S?a i ; - . 'i (1 ) 7 r s 1 V t 0 jc iUcdili) (Enterprise. TOWX AXD lOlTY. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. if .MWribers order the discontinuance of 1,1 r newspapers, the publisher may con tinue to send them until all arreai ages are PS 'subscribers neglect or refuse to take , ;, t.aners from the othce to winch S:eKP"c held responsible un !!l they have settled the bills and ordered teSifno to other plf es with ouVinlorming the p '-ber an. news pa pers are sent to the former direction, u.ej are held responsible. - The Work Beoc x.-Oa Thursday hist, in company with nearly font- thonsaml people, we witnessed the breaking of ground in East Portland, by Hon. Isaac if ,'m,r. for the commencement of the Oregon Central Il.iilroad. Our time is in efficient for any notice of the ceremony this week, hence it most be deferred until next week, when we hope to give full particulars, together with our views of the enterprises both on the western and east ern banks of the Willame.tee. now so aii'picionslv commenced. Kight here we will say. as it is not generally understood, that ground was broken on the V est Mile twenty-four hours in advance of the Last Side, but we believe this would not have been so. onlv for the proposal, and an nouncements bv the East Side Directors. We wish both all possible success, out we cannot so heartily endorse the V. est bide an we do the East, because, we have not now, nor have we had. the same confidence in its managers. How Souk 3iks uianuk TiitciK l'oi.mcs-. Our ponderous old friend, D. M. Mc Kenny, lias published a long and stupid letter, through the channel of Ileriah JJrowu's Organ, announcing the solemn luct, that he hiigj apostatized from the par. ty and friends of his earlier love, and has gone over to the Democracy, body, soul, and breeches. We can assure the rock bottom members of the persuasion to which Mc. has gone, that they have gained nn immense acquisition in Body and iVeecies, at hast. It is rather customary to style those who stand not on the Order of their going, but turn their backs on the battle Held, and their lollop" soldiers, fighting bravely, as Turn C'Uts." -Traitors," Renegades." Tint we do not propose to deal in calling mimes, nor to suggest the striking paral lels furnished in the history ot Judas Iscariot. and Benedict Arnold. -More in'.eriri&'.'d with pity, is our contempt. We are a little surprised, not so much that Mc. has discoveteilQhimseif' to be a donio crat. in this late day, but that he impor tuned members of the Union Party, for a nomination on the ticket, continuing this in an aniroying way, till just before- the meeting of the Union Convention. When he discovered that the --Old War Horse." (iov. Gibbs. was the unanimous choice of Union men for the office he coveted. '-1'resto Change," Mc.'jj coat is other side out in an iiii'anL DkoiC'atiox. The basement story of the splendid edifice erected by the M. E. Church at Portland, will be dedicated fo the service of Cod to morrow. This is certainly to be on' of the finest structures in our State, when completed. It was planned anil superintended by Mr. John Nestin'. all Architect now of some fame in the country. One who met with bitter opposition in his beginnings here, but who lias wrought a change in the architecture of Oregon just at a lime when it will be most useful to those of our citizens who contemplate such work : an I as a people. we are irreatl v indebted to him. accord to dim all praise for and perseverance. and should his energy The Vancouver Rnjlsler complains that it is poorly sustained by its own people. The Dalles Mounlauu'vr also suggests that u better home patronage Would give those O folk a better piper. A great many peo ple do not consider it their duty to" assist their county papers, and they not onlv withhold the material, but the moral sup port, necessary lo keep it a'ive. The hu lnm sea setting in the direction of the I'acilie .States will was!; the base from un der such, in a very short, time. Nice Tims at Oswkco. A Concert and Supper for the benefit of Pearl Lodge of (r.iod Templars at Oswego, shows a healthy state of feeling at that thriving Town. Tlie programme included a choice selec tion of music, and the Supper and a pleas ant Cotillion Party afterward, made it one of the pleasantest affairs possible, for both old and young. We are sorry we could no. be there. I'.unh i, Accidkxt. The friends of Mrs. Ki'v. J. W. Sellwood of this city, will re grey o learn ot an accident which befel her on Kist Monday, by which her face w.is painfully burned on a stove. It ap pears that, during a momentary swoon she Jell upon the stove. Medical assistance wj speedily procured, and we are glad to learn that she is recovering, and hope that no scar may result from the accident. Speaking: at Mii.waikik. We are in fornvdbyetter from the Milwaukie Grant ($'!ub. that lion. J. If. Mitchell, one of the bright particular stars in the Union firma ment will address that club on Wednesday eening the 22d inst.. at 7j o'clock. A Qp'neml invitation is extended to every body, and a special invitation to the ladies. Ixsn-.AM K. The general agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Milwaukie, Mr. M. G. Elmer, ac companied by Mr. II. II. Johnston agent for Oregon, will soon visit this city, 'and introduce their Company to the notice of the public here. It is well recommeuded to us. Rev. W. I. Cosper will preach to the chililrpn of A . ,v. v. v.Liiiuuv.uy, to-morrow morn ing at the usual llour. Wc . t t I 'nls he pnwnt with their children. ! ' v wm's can bt'tu'r appreciate the fceiwccs it so accompanied Messrs. Lock wood & Edgar's Stage Wne went into operation the 2d. inst. Our correspondent was one of the first K?f'-rs t0 Canyor. City and Miilour Creek. Jfr- D. J. Slover adverti.-es that he is now Prepared with a g00(1 toam of hors w lo johbin He also has a large lot of "cellent wood Tor sale, four feet long, or fitove length. -ThornTTletter in the Post-ofSce at ""iron City for Miss Emma U K.U,.V anaot be forwarded for vyaat of a "lamp. xcEu.r.D.-The SheriiF Sale adrcrlis 'J for the 8th day 0f A,,SI,st. on the fourth F3s-p of this i'or correct date paper, has boon cancelled. see new advertisements. -The I) 'mo:ratic Club meeting held here hi let C... . -aiuruay even ing. was indeed a dllll nPC.i n-i " .. . tol"'c on the occasion. ..:. in,'.V clld not even havfi anv V.'e are informed that Capt Ea-i?h-Z n0t g r-st' h that he is ar- -Ti'TirpranC(, n this cits- i 1C :n . toa, of Portland. b ? J j v-. jj. v- i'- TIic Steamship Sebratka." The steamer XAraska, which arrived at San Francisco on March 27th, from Xew York via Aspinwall, the straits of Magel lan and Panama, is a riew vessel, built ex pressly for (he North American Stecmship Company's line, and only m ule one voy age between Xew York ami Aspinwall be fore the one on which she was despa'ched to the Pacific. Tae keel of the Nebraska was laid under the former management of the Company, and her hull was built bv Henry Steers from the model of George Steers. Her peculiarity is that she has no straight lines, her outline fbeirg curved from stem to stern, and there is no part of her side on which a two-foot rule could be bud and bear equally its whole length. Afershe left Mr. Steer.-.' hands. W.II. Webb, the President of the Company, hud her taken to his own yard and diagonally braced and planked over all, by w hich her strength is much increased. The en gines originally designed for her were not used, or only some small portions, enn-mos of a superior class of workmanship from the works of John Koach & Sou Etna Iron Works. New York, being constructed for her. Her measurement is nearly o.OOO tons, her length is 2!G feet, her breadth 40 feet, and her depth of hold 61 fevt. Her engine is a single beam, with 85 inch cylinder, and 12 foot stroke, fitted with Sickles? cut-off. Pesides the ordin ary pumps, she has a very large steam Cameron pump, which can be worked either by the main engine or by the donkey-engine. This connects wilh a ineial pipe running the whole, length of the ship, and by valves and hoes. Six lull streams of water, each 24 inch, can be thrown at once on a fire. The power of the donkcv engine. which has a separate boiler, can be also applied to the bilge pumps.. Pe sides all these arrangements of clearing the ship of water or overcoming a lire, the vessel is supplied with the full com plement of life-boats and life-saving ap paratus. IIKU ACCOMMODATION'S. The furniture, fittings and passencrer ar rangements of the Nebraska are very simi lar to the Nevada, belonging to the same company. On the hurricane deck, imme diately abaft the wheel-house, is the Cap tain's apartment ; adjoining it, on the star board, is the chief otlieers s. and next the carpenter's. On the port side are (he second and third officers' and the quarter master's rooms. Abaft the engine, in the main house, on the starboard side, is the Purser's room, with the Surgeon's in the corresponding position on the port side. The staircase to the 1st cabin is enclosed in the Social Hall, which occupies the cen tre of the house. There are seven large, airy rooms, each fitted up with three berths, next the Social Hull, on the star board, and the same on the port side. Tin rear of the house is occupied by the sniok-ing-roi in. Oil eachdside of the saloon on the m tin deck are nine rooms, each lilted with three berths; six of these are what is technical ly termed aleoved that is. communicate by a narrow passage both i;h the saloon and the guards. Three rooms on each side have cotriitfhnicaiioti o:ily with the saloo!1, aitu tnree on eacn s;te communi cate with the guards only. The rooms not aleoved are rather larger than the others, as much space as is taken by the passages in the aleoved rets being thrown into them. Peneath. on the 1 nver deck, are the ladies cabin and ta.niiy rooms, four on each side each with four berths. In the stern are ladies' toilet, bath and stewardess" room. In the second cabin on the turn's side are 11 rooms and six berths in each, these are also lit standee berths. The port side is partitioned olf for the ladies, and is fitted with 11 rooms ami six berths in each, as in the gentlemen's case. Con necting with the ladies' cabin are all the necessary toilet conveniences. The gen tlemen's wash-room, second class, is on the guards abaft the wheel on the star board side, and the closets forward oi the wheel on the same side. The gentle men, first cla-s closets are on the port si e abaft the wheel house. The uccommodi i Hons lor steerage passengers are on the mam ana lower deck lorw.iru. J lie upper steerage is a house in the centre ot the main deck forward, holding !)f fixed berths. Pesides these the whole space Covered by the hurricane deck can be iim d for standees. Pel w. the space is divided into men's, family and single women's de partments, the centre ot the idi p be. tig occupied by standees for men. which are removed in the daytime. ly this descrip tion it will be seen that the N-hrnska can carry from 1.1UJ to 1.-0J passengers, and for her size has a very large number ot the great desiderate on this coast for cab in passengers outside rooms. OT'IKH PAUTHTIAItS. The Nebraska met with a good deal of bad weather coming round. In the Straits it was blowing a gale and heavy rains all the time. She was. however, very fortun ate, not bavinsj broken a stick or carried away a piece of putty from port to port. Her consumption of coal has been very moderate, though the passage round was the best on record except that made by her sister-ship, the Necid t. Her officers are : Captain. 11. II. Horner, Commander ; Chief Oili.-er. Prentice; Second O Ul cer. Gregory, son of the Admiral of that fiawe ; Chief Engineer. F. Galvan ; First Assistant. II. Lane : Second Assist ant. P. MeLowan ; Third Assistant, James McLant? ; Mr. Poyce. formerly of the America, is Purser. Dr. Tompkins, also from the Awric't. is Surgeon, and George Kemly, Steward. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP I I.'lt'T. The North American Steamship Com pany have become possessed of one of the finest fleets of steamships in or out of the United States. On the Atlantic side they have just purchased the Guiding Star, a ship of one or two years of age. which they had chartered a month or two since. The Guiding Star is 3.0:)i) tons measure ment, with 12 feet beam and X feet depth of hold, and 3!)." feet long. She and her sister-ship, the Rising Star, are said to be noted for their elegance both in model and fitting. The fleet running between Nov York and Central America, now comprises the Guiding Star, the Arago. the Fulton, the Santiago, and the new vessel built from the same model as the Nebraska, the Da kotah. amounting to 17,(Wd tons of A 1 shipping. O.i the Pacific side, they have the Ore jjonian. the Nevada, the Moses Taylor. The Nebra.-ka. and the America, and there is a sixth ship build ng by Mr. Webb for these waters. Most people who know the difference between the length of voyage on this side and on the Atlantic, will ask by what ingenious management live ship in the Pacific contrive to do more work, and the general record is that it is well done, than six ships can perform oa the New York side. CONTEKXIXG CHEK.SE. 1 Will tell my readers why epicures eat cheese first. -Cheese' says Grimod de la Reyniere. " h is the property of taking away from the mouth and palate, ail lasie mai ma have been left there by the preceding dishes, and thus prepares them (mouth and palatel tor the appreciation of tiie succul ent and delicate things of the dessert, and the flavors of the wines." After chc-se. there is no order for the other plates ot desert ; they are partaken of according to taste. A "plate of dessert that is always relished, especially by a gentleman, is the nu'tiiv rni'udiints. It is composed ot dried .'rapes fi r. h izelnut.-. and sweet a!m n l-. It is not "eschewed by the ladies either, and more than mm pretty face may be seen lookinz attentively and verye irnest ly at the effect produced by a berry at the bottom of a glass of champagne. The Congregational Church has been selected as the place, at which Mr. C. I. Upton will lecture this evening, upon the suVject of Temperance no charge for admission. There will be Seats free. Weeiilj- Commercial Ktvitw, Extsfpriss Office, ) Oregon City. April 17, 1S68. ( FLOUR Imperial, Standard. Monitor, and Harding's brands $G$7 03 bbl.. outside brands 5 Ol.S.YoO. ' WHEAT Dull demand at 9093 ct3. l bushel. OATS The demand is about equal to toe supply, at 4i)e. COUX JIEAI $2 50$3 cwt, r LED Gfoimd $2.3 ton ; Middlings S2!io332. ; Bran 12. FRUIT Green Apples f)X 507. c: Dried Apples y lb t-xt.rc; Dried Peaches none ; Plums 10o7 12c. CL'REI) MEAT Paeon t3 lb lol2c; Hams lb 12Ac.; Shoulders f..7c LARD In kegs 9 c: tins 10c. EGGS Abundant at Kc. doz. PUTTER Ordinary to prime "i? lb 20 25c. POULTRY Chickens 3 doz $2 503; tame Ducks 75c. "fl pair ; tame Geese $2 50 V pair; Turkeys $2 50$3 J pair. GAME Grouse 50c. pair, or $3 doz.; Pheasants. 40e.r pair, or $2 X doz VEGETABLES Potatoes bu. 25 cts Onions j? li)t) lbs 02 00 S3.; PeanstH00 lbs 5.s5 50. HIDES Salted lb 4S3c; dry 910 rORTI.AXIl PIIK'KS. Flour Ranging from $G 00 to $7 00 barrel. Wheat Lots offered here are taken at 51 o:j to $1 10 "jj bushel. Paeon Sides. !(( 10c; hams, l l15c; shoulders. ;7c; Siock abundant.demand light. Lard In tins. 0jI lc; Kegs. 10c. Putter Packed solid. 10 and 12c. In brine, choice, 20 and 25c. IsLhmus, 30 to ."Sic. Eggs In good demand at 33c. doz. Dried Fruits Apples, packed in new i bbls PJc: Peaches, 12Ac. and 13c; Plums, 20 25c. Sugar Islands, 12J-I3ic; SanFrancis co C. Hit' 15c. ; Crushed, in bb!s. ltijc ; half bbis.. 17c. Syrup Heavy Golden, best brands, Sli'7e : Island, ia bbls., 35c. Rice Hawaiian, 10 c ; China, No. 1. 7rc. Coffee Java. 27c ; Rio. but little in market, 22c ; Costa Rica. 23c. Fish Salmon, bbls. ?9 00 : half bbls. S.) 0.) ; lish. 10c Mac kere!. $11 ; kits, oO ; Cod- Salt Carmen Island 100 lb. cks, 27 Dairy 50 lb. sks. 532 50; best Pay. lb. sks. 525 : 10 lb. sks, 18c ; 5 ib. 10c ; 3 lb. sks, Sc. 50 : loo sks. If jon wish the very besc Cabinet Piioto- O f ALUS, VOII Hlllt Call Oil iKADl.EY A Ul LOF- sox, Montgomery street, San Francisco. Tin: I'lttsr Govuicxous. A para graph from the ExTEitritisE, giving the name, d..te ot inaugural nod term of office, of the sevei al govrnors of Oregon, says a cor respondent o tha A iU:;cj.'t, needs correction in some of its dates. Ceo. Abernethy. the hr.-t iiovt-niur, ivus elected in 1 8 t" under the provisional government, for two years ; re elected i:i 1 s-17, and served until about t tie fir.-t of .March, 1st:, when (Jen. .Joseph Lane, the first appointee of the gen. -rat govern ment, took the oath of oliiee. It is easier to set the d;ites right now than it will be, years hence. The many statements regarding the advantages of purchasing drv goods, c'olh- ing, etc., at Koiin JL Fishel's S)l Front street Portland, needs no correct 'on. . . -c-o -C I K W A 1 ; E F C O U N T K 1 F K I T S . U 11 ( C T da'ecf March Sth, Messrs. H. II. Bancroft & Co.. Cen end Agents for Smith's Bible Dic tionary formerly endorsed by us as a most valuable and complete work- write us that a riv;d firm to the one publishing the Smith's Hi the agents thr;.-:;;ie.,i babbj that been uttei i!e 1 iictionni'v, for which tkev are h:is recently published the mm til id' this work, ami that it is pro in many places as it has already I'ptei in soirie "the canvi;s.sinr ;iiren;.s lor tills bock v.-ill take a of our extensive advertising of t an t ago of l.ire and complete edition, which we hare published, and through t'noir representations lead the people to suppose that in bm ing thid emaU book they are if'a'iv purchasing ours. We would have ton fully advised coiu'ernnig the superior merits of our edition of Dr. Smith's Dictionary, when compared with the small one to wi ieh we have referred. Dr. Smith, prepared three editions of this Dic tionary. Tin: jirnt was a fol'itninowt one adapted exclusive to n-ho-urt, and from its expensU eucss could only be purchased by a few. The sc.vo7 i that for which we are the age -is) was in u litpc octavo volione conden sed from the former and designed for hitel Urent readers generally. This b is properly been culled, and us'iallv known as. The 'i 'jiWs E-lition. The third was a small (duo decimo) volume ad ipted to the wants of JuctnVe read e i n. Tins is the edition put in lare type, and spread on an octavo page, that hasjust been printed by this rival firm." o Fain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mortals as inevitable as death, and liable at any time to come upon us. There fore it is impottant that remedial agents should be at bund to be Tjsed on any emer gency, wiien we are matte to leei toe cx crutiating agonies of pain, or the depress ing influence of disease. Such a remedial agent exists in the "Pain Iviile.V the fame of which has extended over all the earth. A mill the eternal i( es of the Polar region, or beneath the 'j;:rning sun of the tropics, its virlaes are known and appreciated, i he ef fect of the I'ain Killer upon the patient, when taken internally in cases oT colds, coughs, bowel complaints, cholera, dysentery, an oth er affections of the system, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name among medical preparations that can never be for gotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, brr.ses, sores, sprains, cuts, sting of insects, and other causes of suffering, has secured for it the most prominent position among the medicines of the day. J'.jp" Devvatc of conn terfeits and worthless imitations. Call for Perry Davis' Vegetable "Pain Killer," and take none other. J?" Sold by ad druggists and grocers. Allen's Lung Balsam ! Ti e best remedy for the cure of Consumption, and all Diseases of the Iamgs. It causes the phlegm and matter to use without irritating those delicate organs (the Limns,) and wi'h out producing constipation of the bowels. It. also gives strength to the system, stops niirlit sweats, aiivl changes all the morbid secretions to a healthy stale. It emit. tins no opium in any form. It is perfectly harmless f.n- the most delicate child. It is everywhere in L'ood demand and gives goo I sati taction. The result of its uv.' is proof of its great value. Its extraordinary healing propei ties are experienced by ail who uee it. Their te-Uimonev will be found in a pamj Met, which c u be bail of the agents wliei e the medicine is for sale. l'erry Davis i Sun, Providence, II. I.. General wholesale Agents fjrthe Eastern states. Dr. IIostkhkk's Stomach Bit- r.. .il f .; ,1. ,.,!, la o.itn. i I1C Operation Ot UllS jr.ii.ttauic edv upon the stomach, liver and excretory v.r .ns is sim'ularlv soothing and conserva- t,. It reLMslates. reerui and purities toeiil. lMspcpsia in a 11 its forms yields to its control and invigorating properties, and it is recommeuded io mothers, enfeebled by the ores and duties of maternity, as the safest and best remedy they can probablv use In all the crisis of female He U will be found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive mueii more benefit from it than from ordmarv tiniuIaots. Sold by the drug gists and dealers everywhere- HODuE, CALEF & CO., Agents, g-.tf Portland. Oregon. V3,. HUFELAITD'S CKLE311ATED !-.1-n-i.q STGIilAOH Jiii i.x.x.j. TRY Ii' TRY The best Purifier of the Blood ! A Pleasant Tonic ! . t I.U ItftnL- ' , te-i t.co"ic ui"M D nisurpassed for acting surely but Gently mi the secretion of tin kid- Ii1 For drug. uevs, bowels, stomach ana livei : sale at all wholesale and retail liquor and grocery stores. NOBODY SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT J G. Friscu. Proprietor. TaYLOK & Ue.vdsl. Sole Ajrents, 413 Clay si., Sao Francisco OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Wool Wanted ! la si v mi sa. n llro. ARE IN THE MARKET, AND WANT 100,000 POUNDS f Ghoice Wool ! Ey- For which ihe highest market price tall be paid. AND Life Insurance. JOHNSON & McCOWN ARE THE Local Agents in Oregon City, of the Pacific lire Insurance Company, the best doing business on this cwa.-t. "This Company is the only one m Oregon that Issue Policies and Adjusts Losses Without referring the case to San Francisco. ALSO, AG1JVTS OF THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Presenting the most desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of New Vork. I'iT" Dou't delay attention to these mat teiVuntil your property is destroyed by lire, or until villi a.-e sick, when you caunot be insured. Call immediately. (32.tf CITY BAKERY! JIAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. B A Pi L 0 & FULLER, (Successors to Wort man &. Sheppard,) Keen constant! v on band CAKES! 1MES! 15 Ii E A D! And Cracker of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PEOSIPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep ou hand all kinds of FAMILY GUOUF-KIES ! AI) IMIOVISIONS 1 feTE A M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary l'tirpones 1 B A R L 0 & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUOKS AM) TlMJACCO! Iy the Case, or at retail! Attention is also directed to the fact that noliody else sells ihn FAMOUS GLKASON CHEESE ! Ill SHOUT! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City ltakerv, where the truth wdl be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. 13 A ii LOW A FULLER. PAINTING. PAINTING. XI" '12". G2ZS 'CUT r) Sign and Stsainboat CJrainins:, Cilltllll, Cliinit t!lo;sirig, Inii tu t ions of all kill its Executed as well as can be done en the J'acilic Coast. 57" Examine our work and judpre for your selves. Every order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURHAY. West door Ralston's brick. Main st., Oregon City. 49.tf) jAcon voItTMA-. THCMAs R. FIELDS W ortman & Fields, JVext Boor the Post Office, Oregon City, Orrgon, I7EALE2S IX Provisions of nil K ind ! Wines and L'qm.rs ! Confectionery, Spiers ! Canned Fruits and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar ! fgg-Thc highest market prices imid for country pro hire. 0B E SOU CIT? BREWERY! HENRY IIUJ2BCL, llavm? nurchased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the pubiie that he is how prepared to manufacture a .No. 1 qnuniy oi- LAGIJR BEER! As food as can beobtahied anywhere in the .State. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. Dree-on Citv. December 2sth. 1SG0. I Oil iSTAR OF THE UNION! CELEBRATED 8T0AGHBITTERS!j ( Thrr 'lr1nm StnmRch Hitter a-e enWy Tct- Mr, mill fre fiom mtohol and eveir nunnu n;gi-j TRY TKEM! JUDGE FOR YOUR SELF! TRY iHimi ' it mnst RtrreenMe drirV t I tie ma ni ii'K." tii. ii t i .7 T II E S R liitir. m-"It fun te rin-t ..-Mv'llM I.!h.wl kirht, ".''-f , l of taint' "3 poIK VA5i:FACTUECr,5 - . .-t-f - d J-Vm. S-n ' " OREGON CITY BUSINESS. a w. pope & Co., DEALERS IX STOVES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Itoset etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iran Ware, jMain Street, Oregon Citjr. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that thev keep constantly on band a good assortment of Cooking. Parlof-, Air light, and other stoves, suitable to- this market, which ure being Offered at Tortl&nd Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em theCeS all"ost anJ' desired pattern, including BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, Ac. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment ot Hard ware, Woodenware, etc. C. V. POPE & Co. Oregon City, Amil 20th. JtjGT. 1. NEW LIGHT ! NEW LAMP ! AND BEST NIGKT LAMP IN USE ! Ita 3Inny Advantages t FIRST It is Xon-Explosive, and entire? free from smoke or ofensice odor while burning. SECOND It gives a Soft, Clean, White Eight. THIRD It x CHEAPER than any other Fluid or Oil. LUCINE BURNING FLUID For burnine in the above Lamps, outrivals all othtr Fluids for LIGHT and ECONOMY. It will not Stain or Grease Clothes, Carpets, Tables, etc. LTJCINE LAMPS AND IHE FLUID CAN BE HAD OP . W. JOPJB & Co., OSEGOSf CITY, DEALKK3 IN Stove., Tinware, Lamp?, Oils, Chimneys, Lanterns, c, dec. n4:tf HIGHLY IMPORTANT To all wishing HOliSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, JUON, ETC. John W. Lewis, Comer of MA IX and SECOND streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customers, ami the public in general, that he now lias on hand TIIE CELEBRATED "Web-Foot" Plow ! And other patterns which lie warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited lo call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All wotk in bis liur is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit nil. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages nf every kind! in point ot style and durability EQUAL TO ANY IMPORTEDI Ilavincconstautly on hand forsnle a large assortment of material, consisting id part of WAGON TIMBER. IRON, STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders! For such Articles on The Most Favorable Terms. 3?" All work from this establishment. and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. J. w. J,r its. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Levy & Feciiiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, OREGOX CITY, TAKE Tills METHOD OF INFORMING the public that they have notv On baud a larne invoice cf SQUARE AXD EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS, LOU NOES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other Qualifies of Rich ctnd Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete find desirable nssort mentj which merits the attention of buyeis. We HANUFACTUEE FTJUNITUIiE Csing good materials, and employing the very best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, and we arc prepared to fill all ordeis with promptness. We call the attention of the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of dairabU goods in the State. LEVY & FECHIIEIMEU, 45.1yl Main street, Oregon City. JOim FLEMING, RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL BOOKS AXD STATIONERY, Has removed into a LARGER STORE, in MASONIC BUILDING, Where be will be pleased to wait upon his old customers and as many new ones (isnia patronize him. In addition to the abore, he has recently receired a WELL SELECTED ASSORT MENT of -Perfumery and Cosmetics which are oSered forsale.at reasonable rates Oregon City. Oct. lvth, BILL HEADS PRINTED. At the Enterprise Offi?. i OREGON CITY BUSINESS. NERVE ! NERVE! NERVE ! The Requirements of the Times ! J. R. RALSTON, Has IT! THE OLD ROCK STORE. THE BEST Dry Goods bouse in Oregon Citv, has the pluck to fill every department with "an entire New Winter SioeSt ! Joy to the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! J. IS. 12 AJLSTOjtf , At the Rock Store, ot? the corner of Main and Filth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a lai'ye and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN ' PRINTS, WHITE IlOSIElil', BLEACHED SHEETINGS. GENTS' FUIINISIING GOLDS, HOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, I'AINTS OILS, &c, Ac, &c. At prices hitherto unheard of, ZW By the oldest inhabitant. Let the People clothe themselves 57" And Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. LATE AKMVAIj! F Fall and Winter Stock! At the OLD CORNER. I. SELLING, OREGON CITT, Has jllst received, and is now openine. all the latest Stylos and Fsitf cms Which he will sell low, For Cash or Countru Produce ! His stuck Comprises, in part, DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING LOOTS AND SHOES, Mens Ladies' Misses and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS, Groceries.Croc-kery, Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimnevs, und Burners! Hardivare, Cutlery, etc., etc, Being Hundreds of Other Articles ! Too numerous to Mention ! Call and examine for yourself I take pleasure in showing goods, and customers will Cud the articles at reasonable figures. I. KEELING. Comer store, opposite the o.ly Tin and stove store. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MAKUFACTURING C O 31 P A JV V. THE ABOVE COMPXAY ARE SOW producing aquality of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ARE Superior to any ever before oSered. on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, HARD TIMES, -FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. J2f Using only the best grades of Wool. The aboye goods nre olft-red to the trade on the most, favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : R. JACOU. Agent. 30.6m) Oregon City, Oregon. Or L. WHITE & RUO.,Agentsat Portland. LINCOLN BAKERY! AVcst Sitlc Main Street, Oregon City L. DILLER . , . Oregon. Proprietor. HAVING REMOVED INTO Ml NEW BUILDING! WOULD INFORM THE PURLIC THAT I still continue the maHufacture of BREAD, TIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda CRACKERS. d'C, dr.., tc. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on baud a large stock ot the best staple and FAMILY GHOCESdS, PROVISIONS, &c. I am also agetit for the celebrated nursery and FLOWER GARDEN! of H. MILLER, Milwaukie, and am prepared to supply orders for Ir lowers and JsnrubOery atthe Nursery prices. l:ly Ij. lMl,i..r,iv LOGUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourthand Main Sis., Oregon City Oregon. rpAKETHIS METHOD OF INFORMING X the public that uiev keep constantly on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, VOUK, MUTTON, VEAL, COUNED OEEF, IT A MS," I'ICKELED PORK, LAUD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. LOGUS & ALBRIGHT. Oregon City. April 20th, 1867. 2:ly TOB PniXTIXn TEATI.Y EXECIT- MIS CELL A A'EO US. -, CHAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXEX.L. HODGE, CALEF & Co., Dealers ix DRUGS and MEDICINES, rAIXTS, OILS, AND AVIXDOTT GLASS. VARNISHES, BR USEES, PAINTERS' Materials, and xsruggiets Sundries. 07 Front Street, I'ortland, Oregon. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ! A Fare and Powerful Tonic, Conrrtlvr and Allevaf ive, of wonder- . fill fjll:iy in discuses of I lie STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. PROTEC1IVU PROPERTIES, Preyents Fever and Ajruc und Billions Re mittent Fevers ; fortities the system against Miasma and the evil effects of unwholesome water ; invigor ates the organs oi digestion and the bowels Steadies the i nd tends to Pro long I'liV. ItEMECi a n'KOPiEKTIES. Cures Dyspepsin, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache, Oentral Debility, Nervousness, Depression f its, Constipation) Ci'lic, Intermit tent Fevei s, Sea JickiieM, Cramps und r!pasnis, ond all complaints of either sex arising Irom IJodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or PRODLCi:DlJV SPtciAL CAUSES. "VTOTIII.VG THAT LS NOT WIIOLE ll some, genial, and lestniiilive in its na ture, enters into the composition of 1H)S ThTTKIfrt STOMACH UITTKILS. This popular prcaiaiioti contains no trfinerul of aii3- kitul i iio deadiy botanical eh.'tnent; no fiery excitant ; but is a ci mbinatiou of the extracts of rare baUamic herbs ami plants, wiih the purest and mildest of all diUusive stimulants. '1 be Week stomach is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite re.-tored by this toi.ic, und hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless aprient. as well as upon the livt-r, it also invariably re lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir regular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to ?vervous Attacks, Lowncss oi Spirits, and Fits of Languor, (iud prompt and pel mainent reliet from the Diners. The testimony on this point is conclu.-ive, and from boili seses. As a Genuine Tonic, HOSTLTTfclU'S BIT TERS produce effects which must beexpeii enceu or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases ot Constitutional Weakness, Premature Det;ay, and Debilit; and Decrepitude arising from old age, it ex ercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful invigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it is the only safe stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and inocuous materials, and entirely free from the acrid elements present more or less in alt the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. SOLD EVER V WHERE; 'iHlUtii!:, CALEF ttO., Ag iit, Sflitf.J Portland, Oregon. F'aiSiil.y iyc Colors. Patented October 13th. Ift53. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Black, Hark Green, Blade Silk, Light Green, Hark Blur, Magenta, Light Bine, Maize, French Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Hark Brown, Pink, Light Brown Purple, Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Hark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solferino, Fau'n Drab, Violet, Yellow, Light Fawn Drab. FOR DYEING SIL.lv, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scnrfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Ronnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, And all Kinds of Wearing Apparel, A Saving of Eighty per Cent. For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Diiections in English, French and German outside of each package. HOWE &. STEVENS, SoO Broadway, Boston. For sale bv Smith & Davis I'ortland, Und bv P.ell A Parker. Oregon City. 21 'ux& MANHATTAN JLilc IiEsias'jaiice Co. OF NEW YORK. O Assets Nearly $5,000.000 00. Dividend to January 1st, 1S67, si,i;.,:io as. Dividend of 1807, 40 per cent. Cash. rpHIS LARGE DIVIDEND IS VERY 1 gratif ing, and assures the policy hold ers that they will, in this carefully conductd company, obtain insurance at the lowest cost consistent with tue safety of the ttistrrcd. SPECIA L FEA T URES Dividends Annually, Polcits -non Forfeiting, - After one Payment Policies Incontestable, Credit Giren for jurt of The Premium if Desired Prompt I aymeut of Losses! All classes of Life and Endowmeut Policies issued. J1" Important, New Features in Dividends, and Mod a of Insvrnv.ee l The following are examples of the opera tions of the la.-t dividend. Policies issued in 1833 only four years ago: Amount PiTlr.ititn Added Total Age. 4o Inslired. Paid. to Policy. Amount. $10,000 fl.'-SO S-V.72 ?13,o7-2 S,000 l,o'.'2 2.S48 l'V4S 7,5ii0 7o3 2,7o3 lo,2oS n0 'J 7,o0') 571 2,oo5 9,505 This is an entirely new plan, originating with this company, and gives insurers the lnrgest return ever made by any company in the same period. All information, books, blank Applications, can be obtained from C. P. FERRY, Agent, 108 Front t,t., Portland, Oregon. Da. A.D. Ei.lis, ) Dr. W. H. W atkins, J Medical Examiners. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERING! Having followed the above business Sixteen years, ia NEW YORK, BOSTON, And San Francisco. T rol nn fWtpnf thnt T ran r v nrfYet nt.. isfaction to all who may trust me with work. Persons livint; at a listance from the city can obtain all necessary information as to cost, etc., bv addressing: "J. A. WETMORE. Plasterer, Montgomery st., near 13th, Portland. Reference. Clackamas county : J. C. Trcllisger, Esq., Oswego. TrSTTnr.ST TYLAVFTS nf nrprir ovrin I fj tlon. for ?alo at the FmtRrRiss oCice. - REDING TON t CO.'S COLUMN KEDIXGTON fc CO.'S Essence of Jamaica GIngel. '1,,IIIS Valnable preparation. ettitiniBg.iB JL a highly conCctitiafcd form Hit the prop erties of th Jamaica Gmgef, bas become 4 of the most popular domestic remedtea forail diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As b tonic it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced bv ferer or otherwise Tor whilst imparts to the system all the glow nd rigo that can be produced bt wifta ot btaftdy, it entirely free from the reactionary effects follow the use of spirits ot any kind. It is also ah excellent remedy for femalw who suffer from difficult menstruation. triTiur almost immediate relief to the Hpasma tbt frequently accompany that periori. - It gives immediate relief o nausea, caused by sea-sickness, etc. It is also valnable s aa external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. KEDIXGTON 4 CO. 27.ly j Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. " MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIK RESTORES. Trust none other, howe'er pleasant, None can do what this ha done Try it always keep it present Use the .Maltha Washington. IT W1U KEEP THE HAIXt IT IS WOT A DYE. Soft and glossy Change It to its Original ColorPrevent it falling out Make old head look young and do all that fa expected of a genuine, geodr Ita lr Restorer. REDLGlTO.V & Co., Agent., San FrBiiriwo " MARTHA WASHINGTON ' HAIK El STOKER Is the wonder of the world, and stand, above comparison with any other article fur the hair ever brought before the public. J5f Sold eveiywhere. f REDINOTON'S F L A V O 1 J I X G EX T UACTS! Are made from Freh Fruits. Each bottle holds tvvice as much as any other brand ill the market, consequently they are the cheapest and the best. Vac no otliev. KF.DIXGTOX k C"., Agents for the Pacific Coast. W HY W ILL TOtj DELAY We are torry that there are persons who suffer on day by day month after month, and year by q . . . , O O jearjffheii friends and neighbor. haTe been cured of the same malady that afflicts them. Now, it has been proved by substan tial evidence that SCOVILL'3 BLOOD AND LIVER STKCP will cure the wojat case of scrof ula, Canker, Kheumatism, Keu ralgia, etc. yet still there are those who neglect this sure n$) raluable remedy; To such we say, try the syHtp ithd be convinced KEDIXGTON A. Co., Agents, ild and 413 Front street, San Francisco. 0 GRAEFENBEttG UTERINE CATIIOLICON. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes, und gretitiy mitigate the troublesome effects caused by a relaxation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most successful remedy for erravel and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and for Female diseases is unequalled. The Cathoucon unifoi mly cures ProInTRua Uteri, Whites, all irregularities of the Month ly period, suppression, incontinenceof Urine. ' Bloating, and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is imminent and certain, upou the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restoring them to as healthy a state as those of childhood and youth, so that pa tients who have used the Graefenberg Compa tit's Uterine Catliolfcon, cannot sufficiently express their gratitude for the relief afforded. Kkdington k U.. Ai'i.ts, 416 and 413 Front street, San Francis STOP THAT COUGHING PO?IK CP YOU CAN'T. ATTT "V"" HT? you. You have tii.-d every remedy but t!ic t-Xil ilostined, by lis lutnnsic merit, lo supor?di! : 11 ni'.t- i5.tr pn-par;itinns. it i nm Fiirprisma ya riiou: i r' liiclant to try Fonictliiue is slier Uo U:.amj- -.t-jwrinicuts ym have in:iile of tmshy r.i-awo LiatcJ oa tUo public as a ccrtuxi carv; kul JEWELL'S " Pulmonary Syrup H ren'lv the VF.rY rf?T rTry cvrfmfwrn I l'rr tlie cur t l t.inislis, l olus. ro.-o I hiwik-lhu-., , hi!iin!' Cimsii.iinnii liiiis aiut I (inwiiupt Wi. lh-i-a- F:ini!s tf H'pio i:t tiilidirnia :uit irei(iiii have b-i plritJy UiUeUlU'U by tUo burihun CurUvs Knt NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup an'l w-ilh rj areont pire It their onj!li3'?(l" sppr batinn. Wo now n-'.drrss ursetves to ail who ar ua arquaint(i viilb this, the grentest ranacea if U t fur tho healing of alt disusxis f U Tkroal n4 Lung3t assuriag 'u that NEWELlS Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands and it wilt cure YOU if you fc it. This invaluaWe medirine fs pleasant ta the tirat soothing, healing and strengthening in its ellccts; tirely free irom all poisonous or deleterious drugs, aaJ porf(?ctl y harmless under all circumstance. Ci'iiificatr's from manyprominent citizens of. 8 Fraueisco accoiuiiiy every UolUo of UEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup O O o o o 0 o Hi J