o o SJJ o o SSKT. i3n,ygLsjjmiM '- , 5ljc iVcckUj (Enterprise. Oregon City, Oregofi : r. r I11KLAXI). EDITOK A.U l'K(.rui.TOIC. o Saturday, . : June 27, 1868. National Union Ticket. FOR PUES1DKXT, Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT FOR VICE PRESIDENT, SCHUYLER COLFAX. For Presidential Electors, 15. MEACIIAM, of Cr.ion county. J)'r. W. liOWLHV.of Washington. O. JACOBS, of Jackson. It will bo observed that the Oregon iun sails on July 4th; the Xebraska on the 20th, in the opposU lion. The California Labor Exchange Las worked a wonder for seekers of employment in San Francisco, who were previously unmercifully robbed by the swindling tenauts of " Intelli gence ofiices." Utah contains 90,000 inhabi tants; lias 100,000 square niles, and the fmett)ocation for a capital in the country Great Salt Lake City. Her people arc temperate and pros perous, let what inny be said cf them, un the score of religious views. The Constitution of Maryland excludes ministers of the gospel from holding seats in the legislature. J.LjryluHi is Democratic, and sets a bight-r estimation upon the keepers of i um-miUs and faro banks, who fur niali many representatives. Mary bind is the slowest State in the Union; was six vears behind all the j est i:i tiling the Confederation, and nmongst tlcV1 last in adopting the Constitution. We cannot expect the leopard to change bis spots. q The movement among leading politicians' of the east, opposed to the principles of a republican form of government, in favor of restoring rebels to arm3, etc., is spreading in favor of Oiase fur the Presidency. "We hear of many Democrats in Ors 'gon who smear tbey would not sup port Chase n nominated out we regard a Democratic oath of that inil, as of lss account than a " tink er's dam." A daughter of King Theodore the Abyssinian ruler lutely killed in battle, is living in New York city. She is represented as bei.:g a reso lute woman, declares lier rightfu claims co a seat on the thione, and her determination to secure it. She Jias baen receiving an education in America At the wash-tub, which has indeed, ben a college to her. She neC$r felt the necessity of money un til her arrival in New York, but for nil of that she knew something of its power, and her father's treasure, hid in Abyssinia will attract to her an army, and ships to carry it. The list Odd Fellows' Grand Ldge, of California, sent Meacham to Australia to endeavor to induce the Brotherhood there to affiliate with that of America; the Order in Australia having been organized on the lg'ish plan, known as the Man :hester Unity. The mission has been a complete success. The same work injj i?as bgen adopted, and 4000 mem bers there ore now in affiliation with the American Odd Fellows. Dr. Robert Newell who was employed by the Indians of the Nez Ferces tribe, to accompany their chiefs to Washington City, upon the late instruction of agent O'Neil, to bring them to that place, writes that one of the Chiefs named Utcs.sa-ma-h kin, a friend of Llojd Drooke E?q , of Portland, had died of typhoid fe ver, on the 23th of May, and was buried in the Congressional burying A Vrt.l;rrrt nil OPIlO Ttirli.lIlC had not seen any of the Government officials at trie time of writing, but it is to be hoped that after the excite ment of the impeachment trial had subsided,. they received proper atten tion, and the difficulties about their lands satisfactorily arranged. The Nez Perces boast that they have al ways been friends of the whites. We know by sad experience that an Indi an war is a terrible, lingering, and expeusive one, and the white man, if 'ver the gainer is so at a fearful cost. The death of this chief may compli t-ate matters a little. Ueriah. don't like to be tw itted about swallowing back his own vom it, when made to do so by the Ore Qgonian. He is very fidgety about the 0o Oregoniaiis leaders, to which Scott replies: Q Q " He attributes an editorial article which recently appeared in this paper, to Harper's Weekly. lie " don't know positively, but it sounds very like. Now Harper's, Weekly is not a vry obscure paper; might it not be well tor this critic to get it and see ? 3Ie has a great deal of trouble about the authorship of the editorials lished in the Oregnnian. He mav console himself with the reflection that no one will make any inquiries about the . authorship ot anything published, editorially, in the " organ'' unless some person happens alono- hunting for a prodigy of dullness and ld fogy ism to set up as a hero fr a Democratic L'ur.cuta. i KOIAVITHSTASDIXG. Notwithstanding the opposition that has been made to the Oregon Central R. R. Co.; notwithstanding Gaston's private letters to parties in the East, and his caution to Bankers, Brokers, etc., by order of the Board of Directors; notwithstanding the Lafiyette Courier is of opinion that th& P. T. Company cannot galvanize the East side railroad into anything; notwithstanding Gaston's assertions to New York Journals that the East side company is composed of black, mailers, who proceeded to let a con tract for the construction of 150 miles of the road Jo S. G. Elliott, acting as attorney for A. J. Cooke & Co., and proposed to pay the cost of the road in bonds, etc., when they had not made " a survey, turned out a spade " full of earth, procured the right of " way for a single rod, secured the :t subscription cf a single dollar to "their stock;'' notwithstanding, as Gaston said, September, 17th, 1807, they had not a single dollar of " property in any style or form;" Notwithstanding " the worthlessness for every purpose except one of their notoriously insolvent officers," accord ing to this same Gaston; notwith standing the incorporators were stig matized 'as mere tools in the hands of others of more braius and less hones ty;" notwithstanding their iron, and locomotives, and machinery, and in struments are " in soak," at San Francisco, for freight in short, not withstanding all the mean things that have been said against them by par ties interested in engineering the west side road, this great work is quietly progressing. We have tried to get away from the office this week for the purpose of witnessing the progress of the work, but, as we have not been able to do so, we give the following articles from the daily Oregonian and the Herald, whose editors have visited the scene of operations. The Oregonian says: Any one who has taken the trouble to visit the line of operations on the cast side road and examined the work going for ward there, must be couviuced that . the Company is working with an earnest and determined will, and that it fully means to accomplish the important enterprise which it has taken in hand. There are about one hundred and fifty men various ly employed on the road. This force is distributed in several places a part being engaged in cutting timber, a part in grad ing, and a part in constructing a saw-mill and machine shops. Besides these, are two surveying parties employed in exam ining the country and establishing the line of the road. About seven miles of the road are now fully graded and ready for the ties. So far there has not been much heavy work. The deepest cut yet en countered is near Milwaukie, where it was necessary to cut through a ridge to the extent of several hundred feet, the deepest place being about twelve feet below the surface. This ridge was a bank of gravel, solidly imbedded, and was a considerable obstacle to overcome. Near this place it was necessary to construct trestle work for a distance of several hundred feet. This work stands from five to eight feet in height, and is built of very heavy timber and in the most substantial manner. Dur ing the past week the main part of the grading force has been engaged in finish ing the deep cut just spoken of, and filling low ground adjacent to the trestle work. They are now ready to move forward about two miles beyond Milwaukie, to which point the grading is practically completed. With the exception of heavy timber in some places there will be no other obstacle in the way until the Clacka mas river is reached To that place it is believed the road will be graded within a month. The Superintendent is pushing the work forward with energy, and what has been performed is in a skillful and sub stantial manner. The saw mill which is being erected on the line about a mile from where ground was first broken , will be ready to run in a very lew days. It will be set at work immediately upon the ties and other ma terials for the road. The ties will be eight feet in length, and six inches by eight in size. They will be placed at a distance from each other of two feet from center to center, thus making the road as substan tial as any ever built. Two thousand six hundred and twenty ties per mile will be required. The company expect to be able to cut this vast amount "of timber at a cost of about half what they would have to pay for it if obtained from other hands. There is any quantity of timber within a few yards ot the line ot the roau between tne ulace where the mill stands and the Clackamas river ; and as all this timber which is within reach of the road must be cut down, it will be easy to hoist the logs upon the cars and run them down to the mill. A large number of logs are already cut immediately by the mill, so that it can go to work without delay the moment it is ready to run. The mill is put up in such a manner that it can bo removed to other places along the road, when desired, without expense or loss ot time. We think that any one who takes? a sur vey of the work which has already been done on the east side road and observes the earnestness with which those who have the enterprise in band are pushing for ward will receive very favorable impres sions in regard to it. Such an examina tion ought to satisfy any observer that it is the purpose of the company and the contractors to build a railroad. The Herald says: In C9mpany with a gentleman connect ed with the railroad enterprise on the east side of the Willamette river, we paid a visit to their scene of operations. The saw mills and shops were first visited. These are located on the line of the road, about two miles from. East Portland. A shop for wood-work has been built and adjoining it is the saw-mill. A little over a month ago the order for machinery was telegraphed to San Francisco. In ten days it was ready and shipped on board a vessel for this place. Yesterday the mill cut the first log. This is what might be called quick work, and is principally due to the energy and activity of Mr. S. G. Elliott, who is equal to a small steam en gine in the way of rushing things. The shop for wood-work is 60 feet long, by 30 jVft w H-. ani contain' a rUTr and t-'rv lar saw, a jig-saw and a lath el" These ma chines are all fitted and ready t run. The planer is adapted to almost any sized lum ber and will smooth an inch board or aj stick CO feet long, a foot wide and four inches thick for the sill of a car wiih equal facility. These machines are all moved by the one engine that drives the' sawmill. It is the intention of the Company to build larger shops, in connection with" those al ready built, for the purpose of making cars. There is already a number of car wheels on the ground, and the wood-work tv ill be got out as fast as fire, water and iron, directed by human hands, can do it. All the cars to be used oa the line are to be constructed of Oregon woods, prepared at the mill. The passenger cars will be panneled with alder, maple and cedar. The ash, fir and pine will also enter into their composition. These woods, in the hands of skillful mechanics, are capable of being wrought into as fine specimens oi workmanship us can be produced any where. It was the determination of the company, that when the ground was bro ken by a shovel made of Oregon materials, produced by Oregon skill and enterprise, that as far as lay in their power, they would use in the construction of the road, only Oregon productions. They intend to carry this design out through all the work. Thej have another saw mill on the road here which will be exclusively devoted to the work of sawing ties, and when it gets into operation it will produce ties as fast as they can be used. Having witnessed the ceremony of sawing the first log. we next went to Milwaukie and visited the construction parties, two miles beyond. There a;e four or five gangs of men at work, numbering in all about two hundred. Foremost go the. choppers, clearing the way for the navvys. There are quite a number cf Chinamen employed, who re ceive $30 per month and find themselves. The white laborers receive from 33 to 15 per month and board. The road is graded ready for the ties. There is one trestle-work 300 feet long built in a very solid and substantial style. One cut w here heavy work was necessary occurs just back of .Mihvaukie. It is fifteen feet deep iu the deepest place, the earth from which, was hauled to make an embanked approach to the trestle work. More than eight miles of the road bed are now ready. It will be completed to Oregon City with in one month. The track will be laid and cars will be running to that place by September. The benefits of the road are already beginning to be shown. One man has advanced the price of his farm $.",U00. A number of others have made proffers of from ten to twenty acres of land for depot purposes. Every body along the route takes great interest in the enterprise and help it all they cau. The truth b that it is a fixed fact, and they have begun to ap preciate its value. These are about the main facts that we. observed on the trip. We don't care about chronicling the name of our kind and generous entertainer, lor ho is a modest man and shrinks lrom pub licity. Over in Yamhill county the other day we were met by an intelligent appearing gentleman who desired to know of us why it was that people over here were trying to crush out the west side ro-.id? lie informed us that this side literally amounted to nothing, and that he had been given to understand by Portland gentleman that work was to be stopped at once. You may talk abont astonishment, reader, but only imagine our surprise, at such an extraordinary statement from so unexpected a source. He gave ns the name of his informants; and when we read in the Courier about the P. T. Company galvanizing anything, try to follow the current of our thought as we set out in the mysterious search of some other com pany who might be trying to galvan ize something else. We haye thought seriously over the subject and the little jottings by the way which wc have gathered here and there lead us to one fixed conclusion respecting the objects to bo attained by the operations of the west side road. We are now very firmly of the opinion that it will not be built; or at least, that Portland will not be its termius. It is to our mind, a fact, that a certain other very import ant enterprise is being brought to bear in assistance of the west side scheme, purposely to kill off the ors ganization known as the Oregon Central Railroad Company, for the double purpose of preventing it from asking aid of the legislature of this State and the General Government, thus leaving the way clear to some thing likely to follow. There is not the least particle of danger, however, anticipated from this strategetic move on the chess board of commercial currents in Oregon. The east side road is quietly wending its course up the valley. There is not a particle more of opposition to the Company now, than there was ten months ago. For nearly a year Gaston has been butting against these " blackmailers;''' but the "notoriously insolvent" cusses would not down. We be lieve a fact that he has it is about ex hausted his " home resources" which vere considered, in September 1S07, in the estimation of his board of Di rectors, ample "to complete and put " into operation the first section of " twenty miles of our road," in buck ing at a solid lump of enterprise, and capital sufficient to do all that was agreed upon, between A. J. Cooke & Co., and the O. C. R. R., represented by Gov. Geo. L. Woods, about five months after the adjourn ment of the last State Legislature. The experimentof burning crude petroleum in the furnaces of river steamboats, was lately made by the C. S. N. Co., but w ith what degree of success v."c f.re itaill? to esptai'i. OREGO. Rev. Dr. Atkinson is lying dan gerously ill at Forest Grove. The storms have done much damage to farms and crops in Uma tilla county. Oregon voted all the time in the Chicago Convention, for Colfax, for Vice President. The people of Grande Ronde valley are aiding the Oregon and Ida ho telegraph company. We are glad to hear that Capt. Sprague has been found, and that he has recovered, and is well. The Blue Mountain Times is informed that Hon. W. W. Parker of Astoria, has been nominated Sec retary of Idaho Territory. Hon. Columbia Lancaster, for merly Delegate to Congress from Washington Territory, has formed a co-partnership with Aaron E. Waite Esq. of Portland. Farmers in this valley, says the Ensign, are now busy making hay. The hay and grain crops are better this season than they have been for many a year. The Ilumbolt mining company, at Eagle Creek, Baker county, have just taken out $1,100 from a run of two weeks with their ten stamp mill on the Gem lode. The Sentinel is informed that the Klamath Indians have fenced about 2,000 acres of land at that agency sown 140 acres in grain ; and that settlers are flocking into the section from every direction. W. T. Wythe, M. D., son of Rev. Dr. Wythe of Salem, has taken his departure for, Kenay Harbor, Alaska, in charge of stores for a hos pital, and is under contract to re main there one year. The Herald pays Portland me chanics high compliments. We en dorse the remarks, and would add, that anything wrought by artizans cau be produced in this State, and many of them of Oregon material. The interest being manifested in instituting and systemizing education al institutions, in our State seems to be favorably on the increase. Am ple facilities for training the young mind are now almost everywhere af forded. : The Roseburg Academy is being re painted, and fitted up generally. The school Directors request the En sign to say that the Academy will not. be open for the use of any kind of meetings after Mr. Furgusson corns mences teaching. Mr. Coggan, of La Grande, we learn from the Times, is delivering a 20-stamp mill at Yuba, South Boise, for an English company, the Lucy rhillips. The amount is 145, 000 lbs., and 1G of the largest sized freight wagons are required for the service. Colonel Fulton informs the Mountaineer that a terrific hail and rain storm passed over his farm in Celilo precinct, on the 12th. The hail stones were as large as hen egis and the rain fell in torrents. Con siderable damage was done to the grain and fruit trees, also to the roads. That must be a favored spot for such freaks of the weather. In Junel8G3a storm of like terrible proportions visited the same place. The great storms all throughout the States last winter put an embar go on business, and compelled peo ple to dig out. The cold touched the very marrow of the bones, and made the poor feel an hundred foldpoor tr. Poverty in a land like our own charming Oregon is quite a differ ent thing from poverty beset by the gloom and cold of a Michigan, Indi ana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa or Minnesota winter. " You may bet your life !" The Oregon Central Military Road company is another enterprise, which has forced its existence, and done its work in the very teeth of a spiteful opposition, but it has sue ceeded admirably. The principal of fice of this company is located at Eu gene City. The following are the officers for the ensuing year; B. J. Pengra, President; J. R. Bayiey, Vice President; J. B. Underwood, Sec'y; A. S. Patterson, Treasurer Wm. B. Pengra, Sup't. B. J. Pen' gra, T. D. Edwards, II. F. Stratton, J. R. Bayiey, J. A. Chapman, J. G. Gray and Wm. II. Odell, Directors. Grand Lodge A. F. and A. M. The following grand officers have been duly elected and installed to serve for the ensuing Masonic year : A. A. Smith, Grand Master; XV. D. Hare, Deputy Grand Master; D. G. Clarke, Senior Grand Warden; A. B. Richardson, Junior Grand War den; B. F. Brown, Grand Treasurer; JE: Uurford, Grand Secretary; J. R. Bayiey, Educational Fund. The lloyal Arch Chapter of Or egon elected the following officers at Portland, on the evening of Monday last: J.. It. Bavlev, G. II. P.; P. C. Schuyler; Jr., D.G. II. P.; J. Con ser, G. K.; C. W. Cartwrighr, G. S ; Rev. J. II. Wythe, Grand Chaplain; E. Earhart, G. Sec; J. If. Couch; G. Treas.; B. F. Goodwin, G C of H. ; I. Williams, G P. S ; O. S. Sav age. G. K A. C. RAILROAD ITEMS. Benton County, has subscribed 20,000 to secure the west trunk of the Railroad through Corvallis. - The Record is informed that grading through the French Prairie will be done before wet weather sets in. The survey for the O. C. R. R. will be commenced in Benton county r.ext week, and a gang ot hands will be set at work on the grade through that section. The ronte of the survey from Salem to McMinnville, recently com pleted by Mr. Burrage, of the O. C. R. R. corps of engineers, makes the distance 22 miles, through a very val uable region of country. The first deed of trust from the California end of the Oregon R. R., was filed on the 11th ult. This mortgage of the Company to their trustees gets the capital with which to commence work. The case of the State of Oregon on relation of Jos. Gaston against Geo. L. Woods and the O. C. R. R. Co., was dismissed in the Circuit Court for Multnomah county, on Monday last, on a motion of II ill & Mulkey, attorneys for the plaintiff. The Salem council, at biiing its nose off. put a heavy burden upon a few enterprising people there, who are now doing all thev can to save the railroad for that city. We fear that an " example" will be made of leaving a place out in the wet, before the road arrives at . Salem, and that one example may prove a benefit to some of the vallev towns, but it will be death to us. A survey has been completed for a branch road from Salem to Mc Minnville ; and were it not for the fact that we have already more hals won- all we bet than we can pos sibly ever wear out, we would wager a beaver that that will be nearer to successful completion in five years from now, than the "original Dr. Townscnd'' of Portland notori ety. . ' It is a fact worth knowing, says the Record, that the distance from Dallas, via Salem, to Portland, by contemplated routes, is fifteen miles less than by Ililisboro, and from McMinnville to Portland, via Salem, is less than seventy miles, and will involve less expense for transporta tion of freight and passengers, than by a direct route on that side of the river, as there are few difficulties to overcome, and the distance is only about ten miles farther. One Cen tral Road and sufficient branches promise the greatest benefits to the country. Betting High. We thought men were going crazy on the wager ques tion in Oregon ot the late contest be tween Messrs. Logan and Smith for congressional honors ; but a friend in Indiana writes us, beginning with : " You may bet your life" one winter in the " Atlantic States" is enough to cure the most obstinate case of home sickness, to parties in our own delightful Oregon.'' We heard of cue cronic case that gave way at the first cold snap. Political Item. If any union man wishes to understand why cer tain classes stand in such dread of negro equality, let him attempt to deposit his vote, in some of the wards of this city at any hour after one o'clock on election day. The billingsgate of the half civilized and wholly drunk rabble who crowd around the polls will convince him that their fears at any rate are well founded. And yet these men, in many cases, too fresh from the old country to be rid of its broadest brogue; too ignorant of letters to spell out the ticket they vote; fur sale to those corrupt enough to buy their support ; breathing out the stench, aud staggering under the weight of free drinks; inferior to the blacks in morals, manners and at tainments, have the impudence to swagger around the polls and insult decent men who vote a different tick et from theirs. P. C. Advocate. Railroad Matters in Yamhill. Col. Chapman and Ex-Gov. Gibbs returned yesterday from Yamhill county, where they had been in at tendance upon a meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners, as advocates of the interests of the West side rail road. We learn from them that the Commissioners decided, on Thursday, to assume for the county, the interest on 875,000 of the Company's bonds, at the rate of seven per cent, per an num, in gold, for twenty years. The details of the contract were agreed upon and the document will be signed immediately, Mr Gaston, President of the Company, remaining at Lafay ette for that purpose. By the terms of the contract, the coupons are to be signed immediately and the interest will run from July 1st proximo. The bonds are to be placed in the hands of Mr. W. S. Ladd, as Trustee, who is to collect the interest and keep the bonds till the road shall be in opera tion to the Yamhill river, when all the bonds, coupons and accumulated interest are to bo delivered to the Railroad Company. The county, in consideration of its aid, is to have the use of the Company's bridges in Yamhill county free for public use. The West side Company is certainly succeeding remaikably in eecuring aid of this sort.--Ore:ranijn. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. We take the following telegraphic news from dispatches to the Ortyvnian. The Occident arrived at San Francisco on the 21st. New articles of impeachment are being prepared. The Sioux Indians are commit ting numerous depredation3 above Fort Benton. Brigham Young is still alive, but Ileber C. Kimball, his second, died at Salt Lake on the 21st. The revenue cutter Shabrick is again afloat. She was " beached" on this coast last September. The San Francisco wheat and flour markets are very dull, and but small sales of oats are reported. The time for completing the Oregon branch of the Pacific R. R. has been extended. A heavy fire occurred at San Francisco on the 22nd. Among the losers we observe Armes & Dallam. $G,000; but this will in uo way in iuterrupt their business. Surra tt was discharged on the indictment for murder, by Judge Wylie on the 21st. The case was continued on other counts, and pris- oner admitted to bail in the sum of $20,000. Singular Coincidences. There is something singular indeed in the fact that Idaho City has been three times visited by very destructive fires, and these all occurred in the same month of alternate years, and at about the same time. The first fire occurred June 17th, 1SG4; the second June 18th, 1S0G; the third June 19. h 18G8. This latter con flagration would have been as disas trous as the first two, which swept the town, ouly that the spread was checked by water-works erected last year. Appointments. Hon. Cyrus On ly, it is said, is returning with a com mission for the construction of the Oregon Castom House at Astoria. II. A. Hogue, Esq., has been ap pointed Superintendent of the Dalles Mint, aud D. M. French, E-q., dis bursing agent for the erection of the same. All good appoinuients. Frederick Whymper, one of the Vancouver exploring expedition, and more recently artist of the Rus sian-American telegraph construction party, has sailed to lecture before the Royal. Geographical Society of Lon don. A great many papers, including this one, have published a story of an eagle carry off a child in Illinois. It turns out to have been the steam boat Gray Eagle that took the b.iby. The hoax was very cleverly done by the Quincy Whig. Capt. Davidson should be ashamed of himself. The next steamer for China in the line of the P. M. S. S. Co , will be the New York, for Yokahama July 31. "WccSilj- Coiiimciiial Review. Extektrisr Office, ) Oregon City, June -ititli, 1S03. j FLOUR Imperial, Standard, Monitor, and Harding's brands 50 (a) SG 00 bbl.. outside brands $4 50,$4 75. W1IHAT Dull demand at S5(m90 cts. bushel. OATS The demand is about equal to the supply, at 40c. CORN MEAL $2.f0$3t cwt. FEED Ground $25 rt ton : Middlings $2025 ; Bran $12. FRUIT Green Apples fthx 5075 c; Dried Apples lb ext.oc; Dried Reaches none ; Plums l0(-7,12c. CURED MEAT Racon ? lb 0cllc: Hams pi lb 12ic; Shoulders 57c. LARD In kegs 9 c; tins 10c. EGGS Abundant at 15c. fl doz. R UTTER Ordinary to prime lb 20 25c. POULTRY Chickens doz ?2 50 3: tame Ducks 75c. pair ; fame Geese $-fo0 "ft pair : Turkeys $2 50$3 1 pair. GAME Grouse 50c. pair, or $3 doz.: Pheasants. 40c. "ft pair, or $2 h,y'. VEGETABLES Potatoes bu. 40 cts Onions 100 lbs S2 00$3.; Reansnoo lbs $5(r($5 50. HIDES Salted lb li5c.: dry 910 WOOL 18c. lb. roirnvxn tricks. Flour Ranging from $5 50 to $G 00 barrel. "Wheat 75 to SO cents bushel. Racon Sides. 0 10c. ; hams, 13llc; shoulders i(W,7c. Lard Inlins. 12ic; Kegs. tl10c. Rutter Fresh Oregon 25 to 3f cents. Eggs 1G to 18c. r$ doz. Dried Fruits Apples, 5f.e.: Teaches, IOC-. 12ic; Plums, 15(3 22c. Sugar Islands, 0312; San Francisco C. 13jfl4c; Crushed, in bbls.. lGr.c : half bbls.. 17c. Syrup Heavy Golden, best brands, 80085c ; Island, in bbls., 35(fi;40c. Coffee Java. 2tUc; Costa Rica, 19c: Rio. l!)c.; Kona, S. I., 18c. Fish Mackerel, in h bbls, $12 50: kits, $3 50; Salmon, $5 50 per i bbl, $9 00 per bbl. Salt Liverpool, per ton, $37 50; Car men Island $27: Bay. $25; Dairy $32 50. Rice Patna No. 1, 8 cents; China, No. 1, 7c. The Pacific Capt. M'Cown, of the firm of Johnson & MCown. agents of the Pacific Insurance Company, advertised in this paper, has presented us a synopsis of the last annual report, made December 31st, 18G7, in compliance with the State law. This, be mindful, is a home compa ny, and one that cannot be discounted. We believe it to be a-i reliable as any in the world. The capital stock now is $1, 000.000; and the assets of the company ex ceed the capital to the amount of $289 -818 09. A. J. Ralston Esq.. of San Fran cisco is Secretary of the Company. The Alb ant. This splendid craft sits upon the water like a well fed duck, smooth and glossy in appearance, and in a short time will be ready to visit her namesake. New Steamer. A boat of fine mould is now on the ways by the P. T. Co., for the Yamhill trade. Capt Apperson treats his passengers with so much consideration now that we hardly know what one can ask when this new craft h placed in ih t'-it-le. . It was reported in this city, says the Herald of recent date, that the rea son why the democratic party elected their candidates, is because they (the candidates), purchased such handsome suits cf clothes from Kohn & Fishel, which improved their appearance so much that Republicans could not cast a vote against them. If every per son wishing to be successful in politics, wealth, health, or even love, would buy their clothing of Kohn & Fisdiel, we should not meet so many disappointed persons, and in tact everybody and everything would b as happy as a cricket. E,. The Unionist says that Gov. Whiteaker, iu his first message, strenuousiy advocated attention to domestic manufac tures, and alluded to soap, socks and pickels as the principle articles which" needed the attention of our producers. The document fell into the hands of the "se.vuil mistake," who expunged its ouly practical part, and soap, socks and pickels were not mentioned. The manufacture of soap has, however, been revived by lliggins & Co., of Portland, who are making large quantities of it; but socks and pickles are still neglected. Gov. Whita ker will be a member of the next legislature and he ought to be appointed a special com mittee on the neglected articles. jew Advertisements. r0 RENT ! One of the most desirable places in Ore gon City, consisting of a House suitable for a large family or a public boarding house together with an Orchard, barn, one or two good cows, etc., is now ollercd for rcut on very favorable terms. Apply to W. J. CALDWELL, . Oregon City, Oregon. J. F. M1LLEU. J. W. SUATTLCK. J. F. MILLER & Co., MAXl'FACTCREKS OF AND DEALERS IX Hoots 501 SIlOC!?! At the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Muin street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents'. Roys', and children's Boots and shoes, on hand, or made to order. JEMOVAL ! OR rim. 13. Miller THE iEWEIJlY Establishment of J JJJkS BE EX UEMOVKD To iVo. 101 Front si., corner of Abler Carters New Building, Portand, la Chas. Woodard's Drug Store r? Where he will be ready to attend to all manner of workmanship in his line. Watches and Jewelry repaired m tns most workmanlike inatiucr. J. B. MILLER. FASHION SALOON. Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, Ojqjvxiie ChanHtn tt Ufa's. THOMAS LEARY, I'KoruiETon. This House is now open with one of the finest stocks of Wines, Lhpiors and ckrars ever brought to this market, which will be sold either Wholesale oa Retail, at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. To parties wishing to find a good ar ticle of Wines or Liquors fjr invalids, or Knglish Al and Porter in bottles imported direct, 1 will say that I am prepared to furn ish as good an article as they can iind any wheic. Z6. North American S. S. Co., cila cV- mis OF EVERY MONTH! OPPOSITION To Mew York, via Panama ! Passengers Berthed Through This is not done by any other route ! THE NORTH AMERICAN STEAM ship company will dispatch the fa.t new steamer OREGON' A"'N , 3.000 tons, Joski'ii Si ttox Commander. From Mission street wharf, at 12 o'clock, M' SATURDAY. JULY -1th, 1SC8, Connecting via. Panama It. R. at Aspinwall with the Companv's splendid new steamship - GUIDING STAR 2,500 Tons 'or XEW YORK. One hundred lbs. Baggage free. An experienced Surgeon on board. Jledicines and Attendance free. The Xcbraskca will sail July 20th. Steamers of this Company will hereafter touch at Manzanillu each way. Freights and passage at reduced rates. I'assr.ge tickets to and from Liverpool, Qtiecnstown, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp Copenhagen, Christiana and Gottcnberg, by the Liverpool and Great Western Steamship Company's staunch and elegant Iron steam shins, at unusually low rates. Passage from Bremen, Southampton and Havre, by first class steamers of the North German Lloyds, nt reduced rates 257" For further information applv to I. W. RAYMOND, Agent X W cor. Pine aud Battery sts., up-stairs, .td I San Francisco. 1868. TEMPERANCE CELEBRATION. ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE Ninety-Second Year of National Inde -pendence. July 4 tb, 180v, will be held in the vicinity of East Portland, A GRAXD BASKET PICNIC! To which all the Lodges of Good Tem plars in the City of Portland and vicinity are respectfully invited. THE mOCESSTOX will form at the Lodge Room, East Tort land, at 10 o'clook, a. m. ; the right vest ing opposite the Oregon Hotel, at the Fer ry Landing, and counter-marching will proceed to Crystal Spring on the grounds of James Stephens, Esq.. where the fol lowing exercises will be gone through with : Prayer, Rev. C. C. Stratton, Reading Declaration of Independence by Hon. J. X. Dolph. Oration, by Hon. J. F. Copies, Song Hail Columbia. Addresses will be delivered by friends of the cause, after which a. general open ing of the lunch baskets will be the next order of business. On the conclusion of which it is hoped that a general requisi tion will be made upon the. various sources of amusements, which will be dis tributed plentifully over the grouuds. A general and cordial invitation is ex tended to all friends of the Temperance Cause, the different Sabbath Schools of Portland and adjacent towns, and to every one w ho wishes to enjoy, in a temperate and reasonable manner, the anniversary of a great nation's birthdav. Marshall of the dav. Mr.Z. D. BOXES.' Auajvfn,; Mar-ball. Mr. C. C. CKK.IT. UIOXAXDCOMMJis A. 15. KicliardsCjp' AUCTIONEER! ' Corner of Front and Oak streets, Tortlani AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Generalir dise and llorses, 41rcW Every Wednesday and Saturday t A. B. Richardson-, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast gteeV Horse shoes, riles, Rasps, saws Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, R.'g Ir0B also: ' A large assortment of Groceries andLiquor, A. li. RiciiAHDso.v, Auctioneer," MISCELLANEOUS. PACIFIC MAli; S i oiiiiiwliip Ooss STKAMS1IIP.S FOR Mew York, Japan & China Will be dispatched as follows : ' o Leave wharf corner or First and Brannau streets, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. of the followinu dates, for Puhihm, connecting via. Panama R. R: with one of the companv's splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, oa Tlic GJU, 1-ltn, 2 a,i ;jo.t, O F EA CH M O N T 11! Steamers leaving San Francisco on the Cth and 'i-id, touch at Manzanillo. All touch nt Acapulco. Departure of the 6th connects with English steamer for Australia. Bep&rt ure of tlie 11th is expected to connect w ith the French Trans-Atlantic Co.'s steamer for St. Nazaire, and English steamer for South America. Through tickets can be obtained. Departure of 14th is expected to connect with English steamer for Southamptoii.Souih America, and P. R R: Co.'s steamer for Cet tral America. Through tickets can be bad. STE V3IEIS.S KOU. .JU.VK, The following steamships will be dispatch' ed on dates as given below: Jrxu 13th Goldex City, Capt. Lnpidge.con- nccting with Ocean Queex, Cant. King. Jixe 23d GoliX iGE, Capt. Fariiswerth, with Risixcr Star, Capt. Conner. Jlxe 3nth Stcu.vvEXTO, Capt. Parker, con necting with Arizona, Capt. Maury. Is?" Passengeis berthed through. Bag. gage checked through. luO lbs. allowed to each adult'. An experienced surgeon oa board. Medtcir.ead attendance free. These steamers will positively sail at 11 o'clock. Passengers are requested to hare their baggage on ooard before ten o'clock. ZriB' Through tickets to Liverpool br the Cunard, Ininan and National steamship linei can be obtained at the I. M. S.S: Co.'s ofiic in SanFrancisCKv where nviy also be obtained orders for passage frotu Liverpool or Southampton- to- San Francisco either via 'ew York or St. Thomas if desirrd an amount of 10 or -10 will be advanced with the above orders. Holders of orders will be quired to identify themselves to the Agenti in England. For merchandise and freight for New York and way ports, apply to Wells, Fargo St Co. -3?" The steamship New York, Capt. C. M. Fauntleroy, will be despatched Fridar July "d, -at 12 o'clock, noon, from wharf cor ner of First and Brannan streets for Yoka hama, to connect with the Great Uepcbuc for IIoxgkoxo, and the Costa Rica fur SiiAXf;;iAE. For passage and all other information, ap ply at the 1'. M. S.S: Co.'s ollice, corner of Sacrameuto and Leidesdorti" sts. OLIVER ELDIUDGE, Agent. OREGON , STEAM NAVIGATION CO.'S sour NOTICE. BOATS OF THE COMPANT WILL learj Portland 'as-follows: FOR DALLES CITY : "DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock a. in. FOR UMATILLA AND WALTXLA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays At 5 o'clock a. si. FOR LEWISTON : Every Friday, at 5 o'clock, a. m. I!f Returning, leave Wallula on Monday Wednesdaj & Friday, touching at Umatilla. o FOR ASTORIA: Monday and Friday, at 6 o'clock a.m. FOR MONTICELLO : Daily, (Sundays excepted,) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, al C am. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, al 7 o'clock a. m. o Zf Boats for Die transportation of stock in readiness when business offers. J. C A INS WORTH, President O. S. N. Company, Portland, Oregon. WILLAMETTE VXTIL FURTHER XOTICE THE STEAM EB W ENAT, Capt. Boone Master, AVill make regular trips daily, leaving Ore gon City, a. m., and Portland at 4 p. connecting with the steamer Ann, Copt. Vickers, for DAYTON, LaFAYETTE, McMINVILLE,' and intermediate points on the Yamhill. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday,. axo for FAIRFIFL1) AND WHEATLAND,. (On the Upper Willamette,) On Saturday of each wet L N. ilAUN, President. LAC OURS' Celebrated Stomach Bitters. o At this season of the year when chills and fevers are prevalent, there is no one whx should be without a b;ttleof Louis Lacour's Delightful Stomach Bitters. Like the T .1 n li fhsn fs ilia T;nrtiieY they arc the guide to those who use them to, outride the breakers of disease, in the joui nev of life. To them was awarded the Firm r i .i i .i...- ...... l-..:- The j utiiii , ai uie iainorniH oiaie ran. Committee highly aud especially recommen ded tht in foi their medicinal qualities. - . -Their emblem is ; A LIGUTJWL Their device : Pro r.nno Publico IW Sold by all the principal drugs'.uro liquor houses and saloons in this city, aa f throughout the state. I 500 CASES FOR SALE In lots to suit, at manufacturer s raits, .1.. , E. MARTIN" & Co.. . Dealers in Foreign and Domestic and Liquors, 22 Front st. Portland MEAT MARKET. W. T. SIATJLOCK AT RYAN S Old stand under the Enterprise Op Oregon City, Oregon, Will keep constantly on hand a good Assortment of all kinds of The Public are. invited to caU and examine the qualify, BILL HEADS PRINTED. At '-i '- i-V"Tr:C 0-c- t