r - 7 ) c9 $ 0 B D O l)c Itltckln (Sntcvprtsc. Oregon City, Oregon : I. C. IHELAX1), EDITOIt AND I'lit TUIETOR. Saturday, March 23th, 1853. GJA'IOA TSGKET. Gen. ULYSSES S. GHAUT Subject to the action of the National Uuion Convention. For Presidential Electors', A. R. MEACHAM, of Union county. Dr. W. l!()WMSf Washington." O. JACOBS, of JAtlkson. Kor Rriircsentatirc in Congress, Hon. DAVED LOGAfJ, Of Muiuiomuh. For DUti .tt Judges, Id District JOHN K EES AY, it Denton 4th do . V. V,r. UPTuN, of Portland. For Uistriet Alt nine;-., 2d District D. M. EISDON, of Earn ed 0 " J. C. LOWELL, of Lion. " A. C. G1RKS. of Portland. Mb " C. M. FOSTER, of Raker. CLA.CKAMAS COIXTV TICICrtT. Rata Scnitor. D 1. Thompson. Jli1)rescn'aticcs. Janus Winston. I. Yi Garytt and I). P. Trull in ger. S.t"-''. Major .J. S. Ilinearson. C!e; !c. J. M. Fi-t-.zer. 'Jrcasurer.John Meldntm. A nscsc?;'. M . I 'at to rr,o n . JI.Deaniorn: S.-xycrm'.c:idav: of FcJ.oolt.B. Killin. ;;:irveyr. ts. S. Campbell. Coroner. l";r. D.ircla v. Tllll STATE COXVEMTXOS. Ou last .Jonu ty raorum? the Edi- tor, together with almost everybody . c , ' rise in tins part of t;.3 country, left for Salem that mngnifici .-lit citv. d like instances ba.enj n a capita place nobody has any doubts about iJiat. Well the steamer Utliance bore us on up, Cipt. Geo. A. Pease the intrepid, Charley Church the af f.ible, and Joseph Mann the provi dent, had chared of the si earner, so far as wc were tdde to learn. We know that Capt. Pease was at the Sm IlIIii JV. wheel, because we saw liitn there . know that Charley was in the Purser's office, b-.c tuse he c- llectei 0 q our fire, and we know that Joe. was supervisor oi'the culinary department, because he ond l ank A. II ill gave us and everybody else a good square meal. At the landing where Aurora jdups it production i wo took on board "23 puces of music," cotnpris htP that cxctlhnt old brass baud, known as the Pioneers of Aurora. They awoke the echoes; Ciey m,-,de tlQ trip lively with tnu-ie, from thence to 8-ilem. VlntJie Wilson, Kill Hand, and the rest of the dele ,ition from East of the mountains l ad been do'mr by way of joke. On be river we nut the fine bteamtr J'jnnie Pa(loti,0iyvr command of Capt. Jerome. The two steamii's i-ame alongide, (broad-dde.) and the band brought ladies, gents, and all on board the Po?i to the giards, touching our hats on we went. Salem is a beautiful town. We w i)Lhat its generous public would 'spread themselves" down to the tails, and take us into their ir.eorpo ;te limits. We arrived there at i bo St 5 V o'clock p. ji. The deh gallons, preceded by the '.and, marched up town. The hotels xere all fined, and nothing else might have been expected, so we sought cur accustomed home in Salem at the fireside cf ouo of its citizens, provero'al lor his Hospitality, nere we rested. rrt . t: ii t-..: 17 .11 ; . i Alio iaiu uniuii u,ui is I IU oy oo ice, i.i ii Ma3 j.uu by the leadmg Union men of j Salem, for use daring the campaign; . at a cost of about $1500. There is some enthusiasm in Salem this Hall was dedicated that n:ht. Hon. Davio Logan, lion. P. C. Sullivan, und ifon. E. L. Applegnte spoke. Lgan made an excellent speech. He handled the reconstruction plan, the " Equality'' dodges of the Democ racy, and '5 the Bond-!"' just right. The " Ecpiality"' dodge he classified into three parts: haul EviaUtj the light to protection for life, liberty and property, before the law; Pol li ed ei'ial'ity, and Social equality t-howing that in the latter, if Demo crats wanted to associate with ne groes, they could not do so i" unless I the nigger was willing." j cn the 2oth at 10 a. m , the con vention met, and a permanent organ iz ition was ifF.-cted by the election ofllon. Jo-. G. Wilson, of Wasco, President; B. Whittoti of Grant county, Secretary, find Judge Willis of Douglas, Assistant' Secretary. After the Committee on credentials and on order of business, reported the Convention adjourned to meet at 4 o'clock P. II., to hear the report id Committe of Resolutions: During the interim, speeches were made by several panics. The fol wlns is the Hat 1 -1 resolved. That it is the highest duty of every American citizen to maintain ngain.staUtiieirenem.es u,o iti.ec;ntv the Uaioa aul the paramount antborlty ... r,,ne;ii! on and laws or tile Lnstedi .i , . . . on.- v... ----- tafes smd to preserve su. uo oiuioi-oox Th tworlc of recon c(ril(,r.,m of the Southern states beiois to the tUtive department of the gov- "mt aad that wc endorse the thirteenth fotirtcenth rA to ih Con - fnitmioii ;uid the nets of Congress com monly culled the reconstruction acts, us the best plan yet proposed for the resto ration ot the States lately in rebellion to their former relations to "the Federal Gov ernaient. o. Itesolvcd, That we are in favor of r.d mitiing die rebel States to representation in Congress at the earliest practicable mo ment which the public saiety will permit. 4. llesoieed. That tin? national debt was necessarily COn'iaeti'd fnsavo t!ie national life and ought to be honestly paid, and we condemn every scheme devised for the re pudia.ioa of the whole or any part of the debt as disgraceful to the Republic and unjust to its cith-.eas. and that the propo sition tj pay in 1. -g.it tender notes those debts conn-acted to be paid in specie, is only a mi.uer term for repudiation. 5. Jiesolced, That, under the Constitu tion, the Federal Government has no right to interfere with the elect. ve franchise in any State having representation ia Con gress and where civil government is not overthrown by rebellion. i. llcs,-'cc:l. That the right of expatria tion is the natural and inherent right of ad people and indispensable to the enjoy ment of the rights of lite, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ; that while the citizen owes allegiance to the Government, the Government owes protection to the citizen; and that it is the duty of the Government of the United State.! to protect all its c.'i t-ns. nath e born and naturalize 1, in the fall enjoyment of their rights as cit izens of the United States, wherever and under whatever color or pretence those rights may be in vaded. 7. 17fso'vd, That the foreign immigra tion, which in the past has added so much to the wealrh. development of resources, and increase of power of this nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should he fostered and encouraged by a liberal and jur-t policy : and that we sym pathize with all people everywhere who ute struggling for civil and religious lib er t v. b. Es-tOiccd, That ihe thanks of the Vir.'ricaa people are due to the soldiers and sailors of the army and navy who have perilled their lives in defense of their country and in vindication of the honor of its liag ; that the nation owes to them oottie permanent recognition o( their pa triotism and their valor, and ample and ........... ....... ..,..,..:: .. i ., ..e 41...:.. j MirVlVO!S v,!)0 h;ivi. roc,;Vl.d aistblh g and i bouorab.o wounds in the service cf iheir : counfiv; and that the memories of those w!,0 have fallen in its defense shall be i i;!;'- i grateful and everlasting remem- :. liesvced, 1 hat we are m favor ot lib eral appropriations of land and money, by the Government, to aid in the con struction of railroads. After the adoption of the above report, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 25th, the next order of business was the nomination fir a member of Congress Mr. Ihtker of L iGranJe, put in nom ination Hon. David Logan, of Mult nomah; Mr. Wliitson placed in nom ination Hon. P. C. Sullivan, uf Polk ( ounty. O i the first ballot 109 votes were c ist, of which Mr. Logan had 54, and Mr. Sullivan 51; 55 being nccessa ry to a choice, no election was dc dared, and the delegates proceeded to ballot a second time, when Mr. Lorr-i;, was declared unanimously nominated, amidst the most vocifcr ous eii' ciw. Hon. W. W. fiuok of this city, and Hon Jes.se Applegate of Yon cailu, were then, upon vote of I ho Convention, appointed to wait upon the nominee, and ascertain if he would accept of the nomination. Mr. Logan made Lis appearance and thanked the Convention for the high honor they had conferred upon him, planted him self upon the platform, and promised all his energy and ability to fight the great fitrhf. The Convention soon quieted d.'wn to woik, and the following ireritlc men were elected as Presidential Electors: A. I. Meacham of Union; Wilson Bcnlby of Washington; O. ! Jacobs of Jackson. Nominations of Delegates to the Nationtii Union Convention beinti in order, the following gentlemen weie elected: Josiah Failing, J. L.PurrL-h, ; Maxwell Rumsby, M. Baker, C. U. ; Beakman and II. P. Kincade. j Q1 motio thc Convention in. st meted the delegates to use all hon I orable means, in the National Con ! ,..;., ,.,,., u f j .:iHOO IW .-tUI(T 4,1 IIUUllIMUUtl Ul Genpraj LT g Grant fup prj A motion to instruct the Delegates to ue all honorable means to secure the nomination of Hon. Schuyler Colfax for Vice President, was dis cussed and laid upon the table, for fear that rebels woulnd consider it a thrust at Hon Geo. II. Williams, whose course in Congress was hearti !y approved of by the Convention. Tite deleg Uions from the different counties nominated the following j gs'iitlemsm as members of the State I Central Committee: juicer C. ?.f. Foster. Itenton T. 15. Odeaeal. Coos II. 11. Luce. Currv M. Kiiev. Columbia J. G. CapTe?. Clatsop A . M on t ir o m e ry . Clackam is 1. Killin. Douglas I). C. Underwood. Grant J. Ilobinson. Jackson--J. J. Comstoelc. Josephi n e S. W h i te. ja;1e V. W. P.ristow. Linn K. F. Russell. Marion M. 1'. Ferry. Chairman. Multnomah I. II. Mitchell. Folk J. L. Collins. Tillamook T. 15. Ifanley. Umatilla J. U. I i.-k. nion IX W. Litchtenthnler. Washington W. I. Hare. Wasco C. b. Lvnns. Yamhill-Dr. J." W. VafK i The Convention confirmed the nominations. On motion, the Chairman nppoin ted Major M, P. Berry, of Marion, Chorinan of Central Committee. Next in order came th nomina c,f District officers. Following ! " ,! i T'V c , r , t.- j .A r 1,1 Second Judicial D;s. tion of Dist of; ir;er. donn iv.-isav, or Herit o! j i;,r mi Alton;pr - on county; i.u i i i ot ill r t ti .1 r i nro n t i l f ii c -..uo., iU. lk,s , .. r i uou, ot u-uhj county. - r -rth Judicial Dis ! net, U . v.. Lpto, cf MultnoTMb- f p,,,, in v' ' ? t r ,r n u ' C . Gtbbs, of Multnomah. For Prosecuting Attorney cf the Fifth Judicial District, C. M. Foster. Resolutions tendering the thatiks of the Convention to the O. S. N. and 1. T. Companies, and to Haley's stage line, were unanimously ucL'pt edv Als' a resolution of thanks to Homer Smith, of the Capital Hotel, tor his uniform attention to tht wants of delegates while they re mair.ed his guests. After several speeches and a series of enthusiastic cheering for the Union ticket, for Gen. Grant and t lie cause generally, the Convention adjourned without day. IIOW DAVID LCGAX. The people cf Oregon have chosen as their standard-bearer in this cam paign Hon. David Lrgan of Port laud. Mr. Logan was not the first choice of a large number of men w ho felt that locality" might affect the prospects of success of those who desired that the Eastern or Southern portion of the State should present one cf their number; but, when the solid delegations from the extreme East and South, said to the Convene tion; Gentlemen: We nsk it fur none of us Give us David Logan!" that became the unanimous wish of the people, and he was nominated. The enthusiasm which followed his nomination is scarcely cescribable. The Delegates left the State Capital feeling that they had performed the task entrusted to them faithfully, and to the best- of their ability, everyway and this feeling was encouraged and their actions endorsed by their constituents, upon reaching home. On Thursday the steamer Fannie Put'on brought the delegation of thi.--county home, when they were receiv ed with cheers on the wharf, and es corted by the Oregon City Brass Band, together with lion. A. B. Meacham, one of the Pn s-iduitial electors, Hon. W. W. Upton nomi nee for Judge of the fourth Judicial District, Hon. A. C- Gibbs, nominee for Prosecuting Attorney, and others, to the Court House, where Hon. Henry Warren, acting as chairman publicly thanked the delegation on behalf of the citizens of this city, for what the- had done in Salem. Messrs. Meacham, Upton, and Gibbs, briefly addressed the meeting, and a rousing majority for the ticket was oromiscd. HIE SPit Ee HE,1? We regret that we cannot report a few of the speeches made this week at Salem, Portland, and Oregon City, where wo have attended. Treason and Democracy have fairly began to quail in Oregon, and by the June and November elections will Iiave hid their hydra-heads forever. Their multifarious evils could not be re pressd by single efforts. Like the serpent of Lorna they have been al lowed to live until thc festering sorts are literally abominable and now like Hercules, the Union party pro- pose to si ly them in Oregon. Their . treasonable gashes have been cauter- ized by the application of a flame cf patriotic fervor among the people, who have declared that the ballot box shall prevent the further effusion of patriot blood in our broad land. As Hon. A. B. Mettchnm expressed it Joseph and his brethern shall be driven back into Egypt. Or as Hon. W. D. Hare says: Their Goliah, placed upon a negative platform of principles, will meet the fate of Goli. uh of old. at the hands of our David ; who, standing firm upon the platform of Freedom and Liberty, with the sling of Truth, shall slay their Goliah with the pebbles of Justice. The burst of enthusiasm witnessed now nil over Oregon (recollect it is not confined to Clackamas and Multno mah Counths) will expand, and eventuate in disemboweling the car rion carcass of Democratic Treason, making its very eye-balls glare with fury at its retributive death A Pr.EVAUiCATiix. The Herald of yesterday, no doubt feeling very sore over the fact that the nomina tion of linn. David Logan for Con gress was the last spike to the Demo cratic coffiii in Oregon, rather crook edly noticed the extra trip of the Senator to Portland on Thursday evening and iu the course of its re marks says: 'The musicians, not finding things as lively politically in the city as they expected, left their instruments on board the boat." Now the fuel, as we have them from a member of the band, are sim ply th'S. Tlv band went, at the ii -vitation of the officers of the steamer, and did not expect to be called upon to go up as a body, thr uh the streets tif Ptr:l nd, consequently th,y wont as individual. Our i f,,rmant is a Democrat himse,f h hfi he believes in truth once in in- it t says ne. oeueves in iruiu once in a while. It is evident to our mind i . un l ,iuor.riTQ cviuir !n .rr-' .iuui; ir u..... ... v.m.t . ... i .. t i.i....!. iuis tiecu n uy jeom. m t.es, Col. T. 11. Cornelias was re- . i c r nnminated as Ja:nt Senator for ' Washington, Clatsop, Culambia aud Ti Um -j. cou.llics NEW YORK SWIXDLEKS. Last week reference was made in these columns to a set of New York swindler?, and we hope the effect will ba good. We observe that some of our State exchanges are still publishing the ad vertisement of Wright, Brothers & Co. 1 Gl Broadway, notwithstanding we hive given the public caution against them. They are "black legs of the i deepest dye.'' Their advertisement came through a firm purporting to be "Temple, Eichardson & Co." Their proposals were by us referred to par ties in New York, and as a conse quence we ';took no stock'' in them. Since last wei k, we have received the following letter, from a cotcmpora ry: I perceive we have all been bilked by ''Temple, Richardson & Co." Is there no way of guarding Against such imposition? 1 presume Burger, Schutts & C . are of the same stripe, although I saw their advertisements in the 'Waahhty'on Chronicle. I have, as a last resort, written them to compromise by paying something. I wish every publisher on the coast would refuse to publish trade adver tisements from San FranrUco houses. The sewing machine humbugs have never found place iu my columns since its first year. I found that the cash, com mission, per cent., freight, dray p.ge, and the thousand and one items connected with the purchase absolute ly took every cent of profit. If the journals on this coast would resolve not to receive such advertisements, the cash would come, Let us try it. We were never guilty of taking but two tradt advertisements that ot Remington's Armory, and one small card, now in. We shall never take another, and should our agents at tempt to saddle such upon us it would be sufficient cause for us to play quits. As to Schutts it Co., our Co temporary need not apply for redress. We published their advertisements o months on their own representation, and three mouths on the rcpresenta tinns of Geo.P. Rowel! 5c Co., Agents, 40 Park Row, New York, We need not add that we never got a cent for this work. Now, when a foreign ad vertisement is sent to this office it is either paid for in advance, or vouched for by men whom we know. As regards San Francisco, we be lieve J. J. Knowlton & Co. to be swindlers. All our business there comes through a responsible firm L. P. Fisher & Co., California street. The Publishers need not be imposed upon, and in turn need not impose up on their patrons, if they will only ex ercise a little of that very useful com modity common sense. Insanity. Insanity is declared by medical writers to be a disease cf high civiliz ttion Nations w ho are the most civilized and enlightened are more apt to be afil.'oted with it than those who make little or no mental exiition. It is very rare among the Africans and Indians, be cause they do not exert the mind to any marked degree. Dr. Livingston states that he found only one or two instances of it among the tribes that he visted; but one of the B kwains whm he wished to titkc to Europe with him, became insane from the throng of new ideas which oppressed him, and committed suicide before the voyage was over. Insanity, uu'il recently, was almost unknown in China, owing to the strict despotism under which mental activity was re strained. Lately, however, the in crease of the use of opium has en larged the number of lunatics. India is comparatively free from it. It is less frt quent in thoso parts of Europe where political freedom is restrained, than in countries which have con.-ti tutional governments. In France, the proportion of the insane is about one to one thousand inhabitant-; in England, one to seven hundred and eighty three; in Scotland, one to five hundred and sixty-three; and, in the United States, one to seven hundred and Guv. The MisEur of IIcman Life. The 7niserytf human life is made up of large masses, each separated from the other by certain intervals; one year the death of a child; years after, a failure in trade; after another long cr er shorter interval a daughter may have married unhappily. In all but the singularly unloi tunate, the i rite-urn I parts that count the sum total of the unhappiness in a man's life, are daily counted and distinctly remem bered. The happiness of life, on the contrary, is made up if minute frac- lions; the little, soon-forgo? fpn char ities of a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a hearlfelt compliment in the disguise of pin ful railery, and ihe countless other ir.finitesim ds of pleasur eable thought and genial feeliiv. The platform adoptt-d nt the Union State Convention on Wt-dnes. day, appears this morning in our col umns. We ask every man in the State to read it Those resolutions, together with the Constitution of the United States, the 13th and 14th ar ticles added, would be as good a doc ument as any Democrat could ak. For the b?ne-fit ef those Democrats who have never seen the Constitution we propose to publish it, ia a fety weeks. OFFICIAL. ORD1.VAXCE KO 3 2. Sec. 1st. Be it ordained and established by the City Council of Oregon City. That the centre of the stone monument now lo cated at the junction ot Muin and Third streets in this city be and the same is here by declared to be the point of intersec tion of a line drawn through the center of said Main and Third streets. Sec. 2d. That the centre of the stone monument now located at the junction of Main and Fouith srleet in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the j lire o ' Main and t ourta streets. j Sec. ad. That the centre ot the stone monument located at tne junction ot the souih line of Sixth with Mam st reets bo and the same is hereby declared to be at ee the noint of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Main street and the south line of Sixth street. Sec. 4tb. That the center of the stone monument located at the junction of the northerly line of Sixth street with Main street be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the centre of Main street and the North line of Sixth street. Sec. 5th. That the centre of the stone monument now located at the junction of Main and Eighth streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of later sections of a line drawn through the center of said Main and Eighth streets. Sec. Cth. That the center of the stone now located at the junction of Maiu street and Alley through Block 21 and 22 in this city be and t lie same is hereby declared to "be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Main street and Alley through Blocks twenty- one and twenty-two. Sec. 7th. that the centre of the stone monument now located at the junction of Main street and the north line of oSocks 9 and 1:1 in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be at the point ot inter section of a line drawn through the center of said Main street and the North line of blocks line and twenty -one. Sec. 8th. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of Main and Forteenth streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the ceuter of Main and Twelvth streets. Sec. 9th. That the centre of the stone monument now located at the junction of .Main and Fourteenth streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of Maiu and Fourteenth s: reels. Sec. 10th. That the centre of the stone monument located at the junction of the north line of block 1 1 and 15 with Main street be and the same is hereby declared to be at the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Mam street and !he norlh line of blocks four teen and liftee-n. Sec. 11th. That the centre of the stone monument now located at .he junction of Fifth and High streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Fifth and High streets. Sec. 12th. That the centre of the stone monument, now located at the junction of Fifth and John Adams street in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Filth and John Adams street. Sec. lo!h. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of Seventh and High streets in ihis city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Seventh and High streets. Sec. ltih. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of Seventh and John Adams streets in this city be mid the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Seventh and John Adams street. Sec. 15th. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of Seventh and Madison streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to bo the point of intersection of a hue drawn through the center of said Seventh and Madison streets. Sec. Hlth. That the center of tho si one monument now located at the junction of Seventh and John Quiney Adams street in this city he and the same is hereby de clared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Seventh and John Quincy Adams streets. Sec. 17th. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of Seventh and Van Buren streets in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Seventh und Van Buren streets. Sec. l.-'Lh. That thc center of thc stone monument now located at the junction of the west line of Harrison and Seventh streets be and the same is here declared to be at the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Seventh street and the west line of Harrison street. Sec. l'.lth. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of 11th and John Adams street in this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center of said Eleventh and John Adams streets. Sec. 201 n. That the center of the stone monument now located at the junction of 11th and Jefferson streets iu this city be and the same is hereby declared to be the point of intersection of a line drawn through the center cl said Eleventh and Jeiferson streets. Sec. 21st. That the center of the stone monument now located at ttie junction of Eleventh and Twelvth streets in this city, be, and the same is hereby declared to be the point of iiUorseetion of a line drawn through the center of said Eleventh and Twelvth streets, Passed. March .5;1. ISC?. J. M. MOUUE, City Recorder. Col. J. K Kelley we have always- re-neeted as a gentleman, but it seems that he is falling from grace, as shown by a copperhead speech made at the Washington II ill in this city, recently. It is strange that the Democracy cannot confine them selves to truth iu this campaign. Col Kelly departed from the f ictsso wide ly, iu his speech, that Hon. J. II. Mitchell took occasion a few e veidn"'s after, before the Grant Club, to show up the falsehoods, and correct them. His speech had a must excellent ef fect. The Frontier Index states that in-, credible deposits of gold and silver have just been discovered within 15 miles ot Scuders, in Wyoming Terri tory. An exploring parly has brought in several specimens of gold, sivr and copper quartz which were thor ougt.ly tested and proved to be as rich as any discoveries ever made, either in Montana or Cal fornia. Congressional Election. Gov. Haight has signed the bill changing the time of electing Congressmen in California. It will therefore bo ncces snry for. both parties to nominate candidates for Congress from the sev eral districts, to bo voted for lit the Procidentia! election. WcctUly Commercial Review. EvrEF.rrusE Office, ) Oregon City, March 27th. ISflS. f FLOUR Imperial. Standard, Monitor, and Harding's brands $C3G 50 tj bbl., outside brands So 00.S." 50. WHEAT Dull demand at 90(5,95 cts. bushel. OATS The demand is about equal to the supplv. at 40c. CORN MEAL $2 50$3 $ cwt. FFFD Ground $25 ton ; Middlings S20(Vs2. : JJran $12 ri'M'iT ":.-,... r.ri,o yhv -.nTi o- Dl.kd Apples ,b t.xt.5c; Dried Peaches nm, pin, in&r), cullKl) MEAT Bacon rA lb 10c12c; uam lh j.,c . Shoulders 57c. jjAUD In ke-s 9 c: tins 10c. -GGS 20c. doz. BUTTER Ordinary to prime 1 lb 20 25c. POULTRY Chickens TA doz $2 5C(-3; tame Ducks 75c. '"A pair : tame Geese $2 50 ) pair ; Turkeys 2 50(0 $3 pair. GAM E Grouse 50c. pair, or S3 fl doz.: Pheasants. 40c. 'r pair, or $2 doz. VEGETABLES Potatoes bu. 25 cts Onions j) lbs $1 5O0$2.; BeauscUU0 lbs $5' 55 50. HIDES Salted "A lb45c; dry C10 rOUTI.AN!) 1'UtC'KS. Flour Ranging from $6 00 to $7 00 "r barrel. Wheat Lots offered here are taken at $1 00 to $1 10 tf bushel. Bacon Sides. (; 10c; hams. 1115c: shoulders, C7c; SiuC-k abundant,demand light, Lard In tins. WJQ1 1c; Kegs. 10c. Butter Packed solid. 10 and 12c. In brine, choice, 20 und 25c. Isthmus, bo to otSic. Eggs In good demand at 33c. doz. Dried Fruits Apple's, packed in new J bids 10c; 1 caches, 12ic. and lJc; l'lums, 2(J(Vf;25c. Sugar Islands. 12j I3ic; SanFran Cis co C. l-UtTMoc j Crushed, in bbl a.. lSjie ; half bbls.ri7c. Svrup Heavy Golden, best brands. 81(?,87e: Island, in bbls.. 35c. Kite Hawaiian, 10 c; China, No. 1, 74c Coffee Java. 27c ; Rio. but little iu market, 22c ; Costa Rica. 23c. Fish Salmon, bbls. $9 00 ; half bb's. 55 0 ); Mackerel. $11; kits, 3 50, Cod lidi. lt)c. Salt Carmen Island 100 lb. sks.27 50 ; Dairy 50 lb. sks. f-32 5!) ; best Lay. 100 lb. sks. S25 : 10 lb. sks, 16c ; 5 lb. sks, Uc ; 3 1b. sks. Sc. Advantage of Yeau9 You arc getting into years. Yes, but the years are getting into you the rip"-, rich years, the genial, mellow year--, the lusty, lucious years. One by one the crudities of your youth are falling off from you, of vanity, the egotism, the insulation, the bewilderment, the uncertainty. Nenrer and nearer yon are appro iching yourself. You are consolidating yeuir forces. Y'ou are becoming master of the situation On the ruins of shattered plans you find your vantage ground. Your broken hopes, your thwarted pur poses, your defeated aspirations, be come a staff of strength by which you mount to sublimer he;ghts. With self-possession and self command c f nil things, the tiile deed of creation, forfeited, is reclaimed. The king has come to his own again. Earth and sea and sky pour out their largeness ol love. Ail the crowds pass down to lay its treasure at your feet. The private select school of Mr. Cornelius, in this city, will epcn on Monday Anrii Gi.Ii. N one is born without vices, and the best man is the one who is ens cumbered with the least. None will have, such a dreadful parting with the Lord at the last day ' s those who went half way with II im. and then left II im. Bag Cai.pets. " 1 have felt great prid.;, in new carpets before now,'' said a lady acquaintance recently, "but this last one made of old r.-urs as it is is the most beautiful, alter all." And so it was cheap durable, and neat- the colors perfect and biendiiig so handsomely, were produced bv the celebrated Family Bye Colors, of Howe & Stevens notoriety. The popular drujrgists. Simta iV Havis, -.ire agents lor thc State of Oregon, but Bell it Parker have the dyes for sale see advertisement. How to Live Long Eat nvd drink and be comfortable. Never go to ex cess, and always be hopeful. Let the world was as it will, be haiu-v. If it coos we! 1 nviLili; if it goes ill nevi-r cry, for that makes ii no oeuer. i,e clieerinl contented, simple ia habits, active in pursuits, sn-td purchase "ui '414 uini'isiiiiu eioimnsi oi ivOiin ..v l isa el. No. t'l Front street, Portland. Oregon Then shall vow- .1 ears stretch out like a sum mer s Uav, ana onr youth be perpetual. i. urauiiN. CH.-.V.NCY BA1.1.. GRAB ON & Co., M.'.NCFACTCntES OF Wagons &, Carriages, 201 and 203 Front st., Portland, Oregon. OCT" Tf n;on$ of every description wide to order. Gencraljolb'utg done with neatness and dispntrh. Orders from ihe country promptly auenartt ti. North American S. S. Co. OPPOSITION To EQw York, via Panama ! rHlilE NORTH AM En re AX STEAM .IL ship company will dispatch The Elegant and commodious S.S. . IT- i. I 4 O R E G fti I A , J osi-:ni Fctton- Commander FOR PANAMA! From Mission street Wharf, San Francisco On WEDXESrAY, MARCH 25th. One hundred lbs Daygnye. free. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicines and Attendance free. All steamers of this Co. will hereafter touch at Manzanilln, each way. Frti dit and passage at reduced rates. " n iTSr Passage tickets from Liverpool and Qucenstown, by the Liverpool and Great V estern .Steamship Co.'s staunch and ele gant steamships, at unusually low rates. r-T" Passu o e from Uremcn, Hamburg Son hamptnn and Havre, by first- class sir's ot the North German Lloyds, at low rates. For farther information apr.lv to v w t. 4. L NV- KAYMOND Agent, -cor ttcr.v an(1 1'ine sts. up stairs San Trauciico. 3cw Advertisements; Wool Wanted I la si it isi c& ii & Mro. ARE IN THE MARKET, AND WANT 100,000 POUNDS f Choice Woo! ! lor which the highest market 2)rlce will be paid. LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Having followed the above business Sii.tt.-eu years, in ITEW Y0SK, E0ST0IT, And San Francisco. I fec-l confident that I can ive perfect sat isfaction to all who may trust me with work. Persons living at a distance from the city can obtain all necessary information as to cost, etc., bv addressing: J. A. V. ETiuOliE. Plasterer. Montgoir.eiy st., near lStli, Portland. Reference. e.Mactiamas countj- : J. C. Tiu-llinceii, Ksq., Oswego. In the Circuit Court of the 1st it e oi Oregon, for the Comity oi Clackamas ss: aii cent, ueveouc stamp. Margaret S. Post, olaintiil', vs. Lzi a J. Post defendant. Suit in ecpaity to dissolve mar riage contract. To Ezra J Post!, x u I Ufenditnt : In the name cf the State of Ou-iron, You are hereby required lo appear and answer the con-plaint filed again.-t yon in the shove eutitlt d actio-i, within tt n days from the date of" the service of this summons opon yco, it served within tiie said county ; or, it served in ;:nv other conntv of this State, then vf :th- a twenty davs from the data c-t the service uf this siunmo-i upon yon ; and if yon fail o lo answer, lor want thereof, tae plain-oil will tak; judgment against yon. and if yon fail to apne-ir in said court on the lost nay of the term of said coutt, woich shall be he.d after six weeks publicum of this summor.s ihe lihiiiitiff wid apidv to the court for the elief demai ded iu stud complaint, which is tor a dissolution of the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and that phuntiif have the care and custody of thc children mentioned in complaint. Ilv order . . Lpton. .1 nl;;e 4 tti J ndi- cial District. S. ItLiCLAT, ,7t) Attorney for Plamtiii. D ISSOLUTIOX. The co-nnrtnersliip heretofore existing under the iirm name of Roscnstein i Men- lelson. doini: business in Oregon Citv, was dissolved on l! e P-lb dav of March. 1 -is. Iv mutual consent, .1. Roscnstein and 15. Mt-n-dclson ret:rini: from the lirm. All accounts !uc said firm will lie co'lected by the con tinning partners, S. Kosensf cm and A. L. Mcndelson, and will hqomnte all claims against the aforesaid firm of Roscnstein t ,'ieiH'ci.. on. f '23.21 IN THE U.S. LAND OFFICE at Oregon Citv, Oregon, I'.eda Kubler vs. Mar.-hail Ii obeli's. Contest in tt!at'o:i to the W half ol the W bait ot soc. -2. T. S K 1 Vv . To said Marshall Roberts: The said Re da Kubler having inede application at this otliee to be permitted to proem e the cancelation of your homestead entry No. '214, made upon said laud, and to cuter the same, alleging that yon iiave abandoned said land, and making proof in support of said atic-g.-.tion. on are therefore, heu-by notified that un less you apnear within thirty days from the service hereof, and establish your riiiht to said land, such proof ot abandonment wi'I be taken as true, and your said c-utry report ed lor cancellation. OWEN WADE, Register. HENRY WARREN, Receiver. March 17, li. p20.4t - - THE MANHATTAN JLIfe f usti&i mc'o Co. Ol' NEW YORK. o Assets Nearly $o,00n.0C0 00. Dividend to January 1st, IStJT, 1,11 (j,;i'vo ts. Dividend of 16G7, 4!l p)cr cent. Cash. rIIIS LARGE DIVIDEND IS VERY I gi:i!it ing, and assures ihe policy iioi.d ki:s that they will, in this carefully con-ducid company, obtain insurance at the lowest cost consistent with t4ie safety of the insured. SPECIAL FEATURES. Dividends Ann vnlly. Policies it on Forfeiting, After one. Payment. Policies In con testable, Credit, trircti fur j) irl of The Picm'f.m if Desired Prompt Payment of Insn's f 7All classes of Life imd Endowmcut Policies ij-sued. 1 nrporta ul New Features ii D'vdcuds, and Modi ft of Inturni ce : The following are examples of the itera tions of the Li.-1 (';--; iend. Policies ia.-ucd in lb;')-3 only four ynirs ago: Amour, t Piemium Added Tot:d Ag?. Insured. Paid. to Policy. Amount, -l.i f io,,.o. gi.-.s-o $.",,..72 $ir.,;7'2 S" ft, em) ,f-l l',s;S lo,-4S 7,-V-O 7os, ii.r.'S lo,-os 2- 7,ooo 571 L,505 l,"0,-) JThi is an entirely new plan, originating with tins company, and gives insurers the largest return ever made by any company in the same period. All information, books, blank A; plications, can 1 ol taincd from C. P. I LRRY, Agent, loS Flout st , PuilhiutJ, Oregon. Dr. A. D. Ellis. ( I in. W. II. W atkins, f Medical Examiners. 1831 1867 e. j. kobtf.u? & CO., OK Ft 11 KOIC SALIi LOW Builders'1 Hardware and Carpenters'1 Tools niacksmiUts and Machinists' Tools, Coopers'' and Tanners'" Tnlst Mining and Farmers' Tools, Mill and Cross- Cut Saws, SJiip and Steamboat Hardware, Tart l'iich, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and. Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Plucks and Sluaces, Powder, Fuse, Shot, Lead and Cerps, Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. IPvONTEEL, AND Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumberland Co:d, Put nam, New "o k and Griffin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for Hag gles and Wagons; Wagon Skeins' and Iron Axles, ail sizes. WAGON TIMBER. Hals, Spot:, AxU, Poles an.l Shafti, Dtnl liims, Ha tail J!!oti, dx'., itv. Agouti for. A. S. Ilallidir & C o., IVirc llopi; 3; a mi fai tn i i t s. CBT Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in th Eastern Mat-Vets being of a superior cbarae lie superior charac ter, we are enabled to offer goods ui our line at as low rates as they can be purcfia--ed in this market. We call the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line ever ottered in this market. 30 E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., 131 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. auction and commission A. 15. ISicIasiFdsoii, AUCTIONEER! ' Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portl&n AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday J A. B. IiiciiAP.DsoN, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined liar and Bundle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquori. A. B. Eiciiakdson, Auctioneer. W. A. ALURICH. J. C MERRILL. 90H.V M'CHAKKX. feFGRAKEN, MERRILL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF TIIE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oregon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt. Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, liice, and Puia. Agents for Provost's fc Co.'s PresW-vd Fi nits. Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Gi air . Paeon, Lard fc Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALPR1CH. MERRILL. & CO., Nos L'0-1 and 2 On California Street, San Fruucisca. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO If. North Front Slreet.T'ortland. island Sugar and Molasses. 2,500 KEGS ISLAND SUGAR ; 150 DHLS. ISLAND Mg LASSES, ex-llonolu!n Packet, and fur sal? by M'CRAKEN, M LRIil ia. CO. M ISC EL L A NEO US. Harpers Mothers' LIST OF NEW BOOKS! I. Motley's History of ihe Netherlands? A history ol the United Netherlands: Iron tliedea.fi of William the Silent to the Pi Years' Truce i.'io.'. Ry John LoTimoi' Motley, D. C. f... author of the "Rise of the Dutch Republic." In four Volumes, with port raits, two., Cloth, II Smiles' s History cf the Hugueots; The Huguenots; their settlements, church' cs, and indnstris, in England and Irehiid Ry Samckl S.mills, author of "Self Help."' etc. Crovvu bvo. cloth, be Vol edges, 1 70. Duffs' D iok Keeping ti Sinsh and Double entry. Practically Illustrating Mcicli-'nts'. Manufacturers', Private bank ers'. Railroad, and National Hank- account including all the late improvements in thc science. With a copious Index. Ity I', Dt'rK. formerly Merchant, Founder and Proprietor of De.fi's' Mercantile Collar,, Piit.-lmrt;. Pa. 2oth edition, enlarged and revised, bvo, cloth, :?:J 7o. IV. Mrs. Comforts' Fairy Stories. Folks and Fairies: Stories IbP Lit tie Children, l y Lvcy R sr vll Comfokt. With engrav ings; sq uare -ito, cloth, 1. V. Barries' Evidences of Christianity; Lectures on the evacuees of Christianity ia the Si'th Century. Delived in tha Mercer street church. New Yoik, January l;!st, to Feb. 21 st, ist;7. On the "Elv Fnun datio!!' ot the Union Theological -v-minn-rv. liv Allojkt !!.'. rnls. author of "Notr on t!ie New Testament," -Vc. la mo, Moroc co cloth, beveled edges, 1 75. 0 VI. The Lovers'' Dictionary ; A Poetical treasury of Lovers' thoughts. Fancies, ad dresses, and dilemmas, indexed with near ly ten thousand references as a Dictionary of compliments and guide to the study cf the tender science. Post Svo, cloth $3 5c; giit edges, $4 25. VII. Maces'' Fairy Book; Home Fairy Tiaes (CW'iV ' -pit-it CiitiU't'i ) By Je.v M ale, author of "The servant of the stoin r.c'i," A.C. Translated by M ary L. Room, translator of" Martin's History of Franc?; Labouh.ye's Fairy Rook." tc. With tn graving. 12mo, cloth $1 7."; gilt 2 25. VIII. Three English Statesmen; Cromwellr Pym and Put. A course of lectures on tiie political history of England. Ry Uoli vix S.viTU, author of "Lectures on th itiuly cf History," tie. 12nio, cloth $1 00. IX. Agnes Sfrlcklands Queens of England Lives of the Ipieens of England. From ill Norman Conquest. Ry Aoxks Sthicklaxi, author of " Lives of thc Queens Scot land.;" abridged by the author. Revised and edited by Cap.oi.ink G. Pakkkr. I .arc -2iuo, iloili, i'.2 Uniform with the .Sfu dciti'ii Jjt.!ort ca. The Kew Novels, rt'DLISlILD BY IlAttPER & Bk!tiieks, New York. Playing for High Stakes; By Aniii Thomas, bvo, paper 25 cents. Guild Court; A London Story 7y Geo MTcDonalii; bvo, paper 50 cents. A Brother's Bet; or Within six Weeks. Ry Esoly Fl v G.-. i: eCa rlkn. Svo, paper 2'c. The Huguenot Fomil; By Sarah Tytlkr. P2iik, cloth, $1 50. MaheTs Progress ; By the authorQf "Aunt Margaret's Trouble;" Svo, paper 50c 7'he Waferdale Neighbors; By tht author of " Paul MasMe." Svo, pnjicr See. Caryloifs Year; By the author of "Lost Sir Masi-iHgberd." Svo, paper, 25c. Stone Edge; A 2 ale. Svo, paper , '25 cents. Circe; or Three Acts in the Lite of an Artist. Ry Rarincton White. 50 cents. T'ue. Tenants of Malray; ByJ.S. Le Faxc. Svo, paper, 5oc. Bird cf Prey; By M E. Braddcn. Illustrations. Svo, paper, 75 cents. e-HAur-Fii Biiotiiers wii! send the above works bv Mail, postage paid, tn any part of the United States, uj reC,ZV Oregon Commission Agency OFFICE. 'Jo UliEKTV STREET, NKW VOllK CITV. For buvin- and shipig direct, by tht i or D".y"r , a classes and vane- SHr Mer h luli, including Musical I Itrmm'nVs' Farn.mg Impletueuts, Carnage. and Machinery. , . jr Faithful suenuou ... '" '- - "the sfciuang and disposition ot Patents. to All orders and business i.ircti.- , ,i- nttentioii. Gon' s smppeu in ik m.i c . lowest rates, and insured to order. BI S1XKSS REFEUENCKS : ldrich, Merrill & Co., San Francisco, Cat McCrakcn, Merrill & Co., Portland, Orego .1. H. Moores, Salem, Oregon. Thomas Monteith, Albany, Oregon. NEW YORK CITY RKFKREXCE. J L. Rrownell it Rro., Rankers, 2S Rroad f E & C. E. Tdton, 'Jo and '.'7 Liberty M. M.Starr, late of Oregon. ti5 I-tbert f- Albon Matin. Treasurer .auou uv Co., 1 Wall st. Ct:tf. have on hand tor sale, m l" J0, ourchasers. the celebrated UOMTO t LVl M. ivy it- i .