1 JL ,-j,'Si-"Siii t 0 O o if i I 0 . i , o i ( k f ; ! 0 0 i O o o I 1 o o 0 Stljc lUcchin enterprise. " Orerau City, Oregon : r. C. tilKl.ANI), KOiTOU AMI J'Jit I'lirETOR. turday, September 28, 1867. Cane IJoki:u. The grub known ns the cane borer has attacked the t.al.'H. ami is destroying valuable trees' in Honolulu. Not PiSAD. It appears that it was a son of Vice President Hamlin who j died of yellow fever at Xtvv Orleans, lately. ! Islands Thieves. A baud of cat- i .itMuiKtc jiEi. lUMJovcifu ai Kaanapnli, and six persons were con- victcd and sentenced to hard labor for from two to four years. Not a ii.-zBEL Victory. The New j mountain is IT, COO fret, and Gov Yiirk W&IL is indignant that the ! ernmeiit Camp 4.100 above the) sea. . ipf.fmiv.in Knr.tnfl.-v s.m!,l lw.oih.,i i The reason is that the instruments T1 , , . " , , ' u Keuel victory, and orjjnos that the j tele never joined the Confederacy, j ..iv.u Buass Locks. The Statesman commends the matter of having a ! key loic through mail baas from ' SaltTjake, at the Boise City office. j Mien all the matter for offices be j yond Portland would be put in the j SiOne bag and thus save much hand ling at Que way offices and many mistakes. Territouy Road. The. Oreyonlan correspondent says a wagon road is j being opened from Seattle to Walla j Walla, through the SnoquaTraie Pass. ! T.-ie party opening the toad have a!- ! leiidy passed the summit ot the Cas- ! cade mountains. The road is to ! cost about 6.000. The Legislature ! has agreed to appropriate part of the i n one v. StEAMBOaTING ON Pt OET SoUND. The Tribune says; Every one in the ii i.i i community wno uas nonccu u.e gen- , ( ral aspect of affiirs on the Sound, will have observed that business is steadily increasing with encouraging O " prospects for the future. The two tlegant and commodious steamers now running regularly between Olytnpia, and Victoria, possess every facility for aceonmiodutiiiug the pub lic. Chinese Oath. The Chinese mer chant is as a rule, a gentleman, and a ntnn of his word, and may be relied upon to tell the truth, under oath or oiherwi-e, at any lime; but it is an unquestionable tact that 'here is only one rauch of the Cuucassion race who deal largely in fires, etc which can outswear the lower cl asses of the Chinese on the witness stand. We have in Oregon but few Chinese Sncrchants. Let tiikm g it ov r 1 1 a t Li.vk. T le Indians in council at Nortli Matte demand the immediate abans ' donment cf the Powder l ivcr country i,v both tuc 1 acme ran roads t also that they be su; i- i , )p bed wUn guns and ; I O ammunition bcf.re thev will make peace. Otherwise, they will fight to j extermination. (Jiving them guns ; would be a bully thing for the Mor j jnons. We have not forgotten "02. i . j Point Wilson. The Fort Town 1 Fend Mcssaac, says : Correspondence ! Ol .m ii iJ.-ien lir.twrf n (-mt 'iiW or and the department at Washing ton, in regard to the purchasing of Point Wilson by the United States, for the purpose of building a fortifi cation upon if. Capt. Fowl 'i has Herd Undo Sam the point on such liberal terms, that there is no doubt of their being accepted; and, doubtless in tin course of a twelvemonth a fort wilPbe in course of erection on it. Intkm ckrancr. During the last six months seven men, all in tlie prime rjf life, have come to their death some of them sudden and vio .-nt in this city, says trie Boise the Boise .Jttit' sawn. through life direct ogencv of whisky. The .annual report of the npecthig Physician of the Oregon Jnsane AsvSutu contains tins para ; jiraph : " Intemperance is one of the niost'equent cau-es of insanity, and many ke out miserable lives in LQnatic As 1 urns', brought on by this cause alone." How Lad it-;s may Lb; fend Tit em Qklvei?. A woman writes through the press to advise her sex to carry revolvers to protect themselves from the attacks of ruffians, as she consid i-rPthat car aws an. society make verv macoouate rrovn-ions lor their A protection. If women do not possess revolvers, and cannot get then1, she ...i ., 1,, o.ii-1-i- ol,t ll."'v-,VVl 1t'tltill (WV.1IIV with her a box of ground red pepper nnd throw a Indful into the face and i ''I one uiav socio oisjio-va.i tom-ko an attack. We have little futh that the arming of" women would n ke them auv freer from insult and i i'nv limn .un iin:i iioiu ill- tin ain, -utrage Uir.n thev are now; but of the two metUJs of defi-nse mention- a t t i ,, , . ( we sho'il-.l s,-iv ho p pter would i , ,i , .-, i u.. ,i . ',v' '. i be decid-div the most lii'-eiu-il. 0 Montana. The Helena Herald says : Tim Ryan, a miner in Nelson Guh'h, last week struck a new and laen oar, f iki n out b.,. t, I.;. a, v.. ' , . t A.. i 1 1 1 "linn ne i : it a n ea w 0-t n, claim n Ht.kcd oli lor a friend, seme time tgo, who did not think it worth Ins G v. hile to other w i'.'n it. so Tim con- .ude.l he w (ail WOi K i t hunse i 1 ba has he. Ctl Well repnM. . . i:u i rj9;ii;so:i C-., aiieo u; vt:- i I'd ay, from a v ran on cia j O. .1 I ! r-i.-Ti'). W 0 p.. ia las! chance. l,e cr-it.n.d on this claim i od evrrd cl jim.s nd toiuinfr t:ive an vera - yield d 15 to th-i man per o i'-N e isivr; pros pooling of tie ! i i-s -N ia' const r.,tij the t a.- n-rf ex' end tr.a-' v the JTnbab'J' ;''d a-,d.,.. t- 'iU -. -et ill i ! " ! t ; -11! 1 VV 1 it the ' c' iru'.md r y -a: w a v, OIIEGO-V Mount Hoods Great. At a meet ing of the California Academy of Natural Sciences, held on the 16th, Col. Will iamson submitted the fol lowing as the final results of his com potations on the late ascent of Mount Hood. Alt-, alort SI't'i'ms. Inter, alt. sea lino. Sea, level at mean low tide. . 0 Astoria 53 r;. Fort Vancouver 70 "pe. Camp on mountain slope. . ."i.Siiu Summit of Jit. ltooil . r,7& n '." IIe 8ay.. n t moy be ;s it that" the results here given differ so widely from some previous estimates? Alt. Hood is said to be, by Mitchell's school atlas, 17..3GI feet, and the nev ueo. Li. Atkinson, witli a party, ascended to the summit in August of l ist year, boiled water with a spirit lamp, found that the thermoneter read 180 and therefore concludes the , t- II. Li used are unreliable, r of Iti tlie Hh 0f C(,a!.se his inslrun useu are unreuaoie, auu in is inemou titude defective.'' merit wasn't de fective. About Routes. The Herald has shown that it was not Hill Beachv's stages but his poniea. with good nd- ers arc mimcrous relays, that put the ,1PW3 1f the California election through to !ise m such double quick. The Jderall thinks passen gers should know this, then they would not be disappointed on taking passage that way to find they are de tained on the desert tor several d instead of going through to California hi time counted by hours. Without entering into any lengthy statement, we claim that the Columbia river route is pleasantcr, cheaper, and more desirable in every sense of the word. Wre will not omit to mention, how ever, that passengers who left Boise City on Thursday, the 12th day of September, and who arrived in Port- atid on Saturday, was on the J ues- i mv n inmii' .-inner sale v m ran - j ; - . A. i aiic-iKCo, oemg oioy ma u;iy m vn route, and comfortably housed aboard j palatial steamers four days out of that j time. Enough has been said to sat- i isfy tiny sane man of the superiority j I of the Columbia river route, but j there is so much humbug in the up- i per country that it would Keep the i ! press here busy to refute their mis ! stalements and prt varieation. i s 21.009. It will be rem that Prof. Wood sot the height of Mt TT.,,-,.1 .lrnrn nt IToOO rali. " ' torn la did not like this, so her "Ge ologieais" get Prof. Whitney to measure. He makes it 12.-100. Slid this isn't sati.f iCtory so Col. William son must try his hand, and make it out 1 1 ,225 feet. Not so; say our tvpes; 21,000 is right and a friend dreamed the other night that this was co rect, so the calculation has been corroborated. Col. Williamson, Tod-ah, Whitney and the rest of 'em inov o-o to pot. Mount Hood is the highest mountain. Jdi'jJe Creek. The Orcyonian atii m uiiii i i ja vji i aim'. vii cn. "XT' 1 . II. "ver Alining company's mm ox Eagle Creek is running with great success. This mill is working on rock from the Gem of the Mountain ledge, which is one of the richest gold bearing ledges in the northern mininir country. The tunnel in which the ' omnany is working has been carried 1 tO tlie lliaiii ICiJoe ;h:U iuv IOi.lv l found very much richer as the depth of tlie tunnel is increased. During he present month, the company wiil take out not less than So. 000. 1 he mill has five stamps. 1 tie Humboldt Company, claimants also on the Gem ledge, are getting in a ten stamp mill To the Sjo. The Unionist says: Parties are now contemplating the construction a wagon road from the Tualatin Plain", in Washington county, to Tillamook Bay. The route is said to be practical one, and will, when finished, doubtless be n good invest men'. With a good ; wagon road completed on. tbis louie i the pleasure sec kers ot t ortland can j then " drive out," and spend the hot sultry season on one of the prettiest bays in Oregon, v here game, fish and berries do most plentifully abound. Albany Institute. We are in re ee:pt of the announcement of the Al bar.y Collegiate Institute, of which Rev. Wm. J. Monteith is President, and Prof. R. K. Warren, late of the Harrison street school in Portland, is Principal. The first term begins on tl;e lFh of next month. The course of study will for the present embrace preparatory and academic departments, but h soon as a colle giate department is required regular i cod ego classes wn 1 .a tr.ni.i j i Retainer ilft Hen. Air Ir. IT. N. j Xice, of Oak I'oiiir, and lis associates Messrs. J. J. Holland, P. N Lear-- ney. ami ,J. I. Dowimg wno by i rigid tire the cnau ioll oarsmen fd ; , , . . , , -. . I 1 Co:,,st' ha nhen- the Wnrd ro , t nron-h the Lyj.per to I row a match for d.OoO or s;,000 a ; ., , ... . . i i sele. And thev will give or take; i . ,xn .' .i t . ... , ii,ni s-t.ooo or .,oviu tor i-.pfiiMe) uuu the Ward Bros., may come here to meet them, or they go to New Engs laud waters to mee t the challenged party. Ward Bros, are the champ- ion of the Atlantic coast. r o t- t" . 7.'.; t,. .?., X lie O. X. jLiitlt CI the 1 . th savs: nie i';ii! tnue r,;b i jabbing business w ith the interior is ! 1 1 W ic'U vp. IlPMi ami grocers, ai! have their hands employ i ,-d: other Iudii g- interests find a cor to r.-...i-..n, m progress. D,- -.nr. ( .!:. u.b of th to -raeiiean Kxeb.'.ngo, nns i ixci ib nt loek. c-.v a most ; gtm in eaiuvM , iuoy ones ui u. .. , r,inl ;UCiai iro.' is oeu.g coucenu lueu i h nm f).,ftr.. fromv.il : . t 7;.. , - f A . r. . i- : i . . . i- . - .......... i iird i iu avii v bub-ned with merchandise lor 1 .it llmni. The. Italian (ioveriimpnt i ' ' . . "" i 1 . , , -ii ! . T T r 'oad, preparatory to remova to! i, ; the c;uy stumer departures inland : sending troops to the Roman fron- )ubIiu for .ai V(Tft atfn,j,- . .. iv.. 1 ' ,i ,ci. .ir 1 l.o 1 hvifdn mill 'P,-...m-.. , If l-,r.v....i f,t-! . ' - , , , . -- ; - , j ei. -r3 the mob, armed with dubs, sto-u-s ' oliier steam coast lines, attest it atid j ;,imP l 4 r i i i , i .. , t ,. ., . ., ; lkjme . j nnd firearms, and had a desperate i fit iv Pear out the assertion that the I . . .. I Salem Schools. The Unionist announces that the public schools of Salem city have been practically closed, by the order of the school di rectors exacting prepayment as an indispensable prerequisite to entering them. With one exception all the public schools in the city are indefi nitely closed, and several hundred children are out of school. Snoio. From the Boise Statesman we learn that on the 14th and 15th that valley was visited with rain and a spell of chilly weather. The Boise and Owhce mountains have in the meant "mi e taken a covering of snow. The Dalles paper says the mountains in the vicinity of Canyon City are white with snow. The roads are in a splendid condition, and never were better. Weather at Dalles. The Moun taineer says: Last Friday and Satur day we were favored with a " right smart sprinkle" of rain, just sufficient to lay the dust nicely. Since then the weather has been perfectly charm ing, surpassing any climate we know of, and we have been from 00 north to 00 south and two-thirds of the way around from cast to west. The Cascade, lanqe. The Ensign persists in the belief that there are quartz lodes in the mountains of Douglas county that will pay, and in substantiation of this belief it men tions a long list of ledges that assay well, and g've fair promise of yields ing handsome returns when properly worked. The Murderer of Keeler. A pri vate named Mclntyre, of Company F , 23d hi fan try, has been arrested and examined on a charge of killing Marshal Keeler at the Dalles. Two men Kennedy and Sheppard, testified that they were within a few fret of Mclntyre at the lime he fired the fa tal shot. The Insane. From the report of tlie jnsaIc Asylum at Portland we loarn that there are now 03 inmates, At the beginning of the year there was 112. Ten per cent, were cured. rive deaths only occurred. Quite a large proportion of the cases remain jr, are chronic, and treatment will have but little cli.ct on them, Ded'cation. The Christain church i , : in Sah-ni was dedicated on Sundav embercc. : ! tuc liev. (jr. . Ilichardson ofliemt" I'." - v Q ... . ; ing. A f tl.D nmfi ol ll.n Cirnnmnr cm' 1 vices eleven persons had their names enrolled as church members; making twelve who attached themselves to the Church on that day. Wasco Woolen Mills. The Moun taineer informs ns the machinery for the Wasco Woolen Factory has been purchased and shipped to arrive by the first of Febnniry next, and that it is the intention of the Company to have the Factory in operation in time for the fcpr.ng c.ip of wool. j Linn County Fair. The second j annual fair of Liuu county, will open : on Monday, the 30 ih inst , and con- I tinue to the evening of October nd. We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket to all the privi leges of the grounds. UH i vrtijomun j y..cret;iry of the Navy, on the recom mentions that. Mr. J. W. Cock now 1 int-ndniion of the Governor and Ler runs his sewing machines by steam. islature of Connecticut. Air. C. M. Lester, of this city, we i The National Grand Lodge of I. learn, has contemplated applying j O. O. F. began its ses;n ;it Syra water power to his machines in the ; ense, N. V., on the 10 h. They sack factory. i have rgreed to refer the xuLjvct of Some Travellnq. Mr. Abr ims, the gentleman who went east to pur chase the machinery for the Dalles Woolen Mills, returned last week, after an absence of onlv one hundred and ten days, having traveled a dis tance of over 14,700 miles. Roscnlaini's Case. The disputed marshnlship at Portland has been de cided by the Supreme Court in favor of Mr. Hovt. The lie pjnhli can's special says the council at North Platte has accom plished nothing conclusive. The In dians frankly stated the cause of the trouble. Sherman's answer was sharp and explicit. Railroads must be built and Indians must not inter fere with the Government. He e un posi-d the road was agreed upon by me CMieyennes lour years ago. .Mil- itary posts and stations were not then j considered a cause of war. If Indi ans are damaged they will receive compensation. powd-r or lend until a definite treaty ! . , , . , " r ., , . i - -1 i , raiiioau irtuus, Kiueu unarmcu men bringing goods to feed Indians. It they accept homes on new reserva tions, thev will be given until the 1st of November to answer at a council to be held at the same place. Mean I time thev could hunt on the Rmub j pcan. The General represented that .v ! we are building costlv roads and I i t,.,v ,.. ,,,i.l (1t ha ctnnr r.,1 i;n inner. - it than thi sm, or nioon. If they dit not stop hostilities they would al n0 bPb , K"lcU- d IS i i .. -ti . i ,1 : .,..... ,1, : l... i uiai'wiui .- "ot.Min ity uif : Italian Government while crowing j the Roman frontier. Many arrests j were made at Rome ot parties sus- pec-ted of being jn correspondence ! with Ganoaldi. Tne Roman Gov- f : erniuent is taking steps to guard . , - , : against any attae-K trtm w ithout or - ',,,,,. ,-Uin.r within tho f-itr nil ! Order-- have bei n issued for a snr." . 1 r.1 r r,i P.-iita wot nt nitief v-si vtli de 's-' " 1 v - " , ; i"j " ':. : r - , : - i 2 ree. bberaily, withcaimeil innisand - i Y egetables, to officers. Officers in rnmmand of e om nanies are authorized ; to mv for men at the same prices 10 : charged officers: the amount ol sales : to be remitted whenever acstnt uie i d. r this pr vil-ge. TEXECiKAFIIIC XEWS. YVe take the following telegraphic news trorn aisnatcues 10 me uroi'niuin. i The cholera is increasing in Rome. Gen. Pope has issued an order for an election in Georgia. Trinity Church San Francisco was dedicated last Sunday. The total registration in Georgia is nearly 190,000. Only 05.000 are whites. The transformation of all firearms into needle guns has commenced in Italy. Juarez writes to the Mexican legas tlon that peace is permanently estab- lished in Mexico. Turkish troops are concentrating on the border of the Principalities, owing to agitation in Servia. The princess Royal of Prussia will vi;-it England in the latter part of Ovtober. The Paris Lxbertie siys the Sultan has given permission to England to recru it volunteers in Arabia for the A b y s s i n i a e x p e d i t i o 1 1 . An attempt was made at Migoleref to assassinate the Emperor of Russia by two men disguised ns females. The matter has been hushed up. The Spanish government has issu ed a decree, commuting the punish ment of parties participating in the recent insurrection to penal sc-rvi tude. The Mount Hope Iron Work in Somerset were t.urned on the 2Isf. ! The building covered three acres of j l,;,,,. their union, and there is no ground. Loss, 10,000. Two thirds j power paltry enough to make the nt insured. j tempt-. The North German Gazette, General Schofield has issued an j Bismarck's reported organ, says the order that the ballots of the while j South German States are now tree to and colored voters at the approach- i join the Confederation of the North. ing election in irginia, be taken separately. . The gross earnings of the Kansas brarch ot the Pacific Ktiilroad for August is $'230,000. The assess ment at St. Louis shows a total valu at ion of $ 1 30,000,000. The administration organ declares that in case of impeachment no Sen ator who expressed an opinion be forehand will be allowed to sit in judgment on Andrew Johnson. Grant has received a number of anonymous letters urging him to fake great care of his personal safety ; his life being of the utmost importance to the Nation. A Al ancho ret (Jispatcn savs f7ir-'ifrh cnie f"1. .1 Ke'.lv, one of the leaders of the Fen- ian outbreak arrested and in Ireland, has been fully identifier!. lie iti . . T it-. wUi U0 SCiU lO JUUIUI nd tried fur treason. j Several American Episcopal Bi.-l. j ops and clergymen were .resent at j the informal meeting at London on i the 17th, of the dtbgites to the i Anglieon S nod, including Bishops Hopkins ami Opcuhcimtr. j The London Times, speaking of the recent trial of the Rodm in rifiod i guns, says that Eng-ish artillery is ; n.it lil..le ti fidAtit t ho A iiwrio-i i ! sx s?om 'It m1mits tli;lt it is a nia! ! if.jJ(. kimI The colored population of New ; York are making preparations for ;i , State Convention at Syracuse, in Oe- i toiler, witn a view oi eo-tiperatuig i with the Radicals to secure manhooa suffrage. J inn J mirs special savs t tie I resi pot dent has ptodoned Malhuy. the rebel abolishing the degree of Ldukah to i the next annual Convention. J be 1 1 1 nes A f e x i can co r r e s p o t j d e n t says tlie popuh-irity of the Juarez Government is on the increase. Re declares that the annexation of Mex ico to the United States, is regasded as a consummation devoutly to be wished for. A negro who had purchased a first class ticket at New York, sued the Fredericksburg Railroad Co. for re- fusing to admit him to a first ci first class car, 1 he company has determined to stand the suit and make it a test for the Southern railroads. Eil win Booth has made appl.'ca tion for the remains of his brother John Wilkes Booth, pleading tint his aged mother craves the dead body to inter it near that of his distin- 1Iuillcj father. The request was verv properly denied. The Times'1 Omaha special says i the efforts of the peace, Commission i ore n f fil't Ii P ! n t f a t.i .-ni'o T-.o'ipii i nra i i pii '(c fAY'iud o rm hoc nun. ' ' . , V 1 n , , ' ' . i sununutrd w.th small liauns ot the j Brule and Ogallala Sioux. The Paw nee and Cheyenne chiefs K ft the coun cil in a rage. The cholera is fearful in various parts of the South. Tn Galveston, Texas, the epidemic is abating from exhaustion of material. The disease is desolating the interior towns, .and unacclimated persons are warned to ... . t . . i -i sia away. s-nip ioau or etui- ! grants jtift arrived vcre Lot permit ted to land. The Times Washington special says the cle iks of all the departments i i : l i . i , . ; are ueing lunr.sncu wtui . ! copies of the late prociamati i horting the people to obey thf are ueing lurmsncu wtui fithcni it ion ex- e laws. , Many consider it a virtual notice to j support the administration. General fCur prevails of coming removals A later dispatch from Manchester, England, say: A strong police force j conducting Kelly, recently arrested 1 battle. ine police were overpowers i-i e d and the prisoners arrested and car ried f ff in triumj.h. The citv is now quiet One policeman several wounded. w as killed i and Three hun- dred pounds sterling are offered f .r the recapture of the prisoners hot " J - M t i-i . .it i- . . r i LUt-y nu v u iidl V VI UCen Ulllll - I -i r, x? en fou n f the rioter, were arrested c noier were arrested. The War Department has received copies of the order issued by Gen. Ord. prohibiting armed assemblages of citizens under any pretense what ever, also directing al! persons who voluntarily exiled themselves upon Lee's surrender and afterwards re turned, to report to his headquarters to take the oath of parole. Canby has directed his subordi nates not to interfere with the execu tion of process issued by the District Court, although Order No. 10 is not suspended. Some property has been sold under process, and brought only a tenth of its value. The people pe titioned Canby to prohibit the execu tion of judgments. Gov. Orr has written a letter indorsing the course of Gen. Sick ie, especially Order No. 10, without which the people Would have been unable to make a crop. The National Convention of To bacconists, which has been in session at Cleveland, represented that fifty millions are invested in tobacco manufacturing. A resolution in favor of the reduction of the tax to ten cents a pound on all manufactured tobacco, except cigars, was passed.! Thev also recommended the abolition J I of inspection and assessment and rav- i ment of envelope stamps before signing. In the North German Parliament during the debate on the King of Prussia's address, Bismarck declared in a most, emphatic manner that if the German nation wished to unite, ilere js power stromr enough to iud make Crermany one nation. Gen. le:i urogard has written a letter to the Baltimore Gazette, in which he says: " Being an outlaw in my native co.mtry, I dou'l feel called upon to uphold its government, espe cially when the country is divided in opinion, whether Congress or the President is the Government.'' Bdt j confidently ha believes, unless the Radicals are beaten from power, that the government will soon be changed to a military despot isni. True is it. That " A thing of beauty is a joy forever V" and while it is only meet and right, the Peauliful Sex come first, when we see a well dressed man we do not have to ak if he has been to Portland and called on iiarman Pros., the i-.istlv celebrated coitmi rs. at the mammotli store cornel Front and .Morrison streets. ot A Sl'CCESSFCL Est A F. LISH M K NT. Among the most successful establishments in the country is that of Howe & Stevens, Tnr.nuf.iciurereof Family Dye Colors. Tln-y emph'V a L.ri:11 Handier of persons, and their patrons are to be loon-' ia every p:trt cf 1 1 , e eomnry. Tlieir dyes ate el'tho he.t quality, nevi. r fade, are sold e'eap, f.I'C ea-iiy suod, and give universal at i.-fa:tion. M.VTF.IM .-NY those who may d a try it, but before f and t it shoe,! tern jit in-. ic eertatn to it. stiou I'd b eei tain to btiv a t!iorou'h out tit. Ladies as v. !l : Oi-nts, wiiieh is to he loiiud at Kolio Fi-hei's, No. '.M I'loiit street Portland. Ladie' Alexander Keltiho es al "io. i ! i acomi lete stock of drv goa ls at extreme low fn-ni-es ov the fame tirm. K-.ibn A; Fishel No. '.' 1 F: out street. P iati.lv oci-ui.ied bv Weil ti taud, m tlie store Pros. B t en run's PiioTOotiAru Galleuv is the only establishment in Oregon that is thoroughly prepared to do all the dillVrent id vies of work in the art. Photographs ;-om card to ite s"e. 1 ne new l.aionel c aros, Saiall riietures enlarged "'retouelted Ac.. Ac. in India i bv Mis. S i t aiiite.'i in water colors or oil, .1. Ru'a-ev.'i AH negatives taken in t i,i s g i: v wi ;n he rarei'uil y piTf-ervcd. ies ma v be had. M r. R. verv !::rg" eoiie- l ion of s of which are recorded that additio-od cop h ts now on hand a ii e gat iii-s, tee iiatn 1 ii I -iiuoi "i leai i v which liiav be in a tiook la' I oat purpose, v-.'n ia the reception roam. a- i. ti Hit II i. u rt. 4 j lr'lr(r.',','S?!-l Koisi-ips V. rIJK SEIVIVCi 5ICHIK has justly X been regarded as the nm-t useful vention of the century. Still, a relnU-le method ot tuti ina t lie worl; lor t tic M act'.ine i i ii' ii i.- -i has been needed. How much time is lost in i waiting f ir patterns, or for work to be cut ! and basted ! All this can be avoided by the ! use of die S Mathematical system of Dress Cutting j TAUGHT IN FOUR LESSONS I At the S--leet School. Also : Instructions i given in Ornamental Work of everv variety. Tuesday and Friday, at 4 P. M. ( i'.i.lt STOCK I "ET I ft FA if Ti1 irT sT1"&'Z 9 Ji'4, vs. h a - .a. y 0.-.r ri JT9 wt( jr -"xt r i V VP Ji XLj J.i iijL3 I n A FL I.L VARIKTY C F FALL AKO WINTER GS8SS ! The Largest Stock that has rver yet coine to this market, consisting of such as DRV GOODS Or almost every hind ! CLOTHING'! Of the very latest Sfyl-s BOOTS A A' Ij S IIO EX ! In. yrcat vnrielu f Mens. Ladies. Misses and Children s Hats, all of the latest s title fur Fall and Winter Wiar) Also, a well sel-'c'ed stock of Groceries and all other goods in proportion. Please give me a call and examine i'or yourself. No trouble to show goods. x-Su'A wiil sell as cheap as the cheapest. S. ACKKK.M AN, ii. "Warner's Id brick stot Char man i-n ore. Main St.. ehee-en Citv V Ti. Ail kinds of Produce bought. Notice U Thomas A. Hartgrave. A PPIJCATiON HAVING PERN" MADE A PP a a. loiuisomee lor certificate in favor of the widow and heirs at. law of Joseph Crabbe dei-eased, who claim a donation right to the w oi. oi ,-i v (ji-. aim lot of ", the V ir. ot h (,r.S K or of X W or V hf. of S E e.r.-x' E or. of's W $7 d M-c. -Jf i. a S. R. I p., whielclain, is conriiet with v m is in ir claim to a donation rbdit of a part of said tr o t of said tract, and it appearing that j--i"ent of accounts. Legal and other doc seph Crabbe was the m;t. settler on i uni;llts transcribed at short notice. said J said land X ou are nerehv r.otili.ul !,.. ' 1 "'ill be allowed I i 'v!'"!l."3 apt i :..-... L ' . w:. sranted in favor of the H .1 fi.tti -i.U'., r.f ...Il 1 . - 1 y-, , i ! si "") u . s 'nn r-ib.hA .-. .1 louaiyuu fail to smr' ar .such i-o-ti . - - j -tifieate will i i trr: t.ii.i I i ... - . - fr.'. j.iuu iiiifi?, VHf'L'on ritv. Sen- IT, 1 ' A;.""?; "K "-v tiiii vv--iltiii, Receiver. cw Advertisements. GHS- .E22L fS 9 S Musical and Educational i X S T 1 T U T K . also : Day and Boarding School FOR YOUNG LADIES! rpiIIS IXSTITUTK IS! SlTt'ATED I.T I a retired and beautiful location, away from the business portion of the city, on Third, between 11 and C streets, Portland Oregon. Attached to the bnildin-r are extensive and beautiful grounds, for tlie convenience of pupils. The Educational Department will be in charge of an eliieient corps of Teachers. jij)t. .1. P. C. AIKoji), formerly a Prof, in the University of Louisiana, and for the last live years Principal of a Collecriate In stitute in the Southern part of California, Principal. No effort will be spared to make this Insti tute equal to the best on ibe Pacific Coast. The Course of Studies wiil embrace all the branches usually taught in first class Semi naries in the east, including the classics, fj:lcii, gek.vax, spamsh, MA Til EM A TICS, dc, dr. The Musical Department will be conducted by Hrof. II. Ciuitlo (aoi, Graduate of Plan el's Conservatoire. parties fr0m the country may rest assured that under the care of Mrs. Crob, Matron j or tue establishment, they wul experience . i: i .i.i :u : . nil the attentions of a mother, and enjoy the comforts of a home. . 1!.- Paiticular attention will be paid to the choice of Text Hooks, in order to avoid anything of a Skctioxal or Paktisax nati kk in our curi ic.il um of studies. ('apt. AHsopp will continue to j;ive even ing lessons in tlie Modern Languages and Ei.rlish Hranches. l-'or further particulars enquire at the In stitute, or address II. GUI DO GROfl. 4 9 1m) P. O. Pox No. ICS, Porth.nd. 3 V P E T NI) PAPEP. HANGING K3" BLR n n B ri E'U J-ECJ LEAVE TO IFOK?I 3 public that we have Till rUmoved to the Fine Store No. 89 Front street, Portland, Formerly occupied Inj Mi sirs. Colin, Lyon cL' ICaufman "Where we shall now epen our latest im.por tat ions of CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS. FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. DAMASKS LACE CURTAINS, CO RN 1 CES A N 1 B A NDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And a!! goods in the "pTiTiTi . TTijtjriT OT-n-p V T T'7T t Ii 1, ami :-. I ls ss aln:n tiuil I 'ill IK'Zst O I liiff" No. -.' Front street, between Alder Uo.'l and Washington, Portland, Oregon. 18HG. JOHN MYERS. iUOUl H. C. MYKr.S. J. MYERS ,1- BROTHER, ML Vitdtr tif d'urt ".'.'''. tit On -jo ii City. i ea !ers ia Dry Goods, Roots and Shoes. Clothing, Puemi N'ista Stone Ware, Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc., Whi:h t Ifi pyp-ixc to sdi us cla:p ti any Jln'.--t in I ''-! ' ::ly Siil s A'o!-si (Jskii! i fur sale at whole sale or retail, v.' Salem prices, nv J. M $ rt Jl -other. !ij!k st I'rii e fmid fir Wool, A Jl. skins, and Dried fruit, bv lieer J .Iuers Cy Ii -other. c 3i: .x ir i v i: i (Lat" M-iy-r's jfart'tt,) j rieinored to the lower story of the late Court j louse, under the E.-,tliuuise olliee. i r t,. j't u i ft to 1 1 1 1 i . . . . . . ! Oregon City "15""?T3!'-f "J The undersigned will keep 'l&$ on "an1 !i" tl varieties of 21& fresh and cured meats: J'oullrr, I V g eta Lies, Corned R, cf and Port:. Bacon, Iams, Lard, Tallow, & A liberal share of patronage is solicited as we expect to keep as good an assortment and ol as good quality, as tiiecountrv alVord;-, which wiil he delivered to purchasers at am re unable distance in the citv. (hi ' I KYAN .t MAYER. PAINTING. PAINTING. -3 C A "? i. 1 W 1 splits" -nrvca-: Ci i 15 i ji.t, C'liiisa. C'losssncr, Imitsilioiiis oir all Kln.Ts Executed as well as can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and judge for your selves, livery order attended to' with care and expedition. C . i .ii i Im A 1 , "West door Ralston's brick, Main st., -iihtf) Oregon Citv. A. j. moxroi: A. K. MEI.LF.X. MONROE & LIELLEIJ, Dealers in California, Vermont, and Italian Marlles, Ooelists, Monti meats, Head and Foot stones, S AbF.M OltEGOX. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. i :;.tf JA.S. .. DALY. W. S. STKVKVS, X"t-.ir Public. DALY a STEVENS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, COT.LEC- ! ' 1 oils A A J OV- A i.UA L A G EXTS. t floor Vaughn's Prick, corner of and front sts, Portland, Oregon. Particular attention given to the ad - s-. W -X v f I1. . T: . f t X' r , -w - . . : fc s i i v r, ii . . i i : i i ' "i r '&1B11 " -UV 150 DDLS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-Honolulu J'acket, and for M'CUAKEN, MERRILL & CO. , .. : salc ? "v TEA VEL AND TBAXSPOBTATIOX. North American S. S. Co. OPPOSITION To Nev York, via Nicaragua, Through Ahead of the Mail! Shortest and only Healthy Route ! Will dispatch the fast and favorite steamship AMERICA, G aft. V.'a kt: m an Commanding. For SAN Jf 'AX 1EL SFt. Xlruann. From Mission street wharf at 12 o'clock, M., SATURDAY, - OOTOPEIl oth, 1S(;7, COXXECTIXG A T GREY TO XV X With the Fast and Favorite Steamship SATnTIAC O ! 2,500 Tons. Fur X JU YORK. Xo cipriist on tlie Is!ii.iu. 10S) l's. Baggpj;Pfec. An experienced Surgeon on board ; Medicine and attendance free. As there is Yellow Fever nor otlx-r I-"ji.l-mi- in Nicaragua, Passengers by Tlis Itoiite will not be detained by Q.ujii--ii til i ie iit Sciv York. A Steamer will follow OCTOBER 25th. ;-7" For further information aoplv to I. W. HA V.MONi), "Auent N W cor. Pine and Pattery sts., up-stairs, iT.td 1 San Francisco Oregon Steam Aavlgatlon 1. tmll . n V '! - V NX C O jN.I I3 Y ! jST otici EEDTJCTI0N OF FAHE. KItANGEMEXTS II AVE RE EN PER iected by the Oi"-irti r-t sni si i- i;;ii;! Cum) my and tlie pionro- So-ii;e Com i V, vvhereliv nassetiirers can liur chase Til ROUGH TICKETS from Portland io the different points in Idaho at the follow ing rates : From Portland to Hoise Cifv $.! b'.aho City (1 ;() " " Silver Giiv CI 50 Passer.jrers can lay over at Umatilla hy giving notice to the Agent of the Pioneer S t ap e Com p a n y . " -" TIirona;l T'eltets Slil only si tlie C n: i-v: nj-'s CFrv in Fort land. The rates of passage on : river until further notice will be as follows: From Portland to Dalle? $'. 2a " I'matiHa ." 0') - " "WaHuhi D 0 ) ' Pahuiso ) 00 ' " Lewistoa 2" 0:.l From Dalles to T'maiilhi ) (5 ) ' Vi'udehi l I 0 ' ' ' ' 'a ho.i -e " il ' " LowDn-n 1; ) 00 " Um.-'iila ' Walbila 2 ." -; Fnlneso 7 u-'i - l.ewi.- ton 12 ea " WaPu'a ' l'ab.Mse CC) Lewiston lu ) THE BOATS OF TILE 0. S. IT. CO. For the Dalles "WILIj i.e. "K I'ORTbiVn IJAII.Y. (Sumhiys excepted,) rTr, p.jr'iT nrn,r it r-.j coxafctjxg' ox Monday, Wednesday, raid Friday, ilii iioisSson t'.w l iii-'t-r Columbia FOR Umatilla tx. Wallula. Tlie I'jiiiJij 's Posit. Cert : fct-i with the OH r i -r-i "ST" T TT-tTTTT C-H-iOT liKTrisxixt' Tl Poats will leave l.ewiston everv ,-. jouviav mor ning, and "Wal- lula every Moo lay, Ve !nt.sd.tv, and Fiiur.v movnings, touching at 1. n.atilia an:' arrive at Dalles same dav. .. C. AIVWOItT'I, Fei.h nt O. S. X. Co. Portland, Jrdv 70th lv',7. . v- t TrPT t n r n ?t "7 i" si iuiiiia; j.a.vu.'-ii T1IK STEAMER RESCUE Om.sos . . . Master CAKUVIXG THE UNITED STATES MAIL ! Will leave Portland for Monticello every Tuesday, Thursday a id Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m . , '(( Lc is river. J. C. A IVstVfiHTH, Pn-si b nt O. S. X. Co. ASTORIA ROUTS. THE V. S. MAIL STEAMER SJOHN H. COUCH Sxow Master. Will b-ave Portland for Astoria and inter mediate landings, on .Monday and Friday of each week, at. j o'clock a. xi. Ki-turning, wiil leave Astoria on Tuesday and Saturday at ii a. m. j. c. Aii swoirriT. J'rc-iJmt O. S. X. Co. PEOPLE'S Traiisp or! at I on C om pan y . XEV. AltUAXGEJIEXT. L'ntil further notice THE STEAMER A Is KKT, Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M. from the Company's dock, foot of A street, lor Oregon City, connecting with the hteamer .fev RELIANCE, On Monday and Thursday of each veck for Salem, Albany, Corvallis, and intermediate points. AND Willi THE STEAMER jS UNION, On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, of each week, for Lafayette and in termediate points. Due notice will be given when the Company will dis patch a boat on other days than above. Returning the Sir. ALERT will leave Oregon City for Portland at o'clock P. M. A. A . 71 V I. I V . Pfittidleltt I'. T. Co. SALEM, March 1st, 18-iT. (-A TWO GOOD Thimble Skein Wagons ! H)ll SALE. Also : One good spring wag on. Infjuire of 2m J. MFERS & ERO. WCTIOXAXD C02OfIS: -" v'll. A. B. HIIasiiM! AUCTIONEER, ' Corner of Front and O.il K AUCTION SALFS Of Real Estate. Groceries. Of-nt-r-.l f dise andilorses, QliT(:W Every Wedrsday and Saturday , A. Licnnns,JXj Aiicti1J1'et', AT PRIVATE Srr ..nglish refined Par and l:;1(1!e Pnghsh Square and Of-tli.rn v.,t ,n ' Horse shoes. Files, R.sps" ' Screws, F.y-p;lns, sheet iron.'o j also : ' A large assortment of Urocerj0 , . b icn.vnnsov, A.ioti0!iPr W. A. ALDRIOU. J. C. J1KKKM.L. JOHN y,-u M'OBAKEMjMERRILL&do'v SHIPPIXG, CUMMfSSlox ivii C Forwarding Jlcrchants A GENTS OF THE CAUFOUVU 1 . Ilawuuan and Oregon Packet I i, " M' Importers of San Qm-ntin and ( r,' Island Salt, Sandwich I.lan.I S."!S "I" ;;. ...a i-,,i eouee 4 Agents for Provost's k Co.'s p 1 rotA.. i i r nuts, egetaoles, I'leVn. v:. - "a dealers in Hour. Giair 1 ;ar. I Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. ' " f Will attend totlu- Purchase. Sale or S.; ment of Merchandise or Produc e in ? York, San Fr ancisco, Honolulu, or IWtr.fT ALOlilCH, -MEKKILL & i o - ' Nos i and 20-; California Street, Sun Frt-nr-iL ; il'CRAKEN, MERRILL A Co., " " ; IH North Front Street, Port!anl. SI'E CIA L A' 0 TICKS. Du. IIostettek's Stomach i teks.- The operation of this palatable" r-:.:. euy upon tlie tomacn, liver and txcrttnrr f ortrans is sinularlv sViOthi iriifsunl ecmi.-r ; tive. It regulates, recruit.Nr and j,g them. Dyspepsia, in $1) its tonus vid(;s",' ; its control and invisrorating propcrti..' arJ f it is recommended) mothers, ei-.tVebii'-d k f the cares and duties of niateniitv, a t'j ' safest and best remedy thev c:in "j'r'V.-.i -r . use. In all the crisis of female ije iQij:' found eminently useful, and ehh rlv ti-r,.., I p... will derive much more beneiit fV m a ti a-i t ii om oruinary summanis. oiu uv tii"(i-. gists and dealers everywhere HODGE, CALEF A- CoQa.,,., 3-":tf Portland, Or. -;'n. DR. HUrELAIlD'S- CF t.KUK ;Tt:n THY IT The best Purifier of tht 111.,, A Pleasant Tonic ! A verv Agreeable Drink ! I U urpassed for acting si-- gently im the seereti.-nis ii' nevs, bowels, stomach and IT For sale at al! wholesale and rtt;.i! drug, and grocery Mores. XODOI.Y should i:e WITHuVTIT J. G. FiiTsoR, Proprietor. T.WLoa it Pkmo.i.. Sole Ap-nf. i."Iy) 4P; Clay si., San Francisco rsLiiro'FTmTr3,Tosi CELE3F?i,Tn b iii & y U til 1 i t" r r . .... I". i:n ul vl I'Tid cc: - ; THY I VdtUl ( TilY SELFI r-p-::'" f-:' i J 'I'l-ist. A i.toasaf-t t.-n I uc no I.. I , - 1 1 -1 - ' .,..t T II I S K I-'::- J '.--v , t A a u-o.'.rt o . 1:1. r; ?.'v .-! I.'.- I I tl ; . .-, . r : 1. ) V i l. IVV.T. O. .- . I V.l ;. A!3. "i. Ji' j 1 PLUMBS m, VA & STEAS l it ting Establisliraent, c. 110 I- tt . t . . . I'ci'lland. O Gas Fix'i'rrs. Co'd. i'rg f la noes. Hot Wuir I'd - r it n. a en . j t,i i ; .. ., ',''. Itrci a an ana a a:h T T T I 1 Vu'.k r Ct Rath T,',. Hal 1'); V ' rev rh ' Pi-.K-?,QiIl Si: tff F' no ir.s. VErrrtx ;o7'-s A7 ."'.-', ;.;" .'." V-V 5 ii-.. I for Stt-jiii , W.ilrr it nd ir'. o - ALSO Scotch Tubes. Water Ct cages, Wl.iJt.M, Tailon Pumps, Sn-aui (o.i.ige, (oi.'!'f. j Angle, and Cheek Valves, (hinge C'oeks. Air Cocks, and all kimls ot brass Work. Unliuir Hose, Hose Pipes. Ac. ' Ilote-s. public buildings, and pnratHr-'- deuces heated nith t'ae iafet ni:provei:;e:-s in sle.-.m or hot air apparatus. . I invite ciiixens geiS:ailv to call an.ftye amine mv ,-o'ck.. hu h has iii-cn M-.vo with great care, ami opecsa attvutieii g to the wants of this market. .!avlN ls7. l:'y C. U.VXl. "THE NATIONAL C0LLE6& ; -OK- BUSINESS AXi) t'03MSEBCE!( Corner of ALDRR and FRONT street. 1011 TLA XI' OliEGoy. -r rpiIIS I'OPULAK. PRACTICAL IN-TI 1 tutio., oif.-rs the' best and most suc".- fni Svstem i f Practical Ira ig aud Hi" ough Pusiness Discipline, TO QUALIFY Yean- and Middle Aged ! Fur an Active, Successful L!c l-r Tuition for the full Business Coal'? time unlimited, S-"0. .,, V( Those xvi.diing to become members . i.o admitted auv week day ir. tl.e ycai. - q amination at the time of enteriiur. The College 0-voV, giving tudin.o.n tion. is sent free to all who desire it. Applicants i!l apply P'' 'i l,v ti tter, to -u- K. l-.U i- , . 4';.1!ai ; wj'res " " .. 4 wm. consn r. Sun Francisco. - -e' ft k. W ! k iW id m It t Mr -4- - - i Importers h Wholesale Grccers, 74 FROST STREET, Portland Oregon. ri OODS SOLD FcOlTcASH AT A JT advance upon ,,: SAX KKAXCISCO JOVTAO FKil C. cM. Would thank merchants v i-tintr the . f price their stockl.efore rirciuit??: TEE BEST SELECTION pTI And largest assortraeato V L. Ladies Gents', Misses, r " and Chihircns . j: f rnri ceived by every siea , . - eiuihliiii? u in e inn i - t a- t:A store iu ths city. 112 Front street. Vol li'A BOOTS and SlIO;- Can be had at the iHt!: ' i T XII" E STOKE . 1W ' pikni ,jte where new -.-oods of tae ' ' L ' .. (lie '': 14-.) t I A ..'I t v.