Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, February 01, 1868, Image 2

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iDielili) Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon :
r. g. i:u:lax:, editor ano rn. puietop..
Saturday, Felwuars lst5 1053.
L. P. FISHER & Co., Roonrs 20 and 21 Xew
Me: -chants' Exchange, Sacramento street.
arj our only authorized Agents in ,Saa
Francisco. j
DALY & STEW.XS, cor. front and Mori-;- !
B. t LKWLS, Esq., will continue to act for j
tis jh Oeneral 1 raveling Airent. !
1(ie 1 l'blic .Domain. An at
tempt was recentlyomade in Congress
to put Pstop to granting lands to aid
railroads. But though a few members-protested
in a vehnicnt manner
against further donation1?, the House,
ly a derisive vote of 103 to 139, re-
fused to change the policy which has ;
been followed for sevrrnl voars on.1 !
notice is tlvns giren that land grants
will be continued to aid these imJ
portant public enterprises. It would
Reem that there is little danger of the
nnbl-lr. ,'lnm.iin bmn.r ovWct.i f,.
son.e time yet, as ;!ie Land Com
missioner estimates that the Govern
ment still has 1,813,098,400 acres,
and Mr. Seward is likely to remain
at the head of the State Department
for more than a year to come, giving
the country extensive opportunities j
fur multiplying its acres and thus
providing for future muniGccnt do
nations of land. The Land Commis
punier reports, further, that Congress
ly two thousand millions of acre;
Qhich remain in possesion of the
Government is composed cf deserts
0, ...
ii nd mountains; but there is a great
amount of rSeli and valuable land yet
undisposed of. There are still "lands
fi:r the landless," without going to the
Poles orhe Tropics, to Alaska or
Othe West Indies.
The British Government after ,
mature consideration, have determin- i
ed upon placing all the telegraph j
lines in the United Ivingd
Aingdoni under ;
the control cf the postcfiicc depart-ir-ent,
and telegrams are to be trans
mitted at iireativ reduced rates. The
Lngltii were years in auvance or us, j
iiP etb!ihing cheap postc
and tnev now hdee the lean m coin- ;
billing the telegraphic and postal ser- i
vice with the same object. Let tho j
muted Vii-ce ot the pressed ths I ni- ;
tc.'l States demand the adordn.n of !
similar measures by our govertunent.
jCjt is the more necessary here where
the rates have fir exceeded those of
S:P-at Britain arid European coun
t: its.
t: Minor
iotiies. m ine
he New
Yoik Times, says: " After having
indulged for a month or two in the
most scandalous and cftlnsivc re
ports of the private and domestic re
lations of Senator Sumner, the news
r,arcrs have suddenly discovered that
e i r... ...i,..t
VilClC ! OV7 l KJ w 1 1 u ci u J ii lui liiv;.i ' unv ,
Would it not have been well
: Uo, ro.t f l,a ac.
IO lUljni'O Hlt'J .liw Ki.um uu uiv u.i
set. The recklessness with which
certain newspapers full into the habit
nf .i.,ll -ob nrimtA ehnracter. re-
ilects discredit upon the Avhole pros
- .JUillUHUVUll. nan,, u,
versatile correspondent of the Spring
field Republican says: " Amid all the
safeguards of the domestic hearth,
abont which so much has been writ
ten, 1 know of none quite so sure as
to marry an ugly woman. One can
then bind his brow with the sweet
,c 1 l 1C-. cv onn . , . ., . t. o pecu nas ueen uiw)t-icu kJ""-"1' o tt u. .i
o . ,. , . . . .T ., ; The editor of the ChromcU found the j - . . : ty ot Amor
sieves ot ttio puoac Qomam, ot wiuca becamearro-antand reUcJietl. "ia- ! ou Gen. Grant tor certain intorma- ! ,
AAA ffi,, i ! t , ,, , ! rv!hon i:i cne of his boots, after aj . , . , . ,, 1 gree scarcely
101,000,000 have been given direct- ;:1r 0n earth could lustn v such a re-i ' J ' Hon m reply to the resolution of ,
, . -t i t i . " , ,, , i ii!--!it at . Bascom s grocer v. Fays the I r, , . . . .. , , themselves,
Iv to raiironds. f )t ronrsr it. nn- i n.,":,..-, . 1,-t- ivn 1 tho nor i must i " ' J ' f'unimKs u-h !- lon-iisnniu t- c .n
uerstuoa tnat a larc nart oi tne near- Met f11r:-r,-.t: our rart m tae or ni'.aai : i invo been tnniu .M iv t h v sr i
garlands of peace and security, and j
leave his wile Behind him for two or Noam Cauousa The incesscnt
three days, with the serene couQ- iterute'a 'schood that the Repub-
rb.,,. wbieh n Christian feels in four
aces. cor-siueraoio iruiu oi
' V . -
-A .rPm. -Elation of
the nggregate amounts of receipts
at the great Exposition at Paris has
been made, and gives the following
facts: Entrance fees at the wickets,
,i . . i...., . i.:..
0,000.000 francs; ser.son tickets,
800,000 francs: and to these are add
ed the large sums for the sale cf
CD privileges, amounting to between 4, -
000,000 and 5.000,000 francs. It
has been a navinr institution, even if
there has been but little satiifucti
tltrived by exhibitors.
Judge Davis, administrator of
Mr. Lincoln's estate, made final set.
llement on November 15th. Mrs
Lincoln and her sons each receive
somewhere near 835,000. Iu addi
tion to this the widow has 8'2o,"00,
v. iwi.ii was ouu ner oy congress.
and other sums derived Irom personal
. . . . 1
...i.: i , .....! l v ;
subscription, amounting m the aggre-
gate to abont S0,00l). The "old
cio' " havcti't been sold.
T, , ; . . i
. -,o.: 1 -a, .ou,,, . -
,x. r?se over tuose w o were lately
r- oe l;n, is too palpably absurd i
r.n.i ....bscnsical tomtit S,:!!C r, f"
If. tO S'Kl.
Ti;e most guilty traitor en- i
V nil tne personal immunities of ;
ii.i i . . .
:-ry .utizen of the R.public. This!
outcry about " oppresion' has no !
tort o! fjinialici iu f.-.t.
The speech of General Sherman to
the Society of the Army of the Ten
nesson is very interesting" and very
frank. Dogmatic an J erratic as he
is, his iv. in J is incisive and alert, and
he is too arder.t and sincere to trim
or prcva-riea'ta. If any body, there
fore, has regarded Genera! Sherman
as o. possible successor of General
M'CMInn a candidate fr the
Presidency, this speech will undeceive
, . rr-,
i-nra. ine orator condemns the re-
hellion too decidedly f r availability.
Those who nominated M'C'lellan in
ISO-i must now nominate eith?r an
open friend of the rebellion, like Pen
dleton, or a covert friend like Sey
mour. They will hardly like to r.'-k
those who chuckled over Bull Run to j
vote for the leader of the inarch to j
Hip a n s.ivs JTurnrr'st IVeeidn.
In his speech at St. Louis General
Sherman be-ins bv ree.llina- the cir- !
cumstances .it the oretiir.2 of the war. !
and then enters unoa a Berks of
i.: i
of the great final campaign. He then j
1 , . . !
proceeds to some views upon the pin- i
losophy of the struggle. Surely no j
n,,n" ho snvs. "ever had a mor0 i
glorious cause than wc. In his gen- !
eral view of the origin of the war he
fJiowsDr. Draoerf v, horn he highly j
praises and whose history he has evi- ;
dentlv failhluilv studied, me Gen- j
, ' . e . I
cral shows how the supremacy o. cot-
.1,,., 1..,,!, cnlhfW f.rtn;-
,, , , t
T ;wr.r has slink-.n us all ; but
. , , , . ' , i
V hes tnaterialiy desolated the south' ;
, , ,., , r .
era states : and the General, alter tie- i
' , . !
scibiiv the sorrow ana ravage ol :
0 , . 1
the contest, exclaims : !
"How any sou hie rn genhemsn, ,
with these fact, plain and palpable j
very where, star;.'
tin in tne
and reeurci
ed in the book of history, I
e.m kUn Jj0ast cf ;,;s L0st Cause,' I
or spoak cf it in language other than
'f shame and sorrow, passes my un- j
1 dor-l.-mdmor. :oid ins fend of tie mo' re
, L' , ., : , '
viveu. 1 know tnat. tutir lost cause
wiil s;i:k deeper and deeper info in- j
fa my as time more keenly proves its
ind reveals them to
V1 utv ;
hi t tin f Onm I .-i r-Arfi.'n.-. wf n-tuct :
-"-" i ..v..w..v...., -v. .
understand that remedies ior sunereti ; .-
grievances must be sought in court?, ; .
nut upon battle fields. We- must j
unrtserveuly trust tne grea-, rcso
ces of tne iand and tne laws ot civ-
illzation; and the orator says: "if our ;
r- i . .1 . ...an 1,,,. ,.;i.t '
nienus at meo.uu.
! ture course, I, for one, would wel-
come them back, our t ritrils. but not
our superiors, and lend them a
helping band." General Sherman
cn is his speech by speaking of tie.1
peaceful dispersion of its great army,
its absorption into the mass of indus
trious citi.-ns, and mentions by name
several of his Genei ah, and the oecu-
nations m which thi'V arc- now en
j WS- U ia a Vch whlch vi1 ver'
irreally conhrm tne reg;
raid whic!
country has for the Licutenan-
j Genera., n suows, una ue rot, as
,cn aoegeo, wiiiwiriu u
! political ambition, bat preserves the
' same intellectual and moral indepen-
! j0.,co which attracted the country
, lt isnot the
years ao. ii is nou ine
sneecli of a Presidential candidate:
'i L '
and it seems to us to show, as Gen.,
eral Grant and General Sheridan
had already shown, that the three
most famous soldiers of the war are
stiil in sympathy with those who
sustained them in the struggle.
! 15can Part' SoulU 5s a S P-rtv,
! i. . i : l
Hvia icci cu iio iuui t si un. uiti-
, .
I wlieboing rebuke than in the late
! North Carolina election. A very
: (!oci.eJ of tor rUtcrcd
; ters are W kites; hzr people are
White by a large majority; of her 8
counties, but thirteen have more
Blacks than Whites. She is eminent-
I ly a conservative State; having gone
heavily for Harrison in l$-it, and
; decidedly for Clay ia'4t. Her pop-
j ulation is almost wholly natives
; her soil.
(An v, c
. , ., I ' ... . . ,! Uuiomat. I . ' . . . - ... threatened
j TT Q-.r..l fr,v. I-'
taction j Nan-cock. er.do.ta. 1
j Democrats of the country held a cau-
cs at Washington lately, and agreed
nf,v" a . -. .
to support General Hancock as their
candidate for the Presidency, on the
ground .that he is the only man they
can pit against General Grant with
! even the slightest show of success.
General Hancock has reversed several
. c,. . 7 i
I of General Saendan s oruers and
! , . . 3 t rc ,.-v.0-.
; nas rem.'-tated a number oi ex lebe.s
i in office in Louaiana.whieh maKCS him
very acceptable to the rebels and
! T, Si(to v., ...
lo prepare a bul t,r the connruetion
an, lie will probably be ready to
report within the next ten days."
A-k your neighbor to subscribe
i for the En rrr.naiE.
.... I
Mr?. Jane Moores, mother of'
' i
lion. Isaac R. Moores of Salem, died .j
on toe evening oi .January utn at me ,
age or seventy-tour years.
The Sisters of the Most Holy
Names, at
are to give a
Charity Fair at Oro Fino Hull, on
the I3;h, 14th, and 15th. -
The thii'7 Democratic Tocsin j
makes its appearance upon our table J
' n gu any. It is m-at looking, ana
s e u s i h iy c or; d ac ted.
The bark Occident, which left
sometime since, arrived safely at San
Francisco, but her cargo had been
somewhat damaged by r
An adjourned meeting of the
!.. . n , i -i -. i .'11
Ln ton te Central omtmuee n
. . - i i . mil. r 1.
te il2!cl at i'ortlana on ine lo.u r.u-
ruary, !So5
All members are earn..
- ' " 1 '
-The Corvallis paper complains
u'ac g-"" 1S " !
t"at place, and says tnat boys are j
lured into the smoons and educated
' 11 e w "i,
called on to suppress the evil,
The Eugene Journal says if there
is not a thaw soon, there will be a
Sreat 5oS3 of stoc!i from slarVlilI"
and cold. Farmers are not so well
PrePared fo1' Jl, thry,1Sl!;v.3
,UiU 1 J
It is reported that a serpent oi
- .
..-A, r,rr,iMi tun fi n i torn iinif fls;-
J '"V-o
lamp lock nre within, at the house 01 1
.r ' T , t '
Mrs. Ho wells but with great pros-
, . i
ence oi mind the lady threw it cut 01 i
, , . ' . .
doors oe'ore setting lire to the room, s
., . , . ;
Tae ccciuent occurred by turntnir
. ,1 1
oown Hie wick, which was too snnw!,
says tve Unionist.
A citizen ot Albany, who nas i
kept a jor;.n 1 of the weather thera
during 14 years, informs the Jour-
nai a3 f0jj0ws: The coldest dav
,,,,,, tjmc w;;s December o3th 1S55
wiien the mercury was fourteen dc-
grees below zero. On the 30th of
January, ISO0., it was ten degrees
Kcv'rMr- on,l i-o-i t rk O ( f( t."1, .1-, r , , n r t of
t;iat vcnr the snow disaonearcd, nf- j
. . . . i 1 i I !
Ic.r nig on ine grmniu 11113 -o:ie ;
uay s.
Tivif. Yfi3 tbp co vrrr;t sr-n?on 1
nown to tne ii
since. On the 1 1th of this month, i
was only two degrees below zvto.
The Journal the lClh relates
I the ful lowing orelfy incide-.d: " Or.
!ast Saturday evening the Clnb had
a "lorious meet m:
J ust at I ue eiose
I of t he. Grst nencral order of business.
j . . , ,.
.. ... u,
address, the hall was visited by over
forty ladies, who marched in proces
sion, singing the ' Star-Spangled
Banner.' Their entrance was greet
ed vvith ' cheers, and their presence
seemed to augment the fervor of pa
triotie feeling among those present.
During the last great struggle of our
country sgainst the Democracy in
the th-ld, the active sympathy of the
daughters of the laud nerved their
, d jiveJ ones bolh
t home
and camp; and now that we are cal
t-dupon to defeat them again we are
glad to see tho ladies sympathize
i with the efforts of the patriotism of
, . , , ,
i . , . "". ., . ,
take measures to protect tueir homes
i anj firesides. "
-The Tocsin says of the Salem
Dramatic Troupe: D. W. Jones, the
manager, is an old citizen of this
! ppicc,al)d we ar0 inf01.me(j js the
, , , , tl.
owner oi iana a.nu nouses m lovo:
and country" a man of deep study
and fine attainments, an excellent
mechanic and a true gentleman
! nr. t tr. - i
i iui. ui it. ii.uiimoi . is ti ueiiiieiiiuti
; long known in Salem; his occupation
j general ogent; and, report says, be
! '" cl""
j hnve ivod bCmc years 5n c;.pem
Mr. C. is by profession a chemist
j and druggist, now doing business
h;h c!sy- Geo. Collins and
j a b;udc a Cull
tractor, a Htst class mechanic, and
one of the best citizens. Airs. Col-
to ; ini-, jlrs. v larx ana Piaster Unarlie
j Clark, need only to be seen in the
! drawing room, or on the f-lage, to
1 bG "PP1"1 We give tms brief j
j biography of the members of this
j comnanv that those who are una- !
1 .
; quaiuted tor distant readers) may
! i. .,.,,...,... i. :....:....;:,!
know the character of the histrionic
art at the Oregon capital. Our am-
amusement, and charitable objects.
We do not see why the stage, in
the hand of such a company as the
above, cannot be made an instrument
to accomplish much good. The line
tragedy ot the Idiot Witness was put
upon the boards' in good style. Mr.
Jones, Mr. Hammer, Mr. Clark, Mrs.'
Clark and Mrs. Collins being the
principal actors in the play. Each
n!i.TPil ll.ir tvrr. in nn :iifist;e s.f.v J
; r'-J-I
not o!ten excelled; in fact, the whole
; bill w.s b lied far beUc r tiiati is tisu-
; air none by MMiing troupes. Be-
; weeu the h ytrs. Coiii.iH and
! chore d. The pei n.rmai ee concluded
with the amusing farce entitled Grim-
; i-hdie, Lragsuaw and- jjradWxic,
! vliich gave general satis. action and
brought dou ti the house."
" tljeYoilmv.mr tele-rapine news
from dispatches to tne 0.-t-jtu-H:
w, , T, ., . ,
.-Charles Kean, the tragedian died
in Loadon cn the 2lst aged 57
The Oriftimmo reached San
Francisco on the 27th.
I Thomas K. Noel, member of
; Congress from .Missouri died last
i month. Also Mr. Iliste. late mem
c.r from Kentucky. '
r tQ nmoRt of $4
000,000 was destroyed by fire in
Chicago, on the right of January I
Washburne is perfecting a bill j
l to secure telegraphic and postal com- ;
munieation throughout the , united
A London dispatch of the 20th
says: Information in regard to Dr.
Livingstone is believed to confirm J
the previous accounts of Lis safety. i
" I
-Col. Realty, Republican, has ; farm anJ?. lyl(iilo5 acres nnim
jn elected to Congress from the 8th j ed 5s.ol4.sai acres of wiId or
district of Ohio, to fill a vacancy
ca.!S,a by tho deat!-
:ath of Hamilton.
-In the House, Butler offered a j
resolution calling on the Secretary of !
War for information relative to the j
reported suffering of Lmted States I
troops in Suka from Cwld and hunger.
Thayer offered n resolution i:
quiring of the President whether
Seddon, recently re-pardoned, was
the Confederate Secretary cf War at
any time while Wirtx was keeper of
the Andersouviile Prison adopted.
-The President seems determined
A very heavy gale passed over
, ' , ,
tne southern counties of Scotland on
tae lUin. Houses were unrooted
, , , -, , , .
ana blown uou n, and muc!) damage
, t, , ,. , , r,-,
uoue. Several lives were lost, lhe
j storm was very
' r ill T'l;T !nf
ill JjUniUUIJ
" '- ;
,;., v.. c.,.. i ,,..m ...
l 1 1 V
.t the
. c:iJ o ,i-tvJ3L' HtllCl C tl U'i ilolji ,
On the 27ih in the House the
supplementary reconstruction bill
was taken un, -Wilson took the floor
m support of tne
1, unci expressed
the opinion that before the -lib of J
u i v
next tne ooutnern t tales wouic
i!d be
rep reseated in Cl
rcss by Fya!
The commute
c-n Freed mi
. . ... , .,,
a.iaos win report a uui coniir.uii
: T-'re -( i . .-1 - 1 1 liiiri.o'i ruin vp-ic fr'i iltl
; July next. the tuil a-itnonzes the
j Secretary of War to diiconlinue the
i Mperali.'iis of the Bureau in anv State
fullv restored to its constitutional
only power no
not in harmony with the rest of Eu-
rope in the cilort, being made tu
trar.quiii;W the public mind, and give
. ,,r 1..., n .,.. rri
1 o I
are singuhirly antagonized by the fact
that every power in Europe is active
ly engaged. in arming as for an anlic
ipated war.
Iu the House, Pomeroy, from
Committee on Banks and Currency,
reported a' bill for (he taxation of
shares of National Bunks in the
States where they are located, in such
a manner, as the Legislature may
direct. After considerable debate,
Pomeroy moved the previous ques
tion and the bill passed.
George Francis Train it ap
pears was lately placed under arrest
in Europe for political offenses. On
the 21st he telegraphed from London:
" I have just got released on inter-
vention of Minister Adams, and have
brought suit against the British Gov
ernment for a hundred thousand
pounds damage?.
A Quebec dispatch says : A me
morial has been introduced into the
House of assembly, to take into con-
sidcration the lamentable emigration
of inhabitants of the Province to the j ratify the new constitutions, and leav
United States, and to devise moans i ing the eonstiutions to be ratified or
to arrest the same. The Governor ! rejected by a majority of those voting
spoke at great length on the question. J on the question. The law, as it now
and pointed out the cause of the emi I stands, counts all who are sick, or
gration. He proposed a homestead
law, and laws to encourage Lome
In the Senate on the 2lst Conn ess
offered a resolution setting forth the
recent arrest of American citizens in
England, and directing the Presi
dent to cause investigation, and such
persons found gudty of no overt act,
to demand their immediate release,
.-, :f rrv fl n rlf ,Jt
and, it necesar, to can out such
. , .
rortion of tne lint and naval forces
I l,olfcluu Ul A a,m "ava'
j as may be necessary to erf ,rco the
gave notice that he would call it un
at an early day.
, , . , . , , 1
lature having denied the elective'
, ,. . , . ,
iranchise to negroes under the laws of
, ., "T , . r, . .
Congress, the Judiciary Committee I
, . -, , .i-i !
were about to be authorized to m- i
...... . j
qnire mto tiie facts and report what i
measures are necessary to secure !
... cr i
bedience to the laws ot Congress on i
lhe part of the Legislature and Gov.
, f t R Wasbbnr-e Mm
i al'r"e Sl
! gestea mat tne uommittee be m
i strncted to report a bill repealing
the act of the organization of the Ter-
j ritory. Finally the subject w is re -
ferrcd to the Committee ou TerrU
i tones.
A bill to provide lor the tem-1&
porary government of Wyoming has
been introduced into Congress.
The President has nominated
J. Ross Browne as Minister to China,
and the Senate has confirmed the
A San Francisco dispatch of the
21st says that the California and
Oregon Railroad Company and the
Marysviile Railroad Comyany con
s lidated that day, and will hereafs
tpr be known as" the California and
Oregon Railroad Company.
. . -
The report of the Commissioner
, wiculturc for iSG7 is a very in-
ttin wnrl- In lhe table show-
ing the area in each State of improved
land in farms, unimproved lands in
farms, wild or waste areas not in
farms, and average number of acres
carh flirm We find Oregon put
, ... . . ,
down for SPG. -114 acres m improved
provea oy.n i t.boi acres or wua or
waste lands; and 5.S0G farms, with
an average of 355 acres in each. In
avcrae slze of farms Oregon ranks
j . , California has the
, fc avera2CCGG acres: Massa-
chu,etl8 lhc fima5est average04
acres. jAew lmii nas tne largest
number of farms 1 00.990; Nevada
has the smallest number 91. The
whole number of farms is 2,033,055.
The general average is 190 acres to
the farm. The wool growing interest,
involving a capital of hundreds of
millions, and underlying the prospcri-
ioan agriculture in a de-
appreciated by farmers ,
has been saved from
annihilation bv the action
in i lacirg a duty upon
the foreign article equivalent to the
internal taxatkn endured by the
wool growers, though not until the
commercial class, taking advantage of
the tardy progress of the measure,
had inflicted a heavy blow in the in-
, -i r -t -i.
trounction of more woolen goods in a
single year than were imported in
three years ( f the hjle war. It is to
be hoped that a premium will never
agim be given to a foreign produc
tion, either of wool or woolens, by im
posing a higher tax upon American
than upon foreign wool-growers, and
that the present moderate, and har
monious adjustment, barely saving
the two classes of producers from loss,
and consumers from becoming the
ultimate prey of foreign monopolists,
may long be undisturbed, even by
the th'-eat of agitation of repeal.
1 n.' town ot buiem is essentia. iv
a pious place, and the inhabitants
i i
; thereof nre, generally speaking, a j
God fearing and law-abiding people, j
j Thcre :;re seven or cht churches' j
; Asides the Methodist Church South,
; Nvhieh 15 on of f :iir oik1 not run"
1 ning any more. There are very few
. . , , .
whisky-shops, the meaner sort being
frequented only by Constitutional !
Democrats; and there are no places
of ill fame. To all appearance, Salem j
is a straight'Iaced, pacific, orderly,
church-going town, with very little
of the humorous in her composition.
But, when fun has worked to the sur
face, it becomes contagious and irre
sistable, and folks laugh with a reck
lessness and continuity perfectly dis
maying to the unhappy victims, says
iha Unionist.
Reconstruction. Tho Editor of
the State Journal, now at Washing-
S tun W1"tcs to his paper as follows:
It ii now quite certain that South
Carolina has been carried by the
radicals in favor of a convention.
Texas is the only State which now
remains the "Lone Star"7 of the
"Confederacy.'' A bill is pending
before Congress, and will no doubt
pass, repealing the clause in the re
construction act which requires a ma
jority of all the registered voters to
who from any cause fail to vote,
against tne constitutions.
Sixty-two years ago, remarks a
writer in the Galaxy, the adventur
ous ex plorers, Lewis and Clark, bade
farewell to civilization at the village
of St. Louis, and began their journey
through the vast unknown wilder
ness which Jav bet
I t th(i "i . ir fi,
1 1
i ,.n.-n.o orm -it r
-vvo ls ao oC-
between the 2uis-
Louis was a vil-
I luge, and an outpost of . civilization;
j to.j it j. the sixth citv in the Union
' in hfl 1 . fir rii !.n :1 1 1 1 ill filirl nno r-.f Ihn
... j j j , v,,
1 j most important centers of commerce
in the country. Tt lias behind it a
rotate containing over a million of in-
, , 3
habitants; and west of that a wilder-
. ,
'-ess into which Lewis and Clark
penetrated, and of whose wonders
4 , .
and riches they told talea wloch were
not believed, though the tenth part
was not h"wn to them; is dott
. , - - - . . ,
wiin states, spanned with tc!fgra)li
wires, and one has a railroad laid
nearly across its whole extent.
-A cheese from Canada, destined
for Liverpool, is waiting shipment in
1 New York. It is eight feet ia di-
i ameter by six in thiekness and
i weighs over 7,000 pounds.
On a recent trip down the lakes
on one of the propellers of the North
ern Transportation company, one of
the passengers seeing a '"flash light"
for the 6rst time, exclaimed: " Goshl
the wind blows chat light out as fast
as the man can strike it.:' The
cheers which greeted this, drove him
to the cabin, where they all retired
and took another cheer at his ex
pense. " ' Uxfortcxatk. Wo regret to learn that
the region of the Sandy was considerably'
desolated by the recent Hoods. All the
principal bridges were carried away.
ScHEiuoK Facilities koh Education-.
Mr. C. Rosa having taken charge of the
select school under the direction of Miss
Harvey begs leave to inform the People
of Oregon City that he will continue teach
ing, adding to the course already establish
ed, the thorough knowledge of Latin and
Italian languages, ancient.' modern, sacred
and profane history, moral, nietaphvsic,
and divine science, lie hopes he 'will
meet with good success, which he had al
ways while professor in two different
Universities of Italy, and in one of the
best Seminaries of Pennsylvania. He is
desirous also to give private lessons at
home, for the accommodation of those who
do not like to go to a daily school. Ho
will teach on moderate terms.
jT-'J" In addition to the above Mr. Rosa
requests us to say that he will give a course
of instruction in book-keeping; and also,
that on Monday evening next lie will insti
tute an evening writing school. 13.1m
Iew Advertisements.
Bclievi thut there are t many
,1:. 1 1 .. ,,.., ,
fiuna iu una tuiuiiy iiuo woum ukc IO
General U. S. GRANT! !
enst .t, .:,.. r rr. : !
n oum cum-u nit -lopiiiij 01 iu i iu i :i K t.1 i
Ail who leel interested in the formation ol ;
-'i.,i. i . I
r-io.ii v ino, uio iuijin-Muu ti.i liieei itL
the Court House in Oregon Citv-,
On Monday, February M,
At 7i O'clock, P. M.
(Signed,) Thos. Rowley,
.. , A. bell.
Wm. Dalgiisb,
C, A. Collies,
' W. R. Blanehard,
Owen "Wade,
Henry Warren,
W. C Joli!lnn,
W. W. Ruck,
J. Meld rum,
J. L. Rarlow,
Wm. M'ullins,
J. M. Moore.
Charles Pope.
James R. Upton,
P. P. Thompson,
C. O. T. Williams,
( Jco. P. Lark,
S. P. Moore,
J. G. Campbell,
AVm. Whit lock,
M. K. I'crrin,
D. C. Ireland,
I). M. McKenney,
vS I). Richardson,
F. Smith,
S. Cram,
James M. Frazer,
Clias. Logns,
Ci. W. Newman,
I). J. Slover,
J. W. Shaitaek,
A. J. Apperson,"
V. Folds,
Win. ILKelley,
F. Chapman,
Wm. Newman,
II. T. lhiih-y,
J. W. Cochran,
leo. A. Pease,
James Larkins,
L. Zigler.
E. J. Zigler.
J. I L Randall,
S. R. Smith,
T. W. RhoadC3,
J. Ryan,
Fred. Charman,
W. Ryan,
Thos. Charman,
Forbes Barclay,
Arthur Warner,
John F. Bock,
J. M. Bacon,
Rent. Killin,
C. N. Greenman,
J. W. Lewis,
Geo. A. Harding,
F. O. McCown,
John G. Porter.
Frank M. Albright,
ft. F. Dunphy,
C. McCue,
P. Riley,
J. F. Miller,
1. T. Barclay,
. Jacob Wortinan,
I. Selling,
C. P. Church,
C. T. Locey,
J. W. McCully,
J. L. Hibbard.
D. C. Hatch,
W. II. Marshall,
Jas. II. Brown,
Wm. II. Drake,
Geo. Mayer,
Thos. Loar.y,
Th. Itimmler,
J. S. Rinearson, .
II. Humbeb
C. M. Kester,
Frank A. Hill,
S.S. Bailey,
- A. J. Marshall,
Win. P. Burn?.
James Milne,
Wm. A "andervort,
11. B. Fellows.
Jacob G. Mann.
"X. . Randall.
To the RErrniicis '"Voters' ax; I'ke-
ty Con VKXTiox. The undersigned through"
the solicitation of a few friemWind 1 hope
the approval of mnny.is a candidate before-'
the Jvepublican Convention for nomina-;
lion to run for Couniy Clerk at the next'
June election, entirely pulyect to" your
action. I take this method of advertising
iu oruer inai any -who tto not kirOw me
personally may L.ave''twery opportunity
to find out fur themselves "how I am and
have been morally and politically.
Respectfully submitted.
1 3t f. JAM KS M. FKAZER.
Oregon City, Jan. 18th. lsfiji.
rni:sii)ix; Okficeu. Vt'e learn that Rev.
P. S. Knight late of this city, has been se
lected o fill the chair of N. G-. in Olive
Lodge No. 'IS, L O. O. F., lately instituted
at Salem. .
IVew Advertisements.
T ACT On Thursday tho 2-th,
J-iVy O JL .Somewhere between the
Jiiucolu Rakery and R. C'aufi-!U's store, a
wire-backed pocket-book, containing a small
sum ot money. The tinder will confer a fa
vor hy leaving the same at the Knterprisk
ofiice. Mrs. M. PATTERSON.
cinct of liun City, State of Oregon, coun
ty of Clackamas:
Lucien P. Davidson, pliT ) Civil iiction
to recover
II. II. McCord, defendant.
To the Defendant, H. JL McCord:
In the name of the State of Oregon, You
are hereby required : to appear before the
undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for tfie
precinct aforesaid, ou the 7th day of March,
A. O. 18tH, at b o'clock m tlie forenoon of
said day, at the oflice of said Justice, in said
precinct, to answer the above named plain
tiff in a civil action. The" defendant will
take notice, that if he fail to answer the coin .
plaint herein, the plaintiff will take judg
ment against him for one hundred and tiltv
thrce dollars and seventy-live cents, in cold
coin, with costs and disbursements in this
action. J. C. TRULL1NUER, J. I'.
January -3d, 18tS. 15.ft
cinct of Linn City, State of Oregon coun
ty of Clackamas.
John Schade, p!n". ) Civil action
vs. r to recover
II. II. McCord, deft. ) money.
To the dffemhint, JL JL McCord 1
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear before the un
dersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the pre
cinct aforesaid, on the 7th day ol jVanu. A.
I). IMW, at 4 o'elock, afternoon of said day real estate; house renting, and to the geu
at the ol'ice of said Justice iu said precinct, j e! ;l1 agT business in all its branches.
to answer the above named piaintiif in a j
civil action. The defendant will take notice
that if he fait to answer the complaint here-
in, the pUuiitMI v;iil Ihkc iiMmctu auiiiM i
hm for Ibrty-tive (4r,' dollars, with costs and
,i . u k
ursLT.ients in this action.
ii . V. . IxlU t.Hji-iiS t. .
Jannan 2,-.d, 1-.,
Oregon, for the Countv of Clackamas-ss:
j ." i cent. RcTCiiue stamp. !
Ceorge'A. Pease. Administrator de lonis
noii, of "the estate of Robert Moore, deceased, !
8 Oregon, for the Countv of Clackamas ss:
i plaint a ii. vs.
Jlaua-l 11. J-erguson, i.eaniii-r lioimcs,
Robot Pentiund, F. S. Holland and George
A b e r r. a 1 1 ) y , defendants.
'I'd thr ahort tmtii'il dfendnnU :
In the name of the State of Otegcn, You
are litre by required to appear ami answer
the cou plnint tiled against yon in the above
entitled action, within ten dsiys from the date
of the service of this summons upon you, if
served within the said county ; or, if served
in any oilier county of this State, then with
in twenty days from the dutu of the service
of this summo is upon you ; and if yon fail
so to answer, for want thereof, the plain! ill
wiU apply to the Co an for the relief deman
ded therein.
Attomev for Pi'f.
1 .-."."
$C On or abont the b'.st of August,
A?!5Si one small chestnut colored r.,aic.
.jkj" small white strir) in the forehead.
sinch mark on one side. When last seen was
in the vicinity of Harding's Mill, with some
loo;-e stock. Whomsoever will crive infor
mation as to where she may be found, to the
undersigned, will be suitablv rewarded.
J-tvIafortaatioa may be left at this oflice,
or sent to C. CARDIXELL,
Portland, Oregon, j
Etr B B E R
IIS "Slomtgoitiery sitn-rt,
San Francisco California.
Wholesale Dealers and "Manufacturers
of ell kinds India Rubber Goods.
All kinds and styles !
Druggist ami Fancy Goods,
Ootnhx, -
Palls and 'Foyx,
I'ijics and Canes,
Pla n h e is,
Piano Covers,
Pap Role,?,
Air and Water Goods
Hialbl&caIVccIv Tics !
For Ladies and Gentlemen !
Donr Mats,
IFfo?i springs, t- Shaft Rattlers,
Curry Combs, and. Horse Roots,
Puc!ce!$ and Pails,
Gloves and N(tj)kin Rings,
Toilet Glasses,
Card Baskets it: Fans.
Latest styles of
liubbei Jewelry !
By every steamer.
Sde Agent for the Pacific Coast.
82 Lake street, Chicago.
347 Broadway, Xew York. f 45.tf '
Incorpos-atfrt ISli.
Kicil crick Wiiislon, Prrsttlcnt. i
Asatti, e.'23,0OO,t'O0 CaU.
Annual Income, over S, 000, 000.
Cash Dividend (Feb. 1, lSb7.) 2.12t,0!0.7")
Policy Holders the Sole Stockholderi.
To Farmers and othxrs : Gentlemen :
Everv Kood and true man should have a
provision for himself during his advanced
vears, and for his family in case of ir;.s
death. Un anxious desire can be arcom-
plished by becoming a policy bidder in the
above Company. A small -annual payment
wilt relieve von --of ail future care Air the
temporal comfort of yourselves and those
dear cnes dependent upon your daily labor;
and .you will also become stockholder in
the Mutu il, sharing in the profits of thirf
most -admirable institution. This field is
now open to you ail for a golden harvest.
StoTA- Ymir ;o,'. I i-Viili;f vrn i-e. fhte n Holt.
wiieti olt age comes upon you tne fiat vest
may keep your declining days in comfort ;
and when the scythe- ot death sweep you
rom tae Held of hie, your last thought may
uj messed wan tne unowieuge . mui a piu-
.i.i i -
"ttri't OreconC.tr: Thos. Char
man, E3q., and Dr. Barclay; SI. D. : j
HEATH. Jr.. Ageuts for Ore ion and the
Ten it"i ics. Oflice: Front street, Portland.
Fkll. CiiAiiM v: Agtut, Oregon City.
Corner of Front
olllclJi l ortltBcf
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Mercas
dise and Horses, a"
Every Wednesday and Saturday
A. B. Riciiardso.v, Auctioneer.
English refined Rar and Rnndle Iron
Lnghsh Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; '
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R.'a. Iron
' - " i - a i.so : i , . ..." .1 '
A large assortment of Groceries andLiqUOrs
A. R. Riciiardsont, Auctioneer.
L. C. Fuller,
Pays the Highest Price for GoDutt
Legal Tenders and Government seenriti-j
bought and sold. Xo. loS Front.kt.,
xl U I'ortland, Oregon
Ladd & Tilt on
PoHTLAX!, Okegox.
Will give prompt attention to coliectionn
and other business appertaining to Ranking!
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange
On San Francisco and the Atlantic States fr
sale. Government Securities boucht ort.
Cosmopolitan Billiard Rooms. .
Alder Street,-let. Front and First
Portland, Oregon.'
Two new and ycry perfect French
A1B 'DM lieAlBILlSS.
ith the Improved Phelan Cushions, jut
set up at the Cosmopolitan. These Tablr
are incomparably superior to anv others ia
Rooms apart from the Saloon, xi.i
Office Xo. 5 Moriison St., Vaughn's Erickir-,
(Up-stairs,) Portland, Oregon. - 'O
H to- the Collecting and atHustment rf
iceomits, bills and notes; X-egotiating InUud
; j i ! 1 s ; elfeeting loans : sctlinz and leain-f
ja.s. i lai.V.
Xo'ury fullic.
en m r; n a m O T fl I) r I
i u r-i o h t ji vj li j u i
TTOri D lVL'lDM TUP M'PT tn .
y iecian-,- of Cancmah. that thev have
i cstal)!islicd a Store' at that pltce, where ther
! will keep on liana a well assorted stock of
M ...l-.j e rirn0..--M
. Cx CHandlSe and GrOCeueS.
which will be sold at reasonable rates, fortke
purpose of establishing permanently .tsuch a
necessity at Canemah. Try us. - - (32:y
Removed .1 .-. Removed!
The old and well known
). MOXXA STE.fi Prr.m-iftcr,
but bn
as been removed toSc'cond street,
between Alder and Morrison streets, where
business will be conducted on as large a scale
as in years nat. t:v O
V7HLIiS. FARGO & Co. 3
I7iit lfc'ljrlit JLiiiie.
nutil furtiier notice, our rates forJast
lit will be as follows :
Portland to Silver Citv,
. cents per lo,
" Idaho Citr . .
" RoiseCitv .'j? "
" L.t Orand'e. . . . . . .'S
Ui.ion Vi
" Raker ...'i "
Portland, Dec. PUli, t se,7 S.tf
?oget Sound & Coluinb. River
Monticcllo, Ohnnpia, and S'ciJacoom.
Regularity, Certain' y and Dispatch!
on Columbia river and Fuget SouaJ.
for Portland and A'ietoria. o
fr.X Ofiices at Monticcllo. Olvmpla and
Steilaeoom. GR.UNGER -A-"DAVIS,
'-'.tf I'r.ojirietoi-'.
known for increasing the proiluct Rr.d
richness of Milk, fattening 8te-ek, and fitting
it for market. For salt in quantities de--sired.
Also, Pure
and Ground Paint, designed es-
pcciully for outside work,
constantly on hand.
for which" cash will be paid on deliTerr.
Pacific Liiine-ed OU and Lti.td Works,
King street, near Thinly San Francisco,
51:tf L. B. BENCH LEY" A CO., A gents.
also: . ,
Day and Boarding School for
Young Ladies ! Q
rTniq tvstttt'tp: i -sitt-trrri tN'A
L rv'tired ami beautiful location, away
r. i . i . :. . ... . : . r v. : ,
Un 1 nird. between II and C hlree.st
Portland, Or ego n .
A.ttiielifrl in thp lmiMiti ri ertensive an1-
S bfcuutiful - grounds, for tne .convenience 0'
1 P"I'ds. The Educational Department wia
! be in charge of an efficient corps of Teathprf
I .No ! will be; spared to make Ui
stituie equal io iue nest on ine menu. .
The Course of Studies
AVill embrace all the branches usually tangin
in first class Seminaries in the East, in
cluding the Classics, French, Ger' ,
man, Spanish, Maihcmatics, Ac,
The Musical department will be conduct
bv Prof. H.tlt inoGitOB, Graduate of f 'lau s
Conservaiorie. Parties from the ciMr.
cd tliat under the caic ot JJ";
i ' r ,, ... , , , !i'f
"o a W"
V1 ' -Si u c u l ti.e.
: , x ' , .. be pay w
- r r . . ,. , , vcia
the choica of leva oooks. in oruer io'-
- ! or fher particula.s; entire .t the 1. f'
sUtute- or ttddrcss Tr nrm0 G ROB.
i sun
P. O. Box Xo. B?, PortUnd-
illjii:ads printed. ,.
' At the Entcrpt" Oai-