o o Si 3 I -40 Pi ) &l)ciUccklij enterprise. TOAVX AND COrXTY. CLACKAMAS COCXTY. Tbe following circular which states its own purpose, was received at this office it mouth. We are pleased to know that Mr Dufer has started the ball, and trust that every man in the State, no matter ; hit Ms politics or standing may be, will a,sH to keep it in motion. There is a vast work in Oregon to be done and but few t to do it. Send the facjs to Mr. Dufer, . :n fiir tin-in ,.,.. liv resolution adopted at the , t meet - of the Board of Managers of ' oS. State Ag.icuitural. Society, a commiuee was appointed, with instructions to obUin such general .tatist.es and mfor- tl nM-d the different portions of J.latin- emigration and settlomcnt in the Vt -lind in furtherance of the interests ot ..n .... ,o now residents in our Mate. Will 1111 ... - , H - ctl, J11S1' tiuns r-i;a....iih j ... , - , ,; ,.,. ,,,,,1 wcr arc eurne.itly soncucu , -u....., .11 facts not covered by them, which may occur to rou as important : ... 1 The' character and cost of public bmld- "'TThe average price of farming lands, improved and u'.'.imptoved. . 3 The amount ol tax, on the dollar, m Your county. ' j Tiio general nature of the sou and its adaptation to farming purposes; such as main and stock raising, dairying, gtowmg f TCL'etabk-sand fruits of the various kinds. 5The dilfereiit kiails ol timber, its adap tation to building, fencing, and general lumbering purposes, and the facilities for converting it into the same. 6 The quality ot water tor family uses-, conveniences for stock, milling and me chanical purposes, and the liability ot dam to owner trom overflow and freshets. ' "Temperature of the climate ot your lo cality ; general beuUli, liability to billions fevers and ague. s Inducements held out to mechanics, tradesmen, professional men ami teachers. . j The facilities for immigrants to obtain grain and seeds of alT kiirds, farming imple ments, mechanics' tools, provisions, clothing and groceries. jo Opportunities for schoolingand meet ings for religious worship. j 1 Facilities for marketing productions of all kinds, and means of transportation. pj What mills, manufactories and manu fiu turing resources have you in your region? Mineral "wealth of any kind, fisheries, salt ami saline springs, lumber and exporting of all kind:, of lunger. (ft; t,'an iT'ivcrtinient land be obtained in Tour region'" of country, audit so, would it be of km- a,Uie to actual settlers, for agri culturaU'mcfianieal or lumbering purposes. A. .1. DEFER, President .State Agricultural Society, uud Chairman Com. Portland, May We submit the following answers, as to Clackamas county It we are in error we invite older citi zens to correct, and assist us : -0. 1 There are no public buildings in Oaekam is co;ir;y, if we except the Semi nary at Oregon City, worthy of note ; The count v ).iil is a miserable structure, but we have ve'iy Utile use for a jail in this region. No. 2-- The. average price of fanning .lauds, improved and unimproved, in this county, is from to ." per acre. Wild O land is abundant at front 1 25 to $2 per ucre. No. " The assessed value of properly in Clackamas county, and the tax levied, is as follows, for five years past : nirs-. ISCIi. 1 1 Slti . 1 Mi-) . . isi.t;.. IN',7. . 'itl'lilti"ll: ,51.u.-). ; 00.. 1.2::s.?77 DO. . i.(;o..;;:ii (;.. 1.7.". 7 H. . !,(;'.; 7 ii UO. . Tur. . . . (i . . 1 ... 7h . I . ...Hi The last levy was for.vtraordinnry expt'il H's, purchasing bridges, etc., by wltich all o-f our bridores were made free from toll. The liguresQtnder the head of valuation ihow a healthy increase in the develop ment ol" the resources of the county, after the damages by floods of the Wiut'.'r of lMil-o2. No. t The general nature of the !?oil in (thji county, and its adaptation to farming purposes is good, ("rain, vegetables, and tbe variou kinds of fruit, grow abundant ly here, even on our poorest lands. Stock raising and dairying eoiii. be profitably engaged in at a small expense. There is no better country for timothy grass than this ; its growth on our highest hills is lux uriant, and it serves to kill out fern. No. ." We have all the varieties of fun her common to Oregon in Clackamas coun ty. Oak and ash. suitable for wagon tim ber and the " wood work"' of agricultural I implements, is said to be more abundant vf) better quality in this, than other counties, and has been worked out by par ties in years past, with profit to tliemsel es and the opportunity still remains. The amount of materials in the county for building, fencing, etc-., is inexhaustible, and a general lumbering business is now' being carried on by ten or a dozen com panies, with available space for a hundred move. 0 N 0 The quality of water for family" 0 uses in Clackamas county, cannot 1.e ex celled. Pure, living springs and mountain streams, course through every section. The amount of water available for power, is f.ir in excels of any oilier single county in the world, perhaps. The falls of the Willamette, at this city, provide man with more than one million horse-power. The fauries of Lowell and Lawrence, were they here, would consume but a portion j of the0vater adapted by nature for mill- j ing and mechanical purposes in this town, j Oswego can be made to furnish nearly one ! quarter of that amount, while Milwaukie has significant value in this respect, and the Clackamas. Molalla, Uutte Creek. Milk Creek, Tualatin, and many other streams ?nch we might name, furnish valuable I localities for mechanical purposes. The riks arising from overflows are le?s than ordinary in this county. Put a small pro I'ortiori of lands in this county are subject to damage by freshets. In this city, in the winter cf ls'iil-Y.2 much property was lost by li,,0ds : but that was a memor nble erent, the like of which t!ad never been witnessed upon the coast by white in in, and it may never occur again. No. 7 The temperature of this locality is even. Excessive heat and excessive eel J is vcrv rare. The general health of the comity is good ; billions affections are hut little known among our people. No. 8 We can offer better inducements to mechanics and tradesmen who can bring capital with them, than other counties of the State generally. "We could do better hy them, had our citizens the capital them selves, to develop our resources. Profes sional men and teaeherswe have but Hitle use for at present. Such places are now ably filled. We want blood and muscle, and money. o. 9 Immigrants can obtain anything thev desire, at. reasonable cost in this county. No' 10 -Opportunities for schooling uud cting inuier me imcmw i - - 1 reST'CCtlUiiV M10U.Ul ii ' .. . .1 . f..ll,.,..;nor I'IMleral OUCH leraiiou iuc iv- .- r-- ..." ' . i; r localHV. to wiliell UDS- meetings for religious worship are good in Clackamas couity. Ia this city alone there are five churches : Methodist, Episcopalian, Catholic. Cougregationalist and Baptist. We have also, in thw city, three private se lect schools, and one excellent public school, or seminary as it is termed, capable of instructing in the higher branches. . No. 14 The facilities for marketing, and means of transportation, in this comity are equal to any on the Pacific coast This is 1 community of consumers chiefly oper 1 fives and laborers. The same may be ?aid with reference to Oswego, where miners, choppers, teamsters, coal-burners, fnrnace-taen, etc., form the bulk of popu lation. We have at present three steamers running daily (except Sunday), between Oregon city and Portland, to which will be added, by September next (18CS), rail road communication, connecting us with the present sea port vf Oregon but ten miles distant. No. 12 "We have two Woolen Facto ries in Clackamas county. The leading one, located at Oregon City, is about 190 by (iO feet, four stories, built of stone and brick, and contain twelve sets cf the la test improved machinery. The Oswego Iron Smelting works were erected a. i. 1SC7 at a cost of about S 100.000. There are several lumbering mills in the county. The celebrated Imperial Flouring Mills are located at Oregon Cityand the famous Standard flotir is made at Milwaukie. The only iron made on the coast at this time is made at Oswego It is equal to the best Scotch pig and is sought for by Califor nia foundryinen. We have a large tan nery at Milwaukie, which turns out leath er that sells in San Francisco alongside of the best Santa Cruz. We have paper mills nearly ready to run. We have gold and silver quart, mines in this county, of value. We have coal, lime, -and copper has recently been discovered in consider able quantities. The Oswego Milling company export lumber, we believe. All other mills manufacture for domestic uses. There are places in this county where the existence of salt springs is indicated, also coal oil is known to exist in the soil of this county, but none of these are devel oped. At this city Salmon fishing is car ried on to considerable extent. Seven nets have been run this season. No. 13. There is government lf.nd in this county, available for settlement, and we are told that much of it would be of value for agricultural purposes. Mechan ical or lumbering pursuits cannot be gone amiss of. The government land office for this district is located at Oregon City, at which Mr. Owen Wade officiates as Reg ister, and Mr. Henry Wurren Receiver. The editor of the Kxtkummsk will treat all inquiries for information regarding the resources of the Slate, or any part of it, with respectful consideration. And if we are unable to answer questions intelligent ly, will endeavor to obtain the necessary information IrDtn others. This we believe to be the duty of all Vrftjomaixs. We are fully impressed with respect to the import ance of inviting population to Oregon and we feel a sense of shame for the com monwealtli, when our attention in turned to the gross neglect and indifference to these matters, on the part 0! those chiefly interested, in a pecuniary poiftt of vfcw: Pa.sk Baix. A match game of Base ball was played in this city on Saturday last) between the Athletics of Portland, and the Ttunwaters. We regret that the latter were compelled to yield the palm of victo ry by 39. The Jferahl says : " When the result was announced, the contestants with their friends adjourned to partake of a splendid collation that had been served for them. Having done full justice to it, they finished off the day by giving three times three for the ladies who su pervised the feast. At 2i o'clock the Portland boys took boat and returned home, highly pleased with their excur sion. Mr. (i. A. Morton, of the Spartan Club, was Umpire, Mr. O. Ainsworth was Scorer for the Athletics ; Mr. N. S. John sou Was Scorer for the Tumvators.:' The Sabbath School scholars of the M. E. Church gave a varied programme to the patrons of their exhibition on Thusday and Friday evctntigs. The tableaux, songs, declamations, etc., were very excel lent, and the school deseives much credit for their efforts. These exhibitions are both moral and entertaining, and besides teaching the scholars ne.V lessons of use fulness, are a benefit to the church. We hope to witness several such exhibitions in our city this year. We will not attempt to speak of the d liferent parts performed, as that would take up more space than we have to spare at present. We only speak the sentiments of the community in appro val. -The Sabbath School Scholars of. the Episcopal Church in this city gave an en tertainment at the Court House on the evening of tiie 5th for the benefit of the church, which netted S81 2.3. It was a success in every particular. There were many articles of worth, wrought by (he busy little hands, put up and sold. Which enabled the committee to return such a handsome balance to the funds of the church. Hkkps ok Cattlk. Th beards of cattle passing east of the mountains tluls spring are astonishingly large and numerous. We learn from Mr. Henry Nevins, of Fort Okanogan, that these cattle are driven to Yakima Valley one year, and thence to British Columbia, Montana, etc., the suc ceeding season. Probably not less than .". );)!) head has passed through Oregon City this season so far. If other routes are traveled in the same proportion what a swarm they must present. Our readers will be pleased to learn that a practical culturist is about to plant and cultivate the craubury in this county. His plants will be imported from tbe best stock in the Eastern States, and from the lay of" the land iu which he proposes to put them, we bare no doubt about the success of the venture. A special meeting of the Common Council was held on Saturday evening last. The liberal action of the board -toward the company, at that meeting, lins secured the road to Oregon City, beyond a doubt. . . - The Grand I-Kidge of the Independent order of Odd Fellows, at their session lately held in this city, passed resolutions of thanks to the Daughters of Rebecca for their kind hospitalities on that occasion. -Tumwatcr Pase Pall Club of this city would like to inquire of the State Agri cultural Society when their premium bat. won at the last Stale Fair, is to bo deliver-, td to then?? It is astonisTiing' wha't sonfe people seem to require of the journalist. He must know everything by intuition, never make mistakes, denounce and support , every thing in turn, be always in the way and always out of the way, keep clear of cer tain people's corns, and stand on those of others: He must be omnipotent, infallible, ubiquitous, gifted with a rfuperhurrfan power of discove'rirtg discerning trtitli, possessed of the courage- and firmhessl of the martyrs, ever a sacrifice for the ben efit of others. He must have more hands than Briareus, more eyes than Argus, more Webster, more philosophy than Bacon. He must be learned and common, rough and finished, deep and shallow, versatile and intense, dignified and witty, proud and humble, and every thing else that anybody ever thought, kuew, or dreamed of and all to be called and held to be in the common parlance of the public who torture him, idiot, liar, pup, Ac, ad infini turn. It is ft UtUt the nicest position that modern society oners. At a meeting held on Saturday even ing last, the Common Council of this city consented to grant the right of way through Main street, to the Oregon Central Railroad Company, for two years. If we are not able, as an incorporation to aid the company in funds, it is at least our duty to do so in good wishes, and by friendly legislation. We are sorry to say that there is opposition to the road in Ore gon City, but we are confident that the good judgment of our citizens will pre vent a sacrifice of all we possess here, for any obstacles that may be thrown in the way of the successful operation of the line. Should we, by hook or crook, be deprived of this railroad compel the company to go to the east of us a few niles Good bye Oregon City ! Four bit subscriptions would be solicited within a year or two. to raise a subsidy for a little steamboat to carry us to Milwaukie when we wanted to transact any business. No sane man can deny that proposition. 1 The steamer Xvvada, of the North American S. S. Company, leaving San Francisco on the 20lh will be in command of Capt. Kelley, late of the Montana iu the " Anchor Line." All Oregonians recog nize in Capt. Kelly the principles of a de cided gentleman. We regret exceedingly that he ever left these waters, and need only to mention that he will be found on board the Xevadu to turn the attention of Oregonians, or friends going east, U his ship. The steamer Senator, after her trip to-day, will go into the dock for general improvement and repairs. This will leave the Wen at iu the forenoon the only boat to Portland. The Aterl will continue her trips as usual until the Senator is com pleted. If you w ish the very besc CaHi.vkt Photo oacus, you must call on 1uadi.ev A Kri.np sox, Montgomery Mreet, Sun Francisco. Dkf.88 Makixo. A lady lately ar rived from the Kant, after a tour of Europe, recommends herself as a dress maker, and milliner. Himwing her business perfect, and sparing tio pains to satisfy, she solicits the patroiiuge of the ladies of this citv and vi ctuitr. 'Residence at the bouse of . Wi Moss"; Esq. All persons who keep flowe cv. Steven's Family- Dye Colors for sale can bo relied on for fair dealing, for the reason that (hey cost the retailer t'.Venty-tive cents per dozen more than other kinds of lyes in the maiket, while be retails them a'j at the same price ; consequently be makes Iwentv (ive cents per dozen more by selling an in ferior article. SPE CIAL no tic vs. Pain- IvilleR. We beg leave to call the attention of the public to this long celebrated and unrivaled Family Mediciue. The Paiu Killer is a purely vegetable com pound, and while it is a most efficient reme dy for Pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine even in the most Unskillful hands. For Summer complaint, Or ittir other form of bowel disease in children or adults; it is an almost certain cure, ntid has without doubt been more successful hi curing the various kinds of Cholera, Than any other known remedy, cr even the most skillful physician. In India, Africa nod China, where this dread ful disease is ever moib or less prevalent, the Pain Killer i3 considered by the natives, as well as European residents in f nose climates, a sure remedy. Dr. IIostetter's Stomach Bit- t Kits'. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the stomach,- liter and excretory Organs is singularly soothing arid conserva tive". It regulates, recruits, and purities them. Dyspepsia iu all its forms yields to its control and invigorating properties, and it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled by the cares and duties of maternity, as the safest and best remedy they can "probablt 5e. Iu all the crisis of female life it will be found eminently useful, and elderlj' persons will derive much more benefit from it than from ordinary stimulants. Sold by the drug gists and dealers evervwhere. HODGE, CALEF & CO., Agents, 33:tf Portland, Oregon. ISTAUOFTIIEUXIONI CELEBRATED SSTQMA8H BITTERS!; Ths delioionn Ptomnch Hitters drfl etittrel? VrtrH- (able tad frcrf frtal alcohol nd evert hnnful iugrt- TRY JUDGE THEM! TRY THEM! FOR I YOUR j SELF! ) j i;cirf. A plcsf-.mt tonic nd tfct agreeable drink. The market i fl-wied tritfi poisonou compoiicds: J but T II K S K l)iit"ni, utnda fiom the imrrs J rrnets of valuable roots, I nrkt nnd t"er., ic ad-' mirttbly adapted to the nre .f all nfTeciions rf tUe J Stomnt-h. Kiiinvs. Liver nut! F.ou-el.s. Micli as )yi.- J Twpsia. Fever, lliHrrh(4, Lose f A fcjx.fi e. tc. etc. For sale ever where. A. FENKllAl'SKX. J t SOI K M CFAL-TVKE!T, ) Sanrm a-"d Jat-Vtrtn. Fn Vrnrriwcn. DR. HXJFELAND'S CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS. TRY IT The best Purifier of the Blood ! A Pleasant Tonic ! A very Agreeable Drink ! rriTJ I Unsurpassed for acting surely but x gentlv on the secretions of the kid IT J heysbowcls, stomach and liver! For sale at all vrholcsale and retail liquor drug, and grocery sforrs, XOliObT SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT J. 0 Feisrn, Proprietor Tatlor 5i Uexokl-, Sols Agents oG.ly) 413 Clay su, San Francisco JCE CiiKAM " Will be served at the Lincoln Bakery, until further notice. L. DILLER, Prop'r. June fith, 1S$. . , JLOWERS! Being agent for the celebrated Dursery of II. MliiLEK, Milwaukie, I am prepared ro supply orders for Flowers and hrubbery M tins Satbery prices. L. DILLER. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. L. ZIGLER & SON., (gH C O O P EttS, Oregon City, Oregon. THE tJXPERSIOXED ARE NOW PRE pared to make all manner of ware iri the LINE OF COOPERAGE, FKOM A ELL-BUCKET! To a HOGSHEAD ! Bilge or Straight Work ! on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Call and examine samples of our work, as it is its own recommendation. 83.) L. ZIGLER & SON. Wool Wanted ! WANTS TO BUY 200,000 opTo"oi.t. FOR Wllicn THE HIGHEST TRICES WILL BE PAID. jV'ISW FIIIM! JACOB WOttTMAX. TnOMAS R. FIELDS Wortmaxi & Fields, Jrcxt Door In the Post Office, Oregon Cig, Oregon. DEALERS IX JFsimily GJrocci'Ics I Provisions of all Kinds ! Wines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices ! Canned Fruits and Jfeals ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sucrar o Egg The highest market prices 2aid for country produce. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IN STOVES, filja rumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. Awl Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good arfortment cf Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which aro being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost tiny desired pattern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, II EARTH STONE WESTERN EMPIRE, ORE AT REPUBLIC, BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Hoofing and Jobbing of every fleScrlptlon dona to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patron. lit addition to the above may be found a good assortment ot Hard ware, Woodenware, etc. C. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, An'ril 'nAu JS'iT. 1. NEW LIGHT! NEW LAMP 1 AN Li BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! lis Pinny Advantages FlItTJt i-t Xon-f'eiiloxirfi und entirfh; tree from enurkc or orfcisice odur white txirniiiij. SEOOxbIt mve$ a Soft, Chan, Whiti Liijht. THIRD It i CHEAPER than any othtr fluid or On. LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, outrivals all other Hmds tor LIGHT mid l'JCOMJ.M V. It will not fStaiu or Grease Clothes, Carpets, Tables,- etc. LUCINE LAMPS AND THE ?LUID CAN' HE II A It OP C. W. JL01jE & Co., Ohegcn city, DEALERS IX Stores, Tinware, Lamps, Oil, Cltimn??, JMntcriis. ilv., fe. nl:tt HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! To all loishing HORSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, IRON, ETC. John W. Lewis, Corner of MA IX and SECOXD drat, " OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customers, and the public in general, that he now has on hand THE CELBBEA'TES "Web-Foot" Plow ! And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call ana see these un nlements. before purchasing elsewhere. AH work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such pi ices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! H point oi style ana uuraomty fl V A Jj TO A IV Y IMPORl'ED! Ilavimr constantly on hand forsale a Iar"e assortment of material, consisting in parte! TFGOAr TIMBER, lit OX, STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders ! For $udi Artie's on The Most Favorable Terms. IT" All work from this establishment, and all materia! sold ou vi'der, is warranted to be as represented. J. W. LEWI;?, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. THE OAKS HAVE ARRIVED ! The G o o a w! ARK HERE FOR PARTICULARS Call at ClftariiisMs! At the old Stand, Main Street, Oregon City. Ta A I I IS S ! JEFOKE YISITIXO PORTLAND CALL AT Charman k Brothers. Di'css Goods ! JOOK AT TIIE VARIETY For sale hy Charman db Brother. anted ! AKE IN THE MARKET, AND WANT 100,000 POUNDS Of Choice Wool ! EST" Far which the highest market price will he paid. HOOTS SHOES ! THE BEST AND CHEAPEST At Charman tr Bros. loitla.i&l liicos Q AN NOT COMPETE WITH Charman Brother. CEOTJIf 3VG ! JJAYE YOU SEEN THE BEST JSol until you have called tipon Charman Bro. .TS, MATS, JOTIIING CAN EXCEL The stock of Charman cO Bro. ORE G O N CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING C O 31 P A IV Y. rpiIE ABOVE COMPNAY ARE NOW JL. prouueiug aiiuauiy oi WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ARE Superior to any ever before offered on tiie Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSI MERES, T WE HPS, II A II D TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. Using only the best grades of Wool. Th above froods lire offered to the trad on the most favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. . Address i It. JACOli, Agent, So.c.mi Oregon t ltv, Oregon. Oi- L: WHITE & IRO., Airedts'nt Portland: NERVE I HERVeT NERVE ! The Requirements of the Times ! J. it, E ALSTON, 1IAS IT ! THE OLD ROCK STORE, THE fiEST Dry Goods house in Oregon City, has the pluck to fill every department with an entire jSjEW STOCK ! Jay to the Hungry f Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! .J. K. IIAIjSTOJV, At the Rock Store, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where be purch ased a large and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN " PRINTS, WHITE " HOSIERY, B LEA CTI ED S IIEETI NGS, GENTS' FURNISIIN'G GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &c, &c. ZtT" At prices hitherto unheard of, ;r Ry the oldest inhabitant. Let the People clothe themselves JT And Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. CITY I5AKERY ! Ma IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. barlowITfuller, (Successors to Wortman i: Sbeppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds ! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BAR LOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAM BOAT STORES ! And all Articles ued for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO! By the Case, or at retail J Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE"! IN SHORT 1 Farmers and the public generally, arc in vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, aud our juices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. HARLOW 1-TLLLR, THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMIKG TO OREGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage fot Tbo Establishment Cf WHO HAVE JUST RECEIVED sortmeuts of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part df CLOTIIINCJ. OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS, l-'ot Gents' and Boys' wear! FUILMSIUNa GOOlW. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of all kinds and" colors'! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY, ete., MERRIMAC FEINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too nnracroiis td ntehtiott. Wliicli tlicy liilciicl to sell liOtVCf thaii Any Mouse in Oregon ! If any one is disposed to douht the genuineness of the above stitetnentS) Especially the latter all Oie undersigned ask of them is, that thty Call and Examine the Goods and Pmces ! And satisfy themselves. We may le found at the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB d- BROTHER. OCT Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. gsa Look Out ! The Eailroad is not Coming Yet ! PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still And tolling r ffSi r? Charman & Warner s old Brick StorjWaln Street, Where he not Onij intends to sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House Jn the City. t Will Say; COME OXE; COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is nti trouble to rne to show troods. I hnve received ojie ot the largest tbcks ever brought to this ruar ket; consisting in part of a line assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, BALMORALS. FWHS df various descriptions CLOAKS, such its Circulars and Sachs ; K.ID OLOYKS, best quality HOSIERY: BROWN AN11 BLEACHED MUSLINS, all vidths: BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSd MERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVEll SUITS ; ...... . ,,,, DOYrf' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, nil sUc rind qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all oh the most reasonable terffis. Also it lrtrge Stock of Gents' Furbishing Goods. G ROCEIllEd A "Well selected assortment. S, acreMmAn. ft-IT- All kinds elf Produce Bought. OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. Titos. Armstrong, Manufacturer of ALL KINDS OF LEATHER Milwaukie, Oreo ox. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN form DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS That he is prepared to furnish as sood and durable an article of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, at the following rates: Harness Leather, per lb . .23 to So cents. Extra heavy, lor Ooncoru. .-. Skirting, per pound , Belting, in the side " Cut, per square foot, Side, upper, " " " (".rain Leather ' " " Light Butt, or Grain for Wo men's work 23 to -T2 35 ' ?l 00 If) to 20 cents. 13 to ii " 1 S to 20 " on to $b 00 40 1 m to COon 3"oto 4 ou 1 On to a 5(1 2 00 to 4 eft Calfskins, per doz Kip " "s ...... Bridle, per side .... Collar, per side Lace Leather, per side. . 57 1 do not IhJtzk that Harness leather should flecessarily b? made in fitnta Cruz, iu order to stitfid the" test of rttir climate 3r Nor do I tfiirife that Belting, iu order to bear the strain of Oregdn Machinery , tatlst be thade in the Atlantic Stales. ALL I ASK JS A Xixii Oiancc! And I Will prate, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best ou tbe Coast. All orders will meet with prompt at tention. Address: THOMAS ARMSTRONG, 36.1 v) Milwaukie, Oregon. LOOt'S & ALUKIGIITj EXCELSIORS. MARKET I Corner of Fourth and Main Sis., Oregon City Oregon. TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that tney keep constantly on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, snch as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, It A MS,? PICK E LED PORK, LARD, nd evervtbiuir else to be found in their line ofbnTinek. LOG IS & ALBRIGHT. Oregon City. April 2oth, 18fi7. tlj 6regontty BREWERY ! jispfl (he above Tirewcrt wishes to inform the public that he s now nrenaredto manufacture a No. 1 quality of 1 LAGER BEER! As rood as can be obtained anywhere in the SUt. Orders solkiitd and pimpt!y hlied. Ore con Citv, December 'Jrtli, ISOo. lOlt Hn'v fffil" " '! ONE OF THE LARGEST AifD AS- Running their fa) m 'in the Goods tot tri f? H0BIE MADE FURNITURE! Levy 5c FEfciiiiEiMEiL. Manufacturers df &M De'aiefS in Frirniturc, OIIECOX CITY, r-fUKE Tills METHOD OF INFORMING X the public that thtj have now on hatid a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. bed-steads, lou no ms. desks. Stands, CiLvirs. And various other Qualifies of Rich and Medium Furniture I Forming a complete and desirable nsort mcht; WhiCh merits the attention of buyers; We MANTJFACTURE FTJRNITTJKE Using good materialSf and. exploring the very best mechanics in the Ffate, hence we can warrant our goods ii) he its represented, and we are prepared to fill all orders with promptness. ZiST We call the attention ot the public to out" ral??sr30m. ns containing the most I complete assortment of desirable oofdt in the otitic LEVY & KEC1IIIEIMKK, 4.'.-I 31am street, Oregon City. PAINTING. PAINTING Sign and Steamboat draining, Ciildlft, C'frlhu Ciloirslfiggt Imitation of (ill kinds Wool iml Harhh ! Esecnted as well nn can bo done mn the Pacific Coast. ViT" Examine our Wcrrk and judge for vowr-seDfc-S. Every order attended to'with tare afta expedition. C. E. MURRAY, West door Ralston ' brick. Main fd., 49-tf) Oregon City. BILL HEADS. PRINTED. - At tbo Enterprise OiEec- MIS CELL A NEO VS. o CUAS. HODGE. .CHAS. IS. CALEF. .GEO. W. SSELLf HODGE, CALEF k Co., Dealers in ' DKUGS and MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS'; AND WIXDOW CLASS, Ya RX1SUES,- id! US1IES, rAIXTERS f Material, and rugijigts SttiidrU. Ot Front Street, Z'k) I'ortland, Oregon. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS! A Pure and Powerful Tonic, Corrective nnd Alterative, of wondn ful eJIieuey in tllscues of I lie STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWUliS. PROTECTIVK PUOPERTIES. Prevents Fever and A a;ue and Billions Re mittent Fevers ; fortifies the system against Miasma and the evil effects of unwholesome rirater ; invigor ates the organs ot digestion and the bowels ; Steadies t lie Acrves niixl tend to Pro- long IjiIV. itRMEBIAIi PltOPEUTIES. Cures Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache; General Debility, Kcrvousne'ssj Depression of Spirits, Constipation,- Colie,- Intermit tent Fevers, Sea Sickness, Cramps and Sprtsms, arid all complaints of either sex arising lrom Bodily Weakness, whether llihef'efit in the svsteni or rflODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES VfoTiiixfi That is sot wiiole- JLN some, gen! id, arid restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of IIOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of nhy kind ? no deadly botanical element; no fie'rr excitant but is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants. tvlth the ptircst and mildest of all diflusiv! stimulants. The Week etOhifttll is rapidly invigorated. nnd tile appetite restored by this tonic, ami hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia? and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Actinir iiS a irentle and nainless aprient, a well as tlpcfi the liver; it also invariably it lieves tbe C'Jn'lipfttiwU superinduced by ir regular action Ot the digestive auu secretive organs. Persons Of feeble habit, liable to .Nervous. Attacks, LovvnePS of Spirits, and Fits of Languor, Snd prompt and permament rebel from the Bitters: The testimony on thi.-t point is conclusive, and from both sexos. As a Genuine Tonic, IIOSTETTER'S BIT- TERS produce ell'ects which must beexpeii- enced or witnessed before theyau be fully appreciated. In cases ot Constitutional Weakness, IrenlittHre Decay, and Debilit; and Decrepitude arising froih old age, it ex ercises the electric influence. In tbe conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful IrtTigorant; When the powers of nature are rebifcedj it operates to re-euforct uud re-establish them. Last, but hot least, it is the only safe stim ulant; being manufactured from sound ami ibocuous materials; and entirely free front the acrid elements present more or less in all the ordinrlrv tonics arid stomachics ot thes dav. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 'HOOGt;, CALEF S; CO., Agents, S.r:tf. w Portland, Oregon. .Family lyc Colors Patented October 13th, lS'lC. PERFECT FASTgOL ORS. Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Dark Blue, Magenta, Lirtht Blue. Maize. o French Blue, Maroonf Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Broirn, J'ink, Light Brown Purplvf ShiiJT Bfmcn, Royal Purple, Cherry, balmonj Crmson, Starlet, Dark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solfrrino, FuitSn Drab, Violet, Yellow, Liqht Fawn Drafh tR DYEING SI LIC, Woolefi end" Miscd Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dressrf!, Ribhoiis,- Gloves Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, And nil Kinds of lWuring Al))arili A Sftyiflg of Eighty per Cent. For 2." cents you c$n color as many good as would otherwise cost five times that .sutitr Various shades can be produced frorn tile" same dye: The process is simple, and ant" one cun rise the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, lr rencli and Germdtf outslda Of eath package. HOWE & STEVENS, . $'6 Broadway Roston. For sale by Smith k Davis Portlahd;anik by Bell A Parker, Oregon City. - HIRAM SMITHS' OPHTHALMIC PANACEA! Is without doubt the most wondtrf lif EYE HEALER that has ijet been discovered ! It cures ihc most stubborn and bopele'sS fcaSes of chronic Inflamations. tirahrttatN lids, films, kc, as has been sullietently dem o'nstrated during the few months in ivbi-D in which it has been brought ihto' pdblie n tiee. The proprietor is so fully convinced t f lis infallibility that he warrants a euro, ;" refunds the money. It. can o the eyes it-' barm, anI a trial of it is therefore wltl oti.' injury or expense to the patient, if a curn 1--not ell'ected. It has cured cases of kik, si kise, fiftken and even ' Eighteen Years' Standing ! In Harrifburff nnd rieiniti, Linn Ol, On-yn,', To which the following persons will b ituess : E: H. Moore1; A; L;. Wallace, Mrs MontotncfVj W; D. i'orter.. ' fFafhrttikd J?(JI, G. R. Ward tohn M llollow'av RoO't Ram.-eti An4 Other Citizen. t-? Persons afflicted with the distressin-' scourge of diseased eyfcs are advised to" givn inirT remeny a lair trial on tne "io ettre, in Pay," and no injury plan. Prepared bv Smith & Roach, Ilarrisburir, Oregon. SMITH & lUYJS. " General Agents, Portland t)regon. To whom all orders should be addressed. ZS' For sale by all Drtiggfsts. (2".i PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PL ASTER I SMC! Having followed the abote business Hlxteeri rears; id NEW YORK, BOSTON, And San Francisco. 1 feel confident that I can give perfect snt lfactiou to all who may trust mc with work. Persons living at a distance from the citv can obtaiif all fieeessary information as ij cost, etc., bv addressing: "J. A. WET5IORE, Plasterer. MoritgOtnCry 5t., near ISth, l'oi tland. Keference; Clackamas county : J. C. Tim i.i.i.Kit, Esq.. Osweiro. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE la the matter of the estate of Presjiy Warnick, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersign Administrator of tlie above named estate, t i the creditor of, and all persons--bavin claims against said esie, to exhibit same, with the necessary vouchers,, within six monfhstrOm the hist nnblication of tbi.x notic', to t) nndci signed, at the. ollico- t. M. M'cKennty, Es, in Oregon Ci h Clackigaia.. coittv. t-ito.f.Oieg.yi. tt. ' ' CAUEUnow-EfV o o o "W.'1