ft" - -J k OREGOX CITY, OBEGOAV.'SATURMY, 3I1BCII 14, 1808. Vo. 21. Vol. 2. Enterprise. LI 1 1 a O !)c lUcckln enterprise. I-fBUSIIED EVERY SATURDAY MOUSING . r ttj-PT. A TT T ; , IS y U . O . xn-"---' . Ita - ... .i. . a .... .r nf Vivti! n nit h M . rv streets, in the building lately known i- ." . ti lirtJimn as the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon Terms of Subscription. One copv, one year in advance. " " ' il delayed. . . . . -4 00 Terms of Advertising. Transient advertisements, per square ( i lines or less) first insti tiun . . .i- -'') Fur each subsequent insertion I oO Uusiiicss Cards tme square per annum pavahle quarterly .12 One "column per annum l-'J "0 One half column " ' eo tlue quarter " " , ,V V " , ' ,'" l.eiral advertising at the established rates. I'll OFESSIONA L CARDS. Dr. F. Barclay, Ifl. R; G. L.4 (Formerly Surgeon to the Ilwu. II. 1. Co. OFFICE: A t JitehUnce, Main Street Oregon City. Dr. CHARLES BLACH, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE Comer of Vu.-diington and Front streets, l'urrish's Cluck, t'oi tlaud, Oregon. KBSIDESCE Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. pi-'.ly 0. P. MASON, Attorney axd Counselor at Law, 10'J Front St., Portland, Oregon. - Tlf,I, ATT EN I) TO BUSINESS IN ANY V Court in the State or Wur-hintmi Teriitorv. Including business under the Bankrupt Raw. S7:lv D. M. McKENNEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Late. 7IIX ATTEND PROMPTLY TO .ALL V business entrusted to his care, Ot ricK One door north of Rell & Parker's Pru.; store, Oregon City, Oregon. 0:1- j7 WE L. CII , DEMIST. J'ermaacnlly LocuUl nl Or yon City, Oreyvn. Rooms with Dr. S.ilf.irans, on Main street. A. C. OIUU5. C. W. I'AUUISU, .Votary I'uhlU- ni.d Cm. GLBB3 & P ABLUSH, Attorneys and Counselors at- Law, O ro iciL a d , on re x . OFFICE Ott Alder street, in Carter's N'triv I'.iitk Rlock. W . C. JOHNSON. I'. O. l CuU'X. AV (;v j'H!.ll JOHNSON h BIcGOWN, on i-: ( ; o x c i t o he ; o x . Zj Will attend to all busi: enl rusted i . our rare m a.iv of the Courts of the State. I .. licet monev, uegoiiale loans, sell real cs- ! t if etc. " ' ''?" Particular atteution giv -m to contested 1 md cases. 1 .' I J . U MITCUKI.L. J. X. UOt.ril. A SV.lTil. Mitchell, Dolpk & Smith, Attorneys and Coun&eUors at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Proc tors in Ad mi rally. -7"():lice o-er the old Post O dice, Front street, Portland, Oregon. BENTON KILLIN, Oregon City, Oifoii. Otlice ia Charman's Rrick Rlock, up btuirs. (.-.o:tf) JAMES M. MOORE, Justice of the PCUCC it City Recorder. I f .i -i . u i ru.. Vilice III Uie ooun iiouse auu vty : Council ltoom, Oregon City Will attend to the acknowledgment of j leeds, and all other duties app el taining to ! tne otltce of Justice ot the 1 e.ue. J. B. UPTON, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law, ' Oregon City, Orcyon. ., . -T, f r- I i lll.l IIUUL i HI'. lll'IM llllHIH)'lllli.T 111 II1C l-t7 Olnce over the store of I one .t Co., , s,utc liewK. nirnj5hed. anil it ,vU, ,)e the en Mam street. ! deavor of the proprietor to make his guests x'nTxr" ' I comfortable. The Raggage Wagon will al- C. A. D0LPII, I ways be found at the iandng on trie arrival of steamships aud river boats, carrying bag AtTORSEY AND CoUNSELI.Cn AT-LAW, ! gage to the house free of charge. lT.iy 7 Office 105 Front street, Portland, Ore gon. (I'i.'jin C. P. FERRY, (Late Feriy .t Foster Bs ne. 2i :ec. imz scr. No. l'js Front street, Portland. n ! Agent .North Lntlsli and Mercantile j Insurance Company. And Manhattan Life. Insurance Co OYKUNMENT SF.CU RIT1F.S. STOCKS V l.onfis, aim neai i.siale Ootl sold on Commission. DAVID SMITH, Nv- to SMITH ,t M.iliSlIALL, i Rhtck Smith and Wan Maker, Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon Cit v . Oregon. Rlacksmithing in all its branches. Wagon making and repairing. All work warranted to give satisfaction. '-i:' CLAEK GREENMAN, Vt irv City Dravnian, ttaZ OUEGOX CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchatidise, or packages and freight id whateve" descrip tion, to any part of tne city, will be executed promptly and w ith care. JC.rtm AV. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since IV,'.', at the old stand, Main Stueet, Outcox Citv. An assortment of Watches. Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Repairing done on short untied tad tiiankful for past favors. (Z7 I. S. R0SENBAUM &Co No. 45 Front st., Portland Oregon. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS 1'ubacco, Ciyars, Sauf, Stationery, Yankee Notions, and To vs. Orders prornr,'r t f r -1 T to, i t tf OSWEGO BUSINESS. J. A. MacEONALD, Green Street Oswego, Oregon. Post Muster and. JJe aler in G E N E H A L MERCHANDISE, Groc l ies, "Wines ami Liqtioi s ! OSWEGO EREWEHY AND BILLIAEL SALOON. Henry Cans, Proprietor. The proprietor of the above saloon wishes j to inform his friends and the public in gen j era I that he is now ready to accommodate them with the best of Liquors, Beer, Wines j & Cigars. ANo agent for the sale of Hum i bel's Oregon City La.ner Betr.Cream Alo etc. I Z'-- f" Orders promptly attended to. lii. OSWEGO HOUSE! OSWEGO, OREGON. JOHN SCI1ADE -. .Proprietor, IS. now prepared to receive and entertain ail who may favor him with their patron age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newly and Neat'v Furnished. The Table will lie supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The House is situated near the steamer landing. The proprietor will at all times endeavor to give entire suti:-factiun io all who may favor him with a call, and would respect fully solicit the pa'ronaire of the Traveling Public. "il:tf. Hoard per week o Hoard and Lodging G "0 Single Meals fiO HOTELS, JiESTA V RANTS, cR McLaughlin House- Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills, (Jrcgnn City, Oregon. E. B. KELLY, Proprietor. This is the most commodious Hotel in the city. Newly furnished, andjust open lor the reception of guests. Ii'" It will be the endeavor of the Propri etor io make his ir nests comfortable. li'Mf New Columbian Hotel, Nos. 11, 120 and 1 Front St., 1'OKTl .VXD, O'lI.OO.V. P. B. SINN0TT, Proprietor. The largos'", best, and most convenient hotel in Purtland Located in the center of bu-incss, and near all the steamer landings. Can accommodate six hundred persons. At Reduced Rates ! Hoard and Lodging, per day, from 1 "" to il .ro according to the room occupied, and ehetjier by tUe week. uits of Rooms, and superior accommoda tions for families. A good die proof sale, for use of giants. IIOUSI-: OPEN ALL NKJIIT! 2 Z?" Hotel Omnibus, with the name of the Hotel on it, will be at the landings on the arrival of steamers, and will convey passen gers and baggage to and lrom this hou I tree of charge. W arm and cold Raths. j xi.'i V ii a t C ii e e n House Nos. li'a, liis and ISO Front street, 1'OUTI.ANO, Oiltljil.N. RED U CED R . I TES ! I mi un.lorstgneu liuviug taken tins we -- known house, solicit increas.-d pat roiuu-o b fc'"' the traveling public. The House has lately b . rcHtied, and the proprietors are now able to offer additional inducements to their patrons. The table wiil be furnished with the bet market affords, and be under the immediate supcrv is ion of the proprietors Rooms well furnished and well ventilated. A largo tire-pi-oof safe for the deposit of valuables. Raggage taken to the hotel free of charge. Board per week -?" oi.i Board and lodging " ... .' to s U0 (According to the room occupied.) Nothing will be left undone, which is in the power of the proprh tors to render guests comfortable. LYONS, LEONARD ib)., xi.'i! Proprietors. Y E s T E R N II O TEL, Fot: t'i..v t). Okkuox. Corner of First and .Morrison streets, TIu best and most comfortable Hotel in the r.t.. nl t t. -t, i-fi,t ij . i . 1 ii-i it. t..a Uluj cheerfully supplied. Warm and cold Raths attached to the house. This Hotel is located near the steamship h.intlin r. The I()tcl (:a(.h be iu ut tendance at all the Landings, to convev l"l" '-c a o l-oiisc .1 cC ol ci.ai passengers and baggage to and from the II'L' e. SLVYELL & DOnCEY, xi.tf Proprietors. ATdLiilCAX EXCHANGE. Vo. s t l-v L. 1'. V. (H'IMIIY, l'itonmaon, Late WioUrn I Lid.) CLIFF HOUSE. ;.r Main Xorly CrrosUe Main Street, IIuC'Jch Factory, W. L. WHITE, I T. W. RHOADES, f .Proprietors. Oregon City. Oregon. We invite t'necitizeiis of Oregon Citv, and the traveling tmblic. to give us a share of their jiatroiiage. Meals can be lulu at nil hours, to please the most fastidious. llo Notice to the Public. T 11 AYE this d ly closed the Rarlow House j X in favor of tl;e Cliii' House, llopo my ; old customers will give their libtval patron age to the above well kept house. They will tin.l .Messrs. White A Rhoades always oa hand to make guests comfortable. Oregon City. Ammst t'!iAUL'V OREGON HOUSE, Oregon City. JACOB BOEHM, Proprietor. ESTABLISHED 1S07. UEDfCTIOX i. riiiccs: The undersigned wishes to dve notice that from Saturday, October :uh, ,"s,;7, pi ices at tne above hou-e will be as follows : Roaid and Lodging per week... .' 5 Oo Board without bodging ""' 4 ,'', Board and Lodging per dav. . 1 l) . JACOB ROlillM. Oregon City, Oct. Sd, ls(;7. ooaf P ATT0N HO xTsIl Two doors south of the old Court House, Front street, Pot tland, Oregon. W. N. Pation Pi ojirietor. Single meals, 25 cents Beds, 3 cents. This house is newly fitted, aud furnished in the best style. iiia'-m Fred. Muller, The Original Paxaralta fTN Begs to announce to Lis old j customers and the public, that ViG IIi3 New Restacrant, Two doors from Alder, on First street, Port land, is now open. OyMcis. Came, Chops, etc.- " - IX DESPAIR. The nights they come and the nights they go. And the rosy twilights round them lie And the stars are bright and the stars are sweet. And I sit in the silence and watch them meet ; Cat all the while the heart beats love, For the moon is out of my sky ! The seasons come and the seasons go Spring so gay. and Winter so drear And I sit in the light of the golden hours, And pick the blushing aud beautiful flowers ; But all the while my heart beats low, For the May is out of my year! The mornings come and the mornings go Yellow and purple, crimson aud gray And the milk maid sings as the calls her cows. And the farm lad whistles the while he plows ; But all the while my heart beats low, Fur the lark, the lark is away ! The rain descends, and the gardens grow, And the camomile makes green her bed. And the bushes are full as bushes can hold Of bells of silver and globes of gold ; But all the while my heart beals lov, For the rose, the rose she is dead ' The tides they ebb and the tides they flow, And the sun shines more than the storm can frown. And the ships with their while sailsilowing Iree Like a forest of silver cover the sea ; And all the while my heart beats low, For the one good ship gone down ! Alice Cary. S-OJUEUOUT'S UAIIL.IXO. Into the ward of the whitewashed walls, Where the dead and the dying lay Wounded by bayonets, shells and balls Somebody's darling was borne one day. Somebody's darling .' so youn and so brave l Wearing still on his sweet, pale face, Soon to hi! hid in the dust of the grave, The lingering light of his boyhood's grace. Matted and damp are the curls of gold Kissing the snow of that lair brow ; youiii Pale are the lips of delicate mold Somebody's darling is dying now, Rack from the beautiful, blue-veined brow Brush its wandering waves of gold ; Cross his ha mis on his bosom now Somebody's darling is stilland cold. Kiss him one; for somebody's sake. Murmur a prayer soft and low Ono bright curl from its fair ma'e take They were somebody's pride, you know: j audience beyond measure. It must Somebodv's hand hath rested there . i .i . ,i - l' be borne in mind that this was a as it a mother's soft and white ? . . r.- i,,,-. ft, ii c . great victory", as the Jliiteras was a Or nave the lips )i a sister fair " Been baplized iu those waves of light? ,jeHvi,'r sl,'P' :nu in CVlMT Other re- i spect equal, if not superior, to the Al God knows best! He was somebody's love; j ubamiU But not withstanding his suc Somcbody s heart en.-hrincd there : . . , Somebody wafted his name above Night and morn, on the wings of prayer; Somebody wept when he marched Jwav! Looking so handsome, brave and grand! Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay Somebody clung to his parting hand. Somebody's watching and waiting for him, Yearning to hold him again to her heart: And there he lies with his blue eyes dim, And the smiling, child-like lips apart. Tenderly bury the fair young dead Pausing to drop on his grave a tear ; Carve on the wooden slab o'er his head '"Somebody's darling slumbers here." I've l;c;n tUliiking or Ho Gooil tit one Ancthtr." I've been thinking, I've been thinking, What a glorious world were this. Did folks mind their own business more, And mind their neighbors' less. For instance, you and I. my friend, Are sadly prone to talk Of matters that concern us not, And others' follies mock. I've been thinking, if we'd begin To mend our own a flairs, That possibly our neighbors might Contrive to manage theirs, Yv'e've JauUs enough at homo to mend It may be so with others ; It would seem strange, if it were not, Since ail mankind are brothers. Oh ! would that we had charity For every man and woman Forgiveness is the mark of th(se ho know to "err is Jiuman." Then let us banish jealousy Let's lift our fallen brother, And as we journey down life's road, " Do good to one another."' Fiendish A fiendish outrage was perpetrated at a tavern near 13 rem ton,, Canada, on the night of January A iran recovering from an at tack of delirium tremens was lying on j the floor in front of the fireplace, when some voting men laid s-havings around his body and burned him to death. Steam Yacht.- A steam yacht 50 f -et in length and built in New York for II. S. Piatt of San Francisco, ar rived last Tuesday on board the City of New York. It wiil be used as a pleasure boat on the bay, and is the first of her class ever brought to this coast. Eden. A little boy in New Bed ford, in giving an account to his broth er of the garden of Eden, said : "The Lord made a gardener and put him in the garden to take care of it ; and to see that nobody hurt anything or posted bills on lUe trees." SEMMES' LECTURES. Semmcs delivered his lectures on the Cruise of the Alabama', in Lex ington, Kentucky, lately. The edi tor of the Statesman, loyal paper of that city, attended, and thus records his impressions; "As he progressed with his sub ject, we wondered how it was possi ble that, under a Government like ours where the people are oppress ed, trodden down and trampled un der foot ; where there is no freedom of speech or liberty of the press a man could stand before an American audience and use such daring utter ances as came from the lips of the distinguished Admiral. Why, he spoke of the vessels constituting the American marine as ' ships belonging to the enemy,' as glibly as if we had just closed a war with some foreign power, and he had just returned from a cruise upon its coast. And then, how his eves sparkled, in describing the capture of a merchant or whaling ship, whtn he uttered the words: ' We applied the torch !' It was no ble, grand, ' chivalrous.' Besides, the Admral never interfered with private property as did ' Sherman and his bummers' not he! lie overhauled an outward bound California steam er, mistaking her for one homeward bound, with a million or two of gold on board; but as the slnn was only freighted with men, women ami child rest, (some five hundred in all) and not gold, he was greatly disappointed. As it was, however, the passengers had a considerable amount of monev to pay their traveling expenses; but, although., according to the laws of war, the Admiral had a perfect right to seiz3 it all, he magnanimously re trained from despoiling the pissen gers. Had he acted like 4 Sherman and Isis bummers' in their march to the sea, he would have taken the last dollar; but the Admiral never inter, fen'd with private property! The leetcrer's description of the fight be tween the Alabama, and the gunboat Jfattrras, which resulted in the sink- j ing of the latter, was extremely iira,di- ic, and delighted his wry attentive s ,"1 ""'f'"". y umi ral was too cautious to risk smother 1 ht, wil'1 il Ya,nkee P- .Jt W:ls woiuiv oi remain to note witn what delicacy the lecturer referred to the attack, death and burial of the fa ntons Alafsiirna ; and we were much enlightened by the contrast between his own magnanimous conduct and that of Captain Winslow of the Near sarye, who permitted one-third of the Alabama's crew to drown, in not using proper means to save them. Iut, the lecturer forgot to tell us that lie himself preferred that any body else should save him than Cap tain Window, or his men. These lectures, delivered in the Southcren States, will have a most salutatory effect. Union men will be made to feel that they have acted in a most dastardly manner in not per mitting the heroes of the South to sweep through the country 1'cke a whirlwind, to plant the Confederate flag upon the battlements of the na tion, and to proclaim Jeff. Davis Emperor, and ilaphael Semmcs Lord High Admiral. The hearts of those who fought against the Union will thrill with renewed patriotism, and will leap with joy at the recollection that they assisted in the attempt to destroy this despotic Government; they will likewise rejoice that they had a sea captain who could apply the torch to an unarmed merchant ship with as much indifference as he would sit down to breakfast, and yet re-pect private property even watch es, chronometers and 'spoons.' " Wife Murder. Paul M. Burke, of Bennington, Yt., shot his wife on the night of January 22J, firing five shots at her, four of which took effect. Slip nrnl.nldtf Pfoinor. livn lift was enraged at her for procuring a divorce from him. Poisoned. Several families in Newport, H. I., have been poisoned recently by eating " scollops " that had been cooked after they had been frozen and thawed again. Physicians say this shell fish, under such circum stances, is very apt to be poisonous. Shrewd. ' I don't think, indeed, that you are very smart " "No, in deed, wif-, but every body knows that I am awfully shrewd." A farmer in Wisconsin raised S27en acres of hops last season, and mcde a clear profit of seven thousand 1 dollars. Hoisted by Ilia Ouu Petard. A Philadelphia paper tells or rath er lets the hero of the incident tell of a German watch-maker in that city, vht, hearing of frequent burglaries, concluded to fortify his store against the gentry who work with skeleton keys -find crow bars. The watch-maker said : "I hears much things apout de all a'vile ; hears they preaks stores into 'em very much. Yell, I dinks I vixes 'cm, so that the nex dime they goomes to my store, py tarn, they no gum. I puys a pig horse piztel, nut I vassens it mit the floor, with the jnoozle point in to the toor. So den I runs a string from the trigger up mit der wall unt down mit der toor, so ven Ir. Purglar opens himself mit der toor, vy, it he ploze de tarn brains out of de p:ztel, v y den you see, I can't help it, don't il ? That's vot I suj. Last night I left the toor pointing at the tuoozle of the biztel mit two bullets in it, unt goes out to drink some lager mit del" boys. 1 some times trink too much lager. Fell 1 can't help it. I bores mjzelf into more ash dwenly zixteen klass Ia;;er unt then 1 koes home. Yen I pass mine store I dinks I petter ash look in unt see if nothing bese all right. That is right, don't it? If it don't I ain't can help it. Yell, mit so many classes of me in der lager i forgit apout der boss biz tel unt der toor, bointing at der moo sel, unt ven 1 makes open mat tor tcor, bang by tarn, I yoost gets a pullet mit mine elbow unt antidder pullet gets mine hat through it all the vile ! Yost 1 sart 1 Yell, if i vos I can't help it. You'd pe scart yourself, aiut it ? I yoost throw awny the boss piztel unt I never sets no more draps for pu rglars so long as 1 can't help it. So '" Keep Cool. Belter not speak at all than speak under the promptings of passion alone. J will relate an an. ecdote illustrative of this point, in eonversation with Mr. K 1 of the city of IJ , a few weeks ago, he related to me the course ne pursued in collision between himself and one of his neighbors. This neighbor ac cused him unjustly and falsely ; and that, too, in a most provoking way. His first impulse was to retaliate in the same spirit, but his better nature predominated aud he made r:o reply. Two or three days afterward he met his neighbor, but concluded that pas sion was too strong in him to lmzard an explanation. ITe resolved within himself to wait, if it required years, until he should get the mastery over himself, ?o that he could tell that man the exact truth and the whole truth, and command his respect. This point he at length reached. He felt that he was cool had got the victo ry over himself. And then he replied to his neighbor in perfect frankness, telling him the truth in such a way that he quailed before him. Thus rather than give offense, or rather increase offense, he said nothing, but trasted to time and patience. This was the belter wav. Yeiiy Nice. A lady says the first time she was kissed she felt like a tub of roses swimmirgiu hone-, cologne, nutmeg antl cranberries. She felt al so asifsomething was running through her nerves on feet of diamonds, escort ed by several little cupids, in chariots drawn by angels, shaded with honey suckles, and the whole spread with melted rainbows. Oed Maids. There are 1,500,000 old maids in England and Wales. Sad to say, one third of the number cannot hope to marry, as there are not men enough to go round. Of every one hundred women in England, eighty-five are wives, thirtynine are spinsters and three are widows. The old maids are more numerous in high life than in low. Co operating. Robert Tyler, son of the ex-President, is editor of the Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, arid iu which office, an Eastern paper says, " his beautiful and accomplished daughter, Letitia Christiana Tyler, is engaged in setting type." Ncmekocs. Bradford Macomber of Taunton, Mass., w ho died intestate not long since, without wife or issue, left $44,000. It was inherited by his cousins, who, hunted up, number just 44, getting S 1,000 each. Outcasts. The number of infants thrown away hy their parents and picked up ia the street of New York last year, was 1,723, of which number 749 now fill the children's nurseries .on Randall's Isltcd. WORK cojuiexced: The following paragraphs, from the Portland papers received on the Gth, speak for themselves: The Herald says: We have heard a great many diverse and confl ctiiiir reports about a railroael project, gen erally designated as the Perine road,'' which contemplates a direct road from here to Salem, principally on the east side ot the river. We elo not postively know whether tins project has any substantial basis or not; and from some of the names heretofore associated with -it, we confess that our confidence has not been greatly strengthened. But the indications which we see. unmistaka bly mean business. Directly oppo site the window where we write, we see a very fine looking gentleman, tf considerable reputation as a railroad engineer, preparing his plans and giving his directions to a corps of apparently competent assistants, ali sent here, as we are credibly inform ed, to commence an immediate sur vey, and as soon as practicable there after, to commence the vigorous con struction ef the road. A director of the company a gentleman whose word none of our best business men would questieni in an' business trans action informs us that it is the in tention of the company to put in operation not less than thirty miles of the road within the comiri'jr sea son, and to push on the work to Sa lem and from thence up the Valley at the same rate of speed, and that the means to accomplish the work are confidently relied upon. He also informs us that half a milliem of dollars have already been invested iu railroad iron and other material for this road, and that two vessels laden with that iron had arrived in San Francisco the last within the past two days. These facts were com municated to us in no baosting man tier or with any apparent view to notoriety. If all this smoke is with out any fire, it is ine-omprehensible. we can imagine from the circum. stances of the case no motive for de eeption. The management of the p reject is placed in the hands of sotnw of our most responsible cit izens, none tf whom, so far as we can learn, have as yet been called upon for n dollar. If persons from abroad send us half a million of dollars iu rail road iron, a corps of engineers under a well known and competent cliief.and put the whole matter under the di rection of citizens in whose integrity and business capacity the people have confidence, we know of no rea son why we should discredit the un dertaking or epiest ion its source. It may be that our citizens will be call ed on to contribute to the enterprise. It would be very singular if they were not, for it will be vastly more to their ben fit than those) foreign capitalists who invest their money in it; but of any such design we are not informed. We do not seek to know how or where the means were raised, or what motive actuates the projec tors. We are only highly gratified at what we see and hear of its pros pects. The Orrsron'ian says: Mr. T. R. Brooks Chief Engineer tf the Ore gon Central liaiiroad, and his as sistants, began the work yesterday morning ef making the preliminary surveys The first stake was driven on the bank of the river, near the Bone yard, and in a line produced by Third street, and then the engineers proceeded up Ttiinl to the centre of Main, taking distance, and acclivity, etc. From Third street they pro. ceeded down Main to the river and hy observation fixed a point on the East bank in line with the centre of Main street. The river at this place was four.d by triangulation to be 1,834 f et wide. A partial examin ation of the river bottom, determines that it is of clay and gravel compo sition, both materials being fivora ble for bridge foundations. The stir vey'mg party will next start from the East bank opposite Main street, and proceed with an examination of the country toward Oregon City. Noth ing, of course has beer, yet determined as to where the depet will be located, or wheie the river will be crossed. A doz -n or more places may be ex amined and then the most practica ble, all things considered, will of ctuirse be adopted. The Bulletin says: The railroad engineers who arrived on the lat steamer for the purpose of surveying a route for the Ferine ec Elliott rail road, commenced work this morning. Their instruments were first set at the foot of Main street, in this c-ify, it being but a few feet above the highest water mark. After faking an observation anel determining the point of their departure, they crossed the river and proceeded with the work. We learn that they intend making several surveys in order that they may determine the shortest and most practicable route. Quite a number of persons were present at the commencement, and a general interest was manifested. Not Suffering. The London Times lost 5,000 subscribers last year, and did not make so much coney by 0,000 as in 1SCG. But then its profjtsjn that year were .700,000, er nearly 5,000,000 in greenbacks, so it is not in a suffering condition. Queries. "Are our girls fitted for i wives?'' queries a sober eschange. "Are they fitted for haibtnds V re tjrts a yo'jxg itemier. KIcniorable Women of America. Mrs. Helm. The horrors of the massacre at Chicago, in August, 1SI2, are too familiar to require us to recall them to the minds of our readers. Amid the slaughter of that dav one ladv. Mrs. Helm, wife of Second Lieutenant Linai T. Helm, displayed such courage and 6uch ex alted heroism as to entitle hr to a place among our memorable women. When the Pottavvatamie-s, treach erous escort of the blinded party un der Captain Ileald, turned upon the party, Mrs. Helm was in the midst of the fire, and calmly awaited the result Uubke her, the surgeon of the party, Doctor Voorhes, was filled with terror. Seeing Mrs. Hehn, near, he said, in great alarm: " Mrs. Helm, do you think they will take our lives? 1 am badly wounded, but I think not mortally. Perhaps we can purchase safety by offering a large reward. Do you think,"' continued he, " there is any chance? ' " Doctor Voorhes,'' replied Mrs Helm, " let us not waste the few mo, ments which yet remain in idle or id-founded hopes. Our fate is in evitable. We must soon appear at the bar of God. Let us make such preparations as are yet in our power.' : " Oh!1' said he, "I cannot die. I ! am unfit to die! If I had a short time to prepare! Death oh! how awful!" At this moment, Ensign Roman was fighting at a little distance with a tall and portly Indian; the former, mortally wounded, was nearly down, and struggling desperately upon one kne. Mrs. Helm, pointing her fin ger, and directing the attention of Doctor Voorhes thither observed: " Look," said she, " at the young man; he dies like a soldier.'' " Yes," sai J Doctor Yooi hes, " but he has no terrors of the future; he is an unbeliever." A young savage immediately raised his tomahawk to strike Mrs. Helm. Siie sprang instantly aside, and the blow intended for her head fell upon her shoulder. Siie there upon seized him around his neck, aud while exerting ali her efforts to get possession of his scalping-knife, was sc;zed by another Indian, and dragged forcibly from his grasp. The latter bore her. struggling and resisting, toward t lie Jake. Not withstanding, however, the rapidity with which she was hurried along, the recognized, as siie passed, the res mains ef the unfortunate surgeon, stretched li'cless on tjie prairie. She was plunged immediately into the water, and held there, notwith standing her resistance, with a for cible hand. She shortly, however, peiceivcd that the intention of her captor was not to drown her, as he held her iu a position to keep her head above tiie water. Thus reas sured she looked at him attentively, and, in spite of his disguise, receg :ozed the " white man's friend," Black Partridge. When the firing had ceased, her preserver bore her from the wafer and conducted her up the sandbank. It was a beautiful day in Augu-t. The heat, however, of the sun was oppressive; Mid walking through the sand, exposed to its burning rays, in her drenched condition; weary and exhausted by tffoi ts beyond lit r strength; anxious, bt-yond measure, to learn the fate of her friciK ana alarmed for her own was one t f agony. her situation The battle having ended, and the p-isoneis being seeuivd, the latter was conducted to the l'ottawataiii e camp near the fort. Here the wife ot Wnu-bce-nee-mah, an Illinois chief, perceiving ihe exhausted con dition of Mrs. Helm, look a kettle, ami dipping up some water ftoui the stream, which flnved sluggishly by tin in, threw into it some maple su gar, and stirring up with her hand gave her a (trink. It was." says Mrs. II el '' tic mo-t delicious draught I had ever taken, and her kindness of manner, amid so much atrocity, touched my heart." Her attention, however, was fooh directed to other objects. The fort, after the troops had marched out. became a scene tf plunder. The cat tle were shot down as they ran at large, and lay dead or wire diug around her. Most of the wounded prisoners were butchered. Tne un wounded remained in the wigwams of iheir captors. The work of plunder beino- complete, the fort next day was set on lire. Captain and Mrs. Ileald, after be ing exposed to man' dangers, were taken to Detroit, where they were finally exchanged. Lieutenant Helm was wounded in the action and made prisoner. He was afterward taken by some friendly Indians to the Au bable, and thence to St. Louis, where he was liberated from caotivi'v through the intervention of an In- dian trader, nan.ed Forsyth. Mrs Helm, who suffered from a severe wound in the ankle, was taken to Detroit, where she was exchanged She lived for many years after her tnruang adventures. Mrs. Pollhrd, wife of the author o 'The Lost Cause,'' has made her de but on tbc dramatic stage in Baki- mcre. X Doctor ot" IKviuity on the OUjti v mice of the Sa.blatU. Trt O weeks ago, Dr. Stebbins, of San Francisco, preached there, as by announcement, on Sunday laws. His text was fromt. Mark, 44 ' Son of Man is Lord also of the Sab bath." The Oakland (Journal con tains a synopsis of his sermon thus: '' Over 3.030 years ago the Sabbath wa3 instituted by the Jewish law, given as a sanitary measure, providing a periodical day of rest for a wearied people. After a while the peculiar ideas and customs of the Jews entered into it, making it a religious holiday. It has, amid the wreck, of na tions, been handed dowa, 'century after country, to each succeeding generaCon. even to our own. It never was a morn popular institution than it is to day. It has received the approval of that pro gressive humanity which has takeu thu lead of nations, which has brought tiino and space almost within it3 grasp, aud which represents the ideas of intelligent manhood. The authority on which tht observance of the Sabbath is baQ;d imy be summed up as follows : The approv ing voice of more than 3,000 years, and the general belief iu its beneficial effects. Those who claim more th. n this are guilty of a pious fraud. Intrinsic merit is the only authority needed to prove that an institution ia pood. Tho authority of Christianity is Christianity itself ; so authority of the Sabbath itself. The institution of one day in seven ns a day of rest Las met with the approval of all the intelligent generations of men for cges. and it is not to be supposed that they will reverse their judgment unless the naturebf man changes. But how shall the Sabbath day be spent A certain class of men would have it ob served as a strictly religious day. The tendency of men is to endeavor to force their religious or moral principles upon others. One school of moralists yvould like to place till others ia a position where they will be compelled to be good. This spirit has written the darkest page of 1 history, and is antagonistic to progrgs. aow comes tne subject ot legislation. Shall the law rtcognize the day as a strict religious day ? This yvould bean undue assumption. The old heathen saying : " The sins which are committed against the "Gods, the Gods will take care of." is, notwithstanding its origin, a good one. No legislature has a right to interfere with the moral actions of men. The number of religious professors in a State is much less than one-half of the population, and it "m not that the'y should dictate as to the con duct of the rest. The Sabbath should Te the day of rest ; fhe day of the family ; of the flavor and aroma of huiinin fe. lb: was opposed to having more than oiQ re ligious service a day, and he tluugLt jkj restriction should be made against the in noeent activities of mind and body. It ia impossible to devote a whole day to de votional exeercises, and it would be un wise to attempt it. Xo one day should ho considered in itself more religious tha another. One great reason why so few are converted to religion is iu the fact that most of its professors have sought to divorce it from life, hence many have con ceived that it is something to be rammed down tbt-ir tliroats. instead of being a tho bright sun which shines on the farmers' field it Ardless of fences. Christ yvas continually repudiating this notion ; no day was better than another io him. lie minded with iroud men anil bad men eveuvith shameless women. At Jericho he met aud dined with the Publi can, and therefore received the condemna tion of the 1'harL-ecs. lie instituted no forms, not even the Sabbath, lie declared that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sub bath. Those who claim for the day an es pecial divine character can find no author ity. If they look to the Scriptures. thev fahould Celebrate Saturday and make it u tlay of fasting. Our Sabbath stands i;i the same relation to the new religious era as the Fourth of July does to our country. It is a periodical commemoration of its birthday. Because a man is not religions. it does not follow that he is irreligious; be cause a large majority of men are not re ligious, it does not follow that they are ir religious. A large number of men repre sent neither one thin nor the other, and when ministers of the Gospel draw lines of division between the good and bad. they isolate Christianity f rom the mass of man kind. He declared that he was in sympathy with this very class of people, and were he an atheist. a3 he yvould be, (should his candid convictions lead him to that con clusion,) he would repudiate the right which other? might claim to supervise hi.-, moral actions. Then what shall we do with these people yvho do not choose to spend the day as we do? Do with them'; Why we will do nothing yvith them! then let us away yvith the Sunday law. Some yvould stop the street cars! But a man who works for eighteen dollars a week, should be permitted to ride on Sunday lor eighteen ce-nts as well as the rich merchant in L"i3 carriage for ten dollars. "What ! stop the cars and leave the livery open? In Philadelphia, that city of fashionable religion, of gilt edged hymn books, the cars are stopped on Sunday, and tLe streets are filled with the teams of the wealthy! Ia that city, on yveek days, negroes are forbidden to ride with yvbite men in the cars ! If Jesus Christ should come to that city he would be worse treated than he was iaJer'chc. No ! Let us have a large park, reading room3 and libraries ! This people mast bw governed, they must bo educated. Treat your horses with that kindness which is characteristic in all the actioys ot a merciful man. No animal will appre ciate ii better, or respesd to it rriti no; rr-::tu2o than tic terse, o 4 .VI) r : I