3 S" 7 ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE . 0 .... .! " . . - - - Tjl 1 o -O Vol. 2. OREGON CITY OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1808.' No. 46. 0 O O O 0 O CI i (Eljc.toccklij enterprise PUBLISHED EVERT 8ATCRDAT MOBXIXQ By D. C. IRELAND, VFFICE: South ?ast corner of Fifth and Mai streets, in the building lately known as tha Court House, uregon v,iiv, Term of Subscription. 'On copy, one year in advance $3 00 tV if delayed 4 00 - Terms of Advertising. 'Transient advertisements, per square 12 lines or less) first insertion $2 50 'For each subsequent insertion 100 Business Cards one square per annum nnvaUlo miartprlv. . 12 00 rj j One column per aunum 'One half column " fin niinrtpp " . " .120 00 . 60 00 . 40 00 Legal advertising at the established rates. Soot and Job Printing ! 'fpHEEXTEUPKISE OFFICE ''la supplied with every requisite for doing a superior style of work, and is constant ly accumulating new and beautiful styles 'of material, and is prepared for every variety of BOOK AND JOB X X, X IN" TIN &-1 AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. The Public arc invited to call and "examine both our specimens and facilities for doing work. B U SIN ESS CAlil) S . BENTON KILLIN, Oregon City, Oregon. Office ia Charman's Brick Block, up stairs. (50: tf) Dr. F9 Barclay, M. R. C L.v (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) OFFICE: At Residence, Main Street ';'?.) Oregon City. W. F. KIGKFIELD, Established since 1S40. at the old stand, Maix Street, Ohego.v City. An assortment ot atones, jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted tn he a rpD resen ted. Heoainniis done on snort notice, ind thankful lor past favors. C. JOHNSO.V. F. O M COWX JOHNSON & McCOWN, O OREGON CITY, OREGON. rr Will attend to all business entrusted t.."our care in any of the Courts of the State, collect money, negotiate loans, sell real es- 1 ite, etc. i-rPurticnlar attention civen to contesieu vj tuu cases. A. H. BK.LL. l.yl E. A. APflER-. BELL PAK.KER. IRU GISTS, x ac?ni jTTcccTcrnvs, Fainis, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, And every article kept n a Drng Store. 33.) Maix Street, Oregon City. SHADES SALOON. Wat Side Main. Ftreei, hefwe-ch, Second and MUird, Urtgun City. GEORGE A. HAAS - - - Proprietor. The proprietor begs lc.Ve to inform his Inenils and the 'public ceneraliv that the above named popular saloon is open for their accommodation, with a new and well assort ed supply of the f.r.est brands of wines, liquors aud cigars. 5'j o7T0HN M. BACON, J ustice of the Peace d- City Recorder. Office-In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. Will attend to tho acknowledgment of leetu, and all other duties appertaining to ineomce ot Justice ot t!ie 1'eaee. J. FLEMJNG, Retail dealer in School Brols, Sla tioncry; also', Patent Medicines, and Perfumery . At the Post-o(Iice in Masonic Building, Oregon City, Oregon. William Broughton, CONTRA CTOR and BUILDER, Aldin street, Oregon City. Will attend to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work framing, Imilding, etc Jobbing promptly ttended to. (o'2 JOHN H. SCHRAM, ' Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc.. Main street, between Third and Fourth, Oregon Cuy rpilB attention1 of parties desiring anything j J- in niV lint. 14 ilir&riBfi in m, cfrflr l.o fore making purchases elsewhere. JOUNT H.SCI1RAM. CLARK GREENMANj l WfpCity 1,ayman' ? tdhS OP. EG OX CITY. All ordem for the deliverv of merchandise; -r packaea nd freight ot whatever descrip- lion ti n f .7 . . 1 . part 0I ineciti', will be executed Promptly and with care. lP.Cm DAVID SMITH, 5 wctmr to tfr MARSHALL, ""-tnith and Wagon Maker, vurncr of Main and Third streets, wegon City Oregon. mIkfnCStni,thinS in all its branches. WaSon -0 trlffu t " A . " (Si) 1IIHaI Mills, SEEP, "UO. CITV. I tiXAD CHICKEN FEED! t, wanting feed mnst furnish AHCHF0R SALE. KSSVEEX T1IE CLACK- vWW CTTV JL V Iff XI JtJUiXJ. - - 'ucDhpoAfT 1. Hnnsater I on 57 Win v I . soin ph. oy cheap for cash FECKHEIMEB, 1 BUSINESS CARDS. L add & Tilton. BANKERS, Portlani), Oregon. "vViil give prompt uttenilon to collections, and other business appertaining to Banking. iuA and Telegraphic Exchange On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government S3curkies bought and sold. . , yi.tf L.C. Fuller BROKER, Pays the Highest Price for Gold Dust Legal Tenders and Government securities bought and sold. No. 108 Front St., xi.tf . Portland, Oregon. J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laic, - Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. Office oer the old Tost Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. GIBBS. C. V. PARRISH, Xvtary Public and Com. vfJJeeds. GIBBS & PAEJEIISH, Attorneys and Counselors at-Law, POUTLAXD, OREGON. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's New Brick Block. n-3 J. WELCH, DENTIST. Permanently Located at Oregon City-, Oregon. Rooms with Dr. Sall'arans, on Main street. MACK & HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring First Clast Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. X. B. Xltrov Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the Ilkbjolene Sjiray used for those who prefer it i uffick c orner ot W astmigton and t ron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. 42.tf s. G-. sKinrioRE Druggist and Apothecary, (123 First st., near Western Hotel) Portland. Orkgox. Dealer in drugs, chemicals, patent medi cines, etc. A tine assortment of English aud French Toilet Articles, Perfume ry, b' ushes, etc. JS-Particnlar at tention given to the preparation of prescrip tions. (34.3m ISAAC FARR. JOHN FARR. FAEE & BROTHER, Butchers and Meat Venders. Thankful for the favors of the community in the past, wish to say that they will cou tinue to deliver to their patrons, from ttie wagon, as usual, On Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week. all tho best qualities of Beef, Mutton, and Pork, or any other class of meats in the market. !:tf AHO WILLOW WARE . i- v j r Brushes, Tivines, Cordage, etc., AND MANTFACTURERS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, fyc 215 217 Sacramento St., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, X. Y. City. Wm. H. WATKINS. M. D.. SURGEON, OJflce 95 Front St., Portland Oregon. Residence cor. Main andlth sts. Robinson & Lake "YTriLL CONTINUE THE STOVE AND V V Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estib- lished EMIGRANT STORE, Corner of Front and Salmon ate., I'trthi)tl, Ortaori. KOSIILA jStD BROS. POrtlaiHl AllCtiOll $ t Ol'C ! y? First St., next door to PostoJice, Portland, Oreson, Importers and Joboers of Staple and fancy Dry Goods, Grain Bags, Bu rlaps, Furnishing Goods. 5gr We tcill pay the highest cash price for Wool, Furs and Hides. PONY SALOON. Front st., near the Ferry Landing, 1 orliand, Oregon. Re fitted and Reopen ed by J. A. Mac- Donald. The best of Wines, Li quors, Cigars, etc., constantly on hand. S O MS THING NE W ! Boots with Wire Quilted Bottoms 0 These Roots are made on the American standard last. Thev never fail to fit and feel comfortable, and require no " break in r in." 27ie Wire Quilted Soles have been proven by practical experience to last twice as long as tlie Ordinary soles splendid assortment just received at li. V. W111TI-; A Co.'s, Boot and Shoe store, U 131 First st. Portland. CHAUNCEY BALL, t&uccetsor to G radon d: Co.; MANUFACTURER OF Wagons &, Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon. (7 Wagons of etery description made to order. GeneralJobbing done with neatness and dispatch. Oak and Ash lumber, and ell kinds of wagon materials for sale. Orders from the country promptly attended. to. L. ZIGLER&SON., COOPERS, Oregon City, Oregon. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PRE pared to make all manner of ware in the LINE OF C00PEKAGE, FROM A WELL-BUCKET! To a HOGSHEAD! Bilge or Straight Work ! snort notice, and at reasonaoie r-ies. uail and examine samples 01 our worn, as it is its own recommendation. 83.) L. ZIGL 4 SON. NEVER. A melancholy child of grief, With bright hopes dimmed forever, Thus sadly sought, not found relief, From blighting, blighting never j " There is no endless never here, Earth's never is not never; Each vanished joy will reappear, And bliss in heaven forever." Such hope thongh sweet is sadly false, There is an earthly never; Some joys are only tasted here, And last and last forever. Some hideous sins are sinned on earth, That cease to curse ns never, Some life-enduring griefs have birth That murder hope forever. Along life's thorny, crooked way, How many nevers grieve na ! Fate takes onr living friends away, And death's fierce shafts bereave usj Each year we take our weeping leave Of'precions hopes long cherished; Each evening digs the gaping grave Of morning blessings perished.' Ah, said the sorrowing, stricken heart,' Though hope of heaven may fill it, That daily feels the palsying smart Of griefs that daily kill it ! Ah. weary is the longing soul. Though heaven at last may bless it,' That hungers still for earthly bliss, Yet never may possess it. To sorrows, too, we bid adieu. To pain and pleasure blending, Each passing day brings evils new, And each makes evils' ending. 'Tis " never' wakes the sweetest thoughts. Or starts regrets the saddest; It wails in hell's most doleful note, And rings in heaven's gladdest. RAILROAD LETTERS. Last week we promised to extract from letters received from the peo ple upon railroad topics. Mr. Davi 1 Newsorn, of Marion county, takes the ground that ns the O. C. R. R. Co. of Salem is composed of many of the very best men in the State, this road will certainly be built. lie says these men must know all about k, aud where the money for its construe lion conies from. He assumes the rinht position. So lonn as the officers of the Company and the contractors are satisfied, and push the work ahead with viVor. there is not much doubt of success and a speedy completion of the road. Ilegarding the employe ment of Chinese, Mr. Newsorn. says: A great many are horrified at the idea of this road being constructed mainly by the labor of Chinese. Wliv not hire Oregonians t do the labor"? l can explain this matter at once from my own bitter experience. Where coula 500 laborers Oregonians be had 1 Could the contractors gather them np in the rural districts of Ore gon t We know that there is not enough ot such force to be had to carry oa farming and rnanufacturino already entered into. Shall they go to the mines and hire miners to come down into Web-foot and build the road 1 Yes, perhaps so, at 5 per day ; and the first big humbug gold excitement these hands would scamper off. We know that the enormous wages demanded here for common labor, cripples many enterprises de pendent upon labor. I call upon all lumbermen, farmers, and manufactur ers here to bear me oat in the nssers Hon that it is almost ruinous to de pend upon miners or transient men for labor, though at exorbitant rates. I will venture to say that the East Side company could not build and stock their road, and nay Orcoon prices, for less than 850,000 per mile! x- 11., n . . . J iorcouia tney nmsh it m live years at that, if solely dependent upon home labor. I am not an advocate for Coolies, nor to have our country over run by them ; but I can see far enough ahead for this. A gentlerrian of Benton county thanks us for publishing the Brown-, ing letter, and says : Three or four weeks ago everybody here thought that A. J. Cooke &, Co. was a myth, out of money and out of credit, and that the little scratching they had done was thrown in the shade by the real company that was no myth." But our people are constantly passing up and down the river, and many of them take pains to go over the work of both sides to see for themselves just what the " myth" is doing, and what the gen uine company is doing. The rvsult is all, without exception, coine back declaring in favor of the myth, and it is now of no more use for the West Side to continue to publish that the "work is goins on rapidly;" "150 men on the grade ;" " contract for trestle work entered into;" etc. A more perfect revolution in public sentiment was never known; Our pteople up here are looJdeeply interested in the railroad to be easily deceived. A correspondent, signing himself Watchman, in the Gazette, aks a few plain questions of Mr. Gaston ; First: I call upon' Gaston to make public that seecret agreement which he made with others. I far ther ask Mr. Gaston to state how much stock he has sold to the public? These are but fair requests, and it concerns the public to kuow these things. Second .I charge Mr. Gaston with parading names on the West side as if they were large subscribers when all they do, is very kindly to give it the light of their countenance. How kind ! I say further, Gaston and Company do not show, and do not pretend to show how they can build 20 miles of Railway. The names of Ladd, Tilton, Reed, Thomp: son, and Ainsworth look well enough; but tell us what they will do other wise you might "s well parade the names of so many poor men. Third: I ask Mr. Gaston at his early convenience to publish copies of the letters be wrote to Secretary Browning. For although Mr. Brown ing's letter is rot favorable to Mr. Gaston's plan, yet the Secretary's letter contains evidence that Gaston's communications contain strange and extraordinary information ! Let the public see these! Let. us. have as many Railroads as can be built but let us have no sophistical, pretend ing, parading schemes. And I do unhesilatingly say that since John Law paraded , his Mississippi scheme that impoverished thousands of fami lies, no more absurd pretentious scheme has been submitted to the public than this one, with a poor President possessed with $2,500,000. A gentleman of Yamhill county informs us that he is " out " and feels slightly "injured' through the West side operations. We are sorry if this is so ; Our correspondent " Mud Sill," cautioned the farmers of Wash ington, Yamhill, aud Polk counties, with the purest of motives, more than one year ago, not to subscribe nor give away their money or property unconditionally, tlpon this friendly advice the Herald commented unfa vorably to this paper, (or it m'ght have been Gaston in the Herald,) as suming that "ve were arguing against the road. Soon after this we lost many of our West side patrons, but our readers will recollect that we told them then we should be able to re print Mud-Sill's letters, and they would be appreciated. The time has about come, but we have not the space at our disposal to reproduce the articles. Our pnper is on file, however, in at least twenty different libraries on the coast. THE PAPER 5IILL,. Eu. Enterprise: On Sabbath last I concluded to take a walk for exercise, and 'wend ed my way down to Clackamas, and thence up to the new Paper mill of Messrs Pittock, Buck & Co., where I was very agreeably surprised by finding everything in working order, and through the kindness of Mr. Sal- ",ui,i jl was ouuwu auous iroin one department to another for an hour or more. On examining the machinery and inquiring who the constructors were, I found that our fellow towns man A. M. Harding, was one of th principal actors in the construction of the water-wheels, gates, etc. There are four water wheels of different sizes, all of tremendous power, and they worn well. They are of Messrs 1 i -i -r -i- uucivs ana Harding s get up. The gates which let on and -shut off the water, were cf more curiosity to me than the wheels. They are in the shape, and style of a straight staved barrel, with no head, and work ad mirably, giving perfect satisfaction to both contractor and proprietors. The nxt thing I examined was the gearing and machinery, put up by Mr. Louthwait, which goes to prove his skill as a mechanic. The ma chinery was built at Worcester, Mass., by Rice, Barton & Co., and is well worth looking at. Everything about the works is really u credit to the proprietors, who have displayed much judgement in location, water power, and plans and construction of buildings for machinery, boiler-house, and warehouses. I think it a great credit to our growing country. Clackamas county may well boast of her water power and machinery. All the machinery in the county is a credit to those people who have had energy and perseverance enough to get it up, at such immense cost for the generally small profits they re ceive on their productions. The Railroad , will pass within 400 yards ot the paper mill, and will make it very easy for transportation of pa per, rags etc., to and from the mill. It will be but a short lime now until Oregon can supply this coast with pa per of all descriptions, thus cutting off importations from the East, and saving thousands of dollars to our state. All we need is manufacturing direct trade, and railroads, when Ore gon will be looked up to as much a3 Massachusetts, and other older East ern States. We want a few more such energetic driving men as the proprietors of the paper mill, and the mass of population will soon follow. Yours, kc, CITY CORRESPONDENT. i o- " J3 Ask your neighbor to subscribe fer tbe EsrEKntist COURTESY OF POJLITICAJL. Since the days of Henry Clay no American statesman has to such a degree as Schuyler Colfax, possessed the faculty of decorating terse state ments of - great principles with flow ers of fervid eloquence. His fervor and logic are like bis name and char acter cold facts, warmed and illu. initiated by the light and glow of ge Diu3. To George and Alfred Town., sand, the public are indebted for a collation of a few scintillations ot the genius of Colfax. Thus he Raid of the employment of negro tfoops : I do not call negro troops better than white ones. If I was to express n?y opinion, it would be that those of my own color are braver and bet ter. For I hate told you, in spite of charges to the Contrary, that I believe that the Anglo Saxon race was su perior to any other that walk the footstool of GocL So he said of moral faithfulness in legislation i Whether traveling in the valley of humiliation or disaster, or keeping my eyes fixed on the heavens, T be lieve God reigns. I don't believe his blessing will fall on the Confederacy. God's ways are sometimes dark, but sooner or later they reach the shining hills of day. He first annojneed the Republican platform after the breach with Mr. Johnson, thus j Let us make haste slowly, and we cari then hope that the foundations oi our Governmect, when thus recon structed on the basis of indisputable loyalty, will be as eternal as the stars. In like manner on April 10th, lSGO, when he made a mild but manly is?ue with Johnson, he said of the Civil Rights Bill, in the first rho- ment of its enactment f The law, misrepresented as it has been by its opponents in Congress, will never be repealed, and in the years that are coming it will be the proudest recollection and the crown ing honor of those men who stood up in the national councils, that the gave t6 the Americun Magna Charta their cordial support. The Rockford (Illinois) Gazette states that upward of one hundred Democrats . majority of them Fe nians took part in the Republican primary elections in that city, the week previous, and pledged them selves to vote for Grant and Colfax. We know that Colonel Walsh and a large number of Fenians in California purpose supporting Grant and Colfax. Come one, come all. Wade Hampton on his way South, made a speech at a Demo cratic meeting in Baltimore, wherein he made special acknowledgment to rebel soldiers from Maryland, thank ing them for having swept across the line, and stood shouider to shoulder with South Carolina in a great con test for liberty. He advised them to now stand firm for the Union and Constitution, which they could do by voting lor Seymour and Blair .. -The Gold Hill News' says that Beauregard boasted during the re bellion that he " would water his horse in the Delaware or in hell." Grant wouldn't let him do the first, so Boree went to the New York Con vention on the Fourth to hunt the latter place, and probably found it. as he looked a little scorched. A Connecticut Democratic paper stated that Gen. P. P. Blair is a grad uate of Yale College, and the New Haven Journal explains : " General Blair graduated at Yale quite prema turely. It took him less than a year to 'go through college.' " A telegram from a leading Re publican at Washington to a friend in Boston, immediately after the Tammany Convention adjourned, says ; "The Democrats have ratified the nomination of Grant: He ought to be inaugurated to-morrow." Horace Greeley says that with Seymour's friends burning negro or phan asylums, and Blair's friends ispersing the State governments" of the SouUi, we are promised lively times in the event of the election of the Democratic candidates. The fees of William M. Evafts from the Government during the time Mr. Johnson has been in power amonnt to $48,000, accouding to the Washington correspondent of the Advertiser. The Mount Pleasant Journal i. says the reason Henry Clay Dean don't wash himself is, because he is afraid that if he does the Democratic party will lose around; A. J . compares the New York nominations' to the small pox liable to kill; hard to cure, and harder to endure. gray uniform well becomes Seymour, but how does it fit Frank Blair ? . BANCROFT LIBRARY, . An Hour at the Rolling Mills. The Pacific Rolling Mills, of San Francisco, are now complete in ali the details of machinery, and are in sue cessfal operation. On account of th pressing demand for heavy forgings as shafts, cranks, anchors, etc., for ship and mill work, the forging de partmeht was first completed, since which time a line of heavy work which could not be done elsewhere has been turned out; and often at the shortest notice. If a steamship breaks a shaft or a cranc-pin, another is wanted on the shortest notice. The fires glow night and day; and the great tr?phammer thunders awiiy until the job U done.' We saw lying upon the floor a half completed cross head for the steamer China, says the writer, weighing several tons m all, while the workmen were busy in ar ranging faggets for a shaft of moder ate size. At another forge, with a smaller hammer, large truck axles were being fashioned, with an occa sion'al change off to rail cars and other heavy axles. There are three hammers, the largest of which is the great trip-hammer, where the largest forgings are done ; the other two are known as the " dead stroke" ham mers ; the latter are the most mod ern device for forgings of moderate size. The stroke is quick, and the application of steam to the hammer is as ingenious as it is effectual. Five steam engines supply the mo tive power for the different depart ments, including the machine shop, the largest cf which is the engine woiking up to 200 horse-power, which drives the rolling mill pubps. The smallest is a little oscillator, which hardly occupies more space than a traveling hand trunk, and yet drives two huge pairs of shears, the largest of which is capable cf cutting a 4 inch bar of cold iron, and had al ready converted into clips about a thousand tons. Two fires" are in operation in the rolling department and two sets or gangs of rollers gear ed directly to the great engine, now turn out iron, principally merchant able bar of about the shape used for two-horse wagon tires. A bloom about tour inches square and two feet long was " chucked" in at the head cf the groat rollers, end was passed each time into a smaller groove, arid in less than two minutes it came out of the last groove a long slender ribbon, which the workmen straightened with a wooden mallet and laid away for inspection, and thence into the pile of merchantable iron. At the rate of manufacture thus going oh, principally with one set of rollers, we were told that about ten tons of bar iron were turned out in a day, which could be increased to twenty tons, and further increased by working nights. None of this iron has as yet been put on the mar ket, but was held to be of a superior quality, worth nearly $100 per ton. The strap costs from 25 to $30 de livered, of which there were nearly 52,000 tons awaiting this process of reconstruction: horse-shoes,old thresh ing machines, qnartz mills, bolts, iron plates from the ship Viscaid, old cables, etc. The large set of rollers for turning out railroad iron, were not in use, but are ready for service, and will soon be required. Alongside of the wharf was the pioneer steamship Oregon, not for re fitting, but to have her engines taken out preparatory to being converted into a coal hulk for service at Man zanillo. We have seen a few larger rolling mills than this, but none so perfect in every modern appliance, and none vhere the minutest details gave clearer evidence of having been under the supervision of a master mind. There are no jars or creaking, and ittle noise save when the largest brjre hammer is in motion. The rolling mill does not make noise enough to interrupt ordinary conver sation, eten When the long iron rib bons are going through it. The same attention to order , and finish is given down to the pumping engine, and pumps which are almost noiseless in their operation. To many persons there may be no novelty in the man- ufacture of iron, but the machinery. n nprtpr.t ;n details, and so complete and smooth in its operations, will never cease to interest persons of some taste for mechanics. The con structing and superintending engineer of these works is B. P. Brunner, and the stockholders are well known among the enterprising citizens of San Francisco. The trumpet blast of the De mocracy a general blare ! St'ICIDES INCREASING. From every section of the country reports are daily reaching us of sui cides which, in thoir number and hor rible details, far exceed anything in the national experience. Hitherto we have been, substantially speaking, a happy, even minded people, of whom a very large proportion have been firm believers in the doctrines oi Christianity, contented with simple pleasures, addicted to domestic life and having little taste tor violent "sensations" of any kind The changes that have come over us are great and significant. The bitter sorrows and anxieties of a long civi war, followed, in the North at least. by an epoch of violent speculative excitement, attended by extravagance of living, and a widely-spread passion for sensual pleasures, have rnade ohr country anything but the country of ten years ago. Life now, to be tol erable, must be spiced with condi ments of the keenest and most titilla ting sort. .Each fresh gratification quickly palls, and new devices must constantly be brought forward to stimulate the jaded senses. The the atre is radiant with voluptuous im ages, and thousands swarm nightly to gloat on the female charms their clouds of gauze scarcely affect to con ceal. Gross pictures are hawked about the streets, and obscene books are offered to boys and greybeards alike in the exchange and market place. The newspBpers strain every nerve to outstrip each other in the astonishing, the preposterous, and tho extravagant ; and those from whose occasional exhibitions of care.thought, and scholarship we have learned to hope better things, seem of late to have plunged bodily into the vortex of sensation. Even the pulpit yields to the vulgar tendencies that mar nearly all less sacred things, and the most influential and successful preach ers are men who in a purer and more cultivated age would be simnlv laughed down as greedy and sensual charlatans. The artificial and highly colored, in contradistinction to the true and the natural, are producing in every direction their legitimate ef feet. We see false views of life usu ally ending in bitter disappointment, minds and bodies prematurely broken and withered, a horrible lust of money as the whole genuine good of life, a prevalent infidelity spread ing every where in sympathy with parallel con ditions to those of France at the time of her revolution and, in a word, etery promise of social decay and rain, unless the baleful progress of things is arrested by powerful reform- ary agencies, signs of which are un happily not yet apparant. Suicides are few in the ratio of the number of of sound minds i'ri heallhv bodies. U'e cannot wonder that, with a social preparation so mournfully ample as ours has been to encourage them o - they should increase apace, or that they should appall us even jess by heir frequency than by the terrible haracter of the details that often of ate attend them. Poll evil in the earlier stages of ts growth, is completely under the control of the following specific: Al cohol 1 pint; gum camphor 2 ounces; oil of hemlock 1 ounce; oil cf cloves 4 ounces; Venice turpentine 1 ounce, Apply with the palm ot the hand two or three times a day, rubbing the tn mor well at each application. Con tinue the use of the specific until the swelling begins to subside and the soreness is removed. This recipe was for many years a secret in the possession of a man who' informed me that he had cured with it above two hundred cases of poll evil. Since I have known the ingredients, I have used and prescribed it in numerous cases, with invariable success. In one case the tumor was large and contained matter; a free application of the remedy did not diminish its sife, but after breaking and running a very little, the excrescence soon dried up and disappeared. It may be added, that when a poll evil is cured by this repellant, the horse is liable to a return of the disease. I had a mare cured, that had a return of the poll evil periodically once in two years. Uhe same remedv nm cnnlinnmie.1.. . " vvuvii.uuujiji ratcient. It appears that ever since NaDo leon became Emperor of France the expenses of his Government have ex ceeded the revenue by 800,000,000 annually; That is, since 1852 tbe French Government, for its current expenses, has run in debt $900,000 -000. The worthy member of the Democratic party. . : Tliey "Won't Trouble Ton Long. Children grow up nothing oa earth grows so fast as children. It was but yestefdayj and that lad wasf playing with tops, a bouyant boyi He is a man, and gone now ! There is no more childhood for him and for, us. Life has claimed him. When a! beginning is made, it is like raveling a stocking ; stitch b stitch gives way till all are gone. The house has not a child in it. There is no more noise in the hall boys rushing ia pell-mellj it is very orderly now. There are no more skates or sleds, bats, balls or strings, left scattered about; Thihgs are neat enough how. There is no delay of breakfast for' sleepy folks j there is no longer any task before jou of looking for any bodt; and tricking up the bedclothes. There are no disputes to settle, no. body to get off to school, noocom plaints, no importunities for impos sible things, no rips to mend, no' fingers to tie up, no faces to be washed, or collars to be arranged ! There never was such peace in the house ! It would seem like music to hear some feet clatter down the front stairs ! Oh, for some cihldren's noise ! OpponTurtE Appearance of Old Nick. Lorenzo Dow, being belated one night in his travels, unceremonU onsly entered an out of the way house ar.d requested lodgings. The womad of the house objected, having for friend a man whom Lorenzo soon fas-. certained was not her husband. But Lorenzo insisted, and she at length! consented immediately fastening; against further unwelcome visitors; the only outside door of the house. Soon a loud knocking was heard. It was her husband, unexpectedly re turned. Unable to leave the house; the friend, to conceal himself, jumped into a large bos conveniently at hand; and hastily covered himself with tho" hatchelings of flax it contained, by which time the wife had unfastened the door and admitted her husband; Having spent the evening at the tav ern, he was just tipsy enough to be both boisterous and courageous. He soon made the acquaintance- of Lo renzo; whom he had heard much of; but had never seen. He bad been told that he could raise the devil, and ie insisted upon his immediately do-i ing so not that he believed in any; but if there was any he wanted to 8ee" him. In vain Lorenzo objected, pro testing his unwillinguess and the dan: ger attending it, etc.; but the more than half drunken husband insisted; At last said Lorenzo, "If ybti are de termined to see him, open the door; put out the light, and stand but of his way, or he may take you with lini ; for whsn he comes It will be iri flames of fire, and I warri you of the consequences." Lighting a bunch of matches, that there niigbt be the greater smell of brimstone, and mut tering over a few unintelligible sen. tences, Lorenzo set fire to the hatch elings, Dd cried out i 4t Come forth; tbou evil one; and be gone forever V' when out sprang the man, completely enveloped in flames, and put for the open door, leaving the house with the most unearthly yell. To his dying day the husband was ready to testify that Lorenzo hot only could, but 'did raise the devil, for he had seen and snelled him. One of the desirable, as" well as necessary things where fowl:? are kept confined, is a constant supply of clean water. A very goe'ei foun tain'' for this purpose, is s fcommori jug set In a pan or dish, a trifle larg er In circumference than the jug. The jug is filled or partly filled with water, and tightly cor&ed. A small perforation is iriade in the bottom of tuo jQ2 through which the water gradually flows intohe dish or pan in which it is placed, so as to secure" a fresh and constant supply for tha poultry. The same object tusf bp obtained by the use of a glass bottle filled with water and snspebded in an erect position, with the neck ov noz- zlo near the bottom of a dish or trough, beneath tbe fiflrfaceof the, water. A fire broke out in the meltingr room of Conly & Co.'s assay office at Laporte, Plumas county, Cal., at 9 p. it., on the 10th ult., destroving- all the business portion of the town.. Every hotel, restaurant and- saloon was burned. The loss is estimated between 8300,000 to $500,000; partly insured. Use hairbrushes for cbildrens" heads, in preference to combrf as the latter scratch the skin, and may Jay the foundation for disease of the ecalju o o o 0 o o I 4