o o o o o r The Det of all Schools. The firesiJe 13 a seminary of infinite im portance It is important becanse it is un:vcrsal, and becanse the edu cation it bestows, gives form and col or to the whole texture of life. There nro few who can receivo the honors of n collcgetJbut all are graduates of Hie hearthe The learning of the uni versity may fade from the recollection, ics classic lore may moulder in the h.illa of memorv. but the simDle les- , . l J .L - 1 A sns oi nome, enarneiea upon me nean of childhood, defy the rust of year, ar.d outlive the more mature but less vivid picture of after years. So deep 00 so fisting, indeed, are the impress ions of early life, that you often see a man in the imbecility of age, holds ing fresh in his rcccol lection the events of childhood, while all the wide space between that and the pres ent hour is a blasted and forgotten waste. Yoa have, perchance, seen an old obliterated potrait, and, in the attemps to have it cleaned and restor ed, you may have seen it fade away, while a brighter and more perfect pic ture, painted beneath, is revealed to view. This portrait, first drawn up on canvas, is no faint illustration of youth; and though it may be conceal ed by some after design, still the or iginal traits will shine through the outward picture, giving it tone while freshP and surviving it in decay Such is the fireside the great insti tution of Providence for the education Gof man. Q .'Momentum. When two locomo tives, having equal speed on a raiN road track, meet from opposite di rections, the shock actually destroys the momentum, of both, and, there fore, makes a dead halt. The force of the shock pro'duced by the two bodies, say the philosophers, will be equal to the shock which either, be 0 ing at rest, would sustain if struck by the other moving with double the ve locity? Action and reaction being equal, both bodies will be as much moved by reaction as by action. Should two railroad trains, run--nitv'. towards each other at the rate of 20 miles an hour, collide, the shock would be precisely the same as though one had been at a rest and been struck by a train moving 40 miles an hour. Were two steam boats to run directly together, head on otje going 12 and the other 15 miles an hour the conclusion or shock each would suffer would be as though struck by the other at a speed of 25 miles an hour. Without stop ping to philosophize upon the cauge, boxers and pugilists know, by dear bought experience, that the worst blows they receive in their combats are when a fist strikes a fist, because the force suffered by both parties is equal to the sum of the forces exert cd by their arm. The adroit fighters, -therefore, always avoid encounters of - that kind, if possible. vr o Household Hints. YTood ashes, wet with water, will stop the crack of a stove, and prevent the smoke from escaping Stir Poland starch with a common candle, and it will not stick to the iron, and it will be much nicer. Alum or vinegar is good to set .colors red, green or yellow. Ifrozen potatoes make more starch Q"than frj:sh ones ; they also make nice .cake. A hot shovel held over varnished furniture will take out white spots. A bit of glue dissolved in skim milk and water will restore crape. Ribbons of any kind should be washed in cold soap suds, and not rinsed. If your flat irons are rough, rub them with, fine salt and it will make them smooth. If you are buying a carpet for durability choose small figures. Half a cranberry on a corn will .soon kill it. Muggins Poker. Here is our 'devil's" description of 'Muggins po ker3' says the Boise Statesman'. Tour or five girls and four or five boys all git round a table, and one of 'em 0 dgals the cards; each feller puts his nana' face down; then one man turns a card over and looks at it, then another man turns a card over and looks at it, and another man turns a card overcand looks at it, and so on until all the boys and girls are turned over antOookcd at. Then somebody says something, and all the girls jump up, clap their hands, point their fin gers at you and sing out, 'Muggins! muggins! muggins!' Now if there's any fun in all that, blow me if I can see it, that's all. Q o Jones was traveling with his wife, Qini was so gallant in his behavior to bis carasposa that madame became uneasy and, remonstrated Against his attentions as too marked for public observation. "The deuce," 8n;a Ws, " we're married, I supper 41 ef" .afri the lady, "but judging y J our deportment, folks will thk we are noU" WelI, whflt of uh'Cr?' M the women W apJ ft bin take care of." U characters to o New Cabinet Editions mt the Worki of Washington Irrlng. In announcing several new editions, in a style of improved elegance and conveni ence, of the Works of Washington Irving, the publisher would take the opportunity of acknowledging the good reception which his efforts in the presentation of these favorite writings have heretofore re ceived. In the several forms in which the various productions of the author of the "Sketch-Book" have been given to the public, it is estimated that the sale has reached no less than fifty thousand of the series, or more than a million volumes. Nor is the demand yet abated. On the contrary, new exertions of enterprise are required to meet the desires of a new gen eration of readers, and keep pace with the progress of taste and refinement in the typographic and other mechanic arts of the publisher's calling. The motive of this perennial popularity is not far to seek. It is to be read on every page of the delightful volumes in which Geoffrey Crayon" infused the happy in spiration of his genius in his devotion to themes which will always be regarded by successive generations of readers with no ordinary emotions of interest The charm of the felicitous style of Washington Irving, the reflection of the amiable poetic spirit of the truly refined gentleman, would be felt on any topic on which the author had been pleased to bestow it. But it is for the ever-enduring fame of Irving that he cl ose for the exercise of his pen, topics of undying value and importance. In his inviting Essays on human life and charac ter in portraying manners.as in the "Sketch Book," "Bracebridge Hall," and other volumes, he has touched, with mingled sentiment and humor, those emotions which are implanted in the hearts of all ; while his topics of biography, of history and romance, are of such world-wide cel ebrity and passionate interest as the story of Columbus and his followers, with their discoveries of the New World ; the life of the founder of the nation, George Wash ington, drawing with it the narrative of the Civil and Military events of America during his remarkable career; the marvel ous record of Mahomet, with the illustra tions of the genius of his race in the rom antic fact and legend of " The Tales of the Alhombra" and the " Conquest of Gra nada the felicity with which the author has linked his name with the birthplace of Shakespeare, the genius of Oliver Gold smith, the fame of Scott and Byron, and. not least, the humorous invention which, in Knickerbockers irresistible Chronicle of New York, has imputed a mythic inter est to the bare early annals of his native city. It is thus that the writings of Wash ington Irving may be claimed to be im perishable, till, what is not likely soon to happen, the same ever-welcome themes are treated in some happier manner. The charm of Irving is his acceptability to all, a grace and refinement to please the most fastidious ; and his peculiar merit is readily appreciated by every reader ; his good sense and humor, the air of enjoy ment pervading his pages, has secured his works a home in both hemispheres, wher ever the English language is understood. Of the few indispensable authors in every American library, Washington Irving is j certainly among the foremost The de light of childhood, the chivalric companion of refined womanhood, the solace of life at every period, his writings are an imper ishable legacy of grace and beauty to his countrymen. The new publications of these works will be in several forms of unusual ele gance, and all, in proportion to a moderate price for each, combining good taste with economy. The series will be issued in the following order punctually on the first day of each month until completed, beginning with October : Bracebridge Hall ; Astoria; Wolfert's Roost ; Bonneville; Sketch-Book; Mahomet, 2 vols ; Traveler ; Granada ; Knickerbocker ; Salmagundi ; Crayon Mis cellany ; Spanish Papers ; Goldsmith ; Miscellanies ; Alhambra ; Washington, 5 vols ; Columbus, 3 vols ; Life and Letters, 4 vols. THUEE EDITION'S WIIXtJE ISSCED, NAMELY : 1. The Knickerbocker (large paper) Edition on superfine laid paper, full size, 12mo. with illustrations. Elegantly printed and bound in extra crape cloth, gilt top. Price to subscribers for the whole set, $2.25 per vol. Half calf extra, $3.75. This edition will be sold only to subscrib ers lor the whole set. It will be the best edition for libraries and for the centre table. 2. The Riverside Edition on fine white paper, in 16mo. The whole set will be newly stereotyped in the same elegant manner as in the volumes already issued. These will be re issued and continued in monthly volumes until completed. Green crape cloth, gilt top, beveled edges, $1.75 per vol. 3. The People's Edition from the same stereotypes as the above, but printed on cheaper paper and neatly bound in cloth. Price, $1.25 per vol. In this edition theso favorite works are now presented in a readable and attractive shape and at a very moderate price. The Sunnyside Edition is now published complete, in 28 vols., 12mo. cloth. Price, $2.50 per vol., or in half calf, $4.00 per vol. N. li. The attention of the trade is spe cially invited to these several editions. Enterprising Booksellers can readily take orders for whole sets, to be delivered in monthly volumes. G. P. PUTNAM Jfc SON, C61 Broadway, New York City. m To Manufacturers. We have for many years studied the art of advertise ing. and it still remains to us a marvel that there is not one hundred times more of it. Forney's Press says : We never yet knew a man to advertise his wares liber ally and steadily, that it did not pay. Yet there are thousands of manufacturers through this State, and tens of- thousands of men having articles which they declare ought to be in every household in the country," who advertise as gingerly and closely ag though they had at" heart no faith m it at nil. How can they expect to get their goods everywhere, unless some knowledge of tU articles nets into the familu Jirst, through the fumity paper? If we waited till people teamed from their neighbors, we might wait for rears before the most wonderful aci useful invention became known. Oa this subject, we have the following from an exeiange : " Why don't you deal with ose?" said a close-fisted tradesman to a friend the tfc?r day. The reply was characteristic : " You have never invited me. sir. I have leoked all through the paper for an invitation in tit? shape of an advertisement, and ibnnd woe ; never go where I am not in vited." raer is a moral to this. Ji you are wise -advertise. ADVERTtSlN'G A5D ITS COST. A successful and intelligent business man thus writes the result of his observa tions and experience : Few business men advertise systemat ically, liberally and persistently. Those who pay most attention to it, either adver tise fitfully or with a degree of neglect which they would regard culpable in any other department of their business. What would a merchant be thought of who only opened his store now and then, to invite and secure customers ! Yet an advertise ment in a flourishing paper is more con spicuous than one's store, is more observed, and more spoken of, and to withdraw it is like putting up the shutters or taking down the sign. The most enterprising merchants and traders in the interior think themselves liberal if they spend a few hundred dollars a year for advertising. They would deem the farmer blind to his own interest who should be stingy in planting, and should fail to put in seed in proper quantity, because it cost something. Advertising is the seed-planting of the business men, and stinginess here must make the harvest meagre. What shall be the sum appropriated to advertising ! It will vary with the char acter and extent of the business. But the smallest trade can be made more profit able by liberal advertising. The rule is sometimes given that as much should be paid for advertising as for rent. This may be too much in some cases, too little in others. But every business ought to be kept constantly and prominently be fore the readers of the established papers of the parish from which trade is sought. The readers of newspapers are the most enterprising and intelligent of the popula tion, and usually ,have the most money to spend. Reach them, and keep their at tention, and you will create a current which others will follow. The New York Tribune states that it is true, as reported, that a Boston druggist, who has a specialty before the public, is paying that establishment ten thousand dollars a year for advertising ; he paid one thousand five hundred dollars for the insertion of one mammoth advertisement. The Tribune adds : " Bonner once paid us three thousand dollars for one insertion of an advertise ment of the Ledger. He knew that by ju dicious advertising he could insure a fortune." This seems large, but in England such sums are hardly exceptional. There ad vertising is a regular part of business. It is reckoned as necessary as rent and often ten times as much is spent for it. Adver tising must be done so as to reach the peo ple whose custom is sought. A separate sheet, a hand-bill or a circular, is a direct attack ; and the person who receives it either throws it aside without reading, or he puts himself on the defensive against it. A notice in the favorite paper is a flank movement ; it catches the eye unawares ; it at.racts attention at an idle or a listless moment ; it becomes part of the current news. Then it is like the constant drop ping. It may not be read to-day. To morrow it will be glanced at. The next week it will be looked over. Finally it will be read. When a purchase is to be made ; when trade is to be transferred from the former dealer ; when a new arti cle is needed, the notice will be hunted up and the inducements offered subjected to test. One such case often will pay for one year's advertising. Sometimes men get along without ad vertising. Instances are given of pilgrims reaching Mecca on their knees. It is easier, pleasanter, swifter to go by steam. Liberal and discreet advertising puts business on wheels, and renders it active, beneficent to the public, and remunera tive to the dealer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Buchtel's Photograph Gallery is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the different styles of work in the art. Photographs from card to life size. Tho new Cabinet Cards, kc, kc. Small pictures enlarged (retouched in India ink painted in water colors or oil, by Mrs. S. J. Rumsey.) All negatives taken in this gallery will "be carefully preserved, that additional copies may be had. Mr. B. has now on hand a very large collection of negatives, the names of which are recorded alphabetically in a book for that purpose, which may be seen in the reception room. PROOFS OF THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF THE AMERICAN WATCH MADE AT WALTHAM, MASS. The American Watch Company, of Walt ham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less complex, more durable, better adapted for general use,and more easily kept in order and repaired than any watches in the market. They are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger, and less likely to be injured than the majority of foreign watches, which are composed of from 125 to S00 pieces, while in an old English watch there are more than 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watches can have, is shown by the fol lowing letter : FEXN. RAILROAD COMPANY. OrriCE of tiie General Superintendent, J Altoona, Pa., loth Dec, !8t6. Gentlemen: The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this railroad for several years by our enginemen, to whom we furnish watches as part of our equipment. Th2re are now soma throe hundrad of them Learned on our line, and we consider them good and reliable time keepers. Indeed, I bave great satisfaction in saying your watches give us less trouble, and'have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware, we formerly trusted to those of English manufacture, of acknowledged good reputation; but as a class they never kept time as correctly, nor bave they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience extended over a series of years. Respectfullv, EDWARD II. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. American Watch Co., Waltnam. We make now five different grades f watches, named respectively as follows: A vpl-eton, Tracey d: Co., t altham Watch Co., P. S. Bartlett, Wm. Tilery, Home Watch Co., Waltham, Mas. Waltham, Mass. Waltham. Mas. Boston, Mag. Boston, Mass. All of these, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted bv the American Watch Company to be of the best material, on the most approved princi ple, and to possess every requisite for a re liable time-keeper. Every dealer selling these Watches is provided with the Com pany's printed card of guarantee, which should accompany each Watch sold, so that buyers may feel ure that they ar prchas isg the genuine article. There are numer ous counterfeits and imitations of ur Wathes sold throughout tle country and we would caution purchasers to he on their guard against imposition. Any grades of Wahham Watches mar purchased of Watch Dealers thron-'heut the c&untry. B , BOBBIN'S A APPLETON 1S2 Broad vrav. X V (rnopal 4 a r. b. it, eiK v;i::j! . Francisco, Agent far the panfic Cc6it.'' PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. W. A. ALDRICH. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN M'CRAKEV. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF TIIE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiegon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, Grair., Bacon, Lard &, Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDRICH. MKRRILL k CO., Nos '204, and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL k CO.. 16 North FrontSireet, Portland. HOME MANUFACTURE. HIGGINS &. CO. Arc 2Vw Xanufartarlng m. Superior ARTICLE OF Chemical, Olive, Pale, and Brown FAMILY SOAP, VXWCII WE WILL SELL AT SAN V V Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factory, or to McCraken, Merrill k Co., Agents, will meet with prompt attention. W. L HIGGINS k CO., ll:ly Proprietors, No. S Front Street, Portland, Oregon, One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. McCRAKEN, MERRILL k CO., Agents. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE OF BISIXESS ASD COMMERCE! Corner of ALDER and FRONT streets. PORTLAND OREGON. THIS POPULAR, PRACTICAL INSTI tution offers the best and most success ful System of Practical Training and thor ough Business Discipline, TO QUALIFY Young and middle Aged Men For an Active, Successful Life f t-3? Tuition for the full Business Course time unlimited, $50. Those wishing to become members will be admitted any week day io the year. No ex amination at the time of entering. The Colleire Gazette, giving full informa tion, is sent, free to all who desire it. Applicants will apply in person, o by letter, to M. K. LAUDENSLAGER, 4S.Smj President PIONEER OllKG O I A X JIU 1 L. 1) 1 K G, N. 5 Wathington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and ROUND to nv desired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the count rv promptlv at tended to. C. D.SNVDER A CO. HATS. MEUSSDORFFER & BRO., Manufacturer and Importer of. And Wholesale and Iitail I'ealerg in, HATS, C APS, AND HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Ifunt street, Portland Oregon. Are recv.'ving, in addition to the;r extensive stock, by ev'-v steamer, all the latest styles of New York, ndon and Parisian taste, for gentlemen's and children's wear, which they will sell cheaper tl.au any other house on the Pacific coast. P. S. Hats of every style and description mada to order, also neatly repaired. 13y WM. COIUUTT, San Francisco. D. MACI.KAT, Portland. Importers & Wholesale Grocers, 74 FHONT STREET, Portland Oregon. "I OODS SOLD FOR CASH AT A SMALL auvanc upon SAX FllANCISCO JOmtlNCJ PRICES! c. & vr. Would thank merchants visiting the city to price their stock betore purchasing. J4.1y 6. W. KOBINSO.V. J. K. LAKE EMIGRANT Stove andTin Store! No. 154 Front street, Portland. Oregon, next door to Everding Beebe. ROBINSON & LAKE, UEALKKS IN' Stoves, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, TTAVE JUST LAID IN A LARGE stock X JL of stoves of the latest styles, consist ing in part of the following cook stoves : Pride of the Pacific, UepuLlic, Golden Gale, Crystal Palace, Buck's Patent, Harvest Queen, Diamond Rock, Hearthstone, Also : A good stock of Parlor and Box stoves, tin ware, Ac, tc. Also: An assortment of Pumps, etc. We are satisfied that we can give satisfac tion to our patrons, in every respect, as w are deternv.ned to sell at fair price. We hold ourselves in readiness, and are rreoared to do roofintr. snoutincr. and all kinds of job work, on shurt notice, and in a satisfactory manner, ROBINSON k LAKE. Portland, March 15th, 1S7. 21.1y C. II. MYERS, PLUMBING, 15 AS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, No. 110 First Street Portland. Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsfands. Sheet Lead and Block Tin, l aler Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES. ELBOWS, I2ETUHX BENDk NIPPLES, PL'S II ING S, d-c for Steam, Water and (Ja. ALSO Scotch TnUes, Water Guages, Whistle Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe. Aniile. and Check Valves, Gunge Cocks. Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Bras Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, kc. Hotels, public buildines, and private re dences heated with the latest improvement, in steam or hot air apparatus I invite citizens geoerallv to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and special attention giveo to the wants of this market B Mny 18.1S67. bly c. II. MYERS. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of rJdTh. t t.on, for sale at the ExTERnwK office. HIgHest Prle ,,atl for AVool, Ucr skias, aud Dried fruit, by J-hers Sr Brother. Smlem Woolen iioUs fllJ sale or retail, at Salem prices, by J. Myers & Brother, P0R TLA ND B USINESS G UIDE Persons having business in Portland are ad- Tised to note tne following nrms. GALLERY ! On door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. Wm. T- Shanahan, IMPORTER AND DBAlRR I JT M US 1 CA L INSTR UMEXTS, FINE ENGRA VINGS, PIC TUBE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before cllered in this market, just received and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! also: Views of Columbia River Scenery! Constantly on hand. ACBKT TOR BRADBURY 9 CELKBRATCD GrsiiMl Scale IMsmos ! Which have given universal satisfaction, and which he guarantees to sell at San Fran cisco prices. f Special nttention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc. Mr. Shanahan, formerly of A. Koh ler's establishment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo- deons, and all kinds ot Musical Instruments. Pianos for Rent. (36.1y Ii;iiios. H. SINSHEIMER & CO., New York Manufacturers of Bell Metal Patent Agraffe Grand Scale Pianofortes ! rpi HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES 1 pectfully announce to his old patrons and the public generally, that he will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of the above class Pianos, which he offers whole sale and retail at New Yoik prices. AGENT FOR STEISWAT A SO9 fVlnlitiiwl Pi'tiinfnWfke t A.E. THOMPSON'S Patent Swell and Voice Tremelo Choral Organ. N. B. Pianos aad Organs carefllv tuned and repaired. 11. SINSHEIMER, StJ.ly 111 Front at. Portland, Oregon. Sixteen Years in Oregon. S. J. M'CORMICK, TIIE Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, dVsires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted with the fact) that) ht stiif continues to operate at the FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland. (exactly orrosiTB mocht noon) Wher h is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION ROOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. cm ncu Mtrsit: hooks, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, MISCELLANEOUS POORS, CHEAP rCHLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS. MAGAZINES, GLOBES, 1'RESSES, lyr. PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. itoiHurr n. law, IMPORTER OK Hard Wood Lumber COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON MATERIALS ! Portland, Oregon. HAS NOW ON HAND and TO ARRIVE the finest stock ever imported t this coast. Being selected under his personal supervision he can warrant it to be of the best, and would call the attention of dealers and wagon makers to his assortment of EASTERN OAK, ASH, AND HICKORY, PLANK, WHITE WOOD. HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, AXLES, POLES, BENT RIMS Shaft, Bows, Single trees, Plow Beams and Handles, kc. Orders for the above, also for Boxes, Thim bles, Skeins, Iron and Steel, promptly filled. JIOBEKT II. JLAWj Commission Merchant, 38 First st., Corner of Pine, Portland, Oregon. Consignments solicited. (36. ly T0BACC0! TOBACCO! JUST RECEIVED, DIRECT FROM the Manufacturers, 3,000 Boxes Choice Brands Virginia Chewing ! COMPRISING Iiht Pressed Natural Leaf ; Hard 41 " 4 Bright lbs. in Caddies ; Sweet Honey Dew in Caddies; Twist, Pocket Piece, and other Fancy Styles. ' ALSO, 10.000 POUNDS Select Virginia Smoking Tobacco ! Of the best brands, put up in hales and packages of one pound, halves and quarters. Also : SOLACB, SOLAR AND TOINO AMERICA FINE CUT CHEWING! WfS l?rLrICeiTi"K ereT thirtY day., nlc uianuiacmrer. He olTVr thr iKnm .m,.A i - bond or tax nairl nt. Sari va:. V. cash W e have now on hand, and are con stantly receiving, a large assortment of Havana and American Cigars ! To which we -lartipnlnrlv oll . or Har-kooms and Dealers in general. VW There can also be found at this estab lishment, a complete assortment of Yankee Cue Wax and leathers, Fishing Tackle, etc, V A SJsFR WAV M. rv 31-?m) 17 Front st., Porti'and. 1 l-T1 jfn fr"l PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDE. Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. W I L L A M E T T IRON WORKS COMPANY! North Front aijd E sts., Portland. Oregon. Iron Founders, STEAM ENGINE BOILER B U I LDERS. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the rtver,- one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. Jolin Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! I MINING TCMPS ! ! &C, SiC, &C, Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all Unas. IRON S II UTTER WORK at San Erancisco cost and freight. Wheeler t Ran dalUt Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Punoar't and Steven Self Adjusting Patent Piston Packing, either applied to old or new tteam cylinder. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron. S:ltf Removed ! Removed ! The old and well known Ifortlsiiitl Foundry, D. MONNASTES, Proprietor. PORTLAND OREGON, HAS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK! but has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large a scale as in vears oast. 2:1 r 1851. .1867 E. J. NORTHRUP & C& OFFER FOR SALS LOW Builders' Hardware and Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools, Coopers' aud Tanners' Tools, Mining and Farmers' Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Ship and Steamboat Hardware, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheave?, Powder, Fuse, S7ot, head and Caps, Wooden Ware, 2'wines and Brushes. IRON, STEEL, AND Blacksmiths' Goods, Cunibnrland Coal, Put nam, New York and Gritliu Horse N-ails,-Malleable Nuts and Irons for Bug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeins and Iron Axles, all sizes. WAGON TIMBER, Hubs, Spoles, Axle, Poli and Shafts, Rent Rims, Sawed Eellvi,- d'C, hc. Agent for A. S. IlallWlic & Co., Wire Hope Mttnufarf urrrH. t57 Circu4ars furnished on- application;. Our facilities for pin-chasing goods in the Eastern Markets beinc of a superior charac ter, we are enabled to otter goods in our line at ns low rates as they can be purchased in this market. We call the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comjirisvs the mol complete and extensive assortuM-nt of goods in this line ever out-red in tins martet. E. J. NOKTHIiUP k CO., 151 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. May ISth, isr7. Sfi:Sm H. W. CORBETT & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in AMKRICAN AND ENGLISH HARDWARE, Also : BOUTS and SHOES! No. 53 Front street, corner of Oak, Portland. Building Hardware, Caienlers' and Joiners' Tools, Cutlery, Saddlery Hardware, Springs and Axels, and Blacksmiths' Tools, Agricultural Implements ! MINING TOOLS! ENGLISH HARDWARE! Direct from England, selected expressly for this Market. Powder, Lead, and Shot! Having had an EXPERIENCED AGENT in New York, who attends exclusively to purchasing and forwarding Goods for me, I am enabled to obtain them t'irect from the Manufacturers, at the lowest rates, and to oiler superior inducements to purchasers. (14:lv Established 1857. Established J. O'CONNOR, No. 90 First street. Portland. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Crass and Flower Seeds ! ill Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and v egctables. Foreigu and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit Packed with care for Shipment. NUTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal nuts, Fil berts and Almr.,,,1. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice groceries, bought expressly for faniilv use. All of which is rfl-.TPf f'nr ich at cash prices. Orders solicited. 35:ly JOKV O'tOSXOR, No. 90 First st., Portland, Oregon. jVnflinnicl Tlnviiij Eh W PS H ta H o o to H o o o Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Ware, Arc, $cc. And everything ajypertaining io the Trade. J3f?All kinds of Carriage Trimmins done to order. f44.tf Island Sugar and Molasses. 2 500 KEGSISLAND SUGAR; ' 150 BBLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-Honolulu Packet, and for sale by M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. TO MILKMEN, DAIRME AND STOCK RAISERS. OTL CAKE MEAL TIIE BEST FEED known for increasing the product and richness of Milk, fattening Stock, and fitting it for market, For sale in quantities de sired. Also, Pure RAW AXD BOILED UJfSEED OIL, and Ground Paint, designed es pecially for outside work, constantly on hand. ALSO, WASTED, CASTOR BEANS AND FLAXSEED, for which cash will' be paid on delivery. Pacific Linseed Oil and Lead Works, King street, near Third, San Francisco, 51:tf L. B. BENCHLEY k CO., Agents. RUB B E R CLOTHING COMPANY! 118 Montgomery Street, San Francisco California. Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds India Rubber Goods. Riillcr Clotliing: ! All kinds and styles ! Druggist and Fancy Goods, Stationery, Combs, Balls and Toys, Pipes and Canes, Blankets, Piano Covers, Lap Roles, Air and Water Goods! Rubber Xcclt Tics ! For Ladies and Gentlemen ! Door 3 fats, Wagon springs, eh Shaft Rattlers, Curry Combs, and Horse Boots, Buckets and Pails, Gloves and Napkin Pings, Toilet Glasses, Card Baskets t Fans. Latest styles of Rubber Jewelry ! By every steamer. JOSEPH FRASER, Sole Agent' for the Pacific Coast. S2 Lake street, Chicago. 247 Broadway, New York. 45.tf A CARD FOR TIIE FALL AND WINTER CJLOTIIIxYQ TRADE Of San Francisco, BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco, Importers an& Wholesale 1kalers ENTIRE NW AN'0 FUKSH STOCK ! 7E WOULD CALL ATTENTION OF Uountrv .Mercnams to our usuaUv large stock of ;-oc.s. Our stock comprises every article in' the Clothing and Furnishing line. We have constantly on hand the larg est and greatest variety of Cassirneres and Wool Hits,-of awy house in San Francisco, and our prices for tise goo"s are less than those of any house, as we receive them di rect from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock of Fall anb Winter Goods is particularly attractive, and the great feature to the country merchant is the unusually low prices. Less than- the Cost of Importation ! We also keep the staple articles in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have pur chased in this rftwrket under the hammer, and are o$ertng theiiv at New York cost, or less. We publish this card in order that we mav make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine onr frfock. Good Articles and Low Prices ! Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Meichants who buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain. Respectfully vwr (b't Serr'f BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos 411, 413 and 415 Battery street. San Francisco, July SOth, '67. 42.3m MIS CELL A NEO US. OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. TIios. Armstrong:, Manufacturer of ALL KINDS OF LEATHER! Milwackie, Oregon'. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN forni DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS That he is prepared to furnish ns cood and durable an article of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, at the following rates: Harness Leather, per lb 28 to "0 cents. Extra heavy, for Concord. .. . S3 " Skirting, per pound 23 to 32 " Belting, in the side So " Cut, per square foot, fl 00 Side, upper, " " "16 to 20 cents. Grain Leather " " " IS to 22 " Light Huff, or Grain for Wo men's work 18 to 20 " Calfskins, per doz $50 00 to $!" 00 Kip " " -4000 to 60 00 Hndle, per side 3 50 to 4 00 'Jollar, per side 1 00 to 2 50 Lace Leather, per side 2 00 to 4 00 -ey J oo noi mm iiiai Harness j.eaiuer X 1 x 1 - 1 .1 X TT XI should necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, in order to stand the test of our climate ; r:?7 Nor do I think that Heltine, iu order to bear the strain of Oregon Machinery, must be made in the Atlantic States. ALL I ASK IS A JJ sx i i" O li i ii o o ! And I will prove, to the satisfaction of nil concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best on the Coast. t-T" AH orders will meet with prompt at tention. Address : THOMAS ARMSTRONG. S6.1y) Milwaukie, Oregon. THE BEST SELECTION 1- And largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses', Boys' and Childrens' BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA ROOT AND SHOE STORE, No. 112 Front street, Portland, oppoite Walter Bros. Carpet store, X J .l l i X X -l wnere new goons oi me laiesi si.yies are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, enabling us to sell cheaper than anv other store in ths city. KAST k CA II A LIN. 14.) 112 Front street. Portland. WALL PAPER, WINDOW Curtains of all kinds, and paper shades. Sold by CHARM AX. Atk your neighbor to subscribe for the Exterfrise. I TRA VEL AND TRAT p v. n t t -c rr j . . lraiisnonauon Company.0 TN CONSEQUENCE OF LOW xv.T X m the Upper Willamette the ATER STEAMER SENATOR will leave the Company's dockT foot of i street, Portland, ofA On Mondays and ThurSday Or EACH WEKK, AT 5 O'CLOCK, A.M. Connecting with the steftie'P ECHO or ENTERPRISE FOR ' Salem, Albany, and Oorvalli;. On all other days (Sundays excepted AT 7 O'CLOCK, A. M., COFCTING jFJtJ TUB STjg- tefef?. UNION, On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, for Dayton and in termediate points. A. A. McCCLLy 0 President P. J q,. Oregon Steam Saiigatiaa C O u J 3? .A. UST Y ! NOTICE. O REDUCTION OF FARE. A RRANGEMKNTS HAVE BEEN" pro jJl. ii-ciku uv me ' strain JVvl Ration ( ompany and the PiontcrSit,' ( oin puny, whercbv oasseniers can n,V." chase THROUGH TICKETS from Iortfard to the different points in Idaho at the follow ing rates: q From Portland to Boise Citv, $51 r. " Maho citV.v.;;. n: " Si,vt'r City.... 61 ; Tassengcrs can lay over at Umatilla br giving notice to the Agent of the -TionwV Stage Company.'' TJii-ohrH Tirltets Sold only at th Company's Office In Portland. ' The rates of passage on the mer until further notice will be as follows: From Portland to Dalles tg 15 " rmatilla...'."" j3L " Wallnla ifi w From Dalles to Umatilla. jq 00 " Wallula ".; uoo' " Umatilla ' Wallula... 255 THE BOATS OF THE 0. S. If. CO. For the Dalles WILL LEAVE POUTLAXD DAILY, (Sundavs excepted, AT 5 O'CLOCK. A. M. Boats on the tppcr Columbia' LEAVE CELILO OX Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. FOR Umatilla & Wallula, HETURXIYG The Boats will W, Wallula every Monday, and Wednedai, and Friday mornings, touching at Umatiii and arrive at Dalles same dar. j. e. AivswortTH, President 0. S. S. Ct. Portland, July 16th ISi". l:i mowticello route.-" On and nfCir Monilaj, Srpt. 2:8,1(67, -r TIIE STEAMER Will Leave PORTLAND for EI0NTICELL0, EVEKT Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, At G O-clotlt, A. 31. The STAGE leaves immediately on th arrival of the boat, and reachts 01ynsjr-.i the next evening. RETURNING. The Boat will leare .Mm ticello every Tuesday, Thursday and Jtmr dav, (on arrival of the Stage from Olrnipii at 1 o'clock P. M. J. C. AIXSAVORTH, President O. S. S. Ci. ASTORIA ROUTE THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER Will leave Portland for Astoria and im mediate landings, on Monday and Fridays each week, at 6 o'clock a. m. Returnm will leave Astoria on Tuesday and Satnrsir at 6 a. u. J. c. AixswortTir, President O. S. X. t. J . IvI. K E E L E R, Oregon Commission Agency OFFICE. 95 LIBERTY STRKET, NEW YORK CITY. For buying and shipping direct. bf Isthmus or Cape Horn, all classes and vri ties of Merchandise, including Musical In struments, Farming Implements, CarrU;1 and Machincrv. tW Faith fill attention will also be if tliA xcii-infv anA licnAcitirin nf PlttPIltS. All orders and business will receire promri attention. Goof's shipped in best style lowest rates, and insured to order. BUSINESS I'.EFF.REXCKS : '" ai.i;u if : 1 1 i. r i-.un.iiM. M i J. II. Moores, Salem. Oregon. I nomas iuonteith, Albany, Uregon. NEW YORK CITT REFERENCES. J. L. Brownell k Pro., Bankers, 2S Brod i A. E. 4 C. E. Tilton, . and 7 Liberty -A. M. .Starr, late of Orcpon, 95 Libert - Aioon Jiann, i reasurer .auoum Co., 1 Wall st. Syjtf TOIINSON k McCOVVN ARE Tllfc" f ) Agents in Oregon City, of the 1 Fire Insurance Companv, the best i business on this coast. 'This Compf" the only one in Oregon that Issue Policies and Adjusts Loss Without referring the case to San Fmnci - ALSO, AGENTS OF 'in ' fn! North America Lile insurant Presenting the most desirable 'ew!, having its policies guaranteed by "e " of New Vork. . . jt- lr Don't delay attention to the. ters until vour property is destroyed i or until you a.-e sick, when you cal",.;:f insured. Call immediately. CHARLES S. WHITMAN, Attorney at Law; o Office Corner of Fifth . Washington City. ' y Special attention giren to the - rffy meiTt and issuing of patents or pn , claims, Pre-emption a'VV "t's before ments, and all classes of businw ,. 2 t t i 1 aTgTeradforj), J; TT4S REMOVED THE BALA V J l his stotK oi Wines and liquors? TO . orf fl"' X,40 First Sirce., Directly in the rear of L business 1'art.ea in want oi Wines and Krand,";,"j" for S'ff" L' Empty Frcs aod arrU3 ' ft. t'. .1 ! :1 - idEkS JOHN H. COUCH Sxow Master.