o o G ) )t ttJccfiin (Enterprise. Oregon City, Oregon : P. C. IRELAND, KOITOK AND I'RCPRIETt)B. Saturday, May 30, 1868. FOR PRESIDENT, Gen. ULYSSES S.GRANT TOR VICE PRESIDEXT, SCHUYLER COLFAX. - For President Inl Electors, A. Til. M EACH AM, of Union county. J)r. V. ROWLRY, of Washington. O. JACOIW, of Jackson. For Representative in Conres, O Hon. DAVID LOGAN, Of Multnomah. For Diatrlct Judge, 2d District JOHN KELSAY, of Benton. 4th do W. W. UPTON, of Portland. For District Attorneys, 2d District I). M. RLSDOX, of Iane. ad ' J. C. POWELL, of Linn. 4h " A. C. (HUBS, of Portland, -fctu " C. M. FOSTER, of Raker. CLACKAMAS COISTY TICKET Stale Senator. D I Thompson. Jtrnreseiitatives. James Winston, I W. Garrett and D. 1'. Trul linger. Sheriff". Major J. S. liiuearson. Cleric. J. M. Frazer. Treasurer. John Meldrum. Assessor. M. Patterson. County Commissioners. J. M Drake, J M.Doardortr. S'lfjerhtletuhnf of Schools. 1. Killiu. Surveyor. S. L-. Campbell. Coroner. Dr. Barclay . jljujj liJim OCR L..1ST AVOIIOS. On Monday next our fellow cit ifzens will be called upon to cast their suffrages in Oregon. We think, can didly; conscientiously; HONEST LY 4pr or against this government, and its people. The politics of a nation have ref erence to a nation's great interests. Mere party ism sinks into compara tive insignificance iTi comparison with there high ends. Schemes of nirre personal interest and passion nre confcmjytilh and odious when they attempt to usurp, in politics, the ptace of the pub lie interest. If successful in the attempt ; as by the treacherous strategy of demagogues they sometimes are; the conse quences are disastrous to the country in a thousand ways. We believe that during the last f ight weeks we have said enough to conjir.ee the public if they are hon estly seeking the welfare of their country that the Republican party has ns little of this base intrusion of individual ambition as any party ever had. We believe it and every hon est, conscientious man within the pale of enlightenment, believes it too. The Republican party has been ; to all intents and purposes the people. TJ S LOYAL people, of this nation. Do vou need to bo told this again! fellow (cjtizen. Do you still khave any doubts about the truth of the assertion 1 It is a fact as patent as that God rules and governs the World. Do you think that the sue cesses of the Republican party have not promoted the public interest and -honor ? You cannot say no! to that. You kuow that to the successes of the Republxan party you owe a debt of gratitude far more than you are ever able to pay, for the triumph of the government over the rebellion, which placed us, as a nation, higher in the estimation of the world than ever nation achieved before ; and now we, for one, do not believe you will urn your back upon it. We trust that there is integrity and intelli gence enough amongst the people to m.tke theni stand firmly on their old Union grounds to make them work fur the principles on Monday next for which so much blood and treasure has been expended, and that the angry threats of bad men will be re sisted as they should be. Do you believe in the existence of a God you cannot resist the appeals of the father less, the widowed, the maimed, who have lest all that was near and dear to them fur the very purposes of protecting you in what you propose to do on next Monday. If you would propagate the glorious fruits of the late severe and triumphant contest on the field of battles vole for the nominees of the Union party ! and send to the bottom all selfish and dis union passions. Let there be no relaxation of -vigilance between this and Monday night, is ours. Work cheerfully and Victory Recollect, that a vote for Logan is a vote for Principle ! Ifyou would not surrender to rebels, vote against them on Monday ! D If the Democrats elect one man on their ticket it will give them life. And life is hope. We have got to bury them so deep now that Ga briel, on resurrection morn, can not call them np I Let 03 do it ! The N. Y. Tribune predicts that Grant's majority of popular and dect5ral votes will exceed Lincoln , MeClellttir. ItKAit AN ENGLISH RADICAL. The following remarkable extract is taken from Reynolds' newspaper of March 27. 18G8, the London week ly organ of the ultra English Liberals, edited by the chartist leader, who at tempted to get up a revolution in April, 1844. It is an indication of the popular feeling of the English masses in favor of impeachment. The specific view taken by this fearless writer is at once an encouragement and an admonition to our public men. Everywhere throughout Europe the cause of the American Republicans against Andrew JoEnson 13 hailed as a truly righteous cause. His exam-, pic has been to them a terror and a shame, while to their enemies, as to ours, it has been an exultant boast. Everywhere the heart of civilized man throbs and speaks alike, no mat ter under what government or under what sun: To the Editor of Reynolds' Newspaper. As a moral spectacle, the trial of Presi dent Johnson is oue of the most magnifi cent that the world has ever seen. When the exalted office of the man who now standi arraigned at the bar of a mighty nation, and the mood and attitude of the people toward the accused are considered, it will be admitted that no more majestic display of justice has ever been witnessed before any earthly tribunal. Nothing in the annals of England is at all compara ble to this trial of the first officer of the great Republic. The trial of Warren Hastings, which extended over a great number of years, and on the surroundings and scenery of which Macaulay lavished bis choicest pictorial powers, dwindles into insignificance when compared with that of Andrew Johnson. Warren Hastings was bat a subordinate servant of a great monarchy. Andrew Johuson is the Chief Magistrate of a great Republic. Then, as to the trial of Charles the First of England, or of Louis the Sixteenth of France, nei ther of these high-class criminals was ar raigned until the very foundations of the political and social system had been sub verted by a stupendous revolution ; and though there can be no doubt that both the English and French kings richly de served the capital punishment to which they were doomed, it is impossible to deny that they were quite as much the victims of the crimes of their throned predecessors as of their own. and that their ignominious death upon the felon scaffold was an ex piation as well as an example. Neither can it be denied that at the trials of these tyrants the minds of their judges were, to some extent, influenced by Use passions of hatred and revenge, and the unchained ftirv of a long-suffering and at length mad dened people. But all these elements of judicial per turbation are absent in the case of the trial of Andrew Johnson. Ho is made to answer for no faults but his own. The sins of no previous President are visited on bis head. I lis impeachment and trial do not take place in the midst of a civil war, nor as one of the consequences of a great revolution. His trial takes place in " the midst of a profound peace. The people of the United States have nei ther a civil nor a foreign w ar upon their hands. Neither are they afflicted with any of those national calamities, such as a wide-spread famine or pestilence, which in other ages and countries have directed the fury of an ignorant populace against their rulers. The Republic is not only at peace within her own borders and the rest of the world, but, at the same time, in the enjoy ment of a plenty and a prosperity such as no monarchy in Europe can exhibit. And though Congress and the people are deep ly offended because of the conduct which has necessitated the trial, there is not the slightest symptom cf that popular fury which accompanied the trials, and to some extent determined the fate, of Charles I and Louis XVI. Indeed, judging from present appearances from the tone of public opinion, the voice of the journals, and the action and attitude of Congress we may predict, with almost absolute j confidence, that the trial of the first magis trate of the Republic of the officer who, when acting within the limits of the law and the Constitution, is more powerful than any European monarch will ter- j ininatc without the shedding of one drop j of blood. Confident in the vitality of the Constitution, and in their power to . cope victoriously with any danger with which they may be confronted, the people of the I United States will allow the President the same fair play that would be accorded to a person charged with forgery, murder, or highway robbery. The excitement which undoubtedly prevails proceeds from the novelty of the case, not from any feelings of fury against the accused. There is, however, on the part of Con gress a stern yet calm determination not to allow the President to magnify his office at the expense of the co-ordinate branch of the Government. They are determined to teach Andrew Johnson and through him every succeeding holder of the office that the Presidentship was made for the Republic, not the Republic for the Presi dentship ; and that however important the place he may occupy, or immense the power he wields, no single man or office is essential to the safety or greatness of the commonwealth. These simple elementary principles of Republicanism Andrew Johnson either forgot or despised. He acted as if he had the right to thwart Congress, and dictate to the chosen representatives of the peo ple the measures they were to pass, and the policy which had to be pursued. Now, however, he and all succeeding Presidents, through his example, will" know better ; for even if he were to be acquitted, on some technical ground, he will have been taught that there is in the Republic a power higher and greater than the Presi dency, and within the resources of the Constitution an auguat tribunal, to which even the Chief Magistrate is amenable for every misdeed done in his -official capacity. By the terms of the Act of Con gress all bullion assayed since April 1st is exempt from the internal rev enue tax. The State mnch enlarged Journal has been N.v. J 1. 11 1 1 v Jill- proved, changes. It is" one of our best ex- ' CAST tJEMOCUACY CllAXtJE I Axtell, the member from San Francisco, recently made a speech in Congress which has caused a 'great commotion in Democratic ranks'. I It. was, heterodox and undemocratic in many particulars, but especially in its treatment of colored" men. lie declared that the Government gave full and fair warning' to the slave holding rebels, that unless they laid down their arms their slaves would be declared free. That the South, treating it as an idle threat, scoffed and jeered, accepted the gage of bat tle, and lost; that their mouths are now closed, and they cannot right fully complain any further than the negro (speaking of the North) is our negro. He insisted upon justice for freedom. These utterances hadr the real Republican ring. It was some thing noticeable that a Democratic orator should allude to the rebellion without laying the blame upon the North still more remarkable that the negro should be alluded to, with out contemptuous sneers. A bitter warfare has been waged by the Hx aminer and kindred sheets against Axtell, to prevent his renomination. On the eve of the primary elect. ons, Axtell's speech, which had hitherto been quoted in detached parts, only to furnish a text to carp at, was pub lished in full, and he himself was covertly attacked as a renegade. It was generally expected that on his return to the State he would go back on his words and apologize for his undemocratic talk, but instead there of he had the manliness and the in dependence to reiterate what he had already spoken in Washington. When we consider the material before whom he appeared, it is a matter of great surprise that he was not hissed and hooted down when he presumed to name the negro without the usual ringing of charges on wooly heads, thick lips and long heels. But won der of wonders, he won the fight for delegates in San Francisco, and went into the Convention thus backed. Hon. Col. Kewen madea long-studied, able and eloquent speech upon their duty to select men who would truly represent their views at Washington. This address was nothing more nor less than a covert attack on Axtell, and was so regarded by the audience; but notwithstanding these carefully prepared and powerful attacks, Ax tell has been renominated, with ex traordinary unanimity. Has the party changed thus suddenly? Has Axtell really infused the idea into the Democratic mind that it is un dignified and inhuman to hurt, mob and kill ," niggers." Why, when Gorham insisted with all earnestness that the negro, and even Chinamen, had rights, and should 'be treated with at least as "much consideration as brute beasts, he was sneered at as "the Nigger-China candidate." Will Democrats rise-to the plaue of being gentlemanly to inferiors? Can De mocracy change? Wheu will won ders cease, and what is this world coming to, and where will all those things end? " How would you like to have your sister marry a negro?" We like Col fix because we know him. We have for years hoped to see the people give him their votes for such high station. Old Beriah abuses Colfax. Why does he do it? Because he knows very well that Colfax is a true man ; That he is one of the ablest men on the continent ; and that he is not of that class which would invite the re moval of Grant from the Executive chair by the enemies of the Union, with the same success which follow ed the assassination of President Lincoln. The nominees of the Con vention will be true representatives of the principles of the Republican party, which are the pillars of our national existence. Bingham, in hi3 late great speech before the Court of Impeach ment, touched up the counsel on the opposite side id the following style: lie would rrot follow or mention either speaker on the other side, es-. peciallv the gentleman from New York, Mr. Evarts, in his intellectual pyrotechnics. Laughter. lie would deal in such arguments as would bring conviction to the mind of every man. Referring to the length of Mr. Evarts' speech, Mr. Bingham said he supposed it was the impression of some men that to make a speech im mortal it was necessary to make it eternal. Laughter. ,;. The traitorous old scamp of the Herald pitches into Grant and Colfax in about the same style nsed to de nouDce Lincoln in 1SG4. The Ore gonian gives these articles in juxta position. They beautifully illustrate the Copperhead style of talking about all eminent men who had anything to do with preserving the Union. If the names were changed, each would quickly pass for the other anywhere. Charles Morris has been nomi nated for constable at Oswego. He is a reliable Union man. - : Geo. Ilammersley has been nominated for constable in Mar- j qua-m's Tccmct by the Union men.. CALCIIAS AGAIN. ---.-- As upleasant as the same may be, to those of our readers who know Calchas to be a deep-dyed villain, unworthy of notice, we beg to give them one more denial of his asser tions.1. He and his associate Copper, heads have" often used the name of Harrison Wright, Esq., a respectable Democrat of this county, to prove that Sheriff Burns had purchased scrip of Wright, to pay over to Hur ford, Treasurer. The following cer tificate in Mr. Wright's own name, is sufficient to refute this , base charge. He says: - : u 1 hereby certify that Wm. P. Burns never bought any order or county warrant from rne. But that he paid me by order of the County Court of Clackamas county, the full sum of 500 00 for an order for that amount. I do certify that I never, in Mr. Burn's presence, stated any thing about General Grant whatever, at that time or at any time previous. ' (Signed) Uarrisox Weight. The assertion of Calchas was that Mr. Burns, boucht this warrant be cause Mr. Wright had said that Grant would make a good President. Now, the facts were these: Mr. Wright, having sold his bridge to the county, held warrants to a con siderable amount. Taxes were due and he wished to pay his, but pre ferred to wait until the county paid hirn, on an endorsed warrant for $500 00. lie had spent much time in hunting for the County Treasurer Ilurford - who was seldom ever to be found in his office, when wanted, and was not to be found this time. Mr. Wright, under the circumstances made application to the Couuty Com missioners, and an order was made allowing Sheriff Burns to receive the warrant and pay it over into the hands of Ilurford as county funds. On this regulation the transaction was performed. It has also been charged that Mr. Harrison Wright received green backs on his claims ag iinst the Coun ty. Such a thing is very probable. But greenbacks were never paid to him at par. The Treasurer was long since ordered to dispose of such funds, which accumulated from fncs, forfeit tares, etc , at their cash value, and this is frequently done. So much for that! Again; Calchas mukcs a great ado over the fact that Sheriff Burns paid about $300 of J. M. Bacon's scrip into the Treasury ! What an outrage that was. But how did this come about? We will U-Il you all about that. The nominee of the Democrat ic party for County Treasurer, J. R. Ralston, Esq., borrowed 185 GO in scrip, of John il. Bacon, with which to pay faxes of himself, Daniel Har vey and others promising to pay Tiu con the coin at some future lime. ' Sa vier, La Roque & Co., paid the bal ance, which they had purchased for the same purpose, as they had a right to do. So much for th it. We do not wish to rt flt-ct npon the integrity of any man who pays his taxes in county scrip. It is a right we all have. But we do think Mr. Ralston acts very unfair in express ing his belief that Mr. Burns himself buys scrip for foul purposes. Ralston does not believe it! Mr. Burns nev er paid a cent into the Treasury ex cept as authorized by law. Beriah Brown should be publicly thrashed; for - shielding the putrid carcass of Calchas from this public, lie has endorsed Calchas by every act of his. And notwithstanding he he once said through the editorial columns of the Herald (February l2th) " that if these things were not correct; that if Calchas misrepresent ed or wronged any citizen, he would not only publicly state the fact but denounce the writer as a falsifier;" he has failed to do so; and has never once alluded to a contradictory statement made by us. What shall we say of such men? Citizens of Clackumas county ! Will you sus tain such trifling vagabonds by your votes on next Monday? We have too much confidence in your intelli gence to believe that u will. - r Democratic. Candidates. We would suggest to those bedrock Dem ocrats who care for principle, that they nominate the chieftain of the Lost Cause, for President, with Brick Pomeroy for Vice. They are con sistent . Democrats, and deserve, more than any others, this distinction. What say you bedrockers? Mr. Logan writes from Baker City, that very little enthusiasm is manifested for Mr. Smith in that part of Oregon. He is gratified to find that the ablest men are Union men, and that all of the party are actively enlisted in the Union cause, doing good work. The gas fitting and Plumbing establishment of Mr. Myers, adver tised in this paper; is highly compli mented by the Poitland Daily papers. What Mr. Myers cannot do for a patron no one else need try. Bcatty, candidate for clerk on the copperhead ticket, voted for him self two years mro -on the same tick et. .The. records show Jl TJxc Terrible Assassination, in Geor. At midnight on Monday, the . 30th of March, twenty. five men, with faces marked, broke into the sleeping apartment of George W. Ashburn, at Columbus, Ga., and murdered him in cold blood. - One ball, 'the fatal one, crushed through his brain, another one penetrated his abdomen, and a third shattered his left leg. The victim had just retired to bed, and had just re-lighted his candle as the door of his chamber was forced, and the assassins opened their fire. After completing their work they retired from the scene, two of the number leaving behind new paper masks. As the party retreated a policeman attempted to halt them, but he heard "the click of pistol-" ' and did not press his command. ' Mr. Ashburn, the victim, was a leading radical member of the Geor gia Constitutional Convention, which recently adjourned, after completing its labors. No man in that Conven tion was more violently ridiculed, abused and burlesqued, and his assas sination is the natural expression of the sentiment of the dominant .rebel class in Georgia, just as the outrage ous caricatures and denunciation were the natural expression of Geoagia journalists. The evidence taken before the Coroner's jury points very plainly to the composition of a band of assassins. Hannah Flournoy, an inmate of the house where the murder occurred, and who witnessed the deed, testified that the assailants numbered about twenty-five, and that " all were well dressed gentlemen, about the same size, wore masks or were smutted. They were nice, dandy young gentle men belonging to Columbus. The Coroner's jury (very possibly com posed of the assassins of the night before) rendered a verdict that j by the Copperheads against the Can George W. Ashburn was killed by j didates on the Union ticket. Ther persons unknown. Some men cannot see why they should take stock in the O. C. R. R. at 10 cents on the dollar, as an in vestment. Would they have bought town lots on Clark street Chicago, thirty years 8g", at one hundred and fifty dollars a lot! Would they, twenty years ago, have given ten dollars for the best lot on Moutirom- cry street Sin Francisco? Ten years ao what would they have ! paid for property in Portland, even? In the darkest days cf the Atlantic J telegraph enterprise, a friend of Cy- i rus Field bought $10,000 of stock for 10. Mr. r ield magnanimously offered to take the slock at a consid erable advance. W ell, but what do you alvice me to do, Mr. Field?" " Take your stock home," was the reply, " lock it up in your safe, and never look at it, nor think of it. till you come to me for yonr dividends on it." And that man is now receiv ing, 011 his investment of $10, 8800 per annum in gold. If men wish to keep up with the times in this pro- grcssive age they must look ahead Do you 6cm ? Clackamas county could well afford to pay the iuterest on $50;000 or $00,000 bonds of the Company, for twenty years hence. In five 3 ears the increased valuation of property incident to the comple tion of the road, will much more than make up the amount to say nothing about the property of the road itself, that would necessarily pay taxes here. -The Alontana people are fast for intercourse with the east by Rail- ! road, through Dacota and Minnesota to some point on the upper Mississip pi. Let it be anounced to the world that the Northren Pacific Rail road is to be built, and such an im petus will be given to emigration on that route, nnd throughout the whole region between Fort Benton and the Mississippi, in the valliesof Montana, and in the region westwared to the Pacific Ocean, as has not hither. to, been witnessed since the creation of the world. The grade, all ready for the ties, on the east side of the river, is now finished to a point above Miiwaukie, and yet, men can be found who still wonder if ice are going to have a Rail road ! From all quarters we read of Indian troubles; in Boise, in Mon tana, in Arizona and on the plains they are troublesome, and will be un til they are punished by hanging quite a number of their leaders and shoot ing more of them. The brig Brewster now in Port land, passed through an earthquake at sea on , the 18lh. The doors . of the galley were thrown from their slides, and the crockery in the pantry was broken. . The Mechanic's Institute of San Francisco, is making arrangements to hold its Sixth Industrial Exhibition in August next, in a building to be erec ted in Union Square in that city. ; -Boise City is infested with quite a number of the light-fingered gentry. :4 inc. sweet water dkocs proved to be a failure. have "I shall count the days that must elapse before the meeting of Con gress,'' said Grant some - time , ago when he had apprehensions lest the obstinacy of the acting President would stop the progress , of recon struction and plunge everything inter chaos. In all his acts he has reso lutely supported the policy of Con gress, and had it not been for his fi dclity to the cause, the worst conse quences might have ensued. It is every way fit that the man to whom the leadership was entrusted when the nation was struggling for its life, should now be called to its head to settle the difficulties growing out , of the contest, and to secure to the peos pie who have sacrificed so much for the country tho legitimate fruits of their triumph. , ; The Democrats of this County boast that there will be plenty of swelled heads on Tuesday ; next. Meaning thereby that they intend to try muscle as well as lungs, at the polls. Frown down disputes and ar gue not with brute force. Leave that to Democracy, who love assas sination. The Oregonian, referring to the attacks of Beriah on Grant and Col fax says: ''The foul-mouthed, venom tor.gned, craven-spirited creature will probably pursue this course as tho safer one, instead of making vile at tacks on the character of persons of less eminence who are within reach of him." The Ku-Klux-Klan, the most outrageous political organization ever known, has been fully exposed in the New York Illustrated papers. It chills ones blood, to look at the en gravings, and know that such a state of thiol's is in existence Look out for all sorto of scandal, which will be used on Monday next have had Calchas at work for a full week, inventing lies to be produced as arguments at the polls. Do not trade, off a sinjile vote. We hear it currently reported that Beriah has employed Grandma Wait to prosecute a suit against Mc Cormick for damages. Avering ns a cause of complaint that A is brain has been affected by the application of Vac:s hoot (o ihe seat of his pan loons. Oh! L. II. Caulkins, a true and tried Union man has been nominated for Justice of t lie Peace at Oswejjo. His opponent will be a worshiper of J fit Davis a man who, on every occa- cirm r-trilc t? noma ri f T Wi!bo j jooth. go we are informe. j j Thegreat cause which the Union j Pnri? ufl!ield tl'.n.ngh the war and ! vvhich U stI!l upj's has no truer j fr5c!1(1 m ercMT scns0 of ,h:lt worJ than Gen. Grant. A vote for Lilian is a vote for Grant. -Mr. John E. - Walsh, of this cifv j announces to the public that he is for the Union, and the party that sus tains the Union, on the grounds that i Irishmen are not fools Robt. II. M'Call has obtained a judgment for 1,100 00 against Dr. W.'C. Gibson, of Walla Walla, for mal-practice. No goods had arrived at Helena on the 1st, from St. Louis. Trains j were arriving daily from Wallula, on an average of thirty days travel. Dispatches from all parts of the country report importu ratification meetings and' demonstrations over the Chicago nomination. The supporters of Grant and Colfax held a grand ratification at Portland on last Monday evening. . Would not a column of brevities from the organ look well in a respect able sheet, as illustrating the Iowncss of slang used by Beriah ? . Recollect that James , Buchanan was not Andrew Jackson that if he had have been we should not now be disgraced by an Andrew Johnson. A grand ratification meeting will be held at San Francisco on Tuesday evening next, by the friends and supporters of Grant and Colfdx. The grashopper scourge is this season proving detrimental to the in terests of Montana farmers. The work of grading for the West side Railroad is progressing fa vorably. P. P. Kingston, a kleptomaniac in Washington county, has been "sent up" for twelve months. , . Mr. J. C. Ilunsaker proposes to make additional improvements to the What Cheer House Portland.- Senator Williams will please ac- ceptour thanks for Valuable public documents. The' Willow Creek Mines are nearly abandoned, and the majority cf those who remain are Union men. Gov. Moore, of Washington Ter ritory, is viewing . the fine . regions about Walla Walla. . fire HOW frpft innr . Rat"im I to paper?, overland, iu bix days. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM Adopted at Salem Kaich SitH 1SGS. 1. Kesolvah That it is the highest duty of every American citizen to ; maintain against all their eoemiea the integrity;, ot the, Union aLd the paramount authority of the Constitution and laws of the United .States, and to preserve at the ballot-box the fruits of the late war. c ' ; -1. Jleftolved. That -the work of recon struction of the Southern States belongs to the legislative department oftheg?v emmfnt and that we endorse the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments to tho Con stitution and the acts of Congress com monly called the reconstruction ! nets, nf- the best plan yet proposed for the resto ration of the .States lately in rebellion to their former relations to thc Federal Gov ernment. ': ; !.? :. ' - 5 3. liesolvcd. That we are in favor of ad mitting the rebel States to representation in Congress at the earliest practicable mo ment which the public safety will permit. 4. Jlcsolced. That the natron at debt was necessarily contracted to save the national life and ought to be honestly paid, and we condemn every scheme devised for the re pudiation of the Avhole or any part of the debt as disgraceful to the Republic and unjust to its citizens, and that the propo sition to pay in . legal tender notes those debts contracted to be paid in specie, is only a mildr term for repudiation. k 5. liesolvcd. That, under .the Constitu tion, the Federal Government has no right to interfere with the elective franchise in any State having representation in Con gress and where civil government is not overthrown by rebellion. G. liesolvcd. That the right of expatria tion is the natural and inherent right of all people and indispensable to the enjoy ment of the rights -of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness : that while th citizen owes allegiance to the Government, the Government owes protection to the citizen, and that it is the duty of tht Government of the United States to protect all its citizens, native born and naturalized, in the Full enjoyment of their rights as cit izens of the United States,, wherever and under whatever color or pretence those rights may be in-vaded. , 7. Uesolvd. That the foreign immigra tion, which in the past, has added; so much to the wealth, development of resources, and increase of power of this nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all -nations, should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy ; and that we sym pathize with all people 'everywhere who are struggling for civil and religious lib erty. . resolved, That the thanks of the American people are due to the soldiers and sailors of the army and navy who have perilled their lives in defense of their country and in vindication of the honor of its flag ; that the nation owes to them some permanent recognition of their pa triotism and their valor, and ample and permanent provision for those of their survivors who have received disabling and honorable wounds in the service of their country ; and that the memories of those who have fallen in its defense' shall be hold in grateful and everlasting remem brance. 9. liesolvcd. That we arc in favor of lib eral appropriations of land and money, by the Government, to aid in the con struction of railroads. Portland is moving for a grand celebration on the 4th of Jul v. RO'O'RBACHS! A ItOOlllSACIS The Democracy-"will peddle a letter on Monday next, pur porting to have been written by YV. L. Adams to AlcBride, denouncing Logan in unmeas ured terms. ft is a forgery; or at least a fictitious storv, invented and published for purposes of po litical intrigue. John MeBride does not live in Oregon, and Dr. Mc 13 ride lias lately called upon the people to stand firm by Logan! Hence, this leaves a shadow of doubt upon the subject. "What if Adams did write it ? The very fact that it has been placed in copper head hands to be used against us is enough to show the ani mus of the thing ! We doubt the authenticity of the letter. - - . - - My. Adams opposed the'nom ination of Mr. Logan solely on personal grounds ; but he has since expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the ac tion of the convention, and said, in this town, that he in tended to vote for Loan if he remained in the State until the day. of election. It would be an easy matter for copperheads to forge such a document ! fgTliey are up to such acts and this may not be the only one they intend to produce ! f5 Look out for them on election day, and do not allow yourselves to be duped by their malicious slanders ; so Calchas like that, they even bear the ear marks of the KU-KLUX-KLAN ! Dye Colors. One of the most useful and economical productions of the present age is Howe & Stevens' system of Family Dye Colors, comprising all the staple colors and the most exquisite shades, anc so simple that any oue c&n use them with per fect success. PcMrs. C. II. Myers, , 110 First street, Portland Oregon, has the largest as sortment of pumps ever oii'ered in that mar ket, consisting of the best kinds of double and siugle acting lift and force pumps, lilt pumps, double cyiiuder enyine pumps, niin tug pumps, efc. bee advertisement. Friends at the East would be de lighted to receive a set of those beautiful Stereoscopic Views of Oregon scenery, now on exhibition and for sale, nt the Music and Ai t Gallery of Wm. T. iShanalian, one door from tho corner of l"iitand Morrison Ms., near the Woalcni Hotel, 1'vrtJ utd, On-gmi. Dutciier's Lightning FtVk ILLEft. That pest of bummer, huge black of flies can be got rid of cheaply and by the use of the above popular artie'e l' has an enormous saleot th east and' for sale by dealers everywhere. ' l4Bov 1 Yrl IIOSTBTTKR, SlIITa k Dg. :i . Kkdixgton & Co. 3pt) ; ; Wholesale Agenfai San Francis Dress Making. A lady lately ar. rived from the East, after a tour of F.. recommends herself as a dress maker ail(i milliner. Knowing her business perfect sparing no pains to satisfy, she solicit1 th uittrouage of the ladies of this citr n'a ...n;i- Riuiiliinon t 1 . "Q V'" Mostf, Ksq - - j . IIED. la this citv, . on the "t"A ihst T. i - youngest son of T. W. and A. E. Rhouei aged one year 2 months and 27 davs. Acw Advertisements. N' otic:. All persons indebted to the undersized are hereby warned to pay their dues on or before June loth, or their accounts will bo left in the hands of a proper officer for col lection. J. A. MacDOXALD, . Oswego, Oregon!- North American S. S. Co, : 5tla & 20th o OF E VERY -M O NTH! OPPOSITION TO NEW YORK I'i.XA M A J -TTILLBE DISPATCHED THE PER V V fectly new and fast steamship NEBRASKA, 3,000 tons, li. II. Horner Commander, From Mission street wharf,' at 12 o'clock, M, FRIDAY, JUNE 5th, 18C8. Connecting via. Panama R. It. at Aspinwall WITH THE Elegant and Favorite steamship SANTIAGO ! S.000 Tons Fo r -V E W Y O R K. One hundred lbs. Baggage free. . An experienced Surgeon on board. Jfedicines and Attendance fret. ; - - O . Steamers Of this Company will hereafter touch at Manz.miili-) each way. Freights aud passage at reduced rates. ' ' Passage tickets to and from Liverpool,. Qucenstowo, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp Copenhagen. Christiana and Gottenberg, lr the Liverpool and Great Western Steamship Company's staunch and elegant Iron steam ships, at unusually low rates. Passage from JJrcmeu, Southampton and Havre, by fiitt clnss steaiers of the NortV German Lloyds, at reduttert rates' jjt-The Publ?r are cautioned parfic"ularlr against misrepiesentations made by runner of the Pacific Mail steamship company, on the Sacramento river boats.- Remember ."itlr and 2-oth. First cubit! passengers berthed through! Jiy" For further information applr to I. W. RAVMOXI), Agent N W cor. Pine and Rattery sts., up-stair. .td i San Francica, AGENTS WANT ED r " A'T OV-f-E TO fAXVASS- wRTHt MO.T Popular ibscriiHion Books . OF THK SEASON ! The following wovks aVe notf bem canvassed in several counties of the coast, and with tiie bet of success, and good men can do well on any one of them iu territory rbicb has nt been canvassed-. Maclrenkie 1 0,tO0 Jiecerpts. The best book of the kind eter published. Six hundre.l crT''tjs hti-'C hven sold ma single' county in California J;d the count- uot lip ished. B yond the 3fi?sissppi. Contain' ing oTt-r 200 llliYst rait ons. In 5C-eral in stances the commissions of our canvasser upon this wovk aloue baTe amoemfed tc over $iou-a week. . Bancrojfs Jfop . of the Pari ft States. Fifth edition re-sci to the fw ent time. Decidedly the best nap of tLC coast in existence. Welts'' s Every M'Jn His Own Law yer. As his; Vj as sixteen orders in a sinjc!?' day have been taken for this wark.- It itf useful to every t.ne. People'' s Book of Biography. A new work, just ready, by tWe popular writer, James Parton. A great minibcr of the subjects are s-ilf made men, who pared their own way in this world," who were' " architects of iheir own foitunes." Head ing like this inspires tbeyoting with courage and stimulates them to emulate such ex amples. - A very large sale is expected, Natural Wealth" of Cttlifornia.' Comprising Early History, Geography and Scenery, Climate, Agriculture and Commer cial Products, Manufactures, Mining, Kail roads and Commerce, Population, Educa tional Institutions, and a detailed descrip tion of each County; together with much other valuable information. One large oc tavo vol. The finest work ever gotten up on the Pacific Coast. Published by 11. R BANCROFT &. COM PAX Y, San Francisco.. Lost Cause. The only Southern Htstory of the war published. -Very large sales hive been made in the' territory now already worked. A new revised an enlarged edition is now ready. The American Wheat CullarisL Practical detals for selecting and producing new varieties and cultivating on different kinds of soil. A new work jost ready. History of the Secret Service of the United States. " The most exciting and interesting book ever published." In abdition to the abore jist we have many other first-class works which offer good in ducements to active men, and new work constantly leceived. Those desiring an agency on any of those works will please apply at once tor terras to agents, etc., etc., ana name two or three dif feieut counties thai Bill be satisfactory, when their firstchoice will be given if possible.- , IL II. BANCROFT A CO., Subscription Department, Sun Francisco, CaL (32. 4i.) W ILLAMI2TTE - gtci&iaibosit Company. IXTIL FrETUER XOTJCB THE STEAMER W E N A T, ..Master, Cant. Roonc..... ....... Will make regular trips daily, leaving Ore gon Citv, a. sc., and Portland at 3 r. connecting with the steamer Ann, Capt. Vickers, tor dayton, Lafayette, mcmixville, and intermediate points on the Yamhill. On, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, AX1 FOR FAIRFIELD AND WHEATLAND, (On the Upper Willamette,) On Sa tur da y of each we ek: S. ITAUX, President. MONITOR FL0UE. T AltLOW & FULLER. OREGON CITV, 15 hare on hand for sale, in ''" Phaser, the celebrated JHMIOX IL'Ji'R. Try it. O