' yn ' f yL Aye ay o o Vol. 2 OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1868. No. 45. . Oregon city Enterprise, l)c tUeekln (Enterprise. rCBLISUKD EVERY 9ATCRDAT MOUXIKQ CBy D. O. IRELAND, OFFICE : South east corner of Fifth and JIaix sireeis, m s the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon. Term, of SobKriptlon. One copy, one year in advance $3 00 i, o t e jj delayed 4 00 Terms or Advertising. 'Tranent advertisements, per square (12 lines or less) first insertion . . .f 2 50 Vor each subsequent insertion 1 00 O business Cards one square per annum payable quarterly One column per annum 12 00 One half column " ' 00 On. quarter " " 40 00 Legal advertising at the established rates. Book and Job Printing ! rjMIK ESTERP HISE OFFICE Iv-supplied with every requisite for oVin? a superior style of work, and is constant ly accumulating new and beautiful styles of material, and is prepared for every variety of O BOOK AND JOB e AT SATISKACTOKY PRICKS. ,3t2r The Public are invited to call and examine both our specimens and facilities for doing work. BUSINESS CARDS. o BENTON KILLIN, Oregon City, Oregon. Office in Charman's I5rick Block, up Stairs. (50:tf) Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C. L. (Formerly Surgeon to the H.n. H. B. Co.) OFFICE; it Residence, Main Street -r2 Oregon City. o W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849. at the old stand, Maix Street, Oregox City. An assortment of Watches, Jew elrv. and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to he as represented. Kepainnns done on snpri nonce, i md tliankful for past favors. if . c. job.n'SOS. F. O. M COW2T. A'oUiry Pnohc. JOHNSON & McCOWN, OREGON' CITY, OREGON. IJT Will attend to all business entrusted ."our care in any of the Courts of the State, Collect money, negotiate loans, sell real es t te. etc'. , XslT Particular attention given to contested l ind cases. L?- A. H. IiKLL. B- A. PARKER. o BELL &, PARKER. DRUGGISTS, AVD DEALERS IX Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Vurnishc?, And every article kept in a Drug Store. 33.) Maim Street, Oregon City. SHADES SALOON. West Sid ifain. Street, between. Second and Third, Oregon. City. GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor. The proprietor begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that the aboTeOiamed popular saloon is open for their accommodation, with a new and well assort ed supply of the finest brands of wines, liqugrs and cigars. 52 JOHN ltt. BACON, Justice of the Peace City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. Will attend to the acknowledgment of deeds, and all other duties appci taining to theuilice of Justice of the Peace. J. FLEMING, Retail dealer in School Rooks, Sta tionery; also, Patent Medicines, and Perfumery. At the Post-oflice, in Masonic Building, Oregon City, Oregon. William Broughton, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, Main street, Oregon City. Will atteryl to all work in his line, con sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work framing, building, etc Jobbing promptly attended to. (o2 JOHN H. SCHRAH, Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, II A RNESS, etc.. etc. Maft street, between Third and Fourth, Oregon City. rVtf attention of parties desiring anything X in my line, is directed to my stock, be fore making purchases elsewhere. (ly) JOHN H.SCHRAM. CLARK GREENMAN, tt.ii. City Drayman, OREGOX CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchandise, or nackatres and freisht ot whatever descrip tion, to any part of the city, will be executed cronjDily inJ ulthoare. 16.6m DAVID SMITH, Successor to SMITIJ t& M4HSIIALL, RhckSmith and Wagon Maker, vomer ot .Slain ana iuiru mh-ui Oregon City Oregon o H1L5HI 1 1 II II III ill! IS. j t.wv-i.w.j. .- (Puking and repairing. All work warranted i gie satisiaciion. Imperial 31ills9 OREGON' CITV. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE ER A N A ND CHICKEN FEED ! Hf" Parties wanting feed must furnish "nr sacKS. JiJO.lI RANCH FOR SALE. O SITUATED BETWEEN THE CLACK amas and the OREGON CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the fft&e of T. J. Hunsaker . XW Will be fold cheap for cash. ' PlT -5 LEV Y 4 " FC HHEIMER, BUSINESS CARDS. L add & Tilt on BANKERS, Portland, Oregon. Will give prompt attention to collections, and other business appertaining to Banking. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for sale. Government Securities bought and sold. xi.tf L. C. Fuller, BROKER, Pays the Highest Price for Gold Dust Legal Tenders and Government securities bought and sold. No. 103 Front St., xi.tf Portland, Oregon. J. II. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLPD. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laic, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. XT" Office o'er the old Post Office, Front street, Portland. Oregon. A.. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARRISH, Notary Public and Com. of Deeds. GIBBS & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at-Late, PORTLAND, OREGON'. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's New Brick Block. n3 0. P. MASON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 102 Front st., Portland, Oregon. XT7"NX ATTEND TO BUSINESS IN ANY V t Court in the State or Washington Territory. Including business under the Bankrupt Law. S7:ly S. G. SKIDM0RE, Druggist and Apothecary, (123 First st., near Western Hotel) Portland. Oregon. Dealer in drugs, chemicals, patent medi cines, etc. A line assortment of English and French Toilet Articles, Perfumery, brushes, etc. JJf Particular at tention given to the preparation of prescrip tions. (34.3m DTROX Z. HOLMES. JOHN SUNDERLAND. HOLMES & SUNDERLAND, 95 First street, Portland Oregon. Manufacturers and dealers in Boots and shoes of the latest styles and best material. San Francisco and Philadelphia goods always on hand. Agents for Howe's Family Sewing Machines, and John G. Fcl som's hand sewing machines. Needles and thread for sale. (34.13 ISAAC FARR. JOHN FARR. FARR & BROTHER, Butchers and Meat Venders. ThankfWl for the favors of the community in the past, wish to say that they will con tinue to deliver to their patrons, from the wagon, as usual, On Tuesdays and Saturday of ear A teel all tho best qualities of Beet, Mutton, and Pork, or any other class of meats in the market. 9:tf BILLS A CO. CAMP A CO. HOGAN CO. Portland Dray and Hack Co,, (jfice ct Dray and ILich Stahles, Cor. Stark and Secoiid sts, Portland. AH business intrusted to us executed with care and dispatch. No commissions charged on freight advanced. Orders for hacks promptly attended to.aay or nignt. Wm. H. WATKINS, M. D., SURGEON, Office 95 Front st , Portland Oregon. Residence cor. Main andlth sts. Robinson & Lake 7c7iLL CONTINUE THE STOVE A D V V Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estab lished EMIGRANT STORE, Corner of Front and Salmon sts., Portland, Oregon. KOSIILAND BROS. Portland Auction Store! U7 First si., next door to Post-office, Portland, Oregon, Importers and Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Grain Bags, Burlojjs, Furnishing Goods. We will vay the hiohest cash price for Wool, Furs and Hides. PONY SALOON. Front st., near the Ferry Landing, Portland, Oregon. Re fitted and Re-opened ly J. A. Mac Donald. The best of Wines, Li quors, Cigars, etc., constantly on hand. SOMETHING NEW! Boots with Wire Quilted Bottoms These Boots are made on the American standard hit. They never fail to fit and feel comfortable, and require no " breaking in." The Wire Quilted Soles have been proven by practical experience to last twice as loDg as the ordinary soles. A splendid assortment just received at R. D. WHITE k Co.'s, Boot and Shoe store. 04 -) 131 First st. Portland. CHAUNCEY BALL, Successor to Gradon Co., MANUFACTURER OF Wagons & Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon. (2" Wagons of every description made to order. GeneralJobbing done with neatness and dispatch. Oak and Ash lumber, and all kinds of wagon materials for sale. Orders from the country promptly attended to. L. ZIGLER & SON., HH COOPERS, Oregon City, Oregon. THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PRE pared to make all manner of ware in the LINE OF C00PEKAGE, FROM A VE L L-BUCKET ! To a HOGSHEAD! Dilge or Straight Work I on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Call and examine samples of our wor z, as it is its own recommendation. 83.) L. ZIGLTS 1 bOT. POOR. What' poor, you say? Why, save you, friend, I've more than half the world can show; Such wealth as mine you cannot boast, Such bliss as mine you cannot know. I've more than keenest head can sum, Could ever dream of night or day; I've treasures hid from sordid hearts, No cunning thief can take away. My riches never bring distrust Between me and my fellow-men; No evil passion stirs my breast, To yield me hate for hate again. But pleasure, peace, and joy they bring; They soothe my cares, they make me glad, They give delight I cannot name, And buy me comfori when I'm sad. Come here and open wide your eyes, You see earth 's glory at my feet, You see the sky above my head, The sunshine on my garden seat; You see the love that lights my home. The children round my cottage door The birds, the bees, the grass and flowers, And you have t'ared to call me poor ! Come here and open wide your ears. And hark the music morning makes, When from the hills and from the woods Her high and holy anthem breaks. Come here and catch the grand old songs That nature sings me evermore The whispering of a thousand things, And tell me tell me, am I poor! Not rich is he. though wider far His acres stretch than eye can roll, Who ha3 no sunshine in his mind, No wealth of beauty in his soul. Not poor is he though never known His home in hall or city mart, Who smiles content beneath his load, With God and Nature in his heart. HOME. It is when the influences ot home are pure and good, that they are sub lime and holy; but when they are im pure and vicious, how wretched and fearful must be the result I The heart carries out into the world fond recollections of kind monitions, encir cled with the glorious balo of a father and mothers love, has an inward fountain of happiness, as pure and generous as the gushing tide from Horeb to the "famished children. It was this that pave the inspiration to the antlrnr of "Home, Sweet Itomp," to indite those lines so dear to the weiiry children oF toil in this busy work day world, although he was a wanderer Upon the broad fao of the earth, without a spot which he could dedicate as the sanctuary of the heart, "Home, Sweet Home.'' 'Tis home where'er the heart 13, Where'er its liv ing treasures dwell, In cabin or in princvly hall, In forest haunt or hermit cell. "The heart gives life its beauty, Its warmth, its radiance and its power; 'Tis sunlight to the rippling stream, And softdeW to the drooping flower." How careful, then, should we be with our Home-Ties not rudely break those golden cords that bind other hearts to our own. ItlM AND RAILROADS. The New York Examiner furnishes a table showing the aggregate sales of liquors for the last five years in the several States and Territories of the Union, as derived from the re ceipts of the internal revenue, and contrasts it with a similar schedule presenting tho total value of the rail roads and their equipments in the same States. The table is pregnant with instruction, especially when it is borne in mind that the internal reve nue taxes notoriously are paid but on a fraction of the liquor produced and consumed. The unreconstructed States not being represented in the Treasury reports, we are unable to trace out fully the deductions which force themselves on even the least reflecting. The total present value of railroads is $1,454050,799 ex ceeding the annual cost of the liquor drank by less than the worth of the railroads in the single State of Penn eylvania. The cost of the liquor we drink annually is more than one-half the entire sum of the National debt, and ten times the value of all the church property io the country. Those staunch Democratic States, Maryland and Kentucky, drink far more whisky than they own railroads, Kentucky spending two dollars for Bourbon to one for iron. Demo cratic New York city inclines tho balance of the Empire State in this direction. The statistics of Delaware, unfortunately, are not given. But to the table, wnich erery one can study for himself: Value Liquor Value Rail- States. New York. ... Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. Illinois Ohio. Maryland Missouri Indiana California Kentuckr Sales, roads. ..fS45,617,K20 lfi9,3e?,180 .. 27,979,575 71,731,934 152.663,495 221,347,857 109,933.945 149,000,657 .. 151,734,875 149,549,650 40,464,620 37,106,635 ". 54,637,455 55,734,105 ... 61,443,890 89,560,722 ... 69,924,090 27,000,000 , .. 50,221.11 i 23,7 19,404 Wisconsin 43,81S,f4i 4V,90t,ioz Michigan S2.734.170 45,043,870 Iowa 35.5S2,695 49,191.450 Cor.ncticut 35,001,230 54,997,747 New Jersey 42,463,740 64,550,741 Maine 6,257,015 IS.039,779 Rhode Island 10,234,240 4,973,b85 New Hampshire. . . 12,529,115 22,230,337 Minnesota 14,394.970 11,25S,000 Dist. of Columbia. 10,376,450 Vermont 6,786,065 24.459,894 Kansas 8,503,850 22,500,000 Ask your neig&bor to subscribe for tho Enterpribz, begioning with Vol ume 3, A9T INCIDENT IN THE WEST. r' "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast." Some years since, a temperance man moved with his family from South Carolina to the West. The sparseuess of the population and the continual travel past the place, ren dered it a necessary act of humanity in him frequently to entertain travel ers who could get no farther. Owing to the frequency of these calls he re solved to enlarge his house and put up the usual sign. Soon after this an election came on; the triumphant party felt that it was a wonderful victory, and some "young bloods" of the majority, de termined to have a regular " blow out" in honor of it. Accordingly, mounted on their fine prairie horses, they started on a long ride. Every tavern on their route was visited, and the variety of liquor thus drank produced a mixture, add ing greatly to the noise and boister ousness of the company. In this con dition they came a doien in number to our quiet temperance tavern. The landlord and lady were absent the oldpst daughter, fourteen years of 8ge, and five younger children were alone in the house. These gentlemen (for they called themselves such)called for liquor. We keep none," was the modest reply of the yonng 'girl. " What do you keep tavern for then?" " For the accommodation of trav elers." Well then accommodate as with something to drink." " You will see, sir, by the sign, that we keep a temperance tavern." "A temper ince tavern! (Here the children clustered around their sister.) Give me an axe and I'll cut the sign down." 44 You'll find an axe at the wood pile, sir." Here the party, each with an oath, made a rush to the wood-pile, exclaim ing: 44 Down With tho sign! Down with the sign!" But the leader in going out dis covered an elegant piano in an ad" joining room. 44 Who makes this thing speak" said he. 44 1 play sometimes, caid she, in a quiet, modest manner. 44 You do ? Give us a tune." " Certainly, sir." And seating herself at the instru ment, while the children formed a circle close to her, she sang and played " The Old Arm Chair." Some of them had never heard a piano before ; others had not heard one for years. The tumult soon hushed ; the whip and spur gentle men were drawn back from the wood pile and formed a circle outside the children. The leader again spoke : 44 Will you be so kind as to favor us with another song ?" Another was played, and the chil dren becoming reassured, some of them joined their sweet voices with their sister's. One would touch the sympathies of the strangers, another melt them in grief ;one would arouse their pat riotism, another their chivalry and benevolence; until at iength, ashamed to ask for more, they each made a low bow, thanked her, wished her good afternoon, and left as quietly as if they had been to a funeral. Months after this occurrence, the father, in traveling, stopped at a vil lage where a gentleman accosted him: 44 Are you Col. P , ofS ." 44 1 am" "Well, sir, I was spokesman of the party who so grossly insulted your innocent family, threatened to cut down your sign, and spoke so rudely to your children. Yoa have just cause to be proud of your daughter,air. Her noble bearing and fearless cour age were remarkable in one so younj and unprotected. Can you pardon me sir? I feel that 1 can never forgive my sell." - At the Five Points, New York there is an evening school, the pupils of which are ragged little bootblacks, news boys, chiffoniers, and the like. Recently these little fellows contrib uted in the aggregate 825 made np in sums of from two to twenty-five cents to aid in the education of sol diers' children ! A local paper says that, measured by the means of the givers, this gift is the most magnifi cent of any yet contributed for that object. -Anna Dickinson has a lecture on " Children and Marriage." She likes to give good advice on subjects of "jrhich sbe kr.os nothing. FARM ITEIUtS. More than one-half of all the wear and tear, and -breakage and bother of dull tools, comes from a lack of proper knowledge and prac tice of grinding. All steel, however reGned, is composed of individual fi bres, laid lengthways io the bar, held firmly together by cohesion; and in almost all farm implements of the cutting kind, the steel portion which forms the edge, if from a section of a bar, is laid in and welded to the iron longitudinally,- so that it is the side of the bundle of fibres hammered and ground down that forms the edge. Ilencev holding on the grind-stone all edge tools as axes, drawing-knives, knives of reapers, scythes, knives of stra wcutters, and so forth, in such a manner that the action of the stone is at right angles with the plain of the edge; or in plainer words, by holding the edge of the tools square across the stone, the direction of the fibers will be changed so as to pre sent tile ends instead of the side as a cutting edge. By grinding iu this manner a finer, smoother ede is set, tho tool is ground in less time, holds an edge a great deal longer, and is far less liable to 41 hick oat" and break. The latest protection for safes, rendering them burglar proof, consists of a rifled battery which is attached tb the safe, and is set and controlled by the owner in the same manner as a coriibination lock. In locking or Unlocking; legitimately, there is not the least danger of an explosion but On the safe being attacked by burg lars the entire battery is discharged, and the rascal's body is pierced with a hundred bullets more or less. The invention dispenses with night watchmen, but renders a coroner's jury necessary occasionally. A paper, giving an account of Toulouse, France, says: 44 It i3 a large town, containing 60,000 inhab. itants, built entirely of brick." This is only equalled by a well-known de scription of Albany : ''Albany is a town of 3,000 houses and 25,000 in habitants, with most of their gable end to the street." A newspaper writer says his wagon tires 41 wear out .before they get loose," and the reason is, he sat urates the felloes thoroughly With linseed oil before the tires are set The felloes are placed in hot oil for about one hour, and are thus ren dered water proof, so that the shrink ing and swelling that loosen the tire is prevented; A correspondent of the Rural American, says: 44 For a good cow choose one with a striped hoof; she will never fail. A cow with dark hoofs may be good for a large quan tity of milk, but it will not be rich. For a medium cow choose Ohe with a part of the hoof striped of &hj oth er except dark." In England thero are many far1 mers who more than support them:, selves and large families on the pro duct of six acres, besides paying heavy rents. Agriculturists in Germany, who are proprietors of five acres, sup port themselves on two, and lay up money on the remainder. A correspondent sends us a re ceipt for an adhesive wash for fences and out-houses, viz: put half a pound of tallow or lard into one gallon of slacked lime, and apply while it is warm. The utility of adding tallow must be obvious to all minds, viz: to penetrate the wood, and to shed the rain without destroying the wash. The Wisconsin Horticultural Society speak of the American gold en russet apple as one of their best and hardiest varieties. It is well adapted for that climate. Give horses thorough daily grooming. A gill of oil-meal, mixed with the feed at each meal, will give a glossy coat, and is an excellent in gredient in any mixed feed given to them, or other animals. Oxen worked all day and turned into the pasture for the night with out grain of any kind, cannot be ex pected to do much work. Of the $142,000,000 worth of breadstuff imported by England last year, only 116,000,000 worth went out from the United Slates. The Chicago Journal of Com merce says the beet sugar manufacto ry at Chatsworth, Illinois, is now shipping a car load of sugur every week. There was a falling off of ten millions cf bushela in the corn re ceipts at Chicago, last year, as com pared with those of the year previous. What is the worst kind of hus bandry? When a man in clover mar- ne a "vcmEn 12 Trreds. A Very Tough Stry About Twenty three Egg. A writer for Our Young Folks vouches for the truth of the following story : At eight years old I was as wide awake, and saw as many things be tweeu daybreak and nine o'clock at night, ns any boy in the country, and was, withal, fond of telling quite as much ns I saw, and now and then a good deal more. Ify mother sometimes suspected me of great powers of exaggeration, but as, on looking into my state ments, she could never detect me in a direct lie, I was little likely to re receive the correction which I was often conscious of deserving. This came to me in an unexpected mans ner, and the way I was helped out of the worst and last falsehood, I ever told, has always been a mystery to me. I was loitering in the kitchen one morning, where my mother was at work making tarts, when tarts sug gesting cake, and cake, eggs she turned to me and said, 44 I don't see as your new fangled chickens turned out any better than tno old ones. We don't seem to have any more eggs" Here rny mother touched a tender spot. I bad bought the chickens with my own money and on the pos itive assurance of their being magnifi cent layers. 44 Yes, they do," I seid not stop ping to think What ray hasty vindiea tion might cost rne, yes, they do; they lay Splendidly. I found a nest with ever so many eggs in it this mdrning." 41 Then why didn't you bring them in ?" 4i I had no basket, and then I for got it ; but there's a hole there, un. der the cow's rack, and I counted 23 eggs." That Was a stunner, but my mother did not drop her rolling pin, nor give any sign that she discredited my as sertion. She only said quietly, 44 Take a basket, Bridget, and go with Harry to the barn." I took the basket and marched out half a rod ahead of Bridget, straight to the cow's rack. I did not expect to find anything, but I mUst go ahead till I had to stop ; that was always my way. So I went to the rack, When sUre enough, there was the hole ; and thrusting in my arm, I felt an egg. I put it in the basket and tried again another, and an other, till 23 eggs bad been taken from the wonderful bole. Just 23, and no more. Never was profoander astonish ment in one little breast, and the worst of it was, it bad to be kept thtte. It was a big charge of pow der in a small rock. I was terribly afraid it would explode : but it didn't. 1 took the eg:i to my mother, and went out whistling, my mother say ing to herself dear son !- " How foolish I was to doubt him." Poor me ! How 1 ached to con fess the fiction for the sake of telling the strange truth ! I had not the courage to do this ; but the effect on me of the amazing verification of my falsehood was never lost. I had been so strangely confronted face to face with my lie, as if the Evil One had whispered, 44 Have it as you say P that I determined it should be my last. And it was- I became strictly truthful so noted, indeed, for my exactness, that the time has at length come when I can sa.'ely tell the story of my 23 eggs. The order has gone out to take no more freight on the Central for anybody. The Company is so crowd ed with its own freight iron for con struction os to be unable to carry for the public. Wre are informed that 39 vessels are now coming, due in 30 days, all carrying only iron and rolling stock, fishes, chairs, spikes and other material for the Central. This order will set us back to old times style, and if strictly adhered to will seriously incommode our busi ness public. Wagon trains will come in vogue again, and the Placer ville road have another run. Wells, Fargo & Co., and the Pacific Union Express each run a car each trip, and express and fast freight matter can come ; but we look for a rise in the tariff, says the Sacramento Record. When a single gentleman cannot pass a clothes-line without counting all the long stockings, it is a sign he ought to get married, and the sooner the better. The report of Seymour's insanity arosa from the fact that be fancies be can beat Grnt. SeyJnour and the Rebel t'ohtrtilSttin er Important Revelations. The following article, from the Columbus (Ohio) Journal, of July 11th, reveals some particulars of the secret history of the rebellion which will probably be read with interest by 44 War Democrats We publish to-day the affidavit of Copt. James Sidney Hill, to which allusion has heretofore been made by us. The publication of this import ant affidavit has been purposely de layed with the hope that Horatio Seymour would be nominated for the Presidency by the Convention at New York. It will be remembered that when reference was first made to the ex istence of this testimony, Governor Seymour exhibited ungovernablerngCj and not only took occasion to vouch for his own innocence, but to attack with savage emphasis all officers and agents of the Government whom he suspected of having been instrument al in making known to the State De partment the nature of his relations with the rebel Commissioners in Canada. The writer, whe, in 18C4, was Consul of the United States ia New Brunswick, having been rppoir.ted to that office by President Lincoln in September, 18GI, had oecaaion to transmit to the Secretary of State in formation concerning the movements of the rebel Commissioners, Clement C. Clay and James P. Ilolcombe, and it especially became his duty to make known to the GovernmeEt whatever facts were known in the British Provinces concerning the na ture of the 44 mission" of these noto rious enemies of the United States. Application will bo made to the State Department for copies of the full correspondence on this subject, which, when obtainedj will be made public. The important fact was then well known that the prime purpose that the Davis Government had in send ing Cominissioners to Canada was to amy the State of New York in hos tility to the Federal Government. Captain Hill's testimony establishes beyond question the fact that such Was the confidence reposed in Horatio SeymoUr, then Governor of New York, that the rebel chiefs did not hesitate to address him on a subject which they knew was dear to his heart the triumph of the Confed eracy, and opened confidential corres pondence with him, as with a tried and trusted agent of their own. Clement C. Clay, who organized the raiding and piratical expeditions from Canada into the United States, expressed his entire willingness to visit Ogdehsburg, New York, know ing that Seymour would give him safe passport throughout his 44 sov ereign State." It will bo proved hereafter that Clay sent dispatches to and received dispatches from Albany, j while at Halifax, Quebec and Mon- j treal ; that messages were passing be tween the rebel Commissioners and the rebel sympathizing Governor for a period of almost two months ; and wo believe also that the exact nature of these communications will, ere long, be full)' made known. So much by way of explanation to-day. We shall pursue this subject until the treachery and treason of Horatio Seymour, the worst and wiliest en emy of the Republic, are laid bare. We propose to see the thing through, and shall fight it out on this line. The following is an exact copy of the original affidavit now on file in the State Department of the United States Government : AFFIDAVIT OF CAPT. JAMES S. IIII.L. Consulate or the United States, ) St. John, New Brunswick. ) On this second day of June, 1604. personally appeared before me, J. Q. Howard, United States Consul at St. John, New Brunswick, Jame3 Sidney Hill, who solemnly made oath to the I following facts : j I am now about twenty-eight years St. Bernard, Louisiana ; I am the sou of Jerome Philip Hill, cf New Or leans, who has always been a devoted Union man. I was educated as a civil engineer at West Poiut,Virginia. In the ye3r 1861,' in the month of April, I was carried away by the in tense excitement that prevailed, and entered the rebel service as captain of a company of voluu teers ; I served in the rebel army at the first battle of Manassas, at the battles before Richmond, at the time of McCiellan's advance, and also took part in the battle of Antietam ; was wounded in the seven days' fight near Richmond; was sent to Savannah as engineer on the staff of Gen. Gustavus r . Smith, and obtained leave of absence to go to Wilmington ; from Wilmington I ran the blockade on the steamer Banshee to Nassau ; my object was to get out of the rebel service and tiko tba cnth of allegiance ; from Nassau I went to Havana, and thero took the oath or allegif nee under Mr. Lincoln's amnesty proclamation j from Havana I went to St. Thomas Q with a friend, who was in a djitrg condition, thence to St. Johns, Porto Rico ; 1 could not get a vessel at Porto Rico for New Orleans, but ob tained passage to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I expected more read ily to get a vessel. I bad been in Halifax about four days, when, happening to be at the wharf when the mail steamer Alpha arrived from Bermuda, I was accost ed at the landing by the Hon. C. C Clay, of Alabama, whom I accom panied to the Waverly Hotel. Co), Duncan, of Louisville, Kentucky, was in company with us. Mr. Clay said he was out on a little business 4 for the Government, and was on his way to Canada ; said that he had great confidence in me. A day or two after this conversation I came to St. John, New Brunswick, hoping to get to New Orleans by the way of Portland, and on the first day of June I again met Mr. Clay at the steam boat laudiDg. He said he wanted me to come as soon as I could to the Waverly Hotel to see him ; about, eight o'clock' he sent a boy to tho Lawrence Hotel for me, r.nd I went up to the Waverly to Mr. Guy.- private room. He said, 44 Look here. Captain, I want you to go to Canada ; I shall very probably go to Ogdensburpt and as I am net at all well I shall need some company ; I would have gone to Portland, but I am afraid some one will recognize me." He proposed to take a walk, and after our return he requested me to como up to the hotel early in the morning: f this ryorning.) He sent for me a& half past seven aud I went directly up. He took me to his private room and again urged me to go with him. He took from a pocket in the bock of his inside coat a package contain ing four or five letters or dispatches; I had one of these documents in my hand ; it was addressed to " His Ex cellency, Horatio Seymour, Governor of the State of New York;" another was addressed to 41 Hon. Fernando Wood, New York;" on each of these envelopes was printed 4' Department of State, Richmond, C. S. A.," and on the envelope was written a name which I do net remember, but have no doubt it was that of the present Secretary of State. Said Mr. Clay t 44 1 was sent on a mission to deliver those letters to Governor Seymour, but I wish they had chosen somebody else." Said he, 4'I shall stop in Mon treal a few days, and then shall prob ably go to Ogdensburg." He said, 44 1 shall see Governor Seymour," but did not say directly that he would see him at Ogdensburg. If my (af fiant's) letters (which I was expecting from New Orleans) came, he would like very much to meet me at Quebec or Montreal. I inferred from Mr. Clay's conversation that he wanted me to convey his dispatches to Gov. Seymour. My intimacy with Mr. Clay arose from the fact that his son, Robert Clay, was First Lieutenant hi my company, Thirteenth Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, Colonel York's command, General Pickett'sDivision, L.ongstreet s corps. I parted with him saving that I would meet him in Canada. if possible. iworn to before me bv said James seal.J S. Hill, and subscribed in my pres ence, ims sttcona nay ot June, 1S64. (Signed) J. Q. HOWARD, United States Consul. rouRTii ofJlly, 1SG0. A Phila o delphia paper, speaking of the com pletion of the great Pacific Railroad? and the last rail and the last spike being dnvert, near or at Salt Lake City, by the 4th of July, 1SGP, pic tures the event in the following glow ing language : Should this great work be corn, pleted as early as now predicted, the 4ih of July, 18G9, will be a great and memorable day for San Fran cisco, and a sight of the Pacific Ocean will then no doubt gladden the eyes, for the first time, of many dwellers on the borders of the Atlantic. A great historic event the greatest of modern times would be fitly asso- ciated with the grand fact of Nation al Independence by the great multi tudes congregated that day in the metropolis of the Pacific. Already the opening excursion is talked of, ana tickets and seats are be iirg ar- ranged for. Biz is Biz.The following advers tisernent appears in a London jour nal : 44 A lady of retiring habits, whose husband is dead, wishes to dis pose of a small but muscular child six months old. A captain of a ship or an elderly gentleman going abroad, would be handsomely negotiated with. The child is fair and of an en gaging disposition, and has been well christened id a Protestant church. Satisfactory reasons will be given by the mother, having no further use for it. By letter only." Calumny crosses oceac, scales mountains, aud traverses deserts, with greater ease than the Scythian Abaris, and like him rides upon a poised arrow. - Tne New York Leader considers the theft of molasses a syrup-Utious act. The new dramaTangled Threads, is said to have been written for tho Webb sisters. mi 1 m There are moreScotch Highland- ers ncv in Canada than io Scotland. (