1 c itsjgzyis o o o TOW.V AXD I OVNTY. t OTJll AGENTS. ! V L. P. yiSIIETt A Co., Rooms ' and -21 Now j iferchaht.V Fxchaiie, Sacramento street, j are our only authorized Agents in fan . Francisco. JDALY A STEVEN'S, cor. Front and Morii- i son streets. (up stair,) urc our authorized O Agents in I'miland. JB. C. LF.W1S, Ks., will continue to act fur j Us as Oenera! Traveling Airent. List ok l'Ki.KliA i ks. So far as received ; the following; is a list of Delegates to Hie i Union County Convention, to assemble, at ; the Court Hon.se in this city to-d.iy. ; The Editor of this paper declines the iiomiuatioii for Coiiiitv Treasurer, to which ; he had previously announced himself. 1ki.k.itls. Orfjoti City I'ltcinH. A. I5. Holmmb. S Miller F. Ch trmaii. v.. w . juck. i. 1 VHin J. .Meldnim. Dr. Jiarcliy. win. j Ttrloxv,.-. ..tV'hite. d. W. Lewis. Thomas JCowlev. W. J. (,'aidwel!, D. D. Tompkins. ; ,. J. Apperson, Thus. Leary. J. Milne, 1. ', 31. Uinearsoii. ; ritasmd JIUI. 11. V. .Short, C. Westfall. j U"in J'i"ii(. SamiielJ. Oakley, J. ; 5. Armstrong, .1. H. ii!acl;er. MUintukl W. A. Starkweather. I!. F. -Smith. Kos.i Merrick. Dr. J. H. Thc.s.-ing. : i'hiiiii.s. j Lwir M.,hiU,t. C. O. Jloynton, II. Sconce, T. H. Killin, Wagner. i Bcwr rr':!.- The following proceed- .iug-s were had: 1'uisuant to a call of tiie j County Committee, the I'niou men o! Tea- ; er Ci"'ek precinct. Ciaekamas county, Or- i rgon. met on tlio -!'t!i of February at th- j residence of (ceo. Oialiam, 1-S'p, Vice i'res- I ideiit of the f Irani Chilf, who called tlie ' y Electing to onler, and acted as Cliainnan : ! alter which, the organization was comply- j te.l by electing C. S. How ard secretary. j S.uintel Waldron, Joseph Waliou and ' lefuge (I'rahani were elected delegates to lli'" I'niou 'ouuty Convention. The dele- ; jat' lel: were instructed to us all hon- ; : means, to secure the nominations of j 'lull. W. A. Starkweather and X. W. Ran- 1 Ule. F."p. for theofheestd'ShoriU'and Clerk, j J'lie meeting declared for (Jen. I rant for Fresirlent. bv a vote iiearlv unanimous. A report of -he proceedings of the meet- ing was oiaered published in ttie (Jregon (. it y F.MRi'uisr.. Un motion, adjourned s'tf- 7i". (ieo. (Iruliam, Chairman. C. S. Howard, Secretary. Cirv Finn ;:s. At the last meeting of the Council, on .Monday evening, the fi- jjxiiee CvtnuHiitee sti-bniitted their annual rrj-H.rt of re-eipts ami disbursements which was n follows : O UK.-:tiTs 4t"onntof nsfe.sim'Ut on property, cnlleetevj tt.ts P.' " l,ieeii.es collected ttfo l; total 0 i I s i : v i : s k m . y . Awiit pnid r surveys. . . . For ti,.tii ' Vi-Mngs and allocs ...... ' Attorney f"-s ". " Night-watchman " ten Street hyJrant.s .ailr's Ires Incidental c& pen.-vs l.'ecorders Ii 'Maridiaf, foofl, iirhts, i;- to Total -CL'ii'; KRCAJ-lTt. I.ATtev. T.Ual receipts Jt.l!:', 40 "q Ilisburscioents :,:: Uj OS . I t !j , Iiideltteilm's-i, as per pre. reoH . . . -l.'M 1 I.d:uice (;f d'.bt, without interest. ( 'iii ntv'I in - Ji :x;i: W. Ill the.;. latter of the e .'..de ' l.'ert, th.'ceased, V.'ygaiH :u:d '!'. M T!.o( v f : !. . I o , her je'!hii.ii- i-r.s Were auowi d to J' ove 1. iSO'llCf- :f i a will, and Court decided in !: will Logan ,fc S!;..'.t:u;v am! F.ilioi for pe tition. -is. S. iluelat. ii d -J. 11. .Miicheii lor fir. Ilarc lay. alministiat;ir ap(ieal allow -!. The ;;ts.i0wi!I be tried it; (i:e Circuit, " Oitrt for Oiieku in -is-county, c miug ten.j iliis luoutli. Several an pile itions lor it Jiiction of faxes were allow 1. Court iid joiirneii on Thursday last. I Ql.Ui.KOAt .MKtTiXi:. A ;eiiilenia!i well J ve.rse iu railroad, matters, on being so i iiciteil bv ih to prepare a short article on ; the subject fr p;iVilic.u"njn. rt- plied that he : could not do the matter justice through a : newspaper. Hut he would come here. i id i I 'fx.' ( ji'iVi'1, if thi- citizens of U.;i'.n City wished if giving full details wfall tli.it the J'or.ine Cni:pauy ury doing'. Citiens sfell v.tf Fave au ucldress '' If f o. name thr the titrte. j ST4T.K Dt:n -tv. Cii.pt A. J. JJorlaml. of 1 .!ilr,.iuLie. Las received the appointment J uf State Deputy Ibr this Stale, and the i S Territory ol V.'aski!;:t";i. ami v.111 wwm . take his departtire to canvas I'er tiie (h'oiikI vi' tlie T;;ieranc. ( nler."-' Wi' re gret I6i part wiih t'.ipt. IlorJau l. He is in, I every sense d" tin word after our own ; h.e.ii i. Kind. ;lu 1 liberal ; the ifiy one of : ;u!J others ft keep ill view lhe objects and ; I. principles of the order he represents. We , exu eoiuujend li i in to the fraternity every- ' I vvliere. i ( )swt:i;o CA.sri..-;.s. On Tuesday last a 4 ... i . s. t i .1 i i . ' . j iiMiiiiii'ii s.f-. c.isl ,il wo: isai'g'.1 i-iasi e : Jtrnaee, was .sent to IVi'tl.uid. and created v.,..;., x",, ,..,. , i, ,. ! ware" noiQ-ig iron" need come in ships f to Oregon. Clackamas county is prepar- ed to stiek (he coast. Ih faet, wn are in I fiTincil mat it. is in contemplation to erect a ro uoo mi l. for t he make ot r,n road iiron at Oswego. All (lie eh'iirs tor Cue 'lOregoti Central i,'. !?.. and the Yamhill (rJj'iclc.in (ije li.nl at Oswego. VATKIi Kolt l'oi;ri...i). We learn that I the Pt.rtUnd Water Company are talking I about comingQo this enmity for a fresh '! "Upply. Water will be taken from Oswe l"ife or the Clackamas, through a stone '' "tnl iron aiiueduct : tin niatori lis to linitil tv'.iich, will also hi taki'il from ipianies and ' initios in this county . - -.. . r.v5 oi-' O.ir.uoN. We learn that one of ne iiiie.-i mi uciures to oe Jmilt at Fort. ; land this season, will 1e a modern beutitv. '. of intone, (from this county.) for the !, .i- r . , , ,. .. , . . i.auk of Oregon. aldor, ,a ( apUal. u ,s sat.., will torm a part ot the pnacipal in this new institution ;i Fai-kh. The Lowistou Jnr.:d was re- I diiced to Manilla paper, during the freeze v l-'0"aUl ,U'Ul lt!! S-'U- llt tIia( unliI t lt I vr 'as compelled to come dv. u to a half j -lilieet on the 2lM of Febrtmrv. Xeer i 1 I . .1 . .1 . . . : ' I . i l ; .4 iri). riaior lite new iia'ier iiitti ai oils city, will supniv vott next winter 3 Tin inachinery is all Lore. Address II h. Fittock & Co. Important business To Mm Fi i.i.ow xviu lie ir.T.wacted at the regular meeting V'1 "'o'" Imugo No. 3. 1. O. O. 1 on Medne.-day evening next. March llth.aiid J lull attendance d" ttiembers is exnectcd "at T o'clock. ly order of the Loib-'e. ' ' " I Mka-slxs. We learn from Mr.lkC. Lew is, that the measles is just now making a jrenerul sweep, through the Mount Plcas iuit neighborhood. Adulis ami children tti-' all taken, when subjetd to it. kirc.m,).-. We presume the Corres- 17. leiice of 15. CormdiiK M jeaper from time to time, is read wiih in terest. His adveeacy of a high st.imiii, for the t eacher j dsirveu. We a-lvo'e t!iv -o'd" ! .j'-' !0 ilj ,1 -,-!,.. ,! ' Mvucti Wt:.Ti!i:i!. I.;tst Sunday 31arcli marched iu upon tts with a regular blaster, ! although the vreathcr U such as ono would .seldom feel like complaining ubont, if at all adapted to the use of adverse winds. . Caccht. Mr. K. T PeLashriiut, of Os- we-o ct a trap for a catamount, on Sat- iinm' last near Oswego Lake, and the uru.'via. i, o next say took ironi ihuumvi , hucrc monster, measuring o icei n i;n.u.-o m ivntn, cum ' feet "'1 inches high. I'igs. chickens. ii :..,.K..J m l.,.,l. ..,..1 sheep, ami suca nue uoiao.u auuuaio uae been lost in that vicm:f y ot lote. - Tin-: Koai between this city and Os ve- go will most likely be built. At the be- sinning of this week the subscription list S !iit,! ln" it responsible, names for a eon- siderable amount, and others have M-om- j ised to subscribe. Mr. DeLashnmt iAat I in'' an active part in this matter, and should jj assisted thiouirh with it. The mini I.- j been cut out to ' Walling V place, this, side oi UsWg As Oi.n Do:i;k. To illustra.-i an old dodge of New York life, on last Monday morning a passenger attempted to jump upon the Jifi;.-t.a-: after tdte had left her duck, iuid proceeded about fifteen feet in ine 5ircctiOii ot alem. He brouglit up 111 o.ie jaiu or me i'. i. (,t.. wetter .... ...1.! , nd wis br him. ei. ami me ooal Iia :nir '.vent on his way reioiciu A D::rAt: i inj; fUes!itns of an Gi.otiv. In answer to the Eastern paper, on t.he firt pnge ot this paper we would sav: Sho- :h tie! Niagara, probah'j'. Ii: s heard rd Sitohone. tiie marveious fads oi'ihe Snr.ke river, in Idaho. With the advanein.' tvi!o of civilization will clioier about ti.em ail. j aiid more, of tlm f;Kie so long enjoved bv ' Xiairara. ' t n vNCK. We received a cmII on I.tn: In T!!,.m!:iv l'i-,,m v.- X'.v.i t i .1... n - - ---- . ... .-X 11. JJ.IN I'. IO V! vUV. Ill Kl of f, inders t Jiro., Sau Francisco, agents for the Manhattan Insurance Co.. of New ! Vot'K. orgaiit.e;i IS years ago. ami havi:ig 0U JaUltarv 1st IS'.iT. assets to the amount of about sft eon ii;m W,. ,.t .. : our life, and f. Linuer: took it. It may i be loiO'1 ),:! j for our j lieve i. 10 be the duty of everv hi; a poiicy ot i tiirowu awav- ftsstiratice. i:i tobacco A lew can be i mine ?aved. and aiipiied to the payment of the policy without even mis.-ing t!ie:n. Wo:tTiJ!.K.ss. There are some Oregon jia pers which we do not want. When we ! i'pen the Lafayette (Asar&r, Salem Cironic'L. I or Eugene Gn-ird. we immediately pass i them over to w.iau, es we never find a I State paragraph ia them worth eop i;ig. i They always reelc with treasonable sei;ti i meiit. l;oweer. And vet. the class of men wijoiu .i'c,v papers suit would not natron- t ee v-i-l., ... ; ;. . into jiolitiL-s. They want paper"" the deuce you .- :).! local I CKNSfS liKl'Oiff. Kev '. iins just completed the op:er J census are in: . M. Moore report of ji-med that, lat vear. .;- tiiere is an increase . 'The total number of Wiiite Males is . . . Females sf) over . r,2 Jotaj There are r L'v) vears o males ever 'our and Ui!--5,; l!i.' ii-males over four uttder z four vea; -C ! males and 4:! !e: naies ut;- 1 1 r.ita t., l ;;i:;oe eis t was total p.-.pulatn vea Sav; iTivr.l : vol ! Of til". oNtcv an i k;;::st. vi: wait, for t--;e ::ST, ri'.KTT!KST xi-nr; , i;:;v cr, ed loi- tii" i,V.';yiii trad EX. will receive soon. V Lose tii.it ndli wait, won: I oroi:t bv b' KOHN" .V r !-JIEj. , : o'i iom.il now, 7 ! to jjiuLo room they are sei their horio:. ' AT COS? tock. Tl it M X KS.S AXt ('lis 1INA'V. T!a Sf two qualities are continually mistake for each other, but they are not at ail alike in reai it v. Firmness is essential to seec's-. while obstinacy ma long into the abv pimjee its victim lo-ad-s ot Jaibire a'.e'i defeat. Ihiriuau Eros, are ;, if people were to ....-i, i i.l t .u opinion lout :t- ' l "'fe.se i lie nlf-rs of their e?.tab!isltnien'., -dai-y being: mash for the benefit of the public, community would sooi, be plunged' li:to the abyss of tinaiicial ruin. Put the people see it hence the suc cess of Liirtmin lit os., w ho now have a lare establishment at S.dem. !, iptarters corner of Flout . Portland. s t, '!f lie l. .ud M son st.f.. Some M'ars sicco, utiilo rosiiliper n the city jif l'roviilence, we heard much said in praise ot Perry Davis' 'd'ahi Killer." A"c listened liicre'lui:ius!y to these testimonials. We. I, health fading, as a last resort, t.'ie .h.-c-tors sent us to ?.!iiincsota. The wititer was lnien- )! 1 aim a tiu riole I'iriu (d -Neurai- iTia iirevat.ea aumnir toe scttiers, and we feu d into tiie grasp .f tiie dis-i-ase, am day ami ivght, for weeks, endiiri'd untoid aony. Many remedies v. ere. triex! without avail. One day, however, a stabvart fronticr-mian entered thi! room, bearing ia his luiud a vial paitly tilled xcith r. re.idish liquid. It was some of tiie I'wx Ku.i.Kii. lie had bone lit it in California three tears before, and bad kept it with miserly care until then. Applying it externally and internally gave immediate relief. Since then, we have rec- oninieii'Ied it succe 'iillv iu case.-: t'.iat , , , , . . i ,. i ? i i fled t"ie best meUical tu.ul ; and when we .-ee persons reject tiiis remedy, we recall our own experience, and flunk thet the time may come u iii'ii pam, i:icui;ii:e by ml. may ti iicli them the value of this covery. Home .Monthly. nts, l!S- rreat IVopIt! vv In c advertis smarter ing, too. than those who don't ; better loo nine in ten. This is natural, if not logical. Advertising I in indication of intelligence. ; una Kite gence is one ot toe leading ele- menis of good looks. At ail events the ; : world believes in those w ho advertise, ami j i it plants its dollars in their pockets. Such ' I are live people ; and m tuese nvc d lys no- j ; b-dy wauls anything to do with any but live i j mou cud women. Our advice to everybody ! i except in matrimony is to advertise. It ; ' is sure to return !ar."olv. increase vonr rcnu- ; tatmn as a business man, make hosts of, .fiieuds, aud add to the number of shrewd j i and sensible people in the wot hi, of which ; there has ncv cr vet b. en an over-stoc; Any one who will but dr itroo in lfros. Cor. Front & .Morrison streets. Port 'alllL 'or a few moments, cannot but be con- '''"r-H'-b un-t sense u, ic i pimciplci.t advertising voire goods to the i worid. Thov are dnmg such if'businesS as ; was neter done nt that house before they tvelv tne m ee.uses. and it is still increasim ! Head the Following : G ( nts This is to certify t'mt 1 have found A L LEV'S ! IA'XG CA1.SAM one of the bcst rcmeiocs in ; 'he wot Id for diseased Lungs. I luive us-d ; il iu '. ':unily for breaking up a troufle- : Sfillie I'll !?"ll w ill, tl... I.......:.. . . . . , ...v tiajriiiesi eueci. l rec vui.iiiyi.ueo u i.i a young iauv tviiohrda h ar rassmg cough and was threatened with Con sumption, and it cu ed her in a few d-vs I uoioti leo.m.uemi n to alt those nredispescd I to Consumption. Hesncclfniiy vours. A. A. ilAui; iSON, Cinciun. -u, O. I I. 7!. Down- Dm 'fist I i lr.,-,,.,.-,. t ; writes. April 5 4 We,: Alien's Lnng'ltais: ill ' performed some remai kabie cures about ! i,'t' I rccmnnend it with confidence iu all j diseases of tiie T'uroat and Lungs." Si kulim; Liais.. Dru deists, wi-ie from rr. rollon II.. .Ian. "7. 1 -'i7 : 'Send us siv !,,- i en ali.kx's li xoealsam. We are eiitii ciy out ! cf it. It gives more general satisfaction than anv other medicine we se!'." ' L t'?T l'i:r,;:T I) t is A sax, Providence. II. L, j general wholesale Agents for tiie Fust em ''. a J'i ice di Mi. K0NIT0H FLOUJ LOW k FFLLLi;. OVA GON CITY, h.rs t suit J-fOMT'JR 1 have on hand tor sale, i i mo-ell aser?. lhe c. 'br.'ded 7 ' 'EI.'. Tr- i:. j SfiKiMt:i F.i.c;i.niK.s yon Eocc..vrio.. ; Mr. C. Rosa having taken charge of the ! select school under the direction, of Miss , Harvey begs leave to inform ibe Teonle ; of Oregon City that he will continue teach- ing. adding to the course already establish- j ed. the thorough knowledge of Latin and ! Italian language. ancier.t.iiiok-rn. wicrei! j ' ''V1 U;-lT ""mil. motaphysie. ; ".nd diviu POK-tice. He hopes lw will i meet with good success, which ho had a! ways while profcvKn- in two ditf'ercn: universities of Italy, and in one of tin ; best S.-inlmirics of Fennel vimm-i He j de.drous also to give private lemons ;v : home, fur the accommodation of those win ; do not Uke t( gu to a laHv sc!luoL 1Ic j will teach on moderate terms, ! :ZH" In addition to tli uhnvo. U Tna-. ; requests us to sav that he wiil give a course f r , " , , , . , , i n-tlU0:i 111 ook-keeping: and also, i t,,at 0,1 Monday evening, the 3d of Febru- irv, tie Would institute an eveiiiiv writiiv ! -c!""-'1 13.1m If 70a wish the very tcsc Caci.vkt Puoto ;f rus, you must call un DaAiu.KV A Itci.or--sox, 4.U .Montgomery street, .Sua Francisco. Ti inamctfe rdgc !o. 1" I. O. C. T. iee every S:itm d iy evening, at the rooms ! S;K. corner of Main and Fifth, streets, at 7 1-L' ! o'clock. Visiting members are invited to .nd. l!v oiucr oi v. c. t. Oitsan I.O&J;;: .Vo. a, "I. O. or O. F. 'i'"v Meets every AYednesdiiv evenii)r -x.--j: ;a' 7 o'clock, in the Maonic Hall. Members of the order are j0 ited to attend. Jv order X. G. it A. -u. -Ui.'t.is its re-rutar eommum- T'y' cations on the Fir at anJ Third Stlt j trrJinix in each month, at 7 o'clock. from the of September to the "join of March, and 7r, o'clock from the 20th of M.irch ' to tlie'J i'ii ofSentember. Jtrethren 111 cood ! standiuir arc- invited to attend. By order of Vi . M. A Fkw Hints to Both Gkndeks. : It has been said that men and women, cs- nceiallv married collides, should -study each other's weak points, for the same reason that skaters look out tor air holes in the ice in order to keep clear of them. They should i;l:,o stu-.lv matters oi economy in tunes like these, and in order to practically exemplify those lessons thvv shuld purchase their ( ory goods, c'othiug. etc., ot Kohn I No. VI Front street, Portia. id. Fishel, - . . i....,.-..,. (',., IjL'C'IITLL s l irjiu'jii.vi a u.iLU.iii is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the dillcrcnt styles of work in the curd to life .size. T art. J 'ootegra jois from io new Cabinet Cards, Ac, Ac. Small pielu i a ! tuba ink itainteil ViV Mrs. S. .1. Kmusev cs enlargeu retouc'iee. iu w ater colors or oil. ) All negatives taken i ' 1,1 l!u U:'''cry wi.i ne caretuiiy rcserve I mat auuiuoni.i conies ooi oe uau. - i lias now on negatives, the a ! pijabct ii.a! iy wiiicii mav . net a very large collection of names d' which are reci.rded in a l:ook for that purpose, en iu .in; recent ion room. D i: N TISTS, j The patronage of fliose detrinj Fir : (i, .:',''''. is ronecthillv solicited. ! S:iti!'actioii in ai! cases uu.'.rtUiteed. j I X. 15. A'i ''. Ujyii:: ;Hiui;uistvre(l for the ' I'uudess Extraction of Teeth. Also : the ! ! .';.'" i.etl for tiiose who prefer it. ; Ori'iCi; Corner of Washington and Front s . streets, Poi tiand. Entrauce on Wasiiingtoii i i street. 'ii.V.f . ; 9 C-iir- ! Stomach Bit- : eration cf tiiis iia'at.d le rem- j stomach, liver and excretory ! e..; y r. "on me m'uia: i-uiate v soothing conserva- live. recrt un i' urHics its control anu . 11 ' i : I ' is recolJiliie'.i : I'M i o ill" d tiie cares and ip.ii"-s if maternity, as tiie safe.st a.:-! best remedy they can probablv use, io ail t !ee c.-i-H id' ieuiide Pie it id be f-.in.l ctuineinly useful, mul ebierly persons will tienvi: Hindi mere bem-fit fr;m it than from ordinary stimulants. Sold bv the drug gists and dealers everywhere llOh'ui, CALiU-' k CO., A Tents, :tf Pol 'di.nd, Oregon. BB. KIFFELAITD'S .'; LKlitt TriI) T'rjv ! Th" b j- i ... v,-i i A i !; t Furifier of the P'.ojd 1 ant Tonic ' A very Agreeable Drink rrrrjT i Cnsu r-pas I f r acting surely but eer etious. d" the kid tiimach aud liver ! " treat ! v ;i tne X j. jievs, baw.-is. For sale at all whoics-dc: and retail liquor druu., and groccre stores. ; yojiojty kouu re wfeiiout it i J. G. FitiscH, Proprietor. Tavuhi it i'.EVtiu,, Soli Agents, Iy) -C. 'j Clay St., ?'an Francisco iul All Or 1 ii j c I j a ; CELE rt enps n 'KQ ii . i ;,i r.i ' r. H 13 a a y & a Tii".. d'ii-ioiT'" ifinairti iliOHr n-o crabby Vrrcl- ;:ii.'lv, mat 1're lio:u ulcuiiu! tuid tvciv Uiiniu! iiajie-t ; ' ' ' mi,t . ' tit TRY TRY S iwmi J '.t:n:t. A l't-i v I he ,: ' ".it T !! KS YOUR OUUl i ' 1 e-nic nrA : lTi.'t r.trrfrnV.it: tl --i.-V t i-'!t-.l uii'a eiiisi.i (..u.j c.iii;wtin.!-;J Iil.'i'i. Iliit'irt f.om tllrt ii.liiSl .V-k iniks una i-m iit. h: e i-!-' i in r:i l ! v a '" ';' i o thf rii'.l'iul n.rci;:ii i-t' the : ' SI 'TTli -.(-' Iat''".si I . ci- y. n'1 J !c.s f!s. Ma'll !l lV-- ! n'-tti.t. tVv,r. ! '; ' lav t, I.'.f r.f r;i'v ,y. c:c , ; ui- Mi.e c v'tri v. iicie. A. 1' I'" K 1 1 l's!'.N". i S,a ;: : a t'r aei t"i:v.r, OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. Tijos. 1 rm st roup, Manufacturer of a ins,' 'i.ii -'I ALL KINDS OF LEATHER JMlI.W.Al'KlE, OltLGO.V. HH11F UNDFRSICNIII) WISHES TO IN- ; X form j ! DEALERS i AM) MANUFACTURERS j That he is prepared to furnish ns Ood and ; durable an sir tick of Leather as can be made ; i on the Paciiic Coast, at tiie following lates: : ! Harness Leather, jier ib '! to r.o cents. i Extra heavy, for Concord ... . ti'J ' Skirting, per pound ti? to r,g ' ! Dclting, in the side ' " j " Cut, per square loot, ?! o I Side, upner, " " " 10 to 2n cents. j Cia.in Leather " " " 1; to -"J ' Light liufr, or Grain for Wo- men s hoik CalfSkins, per doz Svip " " bridle, per side 'Jodar, per si a e Lace Leather, per side. 1 tn " a;o oo to b1 oo 2 oo to 4 C o : I do not think that Harness Leather M lould necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, in ! dcr to stand the- test of our climate ; ; or .un uo i ii.iiiK inat m-iting. iu onier I to I O bear 1i,est.:ih, of I ,.,., f..,.!.;'. i .c made iii the Atlantic States. ' ALL I ASK IS A n. 1 i- O Ii r? -S2 r. e - And 1 will prove, to th sntisfaermn of ail concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best ; on the Coast. ' I?" Ail mders wiil meet wiih prompt at f teiiuott. Address : THOMAS ARMSTRONG i ' f' t'ie' v '.Vb. O -""SulinoisuiH r :?e o. 1. A. I', aid j mm I i h OiiEGOX CITY BUSINESS. 9 . - His Eequircments of the Times ! t-l IIA5? IT ! rllE Old) ROCK STORE. THE BEST Dry Goods house in Oregon City, lias the duck to iid every depui tmcut wilh ail euliro IX c w Wiaatcs Stocli 2 Joy In lhe Hunqr ! Hard Times Ccr.ic A'juin vo Tl Tore ! Great in the price of Goods At the Rock Store, on (he corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a lartre aud well selected stock of j DT1KSS GOODS, WOOLEN PRINTS, WHITE " UOSIEKV, P. LEA CUE D S 1 1 E ET1 NGS, GENTS' FU ENiSlING GOCDS, BOOTS AND SHOES, f J ATS AND CAl'S, YANKEE NOTIONS, 1'AIN TS OILS, A: c , Arc . , & c. Z-i At prices hitherto u nheard of, !y the oldest in'uabitaiit. TV" Let the People clothe themstl ves 2 i7" And Rejoice'. For the w inter cometli. (live him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is thr place to trade. I. ATS AESISlVAli! Fall and Winter Stock ! At (he OLD CORXER. S E L L ING, 0 REG OX CITY, Has jutt received, and is now opening, ail the luteal Which lie will sell low, I For Cash or Country Prr-dticc ! His stock Comprises, in pvrt, DHY GOODS, J I E A I.) Y h I A DE CLOTH I X G BOOTS AND SHOES, Hens', Ladies' Misses and Children' HATS AND CAPS, Grocorios.Croekcry. Glass and Plated Wine, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc, Biiiy Hundreds of Other Articles Too un nitrous to Alciilioii ! 1 ' C;dl and examine for yourself. T tak pleasure in showing goods, ami customers wiil iind the articles at rcasourble figures. I. SKLI.lNti. Corner so i'.e le.e .ve store CP Tr s V i c i " r WOOLEN MAKOFACTBRiNO C O 3! P A X rpiIK AP.OVK COMl'XA Y producing aqiudity of A hi: xow WHICH AltE Superior to any ever before offered en tie Pacific Coast ! Comprisin jj CASSIMEKES, TWKKDS. HAIil) TIME?, TLANNEfS, BLANKETS, YAUN, DTG. Z3?i Fsing only the best grades of Wool. The above goods arc nlil-red to the trade on the most, favorable terms. All orders wiil meet with prompt attention. Address It. .IACOU, Agmt, ""'.Jin? Oregon Ci: v, Oregon. Or ii. WIIITE P.UO., Agents at Portland. H3 W jpx jf ipp 7 f j A Vii j i JAC'Or, tVOHTMAN. THOMAS Jl. FIELDS t -. V7 Ul Uiilili leias, Xext Door to the Post OJice, Oregon City, Oregon. ieai.ki:s IN BOOTS and SHOES. Provisions of all Kinds ! V Cai1 bc ,!:"' !,t tbe !'IUI-A REI.I'HH JIOO 7 if- j i f -. L, 4Ti SH')F STORE, A. 1 Front xtr.t, axes and Lirinors ! L j ;,., u-p , , Confectioner!, Spices 7 inhere new 'goods of the latest styles arc re- Canned Fruits and Aleuts ! vtiv,7. hy ek'"cr-v f'u':;,':it;' direct from the east, i enabling us to sell cheaper than ailv other store iu ths city. KASt A: CA1IALIN. Audall the Favorite 14.) 112 Front street. Portland. Brands of Flour ami Susrar ! ! The highest market prices paid far country produce JJ OilKGO.N CITV. KEEP CONSTANTI.V ON HAND FOR SALE -Civ-7 J ita--o wo wej -j. y i BR AX AXD HICK EX FEED! i 'jry I'arties wanting feed must furnish icon to Oooo j 1!u.u. sacks. f;;,,.tl S ."" to 4 oo , ' 1 OO to 'J. .".'.1 ' JOHN H. S CHE AM, Manufacturer and Dealer in CK SADDLES, HARXESS, ... . ... t ti.:..i .,.t vi. -'lain fcii eei, in-uutii iii uuu ' -t Oregon f.,t:y. npilE attention ot parties desiring anytlnng j 1 in mv line, is directet to my sttick, be- . fore instkiuir purchases elsewhere. i Hvi JOHN li.SCIIUAM. i JUSTICES' BLANKS. f every descrip tion. lor sale at th3 KvnmritisF. oilice.; ; IB j ill heads im:inti-:i. At 'I- o.r.-. roitTLAyit i:uiXFss guide. x o iiaung business in 1'ortiaml are ad- 1 K.rson Imvin- business in Portland are ad ised to note the following firms. ; vist.(t to vtn lhe following firms. WILL A M K T T E IRON WORKS COMPANY! rSTrf-r North Front and E sts., STEAM Elf GINil -A.XD BOILER BUI LDERS ''piIESE WORK'S ARE LOCATED OX the i JL bank of the river, our block north of i e.,i,',u-i f 11 -I-.- . V OllCIl S ItMl't imo i:iri f 1 1 1 ftir tun,- ing out machinery promptly and eliieieiitly. AVe have secured lhe services of Mr. Joilu X lit ion, as Director ofthe Works, whose ex- perience 011 tins coast for fifteen years irives iiim a thorouuh knowledge of the various. jviiiiim ui macninery reouireu 10. mining ana milling purposes." V'e ae prepared to ee- cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as " MINING AND STEAMHOAT MACHINERY ! FLOUKIXO MILLS I SAW MILLS ! QL'AHTZ MILLS ! ! MINING VVllVS ! ! ir., int'ftn tui-e aud Rer.ulr Jfo'Itint-rv i f all l-ind JRO.Y SliL TIER H 'oh'E c.t Sin I i't)ici.-fi 'ijland fi f 'njiit. ll'ictUr ii- Riii nuU'if J'utrnt Grliidrr Ull.-l A!lnUJ!iiit'nr. iili.onr ', m;d SteffiS Self Adjiixtiii'J J'ltii lii l'iiio:t. E-uk'utL', ti'ier uvjditd t't'.'id vr ic finim cffUtdtr. Quartz ."stumpcra, Shot :iid (',' tt,' Use hard irori. MA.TS. MEUSSDORFi-'EP, Si BP.O,, Uti mftrturi ,' x ifud J '.'iiiini-tr-r uf. Ant Whvirxultf and Rt '!! Ifculrm in, II.VT-, CAPS, And HATTER'S MATERIALS, Xo. 7 Front street, Fortland Oregon. ! Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, by every steamer, all the latest styles , of Xew Y i k, London ami i'aiisian taste, for eentiemen's and children's wear, which they ! wiil well chest per than any other house on j the J'aeitic coast. ', V. S. Hats of every style ami description i maile to order, alo nerttlv reptured. jlOy ; ' HOME MAHUFACTURB. TjTrrfTTiTo p. nr Ave Xow IiTaiiiifjiCi uri:ig a Ssiiici-ior AUTICI.E OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown FAMILY SOAP, XIIIC'lI YK WILL SKI.L AT SAX V Francisco Priees, and deliver to up river boats free of charge. Ail orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or lit .McL'raken, Merrill it Co., Agents, will naet Willi prompt attoutam. ; YV. L. 1I1GU1.NS A CO.. 11:! v I'ropi ietors, Xo. S Front Street, Portland. Oregon, ! One block north of O. S. X. Co.'s Whan". ' AIcCUAKEX, M EI! UI l.L A CO., Agents j Pioneer Book Bindery O II V. (JOMAX Hl'l ?J)!XG, .'..j. ." 1'u.'j!ti!:;;(iiii M".ei, roi i LA.i, uMF.OOX. t'.I.ANK ISOOIvS ItCLFD and HOtJXi) to unv desire"! pattern. MCSIO UiWKS, MACAZIXKS, NTP.VS !APKHS, Kte., bon iid in every variety of style known to the trade. Ordeis from lite country wom'dlv at tended to. '. I.s'i Ari.iiii.i ) ( EsTAIJI.iSUKI) l i Is ed l . No. 90 First street, Portland, ! Wholesale m.d Ueiidl Deider in G union, ; Grass and Flower Seeds ! : All Creeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dned Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic ( recti do do I ijffrdlr; nud Fruit 1'itcRrd iLit.U care fur :id. j NUTS Pea-nuts, Itrazil-nuts, AVal-n'ut; Fil- ! belts ami Almonds. GltOCFUIKS A selected stock of choice (iroceries, bought expressly tor family use. Z'z.- All of which is offered for cash at ca.-h prices. Orders solicited. u":ly jo;i. O'tOX.VOIt, ; No. to First st., P(u tl tnd, Oregon. E. G. RANDALL, IMrOIVTF.R AN'l) DEALER IX j MUSICAL IKSTROMEHTS, Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for Ttlsison ; II:u:!iii'.s CELEUU VTEU CABi.MiT CilGAX ! - -N! Sis 2 ii i uy ci Son's t;oL.r iicdvi ii vo foktksj First street, next door to the Post Otlice Portland, Oregon. 4 . t f HE BEST SELECTION And largest ?s(..rlment of Ladies' (Jents'y Misses', lLys uud Childrens' I llXmUQ, (;S& STEAM 1 Fitting Establishment, No. llO First Stri-ct . .Port la ii 1 Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble. Top Washslands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Eallt Tabs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEFS. EL HO IF., JFET UR.Y Jl EADL Ali'l'LES. RUSH! AGS, J;:, in Stvtiif, Wtit r iiii-1 Uai. ALSO i Scotch Tubes, Witter C noire, Whistiei i Tallon Pumps, Steam G-.iages, Giobe, Angle, ami Ctieck aives, tuage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot l'rass W ork. Kubaer j Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. j JI.teI i, publie bttil'tings, rud juivofc red- i dence heated uitli the latest improvements i 111 stesni or fiot air apparatus. I invite citizens "uerallv to call and ex- lit 15 ' 1 amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention civeu ! ti the wants of this market. ' v 1- '7. ;;:v t.'. si. MYl'R53. FOllTLASD BUXIXESS GUIDE. Sixteen Years in Creecn. S, J, M'CORMICK, THE "j. -r Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher j t Of this State, desires to inform all hi old ! customers (and as many new ones as may i not be acquainted witti the fact) that lie btiil j continues to operate at the ! FRAnilLIU ECOK ETCR" i 105 Front Street, Portland, (EXACTLY Om'OSlTE ilOl UOOL) I uf re ne is prep ami 111 luruuu I i SCHOOL LOOKS, j S TATI 0 Rl ' ' TifTr?rrf ' CiJJJjJ 1 Al O'oC. ' IXzTi: L'CTHX JiOO A'S for nil kinds of : iiiMcai insn unienis. ! CUVliC'il Jl50;ifS, ' BASS, YIOL. OUITAR and Y10LIX ! STKINCS. t BLANK BOOKS, run,-.. uur M J S C V. b L A X E O U S It 1 0 X S , cii k. r i i: it 1. 1 ; a t ! oxs, XEWSPAFFTtS, MACAZLNFS, Ci.OtJFS. l'KESSFS, Ivr.! 1'iJNS, Photographic Albums, I ""And every other article in the above line, j tan h J-)EO T.EVVE TO y public that we have IXFOISI TIIK Eemoved to the Pine Store Eo. 89 Front street, Portland, ! , . T . ; I ormerhj occupied by i Jlessrs. Coin, Lyon t- Kaufman i ... . . . . ; here we shail now open our latest tmpor- ; tatlulii of CAKPETS, PAPEP, HANGINGS, 1'LOOPv AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS LACE CL'ltTAINS, COUNT CES AND BANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And r.11 i;oo!s in tlie CAEPET & UFIICISTEHY LIHE ! W liBioi-t oili- tfooils rirtct Ts-oiJi lle IZixst, nnil stll :it Iiss (li.ui Sau FiaiitliCo Piitefc! M'ALTER ISROS., Xo. Mi Front street, between Alder j'.) aud Wasniiigton, 1'ortland, Oiegon. V-'TTf ?'TpTt ,f SJA-U-iJ uJj.iiy xZ.,Aj. - V Iu WZ 1a2 T I One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, l'orilaud, Oregon. "T"f HP O win. 'jl. biiananan, IMTOtiTEIl AND DEALER IN MUSICAL IXSTRUJTKXTS, -FIXE EX Gil A VIXGS. i'lCTUIlE FRAMES j And M0LDIXGS. rpHK FINEST AND I.AKOKST STOCK ! J of Ihigiaivings, Cromos, Plain and col- '. ored Lithographs, etc., e er bel'ore offered j in this market, just rei-ei .-ed and for sale at GEEATLY REDUCED PHICES! i .;,: j ; Views of Columbia Hirer Scenery .' i Constantly on hand. j agent F0r. r.ft.wl;rl:Y s cr.t.EiwiiTKt) irrsiBKl Scale .Pisaiaos 1 Which have given universal satisfaction, i and which i:e guarantees to sell at San Fran- j cisco prices. I Z'i?" Special attention given to framing ! Photograph Fngravings, etc. j i Mr. Shamihan, formerly of A. Koh- j ; ler s establishment. San Franciseo, will at- j i tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo- j deons, and all hinds ol -Musical Instruments, j i Pianos for Itent. t".ly j PS it 1JT3T "E -.ft v??.r n: port En of Hard WoodLumb f.JTV i UI COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON MATERIALS ! Poutlaxd, Oregon. 1" AS N()V ON HAND .wn TO A KT5IVE i the finest stock ever imported to this : ; eoiist. iiemg seiectett unuer nts personal , 1 supei vision he can warrant it to be of the i j best, and would call the attention of dealers j '; and wagou makers to his assortment ot EASTERN OAK. AS II, AND HICKORY, FLANK, WHITE WOOD, II U HS, SFOK ES, FELLOES, AXLES, POLES, RENT RIMS Shaft, Bows, Single trees, Plow Beams and Handles, it c. Orders for the above, also for Uoxes, Thim bles, Skeins, Iron and Steel, promptly tilled. IJOIiEKT II. LAW, Commission Merchant, 38 First st , Corner of Pine, Portland, Oregon. Zjf Consignments solicited. yC'Vly -.. Jcha Nestor, Architect, OFFICE A CA RITE'S ELILDIAG, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIEST-CLASS ESSIDEHCE3, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Plesidences, and ALL IiESCail'TIOXS OF ET.ICK AXD KEAME Buildings Designed and Planned i w;o, .wt , t.. i i j. ... fnW tr.,i,o. .,.,!..,' t-n.o.;' :i.i ......i. ,i. i , .i.i-. r. i urn i.ilM ynu lilliu- . ,., ,.v . . v., I.HV...-.-.IS nt i i .! , t ocil tiut'-itiniiint ' t i i 17. tf BILI.S i CO. C A M l CO. ITOGAX A CO. Portland Dray and Eack Co., j -f- lh-"j and Jsi- l SUihti, Cor. Slur!: aud Second, sts, Portland. Z-k" Alt business int: tistcd to us executed with care and dispatch. No comnm-dnns ch'T.-rd on freight ndvanced. Order fW We biovediI ! c a ii :e t j ! AXD PAPER HANGING i I W A RfehOU MIS CELL A XEO US. tiiAS. llODUE. .CUiS. t". CALUF. .GtlO. W. bNLl-L. HOEGE, CALEF t Cs., DEALERS IV . i TiTirrftri t inrTrnTrtTHTTin uxtuu-i ana iiijjuwjji5 FAINT3, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS, l'AL'.YI.IJS, J3 RUSHES, PA I YTERS ' ISdteridis, ana in-upjUl Sundries. , C7 Front Sirret, I'oi tland, Oregon. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ! aj. a UBfluui uwciiut iwm,, tone. .vfa..l AH.r..llv..of wndrr- STOMACH. AND BOV7SLS. j PRCTEC'IIVK PKOPERTIES. ! Prevents I'evcr and A;kc and Billions Ue i ndtteut Fevers ; fortifies the system I niramst .Miasma and tiieevil ellects of mi wholesome water; invigor ates the organs ot digestion and the bowels ; Steadies t lie .Vrivm atxl tiu:i- to Pro long I.iie. RKMEUI.iL 1'HOPEUTIES. Cures Oyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Sick and Xervous Headache, Centra! Debility, Xervonsness, I)ejresion ofSpiuts, Constipation, Coiic, Intermit tent Feveis, Sea Sickness, Cramps and Spasms, tind all complaints of either sex arioing Irom Kodily Weakness, whetlier inherent in the svstem or PRODUCED UV SPECIAL CAUSES. -"lTIITV"l TIT IT T- VflT ll'Iifltl' I some, genial, and restorative in its n;i- tu re. enters into the composition of IIOS ! TETTEK'S STOMACH LITTELS. This ! popular preparation contains no mineral of i any kind ; no deadly botanical element; no ! liery excitant; but is a. combination of the S extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants, i with the purest and mildest of all diifusive i i stimulants. i j The week stomach is rapidly invigorated, j ami the appetite restored by this tonic, and j : hence it woi ks woudei s in cases of Dyspepsia, j ; aud in less confirmed forms of Inoigeslion. j Acting as it gentle aud painless apnent, as j j well as upon the liver, it also invariably re- j ! lieves tiie Constipation superinduced by ir- j j regular action of the digestive aud secretive j j organs. I Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervous ! I Attacks, Lowncss ot Spirits, and Fits of I I Languor, f ml prompt and perinameiit relict j from the Hitters. The testimony on this j point is conclusive, and Loin both sexes. j As a Genuine Tonic, IIOSTETTEK'S HIT- ! ; TKKS produce etfecis whii h must be expel i- ! i enced or witnessed before they can be fully t j appreciated. In cases ol Constitutional i j Weakness, Premature Decay, and Debbit; j anu Decrepitude arising trum old age, it e." I crciscs the electric influence. In the couva j lescent stages oi all diseases it operates as n ; delightful iuvigoraut. When the ov,irs of j nature are relaxed, it operates to l e-cnforcc j and re-establish them. ; ulant, being manufactured from bound and ' aiocuous ln:itt-iiais, ami enlitely fifeftemi . the acrid eU-ments present more or less in ; all tlie ordinary tonics and stoniuch'cs of the j dav. SOLD EV Lli V Y i IEIIE. i ilt lXK, t ALEP ito., Acad.. :tf. Portland, Oiegon. ! f'atei.ted October IClh, s";.;. ; PERFECT FAST COL 0RS. 13 lick, Par!: Gieca, Black Silk, Light Green, 1 Earl: Elite, Jfiscufa, i L'nhl Elite. JIai-r, French IJ.'uc, Aaroon, I Claret UroJVii.Oraiifr, Dark Brown, Pink, j Light Brow a Purple, Stiff Brown, Ho ya I Purple, Cheny, oalninn, Crmson, Scarlet, Hark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solferino, lawn Drab, Violet, j Yellow, Light Fa am I) rah. FOIL IlYK'.eVti SI .;!, Woolen and Mixed Coeds, Shawls. Scarfs, " Dresses, Ribbons, Cloves, P.oniiets, i lhits, Feathers, Children's Clothing, j Anil all Kiiitls of "Wearing Apiuncl. A Saving of E)g-hty per Cent. ! ' l-'or tlT cents you can color as many goods i j as would otherwise cost live times that sum. ; j Various hhadts can bo produced from the j same dye. The process is simple, arid uut ; j one can use the dye with perfect success. j I I li l Cf i till : i n l-'ntisli l'Ylii'b ii i it 1 ' .o-mn n ' i outside of each package. j llOWl-; A M'KVENS, ."""j Uroadway, Doston. i For sale by Smith fc Davis Portland, tind by Lell oe Parker, Oregon City. jJl 1851s, 1857 E. MOSTHRUP a, da OfFLlt run SALli LOW RuiFlrrs' Hardware and Carmnlerfs1 I i Tool,, i Blackssni tits' and 3ac!lilisfs, Coopers'1 and Tanners" Tools, Tools, i i j ; Iininq and Fanners' Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Ship and Steamboat. Hardware, ! Tar, Pitch, Oakltm, Oars, Packing, 5 ! Manilht. find Ifeum CordiU'e. ! Anchors Blocks and Sheaves, i c P.. . ,?,. SJ.nt T .-,,.1 f',-,c I Wooden Ware, 'Twines and Brashes. IPwON, STEEL, anu Io.icksmi'.hs' Goods, Cnmbei land Coal, Put nam, New Yolk and Griilin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for liug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeiun and Iron Axies, all bi.es,. WAGON TIMBER. Hule, Sh, Ash-, I'-h tin! Shfir, Eenl Rilitx, S'UV' d '('i'ec , UC., d'. AgcHtifor A. S. II:illili it Co., AViie Itoe ettiimifitt-Jui i i s. ZU Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing coods in the i ' Miil-iil.U l,iit(rrif ,.,-i.r. I.-j,".,,- ' ter, we are enabled to idler goods in our line i at as low rates as thev can be put cbsf-ed in this market. We cad the attention of ileal- ers to our strick. which comprises the mo.-t complete and extensive assoi tment of goods , in this line ever otieied in tins mat ket. Co K. J. NORTHKUI Jc CO., 181 Front Street. Porlbmd, Oreiron w.i. ror.nrrr. San Francisco. D. MACI 1 , i m f. 9w w Caracals 3Isi!icay, . . . ' importers u vvnoicsais Grocers, - 74 FRONT STREET, Portland Oregon. j r OODS SOLD FOP. CASH AT a small ! t VH advance upon ! SAX PXiAXCiSCO .TCBTIING PRICES: c. & r. .. . ---- 1 . " "":-'""'s iiki-ii's me cuv io a nn i t liinL- m.w.1,.,1, i : , price tiien-stock Oelore mirehas n" tr 14.lv Ii a d d : Tilt on, BANKERS, ror.Tfaxn, Okegox. Wid yive prompt attention to collections. ; and otiier busim s appertaining 1 liaukim;! Sight and rTelegrordiic Eschaiiqe On San Francisco nd tlie S tlmtiSii:tR tor ! side. Ccvcmmc-it Securities bou-nt and i 1 j:f;ji.vjro.Y t :'o:. votary KEDIXGTOX -& CO.SP o Essence of Jamaica Ginger. ! riMIIS finable prepai ation, containing ir i erties of tlie Jamaica Gaieer, ha- become tv o 1 of the most popular deme.-tie remedies lor su diseases of the stomach s'ud digestive organ?. ' .s a tonic it will be found invaluable to all j persons recovering from debibty, wLe.fief ! jiroduced bv fever'or otherwise, for tvhilst 1 i imparts to the system ait the giosv and vigo ! tiiar can be produced by wine or brandy, it ' entirely free from the reactionary effects j follow the uscot .spirits ot any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for femal j who sutler from dillicult mea.-.truation. giving I i.lmoKt immediate relief to the sj.asms tliat fieipiently aecompnur that periori. It gives linmeOiate reliet to nausea, caused bv sea-sickness, etc. It is also valuable a aa j lkurnul !lpl,ication f.rT.out, Ivheumatism. -1 - ' " - n ' v - - "MARTHA VVASHOTGK" tiaih restoplEH. Trust none other, howe'er Xone can do what this has done Try it--ul wiiys keep it 'present q Use the Maltha Wiishingtom IT Vi ILIi KLlgElTUE IIAIU Jsoft and gloxfyt. Iiunge it t o its Original Color Prevent it fnllJiig oiit-3Iikc old Ik i WOT A BYE. loolv j oiuij; alii! do nil Hint 1 fipwttil or a. genuine, good. I In i i- Restorer. REDI.VGTO.V & Co., Agents, Suit fra. n eisco " MARTHA VASHSH0T0N " HAIK EESTOEEE, Is the wonder of the world, ami stands above comparison with any other in ticlo lor the hair ever brought before the public. Z-l-T" Sold everywhere. o HEDINGTON'S F L A V O II I N G EN T PACTS '( Are made from I'" res It Irtsifri. F;,cl. bottle holds twice as much as:i other brand in the market, consequently ihcy are the cheapest and the best. Vsc uo oilier. KEDINOTOX i; CL, Ageuti for the Pacific Cuabt. "YyHV 'VYILL YOU DELAY We are sorry that there tr 0 persons wliosuflcr on day by day mouth after month, and year by o year,wbcn friends and neighbors Lave been cured of the sar.io malady that alilicts them. Now, it has been proved by substan till evidence that SCO "v ILL'S ULOOI) AND LIVF.il SYKL'P ' will cure the worit cage of ecrof ul. Canker, Khcumntisin, Neu ralgia, etc.; tet still there are those who neglect this sure and valuable remedy. To such vre, O say, try the syrup and biecorst iuecJ. REDING TON L Co., Agent. 4iS and 415 Front street, San Francisco. GUAEFEXCETiG U T E K I N E CATHO L I C O N. If fiiithfully used recording to directions will cure every case of Dial tes, ?nd greatly j mitigate the troublesome eiteets ctiuscu i.y 00') ' relaxation of lhe outlet of the bladder. It i ; a most successful remedy lor gravel and ot'm i diseases of the kidnevs ami biudder, ami fei Female diseases is uneouallcd. j ' tie Cathoiicon unifoi ml v cures IVolapsmQ '. t"tivi Wl.tfiis :'l ilT..ll!:i! !:n . . 1 I . . Mf.'.ili.. . ..... l- pei i'nl, suppi-essioit, incontinence of L rir.e. Itioaling, and Dropsical swellings, and an diseases cf pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is imminent and certain, upeu the Uterine and abdominal mnseles and lig.. j menfs -restoring them to as healthy n Man- i tKosf. nl' eli it O I it toil nni! .-rti t.i tktt tients who have used the CYiiefeuLcrg Com a Ctcrine Catliolicon, c-niiot sidfcient! v i.;r .ri-iiitii.i.. liii-u..! ,'..ii..ci,,,...',; t ..V'tO .... .1 j. ...,.'., ... ... Ml, ... KEDlNGTiiN & Co., A!-litS, 41 G and 41 S Front street, San Frr.r.ci.c I Ol- maT GUubtitB' J C5IK OK VOC C.VX'T, 7il V.'H ITY t yea. Vvia lis-. e ii i -il cv ry iciaciy tiiit the tli I i!i-s;iiH 'i. by iis iulriieai: nmrit. sKTel., i.U -iui- ii.ir jni.ir.ai'!is. it is imt surpri.-ii:j: -i .!:.! U j r' lui'tiii.t to try piiiw-ttiiiig li ult'-r lUe lajnr i -. j j 'Tiiueies yiiti leivir ir,:ni' nf tnisiv r'i::ip.ji.i.,. j fUtci i-a lint public na a certuki vur ; b NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrir' o o . t. T T ' T ' - - I'T'CT 1.. . t for tt,e cure r t'o-itti--, i.i.s. 'I liro.... As i ia Coi.l:i..i;.-!iiii-iiiii. t iitwii.ijui.ni. ; ;'".' 1 P'" -.H:.-.n,Uaii.t onv..., !. ,.r ; vu,:- 1 l'-' l'iJ - ' .v..iv.;...- j JeTEWELL!( n U I Pulmonary Syri;r 1 nn.l Willi rint nchnr! cV' I t' etr i""vi" - I i I viJ..wii..r-s,iirs.;,-.,..m.,..-. ! r. ii:;iml''. vi;'u t'.us. lb-iii.'.it i ..:i v. " ' l.l:' ; ' ,u" f i- - i i "e ' ' i NEWELLTJ ; Pulmonary Syri:;" ' l-.n c-'.rs-l ttioi5!ftni!i r.ii'l it tvi?, euro "i !" 'f y a. ! Ttii? i'-:ilal'la a 1 t . ; ciMitlttiii lienlin nl sir -nt: Jt;tt: ' 4 ti: tv IV1-1 lVmii i"'l i i.':ii'is . j aj:tV'rf"':Iy Iriniili'-s e:n!.T n't n. ..;:- -1 CiT'i!iiM-s Irom many .r.eei' ' i...-- Li niilvlBiAiiu O I . o o O o O o o- o o o o -1 --v.. t :'A i i f ii ?A