o o o Q Yol. 2 ... OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1868 Vo. 17. o Oregon City EWTERPRISI ; . l)etUcckln Enterprise. . rCBUBHID KTKItT SATCRDAT MOBXI-VO By D. C. IRELAND, OFFICE: South east comer of Fifth and .Main- trcets, in the building Intel v. known the Court Iloaae, Oregon City, Oregon. X? Terms of Subscription. TOn eopr, one year in advance $3 00 . il delayed 4 00 Tcrtni of AdvtrtUing. Transient advertisements, per square (12 lines or less) first insertion ...$250 For each subsequent insertion 1 00 Itusinesa Cards one square per annum payable quarterly 12 00 jDite column per annum 1-0 00 ftuc half column " 60 00 )n quarter " " 40 00 Legal advertising at the established rates. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. F. Barclay, M. R. C. L.v J (Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) ,-.,. -.OFFICE: At Ite$dentt, Main Street (.Vi Oregon City. ' Dr; CHAEIS BLACII, Physician, Srirjeoh and Accoucheur. OFFICE Corner of Washington, and Front trecU, l'arrih's Block, 1'ortland; Oregon. RESIDENCE Washington atreet, between Fourth and Fifth streets. ('--ly 0. P. MASON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 102 Front st., Portland, Oregon. VTHIJi ATTEND TO IJ US IX ESS IX AXV V V Court in the State or Washington Territory. Including business uuder the Bankrupt Law. S7:ly D. M. McKEWKEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. WILL ATTEXI) PROMPTLY TO ALL busiucss entrusted to his care, C kicc One door north of Hell k Parker's J'rugr store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3;ly J. WELCH, DEXTIST. Ptrtnanently Located tit Oregon City, Ortjon. Rooms witkDr. Salfarans, on Main street. A. C. UlBi. C. W. I'AKRISU, JYolary Public and Com. of Ifeedt. GIBBS & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at-Lawt PORTLAND, OREGON. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter's Xew Uriek Iilcck. n3 C. JOHNSON. r. O. M COWN. r- Xotary 'ublic. JOHNSON & McCOWW, nr blvotisiz n : OK KG OX CITV, OREGON. Will attend to all business entrusted t i our care in any of the Courts of the State, ollfct money, negotiate loans, sell real es tate, etc. I'Partieular attention given to contested l-yi I. MITCHBLL. 1. J". DOLPH. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Dolph Smith, Attorneys end Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc- . tors in Admiralty . IW Oce o-cr the old I'oat'O ce, Front btreet, I'jrtlaiid, Oregon. BENTON KILLIN, IPL jm-.'LW TfcT 12 : Oroi Citj, Orrgont . ORIea in Charman's Brick Block, up Staira.O (50:tfj jABIEg M7r00BEj Justice cf the Peace ct- City Recorder. Office In the Court House and City Council Itoom, Oregon City. Will attend to the acknowledgment of jetds. and all other duties appertaining to tbcotlice of Justice of the Peace. ':ly ATTOrr??F.V AND CoCN3ELOR-AT-LaV, br rgon City, Sreyon. l 2F,0ice over the store of Pope k Co., Main street. 4'i.tf C. A. DOLPH, AttORSKT AND CoUXSELLOR-AT-LaW, VE Office 106 Front street, Portland. Ore gon. (45. 6 in C. P. FERRY, ' (Late Ferry & Foster, : BL WL. ynK Xo. loS Front street, Portland Agent North , British and Mercantile Insurance Company. , And Manhattan Life Tnsurar.ee Co OVKIVXMENT StCtTR'lflES, StOCS" T Bond, and Rcul Estate bought and Sold on Commission. r .. 3:1. DAVID SMITH, ,Succtor to SHITIt it MA Its HALL, Black Smith and Wagon. Maker, .Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. SUcistrit&rp'ff. in all its branches. Watron making end rf'psirVjf. All work warranted o give satisfaction. CLARK GGREENMAN, CX . iKSl. . way man, 0 REG OX CITY. AU orders for the delirerv of merchandise, or jackae?s and freicht ot whatever descrip tion, to any j.art of the citr, will be executed promptly and with care. ' l?.6m wTTrinoHFiELD, Established aince m.. at the old stand, Maix Sirsbt, Oaeoox Citv. An nsortm?ftt of Watches'. Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as repreted: Kepairinijs dons? c fi short nctits, and thankful for past faTors. (37 I. S. ROSENBAUM & Co., No. 45 Front Et., Portland Oregon. . . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Tolaeeo, Cigars, Snvf, Stationery, Yankee Notions, and Toyt. Ofdrs r-rowr-t'y cttded t"v (i-tf" OPKMSG ODE. TO THE ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. AIR : JTST BEFORE THE BATTLE MOTHER. Here ttround the altar meeting, Where the sons oflight combine ; " Mingled with our friendly greeting, Is the glow of love divine ; For this Hall to virtue given. And our emblems on the wall, Point us to the Lodge in Heaven And the Master of U3 all. Cliorus. Keep in view the Lodge siipernal Life is love enthroned in Heaven, Where the true light never waves, And our mortal sins forgiven. In the bonds of Mason's duty, Seek we now the Mason's libt,' Forms of wisdom, strength and beauty Teach us what is good and right ; Far be every sinful passion, Near be every gentle grace ;. And so at last this holy mission Shall reveal our Master's face. OiOrxts. Keep in view the Lodge supernal, Life is love enthroned in Heaven, Where the true light never waves, And our mortal sins forgiven. GOLD Oil GUEESBACKS. The question as to whether the portion of the national debt sooa to fall due, or rather, soon to become redeemable, is to be paid in gold or greenbacks, is tlte absorbing topic with a large proportion of the press of the eastern Clates. The difficulty seems to be in settling the exact con ditions under which these bonds were issued. By oris elds it is contended that the clear understanding was that they were to bo paid in gold, al though there is nothing pn the face of the bonds to indicate it, and letters of Secretary Chase, who had control of the Treasury Department wliea they were issued; ate referred to as evidence of the correctness of that view, jlnd it is further contended that gold was at that time yet the common currency of the country ,' and was therefore understood to be the medium in which redemption ibr final payment was to be made. By the other side the plain fact is held forth that gold is not specified on these bonds, while there are others of later issue upon which such a spe cification is expressly made. This distinction is claimed by the advo cates of greenback payment as suffi cient justification lor the assumption that they were issued with the under standing that they were to abide the chances of what might be legal ten der at the time they were, called in. Now it cannot be denied that there is much plausibility in the arguments on both sides, and it is not only to bp wondered at that so important a matter should have been left in such an uncertain condition, but is also to be seriously regretted, on account of the opportunity it gives to rjccu la tors for manipulating the government securities for iheir own 2urP0SCS It is, however,' beyond controversy that the legal obligations of the Gov ernment would, be piet by the pay ment of these bonds in greenbacks, as contended for by Stevens, Butler, and others;' but thettroral phase of thecuection fs another matter. We incline .o the opinion that it would be better policy for. cur Government to take the liberal vies7, and settle even to the last dollar in gold coin. The argument that such a pol icy would injure the public credit by indicating unnecessary extravagance; Is of little weight compared with the effect of ignoring a moral obligation upon technical .grounifs. - Liberty of the Tress in France. M. Peyrat, the principal editor of the Areieir National, has been c.ondemned by the Tribunal of Correctional Police to a month's im prisonment and a fine of one thousand francs for excititig hatrcl anil' contempt of the Government. M. Lopelletier, Advocate Imperial, directed the prosecution, and M.Emmanual Ara go defended tiie accused. The Gatling Gcn. Our, posts in the Indian country are supplied with these formidable weapons, so placed as to command all the approaches. By slowly turning it around, while the balls are sent out at the rate of a hundred a minute, the ground can be swept as effectually as by the firing of a whole file of soldiers armed with ordinary guns. - . The Austrian vagabonds get homes for the Winter by cursing loudly against the Emperor or in public. The police, every where vig ilant, ot once hear, and send the ras cals to warm quarters for six months. The Roman States owe about 81,000,000,000, and the revenue hardly rj the interest pn the debt. From Ilowia & Maguire's "Settlement of the t Kocky Mountains." THE VALLEY OK THE CO C3IB1A. Valley of the Columbia! Grandly sublime and softly beautiful! A deep, broad, crystal river a river of ever green forests and trailing vines of mountains and valleys and flashing cascades. Wild, weird, romantic a blending of all beauties! In ascending the Columbia, the voyager is not oppressed by that las situde of mind which is experienced by monotonous expanses, either of mountains or plains. Even if he come from the fragrant swards and slopes of California, when she is in her most fascinating mood when wrapped in robes of flower-spangled greenj with Italian sunbeams playing around her brow- he will, neverthe less, upon entering the clear, sapphi rine waters of this noble river, be en chained and enraptured as he never was by natural scenery before. Hill and valley, fresh and verdurous, move before his vision like the pleasing combinations of a huge kaleidoscope. Here various vines cf spontaneous growth, from that of the modest bud to the full-blown flaming eglantine, profusely clamber up the overhang ing rocks, spreading from the water's edge to the evergreen forests above, a curtain of emerald, studded with blossoms of every hue. This viny and floral display gradually fades from view, and an unassuming cottage is disclosed the more lovely for its humility its orchards fragrant with blooms, or scarlet and golden with ri pening and ripened fruits. This scene too, floats away like a sweet dream, and then,' let loose from its rocky confines, a mountain torrent come6 shivering down, midst raiuiature rain bows, like a shower of diamonds. First looming in view far out on the PaciGc, Mount IIood-on3 ,of the monarch mountains of the Western World bears the voyager company for hundreds of miles. He stands forever, like a sentinel of the gods over the wonderful creations below. Let not the reader suppose this a fancy sketch. It will not bethought such by any who have traveled the Columbia in the summer months. The Columbia is one of the few great rivers that cross leading moun tain ranges. Ivising In the far north among the pinnacles of the Rockies, she cuts the Cascades in twain, five or fix hundred miles below, and near their greatest altitude. Boiling and foaming among their stupenduous rocks and frowning projections, on either hand, she emerges but to again enter though in mcllified mood an other region upheaved by the throes of nature; and her volume is finally poured into the ocean through'a gate way of the coast range. This at once accounts for and sufficiently for. tifies our description of the pictur esqueness of the Columbia its water falls, cascades aDd crowning forests. It must not be thought from these outlines that valleys in the Columbia basin are either few or limited in ex-, tent. They are multitudinous and ample, and many are of unsurpassed fertility. , The valley of the Willam ette is the meet prominent. . This tributary having its source to the southward far towards the California line, meanders between the Coast and Cascade range, laving, with its thoti? sand feeders, an embryonic empire. Portland,, the metroplis. of Oregon, is within a few miles of its mouth. Yes, the Columbia drains a region that fs destined for the best achieve ments. of civilized man in every eno- bling field- -m agriculture, commerce and arts, literature and scieuce. The ..-.. ,A, , . ... , . .... , , .- , plow, the trident and the engine will bring wealth and independence ; the church, the. college and the school will promote and foster intelligence and morality; sons of genius will rise up on her banks, and make tfiem clas sic soil ; and then will she dispute in cotemporary fame with the Thames and the Rhine, and have a history as enduring as the Tiber. , Owing' to, the generally precipitous character of the banks of the Colum bia,' nearly alf the towns" and villages have been established at or near the junction of confluents. Hence the early importance acquired and still held by Colville, away up in the north western corner of Washington Terri tory, near the international boundary line. It is situated on the edge of an extensive valley, a few miles below j rlat Bow Lake, and a' still less dis j tance below the mouth of Clarke's I Fork, or the Flathead river. The j surrounding country. is unusually lev el, and comparatively speaking, low; I climate, milder than Rever'ardegreeg j .fouthj on the tributaries' ef the Mis sissippi ; soil, a deep, rich loam; tim ber, a sufneiney at handj and inex haustiblequantities not distant. These constitute Colville's real elements of prosperity; bat stearnboatnien and general speculators have endeavored, iu late years, to give the place ioflas ted prominence as the head pi naviga tion. As it was a splendid country for game elk, deer, bear, antelope, marten, etc. it had long been fre quented by trappers and Indian tra ders, with whom, it was a favorite winter retreat. Later, a few intrep id pioneers of the lower Columbia, attracted by the natural advantages we have detailed, and the certainty of fortunes by awaiting develo.percent, moved thither with their families and settled. The discovery of void Soon lollowed, when hundreds rushed in j from Oregou and California. Then a military garrison was there est;tb' Hshed ; after which the place was, and still is, perhaps ever will be, known as Fort Colville. The Adulteration of Women. A spicy correspondent of the Louiss ville Courier ralates the matrimoni al experience of one " Verdant Green,'' a friend his: Verdant had lived an unsophisti cated life, until he reached the ripe age of twenty one. About that time a neighbor of V.'s father employed a governess . from New York. V. met her at a pic nic, and as she was the first lady he ever met that could make him feel at ease in her society, he fell violently in love with her. His bashfulr.css, under the fckilJful tutelage of the govern ess, wore rapidly away, and ere long he had consented to become her bridegroom. The bridal party stop ped at a Cincinnati hotel, and after many a weary hour the most mo rnentuous moment to a man's whole life arrived for Verdant. On two chairs was piled a pyramid of skirts, etc., and on a table near the head of the bed the astonished eye of Verdant beheld a sijjht which froze him with horror. There were false calves, false.hips, false palpitators and false hair In one tumbler of water was a full set of false teeth, from another a glass eye stared at the bewildered bridegroom. v- How long he stood, Verdant knowtth not, but altera while a hollow and strange voice from under the bedc-Iothes addressed him thus: 'Why d'ia't you go to bed, my dear?" "So I would, but, by , I don't know..wbether to get into bed or on to ths table !'' What Spiritualists Might Do if Their Doctrines "svere Correct. M. About, the.French author, writes weekly for, a Paris pcper .under. the head of "chats," hitting off the follies of the day in a witty and sarcastic manner. Speaking of on article of his pn spiritualism, an exchange says: 'i...... Mr. About remarks, very justly, that if he had but very little spirit such as these men claim to have at their service, he would go at once to work, discover all the secrets of science,- .furnish mankind--with untold wealth, give liberty to all slaves, white as well as black, restore health to the sufllrer, stop nil wars, end all dissentions, and change tho globe into one great garden of delight.; The spiritualists .have not tone,', bet mil lions of spirits at their service, and thanks to their supernatural allies they do what? They knock at the wail, they untie knots, and. play the fiddle in the wardrobe! Indeed, the demigods of our day have become very modest! But worse than that. These men, superior to other men these masters of the. upper world; these generals of the airy army which is continually flitting around us in the' invisible, these great lords who could send a couple of spirits with a corpo. ral to the. Messrs. Rothschild to- open their strong boxes and make us all happy, refuse to do a single act for the beieGt of the. poor, the suffering and the unhappy. m ... i - , ..- A precocious . youth attending school, in Decatur, 111., got off the following composition on the dog: '"Dogs" is useful'er as cats. Mice is afeered of mad cats. They bite 'em. Dogs follers boys and catches a hog by the ear. Hogs rarely bite. Peo pie eat hogs,and not the Jews asuthey and all other animals that doc3 not chaw the cud icn't clean, ones. Dogit sometimes get hit with boot jacks for barking of nights. Sleepy people get mad and throw at 'em. They do more for man than grown hogs or coons or even goats. Goats smell. The end." A patent threewheeled dray or truck is attracting much attention iu New Bedford, Mass.. It is said fo be a great improvement on the old two wheeler in speed and convenience of turning and backing. If all the Southern States are fidmitted, the full electoral vote, will be 317 : absolute majority required, 159. - . -One cf the most disgraceful ways of women To weigh two bun drd. GENERAL GR.lSr.'S PROTEST Against the Rtmaval t Stanton and Sheridan. : , . i . t , It will be remembered that when Gen. Grfant wrote his. ringing letter to the President protesting against the removal of Sheridan,, he referred to a letter marked ? 4 private,', which he had written to Mr. Johnspn when Secretary Stanton was removed from office, and which (he stated " had . a bearing apon the removal of Sheridan and which he boped would have pre vented iV' At the time there was a general anxiety for the publication of the letter marked "private;'' but though the General had referred to it in this public manner, thus removing the restriction of privacy in regard to its publication, Johnson did not choose to give it to the country. But on the 17th December, it was sent, amoug other documents, to the House of Representatives by General Grant himself, in response to a reso lution of that body calling for certain documents and correspondence. The Chicago Tribune's special says that this letter, protesting vigorously against Stanton's removal, produced a sensation at Washington, and would " prove a great card for Grant' The letter is worthy to be placed side by side with the letter written at the time of Sheridan's removal. General Grant's declarations are so clear and decided that there can be no room whatever to cavil about his position. beg that every Union man wilj read the letter which is here ap pended says the Oregonian; ,4 ... . Private. IIeaxqCartrrs Aumt United States, ) Washington, Aug. 11, 1 Si7. f To His Excellency, Andrew Juhusou, Presi dent of the Ljnited States : Sir 1 take the liberty of address ing you privately on the subject of the conversation we had this morn ing, feeling as I do the great danger of the welfare of the country shoujd you carry out the designs then ex pressed; first, on the subject of the displacement of the Secretary of War. His removal cannot be effect ed against his will without the con sent of the Senate. It was but a sjiort time since that the United States Senate was in session, and why not then have asked for his re inoval, if. it was decided? It certain ly was the intention of the legisla tive branch o' the Government to place a Cabinet Minister beyond Jhe power of tli6 xecutire removal, and it ia pretty w'ell . understood that so far a3 Cabinet Ministers are affected by the Tenu-e of Office bill it was. in tended especially to protect the Sec retary of War, whom the country felt great confidence in. The mean ing of the jaw may be explained away by an astute lawyer, but com mon sense and the views of loyal peopTe.wjlI.gi7e it the effect intended by its framers. . ; .. , Second, on the subject of the re moval of the very able Commander of thef 5th, Military District; Let me a.sl: you to consider the effect it would have upon the public. . He is universally .and deservedly ; beloved by the people ..who sustained this Government throughout its trials, and feared by, those who would still be enemies of the Government. It fell to,, the lot of but few men to, , do as much against any enemy as Gen eral Sheridan did during the rebel lion, and it is within the scope of the ability. of but few fin this or. any other country, , to do what be has. His civil administration has given equal satisfaction. lie has had diffi culties to contend with , which no other District Commander has ; en countered. Almost if not quite from the day he was appointed District Commander to the present time, the press has given out that he was to .be. removed, that the administration was dissatisfied with him. This has em boldened. the opponents cf the laws of Congress, within his command, to oppose him In every way in their power,, and has rendered necessary measures which otherwise never have been necessary. might In conclusion, allow me to say, as a friend desiring peace and quiet, and the , welfare of the w hole country, North and South,' that it is my opinion that the loyal people. of this country I mean those who support ed the Government during tbe great rebellion will not quietly submit to se the very man of all others whom they have expressed their confidence in, removed. . I would, not have;taken the liberty of addressing the Executive of the United States thus, but for the con versation on the subject alluded to in this letter, and from a sense of duty, feeling that I know that I am right in this matter. With great rcspeetyour obedient eerrant, (b.gn4) U. fc. GRA.NT, GtseraJ. The Slave Songs of the Sunny South. The J?ien aijd , women of , the, sooth, who last so much along with the "lost cause," lost nothing 50 titterly us the dorriestisjjec iarities which were as. sociated.with the system of negro sla very. The recollection of the old life on the plantations, of the once fa miliar faces ,nnd faithful, servitude, and grotesque gambols, and.inimitas tie dances and songs of the race who dwelt in humbler quarters hard by the now ruined homes of the great southern land-owners, must always be blended with a certain pathos in the minds of those who were reared in the south while yet the " institu tion " flourished. That was the time when neither Sambo thought of a " vote " nor Dinah impersonated in " SojournerTruth " of" woman's rights." That was the careless, hap py time; .wherein ,both Sambo and Dinah, after their honest day-work wa.over, used to disport hemse!ves, naturaljy and joyously ;,like the light hearted, merry-go round creatures that they really were nay, that they really are, whenever their lot is cast co that they (pan relapse, into their normal condition; whenever and wherever they have found quiet and repose under kind and judicious di rection, from the independent strife against superior odds for which they are so ill adapted, and which tends to foster into amusing but painful prominence those worst foibles of their nature, vanity and conceit. That v? as the time when the . banjo was in all its glory. A glory, of viv id turbans and patri colored scarfs aud yellow draperies surrounding it; an intricate shuffling of . heels and tossing of arms, aud a clamorous pat ting of many bronzed and calloused palms together, were its accompaui incnts until the .blood of hc dancing throng of daikeys rose to fever keat ; when the spirit of song descended up. on the multitude, and reascending from their throats in such staves And ditties as nerer were heard in all the world before: I'm gwine o Alabamy. Oh h-t, Fc'r to sec my mammy, Ah-h-h. She went from ole Virginny, Oh, And I'm her pickanninny, Ah. h,e liea on the Toiribigbec-fr.Ob., I Ti-ish I bad her with me, At. Now I'm a good big nigger, Oh, Keckou I wont be bigger, Ah. - . 1 ; ... , '.. But I'd liko to see rry.rrarcmy, Oh, "Who lives in Alabamy, Oh. . ..Nobody. who, ver, heard a. distich like this, chanted by a. band of ne groes about a lurid fire of faggots in the. night, can. forget the impression produced by its strangebarbaric ca dences. , Later, when the dance was done, .thers were always a , few who remained clustered in frogt of the cab in door-sways or on adjacent fences, and joined in singing or wailing all sorts of fantastic doggerel, until the lights in the master's house were out and it was so longer prudent to make a noise, , The last song that was sung was. very likely to be a hymn some thing with. a " go-tomeeting " or " go to-heaYen " in it, and abounding in deep base, notes: ,., . . I know member, know Lcrd, 1 know I yedde de bell.da ring. Want logo to meetin('cietj. lecter, . praise-house), Bell da ring. The false and degenerate negro minstrel troupes who have establish ed themselves n the northern cities, give us nothing .of this kind, end therefore nothing like the truly characteristic melodies that used to ring out of real African months on the - plantations and decks of riven steamers in the Southern States be fore the, rebellion. 1 The ballads simple and beautiful as they . are -were written and set to. music by son writers in,, the North and sung by the old-fashioned rrnnrstrels years agt out tne songs of Virginia. and Alabama slafes," are rarely sung by the .opera-bawling minstrelscf today. Yet even these would not suffice to represent the slave songs proper, and would convey a. one-sided estimate of the negro nature, from, which sprung the inefficient' ideas, the uoudiq : nna twisted yearning after .indefinite -things, the cloudly conceptions, the weak pathetic plaints, that! tire, if not expressed, spasmodically intimated in rhymes Uke these we have quoted. These: endemioal lays are in fact .-chief among the signs and evidences cf the normal African character. .:They; disclose its perturbations,;, its -i un balanced superstitions and credulity, its disposition to accept and ddealize, albeit iq roigri ways; whatever is set before it. as gorj'd .The. two ideas of thepower of Christ and the strength of faith, for instance, could not have been presented bj any one save a Southern negro, os they are in these stanzas of a strain often chanted, in the South before thd wan King Jesns, ha waasq strong (te?.) rr.y Lord, That he jarred ciown the walls of bell. Don't J9,u LeAr what d chariot say ? bit,) D fore wheels ruu by de grace of God, An" ds hind Thee'e dsy ran by faith, j AMERICA. The largp views which modern men of science take of America and American affairs, are well illustrated in the subjoined passage from Sir Samuel Baker's address before the Geographical Ethnological Section, of the British Association: . .. "Columbus achieved the feat that has' completely altered the geog raphy of his; age, by thediscoveryi of America.. How little did he dream that within the short interval of three and a half centuries, the New World that he had discpver,ed; .would., be able to. defy the the Old: that; upon the wave which rocked the frail can noes.iron-clads would fly, the stars and stripes, . that a vast nation &f . .Clyis tian men should spring from the new soil and people, t,he desolate wastes; thaj ,the, w.ildernesj sholud become a gardenyand .the - swamps luxuriant cotton( fields; that great cities should; arise upou the. margin of her. rivers, that, the slaves should, be .rendered free; and that theelecric spark should speakin the profound depthsof the At lantic,, aud hold communication each minute with the West! that, weary distant West' ta which for weeks and weeks he had struggled on . toward unknown shores, lost or, a boundless ocean, but trusting in a Deyine guide who 'Watched, over .the human instru ment that steered onward on the grand path to civilization.- In the short period of three hundaed and eighty years.a small. practical portion of the interval assigned to-the exis tence of. man upon, our earth, what vast changes, have occurred, not only in geographical discovery, but by its results ! America. has, become a giant, an irresistible power upon her. own soil separated from Europe by an ocean that renders her secure from, hostile aggression. With every variety of climate, from the frigid to the torrid zone, .with ; fertile . -soil, boundless forests navigable . rivers of prodig ious extent, and commodious ports, tin future of that wonderful country may be prognosticated by acompari iscn with the past. The first steps of a young colony are,. slow. and full of difficulty but if, In three hundred and eighty years, ..America has attained her present high position from an ut terly savagts state, what - part will that vast ccntinei.t ..assume in the fu ture history of the world T' Time. A, map is confiued in pris on; Iiq has access to. water only by means ot a small tube, through . the walLpf his. cejl ; by turning the stop per the. .reservoir .is hidden, from his i view, so that the quantity of water is unknown ta. him. ,,At his entrance he is told that he, must. die the very moment the last drop. of .water,., is gone., . Shortly, he .unthinkingly turns the stopper and. Jets .the -wjiter -spirt out for amusement; but at length, sudden, reflection .brings hjm to con sider,.what hp is doing, and he ex claims to h'mself, "Alas ! what a fool I am thus to .waste this water, Jbr the last drpp, seals my doom in death. I am ignorant of the quantity there may not be a gallon ; I wi'l , hence forth use only wbat necessity compels me, to do,'' , The prison is this wprld, and Time is the water... We know not . how--..much remains to us. May vre rightly improve it. A man of exceeding great parts, of profound wisdom and deep pene tration, . was summoned - to appear upon a coroner's jury, in. the case of a man who had-, committed suicide by , hanging. Near the body , was found a pail of water. :Tho .other jurors gave their,.opini.on; but not so this man. .He must be sure, and not commit himself. So, drawing him splf to full hight, he said; u Gentle men,, before venturing to give any opinion, I .would like to ask whether it is the sense of this body that the man brought the paiLot -water heore, er after hanging. himself." This was too much; and the jury even indulged in stveral minutes' laughter, much to i the chagrin ot the astute juror. : A Remarkable Sight. A con temporary, speaking ot the- decora tions of, Grace Cathedral on Christ mas Day, says: "The ctately,, pillars were gorgeously intertwined with evergreens." .Notning short of a miracle could have accomplished such a feat as that. Divorced Couple. Remarried. Eight or ten years ago a couple in Zanesville, Ohio, became tired of each other and were divorced. Isoth parties were remarried, an both lost their -new partners, lieccntly they forgot' their grievances, revived their aid affection, and becanue husband and wife. A Tf.st. To ascertain whether your wife U jealous, lace up another ladv's shoe, and let her catch you at it. If that don't make her turn eat, spit, and become round shouldered nothini; will. Work with a will,, is ra.th.er good advice to any one)' The lawyer likes this kind of Work, 'where, the will is fat on?. HOPS. .. - The gardener is in constant pur suit of the most hardy, productive and valuable varieties, of fruits, ber ries, and vegetables of every descrip tion.. , So with the herdsman un known thousands have, beep spent in searching out the bept breeds of cat tle, horses, sheep, swine, and fowls. The same pav be said of the vine yardiat. .Innumerable columns have been. written upon the different va rieties of grapes, toobtain the most hardy, productive . and valuable grades, and the mostv formidablu against the attacks of vermin and diseases. , While the pen and press have been.nearl6ilent upon the cul tivation of hops, its acreage, use and value has been rapidly increasing. Whereas, as yet, very little hai boeii said and but few colutr.u', if any, have been devoted in regard to the best variety to be cultivated. From this neglect, nearly all the inexperienced suppose there is but one variety. To such,, this is a sad, and fatal, mistake There are as many different kinds of hops as of fruit or grapes, and as lia ble. to the attack of. diseases. ..At the present time the hop crop, stands No. 1, among the most saleable and best paying products tof .the country; and! as the vermin a re., making their at tacks upon this noble plan,t, ..the fu ture, success of the, grower, will de pend entirely, upon thpv. selection of the variety that is most formidable against . the attacks of its enethies. In many of the oldest hop .grow ing districts experiments have, been made on the differejit varieties, side by side, and results., have satisfactorily proven the English Cluster to be f.ir superior in eyery respect. . They are the earliest,, rich, hardy, productive and saleable . variety known. The ayerag"e yield, of the English Cluster is frcci.ebjhtcen hundred to. twenty, five hundred poundj per , sere, wh'.li the average, qt" others isbui from oi;-.' thousand to-. -fourteen hundred pounds per acre, and cf an inferior quality. 0 . , -- r-. ; The foot of the ass s one of the most ingenious .and unexapipled spe cies of mecb.au.ism in , animal struct-, ure., The.Locf contains a. . series of vertical .and thin lamina of horn, so numerous as to amount. to about five hundred, and j forming a completu lining tojt. Tu ihis.re fitted os many lamine belonging to the coffin bone,, while both sets re elastic and adherent, The edge of a quire of pa per .inserted leaf ;y ;leaf into anoth er. will convey a sufficient idea fif the arrangement., .Thus .the weight of the annual.. is.suppofrtedJby s nfany elastic, springs as there are lamina iu all the, feet, amounting to about four thousand; distributed jn che mo t se- cure manner, since every spring is acted cn in ,. , an . , oblique direction. Such is the contrivance forhe saffty of an anircal destined tevcarry great er weights than, .those of his own body, and. to carry those also, un der the hazard of heavy shocks. 0 . " Seasonable.. Hints." The Al bany Journal recently presented tb. following and called it " seasonable hints.''.. The .oil of pennyroyal wilb keep mosquitoes out of a room,, if scattered, .about even in smal?. quan tities. . Roaches are exterminated by scatteriug a handfu of, fresh ci'jn. ber. parings about the. ho,usq. . Ho fiy will light .on the windov , vrhith has been washed with water in which a little garlic has beep vashed. .. Where's yopr mosquitoes? whera your, flies? Then forGfresh cacuniv bcrs; that's the rub. . Miss Flite's case has a pafalle : iaFrance. A certain Mite. Sell has been haunting courts of Kw for thirty years, claiming a large proper ty. She was stigmatized as a mono maniac, but persevered aud cow gets judgment for a million and a half frances. things" pretty closely, msar.kedilhV other da; tbat milk aud water were ' kin, one to. the otier. When' uskid' what kin -water was to rdilk, he replied 'pmp kin. D.'lo'st a" frleud' from ' that Euomehw ; Mr. Instep thinks it is strange that as his wife and himself are one they can't step into the theatre cn, one ticket. Instep doji't take into consideration that the treasurer : ;es " double apd wil seize for twe ud then of course he's won. Let us hone that agriculture' will be speedily taught a.& a science;' and that our common schools will' become the'ective abettors of that business which feeds slid" cJothws tbf vcrld.