s . 11 1 , -'In. 3 t o o i 1 i ilMC LUIUU'' Wl -. : i ' - rOS AXB COLWTV. . . - -1 1 ' It $t.r:ir " v; ; I , -!rr!';,nf'Zr' . ! ' t c ''".Tn-iXar ;.- din-on- , I 'JI IJ . ,.;.'; !' Wi' te wu : I -I ''"''H J)'l,;'-hii:-'i'- 'r ''. i ' f .'." " '"' -' u';t'n':t : , -,U V f!, i,Wkcr, I P-'P' f. f ' ,. ii'-'-" "' ,' ",' : ' ,:'..' ' .WtUylJ u :"' i 4 . . . . : ' i (' " w'-,r. :",,.- ;.,r f .,;, t i i.t.V;",-'"'.''"."" . ,,f,; .;;; .v ..,?.' ' my "' ..";. ' :',;',V- .h,-.,:.i;. .-:. I J i'tH""""!'-'."1 ".:..;,,, th.rt ,.,,.,;,-,'- I r'e (;if :",'' ,.":,''' ; r tariti'7"e'.'.ci ' , . ' , i -it i.S 110. til'- The Wealth or C;rn-'.. i budding inac.tyexccpiu.c., ( Uf,ctanng purpose,, that consUtate the I .....i u-,a!t!i of tho comtnnn ty. It is ie liiev be for man- ! who-e fro.-s earnjijs amount- IPS minv thoVtnd, annually, and f ,.?ich is distribate I among at! cla-ses. lor f e ,,,ii.-. etc.. who go to m..;-:o itptne 'f ,'9;)u:.i:ion in the m st P'-o-p-roas Talcing this view of toe ca-e I ll,,. onir Cirrecl one. wu caa re.vitiy oo I ','vc whv ottr people on'it to encoarage I i pn-Vi-mc to every thm- ee. t..- frortUnd to-day oat-trnmbers .-ngon I. v ) U population probably ibnr to y-t f S't d know there h n t in mat c,;v a. toe 1 " . r,. 4,,.on e to obtain stead.. i -ra!)!o". nient t. V ... "... i. i ha'; i e a:'. e n: i i.s t.j n. C.S of tie' oad at s:ar Pehief places in the Vnion. and un of the superior m.ccnteans Ore-en C:tV. we v. v. ',-; v.. ;--:: t.r.v.i d. c; not grow ta-ter ? I -o t.e p oa .1 1...t m:l !1 a :.!; U i'li'g C:. 1!1 i.e" 1 ni'il e in. ..i I let i.iin.v is the great..-.-. t man a .acm r.n.u r.-iian. Her opettU.ve.-. i:a.uy ti-.iiii2 and d.bur-i; an;uiaoy i....- . v ees c.:i) 7i s I n the number c ! her em '' . .. . . . ., ., . ,i . . v i i-he is stated to be lo.uo-.i aaeau oi , York, notwittisianooii; on. , ti;e larger p yiuai tin of th- latter. c d- not antic.p.i.e ; the timo whea Oregon Fi'y vvill be ;- . (Mm ia cotnpar.s-.m to suci staLcmet; .s. ; tut we feci that with the advanta.?' r..i- ! tare has L'ivrn ir. sh- at h-.tst t ; expand iti a little greater proportion tor ! the next few years than any oilier part oi Oregai. If the citizens whoown iac tuost W e do not anrte.p.ue available property Here w io o.i. m o it!) tacir liiaeis i i 0". - anead. oei o ne , united upon thg laos! nr.iorci:il m eie-.s nml act in coii-'r;. v. on caa double tl:eir capiou an i un 100:0 . the ienn a'ion iaside of Pi nmnllis. 1 rer.i oviM-v source from wlieuc we have ob- -. i . . i . : .. l : l . : rained inl,..nn'.t::on w.ium lae 1.1-. ;. wo near 01 nie.i ,i ....!- ,...,.,.. ... Ortgoa with their laimlie-. Soil!-.- would f.,!!.ac niic nni'silit. 0:iie il'.lOtli'',' but luo ...),..,,. ue sie.iild Hi:,. 10 see invested in hV our people would be some;!,;:;:: 0:1 the : jSPta of lh.' 'la to Kiii-s Couatv Lmigr r.ion : W..l.m. ,') 111 ;'::!'. -e l.cl'' We 11 .i', O ' l. . j i..ii!-l:i.rj :.r.il v.-aier oriviief.-.'.s to ,. evteei le- ip,. ,wiers o these : oaibinc aad scu t an a-eiu to the FaMern ! Stales for the purpose of proper! v placing bluff up and down above our heads be the matter beiore lie., public th-r'e, ami bv Ibro long and. ere another fall, land ltv- nakia- such oilers as eamioi be refus-,1 th- results would so on manifest themseivos j to tin advant.ure of evcrv per-oii here at j the present time. We saw a r-tatenient a fen- (lavs ago in eti'-cl that. a:io;'!i-r c-'.rgo ! of wiunen was soon to arrive in Wa-hie.g-tin Territory. If we i-re correctly iu-firnr-dth ' se'.min. of 1 -.:,-, wo;;',. I Lave been an i-miuent su -ireis otily lor tie mter ineitien of th- ue.-; ih uiial poll;i-;i.::!. ii rariiues id women cm op had for ead. tion to the e.u- wj are preO.y ta.it the n.'iit n t o" men can b Fitu:T an-;) Vi-mttr.im.tts.-:!: Ma :1 of this count v, h is ie.t. i P. 1 0 : : r table four special";.; o." J:- b:;h -U of ap ples of the Flue I Varm.'.in variety, gatiier- ed tins year b om heir si x" ycr-oel trees in his orchard. Tie- four apo'c- lick i.m: t ivo ounces of v. eic'ide x :n' pounds. lie pound eaca .Mr. S. W. .'.loss and P. .M. Pine.ir:n have a !.- pre-":i:e! n- whit so;ae of t!ie nicc-r potatoes w e h.ive ever Ctfoa iinya here. .M r. Mo-s lias prod i.- 'd t!)! season abuiid.ir.tly of I !;e 7V o7i ;'. mi 1 the i.i-v I. ''.:(' varieiies ot ilu i L-c.i'-y of lie- i'osai.-r of wib.-li we can at least, sped; by the leo'c. It c .s:s no mare to produce a go id ar.icie than ii is d .cs a p )ar one. nn-l where taeie is s: mncii greater s lii -t.i .'ti 'a in !ia- ieg the best we lire somewhat -,-s'oai he I iloi: .-; firm .rs wd! yet bring t !t lank..-:, 'fhe if, by Mr. Kilieal -en. t ) 1 emits p.-r b i (ba.irv Pa: v-.rri ::!:;!'!:i:'-t var!eii,s ( . ; h f l l otatoe si i taken at lit iu 1 ) til u'e iii.i a tin- or rai.ed bv aovone. Mr. Pi:iearsy:i has a:.s,i lei; a b , ofetioiee gi'.i;e0wi;!i a- to sample. We th' k they are of tiie Pdvedi ,aiie:y, but I ay be luistak,:!. We ,,l..,.r e-l that the Isabella's crown bv Mr. Lhvm-'iard from 'iii!i on ; itie (hihiora'a vui-. have matured this ; fea-i:i to goo 1 ad vantage. M r. Lta nchard will harvest s eueiiihig o vcr 120 I lb i Irom r. v',:i- on ii:s pretni-e j at Caneni th, Clacuau county is beghmiig to siiow a variety of both palatable ate! .ielieioit, ; ro-''-'ts of the s i I j y, hh-h in-goa e.iii sur pass her niiich ohh-r neighbors. We have ' i.. e g.,o . , ,, 1 ,r; e.lVI ; r.oroad for I lie ti mr we pn kc i gcaeiaily ( )4fi;-.m can omatiou aad ta . of not. oaf. a good v;i;,i' v h a ; a of a -u ;:e; ior ffiaiity. Give us a -sco-lv i-o.umiiiiica-tiea woii tiie A : : i i ' : .- slop,-! a;id hi asisort tiaic we will n.,t mdy give the ih'ii'.'Ls ,,f t'a it lar-oif seetioa the l,st at'tieb'of :' l"ain mid tloar. bat a!o I, a I th--tr tables with flcheafcte-, which thev have no;, nor can 1 pradaee. there. Vfe were, lor sever al years, in th- h iek groaa l ; under v re j- ... i i . u . "'-m . ' M V;5'" - cn-euiustanees i stand a .."..'l ni,.l shoulders over any oiher se-.-.i-m of the r-,;..n. . t j T " . , i JtST MOW TO ho i- . 1 1 .V " iao,ao;e arm oeve t ., .,,. Q ,- , keep jour fW.v:i Irom thrivrng. farn the , - , , , . , com Miounier to ever '!g nieename or i : . v.. . ... , -.. , .". " ' O i I 1 1 t I 1.1 i M 1 i !J C 1.1, niill .! 11 lioys: '., IU v" 1:1 a I, " "'V,1 '--""-r I'Hu a:, you can : it """"" ! ('ii'' li- -V"rk. and ra'her : g abroad lor .ues d" h:s kind than g:i e hiai your niom-y. Last tinmgli not !e.-t. rem-o ( miiioniz- liie local pai.er. i r . r '" v I O ';i-.al way to retard the growth of a town ! ni' il II) M'l'i Ml"IV till !!-n!'. i .1 bum iliis. Go,N", o: this c m.ou-. 1 he lias swanne- 1 thoromrlifare i e-iin t'd ww.l- : "'I ueavy wheat laden K : . i i . . earn -s hound lb den pdi I'tiaml. and r-turn teams :i- j-"n w:t.uaei'cliam-lise. We alwavs rejoice i - ..... ri.-n- oi a -! maiKe! price !u P"ae.i. Vf !;, l:in,io ,.,! tie '"iioniiv I,,-,,.,,,,, ,v;,iV ,i...., ',,1 nei.s u o icr nr.: ; iJ . ( - j k -.tin 111,. 111. i i ! '. I t j J"' '-'""'"f. Vie would rather pav 315 per ' barrel ior , ti,.,n 1;!v j:; for '. prices rule the increase in the ! pro-pcr Wii ro!,i;a, " o:u (oi.hie.--.-. and the facility : 111 ikiii coPee; kereace te:i f-'d scon make uo toe tv,( iKuiry Lambert, a weaHhy j ci.mor l;-, i.ig a few miles east of this (f);:.0 shot L-m.;;' op, Mondav nioniin"-, -as buried bv friends on Wednes- 11 " Pe had b-eirsic-k for several davs, Uil:' WlK T i. . vVT.. ."! . . i. J. . . : . fa l1'"--"'! as committed. An Imptestwas tfeppver the remain. ' .n - " cuurua ana friinany eve- rings frost in considerable) o-iantity Vi"slwl xi region, lt is uot uav mateiial i-ie,,-,. . , " .M to have Irost folate. People .vnglit W prepared to receive it, when its ap- I'tarauce u put oif so long. A L-.-nittY. -No tidings of i ho wliere- ".so; I. Nwce have vet bi-en lo.trn- e'1 Hisdisannearat tceis a great rnysterv .-5r. Vv ;.Q' i, i . " i : . r .., .'n u!-res at hi- mysterious absence ci" jMcrrni-:.--.- tnut a course oi lectures witi bo given ia ; this oily, during the ensuing winter season. by tb" verv best talent of tho Slate, under i thoiuisnic.es of Oil-iron Lodge X'). 'J. I. O. (J th e pro ceed.-j ot which will go to lit the bu.idm: fund of the Lodge. V Lave before stated, ami it is now u fact welt known, that the odd Fellow. Iiave purchased rise of the best lot.-? o! .Mum street, upon wl:,e!i tney propos. coiiiinenciiijr next year l he construction o a M'kmdid brick edifice, tor a Hall aim other u -. Wo know of n-. more plonsan .v benelifial w.iv to spend an oveninc sav (,!u.,. twiee'a month, than hi listei: :. . :.. .....,..t. .. i i- i ... .i. eciare. L reter tta liree!ioii of th;s I rat en my. and .-.a-p.,e. nmu could con-istant iheir enonratiejnent. We cert. to St.t. tlx p:e.:isof the Lodtr perfected, and sneers fa 11 v c: As ,ooa as e are enabled to for such a iy wtiiiiiold anisy iiope dire splonddv arri.d oe.r. learii the !u;:i)0' of the speakers, t ue .-'tibjeets chosen . and ili" times of giving the lectures, we ' ,il t i !: irrni i ide:i.-ai!'e in iii-i!, i ! rr nr'. Gf jt f,,r our readers. OvF:r.i.oo;u-:L la a private ir)te from alem v, are informed that a pair of very : exeidlent iferiiio sheep, on exhibition at t';e State Fair, entered by Mr. Win. F.liiatl ei' lids foaaty. were overlooked entirely bv the e inHnlt'ee. he being oerupiod i;h o .her b :.ine.s.- jierluining to the interest of t!a- Fair. Our informant says: I think i; I.iu'iily proper that this sh.-uld be men tioaed. I ob-erved the sheep as M r. L't liu'.t brought I'uem into the Fair ttaeand. n:,d tiiougiit tiiey v.antld be hard to beat. Mr. Fiiiott is a sprited gentleman, and wi.ti'd make no tu.-'s about the matter. hieh is so opposite !o the nature of some others who thought themselves aggrieved, that 1 cannot forbear to m:'.!;e mention of Of course sucii mistakes are lilcely to occur. Put as said, it is not every man win, would overlook the error so magnanimously n. oar friend and fel low citizen. -Mr. Filiott. A New Si ai:. Astrologers judge of the influences of the stars and foretell future ,, i , i, .. n. .. . . i . i eveni meir jiosiuou aim aspects. .;ar.s oi various ni'.tgmuuu ranse ttirousa- ollt .aven.s at all hours of the night, (lil. the newest and brightest is to be n(,cn u:l the tt'.rv!ti of On-gon Citv latelv u;:.;i honrsof the night, and taking a point, to jud'-re the future bv it we may safelv p jT-d 1 that riot will "not stalk mad among Us wiiile it is here. This new star was 1M-oliueed by Mr. 'powcv, and is an ex- ','r,siti piece oi workmansnio ; it is worn ,v .,!r. j;. :. Kwliv. the newiv anooinied ponceman. Success attend the star, and may u prove a virttte. as v. ell as an orna- lnout. 7 TtiK Paii.uoa.o. We learn from our m.-rchaivts who have just returned irom San Francisco that tho On :ron Pai! road j is a f:x-d fact. Crarolall : We shall win those hats! ell of lading for the iron ! '.vo lee. imolives. several ears. etc.. reached P'-rdand by the steamer ol Tuesday. Mr. ' oie, .iui w4 li.i ,.,1111 n . t.uil,.- o.e .iiso. and v we are Hilormea mat e-.-iinmi will lie oroiioa soon ni r.asi, i oruanu ior me Poriland for the i work. Tiu ears will go rattling over tiie j lag earoes a, think: this a lauey We tell von it is not! The Nkxt Si'atk Fai;:. Already there -s talk about the next Annual State Fair. This is in eonseiiuenoe of the hands in whose keeping the Society is placed. Mr. V."m. Lliiott, of this eount, who is giving con--h:et'abIe attention to tho improve in ait oi sheep and horse, was re cleeied a- imi' oi' the Yie Presidents, and eiaj. d'-seo'i Mar; im. w ho is nei tiaiis as well in- foi'ined about line stock as unv mm m tin Sfoe, was put oa as manager ibr Clacka- ia.i.s coatitv, j Oit::uox C;rv..-Ou Motidav tue (iicinl L iu rt lor Ciaekama couii'y viii convene at Oregon City. Much ioisiae-s nvraits hi Ilonor.ruuge Shattuck. '"fiie triol of llcnii Kt-rsiing fir the hiding oi eb-. i;i!i'hie. will be had on Wednedav next bv agreement. It will lie recollected i th it oiu.' trial was had in this county am lie- jury failed to agree. P. A. Cumin K-q.. and Own- Dolph, appear for the do- ieii hint. :;:( Pi.XAAv.iY On Tuesday last a team of horses ran away at Oaneni.ih, biking up the main road. A short distance on the wuv th'-v met the stage coagh, in a narrow pa-s t-n ti .ink el' tiie river, when a col , i . i , , ' ti-!.!i oeetirred waieti uesacheU tee run- i ,- - i ,. f i aways Iroin their wagoii and turew on;-o! j ti:em mto the stream. P was some tune ; betoiv he 1,,,,-se was got out l,u lie , was nmiih" again placed on (rrra j;mvi m .- i U good State oi pre.sOt'Va-lon. Ulld UO Worse I , , !. ,! , ir :,. i damage icsu ,,ed liom tie adin. ii -! 'ti (a-mu'red waieti uetaeheu tee run- P,f.au llr.xr.-Li the iie.gaoorhood of 1 this citv. the common large black s'aeeie.s ol boar have of late become verv trcuble- s-eme. One farmer lias lest seme of the best of his orchard trees, by Mr. P ruin's work at gathering the fruit. He seems to take special delight ti tearing the branches oil' as w ell as robbing the tree. lie is be ing hunted, and no doubt belore our next is-me will make his appearance in town, a verv tarn - creature. TtiMt'oiiiKV Jnsam'i y. The coroner's jury at the iiiqnest held over the body of Mr. Harry "Lambert, by Dr. "Part-lay cor oner, returned a verdict in substaime that deceased met his -b-ath by a pistol shot, tired by his own hand, during a lit of tem porurv iiisanliy. The jury eoiisis'ed ot .Messrs. D. i. Timmpson. v . i-. lugniiclo -,-n. y J, it lock, J. L. Parlow. E. P. Kelly, Uliil . lh)hu " l v"u";l Axoriitm F;::!:. --We never see friend Povd pa,s through he citv. en ronic south but we think there has been a lire some- wa.-ri. He settles losses fur the Pacific I... l",..,,,,.-,,,!- on.l mi Tluirrliv vi met hint here, oti Ins wav to aqiuna. to m lk winaius good lor'the destruction of a s,un.. Particulars will be furnished on hi: ri..," -n ' ' ' v ---- Too rr i.n i-'o:t Uttlkaxcs. The an- I 1 T : . IT.-... "T.. 1 1. i . ,1 t liOUiKCine.u oi iu-i nun. .nai i.t ii.n.-iou, j ... .... m,f v.:. c.i-.w,i" ,1-,.;,- i I to-u Good times, plenty oi money among the farmers, and large stock of goods are the order of the dav. Mr. Raisum is too well known tor any not to oeaeie mat wnaine savs he means. Nkw Pnr.mxcs. Mr. J. W. Chase, Mr. u . Endv. atid others, are now putting tne fiiii.-hin-- tou-dies to new residences, in t.ie J canyon. The house of Mr. Chase is a fine one' Mr. E. Chapman is about located in his new house, on Main street, below the canvoa 1 I.v tiik Fn.i !. As will be seen bv ad I i vi-rtisement elsewhere in this paper rapt. Win. Parlow is in the field again, and : ; ,, wishes to buy all manner of products ' of the land at the large Canemah ware- ! i,,!St" f.1' i o'"vei' yourselves uccoiun.gL. ' j 1 : f-re the hour her abbatu frolic V. Ill I". ,.,- .. lool at the -i .i -i ,.t, ,oT,..t .r i ; nlt.,J,-!K.rs will be held to taue some mens- ; m-es toward securing a minister. j i ; ' . t j : t . f r,- Lwi) OKi-'K"K. i lie Kcgistcr I , P-V t.i.A.vi-.. ia.vl T ,1 - i i and Receiver ol the Land Gbiee at tins j dry. h:ve received notification, to supply ! the new Land Ouiee at La Granue. Puuir Makkkt.- rs. Mers Pro.. 15 cents per box of this city are paying ' !'o-.- t'eo i.est. oualitv of P.nyile There IS i ,?uu alo anvwbere. for o trier lean tn? Cot:;. iaa cinb oi tuts cry have received a e cular irom the 1'ioneer Club of Portland, I req.te.sung this cmb to designate two per- sons as delegates, who. together with a I liKe number Irom each of the several clubs throughout the State, will meet in conven tion at Portland on Fridav. the 2M dav f February, J.SilS. lVr the'purpose of of--amzmg an sociution of ba-e ball plav rs. for the State of Oregon. In this couu ry within the past ten years, the game of ase ball has assumed a position of so :nieh importance that it is universal! v .ekiiowledgi-il to be the game of . merica". .nd. the circular says. - it. being emphat . cully an American game. von. no' less than ourselves, desire that 'it shall ever mamtaiii that position of dignitv and im portance a'readv attained, and "to which it i.s so justly entitled." Hence, in order that (.Megon may have State representa tion in the Xationa! A-soeiatioti.this move ment is made. Our boys will of course respond beely. We presume the High land and Tumwater clubs of this city have received like circulars. -i-:w Ao.s. We inviie attention to-day to our list of new advertisers. Prominent among them appears the stirring announce ment of .Messrs. Jacob Pros. They have lost money last year by not keeping up a lull stock and advertising but now they are determined not to be outdone. Among all the rivals for trade they intend to be ahead and in order to make sure work oi their lesolutlon their shelves arc cram full of the very best goods in the market. All aboard ! DtCATH. We are pained to learn of the sadden death of Mr. John Killin, father of ! Ponton Killin. Esq., of this city, who died at his residence on Piute Creole, in this county, on Wednesday night last, lie was an old resident of this county, and was loved and respected for his many virtues by all who knew him. We- siiit-erelv sym pathize with his stricken family in this "sad bereavement. Mo.vrron Flock. We referred in a gen eral way lately to this flour, sold in Ore gon Ciiy by Pai low & Fuller. Since then we have tried it and it has also, in the meantime, taken the second premium at State Fair. It is probably equal to any liour made in the State for family use. I lie celebrated champion oarsmen, Ward 13 n s., of New York wil meet Messrs. II. N. X ice, J. Dow ling, J. J. II, Hand, and P. X. Kear ney, of Oak P.dnt, Washington Ter ritory, at San Francisco soon, to row a match uuitic fr the chamoioushin. lho JSijititnc, leiormin" lo Alessrp. Nice ec Cb.. will be usaJ on this great oecnsu :i. McIntNU'o, tho liuirderer of Mar shal Keeler, at Dalles City, was con- nf , , , .-"' .-'.n.v, v l)' 'i't' i-: .1 i i ... net HI r ore-usori K i't him hi Salem on Sat Urdu y !,iSt Dr. F. Kelloggr, of the Dalles, MMI,m,'UM M,CKle VJ poisot), a lew da vs ;tg'. AYcekJy Coisiiiict-tial llevicw. ExTi-mrnisK Omen, ) Oregon City, Oct. -J It !i. 1 CT,,. ) Vrimat is quoted at $1 to -Jl l . in Portland for to-day. Here it i.s taken at 'jr, to 1 on. Our latest ad vices from San Francisco, on the J 1 1 ! s , show that hour i.s hrm for local eonsr.motion at 7 . to j7 -J.') lor superlirn- tu -' UI" want ot suitable j tonnage restricts the movements id' wheat, i t tine market range is given at $2 eO to . for "Odd to choice. Ttie liirnier says the crops of California have b ;en greatlv exaggerated, and shows that at the present rate of export the sur plus wiil soon be gone. We (paote FLOP 11 Imperial. Standard. Monitor, brands So" 5'.,(;.i7 (.) "r) Lb!., in I sacks ; outside brands e'o (K'0 z-. .";). 1 1 LA i In dem md at .y ei-'e. i U J i "j;l bushel, with an active upward tendency, i ( )ATS The demand is about equal to j W1!MT-In dem md at 9.) ei..31 0 .) toe si i't dv. at :i7;c. C't i.'. iAL .vi oltfe CW FPKi) Ground ?-a "t ton j Middlings ; M,$z: ; Pran 51-. d L 11 Greeti A piles r! h g..O i. c ; . , . , ... - v-, .S,,.t , , Pried Apples r '(".--'.: Dried 1 eacnes . . , - (q i;j) MFAT Paeon "fl lb P'e.llc.: i 1(:r.,l.c.: Shoulders Tc. , , T ,-- .. , . .- . i- LAUD In kegs 1,) c; tins loc. .e. , l I'.'-J'. j C. (til. ! JU'TTKli Ordinarv to prime A lb 25 I l-'PL-iT Greeti Apples cl lx i:," c: v. lM.)ULTriY Chickens V doz .92 50(5.3: tame Ducks 75c. -p pair ; tame Geese $ii 50 "s, pair; Turkeys S2 50('; $1' "jjl pair. GAME Grouse 50c. !r l1Llil'' or -3 B doz;.; Pheasants, -10c. p pair, or S2 doz. " Lt i ETAPLMS t'otatoes bit. 2o fts Onions y Dd ihs iA 50((.--': I-:,-ans"p 100 lbs .' Mf4- i I. IIli;ES:-Saited lb 1 i5c: dry C 10. ro:r rLAi) rmrgts. Flour .Ranging Irom Sti DO to $7 00 barrel. Wheal Lois ofl'ercd here are taken at $1 00 to ;;;1 1 bu-hel. ttaeon Sid-'s. 'j(,.U)c: hams. 17(7?,lSe: shoulders, ti''" 7c; S.oek abundant. demand light. Lard Pi tins. PFfedlc.; K,-gs. 10c. Putter Packed fxiid. PJ and 12c. In brim-, choice, 20 and 25c. Isthmus, 2 to : r.ggs in g'oo-i oemami nr. ..... ;.i ooz. Dried Fruits Apples, packed in new 1 I libis Pic; Peaches, J-Ac. and Pic; Plums, ! 20" 2"c. Sii'-rnr--Islands. P'Jfo.lSAc; SanPrancis co ('.' l l'f- 13c. ; Crashed, in bbls.. lGJc ; half bbls.. 17e. Syruj) Heavy Golden, best "brands, Slfo s7e : Island, in bbls., ftoe. -Hawaiian, 10 c; China, No. 1, Cnai'o-Java. 27c ; Pm. but little m t, 22c ; Costa Pica. 21'c r . : . - - .. - r tiisii.-in inn cuv, on iue moi n i n s; m Saturdav. Oct. lith', E:.i v Aiixn.i, diui'uh- tcr of Joiix M. and Pacui:i. W. l.i.vco.v, aee'd " years, 11 months, and 23 days. Her little chair is vacant now, Per playthings put away ; The beauty of her cherub brow Is vanished where she lav. The music ol her young delight Is hushed forever more ; The sunnv lace that u'eamed so bright, , the choice of Text Pooks, in order to avoid Has faded from the door. j any thing of a Si::tioxal or Paktisa.v .natuke i in T.iur curriculum of tu-iies. Yet still we listen through tne night i Cmd. AlUopo will continue to aire even To bear the breathing ucet, : K.r,.sn? i, the Modern Languages and And with the morns awakening liSht ; Kn-ii.sh Prancbcs. Per kiss we turn to meet. s p,,r fun her particulars c.inmrc at the In- And through Cue livelvjiitf day wc sigh , stituie. or address To catch her beaming smile. And see that form go bound. ng by, So beautiful crewhile. In vain, in vain a shadow lies Where sunbeams used to fall ; The morning wind alone replies, When her dee.r name we eall. The echoes of her steps are lied, And glance and smile are goaf Ami now we know that she is dead, And we are left alone. Put in each wind that fans our cheek, Per own sweet breath is there; And angel lips in whispers speak To comfort our despair ; And every star that burns above Her own blest image gives, Aral tells us that, wneread is love, Oar child forever lives. -V.'e,-'..,. A . J LP PERSONS ARE FORPID TRUST- person on my account, without - a wiittcu order, signed by me. UAMKL HATHAWAY. Mi'pvaukie, Oct. 2eth, Is-57. oi.3t A T?g 3.:?n W3s , T, , , ,T T , A L ClIONL I: U I s Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Peal Estate. G rocet ies. General Merchan dise and Horses, Every "Wednesday and Saturday I A. 13. liiciiAimsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. Mnglish refined Pur and Handle Iron ; Kngttsh Square ami Octagon Cast steel ; Morse shoes. File-1, K:ips. saws; Screws, Fiy-paus, sheet, iron, P. (Jr. Iron ; a i. so : A large assor taioti t of Groceries and Liquors. A. V. KiciiAiiDso.v, Auctioneer. W. A. ALOllH'U. J. C. il r. a 1:1 LI.. Juii.V m'ciukes. fvl'GRAKENjMERniLLaCO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, A G II NTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Jr Hawaiian and Oi egoa Packet Lines. Importers of San (Jiient in mid Carmen Island Salt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Co lice, Pice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's ,t Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, I'iehles and Vinegar. Healers in I-loin-, G i "air.. Paeon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of .Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. AI.DKICH, i I.K it ILL A CO., Nos aO-i an J no California Street, San Francisco. MTIIAKKX, MEPPILL CO.. Li North From Street, Portland. Vjl'll V'M. mi cajs If you wish tl;e very hose Cabinlt Piioto-ouAi-iis, you must, call mi Ukahlev & Kn.or sox, -l'a Montgomery street, San Francisco. Dr. CHAHLES ELACII, Physician, Suryeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE Corner cf Washington and Front streets, Parrish's Pluck, Portland, Oregon. RESIDENCE Salmon street, between Third alio, ruurin, opposne me 1 Ir.za. JIACIi & HATCH, s' ...I,.. ... . ... i-2.Y DENTISTS, Vu:lo5 The patronage of ttioso desirinir liri Clas Cfpi'f''tliift, is rcsnectfuily solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. It Xiti-o-is Cry,.- admiinstei cd for the Painless Extraction" of Teeth. Also : the i'A '";:,! Spi-ni used for those who prefer it. Office Corner of Washington and Front streets, Portland. Entrance, on Washington street. -.2 if . - o-5o Dn. II ostktt Kit's Stomach I)it Tens. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon tho stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly soothing and conserva tive. It iv aulates. recruits, and purities them. Dyspepsia in ad its terms yields to its control and invigorating properties, and it is recommended to im 'tilers, enfeebled bv the cares and duties of maternity, as the safest and best remedy they can probablv use. In all the crisis of female l'fe it wii! be found eminently useful", and elderly persons will derive much more b, in lit from it than from ordinary stimulants. Hold bv the drug gisis and deal -rs ewrvwlmre. llODUE, CALLF & CO., Agents, C:tf Portland, Oregon. DHL. IIUPELAND'S ei i.i:mt.Ti:r fl'-TT.I ' TRY IT The best Purifier of the Dlood ! A 1 'icasant Ton ic ! A verv Agreeable Diink ! Unsurpassed for acting surely but gently on the- secretions !' tie- kid nevs, bowi.-ls, s'oiuaeh and liver! For sate at all vhoteu!c and retail liquor drug, and grocery sUcrcs. y r. o i i ' sfi'o i r.E without it J. G. l'ms'ii, Proprietor. Tavloii i. Lex OKI.. Solo Agents. S'Lly) -ib'j Clay si., San Francisco : i ' rp i AI"' Til I1 r'lA'"' OJ Ail U l' I S 111 lJ l I V..L J ! ptri trrsATO Th,Pr rl,,;,.Hri U:n:h Itts-s a-n erilte'v V'c--t- i ubl.-, n:.d free lioiu :colioi null evt.-J' liunlul iis'ta ' fii'i i i t:n ! ) tf.i A . SOJ-sC ' ' t , ; TSiEkJ3I i I FtiH ( 5 THY ' ! YOUR ) jisw i U I OCIPT ! 1 r A : ; ,. , , ., ... 5 J-l-cp. A j..on-.-r.t tnmc n-l a iP'-tn?-ee:it,:e!ii'.i f , li,o i:nao is li.i'"lel i:h hm-ivi n.li.j.-.uialv; J THK?R.,;,m, r.,.r, neriOi'v -a'' - 1- -i' ai r et' rill feu 'M ;nT.5 (.r , .r J t stntnae'e Kii3r""-s. !,o,rie:'i I iruo-'s. m,. h i l - p-'n-i i. Fevr. 1 eu-' iicca, l.o-s re-o-o. rtc. elc 9 For mtc evi j whci-o. A. I I.NMI U Sr'.N. J So: V a -" rr.,CTUi:rr. , . , : ,,-,. tZ 1221. .112 9 SzJ Musical and Educational i A S T B T Zj T i : . ALSO : Diy and Boarding Scliool FOR YOUNG LADIES! l a retired aad beautiful location, away from the busii.css portion of the city, on Third, between 1! and C streets, Portland Oregon. Attached to the building arc extensive and 0 ! beaa'liful grounds, for toe convenience of i pnoils. I The Educational Department will be in charge of an ellieient corps of Teachers, . aI: J!'-.t: A,llfM-5''?s: 1o,!nc"i ' J' in tht; Universitv of Louisiana, and for the last tire years Principal of a Collegiate In stitute m the Southern part oi' California, Principal. No cubi t will lee spr.red tonink this Insti tute eonal to the bc-st on the Pacific- Coast. The Course of Studies will embrace all the branches usually tauirbt in first class Semi naries in tha east, including TEE CLASSICS, EEEXCE, i.HiRMAX. SI'AXISIT, MATHEMATICS, dr., cU ; rm " Af .... ; ...11", . ....-. .. .: 11 1 1 ! iiie .mumcui i'-.' in "i ue coao.cico j bv Prof. II. tiu. do Uioli, Graduate of Piaucl's Conservaturie. j Parties from tiie country may rest assured ! that under the car-; of Mrs. tirob. Matron ! of the establishment, they will experience i all the attentions of a mother, and enjoy the ; comforts of a home. N. P. Particular attention will be paid lo 1 1. (Hi DO lit H5--p- lm) P. O. Pox No. iHS, Perth-nd. EOME L1AK UFACTUKE. EIQGINS" Sl CO. Are Now ITaiJiiraciiirii'g a- Snfcrior ARTICLE OF Clismical, Olive, Pale, and. Brown FAMILY SOAP, XT "riiicii wi: will srdd- at sax Francisco Prices, and deliver to up river boats free of charge. All orders sent to Poitland Soap Factrry, or to .Mc'Jraken, Merrill & Co., Agents, wid meet with l-romi-t attent'on. W. L HHjOlNS A- CO.. ll-Y Proprietors, " Xo. R Front Street, Portland. Oregon, One block no- th of O. S. X. Co.'s Whait. McCKAKEN, .MFRRILL A CO., Agents. Higlicsl Prii-e jiaii! Tor Wool, Beer t-kins, and Dried fruit, by J. Myers 9- Brother . Villamettc Lodge Xo. 131. O. a. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Maiu and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members ara invited to attend. Py order of ". C. T. Oregon Loa-c Jo. 3, I. O. or O. F. .-''fif-"1; 3Ieet3 every "Wednesday evening S?ilt 7 'c'ck, in the Masonic Hall. Members of the order are in ited to attend. Pyoider M. G. Xultnoinah ldge Xo. 1, A. I. aiu! Holds its regular coininuni- i e V" r:l,inMc s. . . , V, rt 7.'.'...-. ... 1 7 , 1 itrdas in each month, at 7 o'clock ! iVom the o-.tii f vt,t,,,i1 t , - ' ' - ow.i.! iu me :-'iii oi ilareu, and 7 o'clock irom Ibe iota of ilrch to the -JO'.h of September. Prethren m eood standing are invited to attend. Py order of "v. M OlifcXJON CITV BUSINESS. risw stock : SiAItGE. STOCK 2 S" O W O JE V IK" G J -rr- AGEEEMAIf ! A FL'LL VARIETY" OF FALL Mm WINTER OOOOS ! The Largest Stock that has ever yet come to this niark.t, consisting of such as DRV GOODS! Of almost every hind ! CLOTHING Of the. very latest Styles ! B OOTS A N D SHOES ! In great variety ! Mens, Ladies, Hisses and Children s ILita, all of the latest style for Eall and i 'in tcr 1 'car Also, a well selected stock of Groceries, and all other goods in proportion. Please give n.c a call and examine for yourself. No trouble to show goods. Ja7"I will sell as cheap as the cheapest. S. ACKKIJ.tl AX, Charm an !t "Warner's c!d brick store, lvl) Main st., Oregr n City. N. P. All kinds of Produce bought. 0. W. POPE & Co,, DEALERS IN S T O V E S , Pmnijs, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respect fully nn nfnincc tlo-t. tb-- kicr, rint-mrlv ,it lianrl irood assortment cf Cookinir. Parlor. Air Tight, ami other stoves, suitable to this ' market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices! Our assortment in this line is larcre, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including m;cK, UEXRY CLAY, JJEAirniSTOXE, W K.ST KILN i:.MPIPE, UliKAT PKPUP.LIC. liLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of everv description done to ordi-r, in a manner that cannot fail to suit nitrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortineut ol Hard ware, Wooiieuvvare, etc. O. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, Anril -20th, 1 P 7 . 1. RETAIL PE.M.EU IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Has removed into a LARGER STORE, in 21 A S ONIC 13 UILDING, Where he will be pleased to wait upon bis old easterners and as many new ones asma patroriize him. In addition to the above, he has recently received a WELL SELECTED ASSORT ME N'T of I'crfu:nrry and. Cosmetics which are offered for sale at reasonable rates. Oregon City. Oct. irth. lct;;. A. JL!SVTt, MAIN STREET, AT THE TELEGttAPII OFFICE 1 Oregon City, Oregon. rEAi.mi it "ITMXE CIGAPS. TOBACCO, X SNUFF. PIPES. WINKS AND LIQUOPS, T'.KNTS FURNISHING GOODS, P( -KPT CUTLERY, POUT MONIES, PLUSES, STATIONERY. COMBS AND PRUfrllE?. GUN AM LNTS. TOYS, DOLLS, FANCY GOODS. WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, QANKEE NOTIONS, &c. &c. Z-rf I invite special attention to my slock of liquors, which is warranted to be as good as anv in the State. A. LEW. July 2oth, lsr-7. ("O.tl P A I N T I N G. PA1NTIN G. a3.IO; CSZE T2LJ JZ12 c Sign and Steamboat Gi-a.iii!ig, 1 1 i 11 , Cliiita Olossing, liiiilatiuun of ull kinds Executed as well as can be done on the Pacific Const. 57" Examine our work and judge for your- Selves. J-.very orner attenuecl to wun care and expedition. C. 11. MURRAY, West door Ilalst-on's brick, Main st. Oregon Citv. O ulem Woolen Gooh for sale at whole- O sale or retail, at Salem pi ices, by J. Jf'ers d: Brother, OREGON CITY HUSINESS. 185 o. 18 07' Thomas Gharman STILL ON II A Lt) ! A FTEU FOURTEEN" YEARS EXTER!-I- ence in business in this city, under the 1 1 A moftrt fh-u i X' i.i. .-. 1?,, i.r th:m jl Slvt i.;iiinr, " .-r,,, t. i"ie -1 , . f i ti , I i , .-r, , . . . ... ,1...., ...,.-t.,.,. to pay us cush ibr goods, as we are deter mined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH! Which is tiie only Remedy Tor the Present cry of Hard Times. We beg leave to inform our numerous cus tomers that we have just received, direct from Sau Francisco, a Large and well Selected STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE FOIL THIS MARKET. Consisting in part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswarc, etc., also : PA IK T Sf OILS! eye. Together with a splendid assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! Oi every description, all of The best quality, and latest styles. Also: EATS AND CAPS! Of every description, for both The Ladies' and Gents' Wear ! Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods kept constantly on hand, all ol" which we will sell at the very lowest price for cash. Country produce taken in exchange for iroods. Particular attention naid to orders from the countrv. Also: To consignments of goods, and" prompt returns made for the same. X-kl' We return cur thanks to our numer ous customers for their past patronage, and ask a continuance of tbesame, pk-diimg our selves to act honestlv with all who faior us with their trade. ' THUS. CHAPMAN". ,4 FULL ASSOPTaiiiNT OF SA.-H. jjL Poors, and blinds, alwavs on hand ior sale bv ' CHAPMAN. fJATENT MEDICINES of all kinds kent L for sale bv CHAPMAN. ARQUAMS CELEBRATED HUME 1 f a made chairs, constantiv on hand bv CHAPMAN. riPULLINtiEirS SUPERIOR IIO.ME made wool-batting, for sale bv CHAPMAN. LOUR. PACON. PARI). AND DRIED fruits, kept constantiv on hand bv C1IARMAN. NEW AND FULL ASSORTMENT of OL Nails, rope, etc., just received bv CHAPMAN. A LL OF WHICH HE WILL SELL AT -4- the lowest market value for CASH, or such produce as his trade will justify. CHAPMAN. G R E A T F E NT I A N LOO K A HER EI Notwithstanding there was a Rebellion over in Ireland the other day, and the Print ers all became Demoralized, and Oeorge up set a "form" and knocked my advertisement into " Pi," nevertheless, E.D.KE L L Y Is on hand at the old Stand, and has for sale the fallowing articles, to wit: Coffee, Japan Tea, Pried poaches Tea, Plaek Tea, Linen twine, Ooldcn fyrup, Preen Tea, Coffee sugar. Sugars, i'hocolate, Pulverized do Saiuratus, Corn starch, Crushed do. Packing salt, Oswearo do. Chemical soap. Dairy salt, Candies, Castile do. Table salt, Ground coffee, Fancy toiletdo. Cooking soda, Earini, "ante currents Sal. soda, Sardines, Rope, Mackerel, Corn Meal, Codiisb, Hrooms, Nut-megs-. Lead, Placking, Shot, Snuff, W bite Peans, Prunes, Pockets, Macaroni, Pails, Vinegar, Liquorish, Cheese, Honiinv, Porax, Soda crackers, Patter do. Lemon st rup, Flavoring ext. K erosene oil, Olive oil, Clothes pins, Cream tartar, Gun caps, G Shooter balls fi-Shootcr " Plast'g rowd'r Dncd apples, Raisins, Stove polish, Sporting do. Rice, Pearl barley, Valley M ills do fr.i0, Pie fruits, l east powd is, Writing ink, Vanilla ext., Washing do. Tacks, Wash boards, Wash-tubs, Satin gloss starch, Vcrmacili, Can.-, strawberries, Concentrated Lye, Tobacco, ';; :d ics. Tints, Ovsters, Ground spices, Engl. pickeP, Lobsters, t innamon, American do Cloves, Cann'd fruits, (' inger, Craub'y-sauce, Mustard, Wo rot r 'shire. Pepper, F-'cneh must'd do sauce, Plock matches, Tomatoes, Peaches, (tree n corn. Jellies, Catsup, T:Tf Cash, and one price to everybody. No goods misrepresented lo effect sales. 7.1 j P. D. KF.LLY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING C O 31 P A V rpiIE ABOVE COMPX.VY ARE XOW 1 producing acpntlity of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH AT.E Superior to any ever before cfered 011 the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, II A IID TIMES, ELANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. Csing only tbe best grades of Wool. The above goods are offered to the trade on the most i.tvorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : 11. JACOIJ, Agent, OA (nn) Orciron Citv. Oregon. Or L. WHITE &. P,R( ).. A gen ts'utJVut land. FiB ST P R r? iril MODELS. rpziK SEWIXG JIACimr: has justly j been regarded as the most useful in vention of th- century. Still, n reliable method of C'.'Tiinff the work for the Machine has been needed. Ho'.v much time is lost in waitintr for patterns, or for work to be cut i and bated 1 All this can be avoided Uy the use of the Mathematical system cf Dress Cutting TAUGHT IX FOUR LESSONS At the S- bet School. Abo : Instructions iveu in Ornamental Work of every variety. Tuesday and Friday, fit 4 P. M. (4"..-t j rTUTS. DUCKETS. WASH HOARDS, i Keeiers. seivv, et"., for sale bv ' ' CIIAKMAX. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. A. J. MARSHALL, Wagon and Carriage Jfuker, Jlain street, Oregon City. "Wagons made to order, and all work in this hue executed in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates. 3?" All kinds f country produce taken in exchange for work, at cash prices. Give me a ti iid. 47:tf HOME MADE URNBT S F3 6.1 M" . -.: Levy & Feciiiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers iu Furniture, OliEGO.V CITV, rpAKETIIIS METHOD OF INFORMING J the public that they have now on baud a laryc invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, P UREA US, PE1KSTEADS. POUNCES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other Qualifies of Rich and JItdium Eumilure Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. We MANUFACTURE FURNITURE Using good rriaterials, ami emjdoviug tbe very best mechanics in the Stale, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, and we are prepared to lill ail orders with prom ptness. We call the attention of the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of d'.sii-abk goods in the State. LEVY & FFXIIJJKITuEU, 43.1 yi Main street, Oregon City. ITY SIAKI3KY! Ma IX ST II LET, Oil EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER t J ii U &i E. i, n : 0 (Successors to Wortmau & Sheppard.) Keep constantly cn hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds ! Orders in this Line will meet with PE0MPT ATTENTION ! BABLGW & FULLER Also keep on Land all kinds of t 'AM I LY G ROC V R I I-:S ! AND PROVISIONS I STEAM BOAT STORES ! And all Articles in.eu for Culinary Purposes ! BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO! Py the Case, or at retail! Attention !s also directed to the fact that nobody else sells hct FAMOUS G LEA SOX CHEESE ! 3H SH0ET ! Farmers and the public gerera'ly, are In vited to call at the City Itakcry, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices rcasonab! All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. PARLOW A FULLKR. Oregon City, Jan. tub, Is-;,. (1:1 HIGHLIT IMPORTANT fc'Mr Toallicish into j-y ej HOUSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, IKON, ETC. John "W . Lewis, Cor it r cf MMXat.d STOXD strata OK KG ON CITV, Takes this opportunity to inform li is old customers, mid the public in general, that ho now lias on hand THE CELEBRATED "Web-Foot" Plow ! And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. Jn connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriage's cf every hind! in point ot style and durability K ti XT A Ij TO AXY IJIPOHTRD! Having constantly on ban 1 forsale a large assortment of material, consisting in part of WAGON TIMBER. IRON, STEEL, ETC,, The proprietor is Enabled to iill all Orders ! Ibr such Artic':s on The Mcst Favorable Terms. JT" All work from this establishment, ami all material sold oa order, is warranted to be as represented. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City. De. 1.1 :om. 1 1:1 r uclTb a k erY i "West SiIc Main Street, m Oregon City Oregon. L. DILLEE Proprietor. IIAVIXG REMOVED INTO MS NEW BUILDING! J WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT JL I still continue tbe manufacture of BREAD, TIES. CAKES, TJ LOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Stgar and Soda CRACKERS, dc, d-c, dc. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on baud a large ?tock ot tiie best staple and FAMILY GRCCEEIES, PROVISIONS, &c. I am also agent for the celebrated nursery and FLOWER GARDEN! of II. MILLER, Milwaukie, and am prepared to supply orders for Flowers ami Shrubbery at tho N urserv pi ices. lily " L. DILLER. MISCELIkIXEO us. Z-Z. .CilAS. E.f ALL". -GEO. W. S.NLLL; t'a A3. IIO DC. IIOEGE, CALEF : Co., DiiALEES IX DRUGS and MEDIOINESy PAINTS, OIT.3, AND WINDOW GLASS, VA IiXlSHES, BE USEES, PA IXTEES ' HaUriah, and Druggists' Sundries, q Or Front Src t, Portland, Oregon. Zo.) r1 JL'ST OPENING fcVr NEW STORES Xos. ICS to 172 FIRST STREET, I'URTLAXB, KURCREN & SH1HDLER ! FUUNITUI.E direct from Eastern Manufac turers. Complete assortment. Th Trade supplied on liberal terms. riJLU A NO OTHER MATERIALS FOR. 1'eddm g. THREE-Wllf FLED CIIILDRVS CABS, at unusually low rates. IMPERIAL FILLING anew, clastic, and pure article for matrasses. (n-l.tf HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ! A Pure and Powerful Tonic, Corrective ami Alterative, of oml cl'- ful eilicaey in diseases of tJic STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. PROTECl IVK PIIOI'EKTIES. Prevents Fever and Ague and Ibllious Re mittent Fevers ; fort dies the system against Miasma and the evil effects of unwholesome water ; invigor ates the orirans ot digestion and the bowels ; Steatlii-s t lit- Xcrvts ami lcii& to Pro long Li fc. RKHEDIAL PP.ttPEUTIKS. C tires Dyspepsia, Liver Comjdaiiit, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility Nervousness, Depression of Spiiits-, Constipation, Colic-, Intermit tent. Feveis, Sea Sickness, Cramps ami Spasms, and all complaints of either sex arising Irom liodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or PRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES. OTIIIXO THAT IS NOT WITOLE Siinie, genial, and restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of IIOS TE'i TER'S sro.MACIl LITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind ; no deadiv botanical element; no fiery excitant; but is a combination of tho extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants, wi;h the purest and mildest of all diifusive stimulants. '1 he week stomach is rapidly invigorated, q and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia, and in less conlirmcd forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless fiprient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably re lieves the Constipation superinduced bv ir regular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Person" of feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks, Loivncss of Spirits, and Fits of Languor, find prompt and perinament relief from the i tiers. The testimony on this point is conclusive, and from boib cxes. Asa Cenuiue Tonic, HOSTETTER'S I!IT- TEHS proiltic. 'ts which must be expeii- cneed or witnessed before thev can be hilly appreciated. Hi cases ot Constitutional Weakness, Preraturo Decay, and Dcbiiit;,--and Decrepitude arising Irom old age-, it ex ercises the electee influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful iuvigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, ii is the only safe stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and inocuous materials, and entirely free from the acrid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics ol the dav. SOLD EVERY WHERE. ilODUi:, CALEF 4t CO., Ascmls, 35:tf'.j Portland, Oregon. Fraiaaiiy Iyc Colors. Patented October ISth, Ls'lo. . P ERIE CT EAST COLORS. Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Dark Blur, Marenta, Light Blue, Maize, Erench Blue, Maroon. Claret Broicii, Orangf, Dark Brown, Pink Light Brown Purple-, Snvjf Brown, Eoual Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate, JLight Drab, Solferino, Eawn Drab, Violet, Yellow, Light Eawn Drab. FO:t DYE1NU SI LIC, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses Riblons. Gloves, Bonnets, Huts, Feathers, Children's Clothing, Au-1 all Kiittls of AVear;ng Apparel. A Saving cf Eighty per Cent. For 2o cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German outside of each package. 0 HOW i: ic sil-n !,.S, nor, Broadway, Boston. For sale bf Smith A: Davis Portland, and by Bell & Parker, Oregon City. 21 P.EIOVED! C X& T AND PATER HANGING WAREHOUS 7 IK LE.WE.TO IXFOH.H TIIE ) public that wc have Removed to the Fine Store No. S3 Front street, Portland, Formerly occupied hi Missrs. Colin, Lyon d- ICaufman Where we shall now open our latest impor tations of CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, F LOO 11 A N I) T A P LE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES AND HANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And ail goods in the '' CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LINE ! Wc Import our floods BIrrct from th Kast, unci sell t loss tliaii San Fiancisfo Prices ! IV A IFEU BKO?., Xo. 80 Front street, between Alder Zo.) and V"ashington, Portland, Ortsgon. o o 0 o fijoicesi. " ' '':m " " " ' ' -- - - T, -n.wn-nir T-l TUlTOTinnm T TBD t "3 V