f - 4 i i i O SljclUccklij Enterprise. TOAVX AND COIXTV. OCll ACEXTS. L. T. FISHER & Co., Rooms 20 and 21 Xw Merchants' Exchange, Sacramento street, are our only authorized Agents iu San Francisco. DALY & STEVENS, cor. Front and Morri tn streets, (tip stairs,) are our authorized Agent in Portland. B. C. LEWIS, Esq., will continue to act for us as General Traveling Agent. COURT CALEND.Vlt. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of CTackamrs. March term, A. 1. 18(58 lion W. W. Tpton, presiding: criminal ihxk::t. State of Oregon i-5. A. Lainartine Adul yyiery. Continued. " Stato of Oregon vs. George Burchaid IVrjury. Dismissed. State of Oregon vs. G. A. Arco- Selling liquor to minor under IS. Dismissed de fendentdead. State of Oregon vs. Marshall Roberts IVrjury. Continued. S State of Oregon vs. James Cramer. No ' Indictir.ent found. State of Oregon vs. J. E. Walsh. No in I dictnient found. State of Oregon vs. Marian Epperson. No Indictment found. I. AW DOCKET. John i? McClane vs. John I. Boon. Con tinued, K. Hendric vs. John Forrest and J. C. llunn, Guarnishee Action on account. Jury impaneled on behalf of Mann, atul judgment of nonsuit rendered against plaintiff. George Abernelhy an 1 other Trustee of the Methodist Church v.. F. Wilde Action brought to recover possession of some 17 feet of land claimed by plaintiff. Jury trial verdict for defendent. Man-hall Huberts vs. George Prossc-r. Appellant Appeal from Justice Court. Jifdgment for appellant no appearance for Roberts. The Oregon Iron Company vs. J. C. Trullinger. Transferred to Multnomah co. by stipulation. Thomas Lowe vs. It. Smith e' al Debt. Judgment for plaintiff. Charlotte Lionie us R.Smith etal Debt. Judgment for plaintiff. A. F. Jones c al by Guardian vs. W. P. Burns & S. W. Moss. Continued. C. S. Miller vs. Oregon City Paper Man ufacturing Co. Dismissed. A. I. Block vs. O. C. P. Manufacturing Company. Dismissed. Wtj. Johnson i J. D. Dement. Executors of Estate of W. C. Dement, vs. The City Council of Oregon City Action brought by plaintiff to recover back city tax paid by plaintiff tinder protest. Trial by Court judgment lor defendant. Peple'.t Transportation Company vs. N. Hann A S. Smith. Judgment of nonsuit against plaintiff. Frank Balonge, John Balonge it Theoph ils Groshens vs. the Hull of old steamer Jilval Debt 15 cases. J udginent for plain tiff, o II. Frank vs. J. K iffca, Appellant Ap peal from Justice Court. Appeal dismiss ed. The People's Transportation Comnany ts. The Willamette Steamboat Company Continued. Owen Wade vs. A. J.Joslin. Continued. J. II. Fisk fc wife vs. Yv. J. lliad'oerry. tt al. Continued. F. Barclay, Admlais'.rator, vs. William Holmes, Appellant. Continued. B. F. Snuffiu vs. W. S. Linn. Settled. The County of Clackamas vs. People's Transportation Co. Aclio.-j For damage to county road between Oregon City and Canemih. Coalhuud. Jacob Boom vs. E. B. Kelly, Adminis trator Appeal from County Court. Judg ment aflirme 1 except as to cost. Each party to pay their own cost. J. Bohem vs. E. B. Kelly. Administrat or Appeal brought by J. Bohem from clerk's taxation of cost. Appeal dismissed. S. Wygint, el al, rs. F. Barclay, Ad ministrator Appeal from County Court at issue. Continued for trial. S. Warner el al vs. A. J. Block el al Suit by stockholders of O. C. Paper Com pany against late Directors for mismanage ment, &c. Continued. The City Council of Oregon City vs. Or egon City Manufacturing Company .? Suit for damage to Main Street, Oregon City. Settled. S. W. Moss vs. E. D. Jones At issue for I trial. Change of venue to Multnomah county on application of 8 W Moss. I M Mason vs. E Ross Appeal from coun- ty Court. Judgment for defendant no I appearance for plaintiff The foregoing is a correct list of the , cases on the docket at the commencement Oof the March term BSCS with the dispo sition made of them. The most important - cases were not tried. It, is now under I Ptood that there will be a special term o! "i the Circuit Court held in this county in the early part of May to finish up the bus- mess. EQtlTY PorXKT. Isaac Newton vs. Eliza Newton-Suit for divorce. Dismissed. Caroline A. Robinson vs. John W. Rob inson Suit for divorce. D'.vovce granted Caleb A. Ban e;s J. Doolc & w if.-. Ar gued and subm'tted. No.vpareii. Tuocr-K. This company of theatrical performers favored this place on last Tnes lay anil Wednesday evenings receiving full houses. We hope they miy be as fortunate elsewhere as they have been la this place. We can bespeak a full house wherever they may show and those 1 who go once will ilesire to attend each night thereafter. We have especially to "notice, on the last, perfornrinee. a flute so lo by Mr. V. F. Field which was speiulid Jy executed and highly appreciated; also a fine display Gf vocal and instrumental music by Chrley Taylor, and the splen did limbic diseoursed'by the Oregon City Brass Hand previous to" each performance. Wkt.comeVisitous. on Wednesday sev eral ladies honored us with a visit to this establishment. A repetition of the- favor would be acceptable. It is delightful to be to highly favored and '-one good turn desert es another:" therefore, ladies we long for you to call again. ' Thaxks. We are under obligations to Mr. E. W. SwafTbrJ, for a box of Roxbury Russets of a very fine flavor. C. B. B. C. The member j of the Clack amas Base Ball Club are requested to meet at the Court House on Monday evening .March 30; h 1SG3. TETER T. BARCLAY", Attention- All. A Concert of vocal and instrumental mus'tc will be given, by the musical talent of Ore gon City, in the Congregational Church on Wednesday evening April 1st. The music, as will be seea by the programme, is choice, mostly nev, and comprising such a variety as to suit the tastes of all. Admission 50 cents. Children half price. Doors open at half past seven. Concert begins at eight, A mongst so ma'iy kind hearted people in Salem it would he a diffi cult matter to discrimina'e. Those people have broad avenues, and streets, and their large hearts and lib eral actions generally endear stran gers, sojourning among them, so that one really leaves tha place regret fully. We tender our thanks to them for many courteous shown us during the session of the late Conven tion. Messrs. Biker, Coggan & Co., of Li Grande, Union co-inty, will commence the publication of a week ly newspaper, to be called th'J Blue Mountain Tunes, about the first of April next. We wish Jlum all pos sible success1. The paper will en deavor to assist in the success and supremacy of the principles euuneiat cd by the late lam-'i.ted President Lincoln, mid now maintained by the Republican Union party. A new way of " putting the question" was adopted by " Uncle'' Jesse Applegate, at the conclusion of the State Convention, in Silein last Wednesday. Air. Applegate moved that the Convention tender their thanks to Hon. Jos. (. Wilson, for the pleasant manner in w hich he had conducted the busine-s of the Convention being its President. Ol course, " Urcle'' Jes-e being the mover, he must put the question, which was in this manner: " All who oppose that say no!" The nays were silent, but a hearty burst, of laughter showed that the question carried by an unanimous vote. Judge Wilson deserved a vote of thanks, a id he got it in a merry way, just as he takes bfe gem rally. An enthusiastic reception and ratification was given by the Port lint peop'e on Thursday evening. Oregon City, Oswego, and Milwaukie turned out to attend, and chartered tlisi steamer Srnalor, Capt. Kellogg for that purpose. The Oregon City Brass Hand accompanied the excur sionists from here. As showing the enthusiasm of the people in this sec tion, over the nominations made at Salem, we may say that the whole strength of the party is for the nominees. The pcople.all endorse the action of the Convention, and. Clacku mas county will poll more than her customary majority. Men went from Oswego and Milwaukie in small boats, several miles, to be present at j .i i) ,1 i , i t- .it! tue Portland ratification, for fear that they would be disa; pointed by wait ing for the steamer. They returned by the Senator that night. On Fri day there was a large turn out from all points on the river up and down, for ten miles, to attend the ratifica tion in this city. The Aurora Band headed a strong delegation from Portland, who arrived at four p. m., by the Senator. Speeches were made by Hon. J. II. Mitchell, A. B Meach.im, and others, who were loudly cheered. The Court II01 se was literally j im tried full of people. The meeting was enlivened very much by the preerco ol the Auror and Oregon City Brass B.inds. Thr anlcrrificd in this county begin to feel alarmed at their prospects. Jlev. W. I. Cosper will preach to-morrow morning's discour-e upon the subject of the " Observance of the Sabbath' All are invited to the sancluarv on jhe Sabbath. The repiesttitation of the State Convention was full and complete. AH, except some of the extreme toast counties were there. Harmony prevaded everywhere. ADVEKTISERS jTXOWIXG Themselves indebted, are re s', quested to call and settle. We only de mand what is due n vir asking for advances on this line. 7 Those of our mail subscribers whoso subscription still remains unpaid, will observe the'-X" marked in pencil, arter the name upon the margin of their papers. V.'e trust they will give it their early atten tion, and forward us the amounts immedi ately, accoidmg to bills sent them. TO rOKTL VVl) KEADEUS, lT The Exterphisb will reach Portland on .Saturday of each week, and should be delivered to subscribers by the carrier, the same evening. We have met with great difficulty, and suffered losses, in gettiug the paper into the hi-nds of Portland subscribers, but it is hoped that the present arrangment will give satisfaction. All will oblige us by reporting cases of neglect, change of residence, etc, direct to the cilice of our Agents, DALY i STEVENS, 104 Front st., opposite McCormick's SlTtltnomaU Ixlge Ao. 1, A. an:I A. M. Holds its regular rommuni- i'fr cations on the First tend Third Sat dinx in each month, at 7 o'clock. from the ioih of September to the 2-ith cf March, and 7 k o'clock from the 2' th of March to the liOth of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to utteni. L!v crdcr of W. M. Slow Coaciies. Iu every commu nity there exists a class who re gard newspapers, railroads, steam boats, and the various other great improvements of the nge as nuisances They give no reasons, other than they themselves are loo far behind the times to comprehend the rises of such institutions. They neither patronize one or the other of these great levers j of civilization, and always studiously avoid making themselves aconainted with th- outside woild. These per sons are to be known, as a general thing, by n certain bombastic swag ger they have, endeavoring to pass a counterfeit article of ras for genuine information. They are like the Iudi an, forced to fail back before the en terprise of men who see merit in these things and turn them to their own uses and bentfi's. Scarcely ev er known to advertise, as a nittir. 1 eousccp.ience their business is always limited. In time they die out, others of a different character take their places and reap the benefit of their folly. Millions have been made by a judicious use of printer's ink Uhe resut of an advertisement m iy not be seen immediately, but it will show itself in time, and for one dollar in vested in advertising the advertiser will gain ten. Outside of mere sel fis'i motives, it should be the pride of all to have in the midst a properly conducted local newspaper; one that will rt fleet credit on the. community, and not disgrace it. This can only he done by liberally supporting the local paper. We have no one in view, but merely make these remarks as general. Walla Walla Statesman. Deff.riied. For want of time to put subjects into shape for publica tion, many of the " items" of our visit to Salem and Portland this week are deferred. We propose to do our entire duty in this campaign, and ask the hearty cooperation of all liberty loving, law abiding people, to that end. W e must necessarily bo in dustrious in the mechanical line, to succeed in a small community like this with such sitd sheet as we present our readers and editorial short comings may be attributed to that fact. An Irish dragoon, on hearing that his widowed mother had married sirca he quitted Ireland, exclaimed, "Murthet ! I hope she won't have a sot oulder than mo; if she does, I shall lose the estate.'' i33L0 1). March 17th, 1 S5-3, at the residence of Wni. Elliott, in Cl;'.ck;imn3 County, Robert II. Elliott, aged t!i years, 7 months and 23 days. Oregon and Missouri papers please copy; Willamette L, Si;e .o. 151. O. ti. T. Meets every Saturday evening, fit the rodtns S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-5 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. Ry order of W. C. T. 0?' Oregon I.ojIc TVo. 3, J. O. of O. F.-- .ov 'v't;' ji. Meets every Wednesday evening Sgfg?t 7 o'ch ck, in the Masonic Hall. ;vv Mein'cr;of the rdc are in- ,itud t0 attomL Jv olxk.r x. G. Buciitel's PiioroGUAru Gallery is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the different styles of work in the art. Photographs from curd t life size. The new Cabinet Cards. Ac., tc. Small pictures enlarged (retouched in India ink painted in water colors or oil, bv Mrs. rS. J. Kmnsey.) All negatives taken in this gallery will be carefully preserved, that additional copies may be hud. Mr., has now bit hand a very large collection of negatives, the names cf which are recorded alphabetically in a book for that purpose, which may be seen in the reception room. MACK iV HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring First Class VjH'rittionx, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. 1 Xitrous U.cide administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the Rhl'jolene Spray used for those who prefer tt. Of fick Corner of Washington and Front streets, Portland. Entrauce cu Washington street. 4-'.tf Dr. IIostettf.r's Stomach Bit- tf.ks. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organS ?s singularly soothing and conserva tive. It regulates, recruits, and purities them. Dyspepsia in all its forms yields to its centred and invigorating properties, and it is recommended to mothers', infeebled by the cares aiii duties of maternity, as the safest aifd best remedy they can probablv use. In all the crisis of female .I'fc it will be found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive much more benefit from it than from ordinary stimulants. Sold by the drug gists ami dealers ev.rvwliere. 110DGE, CALEF t CO., Agents, S5:tf Portland, Oregon. If 70a wish the t err best Cabinet Photo c.f..ms, you must call on Duaplkt Rulot so.v, Montgomery street, San Francisco. DH. HUFELAND'S CF-LEBKATED SWI33 STGIHACII EITTER3. TRY IT The best rrrrifier of the Blojd ! A Pleasant Tonic ! A vcrv Agreeable Drink ! TRY If L'nsurpassed for acting surely but gently on the secretions of the kid iievs," bowels, stomach and liver! For sale at all wholesale ad retail liquor druir, aud grocery stores. SOBOVY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT J. G. Fniscn, Proprietor. Taylor & Serf dkl. Sole Agents, GG.ly) 413 Clay St., San Francisco STAKOFTIIEUXIONi j CELEBRATED 5 STOMAGHBSTTE08I! These p'icinns Stomach Kitff n- pT!irilr V'srPt-. , aijlc, !j,t rrre fl5tu mcohol Bud eveiy hurtful 1 f f r r ; THE Tel! TRY 5 YOUR ; THEiVn J SELF.' ,-ent. A r-lenMiT-.t topic ant mtarreeiiMe (trinV J llie m ki i U..ioil vonui.oiis nnuuuil' 5 "' i T II E S E bit.T. mode f.t.m te rmft tx- I --t t th'ubMo octs. lurk m.t Vorh ue .!- mirbT " e i to i!ie m e .r all nfTc-uor.s f ibt J ' I'Tnc,' K !n-. l.'vn Bti't IVureiii. nici s l .. f vn.:a. Ft-vf-. Ii'nrrhc?, I oa nf . pif.f. rtr e'tc t For m'.e evtsivLere. A. FENX11 XI SFV. J J Sl r. VACFJCICFtr,' OREGON CITY BUSINESS. AND Life Insurance. JOHNSON &. McCOWN ARE THE Local Agents in Oregon City, of the Pacific Kire Insurance Company, the best doing business on this cu-t. This Company is the only one iu Oregon that j ISSUG Policies and Adjusts LCESeS Without referring thecase to San Francisco, ALSO, AGENTS OF THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Preent?ng the most desira'ole features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of New Vork. lf Don't dilay attention to these mat ters until your property is destroyed by lire, or until you ae sick, "when you camot be insured. Call immediately. (;J2.tt CIT BAKERY! Ma IX S Tit LET, OREGON CJT1'. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Wortman L Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! IMEii! liUEAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Lino will meet with PE02EPT ATTENTION ! B AR LOW & FULLER Also keep ou hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISION'S 1 &TKAM BOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes 1 BARLOW & FULLER Sell a tine assortment of LIQUORS AM) TOBACCO! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed to the fact that noliody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IU SHOUT! T'armers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Jiakerv, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. Al! kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. 15 A 1 1 LOW & F U LLF.R. Oregon City, Jan. jth, tSoS. (1L':1 RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Has removed info a LA RG Fli STORE, in MA S 0X1C B UILDING, Where he will be pleased to wait upon hi? old customers and i'.a many new ones as ma" patronize him. In addition to the above, he has recently received a WELL SELECTED ASSOKT ME NT of l'l'rfmwrij and Cosmetics which are ottered for sale at reasonable rates. Oregon City. Oct. p.ith, 1SU7. PAINTING. PAINTING. iet: CXX T3U JiZZZ Sign and Steamboat Grain;ug, I Jjiiin CJoslli;; Iii.iUtUoi. of all kimlg Wood somI MstrMe ! Executod a3 well ns can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and judge for your selves. Every order attended to" with care and expedition. C. E. MURRAY; West door Ralston'8 brick, Main st., 49.tf) Oregon City. ?i E W FIRM! JACOB WORT MAX. THOMAS R. FIELDS W ortman & Fields, JYcxt Boor in the Post Ojjice, Oregon City, Oregon. DEALERS 15 Fsansaily Groceries I Provisions of all JCindi ! Wines and Biquors ! Confectionery, Spied Canned Erults and Meats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sucrar ! o Da?" The highest market prices jctid fir country produce. Book and Job Printing ! rjMiE EXTEHPKISE OFFICE Is supplie 1 with every requisite for doing a super or style of work, and is constant ly accumulating new and beautiful styles of iftiteri.tl, and is prepared for every variety of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING-! AT SATISFACTORY PRICKS. The Public are invited to caTl and examine both our specimens and futilities for doing work. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. 0. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IS STOVES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Warej Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HKAllTIISTONE, WKSTKUN EMPIRE. GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assort incut of Hard ware, Woodenr. ai e, ete. C. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, Anril 20th. Su7. f 1. HEW LIGHT ! HEW LAMP ! AND NEW FLXJID ! BEST IIIGHT LAIIP IK USE ! Its JIany Adviintagri s FIRST It is Xon-Ecptofiire, and tntirtly free from smukt or ojf'eitsict odor while burning. SECOND It glees a Soft, Clean, WhiU Light. THIRD It i CHEAPER than any other Flu id or Oil. LUCUJE. BURNING FLUID For burning in the above Lamps, outrivals all othtr Fluids for J.KillT and ECONOMY. It will not Stain or Greise Clothes, Carpets, Tables, etc. LUCIHE LAMPS AND THE FLUID CAS' CE BAD OF , W. lIPi3 & Co., 0SE30N C.TY, 1 KALE KS IN" Stovet, Timvare, Lamps, Oils, Chimneys, Lanterns, d-c., dL: HIGHLIT IMPORTANT ! To all wishing HORSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, IRON, ETC. John W. Levis, Comer of MA IN and SECOND streets, OREGON CITY, Takes tliis oj jiurnniiiy to inform liis old eiistoin-rsf ninJ the public in general, t!i:it he now lms on liiiml THE CELEBRATED "Web-Foot" Plow ! And Other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and eurnestiy invited to cull and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All woik m his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such pi ices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of buiiiess the uudergned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability E a V A I.. T O A IV V I M 1 Ol! TE D! Having constantly on hand forsale a large assortment of material, consisting iu part of WAGON TIM PER. IRON, STEEL, ETC,, The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders! For such Articles on The Most Favorable Terms. 25?" All work from this establishment, and all material sold on order, is warranted to be as represented. J. X. LFWIS. HGHE MADE FURNITURE! Levy & FECiniEiMEitj Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, OKECOX CITY, TAKE Tills METHOD OF INFORMING the pe.blic that they have now on baud a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, JJUK EAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS i STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other Qualifies of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable nssort Oent, which merits ths attention of buyers. 7e MA1TOFACTTJBE FTJB.NITTJKE Using g7?d materials, and employing the very best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, and we are prepared to lill all orders with promptness. Zf" We call the attention of the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment or desirable goods in the State. LEVY FECIIIIEOIETt, 45.1y J Main street, Oregon City. RANCH FOR SALE. Q ITU AT ED BETWEEN THE CLACK- kj auias ana tue 0HEG0N CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. nnnsaker. Z7 Will be sold cheap forcash. Apply to LEVY & FECHHElMER. SO.tf Main street. Oregon City. 0EE3CII CITif BREWERY! HENRY I1UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the piibiio that he is now prepared to manufacture a 1 quality of LAGER BEER! As good- as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Oregon City, December 28th, 1865. l?rf OREGON CITY BUSINESS. NERVE! NERVE! NERVE! Th3 Eequirements of the Times ! J. E. RALSTON, II A3 IT ! ryUE OLD HOCK STOKE, THE BEST JL Dry Goods house in Oregon City, has the pluck to lill every depurtuieut with an entire New Winter tel ! Joy to the Hungry ! Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! J. K. RALSTOiV, At the Rock Store, on the eorncr of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco; where he purch ased a large and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN ' PRINTS, WHITE " HOSIERY, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' FURNISIING GOODS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CARS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PAINTS OILS, kc, &c.f &c. 1ST" At prices hitherto unheard of, J By the oldest inhabitant. Z'i'f Let the People clothe themselves Z-if And Rejoice'. For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. LATE AHBIYAL ! CF Fall and Winter Stock! At the OLD CORNER. I. SELLING, OREGON CITY, Has just received, and is new opening, all the latest Stales smcl Patterns Which he iv ill sell low, For Cash or Country Produce ! His stock Comprises, in part, DRY GOODS; RE A DY MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, Men if t Ladies' Misses and Childrens' II ATS AND CAPS, Groeorics,Crockery. Glass nnd Plated Wure, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, uiid Earners! TTitvtJtnnrf Cult prir etr Being Hundreds of Other Articles ! loo numerous to Mention.' jlT Call and examine for vourself I takp pleasure in showing goods, and customers wilt hud tue articles at leasonrble tiiiures. I. SELLING. Corner store, opposite the 5.1y Tin and stove store. OREGON CITY VGGLEN MANUFACTURING C O 31 P A JV Y. ryUE ABOVE COMP.VAY ARE J"OW JL producing nquahty ot WOOLEN GOODS tnncH iRK Stipenor to any ever before ofiered on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSI MERES, TWEEDS. 1IARD TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. t$ Using only the best grades of Wool. The above goods are offered to the trnde on the most favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : K. JACOIS, Agent, SO.C.nO Oregon Citv, Oregon. Or L. VIIITE A BRO., Agents'at Portland. LINCOLN BAKERY! West Sitie 5Iaiii Street, Oregon City . . ; : . . . .Oregon. L. SILLER. - - - - Proprietor. HAVING REMOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING! I WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I still continue the manufacture of BREAD; TIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda CEACKEES. dc, 'c, d'c. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on haud a large stock ot the best staple and FAJ2ILY GROCERIES, PROVISICXS, &c. I am also ageit for the celebrated nursery aud FLOWER GARDEN! of II. MILLER, Milwaukie, and am prepared to supply orders for Fluwcrs and Shrubbery at the Nursery prices. l:ly L. BILLER DALY & STEVENS, GENERA L A GENTS, OrriCE Removed to No. 104 Front street, Portland, Orojron. Opposite McCormick's'Book-Stote. VT7-ILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION W to the Collecting and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes Negotiating Inland bills ; e!lectirT loans ; selling and leasina real est-ite ; house rentina, and to the gen eral agency business in all its branches. JAS. I- DALT. WAKD R. STKVEXS. NoLzry Puhlir. JOB PRI,ri?f XEATLY EXEtTT edattha ENTERPRISE OFFICE. MIS CELL A XEO US. (UaS, UOUGB. .C11AS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SNtLL. K0EGE, CALEF & Co., DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ASD TVIXDtm CLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS' Materials, ana M'rvggists Sundries. Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 5.) HOSTETTER'S CELEBBATEO STOMACH A Fure and Fowerfal Tcnic, Coi: tlvc uiul Alleviitive, of wnuitir l"til eiErary in tlisoasis of ili5 STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. ruoTEcuvn pucperties. Prevents Fever and A sue and Billions Re mittent Fevers ; fortifies the system against Miasma and the evil etl'ecta of unwholesome water ; invigor ates the organs ot digestion and the bowels; Steadies tUc .11vti and ti n Is to Pro long IitV. KEMEBl.iJL. i ltOPFRTIES. Cures Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spi-its, Constipation, Colic, Intermit tent Fevcis, Sea Sickiiess, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex arising Irom Uodily Weakness, whether inherent in the svstcm or PRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES. N OTIIING THAT IS NOT A VII OLE some, eenial, and restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of liOS T LITER'S STOMACH L1TTEKS. This popular preparalifii contains no mineral of any kind i no deadiy botaniesil element; no fiery eicitiint ; but is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs und plants, with the purest and mildest of all dilluaive stimulants. The week stomach is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases o! 'Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed forms of Inaijpj.siion. Acting as a gentle and painless tipri":it, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably re lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir regular action of the digestive au-1 secretive organs. l'crr.ons of feeble habit, liable to Ncrvon." Attacks, Lowness ol Spirits, and Fits of Languor, iind prompt ai:J pel rnanient relict from the Litters. The testimony on this point is conclusive, and from hoih sexs. As a Genuine Tonic, HOSTETTER'S LIT TERS produce effects which must be experi enced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases ot Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay, and Dcbint; and Decrepitude arising troni old age, it ex ercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages ot all diseases it operates as a delightful iuvigoraut. When the powers ol nature are relaxed, it operates to re-ebforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it i. the only safe stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and iimcuous materials, and entirely free from the acrid elements present more or less in all the ordinary '.onics and stomach'CS ol the day. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 'lI.' JJt.i:, CALKi?" wtu., .'.g- nts, 8o:tf.J Portland, Oiesun. Patented October ICth. 1Si3. PERFECT FAST COLORS. Black, Bark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Bark B.'ur, Magenta, Light Blue. Maize, French Blue, Mar'oofi, Claret. Droit-n, Orangr, Bark Brown, Pink, Light Brown Purple, SnvJT Broic?i, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Bark Drab, Slate, Light Brah, Solfrrinn, Fawn Drab, Violet, Yellow, Bght Fawn Drab. FO;t liYEJJNi. sir.iv. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, And all Kinds of Wearing Jppaitl. A Saving cf Eighty per Cent. F'or Sio cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that strm. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Diicctions in English, French aud German outside of each package. HO WE & STEVEN?, 30 Broadway, Boston. For sale bv Smith & Davis Portland, and by Bell & Parker, Oregon City. lit The X c w Book. B't the Author of the " Schoillcrg Colta Family,-' entitled On Both Sides of. The Sea ; A story of the Commonwealth and the Restoration. A sequel to the 'Dravtons and the Davcnants." 1 vol., 12 mo.j $1 re published from the author's copy, uniform vrith the other Volumes of the 'Cotta books." The two Families of "The Drayton's and the Davetiants," as indicated in the title, are in this vol'tme as in the preceding, made the warp of the story into which is woven the history of a most eventful period. Opening with the tragic scenes of the execution of Chatles I., we have presented in the highly dramatic style of the author the establish ment of the Commonwealth under Cror.r.vell, its brilliant career, the death of the Protect- j or, tire restoration of the Monarchy, and the j loiciuie emigration to America ot prominent actoi s in its previous overthrow. The book is stiongly marked by the peculiar rharac teristics of the author which have made her " Cotta-Fanii'y" ono of the most widely read and popular books ot the tunes. J5? Sent ly vnill, post paid, on receipt rf the price, ly M. W. DOD1), Publisher, " .'.'0 Broadway, N. ". Works of the "Cotta Family" Series. Chionicles of the Schonbcrg-Cotta Fatn- ily, 1-J mo., The" Eariy Dawn, 12 in 6. ..21 50 . . 1 r'j . . 1 611 . . 1 75 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan 1 On Both Sides of the r-e:i, 12rno., 1 Tht Daytons and the Davetiants 1 Wincfred Bertram and the World She Livid in 1 1 o 7- " From no books in our knowledg? ch we catch the spirit of the times they represent, so thoroughly as from the Volumes of the Cotta Family" series." Rtcicic. " Young and old alike should read the en tire set of Mrs. Charles' woi ks.if they would be refreshed in ths purest waters of Chris tianity." Other Wo flu by the same Author. Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord $1 75 The Song Withoat Words, for children, (Illustrated, ) f.Q Poems, 1G mo., 75 Works by the author of Mary Pou-rR - voluuus.bcauiifiilly printed and bound.) Maiden and Married life of Man Po.wcl,.l 7. Clieny and Violet i t lh 1 tie fair Gospeller, lfi in-i. Household ot Sir Thos. More. Jaques Bonneval, a tale ol the lUrgue nots 1 2-i 1 1 00 Any of the ab.ive, sn.t bv noiil nv ic cetptof price, M. VtM)(-)DD. Pubiisher. l".ni) 5' ft Btoadwav, X. V. FOR SHERIFF. ggyT the Uiifi vi)t-"s t Clack aortas county. The undersigned is a candi date for ShetifT. at the June election, ai.d de ait ca bis friends to rally to Li smpnrt. D. II. G03D. It ED ING TON db CO.'S COLUMN REDINOTON & CCS i Essence of Jamaica Gingcir rpill Valuable preparntton4 containing in JL a hiirhlv concentrated form all the prop erties of the Jamaica Ginger, has become ob of tha mosf pop-nlaf domestic remedies for a.J diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether prtfdweei! bv fevt r or otherivise, for whilst impui-ts to the system all tlie glow and vige that enn be produced by wine or brandy, it entirely free from the reactionary effects follow the nseot .pirifs vt aij kind. It is also an excellent remedy tor femali who suffer from diilicult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to The spasms ttjat frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to nausea, caused by sea-sickness, etc. It is also valuable as n external application fur Gout, Rheumatisui, Neuralgia, etc. REMINGTON CO. 2T.lv i Sole Agents for the! Pacific Coast. "MARTHA WASHIKGTOtt" HAIR RESTORER. Trust no'ne other, howe'er pleasant None can do what this has done Try it always keen it present Lse the Maiiha 'tVashington. IT WIL.I liEEP TIIE3 HAIR. IT 18 io't ami slossyc;iiaiige it to its Original Color-Picvcnl Its His out ?Iukc old lirad locli young and do nil Iliat 1 expected of . genuine, ood. Hair Restorer. liUUIXGTOX & Co., Agents, IJOT A BYE. Salt Frunciscw o tisc-mi tit- it ruiiinwi 1 wn KAIli RtSIORER Is the wonder of the world, and stands above comparison with any other article fur the hair ever brought before the public " Sold everywhere. liEDINGTOX'S F L A V O II I X G EX T I : A3C T S ! Are made from Ficsli Fruit. Each bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently the are the cheapest aud the best. Use no oilier. r.F.DIN'CTON' 4: C"., Agents for th Pacific Coast. Q -yy HY VP ILL YOU DELAY "We arc sorry that there ora perscr.3 who suG'er on dny by day month after month, and year by ycar.when friends and neighbors O Lave been cured cf the s::nft malady that cillicts them. NoW, it has been proved Ly substan tial evidence that SCOVILL'S lil-OOD AaD LIVER St P. UP will cure tha worst co of Scrof ula, Canker, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; yet si III there ore those who nbglc! tins sure and valuable remedy. To such vre say, try the syrup and be Convinced. REDTNGTON L Cs., Agents. 41C and 433 Front street, San Francisco. O R A E F E X 11 E H G U T E R I N E . CATIIO L I C O N. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every cose of Diabetes, nnd greatly mitigate the troublesome effects caused by a relaxation of the outlet of the bladder. It is a most successful remedy for gravel und other diseases of the Sidneys and bladder,-and foi Female diseases is unequalled. The Cathoiieon uniloi m!y cures Prolapsus Uteri, Whites, all irregufauties of the- Month ly period, suppression, incontinence of Urine, Bloating, ana Dropsical swellings, and nil diseases of pregnancy. The s-p'eeii'c action of this medicine is imminent and eel fain, upon the Uterine ar.d abdominal muscles mid liga ments restoring them to as healthy a stat r.s those of childhood and youth, so that pa tients who have used tha G-raefenberg Con, pa ni's Uterine CHthal:ft.s, eunot sufficiently expreis their gratituua fo? the relk-f ali'orded". RXDINGTON & C , AlTt-lltS, 4"1G ani'-llS Front stieet, San Francisc 0 r-i r, n 1 mm O a -a iE Si ro-rr: ozp vc" ca't, A?:r Y-fzz rty ij you. You have tii 1 every it:e.Vly but I'.ic tiXii t!"stiai'd, ly its ialritisie merii. rsir-r'.'.'UK ;.!l ri:n. ii.:r preparations. It is 1.0 tirpr.iit you rh'nj.1 l-t reinctant to try t oni-.-lhit: rj uftrfthe l:i.itiyr pTimeiits 'fu h ivo 1:1:; lIo of tr.ishr r:;ijvui ,:cj oa tu-s pu;;iiE a ccrl-;-a curs.-; but Hill WELL'S Pulmonary Syrn? h reM'y th W.T" rrr? rr-rtr'r f r-r f-!ti-?- lor lliurnr-f I (.'j-i-'l.-, I'olis. ;ir: 'li:-.,t. :: ho.ipit.g 'n!uli.lii-"t-eli:iis ami -tsa-p:i,. , -. 6 :ii! ol l-i-o !: 111 I ahl.ii iii.i an I liiQo.i , ,- I ) nlrcaUy bcuei.tU'4 ty '.iiu sufi-nata. u-..l. HlWELLTi Pnlmonary Syrup r.nt villi err f'ort gfvc it 1hc!r U""5'!"? l rpr baiion. V.'o now .: -tirrsa rurst-lvM to nil vBonte f.n ai fiaaiutei'i Willi tais. tlm rralCJt run:ieea f ih fir tlio heaiin of all !iitfuau f tie Tlr-t k-4 NEWBLL'S Pulmonary Syrup- l as cured tlwsisanis sn t it wi'.l oera- TOIT iT ycu t it. . . ThS Jn'-a:iritila evV. -!-" is f trr.wnt ;tMN ?v;iiic, lu'aiitiS an.l j-.ir'i.'5waitis m ity;l.-t: tVeo fi-o:-. til fioiwufHS" in-.lO'erio t-c.. aa.liertvct!v lnnuless aiale? t.tl nrcuin--'.--. Cei'iKt-s from riativ i .i -nl'V -; oiU rrait;jco a-caii.'1'i.ay -jy UiUj -f Pulmoaary Syrup O G G O o 0 i -