Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, June 13, 1868, Image 2

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l)t iDctUhj anitcrprisc
Oregon City, Oregon :
June 13, 1868.
Natioiial Union Ticket.
For Presidential Electors,
A. B. M EACH AM, of Union county,
Pr. W. ROWLRY,of Washington.
O. JACOBS, of Jackson.
Frank Leslies Illustrated News
paper is becoming rather '"trashy."
Beriah says he stauds for Jus
lice. This is very doubtful; as he
rejoices at the acquittal of Andrew
The richest Joke of the season
is old Davidson's despatch from
Andy. The old fool went perfectly
wild about it.
-The Signal says that lion. J.
V. Nesraith has been elected as one
of the directors of the O. C. II. II.
The totul cumber of human be
ings or. earth is computed at 3,000,-
OOO'OO, and they speak 3,001
known tongues.
o Gen. John Did well, the wealthy
land owner of Uutte comity, Califor
n a, lead Miss Annie E. Kennedy, of
Washington City, to the Ilymenial
altar on the 10th of April.
The Oregon and Idaho telegraph
line went in working order to the
Italics on Saturday last. This en
terprise is due to the energy of the
N. Co., chiefly.
Ernest Ronan has just published
-a volume on the philosophy of politics,
which is calculated to create in the
political world as much sensation as
his essays on the philosophy of relig
con created in religious circles.
The Ouk Point fisheries of Nice
& Recti have this year been more
Micccssful than in former years. A
GYriend informs us that from 5,000 to
8,000 barrels offish will bo put up
during the season of 1808.
q Portland has been in a bad way
since the election. Its hod a severe
attack of " Democracy". That's
what's the matter with Portland; but
it will woik off by the first of No
vember, when a doso of Grant and
Colfax will set it on its pins again.
q -Fttirfieid and Charnpocg precincts
in Marion county gave large demo-
ratic majorities. This is accounted
fur by file fact that all the half breeds
voted the democratic ticket, in favor
of a white man's government. Will
not some of our copperhead editors
or orators tell us why it is that "In
dians, half-breeds, and ignorant
are so much exercised about
"nigger equality."
Day by day, and almost hour
by hour, is the distance in lime be
tvcen the eastern and western bounds
of the continent being diminished.
It is now almost a certainty that be
fore the allotted lirac in 1870 the
cars will be running over a continue
nua rail from, New Yoik to San
IVancisco. But eight days staging
remains now.
Mss Harriet Homer's superb
Lror.ze statue of Colonel Benton has
been lying boxed up for four years,
ii an old tobacco warehouse in St.
Louis, neglected, because no suitable
place could be obtained for its erec
tion. Lafayette Park, the only spot
in St. Louis on which it could be
properly displayed, has been secured,
atrjast, fur the purpose.
q The Unionist says that Hon.
John Minto brought to town a few
days ago, the best lot of wool ever
in Oregon. It was fine
Merino, put up in good condition,
and will challenge comparison with
any clip ever housed in the State.
GThc total weight was 1300 pounds;
and the heaviest fleece in the lot
weighed nineteen pounds. M. A.
Stratton & Co. were the purchasers,
nntP the price eighteen cents per
They ship it to Lozan
l'rancisco. Wc think
it not very creditable to our Oregon
manufacturing enterprise that such
a superior lot of home produced wool
should be allowed to pass by all our
factories, to swell the sljle and credit
of California establishments. It will
no doubt come back to us ia the form
of " Superior Cassimere" of Califor
nia make, while our factories will
continue to import coarse Mexican
:ud half-breed wool from California
to work into fabrics for our own con
EumptLon. When snch a valuable
taple is produced by Oregon Farm
ers, Oregon manufacturers ought to
buy and use it. To do bo will profit
themselves as well 33 enrich the
State. That lot of wool will bring
f'fl'J fivc atl(3 sixty cents a pound in
New York or Boston. Our manufac
turers let foreign buyers take it at
eighteen, cents. Shall wc wonder
beieaficr that Oregon fabrics are be
low par in the market.
The so-called Democratic party of
Oregon has carried the election in n
majority of the counties in the State.
Jo. Smith is elected to Congress, and
our State Legislature is largely
Democratic 1 3 there a man in Ore
gon, or any where else, who can tell
us what this triumph means? Do
those Union men who have assisted
in bringing about the " defeat of the
Union party, know what they have
been in favor of? Has any Demo
cratic speaker, or writer, told the peo
ple what they propose to do? Is there
anything in the platform of the party
in this State which indicates an affir
mative policy on any of the real is
sues now before the people? In
short, do the people really know what
modern Democracy is ?
Democratic speakers raid writers
have not hesitated to tell the people
that they are opposed to " negro
equality," " negro suffrage," and a
" bonded aristocracy," but they have
not told them how they propose to
avert this long catalogue of imagina
ry evils. We believe that thousands
of men in Oregon have voted the
Democratic ticket, under the impres
sion that they were simply voting
Rgainst certain abuses, and temporal
ry errors of the Union party. The
statement has been made and con-;
stantly adhered to, by Democratic1
leaders that the Union party is com.
milted in favor of negro suffrage in
all the States, and some Union men
have been induced to believe it and
have voted with the Democracy"
to avert the imaginary terrors of ne
erro suffrage. The ; Democracy"
have acted upon the plan suggested
in the Albany Democrat that a "lie
well told, and constantly adhered to,
is as good as the truth,"., and the re
sult of the election seems to justify
the assumption.
The magical name of" Democracy"
has been used to collect together ev
cry dement of opposition under the
war cry of " nigger" and " bonds!"
But let us see if we can ascertain
what is ttie controlling element of the
Democratic party. If we can, we
vill be able to form some idea of its
affirmative policy. The controlling
idea of the party was frankly related
by Mr. II. W. Vaughn, a Democrat
ic candidate for the Legislature, in
one of his speeches in the late can.
vass in this county. When pressed
for an exposition of the affirmative
policy of the Democratic party, he
said :
" I will tell you what wo propose
to do. We propose to turn nil re
publicans out of office, and put Dem
ocrats in their places !''
In this statement we find an ad
mission that the controlling idea of
the Democratic party is a determina
tion to get into office. The truth is
the species are hungry, and the desire
for office is the "ruling passion, strong
in death."
But if we will carefully study the
history of the Democratic party du
ring the last seven years, and find out
who are its pi t sent recognized lea
dcrs, we shall find that the control-
ing element of the party is made up
of that class of men who either open
ly favored secession, or secretly con
nived at it, who opposed coercion,
used every effort to make the war
what they declared it to be a fail
ure, who rejoiced at our defeats,
and mourned over our triumphs, who
laughed at our calamities, and
sneered at our success. We shall
find that its organization is control
led by secessionists ; and every man
who has voted the Democratic ticket,
has cast a vote which is interpreted
to mean an endorsement of all the
party has done, as well as all it has
refused to do.
The leaders of the party know that
the uegro equality war cry is all a
humbug, used merely to secure votes,
and put Democrats in office. Their
object is to roll back the tide of civ
iliz ition as much as possible. They
have opposed every step, and will
undo all wc have done, so far as it
shall be in their power. There can
be no doubt that the ultimate object
of Democratic leaders, is the restora
tion of slavery, and the repudiation
of the national debt.
In this county, those objects were
very poorly disguised. They sigh
for the good old days when the froth
ing hound was on the fugitive's track;
when girls with blue eyes, and flaxen
hair, in whose veins there yet linger
ed the slightest trace of African blood,
were sold at the auction block to the
highest bidder.
To accomplish these objects they
scruple at nothing. In Ohio they
have disfranchised all disabled sol
diers in kcspitals, and all students in
colleges, simply because they know
such men never vote the Democratic
We have no argument with men
who arc naturally and instinctively
secessionists ; their proper place is
in the Democratic party, but to all
Union men we say: Come out from
among them !.-..
-. - - r- ; ; 1 .
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
for ike Entckpkise.
Below wc give the official vote for
the candidates for Congress, at the
election held in this State on the 1st,
so far as we have been able to collect
it; also, the total vote of the State
in 18G4 and lSGG.from official sources:
l"g I If
Counties, j c 5 1SG4 j I860
Raker 45 50 . . .
Benton '16 .r43 70U 1021 53
Clackamas C"7 C.:J-2 9.V2 1240 49
Clatsop 1.37 17 11 172
Columbia 85 12J 123 1.3 13
Coos ICS 21D
Curry 100 H2
Douglas 07 (J Cs2 1015 116ti
Grant f71
Jackson 52-5 6'Jo 10515 123U 01
Josephine 343 &2i
Lane $M 1 1 S$ 1-270 213
Linn KK'ti 1302 17.V5 .V0 ;V2
Marion 1402 1002 ll'Ol 2193 271
Multnomah... 1121 11-Sl 1995 222? 82
I'olk 018 0.VJ SC4 1120 i:.7
Tillamook 01 43 43 83 10
Umatilla 91 1 792
Union 723 099
Wasco 2S2 451 2."(:G 702
Wellington. . 475 323 073 824 125
Yamhill 011 59 1 834 1123 ISO
. . 13,35j 20,170
Increase .over ISC 1.
The returns for the fourth Judicial
District are now all in, and we have
the pleasure of announcing that Mr.
W. W. Upton was elected Judge,
and Hon. A. C. Gibbs Prosecuting
Attorney. The following is the vote
officially reported :
Counties. - d
Clackamas. ... .x. . . 32 19
Clatsop. 2(5 20
Columbia S3 ....
Multnomah 137
Tillamook 17 IS
Washington 107 15
Totals 242 175 HHH
.Majorities 07 2
The Sacramento Union "has no
doubt that when the returns are all
in, it will be shown that this election
was carried by Price's army ;" and
the conjecture is fully verified. The
comparative vote for Logan and
Woods is as follows:
Douglas 7C (:51
Polk il8 ;;)
Lane 058 579
Linn 1000 1015
Benton 527
Clatsop Li7 117
Tillamook 01 47
Clackamas (157 CS2
Multnomah 1121 lL'0.5
Washington 175 405
Yamhill Git 508
Columbia 85 80
Marion 1102 1380
Total 8010 7805
Curry county, we learn, gives
Logan 55 majority.
Josephine county is reported to
have given Smith 49 majority.
In Yamhill county S. C. Adams'
(Union) majority for State Senator
is 24.
Powell (Union) is elected pros
ecuting Attorney in the 2d District.
Kelsay (Union) is elected Judge in
the same.
In Washington county Logan
has a majority of 147. The majori
ties for the Union County Ticket
range from ISO lowest, to 232 high
est. Col. Cornelius recieved 170
majority for joint Senator.
We are not disposed to put on
a long face, and whine at the result.
For our own part, we did the best
we knew for success and while wc
are not given to complaining of neg
lect of others, we may be allowed to
suggest that a more liberal circula-.
tion of Campaign Documents would
surely have changed the result. The
Oregon Herald has been sent to
nearly every voter in this county for
eight or ten weeks past, at a mere
nominal cost; and where a man re
fused to pay for it has had it forced
to his address gratis. Say what you
will that is where the Democracy
made their gains. We trust that
the lessons of the past will have a
salutary effect on our party in the
The Record of Monday, says:
The whole of .Friday was occupied
by Judge Boise at Chambers in hear
ing the argument of Messrs Gibbs,
Hill and Whitson, cn the application
of which we made mention Saturday,
ostensibly on the part of the State of
Oregon, but really on the part of the
west side Railroad Company, for
leave to bring an action in the nature
of a quo warranto against tho Oregon
Central Hail road Company. The
argument on the part of the Company
was to commence Saturday morning.
When the court then came together,
however, the proceedings was termin.
ated rather abruptly by the presenta
tion of an affidavit by Mr. Mitchell
showing that the same questions were
now under consideration by Judge
Upton in a case pending before him.
Judge Boise thereupon declined to
giant leave to bring another action
while one involving the same ques
tions was pending in another court.
So Mr. Gaston goes out of court
again. It is unfortunate that any
great public enterprise should be em
barrassed end annoyed by a series of
petty law suits such as have been in
augurated during the past year
against the Oregon Central Hail
road Company. The public who are
deeply interested will be relieved to
know that they have all proved
harmless. The great enterprise is
still progressing. About one hun
dred aDd sixty men are at work, and
I the contractors disbursing theirmonev
at tne rate of over live hundred dol
lars per day. This is an annoyance
to the enemies of the road, but thev
fortunately cannot bring any Jaw-suft
i that can stop or hinder it.
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the Ore-janutn.
The revenue of the Mexican Re
public for the corning year is estima
ted at $18,000,000.
M'Clellan's nomination asMin
ister to England was not confirmed
by the Senate.
The Mexican army is to be re
organized, to consist of four divisions,
of 4,000 men each.
Romero was at Havana on the
0th, destined to the United States to
arrange a scheme to defraud Ameri
can holders of Mexican bonds.
The Oakland California, ferry
boat, El Capitan, was launched on
the 4th.
She is 220 feet long, and
cost 6130,000.
A cavern or grotto, said to ri
val the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky,
has been discovered twenty miles
north of Ottawa, Wisconsin.
The California Anchor Company
has incorporated to manufacture pat
ent anchors in San Francisco. Capi
tal 000,000.
The Grand Army of the Re
public, on Sunday, performed the im
posing ceremony of decorating the
graves of Union soldiers at Lone
The Pope has sent an agent to
the United States to enlist troops for
the Papal army. Garibaldi has
written several earnest letters to his
friends and to the authorities in Amer
ica, entreating them in behalf of the
liberal party in Italy, to discourage
this project.
The Philadelphia Board of trade
have reported at length upon several
very important demands of com
merce upon Congress. Among them
are enumerated:
The improvement of the commu
nications between the Pacific and At
lantic, by canal or railroad across the
Isthmus or Central America, such
works to be tronstiucted solely ou the
national account;
The removal of all obstructions to
the free passage of the largest vessels
from Lake Superior to L'ike Ontario;
The. improvement by national or
international appropriations, of all
the outlets of the Mississippi Valley ;
The removal of all obstacles to the
navigation of the Mississippi and its
tributaries ;
The subvertion of steam lines for
postal and commercial communica
tions between New Orleans and the
ports of Mexico, Central and Soutn
America ;
Further government aid to the
Kansas Pacific Railroad throughNcw
Mexico and Arizona ;
Putting the whi.-key tax down to
50 cents on the gallon.
A resolution was referred to the
Executive Council, providing fur ihe
uui versa and s multaneous adoption
of the cental svstem cf weights and
measures on the 1st of Auirust ne.t.
Pass Him A hound. The success
of the democracy has been too much
for the prudence of some members of
the Jones family. There is a fellow
named Tom Hook, living in Marion
county, who so far forgot himself as
to give vent to his " pheelinka" in
this wise :
" I believe that the assassination
of Lincoln was a justifiable act, and
I would be proud to vote for Wi kes
Boothe, or Jeff. Davis for President
of the United States.''
This same man was once in the
Union army, but says it is the only
act of his life that he is ashamed of,
and that he never shot at a southern
man, and would not have done so if
he had been called into action. Of
course he votes the Democratic tick
et ; such men always do.
The. Republican party neglected
to hang the leaders in tho rebellion,
and now sulFl-r for it themselves
They refused to pass a registry law
in Oregon ; thus allowing treason to
get the State from ns at the late elec
tion There is nothing to lose by
doing right. And, had the party
not failed in such respects, Beriah
Brown the Oregon Herald and De
mocracy, would have been tosday
The Orcgonian " takes pleasure"
in referring the Lafayette Courier as
"just tho thing to suit" an Illinois
man who is seeking information re
specting the healthfulness of Oregon,
and as calculated to give a descrip
tion of this region. We Know of
nothing more calculated to disgust an
immigrant with respect to those
things, than to present him with a
copy of the Courier. Sometimes a
good citizen cannot spell April with
out an c.
The Corvallis Gazette, Jackson
ville Sentinel, Eugene Guard and
Journal, Salem Record, Oregonian,
Herald, and Bulletin, all speak in
praise of the exhibitions of the Mc
Ginley Family. It is seldom that a
Troup of performers come so well
recommended. The Gazette says;
" This company consists of Mr. Mc
Giuley, two daughters and a son, as-
siMca oy Johnny Graham and Mr.
Bell, violinist. Their performances
are entirely free from vulgarisms
Johnny Graham and Mr. McGinley
are excellent delineators of negro
character, while Miss Sarah, by her
songs, and Master Bobby, by his
dancing, never fail to bring down the
The work upon the Central
Railroad is progressing in a very sat
isfactory manner says the Record of
last Saturday. Grubbing and grad
ing have been completed to a point
some two miles above Milwaukie, all
of which is ready for the laying of
ties and rails, including a piece of
heavy trestle work near Milwaukie,
COO feet in length. About 150 men
are kept constantly at work. A
first class saw-mill is being construct
ed cn the route, about two miles
from Portland, on the land of Mr.
Tibbetts. Logs to make half a
million feet of lumber are already
cut nearby it. In the same vicinity,
the contractors have erected a car
shop, 140 feet long by 3G wide; also
a machine shop 30 by GO, in which
there are already planers, saws, etc.,
for all kinds of wood work. The
machine &hop for the manufacture ot
iron work is not yet built, but
the Compauy has, probably, a much
better machine shop coming than any
at present in Oregon. The in
terest felt by the people of this valley
in the enterprise is quite satisfactory
to the Company. Now that the ex
citement of the election is over, the
matter will be thoroughly presented
to all the counties on the line of the
road. Friday morning Mr. Burrage,
civil engineer, with a surveying party,
commenced the location of the road
from Salem, up Mill creek, towards
Jefferson. The intention is to estab
lish surveys ail the way to Eugene
as soon as possible, and complete the
grading as fast as possible.
The Roscburg Ensign says:
The internal wealth of our State is
fast developing itself into a degree of
magnitude that will in but a short
time, compare favorably with any
State in the Union. Not only are
almost all kinds of manufacturing es
tablishments in successful operation
in our vallies, but the mountains too,
are turning in their share of the in
creased productions, in the rich ore
and placer nuggets. Bohemia is
opening out with good prospects of
as rich a yield as even its n.ost san
guine claim-holders had anticipated;
there is already, and will continue to
be a great rush for that locality; and
nr dvubt many a " poor laborer"
! will grow licit from its auriferous
j production. There is now being
shipped from this place, for that
j camp a largo Mitk of goods; Mr. C.
i W. Fitch will soon have open a
conveyancer and recordvrs office, in
j which he will be prepared to transact
all business which the miners of the
district may stand in need of having
done; their laws and regulations will
j be enacted as soon as a sufficient
! number of officers can be present;
and lhe work generally is being com
menced in real earnest and we enter
tain no doubts about the woiking of
these mines, proving a great acces
sion to the interests of our vallies in
creating and maintaing a business
which has hitherto been carried on in
a district almost exclusively out of
our reach and consequently benefit
ing us but little.
The General Agent of the North
Western Insurance Company of
a ar j
Milwaukie. Wisconsin Mr. M. G.
Elmore, and Mr. Oscar Kilbourn,
Special Agent, gentlemen well known
to many of our business men, are o i
a visit to this city says the Unionist,
for the purpose of introducing the
company they represent. We have
been shown a list of parties insured in
this company, in Portland, to all of
whom they refer, and among which,
are the best business men in that city.
With such references and upon the
terms they propose to do business, we
bespeak for them a corresponding de
gree of success here.
Mr. Shanahan has just returned
to Portland bringing with him an ex
tensive assortment of everything per
taining to his line, including a large
and beautiful assortment of carved
brackets, albums, engravings, pic
turcs, sheet mv.sic, picture frames
and moulding?, etc., etc.; he has now
another c f those beautiful stercoseop
tic views of Oregon forty scenes in
all representing the finest views of
nature in the world. An hour or
two may be profitably epent in ex
amining these different articles of
virtu? and art. Mr. Shanahan de
serves success for his correct taste and
perseverance. See advertisement.
Messrs. Thomas Russell, and
William Kalow, of Sibley county,
Minnesota, have spent the last fort
night in Benton and Lir.n counties,
looking out a location for themselves
and quite a number of other families.
We need a few hundred such enter
prising, energetic men, to till the now
idle lands in our county says the
Gazette. They were directed hither
by a paragraph in the Gazette.
The Commissioners of Multna
mah county have purchased the
" Stewart Farm" for the purpose of
locating a poor house on it. The sum
of 4,0u0 is said to have been paid
for it.
The Reason. -
is sow
Democratic, but Missouri is intensely
W. S. Ladd Esq., the Portland
banker and correspondent of the firm
of A. E. & C. E. Tilton . 95 Liberty
street New York City, has purchased
a site and will erect a bank at Salem.
His new Portland ' Bank of Oregon"
will be as fine an edifice as any on
the coast.
An association to be known as
the Merchants' Protective Associa
tion has been started in San Fran
cisco, having as its central object the
protection of creditors against the
fraudulent practices which are likely
to obtain through the lax administra
tion of tiie present Bankrupt Law.
The Ifcrald sensibly denounces
the emigration of 39 persons from
Oregon to the Argentine Republic,
and says: " It is scarcely possible to
imagine anything more absurd than
expeditions of this kind. After the
history of Adam's emigration to
Palestine, and of the emigration from
the Southern States to Brazil, it will
be safe to predict that in a year or
eighteen months at farthest, after
these people have landed in that
South American country, they will
be beseeching the United States Con
sul to send them back. There is no
use of fool hardiness or obstinacy
in anything of this kind. They had
much better, by a thousand-fold, re
turn to their former homes, and con
tinue to be good cit'zens of Oregon,
instead of dropping down in the scale
of humanity by taking up a residence
among a half civilized people in South
AVcclily Commercial llcvicw,
ExTFHrRiE Office, (
Oregon City, June 12th, 1SCS. f
FLOUR Imperial, Stanlard, Monitor,
and Harding's brands $5 50 Qt, SO 00
bbl.. outside brands $4 !M0j$i 75.
WJIL'AT Dull deaiand"at 850'JO cts.
"r) bushel.
OATS The demand is about equal to
the .-upplv. at 40c.
CO I : X lM KA L S 2 500 $3 cwt.
FLED Ground $25 "i ton ; Middlings
$20(r)$25 ; lVan 12.
FRUIT Green Apples 'flhx 50075 c;
Dried Apples $ lb ext.5c; Dried 1 'caches
none : Hums O0.1'2e.
CUKKD M LAT Dacon lb Dcllc.;
Hams i lb 12ic; Shoulders 50,7c.
LARD In kegs 'J c; tins 10c.
VA JGS Abundant at 15c. doz.
DUTTER Ordinary to prime lb 20
rOL'LTRY Chickens " doz $2 5O0:;:
tame Ducks 75c.; pair ; tamo (ieesc $2 50
pair; Turkeys '$2 500 33 "t pair.
(iAMF, Grouse 50c. '? pair, or $.'1
doz.: I'hcasan's. -50c.fi- pair, or $2 dnz!
YL'GLTARLKri l'o'tatocs Tl bu. 40 cts
Onions 100 lbs $2 OO0o.: Deansfl00
lbs 5 50.
HIDES Salted lb l,.05c; dry 90 10
WOOL 1 8c. "-- lb.
I'OK'n.AM) I'KH'ilS.
Flour Ranging from 5 50 0 $G 00 "j4,
Wheat 75 to 80 c-nt.s bushel,
r.acon Sides. 10 10c. ; hams, lo011c;
shoulders CO 7c.
Le.rd IiMins. V2lc.
1 0c.
-Freoh Oregon 25 to '.li ' eent.s.
10 to 18c. V do..
Dried Fruits Apples. f-n-VOe.: Poaches
100 12ie.; Plums, 150.22c.
Sugar Islands. J0i 2 J ; San Francisco
C. iil''llc; Crushed, in hhU. lOAo:
half bbls., 17e.
Syrup Heavy Golden, best brands,
8U0S5C: l"land, !n i-bls.. 35040c.
L'ol'ee--Java. 20jc ; Costa Rica. lic;
Rio. 190.; Koua. S. L. It'e.
Fish M;rckerel. in i bbls. $12 50; kits.
$3 50: Salmon, a 50 per J bbl, 0 00
per bbl.
Salt Livorpotd. per ton. $37 50; Car
men Island $27: Ray. $25; Dairy !-;;2 50.
Rice Patria No. 1, 8 cen'.s; China, Xo. 1 .
In one of the schools in the Southern
part of this county, the scholars held an
election, and the result was IS Union
votes were polled, against G Democratic.
The Copperheads having control of thc
Legislature had better abolish this thing
of readin' and writin,' because it has done
more injury to the Democratic party then
all other mlluences combined.
Capt. Rrooks owner of the Clara A.
Sutil and VainbriJijc. informs us, May Dili,
that ho would not be able to procure a
cargo of sugar iu Honolulu for this mar
ket, until June. He was expecting the
Cuinb' idjc, from Costa Rica, for the June
voyage to Portland.
The local of the JTerahl is heavy on
sensations, lie had the boys playing one
hundred and six innings of base ball at
this city on Saturday last. The Athletics
played 71 and the Tumwaters 35 Innings,
according to that paper.
-O. -V
Pi:i:M!ims. Wc have received the list of
premiums to be awarded at the next an
nual fair of the State jAgricutiiral Society,
to bo held at Salem, 011 the 2Sth, 2Dth.and
30t!i of September, and the first three
days of October.
Aoknt.s Waxtki). Wc Invite special at
tention to the advertisements of Raticroft
fcCo.. who desire agents at ofice, to can
vass for the very best subscription books.
Profitably employment can be found at
that audres's.
Those pretty little girls, who paid
our s uictum a visit on Saturday, leaving
a bunch of flowers on our table as fresh
as their own rosy cheeks, have many
thanks, and oar purest blessing, fur their
Dr. Blach lias given up a good prac
tice in Portland, for a partnership and res
idence in California. AVe regret to lose
such men from among lis but wish bim
We wish our friend J. C. Mann, who
sails for the east th;s week, a speedy and
pleasant voyage; that lie may find his
friends and relatives happy, and return
soon ' to see to things'' at home.
We regret deeply the loss to Gover
nor Gibbs and laniily, on Sunday last, of
bis little son. who met with an accident
resulting in his death.
A fine safe is offered for sale at Bar
low k. Fuller's. Call and see it" Doc"7
will explain.
Mr. Ikutlctt has our thanks for a
present of some choice cider, made by him
self. Ladies if you want an excellent fash
ion pnper-the b-st rend fv Harper's
WilluiixOe Lodge No. 151. O. ii. T.
Meets every Saturdaj' evening, at the rooms
SS.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2
o'clock. Yisiting members are invited to
attend. JJy order or v . k.-. I.
Oregon iKKlge No. 3,T. O. ot O. F
$2&!iai&sr Meets every Wednesday evening
ggP&at 7 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall.
,?s- Members of the erdc are in
vited to attend. Ry order X. G.
Multnomah Io1ge No. 1, A. K. ami
ia A. M. -Holds its regular eommuni
f cations on the llrxt and Third Sut
r m-dnjs in each month, at 7 o'clock,
from the 2t'ih of September to the 'Joth ot
March, and 7 ' o'clock from the 2oth of March
to the 20th of September. Rrethreu in good
standing are invited to utteud.
Ry order of W. M.
The patronage of those desiring T'tret Clans
Opcrathmi, is respectful!' solicited.
Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.
XT. R. Xitrvi Oxijd" administered for the
Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the
Jilii'jid, at Spray used for those who prefer it.
Officii Corner of Washington and Front
streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington
street. 42.tf
Fash iox able Stationer Y.Messrs.
J. E Tilton & Co.. Roston Mass., will send
by mail, post, paid, a hatidsome box of as
sorted fashionable note, papers with envel
opes to match, stamped with any initial de
sired, to the address f any one remitting
to them one dollar. lit sending, write the
initial clear and plain. 31:3m.
Dutcheu's Lightning FlyKii.lkr.
That, pest of Summer, huge black swarms
of flies can be got rid of cheaply iitid easily
by the use of the above popular article, which
has an enormous sale at th east, and is now
for sale by dealers everywhere.
HosTKTTF.it, Smith & De.vx,
Keiin(;to.- & Co.
3Xt) Wholesale Agents San Francisco
Acw Advertisements.
$tosiiii.&liii Oo.-
Kovv York, Japan & China,
Will be dispatched as follows :
Leave wharf corner of First and Hrannan
streets, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. of the following
dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama
It. R: with one of the company's splendid
steamers from Aspinwall for Xew York, on
The Gth, 111 11: ri'tA ami 30th,
O F E A C II M 0 X T lit
Steamers leaving San Francisco on the Hh
and '-4d, touch at Manzanillo. All touch at
Acapnlco. Departure of the C-th connects
with English steamer for Australia. Depart
ure of the llih is expected to eoonect with
the French Trans-Atlantic Co.'s steamer for
St. Xazaire, and English steamer for South
America. Through tickets can be obtained.
Departure of 1-1 tli is expected to connect
with English steamer for Southampton, South
America, and P. R R: Co.'s steamer for Cen
tral America. Through ticket cau be had.
fcTKAMfellg WUl JUXE, 18GS.
The following steamships will be dispatch
ed on dntes as given below :
JrxE 6th Coxstiti tion-, Capt , connect
ing with Hkxiev Chi x"ky, Capt. Gray.
Ti ne l"th Golkf.x City, Capt. Lapidge.con-
neeting with Ockax Qi.kkx, Capt. King.
J r.vK L'3d Goi.hkx aoe, Capt. Farnswerth,
with Rising Stak, Capt. Conner.
Jl xi: Soth SvcitAMEXTo, Capt. Parker, con
necting with Akjzoxa, Capt. Maury.
I'usseiiirci s berthed through. Hag
gage checked through, loo lbs. allowed ti
each adult. An experienced surgeon on
board. Medicine and attendarce free.
These steamers will positively sail at J 1
o'clock. Passengers are requested to have
tlieir baggage 011 board before ten o'clock.
Z-ij" Through tickets to Liverpool by the
Cunard, Ionian and National steamship lines
can be obtained at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s oflice
hi San Francisco, where may also be obtained
orders for passage from Liverpool or South
ampton to San Francisco, either via New
Vork or St. Thomas if desired an amount
of 10 or .-t'20 will bp advanced with the
above orders. Holders of orders will be 10
quired to identify themselves to the Agents
: 1- 1 . . .1 "
1:1 r.ngmna.
For merchandise and freight for New York
ant! way ports, apply to Weils, Fargo & Co.
For passatic and all other information, ap
ply at the P. M. S.S: Co.'s oilice, corner of
caerameuto and Leidesdortl sts.
Druggist and A p o I h e c d t y,
(123 First St., near Western Hotel)
PoirriiANO. Oregon.
Dealer in drAigS, Chemicals, patent medi
cines, etc. A fine assortment of English and
French Toilet Articles,
Perfumery, brushes, etc. SPartic-.ilar at
tention inven to the piupaiaiioM ot prosci ip-
95 First street, Portland Oregon.
Manufacturers and dealers in Roots and
shoes of the latest style and best material.
San Francisco and Philadelphia
goods always on hand. Agents for Howe's
Family Sewing Machines, and John O. F;1
soni's hand sewing machines. Needles nd
thread for sale. V'-1
Boots with Wire Quilted Bottoms
These Roots are made oh the Arnerican
standard last. Thev never fail to fit and feel
comfortable, and require 110 "breaking in."
The Wire Quilted Soles
have been proven by practical experience to
last twice 11s long as the ordinary soles. A
splendid assortment just received at
Ii. 1). WHITE & Co.'s,
Root and Shoe store.
34.) 131 First st. Portland.
Celebrated Stomach Bitters.
At this season of the ycor when chills and
fevers are prevalent, there is no one who
should be without a bcttlc of Louis Lacour's
Delightful Stomach Ritters. Like the
Lighthouse to the Jfariner,
they are the truide to those who use them to
outride the breakers of disease, in the joui
ney of life. To them was awarded the FntsT
PitEMii m, at the California State Fair. The
Committee highly and especially recommen
ded them for their medicinal qualities.
Their emblem is
Their device :
Pro Bono Publico :
tT Sold by all the principal drusj stores
liquor houses and saloons iu this city, and
throughout the state.
500 cases "For sale
In lots to suit, at manufacturer's rates, by
E. MARTIN & Co.,
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, 22 Front t,t. Portland. (34
The Partnership heretofore existins be
tw een J. C. Mann and Thomas Lcarv, at
Uregon Citv, is this dav dissolvcf , by mutual
consent. The business hereafter will be
cariied on by Thomas Leary.
X. R.-Partics owing the late firm of Mann
& Leary, or the late farm of J. C. Mann, will
jdease come forward and settle. Their bills
at e all made out, and it not settled in a few
days will be put in the hands of an attorney
for collection. J. C. MANN,
Orcjjor CiU, June 2d, IstiS. Gi.St
AUCTIONp.pt,, ' ?
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Tortlanj
A TTf!TTfW Q i t fn
Of Real Estate Groceries, General Merri,
dise and lh.r. crrnan
Every Wednesday and Siiturday t
A. B. Kichap.dsox, Auctioneer, t
i.-i:.,i, ..i i) it ,. . i-
ivihicai jcu .Hid liutKtle Iron- 8
English Square and Octagon Cast stcd ?
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws '
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Ii.' G. IroB . -also:
' ?
A large assortment of Groceries and Liqmno 'i
A. U. Richardson, Auction
IVcst Sitle Main Street, i
Oregon City Oregon,;.
L. DILLER ProDrietnr :
to inform the public that he is now muv f
facturmg the best qualities of
Boston, Butler, Sugar and ' Soda
etc., cC-c., dc.
In addition to which he will keep constantly
ou hand a large stock of the best staple u f
Z'W The best produce that is afTord-d '3
the market, bought and sold. v
L. DILLER, Proprietor. '
i)uv Union Forever!
Oregon Fireworks Company
Labratory, East Portlund, Ofice Qj
Front si., Portland Oregon.
JL want of having an establishment in t'i
Siiite, for the manufactu'-e of every dficir
tio-i of Fireworks, have erected stiiu'lf
build'ngs in East Portland for tlie piirp.
of manufacturing every vai i -tv of
Together with Large I'ortallc P'mn
for exhibitions.
ZW The mannfaetcrr tt-'il be under ft
supervision of Mr. George Hughe?, a pracN
cal Pyrotechnist of twenty years' expcrie'ic?
and we guarantee all hrcwoiks maiitd'ai-tumi
by us to be superior to imprrrfrvl iiri;clt
and at prices lower than he'e1ol.re: lui!
descriptive catalogues and prices srnt ct
A.MElllCAX PbAKS ! Silk, Cotton H
Punting, of all sies. Address sill onl.rv.i:
!'" Front st.. Portland. Ort-rj :
iVorih American S.S. Co.,
To New York, via Panama!
rgnun north American stj:av
.M. ship company will dispatch iTie fasl
new steamer
M ' V A D A ,
S.i'ioo Tons .T. R. Kki.i.y ('omm:inl'r-
Fiom Mission street whart, at 1-J n'clncl, M
SATL'DAY. Jl'NE L'Oth. lst;s.
Connecting via. Panama R. R. at Ainws.i
wi ru tiik
Company's splendid new steamship
5,000 Tons Fo r A" W Y O li A'.
One hundred lbs. Baggage, free.
An experienced Surgeon on boonl ;
Medicines and Attendance frtt.
Passnge tickets to and from biveri'oc1, ;,.
Queensiown-, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwrr
Copenhagen, Christiana and (JottenhiTj:, b 3
the Liverpool and UrVSUt Western Steam!p j
Company's staunch and elegant Irou Mean
ships, at unusually low rates. . ,
Passage from Rremen, Southampton iot ;
Havre, by fust class steamers of the Norm ;
German Lloyds, at reduced rates
-t?" For further information applv to ;
1. W. UA Y.MONl), Agent
N VY cor. Pine ttnd Ratterv sts-., up-shur.
Ad I ' San Fraiio-M. -
isroxxejs. s i
) Portland as follows; :
(Sundays excepted,) at 5 o'clock a. . ;
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
At 5 o'clock a. m. I
Every Friday, at 0 o'clock, a. ru.
17 Returning, leave YnlInTa on 5fTi(hJ
'Wednesday & Fiidav, toucliiwg ai UtsatilU
Monday and Friday, at 6 o'clock a. m. ,
Daily, (Sundays excepted,) Monan'j, '
Vednesdav. 'and Friday, 6 ;
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
at 7 o'cloei a. m. i
0 .
li" Uoafs for the transportation ofstwt
inVeadiness when business offers. j
President O. S. N. Compa".''. ,.
Portland, Oregon- j
Stcsimbosit Company'
Capt. RoOllC ; ' . ore
Will make regular trips daily. If ""?u,,
gonCitv, a.m.. and Portland at 3 r.
connecting with the steamer Ann, 1 r
Yickers, for ,,t-ctT I
and intermediate points 011 the
On. Monday, Wednesday and tnl
AND FOtt vri
(On ihe Upper Willamette,) ,
On Sa I unlay of each ire