23- O TOHV AKU t'Ol'k'TV. There at mors squirts thau few in O town since ibe watf works are com- Pl-,ted" There is as Jt n0 movement here iu grain to peak of. We learned that new wheat was selling at 0(d,(i5c per bushel at Salem, on last Tuesday. We think the price full low. Mr. E. M. Burton, late of the firm of Burton & Harris, has purchased the Brad bury interest in tie standard .Mills at Mil waukie. . --- The new steamer of the P. T. Co., .ilt at Canemah by the Messrs. Paquet, yad launched last Saturday, has been named Dayton. She is a perfectly mod eled cr$t. is now receiving her machinery, and will be out for the fall trade. - The contest lor the office of Sheriff in -this county has been terminated. Mr. Mvers retains the position, and. while 'inanv votes were thrown out on both sides, it seems that the majority over his com petitor was one more than when the bal lots were counted. It is said that sometimes heavy foes are exacted of men who wish to cross the Milwaukie ferry at other times that, men arc compelled to wait until certain hours before tbey are able to cross. How true it is, or who or by what authority this is done, we are not informed. Is the ferry regularly licensed? Very many people this year go to the coast at tbe mouth of Salmon river. Gov. Woods and family. Rev. 1 S. Knight and family, Capt. McCown and family. Thomas Drents and his bride, F. O. MuCown and family, and the family of Hon. 1). I'. Thompson, arc now amongst the excur sionist then to recuperate. On Tuesday last three men left this city a little after daylight, armed with j double-barreled shot guns, in search of j came. They hunted well, and hunted ! 't,.n T7T!T, 71, i i i J nen we meii.ioned that we had some long, returning w.t.i a robin red breast f ,11 o-n- ;,i o; . . ,i . a till gra.., in oui oliiee from thefairno' about nine o clock r. M., which was feund Mr. Partlow in this countv. a friend who next morning suspended from the knob of ; mil3t have been disgtted about sem thin llie door at the Lmkui-imsk office. i . ,, . o. - j "-'l'ed to bet fclJ that it eouldit be du- The Awero&H Ciiunis! of Salem. ' plicated. To show how soon his monev purblcd a paragraph of ours in its issue o"f would have been lost. v. e have to add the Hill which might be construed as en- ( tat Henry Rowley has left with us dorsiughe action of a farmer who said timothy grass measuring 7s feet in length, that the O. C. It. II. Co. could not pass j aml -Mr- Chas. Caufield has left some ineas tbroiigh his land unless they paid d d I "ring 7 feet -1 inches in length. We con dear for it. Why not give the paragraph i that Clackamas is the wealthiest an we gave it, neighbor? showing that the j county on the coast, as. besides having iron road ronld ijo through in spite of opposi- j beds, coal beds lime, cement, gold, silver tion, as that the company Would ask noth ing unreasonable of any one. ' Our Young Folks," a monthly ilius trated magazine for boys and girls, pub lished by Tieknor t Fields. Huston, re-! ierred to last week, lias received quite a j recommendation from (tweet heart, four years our own little old. The liulo , o:;o is surrounded with all sorts of picture hooks and magazines, but this one con sumes much the most of her time, and she lvipiesN papa to get an oner book Hike? ltl"! On Saturday la-t Mr. Win. II. Ander son of this city, tested the celebrated giant powder the P. T. Company's ba-in. The entrance has been ob.-tnicied by neks, which were blown to atoms almost in less than no time, by the use of a quar ter of a pound of tins powder. It i-s mar velous what it will do. When the railroad company are ready to prepare the road bid above the Canemah mill, thev intend to us.- large (Quantities of this powder, i There is a Jijie chance for a display of its 1 power in that vTfimt v. " Gen. Heed, of Salem, is busying him i self in his leisure hours, with his brush. I I : o ,.. iijii-n uuvr inouuouir u line puiiuiriir oi oar city, taking in a part of Canemah and below as far as Green Point It will I in- a magnificent picture, and we hope the ; c:l f General wilt iiardi.ia us if we go bevotul I s I his desire for notice, in pronouneintr kirn entitled to a seat with the most famous proup of American artists that can be se lf?? '.el q His picture will be alio t three ."t by eight in size and Mrill decorate the offije of the P. T. Co.. at Salem. If the capitalists want to receive the I thanks of the entire press of the Pacific; j coast, let them invest their money in a j I paper mill, that will manufacture news j f paper. There are three or lour newspaper j I tirms in Sail Francisco and Sacramento f ihat eouhl build a mill themselves it they j I felt like it. They can obtain a mill site j I -ind power at a nominal rate almost, if I they ti't-1 like making the investment. If j they don't somebody else will. Irom the I Fast, in l(Qs than a vear. Ve clip the above sensible suggestion from the Folsom Tvh-aranh. and would in- ilvl " onr cocniporary that a paper mill tiliiih will make newspaper, and all other qualities, from cream lail note, has been built in this county the past season, and will be at work next week. You can tel' the press of the Pacific coast about this, and let them address II. I,. Pillock &. Co., Oregon City .Oregon, for future particulars. City Skmixahv. This school reopens on Monday, the 2fth inst.. with the following departments fful corps of teachers : Pri mary iVp't, Miss Mary Warren ; Prcpara- i irv Pep t. Miss Harriet Pambrun ; Inter tuMiate IVp't, Mr. X. W. Kandall ; Higher JVp t, S. I. Foj.e, P. A.: the whole unde rliarge of Mr. Pope as Principal. During j tiie summer recess the city council have j completely refitted the building, painted j H throughout, and fenced in the lot. giving j .'t a cheerful appearance, and thus render- I in U I'nt both to teachers and F"l"ls. Another department has been 'hle.l. and the whole regraded. thereby re.ieving those which were heretofore crowded. Pnp-ls on entering the school Rrc taken on examination by the Princi pal to their appropriate department, and Pas to the one higher only at commence ment of each session. Scholars aro not allowed choice of departments, -as the EM'le being applied necessitates the en forcement of strict rules, thffl classes may t be rendered irregular. The course of ?ti'ly ranges from the alphabet to the I l ore alv;fficed branches ot a thorough o'u, classical and mathematical edit- Lni , 1,0lnS residents and non-resi- :. . "aiional ad antacres eoua to anv ay in Oregon. We would remind the Ernr?-,.t olir sc,)0l that the most ap of'th -Way t0 sll0W their appreciation mann!C ,wmilary. and an effective chit , . a,lvacing the interests of their ?V1S to visit it often, and we feel ""tired thes- n c i i . , 1 i tnv ti, , J a:i uour or tw o at i f ai pklwWSthe wtfekry Pliably Mr. George Walling', supervisor near Oswego, is being prosecuted by J. C. Trul linger for opening what ho considered a public highway. The case was before J. M. Bcon. Esq., of this city, this week, and submitted on Thursday, We have received a prospectus of the headless rooster; we have also seen the headless rooster, through . hole in a box at this city last week. Everybody can see him at the State Fair, and we presume he will be on exhibition to the public here. soon. On our recent visit to Salem we chanced to travel with lie v. Mr. Wilbur, of the Simcoe Indian Agency. He has just been reappointed agent. There is no better man for the place, and we are glad that Father Wilbur has got it. He is iden tified with the M. E. Chureh on this .coast, from its beginning in Oregon. On Monday next a large addition to the Cliff House in this ci'y will be com menced. The hotels of Oregon C.'ty an neater, in all respects, than any we found in the upper pait of the valley. We did not have an opportunity to call at the Pa cific, lately opened at Albany, a hotel which we understand is well kept by Mr Sprecger. o Flour is be' rig sold in San Francisco from Clackamas county mills, at from 25 to 50 cents more on tin? barrel than the very best qualities of California flour. The San Francisco reporters call it '-Oregon extra, old crop' and try to force a smile with the reflection that " Oregon extra in first hands Js now reduced to &00 barrels," held at 75. Tho.e who are disposed to grumble and find fault because Chinese are em ! ployed to do the dirty work on our rail j road, should l ead the advel tisetnents in the daily papers for laborers. Farmers cannot llnd all the help Ihey need, hence j how c;m it be expected that 150 miles of j railroad is to be graded, in five or six months, mile Chinese ''. ss it is done largely by the and copper, and the best water powers in the world, the soil produces wheat, oats, the grasses, etc., equal to any of the cow counties. e traveled to Salem and back this week, on board the new and staunch - steamer Albany. b!ie is a very light draught steaiiier.and actually navigated some parts like wet gravel. We have specimen .-tones thrown out of the bed of the rivet by her wheel, in our ofiiee. The Success, the new steamer built for Cap!. IJ.utghm in. foll.iwe.l us up and back, it is said making good time. The Success has splendid en gines, from the W.tilamet Iron Works, ami very probably will not linger along the river where there is water sufficient Jo j float her. lloth of these boats exemplify I the truth of the statement that Oregonians j nave reduced steamuoating to a science. In the Atlantic States no one would ever think of running a hundred and fifty ton craft on such low water as there is now in the Waliamei. tbi.'iitliu Stm lt 'jws Cut aittitr, i it; .ip inters' HOIfiEOPATHIC SPECIFICS I! AVI' PROVKI) FROM Till: i'OST i i ., tmide cx pet ieiice, an entire success: Sun pie 1 'romp t Kliieieu t and Reliable. They are tiie only Medicines perfectly adapt ed to popular use ; so simple that mistakes inuot he made in using them; so harmless us to be free from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation irom all, and wjli al ways resoler satisfaction. (The following No's are each 23 cts.) .Vii. Cure. Fevers, Congestion, Infiamation?, Worms, Worm fever, worm coiic. Cry ing-eoiic, or tethingot infants, lliairlKca, of chihlien or adults, Dysentery, griping, biil'ous colic, I'hoiera-inoious, vomiting, Ciuiglis, colds, bronchitis. Neuralgia, toothache, fieeaehe. lleatlac.'ies, :ck headache. Vertigo, Dyspepsia, bliiious r-tomacti. Suppressed, or painful jieriods, Whites, too profuse pel iods. Croup, cougii, diflk'uit breatlniiL', Salt Itheum, erysipelas, eruptions, Rheumatism, rheumatic pains, abovj are put up in vials, with di- S, " '.' " 11,' " I-, All the roctions containing double quantities each, for i'J cents. The following are also put up in vials and are sent at t lie rate ot ..0 cents per .o. P5, 17. is, I'-'i Fever A Airue, chiil fever, agues, Plies, blind or biccuir.i;. Of tha'iuv, am! soie or weak eyes. Catarrh, acute or chi onic.iiiihieuza, Whoo,in:r-C"U;ih. violent coughs, .Asthma, oppressed breathing. Ear discharges, impaired hearin.'. Scrofnla.cnhirned gla mis, swellings General debility, physical w eakness I)ropsy and seamy secretions, Sea sickness, sickness from riding, Kidn y-ui-eae, gravel. Nervous debility, seminal emis sions, involuntary d isc'oai ges, 1 U'J Sole I louth, canker, I'rirarv Weakness, wettin.' beil. -'I, Of1 Pah ttul periods, with s; asms, Suilerings at change of life, ? Q Epilepsy, spasm s.st. vitas danct.1,! 00 lbpihcria, ulcerated sore throat, Zi, PutnUy Ct ,Vv Of to fid b'.rge vials, morrocco or rosewood case, containing a spe cific for every ordinal v disease a family is subject to, and books of directions l-'i-nm 1 0 to nr Smaller Familv and Traveling cases, tnV.uW J' ' " 3 both Ibr Curing and for Prevent ive treatment, in vials and pocket cases 2 to ? Pr-iid's Extract, Cures Ibirns, Ui uiscs. Lameness, Sorcne.'S, Sore Throat, Sprains, 'toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Files, KmIs, Stint's, Sore Eyes, Bice '.ing of the Limits, Nose, Stomach, or ot Piles ; Corns, Fleers. Old Sores. Price it OA. ; cts.. Pints ?l.."o .Quarts 1.7". ; These remedies, except I'oMl'S EX TUACT, by the ease or sing!.; box. are sent to anv pai t of the country, bv mail or ex press Ire? of charge, on receipt ot the price. Address Jlmniihrts &pec'-tic Ifumeopathic Medicine 0ii,nnt, office and depot, Xo. oo2 Uroadvvav, Xew Yoik. Dr. Ulmphrkvs is consulted daily at bis office, personally or by letter, as above, for all forms of disease. For .-ale by all druggists. JOTICE. Friends, reanv thanks f.T past favors re ceived, I have newlv opened a family grocery in W. F. Highfteid's block, fronting the Ore gon House, Main street, and solicit a share of your patronage, by offering many articles le?s than Portland retail prices. Will exchange for butter, eggs, hams, flour etc., tc. S- . S TONE. 3,ew Cabinet Editions of the Worksof AVitfcliintoji Irving, In announcing several new editions, in a style of improved elegance and conve nience, of the Worksof Washington Irving, the publishers would take the opportunity of acknowledging the good reception which his efforts in the presentation of these favorite writings have heretofore re ceived. In the several forms in which the various productions of the author of the "Sketch-Book' have been given to the public, it is estimated that the sale has reached no less than fifty thousand of the series, or more than a million volumes. Nor is the demand yet abated. On the contrary, new exertions of enterprise are required to meet the desires of a new gen eration of readers, and keep pace with the progress of taste and refinement in th typographic and other mechanic arts of the publisher's calling. The motive of this perennial popularity is not far to seek. It is to he read oil every page of the delightful volumes in which "Ceoffrey Crayon" infused lhe happy inspiration of his genius in his de votion to themes which will always be re garded by successive generations of rea ders with no ordinary emotions of interest. The charm of the felicitous style of Wash ington Irving, the reflection of the amiable poetic spirit of the truly refined gentle man, would be felt on any topic on which 'he author had been pleased to bestow it Hut it is for the ever-enduring fame ol Irving that lie close for the exercise of his pen, topics of undying value and import ance. In his inviting Essays on human life and character in porirayin manners, as in the "Sketch-Rook." Rracebridux' Hall,'' and other volumes, he has touched, with mingled sentiment and humor, those emotions which are implanted in the hearts of all; while his topics of biography, of history and romance, are of such world w.de celebrity and passion te interest as :he story ot 'Columbus and his followers, with their discoveries of the New World ; lhe life of the founder of the nation. Gi:oi;i;k Washington, drawing with it the narrative of the Civil and .Military even's ot America during his remarkable" career : the marvelous record of Mahomet, with lhe illustrations of lhe genius of Irs race in the romantic fact and legend of ' The Tales of lhe Alhambra" and the -Conquest of Granada ;'; the felicity with which the a-.Jtior has linked his name with the birthplace of Shakespeare, the genius of Oliver Goldsmith, the fame of Scott and Ryron, ami, not leat. the humorous in vention which, in Kmckei bocker's irie sistible Chronie'e of New York, has im puted a my thie interest to the bare early annals ot his native city. It is that the writings of Washington Irvimr ir.av be c'aiined to be imperishable, till, what .is not likely soon to happen, the same ever- welcome themes are treated in some hap pier manner. The charm of Irving is his acceptability to all. a grace ami refine ment to please the inn.-; fastidious ; and his peculiar merit, is readily appreciated by every reader; his good, sense and hu mor, the air of enjoyment pervading his pages, has secured his works a home in boih hemispheres, wherever the English language is understood. Of the few in dispensable authors in every American library. Washington Irving is certainly among the foremost. The delight of child hood, the ehivahic companion of refined womanhood, the solace Of life at every period, his w riting-; are an imperishable legacy of grace and beauty to his coun trymen. The new publications of these works wiil be in several forms of unusual ele gance, and ail. in proportion to a moderate price for each, combining good taste with economy. The series w ill be issued in th following order punctually on the first day of each month until completed, beginning last October: Rracebr'.dire Hall; Astoria; Wolfert's Roost: Honiieville; Sketch -Rook; Mahomet. 2 vols: Traveler Granada; Knickerbocker; S-ilmasrundi : Cravon Mis- j cellany ; Spanish Papers; Goldsmith: Miscellanies; Alhambra; Washington. ." vols ; Columbus, '3 vols ; Life and Letters, 1 vols. 'i ll liliK EDITIONS WIf.T. r.i: ISSl'EO. XAMEI.V! 1. lhe Knickerbocker (large paper) Edition -on snpei fine laid paper, full size. 12mo. with illustrations. Elegantly printed and bound in extra crape cloth, giit top. Price to subscribers for the whole set. 82.2.J per vol. Half calf extra. S:).7,"i. This edition will be sold only to subscrib ers for the whole set. It will be the Lest edition for libraries and for the centre table. 2. The Riverside Edition on fine white paper, in IGnio. The whole set will be newly stereotyped in the same elegant manner as in the volumes already issued. These will be re-issued and continued in monthly volumes until completed. Green crape cloth, gilt top, beveiid edges, SI. 75 per vol. 3. The People's Edition from the same stereotypes as lhe above, but printed o:i cheaper paper and neatly bound in cloth. Price. 61.2." per vol. In this edition these favoii'e woiks are now presented in a readable and attractive shape and at a very moderate price. The Sunnyside Edition is now published complete, in 28 vols.. 12iuo. cloth. Price. tS2..i per vol.. or in half calf. S I.Oil per vol. X. 15. The attention of i?;e trade is spe cially invited (o these several editions. En'crpristng booksellers can readily take orders fir whole sets, to be delivered in monthly volumes. G. P. PUTNAM & SON, CCA P.roadway. New York City. SPECIAL XOTICBS. Ir. E. Coo-x r'-i I-'siivcrsM 1 37ngjir ic "ALM A great Family Medicine. It is a sovereign remedy for 1 jH Iirrla And kindred diseases of the throat, and un equalled in the cure of I'vscntei v. Diarrhea, Cholera, Cholic, Cholera .Morbus, and Fiv.-r sin 1 As tie, Xeuralgia, Kheumatism, Cotds, Toothache. Diiins, Sprains, Drnises, ic, ic, are at once relieved by its limelv use. 'I'm'- a. V i;-ti lle rrrparatirai, None crenuine without signature of W. it. STRUNG. REDIXGTOX k CO.. jylS Cm) Sole Agents. STAR OF THE UNIOXi I CELE3RAT-0 J SST0&1AGH BITTERS!: i i Tie ?pTiri.nis Ftnmnrh I!itt' n- entl-'y Vfcd-J i bI.1., nnl tre fiomn:ohol aiid eveiy hutilul iigic-J TRY THEM! TRY THE ft!! JUDGE FOR YOUR SELF! Jii:pnt. A r!cHit tnnic R'-H n mrst aarrec!le ir.V j I he m'ii-t is fl-vulrd wish ioiw oiih cini'fund- J ' list T II K S K liitt-r. niiiria f cm tSe run ft fx- J-,"t ul VH'iiHh'e i w.ts. liiikn Hl ris. Mie a-'-J m r-h'v p , , to lhe rn e f nil nffi-riir-i s tfiLi J MuswtS K diw-. I.'frfnl I :.!. mih f Iy J tn iit. Fnr. 'nrliau, J.r- " '' A-wi-f ;. eic J Kov fral tven here. A. FTN Iv II l ' X. t " VAMFttTCttr,) J a Ji.-V.n- P-i Y - " DR. HUTELAKD'S CFLEBR ATED SWISS STOMACH BITTER3. TRY IT The best Purifier of the Eleod ! A Pleasant Tonic ! A verv Agreeable Drink! TRY IT Unsurpassed for acting snrelv but gently on the secretions of the kid neys, bowels, stomach and liver! For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor drug, uud grocery stores. XO BODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT J. G. FmsCH. Proprietor. Tatlor & Ben-del. Sols Agents, E5.lv) 418 C'lsy St., San jTraecisco AVillamette Cadge o. 151. O. G. X. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. liy order of W. C. T. Owgon L.Hlje u. 3. i. O of O. F. Vj. Meets crcry Wednesday evening fctat 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall. ' Members of the order are in viied to attend. Ry order N. G. JtlultnomaU Lulge So. 1. A. h ant A. M. Holds its regular eommuni 9 Vacations on the First and Third Sa, ' urdays in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 'Jo'th of September to the 2oth o; March, and 7i o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 'jo'.h of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. Ry order of W. M. MACK & HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring First Class Vjif rations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. X. U. Xitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction' of Teeth. Also : the lihiuolene Sprat used for those who prefer it. Offick Corner of Washington and Front streets, Portland. Entrance ou Washington street. 42.tf Du. IIostkttkk's Stomach Bit ters. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly soothing and conserva tive. It regulates, recruits, and purifies them. Dyspepsia in all its forms yields to its control and invigorating properties, and it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled by the cares and duties of maternity, as the safest ami best remedy they can probablv use. In all the crisis of female l'fe it will be found eminently useful, 5.ud elderly persons will derive much more benefit from it than from ordinary stimulants. Sold bv the drug gists and dealers evervwhere llODGLI, CALEF A CO., Agents, 3 : t f Portland, Oregon. IIUL'STON, IIA&TINGS & CO. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. AP.E TIIE FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS OP SAX FRAN CISCO. SPECIALTIES. PltKK AM liVAKAXTEE. The largest ind most varied stock of Gen tlemen's Clothing, Furnishing Good-; Trunks, Hag-? and Valises, on tiie Pacific Coast. Every article sold, beinr of our own manufacture, is guaranteed. Having con tracts direct with European and American Manufacturers of piece goods- we therebv eJlect a saving of fully ;")0 percent, in whole sale dealers profits antl are thus able to offer superior Goods at less than second-rate pi ices. STYLES. Having admits in London and Paris wc introduce the new sHlvs m San Francisco siiuuli.ineously with their appearance in New York. GOODS MADE TO CHEEIi. For lhe aceonimodatiiin of such as tnav de sire, we have secured the services if a cele brated European cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goods in a style superior to any other house on tiie coast. Shirts, 'l ies. Collars, etc., made to order ut short notice. COUNTRY ORDERS. Goods forwarded by Express to any part of the Pacific Coast on receipt of orders 'and measures ; scud for directions for measure ment. HEUSTOW, HASTINGS & CO. LICK IIOt SE BLCCIC, novS) SAX FUAXCISCO. W I L L A M I T T E BON WORKS COMPANY! r'r'n iui ili Front aiid E sts., MMi Portland. Oregon. Isoia Founders, STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER BUI LDERS. T'K IIF.SE WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the ink of the river, one block north of Ctmch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and elliciently. Wc have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Dirrctor of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years givrs liiin a thorough knowledge of tin; various kinds of machinerv rc(iuired for mining and I milling purposes. We are prepared to exe- ' . i . ii 1 . .r ... . .1. :. cine oi uers lor ai i -lasses oi uucutuei j auu boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QL'AUTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'CMPS ! ! ikt'., &C, M-invfactvre and f?-rnir M'trtcincr? of all Ihi.is. JtiOX SIICTTEli WO UK at Sui Fr'inciifo eol and freight. "Wheeler t- Uan tlall'j J'atcnt Orinder an I. Amalgamator. la ar and Stecen' Self Adjaxtinq I'atent l'iUn, Packing, either applied to old or new I ttteam cy iti'ler. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and ''','' the lt.it hard iron. 3:1 THE JEWELRY Establishment of J. 13. iMillcr HAS BEEN REMOVED To No 1 0 1 Fron i St., corner of A Her Carter's Xcto Building, Portland, la Chas. Woodard's JJnig Store Where he w ill be ready to attend to ail manner of workmanship in bis line. Watches and Jewelry repaired in ths most workmanlike manner. J. B. MILLFK. Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGOXIAX IJUIL.DIXO, ISo. 5 AVsisliinsloix Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RCLED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of stvle known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. TOll PHHTI-e XEATLYEXEfCT. ed at tb ENTERPRISE OFFICE. 3ortlnnb. OREGON 10 j. k: je il "Sf ! F. OPITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRS T STREET, POR TLA XD, Het. Washington and Stark sts. MAXCFACTCEER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! BKEAD, CAKES AND PASTRY n HACKERS Will ahvavs be sold below San Francisco prices. Alloiders promptly ntf ndfd to. OREGON BXKERY, First xt., Portland. Oregon. W. A. ALDRICH. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN H CRAKEU MJCBAKENj MERRILLS GO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding merchants, GENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, 11. Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Frovost's k Co.'s Preserved Fiuits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Gi air.. Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICH. MERRILL & CO., Nos liO-i and 20' California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO.. 10 North Front Street, Portland. nir a ret MEUSSGOHFFEP, Bl BRO r Manufacturers and Importers of, An I Wholesale and IUlail Dealers in, HAT.?, ( AI'S, And HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensire stock, by every steamer, all the latest styles of New York, London and Parisian taste, for gentlemen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper thau any other house on the Pacific coast. P. S. Hats of every style and description made to otder, also neatly repaired. 13v John Nestor, Architect, n A OFFICE IX CAUTFU'S BUILD IXG, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business JitUses, JIali, Churches, Tenements, Cutlayes, Suburban Jiesii'citCf s. and ALL DESCUH'TIONS OF ltllICK AND FRAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully superintended. Owners' interests considered paramount. E D ! O ARPE T AND PAPER HANGING n B EG LEAVE TO INFORM THE public that we have Removed to the Fine Store No. 89 Front street, Portland, Formerly occupied by Messrs. ('oin, Lynn if) Kaufman Where we shall uaw open our latest impor tations of CAKl'ETS, PAPEi: HANGINGS, FLOOR AND TAliLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SH A DES, DAMASKS LACE CUIiTALNS, CORNICES AND BANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And all goods in the CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LINE ! We Import our fJools Circct front the East, and sell at less tUau San Francisco Pi ices Z WALTER S2&OS., No. 89 Front street, between Alder 3".) and Washington, Portland, Oregon. Sixteen Years in Oregon. S. J. fvl'GORMICK, NtVtMUSlCj the Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers land as many new ones as may not be acquainted witii the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. (exactly opposite mount hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, 1ST ATI OXER V, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTRUCTIOX HOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CHVKC1I 3II1C HOOKS, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN ST KINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOP.ES. PRESSES, PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys' and Childrens BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA BOOT AXD SHOE STORE, Xo. 112 Front street, Portland, opposite Walter Eros. Carpet "tore, where new goods of the latest styles are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, enabling" ns to sell cheaper than any other store in ths city. KAST & CAHALIN. 112 Frocf street. Portland. insurance. THE OCCIDENTAL Insurance Company IXTEND TO CEASE BUSIKESa IX THIS STATE! 33.Cm B. GOLDSMITn, Agent. NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL Life Insurance Company Of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Organized I 859. S. S. Daggett President A. W. Kellogg Secretary. 23,000 Members 3,500,000 Assets. Business of the Year 1SG7. Number Insured 9,8(16 Amount Insured, over $20,000,000 00 Piiid claims by Death 1SG.725 37 Paid dividends 95.938 20 A PURELY Mutual Collapsing ! There are but seven Purely Mutual Companies doing business in the U nied States, as per Massa chusetts reports, and those seven are the most successful ! The Northwestern TS OXE OF TEE SEVEN! It makes its ten payment policies non forfeiting for onc'tenlh. after one payment. Other companies do after two or three payments. Xo extra charge for traveling to and from the Atlantic Stales, Europe, Oregon, or the Islands. It has not raised its rales, as some companies have, to make large divi dends, but continues at the same rates as at organization, and making even larger divi dends than the easttrncompanies. Comparison Endowment Policies Age. Thirli, Pdyable at Forty. KorthwesUm, . . M utual Nev Kngland Manhattan .soo as . 104 53 . 10'j 25 . 115 10 Equal h a dividend in advance, of from 10 to 20 per cent. Its per cenlaoe of expenses and losses on receipts, art less than any purely Mutual Company. Investigate our company before Insur ing Refer by permission to the following citizens of Portland: Rev. W. II. toy, John Nestor, A. L. Loveh'y, " lieriah lirown, Michael O'Connor J. It. Rubb, AV. .1. VanSchuvver. S. G. Skidmore, And numerous others, Insured in the Company. Elmore fc H-'WE. General Agents, 513 Montgomery street., isA.v Francisco, Cal. O. Kilbourn, Local Agent, I'OliTLAXD, OlHiGON. J. A. Chama. M. D.,...3led;cal Examiner ?TTor Blanks, information, kc, Apply to II. H. JOHNSTON, Carttr's Block, Portland Oregon. Agent for Oregon and the Territories. TIIE MANHATTAN JAte liisiirsiiftcc Co. OF NEW YORK. Assets Nearly , $.-).oon.ooo oo. Dividend to Jantary 1st, 1S07, Dividend of ISO", 40 per cent. Cash. rpiIIS LARGE DIVIDEND IS VERY JL gratifving. and assures the roi.icT hold ers that they will, in this carefully eonductd company, obtain insurance at the lowest cost consistent with tue sr.lety of the insured. SPECIA L FEA T URES. Dividends Annually, Policies non Forfeiting, After one Payment. Policies Incontestable, Credit Given for part of The Premium if Desired Prompt Payment of Losses! 5f AH classes of Life and Endowment Policies issued. Important New Features in Dividends, and Modts of Insurance : The following are examples of the opera tions of the lat dividend. Policies issued in lbt3 onlv four years ago: Amount Prei'niuin Added Total Age. Insured. Paid. to Policy. Amount. 40 HVU0 51,250 J3,.7a 13,572 35 S,o00 1,"V2 2,MS K',S43 SO 7xid -7('s 25 7,000 671 2,505 I'.oOo This is an entirely new plan, originating with this company, and gives insurers the largest return erer made by any company in the same period. All information, books, blank Applications, can be obtained from C. 1'. FERRY, Agent, 103 Front St., Portland, Oregon. Dn. A.D. Ellis, 1 Dk. W. II. V atkins. , Medical Examiners. B. KSLLIf, Loca 1 A s c u t, Oregon City. AND Life Insurance. JOHNSON k McCOWN ARE TIIE Local Ageuts in Oregon City, of the Pacific t-ire Insurance Company, the best doing busiuess on this cat. This Company is the only one in Oregon that Issue Policies and Adjusts Losses Without referring the case to San Francisco. ALSO, AGENTS OF THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Presenting the most desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the fctate of New York. Don't delay sitention to these mat ters until your property is destroyed by tire, or until you a.e sick, when you car. not be msured. ' CU immediately. (S-2.il P. FERRY, No. 108 Front street, Portland. Agent North British and Mercantilf Insurance Company. And Manhattan Life lnsnrar.ee Co &0 VERNM ENT SECURITIES, STOCKS Bonds, and Real F.3tat bought and sold on CosaniissiOB. 3: l3ortlan&. HOEGE, CALEF firCd., DEALERS IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAIXTS, OILS, AND WIXDOW GLASS, rAEXISLTES, UE USEES, PAIXTEES' Materials, ana urvggists' Sundries. OT Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Co.) SPRING STOCK ! -SOTV- OPENSfC ! HURGREN & SHiK'CLEP, ! lOG, liiS, 170, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND. OREGON. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OP Parlor, Bedroom, Dininaroom, Office and Library Furniture ! Pure curled Hair, Eureka hair, Moss Pulu, Wool and Strain Matrasses, Spring Matrasses of all descriptions On Hand and Made to Order. We are constantly adding to our already large stock, and purchasers will tiud a most Complete Assortment to select from. No pains will be spared to do justice to our patrons, both as to prices and quality. We have a large stock of case goods, such as Walnut Bedroom suits ! Imitation Maple ! Oak and Rosewood suits! Arm. Dining, and Wood seal chain! WE SCPPLT DEALERS AND MERCHANTS Receltlng orders from the country at the LOWEST PRICES 1 29.) HURGREN k SIIINDLER. L. A. GODARI?. 1. R. LAKE. CODARD & LAKE. Nos. 114 und 110 Second street, cor. Morrison, Portland. Having Uouglit out and Refilled THE OLD BEXXETT& WHITE Liver) , Sale arid Feed Stable Are now prepared to receive all the old customers, and as many new patrons as niay see lit to give us a call, we will give Particular attention to Farmers stock! Wc arc satisfied that we can give entire satisfaction to our friends and the public and shall do so, OUR LIVERY IS ALL NEW ! BOTH AS TO CAIilil AGES A.VD HORSES ! And we shall take pride in turning out as nice ni otitlit as any establishment on the coast for the same nioney. We will aUo be prepared to buy all the good hoises that Cuiin; to this maiket, at better prices thau any one else can pay, as we have a connection below superior to any other parties iu iau Francisco, in this hue of busnie.-s GODARD k LAKE. PLUJ1BLYG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. HO First SUeet. .Portlan Oas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washstands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Wafer Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOWs, I1ETURX BEXDi. X1PPLES, BUSHIXGS, dbc, for Steam, Water and Oas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistlei Tallon Pumps, Hteam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Gunge Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Ilctels, public buildings; :titl piiVafe resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. H. MYERS. sTABLISHF.D I L.3TACI.ISII ED 1B57. f 1 ies7. J. O1 No. 90 First street, Portland, Wholesale and Kftail Dealer in Garden. Grass and Flower Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreisn and Domestic Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit Packed with care for Shipment. NUTS Pea-mit., Brazil-nuts, Wal-nutS, Fil berts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bousrht expressly for family use. tT" AH of which is ottered for cash a cash prices. Orders solicited. 35:ly JOIIV OHOX.VOn. No. 00 First St., Porthnd, Oregon. 3r .A. 3L 3L X2 X "5! One door sooth ffom the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. Wm. T. Shanahan, IMPORTER AND OE.iLER IN M US I CA L INS TR UMENTS, FINE ENGRA VINGS. PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. rpilE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK I of Engravings, Crotnos, Plain and col ored Lithogmphs, etc., ever before clVered in this market, just receied and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! also : Views of Columbia River Scenery ! Constantly oa hand. AGENT FOR BSADBCKT'S CELEBRATED Girniid Scale Fisinos ! Which have given universal satisfaction, and which te guarantees to sell at Sao Fran ciscopricea. 7 Special attention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc. Mr. Shanahan, formerW of A. Koh ler's establish ment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Fiapos, Melq deons, and all kinds of Musical Instruments: Piacos for Rct. (33.1y iHi5Ccllancoii0. SCOTT. . DICKENS: The Masterpieces of Fiction at d Marvel of Cheapness ! The Waverley Novels, At the uniform price of 25 cents per volume; each volume illustrated with an engraved frontispiece,to be completed iu 23 volumes; as follows :' Waverley. Fortunes of Nigel, franhoe." Peverii ot the Peak. Kenihvorth. Quenlin Durward. Guv Mannericg. St. Ronan'i Well. Antiquary. Kedgauntlet. , Rob Roy. The Betrothed, and q Old Mortality. Highland Widow. The Black Dwarf, and The Talisman. Legend of Montrose. Woodstock. Brhie of Lammer- Fair Maid of Perth; moor. Anne of Gelersteio; Heart of Midlothian. Count Robert of The Monastery. Pari3. The Abbot. Surgeon's Daughter. The Pirate. The first volume, -Waverley," Issued ori February 22d. A volume will be published about once a fortnight, until the beiics ia compl.ted. . For Six Dollars we will send the entire set of Waverley Novels, and a copy of a new Steel-plate Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, suit able for framing. For Ten Dollars we will send a set of Dickens (in uniform style), 17 volumes, and Waverley, 25 volumes. The cheapest Ten Dollars' "worth to be found in the whole range of literature. Forty-two volumes fof ten dollars ! Four subscriptions for the Waverly Novels 't--i(nj) will entitle the sender to a set of Dickens, 17 vols., gratis. " Eight subscriptions, remitting $48. on, will entitle the sender to a copy of the "Waver- . ley Gallery ," containing Steel Engravings of the Female Characters in the Waverley; Novels, bound in elegant taorrocco, pricai 15.00. Works of Charles Dickens;0 Handsomely printed, from clear type, on good paper, and of con venient sile. Com prising the following Volumes, at the an nexed prices : Oliver Tivit 172 pp 23 eta; American Notes 104 15 " Doinbey k Son 353 " 35 Martin Chuzzlewit 342 Our Mutual Friend 830 " Christinas Stories M " Tide cf Two Cities Hi " Hard Times, and Audi- ...S5 . . .24 . . .20 tional Christmas Stories,20C " .;;... 23 Nicholas Nickleby S-i') " 33 Bleak House S40 " ......S3 Little Dorrit Z " :35 Pickwick Papers Z'l " David Copperiield S51 " Barniibv Rudge 657 " Old Curiosity Shop 21 " . - !".30 Ketcnes iju " Great Expectations 14 " 25 " On receipt of 4.50 we will mail to any id dress, post paid, the entire works of Cbarlea Dickens, and also a Steel-plate Portrait of Dickens, Suitable for framing. Special Club Rales. Each Set in a Club entitled to the Steel Portrait. u DICkEXS' WORKS. 17 VOLS. One set, with a portrait of Dickens, suitable for framing 3:4 r,i Three sets, with 3 Portraits 12 50 Five sets, " 5 " 19 00 Ten sets, " 10 " 37 00 - WAVEKLEf NOVELS. 3 VOLS. One set, with a Portrait of fcir Walter Scott M f tj CO Three sets; vvith 3 Portraits 16 00 Five sets, " 5 ' 25 00 Ten sets, " 10 " 50 00 Single numbers of either of the above Works, as well as sets, or clubs, including Portraits, mailed postage prepaid, on receipt oftbepr.ee. D. APPl.ETO.V k CO... Publishers, New York. IFiimiS.y Dye Colors Patented October IStli, 18(53. PERFECT FAST COLORS: Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Dark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue. Maize-, French Blue, Maroofi, Claret Brown, Orang? Dark Droicn, Ptiikt , Light Brown Piirplet -Snvtf Brown, Royjl Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlel, Vdrk Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solferino, Fawn Drab, Violet, Yellow. Li ah t Fawn Drab. FOIl DYE1XG SlK. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shafts; Scarf Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, Anil all Kinds of Wearing Apparel; A Saving of Eighty per Cent. For 25 cents you can color as mafry goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shade enn be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Diiections in Knglish, French uud Germaa outside of each package. HOWE k STKVENS, o0 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Smith k Davis Portland.ahd by Bell k Parker, Oregon City. 21 HIRAM SMSTHS OPHTHALMIC PANACEA! Is without doubt, the 7nost wonderful EYE HEALER that hasyu been discovered ! It cures the mo?t stubborn arid hopeless cases of chronic Infhtmatiohs, Gfantdated lids, films, Ac, as has been sufficiently dem onstrated during the few months in which in which it has been brought into public no tice. The proprietor fs so faily Convinced of its infallibility that he warrants a cure, or refunds the money. It can c"o the eyes n harm, and a trial of it is therefore witt out injury or expense to the patient, if a cur is not elfected. It has cured cases of kive, six m:?e, FirTKEJr and even' Eighteen Years' Standing ! In IlarrMurg and vicinity. Linn, Co., Oregon. To which the following persons will bear Witness : K. B. Moore, Nathaniel Bell- A. L. Wallace, ii. R. Ward, Mrs Montgomery, John M Holloway W. D. Porter-: Roo't Ramsey, And Other Citizens Persons afflicted with the distressing sccrrrge of diseased eyes are advised to gi this remdj- a fair trial on the "No cure n Pay," and no injury plan. ' Prepared by Smith k Roach. Ilarrisbunr. Oregon. SMITH k DAVIS, General Agents, Portland Oregon, To whom all oiders should be addressed. tif" For sale by all Druggists. (29 LACO URS ' Celebrated Stomach Bitters, o At this season r,f the yeor when ctilHs and T"Cr,, J""6 F'rfeva1enf. there is no one wh should be without a b;ttIeof Louis LattmrV Delightful stomach Bitters. Like the Lighthouse to the Mariner, thev are the guide to those who nse them to outride the breakers of disease, in the jom ney of lite. To them was awarded the First 1 remilm, at the California State Fair The Committee highly and especially recommen. ded thim for their medicinal qualities. Their cmbleni is A LIGHTHOUSE; Their device : Pro Bono Puhlico ; ZT Sold by all the principal drug s'.ortrn liquor houses and saloons in ttris city, fid throughout the state. 500 CASES FOR SALE In lots to suit, at manufacturer's rite, by -VJ AKH. to., De.'.lers in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, 22 Front fct. Portland. (4S LOWE LiS ! 7" Being asrent for the celebrated unrawy -of II. MILLER, 'Milwauije, I am preparea. to supply orders for-Fjower ad Sbxuabbry t'tbe-2'ur9ery price. o V O O O O O o o G O O o O O is f !