O O EljciUcckln (enterprise. TOWN ASD COUNTY, Ml'oIC is SCHOOLS. 0 that the subject of music in Public Schools L taken deep root in Oregon City. Per. Mr ellwood has undertaken the teach- Zr the science of music to a class in S cLinarv and as be is a very capable doubt -about an improve "1, r lt i general course of ir.str.ic n exl S in our mind- The school is 110 bv hVing exercises every morn- nty T acnel- s Institute, Mr. J.R.N. Lotiniv , sav upon the subiect, ?Cl!rSclJetliionoWmg:-"To fETmtoi Nnlnd value occupies a very the America &n Alnencan promiueu. ' "7 , bl0 utl,l half the bat thatathmg ' ' ; tLe ba(t tl is won. .1,. Iirf Charge. 1H lieuii-wa unju-m on hc il a powerful influence nM . IT.. .......- h,Mlrr t thendVhonceitxvas in general us among them from the time of their ! iltting EgvpttilUhey ceased to be a yeo 2 - Kings, nobles and common people, III united in the festival song. Greece, the land of refinement and art. bears am DIe testimony regarding the value ot E.sic. Among the Greeks music was uni versal. The children were taught the. Ivre. and their tender memories were I ored with the songs of their most famous Duels And what was the result .' Gentle "S8 and modesty, orderly demeanor and t cgance of manners, these were the iruits, and for this the Crocks were noted ; tneirs was the land of refinement. M.w.cai ex erch became the bnmM3 of the (.reek statesman, warrior and bard. 1 h.loso , hers of every ciu considered .w art rortbv oftheirespee.al not.ee J tatoaud rstotle. who disagreed eo widely in other max . is of ponies, held but this one opm- J""! rirdtomuMc ; that it was the n,ot cflicient moans of harmonizing and building up the public character, and pro vid'n" for the virtuous cducaaon ot Lie tateB Luther, that bold and ur.ccmpro ','nWng dander of right, that noble sou led todrratf the nefrruvitio:-, always hc;d imisic in high estimation as having a moral influence on the human heart. l!o s:iy Next unto th-.logy, I give the p ace and h;he4 honor unto MnMC Ho also called n.ic 'a half diciple and school-mistress to mkPthe people gentler, milder, moral, and wiser 1 know it is claimed by some that we are not a musical people ; upon wh it ground. I know not. If the peo ple are not taught music, we ought not to expect them to" be musicians. Tib expect perso.) t he a grammarian who has never studied gran. mar, is absurd ; so it would be equally absyrd to expect a per son to be a musician who has never studied the science of music, a ni if they had the training they would be r. musical people. !ut to" accomplish this, we must begin ihf children, it is with them we must irk. We do not wait till the children are grown up to oe men aim women oe t'ore'we teach them to read and cipher ; but instruct them in these things while their minds are active and vigorous, so that this knowledge may grow with their growth and strengthen with their strength. While we have singing schools taught here and there, which are as oasis in a desert lan. I ; how few of them are for the children. J-ome good is accomplished by theseP singing schools: but how little. Few indeed of those who attend a shori course of musical instruction ever make musicians. Had these instructions been given while they were at school ; ii" every ,day they had received a short lesson in jiv.i-dc they would have been mu-icians. That ... ii.'.'.I a more general svstem of . i ....... i jmisie taught, there is no question. Even j i-i mr ioi.ii's it is ilitlicuil to una ssiiiicien .singers to iiiaKe a respect f'hoir. and iro out into our Church Viiia and towns, and we mi l an auu-.i unci waui , p Bi,r,.rs-triw, we !md the voire., and ! roo.l voices: but they lack training.' lack l-'ilfva'ion 'Go where von will and von fuid' m.iierial for good musician. Why th,vilet it not be improved? It is like i .1 1 ; .... ...)!, if t- ,.,, ii. I biirvmir cold m the earlli. it is conei ing one of the talenfs God has given us to improve. If we could have music gener ally taught, it would make a great change in our social horizon. Ouruon d ry Skm:xauy. It is generally known that this Institution of learning, ha been sold to the Common Council of pur city for school purposes, but the circum stances connected with its hist iry have, perhaps, been misapprehended by some, Hiid an explanation may not bo inappro priate. The property was turned over to Gov. Aberuelhy for debt, when greatly de preciated in value, arid subsequently sold by him to the. Missionary Society, and ?vl'ei'.vard given by that Society to the M. Ii. Conference, for Educational purposes, and of course became the propetty of the conference. The conference had no power to sell it lor oilier than school purposes, and the proceeds belonged to the con ference fund,' hence it was very proper, as all can .see, that the proceeds be used for the purposes of general education, frit under the peculiar circumstances it r.n thought equitable to sjII to the city m low as possible. The trustees, appoint ed to dispose of the property, did not fuel that it was property to be speculated upon, and this is the reason of its low cost. They felt that it was still to be an institu tion of learning, and realized that although the price was merely nominal $2,000 lor the building and block of land yet it was I no more than just that the Irausfer should be made for such sum. It is valuable property, and every citizen of the place j may well congratulate himself upon the. j success of the Hoard in procuring it at the figures mentioned. Love took up the glass of Time, and in his glowing hands. Every moment lightly shaken, rau itself in golden sands ; Love to"Sk up the harp of Life, and smoie on all its chords with might, fSmote the chord of self that trembling, pass ed in music out of sight." Those were our sentiments, and we were muchly refieshed, a few days since, yy;eeing a pair of nice people who we felt sure were only just married, they were so lond of each other. She was a delicate sweet picture of womanhood that a man who had'nt' already got the very best woman in the world, would be sure to fall in love with ; and the man. who of course did nt inspire any passion in us. seemed to suit her exactly. It did us good to see 'em so happy, and we hoped their stock of honev would never run out moon gr nonoon. O New Editou fok the IIkiiai-p. A Port lander stepped into our office, a few days fmiee, and in answer to the inquiry " any thing new ?"' said ' yes ; a new editor for the JL-ra'J" -Who,'' we asked; Mr, Jiiu,?' was the prompt reply. "lie has in 0 a column every day,"' and upon looking 0 at the paper we found it true. Pr. Jim's articles are about as interesting asBeriah's long winded iea$rs. Gone Below. Maj. Thomas Charman, goes below to-day, to lay in a large amount Jf clothing, dry goods, etc., for the fall trade. He informs us that it is his inten tion to buy the same as he would do in brisk times, as his business seems to jus tiff him in doing so. Stove it. The Oridimim made an in ficision into the Senator on Monday morn ing at the Portland docks, which necessi tated a charter of the Rescue to run hero on that day. The Oueuonv This old tub has engaged 3 the trade to Portland, as a freight packet. She left San Francisco on We dnesday, headed up this way. As Psl vi.. CaI West, the obliging r r of the 0) i ilammc, has our thanks n. r. ' iT Valuable favor, DiaouDEKLY. It becomes our painful duty no record a circumstance that hap pened in this city on Thursday night of last week, involving a man in difficulty who hasj by preserving industry and stra'ghforwardness, at least since we came to the city, been entitled to respect. It seems that he formerly had an appetite for liquor, but through the midum of the Templars lias for months been a strictly sber person. On the night in question, however, the devil got into him, and he visited the saloons imbibing quite freely. When at the saloon of Mr. II umbel he be came disorderly, and fired three or four shots from a revolver at Mr. I umbel. The latter escaped unhurt, but the matter was taken notice of by the authorities, as it should be. and tiie guilty party was ar raigned before Justice Moore, on two charges, which were examined into, and defendant was remanded to jail, to wait three months, and adjudged to pay all costs of prosecution. We suppress the name of the defendant as it is the first accusation Ave ever heard against him, and hope than when he retires irom du rance vile he may be a wiser and better man. A QuKsnox. On Monday evening there was considerable discussion in the Coun cil as to the manner of paying for the -improvement" of Center street, and other parts of the city on the bluff.' It is a question with us whether Center street has been improved. As a property hol der we should test the matter in a suit at law before paying any charges on account of what has been done. We think the labor expended has been valuable, but not to the adjacent property' by anv means. It only serves to carry out the design of the original appropriation to wit : repairing roads leading into the citv. As a permanent improvement to the street we do not regard it as at all satisfactorv. In fact, one half the property is left isola ted from the street on account of the " improvement." CoNGKArii.ATc.iiY. "When we express our joy at the good fortunes of our friend T. P. Ki'.len, Esq., in his admission to the bar a; the present term of the Supreme Court in so highly and satisfactory a man ner, w ith a class of nine others, we but re iterate the sentiments of this community, and all who know Pro. Pkxt. lie was admitted with all the honors, and now it must be admitted, further, that the tree of the profession will never suffer from this graft. We believe this inoculation will only serve in time to extend the lists of public estimation of the law. The exam ination took place on Wednesday evening, the 4th, and the class was admitted on the following morning, after listening to an able and interesting advisory lecture by Chief Justice Shattuck. Sai.k ok Fast IIoiisKs. On the 11th of August Robert Homier, of the New York I.edjer, visited Niagara Falls for the first time. In the afternoon lie went down to Buffalo and witnessed the speed of Dex ter. oi)iici', having a passion for all the best tilings, says he could not, buy the falls, so he took Dexter at SoO.OJt), and on last Tuesday this noble animal went into his private, stable, along with Peerless, the Auburn Horse, I'oeahonlctit, 1 'aimer, and Fiatbuth, never again to trot in public for money. . . .On the same day Mr. J. L. Par low of this city, sold Waterloo, to go into a private stable' in Yamhill county the price is not stated, although it is'undci stoed to lie less than JoO.OUJ. A New Kski'ki:. On .Monday last Win. Cavenagu was sent up to work the street.? for tentl.vvs from Recorder Moore's Court. i on a charge of riotous conduct. It seems ! that the defendant had heard of the change in the method :f doing business at the , , " , , , . , . ",w h"- pn.hal-.ly thinkmg to C:,lPl- Lar V"'1 '" 4 llis 1"'a.rl' ?load crazed with tangle-loot, to run the KM"ll" 0:1 a account, Thb "V" contrary to law and good oruer in th'.scoiir.n-nnty. his acts were amenable and punishment followed. We believe Cave nagli was a transient customer. II.LK-rn!CK Ct.ot;hx;. Rarman Bros, says the Jferald, exhibited to our astonished vision full suits, for which, one year ago, they paid $22, and now they- are enabled to sell them, by cheap purchases, pt $15, particularly the Harrison cassimere suits. They were bought at auction in San Fran cisco, at the sale of J. Si ligman, which enables thein to sell unreasonably low. The senior of the linn informs us that Leopold I'arnum will hereaRer remain in 8. in Francisco to make the necessary pur chases for the house in I'ortland. Tub Hakvkst. Farmers are rapidly finishing up their threshing. Crops have been garnered in excellent condition litis year. The yield in the valley is fuliy nj; to the average. In Marion county the winter wheat is most excellent. The crop in Umpqua and Rogue riv er valleys are a partial failure, owing to the drouth, much of the spring crop not having had a shower of rain after it was sown. The llax crop has not been as good this year as was an ticipated, but still, producers arc not dis couraged. Base Pali, Challenge Accepted. At a meeting of the Clackamas Base Ball Club, held at. their rooms in this city on Tuesday evening, it was resolved that the First Nine accept the challenge of the Portland Pioneers, to plav at the Slate Fair on Fri ll iy. October 11th. And also, that the Second Nine challenge the Willamette?, of Salem, to play a match game during the State Fair, anv dav previous to Friday the Uth. IIoms Agai.v. Mr. Y"m. A. Daly, who for several years past has occupied some position or other in t'c newspaper line in Portland, lately local on the llerakl, lias returned from California, whither he went lately on a visit and to recover his health. He received some benefit, Ave are glad to learn, and will shortly again enter into business this time on his own account, in the publication of a daily evening news paper at the Emporium. Such a paper ought to find suhsistance in Portland. Land Sai.k. Secretary and Acting Gov ernor May, Acting Treasurer T. McF. Pat ton, and Col. Isaac R. Moores. as Commis sioners for the sale of Public School lauds in this State, paid Oregon City a visit on Tuesday last, and offered the tracts in Clackamas county for sale. Either the land is so poor nobody would have it -or else people- were afraid to bid for only about $550 worth was disposed of. i( Douglas Apples." Mr. Lary Burns, of the West Side, paid our oQice a visit on Tuesday last, leaving with us a basket of selected apples, which are equal, iivsize and taste, to any we have ever seen on this const for that matter any where else. Mr. Burns says this is Democratic fruit, and ho challenges any Republican to beat it. They were certainly nice apples. Donation- Patents. Mr- Wade, of the Land Office in this city, informs us that br the last eastern mail he received 58 Dona tion Patents, from the General Land Of fice at Washington City. Our advice to the people of Oregon is that they had bet ter look out for their patents, and call at the Land Offices for them. Recovered. Capt. S. D. Pope, of the Clackamas, we are happy to announce has recovered from a late very serious attack of a bar bar. Fkcit. The fruit crop in this county this year is very heavy, and unless resort is had to drying and preserving in lar; quantities, a great deal of it will perish. For Sale Cheap. At tins ofuee. one small parlor stove, with fine. Weekly Commercial Iteview. ExTEKrniSE Office, ) Oregon City, Sept. 13th. 1S67. f The Overland Mail brings dates from New York to August 14th, at which time business generally, which it was thought good crops and a plethora of money would stimulate into renewed activity, remained very dull, and merchants w ere pursuing the same cautious policy that mazked all their operations all last winter and spring. The Shipping List remarks : It is really a sad and deplorable state of things, when the productive industry of a young country, rich in natural resources, and capable of indefinite expansion, finds Unnecessary to restrict its efforts and ener gies for want of a paying market for its products. It is a spectacle which every patriotic American must grieve to see; but we may as well look the ugly fact in the face, and then we shall understand that our languishing industry can only be re vived by freeing both commerce ami pro duction from some of their crushing burth ens and restrictions' Meanwhile, says the Bulletin correspond ent, stock speculations are the rage, and through the glut of money prices of the " fancies"' are being run up considerably above the point warranted by intrinsic merits. On the 5th wheat was worth $2 05 j, bushel in New York, and flour $13 75 ; in Liverpool on the same day wheat was quoted firm at 13s Cd cental. In San Francisco on the 12th wheat was firm at 61 80 1 100 ; flour $0 25 bbl.; bacon 11015 cts. ; hams 21(,21i cts. The Portland market remains quiet at the quotations of last week, and the market of this city is without interest. Dried apples are plentiful and cheap, dried peaches will be scarce, and notwith standing the enormous crop, plums arc not very plentiful. We quote : FLOUR Imperial, Standard, Monitor, brands 65 00 "jjj bbl., in 4 sacks outside brands S-t 00. WIl!'..T Limited demand at C5c( 70c bushel. OATS :30(7? .35c. CORN MEAL $2 50063 cwt. FEED Ground $25 'c! ton ; Middlings $200,625 ; F.ran $1 2. FRUIT Green Apples "r1 bx 25050 c; Dried Apples "ft lb ;0'c; Dried Peaches 20c: Plums 20c. CURED MEAT Bacon rfl lb 13c014c; Hams lb l;01Sc; Shoulders 70fcc. LARD In kegs 10 c; tins J5c. EGGS 22c. "f doz. P-UTTER Ordinary to prime c! lb 25 (VfXoOc POULTRY Chickens VI doz $2 5003; tame inteus (.c. rJ pair : lame L.eese $ pair : tame ueeso is ou ? pair ; Turkeys 62 500 63 pair. ( JAM i G rouse oOe. j-J pair, or S3 "r doz.: Pheasants. !0e.r, pair, or $2 t doz i. VT A IT l.'C !...,(.,.... -LI 1... :-: 50c; Onions J 100 lbs $1 500 $2.; Beans ti 100 lbs S3 500 S I. HIDES Salted lb -H05c.; dry 0010. i'oktlani) rmcr.s. Flour No change in price ranging from 5-1 00 to S5 00 per barrel. Wheat We understand the mills are offering 50c. delivered in gunnies on river bank but. little offering here. Racon Sides, 12 and 12Ac ; hams, 20 and 22 ; shoulders, 8 and, He. Lard la tins, 10.U;. and 11c. Stock on hand li-,rht, with fair demand. Kegs. 10c. Putter Packed solid, 10 and 12c. In brine, choice, 20 and 25c. Isthmus, 25 and :i0c. Kggs In good demand 22c. to 25c. 1 ried Fruits Apples, 10 to 12Ac. Peaches. 12jc. and Lie. Plums, none. Sugar ad valuing' Island. 14c; San Fran cisco C, lCc ; Cru-hed, in bbls. IGAc ; half bb!s 17c. S y r 11 I lea v y Gold en , S.je : Island, in bbls.. 00c. Ilice Hawaiian, 10 c ; best brands, China, No. 1, Coffee Java. 27c ; Rio. but little in market, 21c ; Costa Rica, 21 'c. Fish-Salmon, bbls. $10 ; half bbls, $." 50; Mackerel. $11; kits, 3 50; Cod fish. 10c. Salt Carmen Island 100 lb. sks.27 Dairv 50 lb. sks. 50 : best Pav. lb. sks, 025 ; 10 lb. sks, 'lSc; 5 lb. 10c : 3 lb. sks, 8c. 50; 1 00 sks, BrsiNEs.s. We acknowledge calls from almost every part of the State the past few weeks. During this week several gentlemen have visited us, and we are pleased to learn from all of them that the future, in their respective districts, is full of promise. The Board of School Land Commissioners, who were here on the 'Oih. and who have canvassed the State lai'g'dy recently, all agree in their expres sions lor the fulfillment of the best wishes for Oregon in tho next three years. The streets of tills city, yesterday particularly, reminded one of Front street on steamer day' City Taxes. The Council on last Mon day evening extended the time for Mr. Randall to complete his collections of city taxes, until October 7th, at which time he will probably be required to make proper returns. Those who do not wish to be set down as delinquent can govern them selves accordingly. Sal:-; o:-" the Pater Mill. The real estate of the Oregon City Paper Manufac turing Company, in this city, including the mill, site, power, and machinery, .sold bv Sheriff Burns on last Satuiday for 51 1,000. Mr. A. I. Bloch. of tho firm of Bloeh, Miller & Co., Dalles City, was the purchaser. New Wheat. The Imperial mills of liiis city have been engaged for two weeks past flouring from new wheat. The grain brought to the mill thus far is ot better quality than usual, which is perhaps owing to the luct that we never had. finer weather in Oregon for securing the crops. Mt'sic Class. Prof. James Gans, visited this city on Saturday last, and we learn will soon open a class in music on the piano bere. at teacning wmcn uo is rec ommended as being first best. Monitor Fi.ouk. Messrs. J. L. Barlow & Fuller, are agents in this city for the Monitor Flour, said to be as choice an ar ticle for family use as any on this coast when we say that, it means the best in the world. T.vkgkt Excursion. On Thursday next the Fenian Guard, of Portland, will give their second annual target excursion to Oswego. If you wish the very bese Cabinet Photo graphs, you must call on Rkaole y & Ri. lof sox, 4-j: "Montgomery street, San Francisco. C. A. DOLPH, Attorney and Counselcr-at-Law, Orlice 100 Front street, Portland, Ore- (4'.6m gon. B. M. IVIcKEWWEY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. V7ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO ALL V business entrusted to his care. Office One door north of Rell & Parker's Drug store, Oregon City, Oregon. 3:ly J. B. UPTON, ArronxEY and Counselor-atnLaw, Oregon City, Oregon. Office oyer the store of Pope k Co., Main street. ' " U$.tf M IS CELL A NEO US. MACK. & HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring First Class Ujwrations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. Is'. Ii. Xitroux Osyde administered for the Painless Extractiou of Teeth. Also : the Rh'i'H'leue Spray used for those who prefer it. Office Corner of Washington and FroDt streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. iritf CIIAS. nODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. kquge, GALEF h Co., DEALERS IN DEUGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VAnysjF., bii usiies, pa ixteks Materials, and Druggists' Sundries. 97 Front Strert, Portland, Oregon. o..) JUST OPENING "at the NEW STORES Nos. 1GG to 172 FIEST STEEET, mtTLAXD, 3 HURGREN&JH!NDLER ! FURNITURE direct from Eastern Manufac turers. Complete assortment. The Tiadc supplied on liberal terms. PUIAJ AND OTHER MATERIALS FOR Redding. THREE-WHEELED ClIILDRN'S CARS, at unusually low rates. IMPERIAL FILLING a new, elastic, and pure article for matrasses. (1 4 tf CITY BAKERY!" 21 A IX STREET, OH EG OX C1TF. BARLOW & FULLER;, (Successors to Wortman it Sheppard.) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! B 11 E A D! And Crackers of all kinds ! Orders in this Lino will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & POLLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GUOCFRIKS ! AND r KO VIS IONS ! STEAM BOAT STOKES ! And all Articles uaed for Culinary Purposes ! 9& a v . a m t U A H L U W & Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AM) TOliACCO ! By the Case, or at retail! Attention is nlso directed to the fact that noLodv else sells iho FA M O US G L K A S O N CHEESE! IN SHORT! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Ifakerv, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, ami our prices reasonable. AH kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. RAKLOW & FULLER. Oregon City, Jan. tuh, 1?07. OREGON CITY VQOLEN MAMOFAOTUBSHO C O 31 P A N V. rpiIE A ROVE COMl'NAV ARE NOW I producing aquality- of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH AP.E Superior to any ever before offered, on the Pacific Coast ! Comprising CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, II Alt D TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. 3T Using only the best grades of Wool. The above goods are offered to the trade on the most 'favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : It. JAC015, Agent, OO.Om ) Oregon City, Oregon. Or L. WHITE fc BRO., Agents at Portland. LINCOLN BAKERY! "West Side Ilulii Strcef, Oregon City Oregon. L. TjILLER Proprietor. HAYING REMOVED INTO MY! NEV7 BUILDING! I WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I still contiuue the manufacture of OREAD, PIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butler, Sugar and Soda C IR .A. C KL E R S. etc., c, dc. In addition to which 1 will keep constantly on hand a large stock ot the best staple and FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. I am also agent for the celebrated nursery and FLOWER GARDEN! of H. MILLER, Milwankie, and am prepared to supply orders for Flowers and Shrubbery at the Nursery prices. l-.Iy L. DILLER. Admiriistrator's Notice. In the Cv't-nty Court of CUtckama County, State cf Oreijou : IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF James W. Ford, deceased. Ezra Stout, Administrator of said estate, haying tiled his tinal account and petition, praying for a settlement of the same, and it appearipg to the satisfaction of the Court that said estate 1 has been fully administered upon, it was or- , . 1 i x I. . J J - C . 1 tterea xnai jiouuuy , me in tiny in uciuoer, 1&'7, be tisi'd as the day for the hearing of objections to such final account, and the set tlement thereof, at which time all persons interested can appear before the Judge of the above named Court at Oregon City, and make their obiections, if they have anv. Bv order of W. T. "MATLOCK, 4..V) County Judge. September d, 1SG7. MIS CEL LANEO US. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ! A Pure and Powerful Tonic, Corrective anil Alterative, of wonder ful cfticiicy in diseases of I lie STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. Plt&TECTIVK PltOPERTIES. Prevents Fever and Aue and Pillious Re mittent Fevers : fortifies the svstem against iliasma and the evil etfects of unwholesome water ; invigor ates the organs ot digestion and the bowels j Steadies tlic .Verves and tends to l?ro loni; IjiIV. rtXIEm i. FilOPEPtTIES. Cures T)yspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits," Constipation, Colic, Intermit tent Fevers, Sea Sickness, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of cither sex arising Irom llodily Weakness, whether inherent in the system or PRODUCED li V SPECIAL CAUSES. "VTOTIIIXG THAT IS NOT IIOLE L 1 some, genial, and restorative in its na ture, enters into the composition of HOS TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind ; no deadly botanical element; no 15 cry excitant ; but is a combination of the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants, with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. The woeli stomach is rapidly invigorated, and the appetite restored by this tonic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia, and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a yentie and painless aprient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably re lieves the Constipation superinduced by ir regular action of the digestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks, l.ovrucss of Spirits, and Fits of Languor, find prompt and perniament relief from the Litters. The testimony on this point is conclusive, and from both sexes. As a Genuine Tor.ie, HOSTETTER'S i$IT TEKS produce effects which must be cxpeii enced or witnessed before they can be fully appreciated. In cases of Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay, and Debihtj and Decrepitude arising from old age, it ex ercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a delightful iuvigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Lust, but not least, it is the only safe stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and inocuous materials, and entirely free from the acrid elements present more or less in nil the ordinarv tonics and stomachics of the dav. SOLD EVERY W 11 EKE. II01t;ii, CALEF AftK, Ag-.nts, 35:tf. j Portland, Oregon. AND ' el c St ! Corner of Auiiu and Third streets, OREGON CITV, npiIANKFUl, FOR PAST FAVORS, AND A- hop'n ; for a contimuincc of the same, would invite the attention of the public to his large stock now in store, consisting of fancy and st.q'Ie DKY GOODS, v u n n is 11 1 xr, coo ds, HEADY MADE CLOTHING COOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Y A LICKS, TRUNKS, AND LLMIJKELLAS! Groceries. Croi kery.Glass and Plated Yare, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Yieks, Chimneys, and Burners! Hardware, Cutter, etc , etc, Being Jliindrcds of Other Articles ! Tuo numerous to Mention ! Cull and examine for yourself, I take pleasure in showing goods, and customers will find the articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. I. SELLING. Corner store, opposite the 5.1y Tin and stove store. IFi3.iaiIcv 3'o Colons. fronted October L"th, l?i?3. . PERFECT EAST COLORS. Black, Dark Green, Black Silk, Liisht Green, Dark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue, Maize, Er each Blue, Maroon, Clarcl Brown, Orange, Bark Brawn, Pink, Light Brown Purple, Snujr Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Dark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solfrrino, Eaion Drah, Violet, Yellow, Ll'ht lawn Drab. Ton iykjn; sir.ic. Woolen and Mixed Uoods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, (i loves. Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children's Clothing, Aitrt all ICintls of Wearing Apiim-fl. A Saving of Eisrhty per Cent. For 2" cents you can color as many goods as would otherwi.-c cost five times thut sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can" use the dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German outside of each package. HOWL' t STEVEN'S, 80.I Broadwav, Boston. For sale by SMITH A DAVIS, Portland Oregon. " -'1. A. JLI5V M A I N S T R E E T , AT TIIE TELEGRAPH OFFItK ! Oregon City, Oregon, PEALElt IX 171 XE CIGARS. TOR VCCO, 1 SNl'FF. PIPES. WINES AND LIQUORS. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, POCKET CUTLERY. PORT MONIES, PURSES, STATIONERY. COM IIS AND BRUSHES, ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLES, FANCY GOODS, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, QANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. ic. Z$7 I invite special attention to my stock of "liquors, which is warranted to be as good as any in the State. A. LEVY. July 2oth, 1807. (.30-ti Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of Cliekama County. State, ff itreivm : IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF Alba A. Lyman, deceased. James P. Cason, Administrator of said estate having tiled his final account in said estate, praying a final settlement of the same; therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested in said estate, that said application will be heard and determined by the Ciiirt, at the Court house in Oregon city, on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1S7, at which time all persons interest'.d can appear and irake their objections tosanl aceounts, if thev havts anr. W. T. MATLOCK, County Jwlje. Dated Sept. ?d, 1SG7, ' (-io.o PEDIXGTOX d- CO:S COLUMN. REDIXGTON & CO.'S Essence of Jamaica Ginger. TIIIS Valuable preparation, containing in JL a highly concentrated form all the prop erties cf the Jamaica Ginger, has become one of the most popular domestic remedies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a touic it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise, for whilst t imparts to the svstem all the glow and vigo: that can be produced by wine or brandy, it entirely free from the reactionarj- effects follow the use ot spirits ot any kind. It is also an excellent remedy lor females who suffer from difficult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. It gives immediate relief to pausea, caused by sea-sickness, etc. It is also valuable as an external a j-plicatiou for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON k CO. 27.1 v I Sole Agents for the Pacific Const. SV1ARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIH RESTOEEH. Trust none other, howe'er pleasant, None can do what this has done Try it always keep it present Use the Martha Washington. IT WILL KEEP T1IS1 II AIR Soft mitl glossy Chaagc it to its Original Color Prevent its falling out ZMaite eld Leads loolt j-oiiitg and do all tlt is expected of a genuine, good, IT IS NOT A Hair Restorer. UEDLYttTOX & Co., Agents, Ea ai Praiwlsco DYE. fi MARTHA WASHINGTON" HAIK RESTORER Is the wonder of the world, and stands above comparison with any other article for the hair ever brought before the public. Sold everywhere. REDING TON'S F L A V O RING EX T R ACTS! Are made from Frvsti Fruits. Each bottle holds twice as much as any other brand in the market, consequently they arc the cheapest and the best. Vsc ho oilier. r.EDINGTOX & CO., r Agents for the Pacific Coast. CfllY WILL YOU DELAY ? We arc sorry that there are persons who suffer on day by day month after month, and year by year,wheiT friends and neighbors Lave been cured of the same malady that afllicts them. ?fow, it has been proved by substan tial evidence that SCOVILL'3 BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will cure the worst case of scrof ula, Canker, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc.; yet still there are those who neglect this sure and valuable remedy. To such we say, try the syrup and be convinced. REDINGTON & Co., Agents, 416 and 413 Front street, San Francisco. GRAEFENCERG U T E R I N E CATHO L I C O N. If faithfully used according to directions will cure every case of Diabetes, pnd greatly mitigate the troublesome effects caused by a relaxation of the outlet of the bladder. It ia a most successful remedy for gravel and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and foi Female diseases is unequalled. The Cathoiicon uniformly cures Prolapsus Uteri, Whites, all irregularities of the Month- T . r pit.,: ly period, suppression, incontinence ui inline, Vihiutin"-. and Dropsical swellings, and all diseases' of pregnancy. The specific action of this medicine is imminent and certain, upon the Uterine and abdominal muscles and liga ments restoring: them to as healthy a state ns those of childhood and youth, so that pa tients who have used the Oracfenbcrg Compa nv's Uterine Cathoiicon, cannot sutnciently express their gratitude for the relict afforded. Redington & Co., Agents, 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco STOP THAT GOOG Q03IE OF YOl C AST, Am WE FJTT i) you. You have trted every remedy but tiiO OK:-; destined, by its intrinsic merit, to supersede sdl sim ilar preparations. It is not surprising you should ho reluctant to try soniothinp; else niter tho iii uiy ex periments you lisvo made of tmshy cmiipouLiU foisted oa the public as a certai-a cure; hut NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup t really tho VF.TiT rcm-.:- fw rr.mpwr.-i. I for thocuro ft Touch. Colds. Hre tUrwt. As'htr.a, Vhi!--inv' IVrnsli. Kn.n.-hitw an.! ff.risuii:)-Iioii. lh u fiiinds of j.iM.pifl in t aliforr.i.i uii.J Onx-m hav l---n slrcady bciw-'UtU-d by the surprising curaine i-'iv.cii NEWELL'S Cj - ---c JL UlillVJ-LCOiV fcVi". rtkI with on ncrord five it th-:r urtrpitt'lf'H rp; m t alimi. We now nddr. oursi-ivr-i i a I ..!. . ; yr rrqunintcl with this, the pr-M!r r.-i!ri-f 1 f.r V: 1 -; f.ir tho hoaiiu; of all hjseaa- t-J 1 jr..l l.unjs, Essuri:. J ju tlu;t NEWELL'S P11I has curd t'aoasantU am! it will euro YOU if you t- '1'ti'h inrninabli mcdichw is pteasant to th tarts fKthinjf, hhn.'4 ami strer.R.lieuig in its ctU; . oo-'.y in'.! from nil oisc!iotis'or deleterious d.-ii-.i. au I jft !"- harn-.Ws nndr H rirtu.n--.nini"'. Ortiticat-s from many pnmunont rilizeti4 fk--v Vrauciicu accuuip..ay every hwf.lo of Pulmonai U Cu4 l-ranc'-s:.:. PORTLAND BUSINESS GU1DK Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. Dr. CHAKLES ELACH, Physician, Sureeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE Corner of Washington and Front streets, Purrish's Elock, Portland, Oregon. RESIDENCE Salmon street, between Third and Fourth, opposite the Plaza. -2.1y J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. DOLI'ir. A SSilTU. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty . Office over the old Post'Ollice, Front street. Portland, Oregon. 0") Card. CONGRESS AT ITS LAST SESSION bavins passed a RANlvKUl'T LAW, it is now within the power of every man thut is hopelessly in debt, to free himself from the press of debts which cramp his action, and which he is wholly unable otherwise to discharge. The District Court of the United States, 'which sits alone in the city of I'ort land, has, under this law, an exclusive juris diction of all cases in Lankruptcy. ihe un dersigned nave procured a copy ot the law and are ready, us soon as a Register is ap pointed, to attend promptly to procuring discharges in Ihmkruple for all who may feel disposed to favor them with their patronage. Al.-o attention pant to prscr.ring let ters patent for new inventions. Attorneys-atdviiw, 'f,-f.m i oruand. Ureiron. 0. P. BIAS0N, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 102 Front st., Portland, Oregon. "W Is Lilly prepared to attend to any business under tiie Bankrupt Law. Divorces obtained on the most reasonable teims, and no charges made for services where the divorce is denied. S7.Iy Removed ! Removed ! The old and well known D. MOXXASTES, Projri(ter. PORTLAND OREGON, HAS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK : but has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large a scale as in years cast. -! THE BEST SELECTION And largest assortment of Ladles' Cents', Misses'. Boys' and CLih'.rcns' efe BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA ROOT X1 SHOE STORE, No. 112 Front it ret t, I'ortland, opposite Walter Bros. Carpet niore. where new goods of the latest styles are fc ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, enabling us to sell cheaper than any other store in ths city. KAST & CAIIAL1N. 11.) lV2iront street, I'ortland. AMERICAN EXCHANGE. (late LIXCOLX HOUSE,-) Xo. S-t Front ytrret, Portland Orrgcn. L. P. W. QUIMPY, Pkopiuetok. (Latt - of We-yiem Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor ot the proprietor to make his gucst-s comfortable. The Uaggage Wagon will al ways be found at the iund'ng on the arrival of steamships and river boats, canning bag gage to the house free of charge. 17.iy ""TOBAOGOJTC.BAGGOI ' 1ST RECEIVED, DIRECT FROM the Manufacturers, Choice Brands Virginia Ghewirg ! COMTRISIXG Lieht Pressed Natural Leaf; Hard Bright lbs. in Caddies ; Sweet Honey Dew in Caddies ; Twist, Pocket Piece, and, other Eancy Styles. ALSO, 10.000 POUNDS Select Virginia Smoking Tobacco ! Of the best brands, put up in bales and packages of one pound, halves and quarters. Also : SOLACE, SOLAR AND YOUNG AMLP.rCA FINE CUT CHEWING! Which we are receiving every thirty days, fresh from the manufacturers. We otfer the above coods to the trade, in bond or tax paid, at San Francisco price, for cash. We have now on band, and are con stantly receiving, a large assortment of Havana and American Cigars ! To which we particularly call the attention of liar-Rooms and Dealers in general. 3r There can also be found at this estab lishment, a complete assortment of Yankee Notions and Fancy Coods, P.illiard Balls, Cue Wax and leathers, Fishing Tackle, etc, WASSLTLMAX CO., 31.3m) 77 Front st., Portland. If. 31 1l U S PLOIRIaU, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So, IIO First Sheet Portland. Gas Eixlurcs, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top IVashslands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, IValer Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOWS, RETURN BENDS, NIPPLES, BI SHIXGS, rfv., for Stftin, Water and Ua. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water (Juages, Whistles, Tall on Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Pra3 Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, ttc. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. May IS, 1S67. l:ly C. II. MYERS. G. W. KOCI.N'SON'. J. it. LAK1 Stove and Tin Store! No. lot Front street, Portland, Oregon, next door to Everding & Pccbe. ROBINSON & LAI-IB, OEALEttS IS Stoves, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, HAVE J UST LAID IX A L AUG E stock of stoves of the latest styles, consist ing in part of the foiloving cook stoves : Pride cf the Pacific, Republic, Golden Gale, Crystal Palace, Buck' s Patent, Harvest Queen, Diamond Bock, Hearthstone, Also : A good stock of Parlor and Box stoves, tin ware, &c, Ac. Also : An assortment of Pumps, etc. Wc are satisfied that we can give satisfac tion to our patrons, in every respect, as we are determined to sell at fair prices. We bold ourselves in readiness, and are prepared to do tooling, spouting, and all kinds of" job work, on hurl notice, and in a satisfactory manner, HODI X.SOX & LAKE. ; roitLuid, ilau'a Uth, !5iiT. I'-iLly OREGON CITY BUSINESS. Thomas Charman STILL ON II A IS D! A FTER FOURTEEN YEARS' EX1RI-A- ence in business in th.s city, under the old motto that " A Nimble 'xPerceX; ter than a Slow Shilling," we propose to otter greater inducement than erer to our custom ers to pay us cash for goods,, a W3 are deter mined to SELL CHEAP FOR CASH! Whlcli is ffee only Remedy Tor the Present cry of Hard Times. We beg leave to inform our numerous cus tomers that we have just received, direct from ban 1 rancisco, a, Lar.e and well Selected STOCK OF JOOD SUITABLE F0H THIS MAKKET, Consisting in part, of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries Hardware, Queensivare, etc., also : PAINTSr OILS!! c . Together with a splendid assortment of BOOTS ANEfc SH OBS5 Or every description, U of The best quality, and latest styles. Also: HATS A KD CAPS! Of everv description, for both The Ladies'' and Gents' Wear ! Gents and Ladies' Furnishing Goods kept constautlv on hand, all of which we will sell at the very lowest price for cash. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Particular attention paid to orders from the count rv. Also: To cousignqients of goods, and prompt returns made for the same. rr We return i?)ir thanks to our mner ou's customers for their past patronage, ajid ask a continuance of the Fame, pledging our selves to act houestlv with all who favor us with th-iir trade. TUPS. CHARMAN- FULL ASSORTMENT OF SASIT. J. Poors, and blinds, always onTtanl for sale bv LJIAU.MA.. P ATENT MEDICINES of all kinds kept for snle bv CHAPMAN. 7 f AKQLTAMS CELEBRATED HOME 1tJ made chairs, constantly on hand by CHAPMAN. RULLINGEIfS SUPERIOR HOME made wool-batting, for sale by CHARMAN. TTJALL PAPER. WINDOW Curtains VV of all kinds, and paper shades. Sold by IIARMAN:-? tFtLOI'R, PACON. LARD, AND DRIET JL fruits, kept constantly on hand by ' CHARMAN. A NEW AND FULL. ASSORTM KNlof f Nails, ropo, etc., just received by received bv CI I ARM AX. . LP-OF WHICH HE WILtt SELL-AvlV the lowest market value for CASH, oxK- such produce as his trade will justiiV. CHARMAN. Gil EAT EENI A N I E MOa STB AT103U. LOON A HER El Notwithstanding there was a Rebellion over in Ireland the other day, and the Print-, eis all became Demoralized, and George up-, set a "form" and knocked my advertisement into "Pi," nevertheless, E. D. KELLY Is on hand at Ihe old Stand, and has fqj- sale the following articles, to wit: Coffee, .Tapa;Tea, Dried peach Tea, Plack Tea, Linen twine,. Golden syrup, Green Tea, Coii'ee sugar. Sugars, " Chocolate, Pulverized dm Sahuatus, Cora starch, Crushed do.. Packing salt, Oswego do. Chemical soap,. Dairy salt, Candles, t astile do. Table salt, Ground coffee, Fancy toilctdo. Cooking soda, Farini, Zante currents. Sal. -soda, Sardines, Mackerel, Codtish, Nut-meg,. IJlackijig,. S'Juir, Prunes, Mncaron r, A'inetrar, Cheese1, Porax, Soda crackers,. Putter do. Lemon S3 run, Flavoring ext.. Kerosene oil, Olive oil. Clothes pins. Cream tartar, Gun caps, 6 Shooter balla 5-Shooter " Blast's powd'r Kope, Corn Meal, U rooms. Lead, Shot, White Peacf Duckets, Pails, Liquorish, Horninv, Dried apples, Kaisins, islueing, Rice, Stove polish, Spotting do. Pearl barlev, allev Mills do Sago, J le Iruits, i cast powd rs, Writing ink, A'anilla ext., Washing do. Tacks, Wash boards, Wash-tubs, Satin gloss. starch, Vcrmaciii, Can.- strawberries, Concentrated Lye, Tubac-t-o, Candles, Nuts, Oysters, Lobsters. Tomatoes, Peaches, Green corn, Jellies, Catsup, Ground spices,EAgI. pickcls, Cinnamon, American do ('loves, Cann'd fruits. Ginger, Cranb'y-sauce, Mustard, A V o rc s t r ' e h i "r s' l'-ej-per, French niust'd' do sauce, PJock matches, and one price to everybody. Cash, No tcoods misrepresented to effect sales. 7.11 E.D.KELLY. Forlhf Latest Style 5 OF GENTS' CLOTHING! ? Go to Aef.-ennan'n ! t - "-"-!c;l ' V. NEW SPRING STYLES H - mm 1 " -2 ; ' 3 ) IB -FOR 18G7. . . . .0. . . . rr s. ACKE&MAN! Wishes to inform his Old Fiupkds, and the public generally that he has received by the last steamer A FULL VARIETY OF priiig1 Goods! The Largest Stock that has ever yet coma to this market, consisting of such as DRV GOODS Of almost every kind CLOTHING Qf the. rexy latest Styles BOOTS A N D SHOES f In great variety f Mens, Ladies, Misses and Children's Hats, all of the latest style for SPRING WEAR! Also, a well selected stock of Groceries, and all other goods in proportion. Please give n.e a call aud examine for yourself. Nq trouble to show goods. "T will sell as cheap as the cheapest. S. ACKKIIMAN, Charman & AVarncr's eld brick stove, lyl) Main st., Oregon CHyr N. 15. All kinds of Produce bought. TWO GOOD 1 Oil SALE. Also : Ooe good spring wag; JL on. L2m lu'iuire tf J. Ml EES & BEQ,