WAR DEPARTMENT For compensation of the Secretary of War, $8,000. For chief clerk. $2,200. For four clerks of class four, $7,200. For additional to one clerk of class four, as disbursing clerk, $200. For seven clerks of class three, $11,200. t or three clerks of class two, $4,00; eight ciei ks ot class one. $9,000 eenger, $1,000 ; one assistant. one mes at $;40 ; one laborer, at $720 two assistant mes sengers, at $840 each, $l.G80. OFFICE OF ADJUTANT GENERAL. For three clerks of class four, $5,400 ; r.iDe clerks of class three, $ 14.400; twenty seven clerks of class two, S37,SU0. For forty clerks of class one. $4S,C00. For three messengers, at $1,000 eacb, $3,000. OFFICE OT QUARTER-Vf ASTER OENF.RAL. For six clerks of class lour, $10,800. . For twelve clerks ofclass three, $10,200. For thirty clerks of class two, $42,800. ..For one hnndreil and eight elerks of class 01 e, $120. G00. For thirty copyists, at $900 each, $27.0130. For one supefinterfdeiTt of the building occupied by the Quartermaster General, $210. - For Jour messengers, at $1,000 each, $4,000. For six laborers, ot $720 each, $4,320. OFFICE OF PAYMASTER. GENERAt- For chief clerk. $2,000. For four clerks ofclass four, $7,200. For onr clerk ofclass three. Slt'00. For iJarec&terks of class three, author ed bv-!iu-id tic act of l-br-rzry 25l, lt-Oo. 54.800 : Provided, that said clerks shall not bo continued after the 30:h of June, 1850. For twehty-six clerks of class two $36,400. For thirty Clerks ot class" one, at $1200 eacb. $3oou0. For two messengers, at $1,000 each, S 9.1 H IP OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY GEXEr.AL. "Y iuwr, SI-SUU ; one f IT if f-rutt ihi-n'a CI tltt. 3 clerR ot craf three. $1,600, For fourteen clerks of Class GOO. For twenty-four clerks of $28,800. two, $10, Class one, One messenger, at $1,000. .For two laborers, at $720 each. $1,440. OFFICE OF Til K St UOKOX ti irx K K A t For one clerk of class four. $1 800 ; for one clerk of c!a.s three. $1,600; fot trvo clerks of class two, $2.S0O dollars; loY fifteen clefkS Of fcias"3 one, $ls.ooo;for one messenger, l,ooo dollars j one laborer, 720 dollars. . OFFICE OF CIUKF iXGrXKEtt. For four clerks of class four, 7,2oo dol lars ; for faur clerlts of tla?s thtt-e, G.4oo dollars ; for five cieiks of class two. 7,ooo dollars; fcr three Clerks of class one; 3. Ooo dollars : for two messengers, at l.ooo dollars each, 2.ooo dollars ; and one la borer, 720 dollars. oVnCE OF dtlEF OF Or.PXAXCE. For chief Clerk. 2.o6'o dollars ; thrCe clerks of class lotir, 5. loo dollars : for two clerks of class three, 3.2oo dollars ; for six clerks of class two. 8. too dollaf-9 J for ten clerks of class one. 12.ooo dollars; one messenger, l.ooo dollars ; two laborers, at 72o each. 144o dollars. OFFICE OF Mir.lTAHY .U STICK. For one clerk of class four, one clerk of class three, one clerk of class two, &zd tfl d c!erk3 of class one. 7,2oo dollart. .SIUXAT. OFFICE. For two clerks of class two, 2,Sod dollars. CONTINGENT EXFEXsKS OF TUE WAR DEPART MENT. Office of the Secretary of War: For blank books, stationery, labor books, maps, extra clerk hire, and rcSscel laueous items, lo.ooo dollars. Ofliee of the Adjutant General : For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, lo.ooo dolisrs. Office of the Quartermaster General : For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items, lo.ooo dollars. Office of the Paymaster General : Ffcr blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items. 15.ocfo dollars." Chief Engineer's Office : For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items. 3.5oO dollars. Ofiice of the Surgeon General : Fcr blank books, stationery, binding, find miscellaneous items, including refit of Oitlico. lo.ooo dollars.- Offiee of the Chief of Ordnance : For blurik books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items. 3.ooO dollars. Office; of Military Justice : For blank books, stationery, binding, and miscellaneous items. l,2oo dollars. FOIl Tilt: GKXEUAn ITKPOSES OF TEE WAK PEFAIITMENT BUIIJUNO. For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers of the building, 4,57o dollars. For labor, fuel, light, nnd miscellaneous items, 2o.ooo. MCltLDINU OCCUPIED I!V PATMASTEi: GENERAL, COUNER OF F AND FIFl'EEXTII STREETS. For superintendent, watchmen, rent, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, 15.000 dollars. FOP. THE UKNER.iL PrnPOSES OF TilE HOLD ING CORNER OF F AND SEVENTEENTH! STREETS. For compensation f siiperintendent. fdur watchmen, and tivo laborers lor stt'.d buildiug, 4.57o dollars. For luel, compensation of firemen, and miscellaneous items'. 5.ood elollars. For painting exterior and interior of building, papering halls, and repairing roof, 2,5oo dollars. NAVY DEPARTMENT. For compensation of the- Secretary of the Navy. 8.000. For compensation of the Assistant Sec retary of the Navy. 3..ooo ; Solicitor and Nat al Judge Advocate General. 2.0(13 dol lars : Provided. That this office shall cease cm the 4th day of Match. ISOO, find no further appropriation for its continuance shall be made until said office shall have been established by law ; chief Clerk, 2,2oo dollars ; one fourth class clel k, (aP,o a disbursing clerk.) 2.000 dollars; four clerks of the fourth class. 7.2oo dollars ; live clerks of the third class. 8.000 dollars: three clerks of the second class. 4 2oo elol lars ; three clerks of the first class, 3. Goo dollars ; erne messenger, l.ooo dollars ; one assistant messenger. Slo dollars ; two la borers, 1.4 lo dollars. For compensation of the civil engineer of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. 2,ooo dollars; chief clerk, ISoO dollars; one clerk of the fourth class, l$oo dollars ; two cieiks of the third class. 3.2oo dollars; one clerk of the second class, 1.4oo dol lars ; one cleu-k of the first class. 12oo dol lars ;one draughtsman, l loo elollars ; one messenger, l.ooo dollars ; two laborers. 114o dollars. For the compensation of the chief clerk of the BurcMti of Equipment and Recruit ing. I800 dollars : one clerk of the fourth class, I800 dollars ; two clerks of the third class. 3.2oo dollars ; three Cltdk3 of the first class. 30oo dollars ; one messen ger, l.ooo dollars. For the compensation of IbS chief clerk of the Bureau of Navigation, I800 dollars; one clerk df the second class. 14oo dollars; otic Clerk Of the first class, l2oo dollars ; one messenger, l,ooo dollars., For compensation of the Chief clerk of th$ Bureau of Ordnance-; in place of the assistant provided by st-ction three bf the act of Juiy 5. 1S02. I800 dollars; one dfaughtsfiian, llob dollars ; one clerk of the second class, l loo dollars ; one mes senger, l.ooo dollars; one laborer. 72d dollars: One laborer, 570 qollar3. For compensation of the chief clerk of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, isoo dollars ; Ofte drahgbtSuian. ISoO dol lars ; one clerk of class foiir. two clerks of Class three-, two clerks of class two, 7. 800 dollars; one messenger, l.ooo dollars; one laborer. 72o elollars. For compensation of the chief clerk of the Bureau of Steam Engineering. I800 dollars; emu draughtsman, lloo dollars ; one clerk of the se-cond class, 14. 00 dol lars jOne assistant draughtsman, 12oo dol lars; one messenger, l,ooo dollars ; one laborer. 72b dollars. g , . For Compensation cif tne chief clerK of the Bureau of Provision and Clothing. ISoo dollars; one clerk of. the fourth class. lSod dollars; three clerks of the- third clas.1, 4Sbo dollars ; six Clerks Of ihe sec ond chess. 7,2oo dollars; three Clerks of the first class. Sfibb dollars; One messen ger, l.ooo dollars ; one laborer, 72o dol lars. For compensation of ihe chief of. tae Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. 3.5oo dollars; one clerk of the fourth class. I800; one clerk of the third class. IGoo dollars : one messenger, l.ooci dollars; one laborer j 72o dollars. INCIDENTAL AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. Office of fh'e Secretary of the Navy, for stationery, labor, newspapers, and miscel laneous items; 2.84o dollars; DtuE.itT or Yards and docks. Fof stationery, books, plan's, drawings, and miscellaneous items. 800 dollars. IlfREAfc OF EQVIPMENT AND KFCRCITINO. For stationery, books, and miscellaneous items, 75o dollars. DEREAU OF NAVIGATION; For stationery, blank books, and rriiscel lane'oua items. 800 dollar's. IlfREAtr OF ORDNANCE. For stationery arid raiscalianeous items, S00 dollars. lUVREAi: OF CONSTRrCTlON AND REPAIR. For stationery and miscellaneous items, Soo dollars. EI F.EAC OF TEAM ENGINEERING. For stationery and rtiseellaneons items, 800 dollars. rcKEAr of rnovisnoNs axpclotring. For stationery and miscellaneous items, Soo dollars. EUREAL- OF MEDICINH AND SURGERY. For stationery and nii5ceil;ineQU-i articles 4c;o dollars. fcr tee general purposes of the jfayy pepakt-me-nt hcilding. For compensation of five watchmen nnd two laborers of the building. 4.752 dollars. For labor, fuel, light!, and miscellaneous items. G.000 dollars. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. For Compensation" Of fhf. roAfmni-tfr 'General, 8.000 dollars: liri'- Assistant Postmasters General, at Ji.5oo dollars eacb, lo.Soo dollars; superintendent of money order system. 2.5oo dollars; chief clerk. 2.26o dollars; three chief clerks, at 2.ooo dollars eaCh. G.ooo' dollars; additional to one cU'rk 6f Class four, as disbursing clerk, 2oo dollars; eleven clerks of Class four, 10.8od dollars : forty-nine Ch-rks of class three, 78.4oo dollars; forty-fire clerk3 of Class two, Lo.ooo dollars- tweuty-ttirt: clerks of class one, 27,Coo dollars: filty female -clerks, at ninfc btrndred dollar) each. 45.000 dollars; teti folders. 7,2oo dol lars; one meSSe-)ger and three assistafits, at l.ooo dollars e-acb. 4,000 dollare; nine watchmen, at 72o dollars each. ti.48o dol lars ; Rtteen laborers, at 72o dollars eacb, lo.ioo dollars. For wenty-livC clerks Jfi dead letter office, under act Cf Janifarv 21st, 1862 2o.O(iO flollars. For temporary clerks. 2S.ooo dollars. FOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF TUE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, laborers, and furnishing ap partments for additional letter-carriers and clerks of the money-order systenij 05. 000 dollars. DEPAIiTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; For compensation of Commissioner of Agriculture, 3.ooo dollars; chief cle'rk. 2.ooo dollars ; entomologist, 2.6oo dollar; chemist. 2.000 dollars; superintendent of experimental gardens, 2.000 dollars ; bot anist. 14oo dollars: superintendent of seeel roOm, Iboo dollars: librarian, I Boo dollais; superir.tendetit of folding-room. 12oo dol lars; two clerks of class four, 3. Goo dollars; four clerks of class three. G.4bo dollars; six clerks of class two. S.foo dollars; seven clerks of class ofte, 8, too dollars: five copy ists and attendants in museum, at l.ooo each. 5.eoo dollars : three messengers, at fclo dollars cftch, l,53o dollars; t wo watch men, at 8Gi dollars t'ach, 1.728 dollars; sii laborers- at 720 dollars each'. 4.32o dollars; statistician. 2.ooo dollars; assistant chem ist. l,(ioo dollars: assistant superintendent of experimental garden and grounds. 1.2oo dollars; assistant superintendent of seed room, 1.2oo dollars: disbursing clerk, l,8oo dollars. AGIttCVtTCnAl. STATISTICS: For Collecting statistics and mafefial fof anntial report, lo.ooo dollars : Provided. That hereafter the accounts of the Agri cultural Department shall b audited by the First Auditor of the Treasury 'Depart ment, and revised and certified by the First Comptroller according to larv. coxt.'ng en c! :-:.-;. For stationery, lrcigbt. and incidentals, 5.ooo dollars. For purchases for library, laboratory, anel museum. 5.oob dollars. For fuel, light, and miscellaneous ex penses. 3.2tio dollars. For keep of horses. 1.5oo dollars. For labor and repair in the experiment al garden, and purchaso of plants f or the same, 10.000 Uuiiars. For purchase of new and valuable seeds and labor in putting them up, 2o,ooo dol lars. rdh THE NEW IIUli.DING. For beating apparatus, 15,ood dollars. For gas fixtures. 2.8Jo dollars. For cases for museum, 388o dollars. For painting walls, and fitting up bath rooms, 0.255 elolliifs. For purchase bf furniture ahd fitting up laboratory. l2,5oo dollars. For gradit;. forming roadl ahd walks, ahd improving the grounds. 12.ooo dollars. DiifAittMEt or eucCatio. For Conipeiisation of commissiohers of Education, f 4,ooo ; chief clerk, Ooo ; one clerk of class four 51,3eO ; and one; clerk of cbiss tluee. $1 ;(to0. For stationer-, blank books, freight, ex press charge's, library, miscellaneous items, and extra clerical help, fl,iO0 ; in all $2o, OOO; Provided, That Irom the thirtieth day of June, citrhtecii h 11 ml red and sixty-nine, the IK'pariir.k'iu of Education shall ceiis, and there shall be established and attached to the Department of the Interior an office to be demoiiinated the otficte of education, the chief officer of which shall be the Com missioner of Education, at a salary of 3; 000 per nhtium, who Shall, under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Interior, dis charge all siu-h duties, aud superintend; ex ecute, and perform all such uctx and thing touching and respecting the said ollice of education as are devolved by law upon said Commissioner of Education. UNITED STATES MINT AND ASS AT OFflCK. JilNT AT PUILAPELl'filA. For Salaries of the director, treasurer s sayer, melter and refiner; chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, and seven clerks; $3y.40e; J'roeidrd, That from and aftt-r the first of July, eighteen hundrtd and nixty seven.the anuuiil compensation cf the weiirh ing cleik shall be $2000, nnd thecompensalb h of the calculating; tiCcotuitiug; and warrant clerks shall be?l,8oe each. For wages of workmen and adjusters, ?125;o00: For contingent and incidental expenses, SSS,0X: For spebtmerls of ores and Coins to be pre served 111 the cabinent of the mint. $ii00; For freight ou bullion and coin, $5,000. BRANCH MIXt At SAX Fit ASCISCO, CALIFbBNlA: For salaries of supertiuendent, treasurer, assayist, melierand retiuer, coiner; and six clerks, 30,5110. For wage) of workmen and adjusters, 51T5,00o. For incidental and contingent expenses, repairs, and wastage, $S'VOo; J'njcided, j that hereafter all "available proms ot the I United States mint and brunches shall be covered into the treasury, to be expended only by a specific Rpproprtiitiou. For specimens of ores, !fo0o. assaT orJ-icK; new Tonki For Salaries Of superintendent, dSsiiyer find melter and refiner;, assistant assay er, officers, and clerks, $'25;T00: For wags of workmen, in addition to un expended balances of former appropriations; 140,000. For incidental and contingent expenses, $50,o0V. ' , SrtAxcii mist At pexvepI. For superintendent, aSsayer. meltc'r atid refiner; coiner and clerk, $18,000. For wages of workmen, $14,82 0: For incidental and contingent expanse's, $l,y45 IS. Btt.exCu MiXT at Sew Orleans. For the care aud preservation of the brriijch mint buildings, machinery, and material at New- Orleans, 3,UO0. BEA.VCU MINT AT CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. For the bare and prc.-ervaticm ot the bruuch niifii bhibJing?, machinery, and ma terials, lit Ch!irIotte;Norlh Carolina, includ ing $500 for necessary repair, $i,oo0; JNDEPICNDEXT TIIEASCBT: For salaries of the assistant treasurers bf the United States, at New York, Boston, Charleston, and St; j-Jiiis, viz : For the as sistant treasurer at New York $s,ooO ; those at liostou and St; Louis, each; ?5,0oo and the one at Charleston, 2,.Vmj 5 and after the Both of June, eighteen hundred and sixtf eischt; the annual salary of lhf assistant treasurer a Charleston shall be $4;ioi; nnd that amount is hereby appropriated $22, O'.io, Fof additional Salary of the treasurer of tha mint at fhilatielphia, Sl,.v:0. For additional alilry of the treasurer Of the branch inirt at Ncv Orleans, $5(0. For additional salary of the treasurer of the branch mint at Denver, J500; For additional salary of the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco; Califor nia, $1,500: J'rotuied, 1 hat there shall be no increase of salary lit the foregoing para graphs relating td tiie independent treasury uver that allowed by existing laws. For salaries of the clerks and messengers in the othec of assistant treasurer at Boston, $25 200: ' For salaries of clerks, fnessrtiger; watch rhea iii the cilice of the assistant treasurer at h ew York; SlHVnXe - For salaries of clerks; messcn jers, and watchmen in the otlice of the ai-,is,tanl treas urer at Philadelphia, $!4,S3.V For salaries of clerkti, messengers, and watchmen iu the office of the a-iaiataut trea urer at Saint Louis, $10,5fiu. For salaries of clerks, porter, and wafeb trieu in the eifliceot" the asaisUnt treasurer at New Uileaus, j.iXio. . ' For compensation to stamp clerk, cashier, and clerk, in the ollice cf lUo assistant trriai urer at Sau Francisco, siu.St'j. For conipensaiiua of the depositary at Santa Fe, aud tUe clerk; watcniuan, and porter in his ofiice, 4, to. For salary of the clerk to the acting assis ted treasurer at L'-'aver, siox. For salaries of clerks id ihe office of tff depositarr at lAuisville $.',S4'. For salaries of" clerk in the office f Wtf depositary at Chicago, $2,600. For salaries of clerks and watehmen in tint ofiice of tiie depolitary at Pittsburg, $M09. For salarie-1 of clerks and fflessengtirs ii the of5c6 of the depositary at ifaltimore,$7, 600. For salaries Cf clerks in the office of in depositary at Cincinnati; SH.SSO. ,. . - For salaries of additional clerks; and ad ditional cortiperfsafiotr of officer and c'vrks, undoractot AugOst ?; 1S4S; for. the better organization of the treasiirt, at sucb rt as the Secretary of the treasury may datiui just and reasonable, $15,000; i For compensation to designated deposita ries, under fourth section of the act of Aug ust 0, 1 4., for the collection, SfrW-1c.eepifi-V tramyfer, nnd disbursement of the publi revalue, $5,000. For compensation to special agents t -amine the books, accodntn, and money of hand at the serernl deposttnries, under tlrf act of .August 6; 1S46.- $6,-000 . ' - For contingent expenses under the set cf August 6, 1S56; farthe collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the publn: revenue, in addition topremrunt which mnr be received ou transfer drafts, $lOrt,Ooo": Provided, That no part of said snm shall be expended for clerical serrices; . -' For checks and certificates of deposit for oflic of assistant treasurer at New York and Other otlices. $s,0o0. oovenxxEXTS 1 THfc territosies TKilRITOHT OF NSW MEXICO. For salariesof governor, chief justice, twa associate justices, and secretary, $12,0'H ' For oiitidgcni expfuecs df suid Territorr, $1.5O0. For interpreter and translator ia the ex eeutive otlice, 500. For coripensatiori and mileage of the" senibcrsof thfc legislative assembly, officii -plerk.-s, and tontingeut expenses of the a" senibly, fao.OOO. - , TKRRlTORT Of UTAH. For Salaries of goreruyr, chief justice, lwr associate judges, and secretary; fl -.'.'oo. For contingent expenses bf said Territory $1,500; , ; For compehsa'iion and rnilesfce ot the rherhbers ot the. lt-j-lslhtire afsj-ehibly, offlceri; clerks, and contingent expenses of the as sembly, eno.noo. TfcRRlTORf OF WASHINGTON. For stilarics of governor, chief justice, two HStitiate jwdsjes, arid secretary, $12,500. For contingent expenses of said TerrU tart. ? 1,5001 For compensation and mileage of th members Cf the legislative asaeuibly, olGeeri clerks, and Cohtiugeht expense of the ae sembly; $2e,oou. ,. ' TERRITORY OF CO'lOP-AKO. Fof Sulaties of governor aud superintend int of Indian affairs, chief justice, aud twt' associate judges, and secretary, $11,800. For contingent expenses of aid Territory $I.ooo: For fcornpensfltipn . and mileage nf the members of the legislative assembly, officer, clerks and contingent expenses of the . senibly; $SO,000 . , tEERfTtiRY Or DAKOTA. For salaries of governor and superintend ent of Indian affairs, chief justice and tw associate judges, and secretary; Eor cdiitingent expenses of said Territory, $l.ooO: I or compensation and mileage of the roein: bers of the legislative assembly, officer. clerks, and contingent expenses of the a-se-mbly, ?1 5.000. TERRITORT OF ARIZONA. For salaries of governor, chief justice and two associate judges, ahd Secretary. $l2.0'rt. For contingent expenses of the Territory $l.ooo. Fcr interpreter ahd thanslator in the ex ecutive office, $500. -, For compensation nnd rmleage of the members of the legislative assembly, officer; clerks, and contingent expenses of the aj senibly; $i0;000: TERRITOBT OF IDAHO; For salaries bf governor, and Superin tendent of Ineiian aO'iiirs, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, $l-!,'0o; For contingent elpSDses of the Territory, SLOW. For tb'mperisaiibn nh'd fhilesge of the members bf tt e legislatite assembly, ofEcertt; clerks, and contiugcul expenses of the as sembly; $20;OO0. TEKItlTORT Of VONTANA. For compentiou of gdrernor and superb intendent of Indian affairs, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, $1z.Ck; For contingent expenses Of the Territory; $ 1 ,0"0. For compensation nnd mileage of th members of the legislative assembly, otlicerej clerks, and contingeut expenses bf the -senibly, $2'J,0eii); Prveidtd, That the several amounts herein appropriated for the ex penses of the legislative asemblie, shall tuily be expended in payment for biennial sessions, titer the first day bfjjuly lleit. -JtotciAnr. OFFICE OF THK ATTORXET GENnAt. For salaries of the Attorney General Al sistaut Attorney General, law clerk, and chief clerk, twd clerks trf fclaSs four, tntf clerks of class three, one clerk of class one; and one messenger; in bis ofiice, $25,20O. Contingent expenses of the office of thS Attorney General, namely: For fuel, labor, furniture; Stationary; au4 miscellaneous itei.fs, $5,000; For purchusfl of law and necessary boeke for the oftice of the Attorney General, $lji 000. jctrrlcsa of the gcrRSHc dot-kiF trwa rttrtti , STATES. , For salaries Cf the chief justice end six as sociates justices; $12,500. ; ' For one associate justice, $C, 000. For traveling expctises of the judge alt Signed to the tenth circuit for sttendine tt; siod bf the Suprebie Court of th6 Lniud States, $l,'ut'X). , FCr salaries elf tbd district judgcg of t United States, $165-000. . Fot Salaries of the chief justice of the prinife court Of the District of Cultitnbia, the associate judges, and judge of r the orphan' toert; $'i';00o. For salary bf the reporter bf decision ef tiie Supreme Coiirt of the United State; $'2,500: For cdmpensatioh of the dutrict attorneys; $li;500; ahd that the district attorney fr Nevada shall receive a salary fbr extra mtr- vices of $200 per aunuttl, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to audit and pay out of any moneys in the treasury., not otherwise appf-opriated, the Salaries of the present incumbent and hi predecessor; li. M. Clark, at the rale of $2o0 per annuin for their services. . . For corapensatiofl of tUe district marshal; $14,eo0. Sec. : And he ii furtfur tndcUd, That tha provisions of section ten of an act 'nikio-f appropriations for Sundry civil expense of the government for the year ending June 30th, 1HS; and fdr - other purposes," ap proved March 1, 1517, be.and they are here by extended to one additional newspaper in the district of CtihimbiJt frbm the date of the approval of said act, the snroe to be -lectetl by the" Cle'rk of the llotise Of Keprci Sentalivesi , , ;. Sc. Z. Ah't ic it fvrlntr enacted. That all acts or parts of act authorizing the publica tion of the debates iu Congress are hereby-? repealed fraiit aifd after the fourth day of March next, and the Joint Committee en l'i-ihtin'g is hereby authorized and required to invite proposals for the publication of the actual proceedings and debates in Congress; upon a plan and specifications to' hi previ ously published by tbent, atid shall also as certain the cost of such publication by tha Superinteudeat of Public Printing, and shall report as soon a practicable such proposal; and estimate of cost; together with II bill W provide for the publication of the debatM und proceedings Cf Congress. Sec. 4. And he it farther enacted, That all advertisements, notices, proposals for con tracts; cxefctftive proclamations, treaties, and laws be published in the District of Col ombia, Maryland, and Virginia, shall be pub lished tn the papers now selected cinder the provisions of section ten of an act approved March Sd, 1SG7, entitled ,fAb act makiug, appropriations for sundry civil expeiisra of the government for the year etidirlg 4une aoth;.lS6S, and for other perpo-tes nnd shall aloo be published in the paper selected un der the provisions of the Second section ef this act; Proeidtd; . That no advertliemtnt to any State, . District, or Territory- other than ihe District of Cotambia, Mary land, or Yirgiuia ishall be published in the pipefaae aiguated, unless at the direction- first nictde ot the proper head of a department. Se6. 5. And I it further enheUdi Thai each night watchman at the Treasury le partmeut shall, frort the first day of July. I SitS, receive a canij cusaiiori of $'.iC0 pr an num, and an- amount auflicfent to f f saiet increased compimsatioq for the fiscal year ending )une 0, 18i9, is hereby appropriated. See. 6. And be it ftlrtJ.er enacted. That n statuary, pair-tings, OT oilier irticlea, the. property of private individual. ball here after be allowed to be exhibited in the ro- tnnda or aur trfhef portion Of the Capitol building ; and it shall be the duty of theatj pcrinteudent in charge of tlrC publi bujld ings to remove ail sueh stutur.ry, paiDtmgi or ether articles, being the property of fn-r vate individuals', r.o.v in the Capitol.-, -j Approved, July 2? 16511.- 1 n . ifT -.T-i niirnnriTim T Tr.") DV