Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, April 04, 1868, Image 2

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t vO:d:to Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, April 4th,. 1363.
Subject to the action the National
Union Convention.
For Presidential Electorg,
A. B. MEACIIAM,vof Union county.
Dr. W. BOWLBY.of Washington,
t). JACOBS, of Jackson.
For Representative in Congress,
Of Multnomah.
For District Judges,
Sd District JOHN KELSAY, ot Benton.
4th do V. W. UPTON', of Portland.
For District Attorneys,
2d District D. M. RISDOX.of Lane,
ftd " J. C. POWELL, of Linn.
h " A. C. GIBBS, of Portland.
th " C. M. FOSTER, of Baker.
State Senator. D P. Thompson.
Representatives. lames Winston, I. W.
Garrett mid I). P. Trullinger.
Sheriff. Major J. S. Rinearson.
Clerk. J. M. Frazer.
7 rea surer. Joh n M el d rum.
A ssessor. M . Pa 1 1 erso n .
County Commissioners. J. M Drake. J.
Superintendent of Schools. C Killin.
Surveyor. S. S. Campbell.
Coroner. Dr. Barclay.
Alpin-iiit"t lor tiic Campaigii.
H. SMITH, the Union and Democratic can
didates for Congress, will address the people
as fallows. Spe iking to commence each day
at 1 o'clock f
Portland, Monday. April 6th.
Oregon City Tuesday, April 7th.
Sal. tii, Thu -sclav, April i'lh.
Albany. Fi idny, Aprd loth.
Cui raids, S itiird.iy, April 11th.
Monroe, Monday, April ICtli.
EiiL'eue Citv, Tuesday, At ril 14th.'
Oakland, Tlun-sday, April Dull.
liosebui g, Fiiday, Apr il 17th.
Jacksonville, Monday, April -.'Oth.
Kerbyville, Wedmsday, April -2d.
Canvunville, Friday, April 24th.
Hurr.sburg. ruesdny, Apiil 'JSth.
Brownsville, Wednesday, April 2'Jth.
Scio. Friday, May 1st.
Siverton, Saturday, May 2d.
Dallas, Mondav. May 4th".
McMinnville. Tuesday, May Sth.
llillsboro Wednesday, May 6th.
The traitorous old scamp who runs
tlie quill for the Herald, discoursed
last Sunday upon the 31 plat.k of the
Union ihitfo! m, making tha broad
assertion that there was no truth in
it. lie said it was absurd to attempt
to argtio against a proposition so
manifestly and self evidently prepos
terous, as that the Rep nblican party
are in favor of admitting the so-called
' rebel States to representation in
Congress at the earliest practical mo
ment wfcicu the public safety will
The Frcsider.t imposed the condi
tion of emancipation upon State reor
ganization, because the public safety
rt qired it. Upon what other ground
O titan the public safety did the Govern
merit wage war? Vv hat was the war
but the Maintenance of the national
authority against local action, which
was incompatible with public safety?
If it bo assumed that certain citizens
constitute the State, we should like
to know who settles that question ?
The people of the United States
through their lawful Government ;
:ind while undoubtedly those people
desire that State governments miv be
q organized as speedily as the public
Safety will permit, they are resolved
with equal unanimity that no local
gkvernnfint shall be established any
where in the country except upon
conditions which they may deem ess
sential to public safety.
Qli'the political authority of the
United States be not at this moment
absolute over every square inch of
the States lately in rebellion, then
some other authority is paramount
there. If so, what is It? Is it the
State mil horiu ? If that bo the c.-w,
then State. Const it tit ions must regu
late it, independently of all other.
Rut if there, be another authority
which refuses to recognize any validi.
ly in the State Constitution except
upon prescribed conditions, then thai
authority is paramount, and it may
prescribe a reformat ion in part, or
.:i'togpther of that Constitution, "it
the FossiTferous Democracy be cr
r"ft, th proclamations of President
Johnson were, in 18 m, unconstitu
tional, because he iinpos d upon the
S'lrjtJ.rn States, r quirt raents w hit h
wefi? deemed essential to the public
safety- a course which seemed to
the people then, to be b-dh tfut of the
Constitution and of common sense.
Dat His Accidency and Beiiah see
thing? differently now a-days. They
Mould have those States admitted as
they are, or as they have been, xsy
time since the surrender of Lee to
Grant. We frankly admit, that some
things have been neglected by the Re
publican party. Fur instance: the?
neglected to hang JeGf. Davis they
Qiitted neaares that were necessarv
to make treason odious they allowed
Andrew Jolmson to persilt in dis
gracing the country; h.it, so far as
this matter of construction is con
cerned. Congress has ncted wisely
ana well. The Hern l-i sa
To perpetuate the power of the
Republican party is the sole end and
i-iuiofall the reconstruction legkU-
You are mistaken Brown or els-;
it is one of your " constitutional lies.'7
Yoa are better informed than that
you know very well that the object is
To perpetuate the -power of this
Wh;ch yon, and your leaders,
Jef Davis, Lee, and Quantrill at
tempted to destroy. Your appeal
t wTtite men to look at these things
dispassionately, are mere trash. Di
you suppose that any white men, ca
pable of readirg and thinking for
themselves, woulJ act with you
with your past record before them?
except their hearts and consciences
were as daik and damnable as your
Eight years agof when the Gov
ernment of the United States was
threatened with destruction, a large
party declared that it had no consti
tutional right to defend itself, but
must consent to its own overthrow.
The Governraeut in other words,
the people acting through their lawful
authorities declined to be destroyed,
tmd after a long and terrible struggle,
which took all the forms and propor
tion of war, succeeded in subduing
the arm insurrection again-t its au
thority. Having thus, at the cost of
a quarter of a million of" lives, an
enormous public debt, and a univer
sal derangement of affairs, once more
established that authority, it is now
told that it has no constitutional
right to secure it. This assertion
w ill not bear set lionizing. The Re
publican partv, being the party of
I r gression, deny the truth of
the statement. Suppose that a
number of persons living in one of
the rebellious States, soon lifter the
assassination of Lixcolx, should have
ca-bd a Convention, reaffirmed the
Constitution, took the oath of fidelity
to the Union, and claimed to be rec
ognized as a State, the whole country
would have smiled at their credulity,
yet, before the total ruin of the re
hellion this was the kind of advice
given to the rebels by the New York
Worll. "Summon your Legila
tores," it said, " repeal the act of se
cession, lay down your arms, and
Lincoln can do nothing. Elect your
Senators and Representatives ; send
them to Washington; and as the
House is not organized, they 'will
have a voice in the organization 5
It the Herald be correct, this was
sound advice. If the country cannot
impose upon the reorganization of
rebel States such conditions as the
public safety may require, then the
public safety is at the mercy of those
rebel States.
Issl'lt to Injury. The follow
ing San Francisco dispatch reached
us on Sunday:
The California, Oregon and Mexico
Steamship Company propose to in
crease their connections on the north
const, by iiiMtigurating a line from
Portland to Victoria, and ihus place
Oregon in direct communication with
This we consider as an insult by
the company, to present injuries.
What has Oregon to gun by direct
trade with Seward's purchase! When
the crops of the State lie rotting and
musty at Portland, awaiting the ar
bitrary diction of the line. Give us
more direct trade with some other sea
port, if you please Mr Holliday.
Charley Starr, the boy that
stabbed a prostitute at a dance house
in Portland, last Sunday night, we
think is a fair sample of that class of
lads whose parents know not or
knowing care not where they are,
or what they do. When we first
knew of Charley he was about the
size ar.d ge of that class of boys on
our own streets, w ho may be seen dai
ly congregated together, and heard
offering insults or assault to weaker
The Governor of California has
signed a general bill to indemnify
the proprietors of newspaper proper
t v (fes'royed by rio t-rs. Sunday
d.sp ttch to the HerftJd.
We presume Beri th w ill now be-
triu the payment of the Confederate
A delegation of the Ni z Perces
are in Portland, fa rout?, to Wash
ington Cifv. to have an understand
ing with ivferencH to treaty stipula
tions. These r.ittians have always
been fairhfid to the white man and
here is an excellent opportunity for
the government to prove its good ac
tion toward them.
Ex Governor Gibbs will address
the Grant Club at Marquatn's to day.
We unintentionally omitted mention
ing this fact last Saturday, having ac
cidentally hard of it, on the 27th.
Hon. E. L. Applegtte will de
liver a lecture for the benefit of the
Portland Temperance Library A6so
ciation, on the 6th.
Hun. C. Bal, G. W. C. T. for
this jurisdiction, addressed the pub
lie oc this city upon the subject of
temperance, last evening.
The !St. Louis people will be al
most unanimous in the support of
Hon. David L"gan for Congress.
They cannot go Joe, Smith 00 any
i condition..
FitO.H Till: DALLES.
Dalles Citt, Oregox.
March Syth, lsd3.
Ld. Exterpr rsE .
Dalles, since its release from the clutch
es of the ice-King is fast resuming its for
mer lively appearance, and business of all
kinds seems to be active and quite prom
ising. Judging from the improvements
going on, one cannot but come to the con
clusion, that Dalles City is desiined to be
i place of considerable importance, and
hat, too. at no distant period. There is
i in course of erection at this place a large
ion ring mill and woolen factory, which
speaks well for the place. At present the
town is full of prospectors and miners fit
ting out for the new El Dorado. Old Steve
Meek is here with his party, and starts
in a few davs for the Lost Emigrant dig-
. , . , , . ... .i s .
gings. lie iectureu nere last evening, unu
tried hard to get up a big excitement, but f
did not succed in raising the wind. Peo
ple generally look upon him as a humbug.
The Willow Creek mines are all the go
here, and from my own personal knowl
edge of that place, and from what I can
learn, think many will go there and return
wishing they had never heard of it. I
have no doubt but Willow Creek will, in
the course of time, be a mining camp of
considerable importance but it will not be
this season. It will take one j-ear to bring
water into the camp and all experience has
taught us ' that the first year these new
mining camps are always dull and but
little is done in the way of mining. I care
not how rich they are. To all those who
intend going to that camp or to that region
let me say to you, do not be misled by
flattering stories. " All is not gold that
glitters." And if they are half as rich as
some have reported them, next June will
be the time to go.
I see a correspondence in the Cuhimhln
Press written from El Dorado City which
is calculated to mislead the public, at
least those intending to visit the new gold
field of Willow Creek, by urging them that
via Umatilla is the shortest and cheapest
route that can be traveled to that region.
Now this is simply absurd, and if any one
will take the trouble to look at any of the
late maps they can see who is correct.
I am not. interested in any steamboat or
stage line, nor route, nor town site, but to
travelers and those who intend to visit
Willow Creek let me say : Stop at the
Dalles, from the Dalles to Canyon City it
is one hundred and eighty miles, from
Canyon to Willow Creek, sixty miles mak
ing the entire distance two hundred and
totty miles. From and after the tenth of
April Messrs. Lockwood and Edgar will
have a line of stages leaving Dalles semi
weekly through to Willow Creek i-ia Can
yon City, and camp Logan, in three days
from the Dalles. And 1 am informed by
ur. Edgar that the fare will not exceed
forty dollars. By Umatilla the distance
cannot be less than three hundred miles
and a great part of the road, one of the
worst that man ever traveled over, that
portion in particular from Powder River
to Willow Creek. I speak from personal
knowledge I have been on both routes and
I emphatically assert that via Canyon City
is the shortest cheapest and saletest route
that can be traveled to that region.
Politics in this county wax warm. It is
amusing to see the "Cops." Since the
news of Mv. Logan's nomination reached
here they are down in the mouth." and
have but little to say. And it is evident
that they hr.ve come to the conclusion that
Mr. Smith's chances are better for Europe
than for Washington. The LTnion party
will give Mr. Logan a majority in this
county be'ond a doubt. They will also
elect their State Senator, oue member of
the House, and the county Judge. The
Democratic party i divided. The old un'eri
fied, simon pure and never weaken have
went in with the Luton boys and Drought
out a ticket called the People's ticket
which will be elected by an overwhelming
majority. The soils headed by Humason
are in a pickle. They are striving even
now to do something but we know that
they have not the ghost of a chance to elect
one man on their ticket and well they
know it. Col. Gates their candidate for
the Senate has emphatically declined the
honor of that position. And I understand
from good authority, intend to slump this
county for the People's ticket. It is gen
erally understood that, the Softs intend to
start a campaign paper here ; rumor says
the L'matilla Press has been bargained for
for that purpose and will be brought here
on the first of the month. Humason to be
chief scribbler.
The norninat'ou of Mr. Logan has given
universal satisfaction to the L'nion party
here. Every one is well pleased, and he
will not only carry the strength of the
part', but draw votes from the opposition
who are not prepared to swuuow Mr.
Smith after saying what they have against
Hon. J. II. D. Henderson, on accotint of
his religious views. I am pleased to find
a streak of consistency among Democrats
once in a w hile.
The weather is very pleasant here. The
hills are green, and the days so warm and
pleasant as to bring linen coats into ready
use. It is really like summer.
I start for Canyon City on Tuesday
will vrite you from all points. b. j. a.
Whi eat Salem we visited the State
Penitentiary, and were shown through it
by the obliging Warden. At present there
are 74 prisoners. The week ending on the
21st of March, ?... days' work had been
done. The total number of commitments,
up to the lGth. was 2G9. The law passed
by the legislature for the encouragement
ot good behavior among convicts, is ha ing
a good effect. Not one mark for bad con
duct had been made during the week above
mentioned. Maj. M. P. Berry is certainly
a very competent Superintendent. He has
succeeded in making very desirable im
provements, and will, the coming Winter,
do all that is to be done on or about the
grounds ot the Penitentiary so that, in
case it is desired that the convicts labor,
the State legislature mustf make provision
for the emergency, by purchasing machin
ery and fitting up shops to employ thus ;
grown up bad boys. The brickyard there
will no doubt supply Salem wi:h all the
brick that city can consume, but in order
to make a permanent business at the Peni
tentiary, workshops must be instituted, and
the convict must be '-let out" to the highest
bidder, who w ishes to contract for the man
ufacture of boots and shoes, saddlery,
wagons.etc. Maj. Berry now discriminates
between skilled labor and ordinary labor;
and the work of making boots and shoes
l-or the convicts, clothes, etc., is carried on
within the walls.
The Ajax was disabled at sea, soon
after crossing the bar, and the first mate
took a small boat, rowed to Monticello,
fifty or seventy-five miles, there telegraph
ed to Portland, and the Continental left in
!t i 4;
1 r . V-
San Francisco if necessary, but it was not
and the Continental again returned to
We eaflnot use words too strong in de
fence of the opposition steamer lines ad
vertised in these columns. We urge upon
all, who contemplate a trip east, the impor
tance of sustaining the Xorth American
Steamship Company.
Twelve thousand dolia.s nave been
subscribed toward the erection of a grist
mill at Umatilla. The amount ofthe cap
ital stock has been set at SI.3,000.
j The Occident is now e;i route to Port
j land eight days out.
Moral education should hi such as to
check, modify and avert evil tendencies
or associations which the highest intellect
ual eminence would be far from compen
sating, and to develop and cherish bene
ficial ones, compared with which all
merely human knowledge is as nothing,
but. conjoined with which such knowledge
renders man, formed in the imi'.ge of his
maker, an intelligent moral and religious
It is as impossible to concern a human j
being so constituted as to have had all his
intellectual feelings developed without
one associate moral emotion. Cut how
valueless wotdd they have been to him,
and how soon would they have passed
awav. without even a trace of their ex-
- v 7
To our moral emotions we are indebted
for all that imparts to our sensuous and
intellectual pleasures an ennobling value;
and without them the eternal Being, the
source of all good and the object of all
worship would be to the weak eye of rea
s n the cread and all wise Creator, but
not the benevolent Father ofthe universe.
By our mental functions we are mere
spectators ofthe machinery of the universe
living and inanimate by our moral emo
tions based on, and regulated as they
ought to be by Christianity, we become
admirers of nature, lovers of man and
grateful worshipers of our maker. To
our moral and religious feelings combined
we owe the calm delight which the con
templation of virtue affords, the delightful
thrill of conscience consequent upon be
nevolent actions :and to them we owe the
great system of social duties, upon w hich
human happiness rests; which connects
mankind by the delightful ties of recipro
cal benefits and reciprocal pleasures per
formed in obedience and under the guid
ance or guardianship of Heaven. And
yet, it is a melancholy fact, of which the
experience of every man, unfortunately
will furnish him with abundant proofs,
that the moral education is that least at
tended to ; as if it were matter of less mo
ment to guard the understanding against
error, than protect the heart the fount of
our noblest and most God like attributes,
from vice. Moral education takes place
chiefly during the age of infancy and
childhood, before the business ofthe pro
fessional teacher begins. Many persons
will at first, be inclined to deny this, or
endeavor to escape from admitting its
necessary consequence, but I believe that
no truth within the range of probable
science can lie more conclusively establish
ed; and if so. it is worse than folly to shut
our eyes to the vitally important deduc
tions w hich glow from it.
In speaking of the moral education of
infants I mean simply the formation of
habits and character, excluding all notions
of responsibility.
Morality, strictly speaking, implies in
telligent relation with other beings, and
consequently is no attribute of infancy.
The habits of infants result partly from
there original physical and mental con
stitution, and partly from the ititluence of
external influences. Some think that the
peculiarities of character which distinguish
each individual from all others are whollv
the creatures of circumstances considered !
in the widest sense. All I shall vet tr.re j
to assert is. that the power of education is
almost unbounded, and that its influence 1
is exerted and produces its cuiet es.ects
during infancy. I would appeal to the
experience of intelligent parents as to
whether the character of children is not
formed, wheiher there w ill does not take a
determined direction at that period, and
whether all subsequent efforts t;Tely re
press and moiiif'y their characters without
essentially changing them. It follows
therefore, that the moral education of the
young belongs chiefly to parents, and is
the result of domestic training.
How great an error is committed by
those parents unfortunately too numer
ous who neglect the formation of the habils
of their children, seeming to think it quite
unimportant how they are reared provid
ed their health be good and they thrive
well, trusting to the teacher afterwards to
correct whatever bad habits may thus be
suffered to grow up. overlook this part of
their duty, or abandon H to the ignorance j
and carelessness ot hirelings. What a task !
is thus leU for the educator, lie is ex- I
pected with his slender opportunities and
feeble means feeble compared with that
ofthe parents to undo what has been the
work of years the result of innumerable
agencies asking upon the impressible in
fant during every moment ot every day of
its existence.
In a majority of cases the teacher and
child are brought into contact during a
limited time only, and for specific pur
poses, so that opportunities for the dis
play to the teacher of the child's real
moral nature rarely occur, ami when they
do, what means are at his command for
correcting what is wrong? Simply the
expression of his opinion that it is w rong,
which offends the child's love of approba
tion and may thus in some cases act as a
temporary cheek upon the habit. Some
teachers would in such cases inflict some
kind punishment, the tendency of which is
generally, not to eradicate the habit but
to make the child endeavor to conceal it
more carefully. How important then is it
.'iat the mother herself be well educated
and prepared for her duty. The present
artificial system of female education unfits
rather than prepares her for the task
which nature has &o clearly designed to
Gentleness, placid firmness, eveness of
temper, watchfulness tenderness and that
qui.'t discretion which is usually called
good sense are the characteristics of an
educated and educating mother, and sure
ly these are the qualifications which are
best adapted to cheek the peevish and
violent, to encourage the idle and timid,
and above all. to give an example of what
is virtuous and rational to those little be
ings whose future happiness depends so
much on a mother's care and discretion.
The first six years then in the lives of chil
dren ili m ind as much or more watchful
ness on the part of their guar Hans than
any other period of their youth yet it is
generally believed that if" they be care
fully fed clothed, washed and taught to
read or rather made to stammer over a
book, the duties towards them are per
fectly fulfilled. If they should become
wilful and unmanageable and this is a
general case, they are sent to school to be
corrected, because little master or miss
cannot longer be controlled at home.
At school as elsewhere the influence of
a bad example is as powerful as that of a
good one and unless unremitting vigilance
be exercised the innocent minded will be
corrupted by their associates. Fear o
personal chastisement or severe punish
ment produces habits of deceit, and those
are the most honored w ho are more suc
cessful in deceiving their teachers. What
w ill be there struggles, when at a riper
age they perceive and would correct their
errors. How much more severe are t!.e
! Tin n rrr tTlki l. ir . .
; i-c lu men Miner, man th rn-
tional privations and restraints of child-
j hood would have inflicted
i Mothers must len.-n that-' th r(,t
.. . HI'. IL l.'UH. Illlll
..: i , - . ..J
uHur.-, imie not ceasea wnen their person
al comforts nre provided for that it is on
their example their attention their firmness
that much of the moral w orth of their off
spring depends.
The nursery, the school room the world
are. alike the scenes of evil passions re
strained or encouraged, corrected or
triumphant. But, in'the first there is a
presiding power which will retain or lose
its influence in the subsequent scenes of
life according as it is well or all employed
in the first and opening stage a power
which will be silently but deeply ac
knowledged, remembered and reverenced
in after years when its worth can be man
ifested. This power is possessed by every
sensible, judicious and wisely affectionate
maker, and let- her deem it as one of her
h'ghesi privileges that to her is coat; led
the happiness of implanting those seeds ol
virtue and morality upon the culture and
grow h of which will depend the future
welfare of her children. After leaving
the mother, the early education of children
should be confided to judicious persons
whose conduct is regulated by the motives
which they with to inculea'e, and whose
judgment "is clear, firm, and mature. Ex
ample has been pronounced the best in
structor in the arts, and so it is in educa
tion. Those w ho undertake that great and
interesting duty must first learn to L-noic
themselves. An angry look, a violent ac
tion. an over harsh word will undo hours
of advice upon the necessity of a well
regulated tender unreasonableness, irreg
laritv insincerity and indolence cf mind or
body well overturn precepts however w ell
w orded and judiciously expressed.
Public Resolutions,
SS. Joint Resolution authorizing the Sec
retary ot the Navy to admit to Examination
Morris Rice Evans for Admission to the Na
val Academy in Septemuer next.
lie it rolcl hy the Senate and Jfouae of Tiejrt-
reKOitiitites ofthe L'niUd HMvs if America
in C'uiifnM axtittnhleJ, That the Secretary
of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized
to examine for admission to the Naval
Academy, in September next, Morris Rice
Evans, in the same manner as though lie had
presented himself iu June, us provided by
Approved, July 10, 1837.
CO. Joint Resolution to carry into Effect
the several Acts providing for the mote elii
cient Government of the Rebel States.
Jie it rcsolced bl the Semite and Iltnixe of Pep-ri-st.-iiaticen
of the- Coifed State of AmerUu
ii L'on'jrts-i a-f-semded.. That, for the pur
pose of carrying into effect the above-named
acts, there be appropt iated, out of any money
m the treasury not otherwise appropriated,
the sum of one million dollars.
Speaker of the juust of lleprcstntatives.
Premie nt of the S'tniL: pro tempore.
Is tue Housi; or Repuesentatives, ?
July Huh, 1m;7. f
T1p President of the Unired States hav
ing returned to the House of Representa
tives, in which it originated, ttie resolution
entitled "Joint Resolution to carry into ef
fect the several acts providing for the more
efficient government of the rebel States,"
with his objections thereto, the House of
Representatives proceeded, in pursuance of
the Constitution, to reconsider the same ; and
Jtts'drttl, That the joint resolution do
pass, two thirds of tue House of Represeu
tatives agreeing to pass the same.
Attest: Edwd. McPuf.rson-,
curk ii. a: u. s.
lx the Senate of t:ie United States, )
July l'.i, 1 si;;. f
The Senate having proceeded in pursuance
of the Constitution, to reconsider the reso
lution entitled "Joint Resolution to carry in
to effect t tie several acts providing for the
more efficient government of the rebel
States," returned to the House of Represen
tatives bv too President of the United
States, with his objections, and sent by the
House of Representatives to the Senate,
with the message ofthe President returning
the resolution :
ICewdced, That the resolution do pass, two
thirds of the Senate agreeing to pass the
Attest: J. W. FORNEY,
.s. ' o .
Ej w. j. Mcdonald,
chi-f i
40. Joint Resolution authorizing Exten
sions of the Mail Steamship Service between
the United States tout China ami Japan.
Ue it nio'eed the Senate, and, Ilo'i-: of llep-
re-i! v'-J .'('' if the t'nit'd Stafi-s if Aon rial
in Cooiri-nt axeiutn't-i. That the Postmas
ter Oeneial be, ami he is heruby authorizfd
to extend and improve tl e mail steamship
service to Japan and China, authoiizcd by
act ot February seventeenth, eighteen hund
red and sixty-live, by establishing i egular
mad connections with such other seapoits
in China and Japan as will, in his judgment,
promote "he usefulness and elhcieiu-v ot the
mail S"rviee established bv said act : '
ridfds That such extensions and improve
ments of the service are made without ad
ditional expense to the government.
ArruovEO, July 2a, ls,.;7.
41. A Resolution declaring Sympathy with
the suffering People of Crete.
P. red ly the Srnnte and Hmm of P, pre-
tali cs of the L'oit-d StaL of .-1 .-,',,
in. Con 'i -ix "' mil fj, That the people of
the United States feel a strong sympathy
with the people of Crete, constituting a part
ofthe Greek f.nndy to which civilization
owes so much, that they are pained by the
roport of the present sufferings of this in
teresting people ; and they unite m the hope
that this declaration, which they feel it. their
duty to make, will be favorably considered
by the government of Tm key in determiiiiiig
its policy towards Crete.
Skc. -I. Andle. It further rcxoh'cd, That it
shall be the dot of the President of the
United States to communicate this resolution
to the government of Turkey.
ArruovEp, July 2o, lsoT.
Trenty concerning the Cession of the Rns
sian Possessions of North America bv his
Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias to
the United Mates of America; Concluded
March 3v 1507 ; Ratified by the United States
May as, s;7 ; Exchanged June ls07;
Proclaimed bv tiie United States June 20,
Wheheas a treaty between the United
States of America and his Majesty the Em
peror of ail the Russias w as concluded and
signed by their respective plenipotentiaries
at the city- of Washington, on the thirtieth
day of March, last, which treaty, being in
the English and French languages, is, word
for word, as follows :
The United States of America and His
Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, be
ing desirous of strengthening, if possible,
the good understanding which exists be
tween them, have, t'orthat purpose, appoint
ed as their Plenipotentiaries : the President
of the United M;,teaf William II Seward,
Secretary of State ; and His Majesty the
Emperor of all the Russias, the Privy Conn
cillor Edward de Stoeckl, his Envoy Extra
ordinary and .Minister Plenipotentiary to
the United Slates.
And the s..id Plenipotentiaries, having
excl.angnd their full powers, which were
found to be in due form, have agreed upon
and signed the following articles :
article i.
II is Majesty the Emperor of all the Rus
sias agrees to cede to tie United States, by
t iis convention, immediately upon the ex
change of the ratifications thereof, till the
territory and domain now possessed by bis
said Majesty on the continent of America
ami in uie adjacent islands, toe same Oemg
contained wuhiu the geographical limits
herein set forth, to wit : The eastern limit
is the line of demarcation between the Rus
sian and the British possessions in North
America, as established by the convention
between Russia and Great Bi itain, of Feb
ruary -js 't is-jo, asi.-l described m Articles
III and IV of said couventiou, iu the follow
ing terms :
" Commencing from the southernmost
point ot the island called Prince of Wales
Island, which point lies in the parallel of o t
degrees 4-1 minutes north latitude, and be
tween the 121st and the SC1 degree of west
longitude, (meridian of Greenwich,) the said
line shall ascend to the north along the chan
nel called Portland channel, as far as the
point, of the continent where it strikes the
It ia degife ot north latitude ; from this
last-meutionen point, the line of demarca
tion shail follow the summit o' the m uu
taius situated parallel to the coast as far as
the point of intersection of the 111st degree
of west longitude, (of ilie same meridiun ;;
and finally, from the said point of intersec
tion, the said meridian line of the 141st de
gree, in its prolongation as far as the Frozeu
"IV. With reference to the line of de
marcation laid down in the preceding arti
cle, it IS understood
"1st. That the island called Prince of
Wales Island shall belong whollv to Russia."
(now, by this cession, to the United States.)
"2d. That whenever the summit of the
mountains which extend in a direction par
allel to the coast from the ;VUh degree of
north latitude to the point of intersection of
the 141st degree of west longitude shall
prove to be at the distance of more than tea
marine lea-ncs from the ocean, the limit be
tween the British possessions nii.t the line of
coast which is to belong to Russia us above
mentioned (that, is to say, the limit to the
possessions ceded by this convention) shall
be formed by a line parallel to the winding
of the coast," and which shall never exceed
the distance of ten marine leagues there
from." The western limit w ithin which the terri
tories and dominion conveyed, are contained,
passes through a point in Behring's straits
on the parallel of sixty-five degrees thirty
minutes north latitude, at its Liter-section by
the meridian which passes midway between
the islands of Krusenstern, or Ignalook, and
the island 'if Ratmanoff, or Noonarbook, and
proceeds diu north, without 1 mitation, into
i lie same Frozen ocean. The same western
limit, beginning at the same initial point.
p oceeds thence m a course nearly south
west through Behring's straits and Behring's
j sea, s as to pa-s mid ivnv be'ween the north
west point of the island of St. Lawrence
ami the southeast point of Cape Chuukot.-ki,
to the ii ei idian of one hundred and seventy
two west longitude; thence, fom the inter
section ot that meridian, in a southwesterly
direction, so as to pass midway bt tween the
island of At tou unu the Copper island ofthe
Kormandoiski couplet or group in the North
Paeitic ocean, to tne meridian of one hund
red and ninety three degrees west longitude,
so as to include in the territory conveved
the whole of the Aleutian islands east of
that meridian.
article ir.
In the cession of territory and dominion
made by- the proceeding article are included
the right of propetty in all public lots and
squares, vacant lands, and all public build
ings, fortifications, barracks, and other edi
fices which are not private individual pro
perty. It is, however, understood and
agreed, that thj churches wuich have been
built m tte ceded territory by the Russian
government, shall remain the propeityof
such members of the Greek Oriental Church
resident in the territory, as may choose to
worship therein. Any government archives,
papers, and documents relative to the ter
ritory and dominion aforesaid, which may
be now existing there, will be left in the pos
session of the "agent of the United States ;
but an authenticated copy of such of them
as may be required, will be, at all times,
given by the United States to the Russian
government, or to such Russian officers or
subjects as they may apply for.
article in.
The inhabitants of the ceded territory,
according to their choice, reserving their
natural allegiance, may return to "Russia
within three years ; but if they should pre
fer to remain in the ceded territory, they
with the exception of uncivilized native
tribes, shall be admitted to the enjoyment
of ail the rignts, advatuages, and immuni
ties of citizens of the United States; and
shall be maintained and protected in the
I tree enjoyment of their liberty, property,
and religion. 1 he uncivilized tribes will oe
subject to such laws and regulations as the
United States may, from time to time, adopt
in regard to aboriginal tubes of that coun
try. article ir.
His Majesty the Emperor of all the Rus
sias shall appoint, with convenient despatch,
an agent or agents for tl e purpose of form
ally delivering to a similar agent or agents
appointed on behalf of the United States,
the territory, dominion, property, depend
encies and appurtenances which are ceded as
above, and for doing any other act which
may be necessary iu regard thereto. But
the cession, with the right of immediate pos
session, is nevertheless to be deemed com
plete and absolute on the exchange of ratifi
cations, without waiting for such formal
Immediately after the exchange of the
ratifications of this convention, any fortifica
tions or military posts which may be in the
ceded territory shall be delivered to the
agent of the United States, and any Russian
troops which may be ia the territory shall
be withdrawn .-.s soni as may be reasonably
and conveniently practicable.
In conside-ation of the cession aforesaid,
the United States agree to pay at the treasu
ry ia Washington, within ten months a ter
the exchange of the ratifications of this
convention, to the diplomat ic representative
orotherage.it of his Majesty the Emperor
of all the Russias, duly authorized to receive
the same, seven milium two hundred thous
and dollais in gold. The cession of territo
ry and dominion herein made is hereby de
clared to be free and unencumbered by any
reservations, ptivileges, franchises, grants,
or possessions, by any associated companies,
whether coiporaie or incorporate, Russian
or any other, or by any parties, except mere
ly private individual property holders; and
the cession iiereby made, c uiveys ail the
j rights, Iranehises, ami privileges now be
j longing to Russia in the said terrilury or
i dominion, and appurtenances thereto.
When this convention shall Lave been
duly ratified 1 y the President of the United
Mates, by and with the advice and consent
of the Sena'e, on the one part, and on the
other by his Majesty the Emperor of all the
Russias, the ratifications shall be exchanged
at Washington within thrue months from
the date her of, or sooner, if possible.
In faith whereof, the respective plempo
tentiaries have signed this convention, and
thereta affixed the seals of their arms.
Done at Washington, the thirtieth day of
March, in the year of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and sixty-seven.
AiH whereas the said Treaty has been duly
roified on both parts, and he respective
ratifications ofthe same exchanged at Wash
ington on this twentieth day of June, by
William If. Seward, Secretary of State of
the United States, and the Privy Counsellor
Edward de Stoecki, the Envoy Extraordin
ary of His Majesty the Emperor of all the
Russias on the part of their respective gov
ernments. Now, therefore, be it known that I,
Axdhew Johnson, President of the United
States of America, have caused the said
Treaty to be male public, to the end tnat
the same and every clause ami article there
of may be observed and fulfilled with good
faith by the United States and the citizens
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of the Lnited
States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this
twentieth day of June in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty
s jven, and of the Independence of the Uni
ted States the ninety-first.
By the President :
William II. Seward,
Secrdury of State.
"Wcclvlj- Commercial lltview.
Enterprise Office, )
Orcgou City. April Gd, LSflS. f
FLOUR Imperial," Standard. Monitor,
and Harding's brands $6 50 1 bbl.,
outside brands So ()0i-.) 50.
WHEAT Dull demand at 90095 cts.
t bushel.
OATS The demand is about equal to
the supply, at -Lie.
CORN: MEAL 32 50$3c? ewt,
I- t-AA) Ground S
$2 )fi;52.- : Bran $12
o ton ; .uiuuungs.
FkL'IT Green Apples rT1 hx "075 c;
Dried Apples "j- lb oxt.oc; Dried Peaches
none ; Plums ld(7tM2c.
CURED MEAT Bacon lb 10c12c;
Hams j- lb like; Shoulders o7c.
LARD in kegs u c; tins luc.
EGGS 20c t doz,
BUTTER Ordinary to prime lb 20
POULTRY Chickens rl doz $2 5003;
tame Ducks 75c. i pair : tame Geese $2 50
rt pair :
Turkeys c-2 .jr;,t.i r? pair.
GAME Grouse one.
"j ! pair, or S3 f
doz.: Pheasants. 40c. "r pair, or $2 jrX do.
VEGETABLES Potatoes bu. 2.3 cts
Onions ri Lit) lbs SI 50052.; BeanslOO
lbs Sof" -s.3 50.
HIDES Salted d ID 4?0-5c; dry 8 10.
I'OKTI.AM) l'Ilii;S.
Flour Ranging from S(i 00 to $7 00 Q
Wheat Lots offered here are taken at
$1 00 to $1 10 bushel.
Bacon Sides. t!0lOc; hami, 14015c
shoulders, 07c; Stock abundant,deifiad!
Lard In tins. 10io7,llc.: Ke"s U
Butter Packed soud. 10 and 12o
brine, choice. 20 and 25c. Isthmus
to :',c.
i's?n -O0(1 lemana at S3c. "h 3oz.
In'-d Fruits-Apples, packed iu new i
bo,s 10c; i eacl.es, Uc. and 13c; Plum
Sugar-Islands. 12i0 13k; SanFrancU-
?,V; !fUo'5 cldf iu olls. 16o:
half bbls.. 17e.
Pyrup-dleavy GoMen, best brands,
8I0rf7c ; 1-de.nd, in bVIs., 35c.
North American S. S. Co.
Via Nicaragua and Panama.
Regular Sailing davs in April.
Via Nicaragua, the Favorite Steamship
J. H. Bletuex Commander.
The splendid new steamer
R. H. IIohnee Commander,
Will sail via Panama.
One hundred lbs. Barjgage free.
An experienced Surgeon on board.
Medicines and Attendance free.
5F For further information apply to
I. W. RAYMOND, Agent
X W cor. Tine and Battery sts., up-stairs,
24. td I Sun Francisco.
E. Cornelius' Select
ri vate School!
The First Term will terminate on Friday,
27th inst. The second will commence on
Wednesday, 6th of April next.
T" That the Classes may be organized
without loss of time, parents are requestef
to send or accompany their children to th
school on the first day of the term.
X. B. None received over fourteen years
of ao, ( trirls and some of the youths who
attended the first term excepted,) but to meet
the wants of older and more advanced stu
dents, evening classes will be opened for
recitation only, the subjects of study to be
prepared at home. 21, tf
The Annual Assessment List, under the
United States Internal Revenue Law for Di
vision No. 4, consisting of -Polk, Marion,
and Clackamas counties, in the District, of
Oregon, will be open for public examination
and correction at my office in
Salem front, the 1st dag of April
to the l'.Uii day of April ISiJS; where all per
sons claiming deductions or abatement of
taxes, in consequence of erroneous assess
ment, must do so in writing before the expi
ration ot this notice, as no deduction will be
allowed after the list is closed and turned
over to the Collector.
Salem, the 25th dav of March, IsfiS.
Wm. A. K. M ELLEN,
L . S. Assistant Assessor, 4th Dieitlon,
24.2I-J District of Oregon.
(. itv, Oregon, William A. Clark vs. Field
ing F. Hi bier.
To sa d Fielding F. Ilib'e- : You are hers
by notified that the said William A. Clark
has mad application at this oiiice to be per
mitted to enter the S half of Northwest
quarter and N half of Southwest quartf r of
sec. 2'j T. 3 S. R. 1 E, allcgiag th it y u I ave
abandoned the same and making proof in
support of such allegation, and unless you
appear within thirty days from service heie
of and establish your rights to said land,
such proof of abandonment wid be taken
as true, and the said William A. Clark will
be allowed to enter the said land.
OWEN WADE, Register.
March ;5!st, lSriB. 24.4t.
?N Til E
JL Citv,
Chailes A.
To said
are hen bv
U. S. LAN" OFFICE at Oregon
Oiegon, Robert B. Peake vs.
(tantonwine :
Charles A. Cantonwine: You
notified that the said Robert B.
1'eake, has applied at this office to be per
nutted to enter the S half of the Southwest
quarter ot sec. 'Jo, and the X halt of the
Northwest quarter of section 2'.. T. 3 S. R.
1 E, and to have your homestead entry No.
2 .., embracing sai l tract canceled, alleging
that you have abandoned the same, jmd m-k-ing
proof in support to such allegation: and
you are further notified that you will be al
lowed thirty days from service hereof in
which to appear and establish your right to
said land, and on failure to do so that said
oroof of abandonment will be taken as true
and your entry reported for cancellation.
OWEN WADE, Register.
J1E11RY WARREN. Receiver.
March 31st, ivjS. ' 24.4t.
LOUIS A L li 11 1 ii li ,
Corner of Fourth and Main Sts.,
Oregon City Oregon.
JL the public that uiey keep constantly on
hand ail kinds fresh and suit meats, such us
And everything else to be found in theirline
of business. LOGUS Si ALBRIGHT.
Oregon City, April 'joth, 1Si;7. 2:ly
West Side Mai n. Street, betwetn Second and
Third, Vreijmi City.
GEORGE A. HAAS Proprietor.
The proprietor begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generally that the
above named popular saloon isnpen for their
accommodation, with a new and well assort
ed supply of the finest brands of wines,
liquors and cigars. 52
Fashion Billiard Saloon
Main street, between Second and Third,
Oregon City.
MANN & LEARY Proprietors.
pi I IS above long established and popular
X Saloon is yet a favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars are dispensed to customers a
share of the public patronage is solicited.
N". B. Families supplied with the
choicest Liquors, English Ale and Porter,
in bottles, on the most reasonable terms.
A. II. bell.
E. A. PA UK Lit.
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Driv Store.
3a.) Main Stkeet, Oregon City."
Westeiix Hotel,
Portland, Orkgox.
Corner of First aud Morrison streets,
Th? best tnd most comfortable Hotel in the
s.... a. . - - ,
'""i nere every want is anticipated,
and cheerfully supplied. Warm and
cold Baths attached to the house.
This. Hotel is located near the steamship
Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at
tendance at all the Landings, to convey
passengers and baggage to und from the
Louse free of clmrtie.
xi.tf Proprietors.
Xo, K4t i-'iont strt-ei, lorlsiii Oregon.
L. 1. W. QUI MB Y, Pitoi-RtETOit,
(LaU'f Western Iluttl.)
This home is the most commodious in the
State, newl v furnished, and it will be the en
deavor ot the propr ietor to make his guests
comfortable. The Baggage Wagon will al
ways be found at the land ng on the arrival
of steamships and river boats, carr) ing bag
gage to the houoe free of charge. 1 17.1y
Corner of Front and Oak streets
Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! MerK
dise and Horses, C&an-
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
A. B. Richardsox, Auctioneer.
English refined Bar and Bundle Iron
English Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; '
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron
a i.so : '
A large assortment of Groceries aDd Liquors
A. 13. L'iciiardsox, Auctiotiffr.
Forwarding Merchants,
Hawaiian and Oiegon Pucket Lines. '
Importers of San Quentin and Carmen
Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee,
Rice, and Pulu.
Agents for Provost's fc Co.'s Preserve
Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar.
Dealers in Hour, Grain, Bacon, Lard 4
Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster.
Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship
ment of Merchandise or Produce in Nur
York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland .
Xos 204 and 20o California Street,
San Francisco.
15 Xorth FVont Street, Portland.
Island Sugar and Molasses,
ex-Honolulu Packet, and fur t
sale by M'CRAKEX, MERRILL, & CO. :
Hsnry Gans, Proprietor.
The proprietor of the above saloon wishes
to inform his friends and the public in gen
eral that he is now ready to accommodate
them with the best of Liquors, Beer, Wins
& Cigars. Also agent for the sale of Hum
bcl's Or egon City Lager Beer,Cream Ale etc.
Z'-izJ" Orders promptly attended to. lti.
First Class Fine or Coarse
Made or Repaired. Especial care and at
tention paid to orders for tine work, such a
Ladies' and Misses Fine Gaiters, Gents' Fine
French Calf Boots, etc.
Orders solicited from abroad will be
executed with neatness and dispateh.
40.tf Green st., Oswego, Ortgon.
JOHN SCHADE Proprietor,
IS now prepared to receive and entertain
all who may favor him with their patron
age. The House is New and the Rooms lire
Newly and Xeat'y Furnished. The Table
will be supplied with all the de icacies of
the season. The House is situated near th
steamer landing. Tue proprietor will at all
times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to
all who may favor him with a call, and
would respectfully solicit the patronage of
the Traveling Public. 41:tf.
Board per week f- 0
Board and Lodging 6 00
Single Meals 5
RficLaughlin Hou
Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,
Oregon City, Oregon.
?T This is the most commodious Hotrl
in the city. Newly furnished, and just open
for the reception of guests.
It will be the endeavor of the Propri
etor to make his guests comfortable. 20.tf
Main Stkeet,
Jffijyl yearly Opposite Woolen Factory,
Oregon City. Oregon.
TYe invite the citizens of Oregon City, and
the traveling public, to give us a share of
their patronage. Meals can be had at all
hours, to please the irost fastidious. lc
Kotice to the Public.
I HAVE this day closed the Barlow flouse
in favor of the Cliff House. Hope my
old customers will give their liberal patron
age to the above well kept house. They
will find Messrs. White A Bhoades ahvay
on hand to make guests comfortable.
Oregon Citr, August 1, 1Si7.
Main Street Oregon City-
JACOB B0EHM, Proprietor.
The undersigned wishes to gire notice
that from Saturday, October 5th, "i j7, price
at the above house will be as follows :
Board and Lodging per week $5 00
Board without Lodging 4
Board and Lodging per dav 1 et
Oregon City, Oct. Sd, lsi57. 1-W:tf
What Cheer House,
Xos. 12G, 12S and 130 Front street,
Poutland, Oregon.
The undersigned having taken this well
known house, solicit increased patronage
from the traveling public. The House baa
lately b.-en refitted, and the proprietors ar
now able to offer additional inducements t
their patrons. The table will furnished
with the best market atlords, and be under
the immed.atesupervision of fY?
Rooms well furnished and well lteJ
A larcre tire-proof safe tor the deposit ot
vafuables. Baggage taken to the hotel fro
of charge. Board per week ....
Board and lodging " ....' toSW
l ccordinf to the room occupied.)
Xothim' wid be left undone, w Inch is
the power of the proprietors to render guest
mfortable. LYONS, LEONARD & Co.
xj ,; Proprietor
jNew Columbian. Hotel,
Xos. IIS, 120 and 122 Front st.,
Potvn AMi, Oregon.
P. R. SINN0TT, Proprietor.
The largest, best, and most conrenirnt
hotel in Portland Located ia the center oi
business, and near all the steamer landing
Cuu accommodate six. hundred persons.
At Reduced Rites 1
Board and Lodging, per day, from 12-j
1 fitt nccotdmg to the room occupied,
a ml ibci per bv tie week. Suits ot
Rot ins, and si penor uc on nida
tions tor fann.ies. A good fire
proof (-ate, for use oi gut sts.
;-r Hotel Omnibus, with the nameot id
Hotel on it, will be at the laudin-js
arrival of steamers and ; .d convey
gem and baggage to and frotr . this ou I
of charsie. Warm and. cold Batbs. l
- I
J -: