. - - ' - o o i o J ! i o i e 7. 0 jEHcUlcckln (gntcrpmsc. TOWN AXD COUNTY. SM.mx Lodge, -No. 20.-It was our -ood fortune to attend the institution of Chill Lodge, No. 20,I.O.ofO.F , at Darton on Wednesday evening.l.ist. The work was done in regular form by Depu ty Grand Master, John M. Bacon of Ore eon Lodge So. 3, and we can assure the fraternity everywhere that no Lodge waa ever instituted with better pro?pects of success. Yamhill No. 20, will prove a worthy sister. The proceedings were char acterized with "Friendship, Love and Truth." Venerable brothers were present ?fA& loot pleasure in w itnessing the insti tution. The Charter was petitioned for by Bro. Cm. Taylor, late of Oregon No. 3: !ro. Joel Palmer, one of the petitioners for the first Lodge within this jurisdiction; j!ros.Denj. Alden, John Walters, and A. J. Hoyt. The chairs were filled by the fol lowing Brothers: Joel Palmer, N. fx.; Bcnj. Alden, V. G.; A. J. Hoyt, R. & P.S.; John Walters, T. The fraternity is quite numerous in Yamhill county, and we ex pect much good to result from this step in the rL'ht direction. Brothers F. Charman, J. T. Apperson, L. Diller, J. W. Ryan, W- j. Caldwell, E. D. Fellows, M. Buchanan, !wul ourseif, attended with D. G. M. Bacon. The trip was one of unalloyed pleasure to lis all. lor which feelings of thankfulness were expressed to Capt. Apperson, Chief Engineer Fellows and Steward Allen of the Steamer Union, for uniform kindness und attention while under thuir care on board that trim little vessel. Long wave the Union, long live Yamhill Uodiro No. 20. O m--- Last winter was undoubtedly the se verest weather. ;vo have bad ia Oregon for twenty years. On the bluff at this city, many years ago improvements were made at what we call " the lake." The ground was fenced and cultivated. For some cause it waa allowed to waste away but fence posts remained in the ground and have gradually decayed to the surface. Last winter those stubs of posts were rais ed, by the effects of frosts in the ground, f rom six to ten inches. This is evidence that the severity of the weather here has not had an equal for years ; and yet it was not cold enough, at any time to freeze vegetables where th y were in tho least protected. When we think of the shivering cattle on frozen floors, fa narrow stalls of Minnesota stables and the amount of Cup and expense neccsf ary to keep them thymgh we say to their owners : You are wanted in Oregon ; nc! you waflt to come-Qyou ought to ! q We present tUU week complete, with the exception of Baker County, which is HAid to have jiven Smith 230 majority nil the news we have the entire vote of the Statu for 18GK,nado to show the in crease over the vote of 18GG. The result Js not even satisfactory to us on the last column of figures. Oregon eJtjjh't to be peopled lrfore rapidly than that. Ja 1S.0 the total population of Oregon was 13.294, ;nd in lS'JO it was placed at 5'2,1V. Showing an average incroase for ten vmh of a little moru than 3,t00. The population of Oregon now, according to the customary rate of estimates by vote. would be 111,0..'). An average annual increase of about 11,500 s-iace the census of 1 SCO. It is scarcely possible to say where this increase has located, there is fco much room left for more'.' 1 - Among tlur notahlo improvements in Yamhill County is the warehouse of Mr. J. K. Samson, at Lafayette. The Yamhill Is a small stream now, coursing down a O'- 'P cawyon, b in its angry mood gets up about fc9enty feet. Mr. Samson has prepared U meet the current wherever it may be; and has a warehouse capable of storing over 50,000 bushels of grain, .-'nd he is now making additions which will (ftublc the capacity. It is adapted to the rise and fall in the river. O The MountaiAccr says : Ia one year from' this trr, if is estimated that the gap in the Pacific Railroad will be only 500 i'iile., a distalc? that can be traversed by coaches" In' seven Ofiays. This will bring San Francisco and New York within eleven days travel of each other."' Wells. Fargo & Co. s" pages' have been' making" th'G trip, between the rails,' in seven days for a fort night past ; r'nd San Frac'cisco is now less than ten (lays fro si New". York City. Oreyon Crfj is now only 21 days from St. Paul, Minnesota, and our stsfng7 via Salt Lake and Boise City, is about one thousand uulvs. -nv.. t I rc understand that the Woolen Mill: f Oregon City d'hl not let Mr. Min'to's wool pass 6ii to California but wilP take it in when it reaches here. The factory will run on full time fcr the futuf. A contest between' parties for the fights to the Yaquina Town Site',' has been trt prw?ss of trial fyr several avs before the officers at tjw Land Office in'' this city. 0 . Wool-buyers say that farmers aught reasonably expect to sell cobs' for th'c raffle price as corn, as grease and dirt for Wthc same price as wool. 1 Peat and coal beds are coutinally dis covered through tho pra; re region. With in 30 years a much wealth his been dis covered i; the earth, as was or it in the time cT Shakespea-re. It 5,1 discussed among the English Whether the cheapest bread is to come fro!i- the Russian serfs recently emancipa ted, or frvw our Western farmers recent Jy converted to free trade doctrines. 0 The latest style of pic-nic has been AU'gaat.ed at Rochester, catlcd the Maple iSiigar May Party. The chief part of the entertainment is to be warci sugar and .custard pie. ---- - Ir. New km. We are pleased to learn that Dr. Newell reached his destination jn Eood time; and reports himself well. Ou the 22d he was at the National Capital. Two of tho Nez rerees were reported sick. A fig-tree cutting was carried in a vest pocket to Ophir, California where it was planted ad well cared for, and in four years it bore 265 figs, which soldr $42. 40. & '.ve qualified, and filed their bonds in this county. A largo railroad meeting was to have keen held at Lafayette on Thursday last. --O.ie of th Aurora Bra?- FmikIs will i'Tjoib :y uud the ithoit EurT.eCitv. Plenty of Room.: We hear of renewed and increased inquiry in Oregon by peo ple elsewhere, who are looking this way for permanent settlement. California is receiving targe accessions to her popula tion, and many who arrive there are mak ing inquiries about Oregon. Our climate, soil, prices of land, rates of wages, small cost of living, and the educational and so cial advantages which' Oregon offers, make this State as desirable as any to those who are seeking to establish permanent homes Indeed we claim a great superiority in all these things over any other new part of the country ; but we are concious that this is a claim which is set up for almost every locality. To test this matter, those in search of home3 have only to come here and sco. Our lands are of unsurpassed fertility, and we have more agricultural land than California ; the extremes of heat and cold are unknown in Oregon ; and though much has been said a&out our rainy winters, there aro none vybo (o not prefer them to the cold cues c.f many other States. Oregon is never afflicted by drouth in summer, and the harvest season has never bee;; when crops were not am ple. California has often suffered in ibis way, b,;-,t Oregon nev er. The best of ag ricultural land may be had at low prices, and the railroads which a:e now building in the great Willamette Valley will soon afford the best facilities for transportation. We have plenty of room for all who desire to come, and we are gratified to learn, that in the general search for homes on the Pacific coast which is now com mencing. Oregon is not likely to be neg lected. Oregonian. - C. B. 13. C Au.wv ix the Field. Our boys, often beaten, but never vanquished, arc to play the first game of a match with the Washington Club of Vancouver, on Saturday next, the 27th day of June. Our boys we believe aro not in much training, having played but few games in practice this season, owing to the rainy weather and no Matches made, the ambition some what flagged. But now the boys will be on hand, and as the Secretary of the chal lenged Club closed his courteous answer to the" challenge, " May the boys have pleasant weather, a close game, and mutu al satisfaction," so say we. It is orit Wheat. A friend asks : " What is it that has started the rush to this coast in 18GS?" The days of '49 are scarcely equal to the emigration of this year ; and we think it is our idieal. instead of gold, that calls men hither. The rush calls to mind the scenes uf early days, in a great measure. Passage is engaged three weeks ahead, by the steamships leaving New York. Chant's Diu xKKXXKtf.s. Dr. Newell, who is now at Washington City, in a private letter to a friend of this city denounces, in unmeasured terms, the fabrications of interested copperheads such as Beriah Brown, concerning tjre drunkenness of Grant. He is a sober ciLien.a distinguished chieftain, and will be President in r'pite of all the combined -hosts of the unrecon structed rebels in the north. AGRICULTURAL. Xotio to our Headers. A general invitation is extended to all the readers of Tut; Weekly Exteki'klse, lo 6'et(i to Hie Editor of i)us pape-r informa tion on subjects connected tcith fanning, gardening, and rural economy. T bare of our mail subscriber whose subscription still remains unpaid, will observe the'X" marked in pencil, after the. ! name upon tlt'O margin of their papers. We trust they. will give it their early atten tion, and forward us the amounts immedi ately, according to bills scut tbei'n. Ask your neighbor ia subscribe for the JSxterprisz;. SI'E CIA L NO TICKS. Pain Killer. We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this long celebrated and unrivaled Family Medicine, The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable com pound, and while it is a most ctlicient reme dy for Pain, it is a perfectly sare medicine even in the most unskillful hands. For Summer complaint, Or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults; it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt bcei mora successful in curing the various kinds of Cholera, Than any other known remedy, cr ujren the most skillful physician. In India, Africa mid China, where this dread ful disease is ever more or les prevalent, the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, as well as European rcsidorts in those climates., a sure remeey. Dr. IIostetter's Stomach Bit tkks. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly soothing and conserva tive. It regulates, recruits, and purifies them.'. Dyspepsia in all its lornis yields to its. control ana invigorating properties, and it is recommended to mothers, cnfceb'ed by the cares and duties of maternity, as the safest and best remedy they can probably use. In all the crisis of female life it wjll be found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive much more benefit from it than from ordiuarv stimulants., Sold by the drug gists Andesl'crs! everrwTier. IIODUE; CALEF A CO., Agents,' : 35-rtf Portland, Oregoti. iSTA-nOFTIIEUmi t CELEBRATED J iSTOAfiH BITTERS!; These delirious Stomach Iiitten are prtlre'y Vfpet- Jlle, nd free fiom alcohol ud eveiy hurtful iiigrc I TRY TKEM! TRY THEM! JUDGE FOR YOUR SELF! J dient. A pleMnt tonic rd a most agreeable drink. The jnarfcet in hooded with poisor.Gtis compound:" but T H K R K bitters, indrt ft cm the pureK txi' tract of" vtitunbl toots, larks -imi fcer!-, wie ad- t mirau!jr adtp1d to the enre ,f all affections of the J' ' Stomach. KidiiPTs, I.irer und Rowels, mcli j 1 I J pepsia. Fever, DiarrhcM, Iass of ppeti-e. etc. etc. For 5u.lveTj whre. A. f F.XKH AtSKX. J J Poir. SIasitiiubef,', ;C.fi Srjnm ard JacVson. Pan Frniiri..'..- . . $ DIl. HTJFELAND 3 CELEBHATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. TRY IT The best Purifier of the Bload ! A Pleasant. Tonic ! A verv Agreeable Drink ! TRY IT Cns?iTpased for acting surely but gently on the secretions of the kid- For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor druor, and grocery stores. XOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT J. G. Fniscn, Proprietor. Taylor & Denpel. Sole Agents. Sfl.ly) 413 Clay si., San Francisco LOWERS ! BeiDg agent for the celebrated nursery of II. MILLER, Milwaukie, I am, prepared' to supply orders for Flowers and Shrubbery at the Nursery fiicc . Willamette Lodge .Vo. 151. O. O. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By order of W. Q. T. Oregon Lodge IVo. 3,. O. or O. F. .y:' .Meets everv edncsdav evening 5ft at t o'clocfc, in the Masonic Hall. Members of. the order are in vited to attend. BV order N. G. fiultnomaU Loitgo Xo. 1, A. h and fi A. M. Holds its regular eommuni- jff cations on the First and Tliird Sitt iirdi; in each uiprth, at 7 o'clock, from the 201 h of September to the 2ith of ' March, ana A o cloci Irqm the 2i'tu of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standi:! are invited to attend. By order of "W. M. MACK A; IIATCI?, DENTISTS, The patrpnage of those desiring First Clats Ope rut inn, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 1J. Xitrota Oxile administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the lihiijottne Spray used for those who prefer it. Offick Corner of "Washington and Front streets, Portland, street. Entrance on 'Washington 42.tf OliEGON CITY BUSINESS. L ZIGLEE & SQ1 OOPE K Oregon City, Oregon. THE UNDERSIGNED AE.E NOW PRE parcd to make all manner of ware in the LUTE OF C00PEKAGE, FROM X WELL-BUCKET! To a HOGSHEAD! Bilge or Straight Work ! on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Calf and examine samples of our work, as it is its own recommendation. B3.) " L. ZIGLER & SOS. o G If AVA.N'XS TO pL'Y 200,000 i'oi xns W O O L ! O F FCR WHICH TIE highest trices will BE NEW Flit. M! J.VCGl! WORTMAX. THOMAS n. FIELDS Wortman & Fields, JSText Boor to the Post Office, Oregon City, Oregon. DKAJ.EIiS 15 Fat B3 a Ily GJs?OCClI I Provisions of all Kind ! Wihes diul Jjiquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! . Canned Fruits and Meats ! Aiid fill the Fuvorita Brands of Flour and Snscai- SggrThe highest market -prices 2ci id for country -produce. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IS STOVES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper ajid Sheet Ifoa "Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a trood assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in tb's line is large, and em braces almost any desired ne'ttern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC, BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment of Hard ware, Woodenware, etc. . C.W.POPE&Co. Oregon City, Anril 2'.'th. SOT. f 1. HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! To ail wishing horse shoeing, black Smithing, iron, etc. John W. Lewis,- Corner cf M MX and SECOXD streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform hii o4d customers, and the public ia general, that he now has on hand THE CELBBRATED "Web-Foot" Plow ! A'4d other patterns which he Warrants in everv particular to cive satisfaction. The Fannin community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements,' before purchasing elsewhere AH work in his line is done in the best posf'iWs manner, and at uci prices sis must, suit afl. In connection with the above de partment of busuies the unders'gned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in pojyt ol style j.n.d durability Eai'AL TO AXY III POUTED! llavinst constantly tnfcand for sale a Jrge assortcjent.of materiat, consisting in pa.rt of i BUG OAT. TIMBER, f III OX, STEEL, ETC, i The proprietor is j Enabled to fill all Orders ! i lor sveti Articles on. j The Most Favorable Terms. 1 All Tvork from this establishment, to be repreaciicd. J. W. LLWIS. OREGON CITY Bt7SINES3. THE CARS n.VTE ARRIVES ! The Goods! ARE HERE FOR PARTICrlAR3 Csill at CSiuriiuius ! At the old Stand, Main Street, Oregon City. LAB IKS! JEFOUE VISITING PORTLAND CALL AT Charman c0 Brothers. feaess Goods ! JOOK at the variety For sale by Charman ct Brother. T C Ift si i isa si it S I3ro ARK IN THE MARKET, AND WANT 100,000 POUNDS f Choice Woo! ! C" For ichich ihe highest market 2rice will be paid. 2IOOTS & SHOES ! rJHE EEST AND CHEAPEST At Charman cC- Bros. Q AN NOT COMPETE WITH Charman Brother. iJiJf JSL 3.B.M-J- J-JAVE YOU SEEN THE BEST JS"ol until you have called upon Charman Bra, 33 SATS, HATS, Jr OTII1NG CAN EXCEL The stock of Charman it' Bro. O REGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING C O 31 P A N V, rpiIE ABOVE COMl'NAY ARK NOW S jToducing anuality of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH AHE Superior to any ever before offered on the Pacific Coast I Comprising CASSIMEES, , TWEEDS, HARD TIMES, EL'ANN ELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. Using on'y the best grades of Wool. Tho above irr.ods are offered tfc the trade on the most favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt, attention Address : II, JACO !, Agent, SO. r, m) Oregon City, Oregon. Or L. WHITE & liRO., Agents at Portland. NERVE! NERVE I ERVE! The Requirements of the Times ! II A3 IT ! rpiIE OLD ROCK STORE, TH? BEST 1 Dry (roods house in Oregon City, lias the pluck to till every department with an emirs , . Joy lo ths Hungry ! Hard Times Cohie Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! J.-R. SALSTOM, At the Rock Store, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a large and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN". " PRINTS, . WHITE " HOSIERY, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' FURNISHNG GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &c, &c lT" At prices hitherto unheard of, jiTUv-thc oldest inhabitant. -?'" Let the People clothe themselves And Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced jifat the Rock Store is the place to trade. CITY . IIAKEKYJ MA IX STEEET, OB EG OS t'lTt. barlow" "fuller, (Successors to Wortman & Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CxlKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ? BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kin.ds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAMBOAT STORESJ Ancf all Articles used, for Culinary Purposes BA R tQ W& FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO J By itiic .Case, .or at re.tail ! Attention js also directed to the fact that nobody else sells iha FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bakery, where th truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All klctfft cf rrcauce taken in eachre tor PAULO vr r.riitjt Wool Wanted THE - OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD . . . - . mm m COMiNG TO OEEGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage for he Eslablisliment of W2S HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF TntT LAEGEST AND BEST As sortments of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents' and Boys' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! . LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY, etc., MERRJMAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too nirwerous tc mentiaa. Wlaicli llacy Ii&iciMl to sell Lower tlisui Any House in Oregon ! If any one is disposed lo doubt the genuineness of the above statements, Especially the latter all ihe -undersigned ask of them is, that they Call ahd Examine the Goods anp Phices ! And satisfy themsfhes. IVe may be found ut ihe old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB it' BROTHER. 0O Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Look Out t The Railroad is not Goming Yet ! BUT PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are St?ll And Rolling in Charman & Warner's old Brick Store, Iflaia Street, Where he not only intends to se!J, but vt 'ill Sell Ciieaper thart any other House iri the City. I will snr,' COME OXE, COME Atl. and satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to rtie to show goods. I have received one ol, the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consfitiiif; in part of a fine assortment of . , LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various description? ; CLOAKS, tiiitli as Circulars and Sacks KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY;- . -. ' . ' BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all vidth? : - BOOTS AND SHOB5: HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING,' Passim ere su!ts SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : IHYA' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualitij. - A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all ,on the most rta's Alo a larjre stock of Gents' FurnLsbing. Goods.' GROCERIES A well selected assortment. All kinds of Produce Boiiglit." .. 0EEG0N LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast; jfanufacturer of ALL KINDS OF LEATHER AIlIAYAL-KIE, OkEGOX. rpuE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO !?-' DEALERS ...... AND MANUFACTURERS That he ia prepared to furnish as sood and durable an arlicle of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, at the following rates: Harness. Leather, per lb. . . . . .28 to SO cents. Extra heavy,' for Concord. . . . , 3;t " JSkirting, perpound . . . . . .3 to .'fci " Bfiltjng, in the side 35 " .' .Cut, pr swe foit, 100,...- . Side, upper, " " ". 1G to 20 cents. Grain Leatlier ". . " IS to 22 Light Buff, or Grain for Wo- men's work 1 8 to 20 " CalfSkins, per doz $30 00 to 40 00 Kip " 4000 to 6000 Bridle, per side 5 50 to 4 00 Collar, per side 1 00 to 2 50 Lace Leather, per side. ... , . 2 00 to., . 4 90 155" J do not think that Harness Leather should n.ecesjsariiy toe made in , Santa Cruz, in order to stand' he test of our cHnitS-te ; ' . , . Nor do I think that Beltiujf, iucjrde.r to.. bear the strain of Oregon Machinery, must be Eiade in h,e . xV1!301141 Spates. . - ALL t AK.IS A Fair Chancp! And I will prove, to the satisfaction 6T all concerned,, that Oregon Leather is the best ou the Coast. , , . ... lf All c'rders will meet with prompt at tention. Address : THOMAS ARMSTRONG, 36.1y) Mihvaukie, Oregon. fO.GUS & Ar.BHICHT, EXCELSIORK MARKET ! . Corn er of Fourth and Ma in Sts. , Oregon City ...... .... Oregon. TAKE TIJIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that tney keep constantly,on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, iuch as BEEF, POKK,. - MUTTON, VEAL; CORNED BEEF, HAMS,'1 . . TICK E LED PORK, LARD, And everything else to befoynd in their line of business. LOCUS & ALBRIGHT. Oregon City, April 20th, 1867. 2:ly OREGON CITY . BEEWEKY! HENRY H UMBEL, Having purchased the above Breweyt wishes to inform the pnbiic that he is npvf prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER! As good as can be obtained anywhere in tbe .OiCon Ci't'vCtcccaber r-tb; l?-i." l?tf rr?s57ia TliOs; Armstrongr, THE Running their the Goods for .oaaftle terms. S. ACKERMAN. HOKE MADE FURNITy RE! Levy & Feciiiieimer,' Manufacturers of and Doaiera in Furniture, OREGON CITY; rpAKE Tills METIIOU.OF INFORMING JL the public that they have now on baud a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BtREAUSV Bed-ste.Vds, ' ' lounges. desks. . , . stands, chairs. And various qthcr Qualities cf Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. We MANUFACTURE FURNITURE I Using good materials, and einpJoyinq: tho I verjr beat mechanics In tts iitte, lifcnCe we ! can wjuraui out goods t.o be as represented, and we are . prepared to 11 all orders with promptness. . - . i We call the a.Ueot.iQn of the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable yoexls in the State. --.- LEVT-&. FBCHHEIJIER, 45.1 y I Main slreet, Oregon City. PAINTING. PAINTING. Sign and Steamboat Graining, -, China. Globing, . Imitatloiks of allliindf Wood and Marble I fixecuted as well -as can be done cn the PacijSc Coast. gf Ejmine our work and judge fojr your selves. Every order attended to wj.th care and expedition. - C. E. MURRAY,. West door Ralston' brick. Main st.. J 49.rfl , ' Oregon City, i '. .. i . .- cdeVtSe LTLrtI .Of " MISCELLANEOUS. CnAS. HODGE . . CHAS. E. CALEF. .CEO. W. SNELL. HdcaE, CALEF & Co., DEALEBS IX BKUG-S and MEDICINES,- PAINTS, OILS, AND Wl30W GIA39, rAEX7S7IESt BE USEES, PAIXTEZS' Maieriaif, an Z'ruij-jids Sundries. 97 Front Street, S5.) I'ortland, Oregon. HOSTEf TER'S ELfBRATED STOMACH BITTEHS! A Pure and Powerful Toniq',. Corrective and Alterative, of wonder ful efficacy in diseases of t lie STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. PROTECTIVE PROPERTIES. Prevents Fever and Ague and IJillious Re mittent Fevers ; fortifies the system ajjainst iliusma and the evil effects of unwholesome water ; invigor ates tlje prguus pi digestion , &nd the bowels; , - , Steadies tlie Serves and tends to Pro long Life. . BEMKDilL PUOPERTIES., ... Cures ifjfspcpsi3 Liver Complaint, Sick ana Nervous lleauach'e, General Debiift?, Nervousness, Depression- of Bpiiits, Coustipsition, Colic, Intcriuit tent Fevers, !ea- Sickn's, Cramps and Spasms, v and all complaints of either sex arising Irom Eodily Weakness, whether inherent in the svstem or FROpUCFJpBY SPECIAL CAUSES. -JVTOTIIIXG fllA'T LS NOT WIIOLE J3( some, genial, and restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of IIOS TETTER'S STOMACH MTTERS. . This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind i no .deadly botanical element ; no fiery excitant ; but is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants, with ths purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants.. ...... . .. . The week stomach is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed forms. otV Iudigeslion. Actinias a gentle and painless aprient, as well as upon. the liver, it also .invariably re lieves the .Constipation superinduced by ir reg,ular action of the digestive and secretive organs. ' , Persons of feeble habit, l'-able to Nervous Attacks. Lowness ol Spirits, . and Fits of Languor, And prompt and permament relief frp;i tUe .iJittera,.'.. The . testimony, on this point is conclusive, and from both sexes. As a Genuine Tonic, IIOSTETTER'S PAT TERS produce effects whicli niust be experi enced or witnessed before they can be .fully appreciated. , . In cases of. Constitutional Weakness, Premature befivi, .and. Uebiiitj and Decrepitude arising Irora old age, it .ex ercises the electric .influence. : ,In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful iuvigorant. ..When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-culorce and rcrpstablish them. .. , . . . , Last," tjiji not least, it is the only safe stim ulant, bejpg manufactured from' sound and inocuou-5 materials, and entirely free from the acrid elements, present ir,pre or .less in all the ordiuarv tonics and stomachics ol the day. SOLD EVERY WilEVE. . "UOLGJ3, CALEF CO., Agents, . 33:tf. I'ortland, Oregon. S. G. SKIDIKI0RE, Druggist an d A p o th c car y, (123 First stv near Western Hotcf) ... Portland. Ouegox. Dealer in drupa, chemicals, patent msd; cincs, etc. A tine assortment of English and French Tcilet Articles, Perf-.''mf ry, brushes, etc. Pai ticnlar at tention given to the preparation of prescrip tions. (34.3m JPiiiiiily Ij e Colors; I'atentcd October ISth, 18(53. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Qreefi, Dark Blur, Magenta, Light Blue, Maizt, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Broicn, Pink, , . ... . ,Lighl Brown Pz-rplej Snuff Broicn, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, , Crimson, Scarlet, . Dark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solferino, , Fawn Drat, Violet, . Yellow, Light Fawn Drat. - FOR DYEING SILK,.. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarf.;, Dresses, Ribbons,. Gloves, Bonnets, . Ilats Feathers, Children's Clothing,' And all Ivintls of AVvarlng A jijirel. A Saving1 cf Eighty per Cent. , For 25 cents you can colofjis many goods as would otherwise cost five tiin.es that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. . The process is simple, and. any one can use the dye with perfect success. Diicctions in Eiiglislr, FrCucJi and German outside of each package. HOWE &. STETENS, ... . . . , 8t3 Broadway," .Boston. For sale by Smith & Davis Portland.iin l by Bell & Parker, Oregon City. i NIRAiVI SMITHS' OEHTilALiliC Is wilftoul doubt the most wonderful EYE HEALER that has yet been discovered ! It etirrs the most stubborn and hopeless cases ott chronic Infiamations, Granulated lids, filnis, Ac, as has been sufficiently dem onstrated during the few months in which in which it has been brought into public no tice. The proprietor is so fully convinced of its infallibility that he warrants a cure, or ref'incis the rnonej-. It can do the eyes nn harm, and a trial of it is therefore witl out injury or expense to the patient, if a cure is not e'tl'ected. It has cured caies of five, six NINE, FIFTEEN and CVCD Eighteen Years'1 Standing ! ! In Harrixhura and vicinity, Unn Co., Oregon. To which jthe following persons will bear Witness - ... E. B. Moore, Nathaniel Bell, A'.'L, Wallace,. G. R. Ward, Mrs Montgomery,' John MIIolloway W. D. Porter. " Roo't Ramsey, And Other Citizens. . ST Persons afdicted with the distressing scourge of diseased eyes are r.dvised to give this remedy a fair trial on the "Xo cure, po Pay," and no injury plam Prepared by Smith & liach, Haj-ritburc:, Oregon.- , SMITH t DAVIS, , General Agents, Portland Oregon, To whom all oiders sliQi;Id bq Addressed. For sale by all prugjists. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING! Haying followed th ahoie builecss , . Sixteen years, in NEW YORK, BOSTON, v ' And Stk frixLaieo. 1 feel confident that I talis ;vc perfect sat isfaction to all who mat tfust me. with work. Persons firing at a distance from the city can obtain all necessary information as to .cost, etc., br add,ressin?: J. A.' WET ORE, Plasterer. Montgomery near ISth, Portland. r-iisriTejb i.:icj.ai.3 c 1 -i r TC-i t-T T A Vl'nW. AVest Side Slatu Street, . ? ; , Oregon City L. DILLER - . . Oregon. Proprietor. THE PROPRIETOR WISHES JL . - n to inform the puhlic Jhat he is norf manur fa'cturing the best quatities of , sT DREAD, PIES, . . CAKES, PJ LOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar anl Soda CRAG 1C E R &C.; ct'C, tbc. a addition to which he will keep copstantlji oa haud a large stock of the best staple and FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c: ' J55f The bc.;.f produce tat ij affordnd' the market, bought and smc. ' ' " L. DILLEK, Proprietor. . r t Owr Uiaion FoVevcr Oregon Fireworks Company Labratory, Ea id Portland, Ojp.ce 10o Froiit st., Portland Oregon., rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS, KXOWLVG, int J.. wont of baring an establishment in thi State, for the manufacture of every "descrip tion, of Fireworks, have erected suitable buildings in East I'ortland for the pui post of manufacturing everv variety of Together zvith Large Portable Pieces for exhibitions. 17 The manufactory. w'U be under th suiiervision of Mr. George Hughes, a ptact'i--cal Pvrotechnist of twentv vears' expei:ieics and we guarantee all hrewoiks manufactnretT by us to be superior to imported arJicle4 and, at prices lower than he:etolore. Full ucsorintire cafaloirues and prices sent on srripti appliciitiou. O AMrfllicAV FLAGS? Silk, Cotton and! Buntimr, of all sizes. Address all orders t S. J. MX'0RfICK io; Front st.. Portland.' Oregon. o NEW Lie FT AND BEST NIGHT LAMP IN IS Its JIaiy .VlTanfags FIRST-T-It is Xju-Explosive, and entirely Odor irKllt free triiin finoLe or offensive bur.tlnij. SECOXD li E'-iht. . tuiiroh is F.uid vr OU. -It (.'ices a Soft, Chan, W hi CHEAP Ell thdii ahy cil.tr LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burning in the Rbove-Lamps, outrival all other Fluids for LIGHT ar.d ECOXtOJ V. Ii wilt not Stain or C-iciaa Clothes," Carpet' Tables, etc. ' LTSClim LAMPS AND TILE FLlTIJj CAX LK HAS OF . Jt01JE & Co., CREG0IT CITY, 1EAI.KRS IX Wot', Tinware, Lamps, Oils, ckinett Lant$rn, de., de. . , n4:tf French Medical Off! eg DR.- .lUf.IAN- PERRACLT. Doctor tf iedi,cinc,of the Faculty of Paris, .Grad uate of the 'University- Queen's CoUv&o, iit-l Physjcian of the St. John BantisteSoi.ift; , of Spn Francisco. , ,.' Dril I'EnnAt LT has the pleasure io -inforp patients & others seeking confidential medi cal adricc.' that he can be consulted l oIice, Arniory Hall Building. Nprthvast coi -r.br Montgomery and Sacramento street.-. San Francieco- Rooms, No.,. S 11. liri floor, up stairs, entrance on cither .Montgom ery or Sacramento streets. . . . -; Dk. 1'erii.llt'.s studies have been almo; exclusively devoted to the cure of the vnn Qtid forms of Nervous and Physical Debilitv. the re.iuB.s of injurions habits acquired p youth, which usually terminate in iiupoteiM and sterility, and permanently induce all th concoiritants of old age.' Where a secri infirmity exists, involving Ihe happiness tf a life and that of others, reason and moralii' diciato the necessity. of, its,. removal, fur it i a fact that premature decline of the vigor t.i manhood, matrimonial unhappiness, comptil Spry, single lilc, etc., hjivc thejr source- in causes, the germ of which fs lanted in eari life, and the bitter .fpit tasted h)ug afu-i wards j patients,' laboring mder this coi. plaint, will complain of or.e or more of Tl-'" following synitoins: ( Nocturnal emission . paius in the back and head, weakness .: memory and sight, discharge Irom he L"r -tUa.on going to stool," or inaking water, tin intellectual faculties ..are wcaiened, losn .(D memory . ensues, ilcas are clo-.ided, an there is a disincfinatlon fo atfehli io busint.-. or even to. reading, writicV or society m friends, etc. .The patient will nobabiy cn. plain of dizzinessIverMgo, and Uiat the sight and hearing arc wcakcned.and sleep distuil. ed.by dreams,' melancholy, sighing, palpr.:. lions, faiu.ti!igp, co.uhs aiidslow tevr;wUilf some have external rheumatic pain, ui.d nu.irfjnss of tho body. Some of the mo t common sjmptoms aj"e pimples in the lib . face, iind achingjn diG'erent parts of t.. body. Patients suffering from this di.-ea---should apply immediately to Dk. Pkrr.m i.t. either in person or by letter, and he wi.l guarantee a cure of seminal weakness in six to eight weeks Patients suffering from rencrial disra-. in any sfnge, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Sfiwtuns Bubo Ulcers, Cutaneous Erupt jon$, etc.v.-5i be treatel successfully. An Syphilitic ii. 1 Mercurial Taints entirely removed Irom L'.c system. ... -. Dr. pEKBi.-l-'s diplomas are in his off;c. ukik p.iiie.ns can see lor tnemseives, th t I they ar; under the oare of a reauiarfy ... caieS practitioner. Thp best references gt . - j en if r.eouired. ! Patients' suffering tinder chronic disease. can cat and examine for themselves. We j.. vite investigation ; claim not to know even thing, nor to cure everybody, but we ' , chum that in ali cases taken under tri-sn meat, we fulfill our promises. Wejiarticn ltarlv request those w ho have tried this boa.-t" cd doctor, and that advertsed phvsicinn. ti'.j worn cut and discouraged, to call upon us. , ..Low charges ahd quick cures. Ladies' suffering from any complaint inr dental to their sex, can consult the .dotr with the assurance of relief. FEMALE MOSTBLY FILLS. Dn x. Peihiaclt is the only agent in Calif"' for Dn. Biot's Female inoiiliily pi'l- nia for Their immense salo has established tin reputation as a female remedy, unapproach. -j and far in advance of every other remci; '. suppressions end irregularities,' and othr obstructions in femajes. Ou the receipt rt io tbefcc pill3 will be sent by mail ot expr to any part of the world, fcecure from curi osity or damage. Persons at a distance can be cured atbon r by addressing a letter to Dn.; PerrJIult.- c of Sacramento and Montgomery sts.", root 10 and II, cr box 673,-P. O., San Francio... stating the case as tiiinntelyus'pnssfbfe, gt eral habits of living, occHpati'oo,.ec.i , .xusiicrs' ft) lion, for .Ie o o o fel O o f K 1 4 - - . r.