Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, May 30, 1868, Image 1

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No. 32.
! f
of I
jc lUcckln ..(Enterprise.
VFFlCFi South east corner of Finn nd
mm' Maix streets, in the building lately known
y i, th Court House, Oregon City, Oregon.
Term of Subscription.
lint eopr, one year in advance.
.. " if delayed. .
...$3 0
... 4 00
Term of Adve riing.
Transient advertisements, per square
(12 lines or less; first insertion ...t"2.r0
k'reach xubsequent insertion . 100
limine Cards one s(iuar per annum
: payable quarterly 12 00
H)e 'column per annum 12v 00
One half column " 60 00
One quarter " " 40 00
Legal advertising at the established rates.
.Book and Job Printing !
V Is supplied with every remiisite fn fining
a superior style of work, and is constant
1 t accumulating new and beautiful sty les
of material, and is prepared for every
Tarifty of
The Public arc invited to call and
amine WJi our Bpecimens and facilities
for doing work.
Ladd & Tilt on,
Will giv prompt attention to collections,
nd other business appertaining to Banking.
Siqht and Tif graphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for
sale Government Securities bought and
noU. . xitf
L . C . Fuller,
Fays the Highest Price or Gvld Dust
J fal Tenders and 5overnTnent securities
ihou.rht and sold. "o. 1 Front st.,
- tt- Portland, Oregon.
Dr7l teclay, Itl. R. G. L.v
(Formerly Surgeon to the Han. n. B. Co.)
Main .Street (-Vi Oregon City.
Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
0VFICK Corner of Washington and Front
streets, I'arrih's Block, Portland, Oregon.
RKSIDKNCK Washington Street, between
Fortrth and Ftt'lh streets. I'i- ly
I'trimintnlly Locat'l At Or?rot: 'C'tif'Ortijon.
Rooms with T)r. Saffarans, on Main street.
Oregon City. Orrgon.
tylica in Charmau's Brick Block, up
t tairs.
w-. c. jonxsox.
(.-.: tfj
Xotaru I'nllic.
lST Will attend to all business entrusted
t our care in uny of the Courts of the State,
t.iV'sct money, negotiate loans, sell real es-
IfV, etc.
;.??PaTticular attention giveD to contested
Attorney And Cocnselor-atLaw,
Oregon City, Qregvn.
r Oflc aver the storo of Pope A. Co.,
Tn street, 4t.tf
Justice of the Erace City Recorder.
Office In the Court Il'use and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
WiK stVind to the acknowledgment of
Iced", snd all other duties appertaining to
the oIllC of J ustice of the Peac. ly
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a IMig Store.
83.) Mais Strkkt, Orkc.on Citt.
a.c.xx. Titos. lkarV.
Fashion Billiard Saloon.
Main street, between Second and Third,
Oreyvn City.
MANN & LEARY Proprietors.
fpilE above long established aud popular
X Saloon is yt a favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Ciars are dispensed to customers a
share of the public oalronage is solicited.
ZT N B. Families supplied with the
choicest Liquors, English Ale and Porter,
bottles, on the most reasonable terms.
iVtii Side Mala Strttt, lutwetn Second and
Third, Ore-jun. City.
GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor.
The proprietor bes leave to inform his
friends and the public generally that the
Above named popular saloon is open for their
Accommodation, with a new and well assort
ed supply of the fintJit brand of wines,
liquors and cigars,
Butchers and Meat Venders.
Thankful for the favors of the community
in the pa.it, wish to say that they will con
tinue to deliver to their patrons, from th
wagon, at uual,
Tumdayg and $aturdiys of each xe'lr,
nil tho best quiitiw of Beet, Mutton, and
Pork, or any other elasg of meats in the
"larVet. 9:tf
Imicrisil Mills,
r?f" Parties wanting feed must furnish
Ur sua. rs?.tf
Main Street,
Nearly Ormosite IVonlrn Vhrlnm
W. L. WHITE: I t, -
T. W. RUOADES, f Proprietors.
Oregon City. Oregon.
We invite the citizens of Oregon City, and
the traveling public, to v'we n n t
their patronage. Meals can be had at all
aours, to please the most fastidious.
Notice to the Public.
I HAVE this day closed the Barlow House
in favor of the Clitl House. Hope my
old customers will give their liberal patron
age to the above well kept house. They
will find Messrs. White & Kboades always
oil haud to make guests comfortable.
McLaughlin House.
Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,)
Oregon City, Oregon.
- Proprietor.
This is the most commodious Hotel
in the city. Newly furnished, and just open j
for the reception of guests,
f5gT" It will be the endeavor of the Propri
etor to make his guests comfortable. 20.tf
Main Street Oregon City.
JACOB SOEHM, Proprietor.
The undersigned wishes to give notice
that from .Saturday, Octoberoth, 1867, prices
at the above house will be as follows :
Board and Lodging per week $5 00
Board without Lodging 4 00
Board and Lodging per dav 1 U0
Oregon City, Oct. Sd, IStiT. 5:tf
Thomas W. Kinney,
49 Front street, lorlland Oregon,
Is constantly in receipt of Pure Whiskevs
direct from the Atlantic States, ana can otter
to the trade better inducements than any
other house in Portland.
William Brcughton,
Main ttrtet, Orfjon City.
Will attend to all work in his line, con- j
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work j
framing, building, etc Jobbing promptly
attended to. (w
Manufacturer and Dealer in
fic. etc..
Main strcc't, Wtween Third and Fo'-ar'tb,
Oregon City.
flPIlE attention of parties desiring any tiling
JL in my line, is directed to my stock, be
fore making purchases elsewhere.
T-TVu- . c Drayman,
All orders for the delivery of merchandise,
or packages and freight ot whatever descrip
tion, to any part of the city, will be executed
promptly and with care. l(.Htn
Established since 1S40. at the old stan'd,
Maix Stkekt, Okkcox Citv.
elry, and Seth Thomas' weight i
' V L . . . V ........ ' - 1 (
Clocks, ult of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Repairing done on short notice,
and thankful for past favor?, tft
Sicctntor to SMITH & If AH SI fA Lis,
Bfctrk Smith and Wagon Maker,
Corner of Main and Third streets,
Oregou City. Oregon.
P.!acksmihig in till its branches. Wagn
making aud repairing.
All work warranted
to give satisfaction.
G RADON k Co.,
Wagons & Carriages,
SOI and 203 Frtut St., Portland, Oregon.
OCT" IVagnns of every description
mnde to order. tseneralft)bbing done
with neatness'and dispatch.
Orders from the country promptly
attended tr.
Has removed into a LARGER STORE, in
Where he will be pleased to wait upon his
old customers and as many new oues as na"
patronir.e him.
In addition to the above, he has recently
Perfumrry and Cosmetics !
which are olfered for sale at reasonable rates.
Oregon City. Oct. l'jth, 1SG7.
First Class line or Coarse
Roots suit! Slioes !
Made or Repaired. Especial care and at
tention paid to orders for hue work, 9uch as
Ladies' aud Misses Fine Gaiters, Gents' Fine
French Calf Boots, etc.
Jf" Orders solicited from abroad will be
executed with neatness and dispatch.
40. tf Green st., Oswego. Oregon
JOHN HCI1ADE Proprietor,
IS now prepared to receive and entertain
all who may favor him with their patron
age. The House is New and the Rooms ar
Newly and Neat(y Furnished. The Table
will be supplied with all the delicacies af
the season. The House is situated near the
steamer landing. The proprietor will at all
times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to
nil who may favor him with a call, and
would respectfully solicit the pa'ronag of
the Traveling Public. AI:tf'
Board per week t-5 00
Board and Lodging 00
;nf ! U!s 13
Under the lnmplights, dead in the street,
Delicate, fair, and only twenty,
There she Has,
Face to the skies.
Starred to death in a city of plenty,
Spurned by all that is pure and sweet,
Passed by busy and careless feet
Hundreds bent upon folly and pleasure,
1 Hundreds with plenty, and time and leisure :
Leisure to speed Christ's scission below,
To teach the erring and raise the lowly
Plenty, in charity's name to show
That life has something divine and hcly.
.Boasted charms classical brow,
Delicate features look ut theni now.
Look at her lips: once they could smile;
Eyes well, never more shall they beguile;
Never more, never more won! of hers
A blush shall bring to the saintliest face,
She has found, let us hope and trust,
Pence in a higher and better place
And yet, despite of nil still, I ween,
Joy of some heart she must have been.
Home fond mother, proud of the task,
Has stooped to finger each dainty curl ;
Some ram father has bowed to ask:
A blessiug for her, his darling girl.
Hard to think, as we look at her there,
Of all the tenderness, love and care,
Lonely watching and sore heart-nche,
All the agony, burning tears,
Joys and sorrows, and hopes and fears,
Brenthed and suffered for her sweet sake,
Fancy will picture a home afur,
Out where the daises and butter-cups are.
Out where life-giving breezes blow,
Far from these sodden streets, foul and low,
Fancy will picture a lonely hearth,
And an aged couple dead to mirth
An aged couple, broken and gray,
Kneeling beside a bed to pray ;
Or lying awake o' nights to hark
For a thing that may come in the rain and
the dark t
A hollow-eyed woman with weary feet,
Better they never know
She whom they cherished so
Lies this night, lone and low,
Dead in the street.
The national Republican conven
tion met at noon in Chicago, on ihe
20th inst. Gov. Marcus L. Ward.
Chairman of the National Committee.
called the convention to order. lie
ji.-j. , crio.,.i, t ,ua -r.
" -i v... vv, v..
cutnstances under wii'ch they were
assembled and the work for the con
vention to do. Bishop Simpson, of
the M. E. Church, opened the pro
ceedinps with prayer; whereupon,
Gov. Ward nominated Gen. Carl
Sehurz, of Missouri, temporary chair
man, which was carried unanimously
amid vociferous cheering. Upon be
ing conducted to the chair, Gen.
Schurz addressed the convention, x
pressing thanks for the high honor
conferred. He reviewed the history
of the Republican party briefly to the
conclusion of the war which resulted
in the extinction of slavery. At the
close of his speech, he advocated the
. . . . , ...
exercise ol the right vA a conciliatory
spirit toward all. " In this hour," he
said, " let not the passions be inflam
ed by stinging disappointment, how
ever keen, or a sense of wrong carry
us beyond the bounds of wisdom and
self-respect. The things we hlve to
accomplish are so great that w hatever
the provocation may be, we can cer
tainly not afford to let personal ex
citement seduve us into compromis
ing our high dignity. Whoever may
become our friend, whoever may be
come our enemy, let us steadilv
march on with unflinching determina
tion to fulfill all tho duties that rest
upoh us, to secure justice to the sol
dler who fought our battles, justice to
the Southern ilien who fought for the
Uuion cause, Applausejjnstice to the
colored race-, to whom we hove prom
ised true and eternal freedom, Ap
plauseind justice to the national
creditor, who has staked his credit ;
Long and continued Applause; let
us faithfully strive to restore the hon
or of the Government, to crush cor
ruption inside of the party as well as
outside of the party, and to place hon
est, true and capable men tri public
Oq the 21st General Grant was
unauimously nominated for fresidenTj
and Hon. Schuyler Colfax for Vice
The committee on permanent or
ganization reported Gov. Hawley of
Connecticut as President, who was
greeted with cheers. On taking the
chair he briefly addressed the Cons
vention in well chosen, dignified
Gen. Sickles being vociferously
called for, made brief remarks, .but
declined to occupy the time of the
Pending the complete organization,
Gov. Fairchild, President of the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention,
presented resolutions adopted by that
body, which were read and ordered
to be incorporated into the official
report of the proceedings.
Gov. Brown of Georgia was called
out ard made a speech in which he
said he had fully aod honestly accept
ed the situation and intended to exert
all his energies and influence to assist
reconstruct lou aad -carry out the
policy adopted by Congress. ; He
would steadfastly co'operate with the
Republican party hereafter.
Committee on credentials repdrted
that all Southern delegates be ad
mitted to full privileges of member,
ship. Only the regular delegates
from California were admitted. Both
sets of delegates from Maryland
were admitted to seats, bnt only the
Creswell delegates were allowed to
vote. Each Tt-rritory was allowed
two delegates, with the privilege of
voting; also, the District of Columbia.
Mr. Thompson of Indiana charman
of the committee on resolutions, re
ported the following, which was
adopted amidst great enthusiasm :
Resolved, 1st. That we congratulate the
country on the assured success of the Re
construction Policy of Congress as evi
denced by the adoption in a majority of
States lately in rebellion, of Constitutions
securing equal, civil and political rights to
all, and we regard it. as the duty of the
government to sustaiu these Constitutions,
and prevent the people of such States
from being remitted to a state of anarchy
or military rule.
2d. The guarantee by Congress of
equal suffrage to all loyal men in the
South, was demanded by every considera
tion of public safety, gratitude and justice;
and must be maintained ; while the ques
tion of suffrage in all loyal States proper
ly belongs to the people of those States.
3d. We denounce all forms of repudi
ation as a natural crime, and national hon
or requires the payment of the public in
debtedness in the utmost good faith to our
creditors nt home and abroad, not only
according to the letter, but spirit of the
laws under which it was contracted.
4th. It is due to the labor of the nation
that taxation should be equalized and re
duced as rapidly as the national faith will
5th The national debt, contracted as it
had been for preservation of the Union
for all time to come, should be extended
over a lair period, and it is our duty to
reduce the rate of interest thereon when
ever it can honestly be done.
fith. .That the best policy to diminish
our burden of debt is so to improve our
credit that capitalists will seek to lend
money at lower rates of interest than we
now pay and must continue to pay so long
as repudiation, partial or total, open, or
covert, is threatened or suspected.
7th. The Government of the United
States should be administered With the
strictest economy. The corruptions which
have been so shamefully nursed and fos
tered by Andrew Johnson, call loudly for
radical reform.
8th. We profoundly deplore the un
timely and tragic death of Abraham Lin
coln, and regret the succession of Andrew
Johuson to the Presidential chair, who has
acted treacherously to the p'eople who
elected hini and the cause he was pledged
to support, who has usurped high legisla
tive and judicial functions, has refused to
execute the laws, has used his high office
to induce other officers to violate the laws,
has employed his Executive power to ren
der insecure the lives, property, peace and
liberty of cit'fens. has abused the pardon
ing power, has denounced the National
Legislature as unconstitutional, has per
sistently and habitually resisted by every
means ill his power, 'every attempt at the
reconstruction of the Suites lately in rebel
lion, hat perverted public patronage into
an engine for wholesale t'orriiplion, has
justly been impeached for high crimes and
misdemeanors, and ha been pronounced
guilty thereof by the votes of 23 Senators.
9th. The doctrine ot Grvat IJritian and
other European powers that, because a
man is once a fcufyect he is alwayso,
must be resisted at vvery hazard by the
United States as a relic of feudal times not
authorized by the law of nations and at
war with our national honor and inde
pendence. Naturalized citizens are en
titled to be protected in all their rights of
citizenship as though they were native
born. No citizen ot the United States or
naturalized must be liable to arrest x)r im
prisonment by any foreign power for acts
done or words spoken in this country and
if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the
duty of the Government to interfere in his
10th. Of all who were faithful in the
trials of the late war, there were none
more faithful for special honor than brave
soldiers and seamen who endured hard
ships of camp and cruize and imperiled
their lives in the service of their country.
The bounties and pensions appropriated
by law tor these brave defenders of the
Union, are obligations never lo be forgot
ten. Applause. The widows and or
phans of the gallant 'dead are wards of thtt
people, a sacred legacy bequeathed to the
u nited States for protecting care-.
11th. Foreign immigration in the past
has added so much to the Wealth and in
creased resources of this nation, the asylum
01 all nations, that it should be fostered by
a liberal and just policy.
12th. This Convention declares its sym
pathy with all oppressed people who are
struggling for their rights.
The following additional resolutions
were offered and adopted :
Resolced, That the adjournment of this
Convention shall not work dissolution of
the same, but it shall remain as organized,
subject to be called together at any time
or place that the Republican Executive
Committee shall designate.
ItsSvlved, We highly commend in a
spirit of laagnariimity and forgiveness the
men who have served the rebellion and
who are now frankly and honestly co-operating
with us in restoring peace to the
country rind in the reconstruction of
Southern States on the basis of impartial
jhstifce and equal rights, and are received
back into the communion of loyal people,
and that we are in favor of the removal of
the disqualifications or restrictions imposed
on the late rebels in the same measure as
the spirit of disloyalty disappears, as may
be consistent with the safety of loyal peo
ple. Resolved. That we recognize the great
principles laid down in the Declaration of
Independence, as the true foundation of
Democratic government, and we hail with
gladness every effort towards making these
principles the living reality on every inch
of American soil.
The nominattans, as above stated,
wera then made. The Executive
Committee is composed of one for
each State. lion. II. W. Corbett
was put down to represent Oregon.
Walla Walla has taken the lead
and abolished open gambling. It is
but a few year3 ago that Walla
Walla was the most extensive
' wholesale" gambling hell we ever
knew for a burg of its proportions;
but the march of progress, the estab
lishment of schools and churches, and
the riper years of civilization, do
their work surely and well.
We have every reason to beliei'e
that the Ku-Klux Klan has been ex
tended to Clackamas Connty; Dem
ocrats hate attended public political
nleeting s armed What for we know
not; The order has been exposed in
the East, with all the datbSj attitudes
of initiation, etc. We cannot picture
lhe.-6cenes as the Illustrated papers
give them, but we can extract briefly
from the report of thft exposition.
In this country, assassination, for
the accomplishment oF political ends,
was almost altogether tiuheurd of un
til 'the .bullet of i. '" Wilkes. Doothe
roSbed otir good President Lincoln
ofhis life, and handed down his own
name to an immortality of infamy.
Even then, the subsequent trial did
not seem to prove the existence of
auy Very extensive conspiracy; and
there was no particular dread of any
Class of men, with secret murder for
the chief object of their organization.
But the recent outrages and mysteri
ous warnings and murders through
out the South leave no doubt in the
public mind, of the actual existence
ot a strong, secret organizition, prob
ably embracing thousands of mem
bers, and having its ramifications in
every one of the States of the Union',
with the avowed object of terrorizing
the entire loyal population white
and black, into either fleeing from
the country, or tamely submitting to
rebe ascendency at the polls.
The name, Ku-Klux Klan, as this
great band of asassins is called, is
said to be derived lroni the noise of
the cocking of a rifle, or revolver, aud
therefore has a terrible significance,
as, thus far, nearly all their secret
murders appear to have been perpe
trated by the bi!let. This Klan has
spread, in an incredibly short time,
from Eastern Tennessee to every
nook and corner of the Uuited
States. Its p"r0vress has been liter
ally a track of blood marked by a
series of murders and dastardly out
rages, which are wholly unpreceden
ted on this continent, and which have
struck terror at-d dismay to the thous
ands of loyal people of the South. It
is petted in an indirect way by the
worst of the rebel press-, and hints
are given here and there of the great
deliverance from Congressional rule
that the South is to have at some fu
ture day through it's operations. If
it is really another secession snake,
the s'ooner its fangs are drawn by the
judicious exhibition of loyal power,
the better it will be for all of lis
more particularly, however, for the
Southern people.
From Memphis, Tennessee, which,
from the Very first, appears to have
been the hotbed of the Ku Klux mur
derers comes the Srst intimation we
have regarding the nature of the
bloody organisation. The folio wint;
letter, bearing date Memphis, April
7, will speak for itself ';
The detectives tf the Metropolitan
Police of this city have for some time
been watching the movements of the
Ku Klux in this city, following its
members to their den in Ferguson
Hall, at the corner of Hernando and
Deale streets. List night the police
of the lower station made a descent
upon the KluX, as they presented
themselves, and hustled them off to
the station. Some twenty were thus
captured. It was so happily man
aged that the " ghosts,'' " inhabitants
ot the moon," 41 resurrected rebels,"
or whatever they call themselves,
scarce knew wh it was up until they
Were ushered into the station house.
The prisoners joked freely about the
weather, but forgot their usual refer
ence to tho " tyrants," " usurpers "
and the ' fatal moou."
Upon the person of all was foun d a
mask of black cloth, with holes for
the eyes, but concealing the remain
der of the face. In the pockets of
one was found the constitution of the
order. They could not obtain the
names of the parties arrested by the
police. On the table in the centre
of the hall was found a human scull,
which was required in the administra
tion of the oath. The constitution
betrays clearly the hellish purposes
of the order, to be, to resist the en
forcement of the acts of Congress,
even to the last resort assassination!
and the oath binds them, one to
the other, that nothing shall be al
lowed to deviate them from that ob
ject. As soon as a candidate is elected,
he shall be introduced by a brother
appointed by ihe Grand Cyclops.
The members of the lodge, all shroud
ed, will rise and receive him and con
duct him into the middle of the
room. Each member of the order
shall have a drawn dagger or other
weapon in his hand, pointed towards
the candidate, and each member will
be required in the presence of the
candidate, to swear that ehoald eald
candidate prove recreant to the oath
which lie is about to take, that he
will kill hihij and make it his especial
duty to do so on the first safe oppor
As soon as that oath is taken then
a horrible charge and oath is admin
istered to the candidate. We quote
from it as follows
' I further swear that I will, under
and in all Circumstances, bear true
allegiance to the South and her in
terests, as interpreted by the Supreme
Cyclopean Council, and when. I re
ceive its orders, should 1 be even in
the embraces of my wife, I will leave
her to obey them."
" 1 solemnly sweat to be true to
the order, to its members individual
ly and collectively, and should I
ever, by signj" word or deed, betray
a secretj or a member of the Brother
hood that the skull upon which I
now look may be a counterpart of
mine, and I hope that all the social
relations which I now enjoy may be
sundcredi that honesty in the men or
virlbe In the females may not be
known in mV family and generation,
and that all who Own my name shall
be branded as dogs and harlots."
"That my family and the family
of a Radical shall never interchange
visits, aud I further pray that the
God of the Southland, whom I now
inVoke-, should strike me dead, should
I ever, cither in letter or in spirit,
infringe ti poti the things set forth in
this oath."
"I further swear that all Radicals
and negroes who have placed them,
selves opposite to the interests of the
owners of the soil of Tennessee, shall
forever be my euemies, and that un
der no circumstances will I have
other connection with them, if I can
help it, than to welcome them w ith
bloody hands to hospitable graves."
The multitude of murders ascribed
to the- members of the Klaa show
conclusively that they adhere rigidly
to tho frightful cath necessitate!
UpSn their initiation. It would be
impossible to give a list of all these
The following facl3 From the Phil
adelphia Press will make known the
nature of the gang :
"The new aSsasinatiOn, long threat
(tied, and all the while secretly or
ganized, begins at last to select its
victims. Hardly a day passes that
we do not hear of a Union man mur
dered by the ' white gentlemen'' of
the South. This hull born cabal 'has
its lodges in every Southern State,
and b' its midnight "meetings, oaths,
masks, loaded weapons-, secret circtr
lars, and open violence, has establish
ed a reign of terror nearly equal to
that during the rebellion. You have
had the particulars of the murder of
Col. Ashburn, at his home in Geor
gia, at two o'clock on the morning of
the 30th of March, ly some of the
murderers belonging to these socie
ties. 'At last the assassins have estab
lished their camps in Washington,
and within a few hours anonymous
warnings have been served upon most
of the leading itep'ubliCans in Con
gress. Judge Wade had several-,
while Messrs. Butler, Bingham, Ste
vens and other Managers of Im
peachment have been duly admonish
ed to hold themselves in readiness for
impending doom. I have seen some
of these missives with their cabalistic
letters, signs and sentiments, and End
them in exact accordance With the
reports of the messengers sent by the
rebel fiends to the devoted patriots
further south.
" You will recollect that these were
the rebel arguments before they were
exchanged lor open war against the
Government. Mr. Lincoln was ad
monished to prepare for death four
years in arjvance of his sacrifice, and
just before he fell he was in regular
receipt of written threats. Latterly
the system has become general.
Brick " Poraeioy said, two months
ago; that auother Democratic Booth
was ready to take the life of another
Republican obstacle. There is not
now an old rebel community that
cannot boast of its Ku KluX lodges,
with its members sworn to murder
Union men, white and black, who
may not fly to the South or stay and
vote against the Radicals."
The telegraph informed us on the
15th that several of the leading Re
publican senators had been taken
suddenly, and violently ill supposed
to be from poison admnistered iu
the Senate Chamber drinking water
by members of Ku-Klux Klan Such
is " Democracy" m the nineteenth
. ---
The New Y'oik Atlas, a Demo
cratic journal, and one of the ablest
of that party, in an editorial urging
the Democracy to nominate Mr Chase
for President says i It is idle to
deny the fact, distasteful as it may be,
that as things stand now, the pros
pects of the election of a Democratic
President next Fall are not very
brilliant. After speaking of Grant,
it adds," to all these potent forces the
prejudices which exist in many parts
of the country against the organiza
tion on the score of an alleged com
plicity, or, at least, sympathy with
the rebellion, aad it will be setD that
the Democratic party must accom
plish miracles to win in an unequal
To the Editors of the Irish Republic.
Gentlemen: The fallacy which the
founders of American Independence
were summoned to combat was the
asserted right of the rich and well
bornt especially of the royally and
the nobly born, to rule other men by
virtue of their lineage or, as Thomas
Jefferson forcibly expressed it, thai
some were " born, booted and spur
red, to ride the masses by the grace
of God.' That false and pestilent as
sumption of European feudalism is
now exploded, at lesst so far as the
New World is concerned. It was
blown from the mouths of American j
rifles at Saratoga, Monmouth, Y'ork
town, and at New Orleans, as the
Sepoys, in their late insurrection,
Were blown from the roaring muzzles
of British cannon. But aristocracy
has rallied from its past discomfitures
behind the battlements of Race, and
dow makes its stand cn the dogma
that certain great divisions of the
human family in fact, every divi
sion but that Which includes our no
ble selves are incapable of and unfit
for self-government, so that the sub
lime, momentous averments of the
preamble to our American Declara
tion of Independence, that "all men
are created equal, and endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable
rights, among which are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness," are
not merely "glittering generalities,"
but monstrous fabrications. Recast
in the spirit of this new dogma, that
stirring preamble becomes the flimsi
est and falsest pretext ever invented
to palliate an ungrateful sedition and
a villainous rebellion.
Were Jefferson, Adams, Franklin
and their compeers, apostles of false
doctrine when they proclaimed all
meu equal?
It they hieant that all men were
equally wise, learned, virtuous, brave,
patriot c, capable, energetic, iuduss
trious, or frugal, they surely were
impostors, and their fundamental
dogma was, (as it has been pronounc
ed,) " a self-evident lie." We all do
know that men are very tincqual in
wit and worth, courage and integrity.
Nowhere is greater diversity mani
fest in nature than In the moral and
intellectual oualities evinced bv di
Verse members of the human race.
Nay, if you search, you shall easily
find undoubted offspring of the same
Caucasian father and mother V.ho
are as unlike in moral and intellectu
al qualities as light and darkness.
The fathers of this itepublic were as
well aware of this as we are, and
neVer dreamed of controVertin it.
Vho does not know that the same
Benedict Arnold was at one time a
gallant patriot soldier, and soon after
wards a base detested traitor, and
that Dr. Franklin's only son was
one of the bitterest Tories in
What the men of the Revolution ;
affirmed and made good was this:
Men's r.atural ' rights to life, lilcrtt;,
and the pursuit of happiness?' are
equal and perfect, notwithstanding
their great diversities of capacity and
If this be not true, then liberty is
a dream and a snare. " The equality
of equals" was never denied by aay
despot ever born in the purple- nor
conqueror ever raised on the halberJs
of his exulting, adoring soldiers to
loid it over the prostrate millions
abasing themselves at the foot-stool
of his power, if the rights of men
be not equal, despite their obvious
and striking contrasts of ability and
worth, then Warien was no martyr,
and the victims ol fever, packed in
British prison-shops, " died as the
fool dieth."
Here are two men living in the
same street with me one of them
my superior, the other as decidedly
my inferior, in intellect and in men
tal development. Have I a natural
right to govern and tax the latter?
Has the former a kindred right to
govern and tax me? If yea, then
war is indeed what the Atheist Tory
Hobbes proclaimed it the natural
state of mankind. For men and
races seldom realize their own inferi
ority; and if Goverment is properly
the rightful monopoly of the wise
and strong, then bloody wars must
be fought for centuries to decide who
are the rightful owners of that me-
nopoly. Augustus Caesar, Charle
magne, Norman William, Louis
XIV., Frederick of Prussia, Czir
Nicholas, would each have readil
assented to the axiom "The tools
to him who can use ihem," and justi
fied their monopo'y of power by the
very assumptions now invoked to
J justify the dectriae thai govcrnm tut
is the rightful monopoly race. q
What the champions of Universal
FieedonT'ore required to assert and
make good is, the right of mjn to
self-government despite his inferiority
to other persons or to the average uf I
other races. That ; my neighbor i9
taller, wiser, braver, nobler V teverei
than I any ona of these5 or all of
them together, give him no right
over me or mine, but such as I from
deference to his . higher qualities,
shall see fit to accord him. . ; -
There arc no inferior races that
is, inferior In - rights. ' All men's
rights are equal to all other -.men's,
despite their presumed iuferiority in
mental or physical power. Ques
tions of race have uo rightful place ' q
in the consideration of essential' bu
man rights. Ye w ho is . truly and
wise.lv the champion of liberty and
self-government for one race or classj
is the assorter of the '.equal right of:
all other men. The position nxt to
be made impregnable is this: Man,
because he is man because of the
reason wherewith God has chosen tof
endow him is entitled to every po-
iitieal right that justly pertains lo
any individual or race. Let this be
maintained and established and the
battle for Universal Freedom for
the rights of every race and peoples)
is virtually won, -
Horace Grsblet.
The chief distinctions inociety
between the " attentions" of the
thoroughly graceful gentleman, and
one who simply knows the rules, is.
that the former pays them - without,
attracting attention. A lady hardly
realizes that anything is done for her .
she only knows that the gentleman
is agreeabl.e
Docs the young man ask how
he shall cultivate this uconcious
gracefulness ? Some men the reade
says, have the gift by nature. True
but with tare exceptions, nature
declines to make her gifts available
without culture and care. There is
but one way to cultivate the ease of,
which we speak. Never willingly
allow an opportunity to pay a grace
ful attention pass without takiug ad
vantage of it. Never, we say not
even with the sister, or mother, or,
most cousinly friend. It is a mistake O
to regard these things as " too formal"
they are formal oi.ly when they
are awkward. There is not a singly
polite attention called for in society
which is not appropriate at home, li
a sislcr drop a haukerchgif do not
give her an opportunity to pick it up
hersfetf unless you wish to be con- q
strained and slightly awkward when
you are culled upon to. pick up a
handkercheif iu the drawing room.
If a mother is getting into a carriage
offer her your hand, even if it be pure
ly a matter of form.
Norare these attentions from yaun?
tnen to their native relatives valuable
and called for only as matters
of practice Genuine politeness de-
nwnids them at home as. truly as it
demands them iu society.
A four-horse stage coach now
passes over the route lo Eugene City
from Salem, touching at the follow
ing offices : Aumsville, Scio, Leban
on, and Brownsville. By this line,
the traveler will pass through one of
the most delightful sections of Ore
gon, soys the Record, the road almost
the whole distance running close to
the foot of the mountains, making
the entire t rip in daylight, the stage
lying over at Scio on Tuesday night
and at Brownsville on Wednesday
night, reaching Eugene on Thursday .
The roads are good.' The stage leaves
every luesday at noon. "
S. II. Axtell, of San Joaquin,
who was a member of the liite Re
publican State Convention, and a bro
ther of Congressman Axtell, has been
nominated by the President for the
position of Receiver of the Sacramen
to Land Office. From our personal
acquaintance with the gentleman wc
have no hesitation in saying that hi
appointment should be confirmed at
once. He has been one of the pillar
of the Union party in California ever
since the first gun was fired at the
historic battlements of Sumpter. ' 1
The Oregon Bible Society elect
ed the following officers for the nex
year: D. Leslie, president, E. Walk
er, vice 'resident; G. Aberneihy
treasurer nd depository; D. W.
William, secretary; G. II. Atlu9w.
O. S Frambes, J. N. IX.iyh, J. D.
Ho!maaT and 11. Wetks, executive
co mm i tee.
The Masonic Hall in Steilacoom
was destroyed by fire on the niorninj.
of the 10th inst.- The records of lfa-,
t.oc'ge vere lost,
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