o o o o G o 55332 O I'lIEETIIKIiS! SISTERS. Madam Virtue anil Mis Genius, With their sister Reputation, Traveled once through foreign countries, On a tour of observation. Ere tliey started Genius hinted That bv some unlucky blunder, VVhilcthcv journeyed through the kingdoms The might chance to get asunder. " And," she said, " it seems but prudent, .Should we break our pleasant tether, ,Sonie3i vice should be suggested That may bring us three together. tjr As for me if from my sisters I should chance to prove a roamer, t?eek me at the tomb of Virgil, Or before the shrine of Homer." VirtaeQmd, " It I am missing, Ana you deem me worth the trouble, Seek me in the court of monarchs, Or the dwellings of t e noble." 0 " If among the high and mighty You shall fail to fiud me present, You may meet with better fortune fri1 the cottage of the peasant 1" "Ah!" said Reputation, sighing, " It is easy of discerning Each of you may freely wander With a prospect of returning ! " But, I pray you, guard me closely, For, despite your best endeavor, If you miss me for a moment, I am lost and lost forever !" Persons going east shouH watch the sailing of the opposition steamers. Looking to others for our stand ard of happicess S3 a sure way to be miserable. Our business is with our'Bwil hearts and motives. A Farmer near Lawrence, Kan sas, raised this year SO acres of corn, with SO busheis to the acre; 20 acres of wheat, 30 bushels to the acre ; and 10 acres of potatoes, 330 bushels to the acre. ValueQtf the crop, 5,135. In the vicinity of St Louis, Mo, a farmer is said to have raised 5G5 bushels ol Boughton wheat from four teen bushels of seed a little over forty bushels from one. aThis wheat is well spoken of for rich land. The Illinois Central, in.August, made ($10,000 clear upon peaches alone. Its fruit business is large, an, increasing rapidly. 'No road covers so many varieties of climate, and nowhe?e are they more promptly taken advantage of. e Mr. E. W. Stewart writes that after an experience of more than ten years, hjj Gnds two bushels of steamed hay are worth three bushels of nn steamed, and that one quart of corn meal beamed, with a bushel of straw is equal to a bushel of hay. The convolvulus, or bindweed or morning glory, the worst weed known in California, is overrunning orchards, vineyards, gardens and farms and threatens in many places to drive culturists from the soil. It should be the object of the Agricultu ral Society to seek a mode of exter minating it. It seems that the American ma chines, if not first in the field, must have had some superiority over the English, for during the last five years eight thousand American reapers or mowers have been imported into Eu rope, while few, if any, English ma chines have been brought to America. To destroy flies in a room, take half a teaspoonful of black pepper in powder, one teaspoonful of brown su. gar and one teaspoonful of cream; mix them well together and place them in the room on a plate whence the flies are most troublesome, and they will soon disappear. For reclaiming black land, that has become stiff and waxy by im proper farming, (fur it will not be come so by proper usage), use 20 to 75 bushels of leached ashes per acre, or 1 to 25 bushels unleaehed the leached ashes contains no potash, and can have little else than a mechanical effect, to loosen and mellow the soil when thoroughly mixed. Mr. Jeremiah Duncan, near Paris, Ky., recently sold from his herd of Shorthorns ten bulls, and 39 cows, heifers and young calves. The prices were quite high $1,210 and 1,275 being the highest, while but a single animal sold for less than $100. The list of prices as publish ed, foots np $1 1,306 or an average of 290.53 for each animal sold. -Tho great Canada Cheese manu factured about one year ago at a fac tory near Ingerscll, is still in a good state of pjeservation, and is suspend ed on pivots in the factory so as to be easily swung over for the gratifi cation of visitors. Thirty-five tuns of milk wer used in manufacturing: this cheese, which weighs 7,000 pounds. 0 The bagging business entails an expense of upwards of a miHion dol lars per annum on the farmers of this coast, and will increase in pronortion to their crops unless they conclude to shiprain in bulk, as is done in other cities. All this bagging is im ported, the greater portion of it from Europe, so that it confers but little benefit an anybody except the im- j porters. o How Boat-Racers auk Tcaixed. The Ward Brothers, w ho won the hoat raee at Springfield, recently, Tv$t through a severe training for that contest. For several weeks they eat lean motion and beef, care ful always to avoid fat; and no pep per gplcesor any condiments in their food, and only a Utile, salt, as well as tol.ncco in every form drai k 1Ulle wa9r at thtir moabi, or a any olhcr time, and no stror.gcr liqnors, except vocationally a little Scotch ale or clarat; took exercise systematically, with an especial reference to increase ing their muscular power and improv ing their "wind;" and after every exercise were persistently ' rubbed down," as a well attended horse would be. This discipline had at tained such complete results that the brothers were able to row six miles with scarcely a quickening of his puise. You may glean knowledge reading, but you must separate chalf from the wheat by thinking. by the The fair sex beiieve tickled, if nothing else. -. in being Ask your neighbor for the Enterprise. to subscribe Aew Advertisements. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit order for a neiv ILLUSTRATED 13 I B L E DICTIONARY. Complete in one Volume. rTMIIS Dictionary embodies the result of JL the most recent study, research, and in vestigation of about sixty-live of the most eminent and advanced Biblical scholars now hvmaj. Clergymen of all denominations ap prove it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every bible reader in the land. in circulating this work, agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually en countered in .'filing ordinary works, will not exist with this. But on the contrary, encour agement and inendly aid will attend the agnt, making his labors agreeable, useful and lucrative Ladies, retired clergymen, school teachers farmers, students, anil all others, who pos- ms tm.it;, are vvanicu 10 assist in canvass ing every town ana county on the Pacific coast, to whom the most liberal inducement, will be offered. For particulars apply to or auuress : "ruioseriunon lJepartmont, II. II. BANCROFT A Co., San Francisco, Cal. General Agents for the Pacific coast. C.4t THE GREETING. A Collection of GleestQuar let ts, Cho ruses, Bart Songs, eye; By L. O. Emerson, author of ''The Jubilee" Harp of Judah, Golden Wreath, Merry Chimes, etc. Upwards of half a million copies of Mr. Emerson's music books have been sold, a fact proving a popularity which has rewarded no other author of the same class of books, and which cannot fail to insure for this new vol ume an immense sale. The contents of this woik are, for the most part, new. A large number of valuable pieces have been con tributed by Mr. L. II. Southard, whose name is a sullicient guarantee of the excellence. The marked features of the collection are: Originality, Brilliancy and variety, and it will be found, upon careful examination, that there is no glee book before the public that m every particular will prove so completely satisfactory to musical societies, and conven tions, conservatories, clubs and amateur sing ers. Price 1.3S ; P2 per doz.. mailed post paid. OLIVER DITSON & Co., Publishers, Boston. C. II. Ditsox & Co.. New York 6.tf PAIN KILLED We ask the attention of the public to this long-tested and unrivaled FAMILY MEDICINE. It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have received thousands of testimonials, showing tliis medicine to bo an al most never failing remedy for diseases caused by or at tendant upon Sudden Coids, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Headache, Bill ions Fever, Pains in the Side, Hack and Loins, as well as iu the Joints and Limbs, Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pain in any part of the system, Tooth-" ache and Pains iu the head and fi.ee. As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the Stnnach, It seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Liver Complaiut, Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ringworms, Bods, Felons, Whitlows, Old Soies,"S welled Joints, and General Debility of the System. It is uKo u prompt and sure remedy for Cramps and Pain in the Stomach, Painters' Colic, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Summer Com plaint, Cholera Moibus, Cholera Infantum, caiiis, liurns, sprains, IJrmses. Frost Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the Bites of Poi sonous Insects and Venomous Reptiles. See Directions accompanying each bottle. RUB B E R CLOTHING COMPANY! US Montgomery Street, San Francisco California. Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds India Rubber Goods. UsaMcr Ootliiiag-! All kinds and styles ! Druggist and Fancy Goods, Stationery, Combs, JJalls and Toys, Pipes and Canes t Blankets, I'iano Covers, Lap I lobes, Air and Water Goods! j I28aIIer jVccIs. Tics I For Ladies nnd Gentlemen! Door Mats, Wagon springs, d Shaft Battlers, Curry Combs, and Horse Boots, Buckets and Bails, Gloves and X'tjikin Bings, Toilet Glasses, Card Baskets cO Bans. Latest styles of By every steaiier. TOiSEPII FUASER, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast. Lake street. Chicago. 547 Broadway, New York. 45.tf J. M. KEELER Oregon Commission Agency OFFICE. C LIBERTY STREET, M-:vr YOUK CITY. For buying and shipping direct, bv the Isthmus or Cape Horn, ail classes and varie ties of Merchandise, includmy Musical In struments, Farming Implements, Carriages and .Machinery. fc-y Faithful attention will also be given to the securing and disposition of Patents. Ad orders and business will receive prompt attention. Goof's shipped in best style at the lowest rates, and insured to order. " business references: Aldrich, Merrill A Co., .San Francisco, Cal. Met raken, Merrill & Co., Portland, Oregon. J. H. Moores, Salem, Oregon. Thomas Montoith; Albany, Oregon. XEW TOP.K C1TT REFERENCES. i" V" 1Ir?,;V1":l'; Rro" bankers, 2 Broad st. V vL ,lilton. '-'" and '..7 Liberty st Albon Mann. Treasurer National Rank Note vl l w ail st, Sl':tf PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. JOHN WILSON, 127 FK0NT STREET, Opposite tlic " Wlittt CHeer House," Has just opened a Sew and Extensive Stock Of Merchandise for the Winter Trade, care fully selected from the latest importations. Direct from Paris, London and New York. And which he oilers at the lowest market prices FOIl CASH ! DRESS GOODS A n elegant selection of Plain and Plaid All-wool Poplins, Mer inos, Winceys, Empress Cloths, Colored Alpaccas, Russel Cords, Cashmere Robes, Wrapper Flannels, Wool Delaines, Bom bazine, Black Silk Alpaccas, Barathea, Mourning Goods, and a great variety of Low I'ticctl Poplins of superior qual ity, Ac, Ac. CLOAKISGS A line assortment of Velvet Beavers and Plain Cloths, in Black, Brown, Purple, Grey, Tan, Scarlet, and Azuline Blue Colors, Water-proof Tweeds, of English and Oregon make, Pilot Cloths, Ac, Ac, with buttons and trimmings to suit. FAMILY DRY GOODS 10-1 Cotton Sheetings, Pillow-case Cottons, 1 0-1 Linen Sheeting, ii-4 Pillow case Linen, 4-1 Shirt ing, Linens all prices Table Liners, Table Damask Cloths a fine assortment Napkins, Doylas, Towels, Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes, Crib Blankets, Cassimers, Tweeds, and a general variety of Piece Goods, Ac ZEPHYR All colors. In single, tloitlilc and split, Berlin Wool, Tidy Cotton, Ber lin Wool and Crotchet Patterns, Crotchet Hooks, Knitting Pins, in wood and steel ; Netting Pins, Stilettos, Ac, Ac. FAXCY GOODS-Bnglc Gimp?, Hlack Colored Velvet Ribbons, Silk Trimming Ribbons, Silk Cord and Tassels, Alpacca Braids ami Bindings, Silk 1 wist, Machine Sewing Silks aud Linens, Embroidery Silks, Dress Buttons, Rubber Combs and Hair Pins, Hair Nets, Ac, Ac, HATS AND CAPS A full assortment of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, Infants' Fancy Dress Hats, Navy Caps, Glazed Caps, Ac, Ac. CLOTIII.VO-T,tist Styles Best Cus tom Made Children's Cassimer Suits, Boys" Suits, Youth's Cassunere and t ine Beaver Suits, Gents' Cloth and Beaver Suits, Black Doeskin and Beaver Pants, Beaver, Cloth and Silk Velvet, Vests, Gents' and Boys' Overcoats, Boys' Vests, Boys' Linen B. Shirts, Boys' U. Shirts and Drawers, Rubber Neck Ties, Silk do. Scar f's, French and English Cotton Socks, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk Um brellas, Underclothing, and Furnishing Goods generally. FOR SALE BY JOHN WILSON, Front Street, Opposite the What Cheer House. WILL A M KTTE IRON WORKS COMPANY ! North Front and E sts., h R ti II Jrf.fllimill Portland. Oregon. -AND ES O I L EZ Ft BUILDERS. T IIESE WORK'S ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and etliciently. We have secured the services ot .Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex- eriencc on this coast, for fifteen years gives iim a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! OI'ART7. MILLS f ! MIVTXfi PI? MPS f ' &c, Sec, &TC, Manufacture and Repair Macliintrv of all l iidx. " 1UON SHUTTER WORK ai San Frticieo cot and t n ight. H'AetUr d: Ran dalls J'alevt Grinder and Am:ljairMtor. la n.oar's and Ste ecu's Self Adjathnj Patent Piston Packirnj, either applied to ol or neiv steam cylinders, tjaartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron. Removed ! Removed ! The old and well known 7. MONXASTES, Proprietor, PORTLAND OREGOxX, II but has been removed to Second street. between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large a scale as in years oast. 2:lv 1851. .1867 L J. NQRTHRUP & GO., OFFEK FOR SALE LOW Builders1 Hardware and Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools Coopers' and Tanners' Tools, Mining and Fanners' Tools, Mill and CrossCut Sairs, Sliip and Steamboat Hardware, Tar, Bitch, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and. Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Powder, Base, Shot, Lead and Caps, Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. 0 1ST, "STEEL, AND Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumberland Coal, Put nam, New York and Griffin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for Bug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeins and Iron Axles, all sizes. WAGON TIMBER. Huls, Spedres, A.el-s, PoUs and Shafts, Bent Rims, Saired Fillm, i0c, chc. Agent for A. S. Ilalliaio Co., AVIre Hope 'aiii;f:iduifrs. sF3" Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in the Eastern Markets beinc of a superior charac ter, we are enabled to offer goods in our line at as low rates as thev can be purchased in this market. We call the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line ever offered m this market. SO E. J. NORTH RUP A CO., 131 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. A. G. BRADFORD " HVS REMOVED THE BALANCE OF his stock of Wines and Liquors, TO So, 4U First Strtet, Portland, Oregon. Directly in the rear of his former phice of business. Parties in want of Extra Fine Wines and Brandies, will do ve'A to call. Empty Pipes and Barrels for Sale. LX7AT I. S. ROSSPJBAUIil & Co,, No. 45 Front St., Portland Oregon. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Tobacco, Cigars, Sautf, Stationery, Yankee Notions, and Toys. Ordcr3 promptly attended to, (Ltf PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note" the following firms. W. A. ALDRICH. J. C. SIEIiRILL. JOH.V Sl'CHARKS. 'CHAKEN, MEBBSLLs CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding' Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pieklfs and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICH, MERRILL & CO., Nos ivi and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., IU North Front Street, Portland. Island Siiirar and lasses. (y ,jQQ KEGS ISLAND SUGAR; " ' 150 BBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-Honolulu Packet, and for sale by M'CRAKEN, M ERRI LL & CO. HOME MANUFACTURE. HIGGIUS & CO. Arc Xow 2a mi fact url i:g a Superior ARTICLE OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Browii FAMILY SOAP, "W rillClI WE WILL SELL AT SAN Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boats free ot charge. All orders sent to Portland Soup Factory, or to McCraken, Merrill & Co., Agents, will meet with prompt attention. W. L. HIOUINS & CO.. ll:ly Proprietors, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. McCRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., Agents TIONEElT mm mmmm OHKGOMAN J i U S I . I I IN G , JX. 5 AVu I i ii il o ii Street, PORTLAND, "OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. C. D. SNYDER it CO. ES.VS'H, MEUSSDGRFFER & BRQ,f Mamtfactorers and Importer of, And Wholesale and Retail Jhalers in, liAT, CAPS, AND HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their ejteiisive stock, by every steamer, all the latest styles of New York, London and Parisian taste, for gont'emen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper than any other house oil the Pacific coast. P. S. Hats of every style and description made to order, also neatly repaired. f 1 Oy WM. COIilliTT, San Francisco. l. MACI.HAV, Portland. Importers t Wholesale Grace 74 FRONT STUB E T, Portland Oregon. GOODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SMALL advance upon SAX KIlAXCIStO .JOKEIXG PKICES! C. jL. Would thank merchants visiting the city fo price their stock before purchasing. 4.1y W. llOillNSON. J. K. 137iO -Brr:'T5:T i Stove and Tin Store! No. l.Vt Front street, Portland. Oregon, next door to Evcrding A Beebe. ROBINSOIT & LAKE, I)F. VLEKS IX Stoves, Copper and Sheet B on, Ware, AVE JUST LAID IN A LA EG E stock of stoves of tht latest stylos, consist ing in part of the following cook stoves : Bride of the Pacific, Republic, Golden Gale, Crystal Palace Buck's Patent, Harvest Queen, Diamond Bock, Hearthstone, Also : A good stock of Parlor and Box stoves, tin ware, &c, Ac. Also: An assortment of Pumps, etc. AVe are satisfied that we can give satisfac tion to our patrons, in every respect, as we are determined to sell at fair prices. We hold ourselves in readiness, and arc prepared to do roofing, spouting, and all kinds of job work, on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner, ROBINSON k LAKE. Portland, March 15th, IS'iT. 21. ly PLDIIHXfJ, AS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So. 110 I'iitt Street Portland. Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top Washstands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bat It Tubs, Bead Bipe. Vrought Iron Pipes, aU Sizes. TEES. ELBOW, RETURN BENDL NIPPLES, BUSHINGS, dc, far Steam, Water and Ua.-i. ALSO Scotch Tubes. Water G nacres. Whistles Tailon Pumps, Steam Guaices, Giobe, Angle, and Check Valves, Gtiagts Cocks, Air Cocks, aud all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes. Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private rosi. dences heated with the latest lmurovenienta in stenm or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been sch-i-tcl with rreatcare, and especial attention ou-cn to the wants of this market. May IS, 1607. l:ly C. II. MYERS. Established ) 1657. ESTARMSIIED 157. 5 No. 80 First street, Portland, ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Gard on. Grass and Flower seeds ' sill beedsjrom this Establishment arc warranted 1-res h ana Genuine foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and cgetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do 7.7.1,. .1 7. . T ' Vl-'. 4 ruu i-acucd Kith care for Shipment. J ' x"r?r:Kn,??"-nnt-' -nut3' Fi!- G R O C E R I ES A selected stock of choice Greenes, bought expressly for family' if? All of which is ottered for cash at cash prices. Orders solicited oo;Iy sous ; o i 6or NfxSO First st., Portlnid, Oregon JUSTICES' BLANKS, of cnery"lcTi7 O tion, for sale at the ExTERn:isn Office. PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following linns. o- u:V l e: k, y i One door south from the corner of First and Morrison street, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. Win. T. Slianahan, mrOKTElt AND DEALKR IV l US 1 CA L IN STB UMEXTS, FIXE EKGRA VIXGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOBDIXGS. rpilE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK JL of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc, ever before offered in this market, just received and for sale at GREATLY PtEDUCED PRICES ! also : Vieics of Columbia River Scenery ! Constantly on hand. AGEXT FOR lillADUtnV S CELEBRATED bB'S3B2I Scale I'isBuos ! Which have given universal satisfaction, and which he guarantees to sell at San Fran cisco prices. ;:f Special attention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc 3?" Mr. Shanahan, formerly of A. Koh ler's establishment, San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo deons, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos for Rent. (30. ly H.SIMSHESMER& CO,, New York Manufacturers of Bell Metal Patent Agraffe Grand Scale Pianofortes T HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES pectfullv announce to his old patrons and the public generally, that he will keep cons'antly on hand a good assortment of th above class Pianos, which he oilers whole sale and retail at New Yoik prices. AGENT FOlt STMNWAY A SONS Celebrated Piano fo lies AND E. TH OMRS OX'S Swei.i. axd Voice Tuemelo A Patent Choral Organ'. N. B. Pianos aod Organs carefully tuned and repaired. IlSINSHEIMER, j'jAv 111 Front st. Portland, Oregon. Sixteen Years in Orescn. THE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers Cand as many new ones as may not be acquainted villi the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, EXACTLY" Ol'l'OSlTli MOUNT IIOOFi) Where he is vrepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOXEBT, SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTIoy Book's- for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CIIl lit ll 35 111 HOOKS. BASS, VIOL, CUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, M ISC ELLA N EO US 1500 KS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, lyr. PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. R015I2IST If. LAW, IM I'ORTEIl OF Hard W cod Lumber COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON MATERIALS ! Portland, Oregon". nAS NOW ON HAND axd TO ARRIVE the linest stock ever imported to this coast. Being selected under his personal supervision he can warrant it to be of the best, and would call the attention of dealers and wagou makers to his assortment of EASTERN OAK, AS II, AND HICKORY, PLANK. WHITE WOOD, liUCS, SPOKES, FELLOES, AXLES, PULES, CENT RIMS Shaft-, Bows, Single trees, Plow Beams and Handles, dc. Orders for the above, also for Boxes, Thim bles, Skeins, Iron and Steel, promptly filled. J50HES6T II. LAW Cominission Merchant, 3S Corner of Pine, Portland, First st Oregon. Is? Consignments solicited. (3i5. It H w H o hi o H p O W CD O 53 my r Manufacturer nnJ Al,i i. t i " "oit-taie jjeaier in Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Ware, &c, &c. And everything appertaining to the Trade. torde'r11 kindS f Cani;lSe Trimmin. r done 4.tf THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys and Children' SCOTS and SHOES. p,,.,!,!;-,: a . ; -"ti-i iiuui me east, tlorL - ix S -t0 sdll"Tthan any other store in ths city. EAST & CAIIALI.V 11-Front street, Portland. Can be lia,i t t,,0 PHILA BE LP HI A BOOT r.li ri "tvv S Of the latest style's are r,. -im oy every , - THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OEEGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage for The Establishment of WHO HAVE soriuients of JUST RECEIVED FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTHING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, F or Gents' and Boja' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors! LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY", etc., MERRIMAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety of goods, too numerous to mention W2aieia lEicy saicsacl A.B13' Mouse If any one is disposed to douht the genuineness of the above statements. Especially the latter all the undersigned ask of them is, thai they Call and Examine the Goods and Prices ! And satisfy ihemsrlves. We may be found ut the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB d' BROTHER. (Zr Country Broduce taken in exchange for go'tds- "tBS TO THE CITIZENS OF OREGON. ivo O Zi Ileg-Ealjaiisa? THOMAS HAS JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THE State, which has been carefaily selected by himself, and Which V ill be repleMsh ed by every steamer. After Fifteen Years Experience in merchandisinrr in Orccon. I think T can. rith pertect cunlulenct; say that I can meet eorreeta s any otuer man, ana give the best Lovcst priee.-s. It needs no Railroad Sensation, nor tract attention to my stock. Prices, as yon all know, are regulated in ban Francisco but I have a regulation by which my business is to be governed in the future As in the Past, That I will not be Undersold by any one in Oregon I have on hand suitable for this Market. Dry Goods. Clothing. Groceries. Hard ware. Qneeiisware. etc.. also : Painls, Oils. ioois ana Miues ol every description, all Hats and Caps, of every description, Furnishing Goods, etc.. etc.. etc., all of which 1 will sell at the very lowest price for cash. Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. Particular attention paid to orders from goods, aud prompt returns made for the I wish to return my thanks to my numerous customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of tbe tame, pledging myself to act honestly with all who favor me i.aue. Look Out ! The Railroad is not Coming Yet ! BIT THE PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still And Rolling in EE Charman & Warner's old Brick Store, Main Street, Where he not only intends to sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. mi Ei,LMy CMErXZ COiIE LL, and satisfy yourselves that it i no trouble to tli , ' 1 haJe rF,""l one of the largest stocks ever brought to this mar- , j,4 w a iiuv til lIlltMll Ol ;Vl('I'?,DHEf S GU- BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions : CLOAK.s. such as Circulars and Sacks : KID f;Lf)VMS, best quality ; HOSIERY: ' ' DROWN AXD BLEACHED MUSLIX?. all widths; ? AND SHOES: HATS AND CAPS : CLO I- IN R BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BFAVKR SUITS ItU-XI) YOl;TI,-s' CLOTIIINCr. all sizes and qualities. A MIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a larnre stoc'K Gf c,vn' Furnishing floods. CrKOCERlMS A well selected assortment. S.ACKERMAN. All kinds of Produce Bought. RETAIL DEALER IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Has removed into a LARG Eli STORE in MA S OXIC B UILDING, Where he will be pleased to wait, nn old customers and as many new ones as ma-' patronize him. In addition to the above, he has recently r?0'1 " VEI-L SELECTED ASSORT 1 ot Perfumery and Cosmetics ! w hich arc ofTered for sale at reasonable rate Oregon City, Oct. l',Uh, lsr. ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST AS- io sell Lower llisua isa Oregon O of OtSaei JPriccs. CHARMAN, the wants and wishes ol the people as nearly quality ot goods in the market at the announcements of Regulating Trices, to at &c, together with a splendid assortment of ot the best quality, and latest styles Also for both the Ladies' and Gents wear the country, same. Alo : To consignments of THUS. CHARMAN. Runnincr their the Goods for 9 CLOTHING PAINTING. PAINTING. :sa a: iau s bhz 9 Sign and Steamboat Gralnlns;, Citldint;, C'liinn. t;iocsing. Imitation of all kind Wood sisisl Msii'Me ! Executed as well as can be done n the Pacific Coast. 55?"" Examine our work and judge for your selves. Every order attended to with care and expedition. C. E. MURRAY, West door Ralston'e brick. Main st.. iO.tf) Oieson City, i n t ijrrtgryrf-1. tfa, jyytigraau-. MISCELLANEOUS. PROOFS OF THE SUrSoT QUALITY OF THE 1 WATP.U MADE AT VU V7ALTHAM, MASS. The American Watch Company, 0f w.u ham. Mass., respectfully suCmit thaUh atches are cheaper, more accur Z complex, more durable, better adapted f!! general use.aud more easily kept in or. ?, . repaired than any watchJs UXi They are simpler in slructu-e, and therif strontrpr. and tosu tilrN. i. ' " "'torer the majority of foreign watches, which ,J composed of from 125 to SOU nieen i . an old English watch there TrTl ' Too parts How they run nnder tK trial watches can ha e, is shown by thr. f i lowinsr letter : J Iot PEXX. RAILROAD COMPANY Offick of tub General Si PEiiiNTEXDiiiiT 1 Altoona, Pa., 15th Dec, ts.;6 ' f GcntUnun: The watches manufactur.d by you have been in use on this railro-d for several years by our enginemen, to whom we furnish watches as part of our equipment There are now some three hundred of them" carried on our line, and we consider them good and reliable time keepers. Indeed I have great satisfaction in saving v0ar watches give us less trouble, and'huve worn aud do wear much longer without repairs' than any watches we have ever had in wse on this road. As you are aware, we former! trusted to those of English manufacture of acknowledged good reputation; but us a class they never kept time as correctly, nor have they dime as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose expcnencV extended over a series of years. Respectfully, EDWARD II. WILLIAMS, Gen era I SuperiiUen dtnt. American Watch Co., Waltham. We muke now live diilercnt grades of wntchts. named respectively as follows: Audition, Tract y d- Co., ' Waltham, Matt. Waltham Watch Co., Waltham, Han. P. S Bartlttt, Waltham. Man. W m.IJIery, Ponton, Mae. Home Watch Co., Jlonton, Matt. All of these, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted br the American Watch Company to beoftt'e best material, on the most approved princi ple, and to possess every requisite for a re liable time-keeper. Every dealer Belling these Watches is provided with the Com pany's printed card of guarantee, which should accompany each Watch sold, bo that buyers may feel sure that they are purchas ing the genuine article. There are numer ous counterfeits and imitations of our Watties sold throughout the country, and we would caution purchasers to be on their guard agninst imposition.- Adj- grades cf Waliham Watches may ba purchased of Watch Dealers throughout the country. 1:2m BOBBINS A- AFPLETOX, 182 Broadway, N. Y., General Agents. K. U. Gray & Co.. 61b Merchant ut., Francisco, Agent for the Pacific Coast. L. ZIGLER&S0N., r; cooper. . Oregon City, Oregon. T1IE UNDERSIGNED0 ARE NOW I'RE pared to make all manner of ware in the line of cooperage, from a well-bucket to a hogshead, of both bilt;e and straight work, on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Call and examine samples of our work, si it is its own recommendation. 83.6m) L. ZIGLEl& SgN'. IN THE U. S. DISTRICT LAND OfTkTk at Oregon City, Oregon, John r. John Clareland and John Kerr. Notice to said John Clareland and John Kerr: John Welsh claiming the right of pre-emption tu lot 1 of sec. 4. T. 1 S. K. 1 W., and lot 2 of sec. 33 T. 1, N. H, 1 W,, and having offered proof to show thr.t each erf you have forfeited your right to said land by abandoning the same : yon are therefore hereby notified that you or either of you will be allowed thirty days from service hereof in which to appear and establish your right to said fund, nnd if you fail to appear, said proof of abandon ment will be taken as true, against you. November loth, 1 SI7. OWEN WADE, Register. O 5:4t HENRY WARREN, Keceircr. Kotice To Lawson Scott. V EVI T. DAY IS HAVING MADE Ap plication at this oflico te enter as a pre- emption right the E. half ot the NW. quarter and lots Nos. 4 and . ot sec. in 1 . 4 N R, 5 W., and having ottered proof and paymnt in support of his right thereto, and his?n;frl beint in conflict with your pre-emption riling of DUh of Ar gust, HvVj : You are here by notified that you will be allowed thirty days from service hereof in which to appear and establish your right, and that should you fail to appear his entry will be allowed. Land Ollice, Oregon City, Oregon, Oct, 30th. 1S67. " c-A OWEN WADE. Register, HENRY WARREN, Receiver. Notice to Creditors. INSTATE OF 11. V. LAM BERT, Deceased. 1J Notice is hereby given by the undtr Mgned, Administrator of the estate of aid II. V. Lambert, deceased, to all persou hir ing claims against the estate of the said de ceased, to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from tln dt'.e of this notice, to the undersigned at his resi dence in Oregon City, Ciackatnai county, Oregon. November 11th, 1567. 4:w4 EORBES BA RCLAT. Adurijustrt-tor. Not:ce to Creditors. INSTATE OF ROBERT LA VERY. DE J ceased. Notice w hereby a;iven by tbe undersigned, administrator of" the above named estate, to all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased, to pre sent them with the proper vouchers within six months from the dale of this notice, tJ the undersigned at the ollice of S. Iluelat, in Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. November 23d, A. D. 1 '7. ARTHUR WARNER, 4:.'t Administrator1. Final Settlement. "VOTICE IS HEREBY til YEN THAT JJ Elizabeth Summers, Administratrix of the estate of Michael Summers, dee'd, has hied her final accounts in said cst.'.te. R i therefore ordered that Monday, January nth, S. be set for hearinsr objections to said ac- connts and the iinal settlement ol'ie same. By order of the court. 5:4t" J. M. BACON. .November 14, 1S0T. cierk- Administrator's Notice. A LL persons having claims airainst the f f Jntin K.llin deceased, arcrc- finested to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned ut his ofhee no Oregon City, Clackamas county, ptate w Orexon, within six months from V'l5 BENTON KII.LLV Administrator of the estatc of John Kilhn, deceased. r Oregon City, November 16th, lsfii. RANCH FOR SALE. SITUATED BETWEEN THE CLACK aaias and the OREGON CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Ilunsakcr. fW Will be soybean for c0.. A'lDlV to 1 rivvr.- . Main street, Oregon City. DRAY FOR SALE CHEAP ' A FIRST RATE IIfcA i , i ib A .mod order, will be sold cneap for ( upon application to C. C.h ci;v. Sl.tf UI , MONITOR FLOUR. lnts IJ Have on nanu iui purchasers, the EL OUR. Try it. celebrated ILL HEADS PRINTED. At the P:ntorpri.-e Offiw- B Colobs. The most "M1U " found i t . . - I Ire useful and welcome artice- almost every l'"".seho,'V e i Z Family Dye Colon, of I J ca3lly Thev can always, bciviuu" u,cd, and eott tuu 1