f o G o THE AVISHIXO CAP. If fairy tales were true, And fortunes were by hap, I'll tell you what I 'd do, If I had a wishing cap. I 'd make each maid a wife, Who 'd give both heart and hand ; And all domestic strife I 'd baSish from the land. j"o nrm that wrought or plough'd Should ever toil in vain ; The great should not be proud, The small shou'd not complain. The friendstip of a friend Shofctd last through good and ill; And, constant to the end, Should guide the wand'rer still. o All rulers should be just, And people should be wise, And swords and spears should rust, For lack of enemies. The triumphs of our time Should bless the poorest lot, And misery and crime Should die and he forgot. AGRICULTURAL. ' He who by the Plow would thrive, Himself musCcither hold or drive." o Notice to our Headers. A general invitation is extended to all the rvuh-vs of Tiik "Wekki.y Entkki'iu.se, to scud to the Editor of thin jKipvr informa tion on subjects connected with farming, ijardvniwj, and rural economy. -O TlIIUTWKI.VK IlKST.- -The Horticultural Sneit'lv at Cambridge, Mass., has decided on the list given below as the best pears for fantjly use? The members of this so ciety are so favorably known as successful growers of the delicious iear, says the Jii?Lidelplna Press, as to inspire confidence in the minds of those about to cultivate, therefore, the list will be examined with interest: 1. -Doyenne d'Ete, ripen fron 1st to 20th of August. "J.-Kosttezer, ripg) from 15th August to .September 1st. :J. lj;irtlett. ripe from 1st to 30th Septem ber. 4jjl'ene Lucrative, ripe from September lOth to October 1st. .j.-Louise Donne d 'Jersey, ripe.from 20th September, to October 10th. t;.-Shelflon. ripe from Oct. 1st to 30th. 7. - Seckel. ripe from Oct. 8th to 25th 8. -luc!iesse d' Angouleme. ripe from October 20th to November 2th. i.-i;urre d'Anjou, ripe from Novem ber -jtti to December. lo.- Lawrence, ripe from November 15, to December 15th. 0 1 l.-llovey's (Dana's) ripe from Decem ber 1st to January. 12. LeCure, ripe from January 1st to February. G The locality of course has very much to do with the full maturity of fruit. It is not expected that pears of any kind would ripen upon the trees in the Middle, Eastern or Western States, after October 15th, but here in Oregon the same could be gathered in tho winter as well as in the fall, ordi narily. Mr. llunsaker, of this city, has a variety of pears, excellent for cooking, which we believe usually ripens about the Qtimeofthe Christmas holidays, on the trees or packed in the usual way. - To Kkkp J5t "ttek I I.ut n. A writer rec ommends to the ladies a very simple way for keeping butter nice and cool in the hottest weather. Procure a large new flower-pot, of sufficient size to cover the butter p , and also a saucer or dish largo enough for the (lower pot to rest in, upside down. Place a meat-stand, (or trivet such as is sent to the oven when a joint is baked in the saucer, ai$d on this place the plate of butter, so that its edge will not lie below the water. The hole in the pot must be fitted with a cork ; the butter will then lie in what we may call an air-tight hamber. Let the whole of the outside of the flower pot be then thoroughly drench ed with water, and place it in as cool a place as you can. If this be done over night, the butter will be as firm as a rock' :it breakfast time; or, 'iT placedhere in the morning, the butter will be quite hard for use at tea time. The reason of this is, that when water evaporates it produces eold the poi3hs pot draws up the water, which in warm weather quickly evaporates $-om the sides, and that cools it; and as no warm air can nowget at the butter, it be comes firm and cool in the hottest da vs. CookincAj'I'i.es. Mrs. F. I). G., one of the most notable housewives and best cooks in the State, has a new -..-ay of cook, itig apples, at least it was new to our in formant, and may be to many others. She paves the apples and quarters them, plac. ing them in a tin plate with the core side rp; if dried apples, a little water is added; they are then, set in the oven, which is al- ays hot at meal time, and roasted. When done they are slid on a common plate, and r-pihikled with sugar, to be eaten warm, i with bread and butter and cakes. It would require canned fruit of extra flavor, to tempt one from the apple-dish, thus pre pared. Canned strawberries and peaches ute not to be talked of in the same day. T.i:t tiik Chii.ohex Sleep. Persons who 10v !lgir mental or physical abilities to jo overtaxed, especially the former.should .ake all the sleep they can get without nicdjcva moans. Hut the object of this paragraph is to caution parents particular ly not to allow their children to be waken ed up let nature waken them but have n care that they go to bed early. Let pa rents make every possible effort to get thij children to go to sleep in a pleasant lnimor. Never scold or give lectures, or in any way wound a child's feelings as it -goes to bed. Let us all banish business I'.nd every worldly care at bed time, and let doop come to the mind at peace with God amtall the world. - -- Tathons ok llrsoAXDRY. There is a new secret order started in Washington citv. taid to have for its object the advancing . of the interests of agriculture, and to add to the social pleasure of the agriculturist. Vhat is said to be a very novel feature is, that women can be co-members of the so ciety equally with men. To us this seems the least novel, says Forney's Press, for wo have understood that women, from time immemorial, have been patrons of husband ' ry indeed, tho sole patrons, and this at tempt to admit them to a privilege they hve always enjoyed, is on or the huge jokes of the season. ; ' " : Keki House Plants Clean. If plante are allowed to vegetate without the leaves being occasionally cleaned, by sponging wi;h tepid water, they will soon decline nJ !? thir beautv. o TOCACCO 1" FRAXCE. ; The great International Exhibi tion has given rise to voluminous reports, among which la one relating to the consumption of -tobacco in France. From its pages we" gather the fact that the people of that coun try take annually 7,609 tons of snuff, equal in amount to a colonnade of thirty columns, each as large as tie Napoleon column in the Place Ven- dome; and they smoke 18,441 tons of tobacco, which would, when com pressed, be sufficient to form an arch as large as the Arc de Trioinphe, at the end oi the Champs Elysees, with its foundation. Besides this, the French people smoke annually 28 tons of fourKSOus cigars, or nearly enough to reach from Pari3 to Bay onnr; G3 tons of cigars at three sous each, which would reach from Paris to St. Petersburg; 178 tons of two sous cigars, which would reach from Paris to Teheran; and lastly, .poor things ! 2,734 tons of one sou cigars, which, laid end to end, would go round the world. The statistician who amused himself with this bit of figuring takes the returns of 1864 as his basis, and thus loses 20 or 30 per cent, on his totals, as compared with those cf later years. . A gentleman at Annapolis fenc ed in a cove near the mouth of the Severn river, and commenced the cultivation of crabs on a large scale, lie has put in about 4,000, and feeds them on coarse fish and any kind of refuse meat. A squad of them will attack a catfish, devour it in one night, and pick the bones as clean as a pack of wolves would pick a deer. The soft crab is only the hard crab with its coat or shell off. Before shedding his shell he is worth only half a cent in market; without it he is worth a dime. lie sheds his shell but once a year, and then remains a soft crab but a few hours, when a new shell is again formed. But few soft crabs are seen, owing to the dif ficulty of finding and capturing them in the " nick of time." This difficul ty it is proposed to obviate by the herding process, where the stock can be examined every day, and as a crab is found with his coat off, he is captured as a soft crab and marketed accordingly. The location of the crab pasture is at a point where the tide regularly ebbs and flows, giving the crabs a plentiful supply of their natural element. p. A teacher asked a bright little girl " what country was opposite on the globe." " Don't know, sir,'' was the reply. " Well, now,'' pursued the teacher, ''if I were to bore a hole j through the earth, and you were to go in at this end, where would jou come out V " At the other end, sir," replied the pupil, with an a'r of triumph. -.-- The Paris catacombs contain the bones of 3.000,000 human beings, " the arm, leg and thigh bones in front, arranged as closely and regu. larly as the best masonry, their uni formity relieved by long rows of skulls, placed at equal distances in the shape of crosses." ' The fly has its uses. He serves lo keep bald headed sinners awake at church on a warm day, eo that their unregenerate hearts may be touched by the spirit of invention, inducing the inventive to tax their bruins in contriving fly-traps. Some men in Cincinnati, tenacious of their rights to seats in the cars, have formed an N. G. U. Association Never Give Up (in the cars ) -... - , An Irishman says he can see no earthly reason why women should not be allowed lo become medical men. Happiness is not found in a palace nor in a cottage ; in riches nor in igv norance, nor in any sphere of life, but in doing right, from right motives. Pain Killer Mashattav, Kansas, April 17. J-s.sV. Perry Tavu tt on; Gentlemen I want to say a little more about the I'ain Kdler. I consider it a very valuable medicine, and always keep it on hand. I have traveled a great deal since I have been in Kansas, and never without tak ing it with me. In my practice I used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera in lSii, and with better success than with any other med icine. I also used it here for Cholerajn 1S5 with the same good results. A. HUNTING, 31. D. "I regret to say that the Cholera has prevailed hereof lafe to a fearful extent. For tho last three weeks, from ten to fifty or sixty fat ul cases each day have been report ed. I should add that the I'ain Killer sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic. If taken it season, it is generally effectual in checking the disease. Kev.CHAS. HAKDING, Sholapore, India. 2-H. P.-3 "JOTICE. In the U. S. Land Oftice nt Oregon City, Oregon, Notice to John Grogirer, Clemens llodes, and Lawrence Huber. "William Dee having entered the lots 7 S of sec. 3 and lot t of sec. 4,T. 1,SR 1 w said entry be ing in conflict with your respective pre-emption tilings, and the Commissioner of the' General Land Utlice having tinder date of May 15th tSBS, affirmed our award of said land to William Dee, you, each of run, arc hereby notified that yoa will be. "allowed thirty days from service hereof, in which to take an appeal. Julr 20th, IS'JS. 3WEN WADE", liegister, HENRY WAUKEN.Receiver. . (40. 4t. t Ask your neighbor to fer the RvTKr.Tvii?r. subscribe OREGON CITY BUSINESS. l7iglr & S0N coopers; Oregon City, Oregon. T1IE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOWPRE pared to make all manner of ware in the LINE OF C00PEKAGE, -FROM A s.. ..... ..J j,.. .1 WEL L-BU C KE T ! 1 ' To a HOGSHEAD! Bilge or Straight Work ! on fchort notice, and at reasonable rates. Call and examine samples of our work, as it is its own recommendation. 83.) L. ZIGLER k SON. HT13W FIRM! JACOB WOBTMAK. THOMAS It. FIELDS Wortman & Fields, Next Door to the Post Office, Oregon City, Oregon. DEALERS IX -.Family Groceries-! Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar WSfThe highest market prices paid for country produce. Wool Wanted ! S. ACKER MAN "WANTS TO BUY 200,000 rorxns OF WOOL! - - FOR WHICH TIIK HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID. LOGCS A L BRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main Sts., Oregon City Oregon. TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that iney keep constantly on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, IIAMS, riCKELED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found m their line of business. LOG US & ALBRIGHT. Oregon City. April 2oth, lSt7. f 2:1t OREGON CITY BEEWEEY ! HENRY I1U73BEL, Having purchased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER! As good as can be obtained anj'where in the State. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Oregon Citv, December 28th, 1806. Ktt HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! To all wishing Wsijroiis, Carriages, HORSE SHOEING, BLACK--. SMITHING, IRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, Corner of if A IX and SECOXD streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customers, and the public in general, that he now has on hand THE CELBBRATED "Web-Foot" Plow! And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these lm plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in bis line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture , Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability EQrtL TO'AlfY'IMPORTED! Having constantly on hand forsale a large assorimeui ui material, consisting in part oi WAGON TIMBER, ' IR ON, S TEEL, ETC., I he proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders ! Jutr each Article on The Most Favorable Terms, All work from this establishment, and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. J. W. LEWIS. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Levy & Feciiiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, ... ., OIIKGO.V CITY, . rpAKE Tills .METHOD OF INFORMING L the public that they have now on hand a large invoice of :- SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. " BED-STEADS. - LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other Qualifies of Rich V and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers." We MAJrOTACTTTJEE FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing tha very "best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, and we are prepared to fill all orders with promptness. . .- : Zf W coll the attention of the:public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of d-r si rails goods in the State."' 1 ' ' " 4 LEVY fc FKCIIHEI3IEH, : 45.1 j , Mam. street, Oregon Citv. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip f tioa. for pak- at the Entfriishk o3ice, i THE OREGON CENTRAL COMING TO OREGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage for The Establishment of JTA(DD)JB$. & I&MTTIHIIEIHI ! WHO HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST As sortments of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS " Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents" and Boysr wear! I FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors 1 LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY, etc., MEKRIMAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too numerous to mention. Wliicla tlaey Intend to sell Lower tltsin Any House in Oregon ! If any one is disposed to doubt the genuineness of the above statements, Especially the latter all the undersigned ask of them is, that they Call aistd Examine the Goods and Prices ! And satisfy themselves. We may be found at the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB A BROTHER. 0O Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. 1j5S Look Out ! The Eailroad is not Coming Yet ! BUT THE PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Arc Still And Rolling in Charman & Warner's old Brick Store, Main Street, Where he not only intends to sell, bat Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will sav, COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is no troBbU to me to show goods. I have received one of the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consisting in part of a fine assortment of .'LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY : BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; s FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. jfrsT- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. S. ACKERMAN. J2t All kinds of Produce Bought. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IN . STOVES, Pnmp, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, . Alain Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being - Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including the BUCK, HKNPvY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, ..WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment of Hard ware, Woodcnware, etc. C. W. POPE fc Co. Oregon City, April 20th. 1867. 1. NEW LIGHT ! NEW LAMP ! AND BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! Its Many Advantages t FIRST It is Xon-Expletive, and entirety j'ree from smoke or ojftttsict odor white burning. SECOXD It ffices a Sft, Clean, White Li'jht. I., i THIRD It U CHEAPER than any aler ; , ITuid orOiL , ; ; ; j - ; : LUCLNE BURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, outrivals all other Fluids for LIGHT and ECONOMY. It wilt not Stain or Grease Clothes, Carpets, Tables, etc. - ' . LTJCINE LAMPS AND THE FLUID ' ".'-""-, . """".; cax be had or - - - c. w. fopje; & Co., : OREGON CITY, - .---. J;- - -. DEALERS IN .. -''! r., - Store, ' Tinware, Lamp, Oil,' Lantern, d-c, lr. Chimneys, n4:tf TTLL HEADS PRINTED. -J At the Untorpmc Office RAILROAD, Itunuinff their the Goods for 5) LINCOLN BAKERY! "West Sltle Main Street, Oregon City Oregon. L. DILLER Proprietor. rpiIE PROPRIETOR WISHES to inform the public that he is how manu facturing the best qualities of BREAD, PIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda C H JG K e rt s . etc., etc., tlx. I In addition to which he will keep constantly j oa hand a large stock of the best staple and" I T7A mtt v mjoprBirc PROVISIONS, &c. 559" The best produce that is afforded by the market, bought and sold. L. DILLEU, Proprietor. PAINTING. PAINTING. "OCT Sign and Steamboat .PAIIVTIIVG-! Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations or all kinds Wood .isid jflsirMc ! . Executed as well as can be done on the l'acitic Coast. X3T" Examine our work and judge for vour selves. Every order attended to"with care and expedition. ' w C. E. MURRAY, WestdogrRalston's brick. Main sf,, 4) tfj Oregon City. J. F. MILLKR. J. W, SnATTCCtf !r?.r J. F. MILLER & Co., V MiXCFACTCREBS OF AXD DEALERS IN r Boots and SIiocs ! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe - Store, Main street. . THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies' r.e,,ts T5oys and children's Uootj nnd -hoes on hand or m;de to order. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. THE CAKS HAVE AEttlVEB The O o o a s! ARK HERE FOE PARTICULARS Call at Cliarifiiaiis ! At the old Stand, Main Street, Oregon City. LADIES! JEFOHE VISITING PORTLAND CALL AT Charman t Brothers. lrcss Goods ! JOOK AT THE VARIETY For sale by Charman ( Brother. JIOOTS & SHOES ! T'HE BEST AND CHEAPEST JL At Charman Bros. Portland Prices QANNOT COMPErE WITH Charman Sr Brother. JJAVE YOU SEEN THE BEST Not until you have called vpon Charman Bro. II ATS 9 MATS, JOTIIING CAN EXCEL The stock of Charman cf; Bro. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING COM PAN Y. rpiIE ABOVE COMPNAY ARE NOW 1 producing aquality of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ARE Superior to any ever before offered on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, HARD TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. ISf Using only tbebest grades of 'vTcol. The above goods are otiered to the trad on the m9t favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : It. JACOB, Agent, 5f.t!m) Oretron Citv, Oregon. Or L. WHITE h BKO.Agents at Portland. NERVE! NERVE1. NERVE 1 The Requirements of the Times ! J. R. RALSTON, II A3 IT ! rpiIE OLD ROCK STORE, THE BEST I lry Goods house in Oregon City, has the pluck to fill everv department with an entire jYEW STOCK ! Joy to the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! J. It. RAESTOx, At the Rock Store, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Orpgon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a large and well selected stuck of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN 44 PRINTS, WHITE ' HOSIERY, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' FURN1SIING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &c, &c. ZW" At prices hitherto unheard of, By ,Me ldest inhabitant. Let the People clothe themselves Je?" And Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. "CITY .BAKERY! . MA IX STREET, OR EG OX CITV. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman &Slieppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds ! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS -GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT ! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW & FULLER. PETITION FOR SALE. - In the Connty Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas, Julv term 1S6S. Josiah Lettle, guardian of William Crow, heir of George Crow deceased, bavin" filed a petition praying for an order and l cense to sell the interest of said ward, in the donation land claim of said George Crow de ceased, situated in the county of Clackamas and State of Oregon, said interest beinc one seventh part of said land claim, to pay the expenses of support and maintainance of said ward. It is therefore ordered. bv the Court that all persons interested in said cs tate are notified to appear before the County Court in and for said county, on Monday The seventh day of September, a d. 1860, at 10 oclock a. m., and show cause tr.any there be, why an order should Dot be Ri anted to said guardian to sell the interest of said word in said land claim, W. T. MATLOCK Connty Judge, Clackamas Co., Oreson. Orojron City. July 7th. lSS?. g J, F. McCoy, a ; .-?, -;?, 0au iYaricieccr, ARMES & DALLAM, . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Brushes, Twines, Cordage, etc., AND MANUFACTURERS OF Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, SfC 215 217 Sacramento st., San Francisco. 113 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. D. H. niLDBURGH, ? ' ' LOUIS EINSTEIN. f L. HILDBl'BGH, San Francisco. Portland. Hi Id burg, Bros. & Co. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS All Kinds of Cogriiacs, Scotch and Irish Whiskies. Rum, Gin, Domestic Liquors, Wines, Sf'C, etc., (Cmc. No. 2r, Front st., O. S. N. Co.'s new brick block, Portland Oregon. (29 French MedicaS Office DR. JULIAN PERRAULT, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris, Grad uate of the University Queen's College, and Physician of the St. "John Uuptiste Society, of San Francisco. Dr. Perraclt has the pleasure to inform patients &, others seeking confidential medi cal advice, that he can be consulted at his oflice. Armory Hall Building, Northeast cor ner Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco. 'Rooms No. ?, 10, 11. firs'4 floor, up stairs, entrance on cither Montgorr cry or Sacramento streets. Dr. Perrai-lt's studies have been nlm exclusively devoted to the cure of the vr t ous forms of Nervous and Physical Debili y, the results of injurious habits acquired -in youth, which usually terminate in impotence and sterility, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Where a secret infirmity exists, involving the happiness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is a fact that premature decline of the vigor of manhood, matrimonial unhappiness, compul sory single lite, etc., have their sources in causes, the germ of which is planted in early life, aDd the bitter fruit tasted long after wards ; patients, laboring uider this com plaint, will complain of one or more of the following symptoms: Nocturnal emissions, pains in the back and head, weakness of memory and sight, discharge from the Ure tha on coing to stool, or making water, the intellectual faculties are weakened, loss of memory ensues, ideas are clouded, and there is a disinclination to attend to busines, or even to reading, writing or society of friends, etc. The patient will probably com plain of dizziness, vertigo, and that the sight and hearing are weakened, and sleep disturb ed by dreams, melancholy, sighing, palpita tions, faintings, coughs and slow lever;vhile some have external rheumatic pain, and numbness of the body. Some of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face, face, and "aching in diflerent parts of the body. Patients "suffering from this disease should apply immediately to Dr. Pekuai'lt, cither in person or by lefter, and he will guarantee a cure of seminal weakness in six to eight weeks. Patients suffering from venerial diseases ia any stage. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures Uubo Ulcers, Cutaneo-ws- Eruptions, etc., will be treated successfully. All Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the system. Da. FerravlVs diplomas are in his ofiice, where patients can see for themselves, that the)- are under the eare of a regularly edu cated practitioner, Ttie best references giv en if required. Patients suffering snder chronic diseases, can call and exarajne for themselves. "VVe in vite investigation claim not to know every thing, nor to cure everybody, but we do claim that in all cases taken under treat men t, we fulfill ou? promises. We particu larly request those who have tried this boast ed doctor, and that advertsed physician, till worn out and discouraged, to call upon us. Low charges and eunck cures. Ladies suil'oring fronv an- complaint inci dental to their sex, can consult the doctor with the assurance of relief. FEMALE 5IXTIILY pili.s. Dr. Perratlt is- the only agent in Califor nia for Da. Uiot's Female monthly pills. Their immense sale has established their reputation as-a female remedy,unapproached and far in advance' of every other remedy, suppressions and irrcg.alai ities, and other obstructions in females. On- the receipt of $o these pills will be sent by mail or e.fpress to any part of the world, secure from curi osity or damage. Persons at a ditdance can be cured at home by addressing a letter to Dit. Perrault, cof. of Sacramento and Montgomery sts., rooms lo and 11, or box '.73, P. O., San Francisco, stating the case as minutely as possible, gen eral habits of living, occupation, etc. MEDICAL. A WARNING! D1JOI' SUFFER FROM ICAL INCAPACITY? Are you sufler- inj; i mm jervou8 Debility? If you arc, be warned in timo ! You have now the means anil opportunity of be ing restored to health. Be warn ed, abo, to whom you apply. There nre two rocks upon which you may split, the one be- iisg the legally qualified physician, w ho, al though fully qualified by Ids knowledge tf mo ioii.-s!ioii io ireat inevanrus general ail ments of humanity, yetis totally ignorant, as the inajority of them grtierallv are, o( this po cnliar branch if his fciciice; the recsou being thutlio lias never made it his peculiar studr! And the other rock is tho blatant charlatan and quack, who preys on the pockets and lives ef its victims. These individuals assume titles to which they have not tho slightest preten sion, and are, for the most part, nwn oven with out tho ordinary common rudiments of educa tion, who, by tfiPir force of impudence nnd nd vorlising. irretrievably ruin the email remains of health of the poor, deluded victim. DR. S. HASTiWGS HALL, Who has been establuhed in San Fraucifco finco 1SJ3, has stepped, perhaps, he acknowl edges, out of the routiue of his proles.-ion, by thus advertising; hut he dooms it better to yi o a fellow being an opportunity c f at leaft bcii-g capable of discriminating ibr'hiimelt out of the masses of charlatanism, at Jean one practK tioner who has devoted Jus time, nioney uud frtudy to IhU ieculiar branch of liisprotestion. and who is alrgally quaiitied practitioner arti member of tho -Medical Hoard, and was form erly a pupil of nnu prasticed under the cele brated Acton & liecord. lias now tho mot-1 ex tensive piactice. extending through the whole of California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington Territory, and throughout tho who'o l'acitic elope, having established tliia exteiit-ive prac tice through liifl admirable nyetem of corres ponding by Jotter. Hx hours in the day are continuously devoted to this branch of prac tice. DR. S. II. HALL'S F-stablishment is lrell known to all visitors to San Francisco. His reputation alone a a lecturer on 1'hvsiologicnl and Anatomical subjects U mtricion't Kocurity to the public that tho-e who placo themselves under his care will, to say tho Jast, liare a guaranteo that they have laced thtuiK-lves in t!i hands of one who is well acquainted ith the anatomy and ph siology ot the human body and its mytterious workmp; and, therefore, irrespective of his reputation for euiing tho dueafcs. he is universally acknowledged to be competent to cure them. He also fakes the greatest precaution to avoid publicity beine Kiven a to recognition from wheuco i he cor respondence comes, lie has now Um?u in prac tice twenty-threw years, and not a 'ilccne has ever boen made public. Ho eaa be con sulted by letter, or per.-onally at his ortice. Ihe following works can be obtained direct from the anthor free : Observation oa the Male and Female Organs cf Generation, and their Treatment PRICE, - - - - - 25 cts. Health and Disease ; how ts Obtain ono and Avoid the other. FHICE. - ... V $1.00. CAUTIOX! A number of unqualified persons sro delud ing the unwary by prcteiiuiug to bo legally qualified practitioners. Uo takes this opjMif tunity of copying tho following extract Irom his t'ertiilcato from the Medical Itoard :-- "This istocertifythat .S. JIASfJN(;s HALL lias been registered by the Medical lioard as a legally qualified medical practitioner. - . " Uv order of the Uoard. ... . '" Ebastcs Y. CoorEit, Secretary.-' "Address all letter to , r, . ' . ' OfTic . A merlon n Surgery ani Di,pcnarv, J,o. I'.C Mfutnn:ir St., .Van 1 ranch to, CaJ. ju4"S vv lltiUUIlVCintS. cliff house; Main Street. Jliyi Nearly typosite Woolen Factor,, W. L. WHITE, I T orV' T. W. RHOADES, Proprietors; Oregon City, Oregon. We invite the citizens of Oregon Citv and -the traveling public, to give "us a sha'-e of their patronage. Meals can be had at all hours, to please the most fastidious. - Notice to the Public. T HAVE this day closed the Barlow House I X in favor of the Cliff House. Hope n r old customers will give their liberal patron. age to the above well kept house. Ther will find Messrs. White & Rhoades always on baud to make guests comfortable. W'Xf 11 i K r rn- McLaughlin House. Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,)' Oregon City, Oregon. J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors. mZZT This is the most commodious HnM in the city. Newly furnished, and just open for the reception of guests. It will be the endeavor of the Propri-" etors to make all gnests comfortable. OREGON HOUSE, Main Street Oregon City. JACOB B0EHM, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 18o7. REDIXTIOS IX PRICES! The undersigned wishes- to give dinticc that from Saturday, October ."th, 18j7, pi ices at ihe above house will be as follows : Board and Lodging per week 5 (" Board w ithout Lodging 4 Board and Lodging per dav 1 oO JACOB BOEHM. Oregon City, Oct. Sd, 1S07. .rA':tf OSWEGO HOUSE! OSWEGO, OREGON. JOHN SCHADE Proprietor, IS now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him with their patron age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newly and Neatly Furnished. The Table will be supplied with all the delicacies et' the season. The House is situated near the steamer lauding. The proprietor ll at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, and would respectfully solicit the patronage (,f the Traveling Public. 41:tf. Board per week ." Board and Lodging C i Single Meals .V Western Hotel, POKTLAXD. OUK:OV. Corner of First and Morrison streets, Tb3 best and most comfortable Hotel in the State, where eTery want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Watni and cold Byths attached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at tendsTBee at nil the Landings, to convcr passengers arid baggage to and from the hc-nse tree of charge. SEW ELL & DORCY. xi.tf Proprietors. P ATT ON H O USE, Two doors south of the old Court House, Front street, Portland, Oregon.- W. N. Pattox Proprietor. Single meal, 25 cent Beds, 25 cents.- This b-wse- m newly frtfedy and furnished in the best sfvle. xii.tlns AMERICA X EXCHANGE. (Tote L IX CO L X JIO I .E. ) Xs. Kroiit street, I'm llaiul Oregon. Ik P. W. QULMIJY. l,::n!-i;ii:roi:. Late (- Western lluti I.) This bowse is the most commodious in the t State, new'.v fnrnwHed, and it will be ttiecp-- ueavor oi uic proprietor io mane nis ruesu comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al ways be found at the land'ng on the nrriva!' of steamships and river boats, carrying baa gage to t he house free of charge. j 17.1 W ii at Cheek I ofs e Nos. 12;. 12 and 1" Front street, POHTI.ANH, OlttO'T. REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well known house, solicit increased patrcnauc frem the traveling public. The House has lately been refitted, and the proprietors arn now able to otter additional inducements tr their patrons. The table will be furnished with- the best market affords, and be under t he immediate supervision of the proprietors Rooms well fun"lied- and well ventilated. A large fire-proof safe for the deposit i;f valuables. IJaggage taben to the hotel free of charge. Uoard per Week. " Poard and lodging " . . . Ut K) (According to the room occupied.-) Nothing will be left undone, which is In the power of the proprietors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD A Co.. xi.i Proprietor.- HOME MANUFACTURE. HIGGINS & CO. A rc Xow ZZa n ti fiiet u r 1 ng u SierIor AHTICLK OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown' FAMILY SOAP, "TTTI11CII AVE WILL SELL AT SAN Francisco Prices, and deliver to up rirer boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or to McCraken, Merrill & Co., Agents, wil! oiict with prompt attention. Y. L. 11 IU GINS & CO., ll:ly Proprietors. No. 8 Front Street, Portland. Orcsjon One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. McCUAKEN, MEKRILL &. CO., Ageuts 1851 v 1858 E, J. NOBTHRUP CO., OF FEU FOR S.VLE LOW Builders Hardware and Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmith and Machinists' Tools, Coopers' and Tanners' Toofy Mining and Farmers1 Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, SJtip and Steamboat Hardware, Tart Pitch, Oakum, Oars, Packing-, Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Funnier, Fuse, SJiat, Lead and Cnp, , Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. AMI Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumberland Coal, IV nam, New York andGriflin Horse Nails,, ilalleable Nuts and Irons for llug giesand Wagons; Wagon Skeins and IronAles, all sizes. WAGON TIMBER. IMg, Spoles, Arte, Poks an.l Shft, Riii, Sairtd I'tllot, iL-c, L'C. Agents for A. S. Ilalli.lie t Co., Wire Jiopc Manufacturer 137 Circulars furnished ou applicatioa. Our facilities for purchasing goods iu tb Eastern Markets being of a superior charac ter, we arc enabled to offc-r goods in our Hue at as low rates as thev can be purchased i this market. We cafl the attcution ot deal ers to our stock, which comprises the mo complete and extensive assortment ot gou in this line ever offered in this market- So E. J. NOUTllRl'P & tO.. 131 Front StreeMnd.Jlregou. A LARgFIxVOJCE OFXEW Sunday Schoorand Gift Books. -pROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOU Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on J ferf a " between 2d and :Jd. Portland, Orgn- (i. P. ATKINS.N.ec.tt..0.v .- 1 vi and Treus. Oregon Tract I