o ) h J)C tUcckli) (Enterprise. A W ' " , . . . TOYX ASD tOV.TY, Tf- Many of our readers this week get more margin with their paper than is eith vscful or ornamental. Others will get but half a sheet. This is provoking, and wor ries our good temper but it is wholly una voidable. We bad a supply of paper on hand that would have kept us through until the Clackamas mill starts, but wo loaned ii to the Orejonlan, and Mr. Pittock has been disappointed in not procuring stock foi hi cwn use, and the use of others we presume. It is hoped that the mill will be able to meet the demand next week. Mr. J. D. Dement, an oUl time resident Ore mn Citv. is dow on a visit to Lis ricnus here from San Francisco. The parties who agreed to deliver wood at this office in payment of subscrip tion, are reiajnded that time's up"' next week. Persons who subscribe for the Enter r::fSK, to be pent East, may rest assured that we shall not send it in such wrappers us thai used by the Washington Chronicle. Elder G. W. Riiardson, and Elder G. O. Unmet, will preach at the Court House in this city, on the fifth Sabbath of this mCfeth, August 30s h. I8(S. Rev. J. Yv. Selhvood returned from California by the last steamer, nnd will hold sen See as usual St. rani's Church, in this city to-morrow. A lady could cross the river on the falls at this city now. if she wore the latest style of heels to her gaiters, and not wet her stockings. The water is low, and the grass very verdant. .o The Success belongs in the lino of the Car.emah Transportation Co. She lias lunch more than filled the bill already. Has reduced freights considerably, and gone up to bring down more. o- The track of oar city street railway is about obliterated. Let it oblit the own ers of it ought to be compelled to pay taxes on it then maybe they'd move it out of the corporation. Sa The coach cf Monday last was packed fill and running over at the top. Mr. C'has. Cai twrigiit. Hon. I. Ii. Jloores, Dr. . l.enson. Clias. I'zai'ovi-ge, and others Nvere ninong"t the j-ix'eea. There is a man living in litis city who M'iil more than reach his three score and lea, at the rale he walks and woiks. There is no use in a man hurrying through the world so fast-ail will reach the end of il eooner than they expect. Our correspendent. A. A. S., need lave no fears of New York losing anything material just Kl present, even by r. prrju-eii-ftl statement by a web-foot, of ladies and things there. The letter would be publtshe.!, but we have no room for it- QiJge iitluek was taken suddenly ill on the I7;h, soon niter reaching his home from this city, and his friends felt fe.iite aCaHned alv.ut 'iFm. V,'e are ghul to learn lli.it he is improving. 11;. Oii r. To.l I has been appointed by Ihe general M. ii. Conference of Oregon to preach in Oregon Ciiy for the ensuing -:ir. Rev. Mr. 'oTmor, vho has occupied t': pulpit here f. r the vear past, goes to Miiu-.mkie. It will b.'aeea that Mr. Selling wishes llie "Id accounts upon his books closed ; ; tii: is only an earnest of his intention to continue trade on a cash basis, giving his easterners more goods tor the same money t!i:;a ever before. He will r.lso exchange good for produce as in times par-it. C.M.!For;;! A Mk:;;'m, Gazkttk. We have received ;I:e August number of this peri odical, j'.ubifh'cd by A. Kt.man &. Co. It contains articles on the miasmatic dis eases of California, on Cbopart's operation. Ibc lU'nh'rndreatmenl of dysentery, rheu matic iritis, and on a remedy for emali- . , v. ..fr Roys who are in the practice cf firing lifj'.r arii'.lery on the bluff should bo re minded that an existing ordinance recog nizes no excuse for such amusements. Ti-.cre is danger at a'.i timets ot injury re Fulting from the discharge of a loaded gun or pistol in that part, of the city. Some one isQlways around, up there. Tie Paris h'ypcdiion Circsu per formed in this ciiy on Saturday evening List to a $:;;)'.). (JO house. This circus isde cidedly the best that Ik: 3 traveled in Ore gon since we were an emigrant. The muscular exercises and leaping were alone worth the price of admission. We hope they may come again. The ce.se of J. C Trullinger vs. the Oswego Iron Works Co., was decided at Chambers, on the 17th, by Judge Upton. We think neither party made anything by g ing to law unless it was the Plaintiff, both pay, each one half the costs. Now it" tV.ey will toko our advice, they will go about an amicable adjustment of affairs revive business, and stop residents from leaving the place. The building up of Oswego is busted," unless they do. We invite the attention of our read ersh's week to the advertisement of "cs-rs J. W. Lewis & V.'obiamot, respect ing ploCs. No fanner should buy a plow anyone, until he has seen thePfeilor Yt'eb-Foo!. The former swept everything the States, it took the first premium :it Muttoon. when exhibited alongside of plows on exhibition by the famous old St. Joseph Iron Company, an incorporation which has manufactured and sold more plows in the United States for the last thirty years, than any oilier two compa nies in the country. The Web-foot is a p. '"'" invented by Mr. Lewis, and its des tttiy is t0 govern'the plow trade. a o , The suit against Geo. W. Wailing, Su pervisor, was decided last week, bat as Justice Bacon is absent we have only rly ig reports of what it was. Mr Walling 'is discharged, and we lost a subscriber 1J7 the ction. Some men imagine that there is a powerful " cliquo ' ia this city, and that we belong to it There may be a dozen cliques" here for all we know, u'tt nut one that we know of. and so far is oar connection with any of them is con cerned, when so charged it is false. It is often the case when adverse opinions are fcehl by panics that this " clique " is brought to our notice but no cliqtie work is ever done here to our knowledge. Intelligence reached this city on Wednesday of the loss of an infant daugh ter of Mr. S. Ackerman, at Eugene City. The parents had left her3 on Alondiy for a visit. The Pioneer and the Clackamas Ease Ball Clubs meet again once more in con test to-day on the Geld of the latter, in this city. The first nines of these clubs ire the choice players of the Siate, and a line time may be expected on this occasion. There will be a quarterly meeting at the M. II Church in ibis place, on the 22 J and 23d inst., comuieucing on Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. Services to be conducted 7 J?lT; J' F' Ivvre. r- E., -nd Rev. C. il. iodd, preacher in charge. a- On Wednesday last the steamer A'ert, of the P. T. Co.'s line, was hauled out for a thorough refitting, in this city. The Senator has taken her place, and thus we have but two steamers daily at present be tween here and Portland. The Wtnal is running in connection with the Success : the Ain is undergoing repairs. ---? Trees grow remarkably fast in Ore gon. Just below this ciiy is a dense thicket of Cr trees, where ten cr fifteen years ago was almost a prairie. Fences, built there by the pioneers, are now so nearly Lid by the forest that they can with difficulty be seen, and to get to them one must cut his way through. Heavy fires are now raging in the forests of Oregon. The very air seems suffocating with smoke at night. The hugest one that we have witnessed is that in this county below the Clackamas, near the Pinearson farm. On Sunday night the region thereabouts seemed to be - red hot.'- If every tannery in Oregon would do as good work as that of Mr. Arms'rong. at Miiwaukie. there would be fewer ship ments of hides to California. There is not. nor can there be. any better quality of leather made, than that produced by Mr. Armstrong. We wuh onr exchanges would note this fact, and let makers of harness, saddlery. e!c know that Clacka mas county defies competition in this line. We have received the mini: res of the annual meeting of Congregational Convo cation, held at Forest Grove in June. This church at Oregon Ciiy is without regular mirii.-trations by any minister of the order, but the members sustain weekly prayer meeting, and keep up their Sab bath School so efficiently thai other schools have been established in neighboring set tlements. Several of our fellow townsmen took their departure for Victoria on Saturday last. Among them were J. L. Carlow. J -I. Bacon, and C. Greenmaa. They went by the Oregon steamer of Jacob Kamm. Esq., the Geo. S. Wri'jht. If they ascend Mount Baker during their tour, or catch any co.RlsIi. we shall hope to give an ac count of the proceeding. air. Benj. E. Hancock, superinteuuer.t of the Portland and Mihvaukie McAdam-it'-ed road, informs ;:; ihat no person is overcharged at the ferry ct Mdwaiikie nuiess they come after the boat has stop ped running for the night, and then only a sHg!.t ad vaice is added to tin,1 regular rates. At present the boat runs from C a. ?.t. until S r. ;,t. The ferry is no trouble to us : if it is to arty oilier person, they can make complaint to Mr. Hancock.. . o . An analysis of water brt'ttght to this city by Judge Cau field, from springs on the place of Mr. Withoit. about 0 miles distant, has attracted our attention. The water was thought to be soda. I.-r. Par clay's analysis shows the principal constit uents to be chloride of sodium, and chlo ride of calcium, constituting a healthy tonic. Mr. J. G. Campbell, of this city, who has been to Saratoga Springs, has tasted it, and he says fkat lu: doubts whether any person, v.'uh their eyes shut, could distinguish between it and the water of ike celebrated Congress Springs ai Saratoga. People ypend a great deal of money ir. the E.it for the privilege of pro curing this t'.ldr here it costs nothing. When receiving packages by express, the thought seldom enters the mind of any one that Wells. Fargo &. Co. have a heart. But they are not soulless their heart is a large one ; and it is iti the right place. We had occasion recently, in this city, to know of the fact. A man came here from the East with his family. Soon alter his arrival his wife was taken sick ; then a child; and he was almost driven to want. His clothing, bedding, etc.. followed him by express and in due time v.-as here ready for delivery, but the charges were far in advance of his ability to pay, and Messrs. Charman Pro., agents of the company, ventured to inform the chief officers of the fact. This information was weil received, and the poor man's effects were delivered to him free of any expense whatever, the company having paid a'l advance charges, to lite am mat ot per haps Sit) or $.;). It was a very kind act. 1 , s Ask our neighbor to subscribe for trie I' NTEKPtiiSE, beginning with Viel tune o. Dve Cui.oi;?. One t tha ir.ost useful and economical productions of the present ngc is Howe & Stevens' system of Fatr.ry Dye Colors, comprising till tlee staple colors and the most exquisite tdiade-s ntir so simple that nny one cu use liieni witii per fect Jiicoesi. An OnitGON- Joct.nai.. Thousands of let ters are written annually, to parties on the Pacific Coast, asking for information concerning that region. The Orfjin Cry J-Sntvpriie, a weekly journal of :2 columns :'A are contemplated was established by D. O. Ireland in lsCtt, for the purpose of paying special attention to the resources of Oregon. 1 1 is published at Oregon Ciiy. a. town of 1200 inhabitants, situated on the Willamette river, destined to become a second Lowell, or Lawrence, on account of its natural water power, which is un equalled in America. Is but ten miles from the commercial metropolis of the Slate (Portland). 3i miles from the Siate Capital (Salem), and but four miles from Oswego, one of the finest iron regions in the known world. This Journal costs but ?3 per annum, or S- for six months, and to any person wanting a knowledge of Ore gon, it is invaluable. Try it. Address : E. C. IltELAXD. J. F. JIII.I.EK. J- W. SUATTCCK. J. F. BIILLSE ZiCo., MANi r vrTL-aEKS OF ASD PF.LEHS IS Hoots suae! SSaoosJ At the Orcfon City Boot and Shoe Store. Muhi street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies'. Gents', Boys', and children's Bots acd hc5 oa band or c::d3 to order. Vi!!:lm.n r . -T - . - Meets every Saturday evening, at the" rooms tvh. corner of Mara and Filth streets, at 7 1 -o o clock. Visiting members are invited to attend, liy oider of W. C. T. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F .Spi-,Mi;ets everJ" Wednesday evening pSvat 7 o'clock, ia the Masonic Hall. '--i,nv Members of the order are in tued to attend. By order . G. Multnomah L-wige r;. 1. A. I ', sin A. T'l.- Holds its regular eommuni cations on the Tint and Third Su from the ii-ah of .September to tlieiuli u '"""'i '"' j ' T " eiueiv irom irie ot l.ircti to Hip io'.h of .September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of -yV. jr. MACE & HATCH, DENTISTS, ihe patronage of those desirincr Firtt Class Oj..erat:us, is i e.soectfiuiy solicited. .SHii5.fiit.-imi! in ii.il cases guaranteed. N. B. XUrOUA (.lld'fi :(!.. iir.wt..,.u. I f,.v 1, Painless lixtractiuu' d' Teeiii. A! : the I'hjiene Sui used fur ft Of fick Corner of Washington and Front i uriiiiuu. i-u:rance oil ashii!irti..n street. Paix Killer .Van ii att ax, Kr.nsas, April 17. Msr?. Perry JacU d' on: Ueur'eiiieii 1 wsmt to say a little more ahust the Jiiin Kilier. I consider it a very valuable medicine, ativl al-.vuvs kti-p it on hand. I iutve tiave!cd a great denl since I have been in Kans.ts, and never without tak ing it with me. in toy practice I used it fieely fur the Asiatic 'Cholera in ISi?, and with better success than with any other med icine. 1 also used it here fur Cholera iu iilo, with the saiiie good i exults. A. HUNTING, M. T). "I regret to say that t be Cholera has prevailed here of late 1o a fearful extent, tor I he last three weeks tioin ten to fifty or sixty f'aiiil Cases each day have been report ed. I should ndil thai .the Pain Killer sent recently from the Misioii House, has been usM with considerable success Harinjj this epiden.ic. I! taken it season, it is gcticraliv tllectual in flieckinu- the disease. Klv CilA.S. IiAUDl.XG, holapore, ladia. XJ'L CiA L NOTICES. Dr. E. Coo;:rN r:;;vc-.ii! T;iirfic BALM A great Family Medicine, "it is a sovereign remedy fur 15 ' j'tlicj 3a. And kindred diseases of the throat, nnd un - quailed in the care of I'yscntcry, Diarrhea. Cholera, Choiic, Cholera Morbus', and rtv;-r 1 A -ise, Neuralgia, Bheuto itism, Colds, Toothache, Burns, t-;! Bruises, Ac, ttc., ai o ut once rcdieved by its tbeelv use. Ti :ty a. Vi g; t : Isle Fit jnraslin, 3T" None srenuine without signature of W. It. STRONG. PIIDINGTON A CO., jy!3 Cm) Solo Ageuts. iSTAIl OF Tl I E l IN JM j CELEBRATED ; 8T0IM0M BITTERS!? i Thcifl .ti-tiei.ire Cr..fl,.!. I:t nl.al T - aijl -, Mid !nc ficta. iucclsol and viy huritnl ii.g!- 5 A J002S YQUil SELF! ; t THY mini I 'iV-,. , i V-'"t w.ic w! a rti'ft r.;-i'rnl.te i i ! o pii ;.t -s r. w.h .!isi-i.oi:s r. . i-.. !'-m!!. it- J 1 'nt 'i If it S it !,;:! r-. lilrlr f In fe l!l:'iM '.-y 1 nnc'' k 1.-." . L'-r-'in'l l',r '.vets. . i:, , j-s P- foftilcuiuitre. A. Ft- N it t i I '! v. J ' ',. ..ru-rr:.;;: . "-'- ? T ....., c. .. . ,.. ,v , BB. IITjrELAIID'3 Cr-l.F.DR ITS!) SWISS CT0EIA0H BITTERS. TRY IT TRY IT The best runner of the Elood ! A 1 'ieiiMiii t Ton ic ! A Very Agreeable Drink! Unsurpassed for doting surely but gei.tly on i!ie secret inns of lie kid neys, bowels, stomach and liver! For sale at ai! wholesale and retail liquor drug, and grocery stoics. ay.) i: o t r sno ul n he wit no ut it J. G. Fitiscn, Proprietor. Tai'lor & Ijevokl, Sole Agents, nt.ly) 4ia (;iav si., San Francisco iSimitia Shnilivus Curantur. v.i v. riiK'n ?s' HOnS DPil Til L C SPECIFICS HAVE PROYLH. FROM THE MOST ample expci i- nee, an entire success: Simple Prompt - I'.tiicieitt and lie liable. They are the ooly Medicines perfectly ad ipt cd to popular ue ; so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them; so hnrmiess as to be fi ee from danger, and so eliioietit as to be always re'eibie. They have ruised the highest tomnic ndat ion from all, ucd will al wavs render satisfaeiton. ( The billowing No's arc each 20 cts.) Xo. Cures. 1, " Fevers, Congestion, InCrttnations, 'J, " S' ovms, Wer.n fever, woi :n ColiC, " Cn inir-colie. ot- teribinot intants, 4, " liiiiri l.ce.i, of child: cn or adults, o, " Dysentery, gripinjr, biiltous coiic, f, " t'lioiera nioitjus, votnititig, 7, " Coughs, colds, bronchitis. 5, " Neuralgia, toothache, f.ieeache. t), " l!eadaci:es, sick beadaehe, Vertig", 10, " 1 lyspepsia. billions stoiiiiieli, 11, " tSui.pre-iSf d, or painful periods, VJ, '' Whites, too profuse pel iods. It'-, " Croup, cough, diiiicuit breathing. 14, " Salt Uiieiim, erysipelas, eruptions, 1-". " Klieuniatism, rheumatic pains. All tho above are put up in vials, with di rections eoiiTaintiig double quantities each, for eO cents. The f.'ih.wing arc also put up in vials and are sent at the rate of oo tents per No. Irt, " Fever Acue. chid fever, agues, 17, " J'.ies, blind or bleeding, 1, " t)t ib.i'my, and soie or weak eyes, p.-, " Catarrh. "acute or ehi onic.inflnentta, Ho, " Wiiooping-congh. violent coughs, Jl, " ' . sthimi, oppressed breathing, ; ir', ; Far dlseiiai es, impaired heal in, itv, " Scrofula, enlarged glands, swel lings J-t, ' Jeneral debility .physical weakness .-. " DrnrtRV and scanty seen lions. iJ " Sea siekness, sicktiess front riding, "7, " Kidn y-iUseae, grave!, 25 " Nervous debilitv, seminal emis sions, involuntary dischaiges,l UO CO, " Fore i loutii, canker, ,"o, " Uiii iiry V-'eaknss. wettin.' bed, SI " I'liiuiu! I'Criods, with stiasms, A '' ' Suderins ;it c'nange of life, $1 0'" Kptlesv, spasms, st. vitus dance, I v) Liptiieria," ulcerated sore throat, a, Family Cnss Of S." to C large vials, r.iorrocco or rosewood case, containing a spe cific for every ordinary disease a family is subject to, and books of directions From sdO ti SOo Smaller Familv and Traveling cases, with 'V to -J- vials from to 5 Speeitics for all Privrtie Diseases, both for Curing and for Prevent ive treatment, iu viais ami pocci ..52 to ?5 cases PnnrVa Extract, Lameness. Soreness Sore Throat. Sprains Toothache, Earache. V..,,.-,t,ri i.M.,..,:ri:if ism. I.u in baiTO, Plies, ! oils, Stines, Sora Eves, U'.ee. ting of the lain us Nose, Stomach, or ot Pilei ; Coins, Ulcers, Old Sores. Price ; oz. 5 cts.. Tints ?l.fo .Quarts 1 .7 o. These remedies, except PON V n t.V TRACT, by the case or smgl.J box. arc sent to any pal "t of the country, bv mail or ex-l.res-. trea of charire. on l-dceipt ot the price. Address ll'jirtphny penriv Ifmtenputflic J'e-jii'irte Company, othce and uepot, .Nu. Broadwav. New York. Dr. HuMcnuKYs is consulted daily nt his ofhee, personally or by letter, as above, for all tonus ot disease. For :-ale by all druggists. TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip J tion. lor sale at tho Entep.frise; office I IIEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. HASTINGS & CO. AT. E THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS CP SAN FRANCISCO. SPECIALTIES. PniCE AND olAUASTEE, The largest i'nd most vari d stock of Gen tlemen's Clothing, Furnishing Goods Trunks, Bags ami V.dises, on the Pacific Coast. Every art ie!e sold, beinir of our own manufacture, is guaranteed. Having con tracts direct with 1 uropean and Ameiican Manufacturers of piece goods wo thereby eltect a saving of fully fo percent, in whole sale dealers proiits and are thus able to offer superior Goods at less than second-rate prices. etyi.es. Having ngents in London and Paris we introduce the new sHles in Sau Francisco simult.-.neousl v with their appearance in New York, CG0233 HADE TO 0EDES. For the accommodation of such as may de sire, we have secured the services of a cele brated European cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goods in a style superior to any other house on the coast, Shirts, Tics, Collars, etc., inudc to order at short notice. CGUHIHY 0HDSSS. Goods forwarded by Express to any nart of tho Pa.ci!ie Coivst on receipt uf orders and measures ; send for direciious for measure ment. MASTS 2 OS a. go. Licir. norsr: rti.ee rz, nov?) SAX FRANCISCO. M ISC EL L A JVEO US. VI. F. KIGHFIELD, Established since 1 S-19. at the old stand, Mux Stkeet, Orcgox Cut. An assortment of Wiitehes. Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, nil of which are warrauted to be as represented. Lepai; niirs done on short notico, pind t it an k fill for past f.ivois. A. J. M JMtOC. W. A. K. MELI.EX. Drnters in CuHforui't, Vermont, and Itat'utn JiLnLlet, Oh::'is!:s, Jonu 7;:aits, Heart and Eon' aloncs, Salem On no ox. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. j FIsix Seed. Wsaiafed! E. E. CHATFIEID, AT T.'iEt Firxt'st.. Porilnid, if post tr the Wi'tslrrn flotrl. Will pay Highest Cah I'rircs for J'lut Seed I Y 1 L L A M F. T T imn works mm?hM i rrfrr"w' Noiili Front ttod K sts., SSS Portland. Oregon. fro 22 F'ossssIers, STEAM EHGHSTE AND- EOjLER BUI LDERS. ''piIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the ,S. bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and cllicientiy. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex- erience on this coast for fifteen years jjivi-s iipi a tiioiduirti Knotvleir ot me various kinds of machinery required for mining and milliiiff purposes. We a'-e creparcd to exe cute orders for ail classes of machinery and boner woi ks, such as MINING AND .STEAMBOAT MACHINERY . FLOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! CaTC, &C, &C.. Jfant fact frs and- Hcrair jl i filler y of all kin.i. L'lOX SHUT J Fit WORK at Sin i,elco '(..'( and fi-tiijht. WLedcr d tian- daWs I'atent Crindcr 7. Aiii-it'jumufor. inuoHir and Weren't Adjiftti,j I'attnt I'lxton- rui'kina. either . i to oil or wip xfeain cylinder. Q-ntrtz Stampers, Shoe and -, tne. I txt luird '.run. y.ll THE JETVLr.ItT EstublisPiment of J. iMiikr HAS BEEN REMOVED To Xo 1 0 1 Eron t st., corner of A Her Carter's X( W Building, Portland, In Chas. Woodards Drvy Store .iT' Where he will be readv to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. atcnes and .It; weir" repaired in tns most workmanlike manner. J. D. MILLhu. Pioneer Bock Bindery. OREGON I A K BUILDING, ?o. 3 Wadiingloii Street, rOP.TLAND, OREGON". CLANK BOOKS RULED and IfoCND to anv desired pattern. .MUSIC liUUK, .MAlJ.i4l.W, PAl'EHS. Etc.. bound in every variety of srvlc known to the trade. Orders from ttie country promptly at tended o. 7 LOWE US ! TJeins Bcrei.t for the celebrated nursery of IL .MILLER. Milwaukee, 1 am prepared oupplv orders for Flowers and Shrubbery it lLa.VUrr,-prices ,,. m,.,.ER. IS O 1 ICE. .ii r. 1-nnwmT themselves indehte'd tothe 'iindersi-rned will please call and settle U.r account CARLOW t FULLEli. Orcgrn City. July 3, IS'i?. TCB CKEAM Will be ferved at the Lincoln Baken until further notice. L. DILLEE, Prop i Ja.na ftb.ISS?. .Pi ii. mm povtlanb. OREGON BAKERY! F. 0PIT2, PSGPSIETCIly FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sis. M.YSCFACTCnER CT ALL KIXE3 AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! D1IEAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKER3 V'i!l always be sold below San Francisco prices. All oiders promptly attended to. OREGON 11 VKEIiV, First at., I'ortUtnd. Ortnon. v. a. Ai.or.icir. j. c. mekp.ill. john m csaem M'CRAKfERRILL&CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND -Forwarding Merchants, ,4 GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, liawniian and Oi egon Packet Lines. Inrporters ct San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coil'ce, Rice, and I'ulu. Agents for Provost's A Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, G ; air , Bacon, Lard A Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend tothe Purchase, Sale cr Ship ment of Merchandise or Produoe in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDUICH, .ME KM ILL A CO., NTos tr'o.t and 20o California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL A CO.. I'i North Front Street. Portland. HATS. J M&TS, MEUSSDOltFFER a BRO St Jii) vfactin'trg and Importer of, An i Wiiules.ile and Itcidil Dealers in, I5ATT,,CArS, And HATTER'S HATEPJAIS, No. 72 Front street, Poithmd Oregon. Arc receiving, in audition to their extensive stock, by every steamer, ail the latest styles of New- York, Londoo and Parisian taste, for gentlemen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper than any oilier bouse on the Pacific coast. P. S. ILits of every style and description made to order, also neatly repaired. 1 3y Jsliii IJestar, Architect, OFFICE IX CAUTFICS BUILDIXG, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, IJasii'tfi HoiixC, Jlalls, Churrhcs, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Jiesideiiff s. and ALL DrtSCr.lf'TIOXS OF llltlCK AND FRAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully superintended. Oivuers' interests considered paramount. i E I E D S O Jk 33 rX" AND PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE! BEO LEAVE TO INFORJI THE public that we have Removed to the Tine Store No. 9 Front street, Poi tland, Formerly occupied by Mi-sirs, (lohsi, Lion & Kaufman Where we shall now open our latest impor tations of CAIiTETS, PAPER HANGINGS, FLOOR AND T A TILE Oil. CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS i.ACE CURTAINS, CORNICES AND BANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And ail goods in the CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LI2-JE ! "We Impart owr (Soois Ilivcct from the East, jik1 sIl ut less l!sni Sun X'H'jiiiciseo Piices! WALTEIt iSftOS., No. SO Front street, between Alder S.".) and Washington, Portland, Oregon. Sixteen Years iu Oregon. S, j, Fl 3 0 0 B ri i G I5 THE Ticuc-cr Eock-eHer and Publisher Of this State, desirc3 to inform all his old cutnniers (nnd as rr.anv new ones as may not be acquainted witii the fact) tuat tic still continues to operate st the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. (exactly ofposite mount hood) Where be is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOK'S, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTRUCTIOXBOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. ciintcii 3it"ic iconics. CASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN ST KINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, M I SC ML LA N EO US BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOI5ES. PRESSES, PENS, Photographic Alburns, And every other article in the above line TIIS BEST SELECTIQII Ffl And largest assortment of Yfr Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys' and Childrens' BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had utthe PHILADELPHIA IJOOT AXI SHOE STORE, Xo. 112 Front street, Portland, opposite Walter Bro. Carpet U.re, where new goods of the latest styles are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, enabling us to sell cheaper than- anv otrier etore in ths city. KAST A CAU ALIN. 112 Front street, Portland. T"" - CUAS. HODGE. .CHAS. Z. CALEF. .GEO. -W. SXELL. HOEGS, CALEF & Co., DEALERS DRTJG-S and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ASD WINDOW GLASS, FA nXISIIES, J3I2 USIIFS, PA IXTERs Materials, ana. uri agists' Sundries. Cr Front Street, 5"'.) Portland, Oregon. SPRING STOCK ! -NOW- OPENING.! KUF.6REN & SHINOLER ! First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND. OREGON. IMTOr.TEnS AXD MASUFACTCllEnS OF Parlor, Bedroom, Bin ins: room, Ojyice and Lbrary Furniture ! Pure curled Hjir, Eureka hair, Aloss Pulu, Wool and Straw Matrasses, Spring Matrasses of all descriptions On Hand and Mads to Order. We are constantly adding to our already Iarse stock, and purchasers will hud a most Coanplete Assortment to select from. N pains will be spared to do justice 10 our patrons, both us to prices and quality. We have a largo stock of case goods, such as Walnut Bedroom sv its ! Imitation Maple f Oak and Rosewood suits! Arm, Dining, and Wood seal chairs "WE SI TPLT DEALERS ASD MERCHANTS Receiving orders from the country at ths lowest rnici.s ! 2?.) HURGREN A SIIINDLER. t. A. CODA11D. J. It. LAKE. QGD&RD & LAKE. JVos. 114 and 1 10 Second street, cor. Morrison, Portland. Il-.iv.ing Rought out uik Refuted THE OLD BEXXETT& WHITE liver) , Sale and Feed Stable Are now prepared to receive all the old customers, and as manv new patrons as may see lit to give us a call we will give Particular attention to Farmers stock We are satisfied that we can give entire satisfaction to on: friends and the public and we shall do so, OCR LIVERY IS ALL NEW ! riOTU AS TO CAtOilAGES AND HORSES ! And ire shall take pride in turning out as nice an outht. as any establishment on the coast for tlie same money. 2 '.'" We will also be prepared to nt Y all me good noises that come to tins maixet, at bel ter prices than anyone else can piv, as we have a connection below superior to any other parties iu Sau Francisco, in tljis hue of bimiie.-s GODAltD &. LAKE. PLUUSiXC, GAS & STEA7J Fitting Establishment, Xo. HO First Street PortltSn'J Gas Fixtin-cs. Cooking Ranges, Hoi Water Boilers, Marble Top Washslcr.ds. Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, EETURX BEXDL X IP PIES, BUSHIX'JS, d-c, fur Steam, Water and Was. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages . Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Anglo, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks. Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heuted with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, w hich has been selected with great care, and especial attention giveu to the vvantsof this market. C. H. M VERS. ESTABLISHED j ESTABLISHED 157. 1 17. ITo. CO First street Portland Wholesale and Kctnil Dealer in Garden. Grass anil Flower Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit racked Kith care for Shipment. NUTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal-nuts, Fil berts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bought expressly for family use. JW All of which is offered for cash at nnh nri"f5. Orders solicited. .)OII.'(OSSOS, No. CO First St., Portland, Oregon. O- J. 3L. 33 ! One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. Win. T. Shaiialian, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 47 US 1 CA L INS TR UM F.NTS, FINE EN Gil A VINGS. PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. THE FINEST ANT) LARGEST STOCK of Engravings, Cromos. Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before otic-red in this market, just received and tor ea.e at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! also : Vietcs of Columbia River Scenery Constantly on hand. AGEXT FOIt BKADUURT'a CELEBRATED Gi-snacI Scale I'lsisaos 2 Winch have giveu universal satisfaction, and which be guarantees to seil at San i ran cisco prices. ZT Special attention given to f-aming Photograph Engravings, etc. gT"Mr. Shanahhn, formerly 0f x. Koh lpr's. pstablishment. San Fr,-.icisco. will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo- deons. and all 11 kinds ex Jiusiortl Juetruinents. Pianos for Rent, iHisrdlaucous. JAMES L. DALY, (LateDaW& Stevens,) G EXER A L AG EX T, Office No. 104 Front street, Portland, Will give f pecial attention to Collecting md adjustment of accounts, bills and notes'; Negotiating Inland bills; effecting loans; mying, seh'ingand leasing real esta'te; house enting, and to the general agency business l all its branches. OKEGON LEATHER ! The Best orj the Coast. pjK7p Tlios. Armstrong, ALL KINDS OF LEATHER iliLWAuuiE, Oregon. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN form DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS That he is prepared to furnish as cood and durable an article of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, ut the following rates: Harness Leather, per lb 5 to SO cents. Extra heavy, for Concord S3 Skirting, perpound 3 to Z?. " Belting, in the side Co " ' Cut, per square font, $1 00 Sidr, upper, " " " 1G to 20 cents. Grain Leather " " " i g to 22 " Light IJutt, or Grain for Wo men's work IS to 20 " Calf'Skins, per doz 30 00 to S-iO 00 RiP " " 40 00 to 60 00 Hridlc. per side 5 ;"0 to 4 00 'Jollar, per side 1 00 to 2 ?iQ Lace Leather, per side 2 00 to 4 rQ I do not think that Harness Leather should necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, iu order to stand the te-t of Our climate ; Nor do I think that Relting. in order to bear the strain of Oregon .Machinerv, must be made in the Atlantic States. ALL I ASK IS A a i T- Cliance! And I will prove, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best on the Coast T" All orders will meet with prompt at teutioD. Address: THOMAS ARMSTRONG, S6.lv) .Miiwaukie, Oregon. FsaasalSy I jc Co2o?. i'atentcd October ISth, 1S63. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Blitck, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Bark Blue, Muyenta, Light Blue. Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Broum, Orange, Dark Ermi'ii, Pink, Light Brown Purple, SnvJF Brrncn, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate, Light Drab. Solferino, Fawn Drab, Violet, Yellow. Light Faxon Drab. FOI! DYKlSti Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, GIovps, llonnets, ILits, Feathers, Children's Clothing, And all Iili:c!s of IVoai-Jni; Api;ael. A Saving of Efg-hty per Cent. For 25 cents you can er.lor as many goods as would otherwise, cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The nrocess is simnlc. and anv one can use the dye with perfect success. Ditections in English, French and German outside of each package. , HOWE t STEVENS, Uroadwav, Iloston. For sale by Smith & Davis Portland, and by Lell & Parker, Oregon Citv. 21 HIRAM GwlSTHS OPHTHALMIC Is wilJionl doubt ths most wonderful EYE HEALER that has yet been discovered ' It cures the most stubborn and hopeless crises cf chronic Inllamations, Granulated lids, films, itc, as 1ms been sufficiently dem onstrated during the few months in whi"h in which il has been brought into public no tice. The proprietor is so fully convinced of its infallibility that h.i warrants a cure, or refunds the money. It can do the eyes na harm, and a trial of it is therefore witt ut injury or expense to the patient, if aturn is not eifectCil. It has cured cases of five, six axe, fifteen- and even Eighteen Years'' Standing ! In Ifarrixlnirg and- vicinity, Linn Co., C'rci7c:i. To w hich the following persons will bear Witness : L. 15. Moore, Nathaniel Bell, A. L. Wallace, G. Ii. Ward. Mrs Montgomery, John M Ilolioway W. D. Porter. ' Roo't Ramsey, And Other Citizens. 5T Persons afflicted with the distressing scourge of diseased eyes are advised to give this remedy a fair trial on the "No cure, no Pay," and no injury plan. Prepared by Smith & Roach. Ilarrisburrf, Oregon. SMI Til & DAVIS, Gcncrr.l Agents, Portland Oregon, To whom all oiders should be addressed. fT For sale by ail Dtuggists. (29 LACOTJR & COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS, SAN FRANCISCO. MANUFACTURE aLL THE LIQUEURS nnd Cordials of modern times, and would especially call the attention of the Public to their LACOUR'S Sarsapariphef e BITTERS ! (1st Premium awaited at the latp. State Fa in.) Manufactured, as the name denotes, from Sarsanai ilia and other healthy roots and hubs', A CERTAIN BLOOD PURIFIER. ''The Elegant! " Lntidv introduced, and the most celebrated ot modern appetizers and pou.ixe ccfe, an un doubted remedv for Dyspepsia and other Stomach Complaints, it being composed of tine French C'otrnac, distilled with Coffee, Peruvian Bark, and other anti dyspeptic in gredients, leaving the breath" sweet aud balmy. LACOUR'S ESSENCE OP Jamaica Ginger. An article equal to any Imported, and tirer.tly superior to an- other manufactured in this State. Sold by every rfspcctable Jobber and Druggist on the Pacific Coast. To guaid against counterfeits, be certain that our trade maik (a Light House) is stamped on cveiy case and package. augS ! I" L.VCv,t;il S; CO, TOTICE Is hereby given that heir-' , been duly appointed exec-' , f "cd ,bas of Thomas Learv de- (.,W5 V, C, Judge of the Cu. ff 1 I'0" ... mat- y Court ot Clackamas couin , riaie o wr, . , Oregon. All persons hav- lined to m- -;ttinst cm n,e he'ebv o- hP nnP v'sent lhc,n Pr"Pe-ly veritied, to the und ..-signed, at lhe office of J-'.nson 4- Mc Colon, in Oregon City. .viackamas countv Oreiron within .i,l iioiu ,ne nine 01 mis notice. Ail persons owing said e.tate are requested torm.ke im mediato payment. RfcBECA LEARV Executrix of estate ot Thomas Leary Oregon city, Aug. 3. Is63 42.4tJ decea-ed. JOU PKINTIXC4 SE.VTLY EXKITT ed at the ENTERPRISE OFFICE. OREGOX STEAM NAVIGATION C0.JS jNTOticii:. BOATS OF THE COMPANY WILL leard Portland as follows: FOR DALLES CITY : DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 0 o'clock a. m. FOR UMATILLA AND WALLULA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, At 5 o'clock a. m. Retttrning, leato Wailula on Mondfty Wedaesdaj ii Friday, touching at Umatilla; FOH ASTORIA: Monday and Friday, at G o'clock a. vti FOR MONTICELLO : Daily, Sundays excepted,) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at G a m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7 o'clock a. in. ZT" Boats for the transportation of stock in readiness when business otters. J. C. A INS WORTII, President O. S. N. Company. Portland, Oregon; PACIFIC MAIL STE.VMSHird FOIi Now York, Japan & China, Will be dispatched as follows : Leave wharf corner of First and Brannan streets, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama R. R: with one of the company's splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, oa Tlic GJli, 14tli, f-3.l ami 30!ii, OF EA C II M O N T II! Steamers leaving PanFrancisco on the 14th and 3uth touch at'Mauzanil'o. All touch at Acapuico. Departure of the Glh connects with English steamer for Australia. Depart ure of the Hth is expected to connect with, the French Trans-Atiantio Co.'s steamer for St. Ni'zaire. end English steamer for South America. Throngh tickets can be obtained. Departure of Uih is expected to connect with English steamer for Southarnpton.South America, and P. R R: Co.'s steamer for Ceu tral Amenca. Through tickets can be bad. STEAMERS FOR AUGUST, 1503. The following Steamships will be di3 patched on dates as followa: August I-ith Montana, Capt iavalry, con necting with Ocean Queen, Capt. King. August aad- ConxtUtthn, Capt Comstock, connecting with Riaimj Star, Capt Conner. August 2(th Colorado, Capt Lapidge, coa- nccting n-itii Arizona, Lapt jlaury. tW Passengers berthed through. Pag', gage checked through. 100 lbs. allowed to each adult. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and uttendar.ee free. These steamers will positively sail atJlQ o'clock. Passengers are requested to have their bf.firage on board befoie ten o'clock. trzf" Through tickets to Liverpool by the Cunard, Inrnan and National steamship lines can be obtained at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s ollice in Saul-'raneisco, where may also be obtained orders for passage f rom Liverpool or South ampton to San Francisco, either via New York or St. Thomas if desirrd an amount of 10 or -2j will br advanced with ttm above orders, lioiiters of orders will be ra quired to identity themselves to the Agents in England. For merchandise and freight for New York and way ports, apply to Wells, Fargo & Co. No Freight received alter 2 p. m. of tho day :rior to departure. ZZ-T The steamship CHINA, Card. E. W. Smith, will be despatched on TiiesLiv Sept. 1st. at 1'2 o'clock, noon, tor YOKOIdAMA and HONGKONG, connecting with the COS TA RICA, for SHANGHAI, For passage and ail other i a format Ion. ap ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s cilice, corner of Sacramento and LeidesdorfT sts. OLIVER ELDRIDGE, Agent. X crili American S. S. Co., iiNFUMCHINGGFPOSITIDN ! Lower Rates than Ever! To Mew York, via Panama I Passevgers Berthed Through ! The Nebraska will sail Sept. 5th. The Nevada sails Sept. 19lh Tickets to ret urn good for six months At Extremely Low Rates ! Steamers of this Company will hereafter touch atManzanillo each way. Freights aud passage at reduced rates. Passage tickets to and from Liverpool, Queenstowo, Hamburg, Kotterdam, Antwerp Copenhagen, Christiana and Gottenberg, by the Liverpool and Great Western Steamship Company's staunch and elegant Iron steam ships, at unusually low rates. Passage from Bremen, Southampton and Havre, by first class steamers of the North German Lloyds, at reduced rates. One hundred lbs. Bag gags free. An experienced Surgeon on boarel. Medicines and Attendance free. For further information apply to I. W. RAYMOND, Agent N W cor. Pine and Battery &ts., up-stairs, -tdl San Francisco iToElE MADH s Levy & Fechiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furcits" OREGON' CITY, TAKE Till, METHOD ' p TNMtv the public that th- vUt 1FORMI0 a larze invoice of havc nQW on hand .QL ARi; t;D EXTExrSI0N TABLES, EED-STEAD3. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And varioun other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture t Forming a complete find desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers We H AlfDT ACTTJB.E FUKKITUKE Using good materials, and employing tba very best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be us represented, and we are prepared to fill all orders witU promptness. . ... Sr We call the attention of the public to'our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desiralU goodsin tne State. X.EVY St KECIIIIEIJrER. A.5.3yj Main etreot, Oregon Ci