Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, March 07, 1868, Image 2

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cckiii (Enterprise.
Oregon City,' Oregon r
r. c. i:iKt.AM, ti.iroit ami rncrwE-rox.
Saturday, March 7th, 1853.
The Union voters of Clackamas County
arc requested to meet in the several Pre
cinct to' choose Delegates to a Union
Cotmfcy Convention, to be held on
Saturday the 1th day of March
A. n. lsGS, at th hour of 12 o'clock, A. M.
at the Court House in Oregon City, to
nominate Delegates to the Str.te Conven
tiou.Candidates fur the Legislature, and
County (Jukes for said County, aa(l to
transact such other business as may be
properly brought before the Convention.
q it is respectfully recommended that the
several l'recinet meetings be held at the
places of voting in each Precinct, ou
Saturday the 2dth day of February
at 1 o'clock, P. M.
The several Precincts arc entitled to the
following number ol delegates to the Coun
ty Convention.
Oregon City 17
.Mibvaukic 5
Pock Creek s
Upper Molalla
Mnrquam s
Lower Molalla
. 4
. 3
. 4
. 6
. 1
I'ioasant Hill
Oswego ,
C Jt'ilrtntin County Cvutiulttit.
- The basis of representation to the :
State Union Convention was fixed so as to j
alluw one delegate for everv one hundred
Union votes eastt the last general elec
i iuii. and one delegate for everv fraction
greater than fifty -jtpportionment
I'aVcr county.
Kenton . q
O Douglass
51 Jackson
the following being the
Linn county . .
Multnomah .. .
Washington. .
Wasco ,
..u j
' J i
. 1 i
. 3 !
"' '
1"? .
q Josephine
The Convention will be held at Salem, on
the U 1 th, instead of at Portland.
q Impeachment, and the acts of At.
dreflr Johnson, were the all absorb
ing topics of this week. We tliinic
the country is safe, notwithstanding
' Democracy" is in the " throes
of !
Revolution."' Republican men, and
?tepubjican measures will rule, let
treason and Democracy say what
they 'lease. It matters but little to
the party who have had the recon
jstruction of States lately in rebellion
in hand, vhat4h0se say or do who
lately had the dis.ntegraUon of the .
States and the government in hand, j thiuks we hare been misinformed, there will be produce enough to fur
lt makes but little difference to Con ' regarding the consignment cf railroad j uish a cargo of 1,000 tons each to ten
ijress what Andrew Johnson mav j
miv or do! Andrew Johnson- oc-
cupying the proudest position in
America to be the tool of the assas
sin; made President by the hand of
the assassin; must be taught that God
t?6Verns the dav. Tin lias violated
law ; outraged
his land; and the Republican party
will be responsible for Ibs actions if
they do not take him by the throat j bring such. The other vessels due Peoples Transportation Co., a corpo
tied administer tft him and his allies ' fro,r' Boston, said to bring similar j ration; A. A. McCuIIy, I). M. Mc
the bitter dose prescribed by the ' materials and locomotives, have not j Cully, E. M. Cooke, T. McF. Patton,
Constitution. If it brings on another ! yet arrived. The North Star is a j S. T. Church, Geo. A. Pease, Joseph
war lot it come the loyal people of
the country will be prepared for it
nno tight for bitter revenge; the more
m because of their leniency to
traitors since the action of Wilkes
lUoth on the 15th of April 1SG3.
Wo can recollect now how wc
trembled when Andrew Johnson,
drunk as he was was sworn into the
office of President, made vacant by the
mmortal Lincoln. Trembled with
fear of such a result as has followed
but we have apologized for the
traitor ever since, until now we damn
liitn, and believe that all that has
been lost to the Republican party in
the meantime has been lost because
Johnson was not sooner damned by
impeachment, and an ignoble dis
charge. Congress, the peoples' ser-
rants, are right; the mass of Amen-
cans will stand lirmly by them.
The vagrants and prisoners of
Uong Kong out-numbtr thc Ameri
cans auj Europeans T -4 0 . The fol
lowing are the figures of the census of
Americans and Europeans.
. - ,
. , . . 1 OO
. . .',olo
. . . "AT So
ilauilla aud mixed mee.
Aliens " ...
4'biuose sl;ore popilatiun . . ,
Chintvc boat l
Y arunU tmd prisoner. . . .
Totul ..
. .15,504
New 1ai,I-Y. The Daily Ameri-
(Dean Uuianht is received, and a right
worthy brother it is. We wish the
publisher abunduut success in hU t f
l .1 ti 1
lorts to soppty me peopte 01 i.em
with a repectaoie paper, ihe Uapu
Ml Uas. ueeu cuu uu unions
There arc five Masonic Lodges
in llopg Kcpg and Sve priming of-
What are the Democrats dmnjr, or
what have they done for the good of
the SoutU? With all their loud pro
fessioiis of love and sympathy nil
they have done for the Southern
States was to lead them into war and
then desert them. And to day, what
Democrat is engaged in instructing
the negroes or poor whites, and fitting
them for the tremendous responsibil.
ities which have been thrown upon
them by the civil convulsion of the
past six years? What Democrat in
all this land is helping one jot or tittle
towards proetical reconstruction?
They will swear at Congress, defend
a Memphis or a New Orleans mob,
decry the Union officers, apologize
for Andrew Johnson, flout and sneer
at what is being done to elevate the
colored race, or help the whites, by
n?, but not one iota will they do
themselves. The horrid traces of
war are being smothered from the
face of the land; peace is returning
and with it plenty, order, and quiet;
restoration is progressing, the waste
places are being rebuilt, and one by
one the lost stars reappear in the na
tional constellation, but r.o thanks for
all this to the Democracy. They
have stood r.Joof.
What more damaging judgment
could be pronounced upon a political
party than this record which they
have made for themselves? Is such
a parry fit to be entrusted with the
reins of the government? Is it a
proper one to administer the affairs
of the nation? For seven years the
Democratic party has now been but
an opposition a mere negation.
It has existed but as a protest against
otir nationality; What rbdit has it
i o
to ask for a voice in the government
of a country and a nation which lives embrace of a single steamship Corn
only in spite of its systematic and ! pany ? Is there no way to loosen
most determined efforts? - ! lh 'r''a5P of this procrastinating and
v. mi .t c i . . . j
lion will Ion SM-oitT loirn llmf in
" " """ "
this land, her friends are the men of j
action the advancing party of pro- I
rcss? When will she see that the
noisy professions of the Democracy
are but words, and treacherous ones
at that? Point us to a single fchool-
house in Dixie built by Democratic
funds; point us to a single teacher
sent hv T)tirfwrut if. infliioiipft nuth.
ward to instruct the famishing people;
point us to anything done, and we
will admit that the Democratic
party has a right to say some
thing in this matter. But until that
can be done, as long as they are by
their own confessions, by word and !
deed but an ob?
they have no
deed but an obstruction wn bold that :
., , ..... i
r.i t f 1 I . .T- 1 t-i T or.
great woi k oi reconstruction, wuicu
.1 .... . . , - 1
is u)v the immediate and distinctive
mission of the Union Republican
party. They have been tiied in the
balance and found vantinr.
The Wixged Arrow. Brother
Pickett, of the Albany Journal, ;
materials, to the Oregon Central, by
1 the
Winged Arrow, Capt. Chase, i
which left Boston on the 2 1st of Oc-
tober, and arrived at Sau Francisco
! on the 20th of February.
We have
j printed copy of the manifest, and
! while it is true that nothing like rail-
road materials appears in it, we still
have the statement of the San Fran-
' cisco Bulletin that she did really
i new vessel, uuder command of Capt.
j Crowell, and left Boston eight days
before tho Wiged Arrow. The
1 aria J- Smith left five days after
' thc departure of the; Winged Arrow,
The Ilattie G. Hall soiled from Bos
ton on the 2od of September, nearly
a month before the Winged Arrow,
and has just arrived. We do not
known by what authority the Journal
speaks but we speak in faith that
this road will be built we do not
j K,1UW ''"at
! had for salnS lhat thc vessels abo
1 i... .1 ;. Jt.li.i-
named bring such stock us is reported
of them. But we have the authority
of gentlemen whose word we do not
doubt; that the movements being
made by the Pcrine Company, are
all in good faith. It is only a ques
tion of lime, in our mind, and shorter
timp .it. that than in customary in
j ,k ,j,is!i enterprises of the
magnitude of the one contemplated
Has Reachkd the Canon. The
head of the Chinese column on the
Central Pacific Railroad, says the
Humboldt Register, has reached the
canon on the Tiuckee, about ten miles
below Hunter's and from there to
the State line Chinamen are swarm
uir on the road in immense numbers.
Ciystal Peak is becoming quite a
, lively business place. A large num
ut'r v? Chinese traders have located
; t"''re fur the time, to supply the wants
their eouutrymen at work on the
rnirt 'PIt,.. ...Ill l. - . . . .
u .u uu
. ' X X L Zui
j Ke done as fast as the track can be !
i biirj. The time is not f-ir dislnnl !
j when tlie head of the column may be
seen moving up the Humbohlt, clos-
; ly followed by the iron trcclc aud
: 3 hi .
Tuesday dray and trucks were
busily engaged in hauling flour from
the wharves and other places to store
houses on First street, says Ihe Her
aid of Thursday every available
room, storehouse and tenement, on
Front street being filled to its very
utmost capacity. Mr. Dills, Presi
dent of the Portland Dray and Hack
Company, stated yesterday that there J
was at the very lowest figure, 7,000 f
tons of Oregon productions now-awaiting
shipment, and that a fair estimate
of the amount arriving in the city
would not be less than 300 tons dai
ly. This great amount of produce
and merchandize on hand awaiting
shipment, will increase and not di
minish; and this is owing to the want
of transportation. No other parties
are directly chargable with this great
lack of tonnage than the California,
Oregon and Mexico Steamship Com
pany. We have stated before, and
upon reliable information can state
again, that the capable agent resident
in this city, George W. YWtdler,
Esq, has written aud telegraphed to
the management iu San Francisco
begging them to put on additional
steamships, but they will not listen
to him, and why ? Do they know
that eventually they will be the car
riers of all this immense quantity of
freight to market at their own char
ges and have they confidence in the
ability of the great monopoly to buy
off any opposition which might have
the temerity to "try a hand" with
the incorporation of whk-h Den.
Ilolladay is the chief capitalist and
manager We may be in error
when we entertain the thought that
the Company may eventually Dud
they have been "penny wise and
pound foolish." How is it that the
great producing State of Oregon finds
itself litrhlly clasped in the mercenary
avaricious Company from the throat i
- i
of our commerce and re eve t of the
incubus which ifivcts every producer,
merchant and jobber in this section
or the fetate ; Hie sober second
thought of the General Agent or Pres
ident of the C. O. and M. S. Compa
ny would certainly teach him that to
answer the demands of our commerce
is certainly the best way to keep off
opposition ; the very best manner in
which to make the trude a financial
success, and above ail the most ad
mirable method by w hich I he favor
and patronage of those shippers.who.se j
favor is worth securing, can be per- j
mantly maintained is by furnishing j
the transportation necessary. What
we have said is in behalf of our own
requirements, and not throuiih anv ill
will borne toward the Company, for
"ae none, ftetl-rreser vation re-
duires thai somethiner snould be said
1 111 I ioh.-i I r ir Inn tor i-'tf.l nrni npiirs
o '
ud shippers of Oregon. If we do
not speak onr own wants, California
nor "any other m m"' will certainly
not do it for us. A steamer leaves
San Francisco on to-day for Portland,
and is advertised to leave Portland on
the return trip on Thursday, the 12th
of March. Prom the present time to
. , f . ... , ,h. stpftIllpr
steamers. This of itself is enough
f 1 1 1 '1 ' o '1 IUiU vl-o
. u: 1 .. 1 1.
Imtobtant Suits. Among the new
j and important suits just beginning in
Oregon Courts, is that of Geo Las
Roque, D. W. Btirnsides, A. J
Apperson, and W. C. Johnson and
John Dement, executors of the estate
I of Win. Dement deceased, against the
j Kellogg, C. W. Pope, J. D. Biles, J
W. Ccchrane, Geo. Marshall, and L.
E. Pratt, defendants. The case is
brought partly with a view of com
pelling thc cancellation of Stock in
thc P. T. Co., alleged to have been
fraudulently issued last year. It will
be heard in the Circuit Court cf Ma
rion County next term. The P. T.
Company have also commenced an
ejectment suit against the Willamette
Steamboat Co., to be tried in the Cir
cuit Court for this county thisjmonlh.
Union Club at Makqcam Pre
cinct. At the meeting of the Union
voters of Marqtiam precinct in this
county on the 29th ult., the necessary
preliminary steps were taken for the
organization of i Union Cbtbj and it
was decided to meet at Marquam
School house, on Saturday, March
14th to eff ct a permanent onraniza.
lion. About twenty names were
signed to the call for a Union Club,
and a committee was appointed to
canvass the precinct and obtain the
names of ail voters favorable to such
an organization. The Union men of
this precinct are wide awake, and
will give a qood account of them
selves at the approaching elections.
The canvass will be a spirited one,
and there will . be a decided increase
of the Union voto.
Wright, Bros. k Co., importers,
101 Broadway. New lork, advertis
j ed in the American Unionist, the
; Vancouver Register and other pa
P, are i.o.ur.ou
not send them one dollar.
Thpy are
UrtCys of lbe deepest dye," as
' we are creditably informed.
In tiif. Ghanite Hills. Hon. Geo.
j L- rods. Governor of Oregon, is
j stomping New Hampshire, ond do-
! in? good service for the Republican
1 F
Portland has 604 legal voters.
Three steamers on the river be
tween this city and Portland, make
things appear lively.
Rev. Dr.' Benson, of the P. C.
Advocate sailed for the AtlanticStates
on Saturday last.
One of tbe leading Chinese firms
at Portland is expecting a vessel from
the flowery Kingdom soon, with a
Cargo of tea, etc.
On Monday evening last an at
tempt was made to burn the frame
buildings adjacent to the P. T. Co.'s
wharf in Portland, on Front street.
Another farm house that of
Mr. Osburn, near Spencer Dutte, was
burned last week. Supposed to be
another incendiary fire.
The Str. U. S. Grant has at
last got an owner Capt. Gray has
purchased, and will fit her to to run
between all points about the bay at
The Irish citizens of Portland
will celebrate the coming Anniversa
ry of Ireland's Patron Saint in a be
coming manner, and respectful!' in
vite all Irishmen and friends of Ire
land in this State and Washington
Territory, to participate with them
on that occasion.
Col. W. L. White of this city,
has announced himself as a candidate
for the office of Cleik, subject to the
action of the Democracy. The Col.
is a gentleman, and aside from his poli
tics we wish him success. Tiie Her
ald endorses this action of the Col.
iu very fitting language.
On Saturday last the Oregonian
was assured that the Oregon Cen
tral It. II. is going to be built, anil
in this connection states that the im
pression which seems to be rather
general in relation to the terminus of j
tld. nr;offl rvwl orrftnn, Ir i
j.. . j V--.. V. .V.V., ... .... w. ..........
is not to be at East Portland, but nt
Portland the contract binding the
builders to begin the road at the
" city of Portland."
The Portland papers received
yesterday, all congratulate the public
noon the commencement of the sur-
veys for the Oregon Central Railroad,
We shall publish in full, what they j
said, in our next issue. Meanwhile,
tho surveyors will have passed
through this city en route to Salem.
Cheer them as they pass their pe
destrian feat is more creditable than
that of Weston.
Gilson the defaulting Secretary
cf Idaho, was seen nt Paris during
the Industrial Exhibition, by one of
his bondsmen, W. 15. Uaer. Mr.
Baer went to the American consul to
procure an arrest, hut before process
oroibl Im n ,,dnn,l iI.-mm U(t tbo rt -
' J
or secreted himself. It is interesting
to creditors of the two years territo
rial appropriations which Gilson car
ried off from Oregon City, that he is
making good use of the money, ai.d
and that he enjoyed himself at- the
big show, says the Statesman.
The Bulletin is informed by a
passenger of the Continental, upon
the authority of Mr. Raymond, thc
San Francisco agent of the North
American Steamship Company, that j
Steamships, Moses Taylor and
.... , . . .
nca wdl be placed on this route
as soon as the necessary preliminaries
have been made. Mr. Webb, the
great New Yotk shipdmildrr and
one of the principal .stockholders in
the North American Steamship Cum
pany, was at Panama a month since,
and he was daily expected in San
-11 . , ,. . . ., ,
1 rancisco when the Lontmental&c&.
It is the intention of the comnanv to
. r . 1 , t .
receipt ior mroiign ireignt ana pas
sentrers at Portland.
The Diffkuence. Not long ago
a gentleman passed over the route to
Sacramento from Portland, ar.d he
communicates his thoughts to thc
Avalanche. We known him to be a
gentleman by the remarks he makes:
Those portions of the road not
mentioned from Portland to Tehama,
I in this State, were easily passed over,
i their bottom being either solid clav,
or clay and gravel, or gravel un
mixed. In the Summer season thc
trip to Sacramento is made regnlarly
in six days, and a most delightful
ride it must be. Every variety ol
landscape is in sight each day. Val
leys and mountains of all dimensions
and soils of powerful fertility con
stantly greet the eye in some direc
tion; brooks and roaring rivers are
frequently passed, as also, are prai
1 ries and !orests. The eye is never
wearied as the scenes are continual
ly varying, and the mind is interest
ed anew at each mile of progress.
The northern portion of Oregon has
the largest vuiiey the Willamette;
but the southern section has the most
charming ones and of equal fertility.
The northern has the most and heavi
est timber, and any part enough con
venient for all practical purposes.
The State is full of undeveloped re
sources. There are many thousands
i of acres of good valley lands, yetopen
j to location either by entry or homc
! stead, and both slopes of the Cascades
I ar.d Coast Mountains are full of miti-
ends precious and otherwise.
I How different this sounds from the
j language of that other fellow, who
j passed through about the same date,
! and could see nothing but " niggers,"
" abolitionists,'' etc., as given in the
picture painted lv t!,c Rochj Moitn
' ' a
AVcckly Commercial Review.
Oregon- City. March tfth. 1SCS. f
A correspondent at Oregon City sends the
following communication for publication,
says the Herald. Our first impulse was to
reject it. for fear that its publication would
be regarded as an unwarrantable inter
ference in the legitimate business of others,
but upon a second persual can see no ob
jection to its insertion. It casts no reflec
tions upon the P. T. Company nor does it
extol any virtues of the Willamette Navi
gation Company. The article teems iu
perfect consonance with armed neutrality,
which we intend shall be our position in
such matters. The communication is
dated Feb. 26, and is as follows :
'Competition is the Life of Trade."
That we believe, is one of the great max
ims of the American people. Where one
can go another can follow ; if trade is
good for one party, nine times out of ten
it is good for another party if it be pushi d
with a determination to carry out the un
dertaking. We care not if the parly controls a cap
ital of ten thousand or of a million dollars,
if they are causing greater facilities to be
granted to the public in the way of travel
or traflic they deserve the patronage of
that public, and will receive more or less
of it.
Ia regard to the opposition, so called,
among the steamboat, companies on the
Willamette river above Portland, already
quite a beneficial result has been attained,
iiutsinuch as two boats leave Portland for
Oregon City daily, and rice versa, except
ou Sundays for the P. T. Company. For
a length of time they have had only one
boat running, and if a resident of Oregon
City wished to do any business in Pin t
land, either in batik or with a wholesale
merchant, he had either to go by land or
u the J'. T. Company's boats ; and al
though their hour of departure was noini
mally 1 o'clock p. m., it was frequently 2,
:! or 4 o'clock p. m., the detention being
caused by the delay of the upper boat,
and if they had wheat to discharge or Hour
to take on at Mihvaukie it would proba
bly be night when they arrived at Port
laud, making a necessary absence to the
traveler from Oregon Citv, to do business
that might be dono in thirty minutes in
busU.es 5 hours, of one day and two nights;
a severe tax.
The first steamers on the Willamette
were small, but did good business, and
were a great accommodation to the pub
lic. The idea of talking of the P. T. Com
pany having enemies in the light of oppo
sition, is simply ridiculous. What the
li..Anl.l It'.ll.l ...;M..n no.l If I.'
tonishing how much better the community
K'-Tally served under it.
On this subject the panic paper gives
the following prices of freight upon the
nivigable waters of the Valley, .so far as
able to ascertain them. The prices have
been reduced on the Willamette and Yam
hill rivers :
f Per Ton. "1
e. t. 0.
IJuUeviHe Uj Portland. . .5-' ju
.'. S. CO.
2 ro
c r, o
4 '. ')
! nianipoeg
; n,..vt ,i.
" . . . . li 01)
" 2 .V
j baf.iyeite
McMuiuvilio ' .... 2 .Vj ;
T.. ..1.1 1. 1.,- T T .. V. ..(-... .
0iposition. were as i'oi'ows :
j ihnteviHe to Portland
per Un.
Dav ten
Mc.M iunvillc
It seeems of but little use to publi.-h the
market prices now. Ten vessels could not
carry away the produce awaiting shipment
ia Portland. Wo tru
that the r-
.pposition by the Xorih American Co.,
will speedilv coir.e.
The followin" report of prices current is
mad.' u for our columns Way bv Messrs
! Channan Brothers :
i J i.i'i ii imperial. StiuuiaiM. .Monitor,
! and Harmag s brands S(.6 --ti oO bid.,
j outside brands oof.; :,u.
-Dull demand
at 00ff !o ct:;.
V bushel.
OATS The demand is about equal to
1 the supply, at lOc.
00(. ,
cl cwt.
l'l-.i-.n t. round so ton
?''iif.o ?.'.) ; Jiran SI 2.
Elil'lT ( ireeil Apples "p bx ."iOT") c:
Dried Apples p! 5b ext.oc; Dried l'eaches
none; Plums lo-;. pie. ,
CUitEl) .MEAT Ilacon 'r lb 10ef'M2c;
liams f! iu ii.se.; .Miotuuers of' 1 c.
LAUD In kegs !) c; tins lOc.
EC OS 20c. p! doz.
lilirTER Ordinary to prime "B lb 2t)
I'OULTrtV Chickens "A do. S2 30f7 ::
! tame Ducks 7"e. r pair ; tame Ccesc S2 oU
i H pair : Turkeys i2 oOC-r' ri pair.
, (;aME Crouse ode. pair, or $3 ft
Uoz.; 1 lieasaiits. -lOe. rl pair, or j-J, loz.
VE(;ETAIiE!:S Potatoes J. bu. 2. cts
Onions "fi H):) lbs SI oL)0$2.; Eeansj-' 100
lbs S:":ff S") "(.
HIDES--Salted "A lb -"c: dry 5(2,10
roirn.AM) putcKs.
Flour Ranging from $0" 00 to $7 00 'ft
Wheat Lots offered here are taken at
$1 n to :?1 10 ft bushel.
Eacon Sides. tXVlOc; hams, 1 !(7r;l.e:
siK,ltIets. t (. 7a Stock abundant.deinand
I light
I Lard
In tins, lab ile: Kess. 10c.
Eutter Packed solid. 10 and 12c.
brine, choice, 20 and
25c. Isthmus. 30
to :;Sic.
Eggs In good demand at '53c. ft doz.
Dried Fruits Apples, packed in new
bbls 10c: l'eaches, 12ic. and Elc: l'lums.
2(!o7: 2.jc.
Sugar Islands. 12. or I'djc; SanFrancis
co C. 14'M"tc. ; Crushed, in bbls. Die;
half bbls.. J 7c.
Syrup Heavy Cohlen, best brands,
81f'V,t!7e: Island, in bbls., '5."e
Uice Hawaiian, 10 c: China, No. 1,
Java. 27c : Eio. but little in
Co tfee
market, 22c ; Costa Rica. 2;h
Fish Salmon, bbls, f !) 00 ; half bbls,
?." 00; Mackerel. $11; kits. 3 50, Cod
fish. Ihe.
Salt Carmen Island 100 lb. sks, 27 50 ;
Dairy 50 lb. sks. $32 50 ; best ttav. 100
lb. sks. $25 : 10 lb.
10c : 3 lb. sks. Sc.
iks, 18c ; ." lb. sks.
Sax Fkancisco Maukkts Maucu -1th.
Flour $12 2513 75.
Wheat guiet at $3 20$3 25. The
latter for small choice lots.
Wool 2:!o1' 30 cents fh.
Hides Active at lsi( d!i for dry.
Colon Excited at 21c an advance,
lhitter 30(5. 3(5e.
Flour Quotable at $7 50.
Wheat $2 70.
liarlev Firm at $1 !n(?,2 00.
Uats Firm at $1 J0P2 15.
r, r tl.vx -.l.sertl.er ,r,-tt ...
follows ; " A tin tube made like a syphon.
driven into the vent of wine or eider md
.... 1.1 ..." 1 . !.- I.. . . -
ami mere is no loss, j uave uieu it. i e
w ill only add that it can be made by any
tin plate worker, and when once made
can always be kept for future use.
. . . c , . ,
A mixture of gelatine and glycerine,
liquid while hot, on cooling becomes solid.
retaining considerable toughness. The
neck of the bottle dipped into this melted
compound becomes covered with aa air -
tight eap.
Jt is said that t-heep w ill not bark trees
that arc whitewashed with a Ta;L' httvirig
a I'll'.-;' s'.-i'ep' tlta..e;rv li !t.
the otuer end inserted into a vial ofwater, lhru ,, t3ie cc.ll(l.r of feai(I KScVeutu and ! and sixty cents costs, and com- Rt 10 0i)ck 4 v if e healing d
will prevent the a:r from entering he bar- Jolm Adallis Ktreets. f -t-fy said execution out of tiie said and oi'hce. atw , icb d place
rel, while the gas escapes through the wa- Soc. mtu 'phat the center of the stone .' PI'-p" 3h Magone and aU ,artie3 interctd wiil be afforded ail op.
tor. Make he barrel otherwise tight. monilln,.nt now locaU.a at tlic 5l,.,ctioii of ! IA ( 1 h,aVC, Vrmnty for a bearing
hen the eider or wine in the barrel is ; lul aiul Jefferson streets ia this citv be w! t ' ' , Ut , It ufV ul X' WKN "ADE- "agister.0
done worktug. the water m the bottle will and lLe is bt.rel . Ucclarcd to b; lht. j - y: 1 "Vh; J1.1" ' LAUREN, Iieccivcr.
cease bnbblinL'. It reimrcs un fi in? un. ! .. .... .J , ; -,o. .. Known as me Magone land oaim, m . Feb. 21st. 18US. flfl.Xt
ToCisow Ct'CKwuKir. A correspond
ent of the Rural American says:'- Imme
diately after haying, turn over any d g n
erated meadow, and let it lie till the fol
lowing June, when it should be thorough
ly harrowed and cross-plowed, and left
two or three weeks to ferment under the
hot sun ; then top-dress, and pulverize
weil with the harrow, and sow from the
20th to the 21th of June, using only the
thumb and two first lingers, keeping the j
others closed on a small stone or other j
substance, in order not to scatter thegrain j
loo iree.y ; it it is sown too UMCiytue plants
are not stocky, and do not vield well."'
A Lesson Foil Faumeks. Mr. John Tuck- j
er, oi r ramum, -. 1.. twelve years ago
planted apple seeds, from which he has
raised an nrrOi.iVil nf 7'f !.. a 1T u-u (
years of age at the time he planted the j
seed- rrom those trees he last hill galhereu j
one hundred bushels of line apples, and
his orchard has been bearing for the past
five years. This fact should be an exam-
pie to all voting farmers to do likewise
At the time he planted his orchard the i
the probabilities were that he would not i
live long enough to derive any benefit ;
therefrom ; and very few men would have
done as he did.
Trent vonr horses with tlmf l.'mlness !
which is characteristic in all the actions of
a niercilut man. o annual will anme- ,
ciate it better, or respond to it with more ;
gratitude than the horse.
On Monday. March 2d, suddenly of heart
disease Mr liobert Orahant, rcsideutol tiiis
county aged about 6) vears. j
. '
tec. 1st. lie it oruauieu anu eSiaoiisiieu ,
bv the Citv Council of Oregon Citv. That i
the centre ol the stone monument now lo
eated at the iunction of Main and Third
streets in this city be and the same is hero-
by declared to be the point of intersec-
tion of a line drawn through the center of
said Main and Third streets. j
Sec. That the centre of th--: stone j
monument now located at the junction of ',
Mniii jinil l-'omtli sHi'i'U in thiseitvbe and I
the same is hereby declared to be the point
of intersection of a line drawn through the
te.itre o' Main and Fun: t'l sirei t :-.
Sec. :kl. That the centre of the stone
niOimnient located at the iauction of the
south line of Sixth with Main streets be J
and the same is herebv declared to be at i
the point of intersection of a line drawn
through the center of said Main street and
the soutli line of Sixth street.
Sec. lib. T!:at the cetiler
r th
monument located at the junction of the
northerly line of S ixth street with Main
street be and the same is hereby declared
to be the point of intersection of a line
drawn through the centre of Main street
oi .Maui
h street.
!e Nortii line of ,
ec. .tn. iiiatim? centre oi t!:e stone
monument, now located at the junction of
Main ar.d laghlh streets in this city be and
the same is hereby declared to be the
point of later sections of a line drawn
through the center of -.aid Main and Kighth
Sec. Cih. That the center c,f the stone
now located at the iauction of Main street
and Alio
tarongii ii;oci
:i and 21
1 this
citv be and the same
is hereby declared
to be the point of intersection of a line
drawn t'u rough the center of said Main
street and Aliey through Plucks twenty
one and twer.tj'-two.
That the centre
f the stone
e junction of
now located tit t
Main street and the north
th line of Blocks
!f and 2! in thi-; city
herebv declared to !e.
be and the same is
at the point ot inter-
ec ;ou 01 a !:;).' e. raw .1 s '.;
'!-li t';e ceii'.er
of said Main j.-treet and t!
v - 1
blocks ' i i ; 1 ' " iMid t'e::ty-e;;e.
S'ec. tth. That the center of the stone
1 monument now located at the junction of
.'lain ami i-orieeinn siireis in 101s c.i oe
and the same is hereby declared to be the
point of intersection of a line drawn
; Uirouirii the center oi .Maui ami twe'v
1 vlh
! streets,
c. :tth. That the centre of the stono
sent now located tit the iunction
Main and I'ourtei
nth streets in this citv be
and the same is hereby derlmed to be the
point of intersection of u line drawn
through the center of .Main and Fourteenth
Sec. lOih. That the centre of the stone
monument located at the iunction of the
; north hue of block 11 and lo with Main
j street be and the same is hereby declared
: to be at the point, of intersection of a line
1i-imo ( In-i 11 1 -.Ii 1)10 i.i.ii!it of s:iiil :e.:n
street and tho north line of blocks four
teen and litteen.
Sec. Uih. That the centre of the stone
monument now located at .he junction of
Fifth and High streets in this city be and
the same is hereby declared to be the
point of intersection of a line drawn
through the center of said Fifth and High
Sec. 12ih. That the centre of the stone
moni! mellf now loca.ed at uio jii..euon ui
Fifth and John Adams street in this city be
and the same is hereby declared to be the
point of intersection of a line drawn
through the center of said Filth and John
Adams street.
Sec. loth. That the center of the stone
monument now located at the junction of
Seventh and High streets iu this city be
and the same is herebv declared to be the,!
point of intersection of a line drawn
through the center of said Seventh and
High streets.
Sec. Uih. That-the center of the stone
monument now located at the junction ol
Seventh and John Adams streets iu this
city be and the same is hereby declared
to be the point of intersection of a line
drawn through the center of said Seventh
and John Adams street.
Sec. loth. That the center of the stone
monument now located at the junction of
! Seventh and Madison streets in thiscitv be
and the same is hereby declared to be the
i point of intersection of a lino drawn
I mrougn ine center 01 saiu r-eventu anu
j Madison strceis.
Sec. Huh. 1 hat the center of the stone
monument now located at the junction of
Seventhtaiid John ("uincy Adams street, in
this city be ami the same is hereby de
clared to be the point of intersection of a
line drawn through the center of said
Seventh and John Quincy Adams streets.
Sec. 1 th. 1 hat the center of the stone
through the center of said Seventh and
Van Uureu streets. j
Sec. isth. That the center of the stone i
I monument now located at the junction of
I the west line of Harrison and Seventh j
! streets be and the same is here declared to 1
be at tin; point of intersection of a line j
drawn through the center of said Seventh I
street and the west, line of Harrison street, i
See. 19th. That the center of the stone j
' . .. . . . , :
: iim:iuu!i'm iiuw loca.eu at mt juuciioii ui
Hth and John Adams street ia this city
monument now located at the junction of
! c 1111(1 UJ,; !i:illl' is nereoy deciarou to ue
. I..... i. , i. . - . s .... : .-l i.-t i. ...
iiiioii"ii nie ceuiei ii saiu i.iee.uu ami
.je.iersou hireeis.
I .. .
Sec. 21st. That thc center of the stone
monument now located at the iunction of
; Eleventh and Twelvth streets iu this citv.
, be and thu S;Um; u lR,roby (k.d:irt;d (( fa
! the point of intersection "of a line drawn
j through the comer of said Eleventh aud
j Twit lvtlli 'dtveis,
! a&si'u- -lIa,rc'1 'bs.
! J- M- MOOli!-:, City Recorder.
Ark yuur neicrhber to subscribe
r '.ue 1. r;t;rr.:r.
1,UJ- iI" 1 " ,,lv' u'. i. '"- j ceased, bv the Hon. Count v Court of Clack
monument now located at the junction of iun.,s t..Jimv oro.,OIli Theietore, r.U persons
Seventh and anjhtren streets in tins city J having claims or demands against said es
be and the same is hereby declared to be ' tate, will present the same to nic, with piop
the point of intersection of a line drawn er vouchers for payment, at my rastdeneein
Political Announcements.
CQT" We are requested to announce
thfft X. AV. KA3TPALL is a candidate for
nomination to the office of Clerk for Clack
amas County subject to tbn action of the
Union County Convention of March th.
g-We are reqursted to announce
nanie of SAMUEb J,. STEVENS, as a
,..,. ,kf ,.mltv Clerk.-
candidate for the
i subicct to the decision of the Union County
Convention of March 7th,
. i
wruiiHteinjuru iU.... j
the name of J. M. UACO.V as a candidate or
County Clerk, subject to the decision of the
Lnion County Convention ol Marcu i tu.
To thk Kkitdmcax Votkks axi
r,iE !
.OCX- i
rv Convention. The undersigned through i
,ht. solicitntin of a few friends.and I hope
, i.. ..i ,.t ,ln.- .. ,..,M,i;,i-,!,..rn. !
j the Kcpublicuu Convention for noaiina- j
: lion to run lor Count v Cleric at tne next
June eleetiun. entirely subject to vour j
action. I take this method of advertising j
in order that any who do not know me,
personally niav nave everv oimortunily ,
,f' lm1 oltt ior themselves how I am and
have been morally and politically,
i Kespectfuliv submitted,
j K):r. JAMES M. FnAZEU.
j Oregon City. Jan. iMh. 1-M.
i k,4J ' I. illc I . t UCMfU LU illlllUUIIl l- -
! I
; the name of R. V. SHOUT, as a candidate !
! for Sheriff of Clackamas Count v.-subject to
the decision of the Union County Convention
0t March Ttli, ls.;5,
lack- I
C5To the Union voters of Clack
anias county. The undersigned is a candi-
! date for Sheriil", at the June election, av.d de-
' s;res i,;s friends to rallv to hi sunnort.
I). 11. GOOD.
JrWe are requested to announce
j the name of II. E. II AYS, as a candidate for
' the otlice of Sherili' of Clackamas comity,
! subject to the action ...f the Union County
Convention, of March Tin, l5v"i.
"Wc are requested to announce j
ih-' lianie sf JOS. RARSTOVv', as a candidate
' for the oiilce of Shciifi'of Clackamas Co.,
subject to the ret ion of the Union County
Contention of March 7t!i. Is-js.
LQfl desire to submit my name to
the consideration of my friends, as a camli
Oate for nomination 0:1 the Union Ticket for
the ciue." of Treasurer.
H7f The undersigned
rase If a caudidalc fur tha ei!
ee of Countv
Assessor. subject to the fiction of the Union
County Convention. PETER I'AOUET.
vw Advertisements.
ITortli American S. S. Oo.
1. i 5 c; i : ci
Jo. ship company will d.ispatch
The Elegant and commodious S.S,
JusK.ru S1TT0N Commander
From Mission street Wharf, San Francisco,
OiiC hundrfd lbs. Baggage free.
Au exjHrirnecd Surgeon on board.
Medicines and At tendance free.
i-??Al! steamers of this Co. will hereafter
I Hereafter
reight and
touch at Manzuniiio, each way. 1
passage at reduced lutes.
:-Tr- Passa
e tickets from Liverpool and
bv Ihe Liverpool ami iie:it
1 esiern u-aiiisn:p v o. s siauncu anu ele
gaut steamships, at unusually low rates.
j ;.'T Passage fioni Prenien, Hamburg
Southampton and Havre, by fust- el.iss strs
j of the N01 th Germen I.lovils, at low rates.
i For further information apnlv to
! L W. K A YMUXI), Agent,
-cor mattery ami 1 aie sts. up stairs,
San Francisco.
Lot i, block -i'., in tbis city Applv to
li. It. DsLASliMUT, Oswego.
P$eLaugh5in House.
Main street, (opposite the Woolen Mills,)
Oregon City, Oregon.
Z "'.'" This is the most commodious HoM
in the city. Newly furnished, ami just open
for the reception of guests.
Z? It will be the endeavor of ihe Propri
etor to make lr.s euests comfortable. pjo.tf
! Estate of John Welch, Deceased.
! uiuh-rsined has been appointed Ad-
ministratrix of thc estate of John Welch, de-
. lol.iila, in suni county, wtllan six muntns
lrom this date. her
March 7th, Ibtis. '.'i'.4t maik.
liy virtue of an Execution duly issued
ont of the Circuit Court of the State of Or-
ei;on, for the county of Chicifamas, 111 favor
..1 s: v.- l..c- ..,.,1 i... :. ai... .
i .t M""" ." ""-' "i ... au,oi.e,
; tor tiie sum ot twelve lain. lied and eighty-
: five dollars, and interest at the rate often
; per cent per annum 110:11 llie'j'.'tli day ot Oc
county. Statu of (Ire -on
i i ... i i . .-n - . . .
; uounueu as ionows. lo-wit: On tin-south hv
.1.- i:. . j:. it , . .. : . . .-
; un- iimu iimuin? iub nusoanu s and wi i? s
pari oi stun claim, on the west and north bv
Lutte-creek, and on the east by thc easterly
line ot said cbuin. belli"' in sect inns 14. !.".
'i n,ndC.:-;,!f To,vn!5l'ip -r s"th range 1 west j qum ter, sn.d N half of S E onai ter, of sec
of the lllamette meridian, and containing tion SI, T 2 S U 1 W.
acres more or less; and I will sell all tbe
rig.it, ti,,e and interest ot said josepn A i-
gone in and to the same, at public auction,
to tne lugiiest Oiuder tor cash in hand, on
Saturday, April 1th A. D.
at the Com t House door in Oregon Ciir, in
aid County and State, at 1 o'clock P. M. of
snidjday, to satisfy sa'd execution and cost
oi s
W f. 1'. JJ L US,
r-r C-vjt.y.
Am IS. IaiIasidsm,
A U C T 1 O N E E l !
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Porthmd.
Of Ileal Estate, Groceries, General Merchan
dise and Horses,
Every Wednesday and Saturday f
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
EheImIi refined I5ar and llundle Iron ;
Kngffsh Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ;
icrew?, fjy-pans, sheet iron, ll. G. Iron ;
u.sp :
. lar-fs-.u m.ciu. .m i.Kpiorx,
A. D. RneuARDsox, Auctioneer.
. '
Forwarding Blcrehants,
awaiiaa and Oieon Packet Jaiic..
. "P' ?r;"V s.'V' Cc-" xCnr
S"!,'!'. " ' S '
1 A.'ei.ts for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved
u-,;t v.. !.!.. l'ir-L-lps ml Yiiwr..r
Healers "in Flour, Grain, 1'acon, Lard &
I Fruit, Lime, Cement and 1 'bister.
Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship
; nicnt of Merchandise or Produce in Nw
: York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or I'm tlaud.
No iio-i ami 20i California Street,
San Francisco.
1 North Front Street, Portland.
iSlailtl Jillll MOiaSSCS.
2,500 "8,!
150 P'P'LS.
ex-loiioliiln Packet, and far
j,aie by
Me! ior Swoetvsater!
I wish to ic'ivo notice to my li.te patrons
th:it 1 have disposed of my teaioni busi
ness to Mr. Win. Newman, who will continue
the business, and probably give as good sat
isfaction as I did, to nil employers.
Z'j" All aeeor.nts remaining duewust be
settled forthwith, as I am going east of the
mountains as soon as possible.
Ail persons having claims against nie
will please present them for payment.
L , C . Fuller,
Pays the Highest Price for Gold Dust
al Tenders r.nd ftnvernmont scenritivs
I.'IUU. u
!'t iillii sn!.l i Ins Kr,.nf
Portland, Oregon.
William Frcughton,
Al'.im at ro-1, OiV'jvu C'l'y.
Vv"iil rdtend to ail work in h.i? Imp, con
sisf 'ui-j; iu p.-irt of Cai-j'cnter and Joiner work.
framing, building, etc Jobbing promptly
ktteiiuei:! t-.j . ti
1 o.'.i"
1 f ,
l lctircu aiv!
Leae.t-iVii iocaimu, uwav
fi-oru the business portion of the city.
On Third, lel.ran B and C streets
1 rtlan d, Oregon.
Attached to the building are exfetisrf anr.
beautiful grounds, for tiie convenience ot
jmpils. The Ede.eatioiud Department wiil
be in charge of an ellieient corps of Teaehi r.i
No effort be spared to make ibis 1 h
stitute etiual to the best on the Pacific coast.
The Course of Studies
Will embrace all the brandies usually taush
in litst class Seminaries in thc East, in
cluding the t'!a.-ics, French, Ger
man Spanish, Mathematics, Ac.
The Musical dcpaitment will be conducte'.
by Prof. 11. (iriDo Giton, (traduateof PJamT
Conservatoiie. I'aities from the couutri
may cst assured that under the care of .Mrs.
Grot), , .Matron of the Establishment i, ihr
will experience all the attentions of moth
er, and enjoy the comforts of a heme.
Particular atti-ntion will be paid ti
j the choice, of Text books, in order to avoid Q
: anything of a Sectional or Partizan ratutr
J in our curriculum of .tudaes.
i For further iai tieulais, enquire at the In-
: stitute, or address
ii. (;uido f;i:or.
I xi.tf P. O. Pox No. ItJ?. Portland.
IN THE CincUIT UOUKT of the State of
A Oregon, for the County of Clackamas ?s:
.)'. cent. Keveone stamp. q
f'corge A. Pease, Administrator f lottlx
von, of the estate of liobert Moore, deceased,
plaintiff. vs. u
Daniel IT. Fcrirnson, beamier I lobars,
liobeit 1'entland, F. S. Holland and George
A bernath y, defendant.
v t!tr tiljrt !,,!,, 1', ffitilittit" :
In the name of the State of Oienon. You
i are hereby required to appear and answer
! the coirplaint tiled against you in the above
j entitled actio':, within ten days from thedatn
j ol the service of this summons upon you, if
served within thc said county; or, if served
j in any other county of this State, then wilh-
in twenty d.ivs from the date of the service
of tins siimmo is upon yon ; and if you fail
so to answer, for want t hereof, thc plaintiff
will applv to the Court for the relief deman
ded thtreiu JAMES U. LTTOX.
1. ".!!
Attorney for I'lil".
J ki.ou n as the tn 111 of Miller it Prase, in
t!u lumbcrinsr business at Oregon City, is
this day dissolved, (November 2th, lS'".7,l
by mutual consent. Those having claims
against said tirni will present them to SamT
Miller for payment, aud those owinir the firm
will please come forward and settle with
Samuel Miiler, who is authorized to receive
aud receipt. SAMUEL MILLEU,
The business will be carried on in the fu
ture by Samuel Smith, who will furnish all
kinds of lumber, both rough and dressed,
and all kinds of fruit boxes 011 short notico
and ;;t reasonable prices.
City, Oregon, Michael Fcker vs. Perry
Michaels. Contest in relation to lot of sec.
S, and lots ." and ti of sec. ia T. S li 1 K.
To said Perry Michaels : You are herebv
j uotilied that said Michael Feker has made
1 upplication to have vour homestead entrv on
.i....r.:i..i - i .1 . . i . .
...v t "-, nad 01 iaiiu eanecicu.
j '"iu to be permitted to enter the same, alleg-
i"g that you have abandoned said tract, aud
i you are lurtlicr notitieit that
"T v ".'111? I" si i vn i i.'t.-if-i.' v ,u?!.-
I i ii. .i i uiii.-
! I T,,ni-;v- Or.r..
James A. liobbius (
j Antoine Lucie, V. I). KeminTton, ilenrv
Mtriill, Thomas Price, and Il."w. Perce.
nnniii in v,-l-,iim ,i. i..,u- V v !
i To all tbe bov nmm..! i.i1f,..fnnf. V..u
To all the above named contestants : Yoi
re hereby uotilied thai the above eutiilet
ise is set for hearing al the said Land oliici
On Saturday the Ath day of April,
are herebv uotilied thin the above entitled
; case is set for hearing at the said Land otlice
Isi'.s. at tbe bom- of 1 o'elni-k i. of said
j duv, at which time and jjlacc all parties
; im'crestcd will be allowed a hearing,
I Feb. IVth 1 SCs,
: OWEN Vr l)E, Register.
: ULNPV "VAFi! UN, Ji-cei- ci.