Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 1

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; Oregon
!-- - ' " ' ' " """"
Vol. 2.
fe3 fl i i .13 J E W II
jljcUcckln Enterprise.
.-i tiiit OSMG
.i cirF Ponlh oust corner of Firm and
WV' in tIlc building lately known
O tbVeJurt House, Oregon City, Oregon.
Terms of Sttst rSj.tioji.
One copv, one rear in advance "'
, V' ' if delayed 4- 00
tn niiv ratron in the past who will send
and Five Dollar,, we
.HI forward two receipts iu full tor one year,
lc"$ A reduction of titty cents per anuum
cr"py- clubs
MaviK formed at the following rates:
jY,j cofiM one year, and one to the
Vuerupoftheehil) -jtu
'n-f'.v copies one year, and two ex
tra copies to the Kter up of e oy
ll'iiie.i to' separate addresses if desired.
'H'l.c cash to accompany each rli;r' jn;
' f'Voly, otherwise the regular rau.-
?. iccfiar.!, ami advance payments consid
S el to Ee wUMatbtf range o"mrty or Mty
V Terms r,f Advertising.
ff,-nt advertisements, one square
linear less Virst.nSert.o ...2j
F.rfh subsequent msertum 10-'
io'"" Cards one square per annum
pa.rM quarterly J-
Oue colon),, per annum 1-
wbaifc.ja,a ;; J; .,
One iinartei ,- r - v ' ;
U-A advertising at the established rates.
Book ani? Job Printing !
fjHE K T E It PUIS 11 O F F I C E
li Mippli'-d with every requisite fur doing
superior style of work, and is constant
ly arriuuahttingnew- and beautiful styles
of MitrriSI, and prepared for every
variety of
hook ami J on
AT SATtSi-WrTOltY l'WW..s.
The Pubif. are invited to call and
V.aml!H' ooiLi urn .-i.v.iiji u.3
for d.intr work.
Dr. F. Barclay, Iff. 11. C. L.4
Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. 1$. Co.)
Main Street C '( Oregon City.
: Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur.
OFFICE Corner of Washington and Front
streets, I'urrish's lilock, l'oi tiaud, Oregon.
KESIDF.XCIv AVashinton street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets.
X'tirj I'itlAlc.
lJ" Will attend to ail business eotru-ied
t I'rrtr care in any of the Courts of the State,
cUect money, negotiate loans, sell real C3-
t (. etc.
; V -"Particular attention given to eonte.-ted
land eases. 1 .v 1
E. r. Kl SSKl.L.
Attorneys and Counselor at Law,
Solicitor in Chancery, and
Real Estate AgenU.
Will practice in the Courts of the second,
t'.iirdauil fourth Judicial Districts, audio the
ujiriMtie Court of Oregon.
1-1 'Special attention given to the collec
tion of claims at alJ points in the above luun-eiJi-trirts.
Oliieein I'arrish's brick building, Albany,
Ores; ii. ( 2S.
J. X. DOI.I'lt.
Kitchell, Dolpli U. Smith,
Attorneys ait't) Counsellors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and V roc
tors in Admiralty.
I-'-" fhliee over the old l'ost Oilice, Front
itwt, l'oitiaud, Oregon. (ly)
B E N T 0 N K I L L I H,
Oics;oii City, Orrgoii.
OHice iu Charman's li rick lilock, up
tUirs. (,")0:tf)
Athitfry and Counsellor al Laic.
T business entrusted to his care,
Okvick Oiu- door north of HelKt Parker's
lii-' store, On-gon City, Oregon. 3:ly
II A, tcknky AND C N S E LOR - ATL A W ,
' $ Oregon City, Oregon.
I -f 7" Oihce over the store of Pope &. Co.,
,iiu street. l-t.tf
c7L doTph
Attorxev and Counselixr at Law,
: ':" Otlice IOC Front street, Portland, Ore-
t'"11- iv;.m
J'ie nf the Peace City Recorder.
O.Tico In the Court House and City
Council uooni, Urcgon Cit'.
Will at ten, 1 to ibr npl-n.i,, !.. .1 -.t .r
-rts. ami ad other duties appertaining to
,J'!iico of Justice of the Peace. -fiy
f -y J at Or.yon Ciy, Orojoh
- 'iis over Charman i IJro.'s store. Main
Ji"- UKAI.V.
y-tjr I'uhlic.
... baly & Stevens',
.it. I; ;,,(,,- Vau::Iin's riek. corner f
;-''rj:s'-n ami Frv-nt'sts, Portland, Oregon.
i-i.;.' ' ar;cular attention s;iven to the ad-
-"'(iy ut aeconr.ts I..Mr:,! uml tlipr
.',I!I"N tr:oiscribed at shot notice.
? . O - .
'""'".' at Lair:
:!-"K Corner of Fifth and D streets,
O Washgtoa City, D. C.
r ", 4 i-?cial attention given to the adjust-
'' !ss"l;' - of patents tor pri vateland
. '"-'":;I -tion and Homestead settlu-
'.' ' ' 's-.-s bi,..::;v.-.J. ':.-.-?'-'! :
- - . i-.-. L I
i ff,,, i -.
t, --f .rw;-rr. M.. f r1fr Trr. ; , .,,,..., mmm
, j II l -LJHM . ........ ,amm
i -w t- -r f -r --r T" ff ri V T J Tv f1 i
Mais Street,
Xearhj Opposite Woolen Factory,
V T. VniTF. I t,
...... - - - - - i iu latiyis.
Oregon City, Oregon.
We invite the citizens of Oregon City, and
the traveling public, to give us a .share of
their patronage. Meals can be had at all
hours, to please the ir.ost fastidious. 15
Kotice to'the Public.
I HAVE this day closed the Barlow House
in favor of the Clitt' House. Hope lip
oid customers will give their liberal patron
age to the above well kept house. They
will find Messrs. White & Jlhoades always
on band to make guests comfortable.
Oregon City, August 1, IS')".
So. SI Front strict, Portland Oregon.
L.. I. W. QUI.MIiY. I'i'.oriUKTOU,
(LaU f M'txttm Twtd.)
This house is the most commodious in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be the en
deavor of the proprietor to make bis guests
coiv.for'aib-e. The IJaggaga Wagon will al
ways be found at the iand'ng on the arrival
of steamships and river boats, carrying bag
gage to the house free of charge. LI T.ly
.Main Street Oregon City.
JACOB BOEIIM, Proprietor.
The undersigned wishes to give notice
that from Saturday, October ,"th, li7, prices
at the above house will be as follows :
Uoard and Lodging per week $ 00
Hoard without Lodging 4 00
Hoard and Lodging per dav 1 00
Oregon City, Oct. Gd, 1m)7. ."0:tf
.7 O H X S C H A l ) li P ro j i i e t o r ,
IS now 'icpared to receive and entertain
all who may favor him with their patron
age. The House is New and the Rooms are
Newly and Neatly Furnished. The Table
will be supplied with all the delicacies of
tin; season. J tie House is situatetl near rne
steamer lauding. The proprietor will at all
times endeavor to give entire satisfaction to
all who may favor him with a call, and
would respectfully solicit the patronage of
the Traveling Public. 41:tf.
Hoard per neck 5-5 00
Hoard and Lodging 0 On
Single Meals '. o0
Established since 134'.', at the old stand,
Main Stkeet, Oimiiox City.
An assortment of Watches, Jew
c'.rv, and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to be as represented.
Kepainngs clone on snon nonce,
yun thankful for past favors. ("J7
peeially of Canrinali, that they have
established a Store at that place, where they
will keep on hand a well assorted .stock of
Merchandise and Groceries.
which will be sold at reasonable rates, for the
purpose of establishing permanently such a
necessity at Cauetnah. Try us. y
West Side Mai Sfi-ot, t-iren Sicond and
Tiui-d, Oroj :,i City.
GEORGE A. IliiAS Preprietor.
The proprietor begs leave to infirm his
friends and the .public generally that the
above named popular saloon is open for their
accommodation, with a new and well assort
ed supply of the finest brands of wines,
liq tiers and cigars. 52
K. A. PA II KE It,
Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnisli.cs,
And every article kept in a Drug Store.
S-3.) Main Stkket, Okkoon Citv.
"r110 WANT
First Class Fine or Coarse
Made or Repaired. Especial care and at
tention paid to orders for fine work, such as
Ladies' ami Misses Fine (Jaiters, Gents' Fine
French Calf Routs, etc.
ZJ 'Orders solicited from abroad will be
executed with neatness and dispatch.
40.tf Green st., Oswego, Oregon.
Sheet Muic, and Musical Mere'oandise of
all kinds. Sole Agent, in Oregon for
M i, ,.u tV llain'.iii's
SSiiiiwuy vi; Son's
First street, next door to the Post Ollice
Portland, Oregon. (4.tf
C . P . FERRY,
(Late Ferry k Foster,)
.L2S jz:. c2 ess
No. I'.'S Front street, l'oi tiaud.
Agent North British and Mercantile
Insurance Company.
Aud Manhattan Life Insurance Co
V I Hoods, and Real Estate bought and
sold on Co;mn;ssiOH. 3:lj
HENRY 11 U 71 BEL,
Having purchased the above Rrewery,
wishes to ie.Jorm the iubiic that he is now
preoared to manufacture a No. 1 quality ot
As good as can be obtained anywhere in the
St-.t. Driers solicited and oromrtly tilled.
iln,.Tn I'i-v December tistli. 1',;. 10tf
Dealers in California, Vermont, and
Italian Marbles, Ok litis, Monu
ments, Ilea l an i Fool atones,
Salem Oregon.
Mantles and Furniture Marble famished
: ' if
MlLWA t'KIE, ORt'OON', )
October, 25th, 1S0T. )
IIok. J. II. MiTcnELL, Portland, Oregon :
Sir Wo, the undersigned, having lis
tened with deep interest to your able and
eloquent address, delivered by invitation
at Mihvankie, on the 4th hist., and believ
ing as ve do that its publication in the
Oregon- City Enterprise, would accom
plish much good for the cause of temper
ance, would most respectfully request a
copy for publication.
E. ROSd.
PoitvLANn, Oregon, )
October iWth, 1SG7. j
Messrs Jonx Packer, J. II. Lambert, A. J.
Bouland, and E. Ross, Mdwaukie, Oregon:
Gentlemen: Your polite request of the
25th inst., for a copy of an address deliv
ered by me at Milwaukee on the ith inst.,
for publication in The Enterprise, is re
ceived, and in compliance with such re
quest I herewith place at your disposal the
Yeur obedient servant,
Mr. President. Ladies and Gentlemen.
In response to your kind invitation I
present myself upon this occasion to ad
dress you upon a subject as old as the his
tory of our race, but, one, nevertheless,
which remains unexhausted by either
argument or eloquence, and which, not
withstanding its antiquity, may well com
mand our serious consideration. Before
proceeding to do so. however, you must
permit me to acknowledge the" compli
ment conferred in being called from among
those who are outside of the present pow
ered temperance organization of this
State, to address you the more especial
ly as tii'd organization has within its pale
so many able and eloquent champions of
this truly great physical, moral, social and
political reform. I hope, however, that I
do not trespass upon your credulity, w hen
I say to you that although lam not a mem
ber of 3-our organization lam nevertheless
your friend, ami while you. ladies and gen
tlemen, clad in the full armor of o.Toeiual
organization, go forth bearing in your
strong right arm the sword that has been
wrought out by the power of well planned,
and carefully disciplin ;d association, to
strike down and slay the tvleuholie
demon, you shall have my sympathy iu
your noble etibrts. ami I shall rejoice at
your victories won.
There is-perhaps no subject more diffi
cult to discuss, or speak, or write upon
than that of temperance or intemperance.
The former is taught by the laws of our
being as one of the highest and most nec
essary of all the virtues that adorn and
sustain the race, the latter, or intemper
ance, is shown by experience to be the
canker worm of human life, the destroyer
of the body, the corrupter of the heart, the
poisoner of the mind, and the ruin of the
soul. On the former, nature lias laid her
eternal foundations, while in the latter
are found the disturbing forces that break
the equlibriuui of the structure and dis
turb the foundations themselves. Tem
perance is the normal atmosphere or state
of man in which he will grow to physical,
intellectual, ami moral perfection, while
upon the other hand, intemperance th.
volicd try (xtinction f reasun.'' the abnor
mal state that transforms man into a being
infinitely below the brut'1. Temperate
habits are the sign boards along man's
life that points him forward on his earth ly
journey to success, t prosperity, wealth,
influence, power, respectability, comfort,
joy, contentment, if not to complete hap
piness, while their opposite, man's in
temperate habits, his occasional glass, will
grow upon him with ceas:ehss certainty,
and inevitable fatality, until finally they
ripen into fangs of iron that work their
fearful barbs into the verv soul of their
ry s
unconscious victim and he is thus dragged
down the dreary walks of life into the
chilling vales of penury, of wrechtoduess.
of dishonor, and litmSly into that still
darker abode where must congregate and
forever dwell the irretrievably lost. To
compare the life of the temperate man with
that of the intern .".-rale, is to compare joy
with sorrow, gladness with grief, day wiiii
night, life with death. Although intem
perance sooner or later must bring
poverty, all poverty is not dis
graceful. The unfortunate mother with
scarcely rags to cover the nakedness of her
little ehihOf not the result of intemper
ance, may lie down to rest in that old
roofless building, and in that cot of straw,
with the beams of happiness and content
ment radiated from her peaceful brow. It
is intemperance that causes the rags of
poverty to h'il with the seething serpents
of a fearfully Crushing sorrow, and whoso
hissing sounds, portentous of future an
guish, drive away the sleep from a troub
led mind. It is intemperance that gives
to penury its severest Jiangs, and to the
home of plenty its poisoned chalice.
" What is it breaks the heart of the drunk
ards wife?'' It is not that he is poor, but
that he is a drunkard. It is because that
countenance that once beamed with af
fectionate, eloquent, love, and intellectual
brightness, is now distorted with passion
and robbed of every gleam of intelligence.
It is because he whom she once delighted
to call hu.-band. has been transformed
by the transforming power of alcohol
into one whose touch is polluting whose
infirmities are the witnesses of his guilt,
who has blighted all her hopes and proved
false to the vow that made her his
But you are doubtless expecting from
me a practical discourse upon this occasion
directed mainly against the evils of intem
perance, and perhaps suggesting remedies
which at least may ai'.ay its horrors, if they
do not s"op its progress. You will per
mit me therefore, to be systematic in my
remarks although it may lead to a certain
coldness of manner rather than an elo
quent discussion of a subject so common
ami yet so difficult : and I shall fulfil my
own expectations on this occasion if I en
able any one of you to say on your retire
ment from this Hall that" you are better
informed in the path of duty than when
you came here this evening. I shall pre
sent four distinct points or general heads
for consideration in the view I shall take
this evening of the general subject which
shall be that of intemperance rather then
temperance, viz. The Physical social,
and moral effects, concluding with some
remarks upon the proper remedy of the
evil. And first therefore as to the physical
effects of alcoholic drinks. That alcohol
is a poison, is established as well a:; any
other chemical fact. This is unquestiona
bly true of it ia its simple, original, and
pafcei state, and it is' doubly so ia the
present corrupted state of the manufac
ture of that article and it may well be
doubted whether under the presvnt temp
tations to adulteration any pure wine, or
liquors of any kind can be found in the
country : One of two statements is un
questionably true. Either men of intem
perate habits are becoming worse bv na
ture than formerly, or the liquors "they
drink possess a more ruinous and blight
ing virus. But I am not prepared to be
lieve that there is any great, change in
man's original nature. I think it about
-e same oa an average- as iti other end
earlier times, while I am quite sure the
alcoholic mixtures of the present day are
quite different from the pure article that
was handed around the harvest field when
I was a boy. 1 have a very distinct recol
lection tiiat ih'd was smooth and oily,
while the liquors of the present day are
harsh, pungent, and in the end sickening;
(and if you are not prepared to believe
rue on this point I think 1 can fully sub
stantiate it by my friend Esq. Da it. who is
presented who I know has tried both.)
Chemical analysis I say, therefore, long
since settled the point that alcohol is a
poison in whatever state it might be found,
and experience has demonstrated it in ten
thousand horrid forms. It is not neces
sary that 1 should refer in detail of its cor
rupting the blood, destroying the tone of
the stomach and filling the brain with dis
ordered elements, but it will be more use
ful to look at simple facts that are easier
seen and better understood fuels, real,
terrible facts that everywhere stare us in
the face, and with which we are all fa
miliar. You have doubtless all seen a
drunkard, lie is a. pitiable looking ob
ject that excites at the same moment'syin
pathy, disgust and horror. No matter
how long or how short has been his career;
no matter how long or shi rt the time it has
taken to destroy the healthy mechanism of
the body ; no matter how slow or bow
quick the poison has poured its terrible
virus through the arteries and perverted
him from a man to a brute ; no matter
what the superinducing causes whether
prosperity or adversity, hope or disap
pointment, love or hate, joy or sorrow,
that induced him to allow this liquid pirate
that preys upon human brains to enter his
mouth, there he stands the terrible and
lasting monument of its destroying power !
I'esoiate, degraded, striekened, ruined!
Does such a case need comment '. Does it
not most effectually speak f or itself and
proclaim man's shame, his folly, and his
crime V Does it not, present such a com
mentary upon the sin of intemperance a3
should at once and forever dry up tills
prolilic fountain of disgrace and crime 1
It is true when we see such an object,
we naturally and instinctively enquire of
ourselves : What has been the moving pri
mal cause of effects so tremendous, so fear
ful, and so destructive ? Why has the ex
quisite form that once filled a mother's
love, shrunk from its fair proportions to a
thing of horror? Conjecture need not
wait long to solve the mystery, lie was
once a moderate drinker ; he began, per
haps, at the solicitation of friendship ; he
went on for a while with boon compan
ions along the cheerful walks of life, un
conscious of approaching and indeed im
pending danger, until perhaps the very
moment the insinuating but deadly ser
pent of intemperance bound him in its
everlasting f.dd.s, ami he shrieks, and
groans, and finally dies ruined in time,
and unprepared for that world which lies
beyond, whose days and years are not
marked by the dial of time, but whose un
numbered ages are forever being rolled
onward by the never tiring and endless
vibration., of the great pendelum of Eter
nity. Such a m in leaves an example to
be shunned., and a name to be forgotten;
for how much soever we may guild the
monument that the hand of eonsauguinky
or love may erect to his memory, there is
no honor in a drunkard's grave.
Now. my object here t j-night is to point
out something spociiie illy to be done.
This is the object, doubtless, of the p resent
temperance organization iu this State. 1
put the question, therefore, fu cadi indi
vidual here to-night do ym know o-any-such
person as I have just been describing
who has not yet pa.-t redemption, ftndgone
entirely beyond your reach 1 If s . go
after him with all the persuasive eloquence
of sincerity, s, mpa:!y, and truth. Hois
an immortal being and your brother, and
he, like you, has emmal destinies, and in
redeeming him your true reward will
reach far beyond the mere gratitude of
friends and partake of immortal conse
quences. If I were to search lor any one
object which more than another startles
and shocks the sense, and which more than
any other is calculated to till the soul with
that peculiar shuddering that arises from
an object that can otilv
be seen, but never
described, and which nmn
than any other
e.'dis for effort and reform I would seek
for a m m in the last stage of this poison
ous delirium, withering under solf-iniiicted
conscious .agony, all real to the senses of
the body, and all present to the still deeper
perceptions of the soul conscious of its
torture, and its cause and consequence,
ready to take its everlasting leap, but con
scious that it must be beyond the battle
ments of hope where fiends hold carnival,
yet all the while clinging to life with a
tenacity made terrific by the fear of that
which lies beyond! But imagination,
tongue, nor pen can paint the dreadful
scene, only the eye can see, and the inner
sense perceive and feel the torture. Yet
strangest of all fo say, that at the very mo
ment when life and death meet, the victim
calls for the same fiery draught that has
created within him a thirst forever quench
less to be repeated and re-repented till
the torturing anguish ends. This, it is
true, nay be an extreme type, but it h not
at all uncommon multiply it by the thou
sands and you may realize some faint con
ception of the reality of drunkenness. In
toxicating drink, 1 have stated, is a slow
poison, but it is not the less sure and cer
tain. Its influence is subtle but pervading.
Its venomous distilments so lull to rest the
natural senses of the body that suspicion
of danger is not aroused until it 'm too late.
Among all the habitual drunkards I have
ever known I have never found one that
fully realized his own condition or was
willing to acknowledge it if he did. He
so goes on from the first draught by in
sensible degrees from mouths to years,
that it is not surprising that he does not
know his true condition. Of all the sources
of human delusion arising from physical
causes, tins is the most complete and uni
versal. Well might Hie great poet of na
ture say : O ! thou invisible spirit of
wine, if thou hadst no name to be known
by. let us call ilae Devil ;"' and no greater
truth was ever uttered than that by
Shakespeare, when in the play of Othello
he makes Cassia say to 7'eo, "Every in
ordinate cup is unblessed, and the ingre
dient is a devii. ' If, then, you have per
suasive tongues, use them to reconstruct
and reform some fallen member of the hu
man family. If you have fond desires of
doing good, energize them on some thing
of genius and of power, thai like a brilliant
star obscured, is about to sink away for
ever. Nearly three-quarters of a century ago
there lay in broad daylight in the streets
of Richmond, Va., the noble form of a
nobler man the victim of intemperance.
A lady who admired, perhaps loved him,
passed where he lay, and stooping down
sue wiped the du.t from his brow, left her
kerchief containing her initials, and passed
oa. The stupor vanished the inebriate
arose, and gazing upon those initials he
resolved to be a sober man, and with that
cherished memento ho walked forth to bo
gin his life anew, lie went to work with
the animating consciousness of his own fu
ture destiny, made clear to him, and en
forced upon his mind, by the fact that
tc-omau. with a heart of sympathy and an
eye of faith, saw- in him the elements of
greatness. That woman afterwards be
came his wife, and that drunkard was
William Wirt, the head of the American
bar in the early times of our Republic.
I tell you. ladies present, as long as man
; remembers the hand and blessing of his
i mother, as long as memory retains the
1 power of carrying him back to the days
of his innocency to his childhood hours
to a mother's arms, and a mother's love
just so long your labors in the noble
cause in which you are engaged will not
be unavailing. "The reeling drunkard, if
he will listen at all, will heed the gentle
voice of woman. And although you should
so tar ignore the conventional rules of so
ciety, which are too frequently founded iu
error and mistake, as to step aside to the
drunken maniac and recognize in him an
immortal being, and encourage him with
words of encouragement and cheer, you
willnot be disgraced, your name wiil
not be dishonored, but in so doing, should
you in a life-time succeed in plucking one
poor unfortunate as a brand from the
burning, you will weave around your fair
brow a chaplet of fame more beautiful
and more enduring than that which crowns
the brow of the greatest military chieftain
the world has ever seen. Yours will be a
crown the central star of which shall be
the reflection cf nn immortal soul. Have
you then a favorite friend, or perhaps one
who claims a nearer tie. if so, dash down
the cup, put it not to his lips ; there is
poison in it. It will add fuel to a flame
that in due time will consume the body.
Would that Its desolation stopped there ;
but the burning thirst prompts the com
mission of the darkest crimes, and desi
cates the purest fountains of friendship,
love and truth. It puts a fever in the
blood that rages in tin? brain. It glares
forth from the fiery, distended eye. It
thunders forth its wild articulations in the
maniac voice, the quivering limbs shake
off the last tremor of life, and the clay
cold clod that was once a man lies hi sul
len death before you.
1 pass now to a consideration of the so
cial evils of intemperance, and. here I w ish
to confine myself within what may more
properly be termed the domestic'cirele.
rather than to go at present into the
mightier area of society at large, as I she.!!
reserve this latter topic for another part
of my discourse. The domicile where a
family resides is the most sacred spot on
earth. It litis been consecrated by the
Almighty as the basis of human increase,
and He lias thrown around it all the sanc
tity and purity which emanate from infi
nite perfections. When Mount Sanai
shone with the divine presence, and shook
with the thunders of tiie divine commands,
it has always seemed to me as if the tones
that then made earth tremble, and which
have since sent their increasing force along
the stream of time, laid peculiar stress
upon the law which says "Thou shalt not
commit adultery," "Nor covet thy neigh
bor's wife." The domicile of the family
has in all ages and in all countries been
protected by usage, by custom, and by
law. No tribe so savage, no hordes so
wild, no nation so rude, no polity so un
wise as not to protect and secure the ties
of consanguinity and the objects of domes
tic love. The family is the unit of society;
the domicile the consecrated spot where
love erects her altar, win re purity wields
flu; sceptre of her supremest pow er; where
sportive splendors surround the charmed
circle, and where pleasure plays with in
fancy, smik-s (ui youth, puts the chaplet
upon the brow of manhood, and wreathes
around the decaying glories of old age the
perennial garlands of a consolation at once
human and divine. The common luv.- has
declared that a man's house is his castle.
No man d ue raise the latch of his door
unbidden no officer of the law, though
empowered to resist opposition to the man- i
date lie holds, even unto death, dare resist
the unwelcome entrance into the rudest
cabin in the land. And why is this so ".
it is because the interest of society de
mands its inviolability, ami the laws of
Cod and man unite in proclaiming its sa
credness. Yet there is a demon that
silently and stealthily undermines this
holy place and scatters it with a destruc
tion that no human hand can cure, no
balm can restore its bruised confidence, i
or mend its broken hearts. Whirled into
the vortex of poverty, passion, shame and
crime, the once happy group struggle
with the engulphing sorrow, while remorse
howls among the crested waves that roar,
and fume, ami dash above and around
them till they are finally borne on the re
morseless billows to wreck ami irretriev
able ruin. Need 1 tell you that this vile
enemy of domestic peace is the demon
alcohol? Need I tell you as families, to
beware of its subtlety, and guard against
ils insiduous and demoralizing power '! It
is a fiend that dwells in every shade and
character of life lrom the highest in wealth
and influence, to its lowest, iu humble ob
scurity. It comes from the social hall,
from the elegant saloon, from the fraternal
club, from the parlors of beauty, from the
palatial mansion, from refined society,"
from gay voluptuousness, from gifted
learning and exalted genius, from the beg
gar's hovel and the Presidential man
sion. From all alike at limes he comes
in his fiery wrath ; and whenever lie comes
and w herever he plants his footsteps the
flowers of happiness fade and die to live
and bloom no more. The happy wife
" blessed into mother,'" with hopeless in
fancy to plead her cause and shield her
from injury and wrong, is striken down
but pleads in vain. The demon knows no
pity heeds no warning ; laughs at grief,
despises sorrow', and tramples on the so
cial ties of blood with satanic veugeanco
unappcased. What matters it that the
mother weeps, and pleads, and prays?
Shall she die by slow degrees incarcerated
in a living tomb ? Or tear assunder the
bond formed by love and made sacred by
religion and law? Or will she, with des
pair rivette l upon her features, and im
printed en the soul, widi fearful antago
nism meet crime with crime and fall from
virtue as she has from happiness? Oh!
worse than widowed wife weep on ; toil
on! When Lethe's wave has lolled o'er
your soul or sheltering madness singed
your brain, then you ma' find rest though
it lie the consolation ef b spair aud crime.
Pictures such as this are photographed in
fearful boldness all over our blest and
happy laud : and what is the secret cause
of such remorseless unpunishable crime?
Echo answers back to the deep chambers
of the soul from the voices of the infinite
and undying, "sin and sin alone." If a
daring high-wayman should trample out
the life of the mother and her offspring,
one shriek, one groan or pang of agony
would tell the story, aud silence would
reign forever and forever more, and yet
the husband oftimes becomes the torturer
of his victim, and though the execution is
sure to come at lat, lie delays and pro
longs it with all the thrilling circum
stances of fear and hope, until perverted
nature tires with ils own misdeeds, and
the victim is released by the sad triumph
of death, exulting over a drunkard's grave.
The Almighty has ordained that man shall
have the power to choose between good
and evil and bide the consequences of his
choice, lie ha unsealed the fountains
of truth, and disclosed the vortex of error.
He has counseled temperance oy the ex
pressive silence of the sphere's as well as
the potential voice of revelation. Jle has
sent forth his waters to fertilize the earth
and assuage the natural thirst of man. He
has ma.de man in his own image, he gave
him dominion over the earth, and woman
was made his helpmate and companion.
Increase is a law of his nature, ana an es
sential element of his being. To multiply
and replenish the earth, is the command of
God and the law or our being, la tuc
economy of the universe the mighty mir
acle of creation stilt goes on, ami yet snail
continue to go on. tell all the acts of time
shall be lost in the irrevocable past, and
the future shall become one eternal now
There is no higher destiny oa earth, no
holier relation among the race than that
of husband and wife ; no vow more sacred
than that which is made at the hymeneal
nltar. The relation of parent and child
flows from it ; and from aggregated fami
lies rise the governments of the world.
Law, both human and divine, allows to
man the mastery of his family ; but it is
not that of the demon, it is the sovereignty
of righteousness, truth, and virtue not. that
of infamy, shame, and wrong, and hence I
say, that the demon alcohol when it de
thrones reason and causes man to violate
this law- which is too often the case, makes
him guilty of a wrong that murders peace
and enthrones discord, and to this extent
helps to mar the harmony of the universe.
There is not a broken hearted wife, there
is not a weeping child; or helpless or
phan, whose conditions flow from a
drunken husband and father but shall
weigh more heavily on the drunkard's doom
in the great day of fi ml retribution, than
if he came up with the assassin's dagger
by his side, and the poisioning cup of
murder iu his hand. The eternal conse
quence hangs to each act of crime, and
mixed justice here, shall be unmixed jus
tice there. No man has a right to mar
the image of the deity he bears, but if
with suicidal hand, w hether sudden or by
slow degrees he tears the image of the
eternal from out his being, and leaps un
heralded beyond the boundaries of time
and wakes to the consciousness that a de
cree has gone forth from the Omnipotent
binding down the wings of his soul for
ever, what will be thesupperadded gloom
and honor when wife and daughter, mad
dened by his act shall die from a life of
shame and crime, and rising like him to
the resurrection of damnation shall come
to join him on his way to the borders of
the everlating darkness which looms and
rolls in sullen gloom before him. This is
not a fancy sketch you have seen the re
ality ; and so hav.l. I draw it r.ot to
have it said I have dipped my pen in hor
ror ; but rather have 1 endeavored to paint
a moral, and deduce a rule of action, and
it is this: That no man has aright to mis
use himself or violate the laws of his own
nature by the use of intoxicating drinks.
He htis no right to pour a poison in his
veins anil set his brain on lire. No more
right than he has to set the flames to his
own dwelling and consume himself and
family in the conflagration. But heads of
families frequently say 1 have a right to
do as I please in my own family, and if I
wish to driek it is my own business, aud
if my family suffer I can make it right.
Xot so while it is the law of all civilized
nations and especially of our own, that a
man's bouse is las castle and is consecrated
to the sacred society, and inviolable re
pose f its inmates, it is equally the law
that the husband holds the key of this in
volability as a sacred trust committed to
him by the very law that protects him
and his ; he is nothing more or less than
the administrative agent of socio tv,
and holds supremacy for its benefit and
that of his family, and need I mention how
often and how flagrantly this trust is vio
lated? How often the wife and little
ones, who ought to feel safe at home
tremble at the approach of the inebriated
husband and father? How often they
shiver with cold, grow weak with hunger,
and pine in w ant, and penury and woo,
and what is yet worse, have they not
at times reached the very grave
itself, sent untimely there by the
hand that should have saved them,
and protected them from harm?
Yes, how often they shrink from that
ttnkiudest cut of all ' this wide world
knows, of horror, shame, and sorrow, a
father's and a husband's unfeeling hand
lifted in hatred and conscious violence
against all that, should be dear and sacred
in his eyes! How often the inexorable
but necessary law stops in to rescue the
once loved one from a hand no longer
toleralde. and Hinders the sacred tie of
love and consanguinity, and sends the un
fortunate victims unprotected and alone
upon a cold and cheerless world, to be
haunted by the phantoms of the past, and
to explore iu -vain the the uncertain future
for a spot of happiness and rest. Alas!
they shail in ::uch a case return to their
ark no more, the deluge'' of sorrow comes
on apace, the wafers of adversity roar,
the winds of trouble howl, ami deep toned
voices of dismay, disaster and of death
sound above the awful Morm ; with
wearied wing they flutter, and flutter on.
but shall return no more. The awful
wreck, the wreck of wrecks, the family
wreck, may move for a moment the feeble
and helpless sympathies of mankind, but
the shattered fragments of a hope once
high sink to vise no more. Can heaven
see such things without amazement? Can
the sword of eternal justice sleep forever?
Shall it not be drawn in righteous retribu
tion? Yes, there shall come a time in the
progressive history of civilization and of
mankind when law, bathed in the spirit of
the ethereal and the just, shall bend its
stern rigor to the elastic folds of purity
and peace, and Hing the Aegis of its power
around the family circle, and protect and
shield it from the fury and injustice of its
own master, rendered worse than devil by
intoxicating drink. There is a time to
come when the inebriated husband and
father shall no longer wield the sin stained
sceptre of brutish authority and hurtful
power over the trembling heads of unpro
tected innocence. The time is drawing
fast apace when the world will have risen
above the polluting touch, and beyond
the destroying power of this worst of cruel
tyrants. Yes, there is a time advancing
when the dram shop shall no longer com
pete with the school house for the control
of the destiny of the human intellect
through the years of time ; nor yet with
the Church of God for that more priceless
privilege the control of the destiny of
the human soul throughout the ages of
J-Ao nitty.
Nothing is surer than that before anoth
er great cycle of time shall have revolved,
this great sin against human nature, this
palsying curse that falls upon society Hive
a terrible nightmare, this dreadful blight
of family, this offender against truth, and
justice, and purify, and love; this great,
remorseless violator of all the harmonies
of our being, shall be sought out aud pun
ished as the source of the greatest evils
that afflict mankind, or disturb the p-ace
and tranquility of the world. The history
of the past, and the signs of the present,
foreshadow such an era : for higher and
higher the race is rising in the everlasting
scale of progression, and the balance of
Justice shall" bo held by a stronger and
a mightier arm, till at length the world
itself shall be swayed by the immutable
laws of temoerance, that flow from the
bosom of the Eternal, and are ordained
bv God himself. We are told by some
theologians and Rev. Mr. Earle specific
all v attracted our attention to it of the
unpardonable sin." that may be commit
ted bv a human being who has grieved the
spirit that tends on mortal thoughts, but
which "shall not always strive with man.''
Enthroned in indifferance, and smiling at
fate, caring not for earth, defying heaven
and schooled to horror, such a being must
be remorseless, relentless, and incorrigible
forever, and forever! No change can
reach him. eternity seizes him on the shores
of time, and tries and tortures him with
the weariness of that endless desolation
that fills the immeasurable spaces which
no combinations can number, and no mind
can traverse or explore. And were I to
point you to such a being, I would point
von to a man who may have led the lov
ing help-mate of innocent love to the
altar, aud there, before God and man
promised to cherish, love, and protect her;
and yet. in a few short months returning
home from midnight revels, with reeling
form anil frenzied eye precursor of dis
cord and ominous of coming change. The
first ur.kindness sinks the iron thorn of a
fearfully terrible woe into her confiding
soul, and she realizes her lost condition
a drunkard's le'j'e. Her morning is over
cast, w hile each successive day shall deep
en and lengthen the awful shadows, and
though she may embrace the form for the
sake of the life that must not die. her soul
from out that shadow- shall be lifted "eeer
"O, hearts that break and give no sign,
Save whitening lips and fad mg tresses,
Till death pours out his cordial wine
Slow dropped from misery's crushing
If sighing breath, or echoing chord,
To every hidden pang were given,
What endless melodies were poured
As sad as earth, as sweet as heaven."
Oh! you young w ho start the path of life
together, and follow the twin star of hope
in a select existence of your own. when
the holy man shall invoke heaven s bless
ing on you and yours forever; when heart
beats to heart, and soul answers unto soul;
when you go fort)) to seek a home; then;
oh, then: if never before, plant your foot
steps and lay the foundations of your lives
upon the rock of Temperance. Then shall
love, and truth, and purity, and friendship,
group their beautiful forms around your
dwelling, and stand as sentinels at your
" eastle"-gate j'oWr, and happily should
your pride be lifted to the highest, and
your hope of hopes fulfilled then, as the
beautiful line comes on bring each one to
the altar of your happiness, and with the
air and earth and tramp I space as witness
es, bid them swear to keep their footsteps
on the everlasting rock also; and thus
shall the long line of perpetuity, that shall
soon sweep down through the fields of
earth with their countless millions, be
cleansed of this fearful sin of intemper
once, and the race shall be redeemed.
But 1 have already consumed much of
your time in the two proceeding heads,
and will be compelled to pass rapid!' over
the two remaining heads that I, iu my out
set proposed to consider namely : The
moral ami remedial aspects of the case:
and I will here say, that I use the term
moral in its more original sense as referr
ing to the manners or characteristics of
society and the body politic. I do not pro
pose to bring up in formidable array be
fore you that vast army supposed to num
ber over five hundred thousand unfortu
nate inebriates in our own country, much
less to present to your vision that innum
erable number that is counted by millions
on the habitable globe; Nor do I propose
to lead the forlorn hope of this mighty ar
ray to the dark border where they annu
ally take their everlasting plunge into the
abysses beyond, without any memento
save infamy, shame, and crime, written in
livid light in a darkness visible along the
sombre lines of shadow that sitteth upon
them forever; Nor do I intend to call forth
to torture your sensibilities, that still more
piteous array of the helpless, hopeless
wanderers, the injured and the wronged
who follow the sad spectacle aud chant
the requiem of an everlasting sorrow".
No ai ndes of forced levies w hoso desolat
ing footsteps; have filled the earth with
mourning, have ever equaled these volun
tary destroyers of human peace and social
happiness. The physical and moral ef
fects of intemperance are admitted on
every side, and are demonstrated from the
individual family to the aggregated areas
and vast outlines of the republic. Suffice
it fo say, that less than ten years will be
required to exceed iu number the casual
ties by dentil of the late war of rebellion,
whose thunders shook the continent, and
whose effects in some way or another have
readied every man woman and little child
that now dwells within Hie shores of our
ocean bound Republic. But rather would
I leave such things ami call your attention
to the crimes w hicli legitimately and natur
ally flow from this the greatest present
single source of evil to our common conn- .
try. l'rom the most accurate computations j
it would seem that at least three quarters j
of all the crimes with which the country j
is alHicted are traceable directly to alco- j
hollc drinks, aud when it is remembered
that one of the most serious burdens to
society is the administration of criminal
justice, this view alone is sitfiieiently ap
palling. Men will talk and cavil, and
complain, about the payment of heavy
taxes, which go to liquidate a debt incur
red in preserving our nation's life, and in
saving lor us aud our children, and our
children's children, the priceless heritage
of human liberty, while c.t the same time
they will cheerfully pay their annual sti
pends without an objection, which go to
sustain courts and juries, whose sessions
are doubly prolonged by the blood red
current ot crime that is ever coursing
down through the fair fields of our Re
public, and whose fountain head is the
poison that drops from the fatal and ac
cursed still. The iron bound prisons that
rise in costly splendor in every State, and
the minor ones that deck every county in
the vast expanse of the Union, are strange
mementoes ef this strange element of our
christian civilization, ami when we reflect
that at least half of the time of our courts
and juries, and much of the talent of the
bar. are spent in criminal proceedings, we
become perplexed and amazed, and almost
begin to doubt the stability of our insti
tutions and their adaptation to the wants
of man. And 'hen we still further see
the long train of penury, and woe, whose
banners are inscribed with infamy, dis
grace and wrong; on the long and bleed
ing lines of innocent concomitants of
eriuio, the mind reels, the soul sickens at
the thought, that from one simple source
such unnumbered and immeasurable
calamities and indescribable wrongs can
emanate. But what shall we say of that
system of polity which unseals this foun
tain of desolation, and lots loose these
horrors on the world ? What can we say
of that administrative measure which con
ducts the fiery Hood to every neighborhood
municipal corporation, and city, in the
land, and regulates its flow; which, for
money, licenses the victims to do wrong to
themselves and others, and then with the
terrible mockery of penal scrverity sets
the machinery of Justice in motion, and
fills the prisons with subjects, made in
mates bv the permissive laws of the body
politic, "whose judicial system condemns
them to sutfer the penalty of violated law.
There is a great wrong here somewhere,
but in what particular respect, or where it
is, it mav be somewhat difficult to say.
There is an error in our civilization and it
n one that relates to the fundamental reg
ulations of organized society. I do not,
however, on the present occasion propose
to discuss permission, prohibition or regu
lation. This, however, I will say. had I
the power given me to-night. I would sup
press every grog shop, and dry- up the
fountain of every still m the land; and in
doin" so I would feel a conscious approval
that I had done a greater act of humam
tarianism for the world, than did Alexan
der when he struck the fetters of serfd m
from the necks of twenty-three mution
Russian serfs; or. than md A:,kaham
Lincoln, when at the single stroke of his
immortal pen he bade the four millions of
our own dear land, step forth unfettered
from the darkness of bondage into the
cheerful light of perpetual freedom. Yes;
h id I the power to dry up this poisonous
fountain of liquid fire, whose lurid stream
is ever bearing onward to destruction the
creat mass of humanity, now- rising and
now falling on its maddened waves, like
Milton's Satan on the fiery waves of hell
1 would feci tLat I had the power to per
No. .
form an act of benefaction to a sin-bound.
crime-stricken world, second only in mag
nitude, importance, and grandeur, to that
performed by the world's Redeemer when
He died for the sins of men. It would save
to the United States Sl,)00.0O0.0U) every
year; it would save our nation the terriblu
alternative of consigning a human being
to a drunkard's grave every ten minutes
of time, as it now does. Such an act would
dry the tear in many a sorrowing eye; it
would bring back the deserted smile to the
careworn cheek of many a troubled wife: it
would enable many a little child, that for
days, and weeks, and months, and years,
had not dared to smile upon that infatuated
parent, to look up once more into that pa
ternal fa.ee with a loving smile, lighting
up the dimpled countenance, and to say":
'.My father, my father, you will not hurt
me now!"' Yes; it would cause the prison
doors of our land to grow rusty upon then
iron hinges; it would fill the school houses
and the ehurclfes of the land, and in short
it would clothe the face of humanity with
a smile such as it has never worn since the
days our first parents trod the flowery
walks of Eden, in love and innocence to
gether. But then, we must remember that no
living man has the power of w hich I speak
we must deal with all evils as we find
them, and according to our ability and
power, and in that way that is most likely
to accomplish the desired end. Thcvpro
gress of society is slow. For morcrtlum
thirty centuries organized civilized society
has existed in one form cr atiother. and
not one century of that vast cyclPhas
passed without mighty changes, upheav
ings, overthrows, and frequent reforms
taking place changes sometimes for the
better, sometimes for the worse, but gen
erally advancing toward the desired end
of human improvement; and I think tha
great corallary to be drawn from human
experience, is.that every measure intended
to regulate and improve a state, should be
adapted to the people who compose it.
With this principle to guide us, bearing in
mind, as we must, that public sentiment
very frequently, at least changes slowly,
it is dinn-nlt to see how any immediate
and sudden change could work a benefit
to community. But discussion is the nec
essary precurser of reform. The public
mind ;i deenlv nrrit-.ite,l tn-iLir uilli tlu
- i .- 1 - ' " " ' "
question of prohibition. Let the great dis
cussion go on, and good will follow", so
sure as day follows night. Discussion will
tend to educate the public mind, and bring
it up to the level of a higher morality .and
to the standard of better laws. The
whole subject may bo set forth in a single
proposition. It is either right to make and
sell ardent spirits, or it is wrong. Thou
it follows if it is right then iMs right,
or at least not wrong, to encourage the
traffic. If. however, it is wrong, as it un
questionably is, then it should be prohibit
ed. But this, as 1 have already stated, is
something that cannot be done until the
people are educated up to a different sen
timent, and standard of morality. And
this is the whole matter of controversy
which now agitates this community, thU
Staie, aud this nation, and all the civilized
nations of the world, upon the question of
temperance. Shall there be prohibition ?
or shall there not? It rises, therefore, to
the dignity, and the grandeur of a war be-Q
tween principle on the one hand, and pol
icy on the other. Its antagonisms are
destined to be fearful and tremendous,
even like the meeting of adverse spheres
in the fields of space. They challenge the
attention of mankind, and Stales tremble)
in the balance, and await the issue of the)
But I must move on more directly to
the point in issue which I have proposed
to notice. I have spoken simply of tho
crimes that are punishable by the" munici
pal laws of the land. These punishments
are intended for the beuefitand protection
of society, and except in the single instance
of the death penalty for the improvement
of the offender. But there is a. far greater
number of offenders that go unpunished,
because of the imperfection and inability
of penal laws to reach grave moral delin
quencies, which, though they rise to the
magnitude and are attended with the con
sequences of the greatest of crimes, and
are punishable by the moral code, are
nevertheless far beyond the reach of the
municipal laws of the land, and hence go
unpunished : and here I will say that I do
not wish to deal in indefinite assumptions,
and will be therefore more specific. Let
any one canvass a community where spir
ituous liquors are sold, it will be readily
seen that the few cases of crime that are
brought to trial and punished, form but a
very small part of the voaI injury to soci
ety. We must, therefore, look beyond the
forr.m of the courts, and the walls ot tho
prisons, for tbestreams of evil w hich wash
the base of the body politic. The divorce,
.i... , :., ..r 41,. i
llie WtlUUtUUll Vi LUUUllTil, Llid UH UP
up of homes, the decay of virtue, the per
nicious influences of example, the immoral
tone and impure tendency of individual
minds, the death of industry and the cause
of idleness, the Insane Asylum, the alms
house and the hospital, till attest the fact
that when one guilty man suffers, ninety
and nine innocent persons sutfer also with
him. No one so feeble as to wield a bane
ful influence without affecting the com
munity whore-in he lives. Soviet feels
the sting, and sutlers the pangs of every
crime perpetrated by its members. Tho
penalty of every offender against, law
rebounds and hurts the body politic: but
it is not here iu your more happy and
contented rural districts that such disas
ters exhibit their weigh test force. Thqrji
may be an occasional instance among you
of the kind I am speaking of but they are
rare and I have no doubt they will be
less and less frequent until by your good
efforts the last man shall be brought in
and cared for, and duly protected frn his
worst enemy. But we must look to tho
great centres of population where venality
and corruption are at par, and whore that
kind of moral turpitude w hich rises just
above and beyond the technical grade (f
legal crime, flings its everlasting shadow
over all that is fair and beautiful. At the
gilded banquet vice itself dresed in tho
garb of virtue, preaches purity and inSi
ality with eloquent and stimulated voieo
It stands in the vestibule of tho holy tciri
p!e of religion and seeks its victims am ong
the v ery worshippers at the altar. ' 1 en
ters the parlors of luxury iid wb a Court
ly presence gives the wine c-.m f0 the
young and beautiful, and steals a iewcl
from the casket of virtue
'.nat can never
be replaced. Public ofl'.c
'S lire in.ulo th
sources, and supply th... means of corrupt
11011. j u n.c- giuai commercial emporium!
of the continent s 3 overwhelming is ttii
monster vice, n',t alone in the dens of ia
famy and the abodes of shame, bat iu t he
gilded half where learning, genius, and,
iuxury congregate, as well as the palatial
mansion, over whose spacious splendors,
pros'. Jos the princely hospitality of wealth
an j the courteous gaces of refinement,
that the law has become a farce and judi-0
cial tribunals a mockery and a shame.
Pairiotism trembles at the approach of
treason, and order stands on the verge of
anar.hy. Riot, wreck lessness, perfidy
and wrong hold the keys of wealth and
office and are the best passports to station
and renown ; and were it not for the sav
ing influence of the rural districts of tho
country, which God made as contra-distinguished
from tho city which man makes,,
the city of New York would explode with
a moral earthquake that would shake the.
continent. One sentence writes her histo
ry ; 0:10 fact tells the story of I.er aw fill
derelictions. She has a hundred thousand,