o 0 o O o aa..; O o O ' ELI ' UP F B G 1MM I G G 0 O Yol. I. OISsSGOX CITY, OSISCSO:?, SATODAY, AUGUST H1SQ7 jSV. 4 Si 0 I j Win Uli 1 O .. c 1C lUciin (enterprise. By D. C. IREIiAITD, CFFH'K: South oast corner -f Fifth me! Main street, in the lmihJinir int'dy km. ii a t!ic Cmirt House, Oregon City, Oregon. Terms of Siibst vl pt ion. a co'V. one year in advane ?. il dcluved. . . . 4 CO Or eniis of Ail v i t i s i ii . 'Tra:Qi-rt advortii-emems. tin' sp.tarR lii Hue or l.-s'.i first hi.-erti'-ti . . . '- Fnr iach u b ;... 'nrit inse: ima 1 jJusiness f Jitrd - ,..ne .-.putio per annum 4ayab!is ;uiift:rly. . . . OiT'j Vidnmn per amuen. Om; half coiuia.'i " '' One 'jaartci- " " ' ' Lc-'u! atlvrtisinsr f. the. otablilnvl rate. ?1 iiiliiuiauh Iiixtic a. I, A. l.s its reul r ViiOtC -.n.i)!uaicatif)ns on tiie first nn-1 t!ii;-.l Sat unluvs rf c-ivjit month, at half jiast six r. v.. Hrethtvu lu tto-.nl sfuadihg are invited lo Qittnd. I!v ord'T of " V". M. Ore 'ou Citr, Nov. t,th, lf-C'. fC--' Oregon I.oti;c A'o. 3. I. O. ?.iz of or, Meets cvtv V'c:l:i:-s- u,tfcv L t (tii! tti t u iiuift, m Lit-.; Masniiic Ha'h Metr.bers oftlie ordor are ii; itcd ttt attend. )!v crde-r (i. :; WiHmttlc l--Jgc o. 15--I. . ii. T. 'If "flH f-Ti-rr Satiiril.iv cvruinn-. at liie r'o!':s tK.K. .'oriierhif M.uu and i iftii strei ts, at 7 i-li : .clnck. Visiting inetuber.-j uvc invited to,6 i?t?-nd. Uv or4cr of W. 0. T. ..r. cousms. r. . '.r c-t.vv. A'.-' yv.,;.j;(-. JOimSOK St McCOWN, Et:l-::z5c5 OUKuO' itv, jiu;gux. - ,-.i- W'll -i;t nJ f :1 e.u.-ir.css cntre.sfed t "oar care m Aoy ( r.i'.'ifct money, nccjn e JeiHiS, sed r-.-a! es- ; t te, "'to. v.- '-i'arlieuI.sr ai!-uti.)n :;1 cn to c'jtif-.vt;-- I and eases. 1 . .Mlorucj iiitd Councillor at ...'?". Vribb ATTEND I'ilOM f'TLV TO ALL V ba-.ino.s. c!itt-atcd t, ids eaiv, - ()r ririi ():e d.er eorth of iieil A i'-iih-n 's ri!i -Lure. ,re.: ;. C:y. ;!--'..-. 1 .' Br. H. SaiT.irraiirV. OX Ol'FJOlP-in.b V lr. Dr. P. Barclay, AT. 11. U. L-v .( Fovnierly f-'a: a on !':. tT Mi. ii. ih C- Mr;- -! iVft . . Main Ciiv. !ha st i-. J 0 II I'i O dai;a i c 71 r, A t-.i -a;.' : , i l.CS. ICCX. Cz. I . - .. ' i "il ii att.un; 1 !' I'i i 'i 1-a ! f a f ia a a p i .iii.i : Wiilrhr-t C::::. C0XTIIA '7h''A an ' nuii.T), Will i!i--v! ti ft ni-1 i a j; i pCI: -f ' e --ltauiii bud-b e a. tt cady l to. ! ia hi ione, cn- j-!itiT aa.l .ii'iii.a- -v ! k etc. dijldni g raaciiia'y h. tea,.,. B2L Ii K. a. I'Aiiria!. .- - i - .a iis.e.Ers i " C'ian'cti! 0 -, v. 1 ' 1 'trf( in (;. U i i sa r. !. -vo: . And cvorv ar'y-o k'pat in a hno 8 '. i M S-ntfir.T. Okkoox Ctv. L. ZICxLEE & SON., r n x-s "C 'S. 3 it it,-: . Mud Orcyo.i Cl'ij, Oregon. T 'Hi' UN I'tiitst;.; n P.i) AJti: NtfV. ruii- !.i:ed t:i make ;dl aiiia aer of ware in the hue id' cm ape'-aire, from u v. e'i-tiieiet to a ha'ae id, ef boi-i bi-e--.' ;.nd Mraigbt w icrk, on slioi t s:a'iee, ami al l ca- aebh' la'.ti S. Cull and e'xaitninc sample-! id' ear work, as it is its own re jommen hr a . oil..;m i b. ZiOhtili A SON. J. Wvii, Q,a. , -7 ;..--;. - '. ' " JAKES EL IJ.003S, Q Justice of the Peace d' CCj P.i c:;-dcr. Olnce In the Court House and City Council Room, Oregon City. Mfi'.l attend to the aeknonLdpieot el deeds, ami id! oli,ar ibe a-s appa: taiili theolhae d" .last ice of l'ae i'' .. . : g 1' : : v Joint t'ioming, ': a .!:: in. jjooicsur, st.i Tf.xin:r. Thankful hr the pa'revee liotvmfere re ,ceived. vesIfC'iiV.'.iy soh;at a eea.i-aaiOe of the favors of a geaereas pc.be.a. lln sterf is between .Jac-'dn" r.n.i Aeker inan'slirieas. on the West sale f Main slro-t. Oregon City, Oetoiuv -7lh. '.''' CLASH GBEEHMAIT, Our tov , -r, Cit y 5 ra y ns a n . C:w.gS o.'Eo'o.V'Yi'r. All orders for the delivery of merchandise, or packages and freight ct v. ha'aee- descrip tion, to ai:v part of the ciiy, wiii l-e ea- enua. promptly and with care. e eaa Joatx sivrats. lS(jU n. :. mv:-ik. J. MYERS ec RUOT1IER, CSaesip okro ! Tei y pi,.- c Iff 1! a On 1 Voder ia Dry Goods, Boots :m-l Shoes. Cfoth.ng, iiaeaa "i-ta Stone Nt'aria Coa-eeries, li.ird.va;e. e'.-a, etc.. m.'i . a- .- it . ,'( ; P; !r'J Orc.f ra Catv,' October -?., ts'i'- 2:ly p p p Jb.'nCl-:.' Jd,ANiCS. of every d-serip-Hon, r,,r sale at the Kx: Kiieaisi-: onima V? your neigaln r to tbscribe f-"' tin- En rsiiiru :.m. O CLIFF HO IT EH. I a i n St r. r-. nx, ..AO f'ii IE,;.'.;; T'.d-'iry. 1'repiae-ers. : v.. i.. wjjrn:. i T. Vv". UliUADKS, f ; Oregnn City. Oivgon. V.'c ijn ifv tlme-il'.z,;:." of Or.-r'-n City, and i the travels re; pu!'!i" to dve us a share of i their jiafrcnao. Meals con be bud at nil hoars, to j ilea so tli.- i t fastidious. 1 Notice to tto Public. T HA VK this ct iv clescl the- Jiarhuv House X in ho or ..i' Tiie idi'l' 1 be ;.-.. ih ; ray old ce-a.ai..r-. wilt pive their liberal iiatrou- aee i- I cm :-.t..;v .. ea ,i j,( lem-a-. na-y v;i: fad . : -. : on hand ta muk it ii- -a-tos ai va s e a r a 1 .'e. U'V. JiAIiLOW. -t ("Ay, Aucv.ft i, Or DAVID SMITH, -. v- SMITH ! MA H SHALL, Dhicc S,:ii,'!i, and lV:fn Maker, Corner of l,un ana Third sttvets. Oregon City Oregon. Llacksrntthinc; ir. all its branches. Wusron mas n: ;.:m r, to ;ivc- saiih. ;i;:-!rig. Ali wcrl: warranted TZ7 T JirriTSTIVr 1 lst.-.bli'a-i since t at. the old st a .?., M.vjx Srun-.T, U;;i:';ex c'ixv. An ass,:i -tnient et Watches, Jew- s, t-.i- f.f whiih are vvarrui.Scd as feiire-.-oi.ti d. to b '''!:l'r;"'S ",; ' (n s?:i;;t nuficc. ast f.tvei-.s. ;:17 l.;s2pe2ci?siS. Mill 9 o;tKt:o.v errv. KEICP COXSTANTIA" OX ItAXl I'OR SALE : i; i A' J cm vi-:i-:x feed i'.irttes wanii:.;- feed until furnish tb-'ir siii-i. -. i -".tf i'arttes wanii:e- o ii i: G o a 0 I T Y e :r"'T. e-V e - ' oil ..-', a v-: )' v .o'--" ' r'a.r Arlkk of '' O: tk-r.i v c ! ," o , f re O'i 1 1 ien . .'"I iMdiiO S. . rvt:l ee.! v ; !s(i'!,V NiAeS-tMii TO LLT :.,!.;;:.- i- odor::' -d t .H.IJX iihZLAl, Ar.Tt'sr, Utis r -i nr. V, : hi .- At ii 'v. . ;- t,, t ; ;e e ; i-: r '. i .oi o i s mi a' .-1 ' oe-.'i-, '..'' i io' '!-'..-: i-soi C. jerpar to e. ai ate I et- 1 : I'orO : h -tv.aa i'i -tc -.a the h a . - i . -t .iv Oow'IL'AO ST Bit El , ........ - . - r ,fv ..... .e.,...e..a ....... e' 7 oi 'ih : :. i'L ii id ".'. : a ai ' :.e v Oa i e a t .a v.a i ere tn .;. i a - -. . ; i i .-t oeh o! .f ( ;aa. a - .O '' a-I u v. . ' i ii : :r-..I C d t o -ao-.-. !'.e a . 1 1 '.' v a :,. A..i dp" ,!. , i hi. a J j -.-.-r-. -.y n , r.: a-,.-v-.vO-. ; Th-.- Maaie.a- h,-- b. a-a t .1 j a; iar. -i- ho h -a.' r ' : naraliy tiao ?'a ;P(... e nae i'-'aaiaa .-ah.-.-a, ; ep.:-i ha' t'aa;r .a,-. .!:..-,,.; .ho ;.a,,dvi: h a raw a;:! w ah iiSy'aa d MiaP- el' She finest braads ot viaes, h pa'); s ;;ad i i a-;i. a. '- rOO'D CSMFLAR'S IIAZ.IL, j. P'jyy ep i. y. S rrrirr, O a lamx Cnv. A ainal 0a A." rr';: ricior, The : iiae- tal es f'as rii aha,a of ari-;aaia--ia th t ti..a e-" a,: t , a .-a -a" :e;s mj.-' ot the be.-.T :h.i!i.i-i Tai-iaS 1. ia- a o a O U. h e tale. The laras; i.r.tmis a tha'aia, jh-iaia-c-," Sa; -aparihi, Sa haaad Ohegarpop s ' v ! to e-ii- r. ' pp "GOOD TEJIPLAE'S eesoht. (J,,,: I .,.: -,.e,'h '' .'a T i.-!- ep''-', Ouego:; City Okeuox. r-iiv I'liOrRIi'.TOnS TAKI-: pt.kasuiu: j .2.. in e . : era u.; :.a. c i'oan i;,- n-- aoo-e lte-.o- r m "nod saap e;ea evrv ear ;.nd eteni; !Uia V. ;:i Kee-' Sioeho's cent f.r the eaieiadit.aiiaO : lae ;ieaie, ; with ihliiioaU, etc.. on rrietiy teiajiaraa'te a i: e-ieUs. iee t'ri :o.i served en r-aia;- , -.- iiad e a . ,- v ;. p O. -a an !vi.'ld,V.e ! iia-iie itV. 1'r. : i- ; ;a. 0AIA0IV CITY B REWEE-Y ! V) .-Pa --':.? Jbtvsv.g pitrchasad w ; - a s fi iaiari-! the --a ' ;.. i'a vi te a..aed a a-ve Ur'overy, that lie is n "V .. 1 .utility of J.ACEil. PEKR ! As a -l d :;a c.i.i W i -Oai-a' J-i.m . (n-d.'i s s. ii.'i: ad i.l i, . o- a Citv, lii-caiaber ;.::ve!if"0 in tl' d ef.aaolh- i.ih-a a! i.-U i. ': v. C ra A J- 11 l i C;Xi T , PT1:' Cjfi CC::M .slt'CT ? ' a. i r a (.'' 7.'. 710 ,; f, and Jl ' iin Sis., Or. Qrronn. TV hICi Tii is '.ir.TilOD r INi-'OKMI.Nt'J Cid-Ca fa iticot i v ( n i . i ail load - Ire LIE IIP. I'Oilb lm..A means, saris as ; .MUTTON. VEAL. COiiNEi) DEEP. II A MS, I'hdIELEi) POUK, LARD, An.i cvcrvtl.irg e-h to f -aad n tln-irlhie ( d" b!i:-As. ' Ptmi S P Aid-dltiiiT. (hepenCi'y, April -- th. a-i. :C:1y IX XOSX BUILD I XG, Mj in Xtrul. O return, Cit' -"A Th e adosi ual v.-iil keep . ; : a i 1-a. ad ;:'; lh- -i a! let it s 01 a..d e a i s iiiaats 1 7 '.-,;, 1 .- . j C.r.cd i;.t '.; For!:, F m:.a.. Jlnm, Lrd. Talhir. S- S A lih.-r.d -ia-ra at palramve issahc:-;.! I as 1 ea;ec: to !o-ep as g - -1 an - a. i ; ed -S as -aed q ailov.as fa. coo a -.a -ra-, I vh'ah v;u na uJiveiad ta ; archasers at ar.y ( ieas:iiaoae oi:-.aue-. ..; ...'.- e...-- ; 1 - it. MAY Vil. riii-TICVS '113 AK. lh' T' that :l:io -hl iUL-1-.hIy My f'.il!i.:- ueil to s-h;, Vh'n I. a i i-vi', ro'-'.-it-J n hU knee, J;i t I:ii-.Ii:!"M.i'.-j Kicfi r Sprim'. Ali ! I was light a nil gk-vful. then, A ml knt-w no cave or fear That sons lirouglit cliiiaiioo.l back again, j Ana calle.1 up mciii ry tear. ! Then, rsiothc-r, .-Utlnpr by his sh!- Kept titit- vvhh i,f.-dh-s l.rtgit. An.l joined r.-r neft, swvot voice to Lis ; . , . , , ,. it.i.i , i ji ;u. .a ii iK;.i';it :u r L kj i , Is to ray heart s;;!! JL-ar, An .1 st-c-iiii to say. ' forget mo not'" And calls up u.crn'ry's tour. I wotiM not be a child again, Oil ! no ; oh ! no : nut I ! Au 'I yet I tore to think it o'er Anil live the days gone by. The novc is beautiful and bright, And fail of love sail cheer ; Ih.it let nie for the. jriM to-night Ih'op menhry 's tear. Then sing again that snnc; for me ! Tuf.e'a iU'-nf ry s s.sui.lingU-iiigs ; Kaeh not'-t calls back tviao long lost ho:tf. Some sv,'c.'t- a:Teetl-.'in brings. Tii mi sing for iac the :aeU.ly 7d y tno'her loved to hear ; My heart throbs high with faith and hope. My eye drops i;:e;o'ry 's tear. Ttii: Twins;. A fanner in the otate ot Connecticut has a oa,:- oi : twiu daughters, i ney notii atteitd ; the same school, and noc loisg fsince otic of iheni, w ho is rather averse to bluoyiu-r; was called up by the teach er to recite n Ie?.c-oii in gefgrar!iv. which -he had learned very inq ettict !v hi taet, fshe con id not goon at al!. The teacher was getting out of patience, when he was called to another part of the room for a mo ment. No sooner was Lis back turn ed, when the twin sister sprang to the floor, unobserved, and pushed the j (ioliuq'.teitt pupil to her seat. 'J he ; teacher returned, and pr.-r ,!; upi; his ouectioiis, uhieii were rtnswered e,i!h a degree of promptness and ae curacy which, at the close, drew from iilnt a far; word- of comm'u.datiou. Ti'.e j"he, le-'.vi ver, was discovc rn nex; tie. v, hut the teaeiier th,ott;hr. it too io,n.l ai; i successful to give o; e:i-.-.ion p r cia-!'M The Maine Far.n-.. r tells of o young pi.'rn and. woman who g-)t marri.d hi Ih tie i la-t v-'mt: r, and the nrxt .lay if C-dio.e startcu on lueir T;o;:e moon P n.r into t!;e wood;- ' here he had contracted to cut a large quantity of cord wood. 3 Te lie built a camp, where siie sproch; le r time m p: - - toot nor t no comi .-rt ct ' ana. aim on Saturday m.edit d.ey both make their appeara'ace ii ' "ft to ;;re their L ' 1 for the next we k's work, atui n turn : on v. Ion day mornintt to their camp j home, as happy as a king mid queen, j Th'ase are the willing hearts and strong hands that will cut their way through life, instead ot whining for some turn of fortune's wheel, which rarely ever turns up right 'for those whose only wafchimg is simply for a streak of iroed 1 nek. Stkl-l Tuaui:. The great value ! of the steel trade is beginning to be ! appreciated in America, and at Pitts- burg and several other places iu this ; country steel manufacturing has ' bemm In steel making the profit is ; I in the refinement of quality, he in- i gthm scheme. If we want popula ' crease of value being most enormous. I tion we mml not only oit'er cheap p0r instance, ail !!on tjarWi-rtil el) i worked into horseshoes is worth AID ."0: made into needles it repre- ! seats $C5C; in the shape of icnknife ! blades it brings vT25f, m.d r. -fined i and drawn into balance-springs for ; watches, it stands for 8250,000. 1 .H--t- - Purmg the last live .'mdtwenty , -1 j years more tnan hvo hundred tour- nais havi been started at New York, j of which, i.owever only five are still j j in existence. The oldest American newspaper is the Newport Mercury, the first number of which appeared j Julv 12. 175S. edited and printed b Ileipamin Frai. ( T. I,, i . 1 1 li . " .... c i i i r c ' living in Plainfieid, iu that Statt t ! I" i .t. . 1 - . :as wo. Keo m a i.-teiorv na ue nas , . f-ived J;T20, w roc 11 she exriended, f without the knowledge of her bus baud, in the erection of two neat headstones iu the cemetery, to the iatiaory ol I,:- -A ,l.v,a tv v..s 1 1 1 . & - ' - ' ' ' " Most women had rather have any of their good qcalities siight.al than truly their beauty, let that is the .. . - ! ' ... . n. ' i i ' ' s i. liieotiH;eiau.ie aceaai i .su i oe ii . ! ed" a woman of real merit ; -.--- Ti.-tn Hood w as ore 'se: to carl v rising, in fact anything in the line of personal activity. II e declared that w ho was always '; stirring'' I stuffs now waiting for an uncertain I like a housekeeper with littie f.irni e a 11 spoon!"' " 1 foreign market. ' j turc? Recau5e she is easily moved. a man must L We have sufi'jty ?eh e rn es on paper to turn a larger current ot imKiigru ti.:a towards this State. But it re quires snmethinsr more t'.an a hand some prospectus and that sort of capi- ta produced merely hy writing down th (;r,c f,t if tW Honri ct a prospectus now a::d then, serves to attract attention, even such cheap t.fft.s y-iculd not bo wholly dis- conrageu, says the jnc'lin. Tiie Canadians have recently made strong efforts to attract immigrants to Canada. On the opening of the navigation of the St. Lawrence this season, 1,700 Karopean immigrants landed in a single week at Quebec. Of these, all but CO left immediately for the United State?. These, and a very large number who arrived at subsequent dates, were mostly Nor wegian, to whom a cold countrv is rather attractive than otherwise. But they would not'stay in Canada ; and so were drawn off by the greater ad vantages of Wisconsin and Minne sotti. It is one thing to attract im migration, and quite another thing to make the people stay, as our Cana dian neighbors have found out by these practical tests. The question i ... .i . . . i , ' ' btat-- i e cannot ItoJd ti.etn with a I.'.rrdr.g prospectus, !or restrain their departure with resolutions and paper barricades. Lrsm.i is snore nc- cessiijjc an? of She Wt-s qui.e as eiieap m tnanv m Slates. .it is reached at one-1 id the co.-t of coming to tl is eoa-f. at:d there is less vexation about '.itles and cosjjy land litigation. ; i hero is muc ; hut st ; throi:vii tiie i ! can be bong! ; nil iiifcrmatl. clieu p I., .a. s course, sol;:-' I eiv:s--e of 1 1, aio-oa v!;l : Indira m n"s So. lea Th, i good land on t i.e coast. :' it is not accessible o d cftice. r.nrge tracts it :. .-(' . 1 n-iiids ; am! n given to slew v, Isere can bo f.-.i:. 1 h is, I u i -. e: i in tne m i ;': this ' r.c vVe-tern have not 'pmalh'ii c. simple r r .".ii;:ta!i. ' oVc--,'.-)-::" i e to d 0: ta- i ibijlile i-. . e i K .-pt i ; wi.i-rii I lo can an ! I; 1-, I 1-' ; :. i p las e- eof t o t he St a t - we i.avo mei'. lai:hed d. Vet'sity of o i. .. o are s ao i f S'lrphla V, h-i n virt or O ; hi the S; He, t ;ie vv.io.e i'i ;.u. a here, wee ih wotuu oe cons.ijniet r-.t it i anu'aci orios t supply to-may to- want of borne nmd art:.. V ; . i Oi P. SUf laS (.I Mr;-;,-.! . 1 I;"..- p!' i-o: within 1 . ;" a-, i no ma: art ter j? - faip-s, i: is a1 -nrd to sav, aa lOaPers now i ;r apraao'urai ; r; o;., .; Si rai.ire de- a -i ! ' . . . so a.nc ia a e to uic li.uii i-'niii;. than ju iuwa or .dhmesota. We vvant a manufacturing population to consume our bread, and to make even agri- culture more desirable by making a borne market more certain. The man who starts a new manufactory touches the question of immigration in a practical way. He has turned es.terprh e into a hew channel, helped to niei; increased both Iu,n Id action on the one hand, hu!;u consumption on the other, A capital of KgO.CUO thus invested, bears more directly on immigration t-5"'n $1,000,000 put upon paper as the cheap manifesto of seme immi- u""-h "oia and wages such "ora as cmo -enges the. sk:1! of ab tne handicrafts and fahrioators, is needed to supply the growing markets of this coast. When the employment is of- fend, population wiii hasten to this State. There is no better way to help others than to go about the bttsi- ., , . ucss of ludpmg ourselves, 1 I;i 1'-''':il:? ov-r t!l3 of omcz lhihdi in various parts of the At- 'a!ii' -S 'c mid mat tne manu lV-ur'r variably lead 'ff. They h created wealth for timmsc-lves. lor tiirir ciipe's ces, ;tuo lor the eoun- try. Ho y have diauvn out of the surfeited market of the West millions ot o i.ars cbprooiu . ..,, a, vno. ...... I'i . .i w one mm thus not only o raw ni; rotoi!.:! ion tn th.eso ma mi- . ; factor. ug centres , but by thus quick cn'mg tie: market, have sent another j current of producers into the great agncutu-al States of the Upper Mis- ' Ms'.npi wren na na.s oeeo Vn'hv. What has 1: done on one side of the continent, , c;m p0 plO--,0 n tlfect upon the other, I T;,r. ,;.,u, w;q ,.o:ne ..oK..; ,lC. rc.yt-:!U0 i t)f In;.nuf5lcturers will I.e.-nl the list in , . . c. , . .. . ,,. , .1. , ii the P.ac know no ,- , , ,, surer sources of wc-aitu tnan 1 those industries which draw popnla. : tion t y ma.iufactunng vrhat we need ' ami consuming the snrplu, bread An Honest I'lan. About three years ago, a Monsieur Chavigne, son-in-law of Widow Cllquot, lost, bis portfolio in the streets of Pans, containing forty notes of a thousand francs each. lie goes to the commissioner of police, in order to give notice of his loss. " 1 am afraid the money is lost,'' he says to the commissioner. 41 I set out for Ilheims this evening. My name is in the portfolio. If it is found, it can easily be forwarded to me." Quarter of an hour later, the ger.v tleman is at the statiou on the Wes tern Railroad. " First class, Rheims a ticket." " Have you lost anything, mon sieur?'' a&ks a timid voice behind him. " Yes, certainly! rue Croiz des PetitsChamps! a, portfolio with fortv notes at a thousand francs each." O monsieur! 1 am very glad that I can give it back to you. I found the portfolio; it was not locked up; I opened it, saw your name iu it and the notice that you were going to lmeuns tins evening. . in you please look iu and see that it is all i igh'T' Monsieur Chavigne greeted the worthy laborer very courteously, seated himself in the coupe and rode to Rheims. la the evening, during supper, the t r. r- rr . .f t !...!, . . - ..... 1 ...r..U, . .. t .r -V. i ' portfolio became the topic of conver- wit ion. 'And v, hat reward did you be stow on the poor man?" asked Madam iiiplot. " My f.dth! nolhmg nothin at. alb-I really did not tionK ot it. ho train was just starting and" " i on must make ama-mf tor tins . , . forge tfuluess, my frieti-.l. !) you I in that country. One thing is cer no buck tosmorro'.v: try and look up j tain, that most of the evils are within the honest man, ami shale the fortv ! the reach of a great r.nd radical re- tl.eaisatid fi aie's s itli him. or m v part will give ten thou.-nnd.'' it Lhivo Monsieur Chavigne and the police considerable trouble, to ,'lnd the man m the '.douse mpdn, who had rctnrne-d to his l-d.-as. Yet ilay siicccd-d. To .lay he hasan income .f fifteen thousand livrcs, which ho owes to his honesty. The mmu.f icturing interests of the country are steadily advancing. 1 he City of Louisville reports 14,017, 750 invested in manufacture, em ploying 1 1 .41 0 hands and annually producing $U7,S5li.095. Her fom;. dries lock up $1,05-2 000 and give work to 1770 hau ls. Her woolen mills, three in number, employ bO hands and have $d, 100,000 capital. About $1,500,000 are invested in the manufacture of saddlery and harness, and employ 140 workmen. She has twenty tobacco factories, wh.ch oe- euov ,eoo inuius. iu u I'lii'ii iiiiiif, 1 ' ' wiih 175 hands, and 52 breweries and distilleries, with 875 hand-. In Michigan, additional flour mills are bring built. Two new woolen mills are being built and two repaired, while a tannery, a foundry and an agricultural implement factory are going up. A company has been formed to manufacture band, hoop, bar and other iron in Ohio, with a capital of $140,000. At Newark, in that Staue, $800,000 worth, of porta ble sawstoi A were made last year, nnd a woolen mid at Falrmonnt is turning out 1,000 yards of jeans daily. Postage Stamts. Some idea of i the amount of letter-writing tn it is done in this country may be termed, when it is known that nearly three hundred and fifty millions of postage stamps were sold last year. It is calculated that these would weigh twenty tons and, -that they would cover forty-one and a half square acres of ground. If placed together end fi-r tod, they would reach b orn the Equator to the North Pole, and 1 the vaine of the oaner on which thev I i : , ,,;,.ar,.i c. iifk it , 1 i teen thousand dollars. ; A Western paper proposes r.n j assylnra for useless young men." It J would be a flourishing institution no I doubt. Hartim-d is investing 140,- 000 in a school house. -The New York papers are reduc ing their expenses to suit the times, and nearly all have largely reduced their reportorial force lately. ! A uood book and a good woman ' " . , . are nice to nave around one snouid not be ju Igeil from their overings. Why is a teudcr-hearfd person ir Ttie Kvoliis fxT.ixk liclaisil. A country which forces its ponula- tioii into exile, and sutlers a deide- tion of hundreds of thousands yearly, is not a prosperous country. At the close of the late rebellion, iro such desertion took dace in tne Southern States as is constantly going on in Irehmd. A few hundreds of discon. tented spirits vent to Mexico a.nd Brcxtl, and relinked after a short cx- periment, satisfied that there is no place like home. Not all the evils inseparable from a long and impov erishing civil war, could wean them from their love ot country. And now, when famine oppresses them, there are no schemes of desertion, or plans to form colonies on any exten sive scale iu other lands. There are better opportunities at "home than abroad for any legitimate enterprise, The men who leave one part of the country for another part of the same great domain, do not feel any stub. violent wrenching away of home ties ;ts those who feel that t lie v have abandoned the land of their nativity and gone into exile forever. There- is a radical evil somewhere. which reduces the social and political j cot.dition of a people m that they are j j continually fleeing by thousands ; j from their homes. j The population of Ireland, accord- j ing to the most accurate &!atities, I ! Was represented bv the fbllowim- '. ; ures cinrlnir the years m-tcd . le ll. j y. 175,000, 1851, o,55d.oG0; 1S5S, ! .Ml I i iii.l. .--,- t - I . i . : i ' ' i ;l decrease of about 2,000.000 since i the year 1641. And this depletion ', is still going cn at su accelerated .j rale sineo the close of oar late civil war. If the present rate ot nuance 01- ment were kept up, in I V0S Ireland would be wnoliy Oepopmated. Tins : tendency to desertion is in fact in- i i . i , . , erea-ea oy tne more recent troubles form, such as .Uriti.-di not noieli longer tail desmeir can to inaugurate. A State Cnurcn, impocd upon people impoverished and dispossessed by a tenant system, an i who. in their ; extreme poverty, never fill Kl ll?. , rort their own religious 'mstltutf- -ns, ; is, such a moiisttoms tdmse of power us has not been tolerated bewhere ,, .. , since the ovci iU.ow el Siine.j. '" I long as Irei-ieJ is treateu as a con - ' que red provint-e, there will be dSaf- i feet ion and conspiracies. A people who are intensely Catholic, are daily I insulted by having a religion thrust upon them utterly repugnant to their i convictions. Livings me given to : rectors where no congregations cm ! tie gathered; and the Stale establish- j ment seems to serve no higher vvti ! than to rat out the substance of the land. Ireland can as safely be trusted to remain Roman Catholic as j t() reraa;n ircbvterian. ; . , , , , . ,i I It certainly would not do to treat tne people of the latter country as the Ensr'ish Government persist in treat ing the people of Ireland. A Scotch rebellion would finish up the State establishment in less than a twelve month. There is one hopeful indica tion. The spirit of wholesome re form never had a stronger hold of the English people than now. The ouestions which involve the prosperi- iv and future peace of Ireland will have to be fairly met. And when equity is done, we shall see if the Irish cannot prosper in Ireland. prosp D:s;i.vr.Li'i St.m:. Toe !:. Lag is'.h mail brings us a report of a speech made by Mr. Disraeli, the Chancellor of the Ex cm .pier, one sentence of which will create no iit'le contrntnt in this country. He says that though independent, the United States is still to ail in tents and purposes a mere ca'iey oj Great Britain. As a p' Oale we ought not to notice tdin slur. We can sfiord to wait- lor t'..o tone v. n we sua ave ab-orb-d the read of the continent, annexed Ireland as a I State, and st ized E:. gland for a coai- lag station and military depot iu r der to srt about our conquest to the Old World. Then it will be time enouc,:. to not'.o I Dora- s smr. A Western cotemporary says. Advertising is to the trade what ploughing is to the fanner. There would be some natural projection if . tno sod o, i.., ; - - ken, and it would ho,d same relation to the production m a wcii-oAtiyated garden, that the pro;- its ot mi. id vei umeu naoe e-e i.it- : ne-rmefit ug uau nutt, ia v-aii.; --fs -advertised." brl Ig ; ham a fill, was a5kol byai 1U-; "' Q : i .... i , ,7- -i An Englishman has invented a ' doming mat-hire" an infringe. ! was the reply, : it was near tbe cb ment oiMue Yankee prerogative. i seivatory." j Lord Dudley had been invited to i the house of a friend upon the occas ston ot some great .cV, but bem a noyed, as strangers always are, by man of eaily habits, had ordered ids ; the indescribable bray ing of the jack carriage at a certain hour, having j asses, which, coming to the market some miles to travel before he could j early in the morning with vegetables, obtain his accustomed repose. To ; always improve &fe hour when stran- j Ids great mortification, after repeated inquiries f,r Lord Dudley's carriage, ; it had not arrived, and his hudship as well as others imagined that some. One of the guests, seeing how much I it can appreciate the bnek-Wk saw h;s lordship was disconcerted by the ; niing effect of it on the strongest event, very pobtely cfAred a seat in nerves. Rarey could not stand k his. The gemh-u-a-n jn question had R!U be s u ore ho wouldn't. He nc to pass Lis lordship's house on his oordinglv watched the awful little return home, and though ho was be;i;:t? wil!l his 1)roft,S!5iol!al keenness stranger to Lord Dudley, his raid; j sharpened bv oernetual nain. tn j and position in the country were ot j 't:rse well known to him, and the j civility w;iS no more than one gentle- ! man won id, under si m Mar circum- dances, have id'Arcd to mod her. Ntrvcriheicis, they had not seated in the c.irriaae r.ioro Letf! tilftt) , j twc:.fy minute", when the peer, holm: tired, ha. tained a , up to tn s time, m;dn- most perfect sih nee, ob- j served, in a low but distinctly audible tor-' (,f vo.ee, . " ihn very sorry I accc-j ted his ohai'. 1 win t .-mow th r u an. It Was i-;e-! Cfi-Oonie l.i-i t'... ; c-vs'ct-st is, j suppose l iniiH u-k mm to dinner. r T - 1 r . i ' It's it dense of a bore !"? i Ho then reittpscd into ids former : ?t;te of taciturnity, who; . after a few ! ".'. v- 1 !. .. . t I.-.,,, 1 , 3 to lie suiiieteu w itti toe' same failing. I ; hnitiUirg his lord-hip's tone, ob- I j Served, j " i'ei haps he'll think I did it to nm;-:o ins acquaintance. Whv, 1 ; sa0I1-(l have Hone the same to any ; a;s csmie. i ta pe tie ! 'Vu;i t thmk it necessary to ask me to i O,.,,.,,. i ! : l . i i : e l i ; "". i oe estism.cu a i u accept his invitation !" . i.ord Dudley listened to him with earner t interest immediately coumre- ' a heiAiao ; ; ifdie w iiicii oe hrat iumsed ! r"1" J'!t !!'s ,J!l!i!' w ;':! 'l!Cn hearty good-will to his compaumn, ma.mg every proper p-logy for his ; mvommury rtmctiess at.u oom thai , mrt i"e travcu-rs oecame msc-para- ; '"J. . i Xits Am;:kic.ix Kxan;rroi;s -T ; pA!v.;. , i ., . . -me numoer of the Amen- .... T. : can cxh.D. tors at Paris was not "rent: ; the Piinagonsent of 'their " mi arte r' pas ieen severe It rr.ticised. and not- ! withstanding the creat fuss made in ! j New Yoik to collect and forward '; American paintings aval wcoks t,f j j art, the verdict upon that " corner" ; is not flattering. America is too young for art, and much too busy iu I building saw mills, threshing ma 1 j chines and steam engines to bestow j ! a great deal of care mi what is called I i ' the fine arts. Rut in useful m - i vent ions and all the " modern im provciacnts" we need not be a-hamcd i . - . , j to sdow our jtamuworjc ngamst the j world . Our dispatches s.iy that of the five hundred and twenty four ex hibitors from Amciiea, tvw. hundred ami sixty two obtained ri.-.s, and four grand prizes. We oimlit not. to grumble at this shoeing. It is not likely tliat any other nation has been j awarded a higher proportion of merit; , and if our statuary and paintings are j ; the subjtcts of contemptuous criticism : by the side of the art of France, Italy, j j or Rc'glmn, we may stdl indulge in ; : honest pride at the thcualit that the I q World is behind the New in use- I ltd inverdions and i::dusti i.d appli ances. 1 lico-h ro Paiker once said he w ould rather iaair a' the -progress of the coarse than the fine arts, and that a new saw-mid gave him more pleasure than a fine painting. To this conntry, by cheapening t he? ps ice of bread and adding to our capacity m production, too reaper mowtm 1 i , and thresle-r is of iudultely more cm-j a,,(.(1 wlh lt :l)iu f; Vcr," seonence that all cur fine nrts : and : malady neailv as fatal as the drend w? imagine this will Lo about the ; CA sickness of wldeii it may b the verdict of the Paris .Judges. ' si-ter Pot. A Doctor's Pl:.. Er. Croas. a well known surgeon, was once dan- gcrousiy id. Shortly alter his re- i covcrv, he nse one of ids lady pa-' tie-nt.- they are not always p.-. tier t I ladies who remarked to him : " () doctor ! i l eioHaj to t ee that vou are out fo-ain; had we lost von. i our good people would have died by j the dozen." " Thank you, madam," replied the i nffable doctor; -b.it. now. they will die bv the fr A .',-nileiiiaii who was relatiurr an - - - . t . t -i . . ...r,i. -., f. ; surgeon a U was near tne veneorm t!i:t he had been hurt. "No, sir," I'urcj- ami (l'.f'Ja(l.uss. j John Harry, the horse tamewhdn ' h& u- in T;n trihlv : COrsare enjoying the half-dozin da v j lt which" immediately precedes : tii0 pa:n 0 zelU up, ohmv with ; cnrl.T;1i T(,Cinon, fi;nfrIrt , :n j - . . . . .. , . 4 , . , V. CIV. ... ;f lru.ro V.1S" ,i0 vnv to stop their j braying without cutting their throats, j but' almost resolved to do that if j tiJorc W:)S no ot,er rrmodv lie soon noticed that the animrd "mvnrrabJv str.;iirhtend its tail out as : ctitr -is -l nr.'-,,. .,.. " ' j wio i mi. .ii ll o e 1 1 i'i : : commenced, and he darted wih thh ! rapidity of jgenius to the conclusion j t;Jat ,ls thti ...n ..ni ihn together, the brav couldn't m with- cutlj!(, (.,; ; so he determined to hold ; ;ljC t;1q dnv,,0 u,, ti(,j a riUnjbt,p of j.0i -avy i.iv.-i paving stones to stout sttitur-. with slio-kiiots on Srlto- (.twb ' ' ' ' ai.d whiie the owners were enio-. in- their ':ca:'e lalta" at some nemhbor- ; ;,m .,r., i v......r ..... ........ . v..,.,, ..... . . o t.ic7 iiiie j ci t!.cunjjspceting tails and retired to watch tht- result, In a few minuPt.-. en especially noisy jackass was seen, to open his mouth and gasp convul sively. 1LG stood gasping for three or Pair seconds. lie wheezed and the h.vo. block swung suddenly to the hi ay ing level But mOsound came. 1Je i0okcJ ,da;ilt ; vei y around to his -: 0olll,vni;, if ,,n. 5 - ;..itt , Lull : ;iqf,q j.:n) His lios siiviTMk rrnrt bi : , .-,.,. ,-, , , . . ' ; e..oppci.. me sruciWKfi leaves lie Had ,,, . , , , i '-'ee-n munching, as the idea entered ; i-. !,..., i .o.,, ,fn -i , , n.s head oi.it t .hhievi! had somehow ,r,,t ,.e , ogs into him. An- . nlc r trie-l i.t u , ; y.as f:;, ,h.a hccj;lIq . Vpp(v ; ;ip uicd :l d;0rns vm..,, h;!(, onv ; ,,rVK; ViiWl.:,,z r..tslcJ ,id crashe,p ; cvery htrcet airJlaue, hut hi vain. There was silence that day jn the " Strangers' (Quarters," and re- : toicnig m every house from the' h,- , , T1 - , . 1 -'"-ii oei i'epoio to tne vvxa.x- : PdA, , n..,., u"v" Ireland, and c$ fCC!n'b' tho City of Dublin and its- ic"mify, has just felt the sfp greed '-fa disease so closely resembling the ' '!f!'k Dea'h of the olden time, that '' ,nost eminent physicians who i:a :) wit t- a:' alarmed -and mystmed. 1 he symptops of this malady arq Srsd, bilious vomiting nmj purging. succeeded by acute headache and in coherency; then a purple, eruption. usually manifesting itself upon the breast and shonhlcrs, and spreading over the entire bouv: then de.biiit v i collapse, accompanied with paralysis, and sometimes with a dislocation of the head and spine; and at last, death. The duration of the first variety of cases which have occurred since March, IS'.iG, has averaged eighteen hours'from the firt indisposition un til the fatal instant. The duration of the second variety has averaged from three to ve days; and t hat of the third variety, which is the only one in which recovery has taken place, has reached many days and even weeks. The contagion of ihe sickness is shown in the statement made in regard to cases uldeh Lave occurred among soldiers. With these remai kabl?accounts of the progress made in Indand by s- f arful a disorder, physicians in this country will doubtless asseverate , . . f 11'0 is .- i.i ivvr iiii.-i- i.ri..i.iit 'hi-i n i r . T . . li.e Suinarir-tendent ot a buno .eta? i School in Hartford, Conn., recently m.'itlifi.'i--; Annual Ilepof?, in which he reccmmeiided that the adult mem bers .should go to work and do all in their power to increase the infant cl'jr.s in his echoed during tne coming year. 0 t. . The first railroad was clurtered ii", Connecticut in 102. At ds time ; t;tre are 017 miles cf road llnishc i I Earn, ju tj,e iimte, i.nd 127 miles cf doubh ! track. The number of passengers by .... ... , . . c. e? r. ; ai. tne roans ourmg tne yeai ; r. co.o -a--. V. . 4v . w iVJUV.lUJ. iVtl trai.;i.i-i3 V; The ladies say new cocoanut water fails are just the thing to wear wit'.i a goiird dress. ,n.H O i