r o o O 0 o I o - A''-!-" q QbL---- -LTI'IM" III" Ml I HI -JMUlLJUJUaJllmM n HHmi aMWa31g'wy! EljclUcckln (Enterprise. TOWN AXO fOl'XTY. fjoon l iei.u. ."I. vjc-u. jiuiiaiu, uu resides six miles south of this city on what is co1111 J mis tumiuji 0:j fern hill informs us that this year he has 1 divested a field of less than nine nms of wlie.it which yielded 2 IS dozen , . i 'S. That 20" of the sheaves have been !L'!ihed. and found to yield 27 bushels of tV,'ir? white w inter wheat. The bundles j theopinion it may be is future easily increa LeinsuU Hk; d.!ngJ.aJ,V ! at least one half fartuer. With 'this view basi: -!- .... , If tn ea 1 en i ,iit ii tuu, me i .- vtnv ( -round producs neariy inn v uunuvis io : Calculate that such laud can be rodiiei's nearly mirty ousneis to rinicli -i'd alums. auiiicio m un-mi iu from $10 to Sl-" per a,,d ,le Sllcl) fru wi'd mnre t!l!U1 doubly W U,V it- Graham assures us that his land has never been manured in the least, and that t,10 f.t.i,i referred to lias be-neultivatel for t'leja-t seven years. This showing must certa'mlv proves that if running does notVy in O.'cgon it is no fault ol the land, lie ha been upon the tarm le now owns but a siort time, and is satisfied that it is good'enoiigb for any man. The Okkoo.v C:tv I'actouy. Wliile at the Factory a few days ago we were in vited to the upper story where our eyes feasted upon a sight which made us proiul. The sight was a lot of new family blankets, j ist turned out by Mr. Wor.ley. In size tVr pair U M h' hl) inches. The nap"' is and soft, like the finest wool, and the f'lisliinz e'i'ial to that on the besl Mission blanket" The stripes at the ends are a. btriutifid combination of crimson, blue, crnn"e. canary and scarlet mixed with -rvl'iiie ' We should prize such l.ltnkets and no doubt people generally will, when ,,, a'-e ollered in the market. e do O think t!at Mr. Wortley is a scientific gen tlrinjji. and understands his business thorough !v. The cassimers. tweeds, and fi!i!!nii styles of goods which he is m:ik iiiT. am certainly unequalled on the coast, r.'iid we mav weii claim that his blankets jirr ahead." Orders from abroad are now ,.r..in the factory to its fullest extent. "e --- - j YVjki.sn. On last Sunday night this individual was again arrested and lodged injVil. "lji Monday he had a hearing bo fore Recorder Moore on a charge of riot ous and disorderly conduct, and being dunk i!imi the streets, and he was com ,r .... .i n-,.. i c-)ii .,..,1 eit I ir ;.! i u i i s. ."" .""I c.Wts. ihe ft 1 1 i penalty provided by ordi naire. Without particularizing, me e i (itce. together with the actions of the lii.tn. show hitn Jo be dangerous to ihe i,..t ii'inK-t t he community, and wtnie we were d!SOo,-,etl 10 icuu nun ioi .-;u,;-;- tbiesQn the occasion of his iale unpnsou-ju-nt we are now (irmly of tli" opinion th.it(' oiu'ht not to have been set at liber ty so soon. 'as really it is to be feared he may perpetrate some injury to person or prop erty, before he U provided with a place at il.. In -inn Worn, that will cause deep r -reti atnoucr the oeooie at large. Fink SiiEtr. On Saturday last Mr. J.ihn (1. Porter of this city, received from the farm of Mr. Gecr, in Marion county, tbf line three year old Coatswokl rani vh'ch took the first repmin in last year at lie- State Fair for combined wool and la ut I-.n. Mr. Thomas Rowley, also of lids city received fn.m the same farm, a fi::e op's-, b'.ed Southdown and Coa'.swold buck lamb, t'.x nri)ths old, which is a perfect fl.rep. These w ill by- ad led to the Hocks o:' the L'cnMeiuen named, iu th:s county, who seem di-ipesed to jiroduce only the best grades ol wool al 'hough there is not that discrimination gt en to it by buyers laat there should be. Ptoi.i.iNd Is.--A stream of wealth must Live set in the direction of Oregon last ftf.w e;i Vli ji Tier. ) rie Aurora cotonv w is reinforced yesterday, by tlie arrival of fi.tee.i or ei-hteeu lUn'iilies. in as manv drawn by sleek looking mules and ore;i. The train passed through t,js ci(v leu:; ten o'clock A. M.. and coniiiianded the welcoming, admiration Cf our citizens v. ho saw them. i hey must have had a p!.-aan: trip, judging bv their appearance. I'llt To ooiiot fed e.vceediriglv irrateful at k.uii: reaelied their journey 's end. I. (c.j Wooi.. U"e were shown at the K.ie'ery last Tuesday, samples of luster w'i.,1," from an imported Lincolnshire b-n-k. which measured sixteen inches in h-n-th. The buck is of the Coats-.vold t. : - i - . . . .. i , ' were aiso st.'uwti imple of "'enii wooi. UKOin ceil in M asvi.wo oi so t 'liich for liiienc-s we could only liken to m:k. Mich wool is used in making broad- e'oi. ana comiuan!s Ironi seven bits to SI U ) per pwiuid in England, by the cargo, bal here there is no profit in producing oir- (t.uiiy. as the slu-cp art gonora! 1 y wai iil. the tlceee.s light, and labor too high. tvfcxMi. a htilc girl was seriously in- J'li'ed in this city on Thursday last by the k;ck of ahorse, wl.icli was staudinsr near He .va! when- she was iiassiiisr. We Dot Irani tno iiari ion I-rs hot it i fim ,U1 I'e-I a sluncnt rcu latior. ''""'I'b:!- tl,e Iiitchinj,' of animals in Juices licre tiu-y can do dani.iaes like i wuim 1 1. 4)'c;i)K.vr. Mr. David Leedy, i i'in co:i!,iy. was terribly hurt at As- l"ru 0(1 Saturday morning last, while Hi ii'-i bfi-th oa board the steamship Sierra - "''M'. tn.it steamer having collided at .iriwurt witb the ivvcnue cutter,.) Isinc. ''".,V IS I'l-o-i-ht to Portland, where he re- "e. until Thursday, then was taken to ui.i iio;iic. lt is thought he will recover. f" n.VKli.-M.i.ur Thomas Pkmnn " 1H appearance m the city early on Mo;i .u- morning and he informs us that fruits of his visit are following him ' .in urm vain brought lunt, to- Lrici with about 175 packages of his I"irc!i:)M.s. Th barks Stm ilvrriit and Lu'( ''A'c briti much more. w Ct.,, T. tllllt. nt Ik. Vimlnirn,,'..,,.,! .r'.-'rj.iy lor one week, iu order lo allow t...,.! i . a r -pnirs to the building. We learn r,'m "'r- I'OOC that UlO sehonl U ttrr.rrr.,. " ry sat'.siactorilj- now. and that calls f: . .. u.utn iiiojicsieu n.iritij . ...I ... i. ;.. t ...i are. tent. 0 I. A! N Qr. I "i-m a ran glit steamer, was suc- ".v 1 innebea at Cancmah on last lv. Mr V, T.., u - . r . i.i. ii uuir uiiui is now -. - 'I 111 Pn;tin? fin llt.i' r-i K-n ,.1,:.U, be 'd beiore wet weather Rets o 9, AccKPrs-::.. The Crack Club or or 'n. t:s Tuimvater Base Ball Club 4 tk" ;'" .y. will pay Salem a visit next ... 11 nav.n o matched to play the Union o square game, tv'"t'''''F;N'I,KvTU--e regret to learn of . , !hofM,.rr. a little daugh- r r Mr. fs . .....,,... " Ti-fVi "e.lLuer 01 mis county, on : rtw'nT ',nr!rnig last. The disease' was ' u4uicna. M-c, 'lied, and is now offered O 'Of III- r, - . Av-r,i, ,in,i ''ok dealers. It is 'i. -.1 .'.'. ,ls "s'!tl with valuable th. ' in u; " it is ; ; an.lM worth three times ''d at lo an e mm time T,.-:.r. : L - t;-tn,n,'o.' ,.A wiU lj seen by adver- ' '.' ' r- Coinpanr will disn.tei, tion, "K f... ' ' ,C uur rfi-c., - i rnir very day nevf. week. bv 4. o E3tD op 11 "ME (In 1fi1. .t X" r. i.mn mm 1 . 1.'.. ' TEurmse. will be completed. We shall con tinue sending tlie paper to all whose names , are at present upon our lists, nnd be thank ful for any ell'orts on the part of onr friends who may aid us in extending the circulation of our journal. The present circulation is uearely double what it was expected we would hare at this time, and yet, we are of we make the following liberal proposition. To any patron in the past who will send us one new tuleri!er, and Fire Dollars, we will forward two receipts in full for one vear, being a reduction of fifty cents per annum per copy. CLCBS Mav be formed at the following rates : Ten copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club. Q is CO Twenty copies one year, and two ex tra copies to the getter up of the club f $15 OO Mailed to separate addresses if desired. The cash to accompany each order, inva riably, otherwise the regular rates of $3 will be charged, and ndvance payment consid ered to be within the range of thirty orsixtv days. We do not lay claim to any very great rank in the world of Journalism, prefering to let the public judge of us by our works. Iu the year about to close we have been as attentive ts possibls to the duties devolving upon us and can only promise to be as de voted in the future. With many thanks to the public for the good words spoken for us, and the patronage bestowed upon us, we shall start out as fresh and resolutely with Volume Two at though it were but the be ginning of our experience in Oregon. ! All communications should be sent ! through the mail or express to I). ('. IRELAND Oregon City, Oct. th. Ib57. The Ti-at.ativ Poat. The P. T. Co. new Tualatin S earner. M:'!, will take to wa'.et da--. buihFnu at Men re's next week some Sl'E CIA I X O TICKS. l)u. II ustkti f.r's Stomach 1i r- teiis The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory organs is singularly, soothing and conserva tive. It remi!ates,-fTecriiits, and purifies tlicin. Dyspepsia in all its tonus yields to its control and invigorating properties, and it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled by the cares and duties of maternity, us the safest and best remedy they can probaldv use. In i'it in" crisis o: leimoe ore it will DC found eminently useful, and elderly persons will derive much more beiicf.t from it than from ordinary stimulants. Sold bv th drug gist and dealers ever ywhere HODGE, CALEF A CO., Agents, o-":tf Poi'.h.nd, Oregon. DP.. IIUIELAND'S C:'L !i!'.TI.D SWISS STOKACII BITTERS. ppY ' The best Purifier of the Dlojd 1 Tm ! A Pleasant Tonic ' A I A very Agreeable, Drink ! rnn-tr i I'nsnrnassed for acting surely but - .. a,,Mwu aim iivcr 1 t or sale at all wholesale and ret; tail lbjuor i drug, and erocerv stores. xot.ody snorij) be wftiiqut it J. G. Fiiiscn, Proprietor. Tayloh i Bkndkl. Side Agents, Sr'-1-V) 413 Clay st., San Francisco i STAR OF THE UXIMHb CELEBRATED ) i OMAOtl BITTERS!: 1 'Tlp'ffH,'i,c,f.mjri, Iliti-r n-e e, it.c'v Vrrrt-J ;aolr, nun frto lioui uicohbi und every litirttul in(l!e- TP" j THEfvli i TRY : A i JUDOE 5 FOR YOUfl t s t j THElII; I SELF! j ; ' f .iir. ni-.fie i,tm l;-e t iiii.l 0 ( VK'tl.tt,: iw-t. I aik mi.) r- mf nil ' !'. '-'ft-vl 1 ii,e ru-e .r hII nrVrOi n ,.r ,h, J --l .i'i ic . Kw: 'i, !.'ifrnil B'.v-). M h 1. " r'-ver. I i-arr!.CA, I.o-j-i" A'.-!i-r f e;c ,Korw:,,ij Utti. A. FFN'r.ll i I f KV. " , . Sin r. loci j.iii-;:rr,f '"-'J j 2Z 1 STOCK 2 i STOCK. ! X O W O I I: X .2 ? a I BY- S. AGKERMAjM! A FL'LL VARIETY OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS I The Largest Stock that bns e-rer ret come to this market, consisting of such as DRV GOODS! Of almost every kind ! CLOTHING ! Of the very latest Styles ! BOOTS A X U SH OES ! In qreat vnriett; ! Mens, ladies, Misses and Child nil's Hats, all of the latest .style fur EaR and Winter Wtar! Also, a well selected stock cf Groceries, ind all other goods in proportion. Please i give me a call and examine ibr yourself. No trouble to show troods. " ! vi?"I will sell as cheap as tlis cheapest. j S. A C K K 11 M A N , j Charman &, Warner's Id brick store, j lvli Main st., Oregon Citv. X. B. All kinds of Produce bought. " i I ! 4 THE NATIONAL COLLEGE -OF BUSINESS AM) COMMERCE ! ! ! j "Corner cf ALDER and FRONT street. FOR TLA XI) OR EG OX. I hf. ! i ; ''pilIS POPULAR, PRACTICAL INSTI I tution offers the best and most success ful System of Practical Training and thor ough Business Discipline, T O Q U A L I F Y Young and Kiddle Aged lien ! , I Ear an Active, Successful Li fe ! ??- Tuition for the full Business Course, ! De unlimited, Those wishing to become members will he . fiviiiiiir.'u nil eec uin li itc j t.v- ...J ....l- C ,-r.., V,. amination at the time of entering. The College O'lzvitf, giving full informa is sent free to all who desire it. I-.??" Applicants will apply in person, or F letter, to i. K. LAUDKNSI.AGER, Frtf'iden. i i UCTIONAND COMMISSION A. 15, 11 i!lta-Isoia? AUCTIONEE R I Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. 13. RicriARDsux, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined liar and Bundle Iron ; Knglish Square and Octagon Cant steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, li. G Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors. A. 13. Richardson-, Auctioneer. W. A. ALDlilCU. J. C. MKKR1LL. JOHN U'CKAkEN M'CRAKEN, MERRILLS CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Dlcrclinnts, A RENTS OF HE CALIFORNIA, XV Hawaiian and O: eon Packet Lines Importers of San Oientin and Carmen Island Salt. Sandwich l.-land Sugars, ColTee, Rice, and Pulu. ' Agents for ProvnM's & Co.'s Preserved rums, vegetables, Pickles mid Vinegar Dealers in Hour, G: air.. Bacon, Lard A fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to ties Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandie or Produce in New Oi k, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland ALDlilCU, M KR KILL & CO., Nos 204 and 20 . California Street, ... San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL A CO., !) North Front Street, Portland. MIS CULL A XEO US. .E2 "S2S 9 Musical and Educational I N S T I T 5J T i: . ai.SO : Day and SDardin School FOR YOUNG LADIES! rpnis ivstiti ti: is siti ated iv I JL a retired and l;e.".ulitul location, aw:v I frmii the busii es portion of the citv. on Itiird, between i and C streets, Portland Oreufin. Atraehed fo 'be loiiiding arc extensive and beautiful grounds, lor the convenience of pupils. The Rducational T'cparf mer t will be in charge of an et'ieient corps of Teachers. t it. .1. I. C. A :!,!, formeriv a Prof, in the University of Louisiana, and for the iiist live years I nncipa! at a (..i;cgta!c In j stitutc in the Sou' hern part of California, Principal. j No cll.u t w.ll b sppred to make tliis Insii- tide equal to the best on the Pae'fio Coast, j The Course of Stieiii-s v. iil embrace all tlie J branches Usually tauaht iu first class Scmi i narics in the east, including I THE ''L.1SCS, FLESC1I, OER.VAX. SI 'A. MS IT, I MATHEMATICS, d-c, J-e. ; The Musical Dejiart ic.ent will be condc.cted bv I'rof. II. .iuiS: Gu), Gr.tduute of I Piancl's Conservatoire. Parties from the country mav rest assured ; that under the care of Mrs. ("rob. Matron i of the establishment, they will experience 1 ail the attentions of a mother, and enjoy the . comforts of a home. f N. 15. Particular attention will be paid to ! the choice of Text Hooks, in order to avoid ; anvtbitiiC of a Sectional or Partisan xati-ke ! jii our eurrice.Iuiii of studies, i Caot. Allsopt) will continue to give even 1 ing lessons in the .Modern Languages and ! English Lranches. I lor (urther particulars enquire at the lu ! stitu'e, or address II. f.TIDO GROI.5. JO 1 in', P. O. liox No. lo5, Poith.rub O .15. IP 13 rjp AND PAPER HANGING 5J TO IXFOJt.1I have THE Removed to the Fine Store Uo. 83 Front street, Portland, EurmcrJy occupic I bi ... T , ssrs. Conn, Lyon d Laufman j Where we shall now open our latest impor tations ot I CARPETS, PAPEli HANGINGS, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, W I N D O Y SUA D ES, D A M A S KS LACE C'Uii'J AINS, CORNICES AND RANDS GILT MOLDINGS. And all croods in the CAEPET & UPHOLSTERY LINP. ! We Import our fiooils Eirtct from tlie K&st, ami stll ,,t less tli.-s.it San Frunrisco Pj ices t WALTKR BUO.aJ., No. c0 Front street, between Aldr o-).) and Washington, Portland, Oregon. PAINTING. PAINJING, Sign and Steamboat Orainincr, Ci il;l E ti -r. Clin-.a Glossinj;, Iisiilalioiis of all kinjj Wood and 3I;nhIe 2 Executed as well as can be done on the Pacific Coast. " Examine onr work and iudere for your selves. Every order attended to" with care and expedition. C. U. MURRAY. West door Rulston's brick. Main st., 0 - tO Oregon Cirr. Notice t3 Thomas A. Hartgrave. k PI'LICATION HAVING BEEN MA V. to this otlice for certificate in favor the widow and heirs at law of Joseph Crabbe A i ...i... t., a., : -.-I. .i . deceased, who claim a donation right to the N W qr. of S V," qr. and lot 5 of Sec. '2-, the S W qr. of N E qr. of N V qr. N of S I" r V K nr of . V nr nnd l.i of rsec 2.. T. o S. R. 1 E.. which claim is in contiict with your claim to a donation right of a part of said tract, and it appearing that Saul Joseph Craobe was the hrst settler on sa-.d land. You arc hereby notified that you will be allowed forty day's from this date in which to anoear and show cause whv certifi cate should not be granted in favor of the widow and heirs of said Joseph Crabbe, and slioitldyoufa.il to appt ar such certificate will grantc-t J.ana MiUee. Oregon City. Up 'f 1 V , . . . . - ' Ke!Ster " .ym . ai.iit,., neeeirer. TWO GOOD immtnt" iiiCi;i .'.iuii; OR SALE. Also : One good spring wag- on Inquire. of J. MTERS PRO. ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE OREGON CITY BUSINESS HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! lo all wisning Wsiiroiss, Carriages. HORSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITH IN G, 1UON, ETC. Toxin W. Lewis, Cornfr of if A IN nnA SECOND streets, OR KG ON CITV, Takes tliis ojiptirtunity to infirm his oiJ cnstnmers, fu;d the public in gcueral, that he now h:is cm hand THE CELEBRATED SON PLOW ! And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such pi ices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability K a V A 1. T O A X Y 1 M i O It T E I! Ilavingconstantly on hand forsale a large assortment of material, consisting in part of WAG(KV TIM HER, IRON, STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders! For such Artie!tsin The Most Favorable Terms. Zf7 All work from this establishment, and all material sold oa order, is warranted to be as represented. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City. T. 1.1 fitly C. W. POPE & Co., DKALK.KS IN' STO - K S , feiSSb Pumps, Lead Five. Hose. etc. An Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon Citv. The EWrih,.ri won'd rn.otn.ilv non nee that they Keep constantly on hand u good assornncnt ct v ooKing. 1'arior, Air Tight, and otiicr stoves, suitable to this J market, which are being OIT red at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is lare, and em braces almost anv desired pattern', including the mc K. IIKNIiY CLAY, " llKAUTUS'lOXK, WKSTF.h'X KVinUK. UiiKAT KEPUHLIC. I5LACK KNIGHT, .tc. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot Jail to suit patrons. In addition to the above mav be found a good assortment ol Hard ware, Woodeuware, etc. C. V. POPE & Co. Oregon Citv, A m il i' th, 1 .u. 1. CITY S3AKE:itY! M. i IS S TR L ET, a ; EG OS CTT I BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to Woi tiuan A Shoppanl.) Kcp constantly on hand CAKES! PI ES! DREAD! And Cracker of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PSOIiLPT ATTENTION I BAR L8 WTfUL L E R r.n 1. ll l-;...i . . r -r- ii niiiui Ol FAMILY (iROCFR I ICS ! AND PROVISION". i STP ? rn A ,'V 'Vt r r t ! And all Articles lisod fur Culinnrr ; ---- -j .'in . j . . liclcs nsod for Culinary I . r i BARLOW a FULLER,1 rxjll a tine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nol.ody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT! Farmers nnd the public trenerally, are in- vif. .l to nil! J, fit,. IJ.Cl truth will be made apparent that our stock is i complete, and our prices reasonable. All L'iltrlq ,tf t.T'n.lm.a i..l.n I r. 1 a' - ffwula 1! 1 IM OH' r. l-vv i'iv is ".iiii.v h ci. x' Uljljl'.lt. Oregon City, Jan. tth, oj7. . I ! M H ! M DAPCDVf! LSiluULri OAK tK F J "IVcst Silc Maiu Street, Oregon C.ly Oregon. L. DILLEPv Proprietor. HAYING REMOVED INTO M! NEW BUILDING! T 'VY0UI''T) IXFopr THE PUBLIC THAT X I still continue the manufacture of HREAD, TIES, CAKES, 1'ILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda C II -V c k m it s , In addition to which 1 will keep constants ou nand a large stock ol the best staple and" FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. I am aiso agent for the celebrated nursery FLOWER GARDEN! tn5u,r, i Mvankie, and am prepared ! ... 7" " "-' ! x rovers ana .Miruubery ; .'i"5i'i oiices. Liv L. DILLEIi Administrator's Notice. 7.7 tlf G.UHty Court if Clackamas Count,,. TN THE MATTER OF THE EST VTF OK j , - L Alba A. Lyman, deceascd.-James P !QIT- ATHI) BETWEEN THE CLACK, Cason, Administrator of saiJ estate haVine atnas and the ....... ..vv,..ni. ii, !.,uu esiHie, praviiu a final settlement of ihe same: tlwWf..ro ame : therf.iro notice is hereby given to all persons inter- ' estcd in sai.I estate, that said application will i be heard and determined by the Court, at the Court house in Oregon city, on Monday, I the 7th day of October," lst57, at which time j all persons interest. d can appear and make ! their objections to said accounts, if thev hav i anv. W. T. MATLOCK, Cn-'n'y'Tidyre. Datd Fv-yt. d, 4.5 ( COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, OREGON CITY BUSINESS. 1853. 18G7 Thomas Charman STILL OX HAND! FTER FOURTEEN TEARS TXPERI X ence in business in this city, under the ld motto that A Nimble Sixper ce is Bet 'er than a Slow Shilling," we propose to otlei rreater inducement than ever to our custotn r to pa)- us cash for goods, as we are deter mined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH! Which is the only Remedy For the Present cry of Hard Times. We beg leave to inform our numerous cus tomers that we have just received, direct from Sail Francisco, a Large and well Selected STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR THIS MARKET. Consisting in part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Queensivare, etc., ALSO : PAINTS! OILS!! $ c. Together with a splendid assortmeut of BOOTS AND SHOES! Or every description, all of The best quality, and latest styles. Alsot HATS AND CAPS! Of every description, for both The Ladies' and Gen Is' Wear ! Gents and Ladies' Furnishing Goods kept constantly on hand, all of which we will sell at the very lowest price for cash. Country produce taken in exenange for goods, j Particular attention paid to orders from j tha country. Al.sot To consignments of j poods, and prompt returns made for the ! same j l'if We return our thanks to our numer- ous customers for their past patronage, nnd i ask a continuance of tl c Mime, pledging our ; selves to act boneatlv with all who favor us ! with their trade. " THOS. CHARMAN. FULL ASSORTMENT OF SASH, Poors, and blinds, ahvnvs on hand lor sale by CHARMAN. I A TENT MEDICINES of all kinds kept ursaleOy I.1IAKMAN. I A f AUyl'AM'cS CELEBRATED HOME made chairs, constantly on hand bv CHARMAN. T3J 1R I'L LING EE'S SUPERIOR HOME nade wool-batting, for sale bv CHARMAN. ALL PAPER, WINDOW Curtains of all kinds, and paper shades Sold bv CHARMAN. ILOUR, 15ACON. LARD. AND DRIED ." fruits, kept constantly on hand bv CHARMAN. 4 NEW AND FULL ASSORTMENT of C A- Nails, rope. etc.. itist receive I by CHARM N. LL OF WHICH HE WILL SELL AT the lowest market value for C S1T ,-,r such produce as his trade will justify. ' CHARMAN. G li E A T F EN I A X LOO K A HE R Er Notwithstanding there was a Rebellion over in Iieiand the other day, and the I ri lit ers ali became Demoralized, and George up set a "form" and krocked my advertisement into "Pi," nevertheless, E. D. KELLY j Is on hand at the rdd Stand, and has for safe the following ; articles, to wit: Coffee, Japan Tea, Dried peaches j Tea. Plack T-a, Linen twine, I (i olden yyriip, (Jreen Tea, Collce sugar, i Sugars. Chocolate, Pulverized do . Sidarntu", Corn starch, Crushed do. . Packing salt. Oswego do. Chemical soap, i Dairy salt, Candles, Castile do. 1 able salt. Or rou nd coffee, f ancy toiletdo. Cookinir soda, Farini, .ante currents Sul. soda, Sardines, Soda crackers, Butter do. Lemon sj nip. Flavoring ext. Kerosene oil, Olive oil, Clothes pins. Cream tartar, Gun caps, 6 Shooter balls f-Shooter " Blast' ir nowd'r Corn Meal, Codrish ' nope, Cor" y Broom ooms. Nut-meiri. Blacking, MlOt, fMllllI, Bucket.'8"8' Macaroni, Pails, Vinegar, Liquorish, C!ieee, Hominy, P.orai, Dried apples, Raisins. Ulueing, Rice, i?ioi e ponsn, sporting do. Pearl barley. Valley Mills do ago, ' pie fruits. Writing ink, Vanilla ext.. Yeast powd'rs, Washing do. Tucks, Wash boards. Wush-fiil.a Satin gloss starch, Yermacili, ' Can.-strawberries, Concentrated Lve Tobacco, CiiiKlu s, Xu?, i i LT"' Ground spiccs.L'ngl. pickels, Cinnamon, American do Cloves, Caiin'd fruits. j Tomatoes, i - .- vi iiiiu -sauce JCaCUC Cl,r"' -'nstard, Worcstr 'thire Jellies, Pepper. wl;uP' d(' sai,ce, Block matches .r-r Cash, and one price to everybody, , .-o koous misreuresente.l to f.fT..r-t t!.l, K. D. KKLLY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING C O 31 P A X V. rpiE. ABOVE COMPNAY ARE 0W J- producing aquality of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ARE Superior to any ever before offered on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising f-ASSIMEHES, TWEEDS. HARD TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. tW Using only the best grades of Wool. The obore goods are offered to the trade "n me niost tavorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address: It. JACOB. Agent, Oregon Citv. Oregon. Or L. WHITE A: BRO., Agents'at Portland. OHEGON CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Hunsaker. -7 Will be sold cheap far cash. Apply to LEVY k FECH H KIM ER, 5'..tf Main Rlr-eet. Oregon t'iry. 1ILL HEADS PRINTED. At tlie F'nrprise Office, ! OREGON CITY BUSINESS. A. J. MARSHALL, Wagon, and Carriage Maker, Main sired, Oregon City. Wagons made to ordei, end all work in this line executed in the mot.t satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates. All kinds of country produce taken iu exchange for work, at cash prices. Give me a trial. 47ttf HOME MADE FURNITURE! C3l Lew Sc Feciiiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, OUEGOS CITY, rpAKETHIS METHOD OF INFORMING 1 the public that they have now on baud large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS, LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other Qualifies of Rich and Medium Eurniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. We MANTJFACTXIEE FURNITURE f s'ng good materials, and employing the rery best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to be as represented, mid we are prepared to till all ordeis with promptness. lJ We call the attention of the public to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assoitmcut ol ' detiralle joods in the State. LEW & FECIIIIEIMEH, 45.IyJ Main street, Oregon City. J. R. ralstonT DEALER IN QFNERAL MERCHANDISE ! Corner of Main and Fifth streets, OREGON CITY, OREGON. STOCK CONSISTS IN TART OF THE following articles : DRY GOODS, PRINTS LA DIES' DRESS GOODS, SHEETINGS. LONG ?c SQUARE SHAWLS, LADIES' SILK CLOAKS, DROWN & BLEACHED MUS LINS, GENTS' FURNIS1ING GOLDS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, ALL KINDS, DOORS, SASH, HARDWARE PAINTS OiLS, &c, &c, kc. (lo.lr) INT E W Q O O D S AND c Corner of Main and Third streets OREGON CITV, THANKFUL FOR PAST FAVORS, AND JL hoping for a continuance of the same, would invite the attention of the nublic to Ins large stock now in store, consisting of fancy and staple DRY finnn's PrrVKIHYr' rnnno 1 bLAISIILMx COL)lJ.S, REA DY MA I)E CLOTHING BOOTS A "V T lln!"S I I a v,; ' ; ,U II A i & A. iJ LA i S. V A LICKS TRUNKS A.U b MLLLLLAS ! Groceries.Crockery.Glass nnd Plated , ' aimsi Oils, lainpj!, U icks, Chillilievs. nnd linrnprc t , Hardware, Cutlery, etc , etc, Being Hundreds of Other Articles ! Too numerous to Mention ! t7 Call and examine for rourself I takr pleasure in showing goods." and customers Will finrl I h f.T;!.... .. -. , ... .....uuai i easonr oic ngures lor cash or produce. I. SELLING. Corner store, opposite the -' y Tin and stove store. A. IKYIl A I X STREET, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE ! Oregon City, Oregon. I-EALKR IX IIN'E CIGARS. TOB VCCO, ; SNUFF, PIPES. WINES AND LIQUORS. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. POCKET CUTLERY. FORT MONIES. PURSES, STATIONERY. COMBS AND BRUSHES. ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS, FANCY GOODS. WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, QANKEE NOTIONS, -ke., Ac. 'f I invite special attention to my slock of liquors, which is warranted to be as good as anv in the State. A. LEVY. July 2oth. 1 507. ("P.tl Ftiiiil.v J.Vo Colors. Patented October 13th. lSi!3. . PEREECT EAST COLORS. Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Dark Blue, M'lycnta, Light Blue, Maize, Erench Blue, Maroon, Claret Brown, Orange, Dark Bnacn, Pink, Light Brown Purple, Snvff Brmrn, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate, Light DraL, Solfrrinn, Eawn Drab, Violet, Yellow. L:ghl Eawn Drab. FOK DYEISti SIL.TC, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, (.loves, liomiets, IUts, Feathers, Children's Clothing, And all Kinds of tVraring Appaiel. A Saving- of Eighty per Cent. For 2" cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. cinous iiiaut can be produced truui tl same dye, The process ,3 s,m,ae, and any one can use uieuye wuii rrcct succi-s. tk - Directions in hnglisli. trench and German outside of each package. ,i, HOWK A STKVFVS i -.'.. O . . . . . rt , l Broadway, Boston, For sale by Smith & Davis Portland.and bv Roll Si Parker. Oreou Citr. 'il 4C"." i'r MISCELLA NEO US. MACK & HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of tnose desiring First CLi Operations, is respectfully solicited. .Satisfaction in nil cases guarauieea. Is, li XUroul OxyUe administered for the I .unless Extraction of Teeth. Also t the lihi-j'Acr.e Spray usett lor tnose wno preier n. OrnCK Corner of Washington and Front streets, l'oitland. Entrance on Washington street. 4i.tf cms. Honc.K. .cn.vs. k. calef. .ceo. w. sxell. KOEGE, CiiLEF t Co., DtALtr.5 IS DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS, VA R X IS TIES, BR I 'STIES, PA IXTEIiS ' Materials, and Drug-jltl' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. :5.) New IhoocIs! JUST OPENING AT THH NEW STORES Nc 16S to 172 FIRST STREET, r.r liUF.GREN & SlilNDLER ! FURNITURE direct from Eastern Manufac turers. Complete assortment. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. rULU AND OTHER MATERIALS FOR Bedding. Til REE-W II TE LED CIIILDRN'S CABS, at unusually low rates. IMPERIAL FILLING a new, clastic, and pure article for matrasses. (r.-t.if HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH A Pure and Powerful Tcnic, Corrective a.il Alterative, of vsontter- ful ettirary in 5ist ases of tiic j STOMACH, LIVER AND ! EOWELD. PlttJTEC'I IVK PJiOPEIiTIES Prevents i-Yver nnd A;ue and Biliious Re mittent Fevers ; fortifies the system against Miasma and the e il eOt-cts of unwholesome water ; invigor ates the organs ol dinestioa and the bowels ; .Steadies t lie .Ven ts and tcn:U to Pro long Ijir-. nEJJEDML PROPEKTiES. Cares Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression id' Spirits,' Constipation, Colic, Intermit tent Fevers, Sea Sickness, Cramps and Spams, nnd all complaints of either sex arising Irom Bodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or PRODUCED BY SPECIAL CAUSES. N OTIIING THAT IS NOT IIOLE- soe.e, genial, and restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of HOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind : no deadly botanical clement; no extracts of rare bal.-aroic herbs and plants, i with the purest and mildest of all diiiusiva stimuli: tits. The week stomach is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it wot ks wonders in case? of Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless aprient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably re lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir regular action of the digestive and secretive organs. l'..T-unni c r.. ..!,!. i.. i.;. i:..i.r j.. v-. Attacks, Lowness of Spirits, and Fits of Languor, find prompt and permamctit relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is conclusive, nnd from both'sexes. As a Gtnllir'e Tonic, HOSTETTKU'S. BIT- TLRS produce eilccts which must be ex:. ci i- enct"d "' witnessed before the.v can be iully appreciated. In cases ol Constitutional Weakness. Premature Decay, and Debiiit; and Decrepitude arising from old lo'e it cv- ercises the electric inilnence. In tlie conva- delightful invirant. When the t-ovrers cf 1 nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce ! VTu iu. I ulant, being manufactured from" sound and ! inocuous materials, and entirely free from i :t,t . I me i m eicmciiis tri'scin more or less in an ;ne ominarv tonics and stomachics of the day. SOLD EVF.R Y Wll PRE. ItUUCiK, CALEF & t O., Ant, SS:tf. ! Portland, Oregon. RUB BEE CLOTHING COMPANY! IIS 'lontgomrrj' Street, San Francisco California. Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds India Rubber Goods. All kinds and styles ! Druggist and Fancy Goods, Stationery, Combs, Balls and Toys, Eipes and Canes, Blankets, Piano Covers, Lai Roles. J ' i Air and Water Goods! i ! v & -v v -m-r- v rmfm ml For Ladies and Gentlemen: Door Mats, Wagon springs, 0 Shaft Rattlers, Curry Combs, and Horse Boots, Bucke's and Pails, G loves and X'2kin Rings, Toilet Glasses, ' ! Card Baskets d: I ans. Latest styles of By very steadier, i ! j : ! JOSKPH l'lt.VSKIt, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coait. ikc sircei, i,iJic:iiro. St? Broadway, New York. f4.-.tf ; Administrator's "Notice, the County Court of C'aciama County, I T.V THE MATTER OF THE. ESTATE OF JL James W. Ford, dece iscd. Ezra Stout, has .uiiiinislralor ol said esrate, Iiavmg Med his final account and petition, prav iivi for a i settlement of the sun.,. .! it nnortnr t ! the satisfaction of th- Court that said estata has Ihcii fully administered upon, it was or- (lived ill lit Hliiii,l.,r file Ti l li" nf f t..t...K ! n iiir L. fiv.l tu..!,v r u i,,,..;.., ' objections to m-h final account, and tlie'sct- ' mciit thereof, at which time all nersona ' interested can am.eur before the. .I,,!., f,e 1 .,!,.-,. a,,i (',,,, ,.t n,-.,.,,., ... a i... .i .:...::. ' ' - ' UUJ uhm: iiieii ucij..-i,iiuus. ii ioey nave anv . . , . . ... Bv order of W. T. MATLOCK. (' ntv Judy. ptemh?r 3d, 1557 J2KD1NGTON dt CO.'S OOLtSfX. 0 KEDINGTON & CO.'S ESSCIICC 01 JailiaiCa UingCl riMIIS Valuable preparation, containing in JL a biirhlv concenti ated for m all the prop erties of the Jamaica Ginger, lias become on of the most popular domestic remedies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a tonic it will be found iuraluable to all persons recovering from debility; wbetbe produced by feVer or otherwise, "for whilst IK imparts to the system all the glow And vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it entirely free from the reactionary t-tTecU follow the use of spirits ot anv- kind. It is aiso an excellent remedy for females who suffer from diiiicult menstruation. givinR idmost immediate relief to the spasms tiiaijo frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief lo nausea, caused by sea-sickness, etc. It is also valftable as ju external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. REOINGTON A CO. 27.1t Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. MARTHA WASHINGTON HAIR RESTORER. Trust none other, howe'er jdea.sant, None can do what this has d-riie Try it always keep it present Use the Maltha Washington. IT AVIL.L. KEEP THE II AIR. IT IS NOT .A DYE. Soft and glossy Change It to its Original Color Prevmt lt falling out Makf old Iical look yonng-aml do all tltat fa ripritrd of a genuine, gout', Hair Restorer. O KEDIXGTOX V Co., Agrnta, SSan Franciuo "MARTHA WASHINGTON1' HAIK KtSTOEER Is the wonder of the world, and stands above comparison with any ether article for the hair ever brought before tbcublic. Sold everywhere. q O O o REDINGTONS ! F L A V O RING EX T R A CTS! Are made from Fresh Fruit. Each bottle holds t wice much nsany other brand in the marfegt, consequently they are the cheapest and the best. Sfce no oilier. KKDINGTOV Q'K, Agents for the Pacific Coast. - O -yyHY W ILL YOU DELAjY ? We are sorry that there Jtre persons who suffer on dayby day o month after month, and year by ycar,when friends and neighbors o have been cured of the sa.me malady that alllicts them. Now, it has been proved by substan tial evidence that SCO V ILL'S BLOOD AND LIYER SYRUP will cure the worst case of scrof ula. Canker, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; jet still Qhere are those wlio neglect this sure nn? raaiablc remedy. To such we sar, try the syrup and be convinced. REDINGTON A Co., Agents. O 41-5 and 413 Front street, San Francisco. fiKAEFENCFG U T E R I N E 'C ATI JO L I C Oa If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes, nnd gre:it!y mitigatc the troublesome effects caused bv a relaxation of the outlet of the bladder, fr is a most successful remedy for gravel and other diseases of tlie kidneys and bladder, and foi Female diseases is unequalled. The Cathoiicon uniformly cures Prolapsus Uteri, Whites, all irregularities of the Month ly period, suppression, incontinence of l i iue, Bloating, and Dropsical swellings, and ail diseases of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is imminent and certain, upon the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restor ing ihem to as healthy a state as those of childhood and youth, so tjnit pa tit uts who have used the Graefcnberg Compa nv's Cterine Cathoiicon, cannot sutlicienliv express their gratitude for the relief afforded. Remington & Co., Aynts, 41C and 4-J.S Front street, SaiiFranc4ca STOP THAT 0 qome of vor caxt, An tvn rr-f l ' you. Yria have tri it cvrry ro:i:oclv but t . - ! drsimed, by its intnnsir nx-rit. lo McrM-i- i.ll :i ir prr pnnuuins. n j.s noi sm prising ).! ran.. ) reluctant to try rome'titt-tr r!sQriOrr "ii trtse- :! ir prr pnratuins. it j.s not sm prisiiij; j p. - r.mr n:s you li.no ma-Jo tf trustiy ri.l. j fuiatcJ vu tbe puObc jus a tcnoi cui , . c r NEWELL u Pulmonary Sjrcj Oi I f'r llii' rurr l.i!ii;l r,. i I,:.,..:, oi.i 1 j:iin.t..i .o. I i.-e.. a i i-ru:r.' c--s-.i. t 'llfM.ltl;r I ..I..-I, I,.,,,.. 1- mmis of ...fi. .i t ? a . 1 , - 1 T T T7. TT TTH T T H VUh N SliJUJUPU Pulmonary Sjcrj I vith rrrtfrr-l f' !' t'-'l ' eiM!" I L.ljii. r li'uv nri'r -i r o ..ii o r- , t .i':;e.:it' i Willi l!. is. liie pr!res. I''.'.--( i. t . . f-rlho ti -.iii;-. f Ursc.ij-- tf l..i "1 1. 1 l Luajs, u-Mi..ji3,.-4 iiit Pulmonary Svn:- cure-J :Uoasii! rn-S . u:-c V-. if 'b1, "nrat-saM. m.;I-f:i i : j ! ;.-j.n! . i!.- -- vr "'. l.-ma.; sv i :. -i-.- li-rn; i., i.- , n .: O tiTi-.y l.-4-o lo::i i-.:l o-ii-.;i-i-? rr i!.-.-r:..- to. i (c-r,-r;iy liinii'.t si !iii.lor: lt : io-i.:(. Mn--t -. I' i :''fut ..a Irtltfl V , if. .... i , . ...... , tf . ....... . , ' . " 4 ' . ,.. , . ! I ? 4 1 t f f. ' -L J l.i V !J i.U iJ JtJ lJ i-mmoaary byru c: 0UGHING0 P o o