Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, August 24, 1867, Image 2

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    . .'BBfifit ij-'SftV ' -IslHijytifPVtWH'ta
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i m m , .-, 11 111 - ,
Oregon City, Oregon :
. c Kiasv, EniToit axi riiCPRiETon.
Saturday, August 24, 1867.
History. JuJge J. F. McCoy, of
Portland, is writing a history of
Opi'cwncN Steamer. A small
sterner culled Lewisten, has lattly
. been built at Umatilla, to run be
tween Cililo and Lewiston.
Chant. General Grant has aK
$ ready nude several changes in the
Y;tr Office, assigning a number of
Stanton's favorites to active duty.
Cliques Vd Plunderers. The
,,!VMMt attitude of the politicians
Portland suggests the idea of
'Cliques and plunderers," rather
forcibly. Q
Mount Hood. We shall Boon
know how high this mountain is.
Col. Williamson, of the Topograph,
ical Engineers, and a large party
of gentlemen, with an escort of cav
alry, started for a full and complete
Qfiurvey of the mountain, on last
Married. Brother Gault, of the
Sentinel, called in to see ns on
Wednesday morning, looking very
cheerful indeed. It was not until
nfu-r he had taken his departure
that wo learned he had committed
Mitrimorry on Xho day previous.
We cougratulatehim.
The Noktiirf.x Pacific The St.
Paul Pioneer favors the extension of
certain roads in the Western States,
and a consolidation of interests with
the Northren Pacific. It is now ad
mitted ou all side3 that the Nor
thren Railroad is so backed that
it is one of the very strongest in
' the country.
Horse Protkctor. A Califoruian
has invented a cloth pad, on which
is placed a cup for hclding water,
the whole to rest between the ears
of a horse so that a little water
passes out at a time, keeping the
head ngist. Anything which allevi
ates the sufferings of this noble
animal should meet with approba
tion. Nothin'g New. The New York
27rtfdSsays that President Johnson's
personal habits ' havceen rigidly
and severely abstemious ever since he
has been in the Presidential office."
Jvery one knows that. Why won't
the Times tejj us 'Something new
something that willtry our faith.
There's no merit in believing such a
statement as that. Give U3 sorae
thin;? harder to swallow.
Goon Time On Monday last we
received two letters from New York
dated July 25th, making the time
to this place twenty -five days. One
was ntao received 21 d.iys from
Providence, li. I.These letters came
througfron the overland route, via
Salt Lake City, and Idaho. Our
JLalena, Montana, papers, now reach
us in IS days.
Goinu Rather Steep. An Oma
ha, Nebraska, Base Ball Club, have
nee pted a challenge from the 0
cider.! il Base Ball Club of Denver,
to pi iy a match game at the latter
pi. ice. This we call going rather
steep. The Omaha club will take
ears to North Platte, distance 305
miles, thence run their lines through
hostile Indians range up to Denver
300 miles farther, by stage.
Stomach vs. Intellect. Uelmon
ico kepps the restaurant of New York
City, and dispenses the finest " feeds"
on this continent. lie is apprecia
ted, patronized and is rich. Heap,
peals to the stoniache of New York,
and the stomach is grateful. He
returns an income of 200,000 per
annum. Dr. Horace Bushnell, is the
iradihg theologie.il thinker in the
Lrotcv: ;..! Us. He is among the
lu st of American scholars and writers.
A recent book of his, is pronounced
by the leading foreign reviews one
of the ablest and deepest ever writ-
-.en on the subject of which it treats.
1 io appeals to the intellect of New
Yolk, of his country, of the world,
lie returns an income of four hun
dred doll.irs per annum.
Need Stirring vr. Tfho people
f-t San Francisco aro enterprising,
bat they are not the most enter
prising people in the world, else thev
would not allow a Panama steam
ship to bring for reshipment to
Japan whole cargoes of unspecified
merchandise from Liverpool, besides
packages from New York. Why
suffer New York merchants and En
j opeans to monopolize a trade which
we can turn to our own benefit?
lf Uie Pacific Coast is to become
the commercial factor for nearly all
ne trade between our Eastern cities
-u European ports on one side,
nd those of oriental countries on
the other, it i3 time we began lay
i'lg the foundation walla to build
the superstructure upon. It U time
that indolent 18,000,030 in San
Public peak.iug.
Our distinguished Senator, Geo.
II. Williams, delivered aa eloquent
and interesting speech before the
people of Oregon City and vicinity
assembled in the Court House, on
Friday the IGth inst. Of the subject
matter of his speech, occupying three
hours, and embracing in epitome all
that has been done or attempted, by
onr National Congress, on the sub
ject of " Reconstruction," we can
but barely speak.
Opening in happy Corwinian style,
by a reference to the Reconstruction
subject, the Judge said he proposed
to tell the people of Oregon a small
part ol "all which he had seen, and
a part of which he was,'' in the per
formance of his duty, as Senator of
the United States during the past two
years and a half, at Washington.
Taking up his topic, from the time
when the armed power of the Con
federacy was broken, and the cohorts
of treason and rebellion were scatter
ed before the stearn valor of Union
armies, the speaker adopted in suc
cession all the leading measures
adopted by Congress, the logic of
which is too familiar to our many
readers to need recapitulation here,
if our time would allow. An apt
com prison was drawn between what
our country now is, and what it would 1
have been, if Democratic counsels
had prevailed at any time from the
days of Granny Buchanan, down to
. . .
Lilt llliai ICitl Ul lUUIIIl. lit 11 I I til" I
son and rebellion died before Rich' J
Judge Williams is one of those
men of whom we have good right to
be proud. The loyal Union men
who sent him to the Senate of the
United States, are freely satisfied
with every word he bas spoken, with
every vote he has cast. And now in
canvassins for possible and probable
names for President and Vice Presi-
dent of ihe United States, the name
of our Senator is often heard; and if
any man is taken from the PaciGc
slope, Williams is the man.
We have ouly one complaint to
make of onr Senator he has denied
us the American luxury of $ru?nb-
ling, not having said or done any
thing we have any fear to criticise, if
we wanted to, which we are sure we
do not.
At xurora next dav, the distin-
it .1 i . i I
guisnea gentleman was received wun
a nearty welcome uy ur. ivue nna
oiners. poKQ mere m tne a.icr-
noon una ie.iurm.-u ue.M, u;iy, ichvih-
here by the steamer Union on Mon
day, to fill appointments iu Yamhill
TT'. O. " ' i 1
v ii::at Axn i LOUR. AUl on
since we stated that the markets of
Australia, China, and Japan were
apparently well supplied with bread
stuffs, and as a necessary conse
quenee the trade in these articles had
declined with the counties mentioned
Iu times of financial and commercial
plethora little trouble is taken to
open new sources ot irado. Jntcr-
prise, invention ana discovery are
the children of
plies of bread
mentioned con!
has so proven.
our uour .s last replacing rice. A
knowledgs of cooking it properly is
invanab.y followed by its use. The
demand for Our breadstuffs is COn-
linually increasing even in China,
which has always been a con
siderable consumer. Japan has
opened and entirely new market, and
promises to become one of our best
customers. As a consequence we
are informed that wheat is stei.uv in
the San Francisco market are nearly
2 cents per pound. The prices range
from 1.70 to $1.90 per 100 pounds,
and flour from $5.00 to $G.00. This
being the case why should wheat be
nominal at a cent and a fraction in
Oregon Go cents per bushel is the
ruling quotation in Portland. We
should encourage 'direct trade, get
vessels at our wharves from Atlantic
I ports, to carry away our surplus
gra5n wool, etc.
i x-ixed x act. it is almost too
eood to believe that the slow Dokin?
about in this lovely State is so soon
to be changed to the lhjhtins speed
of fast express, aud mail trains cf
cars, over modem and approved iron
rails-yct it is a fixed fact that tho
Railroad ;s coin to be built. When
Dr. Mugowan delivered hisaddress so
startling with truths relative to the
the San Francisco Chamber of Com
merce; when we were writing with
so much hope for the future of the
Pacific Coast about the same time,
and when we contemptuously shud
dered at the cold shoulders given to
! all those warm hearted and ambi
tious hopes, by the majority of peo-
pie by whom we were surrounded,
our inward prayers were that we
might live to see the dream to which
" w fa SSV' i'i-4 uiyui:m, iLiUbteu.
-0 O
It is soon to be.
Ask your neighbor to subscribe
tor the tXTERPSiSE.
necessity. Th. sup- cf the termhuUion of the wa, an, I land, in that line-paid dear for it, j " T , . 'T w,h ? hVd' ,
stuffs in the markets t,....k..u .... ' ! too; and we know there is "no uso "u "urft,ls,'! account oj suca incKS. m.eruun n awes ore uaas
d not last Ion. It , . c "r ' ,a talking' Y,, may rest nssured. ; " ' '.uZZ i V .t . I, i tw o Vth 'nernun icend bno i S
t l ixl inirtcvei. inat U'iiii villi OGl vom .. . mvu i.vihic'.viu. itu.iii.vn. ah iiiu v..uiu-
ln Lnma ana jaoan r-.,.-,i ,..;.k f i..:.,. ... . .. . -. 1. inn t. . 1 it- i,t .iin..i.. i ,.,,. . t;.-,. r,..,., .1,
rapidity of the changes being effected Sa-VS traveIlS !ias '"creased, ai the j b. District attorney has commenced
in the currents of the Words' Com- f th s! The I to , ol e hd. C. S
merce, less than one year ago before San Francisco to Napa, Tm
Con Ii:iou of the Country.
The recovery which is now going
forward in England from the mone
tary depression which culmiuated in
the great financial panic of last year
is a gratifying symptom of a revival
of confidence in that country, says the
N. Y. Herald of the 13th. Had it
not been for the mistaken views of
the leaders of British political opinion
with respecct to the duration and final
issue of the war in the United States, j
the causes which operated to produce
that panic would r.ot have existed;
for the previous inflation of which it
was the consequence would not have
been experienced. The stoppage of
the cotton supply from the Southern
States threw a large amount of capi
tal out of employment, and new chau
uels of usefulness had to b formed
to absorb it. There were not want-
ing, of course, speculators to organize j
new enterprises ana promote m.an ;
c'ul schemes, and to these the British
public lent a ready and willing ear.
Cotton rose rapid iy in price, and it
was confidently predicted that Amer
ica would never resume her former
place in the cotton markets of the
world. Hence attention was turned
to Egypt, to India and flsewhere, as
cotton fields designed to supply the
looms oi Manchester, and cotton
growing companies rose like mush-
rooms within a radius of half a mile
of the London Slock Exth mg- All
went on prosperously with these and j
, .... 34i-
lUUUMUUJ Ul 'IIIHI.U UllUC: lUMllg i, j
and prices rose higher from month to I
month on the Stock Jxehange and in
the cotton market, till the war iu the
United States Buddenly termiated, and
a new prospect unfolded itself. A
panic in cotton following a previous
decline of magnitude, involved the
loss of many millions sterling in Eng-
land alone, and its effects extended j
to India and the other cotton rov
ing countries, where immense havoc
was committed. The financial do
pression through which England
passed, however, more than discount-
Jed the results of peace in the United
States, and hence a new period of
speculation has set in, which is likely
to culminate in another great itiflit-
tion, although not as great as the
former one. This time it will par
take more of the character of nation-
al prosperity, instead of bubble com
In tilis countrv we are just escap-
lroin a somewhat similar, al
til0ugh much less severe, period of
commercial depression as that
throngh which Etigland passed, aris.
ing from popular fears of a revulsion
and a vague idea that ISO 7 would
- i
I Y ILIIC.l .1 1 I.i I Wl IL '' .1.1.1 .1 Mil'
There has been an abnorma
of despondency and gloom,' and the
enterprise of the nation has been to
some extent paralyz-jd. Now, how
ever, a change for the better has ta
ken place. The neonle see th:-it all
the talk about, an early resumption
i ii
nfcrk0io nol,mM. ,t Blvoc.nfr
revuI,;on were onh fahe alarms
I iu irtiia ix.ini vilii t iiici i is
in2 zea. And this imiul.se is ma-
terially strengthened by the prospect
of an anUsually abundant harvest.
fnnev i likelv to romnin ehPitn nnrl
abundant on both sides of the Au
lantic for a long time to come, and
the indications are of the most en
COurauini kind for business men.
The extreme abundance and
cheapness of money in England and
on the Continent causes a considera
ble amount to be left here to the
credit of foreign houses, and hence
remittaucos are made slowly
x iil 5
monetary case is still increasing the
last weekly return of tho Bank of
France receiv
increase of 336
a total now
AAA T. i: . c
vvu. aii me uwi i itponumg return or
the Bank of England an increase of
coin and bullion in both departments i
of 409.914 is also shown, makinc
the total .22,2S0.GS4
allf e were charmed
I - 7 ur
with NaPa Valle-V' on our tour to
Califjrnia 1-st year, notwithstanding
' fWere S ct
dll6t reach Cahstoga, from Mupa
Citr' The ra'llro:ld, '-hen in pros-
ect haS since been near!' completed
l CalistoSa and a correspondent
country above, is much easier, more
conve,,itnt and satisfactory.
Say what we may of a warm cli
mate, "Napa" is a very pleasant
city, with very pleasant and healthly
surroundings.and very pleasant drives
wnich will restore the sick and make
even well folks happier.
Fairs. The Oregon State Fair is
to be held in October this year. The
I r f 3 .1 ti
I I .inn I .nntr o n i f ha V t K 1 n rr r t-v
" w ... '""
County lairs will be held next month
the latter beginning on the 24th,
continuing four days.
ovcr-uiscounted trie results lull; we nave had exoenenco in l ort- ; ..e .i. . r..f ,u.. ........ ... .r . .. i sumps und eiiirravcs them with any name
i - .i.t i
l i t ii o x I u c .ilr: lit-'.'i ri . ttf i ' t . , : . i- .,. . . . t t .i. . m - v -i . i - n . t r-1 . . . , r
i ivi-i u ..' .ion-, vu v.--.. ..i. i !..,. .1... i .i. i ciitju".i ini wuui let inei i ue- .....,!-. :.. .1 11 .1. .
ed show in a further re - i?uel turned upon 1 but not suflicientlv so to render him ; 'a,ll--s' watches in plain gold or the finest n-
& ' I t rn , , , , ! t.i:. ........ . 1. .. ... . , . .... : anu-led and jeweled cases : btit the indisnen.
.000 Sterling makin iU iOW,,SOn' Wl'e" 110 was S,1t i UU U' r. tV:U,?'St ' Ms llllt sable requisite of ad their watches is that
. . . f r- 1 A ! twice by tnat othcer. It is doubtful 1 ' eecnes with the llowing integuments j they shall be yood timekeepers. It. should
HI Its vaults of JtoO.lOO,- i ,.,u,.,i, ; , 1 , ,.r ,1,.. - .: 1 ! ,tf tho i.T.,,i..t.,;.ir.t,r.. p.....:,,'.. i be remembered that.oxcent their sin-lii luw. i
ana iiietice to austoga ana aw the
The Eugene Juttrnul speaks Ioudl v
of the quartz found near that city. (
Reuben R. Rlurit committed sui- j
cide by shooting, near Albany on
the lSui.
The Orijlamme arrived on Wed
nesday evening, and will sail today
at 7 o'clock i. m.
Tlie annual parade of the Portland
Fire Department will take place on
Monday September 2 i.
Buena Vista, Polk county, is im
proving so fast that they realize the
necessity of commercial facilities.
On the 19th and 20lh of next
month '225 will be given to fat
horses, in premiums for spued over
the Albany course.
The Pioneers beat the Occidentals
at Portland last Wednesday by 31
runs. The large number of runs
shows awkward fielding.
A semKwetklv mnil between Al-
hany and Brownsville, has been pe-
titioned lor. Ihis is the right way
to proceed to procure it.
It Ls said that the St. Helen iron
mine has passed into the hands of
W. S. Ladd, Esq., of Portland, and
Col. Hay ward of San Francisco.
Rev. J. F. Damon has been or
daincd by the Congregational Coun
cil, and will remain as pastor ol the
church at Albany.
Mr. D. P. Thompson of this city,
and Surveyor General Pengra of
Eugene, have gone east of the moun
tains on a surveying expedition.
Mr. Mai lory, who has just return
ed frorn Washington City, speaks in
if i ins ui mii run) minim-, n inc.
r; -..
unM.uiii. ' v i
Taylor who instituted the first i
Lodge of Good Templars in Ortgon,
is i i o w iu London, lecturing on the
same topio temperance. He is said
to be a slippery Divine by some.
Brother Hand, of the Mountaineer,
has lately seen a squash at the Dalies j
...;..Kir,,r"'ril.f. ifto il,,, it .n..ct b.,v-.
)ec,, a terrible squash " such as
Swift sneaks of. !
The Dalles people will give Sena- j
tor Williams a booming welcome, on i -i- u. . ,
, . . . . . . . . ! lit.U'fiS i.v Wool. A svstem of
Ms visit to them next month. inis I
is es it should be. Hope no on will trnv.ch practiced by wool growers
be indicted for it. upon buyers in California, has
Ore-on furnished California withU1 'O.no to light. The buyers
seeds, from Uev. Mi. Dickenson's j
garden near Salem, to the amount of
Sil.O'JO this year. Three times tlmt
amount is expected, to be Suld tuxt !
year. j
Tue nnst.-il rxnonses in Oregon arc
MnL - f ,u . . ,
208,710. 4 in excess of l ho receipts ;
nccoidir.g to tho annn report of the 1
Postmaster General. It would py
the Govenmient to build roads for
meter. It-Uher -leusant style, ard
correct. But why leave the Advo.
. . .i i f r . -t . I
! 1 If 11' lllll. 111 lit 1111'. 1. till, 11.1111 ' . iyi1
vim not know tnat w ithout it th
fraternity would lack one of the con
sti tacit parts of its intelPgence :
P.v her iiroi'ineI wo In
t rel'irsr.u learn:
Its glorious ohjt
j uc j.n iuiu :.- fiiuravuniy i
II... I 1 .... I ..-..'(..............a ...I
stimulate tiie bufdneiss men of Port
lisiid to use their latent nnorj;ies in
an efFrt to counter.-ict the " inllnence
us, at that rate, m orJer that o- i .. -,.. ;, .,. ., ,., rpilIS COMPANY liEa I.KAYE TO IX-
i r ii let litcntal. ou, ti.c!i uotu cs at: eugui .. , ,: . ... t t, ;
tractors may be. found who would bid ; ' , : e.un .!..; ro.u to..t u.oy com- (
fl... ,..:.,...:,. 1 of slap.ie aud causes it lo be black j nu-nced opuratiuns m 1'. and tiieir hietory
lower tOl cat I V ng thy sna. i t 1 no v.- covers ihxu- res cd urotind, and has !
. . , , j vtllow instead of white, so that it ; Co:.t more than a ini'lion .ioliars, and em-:
iiio Mountaineer takes ofT tiie t - . . i ,.i,.., .lVe,- r.v. .-. io-attv.-j. Tt ev i.i-oduee !
sririr of the Oreiron nrcs in short S n uuly b0 Usel ,,r d:,r,i co.orea ; i w:itch a 'wur. a.,d n.ai .:d sell
of Iliil I3each and his Cisco coaches, i wo"d is inspected in San Francisco I '.urts cf,hs5e watcher -i,m vuiiou facio
V ,1 . I i , , . , i lies, '.iiisii raid put tne in together, ana take
lou may as well soare your efforts, : ar.d we should hate to see tho clip i them to the neuct watch "m.-rchant, who
j days, for not doimi somethin r fur th
country! The experiences of a local
reporter in Portland are disgusting.
Who can you look to for assistance
in what you sutrsresl? Who cares a
d for you? We state this in per
fect confidence that nothing will be
Bloodv Work. On Wednesday
morning a crazy or drunken boor on
the streets of Portland. attempted re
sistance to Policeman O'Connor, who
arrested him for disorderly conduct.
The resistance called Policeman
Townsend to tho scene, but not until
i after the desperado Miguel, had shot
Mr" 'Connor wounding him it is
Sharp Practice. Bv the Conli-
"l" " "xvumMiuiu kji uic inei.
n e v fj iv u w i" in fi .rnto.l f t h n n- .iK1-
of the schooner Sarah, Capt. Swann,
ner.r Santa Cruz. Her destination
was the Amoor, via Victoria. Her
manifest was sealed. The transac-
; tion was rather dark, and it final-
j out Z consist-
ed of alcohol, .shipped in bond for
exportation out of the United States,
The alcohol was lost said to be
though this is not sure, and the U.
Settled. When e saw reports
of an injunction regaining H. C.
Yictor from prosecuting his works in
Cowlitz and Columbia counties we
were astouisned knowing as we did
that he and bis partners h;:d the en
tire confidence of each other. Mr.
Davis in a card on Thursday last an
nounces that Mr. Yictor holds his
power of attorney as heretofore; that
his exercise of that power in the past
has been satisfactory; and that he dis
approves of the recent unwarranted
and intermeddling interference with
the business between tlicta.
will be4- cussed, some ot these 1 " v " '" "v- t- u , , - - ...... .... . .,, 1
t 11 ULIIIV 1 Vv I tlt 1 VJ iniuiiu nirii
1 I
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to tlie Oregon uin.
Rainess was reported reviving in
i. , ,-, ti. l 7rl,
sew oik, on the 1 1 tu. ,
Tho American squadron with Ad - i
mini Farraut has arrived at Co:i- j
. , ,r , i i
John C. Hcenan has given bonus j
to appear 10 answer the chargo of j
keeping a gambling house. j
The white police of Mobile are re- j
Mgimii; linn jviin., w...0 -- j
liif to serve uuuer uegiuea.
ng 10 serve uhuw u'"
A creat rain storm continues I
hroughont EnglaiuK and it !
thoutrhr. that the crops have suffered j pq
extensively m some uistnc.o. j
The Fenian scare is becoming j
prevalent at Montreal. It is f.p- j
prehendtd that they propose a raiu j
at the time oi the coming election. .
Advices Iron) Mexico announce
that the Government has refused to
deliver the body ot Maximilian to.
the Austrian Government. We can
take that as doubtful.
Carlotta is in better spirits, and
her mental condition is slightly im
proved. She knows that Muximilan
is dead, but fancies that he died from
A Boston dispatch of the 17th says
the sales of wool are the largest of
the season, nearly one million seven
hundred thousand pounds, selling for
from 40 to (39 cents.
Gen. Rossean and the Russian
Commissioner, with William S.
Dodg-, Special Agent of the Treasury j
and Collector or the port or oitKa,
leave New York the next steamer.
Recent heavy rains have done j
i i ri i i in. mt ill iiifri.r'iiv ill i il'. vi-
cinity of Wahii;gton. Tho storm
oxteiuled to liailimore niul Pliihidel
P":1, damaging crops m tnose -arts j
trreat! v.
Jeff D tvis has gone to giving opin
ions on the TVnriesst'e election. lie
says that the result of tho election in
rr. l i . ... I l l .
ler.nessee win prouaoiy inaugurate a
war of races. It is believed that no
other course is left for the whites in
thilt bta,! l)llt to discharge the ltadi-
cal blacks from employment.
found themselves victimized, but
could not tell how, finally they
havij icarnea that the lk-rees were
. , , , . , . T
sprinkled with water. In some cases
it. nmotmtofl to a loss of from 1 to
,,, rr. .. t- I'.i.tt,!
V per cent. Ihe evil of this fraud 4l-UlI
1 i
lluL However, iy toss vi
weight, as lii3 water, in connect-
:oa ,v;th the natural trrease. causes
grades of iroo Is.
Ji is
; very certain tiiat il l ha practice is
1 V . fc 1
... 1
Will destroy the repu-
t. tion cf the cut ire wool crop of
l h it
Oriio.! WoOl has been
! h'UP.u to cohltuu stone.-?, ana f-uui
i i i.ve iiiu. tei d '.i.:ii tu um: j j j. 11 pre-
Jsisteil in i.".t!.v v t
'. , . . ... .?
.., ...... . .....
account to t;0 WOO, rroWs
UM Ji- . t., il,,.i
J v c
pure and unaduitrated.
M. . ,
AT ED. Apropos, ot the tight-
legged breeches now iu fashion m the
States and few of which have as yet
maue tneir appearances here, quite an
amu.-ing occurence was witnessed on
, j ,i- .
our streets yesterday. An oflicer of
den. Terry's staff, dressed in the fash-
ionah'.e unmentionables mentioned,
r . , . ,'
me nrsi pair we nave seen in Hie
mountains, was proceed in leisurely
down the street, when from one of the
t i 1 . , . . .
hotels came out a pi!nm dressed m
an excruciatingly tightpair of t!ie new
style breeches, and which made him
1. .j. , ;e l i f i iii
iooktis it hi.3 lower limbs had lontr
been afiilCted With tile "pipe stem
fever." Tho pbgrim was laborin"
, ... 1 . 1 1 r . - 1
I under quite a load of mountain dew,
! . "i i ,
theofiicer, however, he stopped and
regardilig his liether limbs with much
ciiiiinl.ifftncv rrie.b "lim tf I
1 - . T ,t
. , "
j ciiu t LT.'KK lL'tS Willi tiiUt in.'ttl DI1V
how. Stranger, you 're the first ntbii
! 1 ve ,mt 111 e moiintains that had
1 ve met in the
j Uti lnine-? U'h ws.
; Wealth bears heavier on talent i
j than poverty
j MoKMONt.Mirmouis fear- !
fuv icr,asingf and unless a check is nut !
j upon their immigration they will ha
are an
army large enough to defy a strong body of
nien to suppress them. The increase in our
city not ot Morinonisni, says the Il-a-aU, :
'. , i . iH Mine 01 rvonn v
b .shel wdl also shortly be immense that
the public will take pleasure in calliug unon '
them to select from their tine and fashidna- i
ble clothing, which will par them, as the !
price and quality of ihe goods will be sutli- !
cient inducement for them to purchase their '
iu ui jvo'iu a risiiei.
The Res ii fou the Family Dye
Colors of Howe A Stevens is r.s great as
ever. Once introduced to a familvor neigh
borhood, and they spread like wildiire. The
ruth is they are so nice to have about the
house that every prudent and sensible mat-
ron iriU hare ihtm. Ih.u-e A .r.. ..
ploy some one hundred hands to keen up
tn tin hr x
Sold by Bell A Parker, Oreeon Citv, and
by bmith A Davis, Agents for Oregon."
Nkw Uestai-kaxt. Wo learn that Mr.
Jacob Brenu long and favorably known
as a steward in Oregon waters, bas opened
a restaurant on Green street. Oswego. Ie
wnl be a convenient place fur exclusion-
wis and visitors to lunch at. ou their
1 ro.incls. about ibid embryo Pitta).
$ew Advertisements.
County Assessor's Notice.
JlN Assessor will aUend at the office of tl
my eki,. f cluckiUnsw ty. cn
Jlondot, ejtemoer Uoa, ito,
and with the assistance of the County Clerk, j
: , 1 : ' 1 . . J .
iia correct an trior iu vaiuauuu ana lies
criptions of lands, lot.', and other propel
1 c. o. DO YNTON. Assessor.
44.5tJ Clackamas County,
j$"slf 2aSlMC-B. TSlWillST
M--00s w
.Manufacturer and Wholesale I'ftJer ia
HumefS, Saddles, SaddlerV
" i
W are, ccc, &c.
And everything appertaining i the
JifAli kinds of Carriage Triiiimissr done
to older. i-H.tf
"off ohitiox"
To Nev,r York, via Nicaragua,
Through Aliead of the Mali!
Shortest and oidj Healtfnj Route ! j
.1- Comf'any will dispatch their steamer.
from San l-'nlnciseo, in
f ---i o '-Z : i i t c ;t;Tiiiff r . m i
ctA :fdv
27t - --i-VVLp
SAT ritDAY, SEl-TEMIiKli 1 4th, S. S.
Capt. IJlethk.v. conneetiii!? with the Xew
C,00ii Tons.
Cai'T. Wakemav. connectinjf with the Faat
aiid Favorite Sterurtship
jjf The Coino-iny wi'l increase ?he
nnniber of their 'Trips as fust their New
Steamer! nrrive on this (.'oit irom ITew"
i York. Until farther notice, will s! evcrr
i -JO days. I. V. ItAYMOND, A pent. '
; Cor. I'r.sc arid 1'atttrv streets.
Saa Fnuieisco. !
. , . I
" ,r 'T
; AiilCrlC&H Wilii'il COliIpSliy
's Of Mdihum. Ma.
not h'ss th.i: one 1.
t:i thif eiiited Stati
wate!:es &old
The di.I'ereaee be. ween their mamifaoture
.in.. I. - .. '! .- . l. : . . v
: vetches avre made a:K!o.--tVntirelv I,, hu,J.
si nii i'.io result .is ui' eocei',y a !ie.:k o' that
nniforniitv, which is ir.'Ji.-5:;'.'ns;ejk- to correct
' tiine-kee?;tii;. Potn the- eve and the hand
id" tiic t:iosi siiiidui i.; e;'r.t!ve
Uut it is a fact that, excent wa
in-.T.-t vary,
lies ol the
3 f. , . , , , ...... :i ...
1 land, and the result is th- worthless Ancres,
j Lepines and so called I'.t?nt Levers which
i SUOn cost more in attemnttal icnairs. than
their original i.i ict
Cjiiiiiion workmen.
hovs niul women, bnv the i uu m separate
. i.ii iii.iu'it.us in in:; eoui'iiL'tlu tl l Li
....... . ... - .. I ...'.. . c .1
Watch, are carried on under one tool" and
under one skuiha and competent direction.
li-u the great distinguish!-.;? feature of their
! Wntehes, i the f,; t that their several parts
aid of he.maa iiHtv.s'.w. K cry one of the
i !aorC! tliuu 11 hvmdred parts uf every watch is
made bv a machine that infallibly renro-
j duces ery succeed. part with tho most
j unvarving ticenraey, it was only necessary
! l? lnato perfoct wtch of any nai ticular
! sivle and titer, to adjust tho hundred in mi
chines neeessarv tu renreduce every part of
1 that waich, and it foilowa that everv suc-
i i v ' ,
lhe Company respectluhy submit their
I watches on tUir merits cr..y. They chum
' t0 m:'-';0 .
, , Ldter ArtlcleM Ihaey
I u.v ineir m'prot ca inecnanical processes
.f,t. n i.,.,.i i,.,. .1,1 f.,. :....
I handicraft system. Thev manufacture eveiy
F'f" f 1 ' ViU0'1s' fn a good, lw priced
! u,.,nuii. inline lll.TJIM ,-HH-l liUUIll'J
! cases, lo the hnest chrouomet&r and uls'o
I est tirade named "Home Watch Coinnuuv.
j Boston," all watches made bv them are mily
! warranted by a special certificate, and this
! warraulee is good at all limes against the
C.'oninanv ov its awiitK.
iSroauwav, V.,
:..',,. ...,i i..
Ii. M. (b-av & Co.. flii; p rchantt kn
j O-
C O M I A r Y .
! r
I X producing a qualitv vi
i ?-iri" ii, s.-r -n-v .3 A -
j 11 flHT.T?.J C-l HOUSl
j Superior to any ever before offered
! on the Pacific Coast !
I Comprising
' n cqi r T?r rro
j '-Vi'Vr' .
1 W Kh DS,
YARN, etc.
XZ Using only the best grades of Wool.
The above goods are otiered to the trade
on the most, favorable terms. All orders
wiU ,!leet with prompt attention.
L . U"'ess : H. JACOB, Agent,
1 t wieuuii in, wregon,
Or b. HJTf-: A P.KO., Agents'at l'oitland.
'.-'ill 1
i 1 . T
ThlmliSc Skein Wagons!
17011 SALE. Also : One good spring wag
on, inquire of
41.2m !
The best I'nrific r of the Blood !
A Pleasant Tonic !
A very Agreeable Drink !
rp'i'y j Unsurpassed lor acting surelr but I
XJzr gently .m the secretions of the kid-
IX f uevs. bowels, stomach and liver !
For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor
drug, aud grocery stores.
J. G. Frisoh, Proprietor.
Taylor & Bkxw.l, Sole Averts,
Sn.ly) Clay si., San Francisco
Dr. Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters. The operation cf tliis paiatabh? rcra
edy upon the stomach, liver ad excretory
organs is singrutariy soothing aixl conserva
tive. It regulates, recruits, and purifies
them. Dyspepsia in all its forms yields to
its control and invigorating properties, and
the caves and duties of siatomitr, an the
safest and best remedy they cau probably
H is recommended to motiiers, enteeuled bv
use. Iu all tbeciisw off.-male life it will he
! found c-n:i:ieut!y useful, aud elderly jcr.-ot).-
I will derive much more belief; from it than
i:orii ordinary stimuiatits. tk-Ld by th-e drug
gisis and dealers everywhere.
HODGE, CALEF & CO., Agents,
SS'.tf 1'urtSaud, Oregon.
Smuggling. When a good article
that comes under the head cf import dues is
sold for less than duties, is is surmisable that
it has been brought into the cowatry snr
repticiously. DaVid (.'o'e of Salem did not
smuggle his stock, but he c?m sell stovts.
eic. cheaaer than any other man ic Oreiron.
irig C
He does do it aud iut-mLi to keep ou dj- I
J'OllTLAM) liU;
l Persons harinsj basiness in IVrtlarte arc ad-
listrti it," ini; iumum m mj. :
ft "E" T I
Ki'Zfc. I'frK 3.U.E LOW
Builders'' Hardware and Carpenters'
IJlacl'smi tits' and 3fachiifiat Tooh,
Coopers utyd Tanners Tj1,
Jfhiivf and Farmers Tooh,
Mill and Cross Cut Sairs,
Ship and Steamboat llardicare,
Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Oars, Pachtno,
Manilla and He .up Cordage,
Anchors, Tt locks and Sheaves,
Po'pder, Pase, Shot. Lead and Caps,
Woo-Jtn JVurs, Twines and Brushes.
BhieKsniiths' Hood?, Cumberland Con, PirS
iinin. liew York nudGritiin iI-ore S"ni!s,
jJwlk'nble Nuts ad Irons for Bug
gies mid Y":.oi:s; Wapon i"H;eia
aud Iron Axles, !.e.
! Ifuls, ..;l, As!f, 'oh" an. SJstfi, J'ent
1 J,e.tji-r ct-c, lv.
Agouti ror A. r. i!a mm;..-& Co., "Wire.
! ' Murc tn ..
Our faciHtic fov jtTre.:iiis;nj!: pol5 in the
Ka!.tern Markets ir.-um of a sHjierior charuc-
ter, we are enabled to oft'er jrood i: our Yaw.
at as low rates as they van he piT t b.a-cii e.i
tilts market. v c caii toe attemi-m ui Oi-ai-crs
to onr stock, which coiunrw-es the ip.o--t
c'.r.jiieti- and exts usive as-ortne.-tt. .t' gootU
iu this Sine ever eU'ered m this market.
J:. J. NOUTiiHUP & '.,
l:;! Front Street, pyrliiind, Oreron.
1 A v. h
j "jf-g
Portland, Oregon'.
.i. the linost stock ever imported to this
c j supervision he can warrant it to be of the
e i best, and would call the attention of di alers
coast. reinf se.eereii unner 111s personal 1
aud wagon makers to his assortment of
Shafts, Bows, Single trees, Plow
Beams and Handles, ci'C
Orders for l'ie above also tor Ike
Scuns, Iron'aed JC :
Muxes, Thim-
Commission Merchant, 38 Pirsl st ,
Corner of Fine, J'ortland, Oregon.
2-77 Consignments solicited. i"t;.y
-wt-st uur ETi i-n wr.n,
fj the Manufacturer,
SS, Boxes
Choice Brands Virginia Chevying !
Liht Pressed Natural Leaf;
Hard "
Br ig h t 1 lus. in Caddies ;
Sweet Honey Dew in Caddies ;
Twist, Pocket Piece, and other
Fancy Styles.
ALSO, 10.000 POUXI);!
Select Virginia Smoking Tobacco !
Of the best brands, put np in bales and
packages of one pound, halves aud
quarters. Also :
Which we are receiving every thirty dayts,
fresh from the manufacturers.
We oticr the above goods to the trade, in
bond or tax paid, at Sail Francisco price, for
cash. We have now on hand, and are con
stantly receiving, a large assortment of
Havana and. American Cigars !
To which we particularly call the attention
of llar-Kooms and De.-.Iers in general.
There can also be found at this estab
lishment, a complete assortment of Yankee
Notions and Fancy Goods, Billiard Halls,
Cue Wax and leathers, Fishinir Tackle, etc,
W AS. Eli .MAN A CO.,
31.3m) 77 Front St., l'oi tland.
Fine Brandies, EitglUh Alt if- Porter, Cliam
pwjne Cider, Jlwl lU.r. fr.
A LSO, Manufacturer of all kinds of Syr
XjL ups, Soda Water and Ginser Pop..
urnei s lor r.ngnsn
io bnlk or br th' case,
Oroei s for English Ale and Pol ler filled
Persons having business in Portland arTY
vised to note the following rirn.i d'
Forwaraisig Merchants,
t. llavvauan and Oietcon Packet I jSl '
Importers of San Oiwiin -n
sland Suit, Sandwich lllnnd Sot"lCff n
Averts for 1'rovost's & Co 's prer,
Fruits. Vegetables, Pickles and VinU.... J
lvtce, ana i'uiu. c
,-, s iu nour, i.i-otr. i;st)n , j-rd &
trint, Lnoe, Cement a nii Plaster.
"WiH attend to the PnrcLsse. Sh- r9 s- .
n .... i . ... it .
1 went of Merchandise or Prod;txg)in X,w
t oik, Sa.i Francisco, Hi.i.-!nnf or Port'7
ALDIMCil, ,MElt;;lLf& Co
.os iiOi avid lliM California StreVt
1 North Front S:rcet, Portland,
Aiitii tijurtitt t; . unit Imparttrt ofT
And WiwU-t'.th and Lt.iU 1'taUrt
No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon..
Are receiving, in addition to their extensive
t Sew York, I-oudsm a.:i-d Paiisian taste! fuir
gefitltfintHi aad childyeu" wear, wLiaij Ui-t
will iH':5 ci-xaper vLi-.ti xv.j ciher beo; ou
the Pacific ctu..
P. S. Hats of every style aud dc scrip 'itv;
made to order, also - neatly rcjajre& 'i'.' Q
Island S'Jgar and Molasses.
fcx-M.-.Twhil-j locket, aasd for
sa?e hr yiX'RAKKS, MKilhfi.u A CO.
mmm company
k t -,-v,'
North Irout aud E sts
W S'TSS "A'J 5-5 C? Alfltv
JL batik c! t's riv.-r. oti block north of Q
Couch's Wharf. aiti hare fucilittes fr turiv
int; out machinery pfcrtly and t.-iticiently.
We have secured the services of ilr. John
Nation, as Direcsor i'1'the Works, wSHe-tr.-periesiee
on this ctnt tor Sittc-en years gtv
hiiij a t?ii):i-irh knowledge of tile various.
ki?;s ef niachinery required tr Kjinin ami
miUiiii- pyj-oM-s. We are prepared to exe
cute orders fjr all clashes of liiachinery and;
boiler works, sueh r.-s q
c, &.,
JLTunuf-t'ire and i-VeV 2l?hlhfrf nf alt
lbd.. " JU'tX XlfC'P'&U V.'uUK'ui fi.ui.
I'ntticix.'o :! .id frti-iiJ.. kthr 4' limx
.J ::r!".-t J j ih-iud'i- i:n-l A;t.t Tuvtltor.
1 j '' Mta-if 'f JdJ.ytitr?Jifrll
J ;':;, eU.r tjul tr nt,
j f'"t' ;: h-jv- ijjiUz .l.n;. l-trs,
f t,t- mini ir-xi. S-.iv
15 3"
X 1.1;. 'ft "B1 P. PrKM-Jl
W 8
Iuipottcr ftnd Wholesale Deale? ia.
Ante; scan- mil En;
fi a k 4 iild tie' ' i U U iai
-V I .' rs f"-V r-A Ptf e
t tit reel, coraer oi" Oak, i'ortlaiid-
Bail dine Ilardirarr, Carpcr.tirs' aivl
Joiners' Tools, Cutlfru, Siddltrij
Hardcare, Sjrings and Axel, and
jJlacUxiw th s' Tools,
Arricuiiura! JmnU r.ieRts !
Direct from Kpftland. selected expressly
fur this Market, q
i p 0 u- D E K IjEAI, AND S II O
j Having h id an KXl'KIUEXCED AGKNT in
j New Yo:k, who attends exclusively ti)
j jnirchasin; and fot wardmj G'oods fur in.-.
1 am enabled to obtain them d'reet iroiii
the Manni'aeturers, at the lowest rater-,
aud to oiler superior inducements tu
purchasers. (U:ly
c-. w. noiUN.sux. j. is. 1-as.e.
Stove and Tin Store!
"So. 151 Front, street, Porthind. Oregon,
next door to Everdiu .t lieebe.
Sloves, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
of stoves of the httest st les. consist
ing in part of the following cook stoves :
" j Pride of the Pacific, IlcpuUie,
j Golden (,'alr. Crystal policy
Buck's I'ulent, Harvest Queen.
10 ot v r
Also : A good stock of Parlor and Bex
stoves, tin ware, Ac, Ac.
Aiso: An assorttiy nt of Pumps, etc.
We are satisfied that we can ,uive satisfac
tion to our patrons, in ever;, respect, as wa
are determined to ell tit fur priee.-f.
We hnid ourselves in readiness, and are
prepared to do looting, spouting, mid
kinds of job vrk, on .-diui t notice, ant. '!1
satisfactory maimer,
KOC1XS0X & bAhh
Portland, March l.Mii, !-.;:. L -1 -1
C. M. M x 5-: u ,
Fitting Establishment,
Xo, 110 VUt Street '. '.3oitll.
Gas Fixtures,
Cooking Ranges,
Ho! Water Boilers,
Marble Tp WashstanJt.
Sheet. Lead and Block Tin,
Water Closets,
Bath Tuhs,
0 Lead P'P
Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes.
TEES, el no W.TJtKTrHXr.EX
Ml' PL E"; li i. 'sitixos, -, o
for Sif.-ur, IV.it'r and O'f-
" - I SO
Scotch Tube, Winer Sc'''
Tallon Piniins, Steam Uu-.f,w" '
Ansile, and Check Valves, -'uae
Coeks, Air Cock, and all k:nd
ot Brass Work. Kuooer
Hose, Hose Pipes, .tc.
Hotels, public buildings, and P"",
deuces heated w ith the latest improve
in steam or hot air apparatus. , .
I invite citizens generally to cull ana
amine my stock, which has been
with irreat care, and especial ata-ntion
to the want? of this market
May l:ly
-"l r '