o o o O O 3 O O O 0 o tut: ccv ' th' row. the Jtf.i'Uiful nivv. , , . . Fr...0 , ,, w- : EibbhugtlieClMY from the fragrant mow, J tu the thistles ami clover so fresli. Poking voar nose w'.tii a sweet relish, Munching Mn neb in g All in a mash ; PeautifSi cow. you will one day be hash. oli. th?cov, the playful cow. O Meeting the pail with a playful bow, living it generously all of your milk. Winking and blinking your lasLes of silk, As it Streams in a splash j O With frolicsome dash. A failure to give it soon settles your hash. Sheep as Weedkus. We are j well acquainted with a pasture near the sea coast which many years ngo was an exceedingly foul piece of ) land abounding with a great var iety of bahes, among which were the barberry and many climbing plants, - and so closely laced and intertwined by the wild rose, that thev formed an almost iainenetra blejungle. Three years afterwards we sawOthe same pasture with a llofk of sheep on it, grazing up on a close, compact turf, covered Ovith short, sweet grasses, and with out a weed or hush of any kind upon I t " IIov G O " How has tins reclamation been Accomplished V we inquired as we stood looking upon it. Q " L'y the sheep,''7 said our infor mant. " Without lowing and seeding ?:' we uded. '' Yes, bifo the sheep alone," was the reply. O 'The pasture was quite uneven and reky, but the sheep had exterras inaied every vestige of wild plants, and clothed the surface with fresh, rich, perpetual herbage. -- (Ames a: Napa. The Reporter of the 13th -nys : " Haying is nearly over, i he wheat crop promises but half in some places, while in others it shows signs of a good return. We notieeda f.eld of Mr. Wood1- ward, adjacent to the public road, t hit looks free and will turn off as e a crop this year as ever it did. Tiie corn looks line and there appears to bc more in this year than Ins been planted for some years. JMeu are still busily esimg' Q.&1 cultivating it. Ca a da Tn s si f. r.s . The. great ie-s-h;n of intcrctt to the whole conn try is the fprcad or s-ujpression .of the Can ad u thi-iile. lUm will spend q i heir tinie and money at all kinds 1 s!!'-vvs ancbexhibitions. and stand o- sleep, and let this curse from Heaven spread oer the whole land. If Jt is not cheeked in its progress O it will be but a short time before the producers of wheat will be driv en from the greet wheat fields of tiie West, as Adam was driven from Xhe garden in the East. A CON'VE.VIEKT TADLE. The fed lowing statement is given by an ex change as a guide for estimating the quantity r.nd cost of nails for a given CSefndte piece of work : 3-ponny . . . .1 ineli "57 nails J ib. .-penny . . . . I i inches .... iPiS nails fi-pency. . . inches. .. .lhP2 nails t'-pi);iy . inches. . . . PJ7 nails " 7-peany . . . . 2.1 inches. ...Ill naila " '-penny. . . .2i inches. . . .101 nails ' P) penny. .2 inches (kS nails 12-peapy. . . A.) inches. . . . 54 nails " '20-penny. . . RPj inches.... binaiis " Spikes....-! inches ... Pi nulls ' Spikes. ... 1 i iiia-hes. . . . 12 nails " Spikes.....") inches.... 10 nails Spikes.... f iiP'ites. . . . 7 nails ' Spikes. . . .7 inches. ... ." naiU " Cam? non pal 1 shavings of j O camphor are thrown on the surface of perfectly clean water, in a large basin, tiie pieces immediately begin to move rapidly, some around on their centers, others from place to place. The cause of these DJOliona is unknown. ITvis. An army of rats made a raid on the hog Pen of a firmer at Summer Hill, N. V., a tew weeks a'o, and killed and nearly devour ed a hog weighing0 two hundred Qpoumis. Eaint. Oil paint applied to houses and barns, out-buildings and fences, will hist much longer and hard er blotter if put oil as late as the tti.i'e (.f autumn, instead of dur- i? g the heat of summer. SjRr.MENT or G uainp It is a verv lori untile thing for our Grain-growers ' to Majorca, when, leaving the usual ia)s the Calhornia Farmer that there ! route to look alter some sheep, is o umeh shipping in port, and so he came across numerous springs of mar.y persons ready to bttv and ship. ! what at first appeared to be water, Vv e ir'ust that every Grain-grower but on closer inspection proved to will expedite the rale and shipment : be a kind of liquid gum or oil, of his crops as List as possible. Every ; which, on exposure to the air, becomes cargo that leaves our State is just so solidified, at first to the eonsisteuey much capital brought into our State of jelly, and afterwards to that of Q f"r the benefit of the people. We j India-rubber in which form we have Q therefore again urge our Grain-! now a piece in our possession. The growers to change their grain for j peculiarity of this gum, or what yl, free themselves from debt, make j ever it may be termed, is that uiake such improvements as their j it burns freely with a bright flame, larin-jand Homes may demand, and j but accompanied with a thick smoke epr-hdly invest Sieir surplus profits, j and smell as of old grease, such iS lieU!-r to sell a the present j as would be emitted from machin ratts than to lisk ail tbr uisd.rr raN-s. '. ..n -!B'. t - .-.--- .a . ..... Er, Aon: i t pons received from other i - - - - - otatcs, theQrops will be very br-e sill over the Union, nnd theorcspect lor an JAstern market this 'combo year is not ilalterio. n - o o Sf ieutii. Ttltst t llsiij . 'I he presence of copper in the volk j r 1 L. 1 . - , i 0f eggs, has been determined by a ; French professor. " ! 10 ohomie.il fintion r.f -tr-In nf : water upon four grains of zinc, wi! evolve electricity equal in quantity to ; that of a powerful tliun jer.storrji. l Magnesium light is introduced into j the human mouth in dentistry, with ; great advantage, enabling the opera- j tor to perform at all hours butter than by the light cf day. Last March, a co-operative com pany fbr the manufacture of funis iture was formed in Cincinnati, with a capitil of -2,000,000, in shares ot $100. A chimney at Thompsonville, Conn., 100 feet high, and contain ing 100,000 bricks, was moved re- eently a distance of seventy feet without damage. A hundred million dollars, it is said, is annually sent to Europe from this country, for the single item of steel an article w hich can be made in Oregon equally as well- as in Eng land. Dr. Richardson states that iodine placed in a small box with a per forated lid destroys organic pois ons in rooms. In cases of small pox he has seen this method used with great benefit. Flame is or.e of the most beau tiful things in the world. Not a sunset sky in the summer, not a blown tropic-flower, is more brill iant than flame; flame is the flower of fire. The ivy has no splendor like the mantling flame ; it reddens like the thyrus of the god. The whole number of sewing ma chines manufactured in the United States, up to the closs of 1SGG, was 750,000. Tiie present annual pro. auction is about 200,000. A site in Oregon City fur a manufactory, equal ;o any 'in the world, could be obtained readily, and the Oregon machines would find a market in Asia. Ihe discovery that plaster of paris was a non-conductor of heat was made by a man who, while raak big plaster images, frequently wash ed his hands in a tin pan, the bottom of which soon became in crustetl. Soon after, when it was put on the fire to heat water, it was found that the water could not bo heated. This discovery was put to a practical use in the making ci -roif sate-c. A member of the American Insti tute, .suggests as the best src.re--crow to keep birds from cherry trees, strawberry beds, etc., the stuuTd skiii of a cat, with big glass eyes. 'The position of the efiigy should bo changed every day, or the birds will find out that k is a dummy. As the mt terial for its construction is plentifiid, would it not be well for enr gardeners and orchard itts to Lear ! the fact ia mind An obvious improvement has been introduced by a Birmingham manu facturer, which eo iii-sifts in making silver forks whole and hollowed or fluted, for about two thirds tiie pres ent length, leaving the prongs of the sufiicie-nt length of half or three quarters of an inch, the implement becoming thus partially a ,; split spoon,'' conveniens for small parti cles, liquid or semi-liquid ingredients, pears, and the like. A recent English patent presents a very simple and cGiclent npp'i. cation of the endless hoist princi pie, commonly used for grain and ficur, for building and general pur poses. Two parallel endless chains pa-ss over paralled pulleys widely enough apart for the hoisting boxes or etiges to swing clear between them, and are connected at proper i intervals by iron bars, b orn the cen tres of which the iron cages are suspt tided. Four of these pulleys bci1S arranged cqui distant, like the four wheels of a car truck, ac each end -of the hoist, permit a constant succession of cages to pass each other going up and down, remain ing always right side up. An Australian paper says: "A discovery has just been brought un der our jiotiee which may event ually be productive of important result-. A man named Br'g'nt was ! traveling overland Bom Adeiatue , , j VU it ii i v Ail i rs t-i V- i. V.iiil bustioa. Tne substance is light, and floats easily ou water. Platinum has been di-covered in largf quantities in New Zealand. 2'0i:VLAsl J:rLSE, GUIDE. i Persons Iiaviv.g business in .Portland are ad- Vised t liOte lfi'. HJ)WHIS lifillS. - - .;: T) CHARLES BLACK. 1 i .'tVlCtan, tir-JeOn f LCCOUCheitr. ! . j OFFICE Corner of Washington and Frm. grouts, Pan-i.-h's Pdock, Portland, Oregon. P.ESIBd-.XCF Sidm-mi street, between Third and Fourth, opposite the 1'laza. pi-Ry j. . nTcn;:u.. j. x. ve,i.m. a. smith. Ittitchell, Dolpll & Smith, At'orncvss and Counselors at Low, Solicitors in Chancery, and 1 rvc tnrs in Admiral tit. 1'Z Oif.ee o er the oiu Post Office. Front street, Portland, Oregon. (fly) Card. CONCRUSS AT ITS LAST SESSION havincr passed a PANKKUPT PAW, it is now within the power -t' every man that is hopelessly in debt, to free himself from the press of debts which crump his action, and which he is wlioily unable otherwise to discharge. The district Conrt of the United States, which sits aione in thu city of Port land, has, under this lav,-, an exclusive juris diction of all cases in Bankruptcy. The un dersigned have procured a copy of the law and are read v, as soon as a lieuister is ap- jHiiioeo, iu uutrmi h ' " . 1 ' ' ' s, , eiisenarnes m JJauKiaiptc tor an wno may : 1 Ulpos--I to KO or totlii w;tn t ! .e:r j patronage. , . , attention paui to procuring let- ters patent for new inventions. MlTCilhJLL, POLPII A SMITH, Attorneys-ai-Baw, -ji'ef'.m. Portland, Oregon 0. P. MASON, Attorney and Couxselos: at Law, 102 Front St., I'ortland, Oregon. Is fully prejiared to attend to. any business tin der t,u ic Bankrupt Law. Pivorces obtained on the most reasonable let ms, and no charges tn title lor services where the divorce is denied. a7.lv C'V P .FERE Y , (Late Ferry .fc Foster,) 313 OlfD fSCi AZ 2 No. loi Front street, Portland. Agent North British and Mercantile Itisurance Company. And Manhattan Life Insurance Co fi OVPRN IffJ' Bonds, PRNMCNTSFCCRtTIikS, STOCKS and Real Lrtato bought and i soiu on Commission. i v:i !.. C. -V.iU.Aili). v:. .. s si'iirvi",-:.1:. U. VAIJ SCFUYVEE, ' Successors to Laud, Peed & Co., ! , Importers and Wholesale Dealers in i FOliKIGX .vrI I0?.li:.-,TiC yKtl'OIiS, i Also- Sasdi Dnnrs and Tilludo t -io. 7n iei-a'3- r-.-ritir.'M-'r, I'ortlaiid, iregon. 11- lv " " A. G. SIIA3F0RD. II s ps:movi:d Tin- balance of j his S LOCK of i Wines and Liquors. TO j So, 'i't First Sr-'l, I'ort in siu, Oic:;o!i, j liireeiiy in the tear of his former yd ace of ', 'easiness. Pai ttes in want of ilti a Fine ' Wines, and 3h arobes. v.-ill do wed to cad. j-impty I'ipe- ;.u.l B.tvtvis for Sale. iT.tf j Rciiiuvoa I 'I o . , ' I ,.,1 , . '. JfPA .d.Syddd .-Vec A .'ee, TOiPt LAN!) OREGON, . ' .lie- ' on ,ui. ocu uiiu.'. ii 1 1 known HAS PA; but o o. ;T ih:-ti!A ilM :d) '. B R iv : 'eon re mo , ai. to Soma 1 1 street. he , "ecu A. ; d e r 0 ad A.--, ad 00 sO'e. is, uli-'a-!.i e..- i u ess is id 00 co a d oe;,. d on as i u a : ,ad -as in years o.-isr. ':1 " THE B33kiA Ami largest assortment of L.oh.:.A Boom', M i ', !i y d and Codthenj" BOOTS and S3K0ES. (Aod-c imd at tl:e dAXJ.d fXJ.'Xd I tool' . : . j ' g"o -?., aa. i : j; :,.t .-. i. A; -re m. ,v p-.a-ds of ike i .ia-.t styles arc le-cai-i d b-y e'cT V si a,:.!;-:', oil e.'t iio;i! Oi.1 ,:;.-!, el.abbn.; :.-; io si i ' id .- :'!--i t i latt aovo!ii-r star:; io P,s eiio. BAST A: ' .ABA i.i X. Pi. ) IB; ' root s'reci, Roriiand. A EH 10 AN E'XJ.dlANGE. date LiXGOLX HOI SEA L. P. W. ( RdiBBYA Jd-i! iiiptoo,' This house is the must commodious in (lie State, needy furnished, and it will be the en- 1 deavor oi the proprietor io make his guests i comfortable. The Roitmure Waon will ai- i ways be found at the iun.i'iiu cm tiie an ivai i of steamships ami river boats, cairying Rag- ; gare tt the bouse five of charge. ;lklv j V-Ai i. i. BOOK BINDERS AND BLA5TII EOGIk KAIT'L-FACIUKEES. O II EOOMAX I IV i I . ! ) 1 A G , Mo. -" 'nslii a;j on Sts-ecl, I'ORTBAND, "0KF(()N. BBAXB ROOKS KBBFi) and B0UXD to any desired pattern. musd'J J'.ooks, j,;acbztx!:s, BEWS- PARFBS, Pic., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. O i-iiers from the country provr, nt! v at tended to. C. P.SXVBRR A 00. v,pi. e; ;:;:; r r. San Francisco. . ; m ; p v. Pot tland. Importers Whclesals Grocers, 74 FliOXT STREET, Portland Oregon. OOJiS SOLD FOKCASI1 AT A SMALL AT loivuiiee uoaoi SAiV KiiAd.f-j.cO .Ti.JiUIMO PRICKS I c. & : 1 . "Wouht O'trnk taori Aatos iitmc: the city to pnee their slock U-tbre pnrehasing. 14.! V EiTA ill.JSiiKi) ) 1--E. Esi'AiRRSURO " ls5E 2d. CO First street, Portland, ' WhoR'salo am Pot.ut Detder in iarIoa. S Qvnm anil Flower seetls All Seeds f -am this Enlaaliihnunt are Warranted Fresh aui Cf en vine. Fore: rn and lon:ostic Dried Fruits and Veireta! d,'s. Foreign and Domestic Green do do PI ('. a-,'--.-.' (fo! PhiR I'uXd ndAt care for So ooom, io ami-loos, vt ai-oius, r ii- , .. .a........ tt- ..... . r-'i ,R' .R:,' A;;e''"-ls. o i.sa a. o , a sen cum stem; oi tnoice i roe. A-s, '. .. ..A : expressly tRr Puoiiy use. 1 - a.i oi sso, : is io :ol fo;- casual esish prices. Or. ; - ;,-i. -: R CoRy .teiis. to, -xr"OIi. Xo. 0 a Pi;st st.. Id.irR ind. Oregon. FiiEE to EvERvr.or-v. A large 0 ?j. C ire nl jr. eds-in-' tnRn-mati-et of the i,,o in.potiauee o tpe joung of Roth sAxes. It lt,io:ii-s i.ysv .oe iie,i;i a may tn-coiHr- beaut; i'ai, the uespis.-d . rejecicd, and the fors:;ken lovyd. No yonag lady er geaih.-man should fail to send their addtess. and receive a cony post-paid, hv return mail. Address p A .. .- - -a.. .. "'. -' i- "bnr.7 lo;TLAS ?;vslEss Gi'ThF. Persons having business ia Portland ViSC'U to OCte tne Ml;OWI!lg nrnis. . - . -.aAAa.: - TfTVTAPP. "RITRftF.T.l, fe: fift . lXl-OKTKV.S of F A R &1 IMPLEMENTS! x " x ( 'i r r : Portland Oregon. y , J i, OVh-hxl f. A Iii-- l-.r t erly 's Ueap- r-rs tend Mowers : New York Reapers and Mo wets, Inmd and self-raking, f 1-2 to t! feet cut ; '. Y. Keaprrs i California (.'hint? 7 1-'' feet, em : I hut's Kagle Reapers and Mowers, i! feet tr.t, l..nU!e and single ge.tr; McCormiek: Pi-ap'ers und Mowers, -j and 4 h.orse. hard and se'r i ukinr ; l)od-f-'s im prove!' Reapers and Mo.vers, P' Ohio " and "Puckeve,' jiatents rtnnbin.'d ) ."'to it, hand and se!t'-rak; iiii ; Badger State Kea'oers are! Me-wers, e ft cat ; Wand's Prize Reapers and M .-'.vers. ." feet cut, eheap : Kirov's Ruaper's and Jdo".veis, .' it out ; nanus' Illinois h'-ad- r-rs. CCtlUl! Utdot: Mie.v-.-rs, the K i :i f id' 1 be 31, ..'au-ov . -J. !;;,..-; sf t o; mieK linproVeu - win-eied : i ;overs. s it ong and fe'iabie; Woods Pri.s Mowers, jointed turner ht.v ; Pitt's !m- oioved " Ciialietecer" Tio-e.-her, -i to io power; Ball's tornado Thresher, Ohio make; Wherk-r, Mebek A Co.'s Jhaiiess Chain Threshers. 2 sizes; Horse Powers Pitt's Improved doable pinion and omlless chain all sizes; "SuliiT," 'Revolving" and Wire Horse Hay Rakes; Hay Presses, Horse Hay Forks, Baling rope. Scythes, Snaths, Raks, Cradles. Foiks, Gang plows, Grata c rills, Fan in'tP.s. (Jrain toiils. Chums, Cider mills, hoes" Road "scrapers Portable isl mills; ! M.dt stones, riidtinir cloth., etc.; KubfK rand I Wheel barrows. Plows, Cultivators, ilorse Leather bePimr -ad widths ; Cat)ia.;es Bug- oies, Sprn".; uravs -1 of AirricttUu'-id Mach o-oii.,1- nh a! id! Hue pived'extia sickles a::d sickl 'tons for Rcapets and Mowers. "'''"Send for enr new Illustrated and Des criptive Catalogue, j'.tst :.-tied. Samples of Machines can be een in nsr store. KNAJ'P, Bl'liRFbli CO IE51 1S67, 1867 L J, mmim & CO., in-r;:i: i ;; se.i: 1.- w t .,:?., ' r ,,..;,, ,, ,' '.-,,..-.:,-.,.' .... v bo S JjidCA-siHtt::;-' and MUCiUiutU J vol 7.. Cper. and Tanners 'Ms, 1 ,- . .7 ?.' ., ,.. : ':' .. ., tr-,i " . , r- Id -til an-i ( . rui::- L u t bit;::, !,;,p and S'-c-nr.hnat Hardware, Tar, J'itch, Oal::;i, Oars; Packii.a, Mamiia and iuunn Lara i net on.; .-bc.v.v and b.'h'oeen, . . . . . . Piuvdcr i-'oxc. Shot, i.ead ,,,td Cans. i if' 'v-:... ..! ?....,.:. f f C- -' 1 ( it It'-'.., U " t . ' . J J I ti u l( : O . A jtha k-moi (i, od, Con.t'.et land Co.d. Pot ion o. New i 1'!;. a lid ( ; o ho ; p -T so N a ' is, Ma'dadde Nem an I 1 ; on - bo j,- "o's am! , a-; 1, and Iron As o. n s-i'::;-. aii eh'eS. WAGCM TIMBER. 7:0 o j' iA.!., 4 ' Af :tl i do, - A. - '-' v","'!f- i ;. i;AXu : F.fiern Mmr.-i '. Jko'ij:-' V '., V.'sre .1 a ;a.o 3 : s . o: o a. A.-.-.i e o op oi ao iam r n -o-;s A, : t, a . v .0- - em.. a . a tio- ; 01 tin- ; - i ''is i ' -i A ' 0, ldi'oiV. ,dACd. C0AOS OA ASiXCK. AND VA'K)N I'd AT EI. ! A !.S V C'iTLAXa 7'TAS NOW ON HAND -mo TO 7AAA ...I .A tin- iooa : -ma A c v m- i i: p oi r a 1 t- ;' TO BR; Vi-: o : - eo-asi. 1'cio.; scieetcd nod. -a his piiso-j-d s 1 1 , . 1 P- can e,-ari'.mt i" i .1 be. of He- best, and wo: 1 id ' ad! toe a'omfian di niyis and --;.pim :n,;b i ;,i i.o- asst-idmeuf of EASI'EEX OAT. XiXI, AN I) IIICICOE V. id LA N E, WHITE Vv'('H)I). Ill' LEA SbOApAp ii'iXAA Eaio, AXEE'"i,i'OLE:i, EdXT liiXs A'. ,. dp-. eao:o;. Si I, at:: E. ants ami diu,:dla, dec. Orders for Rio above, ;,Bo km Boxes, Thim bles, Skeins, iron and steel, piouiotiv Idled. koii cirr 11. LfiW, i Cinini.sir.,i jud-rchanf. PS First si Corner of Pine, Portland, Oregon. Z--: ' Coosipnoo iits solAOm.p o, ;.v TSBASCOITSASG! Tt'SiT HKCKI'i ABA. IJAIII-X'T the Mitiiuiastm-.-rs, ilimA I3oaApa Cioico Brands YEgRaa Chiwing ; C 0.1 !-:os;a ; Id AA i( ,. . t A'ad.rad Icat'; Ear A " A'. .". .'A' -f A--;, in Cad He : Si"C:-' A'so. ,b fo Old id ': ; 't C'i.-A. Ac'-;, .' A . t (.'ud older Fancy Slyks. .'A A- A io.oa., V: R'XRR Sckct Virrribb RR.olE-g Tc-buce Ot 1 . e !.; 1 a- ooR;. a : o 1 -ales ;: . t j.Os..s ,o ooe ;.om 1. mos-sioHi (,:;,;: ::; --. .Also : s- : -,. : . FIU2 S' a, S U ; a; e,; A -, ., OUT CHE w'IIIG! men we are r, ea.vi;,- every thirty das s, iresh irooi R.e m a ; m: ; u : er o . , ... , . ..cone; .oe in.ove po. -os !o t he t fade, ir; OOUU or -;,; r.;.,,; ;,- ;s,o. ,. . c:sh. Wf has rn ciseo prism, tor hand, am! are cou- sumoy receiving, aoi-ge asss.rt merit of Havana and Arioricon Ci-ars ! To which we mmocuhii-iy C:i;, ihfnitndon AA.'"'''j and .IP; mem m peuevad o . i oi-: e cao ) -is ioind ui tR C;.!;R- Ilia... . . i.Misunit, a cot s,,: .-i e a :sor! liter r-O .,,- 1 Animus and i- .o.c . (Pels. PihAmd Bab's' , v-uc ax ami Pat hers. I ds, ! YRARs-d d; or; T.mkF, cm, P-.X R -. : . i ABiRn) A C root st., Poithmd. a. j. ncM-o -'- k. '; o:.i :;. pIGIdEOS a IiIELLEH, ," - s , - . 5 ; Headers in (iG;r.la TA rnnDif it.,1 Italian AFrldcs. (A,, BR !,.,,. ooo.m 7.,.. A ... . A ' ,...:., jxra o ana.. ! .j,t. Stones. hM.Z'l n. Monies and R -AXE: VAVA'A.'?: i in rrde.-. . . . ....io.' l ,! 1'!, ,.- ,,.,. I R.A.ti COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTOTtnracTTV ffl? P. fiT.T5inT?NTA . P OH TLA XD BTSTXESS GUWE. are ad- . Persons haiiiig business in Portland are ad ! vised to note the following firms. W. A. ..IiniCII. J. C. MERRILL. JOKtf M CSAKK.V. M'CRAKEH, MERRILL& GO. SlilPPlNG, COMMISSION AND Forwa n log Mere h a n i s , A f-PNTS OF TIIE CAl.TFOTiXFA, lUiwaiitui and Otegi.n Packet Pities. 1 i.;V ! J;-rtf of San Oaeiifin and Carmen S;dr, Sandwieh i-haul Sugars, Coilee, Rite, and Pulu. Atr-'iits for Provo1's A Co.'s Preserved Ft mts, N'eget. iiies. Pickles and Vim-gar. l.Valers to J Liur, (itaii:. Bacon, Lard A. Fin:, Lit.ne, Ceni'-nt and '!a!er. ' Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produce in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, tn- Portland. ALDRICIL MKKKILL & CO., Nos -2i and 2J California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKKX, MERRILL A- CO., V) North Front S.'reet, Portland. 2 '.S?2 " MEBSSOORFFER & BRQ, M ,,: f 'rhir, i . in,, I liii i ,,rt- rx ,.-f, HATs C A PS, AIIS iiATTER'8 MATERIALS. Fiont street, Portland Oivge Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, bv every steamer, all the latest stvies of New Vrk. l.mo!,,,, :,,w! !.wi..- ..,. gentlemen's and children's wear, which they v, ill seii cheaper tiian anv other house oh the Paciiic coast. i'; S. Hats of every style and description made to order, also nl-atly repaired. ' pjv fsIiiHCl Sligai 011?! MOlSSCS. i ,tAA l'A'-0; KFGS ISLAND SUGAR 1 -.. J . 1 1 ..-. J.'-li.l.MI l,l)l;.SSi',S, ex-Hom-Pdu Racket, and for sale by :i'CRAK!;N, MKKRItm & CO. ILEA M E T T E , rr North Front and E sts.. rr- :S- Portland. Oregon. fo f """j p TJoj' vo?.j.TOe. y-l ft'ttjH r?l (HI 4 I m , Ja.;J! 'WSJ.a" -AN b- B O i LE R BUI LDERS. Ti rrv: ','f;K- MM T I i: - T !' i t ( t v O . , ...... , JL book of the -her. oi.o hhc!. no.ih ot ' ";'1 li S lV'ooi; and have. ).. .; for; turn- j :r i, t"--: '""'-.'-' V't f i 1 i Y C- . ' 1 ' i i f . , -.--!-.,", i ' ; tsese.iooa 5... ;.,-! n-.-s o: .;;. ooon i.'imi, r.s Direct-! ei"!ie Works, w :1.7s:) vx- 00 nooa' 0:1 this coa ; for iiftee.t veal s cs ; him a tl.t:;-..:itdi knov,deii:;e of the Various kinds of loaehim-ry reooired fo.- miiung and i:,;;'a::r pur;'o-: . W ,.. -,vc p rep.ared to i-' e- enr- a d-a s ihr id) class.-- oi ma-.hmvry and h- ao . r o ;-. s, so ai as -Ti:. m :,0AT :.: r; p. p:, v : t 1 i . o ' 0 : n o .- . : ' : A- Mii.i. ,; ; : : - ' t J ! i N 1 A i'LAird R'-o. .,. ;-. ::, X: I , - ... p r;-5 o 1 e- a a V Si 1, it-i u J Jj 5 o't-o a-.d V Aoleord..' It- aA r in A me: i.'an aod Mr. j iish c- P-v V" -7 O. b- , A A V.'vV .'.A A fe k .BOOTS ar-d AdlOES ! . ' . c. ruer of d.ii, , Rortlaod. fBeeee . 7 i ' oo ,S id d tit'i! 'rr. oo a;:d A. vets, an i .... i -A Pi dCP.ilPPi-;ii I Pllil(:PH'PtS ! V i R: AA ; Ad iL.-: ' , , , v r r f T- Direct riil or in is ( 1 l, I ss s or' 1 D ( 1 1 s ( ' t 1 ft . 1 . . i ....... , ... t. I' to ct i- HOBIpTSOU & LAE2, imAT.mm ix St(,n". Copper and Sheet Iron VSurc, HAV IB'! ST LAIPIX APABipWp.ck rfeasepai R. ! p,.,: s:;-p, coo-isi- 111:.' ;u part X the l'dhnvin cook stov e's Pridr athe J'aeijic, Jedpaldir, ioiooi ; , .A.r. A" -Ids PadaA, .!)A.:ii:,d il.,r'c. Or yst id .''a lace, Jlfve-A Queen, id in-liistane. A : A ; o, st.o .as. t-u s :.e, slock of Parlor and Box Ac. Ac. Also : An ss,o-ie;aot ot' Bumos, c!o. o e are saTr0, a. sua: s e,. ;ave saiishie- torn to oar is, irons. 1:1 en fl e.-pect, as w e are cc1i fo- . Wo i: .id i :-) son at m oa s. Ossasa-s ii; les.joo ss i . iTOelao-d iO do tai. !;:,.-. SOoil-je,rj ;.!..! ad ! ''-'"pf t-- J o v.a.;- i. s!,c! t not. : : so, i -: aeo , y ma :: o s-a, am! in ;i i ROR:X-R)X L LAKik ' i eoaiamp :.,-.:i.;i P R,, pmR i - FLUMBIXO, GAS & STEAH! 1 itting Estalilislirnc-nt 6'.-'.' .-" ;" --. (a; , o."- ... Hot Wafer Soil ess. MarU-s. To-p Withstands, Sheet Lead and Flock ' Tin Waur Cljsiis, Fuih Tnhs, lead 1'ipe. - ..wwau iivu A lxi,6, liii tflSCS. i -S .... R'p ; ' ." E' 7.' ,V 7. IdY :'', .o . R A-.. -. : v. " ;v R!"'" "' o.o, i(R-.Pv. 0,,s --A Rio i - -ao, -, iOoeS, 1 arnr ( ! . r. -. i-, J . . . . . -r- Y-bPRes, J .i'.ep, oleaoi (in;;-,,.;, MinR,. -omm. and Check Valves. Cunm. Cooks ilrl'.ilo . !i io. i " -R- : - K.mis ot Urass Work. Pnbin-r tp .... , xfrx "R. . ' V -' ' n.oin-s, ami pi ivnte resi- - A: AAA Xf. ft ff' A.' -dtm-nts W'-is. P'"-5-' -"'os geil;-ralb- to call and ex- m'm oe my stock, whieh has b(o n selected vi :.' -,''t l:t;'.'' ?n especial attention sriveu ' 1,1 1 i, ,,-.,,,1.. ..I .1.; . . ;.. - - so. liiuiet. . ano ;s. -.,,.. i;iv C. II. MY BPS. MISCELL. iXEO US. Whiskers and Mustaches! T70RC!-:i to grov.-upon the snToothest fiee . in troin three to Jive weeks hv nsiio' Or. Seville's Itestanratour Capiifaiie. the nnwt wonderful discovery in modern science act me; unon the beard and hair in an almost -inra-T-ulous manner. It has been used bv the ehm ot J'ans and London with the most'thvtn-i-ito' sueeess. Names of ,tire!iarrs will ho registered, and if .-nttre satisfaction is not eie;, ;:1 :v,,,y instance, the i:o-nev uiil be cheerfully ref.smk-d. J'rie" bv ru'iii .-a...! and postpaid. KB 1 .'eseripti vvViivnhir.s and te:-tin.oui.as juaded free. .1; h(-s BFiaP-i;, SIlV'i'TS .f P...', Ciu-mist. . . N. It.vor st.. Trcv. N. Y. Sele '-'entsJOrjihe Pnited S'ates.' f;;:.v B"C -- rr"m v V --1 1 i I Auburn, Go!den,riasen, Silken. Curls T4 ROBFrL!) bv !l e ,,r o,.,o- n.,'. - JL i' riser Li Che anx. One ao-,iieation is warranted to curltiie most straight and stub- 1 " -v omo ,.,a- rin-iets or lieavy masstve curls Has been ue.I hv the fasliionables of J'ans and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no injurv to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post paid, si. Descriptive cireuiais mailed free. Address: Behofi:, Shuts i Co., tl.omists. -y) No- Rixer st.. Trov N. V. Sole Agents for the United States. EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! " i CiESTELJAiyS L A I R EXT E Rial K A TOE! ! it. ,.,;;? n.;,.. rpo tl ie iaoics t'spectanv. tms itivtt it:t ,,i: depilatory reeoinmends itself as hem- i'" , A" .artie.e ! beatit., is easily apiniea, Uoes not 1 an luliost moispeusable arti'le to f- oiaie earn or in- j"'y '" 010. ain tuiecov on ine roots. I t is warranted to remove- siiperlhioi'.s hair Irom low fotehoads, oi' from any r.art ed' the ..,,.., ev.uij neici v , iouii. . ana niaioauv ex- tirtiatitnr the same, leavin-r Pic skin 'soft smooth and natural. This is the uulv aiiiele used by the French', and it is the onlv really elb-ctmd ih'pilatory in existence. J'rice cents per paek-ige. sent jioKtpaid to anv ad dress, on receipt of an order, bv BKRGKR, SiiUITS t Co.," Chemists. 2"-1.V; L'-i, j'P.ver st., Trov, N.'Y. There coineth g!;;d. tidings I" for to ad. To young and to old, tu 'great and sn;a!! : Tiie beauty whicii ore.-; wss so precious uad fa re, I free lor all. and ail riay be Shis'. By f Ue iis- ,S CIIASIE1LAR' WHITE LIQUID E T-T A ?T "R T, . For improvitii' and beuutifvii," the com- ! ilexion. The most ehiuble ami perfect pren- pe p ZZpS? f :nd !;r;;:! iiomea.'. removes i .in, ; ieri; e, j t u! e-:, Bfoeiie;.. yp.th J'afciies. Sallowness i-Vnn- ; "on s, and a!i nopm sties of the ,kiu. kin Hv i heuiino p;e -emo' b-;i in - tin- skin white eod - dear un!aba.-nu-. i is u-e eannoj be de;,-; n d ; !lV t;.u, , ci::.ji,v, and b.- ho- a ve-vm- ! hi" pe; :'.i:o-,m is i-eiPcilv harmless. I , is the mdv article of the kind used hv Pre,. X .0,0 is coi.sideeo.! .v t;,e Parisrci as iioos- pensaide to a pe;i'",t sod, f jiwr.rd'' oo.ooo hot:' -s v..-re sobl eitiri...? the oast v.Mi- - -a so oh d 'lit :;,0;fi:I;: ci' i-s eih: ; ev. jO'ir'e 7.- cents. Sent bv toad. uo t tnid, o.l reemot .f an order, hv tlKiUiFP, SB I'Tl'S A Co., Cbendsts. Ri er sr., 'J'roy, N. Y. j SEPARATOR GAPIIIL. i - i Throw nwr.v vour hdse frizzes, votir swi t; has e, . ;u. 'u j . D stviietive of eomrorf, and not vm th a ;; ; ( 0 u.e aa'ed,c-,:oe y out A m! cone o;d v ami i.oi- i And icadce in your own luxuriant hair. E iir'AoA'io a; (A-'.pr! i 1 ; J. a" to' - ' : o 1 . a it' npon bakt 00 -mis 1' B'oiii wimi.-A-cr ctii'se it tf.r.y Inive fallen out.) and forcing a growth of hair upon ti.o face, it has !! Cotfd. !t Sim Po-ee toe .Pea:-;! to ou.w na. v, the s-oo,p:.,.s: Pace; !-,,;: Ave ij dd:idva:,f, .- -:r o dr open '- dd lo ad-, in IB-. in p.y.. ia do---,-00 ml hs. A A-sv !po, aa.i pi aoi : : i - aa : a li 0 , o-.-ii.d ', Aar ! :. -re is o : , ; v. i ; i , 0 lec-ieo the jaomiA . !' A,- :.air or ia : id. i 'f A . or :-- .1 ; A are i'o-- a- t A. ;:-.:; leis d ; ss i i a - -a- . fro a. 1 , ; a r ; .. 0 - ; , i ;-. :,ec . Can i..-':. rr. i!t. j:.;: imo.y s- . A . ;,Aoss- - as 1 ss a : o A ' 1 - . a i - A P a a' ': 1 Am ia a. A a ; -po' io:,- j t ,-o:ai;,y o. 0 o A- A : . as id 1 e- ! t- liA.s of lAe ePdaaa-O is ; a: a Oeas H lv,.;-. : t :-, A A.r ! h" i: ii ; ;o:d ; .: d a; o t m 0 -d a w o - a. a, v m o a - i .nos- a o,-. To Caodii v r o ; a - s a , :i is i CO .o ' !- . a: . : . -m A .e s.e.o 1 -aa. : n v. d 1 c. .st vi m : A : -:p to ; u.- r-a-'-e--- i to a -- ' Oe -io: : o- aa ii sv wm oo uati. it. i o -. : mo- v-1 : c ;, j ( ':' ' d i e :-, P:,a 1 :' :: ir.- sal : -'! os - t.o.-!i,,o dvs.: -:.,.p I o.. t d.apOs- W. i . i d oo . A Wo... FaAt: s , V : .iasa 21 ii X- l.i I C T E D ! S U A" O Ad O 22 E! :! car. o a-; . i m. 1 1 t v 1 i 00 O , . o , . I I I 1 It 1. cure tn Aiso: !;:. .bus vine's i-'m ai,-: Pn.i.s. far i the spee.-y and pennanent euro of Oimorrhoa j ' 1. RreUao d-seimrc, (Bv.vei, Stricture, j ami all idb-etiicoi of tifc Kidnevs and Idad der. Cures iP-eted in f'jom one j ;p,-e davs. Timy are prepm-ed b vi vesseiabie extracts that are harmless ; i - .. -a. u!li never j nauscaie ;he Jtomaehe ri.uniU EK, 1 b;-caiii. Xo chance of diet is. nee i-v nhiie u-oog them, nor d-.esth-. ir ae;; s!i p, .;..v Wiiv i ltO'-i-iere ivuh business ou: -do P, s : i per ho::. pp'ie,- of ths ub-.ye im.nf jonr-d unifies w oe s"iir 01 any a tress, ci ;v s :.:,'-.,. aoo 1 s. ;,.i,o. o -. iiaoi or crpu e : price. .e.rr.:..r, idl or-A-A o iVimiURii, siB ': A- (. "U l-.-eaipt; of -Ply ) Bo . i o'-n '. i s. ii er st Trov, N. V. Air.TEOLOGY. TEE "o on ED ASTONISHED a: A : PA-, Pme :,.',:.;, ,: BA'Ri rlY , !.p (.;::-. AT As iot..p-o;lsT. AAWor.-r JI. A. P Eli 22 J GO. lOOT-l -A -oe,." t-.o-,-,-- - Ib-spo-cs io haopiim-s Rose w A ('-. o, AAA ! oiAoaoaiiia.rn.o s I.e.-,. 1,,. f money, R-., iao-e h.-ponie ,,-: -p, .-.c.ient. : Sam bungs ;,i-:P;r the,-. )..,...- sea -rao A. i roi-s Hiform;;;:- n c.-ucc: loio; r. b-.cn f io, mis lover--, w tores p ;.f iir -';- ' .-, ; tells you the in: im-: y,.:, p,,, ,,!;fp, , ,"..! ; to parsuft msd io ssdod you wri i,e mRst . -; -. ; 0"-R;i, emmes p-o'.R' i:i,ay;;!-!;s em! tens ; yoit tie: very d,iv yo-.i wilt m.o ry, irivo; yn f the name, iikoos-, and chara, R:-i a ie of'tbe jierson. Si:e reads your very ihm-uf;, and , li' her a. most supcrna: oi ad posvors, tmvesis i the dark and bidden mvsPo io. of i ho i.itmc i 1- roitt tiie stars we see in tie: R-ru:,:. i;t Rm : luao ,c; stat s tiuit ore. v-tntr or m-,-domiiop.- ' in tic; c. Agination iVi.m R.o aspeeii n;,(S . positions ot the sdam-i-, and the Rxcd Mars in 1 the hea ens at the time of b:i tip shi sb d:ie,m ! tne fuTare . - ;i. p i 1 num. -d': im? to con- salt the greatest d.stn .insist on earth II cos youdoR a tri;!-. weA you tm.y m vA a gain has a- so Rmoaaph- Amorumitv. Ro:- so, -a, co, ie.,. w.,t, i,,o,m, ,,,R ;,R desired i I Ii it n I ! i . i 1 i . . ! . t - s." 4 s 1 -!..-..-:.,,.-... . i ...,..., . d .: ' "'. i ;AAr,A': TAi "i.k'T A'. ;A'A'VVA' nE" 1,1 ,.,o v ..n :,. .:.;., . ., , p., .'.!!-,'. E'n p'e o An V'.V " ' ''. i- UKo,!'-s Li--',;,:;:, i,:. '. .. ; ;;v:V'. ..?' :":.nr out. vi iih :nl ;,.;,( ..;R ..-... .1 ..'...Ft.!. A. A t . j . ti .-OH l A O R; R (V ! V .i T ; i ' H ; t.., ..,;.....:,. , .. - ,,' - - . - - 1 -, j A-V'.oV.Af; ufff f " .'.A mfm in" n.m.tcoce re- i ,.st o.-o,o- '.,....:. R .PP. - ' -. - d " ! XvA AA' -AA .i P "Ai"!".- oit-m. uesirinar ttiem. I rA dAAA A R" 'Pl m.m n. ana I'XA A, A R Yf,v " ... - A , si o, t , ,, a I it , e I- o , , o I'e s do M v nAMt; IB A. ITIURIOO. P. o. Drawer ded, Buihdo. N. V MIS CEL LANEO US. IS EWGOOBH AM' LOW PfSSCES! Corner of Jfain and Utird streets, O KEG OX CITY, r",H A N K FP L FOR I'AST FAVOK: AND j .i. hoping for a eN..:tinna:tce of the same, ,t ,,. .loo-iri,... t.r it,. t?,n t,, ! !;,!-e steck m. v,-iu store, consisting m ,V .i;V;'v' I l.mcy ana sta'de 1 ! 3f)RY OOODS i LMTPVlCflltVP r OOno Jl OJUMOIJ1AU Vli J . J A . jieady -Made clothing BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, VALICKS. TKUXKS, AND UMBEELLAS! Grocories. Crockery, Glass nnd Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Vv ieks, Chimneys, und Burners! Ilarda-are. Culleru. etc. etc. ; r. : jr., , . ... . 1 i... ... 11. i A1'""" "J l 7 riiCiC.S 1 r lOI ti 1 01 oami 10 niuies j.00 numerous to Mention ' 1 1 '"'l"oa ! Waliula .q. , . ,,,: ' I'alnuse t ail nno examine for vonrself, I take ' 4. .. t. j (.,v; .,., pleasure in show in' e;oodsf and customers A, ' T, ,, ,r i- win mm 1.... .;. : irrom Dalles ' 1 mattha for cash or ju-oducc. I. SKLLI'(i. ! " Corner store, opposite the ! " o-ty Tin and stove store. I " " TJniatitla ' K. !;. KE1.LV. j. t;. i'lLsnritv. DEALKKS IX t "- Seasonable Fruit, V K a 1: T A B L K s, .' . n iSIIOiGE GISE 808DSI i . TT ,-. ' 11 n fr tI7 1 1 i 1 7"F. SHALL A '.SO VAX PARTH'ULAR : atUia W aiiuli ) atlcoiion to toe country trade, and endeavs -r io oS.vays have ,,;) Lutol the be. 4 ' h";;!it v ibttter, ir, toultex , etc. ! Pe si net etten:i,.u vo beiness we hope to : met it. a .-mare e S toe pr.h ie patronae;;. ; -p r ft rp PCT? T. A7'Tctrer)V i IiKLLV .V PILSiiUJtV. : i'i P. s t-(.t; ice bmidinir. Olegon City. ' ' 1 KLSONS iX WANT OF CliOH.'K YA- : A t ios o,' d-; ivers. are in i'ed to e x.m in,; ; ; our assort m? n : !..!.:!! pr.re'm-imr. Isi w h-.-re. i morn : o t.aud. n;g ;; t. Umatilla aid I KFI.bV i'ILsBUIt j -dot l'o.-lo "dee, )i-ei.'o!i C:". ilicn, doCv? Ycrl-:. ; ....... . ! A'!- m'-f '..,' I'aGtiS e '. f. 9- - " : r ..r---d: XV.a!j5;.;$OM Si., ifati Frai-.cisio. . AAi OX HAND F l R SALih ; At id-Add: d-; 11- t. . R EVOLVE R r-- Arti.y, 7 ii.'o B- Ac-t ?;.;. A- t i. Xii-et -.-'i Ijf.a -.. '-ii .'. .-r-:v i.-i" ami s". tJ. A:;Aii-i-. Zddddo EirrA Vest PockA TldtBS BXoW ?' ai-'A-.i All ;; lilt:-ea:tu-;:s Kij-I ci' r": ,-: isP . . 1 ' .At dX- i Vdd.d'B: 7. ij i TT;ffAf.;;: aa:v ;-ae. .cs : i j P :!. A no-,- l Pvoiver. ' 1 -: io. ' , ;. A'avy R, s oi--,,:-, : ,-:. im CA. :.:.-.-:. p-H ido-o! , ; ; c.amA.m -. A,,vy Rah 1 e-'I R .-a, , v, R ;o- y S.7." t :A i ' V. R' d : I as a, v, -. B ;. v s S O '.o d or. No;v 1A.-S-; ii -soisei- i-;td Aa: R.0" lever. IA.ekm Remove:- i s, of eo:Ki--v; . Bopest ;re IRstoP Rdi ,t pt. ; No. : ' R:.-t. Repca'nm pisto! (Filtot. y.:.': An. PriCait. d-si Ion Act Pistol No. P:;, :.o .,.,(l ;:-, (,., f. OUU Cain., l!s;-e;r Xo. A-; (O,; T; ;duc. Sieole Ba;av! si;;)i slum Boy., Pine; ;p i .. m; ;U!,i 4A-I0 . ;n. CRiRpcr. Bleep! I.oa.Roo ;;A'., y,, ;,a Parirniee. Bree(di boadto: ( Aobine, Po. (laitiume. S- b'ol.m -P'ci Barrei ; Sabre Ravouct. P. S. Ji;. I'Pus'a-t. Spr.r.j.;h b! I'.Ptarm 1 - " (e:t l)!-,,,-,-i; imf.Aaj- :. i am im ve i imi r--.-u i.oorove.l a.m -aivtOicu ;Ar ia.iii.op s. r v;ee :o Rio- a--. P. PLMtNBTOX R SOPS, Rhm, X. Y. ABiit ,.:rr t:;:An, 'a : ' R A. ....:.-!, : ' ;-. R- . 1af:; KiLPPit cur.i-is soar tpboat. FAVOPITP ViPIPPlXP WiTIi ALL lA.. classes, is F-avis' Pain Killer TF YOU 1IAVR PA IN IF. IPS CORIC, US? A tiie Pa, a Killer. "XTO MRPKBNR !S SO POPULAR A. i 1 the P a i ; 1 iviiler. K PRi' TP R PAIX KILLER AIRWAY at lnHKl. ! TF YOU HAVP A COU.R'li OP COLD, us R ; X the Pain J. tiler. CKRC ORT AMI) NOT OPT CAPOPT I J without a i.ntt!i'(if the Pain Kiiler. I ft pvpnvoopv r"s:: tpr pain .1 U Kidei' i'or sprains and bruises. f7 Villi Y TP A VP LLP SHOULD CARRY X..J a bmiie of Pain KIRer with blni. f ) 'A ' ' " 1 R J; " ilT.'Ap'-u , and iRvte eual to " A" The Rdn Killer is sold by :R! Drnu :Rsis ami Peaieis ia f anRly .MetVeci:o.s. So'd Rv ReR R R.o !;,.;- Oivgoij CRy. end Re Po Pr--, (."ub. ' cs. Co., ami mid. & Davis, RmRa:,,:. I'm i ' -. A- mot ;-' m 5A-. : - 7: Pipi; tAi!, ProvlPouec, P. Pf : , : . iAod A., 'omovid, C, R.; ami 17 Soutiuimpt;.;n iRnv P-mdon. loR,,'id. 41 CEIDPLR CGHA. i'da 1 Am was beauRR:! atid fair. With starrv eves, and radicnt hair, V. bos', i-ariioij: tendrils soft, otituBmd, puenaiiu i lim 01 v t.ea: t and n.iud. 1 - -i r m ,t l ,r Ci:5sJu Co HA, for dndmg the Eur of i I it her Si'X jilts V avy and G lOKSY Uin-rcts. or Ileavv Ala ! iA":"--MhBa.-R-;eb.diemmip-m-; m j ' -- .can ijeio-titv ihem o-tves a toousoiid toi i. it. i is ti rdy'ariielc in ih.ewo.bi that will curl j Pi the vieitdn ' i siramiit Smir, ami at me same .one give u a . , - . . , , si ramo l na ir, ami :u i lie s;om; . aoo i , c 1 1 si ; , , , ,, r . ,.;ti:l. b-,m.iful Riav apnearanee. TiuP Crisper i ; ;r Will Lc snH-'P ; '; -.-x" eEAth- ban-, intiiui. ; v.,dy t : ates, b-.uiftiies ami eioaimes it ; it is imjia . f.;i. -' - . . - ,,.'.!- .. . i A: . ..-. ... ,- i .... i ; .m. P A -. ,, -am is ii. i deooAoifody i-Oo-ocd. an i is the most ienmniete art . ,-,ea.r.oO,. ao o ,, too .0,0 ioo T Ii aTi'l lO. , e ? Q 5 . 3 B a J a 1.,- . i til0 Amerie ; . ;. c,.;...,.c,, ,mi WU.Uo 'A.,-o . ; , . . v Rm, ,'ed and i.miti.aid hi-; . i s "its.. . o ....... - ; - , , . ; Rr Ad-lress ml orders to t.ly - 1 U . P. C , A U k A. Co.. C iomists. I . " . - v Xo. :: West. Fay-fte St., Syracuse, X. Y. Oregon Steam JaVigatiJ - f C O 1 1 RLDUCTIGN OF FAEE. URA S'B'F.if KNTS II A ;f:J- v - I L iect.-d l.v the Or,.,,,, m,.m1,' ' tl :iOoiilHUj'iiiy eat. lilt -?Mi.c,.ts; kl t'niiiun.v, wherebv mrr.-.r, '"! i Chase TiiOfTBll TtCKKTSfrore I-','' -roth? difierem points in Phdsoat iUe.-; ' - From lV.rt.hvad' io JJoise (Tir,. ?.,. " Idaho citv. " iiilHV C:dy...'.' f: Passengers c. rn l.vv ov si Ft- r" giving notice Io 'h:AVA if the -ppf I St ago Company." T!ie rates of passage on the rye furt'ior notice will lie as follows: Waliula. Pa!o.te Fewiston Qui- o , 'VaBnla. . . j'idotise. . . Lo, visfoii Wallnla Palndi'-o.V. ' J.ewison. TIIE BOATS OF THE 0. S. H. C( For the Dalles (Sund a v s e ; e ep ted.'i AT 5 0: CLOCK, A. EI. CoXX7:CTLG X Monday, Wednesday, and Frid:- "Vi-ii iioiits on the I jicr t oiiini,;a Ft)R o 'Tin- Fi idiij -s Koat t' h,), :! V'lHl til,'- O riKTiriiXISTC- The Ih.at wilt ! I .if'.vj.-1 on every ."oonuav mormn, ,o 1 5, lida evei v 'dnud.'.v. AVednesdnv. ;e d I . ! I Paiie. -alaC '.i.,:.' . J. V. AIVS.-iVOK'ii. J'riAd,,,f (j i'and. : ' .- 1 oF.!. j -o7. P MGrJTICELLO R0UT2. iilh STKAMFP t " t : c s -r -- -t 71 t 1 O1u.s1.ee . . . ST OTIC 15. o.v;: iiv; sc T;:r. pmipd s i .vi t ; Greatly iicducea Fricca ! '. w-:;i ke Portland ho- Momie.ii.. . 'I'm - i ; . . Too; s ; , y aod Saturday, ir i (Aaociv 0. , is is j iver. i .1. C. .'.PAYtT,!' JR i :; ,' c - AfiTilEI.i ROUTE. T'i!'. V. M MI. STEAM KR I .JOHit HCOUC.h? Asdd have i ;-rt A ; d f -r A st.iria :o.e l.ie'o'i- i-:!,!::;i-, -.: M ,m,h-e a d 1 : P e.o h '- ei.d.. i0. :". oka or i; . v.. h ' will i,-,a-;. Astoria on ddo-- h.y a:.:' , Ov al a . M. .?. e . "-v.'r,v: ::. A '. - - - ' -. o. a TrEiidiMElEH.'Hi fomfaa: ?:id- A id l PA R 5 id r t: .X R. Q- t A . . . : id; Amr uotis-e TRR r-'i": -RPhd a 5.. s- E-a Will leas e Rortlamd (bodv at 7 odd. k ' from p,a retommo's d:tk, fe.ot ui A ..- f.U- ija,j'a R. ' -.". CO : . 11 CC! illg t"" : '' s'.e.o.m " r- - i e;:j reliakci. Oe JA-;o o,7 Thnrxd'ff ?"oo',- Er A -o'A A'Aooi'R E r i.iter.-tfiidl". p-y " .O O AX A! Willi Ti: K STRAioi ;awT-p4 UNZO 17 C?,7 IJondav. Yi'ednesday ar.-.Ps " of each vied, for Infant-'Ac i - lermcdiafe pou id. O ihio notice will : c C when the Co'.r.ia:r. . jiiitch abo'S. on oiher Rays man ah ' Returning the Str. A RKP.T -yi'd lein?""-" Vatv tor ! ortiamt -M i . ei.a-h i ' a. a. -nen.M; pdd- X ' " SAPPM, March 1st, 1 -R. DAILY OY EKLANi'1 alail 1 r o'vrh TO CAIIFOllXlA- rph'IRRPRPi to S sn FUAXCI-50 '", do. s, (Prising the 1 - . A Co.'s Br press. ! II. WE COXHETT A Co., 1 ' I iiv this i-.-ute Taosrimmrs avoid tk r'(" . : O . -, ;. .. ,d. lhPsi;o.'ti1rei;-ii,t''-- -,i. ! S-nem. Albanv, fAo-vaihs. 0.i,ft i cite-1 :! il.so,:.tpt ,m Vein . m . . -an 1 i:, CaAmrimt: o dm. o '';,! 'i; : Shempi. Pm! BiuiR d.-h.m:- 1, ( a.--"'p .,.', : i Ahtrv.-.mAeto f oe: a ': :on t p, V"-' 1 r ; 1 thodmv stayes to a.emmnii -'' -1 em C df.eraoa aod southern 'Ep sviRi the iiiiR-o.:-..-1, i". -e.a (ii oso..: ! mm, pi ; B-o, o-ioe-A,: wim ';R ; I PaeRie Radroi.d to tde Athooie. : -mm-Mop ,-m-r niohm:t lff f i VrR. ..f - m. -omprts i f ;. , : y d! ire ue-.-mo.tea to lay .-. u and :es:i':oo ; -, ir seats a: P-'A'A; -P-: lime within one me Pm upon !"''";v..r. f Agent at the oiuce d.ere tney IX - j VitlC ?Sif? !.- i p; -p . leave the lAeihiod otii ' XX:'-'dAAXdmp.. CUARMAX A IBRR-, oreaeE-- iilicii 'for sale. . on-;' ati-: , BR:.A::.X TPb-- araas, and tho 0AEA0K CITY TOWIXP1;; - i' : iR. i--" in-of the place c-i x'" ,B'A . - v - E-vf( C!' ff cd at tLe I XTbKi'o1' -,r