nrf-nnni'it-i i-. --f.-s. I) i ! i if LEGO IN r 5 1 F 1v 17 JL JL f To!. SljclUccliln Enterprise. rrni.isiiKD kvekt SATrimAY sinKXt.vr. By D. O. i u J-i im -u , o KFICK: Soulli east corner of iinnnnd il us- streets, in tlie bnil'line; lately known s the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon, i Tfi-iiis of SiiW riioi. 0a copy, otic .roar in advance. . . ii ilel.lVcd. . 4 UC Trrms of Alvrt isin Transient nilvertiseinenls, per square (' lines or less i tirst insertion . . .2 Fur each silent insertion . . . 1 w Jlusiiiess ( 'arils one square per annum i. arable miarterlv. , 12 (u One cTtlumn prr uunuia I-'1 ut. lii-lt rohiinn " fi'1 "" One ijuartcr " .. l.e-'id utlverti.-ung at the v. In ( o Published rates. Sook and Job Printing ! t pllE E N T E II P H I S O V V ICE rO s supplied v.-illi every requisite for doing a superior :yl" of work, and is constant ly tu-ciiiii'ihiuiie; new and beautiful slyles r.'f materia!, and H prepared i'ur every Variety of i:oo;c AM) -'on O at satiska' i'imlv run !:.-. o cj" T!ie Public are invited to rail r.nd examine belli our sju'ciiticiis: and facilities PHOFESSIOXA , CARDS. Dr. F. Barclay, I-I. II C L.4 (Fonn 'r!v He.rgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.) O orn A'. ;.. vov, ";-eon Citv. Main .Stiv.-t. . Dr CJIARLES BLACH, rh'jiiciaii, S'trrcon and Accoucheur. OFFICE -Corner of Was? ir.ptos a:l Front street.-, Fan iMi's liloek, l'oriiand, Oregon. ;!"S!!KN"CE l!i ami -Washington street, 'lt'lh streets. I'tv.een a. e. i,n:: c. w. i'M:i::s:i, (,. f i.i.i. t-f IkeJ X-t-tr,, P.iV. GIE33 & PAEHISH, Uhrnvj.'s and Counselors o.t Law, I'uKTLAND, ORKUOX. O OFFICF On lii ivk ll'.oC Aider treet, in Carter's n:; 0. P. SIASON, ArTOUN'EV AN!) CCUNSELUU AT LaAV 1o-j Front st., Portland, Oregon. r ILL ATTF.N" 1) TO BCSIN F.SS IN ANY Court in the State or Washington ! T.-n enltorv. lueli; uug business under the :-.7:lv Bankruiit La M f'OWV. .1--' -.- I '.He. D T".7TT-Tr'r:TT C- T'Tn-''!-1TI''riT ET ."TV. vV".-.'0:-C UIUKION CITV, UIIKUOX. 1 - " Will attend to ;.U business entrusted t i our car.' m any of th Courts of the Slate, e loans, seil real es- ilb-ct money, negoUa t ete. ''Particular attention land ctisi's. ;ivon to contested l.vl i. F. ru -si:i.i. v. -A I. TON. RUSSELL & D ALTON, j Atlmeis on if Counselors (it Laic, j 1 . ; ' - sit 7 ' buitcit'ir ni C.i-ii itccri, cnul R,al Kstofe A' Wi third praet a1 ill the Courts of the second, i el I urin .1 u.lieial lu triet. s, in Mtmreii; ( nu t of Oivguii. -i-il atieKtion given to the ce'iee is at ail points in the above uam- ti'iii of oia f-Mlstlir;; Oili.:ein Parrish's brick boliding, Albany, Oregon. :;s. j. h Mirein;i.i,. j. x. a smith. Elitchell, Bolph & Smith, Alinifts and Counsellors at Ram, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiral I . !-?TlHee over the old PostOilice, Front street, Portland. Oregon. (ly) E E N T.O B KI L L I N, O Or-i? ity, )re;;oii. on'u-o in Cimrman's Brick Block, up stairs. (.o:tf) Attorney and Counsellor at. Law. 7 IbL ATT UNI) PPO.MPTLV TO ALL f business entrusted to his care. 0, ner.One door north of Bell & Parker's Tiistoi e. Ove.-,v.i ( ':tv llr,..f,i Fi :1 V O J. B. UP T 0 IJ , ATTOUM-.V AND Coi X S K l.OU-AT-L A VV. Oregon City, Oregon. Otliee over th M. tore of Pope & Co., .get. C. A. DOLPH, OTTORXKV AXI) CoUXSEU.CII-AT-LaAV, o -G Oliit 0 lor, Front tvuci, Portland, Ore-(-t'i.''im J'o'.lce of the Peace ,C- City Recorder. Onico In tji,? Court House and City V. il att.'-ul to i'i-.e acknowledgment '--N. iin.l .dl other duties aiqiei taining to J t,1'-','':rt,,'1-s'i-of the Peace. -jfiv J- WELCH, DENTIST. Oi-i.j.iu Ci'ff, Oe.'jon. leioin s;r.-,.t. ever Chi;rmau A Bro.'s store. Main ( ,. 1 l j v -1 W. S. STKVKXS. I'uldie. ii & STEVENS, .fTATj-: r,RnKi;i;s, COLLKC- . M ,i-,-: ,r 'J! aim's Brick, corner of j ; 'J-sen mm Eront sts, Portland, Oregon. I ii,:,!.' ra"icular attention givn to the ad- ! ,::.., ; f c,'."m:ts. Legal and other doc- ; hort uotice. CHAPLBS S. WHITMAN, " Or '''"-'-Corner of Fifth and I) streets. w asnmfrtori . D. C. ttctitinn given to the adiust o .n W: !s Pi.. uing of p;ltc,lts privjite'land r.i-ii: ... and Homestead settle k'ai'.s-i S . C'asS!' tfu-iiacss before t!i tcsLau-j OiUce. pt-i.Sia ". - JSUSIXXSS CARDS. c IFF HOUSE. I yearly Opposite Woolen Factory, Y. L. WHITE, T. Y. ItllOADl-S, f Proprietors. Oregon City, Oregon. We invite the citizens of Oregon Citr, and the traveling public, to give u.s a share of their patronage. -Meals can lie had at all hours, to please the most fastidious. 15 to the Public. 1I-VVK this day closed the Iiarlow House I in tavor ot the Clill House. 1! old customers will o-i-e their liberal patron- "r'- l" wii-uuue eii i;ert house. Thev will Imd .Messrs. White fe iUioad on hand to make es always u es t s ci ? 1 1 fo i t a I d e. WM. HAIiLOW. Oregon City, August 1, ls;r. A M I t I C A X EX CI I A X G E. ( Tot- LixcoL.r Jioi'sr: Xo. S I Vi-oul stnc!, I'oKluiirtOii gcn. L. P. W. ri.Ml)V. I'l.-.u-itrKToK, (..'?' U yfi eU Jfvk'l:) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will lie the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comfortable. The lviage Wagon will al ways be found at the iand'ng on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the house free of charge. Tl7-fv OREGON HOUSE Main Street . . !,'. m Citv. JACOB EOEHM, Proprietor. KsTaUlIsh i;o IS."?. Ii"L.rC TIO. I V P1UCES! The undersigned wishes to give notice that from .Saturday, October ,"t b, ! s.i;7, prices at the above house will be as follows : Board and Lodging per week .." oo Board w ithout Lodging 4 oo Board and Lodgm g per dav 1 oo JACOB BOEI1M. Oregon City, Oct. Sd, 1SU7. i'.e-rtf 6 3 VEGO H 0 USE! osw ix;o, ouivjox. .TrillX ST i 1 A ! i : Proprietor, IS now (irepared to receive and entertain JL all who may favor him with their patron- i age. a lie i louse is Aew arm tne liooms are 1 Newly and Xea?"y Furnished. Tlie Table ! will be supplied with nil the de'icacies of i the season. The House is situated near the 1 steamer landing. Toe proprietor will at all i times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to j ail who may favor him with a call, and I would respectfully solicit the patronage of i the Traveling Public. -H:tf. j Board per w eek " oO i Board and Lodging ij Oo j Single Meals oo Established since lsio, at the old stand, Ma'.x Sti:i:et, Onimox Cn v. assortment of Watches, Jew ami Seth Thomas' weight T ' elrv, S S Clocks, all of which are warranted j . . i. .v. i lO O' tLS 1 i l 'S li !t'l. v. A Betiairings done on short notice ancl thankful tor past favors. ! ,-' -5701:1.1) INFORM THE PUBLIC FS V V pecially of Cam mah, that they have established a Store at that place, where they will keep on baud a well assorted stuck of Merchandise ancl Groceries. Willi-, win tmrpose of be sob 1 ai reasonable rates, for the (staoiismng pennaticntlv sucn a I . tvat Canemali. Trv us. (:;' SHADES ZRLQQn. H'fit Siue Jfon Strai t, li tir.-. n &.o.otl and Third, Oriijmi City. uiiiL-j Proprietor. The proprietor begs leave to inform bis friends and the public generally that the above nem-ed popular saloon is open for their accommodat ion, w ith a new and weH as-rt-ed supply of the linest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. ;"- A. H. A. r.VItKKK. BELL &, PARKER. 1 Ii"5J OVISTS AXi) 'iC.VLEiiS IX Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints J'erfuiiicry, (Jus, I aruishcs, And every article kept in a Drug Store. M a ix Sti;i:i;t, Orkgox Citv. .NOTICE TO ALL WHO WANT First Class Fine or Coarse Made or Bepaired. F'.special care and at- ! tention paid to orders for line w ork, such as j Ladies and .Misses r me liatters, utma xuie -one 1 I a t iioot: etc. ; Orders solicited from abronu win us executed with m-atness and dispatch. TKiaVlLLKiL'i A SMITH, Green st., Oswego. Oregon. E. G. RAKDALL, ijiron'rr.K and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Sheet Music, ami Musical Merchandise ot all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for JIikoii S; II mliii'j CEI-.EKll.VTEl CAUiXKT OltGAX ! a x n S; inway pott's COLT) JUiUAI, PIANO KOItTES ! First street, next door to the Post Otliee Portland, Oregon. ( C . P . FERRY, -Lute Ferry A Foster,) .'ES XI CI 22.. No. leS Front street, Portland. . . t::, nn.l Storrnn 1 "lp A gent !N orth LntiMi and Insurance Company And Mauhattan Life Insurance Co GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS " Bonds, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. I ' 1 3 0EE3CN CITY BEE W E II Y ! ;VV henry IlUMllEr Having purcliased the above Brewery, wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER! .rood as can be obtained anywhere in the tat"e Orders solicited and promptly filled Orc'-on Citv, December Jth, lsihL l-.'tf A. J. MOXItOK. A. K. M ELLEN. M0KR0E & MELLEN, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marbles, Ohclisls, Monit vients, IRad and Foot stones, Salem Orkgojj. Mnutles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. i - r - c - - efs"?Wfl - i - W' -v..-.v-. .. ! I OREGOX THE VOICE OE THE IJEAl'TIFl'L From the sunlight on the uplands To ti e shadows in the vale. Where, from out the in Ids of stubble, Pipes the whistle of the quail ; From the brown light of the meadows, From the wimple' of the t ill, Glad voices of the beautiful Are calling to us still. The ever-pre?ent Beautiful ! How cheering is its voice When it soundeth out from Nature And biddeth us rejoice That everywhere is loveliness Above, below, around From the leaf upon the tree-top To the pebble on the ground; From the tiny blade that pierceth The hard, unyielding soul, To the rarest flowers that blossometh Alter years of care and toil ; From the rudest shell the ocean Casts lonely on the beach. To the gem of priceless value Far down beneath our reach. The Beautiful! the Beautiful.' It parts the goldfn hair That gleams ia sunny brightness On the blow of morning fair ; Itsmilet . in the arrowy light That darts amid the trees ; And it whispers in the sisrhmg Of the gentle evening breeze. From the rock the water dripping Laves the willow in the dell; And beneath the cooling umbrr.go Bird and blossom love to dwell. Beauty's spirit hath its home there ; From the valley, rock and rill Bird and bloom in beauty'tf language Bid us hear her voices still. " e have heard them when the morning Lighted up the forest's jlcom, And woke to song the biruhng, And oped t he lragrant bloom. Ancl in the hush of evening, Sittm-- 'neath the threshold vine, e have heard them sounding solemn in the melancholy pine. Sweet voices of the Beautiful'! They whisper Hope and Love: They teach our fainting faith to look And gather strength' above. For whoso sent such beauty's bloom To valley, rock and hill. Hath kept for us, beyond the tomb, A heaven of beauty still. F.thki. Gukv. Uiaiity is I'o-.vei. What power was ever equal to that of getting an olJ, ugly, vulgar, pouting, and hitherto disappointed woman, into the " very best socieUT' Yet Der.aty beauty of the very liighest order does thi, says the w pcrlal Review. It is magical, and may well bespoken of as gifted with a wand. Venus has probably no other title but that of Victrix. When is she ever an v thine: else? Turn from mythology to political ccoriom-, and the point for which wc contend remains equally clear. What is the definition, in that accurate science, of the value of a thing? Its purchasing power. What is there that Beauty cannot purchase? Let it be born lowly, ana it snail order itseit a dukedom, and will not improbably get it. Of course, the tone of the market varies from time to time Mercantile affairs, we all know, are subject to oscillation. But Beauty can always buy something like the thincr it wants. If the beautiful beggar maid cannot always invest in a king, the beautiful bourgenoise need never despair, at least, of obtaining some lordlitig or other. Should Beauty be fairly born, but disagree ably poor, Beauty may drive into Lombard street, or even walk thith er, and take her pick of the jcuncsse dorce of its celebrated bank parlors. And even if Beauty be born a fcol and ill naturtd people pretend that such is often Beauty's fate its pur chasing power is so unlimited that should it, against all probability, con descend to bid for the brains of the mncf viciiwT tmwlrlloil fiorro'1 Lirr!tnr , . ' of the KlOSt eloquent preacher, Of the most promising young diplomat in the service, there will be no manner of difficulty in making it a bargain. Thus its purchasing power would seem to be commensurate with all desirable commodities. But between it and all other things which enjoy purchasing power there is this re markable difference. In the lans guage of political economy, they are exchanged for the commodity which they command. But Beauty makes no change. It buys everything, so to speak, without paying for it. It purchases birth and wealth, and when ! it has purchased these two excellent things, everybody actually declares aloud that it is more beautiful than ever. "We must not omit to point out another peculiarity in the power of beauty, or we might not be thought to have fully demonstrated our case. Beauty is power in all times and un der all circumstancep, whereas every other attribute which sophists may pretend to be likewise power, can lay claim to be such m a very limited sense, and only under certain favora ble conditions. The power of beauty -is unconditioned it is absolute; it is I universal. Ail other power is, at best, but particular. Let us take for example the instance embodied in the dictum, " Knowledge is power." Knowledge is power in a debating society, or in an asthetic tea room; but hat is its power at a ball or in j a street row As Dr. Johnston says, " Go in the square and give one man i ....i.i! i .. .-rr1 ... -r--Wi-nriiT-r- CITY, OKECSOV, 8 shilling, and see which will respect you the most." Bigotry is power at Exeter Hall, and even Ignorance is power at a meeting of the Reform League. Has not America had its 'Know Nothings," and was not pow er their very beings' end and aim? But Beauty is power everywhere and always. You may see it interrupt a lecturer, disconcert a preacher, and make an orator forget the thread of his argument. It disturbs the saint at his pra ers, the poet at his sonnet, and even the accountant laboring at his sum-total. I has even happened that Section D of the " British Asso ciation" was as good as closed for the day by the unexpected entrance of Beauty. I'resident, Vice Presi dent, Secretary, were in just as bad case as Paola Malatesta and Fran cesco, when they closed the book and j rend no further on. The English ! Legislature, thereby once more prov ing its claim to be considered the moit practical assembly in the world, whilst admitting Beauty to its debates, and thus testifying to its power., bears still stronger witness to the truth of our proposition, by re fusing to allow it to be seen. The perforated screen in front of the las dies' gallery might properly carry the inscription, in Gothic letters, " Beauty is Power." Just as it is unconstitutional for the Sovereign to be present at the debates in the Low cr House, lest his presence might overawe or corrupt freedom of speech, so the presence of Beauty, and for a similar reason, is practical ly excluded. Its smiles, like those of the monarch, are of too acknowledged a potency to be allowed unrestrained admission to an assembly whose com plete immunity from venal motives is notorious, and which, like Oe-ar's wife, even in the moment of reforma tion, must not even be suspected. We have not dwelt upon the rela tive poweriessness oi ugliness, or even of plainness: firstly, because I .i i - i i " tne sunject is ttisagrceaoif or, m other words, because what we should ' be obliged to sav thereon would be pamiuoy uue; una .eco.-u.v, cause we think our position is too ! 1 I 1 It.. 1 . strong, even on the positive side, to need any corroboration from what may be called negative arguments. We only appeal to the plain people to look into their own hearts, and ,..v i. i-"""" ; of beauty. They themselves, and ! they know it, make concessions to the j ...... ?T Lrt..rt r. r.,... - ..1 I U ,a . .. i .eAuuiui, iney never would dream of making to their ill favored fellows in distress. This deference to beauty, this slavish submission to it, may be right or may be wrong, but it is universal. If it is not every body's nature to practice it, all we can say is, that everybody has caught the habit. There is a positive con tention in the bowing down before this tremendous visible divinity. It is omnipotent, and as ruthless as fate. We even try to propitiate it, though nine times out of teu we know we shall fail. Positive proof might be introduced to show that the time has actually ar rived when the American Senate should imitate the English Legislas ture and admit Beauty only to scan the presence of the Assembly through perforated screens. There is no man ner of doubt but that Beauty wields a wonderful power in Washington City. Insixt Life in Cars. A Chicago journal asserts that the horse cars in that city are full of "bed bugs." This seems rather an unusual habi tation for that insect to choose: but as Chicaqro is bound to be ahead of ' thf rest, of thf vvnrlil in pvortrtbino- i perhaps it has introduced sleeping- cars on the city tramways, and Inr nished them with "every convenience," even to the detail above specified. Much of what passes for origin- ality of thought and expression is only freshness. The human soul loves freshness. Nothing which does not live, and live in perpetual varia tion of an ever-active, changing man ifestation, can gain and hold its ad miration. Beauty, which so thor oughly fascinates it, is but the evolu tion of force, ever restlessly at work, producing in the material and moral world endless variety. Taris University dates back to the j year 7J2, Oxford to SSG, Cambridge to 1110, Glasgow to 1450, Edin burg to 1580, Dublin to 1591. Major General Griersomthe famous : cavary raider, is now in command j of an army of one hundred colore 1 j cavalry soldiers at Fort Riley COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, m ritvi -rwi? AW mat T nATMTT M AT UII DAY, OKI.GOA, The great question that appears to . 11 be ag.tatmg the mmds of tlie people of Oregon and Washington Territory at the present time, aside from poli- tics, is that of railroads. Nearly I 1 r ... i ...... . -. every locality has its particular route J northern route, this State will euter to advocate. We have given con- upon a new career and will advance siderable time to the investigation of ! in wealth and fame. This is the cer this matter, says the Mountaineer, and j tain future, but the time can be has thcrefore are supposed to know of j tenC(i hY energetic work and the what we write. There are at pres- ' dissimioation of information that ent several ronfps in pnntomnbiii.n of being built. The people of the northern portion of the Willamette Valley are trying to build a road from Portland to Sacramento, and al ready have commenced tlie prelimis nary arrangements. The people of central Oregon are workin? for a branch road to tap the Central Pa - cific at tlie Bend of the Humboldt, passing through a beautiful and fer tile country in the southern portion of our State, and crossing the Cas cade mountains rear Eugene City, and thcuce to Sacramento. This route passes through a fine agricultu ral country and deserves considera tion; but for the present, is not as direct a one as we should wish to see the road come. The Northern Pa cific route we believe will be down the Columbia river, via the Pen d'Oreillo Lake country, the Dalles, Cascades, Vancouver, Monticello, and thence to some place on Pugot Sound. But. the route in which, for the present, we of the Columbia River Basin are directly concerned, is the following one: Tapping the Central Pacific at a point on Snake river that is navigable for steamboats, which we have been informed is less than one hundred anl fifty miles from the present location of the road, then -connecting with the O. S. N. Company's steamboats to Olds' Per- 1 -ttH-l'l .1 ., I ry. r roin u;u s r erry there would J be another portage of about one 1 hundred and fifty miles to tlie Co ( lumbia river. Thus connectincr us ...... i. .!.., .i....: . . uiLii Lilt: i ri-iiii. it: -s nv i .i 1 1 n i boat, probably as soon as tlie grand . , . -n l t i c i" truiiii will be completed to San Iran ! ciseo. This route, to our mind. aP- pear3 tJie bcst anj most practicable, r,,, . , , , , , ., . i ot; miiuuui yi lUiiu 10 uu OUUL lO make the connection is very small compared to the Eugene City enter prise. This would be considered as a temporary arrangement, but as the business increased the entire road could be finished to the natural ter minQS of thesc rQa puet gf)und Vwm ou. gcographical position, we of Uljs sectjon of countrv, are sure to secure our portion of the advantages to be gained by either or all of these routes, and we only regret that they cannot all be built at the present time. All that we want is popula tion farmers to fill up our valleys with their thousands of herds of stock to eat up the millions of tons of grass that wastes upon our hills every year. Woolen mills and manufac tories of all kinds, and in a few years we would become the wealthiest and most prosperous people on the face of this continent. We hope that our political fi iends in " Congress As sembled," will not be too hasty in their decision as to which route they will assist, with U. S. bonds; but will first well inform themselves on all the routes and then come to some definite and speedy conclusion. We shall agree with the Herald, or it may agree with us as have nearly all our cotemporaiies before substantiated by the facts, that there is not, on the face of the green earth, a. finer country or a finer climate than that of the Willamette Valley, and in no time, was there ever seen a people more contented, prosperous aUei wealthy. With only population enough to entitle us to one Congress man, the Indians have been driven from all the more accessible portions of the State, and roads, bridges, fer ries and telegraphs maintained through each important point. Portland, the j metropolis, with a population of only eight thousand, has nearlv a million dollars invested in fine paved streets, school houses, and other public works, besides the solid capital of her stone and brick commercial houses and her numerous steamboats. Salem, Al bany, Eugene City, Jacksonville, Oregon City, Corvallis, and numer. ous smaller towns, are all undoubted j evidences of prospei ity which is en viauie. nero iurmers can raise more TT . r wheat than upon the praries of Illi- nois, acre fur acre, and cattle will not require other subsistance than they can gather themselves except when some extraordinary winter occurs. j Every thing that can bo produced ; finds a ready market at remunerative prices, and a hundred times the pres- S3, 807. ; unnnUfi-.n lli-. - o -,r,!l nr. j v i " L j uiitbivyu w i.i l - .4 ll.l. ito t V 11 (i 3 what we have. With all these ad rt i , vantages, Oregon has a most brill- i iant future; whoever demos it is i either ; prejudiced or "blind. Willi ranroads j through the A alley and across the north -rn rnnto t htc SIfntn um ontflc ! will attract immigrants. Let this be done now, so the existing genera tions can gee their hopes fulfilled. Men who can recollect St. Louis as a frontier post, aad who came across the continent through hostile tribes for the patriotic purpose of saving this territory from the British, will I live to see tLe Straits of Juan de Fuca. white with the sails of East Indiamen, and Lake Superior con nected with Puget Sound bv a double-track railroad. All this with in the three score and ten years of one man! Was ever such progress made before by any people? We Americans have conjured more than I Rome and Alexander did, and in less time. Force, like interest and mo mentum, increasing in a compound ratio, more can be expected in Gne year now than was required of three before, and from this stand point the existence of a rival to San Francisco, on Puget Sound, within twenty years is no Utopian idea, but a commer cial calculation. r o Fossil Ivory fkom Alaska. A few days since we saw a letter f from Mr. Dall, who is pursuing scien tific researches in Alaska, in which he stated that fossil remains of the ele phant and musk ox were frequent in a region extending for 1,300 m les from the coast, along the river j known as Last Chance Gulch. They Youkon to Fort Youkon, ia the inte- j discovered gold here, but as is gener rior. We now learn from a morning ally tlie case with miners, hoped for cotemporary that remains of the mas better things further on, and thcre tadon have also been found in Alaska fore, went to the head of Sun river, and that a portion of a well-preserved j At that point (which has at various tusk belonging to that extint monster i times proved so disastrous to our was brought to San Francisco by the prospectors.) they met with no sue officers of the Western Union Tele- cess, and returned to this place in graph Expedition, while another spe- August. Realizing that it was get cimen has been sent to the Smithso- j tmg late in the season, and that they nian Institute at Washington. Fos- , must soon fix themselves somewhere sil ivory is found in several portions j for the winter, they determined to or the Arctic regions in quantities ; commence active mining operations sufficient to make it of commercial j here, remarking that it was their importance, and may yet be cliscov ered ia such quantities in Alaska. Entire remains of the. elephant and mastadon have been found well pre served in ice. European accounts describe a complete carcass, with the flesh and hair in a good state of pre servation, of an elephant which was found melting out of the ice in the North Sea some years ago, having come down from early geologic ages. The mastadon tusk mentioned by the Alia was found near Bhering's Straits; it was about 12 feet in length and 17 inches in circumference and some portion of the ivory is well enough presrved to be useful. Col. Bulkley says the bones and portions of the hair and skin of an animal of this species, where found a few years since, embedded in the ice, near East Cape, on the Siberian side of Behring Straits, and are now de posited in the Royal Museum at St. Petersburg. IIouace GiiEELEY New York let- j ter writers tell of Horace Greeley, j that upon the arrival in this country of j Mrs. Yelvcrton, with whom he had j been m correspondence, Greeley sent . her a note requesting an interview, and simply signed himself "II. G." j No answer coming, he wrote again with no better success, and in a fit of indignant curiosity he jerked his hat ! on the back of his head and rushed for the Albcrmarle Hotel. The lady was delighted to receive the editor of the Tribune, and mutual explanation followed hira to the cross and tomb, followed. She had mistaken thesim. i anj received the first blessing of the p!e initials, "II. G." for the figures j r-isen Lcrd? Woman ever kind 109, and didn't know what to make j anj compassionate, the very name of it all. Persons familiar with Grec- j seems to breathe of love and adora ley's signature can very well under- ! lln- stand how such a mistake could ! TT ' ' ---- i How no you view that Light : occur. , i The Iluutsville, Texas, Times, savs: ThA mi,,J.Pr of families is incmcis- I " We want peace a lasting peace, ing every day who g:ve up house- keeping as a means of rest from fain- eratea anu tne m s upueiu aim eu ilv cares, and resort to that miserable ! forcc( whatever party or power and most unwise mode of life, board ing at a hotel or in some private fam- i ily, to get more dissatisfied than ever ; r ,..t,;i., r!i;n,r I Hi It fir lllUlUll. Ill C c " lii I'U'iii j into baJ hcakh ftoJ bad habits of va. ; rious kinds. . The New Bedford Mercury thinks : that by the aid of his acting Attor ! ncy General. Mr. Johnson could pro i cure affidavits to the fact of his total abstinence. I Hi.jtnrv of II-!j flti- j ---.j. j T. . , j . i It is much to be regretted that the j e q of j the Qf Nq j enthQsi 5ndu J I ' celebrations commemorative of the laying of the first log, than could this same city of Helena, which has in three short years attained to the position of the metropolis of Montana. But the natal day of our town is un known, says the Herald. The gold seeker, who, half doubling, laid log upon log, and thus constructed the first building in our town, was think ing only of the chips that flew from his axe, and of the mud be used for "daubing," and did not see around him the future city of eight thousand inhabitants the busiest between the Missouri and the Pacific, with its granite buildings and banks, news' papers ancl telegraphs. His mem orandum book was, therefore, do voted exclusively to his private gold report, which showed him how his little spot of mining ground was pav ing ; and when he finished his cabin he made note of the fact. Had he foreseen the future he would have made this entry ; " To day I laid the foundation of the largest city in the mountains, the centre of the richest mining district in America, and the wonder of the age on account of its rapid growth." But, although the exact date of Helena's birth is in doubt, we know that it took place some time during the month of Sep tember, 1S0L In the month of July preceding, a party of Georgians who had left Vir ginia City for the purpose of pros pecting in this section of the country, stopped for a short time in what is " lust chance," and thus giving the name " Last Chance" to the gulch, nearly opposite where Taylor & Thomson's store is now situated, ana there was supposed to be no gold above there. We may remark, at this point, that this bar gave to the five men who worked upon it, a for tune of fifty thousand dollars each, in the course of two years. The pros peels being much better than at first, building commenced, and the first cabin, consisting of oi'.e room, was erected about the middle of Septem ber, 1801, by John S. Cowan, com monly called " Uncle Johnny," and the first discoverer of geld in the milch. Wo.mav. Is it not strange, after all the Bible says of woman and women, ladies should be preferred by many of her sex. " She shall be called woman," is the first intimation that we have of her name. We read of the gentle, loving Ruth, the quecn- y Esther, and Elizabeth, the mother of John, all as women, and she, who was the most exalted of ail, Mary, the mother of Jesus. If lady had been a superior title, or something equivalent to it, it surely would have been conferred upon her. True, she was poor, the wife of a carpenter, her babe was born in a manger, yet the angels rejoiced, and the morning stars sang together, as she (a woman) held the child in her arms. Who bathed the Savior's feet with her tears, and ! we want to see the constitution ven 1 . i -i.v i i..i i i that will give us these, will com rnand our support. We have had enough of blood enough of woe of strife glee us peace a lasting peace based upon principles of constitu tional right and justice, and we arc content." According to the con struction of some, it was unconstitu tional to suppress the rebellion. The Hon. Henry Cowper, M. P., i for Hertfordshire, is coming to the United States. '9 VP SCEXE I.V TIIK aOL.t BOAUO. The gold board of the metropolis, says a New York correspondent, is about as good a place as can be found anywhere to study human nature, either upon its brightest or its sachjest side. There "Bulls" and " Bear" abound, and endeavor, financially, to tear cafh other to pieces. To ac complish this, every cunning artifico that can be devised, and every spe cies of deceit, dissimulation, mean ness and rascality is resorted to. If a " BuIP can " dean out" a " Bear," great is the joy of the " Bull," and o loudly will he roar in gladness and del:ght ; and all the circle of " Bulls" will join in chorus over the crushed and ruined " Bear." If, on the other hand, a "Bear" can. -get his claws upon a " Bull," he will never let go his grip until he has squeezed out of him all he possesses, and he is left a complete wreck of his former self. Notwithstanding such feelings are manifested by these speculators in the precious metal, and notwithstand ing some of them stand on the very top of the ladder of wealth to day, and to-morrow lie bankrupt at the foot of it, nevertheless they take theO event very philosophically and laugh and dance and sing "do" 11 care away," hoping as the wheel of fortune rolls round, it will open for them new chances of gain and send them spin-, ning into some favored " clique" or " combination," where hundredsare i in an hour, tens of thousands in a day, hun dreds of thousands in a week, and millions in a month. It is a blessed thing, perhaps, to get, rich in this speedy way ; but when a : bear" or a " bull" of Wall street docs so he never rests satisfied. There isno peaceful, unselfish con tent for him. There is an infatua tion, an excitement, a pleasure, in gambling in gold and in knocking stocks up or down, that never leaves these people ngtil tljey either die or become utterly bankrupt, not only in money, but in health and reputation. The gold board is indeed a curious place to visit when "stocks are up" or " stocks are down." Such scenes of dolcfulness and despair of hilarity and mirth intermixed, are never witnessed anywhere else cutside the walls of an insane a-ylu n. Recently, suddenly, and without any real cause, q gold, bounded up to 147L 1 said there was no real cause, and there o was none, except that there was a combination of " bulls," made for the purpose of putting it there, and, if possible, carry it to 150. Just at this juncture, however, three of the government brokers appeared upon the scene, who determined to dash the expectations of the " bulls'" to the ground, and carry delight and joy into the camp of the " bears," by throwing upon the market a large amount of the coveted metal. They threw millions upon the market, causing it to fall instantly, until it touched 142. Great was the dis may among the " bulls," who, ter rified, subsided, growing, and yet biding their opportunity to get "square" with Uncle Sam's agents and the resuscitated " bears," who were dancing joyously and delighted around them. The Herald had an editorial on this downfall of the " bulls," end, in speaking of the brokers who operated in behalf of the Government, called them the " Three Black Crows." On the following morning these brokers made their appearance in tlie Gold Bogrd again. when a scene occurred, which, for O doleful ludierousncss, was never sur passed on the mimic stage. The " bulls," in large numbers, formed in a circle around the brokers, and com menced singing in most doleful and lugubrious strains the words: " Threw black crows sat on a tree, As black as black could be," etc. At the end of each verse the chorus of " Kaw! kaw ! ! kaw ! ! !" resound cd through the vast room until it seemed as if an immense throng vt crows had left some miserable corn field in disgust, and taken shelter in the place where " bulls" and " bear" most do congregate. Of all the scenes which have occurred in the Gold Room and there have been many none ever surpassed tins; ana, - . . i . . . 1 1 be imagined, the Govern as may j ment brokers were giau to escape t t -a from the room as eipe uiuuubiy u possible. Multitudes of earth's toiling mi3 lions have died while striving to make enough money to retire from business, and in a beautiful cot&ge cn their own little farm spend tL-. I remnant of their days in rest, in IiM I ing nothing in particular to do. u r 1 K - t v.--. 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