SBSK3KBGSMBEBH-SCE Kiricr Center lie who bv the Plow would thrive. Himself mu-t either hold or drive.' SEASONS. Oh the cheerful budding-time ! Vrfcen thorn bedgC3 turn to green, When new leaves of elm and lime Cleave and shed their Winter screen; Tender lambs are born and ba;" North wind finds no snow to bring; Vigorous Nature laugb.3, Ha, ba," In the miracle of Spring. e 9)h the gorgeous blossom days ! jen broSfl-ur-flowers drink and blow; In and out in Summer blaze D:-agon-fl:e3 flash to and fro ; Ashen branches hand out keys ; Oa's put forth the rosy shoot ; Wandering herds wax sleek at ease ; Lovely blossoms end in fruit. Ch the shouting harvest-weeks! Mother earth grown lat with sheaves ; Thrifty gleaner finds who seeks ; Kufset-golden pomp ofleares Crflwns the woods, to fall at length ; 0Lracing wind3 are felt to stir ; Ocean gathers up tier strength ; Leasts renew their dwindled fur. Cli the starving Winter-lapse S Ice bound, hunger-pinched and dim! Dormant roots recall their saps ; Empty nests show black and grim ; Short-lived sunshine gives no heat ; Undue bud3 are nipped by frost ; (Snows set forth a winding-sheet, And all hope of life seems lost. AGRICULTURAL. Xotf?e to our Readers. A general invitation is extended to all the readers of The Weekly Entekprise, to send to the Editor of this paper informa tion, cn subjects connected iciih farming, gardening, and rural economy. lien droppings mixed with plaster make t strongest home-made manure. Fo:1 some purposes it is worth as much as guano, bushel for bushel. Thy will be much richer in phosphorus if the hens eat plenty of gram and some fresh meat. Have rotted straw.. orQhip dirt, or spent taubark, or sawdust or dry peat, to ab sorb the blood of slaughtered animals it has a grept deal ot virtue ns manure when composted, but verv liule when spilled upon the ground in the usual care less way. There is one simple test as to whether the manures about your sfables and out hawses are mixed and composted as they should be to preserve the whole of their lertuizing power. Do they emit a bad smell '! If your pens or stables give a foul report to the nostrils, vou are not using absorbents enough; shovel in the peat or rotten leaves, and sprinkle with plaster tilt tiie dung-heap is as inodorous as a gar .eu (geu- Don't think of using any of the straight grained body timber of an ash. a white oak, a chestnut or a hickory for firewood It will not pay to cut any young growing tree ot this description tor any purpose Th " demand for such timber for building and irking machines is large now, and r.ipKity increasing. If von have a cedar thicket on vour ace lot it and if have no locusts growing, it will pay to plant them oit. Soaking Seed Uefoke Sowing. This practice, la-not so extensively adopted in iLl-i eoantrvas it might be with advantage Lo'.h tor the farm and the garden. In ihi respect, we are lar behind a people whom we to regard wuh henrgs nearly approuciiing to contempt, there are lew j rebabiy. who not disposed to think ti.e.nsejves much superior to the Chines- and vet. in one resnect at least, we ihink they a-ve r.nuh in advance of farmers, in either England or America. Liebig states, in his Letters cn Modern Agriculture, that no Chinese fanner sows a seed before it L.!-: been soaked in liquid manure, diluted Wi.h water, and has begun to germinate-; Mini tlrHt experience has taught him that tliis operation tend not only to promote the more rapid and vigorous growth and development of the plant, but also pro tect the seed from ravages of worms and itioects. i i.AXaft D o VKL'P. i tjis excellent reme dy for u cough is made thus ; Boil one o:.rice of flaxseed in a quart of water for nn lion restrain, and add to the liquid the juice of tvo lemons, and half a pound ot i.civ candy. If the cough is accom piuied by weakness and want of appetite, fcd 1 halt an ounce of powdered guit ar bie. Let this simmer slowly for half an h .Mir, stirring it occasionally. Take a wine-glassful whenever the cough is troublesome. This syrup has pnn ed the in, tiQcacious of cough syiups in theex .;. i ieiice ot ourselves and many friends. it has even givi rh'l to consumptive patients alleviating the soreness ot the via St. and sireiigt heuing the stomach and I'irgs. We have known a quart ot it to be taken in tho course of twenty four hours with good eil'ect, care being taken to avoid draughts, &c. C.vrnAGE Ptn Acke. The great cat age growers about New York City gr. -ally : alculate upon tea thousand hea" per . re, allowing four superficial feet to each f '.nit, which gives a surplus of three t Oii-and feet for missing plants. We sup ' se the crop may average five cents a . ja.l. giving $500 an acre, which consider-i- g it is a second or third crop of the sea n. nifords a pretty good return. Cab ges oiten follow peas, with which rad- h s or lettuce has been grown ; and ., Oiiml from which an early crop of pota- es has been taken is often planted with Lie cabbages. The soil for this crop raabt be rich and manure used unsparingly- Hog manure is not approved in this inity ; it is said that it produces "clubj i . t-d cabbages." The gardeners prefer r t ukm for th"i3 crop, though we have i.r wn cabbages grown upon the same ip-.-t a dozen years in succession. Near a H-y there is no doubt about the profit r.V.;?nes3 of the crop, and we believe it a v" ' -'able one for food for cattle and sheep, ft ' xuvases the flow of milk, but it does improve the quality. Irrigation is v.-,1 -able where cabbages are grown, as i require a vast quantity of water as -v. j l n-i manure, with deep tillage and .u'Ji-ougb cultivation. To K:ix Lice ox Cattle. Take tobac j r.nd boil it in water until verv strono- then wash tluO animal freely with the i y;id two or three times. I have a cow : .. was so for six months, and tried everv w rg I could hour of to no purpose, when i .ished her back and flanks free! v. This c: ne all the able ones to her neck .-nd ; il.fl then washed her neck once, which :'. -bed all the rest, thus making that de- . ; able weed answer one important and l e ieacial purpose, says a correspondent '"-'""Ask your teighbor to subscribe EEESS2 fornciAL. rCTLIC ACTS OF TOE 40tH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, PASSED AT THE SECOND SESSION. No. 11. An Act for the protection in certain cases of persons making disclo sures as parties, or testifying as witnesses. De it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled, That n answer or other pleading of any party ind rio discovery, or evidence obtained by me ns of any judicial proceeding fron any party or witness in this or any foreigr country, shall be given in evidence, or i; any inauner used against such party o witness, or his property or estate, in an court of the United States, or in any pro ceeding by or before any officer of the Lnited state, in respect to any crime, or for the enforcement of any penalty or for feiture by reason of any act or omission ot such party or witness : Provided. That nothing in this act shall be construed to xempt any partv or witness from prose cution and punishment for perjury com mitted by turn m discovering or testifying is aforesaid. Six. 2. And be it further enacted. That ihis act shall take effect from its passage. nd shall aoplv to all pending proceedings. as well as to those hereafter instituted. Approved. February 25. 1868. No. 15. An Act authorizing the sale of an unoccupied military site at Watertord, ronnsvlvania. Be it enacted br the Senate and ITouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. 1 bat the Secretary of the Treasury be. and he is hereby, authorized m his discretion to sell to the highest and best bidder the military site ot three acres ot land at u a- terford. Lne county. Pennsylvania, be longing to the United States, and pay the proceeds into the treasury of the United States. Approve-1, March 4 ISoS. No. 1G. An Act restoring lands to mar ket along the line of the Pacific railroads and branches. J;e it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni'ed States of America in Congress assembled, That nothing m the act approved July first. eighten hundred and smty-two, entitled An act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Mis souri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the government the ue of the same for postal, military, and other pur poses," and the acts amendatory thereof, shall be held to authorize the withdrawal or exclusion from settlement and entry, under the provisions of the pre-emption or homestead laws, the even numbered sections along the routes of the several roads therein mentioned which have been or may be hereafter located : Provided. That such sections shall be rated at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and sub ject only to entry under those laws, and the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized anil directed to restore to homestead settlement, pre-emption, or entry, according to existing laws, all the even numbered sections of land belong ing to the government, and now withdrawn from mai Ket, on both sides, of tLe Pacific railroad and branches, wherever said road and branches have been definitely located. Approved. March . 1SC8. No. 17. An Act for the relief of set tlers on the late Sioux Indian reservation, in the State of Minnesota. Pe it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That all actual settlers, who have duly filed their declaratory statements under the preemp tion laws with the register of the proper local land office, upon the unsold lands now included within the limits of the late Sioux Indian reservation, in the State of Minnesota, shall be allowed two years from and after the passage of this act with in which to make proof and payment for their claims, in accordance with the pro visions of the second, and third sections of the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, providing lor the disposal of said reservation. Approved. March (J. 1SC8. Public Resolutions. No. 11. A Resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to employ counsel in certain cast s. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ' States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to employ counsel for the de fence of the General of the army. Major General George G. Meade, and Drevet lirigad er General Thomas II. linger. Pro vis. onal Governor of Georgia, and any oilier officer or person entrusted with the enforcement of" the reconstruction acts or either of them, against any suit or proceed ings, in any court, in relation to their offi cial acts. Schlyle-r Colfax, Speaker of the House of Kepresentaiive3. B. F. Wade, President of the Senate pro tempore. Endorsed by the President: -Received Februaiy lllh. KSlS.'' Note by the Department of State. The foregoing resolution having been pre served to the President of the United Stares for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the House ot Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the I'liiied States, has become a law without Lis approval. No. 12. A ittsolufion directing that the Government of Great Lritain be supplied with certain volumes of the Narrative of the Exploring Expedition. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Librarian of Congress be. and is hereby, directed to deliver to the Secretary of State a set of Dana's Crustacea, being olumes thirteen and fourteen of the Nar rative of the Exploring expedition under Captain Wilkes ; and "that" the Secretary of State is hereby directed to deliver them to the Government of Great Dritain. Approved, February 26. 18f,3. No. 15. A Resolution authorizing the Light House Dnard to place warnings over obstructions at the entrance of harbors, or in the fairway of bays and sounds, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senaft1 and House of Repre entatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Light House Board be. and they are here by authorized, when in their judgment it is deemed necessary, to place a light-vessel or other suitable warning of danger on or over any wreck or temporary ob struction to tiie entrance of any harbor, or in the channel or fairway of any bay or sound. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved. That the Secretary of ' War is hereby directed toappointa board cf competent engineers, to consist of not less than three persons, to examine the condition of the wreck of the steamer -Scotland." now In the wa ters of the harbor of the city of New York, and ascertain whether the same is danger ous to navigation, and to report thereon at as early a day as practicable, with a particular estimate of the cost of the re moval of said wreck. Approved, March 2. 1SGS. No. lti. A Resolution relating to the survey of the Northern and North western Lakes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the second section of an act entitled "An act making appropriations tor the constnic tion. preservation, and repairs of certain fortifications and other works of defence for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight." ap proved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, shall not apply 1o the ap propriation for the survey of Northern and Northwestern lake. Approved, March 2. 1SCS. When you see farmers in any part of the country abolishing their old Virginia snake-fences and putting up walls, post and rail, beard or wire enclosures, tou 4,v fcaow ptic of farnuiaoa tb t"is. MIS CELL A XEO US. gHEKIFF'S SALE! Bv virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of il ultnoniali aud to me directed, in favor of 11. "W. Ediy and against A. L. Marshall, for the sum of $1,5S3 G(i-100, in iiold Coin of the U. S., and interest and -3P 2-V MO cost, and for want of sufficient )erson-U property out of which to make the 'sum, 1 have this 8th, duy of April 18GS, levied ipon all the right, title, and interest of A. L. Marshall, in aud to the following described narcel of real estate, situated in Clackamas jounty and bounded as follows: lieginuing it a point on the road leading from Purllanu to -.ibvaukie. lochs. 42 liuks South, and 1G chs. 12 links East, of the quarter post be tween sections i3 and li6, in Township one, South, Range one East, thence East 21 cbs. 73 links, thence South 3 4-V East, two chs. 20 links, to a post, thence N bfc 15' East to the donation claim of Hector Campbell, thence southerly along the land of Campbell 55 and 1-2 chains, to land of Sfeth Luelling, thence South SS SO' West along said Luell ing's land to a stake, from which a fir tree 4 inches in diameter bears bouth 78 SO' Wert, It links, thence South 83 30' W, 35 chiius lo links, thence South 2 East 64 chains 40 links, thence South t0 W, 11 chains 2 links to the East line of said road, thence by said road North, 23 W, chains So links. to the N.E. corner of lands belong ing to M'Donald, and the south-east corner of land of Lambert und Miller, thence North Sa 15' West, 6 chains 40 links, thence North 31" So' West, 4 chains 50 links, thence North lo 45' West 7 chains 50 links, thence North 23 So' West 6 chains, thence North, 15 West, 9 chains, thence North 5" West, 28 chains and 70 links to the place of beginning containing Three Hundred and Sixty acres, more or less, and I will sell the same at Public Auction, to the highest bidder in Gold Coin, on Saturday the 8tk. day of August 1863, at lo o'clock A. M., of said day at the Couit House door in Oregon City, in Clack amas county Oregon, or so much thereof as will satisty said execution and costs. WM. P. BURNS, 23.4t) Sheriff of Clackamas Co. gUAlMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas ss: 50 cent. Revenue stamp.J MargaretS. Post, plaintiff, vs. Lzra J. Post defendaut. Suit in equity to dissolve mar riage contract. 7b Ezra J Pout, Kaid defendant : In the name of the State of Oiegon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the corrplaint tiled against 3-ou in the above entitled nction, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served within the said county; or, if served in any other county of this State, then with in twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you ; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaiutifl will taki judgment against you, and if you fail to appear in said court on the first dav of the term of said court, which shall be held after six weeks publication of this summons the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, which is tor a dissolution of the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and that plaintiff have the care and custody of the children mentioned in complaint. Rv order W. W. Upton. Judtie 4th Judi cial'District. S. HUiiLAT, 23.7t) Attorney for Plaintiff. N JOTICE ! The Annual Assessment List, under the United States Internal Revenue Law for Di vision No. 4, consisting of Polk. Marion, and Clackamas counties, in the District of Oiegon, will be open tor public examination and correction at my office in S'tlem fmm the sl day of April to the ICth day of April IStis; where ad per sons claiming deductions or abatement of taxes, in consequence of erroneous assess ment, must do so in writing before t he expi ration ot this notice, as no deduction will be ai lowed after the list is closed and turned over to the Collector. Salem, the 2sth dav of March, ISftS. Wm. A. K. MKLLEX, U. S. Assistant Assessor, 4tk jUcision, 24.2tj JJistrkt if Oregon. poll 'SALE ! A lot of joung Cotv5, with still younger calves. Apply to S. W. MOSS, 25.4t) Oregon City, Oregon. 'pilEASUUER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there is mon ey in the Treasury of Clackamas county for the redemption of orders endorsed prior to April 1st, li'JS. JOSEPH D. LOCLY, Treasurer of Clackamas Co. Oregon City, Aril Uth, IStiS. (25.3t IX TIIE U.S. LAND OFFICE at Ongun City, Oregon, 15cda Rubier vs. Marshall hoberts. Contest in relation to the W half ot the W half of sec. 2. T. 3 S R 1 W. To siiid Marshal! Roberts: The said Beda Kubler having made application at this office to be permitted to procure the cancelation of your homestead entry No. 214, made upon s iid land, and to enter the same, alleging that you have abandoned said land, and making proof in support of said allegation. 011 are therefore, hereby notified that un less you appear within thirty days from the service hereof, and establish your ritjht to said laiid, such proof of abandonment, will be taken as true, and 3-our said entry report ed for cancellation. OWEN WADE, Register. HENRY WARREN, Receiver. March 17, 1 3S. 23. 4t IN TIIE U. S. LAND OFFICE at Oregon City. Oregon, William A. Clark vs. Field ing F. Ilibler. To sa d Fielding F. Ilibler : You are here by notified that the said William A. Clark has mad ' application at this oHice to be jjer mitted to enter the S half of Northwest quarter and N half of Southwest quarter of sec. 25 T. 3 S. R. ! E, alleging that you have abandoned the same and making proof in support of such allegation, and unless you appear within thirty davs from service here of and establish your rights to said land, such proof of abandonment will be taken us true, and the said William A. Clark will be allowed to enter the said lard. OWEN WADE, Register. HENRY WARREN, Receiver. March 31st, ISoS. 24.4t. IN TIIE U. S. LAN'n OFFICE at Oregon City, Oregon, Robert 13. Peake vs. Chailes A. Cantonwine: To aid Charles A. Cantonwine: You ate hereby notified that the sairt Robert R. Peake, has applied at this office to be per milled to enter the S half of the Southwest quarter ot sec. 2o, and the N halt of the Northwest quarter ot section 29. T. 3 S. U. 1 E, and to have your homestead entry No. 2.V, embracing said tract canceled, alleging thatj'ou have abandoned the same, and mak ing proof in support to such allegation : and you are further notified that you will be al lowed thirty days from service hereof in which to appear and establish your right to said land, and on failure to do so that said oroof of abandonment will be taken as true and vour entry reported for cancellation. OWEN WADE, Register. HERRY AVAR REN, Receiver. March 31st, 1 Slid. 24.4t. FOR SHERIFF. SFTo the Union voters of Clack amas countv. The undersigned is a candi date for Shei iff, at the June election, atd de sires bis friends to rally to his support. D. II. GOOD. Book and Job Printing ! rjMIK ENTERPRISE OFFICE Is supplied with every requisite for doing a superior style of work, and is constant ly accumulating new and beautiful styles of material, aud is prepared for every variety of BOOK AND JOB TING-! AT SATISFACTORY PRICES. The Public are invited to call and examine both our specimens and facilities for doing work. rOUTLAXB EUSIXESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portlaud are ad vised to note the following firms. 1&01S121&T II. MW, IMPORTER OF Hard Wood Lumber COACH, CARRIAGE, AXD WAGON MATERIALS I Portland, Oregon. HAS NOW ON RAND and TO ARRIVE the finest stock ever imported ts this coast. Being selected under his personal mipervision he can warrant it to be of the best, and would call the attention of dealers and wagon makers to his assortment of EASTERN OAK. ASH, AND niCKORY, PLANK, WTTITE WOOD. II U liS, SPOKES, FELLOES, AXLLS, POLES, BENT KIMS Shaft, Bows, Single trees, Plow Reams and Ilundles, die Orders for the aboTC, also for Soxes, Thim bles, Skeins, Iron and bteel, promptly filled. HOKEltT II. JLAW, Commission Merchant, 33 First St., Corner of Pine, Portland, Oregon. 3?" Consignments solicited. (36. ly One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. Wm. T. Shanahan, . IMPORTER AND DEALER IX M US 1 CA L INSTR UMRXTS, FIXE EX Gil A VIXGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDIXGS. TIIE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before offered in this market, just receied and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! also : Views of Columbia River Scenery I Constantly on band. AGENT FOR BltADBlT.Y S CELEBRATED Gssfi,Bat Scale JPiJisaos I Which have given universal satisfaction, and which te guarantees to sell at San Fran cisco prices. Special attention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc. Mr. Shanahan, formerly of A. Koh ler's establishment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo deons, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos for Rent. (3' Sixteen Years in Oregon. s, J. M'GORMICK, TIIE Pioneer Eockseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his obi customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted witti the fact) that tie still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (EXACTLY OITOSITE MOUXT IIOOb) "Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOXERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTRUC'J IOX JJOOA'S for all kinds of 'Musical Instruments. CIIUlJCil lUU-lt: JLiOOKS, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, -MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, lyr.J PEN'S, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. ? C X?, 1J JK rJ AND PAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE! BKG LEAVE TO ISFORM TIIE public that we have Removed to the Fine Store IIo. 9 Front street, Poitland, Formerly occupied by Messrs. ('ohn, Lyon & Ivavfman Where we shall now open our latest impor tations of CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES AND BANDS. GILT MOLDINGS. And all goods in the CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LIIJE ! "VVe Import our Goods IMrect from the East, and sell at less Ihnn San Francisco Prices ! WALTER BROS., No. 89 Front street, between Alder So.) and Washington, Portland, Oregon. A LARGE INVOICE OF SE IV Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE . ly and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefierson st., between 2d and 3d. Portland, On gun G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary, 52.1yl and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc.'y. BILLS & ro. CAMP A CO. noGAx a co. Portland Cray and Hack Co., Ofnce at Dwy and Iluri Stahles, Cor. Stark and Second sis, Portland. -c? All business ttitmaten in n i,i with care and dispatch. No commissions charged on freight advanced. Orders lor hacks promptly attended to, day or night. Island Sugar and Molasses. 9 gQQ KEGS ISLAND SUGAR; ' 150 EBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, , ex-Honolulu I'acket, and for tal by lTCRAtEN, ILKSRLul. jfc CO. THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OEEGON CITY ! Now is the Time to The Establishment of mm WnO IIAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF THE LARGEST AND EEST As sortments of " FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING. OF ALL. DESCRIPTIONS, For Ger.ts' and Boys' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Of all kmds and colors; LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS. HOSIERY, etc., MERRIMAC PRINTS. WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too numerous to mention. "Wliicii tlaey Intend to sell ILoweitlisoa An j Mouse in Oregon I If anyone is disposed to doubt the gemiineness of the above statements, Especially the latter all the undersigned ask cf them is, that they Call and Examine the Goods and Prices ! And satisfy themselves. We may he. found at the od stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB dj BROTHER. 0O Covntry Produce taken in exchange for go ds. 58 Look Out ! The Railroad is not Coming Yet ! BUT PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still And Rolling in HSlli El BID Ctarnian & Warner's old Brick Store, Tflain Street, Where h-e not ot ly intends to sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will say, COME OXE, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to me to show poods. I have received one ol the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consisting in pait of a fine assoittnent of LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS. FURS of various descriptions ; ' CLOAKS, as Circulars and Sauks ; KID GLOVES, best qualilv ; HOSILRY: BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths; BOOTS AN D SIIO ICS : 1 1 ATS AND C APc ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities, ja?- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Alsi.i a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. S. ACKERMAN. All kinds of Produce Bought. RUB B E R CLOTHING COMPANY! IIS Mtmt gomci-y tSlirct, Saa Francisco California. Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kiuds India Rubber lioods. Rubber Clotbissg I All kinds and styles ! Druggist and Fancy Goods, Stationery, Combs, Balls and Toys, Pipes and Canes, Blankets, Piano Covers, Lap Roles, Air and Water Goods ! Rubber "Seels. Ties ! For Ladies and Gentlemen ! Door Mats, Wagon springs, & Shaft Rattlers, Curry Combs, and Horse Boots, B ache's and Pails, Gloves aud Xapkin Rings, Toilet Glasses, Card Baskets c Fans. Latest styles of Rubber tScwclry 2 By every steat.ier. JOSEPH FUASEIt, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast. 82 Lake street, Chicago. 347 Broadway, New York. 4.".tf Established 1S57. Established 157. 'C f3 No.DO First street, Foiiland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden. Grass and Flower seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit Packed icith care for Shipment. NUTS Pea nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal nuts, Fil berts apd Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bought expressly for farnilv use. ZW Alt of which is offered for cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. 35:ly JOII. O'tOXXOR. ; No. 90 First St., PortUnd, Oregon. Willamette Lndge X'o. 131. O. G. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 w clock. Visiting membara axe invited to attend. By ordr of yr. q Take Passage for TIIE Ilunning their the Goods for in G ROB'S MUSICAL AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. ai.vo: Dcy and Boarding School for Young Ladies ! THUS INSTITUTE IS SITUATED IN A retired and beautiful locution, away from the business portion of the city, On Third, betircen B and C streets Portland, Oregon. Attached to the building are extensive anc beautiful grounds, for tiie convenience ot (mpUs. The Educational Department will he in-charge of an ellicient corps of Teach rs No effort will be spared to make this In stitute equal to the best on the I'acitic coast. The Course of Studies Will embrace all the branches usually taugh in first class Seminaries in the East, in cluding the Classics, French, Ger man, Spanish, Mathematics, fce. The Musical department will be conducfec by Prof. II. Gt ino Gnon, Graduate ol Planet' Conservatoire. Pmties from the couutr may est assured thutunoer the care of .Mis Giob, Mutron of the Establishment), thej will experience all the attentions of a moth er, and enjoy the comforts of a home. Particular attention will be paid tc the choice ot Text Rooks, in order to avoid anything of a Sectional or Purtizan Lature in our curriculum of studies. For further particulais, enquire at the In stitute, or address II. GUIDO GROB. P. 0. R'.x No. K,S, Portland. C. If. MYER PLIiMBIA'G, (US & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. 110 Fiit Slrtft Portland Gas Fixtures, Conking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsands, Sheet Lead and Block: Tin, Vatcr Cljsets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, RETURN BEXDL NIPPLES, I! US J 'UNO -S, d-c, for Steam, Water and Ous. A I .SO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles Tailon Pumps, Steam Guages, Giobe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Urass Work. Kuboer Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and piivate resi dences heated with the latest improvements in ste.'tn or hot air apparatus. I iuvite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. May is, IS7. l:lv Q. . MYERS. MONITOR FLOUR. BARLOW & FULLER, OREGON CITY, have on hand ior sale, in lots to suit purchasers, the celebrated 1I03JT0R TLOU22. Try it. F (JUTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons haing business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS COMPANY! North Front and E sts., Portland. Oregon. Iron Founders, TEAM ENGINE AND BOILER BUI LDERS. rpHESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the I honk nf th river, one block north ol Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and etucieni j. We have secured tne services ui wi.uuum Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex this o.ntist for fifteen years riv 3 him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required tor mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY . FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! 1 MIXING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C, &C., Manvfactvre and Rezair Machinery of all Unas. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco cost and freight. Wheeler tf- Ran dall's Patent Grind- an! Amulgamat-or. Punoar's and Steceii's Self Adjusting J atent ltj-,n. Pn'Linn either anolitd tu old or new steam cylinders. Qxartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron. o.ii 1851. 1857 E. J. NORTHROP & CO., OFFICII FOR SALE LOW Builders' Hardware and Carjoenfers' Tools, Blacksmiths'1 and Machinists' Tools, Coopers' und Tanners' Tools, Minify and Farmers' Tools, Mill and Cross- Cut Sans, Ship and Steamboat. Hard tea re, Tar, Pilch, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Powder, Fuse, Shot, Lead and Caps, Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. IEON.ttTEEL, AND Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumbetland Coal, Put nam, New York and Grittin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for Bug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeins and Iron Axles, ail sizes. WAGON TIMBER. ' IIuls, Spr-l'es,, Polts and Shaft, Rent Rims, Sawed fcilves, dec, tbc. Asrcnt i for A. S. Hsilliilie & Co., "Wire Iop? ilamifaduiirs. jggT" Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in the Eastern Markets beintr of n superior charac ter, we are enabled to offer goods in our line at as low lates as they can be purchased in this market. We call the attention of deal ers to our sV'ck, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line evi-r oti'ered in this market. SO P. J. NOKTlIItCP Cv., 131 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. II ME0SS0ORFFEB & BBQ tr M'" nf.j a iid 1m pi trier of, Ant Wholesale and Rttail L'eakrs in-, HAT., CAPS, And HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Ort-gon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stork, by every steamer, all the latest styles of New V ik, London and Parisian taste, for gentlemen's and children's n ear, which they will sell cheaper than any other house on the Pacific coast. P. S. Hats of every style and description made to older, also neatly repaired. 13y EOME IvTAISUFACTTJRS. KIGGINS & CO. Are Now 2iaini.'atlini;ig a. Superior ARTICLE OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown FAMILY SOAP, "TT7IIICU WE WILL SELL AT SAN Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boa's free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or to McCraken, Merrill &. Co., Agents, will miet with prompt attention. W. L. HIGUINS & CO., lltly Proprietors, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Whaif. McCKAKEN, MERRILL & CO., Agents Pioneer Beck Bindery. ORKGOMA X BUIL.DIXG, No. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. E. G. RANDALL, IMPORTER AXu DEALER IX MUSICAL IKSTF.OMENTS, Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for J!;isnii rutin's CELEBR.V1ED AUiAET ORGAN" I AND Sir i ww ay Si Sen' GOIjO fllKOAL, lIAAO POUTES ! First street, next door to the Post Oflice Portland, Oregon. ( THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses', Boys' aud Children' BOOTS nnf Can be had at the PHI LA DELPHI A ROOT AM) SlleiE STORE, No.Wi Front tr-t. j. ,iM,ia, opjH,ue il alter Jiro. Carint xlore where new irooiU r,f t!i :.t,.it ,t..i .... .... ccived by every steamer, direct from the east i .. i . 1 : . ti . "'"""."s us to sen ciieaper tlian any other CVw,t ,u ma tii. ivam ot UAHALIN. XA 112 Front street. Poi tland. John Westsr, Architect, OFFICE EX CARTER'S BUILDING, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF BRICK AND FRAME Buildings Designed and Flanned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully superintended. JOwuera interests considered paramount. M OS WEG 0 B U SIX ESS. J. A. MacD0KALD7 j Green Street .Oswego, Oregon Post Master and. Dealer in GENERAL M ERCII A NEUSE Groceries, Wines and Liquor : ' CSWEGO EKEWRY- ; AN V lil L L 1 A Li 1) SALOOB. ! Henry Gans, Proprietor. f The proprietor of the above saloon visW to inform his iriends.and the public in I eral that he is now ready to accommodate , tiiem with the best of Liquors, Beer, Wine ! j & Cigars. Also agent lor the sale of Hum. I Del s ori'guu viij uvci ,vrtan) Ale etc Orders promptly attended to. t jfi' NOTICE TO ALL VUO WANT First Class Fine or Coarse Q- Soots said Shoes! Made or Repaired. Enpecial care and at tention paid to orders for tine work, such t Ladies' and Misses Fine Gaiters, Gente' Fine French Calf Booth, etc. pT" Orders solicited from abroad will bt executed wi'h neatness and dispatch. TERWILLIGER & SMITH, Green St., Oswego, Onpcir OSWEGO H0USEI OSWEGO, OREJON. .TOIIN SCHADE .Proprietor; IS now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him with their patron age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newly and Neat'y Furnished. The Table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The House is situated near the steamer landing. Toe proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction ta all who may favor him with a call, and would respectfully solicit the patronage of the Traveling Public. 4l:tf. Board per w eek ... ?) 00 Board and Lodging 6 00 Single Meals 50 HUTELS,liESTAURAXTS, CLIFF HOUSE. ts- Main otueet. Nearly Opposite IFooZen Factory. W. L. WHITE. I T.W. KHOADES, f Iropnetors. Oregon City. Orep;on. We invite the citizens of Oregon City, and the traveling public, to give us a share of their patronage. Meals can be had at all hours, to please the n ost fastidious. 15 Notice to the Public. Ill AVE this day closed the Barlow House in favor of the Cliff House. Hope my old customers will give their liberal patron age to the above well kept house. They will tind Messrs. White & Khoadts alvva;i on hand to make guests comfortable. WM. BAH LOW. Oregon Citv, August 1, TSi7. McLaughlin House. Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,) Oregon City, Oregon. E.B.KELLY, - - - Proprietor. ZT This is the most commodious Ilot'l in the city. Newly lurmshed, and just open for the reception of guests. It will be the'endeavor of the Propri etor to make his guests comfortable. j'J'Uf OREGON HOUSE, Main Street Oregon City. JACOB EOEHII, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1S"7. HEDttTIOS IV PRICES! The undersigned wishes to give notice that from Saturday , October ."th, ib'i", prices at the above house will be as follows : Boaid and Lodging per wct-k f 5 00 Board without Lodging 4 0u Board and Lodging per dav 1 uO JACOB BOEHM. Oregon City, Oct. 3d, oOttf New Columbian Hotel, Nos. 11 R, 120 and 122 Front st., POUTIAND, OeKGOX. P. 3. SINHOTT, Proprietor. e The largos, best, and most convenient hotel in Portland. Located in the center of business, and near nil the steamer landings Can accommodate six hundred persons. At Reduced Rates ! Board and Lodging, per day, from 25 to 1 5o according to the room occupied, and cheaper by tke week. Suits of Rooms, and superior accommoda tions tor families. A good fire proof sale, for use of guests. HOUSE OPEN ALL NIGHT! Z'-Y" Hotel Omnibus, with the name of the Hotel on it, will be at the landings on the arrival of steamers, and will convey passen gers and baggage to and from this hoti 1 free ot charge. Warm and cold Baths. I xi.tJ W ii a t Cheer House, Nos. 120,, 123 and 130 Front street, Portland, Oukgon. REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well known house, solicit increased patronage from the traveling public. The House has lately been refitted, and the proprietors are now able to otfer additional inducements to their patrons. The table will be furnished with the best market affords, and be under the imrnediatesupervision ot the proprietors Rooms well furnished and well ventilated. A lar're tirp-nrnrif :if fV,i- rh Hi.ri.wir i.t ... valuables. Baggage taken to the hotel fre of charge. Board per week $5 00 Board and lodging ' ?rtoS00 (According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, which is in the power of the proprietors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD & Co., Proprietors. Western Hotel, Portland, Okegox. Corner of First and Morrison streets, Th; best and most comfot table Hotel in the State, where every want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold Baths a'ttactied to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at tendance at all the Landings, to convey tiassengers und baggage to aud from tne Louse tree of charge. SLWELL & PORCEV. Proprietors AMERICAN EXCHANGE"!-" (Late LINCOLN LI O USE,) No. Ri Front street, Iirl lit utl Orfgcn L. P. W. QL'I.MHV, Pkoi'kietou, (Late if Western Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor ot the proprietor to maldhis guests comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al ways be found at the land iig oiTthc arrival of steamships ami river boats, earning hr.e- gage to tne house tree ot charge. J I -1 j PATT0N H 0 U S eT Two doors south of the old Court House, Front street, Portland, Oregon. W. N. Patton Proprietor. Single meals, 25 cents Beds, 23 cents. This house is newly fitted, and furnished in the best style. xiira Fred. Muller, The Original Paxaratta T 1 in his 0I' o J customers aud the public, i"-" Ilia New IIestakrant, Two doors from Alder, on First street, Port jjj-rr.j land, is now open. 0tcis, Game, Chops, etc O o