Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, April 18, 1868, Image 2

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Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, April 18th, 1863.
' Adopted at Salcnm Waich 5MIU 1S8S.
1. Resolved. That it 13 the highest dut
f every American citizen to maintaii
trainst all their enemies the infegi ity oi
t ie Union aud the paramount authority ot
the Constitution and lawa of the United
States, and to preserve at the ballot-box
Hie fruits of the late war.
2, Resolved. That the work of recon
struction of the Southern States belongs
to the legislative department of the gov
eminent and that we endorse the thirteenth
;-and -fourteenth amendments to the Con
stitution and the acts ot Congress coni-
' : Tnonly called then-construction acts, as
the best plan yet proposed for the resto
ration of the Slates lately in rebellion to
their former relations to the Federal Gov
ernment. 3. Resolved. That we are in favor of ad
milting the rebel States to representation
in Congress at the earliest practicable mo-
fitt-nt which the public safety will permit
4. Resolved. That the national debt was
necessarily contracted to save the national
life aud plight to be hone-tly paid, and we
condemn every scheme devised for the re
pudiation of the whole or any part of the
debt as disgraceful to the Republic and
h'njtist to its citizens: and th it the propo
sition to pay in legal tender notes those
. crebts contracted to be paid in specie, is
only a milder term for repudiation.
! -6. Resolved: That, under the Cons'.itu
tion. the Federal Government has no right
to interfere with the elective franchise in
any State having representation in Con
gress and where civil government is not
overthrown by rebellion.
q 6. Resolved", That the right of expatria
tion is the natural and inherent right of
fc.ll people and indispensable to the enjoy
ment of the rights of lite, liberty and the
pr.rsuit of happiness : that while the citizen
owes allegiance to the Government, the
Government owes pro. ection to the ci izen,
and that it is tliudm v oi the Government
of the United States to protect all its
citizens, native born and n ituralized. in
the full enjoyment of their rights as cit
izens of the United States, wherever and
under whatever coior or pretence those
rights may be in vad. d.
7. Resoled, That the foreign immigra
tion, which in the ptist has added so much
to the wealai. development ot resources,
and increase of power of this nation, the
asylum of the oppressed of all nations,
phonld be fostered and encouraged by a
liberal and just policy ; and that we sym
pathize with all people everywhere who
are struggling for civil and religious lib
erty. 8. Resolved, That the thanks of the
American people are due to the soldiers
and sailors of the army and navy who have
peiiled their lives in defense of their
country and in vindication of the honor of
its flag ; that the nation owes to them
some permanent recognition of their pa
triotism and their valor, and ample and
permanent provision for those of their
survivors who have received disablii g and
honorable wounds in the service of their
countrv; and that Ihe memories of those
who have fallen in its defense shall be
held in grateful and everlasting remem
1) ranee.
S. Resolved, That we are in favor of lib
eral, appropriations of land and money.
Ly the Government, to aid in the con
struction of railroads.
Subject to the action of Jhe National
0 .- Union Convention.
For Presidential Electors,
A. B.QIEACIIAM, of Union county.
Dr. W. I')VLIiY, of Washington.
O. JACOBS, of Jackson.
For Representative in Congress,
Of Multnomah.
For District Judges,
2d District JOHN K ELS AY, ot Uenton.
4th do W. YV Ul'TON, of Portland.
For District Attorney,
Jd District D. SI. KISDON, of Lane.
Sd " J. C. POWELL, of Linn.
4h " A. C. GIBUS, of Portland.
5th " C. M. FOSTER, of Baker.
0 Slate Senator. D P. Thompson.
Representatives. fames Winston, I. W,
Garrett and I). l'.Trul linger.
Sheriff'. Major J. S. lLiuearson.
Clerk. J. M. Frazer.
1 reasurer. John .Meldrum.
Assessor. M. Patterson.
County Commissioners. J. M Drake, J
. Superintendent -of Schools. TJL Killin.
Surveyor. S. S. Campbell.
Coroner. Dr. Barclay.
O Steamship Matters. Today we
give a partial description -f the mair
iiificent Ste-im.iip Nebraska, in the
opposition line to New V'k. Two
enrs op' last Wednesday, April
14th 18CG, tlie Oregonian was latuu-h
rd in New York. A friend there,
forwarded us a dispatch flrmnncintf
the fict. Oil the moi ninjr f t he 1 3: li
we predicted that within two years,
by proper fiiconrnjiemi n, we nii-jhi.
be able to "'have an Oregon use e-F
Oregonian was to be Mo. 1, between
Portland nt.d Panama, connecting
with New Yoik S'eaniets. Now We
nre coiifi!'t this would have liei-n
po, as all infot-jiation tei-us to prove
it but the jjr en pud monster je
ptisly. po abund.tiit in this land, pre
vVetited that eneoiir.iojenYetit necessary
to j;ive n the. Oregonian, .iur she
r had been built expressly for n, nnd
to-day we are as fist in the dutches
ot as merciless a monopoly as ever.
God helps those who help theirfselves
a Utile ; nnd if Oregonians would
prosper they must not smile upon
men while investing ammo; in, and
then turn their back upon them af
ter the deed hn been signed and de
. livered. There's m uvy a slip, etc.
In Troy N. Y., there is a co-operative
association of 48 iron foundries:
who have a capital of 2o,000 in
shares of $100 each, e?ery nemler
a laborer. While other ftm-idries run
without proGt last winter, these op
fratives earned S7.000 m wages.
. Z-0vr first President was never
known to tell the last one was
neVeY known to tell, much of any.
With Brief Explanatory Xotcs.
Resoleed, That we are opposed to
sharing with s-rvi!e races the price
less politica.,,heiitflge achieved alom
by white men, and by them transmit
ted to h-, their posterity, as a sacred
trust forever.
Th:3 is a rehash of Democratic
blather on the negro quest ion, foi
more than twenty years before the j
late rebellion. It sprung, Nnsby says,
from the famous " Cussed be Canaan,"
and has been the principal f-toek in
trade of the domit ant party, until cop
perheadism became rampant in active
treason. That " Sacred trust rever''
sounds strangely from such a den,
after the Nation had been almost
stung to death by the serpent in it
I osom ; aud proves eonc'u.-ively that
old sns keSt if not dog?, moy learn new
Resolved, Thnt good fai'h and jus
tice to all dema:ds that the public
debt shall be paid in like currency ax
contracted, and we favor action by
Congress submitting United States
securities to be taxed as other prop
erty. Toe first part of this resolution
blows hot to Pendleton's cold, nnd
may be tiik-n for what it is worth
The lat part is a sop to reconcile the
repudiating wng of the party, finding
general favor with them.
Resolved, Tnat the bur-lens of tax
ation -right t be equal among the
people, a nil shouli be upon property
m-;eail of ihe industry of the country.
as ! present laws provided.
" Equal atrong the people,'1 sound?
first-rate, but w hen they want the tax
on ''properly." instead of industry.
that means Mibstaii'h.lly that the poor
man's farm shall he taxed, but tht
motive power of D nmrracy, in f.ict
he "industry" upon which the prin
cipal tax is Collected, whiskey, is to
lie made free of tax. For one we
can t see it. 1 hose w ho indulge m a
taste for whiskey, or any other Dem
ocratic laxury, ought to pay a tax,
instead of poor fanners.
Resolved, That we protest against
the n C"ntniciion acts id Congress as
unwarranted by the Constitution,
revolutionary in tendency, and in
positive violation of the tailh of the
General Government pledged to the
people of the United States.
As the Democrats have never failed
to raise a howl against every act of a
Union Congress " Unconstitutional!
Unconstitutional!!" This hiss, now
so common, may be classed with the
voice of the ' Species." That "vio
lation of the faith of the General
Government " is the precise expres
sion used once before, and is bor
rowed from the rebel outcry, raised
when the National authorities sought
to relieve the gallant but starving
garrison in Fort Sumpter.
Resolved, That we utterly con
demn the attempts of Congress to
usurp the powers of the Executive
and Judicial departments ot the Gov
ernment as a flagrant outrage upon
the Constitution and the liberties of
the people.
A Union Congress, curbing the
monarchical tastes of A. Johnson are
here referred to, and Andy is sup'
ported in a delicate unsubstantial way,
by men who despise him as heartily
as we do.
Resolved, That we sympathise with
the Insh people, in their efTu ts to se
cure to themselves civil liberty.
This is a bid for Fenian votes, nnd
will be construed in the light of Pies
ident Johnson's treachery, by which
many of them were sent to death, or
hopeless captivity, when their expe
dition to reptiblicauize Canada, was
Reso'ved That is the duty of the
Federal Government to extend pro
tection h ke to all native and natu
rahz d citizens, both at home and
This is eminently tsoutul, and is
eq-ial!y applicable, Nith, South,
hJast. and West; we believe it, and
try to prae i e ;t as w II ; t tome,
and will abroad, when F.ghln g Grant
is installed President, instead of D-Ui
ocratic A. J. who is now retiring
from the position.
Resolved, That we .are in favor of
encom aging a juoirious system of
ruilroait improvements in Oregon, to
develop our vast re-onrceJ, and lor
i his purpose C-oturess should make
liber.il grant? ot aid.
'1 h;s is a refreshing chair' of base
i i the 'Tim honored priciples' as
they have always been opposed to
- Internal Improvements-" and only
as late as ihe measure was pending
which was to give us the magnificent
spectacle of a railroad across the
Continent, Democrats were, as usual,
on the w roug side.
Taken altegether, this squeak of
the Democratic penny whistle, is no
ways alarming to the Union men
w ho have breasted the surges irf trea
son and rebellion, in their wildest
flow. The men who issued this
Democratic document, were Dpmo
crats when every honest, intelligent,
loytil man in the nation was a Union
THE Ai.T4.fl OF CefSlKT.
The S iieiu Record, a professed
Union paper, is said to be working
in the interest of Joset h Smith. It
is generally complimented by the
Dersccralie press of the State.
Barba.iltlt-s of the Rebel in the treat
ment of t'nluu Fnioucit.
Republicans have not forgotten the
irrefragable proof of all that wa6
stated ot the rebel ctuelties toward
our men, taken by them prisoners
during the war. The photographs ot
prisoners returned, and published in
the Illustrated Journals of that day,
together with the report of the joint
Committee on the conduct of the war.
is without exaggeration. The follow-
ng is one page only, .relative to the
mass ol evidei ce taken by the com
mittee. We quote:
l The evidence proves, beyond all
manner of doubt, a determination on
the part of the rebel authorit ies, de
liberate! v and persistently practised
for a long time past, to suhj. ct those
of our soldiers who have been so un
fortunate- as to fall in their hands to
i system of treatment which has re
suited in reducing many of those w in
have survived and been permitted to
return to ns to a condition, both
physically and mentally, which no
language we ean use can adequately
describe. Though nearly all the pa
tients now in the Naval Academy
hospital, at Annapolis, and in the
est hospital, in Baltimore, have
under the kindest and most intelli
gent treatment for about three weeks
past, and many ot them for a greater
length of time, still thy present lit
erally the appearance of living skele
tons, many of them being nothing but
kin and bone; some of them are
maimed for life, having been frozen
while exposed to the inclemency of
the winter season on Belle Isle, being
compelled to lie on the bare ground,
without tents or blankets, some of
th- io without ov ercoats or even coats,
with but little fire to mitigate the
severity of the winds and storms to
whii'h they were exposed.
"The tistimony shows that the
general pi ad ice of their captors was
to rob I hem, as soon us I hey were
t:ken prisoners, of til! their money,
valuables, blankets, flint good cloth
ii g, for which 'hvy received nothing
in i xehan-je, except, perhaps, some
old worn-out rebel cl"tl.ig, hardly
better than none at all. Upn their
arrival at II chmou1 tney have been
eonfmed, without blankets or other
eoverin-r, in buildings without fire, or
upon'Belle Isle with, in many cases,
no sh Iter, and iioihers with tiOlh
it. g but old discarded army tents, so
injured by rents and holes as to pre
sent but little barrier to the wind
and slotms; on several occasions, the
witnesses say, they have arisen in the
morning from their resting-places
upon the bare earth, and found sev
eral of their comrades frozen to death
during the night, and that many oth
ere wou'd have met the same fate
had they not walked rapidly back and
f.-rih, during the hours which fchotild
have been devoted to sb-ep, for the
purpose of retaining sufficient warmth
to preserve life.
" In respect to the food furnished
to our men by the rebel am horitie,
the testimony proves that the ration
if each man was insufficient in quan
tity to preserve the health of a child,
even had it been of proper qualify,
which it was not, it consisted u-uaby,
at the most, f two small pieces of
corn bread, made in many instances,
as the witmsses state, of corn and
cobs ground together, and badly pre
pared ar.d cooked; of, at times about
two ounces cf meat, usually of poor
quality, and unlit to be eaten, and ic
casionally a lew black worm-eaten
beans, or something of that kind.
Many of our men were compelled to
sell to their guards, and others, for
what price they could get, such
clothing and blankets ns they were
pei milled to receive of that forward
ed lor their use by our government,
in order to obtain additional food
sufficient to susta'n hfe; thus, by en
deavoring toavoil one privation, re
ducing themselves to the same des
titute condition in respect to clothing
and covering that they were in be
fore they nceived any from our govs
eminent. When they became sick
und diseased in consequence of this
exposure and privation, and were ad
milted into the hospitals, their treat
ment was little, if any. improved as
to food, though they, doubtless, snl
fered less from exposure- to cold than
before. Their food still remained in--uffieient
in quantity and altogether
unfit in quality. Their diseases and
wounds diil not, receive the treatment
which the commonest dictates of hu
manity would have prompted.
" In addition to this insufll -ient
supply of food, clothing and shelter,
our soldiers, while prisoners, have
been subjected to the most cruel
treatment from those placed over
them. They have been abtjed and
B laineful y i resiti d on almost every
o,port nni-y. Many have been uie-r
cilessly shot and killed when they
filled to comply with all the demands
-f their jail-rs. sometimes for violat
ing' rules of which I hey had nut been
informed. Crowded in great num
bers in building-, they have been
fired at and kl led by the sentinel
mitside when I hey appeared at the
windows tor the purpose of obtaining
a little fnsh air. One man, whose
comrade in 1 he sei vice, in battle and
in eapthity , had been so fortunate as
to w among those released from fur
flier torments, was shot dead s he
was waving with his hand a last adieu
to his fiiend; and in other instances
of equally U' provoked murder are
disclosed by the testimony."
Is it possible to conceive of demons
exceeding the treatment which, in a
few months, could reduce able bodied
men to more than skeletons? And
y et, the authors of thesi barl a i i s
go impunished, and mch mn as Jo
SmHh, and other leading Democrats
in O'eiron sns'aiii and shield them
Con any man -do .it S And ever after
wards have upon his Iip professions
of piety and religion? We shall give
other pages in the history of the re
bellion, which Democrats would stip
press but w hich, having passed into
history, leaves the datk spot upou
I r TV- 'AIfl--A
theta forever.
AVt too, Have OurK.grcti,
Robert Toombs, a confederate of
some note, in a letter to a Democrat
ic convention in Ohio, shows the tran
quil stite of his mind, by using the
following impudent langu ige. " I re
gret nothing in the past, but the dead,
and the failure." As he writes to
men of his own political kidney, and
in profound sympatly with him in
any regrets he tr ny experience, ol
coutse he has no nation to conceal or
The regrets of such men, are not
usually dear, and in this instance are
unusually cheap. Of course Toombs
and men of his class, were foremost
in urging an appeal from ballot to
bullet, (ihey generally kept out of
range however) but now that their
a e . t . -
otieu i, compels a return to ancient
forms, and the supremacy of the bal
lot is restored, he remembers with a
Rpa-m of regret, the dead who mirht
be useful in hoisting him again into
favor. For desolated homes and the
anguish of sriik.-n ones wh' mourn
without hope, till death will bring re
lease, this magnanimous scion of the
rebel aristocracy, has not even a cheap
regret. The taxes which burden an
impoverished people, he probably
never thought cf. When the men
were lost, the cause was last, so he
has something to remind, and he sig
nifies the depth of his sorro, by
regret. He regrets the failure not
tne rebellion! Not he. Though the
attempt to destroy our free Com
monwealth, had more infernal ma
lignity in it, than was ever imagined
out of hell, Toombs and men ot like
mind, have nothing but regret, that
this gigartic conspiracy against tin
life of the Repuhl.e, failed. For tin-
folly and wickedness of himself, and
other leaders, there is no suspicion of
regret. For the infamy of this trea
son against humanity, an infamy up
on which the blackness of Judas
Iscariot or Benedict Arnold can 1. ..vi
no stain, this unreconstructed rebel
has no blushes. While-we hear such
words from one of those who are re
sponsible for all the horrors of the
rebellion, its hard sacrifices, and life
long sorrow, we are tempted to lor
get the divine words of charity spo.
ken by our great martyr, so short a
time before the icbel assassin's bullet
laid him low, and to regret that this
insulting rebel with half a hundred
more of the arch-conspirators had not
been hung, as a just expiation of the
hi niJ nature of their ci imes. Some
day, the Republic will not be so
lenieut to traitors.
Pocket Ahglmests. Just now,
the Democrats are much exercised on
financial q e-itions; and alter exhaust
ing the various charges in the pronun
ciaiion of their staple word--" X--grop
"N-i-gvg-e r!! " "Nee geu!!!'"
the rest of their slang is devoted to
touching appeals to Democratic sen
sibilities, in the shape i f yockel ar
guments. A sound Union man, who
" knows their tricks and their man
tiers," says the only sound Democratic
objection to impeachment, is that il
costs money. The Democratic in
rention, f.tr gel ting rid of a Presi
Treason Reb II ion Murder are
ugly words, and the f icts which the
nation has borne from the Demo
cratie party, are black and damning
in their infamy. A party, which
4 drinks to Boot he," anil makes him
a Saint, ought to die the death, and
will do so, while Honor and Lovaltv
hold their thrones in American hearts
and while murder, rebellion and
treason are not natural instinct- of
the men who rule the destiny of the
American republic.
Did il ever occur to any of the La
Crose Democrat st) le of patriots
that while the radical congress has it
all its own way about reconstruction
in the south, r.nd is going to impeach
Johnson and turn him out of office in
a few days if he don't resign, that
greenbacks are rising a littl? and gold
weakening at the prospect? We ad
vise them not to think much on ihe
subj.'ct, as it will not tend to ci.nfirm
nnd strengthen them in the copper
head faith.
Give him Ancth r Tr ). G nib
replies to the Jacksonville Reviler as
follows :
Our neighbor intimates that St. Jo
wili preach Logan's funeral in June
We can inform him that there wll be
a Democratic funeral in this counv
w hm their Convention next meets,
and we pity the man that handles lln
corpse the subject smells so sirong
a'ready thht the buzz.iT Js are croaking
fur him !
Southern Oregon paper say the
prospect of having ftn abundant har
vest this summer in that section is
more flittering truvn it has been at
any previous time at this season of
the year.
Religious Services. There will
be preaching in Oregon City on Fri
day the 24th instant, to continue
three days, by Rev. Mr. Harris and
Rev. Mr. Richardson, of the Christian
denomination. A general invitation
is expended to the public.
Oswego, April 11th, 1363.
Ed. Enterprise :
This has been a good day for the Union
cause in this precinct. According to ap
pointment. Gov. Gibbs made a very fair
and just address to the voters of our pre
cinct, in support of the. great Union party
and its Grand National principles, and to
judge by the oft repeated rounds of ap
plause his speech was understood and
appreciated by the assembled crowd
which was made up of Union men and
Democrats. Mr. Iteed came in when the '
Governor was about through. but declined
to speak until evening. So wi:h cheers
tor the Union and Grant we dispersed un
til evening, wheu we listened to u very
candid speech from Mr. Reed.
Hut he was in the situation of the
man who hired the cooper to make him a
park barrel. Who. when he called for
staves to make it. found none, and then
called for timber for hoops and the head
i ig and found none of that. So all the
Juoper could, do was to make the bumj
liolv which was all the component parts
of a barrel the man possessed. So wiih
our Democratic orator, he failed to make
out a case entirely, and alter he had closed
the Gov. was called lor, and. amidst deaf
ening applause, took the stand, and in his
clear and lucid manner, supplied the ma
terial and made the barrel complete, except
the "bung hole"' which the other had
made belore (out of nothing.)
But, to speak to the j o at ; both parties
heard, and I presume think they under
stood, both speakers, and the result will
be. that on the first Monday in June, we
will elect the Governor and all our Union
State and county ticket, for ice have got
the maie-ial and the mechanics who can
make and maintain a good and honest
government ; who will give fair play for
all good things the people of our be
loved State desire, and under whose rule
we can march on to our manilest great
ness, wealth, and happiness.
The Union men of Oswego are a unit
for the cause, in this corner of" Clackamas
county, and are alive, up, and doing.
We are not looking for a Railroad, but
the Tualatin River is clear of drift and
the steamer Onicard makes her first trip
on Monday. UJtli inst.. to liillsboro. whei e
large amounts of freight are in wailing for
her. Success we say to the Oiuc.ird and
her Captain Jo. Kellogg, "l'erseverence
commands success." and surely in this case.
Capt. Ed. and his crew have fairly won
ihe honor of opening the Tualatin River
to commerce and travel. Lxiox.
Paving Thbi'te to Poi.icv. The
Bulletin hist evening, says the Oregon-
inn of Wednesday, complains that
eversince the washing away of Front
street, the citizens of Portland resid
ing south cf the toll-gate, "are com-
pel led to pay toll on every vehicle
which conveys merchandise to that
portion of the i i'y. A petition nu
merous'v signed was handed into the
Council some weeks since, asking
l hat honorable body to remove the d if
liculty by refilling Front street, or
removing the toil-gate without the
city limits. 1 he communication was
referred to the Committee i-n Streets
and Public Property, who if our ii.for
mat ion be correct, have failed to
make .t report upon the subject
The Bulletin otuht to be aware that
the Council has a "policy" and that
the neglect to repair Front street is
all on account of "policy."' Tie. cir
cumlocution Office has never deemed
.it ''policy'' to fill up the break in the
street, though it happened something
over fifteen months ago. The Cir
cumlocution Officedon't live south of
the toll gate; the Office has no Iron
wotks, r.or stores, nor tenement
houses on the torrid side of th- cre
vasse; hence its "policy1' is, if the
crtrasse will let the Circumlocution
Office alone, the Circumlocution OtTie
will let the crevasse alone. " Polk v'
is a big thing, and the Bulletin ought,
by this time, to know it. What if
the outside barbarians do have to pay
toll! 'Poliey " must not be over-rid
den. The crevasse can't be filled
without letting the contract to the
lowest bidder and that isn't policy.
D;es not the Bufltin see that some!
"obscure" person miht he ihtf lowest
biddei? Ami that, in that case
though the woik were ever so wel
done, the money would he " almost
thrown away." How stiipiiT of the
U'iJletin 1 ol to see these things iu the
proper light of "p-iiiey P
Hon. 1 0. SuiHvan f Polk
County, no of the ablest orators in
the State, and who was a prominent
candidate before the Convention for
member of Congress will uddress
the Grant Club at Marquam's on Sat
urday the 25th inst.
When a squib at Cdchus, made its ap
pearance in the Exti-:uikisk of last week,
an over grown apostate from the Union
Party, carried the paper about complain
ing of personality. Just so. What did
you put the coat on for when you knew it
would fit so well 1 The man who seeks by
ihe aid of an anonymous pen. to blacken
the personal reputation of those he da-res
not face, i.i-fit-fnr a democrat. Calchas. finds
fault I hat lis slang is not answered. Who
is to be answered The writer of those
letters deserves a cowLide. for cowardice
and treachery, if his stories are true, if
John Henry Smith addressed the Dem
ocratic Club in this city last Saturday
evening. The Herald says he brought
many radicals to the mourners bench.
This will be news to Oregon City people.
We do not think John Henry is capable
of bringing anybody to the mourners
b. n:h. he usually fails i 1 all public enei
pi ises he undertakes. For instance : he
failed once since the war began in making
a Fourth of July oration in Vamhill cour
ty, as we learn. He sympathized with
ihe rebels in arms, and "went so f ir'- as to
go to San Francisco to draw funds toward
equipping rebel soldiers in Oregon in
ibis he also failed, as the story goes.
E Governor Whit-iker denies
that lie ever drank to the name or
memory of J. Wilkes Boot It?, at
Salem. Cut his denial does liiui 1,0
Portlatiders lire leKikii-o; f,,r ves
sels cotnin-j- to their wharves direct
from China arcl New York ("Joit
I speed tbe crafts a safe voyage.
Iu modera times, the false opinion that
honorable and profitable employment, is
humiliating and degrading to young wo
men, has. to a lamen'ahle ex e i', becanr.e
popuiar in circles of so-called fashionable
society, in the sparsely settled districts of
the country as well as in or.r more dense
ly populated cities, the effect of which is
oo often ruinous upon the minds of young
persons, who are. or ought to be, entering
upon the active duties of life.
It is not unfrequen'ly the case that
young ladies richly endowed with intellect.
bury the talents God has given them;
spending the most valuable portion of
iheir life in gay society, engaging in fool
ish amusements far beneath the dignity of
true womanhood, exerting every nerve to
excel the most fashionable in dress and
outward accomplishments, simply because
the mind has been directed in the wrong
channel. Thev are ashamed to make them
selves useful, because they think public,
or at least fashionable sentiment, condems
it. So they are led to believe that the
lady who can adorn the ball-room by the
most graceful waltz, seat herself at the
Piano with the greatest appearance of
gentility and assume to advantage all the
airs requisite to fashionable society, is de
serving the caresses and admiration of
even the sensible portion of community.
Cut my young friends jou are laboring
under a sad, a fatal mistake. Allow your
selves a moment lor reflection. Throw I
aside the vanities and frivolties of your
daily existence, and permit the pure, the
noble, the beautiful of your nature, to
gain the ascendency; and methinks you
will see that life should have a higher.
nobler aim. Open wide the kitchen door,
see your toil-worn mother, laboring with
unremitting energv from dawn of day.
in til a late hour of night compels her to
seek tnat rest wtnen ner weanea lorm re
quires. Willingly she toils for yon and
you enjoy the liuit ot lier labors ana yel
the very occupation by which your par
ents support your extravagance you would
consider a disgrace to yourself. If a dis
grace to you why not such to them, to
those fond parents who should be dear to
you as life itself. Would yon have them
disgraced that you. who owe all you have
and are to them, might be admired. En
ter with jour mother into tin; i-verv-day
cares o(" life, share lier toils, lighten her
soi rows and increase her joys, afford her
an opportunity to enjoy with you the
society of intelligent, noble minded peo
ple, let her see that the star of youthful
affection is glowing in your heart for her
and she hi return will bestow that mater
nal blessing of which you will then be
worthj. The step of j our father will be
come more elastic and his eye will rest
upon you with a fonder expression of pa
ternal love as he sees you striving to pro
mote his happiness. And thai noble
hearted brother who. in too many i nstances
has been driven by the cold indifference
of his sisters, to seek amusement iu the
various debasing saloons with which our
citit s are infested, perchance maj- be re
claimed by the tender pleadings of a lov
ing sister's gentle heart.
.Strive then impelled by the purest mo
tives that can actnaie the heart of woman,
to rekindle the fire of affection which per
haps has been long smouldering in his
bosom. Let him see that the home of his
youth is the pride of his sis'er. that they
are employing every means their loving
presence, lively imagination and ingenious
ardor can invent, to make that, home at
tractive, and he will be induced by the ar
dent sympathy of his nature to s.-ek with
in his own family circle that happine.-s for
winch fie has so long sought abroad in
vain. lint we would not wish jour sphere
of usefulness to be limi'ed to the home
circle. Neither would we desire you to
laj- aside tlmse accouqd's'aineu's with
which nature and association have endnw
ed you. lor grace and elegance of manner
impart to ihe (rue woman a charm such as
the superficial lady can never posses-.
Having first performed the duties attend
ant upon a home life, look abcul yon and
see if there are no u.e ms bv which you
can advance the interest, of society and
the happiness of your associates. Forget
not the poverty stricken, but be.-tow upon
them a look, a word, an act of kindness.
Teach the uneducated, reclaim the erring
wanderer, and the rich bh-ssings of Him
who despised not labor but went about
doing good, will rcwa d you abundantly
for all the sacrifice you have made.
Oregon City, April 7th. 1SCS.
IvcKATiTt'DE."' Certain Democrats of
Clackamas county will recollect 'Col."
Craig, late of the Confederate army. The
Co!, traveled to Salem on the same boa
with us less than one month ago. aid we
recollect wiih what eagar looks he was
erected bv his -brothers" on board. Dur-
ing our stay in Salem wo observed that
the "Col. was very attentively shown
around by the "left wing'' of the rebel
army at the Capital; and onceweheaid
it insinuated that he would probablv in
vest in Willamette cloth before leaving
that city of niarnilicent di.tmces. He
did not meet with such success at all
times, however, as will be seen by the fol
lowing paragraph which we clip from the
State Journal :
The ingratitude of humanity was never
more fully exhibited than in the case of
"Col." Craig, late of the Confederate
army. We understand he brought a note
fiotu some of the 'Jone.' family to Judge
.of this county, recommending him
to the favorable consideration of the De
mocracy. The letter set forth, we learn,
that the "Col.7' was a Simon-pure bed-rock
Democrat, "without variableness or shadow
of turning.'' that he fought and bled un
der the renowned "Gen."' Hubert E. Lee.
and had gone through all the horrors of
the late terrible war, for the "time -honored
principles." In corroboration of his
statements lie Viewed honorable sears re
eehed in the service, and recited with ve
hement eloquence the perils he had en
countered; the Bufferings he had endured ;
how he had been sick and in prison, his
watchings and fastings ; how he had sac
rificed a princely estate in the interest ol
the "Lost Cause.'" Dut somehow or other
the JuJge couldn't see it. and wouldn't
pungle. The Col." then made a series of
visits among the Spec ies," but with the
same success. They had nlentv of tears
to shed over, but no money lo spend on
poor Confederate soldiers" The "Col."
became hugely disgusted, nnd said manv
bitter things against the allies. Some
Union man gave him money to defray his
expenses out of town. He'then departed
invoking terrible anathemas upon the
heads of the "affinities.' How s-harper
than a serpent's tooth is incrnuitude !
We have heard that a littfle man, in the
Southwest part of the county, made severe
exertion iu order to secure a nomination
on the Union ticket, as Sheriff, his on'v
argument, being that if his ciaitr.s we e
disregarded, he would desert, and ro over
to the enemy. As Union men could nt
see it, somebody says he has gone. We
don't publish his name, as he may rep -nt
Any how, he won't carry as much wei --lit
by some Iko hundred pounds, as l is aliti
pode in size, who deserted, ns s. o 1 as he
was certain that he was plavedout for tvnv
hope of a lucrative offi.;.-. " H,.a'lv we are
sorry to be compelled to re'er lo the dark
est side of hi.man natre v. be ece'fiihm
and treachery go hai d in hand o-ether
Judas and Jim Lane, found it impossible
to endure the load of s-lf coifemot
which such couluct b ou::ht on. dying
t e de .t 1 of fo ,--, ? 0w,i g t'iat for some
men. it is d irg-i-ous to forfeit all claims
to self-respect, or indeed anv rei?peci
Butter, Iuitf.r Butter. Cutter,
Batter, Butter, has been the crj With all
the fresh grass, new milch cows, et. ceteias,
no butter, fit to eat, has been offered for sale
in this market for nearly a month. A very
biouirht un from Portland
on Wednesday, by one of our merchants, and
sold at three bits per pound, like hot coi n
for naught. Why, in the name of Si If u,
not theT'lorence Sewing Machine m in. can
we not have a good article of butter in the
market any day? lleie is our friend S. W.
Moss ofh-rs a lot ef youn cows ; see his ad
vertisement : and lioc J. L. Barlow is agent
for a new patent churn, (n lb-osier proriiic
tinn. bv u inn n mimed M e idenhall. 1 whieh
h is beeu shown to us and which gentlemen
Ol umuipc iicuiojitr i l-jmiiihiuh, ...
butter from Xiexh. ini'Jc in f-iur minutes '.
Now, why is it, that with such appliances we
are obliged to go to Portland for our "churn
ed milk '!" When we hear a man say he is
going to Portland to buy a new suit of cloth
ing, we can account for his taste, because
we know that Barman Bros have the most
excellent workmeu in Oregon, and supplv
the wants of their customers in a manner
pei fectly sutistactorv, but ihis butter ques
tion is too strong for us to handle.
Oregon l-od-se o. 3 ,1. O. or O. F.
Meets every Wednesdav evening
5sj3'!iaai o ciock, m tue Masonic nun.
""Sttnyfi Members of the orde- are in
ited to attend. By order N. (.
Xcw Advertisements.
Scaled proposals will be received at the
office of the Suerift" of Clackamas County,
opto the ii-id day of April, lS'is, at noon, for
the construction of a brick building,
For an Odd Fellow's Hall !
SO bv 80 feet, two stories high with an 8 foot
cellar, according to plans and specifications
which mav be se n at the said bheiiu s
ofiice iu Oregon Citv.
Bids will be received for the entire
completion of said building, also separate
bids, for "Stonework, Brickwork and Car
penters work.
T,,e contractor will be required to
give sufficient security to secure the peifuria
ance of his or their contract.
The contract will be Jet to the Low
est," responsible bidder. The Right to i eject
any or all bids is reserved Bv o-der
Oregon 7.tJ.je X. u, I. O. O. F.
Oregon City, April loth, lsGS. liC-.Ow
The time for receiving proposals as
above has been posponed one week.
In the mntfer of the Estate of Enos
Slover deceased : Notice is hereby ttiven
that by virtue of nn Order ruacie and entered
in the' County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, at the April term theieot.
I will on
Saturday the Clh. day of May,
1S)S, at the hour of 12 o'clock M-, ot said
dav sell at Public Auction at the Court House
door in Oregon Cit--, Clackamns County,
Oregon, the following described Real Estate
(J he property o above named E.-!s:ie) to
wit: Lots No. Three (3) and Four (4) in
lilock No. sixty-two (ti) in Oregon City,
Clackamas Comity, Ori-iion, one half of pur
chase price to be paid down and one -bait at
the e.iii atioii ot six months, secured by
note and mortgage on the proper! v.
Executor of said Estate. 1 . -1 1 1
Notice is hereby given that the annual
election of stockholders, for the ensuing
year, will be held on Saturday the day
of April, liiiS. JJv order of
"it. J A COM, fWxident.
and Ma tun; 1 no Agent, O. C.
OiegonCity, April 4ih, 1 -0-5. (':). It
The undersigned give notice to a?l Per
sons that they tmit not tap the Tualatin
Kivcr. nor chanire the siine from liowing in
the natural channel.
J. A. FinLDS,
J J. K. MIA V,
Oreg-m Cite, April 11th, Inks. tm. -.'('
All Persons are forbid harboring or
trusting Nancy Allen uj on inv account bom
this date, as J shall not be responsible for
anv debts of her contract ini.
Oregon City, April li'th, SS 'S. .;. I J
ILAL. IM'Ai'Ai ill? aifuaniii.K.
ii.jr i.om iNeiVll.8
Liebihiy? If )u
aie. be warned iu
time ! You have
i.ow ihe mean n il
i jior unity of be
iiirf lesto-ed lo
li-altii. be van,.
d, ;tl o, to v bom
you app.y. 'J heie
lire t w u 1 ecks upou
which jcu may
M!it, the one le-
the leira'iy oualifieil l.livficir-n. win rl-
tlioun fully jiiaiuied l.y his l-.nokl).e of
hU -liofe.-t-ion t. treat thovari-s peneral ail
ments 01 humanity, jet js totally igno-.r.nt, r.s
the majority of tiicm. pei.erullv I'-reof t his pe
culiar b - audi 1 f b;s tcici.ee; the rerson l.-i-in-'
tiiut he lias never made it bis peculiar p'tidy!
A id the other rocn is the Ltatant chsr
niicl rjuack, who preys 011 the pockets aiU lives
of it. victims. 1 lie.so imiividua s assun e titles
to which they biuc-riot the s'iphtest jncton
Fion, am are, lor the most part, men even wi; !.
out tlio ordinary C );o 111011 ) tubmen's ot educa
tion, who, by their force of impudence ami rw!
vi'rtisiiijT. irretrievably ruin th? sim'l rea-aimi
of hea;th of the poor, deiuueJ vic;iui.
;o has been established in San Frar.cico
n'lice 1SJ3, lias stepped, perhaps, her.cknowl
dires, out i.f the routine of his prolts.-ion, by
thus adverti-inji; but he deems it l.e: terto pi e
a lei 'ov lieiug an opportunely i t' .it Icr.st I-ii
capable of tiici iininaiiuj; tor him-til cut cf i l.e
masfcs of c!iarlutaiiiin, at h-at ne j is:cii
tioiier nho ha devoted his tun", money and
t-tudy to t his peculiar brai.uli of l.U j.role-sion.
and who is a h-jr-dlv qiia.itied praciiiioner and
in.-mberot tt.e . Medical Hoard, and v. as form
erly a upil of and practiced under the cele
brated AcSuii & Kcci rd. has now the inuft e.
teiirive piaciice. extending through tbe whole
f e'aaiomia, On-jron. iNcva.ni, Washington
Territory, and throughout 11:e wlui'o 1 icilic
slope, having establii-lu d this cxieia-ive j n:c
tict thionh Ids udtiiii able pysteni 01 coiie?
pomlinK l y letter. Mx hours iu ti e ':iy are
c-.iiiiiiuously devoted to thio biuuc.ioi i r.c
tire. LK. S. IT. HALL'S r.s'r.btishmcr.t is v.eU
V now 11 to all vit-ilois to .-an l-rai.c'.j-co. li s
r.-putatioii iilrnii- a 11 h-ctu. i-r on 1 hj tiulopjcul
i.i. d Anatomical mioj.-ci is sti'tien-nt M-ciTiiiy
t 1 tin 1 uMic that thoe wiio place llK-ine;ves
uuttt-r liis ear; will, to say tiic let-t, Jam- -,i
Kia anteethattlu-y have placed t i; m-e. vc in
t : j hands of one who is well acquainted w 11 It
tiif auatoinyand ph fioloy oi tin- huitiati btdy
and ii.i niv.ffriou vorkuu;; and, then-lore
ir.e-p.'ctive of ins t puta-ion torcuiii m !
c.'f.n-s. he is Ui.ivcr-jiily ackuowIods-e.V to be
cutt-pt-ifitt Jo cioc them, lie aSo takes the
f-re-uti-i-t 1 recatuioii to avoid ub icity bein'"
t'iveu a t.i r.-conitjou ti-r.m nl rnce il-cc..
rct oudenct-comes, lie ha now been in t,--ie-t:tu-eiity-thrre
years, anil Hot a ; t'.'ecamj
l:a.se.-er leii made ptmuc. lie cm. bo con
tu u;i tn- 1 tt- r. ..r j.i r-ot.allv at bis ofl.ee
n to"owitijr workswii be obiaiiied direct
from the unthor In e :
Observstio-s oa tho Mle sncl Tim?.h Orga-13 cf
Generatio and their Treatiaeat.
- " - - i-O Ct3.
Health aai Diseas- ; how to Gotaiji ons end
Avoid t!ia oilisr.
P3I03. ci.00.
CA UTIOrn'!'-
A number of unqualified jm rsor.s nro deTud-in-
thd unwary by pn-u-iiuiu to lo lesi.iy
u-liiicil .i:icitit.-.i rs. km tU s this oj ji. i
tanty t f c iiijr the Kiliiavn jr -.xi!ai:t licm
bis i.ili.ica.' i-o:u the 3ie(j:c:.i Iu .1 :
"This is to. ei tity ti.nt S. i A'J IN t,S tA LI.
ti.-is U'ch r i-.teii l 1 v ih Mi Y.vs-. I oaru u u
U-jra 'v .ua;iii ii iiiin.ie.ul actidoner.
LyoieiTi.fi e!.. ;-.'b
' LiiAsrirs V. v oorzv:. Secretary.''
Audre-s ad Ict.eis 1 a
OiTce, America:! -currcry nnd II? pen-cry,
Corner of Front and 0.ik streets, Portknd
Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merely,
disc und Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday
A. B. IiiciiARiisox, Auctioneer
pwijsh refined Bar and Bundle Iron
English Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes. Files, Hasps, saws;
Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, K. G Iron ;
a i-so :
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquor,
A. B. Uiciiardsox, Auctioneer.
Forwarding Merchants,
Hawaiian and Oicgon Packet Lines. '
Importers of San Quentin and Carnifa
Island Salt. Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee,
Uicc, and Pulu.
Art:nts for Provost's .t Cos Preserrej
Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles nnd Vinegar. .
Dealers in f lour, Gi air., Bacon, Laid k i
Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster.
Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship
ment of Merchandise or Produce in New
Y'ork, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland,
Kos 2o-l and 20o California Street,
Sau Francisco.
li) North Front Slrcet, Portland.
Slew Advertisements, t
P.y virtue of an execution issued otrt of f
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for I
the County of .Multnomah and to ine dim-ted, ?
in favor of II. V. Eddy and against A. I.
Marshall, for the sum of $l,5s3 G-J-lof ja i
(."old Coin of the U. S., and interest aiM V
10 i.l-loo cost, and for want jf suflicient f
personal property out of which to make the f-
su:vi, 1 have this Mb, day of April Is,;-,, leviti
upon all the right, title, and interest of A. "i
L. Marshall, in and to the following describti I
parcel of real estate, situated in Clackamt:
county and bounded as follows: Heginniu; i-
at a point on the road leading from Portland
to i.ilwaukie. lod.s. AS links South, ami 15 k
chs. 1-2 links East, of the quarter post bt-
tween sections ''v and -jfj, in Township one, h
South. Han lie one East, thence Easts! cb t
73 links, thence South jJ 4-V EaM, Uvo chs.
-jo links, lo a post, tiier.ee N by-' J.V East to i
the donation claim of Hector Campbell, f
thence southerly along the land of Campbell
'.: and I -J chains, to laud of Seth I.nei iinir, i
thence South -S.j'' Su' West along said Luell.
ing's land to a stake, from which a fir tree
4 inches in diameter bears South TV z t
West, 14 links, thence Souiii S;
w, si i.
chains lo Loxs, toence s-out'.i
ciiams 4 1 iioks, itiee.ee r-ouiii to u, 11
chains 2 links to the I-a.- t line ef said road, E
1 hence by said mid North, -i l0 V, G chains
SO links, to the N. E. comer of lands belong- f
in to M'loiiu!d, and the south-east earner j
of hind of Lambert ami Miller, thence Norih f
5J 15' We.-t, (' chains -. links, thence .North I
SI" So' West, 1 chains ;o links, tin-.ico North J.
lo 4'-)' West 7 chains ,"iO links, thence North f
J-.-' So' West 6 chains, tSjuce Noith, 1.'," f
West, VI chains, thence North .V West, Zi f
chains und To links to the place of licuimr.i -coinaining
Three i 1 undied and ."-ixtv acres,
more or less, and 1 v III sell the sa i.e st
I'ubiic Auction, to the highest bidder ia
Cold Coin, on F
Suturdau the lG.l', day of jay f
l-i-. at M o'clock A. M., ef ..id day at th-
Court House door in Oregon Citv, in Chick- h
am.is cmuity Or g ni, or so much tht rreufiii ;
Will aausiy said e.ccutir:i and costs. I?
WJL P. hUIiN.s. J
-'.'t ' Sheriff of (Uackauias On. f
Can be Supplied upon application
to us. It e sliall also be pre
pared t ) paichvae all scd
of, red,
U the Best Market Prices! f
Th ir7i, from present juices of 01, J
ui l probuhli be from 4 lo 5 cts.
Per Pound!
ttf We have on hand, and are prepared I
to ship with tiipatcn, in quantities desired, $
Oii.-cake -Mkai , one of Uie most nistritloiii
s rticles of food known, for all kinds oi" stock.
1'uL'ijit' Unseed Oil and le t I Yrl,
Kintj st., uearSd, Sail Francisco,
The Best on the Coast,
Tiios. ArKislro-rs?- I
t.. . 7 1
'sZSy'Ui Manufacturer of .
JMiiavalki;-, Oxuxfux. t
A. form
That be is prepared to furnish as a;ooil and f
durable an article of Leather as can be ihikIh i
on the Pacific Coast, at the following rates:
Harness Leather, per lb 3 to So cents, f
Lxtra heavy, for Concord S3 "
Skirting, per pound 2S to Sii " -
Letting, in the side S". "
Cut, per square foot, (JO
Side, upper, ' " r, to ito cent".
(J rain Leather " " " IS to ".'2 "
Light Luff, or Grain for Wo- "
men's work 1 S to 2m "
Calfskins, per doz ?-;.mo to f fU"
KP " " 4i'!'i to l!''" f , :
liriuie. per side ."-.( to A 09 '.
'Jollar. per side 1 00 to 2 -V.' t
Lace Leather, per side oil t A f
"J,T" I do not think that Harness Leather P
should ueeessarilv be made in Santa I'mz, in
order to stand the test of our ciiimite ; -
T-iT" Nor do I think that Jh-hinL'. in crihr
to bear the strain of Or;1 rou Maciu:)'. uust
be liiade m the Atlantic States.
Fair O la in 12 ? c
And I will prove, to the stitisfacttim of fi''
concerned, that Oregon Leather is the bcsl
on the Coast.
;7" All orders will meet with prompt at
tentiou. Address:
ZCAy) Miiwaukie, Oregon.
A. nl1 I
."iiiltitomiili 1A !tirc 5n
ft A. M. Holds its resrular roninuu.'
. . .....u- Si--
'ir cations on the Hrst und Third
ttrJttn in each month, at 7 o'clock. I
trom the Jo'th of September tiCtlie J"th ot
March, and 7 A o'clock freni the L'' tii of M.irc-J f
....... . -. . . ... fnnil f-
to the-2nth of September. Brethren i:i y0C'J
stamliiiir lire- invited to utteud.
Jiy order of w- J1
n v m t i ? t j o-yv?rv:
The patronage of tnopc ilesirin.sr first Cut
Up 'ration, is resppctdillv solicited.
N. V.Xitiou Ox'de administered for " f
Piimle4 K-vti-iieiioii of Teeth. - Also:
.ir.... . . ..-1... nr.- er I
OrriCK v'oruer ef Washington '""l.r"', ;
streets, rortUtid. Entrance ou W ushms'j
street. I
i V