Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, March 28, 1868, Image 1

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No. 23
Tol. 2
tEIjc lUcckhj (Enterprise.
VFFICE: South east corner of Fifth and
Mai street-, in the b.i.Id.ng n
s the Court UoHse, Oregon tin, Oiegon.
Terms of Subscription.
One copy, one rear in advance $3 00
.. .'. if delayed 4 00
Terms of Advertising.
Transient advertisement, per square
(12 lines or less) Hi st insertion . . o0
for each subsequent insertion 1 'A
Business Cards one square per annum
payable quarterly - 1'0
One column per annum 1-'-
One half column " "
One quarter " "
Leal advertising at the established rates.
Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C. L,4
'(Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Kelteee,
Main Street Oregon City.
'Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
OFFICE -Corner of Washington and Front
streets, Parrish's Block, Porthuid, Oregon.
RESIDENCE "Washington street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets. j 'ii.ly
oTp. isasoij,
q1.02 Front st., I'ortland, Oregon.
V V Caurt in the State or Washington
Territory. Including business under the
San.krupt Law. S7:ly
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
business entrusted to his care.
Okfick One door north of Bell L Parker's
Jrur store, Oregon City, Oregon. :hly
Permanently Located at Orejn. City, Oregon.
Rooms with Dr. Salfarans, on Main street.
.A. C. GIBBS. C. W. rAItKlSIT,
Xotiry PuUie and Com. of JJtvd.
Attorneys and Counselors at-Let'',
OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's
Kfir Brick Block.
M. c. johxsox. f. o. ji cow. v.
A'c.'t.'- 1'uUlc.
et 'xzr- ':zzx r-zso
(5-? Will attend to all business entrusted
f our care m any of t he Courts of t i.e Slate,
ciileet nionev, negotiate loans, sell real es- j
t tr, etc. " j
i,T"iartieular attention given to contested j
Liud case.s. 1 .y 1 j
j. n. MiTciiLLL. j. x. ooi.ru. a smith.
IrlitDheli, Dolph & Smith,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc
tors in Ad iniialtg .
Otlice o-er the old Post OHice, Front
Street, Portland, Oregon.
0 - .
Ortgon City, OVcf;ou
Office iu Channan's Brick Block, up
stairs. ('-: tO
Justice of the Peace City Pwcorder.
Office In the Court House and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
Will attend to the acknowledgment of
ieed, and all other duties appertaining to
theotliceof Justice of the 1'e.iec. ti:iy
J. 13. UPTON,
Attorney and Cocnsei.or-atLavi
Oregon City, Oregon.
Ofuce over the store of Pope &. Co.,
Mum street. i'. tf
OlTice IOC Front street, Portland, Orc
gr,n. (.10.0m
CT P . F ER R yT
O (laite Ferry & F'ostcr,)
JESE nt. CD EX. Jit "C3 3L
No. 10S Front street, I'ortland.
Agent North British and Mercantile
Insurance Company. I
And Manhattan Life Insurance Co j
VJT Bonds, and Ileal Estate bought and :
Sjid on Commission. l:-:lv !
Successor to SMITH d- MARSHALL,
Jjlaclc-Smith and Wagnn Maker,
Corner of Main and Thud streets,
oOregou City Oregon.
Blacksmithing in all its branches. Wairnn
making and repairing. AH work warranted
to give satisfaction. jjy
City Drayman,
Ail orders for the delivery of merchandise,
or packages and freight ot whatever descrip
tion, to any part of taecity, will be executed
promptly and with care. " lt'..0m
Established since lS-i'J, at the old stand,
Main Street, Okkox City.
An assortment 1 1 Wuiclies. Jew
elry, and Seth Thomas' weiu'it
Clocks, alt of which are warranted
to be as represented.
jUepainns done on short notice.
i mil tnankful for past favors. (37
I. S. ROSENBAUIil a Co.,
No. 45 Front St., Portland Oregon.
Tobaccn, Cigars, Snug, Stationery,
Yankee Notions, and Toys.
Orders promptly attended to
-a. ri - is.
Ladd &, Tilton,
Will give prompt attention to collections,
and other business appertaining to Banking'
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantic States for
sale. Government Securities bought and
L . C . Fuller,
Fags the Highest Price for Gold Fust
Legtil Tenders and (lovernment securities
bought and sold. No. los Front st.,
x'-! Portland, Oregon.
Removed I Removed !
The old and well known
but has been removed to Second street,
between Alder and Morrison streets, where
business willbe conducted oa as large a scale
as in years oast. 2:1 y
Manufacturer and Dealer in
V etc., etc..
Main street, between Third and Fourth,
Oregon dig.
rTrWVL attention of parties desiring anything
JL in my line, is directed to my stock, be
foie making purchases elsewhere.
William Brcuglitcn,
Jluai. xtritt, Gi'itjon, City.
Will attend to all work in his line, con
sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner work
framing, building, etc Jobbing promptly
attended' to. " fn
a. it. b::i.i..
K. A. r.BKEU.
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Drug Store.
o o f S3 m m.
Oregon City, Oregon.
pared to make al! manner of wai e in tiie i
hue of cooperage, from a we!!-bu ket to a .
hogshead, of but!i l.-ilge and straight work, !
on short notice, and at reasonable rates.
Call and examine samples of our work, as
it is its own recommendation.
..i.i, L. ZIO'LEB. & SON.
i i
)Vt.4 Side ifui'i Slret,
Third, Vc
latiry n
"en t'if-
Vt.wi ana
GEGP.G-E A. 1IAAS Proprietor.
mi . , , , , . r , . i
1 he proprietor be:;s leave to inform his I
friends and the public generally that t he j
above named popuhiv saloon is open for their '
accommodation, with a :,ew and well assort- i
e.l supply of the finest brands of wines, j
liquors and cigars. 52 j
- - j
Fashion Hiliiard Salocn
Main street, between Second and Third,
Oregon City.
HAHII & LEASY Proprietors.
''IllL above Ions: established and popular
JL Saloon is yet a favorite resort, and r.s
only the choicest brands ot Wines, Liquors
and Ci-.'ars are dispensed to customers a
share of the public patronage is solicited.
Z-j" N. 15. Families supplied with the
choicest Liquors, English Ale and Porter,
in bottles, on the most reasonable terms.
Cosmopolitan Billiard Rooms.
Alder Street, bet. Front and First,
Portland, Oregon.
Two new and very perfect French
"ith the Improved Phelan Cushions, just
set up at the Cosmopolitan. These Tables
are incomparably superior to anv others iu
ZiOF' Booms apart from the Saloon. 'xi.l
A. J. MOXIICK. W. A. K. MKI.t.pX.
Dealirs in California, Vermont, and
Italian JfarLles, Obelisks, Monu
ments, Head and loot, stones,
Salem Ohegon.
Mantles and .Furniture Marble furnished
to order. 2.tf
I, t a u a v.. a ii i g ii t ,
Corner of Fourth and M-tin Sis.,
Oregon Cdg Oregon.
I the public that ouy keep constantly on
hand ail kinds trc.-di anil salt meats, such as
And evervthmg else to be found m their lino
Oregon City, April -ieth, lsOT. i:":ly
Batchers and Meat Venders.
1 Thankful for the favors of the community
in tae past, wish to say that thev will con
tiuue to deliver to their patrons, from the
wagon, as usual,
(hi Tnrx-l,,yM ,;,i S.it,jrJTy i f eaclt iceel;
itnetjesiqualir.es cf Peet, Mutton, and
or any other class of meats in the
KEEr co..&1a.;tly on hand for sale :
iSvliViLii, XiJ.ajJLiJ,ir35
i lT" Turtles wanting feed mast furnish
i tuesr sacKS.
: .
JrTTCT JiLA-NIvb. of everv doevio
t;on lor ?ah- at t!:? ExTKpntsK office'
At the Enterprise Office.
Good night, my dear, good night!
In pleasant slumbers close
Thine eyes, wall love so bright ;
?Tis time they should repose
They opened ere 'twas light;
Good night I
Good night, my dear ; the prayer
Thine infant lips just spake,
Borne on the evening air.
Its way to heaven shall take,
And God will love thee there.
Good night!
Good night, and nothing fear ;
When then art fast asleep,
Angels, unseen, draw near,
A careful watch to keep,
That naught may harm thee. dear.
Good night !
Good night ! In glory gleams
The hours of dark shall fly,
Ai d fairest meads and streams
Thy feet shall wander by.
In pleasantest of dreams.
Good nijrht !
Golden Anuivtrsary of a. Printer.
On the evening of November 2J,
last, the New York Typographical
Society was called together in special
meeting, for ihe purpose of suitably
commemoratirg the Fiftieth Anni
versary of the entrance into the So
ciety of Mr. Charles McDevitt. The
veteran typo was introduced by air.
Thurlow Weed, who fifty years ago
was employed in the same office with
Air. McDevitt. Mr. Weed spent a
few moments in recalling the events
of the past, when both were working
at the " case." The meeting was
very fully attended, some of the oldest
workmen in the craft being present
to greet their old comrade.
The exercises were opened with
prayer by Rev. Joseph Lorgking,
long a printer, and Superintendent of
the Methodist Book Concern; after
which the Chairman, Mr. Charles C.
Savage, delivered the congratulatory
address, on behalf of the Society
which was very interesting, review
ing as he did, half a century of time
that Mr. McDevitt had been with
the fraternity, active, unfaltering, re
liable, always at the (dace his fellow,
members assigned him. Never slink
ing or shunning the burdens imposed
upon him, but doing his duty as God
Las given him ability, " We are
made conscious by this anni versarv,"
says Mr. Savage, 41 that you ore
growing old. Your age, your ser
vices entitle -you to rar k as the acs
1 ve pat rial fh of t he Society today,
-n i-.
A i snch we 'lU recognize Otl. l' rom
tbc time of the iirbrew tmriarehs
until now, a si tiff" has been the em
blem of that authority, wisdom and
veneration which we associate Tvilh
has magnified ir-
poets have sang of it; history com
memorates it. All ages and ranks
yield ready respect and honor to the
man of years leaning on his staff
Your brethren, in extending to you
their congratulations on this anniver
sary, have deemed it eminently fitting
to present you some memorial there
of. They have decided, that as the
time approaches when you must lay
down your " composing stick," no
more appropriate gift could be se
lected than a rcaAi;-stick for you
to " pick-up" in its stead. They have
conferred on inc. the agreeable privi
lege of being their Voice to express to
yon their warmest interest in your
future health, happiness, and pros,
perity, and their hand in presenting
to you this cane. It has strength for
support, and beauty to gratify. May
it ever be to you a type of the Di
vine strength, on which you can rely,
and the beauty of that life which lias
been spent in usefulness, and love to
wards God and man. And when
your last" stick" shall be " emptied,"
and your " form" shall be " locked
up" and " pressed"' beneath the
" stones'' of the " tomb,'' mav vour
immortal spirit be welcomed to a
heavenly mansion, r.nl there find
! endless, blessed rest."
Mr. Savage, at ttie conclusion of
his address, produced an elegant
ebony cane with a massive gold head,
on which was engraved an inscription
commemorativeof the occasion, which
he presented to Mr. McDevitt o:i
behalf of the Society.
Mr. McDevitt expressed his thanks
for the beautiful gift in appropriate
terms, and in response delivered a
most interesting addrees, in which he
spoke of the ' Typographic Art" fifty
j years ago, and contrasted it with that
I Art ' tc.day. He made many
touching allusions to the old printers
i -f New York, with whom he had
! 1 . ,. ..: . J , . i i
j " ;isuc.aieo, ana wno nati passea
! before him to a ' haven of rest." We
', ,
I Irartt tat we have room for but one
i paragraph;
I io 'he American press, -.villi the
aid of the electric telegraph, may be
attributed much of our national great
ness. The newspaper, finding its
way into the home of every citizen,
is making itself a powerful instru
ment in forming the minds of the
people. The poet's dream of a ma
gician putting a girdle of intelligence
around the earth in forty minutes will
soon be more thati realized. The
magical power of electricity in the
hands of science will not only send
intelligence around the jlobe in a
few minutes, but will diffuse it over
tha whole face of the earth. This
country, and this great metropolis,
from ita geographical position, must
become the radius of all commercial
movements. Indeed, New Yoik now
is, for all practical purposes, the
centre of the world. Look at that
printing-press, standing there in the
corner, reminding us of former days.
It is the same as those used by
Faust, Gutenburg and Caxton; and,
within my remembrance, the only
means by which cur daily papers
were worked off; and then turn your
thoughts to the costly and powerful
machinery, with all its appliances,
which now takes its place. Look at
those magnificent temples which have
lately been erected, and those now
constructing, taking the place of the
garret or cellar, the dark and dingy
rookeries in which the lever that
moves the world used to be con
cealed." Addresses were delivered by Thur
low Weed, arid many otheis, con
cluding with the following ode, read
by Mr. Vni. O'and Bourne:
Brother'. If all the radiant thought
Thy hands have traced iu fifty years.
From heart and mind of genius wrought,
Undimmedby clouds or falling tears
If all the good thy hands have told
By type on type, and line on line,
Could be upon thy future rolled,
Our willing hearts should wish them thine.
O Veteran Knight of Royal Artj
What thought and power thy hands have
That made the rolling ages start,
And Eat tli's grand Hymn of Progress
swell ;
A Haifa Century has passed
Since thou wert to thy letters wed,
And now in love we come to cast
Our benedictions on thy head.
Long may the years bring joy to thee,
And honor crown thy closing uay,
And golden blessings, large and free,
Be strewn alone thy peaceful way,
And fifty years of glorious Art,
In toil, and thought, and zeal like thine,
Shall write upon the loving heat t,
McDevitt's name, a gulden issue.
Out oi'abcut 1 SCO tons of freight
awaiting shipment at Portland Ly one
firm, they got 75 tons i II" by the Jo h n
L. Stephens. We are told that ship
ping by quota isnovv the rule. How
long does the Bjii. Ilolliday line
(whom we hive always respected
heretofore) expect this state of
things to lasif
The case of instruments offered
by Dr. Carpenter to the student who
should pass the most perfect exam
ination in the graduating c'ass at Sa
lem, was awarded to Dr. S.R.Jessup
We learn from the Sentinel that
a corporation has been formed under
the name of the Southern Orrcon
Military Road Company, for the pur
pose of opening a wagon road start
ing near Ashland, Jackson county,
and running erstward intersecting the
Oregon Central Military Road at a
point on the east side of Goose Lake
Valley. Capital stock $ 150,000, di
vided into two hundred and fifty
shares. A petition has been forward
ed to Congress asking for a grant of
land to aid in the construction of the
On the sixth of January Senator
Williams introduced a bill amendato
ry of the "Act granting lands to aid
in the construction of a railroad and
telegraph line from the Central Pa
cific Railroad in California, to Port
land Oregon," extending the time al
lowed for the completion of so much
of the road as may be within the State
of Oregon, to three years from the
date of the act for the first 20-mi!e
section; nnd further providing that
at least u0 miles shall be completed
in each three years thereafter, and
the w hole on or before July 1st, 1SS0.
Tiie bill was read twice and referred
to the Committee on Public Lands.
The Denver News informs us
that Mr. John II. Gerri.h, formerly
of Dalles City, has returned and lo
cated in Denver. Mrs. Gerrish,
wife of Jolm IL, is the lady who es
caped with her child, so remarkably,
from an overland coach in 1803, af
ter the driver had been kd'ed by the
Indians. Mrs. Gerrish is one of the
heroic women of this age, and we hope
that she will allow her name to be
handed down as such. As to John
Tl hirr Ln u-iM vft nvprcflmp lii
! A.,,r,xh fwn o-roat fires at Dan-
! n0ek and Idaho were bard on him,
History ami Extent of the Fisliciics
OJi tlii Coast.
From the San Feanci-ico Bulletin.
" Canst tell how an oyster makes his shell !"
A7i7 Ltar.
"Why, then' the world's mine cystef;
Which with a sword I will open."
Merry II7cr.
Shakespeare is responsible for a
bit of history which records the fact
or fiction that on a certain occa
sion Mark Anthony sent a messenger
commissioned to present the lovely
queen of Egypt an " Orient pearl,''
which, to make it the more accepf.a
ble, was to be handed over in a neat
little speech as follows: " The firm
Roman to great Egypt sends this
treasure of an oyster," etc;
Had Cleopatra been inclined to
draw nice distinctions, she might have
retained the treasure and returned the
" oyster," with her compliment to
the "firm Romam," or had the mat
ter referred to a committee on oys
ters, to consider the propriety of roy
alty accepting an "oyster" from an
alien. It might be a torpedo. Since
then, however, one Linr.ceus has de
fined the oyster, and the world is
vastly illuminated on the subject.
Here is the definition: "Oyster, a
well known marine acephalous mol
lusk, of the lamelli-branclliate order,
and genus ostrca. That's lucid, and
no one can hereafter doubt the per
fectly innocent character of the
" acephalous mollusk."
Corn, ng down to still more modern
times and things, it is stated that
2;500 vessels and 10,000 hands or
air of 1 a ids are required to supply
the New Y'ork oyster trade alone.
How many mouths it takes to eat
them is undertermiued. From New
Yoik to San Faancisco, thanks to
steam aud live oak, the transition is
easy, and the investigator soon finds
himself " a raking among the oyster
banks" of the Pacific for information.
The trade on this coast is still in
its infancy. Oysters were first dis
covered in Shoal water Bay, iu 1S50,
by a Captain Feldstead, who took
some on board bis vessel, but did
not succeed in ffctiinjr them to San
Francisco in good order. Anthony
Ludlum next fitted out and despatch
ed the schooner St;z Serpent to the
Shoalwater bed for a cargo. This
expedition was more successful than
its predecessor, and with the cargo,
which was safely delivered at this
market, Mr. Ludlum established him
self in the business!, and continued it
up to the present time. He is there
fore entitled to the distinction of be
ing the pioneer oysttrman of San
Francisco. The discovery opened a
new field for our enterprising coas
ters, and the trade opeued vigorously.
Immediately upon the arrival of the
Sea Serpent at this port with her
bivalves, a company composed of
Alexander Ilausen, Thomas Bartlett,
Garrett Tyroh, Mark Winant, John
Morgan and Frank Garretson was
organized, who purchased and fitted
out the schooner Robert Bruce, and
placed her under command of Capt
Terry. 'I his vessel arrived at Shoal
water Bay and commenced loading,
but on the third day after her arrival
she was burned to the water's edge.
It is said that the cook, having ad
ministered all the laudanum in the
medicine chest to the crew, set the
schooner on fire, evidently intending
to burn her up, together with the en
tire crew, saving, of course, his own
precious self; but an old man named
McCarthy, the only white inhabitant
on the bay, saw the impending danger
and roused the half stupefied beings
who had been devoted to destruction
by the incendiary cook. They were
thus rescued, and being reduced to
the single alternative of colonizing
right there until something should
aim up in their behalf, they erected
a few cabins on the adjacent shore,
and were known for a long time as
the Bruce Company. The town cf
Bruceport now occupies the site of
this involuntary settlement.
Is a considerable body of water,
about 30 miles long and 10 miles
wide. The entrance is in latitude 46
degrees and 44 minutes. The chan
nel is wide and deep with about five
fathoms on the bar at low water,
forming, next to that ef San Fran
cisco, the best natural haibor on the
Pacific Coast. Five or six rivers
flow into it, among the largest of
which are the Willopa and Palnx.
The severe winter of 1801 and 'G2
froze and destroyed nearly fdl the
oysters in the bay, compelling parties
entered in the trade to make further
explorations. These resulted in the
discovery of an oyster bed in
A small lago'on situated some fifty
miles south of the Columbia river.
The first oysters were taken from
here by Capt. Hillper, in the schoon
er Cornelius- Terry and proved to be
rather superior to the Shoalwaters.
But the bed afforded only a limited
supply, and besides, the entrance to
the harbor was very shoal and dan
gerous, having bat eight or nine feet
of water on the bar at high tide. The
Indians of this vicinity told the oys
termen of another oyster mine, fur
ther south at a placeealled
Samples from this locality showed
a superior article to any of the for
mer discoveries. The fish was larg
er and of more delicate flavor than
either the Shoalwater or Natard, and
the shell not so thick and heavy as
the latter. The entrance to Y"aquina
is in latitude 4-fdcg. 40 rain. The
bay and oyster-bed proved to be on
an Indian reservation, and Ji collis
ion soon occtired between the oyster
men and the Indian agent. The oys
termen claimed that they had a right
to take, oysters from any ol the navi
gable waters of the United States,
while on the other hand the acrcnt
contended that ihey were in this in
stance a part of the Indian's subsist
ance, and demanded a subsidy or im
port of 15 cents for every bushel tak
en away. In the winter of 1SG2 a
lease of the privilege of woiking this
bed was obtained by Winant & Co,
of this city, by which it was stipula
ted that the lessee should have the ex
clusive right to gather and ship the
oysters by paying to the agent the
sum of 15 cents per bushel. Other
parties attempted to make common
property of the bed. The agent was
compelled to drive them off by force,
using the IT. S. trOops for that pur
pose. The interloping oystermen
brought suit against the agent to re
cover heavy damages. Important
questions were raised involving the
rights of navigation of fisheries, and of
Indiarr reservations. The suit was
carried to the Supreme Court of Or
egon, when it was eventually decided
in favor or the agent.
Winant oc Co., under their lease
gathered and shipped a large quantis
ty of the Yaqtiiua oysters, employ ing
two'or three vessels, and supplying
nearly the whole California market
for a year or two. Their first venture
from there was the shipment of some
1,800 bushels, which were brought
down to San Francisco and planted
near Ship Island, up the bay. These
succeeded very well, and were sold at
prices ranging from $1 to 82 per 100.
In the meantime, during the diversion
from Shoalwater Bay, the bed there
in a great measure recovered from its
depletion, and by planting and culti
vation abetter supply of oysters is
now afforded than has been for many
years. Yaquina Bay has been nearly
exhausted, although this year theicis
a very large spawn and young growth
and with a year or two of rest the bed
will be more prolific than ever. The
three foregoing place.s are the only
ones where oysters have been obtained
north of San Francisco, except that a
few are brought occasionally from
Victoria, Vancouver's Island; by
steamer, which are of a very inferior
quality. For some unaccountable
reason no oysters are known to ex
st in Coose or Humboldt Bays.
There are in the voyage of life,
steerage passengers, so to speak, who
would eat a clam for economy's sake,
and imagine oysters. For such a de
luded heathen there is a world of com
miseration. A clam is a degenerate
plebian of the acepalovs tuollusk fam
ily; approaching the dignity of a
genuine oyster as a liveried footman
approaches the d'gnity and stale of
his roval master. It is a miserable
parvenue, an impostor. Whit or
sole leather might make the same
pretensions. Still we have them
here, and they have their patrons,
marvelously enough, even among civ
ilized palate; but it argues bad for
the eater. They are a clammy mor
sel, put them up as you will. A
wtll-prepared chowder may pass
mustfer. They are found everywhere
on the coast, though not so large as
the Eastern clams,
The scollop is another unhallowed
alien to the ostrean commonwealth;
Like clams, the palate, must become
disciplined to a friendship for them,
although they stand a shade higher
than the latter, in point of delicacy.
Still we have none of them here yet,
and remote be the day of their innov
vation. The scollop of the table is
but a portion of the shell fish bearing
that name, the remainder being res
jected as unfit for use. It is about
the sizs of a good sized filbert, and
resembles a slug of skinned snake's
carcase. Indeed " slug'' would be a
more appropriate name for them than
" scollop.'' About 150 of them make
a, quart, and sell iu the New York
market at 80 cents.
Like all others who go down to
the sea in ships, the oystermen have
their mishaps; and the billow tumbles
irreverently over many a hardy
coaster. Sit ce the burning of the
pioneer oyster schooner, Robert
Bruce, Shoalwater Bay records the
loss of the schooners Emma Packer
and Empire. The schooner Spark
ling Wave sailed for Shoalwater
Bay, but was never since heard from,
and subsequently the schooner Ann
C. Anderson, for the same destina
tion", has Kit the same mystery. On
the 8th of November, I8G4, the
schooner J. M. Chapman sailed from
Shoalwater Bay for San Francisco,
with a cargo of oysters. No tiJings
Lave ever been heard from her. The
ocean, doubtless, holds the secret of
her fate. The schooners Ann G.
Doyle and Cornelia Terry have been
lost at Yaqnima Bay. . No others
are reported.
The wholesale dealers have met
with heavy losses during the past
season, by the dying of their oysters
from some unkr.ow cause. Nearly
all brought here that yoar have died
within the period of a few months
the loss from this source exceeded
640,000. The cause is unknown. As
all kinds appear to be alike affected,
some conjecture that the waters of the
Bay is this season is impregnated
with an unusual quantity of alkali or
some other foreign and poisonous
substance. No locality in the Bay
has been exempt.
Prices in the San Francisco mar
ket at present range from $3-a $5
per basket, containing an average of
about, 500 oysters the price varying
with the quality. The retail price
is $1 per hundred, and the ultimate
consumes eats his "date" for the
consideration of "two bits" and love
and affection.
The nature, growth and cultivation
of the oyster on this coast opens a
large field of investigation and enter
prise for intellect and capital, an in
vestment of which would doult'csS
result in supplying our markets with
oysters, fully equal in quality and
abnndance to the famous Shrewsbury
or Saddle-rocks of the East.
Corals. Coral jewelry, which has
of late been very fashionable, is said
to be to a great extent counterfeit.
Much of it is prepared artificially
from marble dust made info paste by
using silicate of potash and a litttle
isinglass and colored by Chinese Ver
million. --.
Too Fat. Thi Chief of the Secret
Police employed about Napoleon's
person, has grown so stout as to be
come a marked man, and thus lost po
sition. Sportsmen. A decdy'ls a plan by
which ducks and other aquatic birds
are enticed up a narrow channel from
a river or lake. The channel usually
terminates in a cover of network,
several yards in length. On either
side of the channel the turf is kept
smooth and in order; this tempts the
birds to leave the water, and they
alight and begin to dress their plum
age. While thus employed at some
distance up the channel, the decoy
man and his dogs, who have been on
the look out, but carefully concealed,
suddenly appear. The. birds take to
the water t:gain, and ar; driven by
the dogs into the net-woik inelor-ure,
when they arc ea-ily captured.
Mammon. ;Tt is useless to declaim
against the desire to acquire wealth.
About the year 1750, an author ta-k
ed himself to prove that the English
people ought to abstain from trade
and commerce, because they were
the means w hereby they became f-
femiuate, rapacious and factious. lie
pursued the subject through twenty
five chapters, in which be touched
upon the spirit of liberty, the spirit of
humanity, the ruling manners of the
times, the principles of religion, honor
and public spirit; what constilutes
the strength of nations, the national
spirit of defence, the national spirit of
union, the consequences of national
disunion, the effects of exhorbiiant
trade and wealth on our manners and
religions principles public spirit. His
delineation of the manners and prin
ciples cf the times was much ad
mired; but the acquisitiveness of ths
people remained uuabated
From the nursery to the narrow
house is but a short journey, and in
the brief space between the two ter
mini the pleasantest domain ought to
be that of childhood. Children
aione, of human beings, have the ca
oacitv of unadulterated enjoyment.
Theirs, therefore, should be the holi
day of life; its slave day will soon be
upon them, ar.d then farewell for
ever to the merry world without a
responsibility, a fear, or a care, which -is
their rightful abiding place until
borne out in the tumult and the strife
ot the great malestrom. Tasks they
must learn, duties they must be
taught; btit those who know how to
interest the developing thind, and to
feed it wisely and well with the ele
ments of knowledge, can make edu
cation one of childhood's pleasures.
If every child could be instructed in
tellectually, morally and religiously,
a very few generations would suffice
to bring about the tnidenium; and if
the foundations of a life long cheerful
ness could be at tiie same time lad,
by affording to all children full op'
portunities for innocent enjoyment,
what a merry millenium it Would be.
That being ont f the questiQ), let us
do the best we can. Away with all
t ie tribe of humbugs Who put chil
dren into straight jackets wh
would crar.i them to school, and make
automata of them out of it. Tench
them winningly. Make knowledge
attractive to them. Let them frolic
unrestrainedly. Some children are
utterly broken dov$ physically and
mentally by over-education. Others
have no education at ail. Of the
twain the former are most tb be
pitied. The uneducated can nfter-
wards educate themselves; but chil
dren who have had the vitality and
spirits oj their youth dragooned out
of them by martinet teachers, can
never repair the damage that ha?
been done to their bodies and minds
by overtasking.
Wi at the IIeaft is. -pie heQrt
is like a pfnt in the tropics, which all
the year round is bearing flowers,
and ripening seeds, and letting them
fly. It is shaking oil memories and
dropping associations. The joys of
last year are" ripe seeds that will ebmo
up in joy again next year. Thus the
heart is planting seeds in cverv iiook
and corner; and as a wind which
serves to prostrate a plant is only
sower coming forth to sow its seeds,
planting some of them in rocky crev
ices, some by river ourses, some
among messy stones, some by warm
hedges, and some in garden and open
field, so it is with our experiences of
life that sway and bow us either with
joy or sorrow, iney pianu eeiy-
thing round about us with heart seeds.
Thus a house becomes sacred. Every
room hath a memory, and a thous
and of them; every dobr and window Q
is clustered with associations.
The Usages of Society. Some
of what are called the usages of so.
ciety are irksome to many of us; but
it will not do to contemn them. So
long as they do not require of us
any sacrifice of principle, it is better
to conform. There can be no harm
in masking mortification with aGSmile,
in withholding the expression of our
opinions and sentiments when their
utterance can do no good, in evading
questions which it is against Our in
terest to answer directly, or in being
polite to people whom we cannot es
teem. Candor is a virtue; but it is
not advisable to wear one's heart on
one's sleeve in society. The rule
laid down Ly Pascal, one of the pur
ist of men and most rigid of morals
is;s, is a good one: " It is not a con
ditiori," says that excellent man,
'-that we state only what is the truth ;
we are bound al-o not, at all times,
lo say all that is true; because we
ought only to give publicity to
things that msiy serve a useful pur
pose, and not to such as may cause
pain to individuals without conduc
ing to general utility." Oh, that all
gossiping busybodies would give heed
to his sage advice this sound, Chris
tian logic.
How is it? Suppose a man and a
girl were to get married the man S
years old and the girl 5 years this
makes the man seven times as old as
the girl; they live together until the
irl is ten years old this makes the
man 40 years old, and four times as
old as thegirl; and they still live un
til she 15 the man would be 45
this makes the man three times as
old; ana they still live till she is SO
years old this makes the man CO
only twice as old, and so. Now,
how long would they have to live to
make the girl as old as the man.