o :Hri)cll1cclilri (Enterprise. 1 7 TOWN ASP COr.VTY. I Ot. City. -There arc but few towns of ! lw of Oregon City that are more live- OW then this. We are getting a full per-centa-bf all the improvements in the State at this time, and a prospect for more rate in future. The town is unmistakable destined to become a largo manufacturing place. The Factory now etablisbec here, we believe, pays a hand some interest cn the capital invested, and I by it about $3,000 in gold coin is disburs ! ou amongst our merchants and business ! a monthly. One more factory like this Wie, would necessitate a machine shop. A machine shop would encourage the i Erection of a foundry and eo we would : ee springing up in our midst all that we 1 can desire, or ask for. "We have often re- ferred to the Water-power at Oregon City. I Wc wish to acquaint strangers wi:h refer ' ncc to that! and rc. uk our words, when a few of those abominable Yankees, from : America, wVo are itching for ru invest ; incut, in. be made to see this locality a3 I it ought to be seen they are gcing to ' 4mck op and take a little nm over here. I We want them to come like railroads, :ucn of ciite. j'iise were never known to t.seal the destiny of a spot such as nature - has given into our keeping. . .-e-fc- VAi.r.wn.E A tor initio :. J. G. Yon lllcnay, "formerly a resident of this city, returned "fey the last steadier after an ab- encetjfU-o venrs,duriBg which time he j ?,l,a nob't' and cncc vme teaches in , ' . . . T, the most expressive manner, the all im- has traveled over a large part of Lurope, j ,)0rtant U,sson of Fraternity ! When Lib Tind visited the Paris Exposition, where be 1 erty. Equality, and Fra?r:ii!v. this triune hck-c-ted an extensive -vurietv cf excellent j of Human rights shall bej reeocrnized as our ,,-eJs, embracing oats, bark'y. wheat, po- j ??.d' ,a.Rf, GoJ tl l! "- 4i(ww nn.l vnrv miflv iciniK ill c hm of rm t - "w wincn ne n now vngagvu ia pianuug : prevail. aTid uie social world will oc ail- ncir this citv. We are glad to hear that J vanced to honor, goodness and universal Ae-has determined to trive our county the ! V?' , pothers, let us fr.-.er-& i v.i7.v on tu;s broad platform ; let us be preference in the trial of these new seeus j faithful to the dictates of our hearts; which --and from tne information at hand we rc prepared to say : that his collection is 9 O the right kind to be classed as a valuable " Ticnuisitiow to the already rich and abund- 1 . . . . un t resources ot Llacliamas. He bungs Jiis wife, and will make this his future home. A brother-in-law wa3 one of the (Cjiinnlttce on Agriculture at the Paris j KxposiSfort, who ably assisted him in per- There are t,n varieties of potatoes, which . 1 1 . . .11 Ui"rs. u::e variety ot oats is ol a Kind ItO.ivicr than Oregon wheat. Our office has been thronged dining the past week by men and brothers from ' all parts of the .State, in attendance at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fel- lows. We hope that, they have all been us well pleased we were. Chief among ihesc callers was the distinguished G.Mel). .Stroud, Mtiyur of Seio. Who came on Monday, but proceeded to Portland that evening, it was said for the purpose of hynot'.u'ca'ing some bonds of the muu'u i jia-lity oT Seio hoping thereby to raise , i5iHlr. stifiicient to doi'Vay the expenses of ; "nitilding a culvert on one of the gutters ' of that town. We presume Pr. Chapman as .Mayor, extended to Lira the hospitalities of Portland. I;' lie did :.ot it was a greul over.-ight. - s- --Mr. Jacob B..;'I;'.ii. p.'dprietor of the j Orcsren House in this citv. was one of the I fu.-t riihtr-ns here to o-m a hotvl. At ! )!:!(' of the 1'ood lie met '.N il!) severe loss. hut his head is -E!i above watT, and hh ' h'gn stilt floats over his door, v.-hore i str.iagers are provi.u-d fr with his usual hovpitu -ee i.s caru terms. We regret to lee.rn that onr friend A. I Hradford of l'onhnd. ccnteinTi'.ate.i ! bi'S,'; belbre Win, and perhaps may s ' l,.,,ir tt,,. s;.t, -r, Tv,,. ' , j tabhsli his headtiUitrlers in t?.e rooh'i wita 11 .iMng tne Mat?, .i.r. I.RK.lurd was due 1 v- t.,v, .. -? . ..ti.i-.. d l!ie pioneers in tlie ciKjrpriscs whieh lead io the organization cf t'.io O. S. X. 'o.. an l was for a loner time at th Cas- I , cades where ho yet holds 'valuable iuteresls ! 1 u a-.'birauie properly V.'.. Iimvo i.,m f..ft-n,i t. i Majtrr'Stratrnan. of Sa:i Fraa- ! .Major c-.rairaan. 01 ftan i- run- Cisco, with another packa-e of J papers, c-jntainins; all the la- j test "and 'neatest magazir.es. ! penoiucais, and a variety of illustrated and newsoancrs. ;JTo will plenc accept our thanks for his 0)Ui-tesy. i Jacob .Mayer, wl:o-e advert;?cincnt ? appears in the.se columns, is one of the lii'-t lrie.iiharJj of Ort-tron. lie closed his retail trade with a Cio.it excellent reputa- -tnm -and is sustaining his name in the . wholesale l!rf. (live I.hn one trial and you will always trade there, instead of fend's to California. -Henry Denlingor, of the firm of Wait t JHT.lmgcr, Salem, took up his head martcrs at our ofliee last Monday as we his wl,ea we visit the capital and made himself useful to tJe Grand Lodge . wed as ornamental. ILxrrv k " nuf, nf D Painful acQdent befel the little uangh Jrr Mr. John P. Walker a few days .nee. She fell through a window, strik e's upon her head, causing serious injurv. i-'.r. W alker Wo obliged to leave the Grand ihm!-;. ,.n Tuesday, in coase(iuence of this i'"ual!v. .1 I I st Ofi-icE. Mr. John Fleming has ; 14 11 ' ived the appointment of Postmaster at ; .l' place, Vice E. B. Kelly resigned. Mr. ; J I ! ning was for several ycare Post-master ; t ', ' u:iJ S;'e general" satisfaction, we t"-..eie. s i . I i -Col. Cris Taylor is now living at Day- W .in TT " sI'cnt some hours in our office i week and we pronounce him the r l"',J sotmd specimen of a man that he has I ?- u .ys received the credit ot being. T - 'ii. John P. Walker of Portland, has 1 KhT,.!,,,,.,.!? ,. r,.,. I .turn it luui wan nd havinrr Iar?idv increased his J,''-.lities for business, is azain on hand for orders in sash, bliud doors, and ' articles in his tin,- T.. x- ' " Ihe nunils of the select school -f McCue, on Center street of this I e-v, enjoyed themselves at a basket pie lth-?h iX'day r last week.' We learn j icey had a vcrv pleasant time. . very pleasant time. 'here is not a more complete I Jin," .: stove I -"u-wure establibbmeut in tho Slate. I , 4 tiut of C. W. Pope & Co, of this city. '-f.lTTtensivcly ia all' articles . lJU"'3;w.tLm that line. '(. " k dliCe StCk 0f VlVlon ke?t for '-ln Thom:w AV- Kinney, Tront il'ati-ons tlaaJ' 'S "orswi b7 ol bis doe ucsi o: a supe-riru- finality, luvs com- AIixeuya Lodge No. 19. 1.O. O. F. The first Lodge of Odd Fellows in this juris diction, working under charter ia the for eign tongue, is Minerva Lodge No. ID, of Portland. On a recent occasion, it was our good fortune to be present where we lis- tened to a beautiful Oration, IjV Mr Ostheim, N. G.. of the above lodge, show ing that our german brethern fully under stand the good work they are engaged in On being called upon for ;i address Bro. Ostbeim said : In seeing so much wisdom around me, and being but a child in the order mvseli. ) I feel some embarrassed ; but when the word Uilu fellowship resound3 in my ears I feel sufficiently inspired to give vent to my feelings. Odd Fellowship constitutes a bright sun, which shining in full nuli ence over the dreary pathway of our life, dispels the gloomy clouds which cling to our existence. Through its medium, the angels of charity minister to the woes of bumanhy. while the golden rain of Friendship, Lovejand Truth gushes forth from its teeming bosom. But what is Odd Fellowship ? It is a sweet thing ; a dear b:diu : a flower as fresh as Eden's roses, that lilt their bold heads into the Worlds pure air and bloom most radiently when others die. If man is destined to be a social being, so forms our order the common tie of "society : as its broad platform excludes everything which has a tendency to disseiuiocs or ds ractioir;. The Hebrew and tne (Jhnstian ; the Catholic and the Prot- staut, all are alike, fur our order takes uuwlu ui ciassmcauoiii, or tuvis- n the contrary, it rejects every thing .-.a 1- ' deulated to create ignorance, ptvju j for fanaticism, or error. Put it recognises the Eternal Truth of that Reli geon whose character is our ov.-n hrart ; ! a Kehgon that promoting all that is good, I .:i ii t , -. . . ... in men, jus".ce r.nu Kiiireousness snaii j reveals to us Lovi:, as the rudimental ! t'lemeut of U.3ou.-dki Bi:nevolexci:. , Vl- ,,- The Oniccox City n ateh n oi:ks. -i" i r r . t. . v e learn irom Capt. Pease that n is his intention to go on and finish the works be gan last year for the furnishing of water ! to our citv. The obstacles in the wav of success last vear will all be over come bv j a thorough knowled-e of what i"3 i necesarv to vender me enterprise a poi- j iW , L ease lias determined to show that these i works are a fact, lie has enenrv and ! business saijaciiv enough to carrv out the I matured plan, and within the time allow ed by the Council for him to complete the contract all difibully in the way will be removed. As the pipes are now. a stream of water has been thrown from the hy drants over the highest buildings ia the cii v. --.he antniul May I-t of the Turn j Vereiu society ot Portland, will take place ! to-morrow at Pleasant Grove, a .short uis I tanoe below Milwnttkle. Upon the arrival ! at the grounds of the morning boat, the exercises will open with i-n oration by Mr. F. S. Ostheim. and an address bv Mr. 1). Freidenrich. The preparations for games land a variety of t.miuemer.ts are made, j I (his ve..r y: vs !l e (.:';,:.: ot :. '.!,!... ! ' hr.ir,, Oil a frOlll' ?ca.v.' than usual and the Ft-: ave prec ,! Bo: U that is sav a great deal, times t'. tiring Lh to do ;U. wi; at varioi ail who the it:'v. io that mav a-tU'iv!. N t'KicE. A-j r.il prominetit .n have now their Rsilrond Kaimioa:) phuvs i;i Or. oillees. so teo has for will have) this citv. I L apt. from Chtckaui j connty. v. ill attend to all fi ! Mr. John Fleming, IMasouie buildiu?. -On tvor'. U i' viae 1 or progres and prosperity are visible to the obser ver in UUr city. The P. T. company are be- ing to sink to the bed reek lor an ex- tension to tutu- wareaouse. fcuostan ; tial residences are coin? un in various parts res.uences are going up in various of the city, and several business 1 besides Odd Fellows Hall, are cent ted. houses, teiola. The irregularity of the mails vi the northern route is a source of great annoy ance to us : A friend in Troy, N. Y. con gratulates us on his having received the Esir.arr.i.si: safe and sound, after a jaunt of over four months. We wish our mail to be sent via Sacramento, after this. Last week the 'vtiuUer was hot and our streets very dusty. Notwithhtandinir the heat there was generally a fine breeze j thc Is!ana M i' city has been great blowing, but what is a breeze in Summer ! improved cf late. Smith & Co., have time without a street sprinkle A nui- ! sance ; is it not ? Yes, we all agree upon j that. To avoid so much surplus dust, let I . Mr. Kester proposes, if our citizens Will come out liberal enough lo pay him for his services, to put twenty tons of wa ter on Main street daily, from the I.asin to the Congregational Church. Give the enterprise all the encouragement possible. The McLaughlin House has been pro nounced by all Odds a most excellent house, this week. When contemplated improvements are made Mr. Kelly will be still better prepared to do his guests com fortablv. An item last week left tlie inference that the Manhattan was a Massachusetts ! Company we were speaking of the Mas sachusetts Commissioners report, but the Company 13 a York incorporation. The steamer llTa'Z will leave this city at 9 o'clock to-morrow moruin for the pie-nic grounds below Milwaukie returnln? in tho afternoon s . " . -vv- for particulars. -Mr. J. W. Chase met with an accident ! at the factory, one evening this week. through the carelessness of an operative ttiucu w uAvij iu tuy mm up xor somo weeks. -The candidates on both sides have j oeen out among mo peopie an tnis weea, ; ar.d we hear good accounts from the Union I side everywhere. . avwm. lkj we are informed that the fall, available for power, at the falls of the WillamctUi at . this city is forty-two feet. The prospect for an abundant tupply of strawberries this year are very favora- ble. For the past week this delicious ; fruit has been on our table. The steamers of lie O. b-.ive Portiacd -a cm. CVil h.. t 1, N. ccrtpaoy Base Ball. On Wednesday afternoon the Clackamas Club turned out in good style for field practice. Captains were chosen ; S. V. Pope and George Harding who hav V,wn tn'W crOTM t fought fields in this stalwart same, and ! now were tr-vmr ntl,w' rrioHX., , friendly contest. To add to the interest, 'youth and beauty" were on the ground, and a liberal deputation cf Grand Lodge Representatives of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, then in session, stood by to watch the game. P. L. Willis, of Salem, one of their number, acted a3 Umpire, and a sharp little game of seven innings was played. The result was 2i for Cant. Ilard ings nine, and 23 for Capt. Tope's boys. The Umpire wa3 prompt and impartial, the players on both sides were ambitious but good natured, and the whole affair was a pleasant bit of Base Ball practice. The players on either side were as follows: Capt. George Harding, Holmes, Barlow, Brown. Carl, Baughman, Sheppard, Moore, and Wortman. Capt. Pope, Zigler, Ran dall, F. Charman, A. Bailey, Locey, John son, Ryan and S. Bailey. The sun condescends to shine again. The dense rain-cloud is lifted and the pearly cumulus sails through the blue ether. April wept not in vain. All the '. flowers Lave awakened in response to her .. iht ,;l.m,:c rhoien lnnnnit. some of which we have received from generous hands arc white and j ink with beauty. The gardens choice spots to make man forget the compliments which address to each other close upon election times are flushed with hyacinths and fragrant with magnolias, The windows ol the houses are thrown open, and filled with pretty girls and women with their i ,..r;n .!,,,;,. play and everytning re minds us that spring and summer arc at last aain with us. -Bro. Wm. P. Earns of this city has been chosen as one of the Right Y orthy Grand lienresenfiitlvos flif Gronil Lodge of Odd Fellows ol the U. S., and hence we shall miss him from our circle. Aside from the fraternal tie which binds many in attachment to Bro. Burns, he has a host of friends who know him not so ! va-ll as we do, who also regret to have him leave v.r but we shall hone that on h 3 return he will conclude to again per- maueiitly locate among us. -The officers elected for ti Grand Lodee of Odd I Hows for ti tne ensuing term are as follows: Worthy Grand 3Iuste Day, Jlost Bacon. John n!Sht Worthy Deputy Grand Master : Wm. Deardoi'lf. Bight Worthy Grand Warden ; C. N. Tcrrv. :ht Worth" Gv. secret-: j vy : Isaac II. Mcores, Eight Worthy Grand Treasurer ; Wm. P. Earns and E. L. E.i - i tow Plight Worthy Grand Kepresen Jat Ives ! to the Grand Lodge of United States. -A. J. Mar3ball r.diall ; George The ofhoers appoialed are Klghl Vn thy Grand Ma Tillntsou TI. W. G. Conduct r : E. Hamlin II. W.G. Guardian : K. Vir.vard 11. W. G if ier B::a;c:u:;u t OfT. 'i wo years ago our temporary, across the way, Mr. Jh:i j t-iem.ug oecup.eu part oi a room on i r-iniu street not above l.xO feet in size- J Ab:ut six mouths r.g he changed his 1 5- j cation ah.! took a very fair sized room i:i j ?:;v?onic iiali to wiaea tie nas :u".v atitietl ! considerable space, maki.-g a very neat J and complete store room. We!!, he de- j serves 5-eaceecS. a;.d we want to see i.lm j prosper. - Dro. E. L. IJrislo.v, Grand Represen tative elect, to the Grand Lodge of the Uni'-'d States. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will take his departure for tlie .astern feli '.tes within a tlurt "tin e Hi address will be Warsaw, Hancock county liiiuois, until September f:.rst. TLe Cascades Road nr.d bridge con- 1 corn must be a copperhead affair. Wc j observe that the only place its advertise- j ment appears is in tho rebel rag of Port- land. When men assume to run such a.i j enterprise cs that on political grounds they J 53m.ctiir.ei; peter ol'.i. j I A. L. Siinson, Esq and a host of other j i trood brothers, broke the unlet ofoursanc- 1 j turn last Monday just before dinner hour : j . and have come frequently sir.ee. Stinson j is a model Printer, and always runs with j i a model crowd. Wo all adjourned to the j .McLaughlin. ! -The facility for getting lumber from bridged the canyons below the basin, so that teams now go direct to the mill for loading. v e express our thanks to the Port land Turn Yeriens Tor the favor of a pass ' to the grounds to-morrow. Perhaps we ! may attend. We should be pleased to lis- j ten to the oration by Mr. Oslheim. and the i address bv .Mr. rridennca. If you are not insured call upon Johnson & MuCown, and take out a policy in the Pacific. It is perfectly safe, is a home company, and takes its risks at a fair precetitagT. Sec advertisement. The Pacific is a home Insurance Com pany, and when one takes out a policy there he understands upon what his in vestment is ba:;ed. Johnson & McCown are agents. Ero. Lew, at the telegraph office, has for :ile? tickt.s t0 thP grawl May fMtiVili. to be Blrea to 'T10,rrpw J lbe Trn Yeri- I ens, at mo yiovo uu.ow jiinuiuMi.. Mr. Ash, for some time a resident of Oregon City, took l is , departure last steamer for Connecticut. We wish him well, wherever he may go. -The Daughters of Rebecca spread a : most excellent collation at the Court ! uooni. oa ThawJav evening tor the Grand Lodge, and brother Odd Fellows. r.cv. I. D. Driver Agent for the Atner- ,can Bible Society will preach at t!c M. i 11 church in thU ..;t, i an(i evening. u you wish to buv a suit of clothing go to Ackerman's where you will find the largest stock in the market from $10 a suit upwards. ' Dress Making. A Udy "lately ar rived rom ,b(2 East a . f K recommends herself as a dress maker aud milliner. Knowing her business perfect, and sparing no pains to satisfy, she solicits the p;itrouui:e cf the ladivs of this citv ri c:cit. i -L-ii-.-c ill Cuu u -u.: vf S. V.. OREGOX CITY BUSINESS. JACOB WOUTKAX. THOMAS K. FIELDS Wortman & Fields, Next Door I the Post Office, Oregon City, Oregon. rr.ALi:3 ix Family roceries I Provisions c f ell Hindi I Mines and Liquors ! Confectionery, Spices f Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar ! tSfThc highest market prices paid or country produce. . W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IK STOVES, i 8 I Pumj's, Lead Pipe, Jlose, etc. Arul Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. Tie subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a s;ood assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! j 0ar ajlsortmeat in this line j3 larpe, Rnd em. ! braces almost auy desired pattern, including i the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, UEAIITIISTOXE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to ordv. in a manner that canimt fail j to suit patrons. In addition to the above im;y bo (bund a good assortment ot Hard ware, Woodonr.-are, viz. C. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, A m il 20th. :SC7. 1- HEWU8HT! HEW LAtViP v.v- 23T NIGHT LAH? 3 USE ! It u y FIRST Ji Ab free fi'i-m navke vantages t L.rp'i.i'lie, Cud entirety or ufiitsice o.lor wfiiU SLVO.Yf!l tuces a ft, Clean, TYhlU Ti:i iiD ii u au:.iri::: th y ot?, J or on. EUrHJING FLUID r 1; erain z the a'love Lamps, onti ivnia ii .1 IK i!t " 1 ... tt.- . J. !.';; HT stnd Li'd.iO.M l . It wiil nut Sliii or ji i. ..ics , U .0. C lOiiies, v.-.rpels, LU CIKE LAMPS ASD -K?T T T7T TTTT4 GkjrAn city, l::ai.kks is tr?v, Lamps, Oils, Lantern. tf nt:tt" PAINTING. PAINTING. S TS. CZJ2 "BL.j f? inr? 9 glgl aild D'teaillDOat 1 .ri 4 ? CiilJJng, Clliiiii Glos..ji?g, Imiiuliozts of a.11 kinds Executed as well as can be done cn the Paciiic Coast. Z IT Examine our work and judge for your selves. Every order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURRAY. West door Kalstou's brick. Main st., If.tO Oregon Citv. I3AK.13KY ! taix smKET, ox ego; air. f. PHI I PB fitUSS CO PULLER. (Successors to Wortman i Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers rf all kinds Orders in this Line will meet with PEOIIPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER j Also keep on hand all kinds of ! FAMILY GROCERIES ! ! AND PROVISIONS ! STEAM LO AT STORES! And all Articles Uf:ed for Culinary I urDOSCS I IBARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO I By the Case, or at retail I Attention is also directed tr the fact that nohody else pells xho FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHOPwT! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bukerv, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. AH kinds Cf produce taken in exchange for good-:. BARLOW & FULLEIi. TILL IIFAP.S PKINTLT). X At. th; LV.cr- Tin: OREGON CITY BUSINESS. NERVE ! NERVE! NERVE! The Eequirerients of the Times ! J. II. KALSTON, IIAS IT ! THE OLD ROCK STORE, THE BEST Dry Goods house in Oregon Citv, has the pluck to fill every department with an entire j Kew Winter Stock ! Joy to the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall hi the price cf Goods! T. R. EALSTON, At the Rock Store, en the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a large and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN PRINTS, W1IJTE HOSIERY, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' FURN1SIING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &c., &c. rcT" At prices hitherto unheard of, IrsJ" By the oldest inhabitant, fcjy Bet the People clothe themselves Z.W AndBejoice! For the winter comcth. Cive him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. AKRITAlTT OF Spring and Summer Goods ! A l the OLD CORNER. I. SELLING, OREGON CITY, lias just received, end is now openinr, all the latest ' si sad Patterns Which he ivitl sell low, For Cash or Country Produce ! His stock Cornpriscs, in part, DRY GOODS, EE A DY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, Mens1, Ladies'1 JMisscs and Childrens'' HATS AND CAPS, Groceries, Crockery, Glass r.nJ Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, and Burners! Ifardicarc, Cutlery, etc., etc, Being Hundred . of Other Articles ! Too numerous to Mention ! Cr" Call aul exmiime for yourself, I taks pleasure in fcl. ' . ing goodn, and custCKiieis v. ill iir.d the articles at reasonable tiures. I. SELLl.VO. Corner tnre, opposite the ."i.'y Tin uuct stove store. OHEG OI CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING COM? A S" V. rpiIE Alio YE COMP.N'AV ARE XOW JL prouueiug aquality cf WOOLEH GOODS n-ntcnAP.E Superior to any ever before oSered on tie Paciiic Coast ! Comprising- CASSIMERES, TWEKDS, 1IAIID TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. XS" Using only- the hest grades of Wool. The above goods arc o tiered to the trade on the most favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : It. JACOH, Agent, SO.'Jni ) Oregon Citv, Ore-on. Or L. WHITE k PRO., Agentsat I'ortland. LSNOOLN BAKERY! "West Sitlc Main Street, Oregon Citj .'. Oregon. L. SILLER-"- -- - - Proprietor. HAVING REMOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING-! I WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I still continue thu manufacture of BREAD, nEs. CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda tvc., CCC, IL'C. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly ou baud a large stock ot the best staple aud FAMILY GRCCEPJES, PROVISIONS, &c. I am also agent for the celebrated nursery and FLOWER GARDEN! of II. MILLER, Miltraukie, and am prepared io supply orders for Flowers and Shrubbery at the Nursery prices. Llyj L. DILLEH. RETAIL DEALER i' SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY, llks removed into a LARGER STORE, in MA S ONC B UlLDING, Where he will be pleased to wait upon his old customers and as tuany ntit ones s ma" patronize him. In addition- in the above, be has recently received a WELL SELECTED ASSORT MENT of Per fv wry and Cosmetics ! ivl rcb arc "Ccrcd for sale st r:.; 'DabIiitC:;. Crf:w Kit'- Oct. P-'h. ll-7. THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, . . .-. x:-5. -17-. . COMING TO OREGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage for The Establishment of TTTnO HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST AS V t sortments of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING, OF ATL DESCRITTlbXS, For Gents and Boys' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY, etc., .MERRIMAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too numerotts to mention. Wlaicla tlicy Intend to sell Lower tSaaia Any Mouse in Oregon I If any or, c is disposed to douot the genuineness of the above statements, Especially the latter all the undersigned ask cf them is, thai they Call and Examine the Goods and Prices ! And satisfy themselves. We may he found at the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB Jb BROTHER. 07 Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. "8 Look Out ! The Railroad is not Coming Yet ! ETT TH3 PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still And Rollinfr in Charman & Warner'3 old Erick Store, Main Street, Where he not oi:Iy iji'enas to sei!, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House In the City. I will say, COME 02,'F, COME ALL. and satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to me to show goods. I have received one of the largest stocks ever brought to this nir.r ket, consisting in part of a fine assortment of LADIES DP ESS GOODS. BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ) CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID CLOVES, best qualitv ; HOSIERY:- jmOWN AS'D BLEACHED MUSL1XS. ail widths; , POOLS AND SHOES : II ATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING j FINK BLACK I) LESS SUITS ; CASSIMEUE SUITS ; SUPERIOR BE VVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS" CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. JZT- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all. on tho most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. S.ACKERMAX. All kinds of Produce Bough?. OEEGOK LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. Tlics. Armstrong, Manufacturer of I ti 1 1 r::jiiifiM ALL KINDS CF LEATHER JUlMVAUKir., Oitccox. T IlE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IX- forin DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS That be is prepared to furnish as good und durable an articl-j of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, nt the following rates : Harness Leather, per lb 25 to SO cents. Extra heavy, for Concord. 00 ..23 to 2 " 55 " Skirting, per pound Belting, ia the side. Cut, per square foot, 1 00 Side, unper, " " 10 to 20 cents. Grain Leather " " " IS te 22 s Light Bull, or Grain for Wo men's work IS lo 20 " CalfSkins, per doz.. . . . .30 00 to $10 00 ; Kip . . . . -10 (id to 60 Bridle, per side C GO to A 00 'Jollar, per side 1 00 to 2 CO I -li-r. I.r.!ith.T nfT side . '2 f)0 tn & 0 TSf I do not think that Harness Leather ' should necessarily be made inSant.i Cruz, ia order to staiid the test of our climate ; ;;-yr" Nor do I think that Belting, in order ; to Oaar the strain of Oregon Machinery, hiust ! be made in the Atlan!icStates. i At t t "T" IQ Lu 1 "OK io JL- n 1 1 vJ Ji si 2i c? o : And I will prove; to the satisfaction of all j LUULXturu, iMttw - - 0 j -- v. v v v j rrTT" All orders will meet with nromrd at- ! tention. Address: D "- . . ' - l ( THOMAS ARMSTRONG, 03.lv) .Milwaukie, Oregon. LOCUS oi AL3KIGI1T, EXCELSIORS MARKET! Corner of Fourlhand Main Sts., Oregon City Oregon. rp.KE TiilS METHOD OF INFORMING JL the public that tney keep constantly on hand all binds fresh and srdt meats, such as BEEP, PORK,. MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, HAMS,? 1'ICKEL.ED PORK, LARD, Ahd every thing else to be found in their line of business. LOG US A ALBIilGIIT. Oregon City. April iOib, 1SB7. 2:ly OREGON CITY BREWERY! HENRY HUMJJEL, Having purchased the abore Brewery, wishes to inform the pub'tie thai be is now orepared to maenfaeture a No. 1 ouaiityof LAGER BEER! A? rood as can be obtained anvwhere in the Mte. Orders solicited 2tsd prt'inrittv f lt-d. ! Ore -r-a Ci , lctnibt-r -tb, i 1 . - - - ,7 I-.4',b,. lltlDTIfllEM I Punning their tne Hoods for HOME MADE RITURE! Levy & Fechiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, OIlECiOX CITV, rpAKETIUs METHOD OF INFORMING 1 the public that they have now ou hand a lare invoice cf SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS, LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. Ar.d various other Qualifies cf Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort- meat, which merits the attention of buyers. I We MANUFACTURE FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing tho very best mechanics in the State, hence wc can warrant our goods to be as represented, aud we are prepared to nil all orders with promptness. Zsf" We call the attention of the public ' our S!-lesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of dtsiraV.t joods in the htiite- , f LEVY. & FECHIIEIMER, Main street, Oregon City. i RANCH FOR SALE. SITl ITUATED BETWEEN TIIE CLACK- amas aud the 0EEG0N CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Hunaaker lJ- Will be sold f heap for cnsTV. Apply to LEW & FECHIIEIMER, 03. tf Main street, Oregon City L. ZI GLEE & SON., fill COOPEK Oregon City, Oregon, rr?HE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PRE JL pared to make all manner of ware in the line of cooperage, from a well-bucket to a hogshend, of both bilge r.nd straight ww-k, on short DOtice, and at reasonable rates. Coll and examine Samples of our wojri, as it is its own recommendation. B3.Gm) L. ZIGLER & SON. i. J. MONROE, tr. A. r. JTEELEN. MAIiKJLE WORK. DI0WR0E & MELLEN, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, OlclUks, Monu meats, Head aud Foot stones, S tKM .... Orioon. o TT'i .r, t f M1SCELLANEO VS. CD AS. 1,'ODGB. . CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXki.t-.' CALEF k Co., USX U VJO ttHU miiUiUin jUKjf TAISTS, OILS, ASD VVINDOTT GLASS, FA ZXIi'IIZS, BR USUES, , PA ISTR$ ' IfatenaiSj aim zsrvegisia" Sundriei. 07 Front Street. 1'oitls.nd, Oregon. JA HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH A Pure and Powerful Tonio, Corrective ami Alterative, of wnudrN fill cltlt-ocy In (liscnacs of! Ho STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. TreTent Fever and Ague und Billion.; Ke ir.ittcnt Fevers ; fort-.iies trie systfem -against Miasma end the evil eli'ftts of vawboiescnic water ; invi;ior 6tcs the orpins ot diuestiou r.nd the torrcls; Stcadlci the .'.'civts anil tcnil to Pro long Ir fo. RE317.DIaIj' PROPERTIES. Cures Dyspeosia. Liver Complaint. Sicliand 'erro"us fiesda"lie, Ceneral Tlcbiiiiy, Q Nervousnes", Depression of'S;viatc, Constipation, Colic, f ntcriuit tcnt i-Vvers, Sea SicL-ucs-', Crsmps aud Spasms, and all complftini-; ot'oitlier spx arising Irom Bodily Weakness, whether inherent in iho system or PRODUCED BY SPECIAL CACSES. N 13 not -vnou:- fioaie, genial, nml restorative in it? ntt- ture, enters into tl, r-omnositmn ot Jt','. TETTER'S STOMACH BtTTEKS. Tiii-. popular preparation contains no minei ;d oi" any kmd ; no deadly botanical element ; n. Hery excitant; but is a conihinatioTit th'. extracts of rare balsaivrlc herbs And pinn!?. with the purest and mildesc of ail dillus Stimulants. Tlie week stomach 1 rapidly invi,r.-.tel. end the appetite restored by this tu..ic,'r.uit hence it works wonders in cases t.fl'yspepsi,., and in less confirmed forms of Ir.ciigeMioi.. Acting S3 a gentle and painlesj aprient, a tvell as upon the liver, it also iivaiiah(j ie liovea the Constipation superinduced by it regular action of the digestive and secrcti or ar.s. Persons of feeble liabit, liable t.- Nsrvci? Attacks, l.ownes.i cf Spirits, ai.d Fits ctj Ianuor, find prompt and per mamei.'t rebel" from the Bitters. The t'jstimony on tL! point is conclusive, and from both sexce. As a Genuine Tor.ie, IIOSTETT VAVci UVV TERS produce efiocts which frinix be expei i enceu or r.'itnesej bt'bro they ca: be u.ily appreciated. In cases ot Constitution!:! Weakness, Premature Decay, and Hebitit; and Decrepitude arising troni old ae, it ex ercises the clectnc influence. 1:1 ili comvu lescent stages of all diseases it operates as :i delightful inviorant. When tlie powers oi' nature are relaxed, it operates to re-en force O ar.d rc-estabhsh them. Last, bi-.t not least, it is the only safe stim ulant, being manufactured from sound ai.u inacuous mate-rials, and entirely free l'roi.i the acrid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the dav. SOLD EVERYWHERE. q IIOOtiE, CALKF C O., Agents 35:tf. j Pcrthind, Oregon. HiRAfVS SMITHS' OPHTHALMIC C E A I Is without dijuhl the vie.sl wcTi-Ierfal EYE HEALER that has yet Icen discovered It ci;re3 tho mCst stubborn and hopo!es-. oa:s (cf chronic lnlIatiiition, th-.inulate-l lids, films, c, us l.ns been suiF:el'j!illy dem onstrated during the few rr.ontbs in which 1 in which it has been brought into public do, t tice. The prenrietor is so fullv convitictf)t7 its infallibility that he warrants a cure, or refunds tho money. It cr.n ?o the eves n.' harm, and a trial cf it is therefore witl ouf injury or es-pensj to foe patient, if a cure 1--tiot e'llected. It has cured cases of riv! , sj." xinb, fifteen and even Eighteen Ifenrs' Standing ! ! In liar rixbur g ami tlciniiy. Linn C".. -'n-ijnr . To which tiie foilovriug persons wiil bear Witne : K. B. Moor!. Nathaniel Bell, A. L. Walldcs, . H. V)ud. Jiis Uonfgonierv, John;! Hollow; v V.T. D. Porter. lioo't Ramsey, " An v Other Citj:euss. Persons alSietcd with the iitivs.sin scourge Cf diseased eyes i;re advised to gh this remedy lair trial on the "Nu cure, no Pay," and uo injury j.lan. Prepared bv Smith & Roach, Hrrrisburg, Oregon. SMITH & DAVIS, General Agents, Poittanu Oregon, To whom all orders should he udtlrerisvd. "Si For sate by all Druggists. i'J'j i'utented October 15th. I. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Bltick, Park Green, Black Silk, Light Gr?fn, Dark Blue, 2iage?i,it Light Blue, Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Broxn,Oiir"ft Park Bran'n, J ink, Q Light Brown Purple, Snvff Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Park Bra b, Slats, Light Drub, Solfrino, J aim Urco, Violet. cllow. Light Fawn Drub. roii dyeisu sir. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarf.-., Dresses, Ribbons, G'oVe, Donneis, litis; Feathers, Children's Clothing, And all liintls cf VVarIjg Aimd. A Saving of Eighty per Cent. For 25 cents you can color as many goos as would otherwise cost live times thVt ":-.. Various shades cr.u be produced from tin same dye. The process is s-hi.ple, and a:.r one can use the dye with perfect success. Diiections in English, t reueh and Gcrmu!! O'jtsicJo of each package. HOWE & .STEVEN'?, Tjur, liroadwn, Cosion. For sale by Smith & Davis I'ortUud.and by Hell & l'ai ker, Oregon City. .-i PLAIN AND CRNAHENTAL C! .ma -o- Having followed the a'oovc yuslacb NEW Y0BK, B03TQN, And San ITrascisco. . I fevl confident taut I can i;ive perfect sat isfaction to-all who rr:ny trust nie wilh wort-. Persons Irving nt a distance from tbe cii can cbtaio ail accessary information, as i coat, etc., bv addressing ; "J. A. WETiiORE, I'lasterer, Montgr-nsery St., near lSih, I'ortlaiit:. Eefirituce, Clackamas county i J. C. Trvllixger, Esq., Oswego. C. P. FERRY, JSEB JIEEL CI3 J3PZ jarS. Ko. 103 Front street, I'ortland. Agent North Briti&h and MtreantiK Insurar.co Company. And Manhf.tt.Hii Li-fc Insnrnr.ra CV. G1 OVERXMENTSECURITIES.bTOCK' f Bemds. and Keal Estate bvught uyu sold oa Conitnission. 31 US'i'igfcS I'.LANKS. of cv.-ry d"cn 17i o O O 4 i 4 o o O O Q O o o o o O O o o O O O o 0 0 1 C ? r i-r.-. u. lit aL.x