0 2 AGRICULTURAL. 0 He who by the Plow would thrive, lliinself must either hold or drive." q o ICotice to our Readers. JDycv.eral invitation is extended to all the eade-rs of The Weekly ExTEr.riusE, to end to the Eiltor of this paper ivfonna icn on suhjeds connected Tith farming, ardening, and rural economy. official. Laws of the United States, PA3S2D AT THE SECOND SESSION OT TOE 40TB COS3BBSS. No. 51. An Act relative to tiling reports of railroad companies. M it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America it Congress assembled. That the reports required to be made to the Secretary of the Treasury on or before the first day of July cf each year, by the corporations crea ted by or entitled to subsidies under the pro visions of an set entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the me of t same for postal, military and oth er purposes," approved, July 1, lSti2, nndthe arts supplemental to and amendatory thereof shall hereafter be made to the Secretary of - I Ti " 1 . 1" .1 , 1- . ine interior, on or oeiorc iuc ursi any oi uc tobcr of each year. Said reports shall furn ish full and specific information upon the several points mentioned in the 20th section of said act ot 1862, and shall be verified as therein prescribed, and oik failure to make the same as herein required, the issue of Lords cr patents to the company in default shall be suspended until the requirements of this act shall be complied with, by sucii com pany. Ard the reports thitherto made to tho Secretary of the treasury under the said act of July 1, lS(-2, shall be'transferred and delivered by him to the Secretary of the Iu-terio-, toA)c tiled bv him Sec. 2. And le it further enacted. That the corporations created by the provisions of the , acts f congress approved July 2, 1354, and Tulv 27, lSo, and known as the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, and the Southern Pacific IJailroadConipam-'.shail make rer ( rti ?j the Secretary of the fu tenor on or before the first of October of each year, as are re quired (o be made by the Union l'acitic Rail road and branches," ur.de:- the provisions of the flrit section of this act, and on failure to do so shall be subject to the like suspension. Sec. Z. And be it further en acta I, That the reports required from the commissioners ap pointed to examiue and report in relatiou to the road of any cf the corporations whereto reference is-made in this net, shall be ad dfSfcscd to and hied iu the Department of the Interior; and all such reports heretofore riadc shall be transferred to and filed in said Dt-paitinc.it of the Interior; aud so much of any and a!l acts as requires any reports iron-, "each cowpaniej, or any officers thereof to to made to the Secretary of the Treasury is hcri bv repealed. Sic. (t) A'Gt f it further cnxcied, That in a addition to the eit-Lt 6ubsecis referred to in ECC? ;on 20 ol the iuiy ii : to oc re- ct'l upon, t';tre'shu!l uho be furnished cnriual v to the ecreiarv ot tne lctenor all repot ts of engineers, superintendents,9 or othor otLcer3 v.-ho make annually report; any of said railroad eompaaies. .pnrovi, Juno 25, 1SGS. to No. 55. An Act relating to the Supreme C urt. . Me it enacted by Ihi Scr.mte and House of Rep v stives' of tk United States of America, in Congress asserid,Ld. That in case of a vacancy in the o'dice of Chief Justice of the Supreme court, of the United Siates.orof his inability to discharge powers and duties of said cilice, the same shall devolve upon the associate justice of faid court, whose commission is senior in 1ii.e, until such inability shall be removed .r ant-.tb.cr appointment shall be duly made and the person so appointed shall be duly o,ua'ified, end this act shall apply to every person seciceding to the office of "Chief Jus ttcaj, pursuant to its provisions. Approved, June 2, ISfiS. No. f-fi. An act to authorize the Secretary of "the Ti-easury to change the names of cer tain vessels. Ms it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Treasury be.and hereby is, authorized to change the name of the yacht IP. 11'. Alell, owned by James Lloyd Greene, 6f Norwich, Connecticut, ad iriinistraApr of the rstatc of Penjamin D. 'Jrecne. line of said Norwich dceescJ. and John JotlVie3, j1., of Boston, Mass., to that of Ethel, and alto to change the name of the -var'tt. I! Il'.ronddle, owned by James Gordon lJenmtte, jr., cf the city of New York, to ihnt ..f L'jn.nile?s, and to grant said vessels legisiets in said respective names ; the said vcssi-ls being pleasure yachts only, and not cugaged iu commercial or other business. Approved, June 25, 1868. v0. 57. An Act relating to contested elec tions in the city of Washington, District of I olumbea. J7j it enacted bv the Senate and House, of Itep- reiiaLive 'f the United Slates of America in Congress axsahbled. That whenever any person ha3 received or h1ui!1 hereaffor receive a certificate from the jigister of the city of Washington, based upon satisfactory evidence furnished by the -omniisMoners of election, notifying him of h:j election to any elective oflice of said city th. person receiving such notification shall he entitled to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his oflice, and the certificate of the register shall be prima facia evidence of his election to ;md right to discharge the du ties of said ofliee. Skc. 2. Ami be it further enacted. That nr.y person who shall hinder or obstruct a person holding the certificate of election mentioned ivQlie foregoing section from en tering upon or discliarging the duties of such oflice, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, aud unon conviction thereof, in any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be lined iu tmysum not exceeding one thousand dollars, or'be imprisoned in the countyjail not exceeding six months, or both said pun (Jshments in the discretion of the court. Skc. G. An it le it furtucr enacted: That the supreme court of the District of Cohim bia, or any judge thereof, shall have juris diction to enforce, by mandamus, or other wise, the light of any person holding the the certificate mentioned in the first section of this act. Sec. And be it further enacted. That uii per son who claims, or shall hereafter claim, to be elected to any elective oflice in said city, mijy commence proceedings before ihe said supreme court cf the District of IV'.umbin, bv petition setting forth the facts upon which he relies, and shall serve a copy uti the hicun bent or person who lias received the certificate of election ; and the person so served shail make answer to said petition within five days jnd said court shall there upon try the rights of the parties to said of lice in a smmnary manner; and for that pur iHists a special session shall be called and held whenever necessary for the purposes of such trial ; and the d"cision of said court in any caoe so brought before it, shall be final and conclusive. AiiJ when the legal organ isation Vf the board of aldermen or board of tom.iu.n coiiHcil shall be delayed en account i f any cot.rest in relation to' the election of any member c f eith.-r of said boards, the mayor.tf said city is hereby authorized to in. ike temporary appointments of all subor dinate oiHoers whose appointment or election is authorized by the said mayor and membrs of said boards under existing laws, to contin ue until said boards be legalW organized Schuyler Colfax, Sjcir eg tne Jluuee o liepresentatices. r, . B. F. WADE, - , ii Preu1em t Senate pro tempore. Ludorsed oy the I'tesident, " Received June ltith, 1jS." 'OTE BT THR DEPARTMENT Of StTE The foregoing pot having been presented'to the president of the L nited States for his ap proval, and not having been returned bv turn t. theliousc of Conifi ess in whieh it luitd within the time prescribed bv the Constitution of the Lnitod Mates, has become a law Without his approval. Public Besnlut'tons. Vo. SO. Joint resolution authon'zing cer tain distilled spirits to do turned over to the surgeon General for the use of the army hos- Jjett resolved by the'senate and house of JievreienUttiees of the United states of America in Lbngre assembled. the Secretary of the treasury be, and ,-' :. herebv authorized to deliver to the sur n - sencf'Cof y M the JUtilleJ .: produced during the experiments SV L bu the lat commission for testing; ffie. xaae "Kil i juteriiil revenue service to be ters I" . oVmv hosmtals. mid to be nnlrl used tor. .. cst c.Jt cf 6.-.T Eicse.s appropriated for the purchase of army hos pital stores, the amount received to be ap plied toward the expenses of said commision. Approved. June 25, 1663. No. SI. A resolution authorizing a chang-j of mail service betweeo Fort Abercrombie aud Helena. Jiesolved by the Senate and ITovse of Reprstentatire of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled. That the Postmaster General is hereby au thorized to change the character of the mail seivice from Foit Abercrombie, Dakota Ter ritory, to Helena, Montana Territory, to post coach service. Approved Jane 25, 15G3. No. 25. Jeint resolution donating to the Washington city orphan asylum the iron railing taken from the old hall of the House of Representatives. Be it resolved by the senate and house representatives of the United states of Amer ica in Congress assembled. That there be donated to the Washington city Orphan asylum the iron railing taken from the old hall of the House of Represen tatives, now in the Capitol grounds; Provi ded, That the same shall be taken away in ten days after the passage of this joint reso lution. Approved, June 25. 1SC3. J?3- Ask your neighbor to subscribe for the Exteuphi.se. "Willamette Lodge Xn. 151. O. G. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fiftli streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By order of W. C. T. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F. 'u,. Meets every Wednesday evening ut 7 o'clock, in the .Masonic Hall. S5','rtvN Members of the orde- are in vitod to attend. By order N. G. IMultnomulx Ltwlge Xo. 1, A. aiil jf A. M. Holds its regular communi vacations on the First arid Third Sat r urdays in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2vih of September to the 2oth of March, and 7A o'clock from the 2"th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to uttend. By order of W. M. J. WELCH, DEXTIST. Permanently Located at Oregon. City, Oregon. Rooms with Dr. Satfarans, on Main street. TII3G CABS HAVE ARRIVED I rH ' 8T nk 4f-3- rf" r r. t J -t K-J V-W AUi; nznz foe taeticulaes Cull at ClaLi'miiiis! At the old Stand, Main Street, Oregon City. A J I 12 8 ! JEFOKE VISITING PORTLAND CALL AT Charman Brothers. -. JOOK AT THE VARIETY For sale by Charman c: Brother. BOOTS & SHOES ! T'HE BEST AND CHEAPEST At Char?nan t Bros. Portland Prices QANNOT COMPErE WITH Charman 4 Brother. CLOTU1NG! J-JAYE YOU SEEN THE BEST Sol until you have called vpon Charman & Bro M.VTS, II ATS, OTHING CAN EXCEL The stock of Charman & Bro. NERVE! NERVE! NERVE! The Requirements of the Times ! J. It. RALSTON, HAS IT ! rpiIE OLD ROCK STORE, THE BEST X Drv Goods house in Oregon City, has the pluck to fill every department with au ennre iYEVr STOCK! Joy in the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods .J. If. lULSTOx, At the Rock Store, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch used a large and well selected stock of DHESS GOODS, WOOLEN ' PRINTS, WHITE ' II OS I Eli V, BLEACH ED SHEETI N'GS. GENTS' FPIiNISIING GOODS, LOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &c, &c. IJpf" At prices hitherto unheard of, f" lv the oldest inhabitant. jf Let the Deople clothe themselves J& And Rejoice'. For the winter cometh. Give him a call p.nd be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. CITV BAKERY! If A IX STREET, OJiEGOX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! P I ES! BREAD! , And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet 'with PROMPT ATTENTION! BARLOW Bl FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STE A M BOAT STORES ! i And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed tn the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE! IN SHORT! THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OKEGON CITY ! Now is the Time to The Establishment cf J"A JllO HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST As sortments of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents' and Boys' vrear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS. HOSIERY, etc., MERRI.MAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., II ATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And au endless variety of goods, too numerous to mention. Wliicli tlacy Iitieiad to sell Lower ti:a.n Any Mouse in. Oregon ! If anyone is disposed to doubt the genuineness of the above stztements, Fsjpecially the latter all the tindersigned ask of them is, that they Call and Examine the Goods and Prices ! And satisfy themsrlves. We may be found ut the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB Jb BROTHER. CO Country Produce t::ken in exchange for goods. Look Out ! The Eailroad is not Coming Yet ! BIT .TI'IS PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION 0. Arc Still And Rolling in Charman & Warner's old Brick Store, Main Street, Where he not only intends to sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will say, COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to me to show 'goods. I have received one of the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consisting in part of a fiue assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS AND SHOF-S : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING j FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; PASSIM EUE SUITS : SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most it Also n. larcK stock of Gents' Furnishinir Goods. GROCERIES A well selected JZs All kinds of Produce Bought. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALKRS IS STOYES Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a Sjood assortment cf Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this "market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Oar assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment ot Hard ware, Woodeuware, etc. C. W. POPE k Co. NEW LIGHT! NEW LAMP! AiD ISTEW FLUID BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! Its Many Advantages: FIRST It is Xon-Erplos'tce, and entirely free from, smoke or ofeneive odor ichiie burning. SECOyDIt gives a S'ft, Clean, White TlilRn-It is CHEAPER than any ether Fluid or Oil. L"Jitt. LUCINE EURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, utnrls all other Fluids for LIGHT and EfOOM V . It will not Stain or Grease Clothes, Carpets, Tables, etc. LUCINE LAMPS AND THE FLUID CAN BK HAD OF C. TT. IOIK Co., OREGON CITY, DEALERS IS Stoves, Tinware, Lamps, CltJ, CJdmneys, Z&nUnis. ic., ct ni tf Take Passage for Running their the Goods for reasonable terms. assortment. S. ACKERMAN. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. IS IS W FI II 31 : JACOB ITORTllAN. THOMAS It. FIELDS Wortman & Fields, fftzt Boor to the Post Ojfce, Oregon City, Oregon. DEALEP.S IX Fsiiiailj Groceries I Provisions of all Kind ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meals ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar ZZgP'Tlie highest market prices jaid for country produce. LINCOLN BAKERY! West Side Plain Streot, Oregon City Oregon. L. DILLEK, Proprietor. IIE PROPRIETOR WISHES to inform the public that he is now manu facturing the bct qualities of BREAD, PIES, CAKES. PILOT BREAD, Boston, Bultcr, Suqar and Soda CEACKEES, etc., Cc, dc. In addition to w hich he will keep constantly on hand a large stock ot the best staple and" j FAMILY GROCERIES, i PROVISIONS, &c. Jf" The best produce that is afforded by the market, bought and sold. L. DILLEK, 1' roprietor. J. F. MILLER. J. w. SIX ATTVCK J. F. MILLER & Co., MANCFACTt'RERS OF AND DEALERS IX Boots sint Shoos! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store. Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies'. Gents', Boys', and children's E. ct n shos en kited or mr.de to order. jotch & Hestanraute. McLaughlin House. Main street, (opposite the Woolen Hills,) Oregon City, Oregon. J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors. X33 This is the most commodious Hotrl in the city. Newly furnished, and just open for the reception of guests. JT It " ill be the'endeavor of the Propri etors to make all guests comfortable. OREGON HOUSE, Main Street Oregon City. JACOB B0EHM, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1357. ItEDlXTIOX IS PRICKS I The undersigned wishes to give notice that from Saturday, October 5th, 1667, prices at the above home will be as follows : Board and Lodging per week ?5 00 Hoard w ithout Lodging 4 00 Board und Lodging per day 1 00 JACOB BOEIIM. Oregon City, Oct. 3d, 18(57. 50:tf CLIFF HOUSE. Main Street, Xcarly Opposite Woolen Factory, V. L. WHITE, I r, T. W. RIIOADES, Proprietors. Oregon City. Oreiror.. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, and the traveling public, to give us a share of their patronage. Meals can be had at all hours, to please the rcost fastidious. 15 Notice to the Public. I HAVE this day closed the Barlow House in favor of the Cliff House. Hope my old customers will give their liberal patron age to the Hbcve well kept house. They will tind Messrs. "White & Bhoades always oa hand to make guests comfortable. WM. BARLOW. PATT0H HOUSE, Two doors south of the old Court House, Front street, .Portland, Oregon. W. N. Patton Proprietor. Single meals, 25 cents Beds, 25 cents. This house is newly fitted, and furnished in the best style. xii.tini AMERICAN EXCHANGE" (late LIXCOLX HOUSE,) So. 81 I"roiit street, Purlin ixl Oregon. L. P. W. QUI.MBV, PKoraiETOs, (Late of Western Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the .Str:te, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his g-jests comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al ravs be found at the land ug on the arrival cf stean. ships and river boats, carrying bsg-g-.ge t - the nouse.frec- of charge. 1 17-ly Western Hotel, POKTLAXD, OftLGOX. Corner of First and Morrisoa streets, Th; best and nost comfortable Hotel in the State, where every want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold U;iths uttached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at tendance at ail the Landings, to convey passengers and baggage to and from the house free cf charge. SEWELL & DORCY, r.i.tf Proprietors. OSWEGO house! OSWEGO, OREGON. .T O II X SCI 1 A I E Proprietor, IS now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him wih their patrou age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newly and Neat'y Furnished. The Table will be sk'j,p!ied with all the delicacies of the season. The House is situated near the steamer landing. The proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, and would rcsptctfully solicit the pa'ruiiage of the Traveling Public. 41:tf. Board per week. . i 00 Board and Lolgig b oo Single Meals 50 Y h a t Cheek House, Nos. 12ti, 1-23 and 180 Front street, 1'OUTLANB, Or.KGON. R ED U CFJJ J2A TP The undersigned hairing taken this well known house, solicit increased patronage from the traveling public. The House has lately been refitted, and the proprietors are now able to offer additional inducements to their patrons. The table will be furnished with the best market affords, and be under the immediatesupervision of the proprietors Rooms well furnished and well ventilated. A large tire-proof safe for the deposit of valuables. lUgage taken to the hotel free of charge. Board per week $." 00 Board and lodging " .... to S 00 (According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, which is in the power of the proprietors to render guests eomfortable. LYONS, LEONARD & Co., A'i.ti J Proprietors. HOME MANUFACTURE. HIGGINS &. CO. Are Xow Jfaniirai-liiriiig a. Superior AKTICI.E OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown FAMILY SOAP, yfTHICH WE WILL PELL AT SAN W Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or to McCraken, Merrill & Co., Agents, will miet with prompt attention. W. L. BIGGINS. & CO.. ll:ly Proprietors, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, One block no' th of . S. N. Co.'s Wharf. McCUaKEN, MERRILL .t CO., Agents 1851- 1863 e. j. nortYru? & CO., OKFEIt FOR SALE LOW Builders'1 Hardware and Carpenters1 j. ools, i Blacksmiths'1 and Machinists'1 Tools, Coopers uud Tanners Tools, Mining and Farjners' Tools, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Ship and Steamboat Hardware, Tar, Pilch, Oakum, Oars, Packing , Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Poicdrr, Fuze, Shot, Lead and Caps, Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. IEON, Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumberland Coal, Put nam, New York and Griilin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for Bug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeins" and Iron Axles, all sizes. WAGON TIMBER. Hubs, Spolts, Axles, Poles and Shafts, Bent diims, Sawed Felloes, dx:, it-c. Agent for A. S. IIllilic fe Co., AVIrc Hope .tlniiiirudii in s. Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in the Eastern Markets bein of a superior charac ter, we are enabled to offer goods in our line at as low rates as they can be purchased m this mar ket. We cafl the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line ever offered m this market 3 E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., 1ST Front Street. Portland, Oregon. A LARGE iXVOICE OF XEW ' Sunday School and Gift Books ! 17R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE ' ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and 3d. Portland, Ortgon G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary. ?"1yl nd Tr. Ore-on Tract Soc.'t. STEEL, 1 Vh insurance. THE OCCIDENTAL Insurance Company IXTEXD TO CEASE BUSINESS IN THIS STATE! B. GOLDSMITH, Agent. A JT D Life Insurance. JOHNSON & McCOWN ARE THE Local Agents in Oregon City, of the Pacific Fire Insurance Company, the best doing business on this cfeast. This Company is the only one in Oregon that Issue Policies and Adjusts Losses Without referring the case to San Francisco. ALSO, AGENTS OF THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Presenting the mot desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of New York. ST Don't delay attention to these mat ters until j-our property is destroyed by fire, or until you ave sick, when ou camot be insured. Cull immediately. (32. tf C. P. FERRY, J335 35 S Z JH-CL JBBZ 2HC No. 108 Front street, Portland. Ao-ent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. And Manhattan Life Insurance Co (-1 OVERNMENT SECURITIES. STOCKS Jt Bonds, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. 3: THE MANHATTAN lAic Inssii'siiice Co. OE NEW YORK. O Assets Nearly ....... $5,000,000 00. Dividend to January 1st, 1S67, 1,IC,.-JV6 38. Dividend of 16G7, 10 per cent. Cash: HIS LARGE DIVIDEND IS VERY cratifvintr. and assures the polict hold- F.iisthut thev will, in this carefullv conductd company, obtain insurance at the lowest cost consistent with toe safety of the insured. -O- SPECIAL FEA T UBES. Dividends Annually, Policies non Forfeiting, After one Payment. Policies Incontestable, Credit Given for pari of The Premiu m if Desired Prompt Payment of Losses! All classes of Life and Endowment Policies issued. C5g? Important New Features in Dividends, and Modes of Insurance : The following are examples of the opera tions of the la?t dividend. Policies issued in 1 S 3 only four years ago: Amount Premium Added Total Age. Insured. I'aid. to Folicv. Amount. 40 10,000 J 1 ,230 $3,572" ? 13,572 35 3m0 1V2 2.S43 10,848 30 7,500 708 2.70S ,2uS 25 7,000 671 2,503 0,505 This is an entre)y new plan, originating with this company, and gives insurers the largest return ever made by any company in the same period. All information, books, blank Applications, can be obtained from C. P. FERRY, Agent, 10S Front st, Portland, Oregon. Dr. A. D. Ellis, ) Dr. Vi. II. Watkixs, J Medical Examiners. B. KSLLSriS, Locsi 1 A ?r c ii t , Oregon Gity, NORTHWESTERN I XT T U .A. JL, Life Insurance Company Of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Organized 1859. S. S. Daggett President A. W. Kellogg Secretary. 23,000 Members $3,500,000 Assets. Business of the Year 1SG7. Number Insured 9.8t6 Amount Insured. over S20.000.OO0 00 Paid claims by Death 180.725 37 Paid dividends D5.93S 20 A F I' KELT There are but seven Purely Mutual Companies doing business in the Un ited Sla tes, as jer Massa ctiusetts reports, and those, seven are the most successful ! The Northvvestern IS ONE OF THE SEVEN! It 7nakes its ten payment jiolicics non forfeiting for one-tenth, after one jyaymcnt. Other companies do offer two or three payments. No extra charge, for traveling to and from the Atlantic States, Europe, Ureaon, or the Islinds. It has not raised its rates, as some companies have, to make large divi dends, but continues at the same rales as at organization, and making even larger divi" dends than the eastern companies. Comparison Endowment Policies Age Thirty, Payable at Forty. IVorllj western. Mutual New England . . . Manhattan ...... . .$9G 2 104 53 . . 100 25 ... 115 10 Equal to a dividend in advance, of from, 10 to 20 per cent. Its per centoge of expenses and losses on receij'ds, are less than any purely Mutual Company. Investigate our company before Insur ing liefer by 2?ermission to the following citizens of Portland: Rev. W. II. Stoy, John Nestor, A. L. Lovcjoy, Periah lirown, Michael O'Connor J. R. Robb, W.J. VanSchuyver, S. G. Hkidmore, And numerous others, Insured in the Company. Elmore & Rowe, General Agents, 513 Montgomery street., San Francisco, Cal. O. Kilbourn, Local Agent, Poktland, Oregon. J. A. Chapman, M. D.,. . .Medical Examiner i:?FEor Blank.--, iu format ion, Ac, Apply to It. II. JOHNSTON, CarUSs Block, Portland Oregon. Ayfct fcr Orsgon and the Territories. Sau JTranristo. O. H. HtLDBUElH, ) LOUIS EINSTEIN. f t. BILDltUHRW, rjan Eraucisco. Portland; Hiidburg, Bros. & Co. 1M POUTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN All Kinds of Cognacs, Scotch and Irish Whiskies. Bum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, -c, etc., dfce. fio. 25 Front st, O. S. N. Co.'s new brick block, Portland Oregon. (29 AR IVIES & DALLAM, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Brushes. Twines, Cordage, etc., AND MANfFACTCRERS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, $-c 215 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco. 113 Maideu Lane, N. Y. City. French SVledical Office DR. JULIAN PERRAULT, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris, Grad uate of the University Queen's College, and Physician of the iSt. John Rapttste Society, of San Francisco. Du. Perrault has the pleasure to inform patients & others seeking confidential medi cal advice, that he can be consulted at his oflice, Armory Hall Building, Northeast cor ner Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco. "Rooms No. 9. 10, 11, firs' floor, up stairs, entrance on either Moutgoir cry or Sacramento streets. Da. Perrault's studies have been alma exclusively devoted to the cure of the vf i ous forms of Nervous and Physical Debili y, the results of injurious habits acquired in youth, which usually terminate in impotence and sterility, and pcrmanentl v induce all the concomitants of old iige. Where a secret infirmity ex:sts, involving the happiness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is a fact that premature decline of the vigor of manhood, matrimonial unhappiness, compel sory single lite, etc., have their sources in causes, tli- germ of which is planted in early life, and the bitter fruit tasted long after wards ; patients, laboring u ider this com plaint, will complain of one or more of the following symptoms; Nocturnal emissions, pains in the back and head, weakness of memory and sight, discharge from the Ure tha on "going to stool, or making water, the intellectual faculties are weakened, loss of memory ensues, ideas are clouded, and there is a disinclination to attend to busines, or even to reading, writing or society of friends, etc. The patient will probably com plain of dizziness, vertigo, and that the sight and hearing are weakened, and sleep disturb ed by dreams, melancholy, sighing, palpita tions, faintings, coughs and slow lever;while some have external rheumatic pain, and numbness of the body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face, face, and aching in different parts of the body. Patients sulferir.g from this disease should fcpply immediately to Da. Peer.uit. either in person or by letter, and he will guarantee a cure of stLniual weakness in six to eight weeks. Patients suffering from rccerial etiscases in any stage. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous Eruptions, etc , will be treated successfullj-. AU Syphilitic and Mercurial Taiuts entirely removed from the system. Dr. Perrault's diplomas are in his oflice, where patients can see for themselves, that thev are under the care of a renvilarly edu cated practitioner.. Ttie best references giv en if required. Patients suffering under chronic diseases, can call and examine fur themselves. We in vite investigation ; claim not to know everv thing, nor to cure everybody, but we cio claim that in all cases taken under treat meet, we fulfill our promises. We particu larly request those who have tried this boast ed doctor, and that udvertsed phrsician, till worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. Low charges and quick cures. Ladies suffering from any complaint inci dental to their sex. can consult the doctor with the assurance of relief. I'DlALe MONTHLY FILLS Dr. Perravlt is the only agent in Califor nia for Dr.. Biot's Fer-.i.ile monthly pills. Their immense sale has established their reputation as a female remedy, nnapproached and far in advance of every otlier-rcr.i''!y, suppressions and irregularities, and other obstructions in females. On the receipt of these liils will be sent by mail or express to any part of the world, secure from cuii os!iy or damage. Persons at a distance can be cured at home by addressing a letter to Dr. Perrault, cor. of Sacramento and Montgomery sts., rooms 10 and 1 1 , or box t7:l, P. O., San Francisco, stating the case as minutely as possible, gen eral habits of living, occupation, etc. MEDICAL. A WARN I N G ! DO TOr SUFFER FROM PUTS ICAI. l.NCAl'Ain Vr Are you bufler- irom nervous Debility? Jf j cn are, he warned iu time ! You have now the means and opportunity of bo in restored to health. IJe warn ed, al.-o, to whom you apply. There are two rocks upon which you may pplit, the. one be- lllrr tl.ii 1 ...... 1! . . . . T ft . . 1 ' i , though l'ully qualified by hid knowledge of his profesckm to treat tho various petieral ail ments of humanity, yet is totally ignorant, as the majority oi' them genorallv are, of this pe culiar branch of his f-cience; the reason being ttiat he has never made it his peculiar Mudy. And the other rock is the blatant charlatan and quack, who preys on the pockets and lives of its victims. These individual assume titles to which they have not the slightest preten won, and are, for the most part, men even with out ttie ordinary common rudiments of educa tion, who, by their force of impudence and ad vertising, irretrievably ruin the small remains of health of the poor, deluded victim. DR.S. HASTINGS HALL, Vho has been established in San Trancifco fincc lSii-3, has stepped, perhaps, lie acknowl edges, out of the routine of bis profession, by thus advertising; hut he deems it better to give a fellow being an opportunity of at leat beirg capable of discriminating lor'him-elf out of the masses of charlatanism, at least one orncti- tionerwho has devoted his t imp. money and Ftudy to this peculiar branch of liis tirofeV and who is a legally qualified practitioner and member ot tho Medical lSoard, and was form erly a iiui'il of and nracticed under tho cele brated Acton & Kccord. lias now tho most ex tensive piactice. extending through tho w hole of Calilornia. Oregon. Nevada, Washington Territory, and throughout tho who'd Pacific slope, baring established this extensive prac tice through his admirable iystem of corres ponding by letter, ix hours in the day aro continuously devoted to thij branch ol prac tice. DIt. S. II. HALL'S Establishment ia well known to all visitors to San Francisco. His reputation alone as a lecturer on Physiological aud Anatomical subjects is pstneient security to the liublic that thoe who place themselves under his care will, to say the least, hare a guaiantec that they have placed themselves in tiio hand of one who is well acquainted with the anatomy and ph siology ot the human body audits mysterious working"!; and. therefore, irrespective of his reputation tor cuiing thes-i (iisea-es, he is universally acknowledgea to be competent to euro them, lie also takes th greatest precaution to avoid publicity beiit" giveusi to recognition from whence the cor reipoudeiice comes. He bus now beeu in prac tice twenty-throe years, and uot a siifflocase ,.eiLr V'0" m:itUs Public, ile can be con- nlteri by letter, or personally at his oflice J he following woikscau be obtained direct from the author freu : Observatioas oa the Male and Female Organ3 cf Generation, and their Treatment. riCE, 25ct3. Health aad Disease s how to Obtain one and Avoid the other. CE, $l.oo. CAUTION! A number of unqualified persons aro delud ing the unwary by pretending to bo legally qualitied practitioner, lie takes this oppor tunity of copying th following extract lrom his Certificate from the .Medical Hoard : "This is to certify that S. HASTINGS HALL has been registered by the Medical Board as a legally qualified medical practitioner. " By order of the Hoard. " Era st us V. Cooper, Secretary .; Ad Jrcss all Iet:-j: s fi 5LI. S. HASTINGS IIAIX, OflW, American Stirpery and Dispentary, y.c. Jtont-me--St., s,.n X"rnciet, Cal. cgai notices. WANTED The proprietor of the E.vterpims , to trade for a gentle, vougf,18.!' rJAKE NOTICE. All persons are cantlnno . rry son Edward, as I wfll p? no deh?8' traded bv him. e?,bh. Con" Clackamas Hiver, Aug. 2f, fgsg. 4 N OT1CE. All nersnn l-nmrln , to the 'undersigned w.R pleaTcXS their accounts. IJAIiLO V A FUl I Ft? Oregon City, July 30, 1863. JSJOTICE. AH Persons indebted to the nndersienM by book account or otherwise, are herehr notified to make immediate payment A counts due and unpaid will be placed in 11" hands of a proper officer for collection with in thirty days. I must hare rnv par August 20, 1S6S. I. SELLING, Oregon city, Oregon. T X) RENT! One of the most desirable places in rw gon City, consisting of a House suitable for a large family or a public boarding house together with an Orchard, barn, one or tvro good cows, etc., is now offered for rent on very favorable terms. Apply to VT. J. CALDWELL, Oregon City, Oregon s ETTLE YOUi: DILLS ! Messrs Lew A Fechheimer. Main str0 Oregon city, are desirous of closing their business, and request all persons bavin claims against them to present the same for paymtnt by the 1st day ot October, 1SGS. Those indebted will" please take nolic that they must come forward and settle ths same, im mediately. LEVY & FECIiriEIMKP.. OTICE. Friends, many thanks for past favors re ceived, I have newly opened a family o-rocerv. in YV. F. Hightield's block, fronting tne Ore gon House, Main street, and solicit a shar of your patronage, by offering many articles less than Portland retail prices. Will exchange for butter, eggs, hams, flour etc., etc. fc. E. STONE. D ISSOLUTJON. The co-partnership heretofore existing between James L. Daly and Ward SqSi rens, under and by the firm name of Daly & Stevens, is dissolved, by mutual consent to take effect from and after the 3d day of August, 1S6S. The business will hereafter he carried on by-the undersigned James L Dalr who is aloue authorized to collect outstand ing debts. James l. daly WARDS.STEVE.NS. Signed in "rese'nee of O. F. Bell. Portland Ongoa, August iO, loi3. ATOTICE f Is hereby given that the nndersigr.ci has been duly appointed executrix of the estut! of Thomas Leary deceasci, by the Hon. Judge cf the County Court ot Claclamu county, State of Oregon. All persons ha?, ing claims against said estate are herebv no tified to present them properly verified, to the undersigned, at tlie oflice of Johnson Me Cow n. in Oregon Cifu, Clackamas covinty Oregon, within six mnntin from the date of this notice. All persons owing said estate are requested to m:ike im medKite payment. lit JS EC A LEARY Executrix, of estate ot Thomas Leary Oregon city, Aug, S. 1-S63 42. 4tJ deceased. gUMMOXS. In the circuit eorrrt of the .State of Or gon for the county of Clackamas ss. Mary Prosser plaintiff. r.. Henry l'rosstr defendant. Suit in equity for a divorce. To Henry Prosser defendant ; In the name of the Slate of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied against you in t he above entitled action, within ten days from the datO of the service of this summons unon von. if K served within this county; or if served in any other county of this State, then within twenty (lavs from the date of the service of thi summons npon you ; and if you fail so to answer on the first day of the next term of sid court, uf'ter this summons shall har been published in the Okkgon Citt Entih miSE for six successive weeks, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment -gainst you dissolving the bans of matrimo ny now existing between you and plaintiff, and for alimony and the other relief prayed for in her said complaint, and for her costs and disbursements in this suit f 1 1 f iiLprvvrv i August 15, IS'38 44.G) Atty lor pl'ff. I) M I X I ST 11 ATO R' S S ALE- Notice is hereby given, that in pursu ance of an order of the county court of Clackamas county, State of Oregon, made at the August term, 1S0S, in the matter of the estate of Robert 3Ioore deceased, I shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, in gold er s'lver coin, ajt the Court House door in Oregon city, in said countv,oa Saturday the iblh day cf September, a. d. 1865, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, all the right, title and interest of said estate in and to portions of all of the land lying in section 3', town 2 south ot range 1, east of theWillamette meridian of Oregon, in Clack amas county, being patt of what is known as the "Linn city claim". Said land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Description of the same made known on the day of sale. One-half of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale, and the remainder on coufirniAtion of sale bv the county court. GEORGE A. PEASE. Administrator de lnis non of said estatt. August 17, 1SG8 44.4) pETITlOX FOR SALE. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas, Julv term ltlS. Josiah Let tie, guardian of William Crow, heir of George Crow deceased, having filed a petition praying for an order and li cense to sell the interest of said ward, in the donation land claim of said George Crow de ceased, situated m the comity of '"Clackamas, mid State of O'egon, said intrest being one seventh part of said land cluim, to par the expenses of support and niaintainance of said ward. It is therefore oidered bv tho Court that al! persons interested in said es tate are notified to appear before the County Court in and for said county, on Monday The seventh day of Sc2tember, a n. 18, at 10 o'clock a.m., and show cim. if any there be, why an order should not be gianteu to said guardian to sell the iuteres of said ward in said land claim, V. T. MATLOCK County Judge. Clackamas Co., Oregon Oregon City. July 7th. ISM. oi.t J. F. .McCoY, Att'y for Guardian. gHERlFF SALE. ly virtue of an execution and order of sale, issued out of the circuit ronrt of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas and to me directed, in favor of J. H. Kilry and ngaicst James L. Love, for the sum of $374 on, and interests and costs, in a decree of foreclosure of a mortgage on real estate. I have, this 12th day of August, a. n. 1W, levied on the following described land, spe cified in said decree and order of sale as fol lows : to-wit Being a piece of land sitnatc in Clackamas county, State of Oregon, and being part of the claim known and designat ed on the surveys and plats of the United Stale as number 3S, in township three (." south of range two (2) east ot theWillamette meridian. iSeginning at a point thirty-three chains and six'y links cast.and twelve chains and five links" south, from the south west corner of the north west quarter of section five (5), in township three, (3) south ranga two (2) east of the Willamette meridian, thence running north thirty-nine minutes, west five chains and fifty links, thence-we thirty-five chains and seventy-links, thenc south thirty minutes, east five chains ana fifty links, thence east thirty-five chains ana seventy links, to the place of begmn'Ofc, containing 19 and 63-100 acres, more or less, .... 7 j with all the appurtenances, ana u Saturday the 0lh day of September. . i o?o 4U.v r Id o'clock A- 01 of said day, in front of the Court House door in Oregon City, in said Clackamas county, i will sell the' Mine to the highest therefor. JOHN M 1 KRb bbenj August 20, 1863-44.4) Oacktm B ILL UEADS PRINTED. . At the Eiiterisnse Os.v-