. 0 1 PIISS-TAIiE.Y. I went the other eveniug, To hear a Dr. Splurge, Who told us what to pray for, And how we ought to urge. So many things he told us, For which we ought to pray, tfh;t I forgot theai every one, ivcgot ibew sLrifght-a-way. Pat when he read a text ah ! One word of which was " Grace." That pet name of my Darling, Brought sunshine to my face Perhaps? I was too partial, For if the truth was known, I wanted but one blessing, And prayed for " Grace alone. In the tumult of my feelings I sunk into a doze, Cut was wakened in a horrid state, Just ere the sermon's close. He read another passage, I'd rather been left out, Of prayers that is'nt answered, And how it comes about ; Good Gracious ! Aint it awful, To hear in drawling tone, Words, that claw you like a catamount, Or drop on you like a stone. I knew that I was busied I felt the wild-cats claQ, I'll tell you what I heard first, Then tell you what I saw. No matter for the chapter, The sense of it, was this, " Some ask, but are not answered, " Because, they ask, A Jiss." Thunder ! Then I saw my rival, Grinning fondly with delight, Standing by my Gracie Darling, She was dressed in blessed white ; And not to harrow my deeply Plowed feelings any further, They was mar-ri-ed, that night. Harry Hopeless. - Ask your neighbor to subscribe for the Enterprise. To Remove F ilms. Take a piece of leather, burn it to a cinder, pulver ize the cinder to a fine powder, blow a large goose quill full of the powder into the eye affected. One applica tion in ordinary cases effects a cure. A second application in a recent case removed a heavy film from the eye ! n cow, under which a broad chaff ., ; , imbeded. The eye nov.T appears . iear and bright, and sight unim paired. Specific Heat of Soils. I'fraun der, in his investigations concerning the specific heat of soils, during which he determined that of 17 dif ferent soils; he has noticed that soils free from humus have the lowest specific heat, w hether they consist of lime or of saud. The richer a soil in humus the higher is the specific heat. Thus peat was lour.d to have 0.507. and a soil very rich iu humus gave 0,4142; while that of calcite and quartz is only 20 and 19. Loamy soils must have a high specific heat, owing to the presence of water. These facts ar? important to the ag riculturist, since a plant sensitive to i!u- eh u ges of temperature would siot grow well on soils of low specific heal. - Ccue for Bleedixg Warts ox Horses. Mr. F. Learning, in the Country Gentleman, gives the follow ing method of curing warts on horses; Ten years ago I had a horse with near twenty warts, varying in size from a plum to a man's fisi. Everythiug said to bo useful in such cases was tried in vain. The hurso had become almost unmanageable from the l&e of hot irons, acids, solid caustics, strings, &c, &c, when it occurred to try Cinqunin's butter of zinc, a remedy he thought useful in cancer of man. I prepared a strong solution of it as below described, and , found the horse did not object to its application, being the first applica tion he had not resisted. In a few weeks the horse was entirely well, and now for ten years has had no re- tu-n of them. Moreover many of my neighbors have used the same remedy since, and always with en tire success. Put four ounces of mu riatic acid iu a half pint bottle, add gradually scraps of clean zinc, until effervescence ceases. Of this pour out sufficient to wet the wart thoroughly, and epply with a small swab until the cure is complete. To Keep Insects Away frcji Trees.- As the time of budding and blossoming approaches remember the following simple means of preserving trees from the ravages of insects, which was first published at Lyons by the Imperial Society of Practical Horticulture of the llhone. The mischief done by insects whose eggs are deposited in buds and blossoms is almost incredible. The remedy is to mix one part of vinegar with nine parts of water, and shower it from a syringe or fine rosed watering-pot over the trees, plauts or flowers re quiring protection. The experiments made in this way inhe neighborhood of Lyons have proved eminently suc cessful, the trees so treated havin" I ' m loaded with fruit, while others Mtd been let alone bore very ; v . In preparing the solution, vwuid be well to remember that as -c iesicb vinegar is much stronger than oglb, tbo quantity of the latter should be inc. eased. Another use ful remedy for preventing ants and other insects from crawling up the stems of trees, is to expose lamp oil for three or four days to the sun until H becomes thick and gummy, and smells disagreeably, then to use it as Pmt with a small brush, and draw a bHt round the stems of the trees about two indies wide, and two feet tro.a tue ground. A fresh coat will .fr ,.. ' OUil5 H ..cmwny prevent the insects. ascent of FARM ITKSISs Deep plowing will kill the cut worm. The best way to fight insects is to have rich ground, for then plants will grow faster than the enemy can eat. The Board of Health of St. Paul, Minnesota, pay farmers for every load of manure they haul out of the city. In Central Georgia they are ex cited by the largest crop of wheat raised in twenty years, and by the great interest felt in Sunday schools. Sow clover on young timothy and it will shade the tender grass during the hot months. To two years the clover dies out. In Florida, a dairy of 40 cows yields 20 quarts of milk, or a pint each. You see they can only catch a part of the cows at a time. On rainy days make hives for bees soon to swarm. It is a bad plan to wait till hives or clothes are needed before one goes to work. Horticulture and farming never will take a high stand in America till we utterly and forever cut loose from European methods and ideas. When our first parents went out of the fruit garden their posterity became savages. Civilization advan ces as we strive again to enter the garden. Fruit never costs so much as when grown on very young trees. Often, early bearing is a sign of untbriftiness. Thm out closely and let only a few remain. A Yankee girl being well educa ted could get no other employment than as a ieacher. She went to Minnesota, became a real estate agent, and prospered. To get a strawberry superior to the Willson, propagators are work ing with ambition and perseverence worthy admiration. Whoever wins should be made independently rich. The only fruit which grows in every climate is the strawberry. It is the only fruit which somewhere on the earth is picked every day the year round. Clover is to farming what faith is to religion. One may go through the whole list of manures and good works, but must come to clover and faith at last. The best cows are home made. A civilized nation is weulthy where iiome productions are gooa ana fashionable. Long and happy lives come from home made and home made children. clothing, Through the whole South the earliest vegetables and the first spring chickens are brought into the towns by the freedmen. "And they save their money to buy them a farm, to lead a different life." Michigan is second to no other State in the number and quality of her sheep. Many good men are living, ar.d living because they are good, who remember when she had a hundred Indians to one sheep. Pro. Nyce states that by pack ing eggs in charcoal dust he had kept them in his house nine months, and it was difficult to tell them from fresh eggs. The yolk having shrunk one-twentieth. A chief reason why young men dislike farming is their father's worn out fields. To sow clover bountifully is the best way to pre vent our youth from tramping the streets of our cities looking for sits nations and pocket books. Some English farmers feed each head of stock from a pint to a quart of molasses a day. It is diluted with water and sprinkled on hay, which is packed and left to ferment twelve hours. The cattle like it as well as children do sweet c.k?. Not one farmer in ten has a sup ply of small fruit. They cannot at tend to such small matters. Yet a supply of strawberries is a luxury. A patch of well-prepaired ground, well set with good plants, just after the fruiting season, will produce well next year. Any man who has planted a good fruit orchard, and protected the same, has Dot lived in vain. Just previous to the breaking out of the war, an important experiment was made in Georgia to test the relative durability of American and English railroad iron. A portion of the track of the Central Railroad, subjected to great wear, was laid one side with American and the the other with English iron. At the expiration of two years, the wear was decidedly in favor of the American iron. Timothy Grass. Timothy can be raised on sandy land with a heavy tQp-dressing, of well rotted manure spread evenly. This is the way too to get a stand of timothy on poor land. Thousands of acres of worn out land need to be treaied iu t! is manner, nnd the country and the owners will be richer, and every bod v on the place become handsomer, witt'u-r, and wiser. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fkeeto Everybody. A large Q pji. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beauti ful, the despised rejected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their address, aud receive a copy post-paid, bv return mail. Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y. (r,m27 Sulphurous Smoke. Last week, says the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 29th, Mr. Messenger, living on Williams creek, inhaled a quantity of smoke from rags satu rated with sulphur, which he was using in taking honey from a bee hive. His face was very much swollen, and he experienced great pain until he was relieved by taking a dose of Terry Davis Pain Killer. Wonderful but True. Madame Remington, the world-renovrned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date ot marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, Ac. This is no imposition, as tes timonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, together with desired information. Address in confidence, Madame Gertrcde Remixg tos, P. O. Box 207, West Troy, N. Y. 26:ly A Young Lady Returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared but eigh teen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Balm, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combi nation, as Nature herself is simple, vet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing ana beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature in tended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by "W. L. CLARK it Co., Chemist, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. 2t:ly Know thy Destiny. Madame E. F. Thornton, the great English Astrologist Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wondeful powers of second sight, as to ena ble her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in tense power, known as the Psychomotrope. guarantees to prcducd a life like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date, of marriage, position in life, leading trails of character, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. liy enclosing a small Iock or nair, ana stat ing place of birth, age, disposition and com plexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, Madame E. F. Thornton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson N. Y i26:ly A Card From. The American Watch Company Of Waliham, Mass. npillS COMPANY BEG LEAVE TO IN JL form the public that they com menced operations in 1850. and their factory now covers four acres of ground, and has cost more than a million dollars, and cm plovs over 700 operatives. Tkey produce 75,000 Watches a year, and make and sell not less than one half of all the watches sold in the United States. The difference between their manufacture and the European, is briefly this : European Watches are made almost entirely hy luind, and the result is of necessity a lack of that uniformity, which is indispensable to correct time-keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the most skillful operative must vary. But it is a fact that, except watches of the higher grades, European watches are the product of the cheapest labor of Switzer land, and the result is the worthless Ancres, Lepines and so called Patent Leverswhich soon cost more in attempted repairs, than their original price. Common workmen, boys and women, buy the rough separate parts of these watches from various facto ries, polish and put them together, and take them to the nearest watch merchant, who stamps and engraves them with any name or bfaud that may be ordered. How American, Watches are Made. The American Waltham Watch is made by no such uncertain process and by no such incompetent workmen. All the Com pany's operations, from the reception of the raw materials to the completion of the Watch, are carried on under one roof, and under one skillful and competent direction. But the great distinguishing feature of their Watches, is the fact "that their several parts are all made by the finest, the most perfect and delicate machinery ever brought to the aid of human industry. Every one of the more than a hundred parts of every watch is made by a machine that infallibly repro duces every succeeding part with the most unvarying accuracy. It was only necessary to make one perfect watch of any particular style and then to adjust the hundred man- chines necessary to reproduce every part of tnat waicn, ana it iouows that every suc ceeding watch must be like it. The Company respectfully submit their watches on. their merits only. They claim to make A Belter Article for the Money by their improved mechanical processes than can be made under the old-fashioned handicraft system. They manufacture eveiy grade of watches, from a good, low priced aud substantial article in solid silver hmitng ca?es, to the finest chronometer and also ladies' watches in plain gold or the finest en ameled and jeweled cases ; but the indispen sable requisite of all their watches is that they shall be good time keepers. It should be remembered that. except their single low est grade named "Home Watch Company, Boston," all watches made by them are fully warranted by a special certificate, and this warrantee is good at all times against the Company or its agents. ROBBINS & APPLETON, 1S2 Broadway, N. Y., General Agents. R. B. Gray & Co.. 616 Merchant St., San Francisco, Agent for the Pacific Coast. (51. Established ) 1857. j Established 1857. 3 9 No. 80 First street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and Vegetables. Foreign and Domestic Green do do Vegetables and Fruit Packed iciih care for Shipment. - NUTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal-nuts, Fil berts and Almonds. GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bough: expressly for family use. Z-i7" AH of which is offered for cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. 35:ly JOHS O'COVXOR. No. 90 First st., Portland, Oregon. Sunday School and. Gift Books ! I I'oruan ;l, Oregon. G. II. ATKINSON. i S-ec.'y and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc 'v S. SHISDLER, Depositary. ypilOM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOC1E jl ty and Massachusetts Sunday School --'dctv. For sale at Messrs. llurgren & i.iu:. Tor's, First street, corner of Salmon FORTLAXB BUSIXESS OU1DK Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. MACK & HATCH, DENTISTS, The patronage of those desiring First Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N B. Xitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Also : the Rlii'jolene Spray used for those who prefer it. Office Corner of Washington and Front streets, Portland. Entrance on Washington street. 42.tf THE NATIONAL COLLEGE BISIXESS AXDfofflJlERCE ! Corner of ALDER and FRONT streets, r on TLAXD OEEG ox. aHIS POPULAR, PRACTICAL INSTI . tution offers the best and most success ful System of Practical Training and thor ough "Business Discipline, TO QUALIFY Young nd Middle Aged ISL ZTSSkT For an Active, Successful Life ! gf Tuition for the full Business Course, time unlimited, $50. Those wishing to become members will be admitted any week day int the year. No ex amination at the time of entering. The College Gazette, giving full informa tion, is sent, free to all who desire it. Applicants will applv in person, or by letter, to M. K. LAUUENSLAGER, Si.3mj President. Sixteen Years in Oreson. S. J. M'CORMICK, NEYJIUSIC the Pioneer Eooksellcr and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new ones as may not be acquainted with the fact) that he still continues to operate at the FRANKLIN" BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (EXACTLT OPPOSITE MOCST hood) Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, IXSTBUCTIOX BOOKS for all kinds of Musical Instruments. CHLKCII MU1C BOOKS, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS, ' MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOBES, PRESSES, lyr.J PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line. mums jmm aiot O- E RY ! One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Western, Portland, Oregon. T. fhanalian, IMPORTER AXD PEALF.R IN ill US I OA L IN ST II UMEN TS, FINE ENGRA VINGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK of Engravings, Cromos, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before offered in this market, just recei.-ed and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! a lso : Views of Columbia River Scenery ! Constantly on hand. ao ext for bradbury's celebrated t5oat Scale 11 si si I Which have given universal satit-faction, and which Le guarantees to soil at San Fran cisco prices. 5?" Special attention given to framing Photograph Engravings, etc. Mr. Shanahan, formerly of A. Koh ler's establishment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and repairing Pianos, Melo deons, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos for Rent. (3(3. ly CAKPET AND PAPER HANGING Waller ISroHicrs, No. 113 Front street, Portland, BEG LEAVE TO IXFOBM THE public that thev keen an extensive kWL- ot' CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, FLOOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, DAMASKS LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES AND BANDS, GILT MOLDINGS, And all goods in the CARPET & UPHOLSTERY LINE ! We Import our Goods Eliect from the East, and sell at San Francisco Prices I WALTER BRO.'S, 113 Front street, nearly opposite Yaucdin's Wharf, Portland, Oregon. (3,. Pianos Pianos. H. SINSHESMEB & CO., New York Manufacturers of Eell Metal Patent Agraffe Grand Scale Pianofortes! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES pectftilly announce to his old patrons and the public generally, that he will keen constantly on hand a good assortment of the above class Pianos, which he offers whole sale aud retail at New Yoik prices. AG EXT FOR STEIXWAT SOXS Celebrated Pianofortes ! AND A.E. THOMPSON'S Patent Swell and Voice Tremelo Liiohal Organ. j N. Pianos and Organ carefully tuned ! and repaired. Il-SIXSIIEIMER i W.ly.i lil Front at. Portland, Oregon. I Vt7ik ijy TRAVEL AXD TRAXSPORTATIOX. Oreson Steam Navigation C O jVI I3 J N Y ! NOTICE. REDUCTION OF FARE. ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN PER fected bv the Oregon Stt-ara Navi gation Company and the Pioneer Stage Companr, wherebv passengers can pur chase THROUGH TICKETS from Portland to the different points in Idaho at the follow ing rates : From Tortland to Boise City, $51 50 " " Idaho City CI 50 u Silver City CI 50 Passengers can lay over at Umatilla by giving notice to the Agent of the "Pioneer Stage Company." Throngli Tit-ltets Sold only at tHc Company's Cfficc in rortlaiid. The rates of passage on the river until further notice will be as follows : From Portland to Dalles ' Umatilla $C 25 15 00 16 00 20 00 25 00 10 00 11 00 15 00 20 00 2 50 7 00 12 00 ti 00 10 00 Wallula... Pa louse. . . . Lewiskm . . Umatilla. . . Wallula.... Palouse Lewiston . . Wallula Palouse Lewiston . . Palouse Lewiston . From Dalles to Umatilla " Wallula THE BOATS OF THE 0. S. H. CO. For the Dalles WIIXi LEAVE POitTL VMJ DAILY, (Sundavs excepted,') AT 5 O'CLOCK, A. ST. COXXECT1XG ON Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Witli lioatson the Upper Columbia. FOR Umatilla & Wallula. The Friday's lioat Connects with the BOAT FOR LEWISTON. RETl'RSIXG-The Boats will have Lewiston every Monday morning, and Wal lula every Mondaj', Wednesday, and Friday mornings, touching at Umatilla and arrive at Dalles same day. jr. C. AIT.SIVOKTH, President O. S. X. Co. Portland, July 16th 1S;I7. Z:t EI0NTICELL0 ROUTS. THE STEAMER RESCUE: Ohlsox Master CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL ! Will leave Portland for Monticcllo every Tuesday, Thursday a id Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m ., via Levi'is river. J. C. AI.NSWOXiTII, rrcsvkid O. S. X. Co. ASTORIA ROUTE. THE U. S. MAIL STEAMER jdSjjQHN H. COUCH Snow Master. Will leave Portland for Astoria and inter mediate landings, on Monday and Friday of each week, at o'clock a. "m. Ileturmnti;, will leave Astoria on Tuesday and Saturday at 6 a. m. 3. C. AIXSWOUTII, I'rfxhleid O. S. X. Co. PEOPLE'S" Transportation Company. NEW ARUASGE3IKXT. Until further notice THE STEAMER A Iu 13 II T , Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M. from the Company's duck, foot of A street, for Oregon City, connecting with the steamer 33 RELIANCE, On Monday and Thursday of each week for St( " Albany, Corvallis, and in If joints. .riO "UITH THE STEAMER UNION, On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, of each week, for Lafayette and in termediate points. " uu.v iiuuee win ue iven - when the Company will di.s TV. . -n i - . patch a boat on other days than above. Returning the Str. ALERT will leave Oregon City for Portland at 1 o'clock I. M. A . A . Me C X: I. L Y , President P. T. Co SALEM, March 1st. 1SG7. (:tf DAILY OVERLAND INIAIE ROUTE! TO CALIFORNIA. "THROUGH Tn s.v.v FRANCISCO IN SIX JL days, Carrying the U. S. Mail aud W. F. & Co.'s Express. II. W. COIIBETT & Co., Pboprs. Py this route passengers avoid Ihe risk of Ocean travel. Passing through Oregon City Salem, Albany, Corvallis, Oakland, Win chester, Roseburg, Canyonville, Jacksonville and in California : Yreka, Trinity Center Shasta, Red Bluff, Tehama, ChicoOroville' Marysville to Sacramento. Connecting with the daily stages to all mining towns in"north em CiHfornia and southern Oregon; also with the Railroad from Oroville to Sacra mento ; Also connecting with the Central Pacific Railroad to the Atlantic States. Stages stop over night at Jacksonville and rcka, for passengers forest. Passengers will be permitted to lay over at any point and resume their seats at pleasure," at any time within one month, upon notifying the Agent at the office where they lay over? Fare to Sacramento 30. Stages leave the Portland office (Arrio-o-ni s Hotel,) daily at 6 o'clock Ofi.Sm) . 'a. WIIITEIIOUSE Arent CHARM AN & RRO.. Oregon dtyAgents. RANCH FOR SALE. s ITUATED BETWEEN THE CT.APK. aaias and the OREGON CITY TOWN PLAT ! In the vicinity of the place of T. J. ilunsaker. KT" Will be sold cheap for cah. Apply to LEW & FEClillEIMER, 100,000 Sf01' ANT- CTI ALLMAN BllO. J OU PmXTIKC SE.VTLY EXEt ITi. edattlte ENTERPRISE OKFJCE. MISCELLANEOUS. BBITT0N & GHAY, A 1 1 o r n e y s at L a w , o. 870 Seventh at., P. O. Box 1034, Washington Citt, 1). C. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To LAND Business, before the General Land Oflice and Inferior Department, and generally to business before the Executive Departments and Congress. Having had years of experience in the General Land Office, and a long and succes ful practice in laud claims and controversies, we are enabled to offer valuable services be fore the U. S. Supreme Court. Interior De partment, and General Land Office. We refer generally to all U. S. Land Ollicers. 1 37.3m WHILE YOU CAN Buy a Good Farm Cheap, qnnnpilREE HUNDRED and TWENTY O&KJ JL Acres of good land, situated with in 12 miles ot Oregon City, in a south East course, in a nice section of the country, is now offered for sale at a bargain. The land has upon it a GOOD HOUSE, SPLENDID BARN, WELL OF WATER. 320 320 320 'VX OltCILIRD, And 50 Acres under Fence ! It has nno been known as the Patterson Fa-m OAU located by Abbott. For further particulars call at this office or upon THOMAS GLEN ON, Eureka Saloon, cor. Front and Taylor, So.tf J Portland, Oreson. J . M. KEELSR, Oregon Commission Agency OFFICE. 95 LIBERTY STREET, XEW YORK CITY. For buying and shinning direct, h.-t!,?- Isthmus or Cape Horn, all classes and ra; ie ties of Merchandise, including Musical In struments, Farming Implements, Carriages and Machinery. Faithful attention will also be given to the sreunng and disposition of Patents. All orders and business will receive prompt attention. Goof's shipped in best style at the lowest rates, and insured to ordor. " BUSINESS REFERENCES : Aldrich, Merrill Co., San Francisco, Cal. McCraken, Merrill & Co., Portland, Oregon. J. II. Moores, Salem, Oregon. Thomas Mor.teith, Albany, Oregon. NEW TOI'K CITY REFERENCES. J. L. Browneil & Bro., Bankers, 23 Broad st. A. E. .t C. E. Tilton, 'jr and J7 Liberty st. A. M. Starr, late of Oregon, 95 Liberty st. AlbonMann, Treasurer National Bank Note Co., 1 Wall st. S'.t:tf. E. B. KELI.V. J. G. PILSBl'RY. DEALERS IN :p:rodttc;e, Seasonable Fruit. VEGETABLES, GfiOICEOASEeOOOS! WT SHALL ALSO PAY PARTICULAR V t attention to the country trade, and endeavor to always have on hand the best quality of Butter, eggs, poultry, etc. By strict attention to business we hope to merit a share of the rub'ic patronage. KELLY & PILSBL'RY. 2V) Post-ofliee building, Oregon City. KIGGIKS & GO'S Home Manufactured Soap. ON AND AFTER JANUARY 1st, 1 s07, we will soli our Soap at the following rales, for CASH, only: FAMILY so a P. Per 100 Boxes, or over, at 145 per Box. 50 " 1 Ty,) ' " 25 " 1 55 " " cnr:.iCAL olive. 40 Bars, SS lb. C 20 " " 20 9 lb. 1 70 " " "V7 warra,lt our Soap lo be equal to any T V article that can be imported, and su perior to many brands that are offered in this market. HIGGINS & CO. No. S Front street, 1 block north O. S. N. Co.'s wharf. Portland. January 1, !So7. fll:lv Oh : she was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, nnd radient hair, Whose cul ling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very Lcai t and mind. Ckisper Coma, for Curling the hair of tithtr pex into Wavy r.ud GIos?y Kinglets, or Heavy Massive curls By usin; this article ladies and jientletne can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigor ates, beautifies and cleanses it; it is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid, for 1. Address all orders to (x7 ly W. L. CLARK & Co., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y. DISSOLUTION. rpiIE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing as Charman & Bro. was dis solved on the 1st inst. by limitation Thos. Charman will continue on the business as usual, and F. Charman will for the coming thirty days pay attention to closing up the old business of the late firm, after which he intends taking to himself a few months of leisure. The old accounts will then be ad justed in the charge of T. Charman, un'ess other parties are employed to attend to the same by the late firm of Charman & !?-, THOS. CHARMAN FUEL). CHARMAN. Oregon City, Aug. loth, 1SC7 (13. 4t County Assessor's Kcticc! "XpTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT the .13 Assessor will attend at the oilice of the County Clerk of Clackamas county, on Monday, September 23'," 1 807, and with the assistance of the County Clerk, will publicly examine the Assessment roils) and correct all errors in valuation amides' cnptions of lands, lots, and other property C. O. BOYNTON, Assessor, ' ' Clackamas County. Jp AIN KILLER CURES SORE THROAT. A FAYORITE MEDICINE WITH ALL XJL classes, is Davis' Pain Killer. F YOU HAVE PAINTER'S COLIC, USE the Pain Killer. "XJO MEDICINE IS SO POPULAR A. the Pain Killer. TTEEP THE PAIN KILLER ALWAY JLk. at hand. IF YOU HAVE A COUGH OR COLD, us the Pain Killer. LOOK OUT AND NOT GET CAUGHT without a bottle of the Pain Killer. LET EVERYOODY USE THE PAIN Kiiler for sprains and bruises. 17 VERY TRAVELER SHOULD CARRY Id a bottle of Pain Killer with hiin. T EMEMBER, THE PAIN KILLER IS for Jl both Internal and External use. KT" The Pain Killer is sold bv all Drug gists ausl Dealers in Family Medicines. Sold by Bell A Parker, Oregon Citv, and by Hodge, Calef & Co., and Smith & Davis, Portland. Perry Davis and Son Proprietors, 71 Hih street, Providence, R. 1., 378 St. Paul St., Montreal, C. E.; and 17 Southampton Row Lundon, England. n life MISCELLANEO US. OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. Thos. Armstrong:, Manufacturer of ALL KINGS OF LEATHER! Milwaukie, Oregox. rpUE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN- JL form DExVLERS AND MANUFACTURERS That he is prepared to furnish as good and durable an article of Leather as can be made on the Pacific Coast, at the following rates : Harness Leather, per lb 2S to SO cents. Extra heavy, for Concord S3 " Skirting, per pound 28 to 32 " Belting, in the side 35 " " Cut, per square foot, 1 00 Side, upper, " " " 15 to 20 cents. Grain Leather " " " 13 to 2 " Light Buff, or Grain for Wo men's work CalfSki'ns, t)er doz Kip " i Bridle, per side ..... 'Jollar, per side Lace Leather, per side. . . 18 to 30 00 40 00 3 50 20 to $ 10 00 to 60 00 to 4 00 to 2 50 to 4 00 J 00 2 00 I do not think that Harness Leather should necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, in order to stand the test of our climate ; Nor do I think that Belting, in order to bear the strain of Oregon Machinery, must be made in the Atlantic States. ALL I ASK IS A 1- 2i i i O Ii sx o o ! And I will prove, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best on the Coast. lf All orders will meet with prompt at tention. Address: THOMAS ARMSTRONG, 36.1y) Milwaukie, Oregon. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IS STOVES, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a yood assortment cf Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices ! Our assortment in this line is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in n manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment ot Hard ware, Woodenvvare, etc. C. W. POPE & Co. Oregon City, Anril 2oih, ;;.;7. 1. KIG-I-IIilT IltIP QHTAITT ! lo all wis kin a tis& HORSE SHOEING, BLACK SMITHING, JRON, ETC. John ffl. Lewis, Gvner of 21 MX and SECOND streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inf..rm his old customers, and the public in general. that he now has o:i hand TILE CELEBRATED And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to give satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to "call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. All work in his line is done in the best possible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability EQUAL T O A X V I5IPORTE 1I Having constantly on hand for sale a large assortment of materia!, consisting in part of WAGON TIM HER. Ill OX', STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders! For fjch Artu-'f nn The Most Favorable Term?. ZW All work from this establishment. and all material sold on ol der, is warranted to be as represented. J. W. LFWIS. Oregon Citv. Dec l.lfiia. l:lv A CARD FOR THE FALL AXD WINTER CXjOTMEXG TAI22 Of Sun Pra ncisfo. BADGER & LINBENEERGER, "os. 411, 413 and 415 Pattery street, Cor. .Merchant, San Francisco, Importers and Wholesale Dealers ENTIKIi NEW AND FllhSII STOCK I "T7"E WOULD CALL ATTENTION OF W Country Merchants to our usually large stock of (iooos. Our stock comprises every article in the Clothing and FurnishinT line. We have constantly on hand the Ian'" est and greatest variety of Cassi meres and Wool Hats, of any house in San Francisco, and onr prices for these goods are less than those of any house, as we receive them di rect from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock of Fa i.i. and Winter Goods is particularly attractive, and the great feature to the country merchant is tile uausuaily low prices. Less than the Cost of Importation ! We also keep the staple articles in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have pur chased in this market under the hammer, and are offering them at New i'ork cost, or less. We publish this card in order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices ! Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, Respectfully vir id.'t Srrls, HADGFIi &. LIN'DEN'l'.KUGFli, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos 411, 413 and 415 ISattery street, fcian Francisco, July liCih, 'ti7, 42.Zm PEHSOXS T.V WANT OF CJIOICE VA rteties of Mowers, are invited to examine our assortment before pureU.-tidnr e!s where. KELLY A ril.SBL'KV. L'Mf i J'ost office, Oregou City. . M ISC EL L N$o Ujs. Whiskers and Hus'rT pOKCEDtogrowupoS;:??5 rf- thre five wei-Uj hest fie bev.gne's Restaurateur Capiffi ut!InDr. wonderful discovery in modern Z' he npon the beard and hair in an a L?'' 0 nlous manner U ha9 been u jfe ft Pans and London with the Zn le elit success. Names of all parcel atteri2 registered, and if entire So given in every instance, the irn ,SBt cheerfully refunded. I'-r bvS'.k BEAUTY Anbnrn.Golden.Flasen.Silken Crn PRODUCED by the use of Vro7 jfe &li Fri,erLeChevanx. One Uffi win-anted to curl the most st rain t ,,i n ' born hair of either seX into wav " rfnM1ub or heavy massive curls lLiab-w, sJe?s the fashionables of Paris and London the most gratifying results. Doe"no ;n ' a to the hair. Price by mail, sealed lndTy paid, Si. Descriptive circular maikd" Address: Behoeu Sncrrs Co., Zi-Jy) -0. L'N) River st., Trov v bole Agents for th United States. excelsiobPTxSlsSiTP &IASTELLAirs HAIR EXTERMIHATOE' For Removing Superfluous Jhir, ' rjO the ladies especially, thi mmv j J-pdatory recommends itself as'b'n an almost juJ.jpen;.'!,',p- article to ferr;a!e beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or in jure the skin, but ads dirtCf!y on the roots. It is warranted to remove supet I'aous hair from low foreheads, or from any partCf 1S body, completely, totally, and "radically Cl-tii-patiug the same, leaving the skia'sof smooth and natural. This isthe unQani, used by the French, and it is the oniv really effectual depilatory in existence. Price"'' cents per package, sent postpaid to auy ad dress, on receipt of an order, l.y BEKGER, tfliPTTS A Co.," C!)Amist.s -'1J) 285 River St., Troy, y. 'y. There cometh glad tidings of joy to an To young and to old, to great and small The beauty which once was so preciou a'ni rare. Is free lor all, and all may be fair. By t!ie se of" CHASTELLAE'3 WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For improving and beautifying the con plexion. The most valuable iui&yfvfect v' aration , in use, for giving the skfn a beautiHa pearl-like tint, that is only found in ym,u It quickly removes Tan, Freckels, I'ixnW Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowne Enm' tions, and all impurities of the skiD.'kindir healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as alabastar. Its use cannot be detected bv the closest scrutinv, and bein- a veVt? ble prepaiation is petWlv harmless, in, the only article of the kind used bv French and is considered hv the Pk.Hsimu" as mdh pensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of ao,n..0 bottles were sold dnrinciepast rear a sufficient guarantee of its t-flieaev. iVi'r-s 75 cents. Sent Ly mail, post pud, on receipt of an order, bv q 1 RERGER, SIIUTTS & Co., Chemists 2":!y) 2 River st., Troy, S.Y. SEPARATOR CAPIILL. Throw away your false frizzes, your switchei your icr Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fi; Come aned, come youthf ul, corne u:r)v anj f4?f And rejoice in your own luxurianYhair. Reparator Capilli : For restoring i lair upon baU heacL (from what, ever c.-.use it rosy have f!!.-n out,) and forcing a growth of Lair upon the f.-tc", it has rinQr-fju:t!. It wnl force the beard to crew urcn th smoothest face in from five to eistlit' weeks, or hair upon b;dd heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioneis lia asserted that thete is uuibinz that wit! tune or hasten the growth of" the' hair or bcar.i The:'- assertions are false, as thecsand of living witnesses (from their osvnexm-iieucti can bear wino-s. Rut many wiUssy, ,w ate we to distinguish the 2i"mi;n? from ike spurious? It e.-rt ai nly i.Vdiliicnh, as uinj teuths of the difiereut prepurutuiiis at'.v'r tised for the hair and beard ate cnt:rc woitLless, and you may have already throtvii away large amounts in their purchase. To such v.-e would say. try the Repaiattn, Capilii it will cost you nothing unless it fuKV comes up to our representations. If your druggist does not keep it, send us one "dollar and' we will forward it, postpaid, together With a re ceipt fur the money, which will be returned you on application, .providing entire satis faction is not t;iven. Address : (7:- W. L." CLARK & Co., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, X. Y. AFFLICTED ! S U FF E R N 0 M O R El When by the use of i)n. Joixvillf.'s Cuxib you can be cured permanently, at a trilling cost. The astonishing success" hich has fit tended this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility, and Prostration, Loss of Muscular energy, Irnpoteney, or any of the consequences of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove siil nervous affections, depression excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, tnousrhts of self destruction, fears of insanity, Ac. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by exec of evil prac tices. Young men, be humbugged no mor by "Quack Ioctors," and ignorant practi tioners, but send without de!y for the Elixir and be at once restored to health and happi ness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every instance. Price $1, or four bottles to cue address, .$:. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in any ordinary case. Also: I in. Joixville's Specific Pills, k'r the speedy and permanent cure ol(onorrht Gleet. Uretha! discharges, Grav Stricture, and all affections of the Kidnevs and blad der. Cures effected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomache or" impregnate the -breath. Xo ehansre of diet is necessary while using them, nor does therSaction in any way interfere with business pursuits. Price?! per box. Either of the above mentioned articles wnj be sent to any address, closely fa)eJ, " postpaid, by mail or expression receipt ot price. Address all orders to RKRUER, SJIUTTS & Co. Chemists, , 2T.ly) Zo. 52S5 River st Troy, asteqlogyT" the world astonished 4t the Wonderful Reflations MADE BY THE GREAT ASTl"I-'GISTj Madame II. A. PERRIGO. O She reveals secrets no mortal ever kne-. Restores to happiness those who, from ' ful events, catastrophes, crosses in oxe,- of mouey, A.c, have become despo naeiii.. She brings together those long separate, gives information concerning absent frientta or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells j ou the business you are best quaiil1 to pursue and in what you will be most suc cessful, causes speedy " marriages and - vou the verv day vou'wiil marry, sives?! the name, likeness, and characteristics ot tue person. She reads your very thought. bv her almost supernatural powers, "live1 the dark and hidden mysteries of the future From the stars we see in the firmament--malefic stars that overcome or predoniina--in the conjuration--from the aspect! arm positions oi "the planets and the fixed the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail cot to cou suit the greatest" Astrologist on carh" costs vou but a trilie, and you may nev gain have so favorable an opportunity, to sulfation fee. with likeness and alL der-' ...... a .ii.;fal3.c information, l. rarues ii . , ' ,.l can consult the Madame by mail witli equ safety and satisfaction to themselves, aS person. A full and explicit chart, an-.e out, with all inquiries answered and '"V enclosed, sent i.v mail on receipt ot rnfe above mentioned. The stricter secy ' be maintained, aud ail corresponded turned or destroyed. References ot t-.jc o .. . ,..i- r.. ,..,;.!,".. ,i !,fw(. desiriarr tneni. dcMi-wigi'"''; , of iUj iNo!i:.i r. Write plainly me a) 1,1 ,i:. the vew in which vou were born, ei.- ' -a small IolU of hair. Address C irV Md.ME 11- A. PLRRfc''. " ' " J. J. JfAiv.ci fi.il'- -v I' Xi f c A