f v"? i O O o o o O O e O o iTarmcr'js Corner. " He who by the Plow would thrive, Himself must either hold or drive.' SO"G OF THE We are up and away, ere the sunrise hath kist, In the valley below us, that ocean of mist; Ere the tops of the hills have grown bright in its ray, With our scythes on our shoulders, we're up and away. The freshness and beauty of morning are ours, The music of birds and the fragrance of flowers ; And our trail is the first that is seen in the clew. As our pathway, through orchards and lanes we pursue. O The lielmeted clover, in serried array, Like a host for the battle, awaits us to-day: Likoa host overthrown, rank by rank, hhall it lie Ere the heats of the noontide tire poured from the gy. Hurrah !- -here we are ! now together, as one, Give ygur scythes to the swatd and, press q steadily on ; All together, as one, o'er the stubble we pass, With a, vina: and a ring of the steel through the grass. CT.cfore us the clover stands thickly and tall. At i.iii' left it is piled in a verdurous wall. And lie viQ breathed monarch more fra grant perfumes Than the s-unshine distills from its leaves and its blooms. Invisible censers around us are swung, And anthems exultanf from tree-tops are niing, Atrd mid fragrance, and music, and beau- ty, wc; share The jubilant life of the Earth and the Air. Let the priest and the lawyer grow pale in the shade, And the slender young clerk keep his skin like a maid, We care not, though dear mother Nature may bronze Our cheeks with the kiss which she gives to her sons. Then c!i eerily, boys, cheerily ! together as one, Give your scythes to the sward and press steadily on ; All together, as one, o'er the stubble we pass, Villi a swing and a ring of the steel through ii the grass. Cnors wn the Oi-cu.uin. If a man would sit down to really ihirJc about his ore ultra, ami suniy its net us ana prospects its expense to him and the returns he may reasonably expect, he would not be likely to blunder much in its management. The (g first thought might bo, do I want fruit, or O Uo I want grass, grain, potatoes, etc., the iuostP We suppose he wants fruit in his q orchard; if so, he may reasonably ask if he can afford to expend the amount of labor necessary to maintain his fruit teees, and nothing else upon the land, from the time they are first set out. If one does this, jilants trees only, and keeps the ground G plowed and clean, for surely weeds are worse than even a corn crop he will, if the land is in proper condition, have good trees, but at a heavy expense for several years. He may rather revolve the ques tion, what may I cultivate with least in- q j'iry to the trees, and at most profit to my- nelf, and thus make use of otherwise wast ed energies of the soil, manure and sun shine? This question cannot be answered off-hand for there are many things to be considered. When we manure the soil of nn orchard, we must .apply more manure than the trees need, because thev should find it wherever their roots wander, and these do not lill the whole soil. Trees probably draw m st upon the fertility of the soil i.t the period of their most rapid growth. Hence, it we put a crop upon the laud to use up the, excess of manure, it is a poor plan to employ one. the roots f which will voraciously wrangle with, those of the fruit trees lor foud and moist- : ure during this period. This will lead to the inteid.ction of corn and all grains, and seed producing plants, except buckwheat for those ail make their growth when the ( trees have a prior light to the soil. The i same principle will lol'ow the use of all O root crops which gain considerable size ou ? ly af.er inid.-iuiinicr, and mature later, even , utter the trees have ripened Iheir hint. I Cabb iges. etc.. are in tl;o same category I vidi egetnb:es. Onions would seem to 5 an excop.ion. but. though they require ' .i j.-.ud s-on. ihey are not aa exhausting and may be used in young orchards I mi'..v much shade is cast. As to grass I !: -.n.iiieiit '"lass while the trees are urn w- i ,;.g, i, is doubly injurious, liist. in cover- t .he ground so us to prevent its being ) i n.iUed. and preventing also the action oi t ;u.? s.i.i upon it a very important thing: j SeeoilU. 10 t(alng P-ai'.l IOOU IIUHI I ue i m a. 1 t. me-;, but most just when the trees j ure growing f.tUvt. After the trees Lave j attained ihe.r growth, if the space for sev- j eral feet around ihem be kept clear, grass j does little or no harm if well and Uvqueut- j y?m:uiured. 1 he moderate check it ex- j ereises upon this trees making wood may ( promote a tendency to fruit. Even in old j apple orchards, sward should not be sui- j leied to l:e many years without breaking j up; at which time, bine or ashes should be i liberally applied, with other manure, a j crop of "potatoes raised, ami the land seed- j own ag.ii!iwithoat the use of any I grain crop. The idea that grass seeding j will not do well. Unless it be made v. itn some small grain crop, is absurd. Gram, of whatever kiud, is usually an injury to the grass. Makin i Yeast. As much of the success of bread-making depends upon the yeast used, and as home-made yeast is usually better than baker's, every house-keeper should make her own yeast. For hop yeast, take a handful of hops and put it in three, quarts of water; boil it half an hour. Then wet a pint of Hour with cold w ater, rubbing all the lumps out; put it iu large pan and strain the water in which the hops were boiled upon it. When it is oulte o cool, put a cup of yeast in it; put it ia a jug, and set it ia a warm place till it rises, Then put it in a cool place. This will keep a month. When it is nearly gone make a new quantity, taking the remain- lorrvihe old yeast to raise it with hber to subscribe of I'etkoi.u m. A writer in the Agriculturist says, The best thing I have tried for sore shoulders in horses is crude petrolinm. It' seems to have great healing properties. I had been using it for paint, merely rnbbing it on the waodwith a rag, and was astonished how soon a sore, that happened to be cn my hand, got well. Since then I have used it for sores of all kinds on animals, and am satisfied that it is excellent. I rub it. not merely on the sore itself, but for some distance around it It has a slight exciting action on the skin for a few minutes, and, when rubbed on the parts near tin; sore, probably has a tenden cy to scatter the inflammation. Petroleum, just now, is one of my hobbies. Dr. Ed gar took out a patent tor its use and gave me a farm right." 11" he would be equal ly generous with other farmers. I would advise every one of them to buy a barrel of petrolium at once, and use it freely. That it will preserve the wood I have no doubt, although, of course. 1 have not iii?ed it long enough to ascertain the fact. It is just the thing for painting wagons and all kinds of farm implements and tools. On mv farm it is narticulatlv needed, for I find it next to impossible to get things put under cover, and the exposure to rain and wind, and sun, cracks the wood and opens tin? pores. I'etrolium is better than or dinary, paint, because it will penetrate deeper into these pores, and it seems to close them up, and makes the wood lock firmer. Water -Fr.oor Aw-vixg.-?. To make a mix ture to render awnings water-proof: Dis solve four ounces of isinglass in five pints of hot water, and six ounces of alum in six pints: also two ounces of gum arable in one pint. Mix them, and add gradually a solution of one ounce of wax in three pints of hot water, previously mixed with two i or three ounces of spirits of turpentine. To Ei:EsjiE."R..xcTD EiTTiiK. A method of freshening rancid butter is published in many of the papers as follows: "To a pint of water add thirty drops (about half a teaspoonl'ii!) of liquor of chloride of lime. Wash in this two and a half pounds of ran cid butter. When every particle of the butter has come in contact wiih the water, let it stand an hour or two; then wash the butter well in pure water. The butter is then left without any odor, and has the sweetness of fresh butter, 'these prepara tions of lime have nothing injurious in litem. 'r A wri'er who claims to have tried this, says that the most rancid butter was rendered so sweet by it that able judges could not distinguish it from new butter when placed alongside the latter on the table. No one is born without vices, and the best man is the one who is ens cumbered with the least. .g-O "O- -0 None will have such a dreadful parting with the Lord at the last day as those who went half way with Ilim, and then left Him. A gentleman at a musical party asked a friend in a whisper, " How shall I stir the fire without interrupt- the music? 7" Between the bars,' replied his friend. The best thing to be done when evil comes upon us, is r.ot lamenta tion, but notion ; rot to sit and suffer, but to lise set-U (he remedy. - . . -5f -B - - A irentleman iae as a toast at dinner, "The ladies Divide our sor rows, double our joys, and treble out- expenses,' when a lady " The gentlemen divide oar time, double our troubles." our cares, and treble Snooks says the reason he does not tnarry is that hi.s house is not large enough to contain the consc- 9 -0 stains from the char- To remove acter set rich. Hag Carpets. " I have felt great pride, in new carpets before now," said a lady acquaintance recently, "but this last one made of old rags as it is is the most beautiful, afier all." And so it was cheap, durable, and m-at- the colors perfect and blending so handsome! y, were produced bv the celebiated Family i)ye Colors, of Howe & s-tcwens notoriety. The popular druggists. Smith & Davis, are agents for the State of Oregon, but Hell & Parker have the dyes for sale see advertisement. How to Live Long. Iv.it and drink and be comfortable. Never go to ex cess, and always be hopeful. Let the world wag as it will, be happy. If it goes well, Hugh; if it goes ill never cry, for that makes it no better. He cheerful- contented, simple in habits, active in pursuits, and purchase your dry goods and clothing of Kohn & Fish el, No. VI Front street, Portland, Oregon, Then shall your years stretch out like a sum mer's day, and your youth be perpetual. 5- Sigss and I'outents. From the earliest times there has been in many minds a linn belief in supernatural things. If t ere is anything like skepticism remaining in this community reiurding the ability of i Itanium Bros, to "sell" the best roods at the lowest prices, it will be removed by calling at their store, at the corner of Front and Mouison ".irects, wle re a large new stock of cverv description of Clothing and Furnishing Uoods, received by ike steamer John iZ t-jihai.i, w id be found. 'Oir.c ears since, while re-n - irv in the city of Providence, we beard much said in praise of Perry DavL,' "Pain Killer." We listened incredulously to these testimonials. Well, health failing, as a hist, resort, the doc tors sect u to Minnesota. The winter was inlcnsily cold, and a t err t Lib." form of Neural gia prevailed among the settlors, and we fell i.i'ii tiie grasp of the disease, and day and right, fir wet. ks, endured untold agony. Many remedies were tried without avail. Cue d.iy. however, a stjbvai t frontiersman entered the room, beiiritni in his hand a vial paiiiv tiiied Willi a, reddish liquid. It was some of the Pain Killkr. He hud bought it in California thiee j curs before, and had kept it with tniseriv care until then. A pi'lving it exter ii.tiiy ami internally gave immediate teuci. Miiee men, we nave rec tenet. ommended it successfully in cases that bat tled the best med.c.il skill ; and when we see persons reject tisis remedy, we recall our ow n experience, and think llu-.t the time may come when pain, incurable by other agents, may teach them the value of this gieat dis covery. Home Monthly. 2o.lt Head the Following: Gents This is to certify that I have found ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM one of the best remedies in the world for diseased Lungs. I have nsrd it i:i my family for breaking up a trouble some cough with the happiest effect. I rec ommended it to a young lady w ho had a har rassing cough and was thre itened with Con sumption, and it cured her in a few days. I would recommend it to all those predisposed to Cons.iuipt ion. Kesnectfull v vours, A. A. IIAUUISON, Cincinnati, O. L. 1). Bowie, Druggist. Uniontown, Penn., writes, Ami! It liO: Aih ifs Lung Ba's.un has pei formed some remaikable cures about here. I recommend it with confidence iu all diseases of the Throat and Lungs." Stkui.ing Baos., Druggists, write from Car rolton, O., Jan. -J7, 1 si7 : "Send us six doz en ai.li-,n's u-xr, balsam. We are entirely out cf it. It gi i cs nu.re general sati.-dactiou than asiv other medicine we s'i." ! j j i j ! Peuky Davis. A-sox, Providence, R. I., j general wholesale Agents tor the Lastern Mate. Sold by all dealers in Family Medi i cine. Price $1. OSWEGO' BUSINESS. J. A. EEacBONALD, Green Street Oswego, Oregon. Jost Master and Dealer in GEN E R A L MERCHANDISE, Groct i li s, IVlncs and liquors I OSWEGO BUEWERY AND BILLIARD SALOON. Henry Gaits, Proprietor. The proprietor of the above saloon wishes to inform his friends and the public iu gen eral that he is now ready to accommodate tliem with the best of Liquors, Beer, Wines Si Cigars. Also agent for the sale of Ilum bel's Oregon City Lager Peer,Cream Ale etc. " Orders promptly attended to. IU. KOTICE TO ALL V, 110 WANT First Class Fine or Coarse Made or Repaired. Especial care and at tention paid to orders for tine work, such as Ladies' and Misses Fine Gaiters, Gents' Fine j French Calf Roots, etc. j Orders solicited from abroad will be executed with neatness and dispatch. TEllYV ll.LHi hli & tS.MI l 11, 4'Xtf , Green st., Oswego. Ongon. OSWEGO HOUSE! OSWEGO, OltEuOX. JOHN SC11ADE Proprietor, IS now prepared to receive and entertain all who may favor him with their patron age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newly and Ncat'y Furnished. The Table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The House is situated near the steamer landing. Trie proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, and would respectfully solicit the paronage of the Traveling Public. 41:tf. Hoard per week oo Hoard and Lodging 6 00 Single Meals .r0 HOTELS, RESTA U HANTS, J-c. fclcLaughlin House- Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,) Oregon City, Oregon. E. B. KELLY, - Proprietor. This is the most commodious Ilotrl in the city. Newly furnished, and just open for the reception of guests. 1;' It will be the'endeavor of the Propri etor to make Ins guests comfortable. -JO.if CLIFF HOUSE. i'"-,?y Main Street, VgX Nrarh Opposite Woolen Factory, KSKIEks, i rietors' Oregon City. Oregon. We invite the citizens of Oregon Citv, and the traveling public, to give us a share of their patronage. JMeals can be hail hours, to please the most fastidious. at all Lis Notice to the Public. I HAVE this day closed the Barlow House in favor of the Clitf House. Hope my old customers will give their liberal patron age to the above well kept house. They will find Messrs. W bite & Khoades always on hand to make guests comfortable. WM. BARLOW. Oregon City, August 1, lso7. OREGON HOUSE, .Main Street Oregon City. JACOB EOEIIM, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED ISiT. The undersigned wishes to dive notice that from Satni ilay, October 5th, 1 5i7, prices at the above house will be as follows : 15oard and Lodging per week $5 00 Board without Lodging 4 on Board and Lodging per dav 1 00 JACOB B0EI1M. Oregon Citv. Oct. "d, 18i;7. I.Vtrtf New Columbian Hotel, Nos. 120 and V22 Front st., Pout i and, Oaeoox. P. B. SINHOTT, Proprietor. The largest, best, and most convenient hotel in Portland. Located in the center of business, and near all the steamer landings. Can accommodate six hundred persons. A t Reduced Rales ! Board and Lodging, per day, from 1 2" to $1 5o according to the room occupied, and cheaper by the week-. Suits of Kooms, and superior accommoda tions tor families. A good lire proof safe, for use of guests. HOUSE Ol'EX ALL NIGHT! Z-i7 Hotel Omnibus, with the nan; of the Hotel on it, will be at the landings on the arrival of steamers and will convey passen jjers and bagirasc to and from this hotil free of charge. Warm and cold Baths. xi.i What Cheer House, JSos. 12G, lis and ISO Front street, l'OUTLAM), Oiieoox. REDUCED RATES! The undersigned having taken this well known house, solicit increased patronage from ttie traveling mimic, lne House has lately been relit ted, and the proprietors are now able to oiler additional inducements to their patrons. The ta'ole will be furnished with the best market affords, and be under the immediate supervision of the proprietors Uooms well lurnislied and well ventilated. A large lire-proof safe for the deposit of valuables, lhignuge taken to the hotel tree of charge. Board per week $5 oo Board and lodging " to S 00 (According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, which is in the power of the proprietors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD & Co., xi.'i Proprietor. W est e UN Hotel, PotlTI.AXn, Oukgow Corner of First and Morrison streets, Thj best and most comfortable Hotel in the State, where every want is anticipated, and cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold Baths attached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship Landing. The Hotel Coach will be in at tendance at all the Landings, to convey passengers and baggage to aud from the house tree of charge. SKVVLLL & DOUCE Y. x'-'f Proprietors. A M E R I C A X EX C 1 1 A X G E. . "'- I.LCOI.X HOUSE, So. SI i-'ioiit slice!, Pot tin ml Oregon. L. P. W. Ql'IMIJY. Pnorr.tETon, Late ,f Vtntt:ra.JoUL) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable, fhe Baggage Wagon will al ways be round at the laiuhn mi tlit !iirir:d of steamships aud river boats, carrvi gage to the house free of charge. ing bag- 17.1y PATTON HOUSE, Two doors south of the old Court House, Front street, Portland, Oregon. W. X. Pat i ox Proprietor. Single meals, 23 cents . . .Beds, 25 cents. Thi in the bouse is newly fitted, and famished best stvle. xii.'un Fred. Mull or, Th e Or if i n a I Pax a r a t ta Pegs to announce to his old customers and the public, that I lis New Restavrant, f Trf doors from Alder, on First street, Tort land, is now open. Oyiter, Gi h, Chops, etc. xi.S TIIE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OREGON CITY Now is the Time to Take Passage for The Establishment of "TITTTIO HAVE JUST RECEIVED ONE OF TIIE LARGEST AND BEST AS YV sortments of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents' and Coys' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS. FURS, HOSIERY, etc., MERRIMAC PRINTS. WHITE GOODS, etc., II ATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too numerous to mention. Wlaicla ilicy laiicud ' anyone is disjiosed to donlt the genuineness of the above statements. Especially the latter all the undersigned ask of them is, thai they Call az;d Examine the Goods and Phices ! And satisfy themsfhes. We may Building, Main street Oregon City. OCT Country Produce taken Look Out ! The Eailroad is not Coming Yet ! BIT PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still Running their And Rolling in Charman & Warner's old Brick Store, Main Street, Where lie Dot only intends to sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will say, COME OXT-, COME ALL, and satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to me to show 'good's. 1 have received one of the largest stocks ever brought to this mar ket, consisting in part of a line assortment of LADIKrf DKF.S.S GOODS. KALMOUALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, ' est quality ; llOSILliY; DROWN AND PLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths; HOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAli ; CLOTHING ; FINE 15 LACK DKESS SUITS ; CASSIMEliE SUITS; SUPERIOR REAVER SUITS : HOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. Jfc A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYPODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. S. ACKERMAN. All kinds of Produce Bought. RUB B E R GLOTHSHO COMPANY! 118 Jlontgoincrj' Street, San Francisco California. NYho'.esale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds India Rubber Goods. All kinds and styles! Druggist and Fancy Goods, Stationery, Combs, Bails and Toys, Pipes and Canes, Blankets, Piano Covert, Bap Robes, Air and Water Goods! Rubber JSeelfc Tics ! For Ladies and Gentlemen ! Door Mats, Wagon springs, cfc Shaft Rattlers, Curry Combs, and Horse Boots, Buckets and Pails, Gloves and Napkin Rings, To'tht Glasses, Card Baskets Fans Latest styles of Rubber Jew By every steal .ier. JOSEPH FRASER, S de Agent for the Pacific Coast. PS Lake street. Chicago. 347 Broadway, New York. 4.".tf TO MILSiMES, DA1RYHEX AND STOCK RAISERS. OTL CAKE MEAL TIIE BEST FEED known for increasing the product and richness of Milk, fattening Stock, and fitting it for market. For sale in quantities de sired. Ali, Pure HAW AM ItOII.KD LI.VSEUD OIL, and Ground Paint, designed es pecially for outside work, constantly on hand. ALSO, WANTED, CASTOT2 JJEAXs- A .Y7 " FL A XSEED, for which cash will be paid on delivery. Pacific Lin-ved Oil and Lead JVorl.it, Kin" stret, near Third. San Francisco, M:tf L. B. BEXC1ILEY k CO.. Agents. A LARGE LX VOICE OF XEW Sunday School and Gift Books! IT-ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCTE ? ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st., between 2d and 3d. Portland, Orfon G. II. ATKINSON , Secretary, 52.1 r and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc.'y. T to sell Lower thsm be found at the old stand, the Brick JACOB BROTHER. in exchange for goods. "3 TIIE the Goods for GKOB'S MUSICAL EDUCATIONAL1' INSTITUTE. Ai-.o: Day and Boarding School for Young Ladies! T "MILS INSTITUTE IS SITUATED IN A retired and beautiful location, away from the business portion of the city, On Third, between B and C streets Portland. Oregon. Attached to the building are extensive anc beautiful grounds, for the convenience ot pupils. The Educational Department will be in charge of an eflicient corps of Teachers No effort will be spared to make ibis In stitute equal to the best on the Pacific coast. The Course of Studies Will embrace all the branches usually taugh ill first class Seminaries in the East, in cluding the Classics, French, Ger man, Spanish, Mathematics, Ac. The Musical department will be conductor, by Prof. II. Guioo Giton, Graduate of Plancl' Conservatorie. Parties from the countrj may -est assured that unocr the care of Mrs Grob, Matron of the Establishment), thej will experience all the attentions of a moth er, and enjoy the comforts of a home. j;;?" Particular attention will be paid ti the choice of Text Books, in order to avoid anything of a Sectional or Partizan cature in our curriculum of studies. For further particulars, enquire at the In stitute, or address II. GUIDO CROP,, xi.tf P. O. Box No. Pis, Portland. THE GREETING. A Collection of Glees, Quartetts, Cho ruses, Part Songs, -c; By L. 0. Emerson, author of ''The Jubilee? Harp Jndah, Golden Wreath, 3 ferry Chimes, etc. Upwards of half a million copies of Mr. Emerson's music books have been sold. a fact proving a popularity which has rewarded uc other author of the same eliss of books, an? which cannot fail to insure for this new vol nine an immense sale. The contents of this work are, for tlie most part, new. A large number of valuable pieces have been con tributed by Mr. L. II. Southard, whose name is a sullieient sruarantee of the excellence. The marked features of the collection are: Originalit-, Brilliancy and varietv, and it will be found, upon careful examination,that there is no glee book before the public that in every particular will prove so completely satisfactory to musical societies, and conven tions, conservatories, clubs and amateur sing ers. Price 1.3S ; ?12 per do.., mailed post paid. 0L1YLU DITSOX & Co., i uoiisticrs, Boston DtTsox A Co.. New York c.tf C. H. j 1VM. COKRITT, San Francisco. MACI.KAV. Portland. Corbift & Ma deny, Importers & Wholesale Grocers, 74 FRONT STREET, Portland Oregon. .OODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SMALL VJ advance upou SAX FllAXCiSCO JCBEIXG PRICES: c. & ;m. Would thank merchants visitino- the city to frioe their stock before purchasing. .y r OUTLAXD BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. W I L L A M E T T E IRON WORKS COMPANY! rrjfspw North Frout and E sts., Portland. Oregon. STEAM Elf CHIOS and BOILER BUI LDERS. TnESE WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and elhciently. Wc have secured the services of .Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years ;ivt s him a thorough . knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We a'e prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'UMI'5 ! ! &C, &C, &c., ifanvfiicti're and J??(tir Mich In cry of all i-;,ui. in ox siiurrKii i vonn at s Fraiicixco eot an. I frthjlit. WheeUr llaa ditlt's Patent Grimier anJ. Amalgamator. Dtubiar'ti and SUcen Self Adntin'J Patent Piston Pacl itnj, either applird to old or rxw strain cy!ind'ri Quartz zlamprst Shoe. and dUs, if the Ust hard iron. MEUSSBORFFEB & ER0 Manufacturers and Importer of, An i M'h'olefaU and lieta'd Pealcrs in, IIAT, CAFS, And HATTEH'8 MATEHIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, bv every steamer, all tlie latest styles of New York, London and Paiisiau taste, for gentlemen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper than any other house on the Pacific coast. P. S. Hats of every style and description made to order, also neatly repaired. 13y WTT! TvT A T.TTTT1 A CIT 7 T7? HIGGIN3 & CO. Arc Sow JTuiiufsiituiliig ii Superior ARTICLE OF Chemical, Olive, Pale,. and Brown FAMILY SOAP, TT7TIICII WE WILL SELL AT SAN V Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or to McL'rakeii, Merrill ct Co., Agents, will meet with prompt attention. W. L. 111GG1NS & CO.. ll:ly Proprietors, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Whaif. McCK-V'vEN, MEK KILL & CO., Agents Pione Bindery. 14. ourccioxrAX m i i.ding, Sj. 5 V. uii:ujjf 01s Sl- t-t, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. .music books, magazines, news papers, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. Establish f.d ) j I .STAUI.ISIIEI)' Ho. SO First street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in (Luden, (Srass and Flower Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit Packed iciih earc for Shipment. NUTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal-nuts, Fil berts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bought expressly for family use. All of which is otli-rcd for cash at cah prices. Orders solicited. 30;ly JOIIX OH 0r"OR. No. 00 First st., Portl ind, Oregon. E. G. RANDALL, IMPORTER AN'l) DKAI.Elt IX fiOS'OAL OJTO Sheet Music, and Musical Merc'iandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for M.ISOIl & II.I ! '. !S CELEBKATED CABI5ET ORGAX ! AND aOUn MEDAL PIAXO FORTES ! First street, next door to the Post Oflice l'ortland, Oregon. (4.tf THE BEST SELECTION fj And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys' and Childrens' B0GT8 and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA BOOT AXI SHOE STOL'E, X. 112 Front etr-t, l'ortland, opposite Walter Pros. Carpet ! ore, where new goods of the latest styles are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, enabling us to sell cheaper than anv other store iu ths city. KAST !t CAHALIX. 14-) 112 Front street, l'ortland. mmm tin ii 1 1 uYr!iiiMii mm C. II. MYEE PLUUBIXC, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So. HO First Street Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Wafer Boilers, Marble Top Washsfands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tabs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron JPipes, all Sizes. TEES. F.LP.O W;ETUP.X F.EXDL XIPPLES, PVSJIIXGS, d-c, for Steam, Water t,td Ga-i. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Gunges, Whistle' Tallon Pumps, Steam Gua-s, Globe Angle, ami Check Valves, Guac ' Cocks, Air Cor ks, aud all kinds" ot Brass W01 k. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &c. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in f team or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. May IS, 1567. 1:1 y fj. H. MYERS. PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. PesnThaving business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. Sixteen Years in Oregon. S, J. IVI'CORMfCK, THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted witti the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (exactly oitosite mocxt hood) "Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOONS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTE UCTIOX JJOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CIIVUCll MUMC UOOIvS, BVSS, VIOL, GUITAR aud VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHE A 1' P U 1 SLICATIUJN S, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, lyr.J PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. V srA . HC! 7 "TCP' r AND TArER HANGING VARE BEO LEAVE TO IXFORM public that we have TIIE Removed to the Fire Store Ho, 9 Front street, Portland, Formerly occupied by Messrs. Cohn, Lyon ti- Kaufman Where we shall now open our latest impor tations of CARPETS, PAPEli HANGINGS, FLOOR AN I) TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS LACE CUUTAINS, CO UNICES AND BANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And all goods in the CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LINE ! IVe Import our Goods Direct from the East, antl sell al less itian Sun Francisco Prices I WATTEII BROS., No. 83 Front street, bet ween Alder and Washington, Portland, Oregon. -) HlirSIIS ilHID AST One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. 111. T. Shanaliaii, IM PORTER AND DEALER IX .12 US 1 0A L INS TR UMF.N TS, FINE KNGRA VINGS. PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. npiIR FINEST AND LA lit i F.ST STOCK I of Engravings,- Cromo, Plain and col ored Lithoscriiphs, etc.,- ever before idl'ered in tliis market, just received and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I A L5' : Vicics of Columbia River Scenery! Constantly on lrand; agext roit unArBi:itt''s celebrated' rsiEact Sealc lijaiso.y I Which have pven universal satisfaction, and which Le guarantees to sell at San Fran cisco prices. 5j?j Special attention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc. Z-if Mr. Shaiiahan, formerly of A. Koh lcr's establishment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, ilelo deous, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos for Kent. ."tj.ly ItOBIl&T II. LAW, IlirOItTEK. OF Hard W cod Lumber COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON MATERIALS ! 1'uUTLAXD, OrEGOX. HAS NOW OX HAND axd TO ARRIVE the finest stock ever imported t this coast. Ueing selected under his persontd supervision he can warrant it to be of the best, and would call the attention of dealers and wagou makers to his assortment of EASTERN OAK, ASH, AND HICKORY, PLANK, WHITE WOOD, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, AXLES, POLES, BENT ELMS Shaftt, Boivs, Single trees, Plow Beams und Hundles, dc. Orders for the above, also for Boxes, Thim bles, Skeins, Iron and hteel, promptly Idled. ItOIlEIIT II. LAW, wmniission Merchant, 38 First st , Corner of Pine, Portland, Oregon. Consignments solicited. (00. ly John LTeslor, Arcliitect, OFFICE IX C A RTF IPS P.U1LD1XG, Front St., Portland Oregon FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and ALI. DESCItlrTlOXS OF BUICK AN" FUAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously ana laiui .11 Owners interests fully suneriiitended. considered paramount lT.lf BILLS i CO. CAMP CO. IIOGAX fc CO. Portland Cray and Hack Co., O :"? at ftrat and LT'tci StahU, Cor. Stark and Second sts, Portland. AH business intrusted to ns executed with care ana ai.-patch. o commissions chr.rcrcd on freight advanced. Orders for hacks promptly attended to, day or Bight. MISCELLANE0 US. g HE RIFF'S SALE I By virtue of nn Execution duly issnoi out of the Circuit Court of the State of o egon, for the county of Clackamas, in faV(!j ot S. W. Moss, and against Joseph Ma0n(1 for the sum of twelve hundred and eighty live dollars, and interest at the rate of td" per cent per annum from the 20th day of 0c tober, 187, aud the further sum' of "twenty two dollars and sixty cents costs, and corn manding me to satisfy said execution out 0f the property of said Joseph Magone, and for want of personal property I have levied upon the following described real estate to wit: All that part ot the north halt of claitn No. S.V5, known as the Magone land claim, in Clackamas county, State 01 ure iron. and UUUll'icu ..-., 1111; .".uuill t)7 the line dividing the husband's and wif, part of said claim, on the west and north br hutte-creek. and on the east by the eastrrV line of said claim, being in sections 14. is i 2-2 and 23, of Township ." south range 1 west of the Willamette meridian, and containing 70 acres more or less; and I will sell all tlie j - right, title and interest of said Joseph M. gone in and to the same, at public auction, I to ttie highest bidder for cash in hand, on ! Saturday, April 4 Ik A. D. 180?, at the Court House door in Oregon Ci(v, in r said County and .State, at 1 o'clock!'. M. of said dav, to satisfy said execution and cot.ta of sale." Wm. . PURNS, 20.4tJ Sheriff of Clackamaa County, r jDM I N 1STR ATOlt'S SALE T Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of the order of the County Court of Clacka- i ' mas county. State of Oregon, made 011 the v 5th day of March, A. D. latiS, in the matter of the estate of ltobert Larery deceased, the I, undersigned administrator of said estate . will sell at public auctioti to the highest bid- S -der in cash for gold or silver coin of tin fe i United States, in one parcel, and subject to , coulirmatiou by said county court, on Monday the 13t day of April, A. 1). tsfis, at two (2) o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door, in Oregon CitT f Clackamas county, State of Oregon, all the p right, title, interest and estate of the said in. f testate at the time of his death, and all the right tit le and interest that the said estate ' has by operation of law or otherwise acpir ed, other than or 111 addition to that of ti,i - said intestate at the time of death, in and ta all that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county and State.and s described as follows: To-wit T. 2 S. It. 1 i K., being the south half of the south ivet quarter of section seventeen (17), and north half of north west quarter of section twentr t (20), according to maps and plats of United f States surveys, containing ICO acres, more :' or less. Said land will be sold subject to the i" dower of the widow of deceased therein. I Terms of sale One third of purchase monrr ft to be paid down on day of sale, balance oil f continuation of sale bv said county court. n ' ARTHUR WARN Kit, Administrator of the estate of Robert Laverr y. deceased. il-'X COLD OUT ! 1 i wish to give notice to my l.te patrons' -that I have disposed of my team and Ij',m- S ness to nr. Wm. Newman, who will continue : the business, and probably give as good gut- isfactitm as I lid, to all employers. J-"" All accounts lemaining due mimt he settled forthwith, as I am poing cast of the : mountains as soon as possible. 'f Al! persons having claims against me will please present them for payment. S ANDREW' WILLIS. pOR SALE ! Lot 4; block 4.D, in this city Applr to R. R. DkLASHMUT, Oswgo. J N TIIE U. S. LAND OFFICE AT ORE- jrou City, Oregon. James A. Kobbius r v Antoine Lucie, V. D. Remiiigtoii, liWirr s .Merrill, Thomas Price, and II. W. Royie,- .' contest in relation to the South half of N E i quarter, and N half of S K quarter, of sic tion 31, T 2S It 1 W. I To all the above named contestants: Yea v arc hereby notiiied thai the above, entitled ' case is set for hearing at the said Land edict t Oil Saturday the 4 th day of April, 1 at tlie hour of 1 o'clock r. m., of mi day, at which time and place all partui f interested will be allowed a hearing. h Feb. mh, ISiJS. ' I OWFX WDE, RcKit ' IIEXRY WARRKX. Kt-erirt-r. i t 5 ti " " notice " ;, ryiu: Co partni:i:.;ijip heretofohz ) .JL known as the firm of Miller & l'ease, ia -the lumbering business at Oregon Ciiv, 1 ? this day dissidviyl, November 2"th, l?7,i by mutual consent. Those bavinjr clxirn y against said firm will present them to Sain't Miller for payment, mid those owin the lura f , will please come forward and scitle witti i Samuel Miller, who is authorized to recnif -aud receipt. SAMUEL MlLI.hK, i GF.O. A. PLASH. The business will be carried on in thf ft- I ture by Si'.mue' Smith, who will furnish aif t kinds of lumber, both rough and dressed, f; and all kinds of fruit boxes on short notici ; and at reasonable prices. 7.tf SAMUEL SMITH. . Estate of JoLn Welch, Deceased. N JOTICE IS HLREliV GIVEN THAT the . undersigned has been appointed .Ad- r. ministratrix of the estate of John Welch, (ii- ceased,-by the Hon. County Court of Clark- J amas" county Oregon.' Therefore, all pcror. having claims or demand against said tt- tate, will present the pame to me, with pToj er vouchers for payment, at my rasiih-nce in 5, MoUla, in said county, with'iu six mouths from this date. her I BARBARA AXN x WELCH. ilarch 7th, lM'.S. 'io.it mart.' : OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. Tlias. Armstron?) jr.'? -a.lK3. f i-'M Manufacturer of ; (IlltliJ ALL KINDS CF LEATHER JVI u.w a l" k ik, Oregon-. 'HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IS- I form DEALERS 0 AND MANUFACTURE That be is prepared to rnish as ood and f -durable an article of Leather as can be mad on the I'acilic Coast, at the following rate: Harness Leather, per lb 2S to "0 centJ. it Extra heavy, for Concord S3 " I Skirting, per pound 23 to ".i " Pelting, in the side S" " f- " Cut, per square foot, 1 oO ? Side, upper, ' " " 10 to 2" cents. (Jrain Leather " " " IS to 22 " Light Puff, or Grain for Wo men s work. . . ; S fo 20 Calt'Skins, per dot Kip " " Pridle. per side 'Jollar, per side Lace Leather, per side. . . . ..$:;0o0to?i0C"' 400 to (5'""' ;' . '. shfiio 4 , . . 1 00 to 2 i . . 2 UO to Oi vJ i ?T I do not think that Harness Leatlior s should necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, is p Order to stand the test of our climate ; f Nor do I think that Helf ing. iu order to bear the strain of Oreiron Machinery, mus' be made in the Atlantic Stares. ALL I ASK IS A f Jmii- Clifincelj nd I w:II prove, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that Oregon Leather is the bc.-t J, in f'ie Coast. I , Ail oroers iii ijiirct nnu piuuiu f teiition. Adores : THOMAS ARMSTRONG X sc.ly) Milwaukic, Oregon. B. Cornelius' Select 1 P v vate SchoolH 1 The First Term will terminate on Fri''i.r' f , 27th inst. The second will commence t-a f Wednesday, Gth of April next. e O . f riT That the Classes may be orgfiniz without loss of time, parents are re(l!' t to S'ind or accompany their children to1 . v school on the first day of the term. f " N. II. None received over fourteen y ? cf air (chl and some of the youths . attended the fn st. term excepted,") but to rn the wants of older and more advanced f- dents, evening classes will be r.uef recitation only, the subjects of st"" prepared at home. ' 1 . - JL' 6 : it