0 o o S Oar Public Scliool. &I)C VUCCkll) ; It is satJ that surveys for the first' Office ok Scp't of Schools, ) option of this railroad, from Port-! Urogon City, u.vgoii,.Yug. i x-o,. , Oregon City. Oregon : C IUEMXI. I0ITOR AM FKC 1'KIETOK. land 25 miles south, will be made; . , I next month. 'The rails and rolling , ' , - .,, Saturday, AugTlSt 17, 1867. , stock have been secured in d:tIerent district schools. About Yoik and are now awaiting shipment i , . - j i Hon. Kulus Mallory j OIK'anu ; forty were in session, and doinj II . r-. k . - ! direct arrived at Salem overland a rew aajs since The following " Railroad Talk" is j ! finelv. The present year has been one of progress and substantial im- I Sri .nd I 'be 0r( f Tbursd: Tll0sc distritU Livt ke.scs.. io At no tune since the projHC, of a . ; ,1i,u.,l.n,1(iMnrJ Political. Undoubtedly inany of the evils that seem t threaten the perpetuity of our form of government result from the large patronage and power of ap pointmpnt to office, exercised, direct, ly or indirectly, by our Presidents, Senators, Governors, etc. Could nil subordinate offices, all that are not filled by election, be disposed of by the system of competitive examina- Family Dye Colors. The most useful and welcome articles to be found in almost every household in the land, are the Familv Dye Colors of Howe & Stevens. Thev "can "always be relied upon, are easily used, and cost but a tntle. Sold by Bell & Parker, Oregon City, and by Smith & Davis, Agents for Oregon. Lawkbnck. Hie j At no fune since the project of a ! f , the system w compeiuive examina- W.jthke those at Portland, j raUroud throogh lhe Willamette vnl I hare Pa,J tbe beSt Wa63 a"d 8ecured tions, such a reform would of itself Ore-on performed at the chief man-! ley was first agitated, have the pec- j lhe ,nost competent teachers have o & wQy tovv.irJ d;aiin;shillg ..etarin- town in Massachusetts on P!e of this city manifested so much received the greatest compensation, afmMjnt bargaining, "slate MIS CEL LA NEO US. OREGON LEATHER ! The Best on the Coast. interest in the matter as yesterday, ; for the money expended. On the upon the publication of our telegram j eontrarv tK)Se that have procured uMctiirm the Ith of July. All the factor.es of t ,, worn in full onei atioti on ! r i ... - : .u... !.'. ! : f Jul v. 1 'T , :! H :' " .1 I teachers who were willing to teach . I -- o " caheles. if 9u n:,ve tmy com" ! making" and corrupt practices in our politics. English writers have often told us that an American President j ;n ' ti. r-t fAP ,!, firct twenty- ! for mere nominal wanes have been : . . ed in the .t;-.t, lor the tirst n enn ; in reality wields a larger and mor ri!-iii.M to irakc this week about the " ..... 0riy.r , , irrcsponstblc power than a Brit is! p.a.n.s . i lhe lntelugence was a little startling i cascs have ono throuuh a roonotn- i '. ,. , , ,, U koftoteest m these columns , and uha too to be generally ! e Pfmf. if ,r,.i,:5 ,nd n,rrnt i eW, and this is undoubtedly iave learned something without . , . m tne theories ot the two govern ments. This patronage at thedispo- more sovereign; and this is undoubtedly please pay your bill due the Enter- j believed. People generally say Unit j ml fr imur nnner if vou the purchase of iron and rolling j i,ke5 li: th-.'rk' vou are nfit gttin- your i sto-'k. if the-v have been purchased, j knowing how to apply their know!- money s worm. infnrtnpd a5 to i ' , " . '-r . , , sal of lhe President has gradually i i .i x i ' ,wv' i .1 '1 i I .1.1. i I ...... , , mereaseu imiti n uas ciovueu nun ry or spines is uepicteu on uie anee, the dull prosy manner Sr-T.pm-uous Smoke. Ijast week, says the Jacksonville Se,tiul of the 2l'th, pvSf Mr. Messenger, living on Williams creek, inhaled a quantity of smoke from rags satu rated with sulphur, which he was using in taking honey from a bee hive. II is face was very much swollen, ami he experienced great paiii until he was relieved by taking a duse of Perrv Davis' l'ain Killer. I X form r-rrr TIios. Armstrong . .... I 3 . .Manuracturer ot ALL KINDS OF LEATHER ! MiMVAfKtE, Oregon'. i rpUE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN- LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION is sued out. of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mi U nomah. to me directed, and ia favor of "The Dank of P.ritish ('.dunilna." and agaiinst The Ore&on City Taper Man ufacturing ('ompany,1' and Abratam I. Eioch. defei; d.int. i'r thy sum of ten thousand and forty dollars, and for c sts. in gold coin of tin United States. I lave levied upon, and will se!lat public au( tion to the highest bidder, for cash in gold join of the United States, on , Saturday, the 1th day ot" September, (!('TJOX AXD COMMISSION A. II. 1Mc1&siiIsoii AUCTIONEER! O ' Corcer of Front and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Iledl Estate, r;neer;?s, General Merehaa; di.-vj and Morse, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! O A. Vj. KrcHAn!ox, Auctiuneer C PcitnilASK We Rave sev , every oouy is so iuue luionut-u a. iu vase9 c inn of Heal Estate. j what has been done by the Oregon V . ievcral very line Farms ! Central Railroad Company, that U , ' J ,., , is difficult for tnetn to believe the dis , co.inten with an enormous power, and one which it is not for the interests of f,,r sale, on the most liberal terms.; , " vT,irl n,..n ,.. u.f. of rho K'nohpr spm5 tn nrvad tlw Purchasers who are ready to make j yesterday, wanted to. know if the dis- j whole" Sft!looh Thc lite and vifTor of country that he should possess immediate purchases, will do well to j patch was genuine; wno sent it, auu ; ; e(.;,00j jpj as Inuch on ti,e 1 x U1 Lmuiy u,e rail and see our list as we can aN i whether any confidence could be;'' 1 . ' i to have obtained, that every ofiiee- raii anu sm. our iim, as tun ,J . . t, r(1 ' pract;ca education of the mind, as i , ' w ivs ive thpm excellent chances to I I1:ed 1,1 lls statements ItWasro ;t i ho der, from a member of the Cab - ? B , it wived from the telegraph operator at does the notion cn the general pracs ' . obtam " Homes. i r I r ' .c.' i , , , 1 , , net down to t lie Postmaster of a (5) S:i i-m di rented to tne ' 1 less: out , t know ed(-A mfnstprl nmoiKT thA ! Tun SEAXCESrr-Mad. Fovo held i there is no doubt but that it was fur- masses. Is it not, theni worth more country village, from the Collector of I . . J -v 4 I 1..cf . 1,.,. f..-,. r,,!U-. a,...nr..c in this Iti- HIS I etl llie Opera I ( ir oy I n Otxi c Uii , j a glUilt poi t ULM!1 iu a i.uiiuiiiiiuuw two puUi- .seances in tni;. citv, - than an ordinary effort to procure 1 . . i- . ,i ,0,.a rr, or one of the directors ot the com- - i porter, or the i.tnitor who sweeps out Son e hing, we e pro-1 panyi Th;U u icers receiveU eompetent teachers who wdi properly ;!n t poiaed in mysterious. ajS) ana j such rews trom the Eist, wo have no ! educate the mind to a practial apv j f fl generally the public thought strange I doubt; tor a similar telegram was re- pication 0f an tlie nrincinles of soi- ! P J Ule L'xoeilU ve that "PP"1"13 ol them, but like a lottery, all did not draw what thev desired from the manifttatns. A Brick. Tlie editor of the Hel ena Herald is a brick. He is an old i Minnesotian, but none the worse for that as now he has strong prefer ences f,r ihe Pacific coast trade against that of the Missouri river, but we think he exhibits devilish poor taste when he puffs the medicated paper presided over by the spectacled ' such are the representations of those toady Sain Clarke. ceived direct from New York, yes- , , , , , , terdav, by a gent'eman ot tins city, j . , . " , I of this is to create an immense armv t-.br.-lo in tl " inside " he com-! tlve bodies incorporated into the i 1 ., , , " sho is in tne msiue. xtie coin ! 1 ! scattered all ver the country, bound ' . T1 . . j t , i by personal interests to sustain the mil l nil L.ictorri r.H'tV tnl 'III ! 1C f otv.rn nr,lr.n.ti lwlrli .-v .. I inii.li uu fto.v.ii. j..,, vj w. V...-P, , v. , t-, j jMvj.i to i;i v c t;ei - the road. By the terras of this con j tain proportkn of llis "y tract, if we are not mistaken, the , ., , f .,, :.. rit , ,it. ! whether lie has children or not, for nrosenutmn of tne woik is not to tie ' pend at all on Oregon capital, unless, ; cuoeuun u. our onui i is u- f lnje in a efS de,Trcej ;ind .. it may be, for the preliminary sur- I not for the good and general welfare j 'T ' ' vev. The contractor has been for some montns in me jcasi, uiaiving me .Q.,i.u necessary arrangements to have the i . ... , ' States. It is the patronage wielded, - - ! twin ,,r i.i ilc .1 ! null 111.1 nut III us imiita Ol li'MU iHiU . ii l ci .. . . , ., ,, , , i or inil-ionced by Governors and Sen silver, in lis fertile valleys, and the , , , , atUi o Liidi i ibuivo itiiij iu 1 1 a i work begun at an early day; at least views of the President, and favoi Lis policy and his aspirations, whether right or wrong. The same thing if a more !o gooa ana general we Hare . , , n . . . . r c ii o m . , ... ! eai mauuei vi ii-a vuciut.ia v. oi an : iney Know lull well that ; Grapes and Wine. The culture of the native grane, and manufacture of ; DEALERS American wine. 1ms been the subject of j AND MANUFACTURERS many volumes. It would require numerous J volumes to give a true idea of the system ; That I)C ;s spared to furnish as Cond and houn & ti.sl.el nave auouu-u ... . .-. "uuiuj; . dl,,..lb!e im article of Leather as can be mad their business at l'orthuid, and vet it is very j tl)e ,.aci;ic Coast ilt thc f();!owln;, rates . muin. line n nuu is: um.-i i -.c , .i.iumi i. Siriiill nrotits: and a Leneral eonlormity with the times reculaff's the whole. THE " 1I0RTICUI.TLKIST.', A State ment recently published shows that the tkultui-lut was established in ISt'i, and that it is now a permanent, reliable, and lirt class establishment. The firm of Harman liros., corner of .MorrUon and i ront streets, Portland, has existed in Oregon but a few years, and yet it is known as a permanent, "reliable, and first class establishment. Why have they been so successful? because ttiey are liberal to their customers, and enterpris ing dealers. Homes ron the Million. For a mere lion-.inn! sum a work on Arcl.itietnrc giving over 17-") original and practical de' signs and plans for low priced country homes cottage houses, Ac, may be had. The next thing is to select a design that suits, then follows the tininhing of lhe house. Now the furnishing is an important item, and who ever saw a house, from the humbl':.it cottage, that w as fu rti i !, if it had not a stove. In order to procure one of these articles from the very best stock in Oregon, call upon or address D win Com:, Union Block, "d door south of Cox k Co.'s Drug store, Sa'em. Harness Leather, per lb 23 to SO cents. Lxtra heavy, for Concord ... . :;:5 Skirting, per potiud 2s to :! " Belting, in the side :;" " " Cat, per .vuare foot, 1 oi) Side, upper, " " If, to -JO cents, (irain Leather " " ' is to '2 Light l'utf, or Grain for Wo men's work IS to 20 " Calfskins, per loz f:;0 o.i to ?iO 0" Kip " " 4c on to r0 on Bridle, per side Z ."o to 4 im 'Jollar, per side o.i to " .' Lace Leather, per &ide. 2 uO to 4 oo lf I do not think that Harness Leather should necessarily be made in Sant.t Cruz, in order to stand the test of our climate ; lf Nor do I think that Del tins, in order to bear the strain of Oregon Machinery, must be made in the Atlantic States. ALL I ASK IS A lis s AT PRIVATE SALE. Fnsli-di riimed Bar and Bundle Ti-nn A.I. 1SII7. at the hour. ,f 1 V...k T f. ! n . ' .1. iv; , " ' slcr' at the Court House door in Cvrgvfi City. ! Screws, Fry-pacs, sheet iron, IL G Iron -Clackamas eounty, Stateof Oro')n. I1 the i " Ai.sa : " ' right, title and interest of the Oregon City ; A larye assoi twent ef Gi-fcrerks and Liquors, Paper Jlariufaeturincr Coinjianv. of. rn i X Cr,,.,.,... . ,i .i i , . ' , r-i, - 1 till HAh5jsO, AllPt OIlPfT to, that lot ot land situate m Oregon City. -, i ' in the Count v of Claekamas, and HiaU' of j " , 1 Oregon, and known as Lot Number Fi w ; -iOOii7odJ WW L D. (5). in iork Niimiier Two (-). in raid 0 DRAY FOR SALE CHEAP I ; A rf'T b'ATi: iieavv pkay, IX o ) , j. V gtxv-1 (,rder. wd) be sold che-.m foTcasb . j iipor applieatiosi lo C. GKKKXMA N.O Citv. together with all ami singular ma ..mil., ii. liii iiii in' ut.i. lit i i t-aii ii. in 5, nr pui'k'iuuiees. and water rights theretnuo bebmgiiig. or m any wise anpertaming With iCi.tl) All the right, title and interest of the ' said Oregon Citv Paper Manufacturing i E- F- I:t;KLI- Company,'-of. in, and to. lhe water rights j RUoSELL & DALTOM -Q Orecn CitT.. T. W.VLTOXwt ill si in o : jtates, and of Senators ol the United interested, and we know of no reason i cattle of ten thousand hills, but in;' From Above. Our fellow towns- to doubt their truthfulness. j the knowledge practical knowledge i o i . .1 Since the above was in type we j .ir.K ,v;j! r.P..i.i . ;f y.v ;t: ;,,tpi'; man, Mr. b. Ackernian, returned . , , 1 tl'i 11 r us mttjii 1 those " baroains" and political com binations, bv means of which the from a buggy ride to Eugene on Fri- have received the Record of the Htb, Q to evoiop to lho createst ex- I 1 eo pie are defrauded of their 'just in- which has the following: i fr, "-.. ,1 :.. .:. , . 1 A,. . , . , , . , . i uaetiet: in iu uu.hjnjlui, ;;i:u maue 1 fr.i-.l- , t c I-. . . i H . . -. ....... .1 - I i. c i icia ilt iiuiut u i .cues. x l.H Cl call f. Durinrr the week past considcra- ; and educatud rnin(1 v( SU(jh a man ag ! mere puppets in hands of politicians. It is owing to this that a candidate day evening of last week. lie never 1....-I .... f : !,. urn mi u oiui iu.1 i y ui 6 Ci i; Li.LiL re- i , . 1 i 1 i . " J ' J ! ble teletrranhina has been ooinr: on i , . , . l. 1 : -i . .. it . v' . - . . .- r iiiion in n rai 'icniir t ho stiioin w,. i v.un u. nue, ,.av ing aiwas passea between the ofheers ot this Company "' ' " 1 for the position of Governor, for ins ovt;r the best part of it in the ni-dit ! and the parties cootractini; to con- i perfoitus more labor daily than ! ti,r,(1;n., 1M,v.rtr , ' , i ,. r .... . , stance, is abiC to determine autnora- tune bv tstao-e and reiortq that hp struct I'Ju nines ol roau trotn rort- i a ninon ot men couia do plivsically. i . , , , ,, , " ' 1 " has the ...i. .. .i.ii l . u . j1 l: h never enjoyed a ride so well on I land S(mlh' Gov" Woods U'leSraPhs 1 Wliy were not the aborigines of this i V "', V u. tCllZ, i from San Francisco in relation to - ' , . - . . j dates on tlie ticket, thus exercising .e I ac.fie coast. ; u .. , , : coast as powerful as those who have . , . , , 9 i the macter. all to the elltct that tne . , , an uiuust and dictiuorial authontv i su i iiiiiiicu iiiein . ouii pi v uecause , , , , ; I , L i never contemplated bv the franitrs TriK L'kst remedy for pu rifyinsr the Blood, Strengthening tho Nerves, liestormg the Lost Appetite, is FJlK8l"S HAMBURG TLA. ll is the best preservative itgainst al most any sickness, if r..ieit timely. Composed of herbs only it can be given safrlv to iiiiants. Fui! directions in French, Span:.-;!), and Ger man, with eve:y package. TRY IT ! For sale at all the wuolesale and retail drug stores and groceries. (:-;! LM1L FUKS'K, Wholesale Dmiggist, Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, San l'rar.cisco. 1 sa, i i" And I wi'd prove, to the satisfaction of all concerned, that Oregon Leather is the best on the Coast. Zf All orders will meet with prompt at tention. Address: THOMAS ARMSTRONG, Sj.ly) Milwaukie, Oregon. ami v. iii-t . auu immih coin i", eu io me ,,, i et r Oregon Citv Paper Manufaetnrinj? Compa- : rneys and Untnmor at la--, ay. by Ceorgo Marsha'.!", mi l Margaret his ' Solicitors in Chancery, and wife. John 11. Moore. and Margaret Moore Ileal Estate Aaenis. his wife, and Samuel I .Stevens and Jane w;n tioe h, the Cnnn of ti, rscmM su-veus hts wile, by need ua.ed June hdi. i u.irdand fourth Judicial Utnrts, aib'tl; lsdi,. and recorded on pages .:j2. :,::, :jM ,supr(.me ;tn!rt ot- Oregon, and :!)a. in Jiook 11 of the record of deeds j J? Special attention given to the til'lec' for Clackamas County, in the State of On;- tion of claims at all points in the above fefc. gon : being ihe undivided one half of tbe ! edditrie:s. perpetual owneivhip, and right to the use j Oriiee in Parrish's brick building, Albany, of tin. water hereinafter mentioned, and ! Oregon. (3s. the right to fake from the water, which J TT tjtttpt't' aTrn-o flows from the channel in-the Wiikimette Uil" Uti t k.LAli D b river, east of what is known as Abernediv i cflebratei Island, at the fails of the Willamette river, j SWISS STGHACII BITTERS. thr.uigh the race, and into what was known as the Basin of Daniel llarvev, on his mill ! rvmtr i t' i n .1 r, j , - I TH" ine best ibosher of the Blood 1 reserve, on the Oregon i itv C la:m. fhree i v - x pi,,.,...,,! im-v 1 . , , . , - I Tin -v 1 lea.-.mt ionic . h'lilsireu inches o water perpeiua.Jy. im- j ii A verv Agreeable Driok 1 Unsiirpased for acting sjrelr- Tu?. ;ently on the secretion jjf the kid neys, bowels, stomach awii liver ! it 'similar lyc Colors. 1'atented October LDlh, 1 - PERFECT FAST COLORS. BLtclc, Park Green, Black Silk, Light Green, Part: Hint', Maycn'at Linht Line. Maize, French. B-'nc, Maroon, Claret Drown, Oranye, Park Urine n, 1'lni:, Liyht Brown Purple, Dn. IIostktter'.s Stomach Bit rciis. The operation of this palatable rem edy upon the ;-tomnch. liver and excretory i Sttvf I'rmcn, Royal Purple, organs is singularh fioothinir and coaserva- I Cherry, idlnon, tive. It reguhites; recruit and pmiiies j (Jrnnson, Scarlet, them. Pyspepsia in all its tornis yield.4 to .' its con i: -d and invigorating properties, and j Pain PraO, Slate, it is reconi.acmI.Ml to mothers, enfeebled by j Lhjht Pratt. Solft rino, tl.f cares a.el d.-lics of Oiateruit v, ;:s the j i t t-- i , safest and best remcdV thev can'probrddv j lawn Prao, wtct use. In all the erisis of fenLve ble it will be 1 rlloir. L"jhl I' a ten PraO. found eminentiv useful, and elder. persons i roii UTKTSii SITiCX, will derive much more benefit tV.jtn it liian j '.'".a ilea and Mixed Goods, Shav. is, Scarfs. woik will proceed Letters received by b. A. Clarke. ! the power was muscle. Were v:n , , " . , 0 r .i i-ii ! ,. . ' . ! of our cRciive svstem. It is tl Secretary of the Company, fully con- ; lVing for ourselves alone : if ne did i , , . . " .. firm tins impression. Mr. !t. ! not care for onr r.osteritv and the fu- ! J;iat Jen;er!i 'teinakm,- a Pn: writing from jsew lork, says: 1 he ( ' '. , ticable tumg, and gives the contr .is ac- ol Closk Suave. On Monday morn ing last as the stage was standing in front of the Post office on Main street m this city, one of the wheel , ! . 51 . ". . . tnrp oro-ltposs of cur ivili.in . i.h,,iil.3 ! horses rubbed his bridle oft, and ; iron and other material wnl be slop- " ' ; of lare communilics lo a few exot r- started the team. Shep. managed j soon as the contractors can we wish our children to become serfs j ()!kician Jr is llh h:U i .i (7) ... i tnil.-o rpncptnpnt I f srdn it riireet '-. an A nur t it boo tn ntlioM ,1,.., , tnetnree itl, bndlC8, while Mr. " - r " ! " l.. i K . . ' u renders possible to smother party -iYi r,.. , .. . ! lu L U1 i "- iov, ' not I ill lllell ril I c lit. we re .1 v un r on. I . ... . sols bound for that port, it mav take ! . , , , . i dissensions that it were belter for the i . ,. . 1 -,, ,. i orgies. .Let no man plead poverty : .. f , , ,. , u little time to arrange with parties! " 1 - ; welfare c-f tne public sbomd not be who will he wilibuT to spnd out a as a!i excuse fur not educating; let - , . , - , win) wnl oo witi.ng to sei.a out a. : repressed, and to produce a feigned lig;lit draught vessel. T!ie locomo ' our schooi houses at regular intervals : . , , " , t . ,f .1 i i , -I : . .... , , . UUi IH'MI tt tj i ' ' 1 1 ' i'dl.' V Iiiviltl.il : lives (two of them) are bought, and dot the lulls and plains, showing: to , , . . ' r,,,l, m sb.r, ir.n ffti- IS miles-, ... ... . j concessions and ba rgn i ti 1 1 sgs fur wnich i" - , . : . . . ; future generations that the solicitude i .. t ,r . , erv Inconsistent The rlU .t the first ill vision, all that is m , ... . . . ! tbe community must suffer m tlie i market of the siz, we us. The re. i .a energetic wishes ol their fathers , ' wo u'. - ainir loeuiius to CliCCUi'a"e the immigration of white men, women and ehddreTi $b that State and yet it boasts that opposition to Chinese Klish Corbett sprang in amongst be horse?, taking the one whose head was bare by the tuos'rils, holding him thus until theeam was slopped. It j 8 was a very close shave. from ordinary stimulants. Sold by the drug gists and dealers evervwhele HOiiUi:, CAI.LF iV CO.. Agents, e.":tf Portiand. l.lregou. WoNLtiiFii, i!;'T Tr.i;::. Madame Reniitigton, the world-renowned Afctrologist and Soine.ambulistie t'iai.'voyaut, while in a cburvovanl state, delineates the verv leatnres lrescs, Hitibons. itloves, i.onnets, Jlcfs, i'eatiiers, Cbiklreii's Clothiug, Ami all liis-s of AVcaria Ani;utl. A Fa-zing: of Eighty per Cent. L'or '2."i cents you can color as many goods ? would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be prouu-d fioni the same dve. The process is simple, and any can use the dye with perfect sneec?.s. of the person you are to marry, and by the i Diteetums m Lughsh, I lencn auu eerman aid of an instrument of intense power, j outidc of each paekaee. know. i as the Psychomolrope. guarantees to liOWlv A STLA'FXS. r-roducc a perfect and iiie-like picture of the I'.oi; broad way, boston. future husband or wife of the applicant, utih ! --For sale bv SMITH A. DAVIS, Poiiland date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of s Oi eiroe. character. Ac. This is iy imponition, as tes- j " titiV'iii.ds uiihor.t i: umber can assert. By i staling pie.C" of birth, age. di.spo.-ition, cohir , fi "fT7 "Ol SJO of wyes, and hair, and enclosing hl'ty ee:,ts, I vi yt W-U VV WVt and s'amped envelope nddrossed to v .uuse! f, i yon will ree. ie the picture by relurn mail, ! together w iu. desii eo intormation. .-viioress ( iri eoe.'id.'nee, Mwumk Jicerin iiK Kiusi;- j ton, P. O. llox-i'.-r. West Troy, N.Y. ':Sy ; derail average head of eitrht feet from the i top of the water in said JJusin on s:iu Mil! j TRY reserve, at low water, togedier with the ; riaiu oi way across tr.e lana ot iamei : . . . ri llarvev and Fdoi.a hisiie.b.r a suhieient ; , i or s:t,f al a" """'e ana Uiiiuof . , ,. . ,. ; urti'r, and arocerv stores, race to convey said wauv ? om the noiiu i line of said ilasin. wherever lhe same was '; , . .. ,.77 - . on the inh of August. A. . 11. or nun i OP.Oin Sllulll, JtK WITHOUT IT Q low be. Pi the south end of .Mr. in street, I bb I aiscn, I roprietor. n ....... i . i.u ton a i.Ksi.'PL. .vjjnts. bly) (.May st. Saa.F-r.ncisco tnate in said Oregon City, in the conn- tv of Clackamas, in the Slab' of Oregon. lid protierly. waier rights, power and ; ".7 TJr rr T rr T? easmeiits being imriieumriv de.-enbed m a ; ' J- " j deed executed by Daniel I brvey and U- OtTgOa !3im!SU0H AChCV oisa ins wee. to Jonii ii. ..uoore. (eorsro. : Marslia'.J. Samuel J,. Stevens and Joseph 1 Or r xCi, '..'. bii.-uil STiLFET. MCW y.-.'.;K.CiTV- o Q witzer. dated August '.'lii.l-Sd-l .and record- j d iii liook " l of the record of leeds of j saot v lacK.mias uoiiaiv. on pages , , ., ,, i:7 ! t tfiro: ii. for Olivine ar .iiri'.?rT irect. ?.- the :er witu an aim sm- ; Istluims or Cl.c Ibirn. ail cia-ses and varie- :v.:ir the a;ipurteiia;K'e.s thereunto beiong- , ties of Mereba!ii;... inci iuitte,r Musical lu ng, or in any wise a' i-erlaining. j stuiwents, Fa ns a & iiiipltf mc ut s, Carriages y. p. BL'Jwn.S. i "l'd :.:. -. Sberiff id' Claekusijas Co. ! Fnit hruV- artentio-n vrill alo be given. Oregon Citv. Ju.lv K':h. Ls .';'. (-il.c.t to cu.-iSviratui ) v,','!i.n i.t Ti'ieBts. Z . "1 I U7 j AH orders and busi ee s w iil ;-eeeie prompt it.eutn. G... ' sst-;p;vu in hest st-vie ui tiic u'.vest rates, ami biMiied lo uidi?. TN Till: CIRCUIT COURT OF TDK 1 State of Oregon for the Oounrv of Ciaek- !l;:is ss. Suit m equity to dissolve m:rri:i;e ! contract. Sophia 1'iounqui;;, pl.tintiil' vs. Manuel Felix Piompjuii-, deferidan:. : oo cent revenue stamp eai.ee'ded. j To the itbove named defendant: Tn the ; name of lhe State oi Oregon vou are hercbv 1 Aid: Met" Ksixcss KEl-2KE-ens : i. .Vi-rrii! &. Co., San I-'rancisco. C-.b. i.e;-v it.eml! &. Co.. 1'or'daod, Oreco iir.re.i to appear and ae i ii i ... .i. i.. -i joi es. a.eai, uivnn 'i iiota;'.. .ionfPill Aibanv, (Jregon. :"tW VOUK CITV UKVKKK.SCtCS. t,. T5rowi-.;i r.r.i r.:ml-m .'s Krrar! f is --.u auu esn uie compiatm , ... i s- to, - .... t - t - liied against yon in the above entitied acton, -7 7y .PaJ'ln e.o. w Liberir st. m toe Coiu-i aioresauf, bv tne lu-st dav of! , -,. T 'v.,.; i..,i- v,.i. ti.e next term thereof, which will be beun and held more than si'i weeks after tbe date of tins summons. And if you fail to answer lhe complaint as aforesaid, ihe tdaiutili' win take nulgmeiil agaiv:t you for costs and dis bursements ot this action, and applv lirtlie Court for the relief demanded in the cosit pininl on tile, Pi-wit : A deerc-.? forever ilts solv ir.g :(ie bo:ds of m;-.J rimony now siiing betwci-n vou ami plaiutilf, and also to have the children named in said c.mpi ;a;i)i ijiven Co.. 1 Wall st. : MAIN STREET, T Tilf! TF.LCir..t-FII oFFI.' E Orcon- tV.'v. Orcyon. DF.AI.F.US IN" . : .. . ., : l i' i' .e market or tne sizj we us. iueie-i - end. iiuse are but n t-w ot the niaining eight miles will be forwarded! were for the uturo prosperity and j inanltoia after the first shipment, mere is ; unbounded welfare of the masses.: . nothing to prevent the work from j Then thru also will know that if they ! ?f VaU' commencing m ery moo u um Could some plan be devised for C tp n A 'IV a A You no L.M'V iteturning to her ; pfTf country home, after a 5oj-mra of a few j f Pumps, Lead Pipe, Uuse, C.tC And Manufacturers of gnieu ii.au oppoiuou io ..nntese i ct.m ucuoa.g ... e..y sww.u uu, 1 Work for the mind, that the imores. . 1 v" uutu jor l.Vs Ctimulated the" Coolie! ine contractors, A. .. Cook ; . . , 1 stripping our Presidents, Senators Co write to th same effect and add s,on ls aurable and will keep the j 1 ' . i i", and cites the fact that there CO., w rite to in.. an.c.tu.cr, ami am . 1 , i and Governors of mnestenlhs o what 1 1 v that 'k the negotiations all around i w'i;o;e atmosjmere of their after life j v aa excess of arrivals in one week have heen thus far satisfaetorv. We mire. ami lav the. fo-.mrl.-itmns of Imn-i Uly 1,0,S (,f power, a great vf 2.70 of the moon-eyed whelps, ! hope to be able to start in Septem- ' ilies, ,,ro "eritv ad respectability i T be taken toward the puri- wbieii it is pleased to term an ac- ber, and carry the work to a success- ' ' . -' bcation of our politics. f.,i ,,v,ii " ! ,. p,-, !-. in; f w Incn are the on v safeguards against c-ei.n.n to ocr a bo ri n g " coinBlt ll.',! , ' , ' crime " i Alexander U. Stevens according to Pop.u l2 t i o-n ! Bah! you brute. Engineer, wnl soon be on the ground. w. RANDALL, Superintendent ! a late correspondent rerded Davis ----- - S.li.i(lU if 'rl.l-.iiYin On i I t months m the eity, was haruiy rec.' by In r f riends. In place of a coarse, rustic, ibi.slied face, he had a soft ruby complexion oi ainut marbie s'.noothucss, and instead of t entv-t hree sii( real! v appeared ly.'.t eigh teen. Upon i.ettiii v as to the cause of so j great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Halm, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any LadCs toik-t. Nv its use anv I.adv or Centleman i into tut cum.'xIv of idaintif.. j'Oiixs.o:: t 3h-cow7 A;orncv5 for riainbfl'. JIS'lTy. ; -r-i: nr. axis, tobacco, Notice to Shitcn Polh. : 1: sxuff. fjpks. rPAKI- ?,0TICK. that Abraham Than- hn? 1 u a..! )u.. made a; plication at (his of.ice to enter Vt 'lS.r. t . '. t UiS i . as a jn-e vva Uo:i ht the S. V.'. ouarter cf . V. q uarr?", and V. hi ot j:;arter of Tin, Gcpper and Sheet Ircn Ware, Alain Street, Oregon City. The subseiibers would respeetfu'ly an linnm e that thev keen constantly on band a can mmrove tour persona, appearance an j ,rtH)(j BirUnent of Cooking. 1'arlor, Air honored fold. It is suup.e it, its comln- j Tj,lt UI,a cth,.r stov ratable to this nation, as: Nature horse.: is .simpie, yet ;rket hich llle win , utiMii na.sscd m its efucacv in a rawing ! Gov. Dukkek. We- learn from A ItusiiiNG Steamer. '-The Fidel i private letter that Governor Durkee, j iter is now called a Russian steamer j Washington County Agricui. 6 of Utah, now on a visit to California, J by the Puget Sound Papers. Under j Tl RAL Society. Last week we were asnman of kind heart, who meant well in what he did, but was not fitted f.-r the head of a nation in a time proposes returning to Salt Lake City j command of Capt. Krskine she has j uninformed as to the time the Wash- e tnat of lhe Iate war- He would via the Columbia river. Governor j always been a rushing craft. in(Tton rnnntv A-rrieiiltural Society ' liften lo no advice, and hee l no Durkee is an able man, and should, " 7r"7 , proposed to hold its fair. Since the ! warn5n- Because he wanted lo sac- his time admit of itiT,. doubt a speech j n ' ' . , .' dote of our last issue Mr. Alfred Coetl' he tho,,''t t-refore he must, and ha; no idea of ?tivif:g up the con- O or two from him would be valuable upon us, and 1. U. G. 1. lhe Mesi-uce. f ' i .i ... ,.e i.i ..i- t i ir i I i or i. i" usenu, puoiisnes a siorv o 1 .: r. ,. -r... , ! I.eweiimy has called . :i , i uiuuaiu iu i seal ua u. loo i iou , to Oregomaiis, when he comes here, i . , , J hein He spent eight years in Congress from Wisconsin six-of wbi.'h WPP(, of August there were eight Lodges in the Seriate. I Good Templars in Idaho. A La roe Stek; Mr. N ewman. iiiuiuoKen sister in searcn or ine nouy , f(.ct r i,,!.,.,..,,!,,,! ,Uo here, i , , ... . f ! heim one of the Directors we learn ltst ,1,,tu Ue tfl-giaphed him that that the Fair v,--l! begin on Tuesday, ! bis lillCS were ,,rken a,!fl ,hdt he Septembtr 2-lth, continuing for four j must CVQcn Richmond. The cap .kv Mr .Tames KmhrifT i PrPSi. ! tnre of Davis Mr. Stevens We are mined to learn of the I dent ot tho incorporation. Mr. John i lhou?ht faux pas for the North; bet- I ! - ot Sa exhibited in this city on j death of Julia Alice, infant daughter Thursday ard Friday last, tbe hir- i of Michael and Mnmia O'Connor of Merriman Secretary, Mr. T. D. ! ter a ood deal h:lve et hi,n (l j Humphrey Treasurer, and the follow- w tierever be wanted to go. U hen gest steer we have ever seen. Indeed, j Portland, which occurred in San j ing named gentlemen are the Direc j askcd where Davis was going when but few luviues ever attain near the Francisco on the 12th, upon tho r.r Fi7.eQof this, which has been termed j rival there of Mrs. O'Connor, on a the Oregon Baby. It was raised by i visit. Mr. Thomas Cross of Salem, and j weighs :Q$Q lbs. Mr. Newman wil tors Isaac Bntier, Zma Wood, S. eaP,ureJ- Mr. Stevens said h Poultry. Persons in want of j exhibit the monster at the California ! thorough bred Buff Cochins, Pluck .,aie rsur ana dispose of into in j Spanish, or Brahma 1 ontras, can , , ... , lw,rr:ft,. i f running against tvervlhiiig, and hiis J. Stott, Gustavus Scroggins, Jeronie j ulun 1 Know ne- uouniea n Jjavis Porter, Alfred levelling. Parties ! knew h5mseSf- 110 Si'QUU'd to wishing to attend, from other conn- ! l h runnir, aboilt Iike a A.V ties, will be properly received by j tX stable. f'er the boys had taken the committees, and anv articles or his e'es out bobbing up and down. , i, : o O ' ; 1 iUry ; m the Editor of tins paper j co;UuLte ou,. Wa" ton ting everything, utterly unconscious o - " - - where they may be obtained, and Foreign Fhuit,and Forest Thees. j the conditions for furnishing the DuCiffg the past two weeks we same. have seen growing in Oregon: Figs, Italian Chesnuts, Cerman iVunes, Mulberries, Hickory Nuts, Black I Walnuts, Butternuts, uud English Walnuts. The Prunes and Mulber- Ilon. W. C. Johnson of this city, j together with a party of ladies and ! gentlemen from different parts of the j rPCtiivetl a iiea P-hl,ed dialogue I State, made a trip to Mount Adams of the Portland Academy and Female ! countv friends on their pluck in a-ain ! of whr,t he was doi,io or vhere i i..;.,--.,., .1 t:- .7: i was KOiiig. "iiiij;aiH uieeie.ciy in iiie, aim WISH ; them all possible, success. I The Richmond prmers trive Greelev j little credit for offering himself as Portland Academy. We have j bail for Jeff Davis. They say that Horace ought to have stayed at home OflVred at Portland Prices ! nipuiities from. iiImi heaiinir. cieaasins: and beanti'Vinit the skin and coniplexhii. i Hy its direct aci son on the cuticle it draws i from it all its iini)uri?ies, kisnliv healing the . , . . ,, . ,- - , , 51U1H.. and leaving the surface as Nature in- I h!r assortment '"bus hue is large, ami em tended it should be. clear, soft, smooth and ! -U'CS fl,,,,,!st an-Y deMrcd pattern, including bemiiiful. 1'nee $, sent by .Mai! or Kxpress, i 1,!,l.-,-,T. on leceipt of an orc.er le; V. b. CbAKlv k Ll C.iv, ('...., Chemist. No. a West. Fayette Street, i HKNJtY CLAY, raei:se, .s. . i ne oi.iv American Aiioins j 1 1 1 1 ti io't ivp lor the sale of the same. ' i:ly 1j L Al 1 H b t ( L, N i;Sl 1-JltN I7MPIKE. OPvEAT PFPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. seciimi lo, ana . . i . epuiriei' of .n. v . ounr- ! ter of section J. T ."i fS Ii ." v.-it, nnd i is ciuiai l.-elng in contiict wit', yeur prior filing o for the se.. ie -tract, ven w wed thirt.v ; Torn t nis eat- ni:i..:i it arn:ea. a.e; establish your claim, and failm-s'io do so the enlrv of said Tharp wiii be allowed. ) V i: Y A i ) K, Kegixter. -11 4t'i lIlkMiY WAUIiK.Vliec-iver. ST.vTia;;:;v. t.'; .M l-'-' AN'D i;Rl-'iIi:, OHXA "dHN'TS. Tf)YH. iucr.s, VVILLOV, A Nil WOODEN V.WKE, QAN'KiIK NOTION:-, .. A'c. ALSO, II A. OS IAMtQ O band OtVtce, Oregon City. Or.. Aug. :A, '.i7. , HASH CLOTH IN Jul v t."dh. Kxow inv Destiny. Madame K. F. Thornton, the great Knsrhsh Astrologist i Churveyant and I'sychotiiet rician, v. ho has; astonished the seientiiic classes of the Old i Rooflnf and Jobbing of evrrv descrit.timi World, has now located bcr.se!!' at Hudson, j ,;Klllt. p, i,njt.r in a nianner that cannot fail N. V. Madame Thornton possesses such womieful j.owers of second sight, as to ena ble her to impart knowledge of the greatcs: importance to tho single or married ot either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates tiie very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in tense power, known as the Psvchotnotrope. gnai antecs to prcducd a bfe like picture of tiie future husband or wife, f the applicant, to suit patrons. In addition to the above mav be found a good asMirimeut id ILitd- ware. Wooden ware, etc. Administrator's Sctice. CTICi; JS UK RICKY GIVEN. That ti.e undersigned has been anrwritwl. bv i.ee Cniintv Cmirt of Clackamas couritv. Ore-U'-t'i Adminitrator of the e-!,,ie of buns Siover ;e, cased, late of said countv. All p. rsons liuving chums aaauist said estate : are hereby r.otilk'd to present them with t..e j IfiSJMO juoper voucheis. vithi: siv months fV.:ui ! . I . . 1 . i - . i . . : . - . . . . ii.e utile oi xin in nice, to toe .oimuustrator in Oregon City, said coinitv. N. i . UA.NDAbi,, Aumini.-.trati.r. ! July loth. I-". ;-t.'.4 ! l.V CJ 11 RAT VARIETY, MADE EXrRESI.Y i'Oi: THIS MAUSKT, i:V C. M. KI-STER. A. LICVY. .Ml Executor's IJotice. New York Mar ufacte.rers of rpmc r.Nir.usf(i.Nr-; having been ; Bell Metal Patent Agrafe X appointed by theCcur.ty Court -f ('Sack- J auuis cou:itv, ()r...z.,li) executor of tiie e:-!ate ; , OI , -r, . n ,0 d' Satnuel i;. Barlow dec-eased, hereby gives s iiranCl -110101168 I io.ice to ail persons having cltuir.S against , C. W. I'OI'E .v Co. Oregon Citv, Auril 2oth, 1st)". 1. A CAKI FOR THE FALL AND "WINTER lOiiei ne: won e.aie, or nun I uie, post 1 n. , xm ww yr-- rElfli a -n v u life, leading traits of character, ..c. Tins is I V-EV Jt JiaSL JS JL Jkk Of Saii Fruiit'Uco. no humbug, as thousands ot testimonials can assert. She will .-end when desired a ! certified certificate, or written guarantee. 1 that the picture is what it purports to be. j BAEG2R & LINBENBERGER, Bv encloMi.g a smab lock' of hair, and s;it- 1 v. ... ., , A , . T, ' ing piace of birth, aire, disposition and com- I 4il 4l-J,anrt 4U Battery street, pioxion, and ene!o-ing firry cents and i - -or. .uercinint, an ! r auc-sco. t'tivcbiiie addressed to voursell, vm ! iiifuui k-hs. a.o lini.tsALE UKALERS r. o -1... J ... i.,,,-. ,.r pi .-.-.1-111 teem u:t .ne vo-.icll- , ,-vn.-...-.evrn irnrtli MV '111, l .i 1 1 . i. I v.. i . I ' ' v .' mucft t.Phis old patron J 1 I . , ei i-.-i uimi oy law. to i.uz at n:s resiaence O. .,1. n... :.i - . :.. A 1 Iron, the date hereof. And ad persons owing ; Ul" bdic g.meral.v. that e A V sa.d estate are icpiired to make immediate ' ,'"- 11 " "l . ' . UJitiieeeiss i liiie., hhm h '-. i ,, ..w. pavment. GEO. A. SHICPillCUi). Oregon C;ty, Ji.'v kj.'u,;, lco7. f te,.4 rpiliC FNDERSI A. liecifuilv aii'ii, - public ire. Uly on hand dass f'ianes. . . v- - . 1. - sine ami retail at .h".v x oik prices. O 0 AcnsT rem steixwat & so:.- Celebratrd Finnofortcs ! stae.ipe will receive the picture and desired informa tion by return mail. All coma unieations saereulv confident ia'. Aildressin confidence. KNTIUE XEW AX FHKsil STUCK 1 saeie i. connuemue. .vuo re i n ce uuence, 'T7"E WOULD CALL ATTENTION OF .'I.UI.V1IK L. I'. 1 IIOI1XTUN, P. O. Bo. I V V O. t , .... , V, ii,lsn X Y i.j-.iv Cuun-.v . ore a ants to onr usually A . -'' j large stock of (Jooos. Our stock compri.ses .,,V-77 "777,1 '7. r', "7 i t-'very article in ti.e Clothing and Fui-nb-tnng '1:llllP " !'ie Ul,h at iu- residence llne. We have constantly on hand the !ar ofj Ganets, by Lev. 1 IK Cross, .dr. , ,st and greatest variety of Cassnncres ami V-;7 -" ,lls,s -n-"i iul ' V- oo il.;ts, ot ;u,v house in San Francisco of Oregon Citv. At the Auditor's o'lice in Vancouver, W. T., Aug. loth, isi',7 !)-.J.ilni F. Smith. Kso. Mr." Charles W. MeCown and Miss Emti M. King, all of Cl .tcKanias conntv, 0r l-lfiu u. ( en t-irf.iliii-i.-i. Kir IT....... rv. , ' ' - made the ascent i wauu. x nt! rigs ov James and minded his business, inasmuch I Ci : f . . I r I'l -r 'ill. on the 5th. and on the dav following U1'na,.v; 11UU1 ine perta. ot wn.ea ; as iav.s nan plenty ot - genuine and 7 J ' jiacic .-i. ;j.vi cii, D E X T I 8 T S . i nc putronttge oftao.se desiring Fu-.it Via Vp' fuiuyt, is respectfully solicite-il. Satisfaction iu all caes guaranteed. a- 1- ..toe,..,- .,! - adtiiinUtiir.i-l f..r tl,o o W.Cook, and the balance by Mr.) The M. K. Conference at Portland, j State. It is in a flourishing condition, Samuel Mler, of .his city. The j closed on the 11th. Tbe following j having a large number of scholars, i we are led to believe that Portland i -principled friends" to go his bail. Painless Exn-action of Teeth. Also - the h:t " of the best schools in the j Manifestly the philosopher of the trtct-ttri WatZP aere mention of th matter will bring to the minds of some persons, perhaps, who admire the varieties, or any one of them, that such things enn be raised in f Oregon, as well as in Tribune has not made many friends m the South by his. magnanimity, are the appointments for this district j and bids fair to out-rival the Uni-! Our chivalrous brethren say that "he for the ensuing year: ll. F. DeVore, ; ven,-l-v it oaifcU1- j was merely tiding tor notoriety." P. E; Portland, C. C. Stratton; ; .,' " " , ! The New York Independent ex- T . r t xv i , i bASE jJall. due best of feeling! . ..... , Portland Aiissioti, L. T. W oodward; j . , j presses the opinion - that the politi- . ,. . ' existed in this citv on last Tuesday. ! ,. , . . . . Milwaukie, CN, A. btarr; Uregon City, . : - ; cal equality ot American citizens is any other climate, and if they do j W. I. Cosner; East Tualatin, J. W. not expect to geek the spirit world I Turner; Ilillsboro, John Flinn; Day- j on the occasion of the third "ame of ' base brdl between the Clackamas first s likely to be sooner achieved in Mis- 4 " j sissippi than in Ilii; ois sooner on i dental club of Vancouver. The j til i f- rA t- IX' i in 1 v. fn r r-i r is ans; Rock Creek, Cr. C. ; th v,,.,nP .fK F around the grave of Abraham L com. eirl thpv mi.Tbt nn,l lwnr,,i.t I T , T T , , , 1 nine, and the first nine of Uie Oeci-' , , . , r . uiey might Un.l ,t prohtab.e to ton, John James; Lafayette, C. Al-; . tho plantation of Jtflerson Davis than invest m a tew trees tf-ot coo self- ; derson; Yamhill, D. Harer; Dalle?, ic would pay them to do so any- j JX C. Jenk T; tor the benef. of w children i Roe; Cear Creek Christopher Miz- ! wno may coma uttpr thim M ' t Miller has an orchard which wili i ner ililarnook' J- Howard, 11. O. j Rooms to Let. Parties in want j the greatest li vingVveavator is Gen tis his name down to posterity i Benson, editor P. C. Advocate; Wm. ! Df ro0ms w;u do weij to call at the j eral ShriJan, who kept borino- Wells with iuchrlit. 'Royal, Tract Ageot. ! Esteri-rie office. j till he reached Fhmdcrs. The New Orleans Picayune think? streets, Portland. Entr street. . . .ii- , - i-iee on u asUinptOll 42.tf DISSOLUTION'. T!J". PAKTNFUSIUP 1K11ET0F0RI- existing as Chartnan & Ki n. was s.lved on the Isf, inst. bv limitation Th-is Ciiannan wilt continue on the business as usnal, and I'. Caarman will for the coming thirty days pay attention to cbsior up the oiu bn.Mi.ess ot the iate tirm, after vhi.-h he intends tid ing to h.in.elf a f,.n- tllotUhs ()f IciM.re. Tuo old accounts wili thea be ad- J"."-u " l'. -"ur?e ot i. Charman, mile v.'.i pin tii--. are i: S ana onr pi ices tor these goods are less than those of any boast', as we receive thet.i di rect from tiie manufacturer's consignment v Onr stock of F.w.l a.vi Wintkk (roods is 'ii. j jmrticnhniy attractive, and the great feature to no; country merchant is the unusuailv low prices. Lf .ss thnri the Cost of Importation ' re also keep the. staple articles m the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have pur chased in tiiis market under the hammer, and are cti'ering them at New York ce-t, or less We publish this card in order that we mar make new acquaintances, unit induce thee w ho have not heretofore purchased of us, to call unit examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices ! Are the greatest inducements to al! who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good pro tit. and sell to their customers at a low tigpre. fl e I'triatiti, Utfrn-i'tfuij ii t.inr ('h'f. St rr'ts, l.ADGEU & LI'XDFXIIKKGEU, Wholesale Clothing and Ilat Warehouse, Nos 411, 4it and 41o 1 tat ten- street. San Fraiicisco, July Si-tb, 'C7. 4iSm rpiiE CO-rAUTNKbSlii;' beretofo-e ox- S .L. isting hotwecn David Smith and W. !. ' Marshall, in ti e blacksmitliing and boiler and making business, under the iirm name of' . T, tt : r V" C Sm.th A Marshail. was di,soh ed by mutual ! -LA. 1 110 Ml S OA S coventor, .uly 1st s,. , p y TkEEL 1 ae haziness wih lie carried on at the eld stand bv David SjTilh. (dlOSAI, OliGAS. SMITH & MARSHALL. ! v i? .Vimu-.o. a ml Or-an carefn!lvtoni i . . , . . . ,.i wieuon v.U, uregon, .imv -isi, i-l,. 4i. 1 .-eL-iin-i' O MISCELLANEOUS. ami r-epaireil aO.lV! id Or -ii'i' carefnllvtar H.-siNSJiKIMKR! 111 Pi-or.t st. Pert. and, Uregon, :r-! CITY ISAIilX! SCHOOL NOTICE. riIIi: KXEPC'SKS AT THE CITY! J.iA' STKKFT, OliKGOS CIT1 . i ii.. i . ti .e 1 Seminar-,- wi ill be re-uuH-d in partmeats on Monday. An-, lid!.. 1 p rj t f pf C. CHI I F R . F. BARCLAY, Snp't. b & b L U Vi Git t V b E. L I J J August 1st. 187. j (Successors to Wortmaiiev Sheppard.) J. A. BlacDOKALDj ! Keep constantly on hand Green Street Oswego, Oregon. : . v t , j n CAKES! PIES! DttEAl Past Jtttsfer and Drahr it GENE 11A L MEHCIIANDISE, ! And Cracker of all l$ids! Gr"f"SiS' -' quot ; orders in this Line will merit vith. PEOilPT ATTEriTIUx-. : V IK) WANT I 3 THOMAS STEI'IinS. D.VXiEL I1IG1 F.V. tner parties are emploved to attend to the ' by the late iirm oharnvin 4 Br EXCELS10II SODA WOORS ! F U b I). CHARM V N" ' I POUTLi.M), OREWIV. Oregon Citv. Aiw i-,th i.:- ,7(i ct-o-uxttt'tm o s. dtpt rv gon City, Aug. l.-,tb, 1807 " iik'u Sunday "schcofand Gift Books"! pRO.M THE AMERICAN TRACJ SOCIE X ty and Massachusetts Sunday School hocietv-, For sale at Messrs. H.irgren & Shindler . iirst street, corner of Salmon. 1 ordand, Orevtnu. G II. ATKINSON STEPHENS & BIGLEY, P CALL iS l.V F,;ie Jh-anJle, EntjlUh Ah if' Porter, Cnam jxiijie Cider, I'.nuk liter, dr. A hSO, Manufacturer cf all kinds of Syr XJL. ups, Soda Water and Ginger Pop. Orders for English AW and I'orter filled in bulk or by the case. Iin:lv Flrst Class Fine or Coarse Made or Repaired. Kspccial care p.nd at lentton aid tn orders for line work, such as LadieV and Misses. Fine Gaiters., (Jeuts' Fine French Calf Boots., etc. Orders solicited from abroad w ill be executed with neatness and dispateh TEIIWILLIGHR A .nMITII, -i'Kit (ireen st., Oswego. Ortgcn. G S VJ G O K G I T S E ! OSWKGO, ORE . ON. JOHN SCI1ADE Proprietor. IS. now p-repared to receive and entertain all who may favor him w ith their patron age. The House is New and the Rooms are Newlv and Neat'v Furnished. The Table BARLOW & FULLER . . . i-ii i ,.r Also Keep on nana an miiw FAMILY GROCERIES ! and rnovisioxs STEAMBOAT STORES! And all Articles ii';ed for Culmarj Paq ses BARLOW & FULLER Sell a tine assortment cf LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail 1 Attention is also directed to the fact .I.... . -..It. idin selis the .ill be seppiied with all the de'icaeies of I -i-. iioiTs; 1 1 T 11 SH )N CIILLoi the season. The Hons? is- situated near the ; x ff ' steamer landing. Toe proprietor will at ail i JZi QxxOlxl i . times endeavor U give entire satisfaction to orj the public generally, HW '"' all w ho may favor him with a cail, and 1 . -t,'i to c.',n at the Citv Bakery, where t w ould respectfully solicit the pa'ronage of ; ' ' ma,!e anr-'arent that otirMock . the Traveling Public. 41:tf. j , ir, Hnd our prices reasonable. f Board per week S on f?mJ"c' ""'V c" Let. in exchnngf i". Board and Lodgtng ..... fi kmt f F I ll.OWiffU, j Single Mc..7.. -Xecou Crry, Jaf. uth.nCT. v v ' COURTESY OF BAKGROFT LIBRARY, o