Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, November 30, 1867, Image 2

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Cljc iUccliln (enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, November 30, 1867.
crit ACEXTS.
L. P. FISHER & Co.,,Rooms 20 and 21 New
Merchants' Exchange, Sacramento street,
are. onr only authorized Agents in San
DALY A STEVENS, cor. Front and Morri
son streets, (up stairs,) arc onr authorize"
Agents in Portland.
Vt. C. LEWIS, Es'., will continue to act for
us as General Traveling Agent.
Chas. Prosch, formerly editor of
the Pupret Sound Herald, has bought
out the Olympia Tribune.
The Odd Fellows of Olympia
will open their new hall on Christmas
with, a public party.
The price of bread in Paris fs
equivalent to about twenty cents the
four-pound loaf.
Wheatleigh is now the great
sensation " Under the Gas Lights,"
at the Metropolitan in San Frans
The Bulletin says the next great
enterprise of the United States will
be the construction of a canal across
the Isthtaus of Darien.
All Washington Territory, East
rf the Dalles of the Columbia, wero
in Portland last Wednesday, en
route to the fir trees of Olympia.
-Sacramento was first lighted by
Gas on the evening of December 17,
1805. In the month of July 1SG2
the first main va3 laid for gas in
The Democracy at Albany the
cthei day resolved that the Excise
law interfered with " religious cus
toms." What are they 1 The wor
ship of Bacchus, we suppose.
A State fair is a queen; an agri
cultural fair is a farmer's daughter;
a church fair is a parson's wife; a sol
dier's fair is the best-looking girl he
can get hold of ; a charity fair is a fo
male pauper; and the most unpopular
fair in the universe is
house fare.
board ing-
o Nu-ATee-Poo is the name to be
gircn to the new territory to be
made of Eastern Washington, and
Western Idaho. Capital at Lewis
ton. Nu-Mee Poo is of native origin,
nnr properly defind means Our
The ambition of Kansas to con
trol the trade of Colorado and New
Itfexico, and the failure of the Mis-,
souri Southern Pacific Railroad pro
jectors to push their work, have led
to a scheme for the extension of the
Kansas Branch of the Pacific Pail
road across New Mexico tc the navi
gable waters of the Colorado, and
thence to San Francisco.
The New York Herald lately
printed a dispatch from San Fran
cisco, stating that " the construction
of a sea-wall of0granite, on Brooklyn
rock foundation, for the protection of
the harbor of San Francisco, is now
favorably progressing, under the di
rection of the street Commissioner,
and will extend along the whole city
from the Mexican coast."
The New Yorkllcrald gets more
gratuitous puffing than a cigar dealer.
Just now oil the daily papers on this
coast, (the Alta and Bulletin, except
ed), are taking great delight in show
ing how Oie Hcrahts special distanced
nil competitors in the transmission of
the first dispatch of the transfer from
the Territory of Alaska.
There was an interval of just
two years ISO to 1SG7, in the two
great fires of Idaho City. The first
great fire in San Francisco occurred
m the 2 tth of December 1S39. On
S'lie l.'Jth of the next December there
was another great fire. On the 2d
day of November ISG2 was a memo
rable fire in Sacramento.
As we add territory to territory,
so webix-ite those who once headed
principalities and kingdoms to come
mid make their home with us. The
Pope, of Home, and Garibaldi are to
come by invitation of the Secretary
f State and cro one more year
blull pass away, a Revolution in
A' ranee may prompt whoever shall be
Secretary of State then to invite Na
j'ulcon to come to the Uuited States
idso the signs of the times tell us
i hat coming events cast their shadows
Lakuk Bells. The large bell
Notre Dame University, one mile
vest rf South Iier.d, Indiana, is now
in its place. Thisbell is the largest
but one in the Lnited States. It
"eighs over seven tons, was cast in
France to order, and cost for manu
iVp.ire ai.d transportation $3,500 in
gold. Three hundred subscribed for
i , aiid the name of each person w ho
P,ve 10 or over is castnpon it. It
el timed that the bell can be heard
1 r a dlstaSbe of twenty miles or
i. lore in an ordinary state of the at
t , wphere The lurg bell in New
o. k weighs about 22,000 rounds
ttal one in Montreal weighs 6t;ll
third lc.rr.f-?! i
vin j:j this coiuiucut.
Col. Dow has retired from
Columbia Press.
Albert Ilurnphery is supposed
to be alive, but demented.
On Wednesday we got a paper
from Eugene City dated on the 23d,
and one of the 9th from Vancouver.
A stock company is about to in
vest 200,000 dollars in a hotel and
'heatre, at Portland.
The Ihrald talks of what will
be done, if the California Company
do not put on more steamboats to
No proposition in mathematics
has been more clearly demonstrated
than that free labor secures the
greatest prosperity.
The Daughters of Rebecca, at
Portland, will spread a collation on
the 12th, at which all Odds in the
State are invited.
The Herald prints an article,
then if it sounds pretty and is copied
below, the Herald reprints it, and
says it is clipped from so and so, etc.
Messrs. Estes & Stimpson will
soon build a large steam saw mill in
Portland, on the site of the Har.
baugh & Stitzel mill, burned in 18G6.
Bcriah Brown has been con
victed of Iarcency. lie stole an item
concerning Col. Simmons, from the
The Oregonian, and the Herald,
have both been bought up by the
Yamhill railroad company. The sell
took effect on Saturday morniDg.
Another season, and the convicts
will be made to aid very materially in
defraying the expenses of the State
Mr. T. II. Crawford has re
signed his position in the public
school of Salem, and accepted a fa
vorable offer from Prof. Gatch of
Anions the best institution of
Portland is the Musical and Educa
tional Institute of Prof. Grob, which
is also a day and boarding school for
young ladies.
The annual municipal election
will be held in Salem on Monday.
No other than local issues are likely
to come up, and there will be little
strife except for the Marshalship.
The Hegislcr finds fault because
a cotemporary called Cemcntville in
Oregon. Does not the Hegislcr for
get that Washington Territory was
but recently wholly in Oregon?
The Northern route for a raiK
road is being examined by Mr.
Philip Ritz of Walla Walla Valley.
lie is collecting full statistics as he
goes through the country.
The Oregonian says that when
Beriah Brown shall have recovered
damages of San Francisco for de
stroying his treason-mill, he will
immediately commence paying off
the Confederate debt.
On Weduesday of last week
Mr. II. Quick was drowned near
Ilillsboro. Ilis body was recovered
the same day, and after appropriate
ceremony was buried in a Masonic
The O. S. N. Company are
bringing freight flour and
from Wnllula to Portland at $0 00
per ton. If the people want any
cheaper freight than that they should
go east for it.
Our frier d Wm. Young, who
lately led the accomplished daughter
of Capt. Nelson to the hymenial al
tar in Portland, is soon to leave for
the Atlantic States. We wish him
and his a pleasant voyage.
The colored people of Portland
will observe January 1st tin a man
ner appropriate to the Anniversary
of the day on which the famous proc
lamation of Lincoln' was issued.
Extensive preparations are to be
made, and all colored people of the
State will bo invited to participate.
Judge Shattuck has finally ad
journed court so far as he is concern
ed, and will soon enter upon the prac
tico of his profession, with Hon.
David Logan of Portland. The suc
cessor to Judge Shattuck has not yet
been made known to the public.
The steamer U. S. Grant has
been sold to run as an opposition on
Pugct Sound. The New World and
Eliza Anderson have consolidated
interests. Puget Sound is a good
place, it seems, to dispose of useless
Oregon steamboats. Of course no
body here will now draw the Grant.
Maj. Gen. L. II. Rosseau has
arrived at Portland and assumed
com mand of the department of Co
lumbia. The Herald says: Gen.
Steele, in his brief military adminis
tration of this department, has won
golden opinions from all sorts of mem
including the ladies.
The temperance people of Port
land have organized a library associ
ation. Permanent officers were
elected on last Monday evening, as
follows: Jacob Stitzel, President; C.
Stewart, Vice President; James A.
Waters, Secretary; J. B. Garrison,
Treasurer. Directors Jacob Stitzel,
J. B. Girriso". Tames A. Waters. W.
S. Stevens. Barer! .-C Stp.wnrt nr.r!
J. S. Kidder.
The machinery of the oil mill at
Salem was started on Saturday, and
everything was found to work well
As soon as the largo boiler arrives in
which the meal is to be steamed after
it is ground, and is in its place, the
company will commence the manu
facture of liuseed oil.
A friend in San Francisco in
forms us that a greater drawback ti
Portland than the bars in the Willam
ette, so far as shipping is concerned,
is the lack of a tug suitable for the
pilots and inland towing. We think
our next legislature will be required
to remodel the pilot laws.
Mr. Hull, one of the early set
tlers of Portland, has lately returned
to that place. Our first recollection
of Mr. Hull was about the time he
advertised for pigs' tails to make pen
ny whistles. Portland was not big
enough at that time to hold him and
sheep Shaw.
A poor inebriate was prevented
from drowning himself a few days
ago at Portland,
that he forgot
Ilis actions show
the most essential
part of the proceeding, which de
prived the grave of a corpse, by leav
ing his sinker on the wharf when he
took to water his most unnatural
Thus far during 18G7, all ship
pers of grain to the Atlantic have
made money, profits have been large,
and yet the prices paid for the wheat
have at all times been remunerative
to the grower, so that, in point of
fact, the producer as well as shipper,
have alike derived handsome profits,
while ship owners and others have re
ceived proportionate benefits.
Mr. Thatcher (of the Stage Co.)
says that the roads are unusually
good for this season cf the year, bet
ter than they have been since 18G2.
The light wagons in use are found to
be well adapted to muddy roads. On
the first of December the stages com
menced running on long time, and
will connect with the boats at Oregon
City until next season.
Clinical lectures are delivered
before the class of students attend
ing the Medical Institute at Salem on
Saturday of each week at 11 o'clock.
At these meetings persons submitting
to operations have the advantage of
the scientific skill and extended prac
tical experience of the whole Faculty.
Those who are unable to pay for
such services will receive proper at'
tention free of charge.
The Fid.clitcr will be troubled by
American Custom House authorities
no more, having become American
ized through the recent transfer of
our Russian possessions. When she
began in this trade she ran under the
British flag. Upon returning from
Sitka she displayed the Russian col
ors, in consequence of her tranfer to
Russian owners. Since the formal
transfer of Alaska to the United
States, all residents up there are citK
zens of the United States, hence she
becomes an American ship, and car
ries tho American flag.
Another Railroad Company was
organized in Multnomah county last
week. They propose constructing a
railroad beginning at Portland and
thence up the valley via Eugene City
and to connect in Nevada with the
Central Pacific Railroad via the Mid
dle Fork of the Willamette river.
The capital stock is fixed at 85,000,
000 and the principal business office
and machine shops of the company
are to be located at Portland. The
articles are signed by Messrs. W . S.
Ladd, Failing, Gibbs, and others.
The Oregonian's last New York
letter contains statement of several
important facts which should
the attention of the people of Oregon,
and particularly of those who have a
leading part in business here. It is
observed that with a rapid decline of
almost all kinds of goods in eastern
markets, there is a very heavy rise
in freights to the Pacific coast and
elsewhere. It follows that our mer
chants and people generally will be
unable to derive the advantage they
ought from a reduction in the prices
of goods at the cast and from a sale
of our own products for transporta
tion to other markets. This state of
facts suggests in a very practical and
forcible way, the necessity of 'art in
dependent trade for Oregon, remarks
the Oregonian, carried on directly
with the east by means of shippiug
owned and controlled at home. Even
if this should be impracticable to a
certain extent, and though freights
should not be materially reduced by
the fact of the shipping being owned
here, we should at least by this pros
cess get our trade clear of the em-
barrassments it suffers by passing
through so many hands, and thus re
lieve it of no inconsiderable part of
its burdens. Any project looking to
the accomplishment of results of this
sort would deserve attentive consid
eration Gail Hamilton deplores the fate
of a youDg woman she knows, who is
to be married and live in Chicago.
Whereupon the Cincinnati Convner
cial remarks: 4 Gail forgets the Chi
cago probability that the bride will be
divorced and batk home iu. less than
i s-ix moutu
It is the interest of the State, and
of every individual in the State, to
increase the number of its inhabitants
thereby developing the rich material
which sleeps in the soil or in the
mines beneath. Industrious and la
borious hands are indispensable to
this ; and to draw them hither is the
very first duty of Legislative autbor-
We should never lose sight of this
fact, that our great "Western States"
on the Atlantic side, have most of
them appropriated large annual sums
to superinduce immigration from Eu
rope, and have organized boards of
commissioneis, as well as appointing
agents at home and abroad, for that
express purpose, while Oregon has
done nothing whatever to help the
distant stranger, either by informa
tion or aid.
However humiliating to our pride
this may be, we have only ourselves
to blame ; a narrow-minded policy,
and a want of comprehensive, states'
manlike view on this subject of such
para mount importance, have for years
past prevented any action on the part
of th. !o toward the promotion of
its most v-.al interests, while other
sections of the country have been
straining every nerve, and liberally
expending their means to secure that
prize which is the source of all wealth
Hon. Schuyler Colfax raised a
large fund the past season for the
benefit of the Grand Army of the
Republic by delivering his lecture:
" Across the Continent." The sea
son closed on the 9ih. Tho follow
ing " terms" were dictated by him on
every occasion: " The only " terms"
I make with you are that I shall not
be asked to accept any pay for lec
turing or traveling expenses, so that
the entire proceeds, without any de-.
duction, may be applied ft-r the ben
efit of disabled soldiers, and destitute
widows and orphans of those who
died that the Republic might live.
If it softens the rigors of the coming
winter to any of them, I shall be
more than compensated."
Mrs. Lincoln. The professions
of attachment to and anxiety for the
Republican party, which Mrs. Lincoln
couples with her complaints of the
ingratitude of that part towtuds her
self, will be received with some al I
lowanco from one who never shared
with her husband tho confidence of
the party that elected and supported
hurt during the rebellion. This un
pleasant affair of hers seems to be
nothing less than a very badly
managed attempt to speculate upon
the feelings of the American people,
and deserves, as it receives, univer-.
sal condemnation.
Ticknor & Fields of Boston are
doing the reading public a great ser
vice by producing all of Dickon's
works in the styles adopted by them.
Now that " Charles'' is in this coun
try to lecture, we advise our friends
to read up at their leisure moments.
These little voiumns are cheap,
and one can purchase them as they
are issued and not feel the diminu
tion of the size of his purse. The
illustrations continue to be of the
same artistic character as in the first
volumes issued.
Advance of the Pacifc Railroad.
The Northern Pacific Railroad is
completed as far Cheyenne, at the
foot of the Black Hills, and by next
September the Southern branch will
have reached Denver. Almost be
fore we are aware, the iron-bands
will be drawn from the Missouri to
the Pacific, and united at Salt Luke.
Philip Ritz speaks of the Minne
sota Emigration being at Couer d'
Alene on the Tth. They number 2G
wagons, 11 families, and 115 persons.
The detention of this party at Helena
will probably keep most of them
from reaching Oregon, and Walla
Walla Valley is likely to be their
future home.
General Lewis Wallace and his
wife, of Crawfordsvillc, Indiana, have
been lately devoting themselves to
Persons going east should watch
the sailing of t he opposition steamers
Vindictive. There is a little scrub-by-louking
copperhead paper pub
lished away down in Yamhill county
Oregon, which every now and then
inflicts us with a number with an
"X" marked on the wrapper. We
are not aware of ever having done th
editor, compositors,
devil or mail
hoy ot that institution
any harm.
uoii t luinn we ever inmrr,,!
, t, c j ,my cit
izen of that county; and still the L" -fayette
Courier persists in sendinrr us
an exchange. We suppose sne
one m the Conner office must hold a
grudge against us. VC kr.ew the
cuii-ui some years r.go, when
he was
a war democrat. ' TI
e "termed"
himself a "Douglas democrat."
last leader is an
attemnt tn v,
that he negro Is not a white man.
lha. ,a the conclusion he reaches, but
couldn't afford to read the whohl
arlic.e, though it isdouble leaded
beg Jasper not to send us an-
mure? papers with an "X"
On thorn
e wui pay you lihenl! j
r ;, f " ' . . 7 l" resist.
Lwsiiuu io re wasted
m tear-
!tg tth
r off the Courier.
"We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the Oregonian.
General .Mower has issued an order sus
pending a number of judges and other
officers in New Orleans.
A Cuban, for some time a resident of
Vera Cruz, says he forsees revolution in
Mexico, probably about next January.
The result of the Mississippi election is
doubtful. It is believed that the Conven
tion is defeated.
The Herald's British Columbia letter
says every inhabitant except the officials
is 'openly advocating th-' annexation of
' that country to the United States.
Porto Rico papers of November 4th
give full particulars of the late great storm
in the West Indies. The previous reports
are fully sustained. At St. Thomas the
damage was very great.
Dispatches are received announcing the
gratifying intelligence of the safety of Dr.
Livingstone. The Doctor was known to
be safe and well, and was then exploring
the waters of Africa,hundreds of miles from
the sea coast.
A Herald's Havana special says Tega
tholi'has been tendered an escort of troops
to convey Maximilian's body to Vera Cruz
at the government's expense. Alt public
demonstrations within the Mexican juris
diction are forbidden.
The Custom House authorities at San
Francisco seized a large quantity of opi
um. o:i board the Great ll'-puhlic, which
the Chinese passengers had attempted to
smuggle into the country packed into
small tin boxes and secreted within the
staves of tubs.
Humor says that prominent counsel
have sailed for California to reopen the
Santillo claim on new evidence, which it
is -claimed proves that Santillo did fulfill
the conditions of the grant. The scheme
is backed by Joe Palmer. Levi Parsons,
Fremont, Leonidas Haskell, Geo. Wright,
Chas. Gould, and others.
Grant's report on the estimates of the
expenses of the War Department for next
year is $90,000,0)0; the strength of the
regular army will 51,000. The report is
silent regarding tho continuance of the
Freedmen's Bureau, but indorses all the
military commanders in enforcing recon
struction. It says Sherman is of opinion
that peace with the Indians is firmly es
tablished. Advices by the Greed Repuh'ic report
that Stanger, late defaulting manager of
the San I'racisco Sugar Kelinery. upon his
arrival in China, represented himself as the
manager and agent of the refinery. The
merchants gave a grand banquet to him
and treated him with the utmost consider
ation. He played his opportunity for alt
it was worth, chartered two vessels to load
with sugar at Manilla for the Refinery, dis
charged their agent in China and appoint
ed a new one, and finally drew drafts up
on San Francisco to the amount of six
thousand dollars, and got them cashed.
He undoubtedly absconded again before
intelligence of his rascality reached China.
Congress met at noon on the 21st, 12
Senators were present. Sumner endeavor
ed to introduce a biil to secure equal rights
in the District of Columbia being the
same bill fiat parsed last session, and was
pocketed by the President. It was object
ted to by Edmunds, who offered a resolu
tion which was printed, declaring that the
faith of the nation is pledged to pay the
debt in gold, except where it was other
wise specially provided. Adjourned till
Monday. The House met at noon. The
galleries were crowded. After prelimin
ary proceedings the members elect from
Tennessee were called by the Speaker:
they took the oath. Kldridgo objected to
administering it to Stokes, on the ground
of disloyalty. It was moved to refer his
credentials to the committee on elections.
I'rooks (Democrat) objected to tho oath
being administered to any of the Tennes
see members, oti the ground that the State
had not a Republican form of govern
ment: also, two of the members elect had
taken the oath of all
riance to the C
federate Government. I'rooks denounced
the fiT.ncLise. taw of Tennessee and the
manner of holding elections, and was
specially opposed t j the adms-sion of I hit
ler and -Mullens, on the ground that both
had given proof during the rebellion of
disloyalty to the ( tovern.ment, by giving
aid to the re'( lion.
Fldridge brought up against Stokes his
letter to Duncan, when a long debate en
sued and various motions were made and
lost ; finally all the Tennessee members
were sworn except Duller, whose creden
tials were not proper.
The credentials of a delegate from New
Mexico wero referred to the committee.
The delegates from Montana and Wash
ington Territory were sworn in.
The Speaker said the next business in
order was the report of the progress made
since July 20th, by the Judiciary Commit
tee, on the question of impeachment.
Their report might be made immediately.
Wilson, chairman of the committee said
the report would be ready on Monday,
w hereupon the House postponed the exe
cution of the order.
Robinson, of New York, introduced a
question of privilege in the charges
against Minister Adams, for neglecting to
do his duty in failing to protect the rights
of American citizens in Ireland, demand
ing investigation in order to present ar
ticles of impeachment if the charges are
true. Also to request the President to
order Adam's recall.
It is generally conceded that Congress
will repeal the cotton tax.
The Judiciary Committee is preparing
a report on impeachment to be submitted
on Monday. The result cannot be con
A dispatch from Constantinople says
the SnRan is dangerously ill.
The Pontifical troops are actively en
gaged in fortifying the approaches to
Rome, and building substantial works of
The Rank of Italy is about to issue notes
of one franc each to supply the deficiencv
of email coin.
The speech of Napoleon had a good
effect on the Italians. They believe the
words of the Emperor imply tho ultimate
gratification of the wishes of' Italy.
Government is concentrating a strong
force of military to prevent an' outbreak!
or attempt to rescue cundemned prisoners
at Manchester.
It is reported that Minister Dix has pro
posed to the Emperor that tho United
States bo represented in tho coming cren
eral conference. The Emperor approved
the proposition.
In the House of Commons. Lord Stanly
said England had been invited to join a
General European Conference, but refused
unless a distinct plan of action was pro
posed. He thought participation iu such
a congress would only add to the respon
sibilities of England, without doiii" anv
good; Nearly all the members who spoke
condemned the course of France ia send
ing a military expedition to Duly.
Parliament opened on the Rlth. Queen
was not present. Her speech was read by
aKoval Commission. She savs sue had
no other alternative but to send an expe
dition to Abyssina, and asks an appro, el
ation for expenditures. She hopes Napo
leon will withdraw his troops to avoid un
friendly relations with Victor Emanuel
.-he refers to the Fenian disturbances, and'
conc.ndes with promises that Govern. to-.t
will introduce a reform bill for Scotland
and Ireland. The Ton" warmly praises
Napoleou s speech, and regards" it much
more liberal, peaceful and sensible than
any previous one. The Queen speech in
parliament, and Napoleon;s pacific address
have had a tranquilizing effect in Europe,
and restored confidence in the principal
political and financial centres.
Yv'e heard of a man iu Portland
the other day who would not suffer a
rat to be molested about his premises,
because he. ?.tid it was much healthier
to have them.
OF THE 40T1I coxcrcss of thb united stvtes
rrnnisiiED r.v authority-.
Chapt. XVII. An Act to increase the force
in the Patent otllce.
lie it enac ted by the Senate and ILuee of Hrp-
retsentaticcs if the United Stales cf Jmertca
in CunfjrtHt assembled,
That the commissioner of patents is nutho
lized from time to time to appoint, in the
manner already provided for by law, such an
additional number of principal examiners
ns may be required to transact the current
business of the oilice with dispatch : J'ro
tided. That the v, hole number of such addi
tional examiners shall not exceed four of
each class, and that the total annual expenso
of the patent office shall not exceed its an
nual receipts.
Approved, March 2fi, 1SC7.
Chapt. XVIII. An Act to incorporate the
Lincoln Monument Association.
Be it enacted by the Senate and J oust rf Rep
resent at ices if the. United States ff America
in Cuniiress a..'CinT.l l,
That Alexander II Randall, James Harlan,
Alexander Ramsey, Nathaniel P. Jianks.Sid
ney Perham, John Conness, John T. Wilson,
GoodloveS. Orth, Delos R. Ashlev, llnlbert
E. Payne, Charles O'Neill, Burt Vanllorn,
John F. Driggs, Frederick K. Woodbndge,
Jacob Benton, John Hill, Shelbv M. C'ulluin,
Thomas A. Jencks, Orin S. Ferry, N. B.
Smithers, Francis Thomas, Samuel McKee,
Horace Mayuard, John F. Benjamin, Rufus
Mai lory, SiJnevClai ke, Daniel Pulsley, Walter
A. Burleigh, John Tafl'ee, and their success
ors, are constituted a body corporate in the
District of Columbia, by the name of the
Lincoln Monument Association, for the pur
pose of erecting a monument in the city of
Washington, commemorative of the great
charter of emancipation and universal hberty
in America.
Sec. -I. And be it farther enacted. That the
persons named in the first section of this act
shall be the first trustees of the corporation
and shall have power to fill vacancies in their
number, nut exceeding one from each State
in the Union.
Sec. 3. And be it f arther enacted, That said
corporation shall have power to own and
control such property as may be necessary for
the carrying out of the objects of the associ
ation. Sec. 4. An I If it f artier enacted, That said
corporation shall have power to collect mon
ey, end to make such rules and regulations
as they may deem necessary or expedient.
Sec. 5. An t be it further enaciid, That said
corporation shall have power to appoint a
presideut, a vice president, a secretary, a
treasurer, and also a boarl of managers, con
sisting of not les.s than seven nor more than
thirteen, who shall have a general control of
the alfa'rs of the association, and who may
be selected from persons not included in the
list of eorporators. The treasurer shall ex
ecute a bond iu such penalty as may be re
quired, conditioned lor the safe-keeping of
the funds of the corporation which may como
into his hands, and for the faithful discharge
of the duties required of him.
Sec. 0. And he it further enar'ol, That the
property of said corporation held or occupied
by them 1"; ,r the uses and purposes of their
incorporation shall be exempt from all taxes
to be levied under the authority of the Unit
ed States, or of any municipal corpoi atioti
within the District of Columbia.
Sec. 7. And be it further tnuet,d. That Con
gress may at any time hereafter repeal, alter
or amend this act.
Approved, March 29, 167.
tIKl.- At the residence of her mother. on
Butte Creek, Marion Co., Thursday, Nov.
21st, 1 SJ7, Xkttie Bemidslky.
A e w Ad vcr i iscmcn X s.
Clans' Headquarters !
JT"'t iff
fL f o'- -.
JNWr it
S. J. Jfc CO 11 MICK,
lor, Front st., Portland.
Co-Partnerthio Koticc.
JJN have taken into my business Thos.
Learv, his interest to date from the 2!ih cf
October, ls'J7. The business wiil hereafter
he curried ou under the name of Mann &
beary. J. (J. MANN.
AH persons knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned previous to October i'-fth
1S'',7, are requested to call upon P. T. Bar
clav, and pav the same, saving further cot-
Oregon City, Nov. Seth, 1 b7. 0:1m
Notice cf Final Settlement.
JL County, State of Oregon.
In the m litter of the estate of E. A. Barnes,
deceased ; Nov. term, I SOT.
On this day come E. B. Kellv, Adminis
trator of said estate, by bis attorneys, and
filed his final account in said Court, praving
a settlement of the same. It is therefore
ordered that the 1st Monday of Jamiarv,
1S''S, be set apart for the hearing of said ap
plication, at which time all persons inter
ested are notified to appear at the Court
House in said county and show cause if any
they have why said" accounts should not be
Nov: ICth, 1SG7.
County Jude.
To solicit orders for a ne-r
v.ompieic in one otume.
rMIIS Dictionary embod
the result cf
JL the most re
recent study, research, and in-
vesturatnon of about si xtv-live of the most
eminent and advanced Biblical scholars now
bvui. Clergymen of all denominations ap
prove it, ami regard it as the best work of
its kind in the English lamrua-xc, and one
which ought to be in the hands of every bible
reader in the land.
In circulating this work, nzents will find a
pleasant and profitable employment The
numerous objections whieh'are usually en
countered in selling ordinary works, will not
exist with this. But on the contrary encour
agement and friendly aid wiil attend the
agent, making his labors agreeable, useful
and lucrative.
Ladies, retired clergymen, school teachers
farmers. Students, and all others, who pos
sess energy, are warned fo assist in canvass
ing every town and comity on the I'acilic
coast, to whom the most liberal inducements
will he oflcred. For particulars apply to or
address: "Subscription I lepartment "
San Francisco, ('al.
General Agents for the Pacific coast. 0.4t
We ask the attention of the public to this
long-tested and unrivaled
It has been favorably known for more
than twenty years, during which time we
have received thousands of testimonials,
showing this medicine to be an almost never
lading remedy for diseases caused by or at
tendant upon
Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague,
Headache, fid! ions" Fever, Pains in the
Side, Buck and Loins, as well as in
the Joints and Limbs, Neuralgia
and Rheumatic 'am m any
part of the system, Tooth
ache and Pains in the
head and face.
As a Blood Purifier and Tonic for the
It seldom fails to cure Dvspepsia. Indi
gestion, Liver Comprint, Add Stomach,
Heartburn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head
ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ringworms
Roils, l elons. Whitlows, Old Sores Swelled
Joints, and General Debility of the System.
it is also a prompt and sure remedy for
Cramps and Pain m the Stomach, Painters'
Colic urrhtea, Dyseuteiy, Summer Com
plaint, v,ho!er:i .Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
. c.:hj, lJurr.s. S:.r.;ns !'.inw..i; r.,,.t isir
w.il as tho Stings of insects.
Vr.tipo.ifs. and s.:. it. of Po.-"-''d
ciivi:.ou KvjUjie : .
us acco;:ip;i:i v::ig each l.-jt'lu.
North American S. S. Co,
To New York, via Nicaragua,
Through Ahead of the IIail!
Will dispatch the fast and favorite steamship
-1 V?-
It r.
J. II. Ri.ethkx Commander.
Fiom Mission street wlwtrf at 12 o'clock, M.,
With the New and Elegant steamship
8,000 Tons. Fur XE W YORK.
Xo expense on tlie Istlimns
10O Ilis.
Ua garage Fice.
An experienced Surgeon
on board ; Medicine and attendance free.
?GfcJ"" For further information apply to
I. W. RAYMOND, Agent
N W cor. Pine and Battery sts., up-stairs,
n5.tdj San Francisco.
.L fected by the On son Men in avl
ifiitiontniii'iiiiiy and the Pioneer ngc
t'oiiiiiany, whereby passengers can pur
chase Tl! ROUGH TICKETS 'from I'orif.uid
to the different points in Idaho at tho follow
ing rates :
From Portland to Boise City,. . . . $,T1 50
Idaho City til T0
" " Silver Citv Cl 50
Passengers cm lay over r.t Umatilla by
giving notice to the Agent of the "Pioneer
Stage Company.7'
ThrougU Ticliels irold tilily nt tlis
Company's Oilice in Port liiutl.
The rates of p;
on the river until
j. jN Y !
rA M
farther notice will be as follows:
From Portland to Dalles $0 25
" Umatilla 15 00
" " Wallula 10 00
From Dalles to Umatilla 10 00
Wallula 1100
' Umatilla " Wallula 2 50
N. CO.
For the Dalles
(!-'i!inI a v s exec p t cd , )
lioiits oil tfie Vpper Columbia.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday,
U m a t i 1 1 a
W a 1 1 u 1 a.
HKTtltM.f:-T!, Boats will leave
Wallula every Monday, and Wednesday,
and Friday mornings, touching at Umatilla
)aiies same cay.
On .tint aftt:
3Io inlay, Sept. 'J3a, 1-
r AT?-
Will leave Portland for Monticcllo
Kondiy, Wednesday, and Friday,
At t O'clock, A. r-1.
The STAGE leaves immediately on the
arrival of the boat, and reaches Olympia
the next eveiniisi.
RETURNING. The Boat will leave Mon
ticcllo every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day, (on arrival of the Stage from 01vmpia
at'l o'clock P. M.
Portland, July I Gth 1-07. S:tf
Pi-iduit O. S. X. Co.
i .1
W-;'. . t - LJ M ll m lU
Sxow Master.
Will leave Portland for Astoria and inter
mediate landings, on Monday and Friday of
each week, at (i o'clock a. m. Returning,
will leave Astoria ou Tuesday and Saturday
lit 6 A. D.
J 'resident O. S. X. Co.
Transportation Company.
X further notice,
Portland, every day '(Sundays excepted),
At 6i o'clock. A. M.,
Connecting with the steamers
Mondjy, T'ucsday, Thursday, and
and with the steamer
On Wcdnrslag of each iveel:. for
and with the steamer
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
of each ivrel:, for Dayton La
fayeVe and McMinnvillc.
November liith, ISo".
President . T. Co.
A ColUctbm of Glees, Quartrtts, Cho
ruses, Part Songs, 4-c; By L. O.
Emerson, author of 'The jubilee"
Harp of Judah, Golden Wreath,
Mcrru Chimes, tic.
Upwards of half a million copies of Mr.
Emerson's music books have been sold. a fact
proving a popularity which has rewarded no
other author of the same class of hooks, and
which cannot fad to insure for this new vol
ume an immense sale. The contents of this
work are, for the most part. new. A large
number of valuable pieces have been con
tributed by Mr. L. li. Southard, whose name
is a sutlieient guarantee of the excellence.
The marked features of the collection are:
Originality, Riilliancy and vaneiv. and it
j will belouud. upon careful examination, that
j there is no glee book before the public that
i in every particular will prove so completely
j satisfactory to musical societies, a;. d convou
I tions, conservatories. clubs and amateur sin r-
j crs.
i7. . mailed post
c-'dVi.;: Dir.
pd,i il. Di:oq: d C-j.. Nc;-. 1
VTIOXAXl comim
Corner of Front andOak street r
Of Real Estate. Groceries, General v..
una norses v
Autrg Wednesday
ADD, lurdny,
English refined Bar ami l!,Ke T'
English Square and etn Z,1 Irm':
Lnghsh Square and )cta J C ,
Horse shoes, Files, Kasn'sr s,ttfli
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet irJa p'r .
. . also : ' Jrn
A large assortment of Groceries aad ;
"I """" Auction
U I ,Ifmr.,-.,..
Green Street Wr,J a
Past Master and I, e , 7
,, ,, nqunis!
J'artics wanting feed n:-.-t f.
their sacks.
T f TT -t-T TT r, n """A
j u xx jh it. & u li R A H i
lumuacuirer and Dealer iu
V" eje, ctc.p
Main street, between Third and rr,;
Orcaon Cut.
T'lIE attention of parties desiring am-
JL in my line, is directed to mv stolid
lore maKing purciiases elsewtir-re.
A. j. Marshall! "
Wagon and Carriage Maker,
street, Oregon Citg.
Wagons made to order, and all wr.;j .
this line executed in the most tati.,f,,;L.
manner, at reasonable rates.
Xt?? All kinds of countig prrwhioet s
in exchange lor work, at cash price?, i,,
me a trial. .7::r
Successor to SMITH d- MARsifM
Black-Smith and Wagon J.;..
Corner of Main and TUrd strecN
Ore sou City (Jrc:-
Blacksmithing in all its branch,. V."
making and repairing. All work itstr:
to give satisfaction.
William BroagLton,
Jl-tin street, Oreijun t'.'.'v.
Will attend to all work in his hr. -sistiiig
in part of Carpenter and Jim,'
framing, building, etc. Jobbm !r.---'
attended' to.
is o leg o y n-z
All orders for the delivery of tnerd:-.c:..
or packages and fn-ight of wlmt.'vrr ek-s.-tion,
to any part of toe city, will lo f-.-.
promptly and with care. " O ;.-
3. C. MANN. Tn,.;. ..,.:.
Fashion Billiard Eahm.
Main street, between Second a::d TLiri,
Oregon Q'i'.i.
MANN & LEASY-....". Proprietor-
rfMIE above long established aa-l : : -in
JL Saloon is y-.-t a favorite r...rt. .".::
(nly the choicest brands "i Vi'i: . !.: . (
and Cigars are di.-persi.-d to cr.-:ir. i
share of the public putrot.a'j-. is '.e':.:l
l-lf N. IL Families .'.kd tr:i: "!
choicest Li-pinrs, English Ah; and Y-r.t.
in bottles, on the m . t reasona!;!;: ters:s.
Butchers and Meat VcnJ.'ti.
Thankful for the fave s of the coaler?
in the past, wish to say that they ;!.
tinue to deliver to their l.atruns, fr --:
wagon, as usual,
On TiusLiy and ', ' ;,'-' ,;..? - cA t.'i
all the best qualities of beet, Mntvn.
Pork, or any other class of moats i'J
market. 4T:tf
LOU US & A I. 11 II I G it T,
Corner of Fourth and ILvn Sis.,
Oregon City
I the public that tnev keep cenftK'"' '-'5
hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, s
beef, roniv.
And everything else fo he found ui '
of business. I.Ot. US A AI.W"'-""-.,
Oregon Cily, April iOth, 1607.
(Late Jia ' .!-'"''' "
Removed to the lower story of lUo h' "rt '
House, under the hXTKiu-iusE (.-."-
Main Street Oregon -"
-Vff5fS The nndorsiiXnHl
t-i on hand all the var.-U!-y?
f fresh and cured meats:
Poultry, Vegetables,
Corned Beef and Pur!:.
Bacon, Earns, Lard, Ta'M
A liberal share of patronage is '
as wc expect to keep as good an as.er'
and of asuood i n.ilit v.ns" t he coHiitry ;;
which will he delivered to pure!--'-reasonable
distance in the city. .rr
,:ji-j kvan .tw1:';.
1 f I..,.,,,-,, t..- lni'miSlllL' till I 1 . .. r . J
richness of Milk, fattening Stk. :.;;-a
it for market. For sale ia p;:i- "
sired. Also, Pure
11 AAV AM) i;on,K.U MF D '
and Ground Paint, Jcs'-J'
IKcinlhj far outs'de rrm,
constantly on nana.
for which cash will be paid f
Farif-e Li,,,,,! rr a ', ' !!; "
-:.. - T'ord. Sail Ir.UlC! -'
.-,l:tf D 15. RHNCIIEIA A
msf Premium
I been regarded as the Sftr
veution ot the ce nt. ry . , ,
method of tV'. tne w"-"1 j,,;,! ; C:?.
,,as been .. coded. !!.-. - " b 1
waiting for pat erns, . .j tr
and basted! All this can Ua
j use o
ise of the ),.. v? (.(,;""
Mathematical systau , p
At the l-e:ecL ,,( (
civen in Oniamei.ta. Mo. -T.s,!.-.y
andF.tdrty. at i -
T055 ,. j
f) cUat t;.c b- 1
! "I ':..
m s
v "
1 x )