Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, July 18, 1868, Image 2

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5II)e tUcckit) Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Saturday : : : July 18th, 1863.
National Union Ticket.
For Presidential Electors,
A. B. MEACHAM, of Union county.
Dr. W. BOWLBY.of Washington.
O. JACOBS, of Jackson.
The Daily Record has suspended
for a short time.
0 The title to the land upon which
WallaWalIa was built, is vested in
that city.
Wm. II. Newell, editor of the
Statesman, delivered a splendid ora
tion at Walla Walla on the Fourth.
The Walla Walla people have
nominated three tickets for support
Bt their city election. Jutnes Mc
CaulifT is on each for mayor. It is
safe to presume that he will be elected.
According to the Bulletin, po
litical teachers are being employed
in the public schools at Portland.
It sometimes happens that politicians
have bo little brains that they never
know where to stop in their dictum.
On the 18th of next August an
rclipse of the sun will take place
which will be of great interest. We
presume American astronomers will
be on hand to witness it somewhere.
. Senator Corbett's bill, throwing
pf-n the Umatilla Reservation to
OsettPcrs, passed the Senate on the
20th ult. There is no doubt but that
this measure vvUl pass the House at
this session of Obngress.
Estes & Stinson's new saw mill,
at Poland, is now ready to commence
work. The main building is 120 by
44 feet in sizwith engine room 72 by
22. The power is about equal to 1 SO
The small pox, which took hold
of the people at so rapid a rate in San
Francisco lately, is r.ow on the de
crease, fays the Sacramento Bee. It
bi?s appeared in several parts of the
The National Rejniblican of
Washington, heretofore friendly to
Johnson, and by some considered his
organ, has placed at the head of its
pages, the names of the Chicago nom
inees. So it goes.
Great distress is said to prevail
iu Eastern Prussia, and the relief
committee cf Lyck appeal to Ameri
cans for help. Remittances will be
gratefully received by any of the
Committee and Julius Eckman, edi
tor of the Hebrew Observer, of San
Democratic papers say that
Grant was drunk at Shiloh, drui.kat
Vicksburg, drunk at Fort Donelson,
drunk at Richmond, and is drunk yet !
If it be true that Grant was drunk all
the'time he was thrashing the De
mocracy, what need they expect if
wer he gets sober
On Thursday last Mrs. Nancy
B. Dryer, wife of Thomas Dryer, was
followed to the grave by sympathiz
ing friends. Mrs. Drver was born in
Augusta, MVine, in 1S05. She came
to Oregon in 1S51, where, with the
exception of a brief interval, she has
since resided. She has been long
known in Oregon, and especially in
PortUnd, for her benevolent disposi-
lion, kindness oi Heart, ana many
it.... 1 1 .in Allfillf Iap nr .1 i ..
wiiu nave miuhii v iii uiiii 'i tii-i
death without feelings of sadness, or
fail to sympathize with her husband
juid family in llwir bereavement.
o :
A Jcsr Tribute. The New York
"World, a staunch Democratic paper,
t-peaks thus of Grant:
General Grant has taken out of
the hands of all critics the question
whether it belongs t him. He has
won his greatest triumph over the
ifiost frkillfui and accomplished gen
eral on the other side; over a general
who foiled him long enough to prove
bis great mastery of the art of war,
nd the completeness of whose de
teat is a testimony to Grant's genius
fcuch as a victory over any other gen..
t-ral of the Confederacy, or even an
earlier, victory over Lee himself,
could not have civen. Apply to
General Grant what test you will;
measure him by the magnitude of the
obstacles he has surmounted, by the
value ol the positions he has gained,
by the fart.e of the antagonist over
Whom he has triumphed, by the
nchievementa of his most illustrious
cO workers, by ilie sureness with
which be directs his indomitable en
ergy to the vital point which is the
kfy of a vast field of operations, or
by that supreme test of consummate
ability, the absolute completeness of
bis results, and he has vindicated bis
claim to stand next after Napoleon
r 1 1
und eutngton among the great sol.
tliers cf this century, if not on a level
with the latter.
Has it ever occurred to those Dem
ocfats who declare Grant is no gens
t-ral, that they belie their assertion
that Lee is"a great general? For il
Ijee was whipped bv a man who was
no ceueral, in what capacity as a
vldi-r 3?C5 Xef stsnd?
Democracy and tlxo Constitution.
The hydra headod opposition,
which assumes to itself the talisman
name of Democracy, claima to be the
special guardian of the Constitution,
and clamors for the letter of the bond,
as Shylock did for his. With Phar.
isaic vigor they deny to that instru
ment any element of power not fa
miliar to their school, or brought into
exercise in a time of profound peace.
While insisting upon what no one
denies the paramount of the Con
stitution, they assume the right to
interpret it so as to destroy its vis
tality in time of great national peril.
Within the last five years they
hive plead the Constitution against
the maintenance of the Union force.
against the raising of arms, to put
down rebellion; against the arrest of
the aiders and abettors of treason;
against the issue of a national cur
rency; against the emancipation of
slave?; against the bestowal of civil
rights upon those whose only hope of
protection was in the National Con
gress; against every step which has
been designed to lead this nation from
die darkness of slavery to the light of
The policy of the Democratic,
party if indeed it has a policy
would have destroyed the Republic;
and yet with brazen effrontery it
steps up and claims some merit for
victories achieved in ppite of its op
position. It would be gratifying if
we could read in these things an in
dication that the Democratic party is
being educated by events. If we
could even hope that it is willing to
abandon its heresies, and accept the
situation as it is, there would be
something hopeful in it. But the
truth is we can only see in it a re
luctant acquiescence in results which
it has been powerless to prevent. It
lags upon the stage and ridicules
progress, but still is pressed onsvard.
State sovereignty, the right of se
cession, and the want of power in the
General Government to coerce a
State, have been rung abroad in the
name of the Constitution, and the din
is still in our ears; and now when
the Democratic parly comes forward
with hypocritical cant, and claims an
interest in triumphs achieved in spite
of its opposition, we do rot think its
professions will be believed. How can
that party reconcile its present
position with its farmer one? Has it
di.-covercd that the Republican party
has been nctincr according to the Con
stitution after all, or has it discovered
that it is necessary to abandon the
Constitution in order to regain power,
or has it determined to "steal the
livery of heaven to serve the devil
hV Does the platform of the Na
tional Convention answer this ques
tion. Gen. Grant has given the De
mocracy a great deal of trouble, from
first to last. Probably no man in
this nation has done so much to de
stroy the ' Ancient landmarks."
Where he was drawing his lines
nearer and nearer to Donaldson till
Buckner was forced to assent to the
" ungenerous and uuchivalrous terms''
cf unconditional surrender, which he
proposed; when he was pounding at
the door of Vicksbnrg, w hen he was
pursuing the painting fugitives of the
" Lost Cause'' in the Wilderness,
and when dictating the terms of sur
render to the proud and haughty Lee
at Appomattox Court House, he was
regarded by the Democracy as a ter
rible m enster.
When it became apparent that he
possessed the hearts and affections of
the American people, he was sud-
Idenly invested with supernatural
: .1 r t i
charms in the eves of Democrati
leaders, and they determined to win
him if possible, and induce him to
accept a Democratic nomination for
the presidency.
Then it was his wisdom, his valor
and his integrity were freely admitted
and even loudly proclaimed. But
when he refused to be tempted with
their offers, or cajoled by their flatte.
ry, preferring to fight it out on the
old line, they suddenly discovered
that he was a drunkard, a tool, a
mere mud sill, devoid of genius, and
unfit to rule.
Verily the ways of Democracy are
The Roseburg Ensign says: We
have got the r.cws. Pendleton is
played out. Chase is played out.
Andy Johnson is played out, and
Brick Pomcroy ditto. Belmont has
named his man. Bonds and Wall
street are triumphant. IloratioSey
tnour, the. candidate who "withdrew"
before the Convention, has.'by the art
of New York bond holders r.nd the
management cf New York wire work
ers, supplanted all his rivals, and the
Democratic party, so pure, so incor
rnptib!e,so anxious to relieve the poor
from taxes, has surrendered to a bond
holding clique. We arc glad they
have nominated just the ticket they
did Horatio Seymour and Frank P.
Blair. We are perfectly willing to
run the General who led cur armies
to Richmond against the Generalis
simo of the New York riot. We rat
ify, and say buily fur Seymour ; he is
List the man we want "to beat with
We hold it morally certain, says
the Tribune, that the States here
subjoined will choose Grant and Col
fax Electors by decided majorities :
Arkansas 5 Minnesota 4
Florida 3 Mississippi 6
Georgia 8 New Hampshire., 5
Illinois 16 Nojth Carolina. . . 9
Iowa 8 Rhode Island.... 4
Kansas 3 South Carolina. . . 6
Louisiana 6 Tennessee 10
Maine 7 Vermont 5
Massachusetts 12 West Virginia. .. . 5
Michigan 8 Wisconsin 8
Total 20 States 139 votes.
Add to these either Pennsylvania
or Ohio, or Indiana with Nebraska
Or Nevada, and the Republican ticket
is elected. Hence we cannot perceive
a probability of its defeat.
But the belt of central States, be
ginning with Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio,
to end with Indiana, will be stub
bornly contested. Our adversaries
must carry them all to win ; if they
lose cither of the three largest, or In
diana with either of the two smaller,
they are beaten. Hence we must ex
pect them to contest each of these
five States with the fury of despera
tion. If they do not carry Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, and Indiana in October
not a majority, but all of them
the fencemen will know that they are
beaten, and will all tumble over to
the Republican side. If they should
carry those three States in the pre
lhninary contest, they will expect to
draw New York and the rest after
them in November. We trust nay,
we know that our friends in each of
them will make due effort, in view of
the magnitude of the issue and the
just expectations of their compatriots
on everv side.
Last week a delegation of the Co
lilo Indians visited this city, and
passed through to Salem, returning
on Wednesday. The Record fur
nishes an account of their doings
while at the capital. It seems that
they visited the Penitentiary, and
found one of their tribe at work there,
expiating the gentlemanly crime of
horse stealing. They pretended a
very ingenious surprise at their dis
covery, but the Record suspects that
they knew of his whereabouts and
went there in hopes to ameliorate his
condition. They applied to Governor
Woods for executive clemency, but
the Governor concluded it was best
to let the aboriginee finish his appren
ticeship to the art of brickmaking.
The wa-wa is thus described :
Entering the Executive Chamber
they took seats. A rotund and portly
savage, who undoubtedly Is a big
gun, but did not claim to be a chief,
took the floor and discoursed in his
native dialect one of his compiny
translating into " Chinook '' The
portly tUlicum was eloquent, and his
gestures were elegant and striking.
They had come to see the white man's
country, and were delighted to find it
was a " hyas closh iilahee." The
earth had abundant products that the
siwash would delight to eat ; birds
filled the air ; horses, cattle and sheep
roamed over prairie and hillside.
Their country was no comparison,
and the white man had forgotten to
pay them for it. They had seen the
houses and lands of the " Bostons ;"
they had discovered they had good
"tumtums;" and their own "tumfnms''
were also in splendid tune toward us.
They had seen the Governor, and
they were glad. So the " orating"
red man paused in the midst of a
striking and poetic gesture, and sat
spell bound waiting for a reply.
Gov. Woods is an orator by nature;
he speaks well in the President's En
glish, but his command of Chinook
surpasses it. In glowing words of
that decidedly mixed dialect, he ac
knowledged the honor done him. He
confessed that we had a good coun
try and ' hyu ictas ;'' that we all
worked hard lor them and got them
that way, and in persuasive tones,
and with nice tact, he told them to do
lots of work and they would have
lots of "ie'as" also and every In
dian grunted assent. With a wave
of his hand, the Governor told the
braves they had the floor again.
The red man went back to by-gone
time, and said he knew this country
before we did him the honor to come
here he did indeed. He was glad
we had come he was indeed. It was
true tho w hite men had bought his
land, and it was rather a pity they
had forgotten to pay for it, and he
rather thought they had better have
kept the land and retailed it out on
their own hook. He recited, with
pathos, the white men's promises.
The hat's, caps and shoes, the coats,
vests and pants, calico and cotton
shirts, neckties, ribbons and gitns
cracks, the blarkets and bed-quilts
stipulated for, but not received. And
then, with remarkable complaisance
he insinuated that no doubt the Gov
ernor could give all these things, and
send a full buit to their ''tyee'' besides.
As a wind-up, the Governor sad
he was chief only of the " Boston
tillicums,'' but that he was glad to
see the brave red men from beyond
Celilo. Mr. Huntington was the
"siwash" Governor, and they knew
him well.
We have heard of aboriginal elo
qnnce, but we thought we realized
it as the old fellow recited the list of
dry goods due them from Uncle
Samuel. There was earnestness of
sound, and gestures tiiat were indica
tive of every article described. The
red men complained that tbey were
tired and weary of travel, and could
not the Governor give them a paper
that would take them down the river
on a steamboat ? Whether they got
a pass from the P. T. Co. or no, we
have not learned but they deserved
it, and we doubt if any Indian dele
gation has been to Salem in a long
time that has put on more style than
these nameless ones from Ceiilo w ho
have just visited their suffering" com
rade in the penitentiary.
Jackson, June 22d, 1868.
Ed. Entekfrise :
I have bnt recently returned from a
tour to " the West." The West is not ex
actly where it used to be, when you and I
set sail for Minnesota a few years since
you perhaps know best about that, how
ever, having traversed the extent of the
lines and stopped nowhere short of the
Pacific shores. " The West7 in this day.
is an expanse as boundless as it is fertile,
and adapted to the wants of millions who
are actually too poor to get away from
the hives in which tbey are swarming all
throughout the regions of America east ef
the Mississippi river. The progress of
the great Union Pacific Railroad over the
Plains and through the Mountains of the
far West, has given an impetus to emigra
tion inquiry which is wonderful to behold.
And among all grades of society you hear
of the everlasting want of information
concerning the country. If your State
Legislature would adopt the course pur
sued by Minnesota and Wisconsin you
might get 100,000 good citizens from
New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana,
and the west, this year. You may think
this a strange idea but it is true. We
know nothing of Oregon here California
is. well known. Three lectures were de
livered in this city last winter upon Cali
fornia, and Mr. M'Connell, agent for a San
Francisco homestead association, furnishes
enquirers with any amount of statistics
concerning that far off region not all of
which, perhaps, is true ;as I infer from an
occasional perusal ot your paper, which
leads me to believe that Oregon furnishes
much of the productions which are cred
ited to California. You may find consola
tion ia the fact, however, that those who
emigrate to California are not blind and
that if they find no place to suit they may
go on to Oregon. My own impressions
are that your State is the best, and I be
lieve that when you get fully awake to the
interest of railroads, (which I see by the
Exterpkisk is agitating the public mind in
Oregon.) you will be a great people com
mercially as well as agriculturally. The
citizens cf Oregon should do all that is in
their power to persuade Eastern capitalists
to invest in railroads. There is an im
mense amount of money in the East avail
able. This State is getting its share of
that capital. Railroads are the principal
stocks up now. Here we have tw o rail
roads now, as you are aware, and we have
just voted almost unanimously to pledge
the credit of the city and county in pay
ment of more interest. Iiy doing so the
amount is saved to our farmers, who pay
the heaviest taxes, upon every bushel of
grain they raise. Towns and counties all
about us do Lms. mini week Grand Rap
ids agreed by a vote of 75!) to !) to loan
the Grand River Yallev Company S100,
000. She has done nobly ! Her action
will hasten the completion of this much
needed and long hoped-for road. The
town has performed an act that will make
the enterprise move forward with Grand
Jiapid style.
Our Lansing friends are hard at work
in the interests of the Chicago and Michi
gan Grand Trunk Railway, it is stated
that the bondholders of the Grand Trunk
road of Canada, promise that if the citizens
upon the line w ill make the road bed and
tie it. and take stock for all they put into
it iu this manner, they will furni.'-h the iron
and rolling stock and put it upon the road
at cash price, and take stock tor it. When
the road is completed it will be paid for :
there will be no bonds to be negotiated
and no mortgages to be foreclosed. It
cannot be a year after the road is finished
before it will be a paying road, and the
stock will be at or above par. Any one
will not dispute this if they will examine
the line over which it passes, splitting a
wheat belt about (iO miles wide, between
the Central and I). fc M. roads, which is
the 'most in the Western States, and at the
same time supplying a link between two
of the greatest thoroughfares in the world.
The amount for Lansing to raise is $100,
UUU, ot which SCO.OOO is by tax, and the
balance by subscription. There will be
hardlv a dissenting vote upon the tax, and
$30.000 of the $10,000 has already been
An euthusiastic writer in the Niles Dem
ocrat urging the people of that city to aid
in building the Elkhart and Lake Michi
gan railroad, says that the citizens should
be willing to economise in all directions,
to use tow strings for cravats, and gunny
bags for sack coats if need be. in order to
secure the road by the way of Niles.
A line from East Saginaw to Port Huron
is the last railroad scheme proposed in
this State.
At the recent meeting of the Michigan
State Agricultural Convention, the subject
under discussion was " The Relation which
Railroad Development bears to the Ag
riculture of the State."' Upon this im
portant topic , Mr. Ballard, of Niles. said
that railroads increased the value of land,
and furnished a market for produce of
every kind. There is much land in Mi
chigan adapted to the raising of potatoes,
and potatoes for a successful marketing,
depend greatly on railroads. Some years
ago then; was an objection to giving gov
ernment land for the construction of rail
roads, but in the census of 1SG0 it was
shown that farms had been benefited to
the amount of $ 1,000.000,000 by the con
struction of those roads. At first there
was a great opposition to the construction
of the Erie Canal, but since its construc
tion property has quadrupled in value in
its vicinity. The best interests in the
State of Michigan are bound in putting
through the new roads projected in the
interior. Ry increasing the value of land,
population is introduced, and the percen
tage of taxation diminished. He thought
that many of the railroads were discrimi
nating against Michigan interests in their
freights. At present they discriminate
against local freight in favor of thiough
freight, and urless more roads are built,
the discrimination will be greater as the
business of the great West increases.
A splendid bed of Peat has been found
near Coldwater. A company have pur
chased machinery and will at once enter
upon its manufacture for fuel.
People here have all kinds of clubs ;
reading clubs, fishing clubs, base ball
clubs, Irottiug clubs, etc. They have rare
sport, and generally speaking can afford
The Old Alloghanian Concert Troup
have reorganized and are now traveling in
The Niles Republican mentions the fact
that several severe cases of sickness have
occurred in that vicinity supposed to have
been caused by using milk which had been
poisoned by something that the cows had
eaten, supposed to have been lobelia.
The House of correction proves to be
an excellent institution as it saves hun
dreds from going to the Penitentiary. The
agricultural college is a success under the
new management. It could hare been all
the time if it had nevrr fallen into the
hands of politicians. Political Faculty
and Political Farmers are generally very
poor stuff. J
The celebrated Atlantic Ease Ball Club
of Brooklyn will play a match here on
the 30th of June with the Central Club of
.Figaro has just come to light in the
newspaperdom of San Francisco. It is
about the same in style and interest as the
Chronicle and such other trratuitons rrinf q
Any man can afford, to take IImco. as it
' costs t. ' - '
nAii.no ao itisms.
The father of the Pacific Rail
road, Dr. Hartweil Carver, has lived
to realize, in part, his anticipation of
one day crossing the continent by
railroad, as will be seen by the fob
lowing, which we find in a late Eas
tern paper:
"General Carver, formerly of Min
nesota, who was in Washington
twenty-one years ago advertising the
Utopian scheme of a Pacific Rail
way, coes hence, to-morrow morning,
for Fort Laramie, to enjoy his first
trip over the new road. He goes, at
the age of eighty, to found a new
citv to bear bis name near the
present terminus of the line. He
Claims to be Jhe father of the Pa
cific road, and exhibit as curios
ities the pamphlets winch he pursu
ed in favor of the enterprise in
The Salt Lake Reporter makes
the following extract from Garfield's
military report to Congress, and
commends it to the full considera
tion of the Sacramento Union, when
fulmioating against aid to railroads
from the Government:
The cost to Government for transporta
tion on the Union Pacific Railroad, eastern
division, in 18G7, amounted to $511,90(5 21.
If the military supplies were wagoned,
and mails carried by stage, and the troops
inarched (taking the average rates at
which Government made its transportation
contracts for that year as shown by cer
tificates of the departments ot the Quarter
master General and the Postmaster Gen
eral), the total cost would have been
1,358,291 00.
Saving to Government in 18G7, $81G,
382 82.
At this rate of saving all the Uni
ted States bonds issued in aid of this
road, principal and interest would be
extinguished in less than 4 years.
The Chinese Government has
employed Dr. D. J. MacGowan, who
visited our city several years ago, to
write a book on mining and metal
lurgy; Mr. Martin, to prepare a work
on natural philosophy, and Mr. Fry
er to make translations of scientific
treatises. Thus the Middle King
dom officially abandons its ancient
and pernicious error that it is the
chief center of learning and civiliza
tion, acknowledges the superiority of
Caucasion art and science, and eu
courages its people to learn from the
Christians. Tradition, prejudice and
exclusiveness have thus received a
blow from which they will never re
cover, and progress is at lst accept
ed as the watchword of the slowest
country on the face of the globe.
The Portland Evening Com
mcrcial made its appearance on Sat
urday last. It seems to have a
" payng'' air from the commence
ment, and we wish it a successful ca
reer. Mr. Bull proposes to make his
paper strictly independent. In his
first leader he says that he shall steer
clear of all political locks.
A copperhead paper says that
Grant is pledged not to qualify as
President. That Colfax w ill be really
President. If so, w hich is not at all
probable, what do they propose to do
about it. Grant will be President
do not lav the fact aside.
The Oregon and Idaho telegraph
line is solely a private enterprise,
built by the O. S. N. Co., so far as it
has been constructed. The advances
which it now receives will all be paid
back to those rendering the same, in
business, upon the completion of the
Thos. B. Florence, for ten years a
Democrat, representative of the First
Pennsylvania District, and now the
editor of the Constitutional Union an
extremely Democratic paper iu
Washington City, has created some
surprise by announcing himself in fa
vor cf conferring the elective franchise
upon all races and sexes.
According to the Record.'' s ac
count of the " monster" meeting at
Salem last Saturday, there were
about as many Republicans present
as Damocrats. The latter were not
so full of ratification as they would
have been, had Pendleton been the
man. But five arrests were made.
Our friend R. T. Montgomery
has again assumed charge of the
Napa Register. Pecuniary embar
rassments, resulting from insufficient
support, Caused his predecessor Mr.
N. E. White, to yield the tripod.
The Register is a good paper, and
ought to be better sustained.
R. C. McCormiek, a staunch re-
pubIican-Governor of Arizona has
been elected to Congress from that
Territory by about three hundred
A bill is being introduced into
the British Parliament to transfer the
Hndson Bay Territory to the Gov
The O. & C. Stage Co. are now
mekicg the trip to Portland from San
Francisco in 51 days, placing us but
fifteen days from New York by that
The steam fire engine of Protec
tion Co. No. 4, was damaged by inex
perienced persons using her at a fire
last week.
The next8ession of" the confer
ence of the M. E. Chnrch here, will
meet at Salem August. .ih. Rev.
Bbhop Scott will preside.
Of the financial condition of Clackamas
county. Oregon, for the fiscal year ending
July 7th, 18G8.
To amount collected $10,535 61
By State Treasurers receipt. . 10,535 61
To amount on hand last year. . .$1,284 83
" Taxes collected, 1867".... .'.. 3,332 90
Total $4,G17 73
By amount paid Sup't orders. . . 4.016 77
To balance intreasury
cocs-Tir FtsB.
To amount on hand last year. .
" land redeemed. &c,
" " trial fees, Co. fund,
" " licenses
" estraya sold
" " taxes collected
$ 570 G
$ 241 84
, 250 C2
1,007 00
280 00
40 92
lGr'58 18
Total $18,378 56
By Co. orders paid. ,$18,198 14
" Am't ou hand 180 42-18,378 50
Being amounts lor which County cr
del3 were drawn :
State cases $1,755 i0
Jail and board of prisoners iH;7 50
County court expenses 2,652 50
Roads 674 40
Miscellaneons,wood, stationary etc. 284 25
Salary Superintendent Sohools. . 150 00
" County Judge : 600 00
' Treasurer 500 00
Rent Court House 600 00
Circuit Court expenses, jury, etc. 2:535 90
Expenses of election 574 40
Paupers, Insane, etc 635 GO
Preseeuting Attorneys fees 340 00
Assessing and collecting revenue 1.589 00
Tax remitted as over assessed. . . 255 88
County commissioners per diem. . 212 20
Bridges and lumber 580 50
14.307 59
. 8,612 18
Out standing orders, last year.
Total 22 919 77
By canc'ld Co! ordersSlS.iis 14
outstanding " 4,721 63-22,919 77
To outstanding orders $4,721 63
To judgment against D.
B. Hannah $76 00
To amount on hand ... . 751 38
Certificates of land, etc. .1,138 21-1,965 59
Indebtedness $2,756 04
Received from all sources $34,822 69
Paid State Taxes SI 0.535 61
School 2.332 90
" County orders. . 18,198 14-32.0GG 65
Deficit ..$2,756 04
I certify the above is a true and correct
statement of the financial affairs of Clack
amas county. J. M. Fkazeu,
Ojunty Cleric.
Oregon City, July ISth, 1SG3.
a r vm.
Oswego, July ICth, 18G8.
Editor Enterprise :
I observe an advertisement in the Her
ald signed by one Jacob Brem. cautioning
all persons against trusting Pearl Lodge
No. 72 Good Templars. &c. Wherever
the said Brem is kuown, any refutation of
the charge is entirely superfluous. The
said Brem having been recently dis
charged from the services of the Oregon
Iron Co., as cook, for drunkenness, neg
lect of business, and, it is reported, for
other causes, attempted to make a raise to
leave town on, by bilking the Good Tem
plars and those of his friends who have
helped him and kept him in employment
for his family's sake. Failing ia that at
tempt, he lias found those who were will
ing to do dirty work for him, for the dol
lar, by publishing that which there is not
one word cf truth in, or a shadow of foun
datiou for.
Yours Respect full v,
Member of Pearl Lodge.
The river above is becoming quite
low, and navigation is obstructed.
Wednesday the boat from Salem did not
reach this place until 4 o'clock p. m. A
train of ears would have landed the pas
sengers and freight at Portland within
three hours after the time of departure
from Salem, easily.
Rev. Dr. Benson has given
the editorial chair of the Advocate to
his successor, Rev, I. Dillon, and af
ter conference will sail for California.
Dr. Benson will meet with apprecia
tion wherever he may go. He is to
take charge of the Chris fa hi Advocate
of Cabf'or nia. x
In Oregon City, on Monday, July 13th,
lSt8, Audita J., daughter of N. W. and
Scsanxa Randall, in "the lyth year of her
In Canemah on Wednesday, July 15th,
Jons It. Coblrx, aged 3S years.
Ir. E. Cooper's Universal Magnetic
HALM A great Family Medicine. It is a
sovereign remedy for
And kindred diseases of the titroat, and un
equalled in the cure of Pvsenteiy, Diarrhea,
Cholera, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, and
Fever a net Ague,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds, Toothache,
Burns, Sprains, Bruises, fcc, &c, are at
once relieved by its timely use.
Truly a. A'egctcUle Preparation,
Jjf?-' None genuine without signature of
jy IS 3m) Sole Agents.
New Advertisements.
May be found at Pleasant Hill. Clackamas
county, Oregon. Post office address is
H livttevilU, Oregon.
Wm. H. WATKINS, Iff. D.,
OJfi.ce 95 Front st., Portland. Oregon.
Residence cor. Main and 7th sts.
Robinson & Lake
Tin-ware trade as usual, at the estib-
Co, 'ner of Front and Salmon sfa.
Portland, Oregon..
Flax Seed Wanted!
Oregon Seed Store !
First st., Portland, opposite the
Western Hotel. Will pay
irtffhtst Cash Prices for r lax' Feed !
New Advertisements.
Nos. 114 and 11G Second street,
cor. JMorrison, Portland.
Having Bought out and Refitted
Liver j, Sale and Feed Stable
Are now prepared to receive all the old
customers, and as many new patrons as may
see lit to give us a call, we will give
Particular attention to Farmers stock!
We are satisfied that we can give entire
satisfaction to our friends and the public
and we shall do so,
And we shall take pride in turning out ns
nice an outfit as any establishment ou the
const for the same money.
tSf We will also be prepared to dty all
the good horses that come to this market, at
Letter prices than any one else can par, as
we have a connection b?!ow superior to any
other parties in l$an Francisco, in this hue
of business GODAKD &. LAKE.
33 J. li DH Jit Y !
Bet. Washington and Stark sts.
Will always be sold below San Francisco
prices. Alloiders promptly attended to.
First ft., Portland. Oregon,.
fcLaughSin House.
Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,)
Oregon City, Oregon.
J. F. Miller & Co., Proprietors.
57" This is the most commodious Hotel
iu the city. Newly furnished, and just open
for the reception of guests.
3f It will be the endeavor of the Propri
etors to make all guests comfortable..
Portland Auction Store!
U7 First st., 7iezt door to Post-office,
Portland, Oregon,
Importers and Jobbers of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods, Grain Bugs,
Barlipi, Furnishing Goods.
e W'M Pa,l t,ie highest cash
price for Wool, Furs and Hides
Front St., near the Ferry Landing,
Portland, Oregon.
Re fitted and Re opened by J. A. Mac
Donald. The lest of Wines, Li
quors, Cigars, etc., constantly
on hand.
Attorney and Cocnselor-atLaw,
Portland, Oregon.
Ollice in Stark's building, opposite
Airigoni's, (up stairs.) f4ttf
Will be f erred at the Lincoln Baker
until further notice. L. DILLER, Prop'i
June tith, 1S0S.
Now York, Japan & China
Will be dispatched as follows :
Leave wharf corner of First and Brannan
streets, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following
dates, for Panama, connecting via.. Panama
li. K: with one of the company's splendid
steamers from Aspinwall lor New York, oa
Ttic Gtli, 11H, anrt 30jli,
O F E A C1I M 0 X T II!
Steamers leaving f-'anl-'rancisco on the 14th
and 3.ith touch at Manzanillo. All touch at j
Acapulco. Departure of the 6th connects !
with English steamer for Australia. Depart
ure of the 11th isxpected to connect with
the French Trans-Atlantic Co.'s steamer for
St. Nazaire, and English steamer for South
America. Through tickets can be obtained.
Departure of 11th is expected to connect
with English steamer for Southampton.South
America, and P. R R: Co.'s steamer for Cen
tral America. Through tickets can be had.
The following Steamships will be dis
patched on dates as follows:
July 6th MONTANA, Capt. J. M. Cavarlv,
connecting with HENRY CHAUNCEY,
Capt. Gray.
July Hth-'CONSTITUTION, Capt. C. C.
Comstock, connecting with the OCEAN
QUEEN, Capt. Kin
Jely 2'Jd GOLDEN CITY, Capt. William
h. Lapidge, connecting with RISING
STA R, Capt. Connor.
July Soth GOLDEN AGE, Capt. E. S.
Farnsworth, connecting with ARIZONA,
Capt. Maury.
Passengers berthed through. Bar.
gage checked through. K0 lbs. allowed to
each adult. An experienced surgeon on
bonrd. Medicine and attendance free.
These steamers will positively sail at 11
o clock. Passengers are requested to have
their baggage on board before ten o'clock.
I-i?" Through tickets to Liverpool bv the
Cunard, Imnan and National steamship "lines
can be obtained at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s office
in SanFrancisco, where nuiv also be obtained
orders for passage from Liverpool or South
ampton to San Francisco, either via New
York or St. Thomas if desirrd an amount
of 10 or 20 will bp advanced with the
above orders. Holders of orders will be re
quired to identify themselves to the Agents
in England.
For merchandise and freight for New York
and way ports, apply to Wells, Fargo & Co.
No Freight received after 2 r. m. of the
day prior to departure.
The steamship JAPAN, Cant. Geo. E.
Lane, will be dispatched on MONDAY, Aug.
3, at 12 o'clock, noou, for YOKOHAMA,
where she will connect with the GREAT RE
For passage and all other information, ap
ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s otlice, corner of
Sacramento and LeidesdorfF sts.
A. 15. Ricliapds..
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General M,. v
dise and Horses, lercW
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
A. B. Richardson, Auction.
English refined liar and Bundle Iron
English Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, I lies, Hasps, saws '
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, H.'g. Iro
also : ' n !
A large assortment of Groceries andL-Vu
A. B. Richardson-, AuctioueJ-
Forwarding Merchants,
Hawaiian, and Option Packet Linw
Importers of San Quentin am 4 Crn ;
Island Salt, Sandwich Island STSgars-Ca' " '
Kice, and f'ulu. ' ,
Agents for Provost' & Co.'s- Fr,
Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. " i
Dealers in Hour, Grait, Uacon, Lard i
Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster.- 1
Will attend to the Purcba, Sale or Shivi
ment of Merchandise or Produce jn jjJw f
York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland,
Nos 204 ftfld 206 California Street.. ?
San Francisco. f
16 North Front Street, Portland.
Sugar, Coffee and Syrup,
Just received per barque s
R A N f E It
400 sks KOXA COFFEE ; v
300 bbls Hawaiian svgar-house syrup. s
TI7 be sold low to the trade, ly
buceegsor to Grail on cf- 6 c'.,
Wagons & Carriages,
201 and 203 Front st., Portland. Oregon, j
0Cj Wagons of every description
made to order. General Jailing dolt
with neatness and dispatch.
Oak and Ash lumber, and all kinds
of wagon materials for sale.
Orders from the country prompi'y
attended to.
North American S. S. Co.,
Lower Rates than Ever!
Passengers Berthed Through Thu
is not done by any other route!
.L ship company will dispatch the :V;
new steamer
S.oon tons. R. II. Hok.ver Comniamici,
From Mission street whurt, at 12 u'clock, II.
MONDAY JULY 20th, 18G8,
Connecting via. Panama R. R. at Aspinwall
with the
Company's splendid new steamship
2,500 Tons For NEW YORK.
Tickets to return good for s'x month
At Extremely Low Rales!
Steamers of this Company will hereafter
touch at Munzaniilo each way. Freights aoi
passage at reduced rates.
Passage tickets to a:id from Liverpool.
Queenstown, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp
Copenhagen, Christiana and Gottenberir, It
the Liverpool and Great Western Steams!
Company's staunch and elegant Iron steam
ships, at unusually low rates.
Passage from JJremen, Southampton in'l
Havre, by first class steamers of the North
German Lloyds, at reduced rates.
One hundred lbs. Baggage free.
An experienced Surgeon on board.
Medicines and Attendance fret
The Xevada will sail August 5th.
The Oregonian August
2sf For further information applv loo.
I. W. RAYMOND, Agent
N W cor. Pme and Battery sts., up-stairj,
.tdl San Irarscisc
iV I 1' I ' I ' U'
Portland as follows: '
(Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock a. ft.
Monday st Wednesdays and Fridoyh
At 5 o'clock a. m.
Every lriday, at 5 o'clock, a. fi.
Returning, leave Wallula on Mondr
Wednesday & Friday, touching at Umt'I'-
Monday and Friday, at 0 o'clock a.m-'
rnrt montigello : VJ
Da Hi, ISuvdaus excepted,) Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 a '
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday,
at 7 o'clock a. in.
lT Boats for the transportation of
in'readiness when business "ft'ersc
j. c AiNswoirrii.
President O. S. N. Companr. f
Porthuidrfgi :
t i Mast?'-
Capt. Boone ; - V ' " ''lir OK-
Will make regular trips daily. 1v,np.(,
gonCity, a.m., nd Portland tr.
connecting with the steamer Ann, i
ickers, lor- w vTVTLbt' -
and intermediate points on tlie i . , . j
On Monday, Wednesday andinW f
f airfifld" and0wheatland, j
rAln(0n the Upper Willamette,) fc
0 Saturday Sjti. .