Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, July 20, 1867, Image 2

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oiLIC tDccklL? (Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon :
.,Ki .Ni, K'."! TOl AMI l'i'.i I'KIETOR.
Saturday, July 2Ct)i. 1357.
OF (liibl.U.V.
SuQ-'ct to tin-' Nomination of the National
Republican Convention in Pots.
' " " " " '-' 1 - -
Qcick. The three days trip ot the
last Orofron J acket. 1 rom ''Astoria
to San Francisco.
All tre? Deserved. A Charlcs
0 tQ.i paper thinks that all the rights
the South obtained bj the war were
funeral rcs.
Its Name. The territory acquire
cd from Itussia, is now popularly
ktion iQ Alaska. Walrussia, Alx
and rial, etc, etc.
Coiro. The Editor of the Gazette
when over at Yaquina, witnessed a
match game of coho, between Indians.
Is it anything like Base Ball, Bro.
Carter ?
New Link. The Message favors
the buil.lins of aHrcw line of tele-raj-.h
on the west side of Paget
SQr.nd, mid shows by good argu
ment, its utility.
Mi'rdeu. Another murder was
committed on Fuget Sound, on the
27th, atUtsalady. George Washing
ion, a seaman on board the Valet Ic
was killed by Mike Williams, a ship
mate, o
Fir.sr .Mail. Tne Jlonululu Ad
vertiser says: The fine clipper bark
Martha, of New Bedford, Captain
Thomas, sailed from Honolulu lor
the kodiac and Arctic whaling
grounds on the Gtffi of May, carrying
the (irsl mail dispatched to the newly
iuqiihvd Kush'uiti A raeriean territory.
.s re.v
I". x-
1 lie A '
Youk Fnu: Department.
w York Fire Commissioners
decided to entirely dispense
iitj Hie use 01 ure-aiarm ueua. awe
. . . . c n . 1 1 ..II . Ti,
n-legrnph is in such perfect working
order that uo other notification io
Boo-TloCA Tvpo The Printers i
of California have been quiety form
ing n formidable " conspiracy''
sigainst the politicians, in order to se
cure the election of a practical typo
as State Printer and have fixed upon
" little Dave Xorris," an old pioneer
of twenty years' experience at the
case, as their candidate.
. . .
Impoutaxt to II f.irs of Soldiers.
By act of March d, 1SG7, heirs
of so'ilics who died while prisoners
of .var, (r -hort! pafter discharged,)
;re . titled to recover ciunmutation
of rafTo::--. Yvhen both arcnts. are
ivii.g, ty must make application
jointly. Brothers and sisters of the
half-blood? By a provision in the
same law; soldiers whose certificates
of discharged ive been lost or stolen
can aply for additional bo.unty pro
vided by act of June 23, 18 lib.
ConQtiEAD Pi.atfoiim. The issnc
of the past five or six years having
destroyed the old Stale rights and
pro-slavery platform of the party in
both political and physical effect, they
tire chary as yet in developing any
hub m Hive noiiev in their lat.c con-
verities. Thc-y get up a series of
resolves against the acls of Congress,
fi gainst registry laws, against - Coolie
immigration, against ten-hour labor,
and meaningless ad "Hap tandem gen
eralities, sa s tbe Albany Journal,
but beneath tliis thin guise, the real
virus exhibits itself in the same stylo
as they started their platform of se
cession, thirty or forty years ago.
T112 Black Hills. The area oc
cupied by the Black Hills, us deline
ated on a map which accompanies
Lieut. "Warren's report, is 0,000
square miles, or about the surface of
Connecticut. Their bases are eleva
ted from 2,r03 to 3,300 feet, and
Gjheir h'iglfst peaks are about G.700
feet above the ocean level. The
whole geological range? of rocks, from
tbe granite and metamorphosed azoic
to thenkuceo'.is formations of the
surrounding plains, are developed by
the upheaval of the mcuntam mass.
TGhs at the junction of the Silurian
rocSs, gold becomes accessible, while
the carboniferous strata bring coal
measures within reach.
Tns Fr.iF.sns of L.usok. Who
aredjiev? "Oh, the Democracy!'
they always were in fvor of the pro
tective tariffs, (in a horn) that pre
vent tlie price of American labor
fro;;-, being reduced to the European
s'a.idard, that gave thegtoiling work
ing man of the country a reward for
bis Labor,.
such as co other country
Q '
would give,
and enabled him in turn I
to become the capitalist, Southern i
oruoeracy was so solicitous, indeed,
or labor, that they declared ttiat
" Capital must own a," and fought
for serjral years to establish this
principle. Southern Democracy did
more for labor! They chained it,
they ground it into the very dast of
the earth, and amnnw tlipm the -r
white," were svnonvma nf
A move in tbe right direction has been
made. Arrangements have been affected
between tin; California, Oregon and Mex
ico Steamship Company, and the Oregon
Steam Navigation Company and the Pio
neer Stage Company, by which passengers
can be ticketed directly through from
San Francisco to Poise City. Idaho City
Silver City, in Idaho, at greatly reduced
rates. The steamer of the former Com
pany will leave San Francisco on the 7th.
17th, 27th. of each month, and will con
nect with the steamers of the O. S. N.
Company at Portland, which steamers
will al.o connect with the coaches of the
Pioneer Stage Company at Umatilla, for
Uoise, Idaho and Silver cities. The fol
lowing sire the rates of fare us published,
and also the prices heretofore charged :
From S. I-'., I 'resent Kate. Old rate.
To Uoise City steerage ;. oo $ o:: :0
Idaho City " 72 :) lo3 '')
Silver City 72 r,o io:; 50
15 additional for Cabin passengers.
Under this arrangement passengers can
leave San Fratieisco and make tlie journey
to Idaho via l'ortland cheaply, and with
celerity and comfort. This move will,
we think, added materially to the column
of travelers to the mining country by way
of the Columbia route, the very scenery of
which, saying nothing about the great re
duction in fare, is sufficient of itself to in
dnce those going to the upper country to
take this, the cheapest and most comfort
able route. We look for great results
from the action of the" companies mamed
above, cays the Orcgouian.
The OrcjonUia of Saturday says: What
has become of the Democratic members of
the City Council? There has been no
meeting since the 27th of June, for the
reason that no quorum could be found.
Messrs. JlcCrahen. Pesser, IJurcli and
Mtiikey, the Union members, attend regu
larly and adjourn : but the other gentle
men are invisible to mortal and expectant
eyes at the Council Chamber. Are they
afraid that it they attend and make a
(juorum, somebody will be elected to some
ortice to which somebody don't want
somebody elected '!
Mr. Chas. Miller, of the firm of Eloeh.
Miller & Co., at the Dalies, has been stop
ping in town a lew days, says the Poise
Stab man of" the -1th. and leaves this morn
ing for Owyhee. His (inn are about to es
tablish a branch of their business in this
city, and for that porpose Mr. Miller has
bought the new brick of George 11. Chick,
now building next to Plossotu's corner.
It is his intention to till it np with a new
stock as soon as the building is completed.
Wells, Fargo & Co., advertise to take
passengers from Uoise City to Fort llenton
in less than seven days. From that point
there will be opportunity to take passage
by steamer down the river till the middle
or last of August. Owing to the state of
war on tbe piains this summer tlcre is 110
doubt but that this is the best route for
pers. ms going Fast.
The nincompoop of the Daily Record .
at Salem, whines like a sic!; poodle,
becaus" ihe , () m'tan. and oilier papers
copy his items without credit. 'Ve ieit a
little cheap when we called him a eotem
poary.be i.s not deserving cd' that much
notice, as it is doubtful whether he is alive
any of the time.
Kev. Horace Lyman, connected with
Paeiiie University at Forest Grove, has
obtained leave of absence for one year,
which will lie spent with his family at As-
toria, for the benefit of health, and relief
t ir . . . ri.- -ii '11
iiMiii close application, it is saut lie win
assist Collector Hiniaan during that time,
us his deputy.
The fruit and crops in this county and
the southeastern part of Line promises to
be much better than a.- :-:ei niatcd a
few weeks since, says the Fugei:-.- ...,.':'.
The next few days will demon--: ra-v
fact that the croakers h ive been .y
mistaken in their predictions.
On Wednesday of hist week some per
son set fire to a pule of drift, on .Mr. Craig's
Island, near Salem, and destroyed a large
quantity of woo. 1. Mr. C. otters a reward
of :?.".( for information that will convict
the person' who set the tire, says the Re
u leu-.
On the night of ihe 5;h. while the Aurora
band were playing, with a crowd around
them at Cot'vallis. Marshal J Jell was pass
ing along the street, on the sidewalk.
When opposite the baud, a stone was
hurled near his head, and on turning to
discover from whence it came, another,
thrown from the crowd, struck him in the
face, broke his nose, and nearly felled him
to the ground. It is not known, positive
ly, wito threw the missile, says the G'ize'h.
A man named Richard 12 a a i was ar
rested at Albany a few days since, and re
turned to Salem by Sheriit' Murphy for
eloping with, and marrying, a young girl
under age. Doth parties lived at V.i
conda. The Al' 1 say- the interests of the Cen
tral and North California Railroads, which
connect the Central Pacific with Marys
ville, and that city with Oroviile, Lave
been consolidated with those ot the Cali
fornia ami Oregon Railroad Company,
and three-fo.iri.hs of the original stock of
the last named road has passed ie.to the
nanus ot Col. C. L. n iisou and ius associ
ates. The Mmlalnr-T says that the Good
Templars at the Dalles "are in a flourish
ing condition. They are constantly add
ing members to their ranks.
Capt. Sprague's company, the last of
the First Oregon Infantry, arrived in
Jacksonville on Saturday from Fort Klam
ath, and will be mustered out of the ser
vice at once.
The sum of 6201 85 was collected at
the Dalles List week for Mrs. Miller, widow
of the unfortunate man who was drowned
recently near Um.uilla. The bereaved
lady ha a large family of small children.
The Jf.tn!aif-er, of Saturday, says that
the . S. N. Company's boats have landed
at the wharf in thateit v over 500 tons of
freight since the 1st hist. It was compos
ed principally of groceries, liquors. hard
Mare and dry goods. Notwithstanding
that the Portland merchants are complain
ing of hard times, their goods pass through
by the luatcr d tons.
The Southern Oregon Press gives a ru
mor that a band of twelve or fifteen Indi
ans, trom the Silefz Reservation, went
through" the Chinese miners on Galieo
creek, a few days since, and also made an
attempt to rob " Witt's Store, " at Slate
creek. It is said that the miners in that
vicinity followed them and killed four of
their number.
A letter from Canyon City to the Jijn
taincer says : We expect to have our
quartz mill up and in running order be
fore ihe middle of next month, on 1-2 ik
creek I when Grant County will show to
the outside world that she is as rich in
gold bearing quartz as any other man."
The I. X. L. Co.. at Prairie Diggings, tour
miles from here, also contemplate patting
up a mill lids season. Their prospects are
very nattering ior large returns.
The Jl'fil! lies the following : A re
markable and very dangerous accident
happened to Messrs. Lake & Kobinson.
Front street, merchants, on Sun -day last.
Tiny had been on a visit to some friends
at Taylor's bridge, and returning about
11 o'clock at night, near tiie lied House
the span of horses attached to the Imggy
started down a slight decline, and not be
ing used to holding back, the buggy ran
on to them, causing them to jump and
whirl round, when the buggy ran off the
embankment and pitched down some forty
or lii'ty feet, dragging the horses over, also.
The horses, bnger,- and ail fell in a pile at
: the bottom, and strange to say, no one
; w as seriously injured, althon-.r't there were
I seven persons In the buggy, i-ur crows
j Messrs. Lake & Kobinson two hue-- ;,n
three cmidren. Ihe buggy was s; a .-!:!
all to pieces, every part of it. nearly,
being broken. A most astonishing escape.
George D. Harlan came to this coast
some Pi years since. Any person know
iug his fate er whereabouts will confer a
favor by corresponding with the Lafayette
('o)'rir. or with M. T. llwlm. Boonsboro.
The toll gather on the road out of Port
land, it 'n said is stationed inside the city,
cot in accordance with law.
An opera troupe :s soon to
Oro Fino Hall, in Portland,
said to be among the best.
appear at
They are
The sale of school lands at Portland, on
last Friday week, amounted to 63,500.
We dome care to soil our columsv
by mentioning the name of a nose-rag
printed daily at Salem.
Gen. Jeff C. Davis, a distinguished ofii
cer, arrived at Portland by the Oritiamme.
en route t; his command at Uoise.
Tin; JLruld says Doctors Hawthorne &
Loryea have purchased the Erooklvn
Flour Mills on the east side of the Wil
lamette, opposite l'ortland. and intend re
moving it to the bank of the river soon.
The Ikm'd thinks the old Penitentiary
building in Portland hardly worth $3,000.
The Democrats built it a lew years ago at
a much greater cost than that. How times
have changed. The (Jregonlan handled
the pimps as they deserve.
A couple of itenerating robbers are
making raids on houses throughout the
State. Lately they took everything of
value from a house on the Uoou Ferry
road. Next they were heard from at St.
Helen, where Mr. Geo. Ladd proved loser
to the tune about S150 in clothing.
A couple of" Informers'' from Yamhill
county lately put Portland all aglow over
the subject of matches sold without proper
stamps. The Jli'ald says, the prosecution
of parties in this city is probably at an
end lor the present. Public sentiment and
the development of new points in the evi
dence has settled, the probabilities of con
viction for a time. The word of an " in
former" is not regarded so good as it was
on the start.
Col. J. 0. Dow. of the Columhla Pits.s-,
delivered an oration on the 4th at the
meadows. It was characterized as a se
cession speech, but. at the request of
many who heard it, the Colonel published
it in his own paper, and we find it to be
an able and patriotic production, suited to
the day. and a credit to its author.
The Courier says the bodies of Lieut.
Kiinchloe and Kiias Stallcup were, on the
Fourth of July found on the sand beach
nJar Nehalem. The bodies were in ad
vanced state of decomposition, and but
for the clothing which remained about
them, could not have been identified.
The Courier mentions that SheriiT Whit
comb of Lafayette is the first who can
boast of over driving a wagon to the great
salt chuck" on the Oregon coast. Which
was done with his family last week.
The Editor of the Posebnrg L'nshn has
made a trip to the sea side, and enjoyed a
time with Mr. D. J. Lyon, formerly a lit
eral'" associate and boon companion of J.
L'oss Frown. Geo. 1). 1'reniice and other
noted journalists, also, for sometime Edi
tor m" the Guzell at Scottsburg : 111 ls."4,
i:i the palmy days of that place; when
large wholesale and re i ail stores were in
successful operation, on the ground which
is no .v covered with wild vines.
The lb.ii".l is rather out-spoken against
the Gas and Water Company of Portland..
It says : -Seven dollars and a half per
1.000 feet is charged lei" a very common
article of gas, and one dollar and a half
per month for every hydrant or lancet for
still commoner water. The city pays a
large monthly bill to this company for the
lighting of about lifty lamps, and frequent
ly these lamps are put out long before day
light and just at the time when they are
most needed."-'
At a meeting of the Democracy of Yam
hill, on the mil. it was " Jii-soLvc-f. that
the Democracy of Yamhill recommend to
their party brethren in sister counties the
importance of proceeding at once to the
business of effecting thorough local organ
izations.'' The Yamhill Democracy have
'. taken a -start."' Well, fnere is noth
'.; F;.-" keeping up a reputation. On the
-..it"- day the Courier says the ladies of
I .aft :- : ; --"n!e:.l the Ease L'all Club
with- a i -le :''! flag. Another Lint to
sister count'...-.
Messrs. Monroe o. M ei'en, of Salem, have
reci-ived an order from 1. e eds of the late
Del.vzon Smith to prepare a monument,
with suitable inscriptions to his memory
and forward it to Albany. The height of
the monument, when set up, will be 10
feet. Mr. S mi ill was hern in New lierlin.
Chenango comity. New York, on the 5th
day of October, "l. Si G. and Died at l'ort
land, Oregon, November ls'th, lbfO. A
Salem paper says t'ie above mentioned
monument is worth 6500, and some idea
may be had of the change of prices in a
few years past from the fact that the mon
ument erected to Thurston in our cemetery
cost 61500, and is not near as elegant as
Onsoox Aokxcv. The following circu
lar accompanied the card of Capt. Keeler,
winch will be found in another part of
this paper : You are well aware that
( 'regou .Merchants dealing in San Fran
cisco fire paying a large tribute to that
city that ought ' to be' applied to the
growth and importance of our Stale, and
which, by direct shipment to Oregon,
could be .saved. It may occur that some
classes of goods can at times be purchased
in San Francisco as reasonably as in New
York, but no merchant can rely upon
such chances to replenish his stock. What
San Francisco can ship around Cape Horn,
or across ihe Isthmus, Oregon can do
with equal advantage either by ship direct
to the mouth of the Columbia ( which
will soon be accomplished ), or for re
shipment in San Francisco. California
is a uol.de State and can well boast of
her independence. We would have her
convinced that we have some of the same
mettle. Our State and our productions
are rated second-best at present in Sau
Franeisfo. This ought not. so to be,
especially where there is equal merit.
An opportunity is here offered to change
the programme, and enters resnectfuli v
solicited. Yarious manufacturing districts
have been visited, and figures and terms
obtained, and it is self-evident at a glance
that bargains can be had in every de
partment of merchandise that would leave
a large margin over purchases in San
Francisco, with fresh goods direct from
the manufacturers or their respective
depots in New York or any of the Eastern
marts. In departments where we are
not well posted we have business con
nections and friends of large experience
who will give us their judgment as to
quality and price.
Fixe Wool S:ikep. On Thursday Mr.
J. Minto. of Marion county, one of the
most successful wool growers In Oregon
called upon us, on his way to Portland.
Mr . Minto is yet looking after fine wool
sheep. He was right in urging this upon
the tanners of our State. Touching the
question of profit to be obtained by pur
suing such a course, we quote from the
Oix:rmiaii of Lite date : Mr. S. G. Peed has
kindly placed in our possession a letter
from .Messrs. l'enno .t Ohikts. Wool Com
misxion Merchants, boston, in which the
writers make nattering mention of Oregon
wool. They say: - At the suggestion ot
our mutual friend. Emery Eurgess, Esq.,
we beg leave to enclose our annual circu
lar May 1st IStiT, and to say that we are
dealing largely in domestic wools, and
you will find "Boston altogether the best
market for every description. Oregon
wools are much liked here for their
working qualities and general condition.
Oregon combing wools are much sought
lor and bring from 40 cts for ordinary un
washed, to CO or 65 cts for bright clean
wools of the longest staple. We make
reasonable advances on consignment and
have every facility for making sales and
returns promptly, etc."
Sr-.fMEK Work. Capt. Kellogg for the
i T. Co. 1ms set a number of hands at
w -i ;c e-. urg d jwn their breakwater at
this city. As soon as the water gets down
to its low e',-xZ'.', other workmen will be
employed to clear out the channel and to
repair the railroad which was caved down
in places during 'h? floods of last winter.
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the 0rojoniin.
The Illslng Star was released from
quarantine on the 6th.
Over 3000 Emigrants areived in New
York, from Europe on the 9th.
rtomero discredits the report of Santa
Annas' Execution.
Senator Thayer's remarks were misappre
hcnd'.'d. He "proposed to locate all the
Indians between Nebraska and Montana
on two reservations, one in the western
portion of Dakota and the other in the
Indian territory west of Arkansas; both
to be perpetual reservations, with no
intercourse with the whites so far as
The Republican's special dispatch says :
There is no hope of the admission of
the Kentucky delegations this session.
The testimony abjeady offered will cer
tainly reject some of them. It seems
to be ihe general understanding that
there will be an adjournment until Oc
tober, and the impeachment report will
be made then.
In Illinois the wheat harvest has fairly
begun. 1 he farmers in Indiana have a pros
pect of tho largest crop that has ever
been gathered.
A strong Pacific interest is pressing the
ratilication of the Santlwich Islands treaty
at this session. Oregon memorialized
Congress for this treaty in 1S04.
lirigham Young. Jr., who is now in New
York, has arranged for the transportation
of 10.UO0 emigrants to Utah next year,
from Europe. Between 100 and 700 leas e
in a few weeks.
Tho Herald's special says tbe war de
partment is informed that soldiers at Fort
McDowell, Arizona, are exchanging In
dian captives for goods to the l'imo and
Maricopa Indians. Female Apache cap
tives have been sold to these tribes for the
purpose of slaughter. An investigation
farce has been ordered.
The trial of Deregowski, for the attempt
to assassinate the Czar, resulted in a ver
dict of guilty, with extenuating circum
stances. San Francisco markets are same as re
ported last week, with lighter sales.
The bolters from the Union party in
California made nominations at Sacra
mento on the liHh. John Bidwell was
put in nomination for Governor. J- G.
McCallum, of Sacramento, was nominated
for Secretary of State ; Wm. Jones, of El
dorado, for Controller, and E. G. Jeffries,
of Sacramento, for State Printer. A reso
lution layering impartial suffrage was
ado jiied.
A London dispatch of the 10th says :
An important note has been received from
the Lusskui Cabinet in regard to Ireland.
It is addressed Embassadors in the United
States and France, who tire requested to
call the attention of those go ernmenis to
the existing state of affairs in Ireland.
They are instructed to represent that in
the opinion of the Kussian Cabined the
condition of affairs in that island invites
joint inquiry on the part of the Govern
ments of Pussia, France and the United
States, in conjunction with that of Eng
land. Dispatches from Madrid announce that
General Prim, the noted revolutionist who
had been some time in exile, Las landed
in the Province of Catalonia. Nothing is
definitely known as to his destination, Out
fears are entertained that his sudden ap
pearance is the forerunner of an insurrec
tion in that Province.
A Washington special says : The Navy
Department has ordered the frigate Stt.s
ipcJiuiiiia to proceed immediately to the
Mexican port of Sisla and demand the sur
render of Santa Anna, dead or alive, and
satisfaction for the alleged outrage on the
American flag.
The List rise of the Missouri river cut
off the greatest bend between Omaha
and St. Louis, saving IS miles of naviga
tion. A Washington dispatch of the 1 1th says:
A veto of ihe reconstruction bill is ex
pected on Tuesday, when the bill wiil
bo passed over it, and Congress adjourned.
The U.S. Consul at Havana reports that
the yellow lever has assumed a malignant
A Philadelphia special says that several
excited .Mexican Imperialists are organiz
ing an expedition for Mexico. Ten regi
ments are to be raised at New Orleans ;
twenty in New York and five in Philadel
phia. They are sanguine of success.
The World's special says that, the Eng
lish and French commanders of the Pacitie
squadrons remonstrate against a Yankee
war ship being stationed at the Sandwich
Islands. The Government has not with
drawn her, but has ordered -another to
join her.
The Surratt farce is yet attracting no
tice and absorbing federal funds.
Indian Commissioner Taylor reports at
length on Indian affairs. lie contends
that the diuieulties arise mainly from
unfair treatment of the Indians "by the
Government, and can be easily settled
if the proper means are used. "at a cost
of less than two days expenses of the
existing war. He says it can be done
with a quarter of a" million of dollars
expended in simply doing justice to the
Indians, defending them from tresspas
and aggression, and establishing suitable
reservations. This will not suit the con
tractor for supplies.
In the Senate on tbe 15th, the following
proceedings occur :
The President states that it is exceed
ingly difficult to estimate the expense for
carrying into full effect the (Liferent re
construction acts. If the State govern
ments are to be demised and entire ma
chinery placed under exclusive control of
military commanders, it will probably re
quire fourteen millions.
The President raised the question
whether the Tinted States, by abolishing
the State Governments, does not become
responsible for State debts not incurred
in consequence of the rebellion, which ap
proximate to a hundred millions, aud re
commends the question to the considera
tion of Congress. His message is some
what elaborate on this point.
The Southern States are not considered
provinces, but Stales. Mr. Hendricks
thought in tho event of entire abrogation
of Southern States by the Federal Gov
ernment, it would be a question of great
moment whether the State obligations
would rest on the General Government.
Mr. Fessenden said he was glad the mes
sage met with no response or abandon
ment. He regretted that the President
had sent such a document to the Senate.
Such a document might have a bad effect
if tiie people were not so intelligent as to
perceive its fallacy. ither Senators dis
cussed the message, which was linally or
dered printed, and the Senate adjourned.
In the House on the 15th, the following
proceedings occur :
A bill was introduced to repeal the Mil
of last sesion. providing for making
treaties with Indians. It was passed.
Noell introduced a bill to make legal
tenders receivable for duties.
Several resolutions were introduced in
favor of taking Government bonds.
Senate amendment with an appropria
tion to carry out tho Pceonstnictlon Bill,
amounting to one million dollars, was
concurred in.
A resolution was adopted instructing
the Judiciary Committee to enquire
whether the States of Kentucky, Maryland
and Delaware have a Republican form of
The Next Steamer. The steamship
Cordlnenlal sailed from San Francisco for
this port on the 17iln She will sail on her
return trip on the 25th, according to the
advertisement of the Company.
Ma j oiiTTy. Mr. I landers' actual major
ity, in Washington Territory, foots up to
one hundred and fifty-nine
1 eatii of Bishop Scott. The startling
news came to us by telegraph last evening,
says the Herald of Wednesday, that Pa,
ilov. Thomas F. Scott. Missionary PL- bop
of the Protestant Episcopal Church for
Oretroa and adjacent Territoiies. died at
the Jjrevoort House, in New York City,
on Sunday last. The announcement falls
with saddening weight upon all who knew
the honored Bishop, the beloved Pastor,
the faithful Minister of Christ's Church.
The poor tribute of words fail us to do
iustiee to a character so noble, so vener
ated, so beloved. Thousands of aching
hearts and tearful eyes the dumb elo
quence of woemake a more fitting eu
logy. It would be no poetic exaggeration
to say
-None knew him but to love him.
None named him but to praise."
The deceased was born in North Carolina,
in 1802, and was educated at Chapel 1 1 1 1 1
College. He entered the ministry of the
Old School Presbyterian denomination, in
which he continued for many years, rank
ing among the ablest of a ministry dls
tinguished for ability and learning, after
which he took orders in the Protestant
Episcopal Church, and at the General
Convention of 1853 was elected and or
dained Missionary Bishop for Oregon, and
soon after entered upon this field ol labor.
How faithfully he served his Master, how
diligent he was in every good word and
work, how zealous, how tireless, how
cheerfully he has wrought, tho people to
whom he ministered will bear abundant
testimony. After almost unremitting
labor in Lis bishopric for thirteen years,
but a few weeks since he left for the East
in the hope of benefitting the health of
Mrs. Scott, which had long been declining.
He was then in apparent robust health,
with great physical strength and a strong
constitution. He had but just reached
New York when he was stricken down by
death. By an inscrutable dispensation of
Providence tiie strong man was taken and
his feeble consort left. The Spectator, a
paper of another denomination, annourfced
the Bishop's departure from San Francisco
with the remark, that " lit; had vindicated
his title to the Apostolic succession by his
works' A noble and well deserved "trib
ute to a faithful minister.
Scuryi.ttR Com-AX. At a convention
held on the 1st day of June last, at South
Bend, Indiana, the home of lion. Schuyler
Colfax, the following, among other resolu
tions, was adopted : " That our confidence
in tiie wisdom and patriotism of our fellow
citizen. Schuyler Colfax, is strengthened
and deepened as his eminent abiiilie.s be
come more aud more developed, and as in
all the high positions he has been called
to occupy, he has displayed talents and
statesmanship of the highest order, there
fore in view of his eminent fitness, we, his
friends and neighbors, present his name
to the nation for the highest ofiiee in its
gift, believing that with him as our stand
ard bearer, a glorious triumph awaits us."
Cit Off.- The Salem Daily nose rag has
cut us off from its exchange li.-t. This is
all rigid. We have a few sheets of medi
cated paper which serves the purpose it
supplied very well.
Potte it v. A steamer of tbe P. T. Co..
one day this week, brought down and
landed at Miller's place near Milwaukee,
near three thous and earthen flower pots,
manufactured at tiie Buena Yista Pottery.
Death. bulge J. M. Pyle, late Senator
from Union county, died recently at his
home in I rand lionde Yalley, of consump
tion, contracted years a'o.
Jxtekn-al He v knte. -Attention is di
rected to the advertise-n-nt of Collector
Caawford, who will be here on the 3d of
IsIAItiilKii t tho re-id-mce of Mr. John
Myers, in this viiy, Julv u;in, bv.J.U.
Kal.vt.e.!, Mayor, Mr. John II. Jackson- and
Miss Hkl!:n.v 15. ArrKtsitiittv.
Also : In Oregon City, on the evening of the
l'-th, at the rcsidemje of tho bride, fTv .). It.
liaison, Maiyor, Mr. W. J. Cai uwhi i., iuid
Mrs. Pkaxcks Smith. We aekmnvled
tne rcceiMt of the compliments of the party
s:ml tender them the usual congratulations'
DIED-At Ids residence in Canemah, ou
Saturday night last, after a briof illness,
Mr. Sam 1 i;l K. 11a i: low, aged 73 years.
The Onavii'utit, says: Mr. Barlow was
known to most of the pioneers in Oregou,
having arrived here in l-i:. He was one of
a parly of .several who set out to explore (he
way from the lost country ( on Mocks' cat oil' )
to the Willamette valley. O-ly lie and W.
II Iitctor made their way through, and they
accomplished it with much suffering. He
was the original owner of the road fnuK hise.
across the Cascades, from the DesChutes to
Foster's, well knoun in former years as the
Harlow Load. Since that time lie has been
as widely known perhaps, as any man in
private life in this State."
Also: At Ids residence in Portland, on ihe
evening of July lo, Capt. Wm. Moiinnoi ,
aged 57 years.
The Oregon ian says: Capt. Molthrop came
here about or '50, in command of a ves
sel called the Tarquina. He leaves a large
circle of friends who esteemed him iu life,
ami who will sincerelv mourn bis death.
Icw Advertisements.
a 111 as and the
In the vicinity of the place of T. J. Ilunsakcr.
JeT" Will be sold cheap for cash.
Apply to LFYY & t ECiUIEIMMPv,
SP.tf Main street, Oregon City.
A. liEVY
Oregon City, Oregon.
July 2rtth, 1S07.
U. S. Tax Notice.
l-o-o.consisting of special taxes (licenses)
income taxes, and duties ou carriages, watch
es, and gold and silver plate, has been placed
in my hands for collection. I will be at the
following places, to-wit :
Coiwallis, Benton Co., July ICth and 17th.
Dallas, Polk Co., July 20th".
Salem, Marion co., July 5;2d and 2Cd.
Oreoox Citt, Clackamas co., August 3d.
Lafayette, Yamhill co., August Otli and 7th.
Tax pavers are required to pay at the
County Seat, and unless payment is made
within the specified time, cost and penalties
will be added in the manner prescribed bv
law, and collection made bv distramt and
sale of property. It. C. CRAWFORD,
Deputy Collector.
Salem, July 1st, 1S07. :;s.3
ShsrivT '3 SalD.
sued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of Mult
nomah, to me directed, and in favor of
" The Bank of British Columbia. "' and
against The Oregon City Paper Manufac
turing Company,1' for "the sum of ten
thousand and forty (Pillars, and for costs,
in gold coin of the United States. I have
levied upon, and will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin
of the United States, at the Paper Mill of
the Oregon City Paper Manufacturing
Company, at Oregon Ci!j in the County
of Clackamas, in the State of Oregon, 011
Monday, the 10th day of August
A. D. ls:t".7,at the Lour of 12 o'clock, noon,
of said day. the following described prop
erty, or so -much thereof V.s may be neces
sary to satisfy said execution ami costs of
sale -
o23 Reams of Manilla paper, finished.
8i Barrels at' Lime,
1 Fiiiishirg table aud cutter,
1 Truck.
1 Paper machine and fixtures,
1 Steam engine,
1 Hydraulic Ram.
1 Baling Press.
1 pr. Platform scales, s-o.
380 Fleams finished Straw paper, small
Finishing m)Ie :ind work bench,
Part of a box of Packing twine,
4 Bales tarred stock.
I lot of Stock iu bulk,
1 Rug cutter,
1 Pag duster.
1 lot of Wire,
5 Brooms,
1 Safe,
1 Stove and pipe,
1 Writing desk.
Part of bolt of cotton felt,
C Lamps,
5 Baskets.
Part of bolt of woolen felt.
3 Bales Wrapping paper, small size,
1 lot of rags,
1 Block and tackle,
1 lot Rags in bales, -1
lot Hoop iron,
1 bales of Stock, old rope.
Also :
At the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.. of said
10ih day of August, A. D. 1807, at the
Court House ioor m Oregon City. Clacka
mas county. State of Oregon, all liie right,
title and interest of ' The Oregon City "Pa
per Manufacturing Company.'-' of. in and
to, that lot of land situate iu" Oregon City,
in the County of Clackamas, and State of
Oregon, and known as Lot Number Five
(5), in Block Number Two (2). in said
City, together with all and singular, the
tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances,
and water rights thereunto belongi.i g. or
in any wise appertaining. With
All the right, title and interest of the
said " Oregon City Paper Manufacturing
Company. ' of. in, and to. the water rights
and water, and easments, conveyed to'the
Oregon City Paper Manufacturing Company-,
by Ge jrge Marshall, and Margaret his
wife. John ll. Moore, and Margaret Moore
his wife, ami Samuel L. Stevens, and Jane
Stevens his wife, by deed dated June Sih.
ISiio. and recor.io-: on pages :i'.2.
and .'iP... in Book E, of the record of deeds
for Clackamas County, iu the State of re
gon : being the undivided one half of lite
perpetual ownership, aud richt to the u:-e
of the water hereinafter mentioned, and
ihe right to take trom the water, which
flows Pom the channel in the Willamette
river, east of what is known as Abernothv
island. at the falls ot the Wibann It- river,
through the race. and. into what was known
as the Basin of Daniel Harvey, on Lis milt
reserve, on the Oregon City Claim. Three
hundred inches of water perpetually, un
der an average head of eight feet from tin
top of the water in said Basin on said Mill
reserve, at low water, together w'nh the
right of way across the land of Daniel
Harvey ami Eloisa Lis wife, for a sutlicient
race to convey said water from the north
line of said Ba-iu. wherever the same was
on the !Hh of August. A. D. Jm;s. or may
now be. to the south end of Main street,
all situate in said Oregon City, in the coun
ty of Clackamas, in the State" of Oregon.
Said property, waier rights, power and
easments being pai iieti'erly describe . I in a
deed executed by Daniel Harvey and El
oisa his wife, to John if. Moore. Goorire
Marshaii. Samuel L. Stevens and Joseph
Swifzer. dated August !Ub.l(; Land record
ed in Po k D" of the record of d--eds of
said Clackamas County, on p.i-ees (.72. (7tt
aud (74 thereof, together wi h ail and sin
gular the appurtenances thereunto belong
ing, or iu any wise appertaining.
W. '. BURNS.
Sheriff of Chi4;auias Co.
Oregon City. Jr.'y linn. Bh"7. (o!'.5t
Only issued out of ihe Ciicuit Court
ot the State of Ore -tea, tor the
County of Clackamas, in favor of J. it. Price
mid against Joseph Magouc ami S. W. Moss,
for the. .Mini of seven hundred and oiglitv
seven dollars, and interest at :. per coiiL pl-r
mouth from Pie sth dav of March, l-.r.-j, and
seventy-live and I-1-b..o" dollars, costs ef'suit,
and commanding n,e to satisfv said execu
tion out of the property of said Joseph Ma
gone, and for want of personal property I
have levied upon the following tic-scribed
real estate, to wit: All that part of the
north half. if chum No. r7 described bv No
tification No. ho:;, known as the Magone
land claim, in Clackamas county, Stuie of
iiregisu, ana oounued as
to wit:
On toe south bv the line
uaiu. anU wife s part ot said claim, on the
west ami north by Butte creek, and on the
cast by the easterly line of .said claim, bein"
in sections It, lo, -j- and s-.i of Township S
South Range 1 west of the Wallamette mer
idian, and containing 7o acres more or less.
I will sell all the right, title and interesbof
said Magonc in and to the sauie at public
auction fur cash in hand, on
Saturday llLc IO.'a day of August,
A. I). Isijr, at the Court House door ni Ore
gon City, iu said county and State, at 1
o'clock i. st. of said day, for the use of S. W.
Moss, he having pa'id said judgment as
surety for Joseph Magoue. "
V'M Sheriff of Clackamas Co.
Estate of Wm. Smith, deceased.
JL mas County, State of Oregon. In the
matter of the estate of William Smith, de
ceased Francis Smith, executrix of said
estate, having filed her accounts for final set
tlement m said County Court, it was ordered
by the Court that, "
Monday the oti day of August, 1SGT,
be fixed as tho day for a final settlement, and
dttermtmUion of said accounts. Therefore,
notice is hereby given to all narties interest
ed m said matter, to appear on sr. id day at
the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas
County. State of Oregon, and make their
objections to said accounts being allowed, if
they have any.
By order of W. T. MATLOCK,
County Judge of Clackamas Co., Oregon.
Oregon City, July 1st, L-.;;7. v.t
Estate of Thomas Johnson, dsccaced.
X mas County, State of Oregon. In the
matter of the estate of Thomas Johnson,
dec-eased. F. O. McCown, administrator of
said estate, having filed his accounts for a
final settlement iu said County Court, it was
ordered by the Com t that
Monday the lh day of August, 18G7.
be fixed us the day for a final settlement nd
determination of said accounts. Thercfre
notice is hereby given to all parties interest
ed in sail matter, to appear on said day at
the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, and" make their
objections to said accounts, if they h:-ve an v
iiy order of W. T. MATLOCK, ' '
County Judge of Clackamas Co., Orcon
Oregon City, July 1st, lb57. (.ot
" Hotico
XS HEREBY ci I YEN, that the Assessor's
X Looks for the assessment of all the pron
erty liable to assessment in the corporation
of Oregon City ior the year s(;7, ias been
approved and placed ln the Collector's hands
tor col action Ail persons owing either
property, poll, or road taxes, are hereby re
tired to settle the same with the propt-r of
ucer immediately, and save Mo, 1 1
T , , ;fUE6 M. MOORE, Recorder.
July Cd, 1S07. (;;7;.t
Oregon Steam Xailgatioii
c o
J. Jl. fected by the Orroji r- t-m-.t A'avi
gatioii Coitipauj- and the P.om r Siajje
Ctmilianv wbr-iehv asengors can lmr
clu.se THROUGH TICKETS from Portland
to the diiu-ivnt points ia Idaho at the follow
ing rates :
From Portland to Pol--. Clfy, $rl 50
" MaiioCitV..".!.'. H 50
" Silver City,... CI 50
Passengers can lay over at Umatilla bv
gi ving notice to Ihe Agent of the Pioneer
Stage Company'
Through Tickets oM only at the
Cent pit 11 's CIS.ee iix Portland.
The rates of passage on the river until
further notice will be as follows :
From Portland to Dalles $1) 25
Umatilla 15 0 )
" Wallula Hi 00
" " Paiouse. 20 00
" Lewiston 25 00
From Dalles to Umatilla 1!) 00
" Wallula 11 00
,; Paiouse 15 00
" " Lewiston 20 00
" Umatilla " Wallula 2 50
" Paiouse 7 00
" . li '' Lewiston 12 00
" Yv'allula " Paiouse 0 00
" " " Lewiston 10 00
For the Dalles
(Sundavs excepted,)
Holiday, Wednesday, and Friday,
WIS.Ii XJouts on the Vpper Columbia.
Umatilla a Vallula.
TIifFiii;u.y's Heat
Con nects irlth the
HETUKMSG The Boats will leave
Lewiston every Monday meriting, and Vfal-
lula evc-y Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
mornings, touching at Umatilla and arrive
at Dalies same dav.
Prt -l-li.nl O. S. X. Co.
Portland, JnlyirUh, lS'7. o:tf
Transportation Company.
Until farther notice
Will leave Portland daily at 7 o'clock A. M.
from tbe Company's dock, toot of A street,
for Oregon City, eoimcciicg with the
On Monday and Thursday of each
ireel: fur Sal an, Allmny, Cor ca I lis,
and intermedial0, points.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
of each week, for Lafayette and in
ter mediate polii ts.
T ft 1 !lr .mo TTT.Tt trt TifAr,
when the Company will dis
patch a boat ou other days than above.
Returning the Str. ALERT will leave Oregon
City for Poitlandat 1 o'clock P. M.
A . a . ri c- c 1: i i v ,
J'rt'iJrttt P. T. Co.
SALEM, March 1st, 16C7. i:tf
3. T.A I X, 1 1 O 17 T lil !
days. Carrying the U. S. Mail and W.
F. &. Co.'s Express.
U. V. COKI5ETT & Co., Fbopks.
Ry this route passengers avoid the risk of
Ocean travel. Passing through Oregon Citv,
Salem, Albany, Co r vail is, Oakland, Win
chester, Rosebursr, Canyonvilie, Jacksonville
ami in California : Yrek i, Trinity Center,
Shasta. Red ItluiV, Tehama, Chico,'Orovil!e.
Marysvilie to Sacramento. Cotmecting with
the daily stages to all mining towns lnnorth
ern Cilifoniia and southern Oregon; also
with the Railroad from Oroviile to Sacra
mento ; Also connecting with the Central
Pacitie Railroad to the Atlantic States.
Stages stop over night at Jacksonville and
1 reka, for passengers to rest. Passengers
will be permitted to lay over at any point,
and resume their seat's at pleasure," at any
time within one month, upon notifying the
Agent at the ofiiee where they lay over?
FiiretoSaciiimfiito S50.
Stages leave the Portland oifice (Arriiro
m's Hotel, ) daily at C o'clock
tl'L.tmi ' P. G. WHITEilOUSE. A-eut.
CHARM AN A PRO., Oregon City Agents.
Lu. Ilosir-n-i er's Stomach Lit'
ters. The operation of this palatable rem
edy upon the stomach, liver and excretory
organs is singularly soothing and conserva
tive. It regulates, recruits and purifies
them. Dyspepsia in all its tonus yields to
its control and invigorating properties, and
it is recommended to mothers, enfeebled bv
the cares and duties of maternity, as the
safest and Lest remedy thev can "probabl v
use. In all tho crisis of female life it wiil be
found eminently useful, and elderly persons
will derive mtub more benefit from it than
from ordinary stimulants. Sold bv the drug
gists and dealers evervwher-' " 0
HODGE, CAL1IF ,t CO., Agents,
",,:tf Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Commission Agency
XliW "iOItK ClTl".
For buying ami shipping direct, br the
Isthmus or Cape Horn, ail classes and varie
ties of Merchandise, includmg Musical In
struments, Farming Implements, Carria-o-s
and Machinery. a
Faithful attention wili also be given
to the securing and disposition ot 'Patents.
Alt orders and business will receive prompt
attention. Goo" s shipped in best style at the
lowest rates, and insured to order. "
Aid rich, Merrill k Co., San Francisco, Cal.
McCrakea, Merrill & Co., Portland, Oregon.
J. II. Moores, Salem, Oregon.
Thomas Monteith, Albany, Oregon.
J. L. Rrownell & Pro., Rankers, '2S Rroad t
A. E & C. E. Tilton, :, and 07 Liberty st!
A. Al. Marr, late of Oregon, ). Liberty st
Aibon Mann 1. Treasurer Notional Rank Note"
Co., 1 ail st, ... r
P .A. IsT
A. M9 llielasuojr
Corner of Front and streets, Portly
Every Wfdn,sd a j
A..L. KiciUKnsoX Auctioneer.
Engdjsh refined Par and ltn,n, i J'
English Sonare and Octa, vl '
Horse shoes. Fifes, ;;.ls,,s, stetl ;
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R ' q Iron
Also : n:
A large assortment of Groceries and I.iqnor8
A. If. l.'li'HA! misav , ..,.
'"' noiiepr.
K. r. IU SSKI.L.
riuobhLL & DALTON
Attorneys and Counselors at jjv
Solicitors hi Chancery, and '
Ileal Estate Agents.
Will practice in the Courts of the ..,,
third and fourth Judicial Districts, aud i a A
Supreme Court of Oregon. -'8
14"?" Special attention given to the rM'
ISSr - "'""
Ore.1'-6'" rarrisll's brick building, Albany
re!l' ; .", '
m I rt i V
New York Manufacturers of Q
Bell Metab Patent Agraffe
Grand Scale Pianofortes!
pect fully announce io bis old patrons
and the public generally, that he v. iit-ljeea
constantly on hand a good assortmenCof the
above class Pianos; which he offers whole
sale and retail at New York prices.
Celebrated Pianofortes !
ANI) o
A . E. Til OMPS OX 'S
Patent Swell axd Voice Tremelo
Choral OkganP
N. B. Pianos aad Organs carefully tnn".J
and repaired. II. SI NSil L! lIi
StUv) 111 Front st. Portland, Oregon.
DIt." IIUi'LA hli S
The best Purifier of the Riood
A Pleasant Tonic 1
A very Agreeable Drink !
TrRV j Unsurpassed lor acting sarelv hX
-.p" j gently on the secretions (Cfahe kid
i i J neys, bowels, stomach and liver!
For sale at ail wholesale and retail liquur,
drug, and grocery stoics.
J. C Fmscti, Proprietor.
Taylou A Uknuei.. Sole Agents,
-'"'ly) 4K-J Clay si., San f rancisco.
G R E A T F E X I AqN q
Notwithstanding thffy was a Rebellion
over in Ireland the other day, and ti. (print
ers alt became Demoralized, and Gm.rgr up
set a "fnrni" and knocked 111 v advei-Aisi't!iei',K
Pi." ne ( i tiieloss
E . D . K E L L Y0
Is on hand at he obi S'l-ni't, and
has far safe the fdlowihg
urticws, io wit:
Golden syrup,
Packing salt,
Dairy salt.
Japan Tea,
Fhu k Tea,
Git. en Tea,
Corn starch,
Oswego do.
Prii d peaches,
Linen twine.
Coffee siig.ir.
Pr.lverii"Mi i.i.
Crashe.i do.
H'ime.il so;:;.,
Castile tin.
Tabic salt.
Ground cotlee. Fancv t.'-iktii.
Cooking soda, Faiini,
ante cnrri-nti
S.-tia crat'kvts,
bettor do.
al.-soua. Sai times.
Rone. Mackerel,
Corn Meal, CaPi-ii.
Pro oni s, N u -1 n e ,
Lead, Rieeking,
Shot, Snulf,
W Lite Reans, Prunes,
Rockets, M aearoni,
Pads, Yin-tear,
l.itjuori.di, Cheese,
ILe.i.i-iy, Jim-ax,
Dried apples, Raisins.
Piueing, Steve polish,
Rice, 'earl barlev,
Mi g, P-. fruits, "
Writing ink, Vanilla ext.,
j- eivfirrag t-s..
K--r.-!:t- vll,
OHo nil.
C:..t:;cs 1 :i)5.
Cream tartar.
Gun er.
ft Shoot' i,;-.':!
r.-Sio a-.-r
L'hi-tV -.v.vd'r
Sportmg fK
Yulley MoNtie
Y i iist p-jwii'r,
Wish:..:: Co.
Tacks, Wash boards, Wash-tuhs,
Satin gloss starch, Yeru.-.aii,
Cam- strawberries, Cor.ct-n tralid LyeQ
Tobacco, C.tnttics, Xuts, Q
Green corn,
Ground spices, Engl, pickrls.
Cinnamou, Aiiierieuu do
Canii'd fnats,
F't'iicii ir.r.st'j
Rlock maichis.
M astard,
t!o sauce,
;f;7" Cash, and one price to everybody.
No goods misrepresented to effect sale.
7.1 E. 0. KELLY.
(Successors to Woriman & Shemuird,)
Keep constantly on hand
And Cfaclers of all kinds!
Orders in thi3 Line will meet with
Also keep on hand all kinds of
And all Articles used for Culinary
I' u r poses !
RAN fl M Ps fi ? (ER
kf M it Zm i'i t0 (.9 - "
Sell a line assortment, of
Ry the Case, or at retail 1 n
Attention is also directed to the fact
that noliodv else sells the
Farmers and the public generally, arc in
vited to call at the City Rakery, where t.io
truth will be made apparent Unit our stock
complete, and our prices reasonable. A'
kinds of produce taken iu excLange r
goods. RAKLOW & FfejLLoU.
Oregon City, Jan. I'th, IsoT. v.1--"-
Notice to John Findsennacker.
X I will, on Saturd.iv the third 0 '
August, js;7, a the. hour of 1 o'cioc k I
nppiv to enter at the Oregon City launi I
the N. W. quarter of section -3, T -' S L 1
and that I will then and there I"0.':I"f'.,ir
timortv to show that von have fnrfeiteti yo
right to said tract of'lnnd. bv abimdo-m-'
thereof. JASPER GKAlb-''-
.limp O'Oh. Ifittr.
JOIi IHI.Ti.i K V11A r
vd at the F.NTLRFRISE OhlK