Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, July 13, 1867, Image 2

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EIjc iUcclchj Enterprise.
""Gregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, July 13th, 1357.
OF INii.MXA. .
OK Oil 1.00.'".
Subject to tho Nomination of the National
Republic! Convention i:i !'',.
(ioNETO JSllei". The Scuttle. G-'c-trYte
has grown tired of hard tinies,
and has gone Qto sleep. Its editor
has returned to tb-aJiw business.
Ax o.MS. Mr. li. Ji. Haines,
Siiperintciident of the Telegraph line
has made bis heme fit O'ymoia, hav,
lug pure a residence there.
Tttx Focrtii in' Euii"'PE. Accord
ing t'9 cable dispatches the Amen-
cans in Europe generally observed
Juh' 4'b in Appropriate etyle.
The Stonewall, The Jspaness
Comniistjiyners have purchascl the
gjim Stonewall, atil $300,000 on it,
and promise the rfcftiaiuuer in August.
Each Congressional District is en
til led 9o one Comiiiissioiif-r in IJjbk
dnptcy uader the late law of Couc
Benkvolent Society. The net
proceed-' derived from the Concert of
the Portland Philharmonic Society
was $1V2. The funds were raided
for benevolent purposes, and the So
ciety recommend the formation of
a Benevolent Association to take
charge of the funds.
Portland is in
nerd bf
such, iSsdlr, and has been for
Agju;:i:o. It is said the Recon
struction Committee have agreed on
a bill to be submitted to Congress
last Wednesday Each member of
the Committee had a bill of his own,
frorrPall of which the one referred to
was formed. Prooks, Democrat, be
ii g nlPofid.
CIStoticai;lk Fact. A Washington
dicpatchc)f the Ttii savs : The nucs-
sption of .'construction is cali'm out
' the opinions of the leading men South.
Some favor rapid reconstruction and
timers oppose it. It is a noticeable
fact that ail soldiers and politicians
lake opposite skies. The former
generaliyQavoring a prompt comoli
auce with the laws.
A n o i 1 1 ;; it . A no the r not a b 1 e d o a t h
mentioned. That ui'Juda Wayne
'i the Supreme Court, whose funeral
m-9s attended at Washington on the
th, by many distinguished persons.
Judge W?vne was from Georgia.
" o
He was appointed to the Supreme
LSk-h by President Jackson on the
t)th (f January 183-j, vice Wm.
Johnson deceased, r.r.d vas confirmed
ly the' Senate on the same day. J I is
decease leaves no vacancy . as bv the
Jaw of Congress oi" July 2- 1, lSGu. it
is provided tjiat vacancies upon the
bech, by death, resignation or oth
crwise, the oCice shall be deemed
abv-l:s!icd, until the number of Jus
tices, including the Chief Justice-,
shall be reduced to seven s4x asso
ciates and one chief. The rumber
now remaining, is eight.
Daiio Arutcfe. Some days
since says the San Francisco
W. T. Coleman & Co., received an
order from New Yotk fcr two hun
dred half-larr?ls of dried apricots;
and this order comes in beginning of
the season,-fore the green fruit is '
) in New York markets. It can be I
filled here, and with superior fruit, j
c trust that more attention will be I
rod? tn il r v in tr T t n t "n.l t! if crmm i
of the money may be returned to the !
-State thayms been paid out fcr fruit j
in part years. We can not only i
send to New Yoikn dried anricots. i
Jjut dried pluu.s, also.
Ship Bi'ilding. We learn that
Ir. John Bruce, of Astoria, left for
'Sun Francisco on Wednesday, having
contracted with A. F. Graham & Co.
41 Clay street, for the construction
jit Coos Uiy, a schooner of 2o0
o? measurement, with 120 f4et keel
2') feet beam.ard 11 feet hold. That
part f Oregoiois already noted for
its coal, and is becoming quite popu
lar as a point at which ship building
may bo extensively carried on. A
Laikentine with a-ap.acity for carry
ing 500,000 feet of lumber, is now
on the stocks at Coos Bay, and on
the 20th u It., Mr. John Hewlett It-ft
San Francisfb with workmen to be
gin the construction of a propeller at
i he same place, of 600 tons, for M.
Pushbacker, also of San Francisco.
Our informantCfctates that ail of the
above might as well have been built
on the Columbia, were the people- of
this sectiop disposed to be as liberal
toward tlie enterprising owners, as
thev of Coos Buv. Mr. Bruce has ;
left is these waters many fine models
of his fckill, among which we may
mention tlc steamer John II. Couch,
the propeller U. S. Grant, and the
schooner Alfred (&oshj, showir.g at-te-tab!y
that such craft can be Laitt
,ieie as well as claw here.
! A
Dnuctrutic om!::ct
Ila'ght, the Democratic nominee
for Governor, in California has not as
good a war record as some people
were disposed to give him credit for.
lie spoke at a Democratic meeting
in San Francisco October 29th, 1$G4,
and the Alia cf next day reported
him as " eulogizing General McC'el
Ian ia general terms, and avoided
every specification.'' Having ex
hausted that topic ho turned to abuse
Mr. Lincoln. He said
' V. henever a politician was called hon
est, it was good reason to believe lie would
steal ii' he gt a chance. It was to he ob
served that ti:t present President was
calk'd Uone.-t Alio." The speaker called
Stan. on an 4 infamous knave, a 4 great
liar.' j-.nd a ditty dog :' to G'en. McDowell
I.o applied terms of abuse. Having ex
hausted his pe; soiled remarks, he read a
paragraph in the A '.'. to the effect that
the rebels have gained ground lately in
Arkansas, and he a.sk'd how long it would
requ.ro to bring the South into the Union i
at tint rate V Mr. 11. tight said, under the
polTey o!' emancipation and confiscation
the rebellion never could be suppressed."'
The JJc.nocratic Press, Beriah
Brown, of October Cd, 1SG4, in its
repoit of the speech referred to,
makes Ilaight uso this language:
When a man has honest' prefixed to
his nuiiM'. it is generally supposed that he
will .steal, (.'ouiiess and Lincoln are two
such men. The speaker drew a parallel
o. twt ea the; wo worthy gentlemen named,
and raid th.it for lil teen years they had
been devoted to congenial pursuits
Coane.s.H in California and Lincoln in the
Sucker State.' Ho bitterly inveighed
ag-tinst the tt-maialy assault which Con-ie-ss
h-?.d mad.- recently at Piatt's Hall
ii; on men who were his superiors in all
tliat was manly and noble. Spokeof Lin
coln's honesty.' quoted Senator Wade
and Representative Henry Winter Davis
on the subject, wherein those two high
priest in the Abolition Church charged
him with ouVned which, if true, would
setel l;i;n to the penitentiary. He quitted
Senator Hale on the same subject. Men
are known by the company they keep.
Lincoln is surrounded by such creatures
as Stanton, whom he could not more fit
tingly allude to than in the words winch
Itenton once used to an oppenent. 'He is
a great liar ami a dirty dog." He would
not particularize, all the scoundrels in
V.'ashington. lor only ten days remained
before the election, and he would not be
able to get through. In contrast with the
vulgar jester Lincoln, take the gallant
soldier AieC2o!ia!i.''
Ilaighls frier.ds, fearhg that defeat
awaited him on account of this action
in troiiblesoma times, called him out
in S'.iti Francisco on Wednesday eve
ning last, at which time he took it all
back or at least denied that he had
ever said what the Press reported of
him. His denial will scarcely be
credited, although the telegraph was
made use of to give it a wide spread
and speedy hearing-, thus compelling
the Onjdiilan to publish it, as readi
ly and as greedily as the most damag
ing Democratic sheet in the country.
Ilaight is very evidently a fit nomb
nee of that party, and notwithstond
ing the general impression that he
was placed there to catch Union
votes it was a grand mistake.
Does not Tally. Sam. Clarke
did r.ot 1 ke to soil the columns of the
llecord by .stating that
44 V: rtaia white men were waked no at
the In -Han quarters near OregonCity when
Agent Harvey arrested the women, at (he
c.ir'j h-ji.'.r f ttcj a. ;;.;"'
l'et tie did manage to ring it in on
last Tuesday. The story does not
tally with Harvey's letter to the Su
perintendent, though. In the same
column ho says :
I mad a raid on them Indians Tues
day mor-ii'.ig. and captured twenty-th ree
that belonged to my Agency ; but so many
people gathered around while we were
getting their l'l:s that two of them escap
ed, unnoticed at the time."
Now, the people of this city, we
are perfectly free to admit, are rather
too sleepy
to trat'ner around in
manner, ' at-the early hour of 2 a. m
Which rsPioirr? Chas. I. Dana
of New Yoik, telegraphed to J. W.
Raymond o San Francisco, on the
9th, that the steamer Pisinj Star is
(ptarantined on account of yellow fe
ver at Aspinwa.ll and Panama. The
Pisinj Star took passengers who
left this coast by the Golden Ape
on the lUthof June. On the day
following the above Allan Me Lane
studs a dispatch that " the Pisiny
Svr arrived on the 4th, all well."
Now who told tlie truth, is the qucs
Mexican Events. In the Senate
of the United States on the 10th,
resolutions were adopted, asking for
information concerning tlie recent
events in Mexico. The dispatch
says; " It is generally believed that
if the truth was fully communicated
it would have a beneficial effect in
correcting tlie childish seutimentalism
exhibited ou tlie subject of the just
punishment of one who will be re
garded as the most arrant felon of
the present day.''
Doubtf t'L. The f jil wing sentence
from the Salem pecord of last Tues
day needs confirmation :
Sunerintendent ol Indian Affairs
s- to say that the article in the
:e of last week, characterizing our
! Atront Ilarvev's attempt to re-
claim Indians at Oregon City, quite sur
prises him."
Too Bad. The Poor House cf
Ingham county, Michigan, located
near Mason, was entirely consumed
by fire at an early hour on May 27th,
and six of the unfortunate inmates
perished in the flam??. The origin
of the fire was undoubtedly accidental.
Pnoi'csALS fok Pki.sting. Mr. J.
E. Hurford of this city, will receive
' proposals until the 17th inst., for
! the printing for the Grand Lodge of
! F. and A. M. cf Oregon for one
year fioai the 1st inst.
A battery of nine gua3 is to be located
oa Scarborough Poiut.
It is said the barque Jane A. Falkinhurg
will load with flour for Australia.
A gentleman named Cook was killed by
a falling tree on Coos river Jane 20th.
Mr. L X. Cooke, of Salem, has raised
mulberries this year probably among the
first ever grown ia the State.
M;u. Francis, paymaster U. S. Army, re
ceived an injury on June 28th, by the
upsetting of a stage near Claquato, V. T.
Dr. Plnrnmer has formed a partnership
with Dr. Lice in the practice of medicine
i in
ai-Yioarp. f
i ne luacuter arm cu at tctoria on trie j
10th from Sitka, and will depart from !
thence to Portland to-dav.
It is said Jay Cooke A Co. have pur
chased the Oregon Itailroad. Hope they
Hon. E. L. Applegate delivered a splen
did oration at Salem on the ith. It is
published, and is well worth preserving.
The Zi'rc Yankee sailed with a full car
go of produce. The Sua JlerrUt will load
lumber at Oak Point. The Falkinburj is
now discharging.
Edward II. Hall is now making a voy
age by steam around the world, from Now
York. Having sent us his card we sup
pose he wiil pay us a visit by the way.
The margin on the Ha-ahl of last Satur
day would make excellent proof-sheets.
The paper was enlarged, with room for
two columns ou each page.
Mr. Sprenger. of Albany, is preparing
to rebuild the Pacific Hotel, upon the site
of the burned building. It will be larger
and better than ever, says the Democrat.
A Salem paper says it has been in
formed by Mr. Jacob, agent of the factory
here, that work wili probably be resumed
next month.
Mr. E. M. Burton has purchased the en
tire interest of J. L. Parrish it Co.. Port
land, and will continue business at the old
The mail from Jacksonville to Owyh.ee
fizzled. Service never began, and the
route was discontinued ; like some of our
delinquent subscribers' names this week.
The editor of the Gazette has been over
to Yao'iina. Found the people there hos
pitable, and the scenery grand and inter
esting, etc.
There are several companies engaged in
mining at Yaqulna. and several hundred
dollars worth of" dust' has been disposed
of at Newport.
Codfish of an excellent quality- are be
ing taken at Yaquina Bay. An Indian
went over the bar, in a canoe, a few days
since, and in three or four hours returned
with about twenty large codfish.
In consequenc" of a change in business.
Mr. E. G. Randall will sell liis entire stock,
corner of First and Alder streets. Port
land, at auction. Oscar Kilbuurn auc
tioneer. The St. Helen saw mill has now a doable
set of circular saws running, which cut
is inches through, ami sixty-live feet long.
They can plane, tongue, groove and bead
lumber all at the same time.
We learn that the San Francisco Mission
Mill has withdrawn the order from its
agency for the purchase of wool in this
valley, for the present. Reason, the de
pressed market for their goods.
The Orf'jonian says : Liberal, generous
offers are being received by the gentlemen
composing the corporation of tlie Oregon
Iron Works, from Oregon City, from par
ties in East Portland, and other points.
The man ?li;iscr. who was lately dis
charged after a trial for burning Dorbiu'.s
stable, we learn was arrested at Silvcrton,
where he had robbed a man named John
son of $17. He was pursued and the
money found on him when taken.
In consequence of failing health, ?!.
Daly has been compelled to relinquish the
duties of local editor of tlie Jterakf for a
short time, and Mr. 17. E. 1 licks hits a.i
sumed the duties and responsibilities of
the position.
School lands were sold at Lafayette on
Tuesday to the amount of 7.2 (0 one
tract of '2") acres sold for $11 per acre.
At Hillsboro on Thursday the sales
amounted to SOilO. Sales were held at
Po r L' a u :l y est erd ay.
Experienced miners are about to go on
a prospecting tour in the mountains be
tween the coast fork of the Willamette and
the North Umpqua river. Some discov
er es have heretofore been made on each
of those streams.
The State Meeting of tlie Christian
Church of Oregon was held the latter part
of last week at Monmouth. It was num
erously attended, and about a do .en united
with the church and were baptised in the
Willamette river.
The Sentinel says the boundary line be
tween Oregon and California is a subject
worthy of Congressional attention. That
all along t:ie line there is a conflict ot
between Orecron and the
State of Can'orma.
Senator Williams, on I113 late trip east
of the mountains, went, as far as La Grande,
one object being to visit the Umatilla
Reservation and take observations with
regard to the removal of the Indians who
now occupy it.
Five soldiers of the war of 1812 J. C.
Geer, Sr., Jas. Davidson, John Taylor,
Hugh Thompson and Jesse Ward march
ed in the procession on the Fourth, at
Selem. Daniel Strang, also in the pro
cession, was a soldier of the Blackhawk
The Okannyan on the T)th. says the
H'Vald. brought from Victor's coal bank,
near Monticello, Do tons of coal, ten tons
of which is for the O. S. N. Co., and the
balance for the ocean steamers. The coal
is reported to be of excellent quality.
On Monday last, at about 10 o'clock, A.
M., a most destructive tornado, accom
panied with rain and hail, visited the town
of Cowlitz, in Washington Territory, tear
ing down fences, uprooting trees, and de
stroying everything in its onward course.
No lives were lost.
Serious injuries wore inflicted upon the
persons of Dr. Alexander and his daugh
ter, on last Sunday, by ft runaway team,
on the road from Santiain to Albany.
They were overtaken by the frightened
horses, and were injured as the team
reared upon the carriage of the Doctor.
The Ifo-ald says that two men, one an
Italian, the other an Australian, made a
voyage from San Francisco to Portland in
a boat twenty-five feet long, decked over
and sloop rigged. They were over twenty
days making the trip, and at one time they
were six hundred miles out at sua.
Prof. Hopkinson of Astoria, has finally
enlisted Messrs. Knapp. Uurreil t Co.. of
Portland, to engage in manufacturing
cement, from his bed of material in Pacific
county. Vv". T. This cement is superior to
the best quality of imported. The O. S.
N. Company's works in Portland were
laid with it."
We are requested by Dr. Carpenter,
Dean of the Faculty of' the Medical lst
partment of Willamette University, to
state that the physicians of Oregon a?e
invited to attend the commencement ex
ercises of the above named institution, on
the 25lh inst.. with the view of organizing
a State Medical Society.
Rev. I. D. Driver of the M. E. Church,
and Mr. Benj. Todd, the spiritualist, met
in discussion on last Thursday evening at
Salem. The conditions of the agreement
were that two door keepers were to lie
procured, one to receive admission fee for
Mr. Driver, and the other to receive for
Sulphur Springs, near Jacksonville, are
described in the Sentinel as being in a
magnificent region. The water is very
strongly impregnated with sulphur yet
very pleasant to drink. This property is
not owned by any one yet. it being on
Government land. To one with a .small
enpital. who youH improve the placf. a
fine opportunity is offered for miking
I mtmey. as it could not fail of becoming a
! place of fashionable resort.
A cotemporary savs severs! citizens
of Salem have lately pur-chased carriages
I made in Portland by Messrs. Cooper A:
Co. Mr. Geo. II. Jones has a beautiful
biurgv made by them, which Le chose In
preterence to any of Eastern manufacture,
after a careful examination of all those
offered for sale in that city.
A certain '-Lishe"says that he "wouldn't
give a darn for a town that don't grow.'-'
Tie lives at Lngt-ne. and his description of
improvements going on there runs as fol
lows : Why, you see. they cut the long
houses in two. board up the middle cuts,
and wheel them around frontinar the street.
so that every man whose house is long
enough, has got two, hy tuts t.me. and the
citv has almost doubled in sh'.e this sum
mer. -
Other remains of ante-diluvian monsters
have been found in Jackson county. This
ii t::e third locality in Southern Oregon
in which the bones of ,he mastodon have
been foun I. some having been dug out at
Sterlingvl'ie a few years since, in an ex
cellent state of preservation, and these
discoveries show that that would be an
interesting and proiitable field for scien
tific research.
At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Oregon Iron Works, held oa the 10th. it
was unanimously resolved to rebuild the
establishment. A committee consisting
of David McUutiy, S. Coffin. A. Meyers.
v.,. r. .1 1 r J r I
ii 111. .uasLoid aim . ian- Jim, was a
pointed to select a sue for the c-stablis
meat. It is not probable the old site will
be again adopted. The work wiil be corn-
meneed as soon as the place is selected.
The People's Transportation Company
launched at Oregon City the first of 'lour
lighters for the purposes of tlie upper
Willamette river da. ing low water in the
summer. They are to be 15 fret beam
and 00 feet in length. ' By dividing the
freight between two lighters and lashing
one to each side of a steamer, no trouble
is apprehended in crossing the ugly bars
which impede navigation above.
The Oroj-Di'.an says : We paid Buchtel's
gallery a visit and were forcibly struck
with the exlcn-ive facilities be has pro
pared himself whh for the s.iceess'ul pro.-,-eeutioa
of his business. Weave satisfied
from the specimens we have seen, and his
general appointments, that Mr. 1$. can
give as life like pictures as can be accom
plished with brush or camera. Mr. B. is
preserving in his cabinet likenes-es of
Oregon's public oflicers. both' State and
national, also Mayors of Portland and
many others, which in after times will be
sought after as relies of the past, ye
think Mr. li. is acting wisely.
J. H. Mitchell. Esq.. has returned back
from Salem and will lie in attendance at
the present term of court. Mr. M., while
absent, has been in attendance at the
Marlon County Circuit Court, ami a!s. de
livered twelve lectures on medical juris
prudence to a chw of medical .--tu -l.'uts in
the Willamette University, of which de
partment he has been a professor since its
organization. Besides all (his amount of
labor lie prepared an.l delivered a FonrMi
of July oration. Surely .'.ir. if. is industri
ous and diligent, says the Jr--jo.ii.in.
The A:h-;::a!e of last Saturday says:
'In the commercial city of Oregon we had
no celebration. Neither ha 1 we any last
year. Can it be possible that Independ
ence day has lost i.s power in our heart. '.'
Surely the .so?-.s and atrija and the glori
ous Fourth are dear to the heart of every
American patriot. Bat this habiruii neg
lect of the regular and thae-honor'-d cele
bration of ur national birth-div bodes no
good. As lo-ig as the waters fiow and the
grass grows we eight to observe, with ap
propriate ceremonies, the annual return
of (he day which is unspeakably dear t-
the heart ol' every lover of civil ami relig
ious freedom."
The Ajar, left Portland on Tuesday eve
ning with fe'J.'.no ) hi trea.-are, am! a large
cargo of produce as follows : Ui,"7() quar
ter 'sacks ol'liour. K7 bales of wool. 1 ..V.m
hides. -Li.) half barrels of dried ',-.
IP.) eases of hams, ! ": gunni s of b.o.Mti.
-it) a sacks of wheat. V.7 barrel i of salm-m.
I cases of furs. bales of furs. ;".: cases of
lard. 1!) half barrels of r-:.ha..n. 1 ! r-.d! ; of
leather. S e-isor; of wine. N i-.es of 1 i;:i. 1
barrels of wine. H boxes of egu-s. 17 b,;;;e.s
of chel ries. -7 cases of merchandise. 7
bales of merchandise. 7 pack agon ol mer
chandise, :i:j barrels of headings, IKtl bun
dles of staves.
Mr. Carte;- informs i?,o Orr-j-.nlxn that
as soon as high water ,kall cease to lie, he
' and Mr. Il.tvdou will resume w :?!; oa. the
new mill, located above their present i ii'i
on the river. The Oregon ir-ia Works
had to c instruct all th.-ir m ichia -ry. hut
the burning of (ho Works piu a qui: tus on
that arrangement. Mr. C. hd'onio'd it i
that they should procure all the m cesonry
machinery at home, arid not; send ie Sen
Francisco or anywhere else, but would
support home manufactures a disposition
which we like to S 'e exhibited. There
will lie attached to the mill a ti.b and pall
factory, the peculiar macheiory for which
is now on the way, via Cane Horn, for
We regret to in loo many instance's,
that Oregon produce often suffers in mar
ket quotations in comparison with the
same article from other places; but here
is something which we are pleased to ob
serve, and yet surprises us how it is. We
quote from the commercial article of the
S. F. Times, June 21st: '-Cross' sugar
cured beef, '25 cts. "j:"' ll." Now, the suc
cess of this gentleman in meats, and Clarke
in butter, shows it only requires skill to
place the leading staples of Oregon up to
the highest j aying prices. We should
seriously urge the next Legislature to es
tablish a college for the education, of iho
people in those branches, and appoint
these gentlemen in leading professorships,
gays the Albany Jovracl.
Secretary May has lately received a
splendid Geneva clock, of about 50 1
hours' speed, with which to regulate the
State Department. It is spoken of by the
apers as being just the thing. Jne foi-
wing incident is related as having caused
the determination to get such a check :
At one lime during the last session of the
State Legislature, the House adjourned at
a certain hour for want of a quorum, ti e
Democrats being in caucus, as :t proved.
The accident caused tlie State a week's
loss of time in accomplishing tlie Sena
torial election, and so shortened the ses
sion. It was caused by difference of time,
and tho insinuation was made that the
Secretary had changed the time to procure
the result, while it was merely due to a
defective clock. Mr. May therefore chose
to purchase an irreproachable time-piece.
The local of the J, ruh! gives the follow
ing item of a visit to Oregon City. Speak
ing of the P. T. Company's dry dock, he
says: 44 We visited this useful and long
needed improvement, and were kindly
shown through the works by Mr. Love.
It is located on the west side of tlie Com
pany's basin and about 200 yards above
the circle, or lower cud of the .same, and
is one of the best constructed docks to be
found anywhere. It is in the shape of a
horse-shoe, with the mouth or opening to
wards the basin. lis extreme length is
210 feet, and its greatest width U.f feci,
with three gates, one on either .side, to le:
off the water, ami a larger one at the en
trance to flood Vaj dock. It is so v. ell
planned that it can bo filled with water, a
boat floated in. and the water d;av, :i of',
leaving the boat high and dry, in fit toe a'
minutes, which ail mast acknowledge is
quick work. It seems strange to us'how
the Company could possibly have manatred
to gel along as it Las without this
dock for repairing its boats. As soon as
the locks aiid dams are put in the river to
enable boats to go around the falls, ail the
different water craft in the Willamette and
Columbia will visit Oregon City for the
purpose of repairing."
Unpopclau The eight hour law
of Wisconsin took effect on the 4th,
Workmen made no attempt to cn
fore its provisions, or to charge the
hours of Jabor.
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the Vrefjunlxn.
Vera Cruz surrendered ou the 27th.
Santa Anna was shot on the morning
of the 25th of June.
At San Francisco on the Cth the ther
mometer stood at 81v in the shade.
The trial of Surratt was resumed on the
1st. Testimony unimportant.
It is said the President has tendered the
governorship of Walrussia to Benj. Stark
formerly of Oregon.
The Greek JJctdjet shows the receipts of
the current year to be thirty million
Telegrams announce tlie Quaker Cify,
with the Holy Land excursionisus, arrived
at Gibraltar on the S'Jth all .veil.
Judire E. Wayne, of the Supreme Court,
died at Washington on the afternoon of
the 5th of typhoid fever.
Old Gov. Weller is reported at New
Orlee.ris wall Fitlibuster on the brain.
On to the Halls of the Montc.umas" is
his watchword.
A M-.m'erey letter says that previous to
the execution of Maxmillan he was strip
ped entirely naked. Escobedo presented
him with a "shirt to cover his nakedness.
The yellow fever prevails at Houston
and Galveston. Texas al.-o cholera is re
ported in Havana, Kingston. Jamaica, and
in tlie South of Syria it rages very badly.
The P. M. S. S. Co.'s steamship G,i,rado
sailed on the 4th on her third trip to A.iia.
Her cargo to Hong Kong was light, but
she took 220,1101) in treasure for Japan.
Sue also had 511 passengers.
Montreal reports say all parties agree
with unanimity and heartiness to the Con
federation. No event ia the history of the
country ever called forth such universal
The coaches on tlie Platte arrive regu
larly undisturbed. The militia are rapid
ly forming. Twenty-live hundred stand
of arms and a full battery of twelve poun
der arrive ! at Fort Beaton for use by the
Montana miiltia.
A Lewi-Ion. Maine, dispatch of the 1st
says : The Washberne Homestead was
burned to day. The three Washburne
brothers hud tided up the house in fine
style and were accustomed to make an
annual prilgrime.ge to their birthplace.
An Omaha dispatch says that several
steamers on the upper .Missouri were at
tacked and several persons wore killed.
Six attacks are reported on the road west
of Fort Harker. The white settlements
n-. mv Saline, river were attacked and the
settlers driven away. Two women were
killed and two voting girls raade captive.
Tiie Union Convention at Houston4
Texas, adeptod the principles of the Na
tional Republican party, endorsed the
equal ri-kts bill and the Constitutional
measures of Congress, thanked Sheridan
for displacing State odieiuls who were
hesiile to reconstruction. The proceed
ings were charaeferi.ud with moderation
and dignity.
Denver papers on the 20th, say Sher
man telegraphed Hancock on the 25th:
We mu.it clean on! all Indians between
the Platte and the Arkansas rivers ; then
proceed in force against hostile tribes be
youad those rivers. We must not remain
on the defensit e. but follow and attack on
all possible occasions. ;"
The . '-' Boston special says Senator
Wilson is said, to favor Gen. Grant for the
next Pre.,: 'scat, and believes that if the
Southern States give half their votes for
the Republican party, they will win the
next e'eciion. li,. ftiau believes that the
July session will uj nothing beyond pas
sing an amendatory recoils. ruction act.
Tic i7;.'K.v special says the majority of
the Judiciary Committee state thai owing
to the magnhudo of the impeaehmetmr
case, tle-y .,v;-! ,v rt.ady to report this
session. The minority wiil report in fa
vor of ii.; mediate a,ui.:i, unless an ad
join u incut can be ha 1 until October.
The icte.-it accounts from Crete, of June
t h. eoti'a'.ri !:o ei oilinn ttioti of the re-
p.r;-d iciory
f 'mar Pacha.
1 to
bavo. occurred J title ltd. According to the j
ia-st. advices, the Turks attacked the ;
( Greeks wbh their whole army June 1st. ;
From the fact that the Turks maintain ob- j
s'iu ite s:ie,i'-e in regard to the issue of the I
bade, it is inferred that they were badly
J uly 1st was a gay day in Paris. Specials
sav the d;spiav was most mairhiiiieent : '
seventeen tter,-;nnd persons was present
droned in national costumes. The orches
tra v.'.-s composed of twelve hundred mu
sicians. '1 he Emperor distributed medals
iu per.-on to only one. The Emperor
shook hands with Hugh', the inventor of
the pri iting telegraph. The C.ar awarded
the gold medal for fine horses. Napoleon
awarded the medal for tine houses.
'i'lft-e is proper authority for the state
men that a report in favor of impeachimr
the President is being 'prepared by four I
member1, of the committee, Boutwell, !
Lawroaee. Williams and Thomas. Mr.:
Wi's.m, She chairman, will probably re
port a resolution censuring the President.
The Democrats have not indicated their
course of action. Probably no majority
report will favor any conehiuoti.
Greeley was. summoned to appear before
the Judiciary committee, to testify in re
lation to the bailing of Jeff. Davis. He
aid he had no communication with anv
meiuber of the government in relatioa to
the mailer, except with Speed, in the spring
of 1;-Jti. When he went to Richmond lie
did so at the request of Shea, one of the
counsel, an old personal friend, and had
no knowledge of what the government
wo: i id do. Wade and ('handler advised
against it. believing it would have a bad
edect on the Republican party.
The New York York 'Jribime's special
says: Indications point to a substantial
accord of various opinions and the prob
able passage of a bill remedying defects
in tlie reconstruction act and placing be
yond a question the power of military
coinmnnders to remove civil officers. It is
believed the bill can be agreed upon by a
satisfactory majority of Congress, but yet
will not be opposed by the President. " It
is not the purpose of members favoring
impeachment to push matters, but to ask
for a special ses.-ion iu October.
The " July session" of Congress met on
Wednesday the ;id. Thirty-four Senators
answered to their names, "and 120 mem
bers were present in the House.
A Committee was appointed to wait on
the President, when the" Senate adjourned
to Friday. After some discussion in the
Houae on the ad.nisdon of new members
from Kentucky the House adjourned over
the Fourth. On the 5tb. in the House, the
Speaker announced as the Committee of
Reconstruction. Stevens, Boutwell, Bing
ham. Farnsworth. Hubbard, Nye, Beamati.
Peine. Pike and Brooks.
Farnsworth. from the Joint Committee,
reported that the President had no com
munication to make to Congress at the
p resell4 time.
Paine moved a suspension of the rules
to introduce a joint resolution. tend4rin
the thanks of Congress to Gen. Sheridan
for the able and faithful performance of
hu (luties as Commander of the District of
Louisiana. The rules were suspended and
me losoiuuon passed. Aves. 110
Schenk offered a resolution referring to
Mexico, and endorsing the execution of
Wood denounced the act as barbarous,
and the resolution as disgraceful.
The House refused to suspend the rules
and receive the resolution.
Schenck offered a resolution of thanks
to Petroleum V. Nasby and Attorney
General Stanbcry as exponents of the
President s policy.
Pending tlie question on the resolution
the House adjourned over to Monday.
In the Senate, Ldwards introduced an
explanatory reconstruction bill, which
was ordered printed. It provides a reg
ulation to ascertain whether an applicants
fntuh d to registry under th law. The
oath is not to be couciusi ve on such 'i-tes-
tions : the evidence of witnesses is to be
taken in regard to an applicant's qualifi
cations. Anthony oTered the following:
Jits ;ce:I, That the ba dness of this ses
sion be to confined removing obstructions
which have been or are likely to be placed
in the way of a fair execution of tlie acts
of reconstruction before adopted by Con
gress, and that further legislation at this
session on the subject of reconstruction or
other subjects is not expedient.
Sumner offered a substitute, that the
Senate proceed with the public business
requiring attention without undertaking
to limit the action of Congress to any
special subject. Sumner spoke at length
and said the Indian difficulties required
attention ; also, the treaties with Russia
and South America : and he wanted the
universal suffrage bill, to protect the freod
men of Maryland and Kentucky, and to
carry equal rights in all the States.
Titian wanted to oiler a premium for
Indian scalps and authorize the formation
of volunteer force?1 on the frontier.
Wilson considered such language unfit
to boused in a christian country, and af
ter further debate Sumner's substitute was
adopted. Also an amendment including
such legislation as may be necessary to
preserve peace on the 'Western frontier.
The resolution was adopted by a vote of
23 against 2. The Senate adjourned till
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's
father in this county, on the l'th inst., bv
Rev. A. K. Waller, Mr. AuotaTis C. Ki-n:-.v,
of Multnomah county, and Miss Jane
Welch, of Chickama.s county.
Kew Adverilsciiient?
Attorneys and Counselors at Law,
Solicitors in Chancery, and
Ileal Us (ate Ay cats.
Will practice in the Courts of the second,
third ami founh Judicial Districts, uud in trie
Supreme Court of Oregon.
I -j? Special attention given to the collec
tion of claims ututl points in the above nam
ed districts.
Oiliee in Parrish's brick building, Albany,
Oregon. " (:;,".
It otic o.
Mv wife Ad.iline Howell
T -irilEREAS :
V V having left
my bed and board with
out just cause or provocation, this is there
lore to wai n all persons against harboring
or trusting her on my account, as I will pay
no debts of" her contracting after lids date.
July Sth, 1807. C-.a Oregon City.
Q AMUEL LAMBMRSON vs. George Garble
(-3 and James Curtv. ( foist vst for lots 4 and
o, and N W quarter of SM quarter of section
t t n u I w. To the fd.ejve named (tcorce
Cariilc and James Carty ; Samuel i imber
son having made application ;:t this oiii-e to
enter tin; above described l met id' land, al
ii g that
and liling proof in support of such allegation
You are hereby notified that you wiil be
allowed thirty days trom this date to appear
at this office and establish your ncht to said
tract. Failing to do so the proof I hat yon
have abandoned your claims wiil be taken as
true, and the rmrv ot said Lambcrt-on al
lowed. OWhX WADK, Re-ester,
Land Office, Oregon Citv Oregon,
July lL'th, 1S07." w (CS.-tt
TJ. S.Tas Lctice.
JL ls07,co
.consisting of special taxes ( license ;
income taxes, and duties on carriages, watch
es, and gold and silver pi.. te, has been placrtd
in my bands for collection. 1 will be at the
following places, to-wit :
CoitVAi.i.is, Benton Co., July loth and 17th.
Dallas, Polk Co., July -oth.
Sai.i.m, Marion Co., July itd and -iad.
Okkoon" Citv, Clackamas c., August "d.
La ka ycTTi:, Yamhill co., August cth ami 7ih.
Tex payers arc rcqoind to p.ev rt the
County Si: -t, ami le.t.ss payment is noo!.
within the specified time, coat and t enuities
will be j'dded in the rummer prescribed bv
law. and collection made bv di-tramt and
a!e of property. R. C. U A W FO !; i ).
Deputy Collector.
S.deni, July 1st, lSt'7. " ;':-.:.
t-taie ot Ore:'. ui lor the County oi'Cbe-!;-
ss. Suit i n corn 1 y to .is-oi ve marriage
Manuel p
5 o cent
To the
Sophia J'leump.iin, plainti!', vs.
lix J loiui'iuin, uelbiiilant.
revenue stamp cancelled,
above named defendant : Li the
name e! Ine State ot Oregon you are hereby
reouireu to appear and answer the compiah.'t
tiled against on in the above entitled action,
in the Court aforesaid, by- the first day of
the n-xt term thereof, which will be begun
and held mere than six weeks after the date
of this summons. And if you fai! to answer
tie complaint as aforesaid, the plaintiff id
take Judgment against you for costs and dis
bursements of Ibis action, and iqq.lv to the
Court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint on file, to-wit : A decree torever ois
solv nig tlie bombs of mat! imonv now existing
between you ana phiintilF, and also to have
tlie children named in said complaint "iven
into the custody of plain till".
Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
Oregon City, July lath, !-;:. (:;.J
duly issued out of the Circuit Couit
of the State of Oregon. lor the
County of Ciackamas, in favor of J. It. Price
and against Joseph Magono and S. Wt Me.-s,
for tiie sum of seven hundred and eight v
seven dollars, and interest -at 3 per cenT per
month from tie Sib day cf March, l-ri2. and
seventy-tive and 14-I.)o" dollars, costs fsutt,
and commanding me to sati.-fy sacj execu
tion out of the property of said Joseph Ma
gone, and for want of' personal property 1
have levied upon the following described
real estate, to wit: All that part of the
north half of claim No. ."7 described bv No
tification No. s.-,:j, known as the M-iijone
land claim, in Clackamas county, State of
Oregon, and bounded as follows, to wit:
On the .south by the line dividing the hus
band's and wife's part of said claim, oa the
west and north by Butte creek, and on the
east by the. easterly line of said claim, bein '
in sections It, ir., -li and :) of Townshio 1
South Range 1 west of the Walhunette mer
idian, and containing To acres more or less.
I will sell nil the rigbt, title and interest of
said Magonc in and to the same at public
auction for cash in hand, on
Saturday the lOlh day of Avynst,
A.I). lS.tr, at the Court House door in Ore
gon City, in said county mid State, at 1
o'clock i. m. of said d;y, for the ts, C)fst. W.
Moss, he having pa'id said judgment us
surety for Joseph Magotie.
"? Sheriff of Ctacka mas Co.
Attorneys a t L a w ,
No. S7i Seventh st., P. O. Box h)Zl,
Washington Cirr, 1). C.
kj Business, before the. General Land Office
and Interior Department, and generally to
business before the Executive Departments
ami Congress.
Having had years of experience in the
Gcneia! Land Oificc, and a long and succes
ful practice in bind chums and controversies,
we are enabled to otl'.-r valuable services be
fore the U. S. Supreme C urt. Interior De
partment., and General Laud Oliiee.
We refer geueiaily to all L. S. Land
Officers. " ::37.Cui
The best Purifier of the Blood !
A Pleasant Tonic !
A very Agreeable Drink !
Unsurpassed for acting surely bet
gently on the secretions of the kid
neys, bowels, stora'ach and liver!
For sale at all wholesale and retail liquor
drug, and grocery stores. '
J. G. Fpicii, Proprietor.
Tailoji A Ufnuei.. S0I2 Ageuf?,
' b' ivs Clay st., Sun Francisco.
Tiis Best gi-j the Coast.
TIios. Armstrong,
Manufacturer of
MiLw.U'iuE, Orf.go.v.
That lie is prepared to furnish as cood and
durable an article of Leather as can be made
on the 3'acitie Coast, at the following rates:
Harness Leather, per lb '$ to SO cents.
Extra heavy, for Concord ... . S3 44
Skirting, per pound 23 to '.',1 "
Belting," in the side :5o 44
44 Cut, per square foot, 1 usj
Side, upper, 44 44 41 1 0 to 20 cents.
Grain Leather 44 44 " IS to 22 44
Light Bufi, or Grain for Wo
men s work
Calf Skiiis, per doz
Kip 44 "
Bridle, per side
'Jollar, per siCe
Lace Leather, per side. . ,
. . 1 5 to 20
, . ?3o on to ,4o 00
. 4e oo to t;o po
. . o .")" to 4 00
. 1 00 to 2 5o
. 2 UU to 4 i.iii
Z-iT" I do not think that Harness Leather
should necessarily be made in Santa Cruz, in
order to stand the test of our climate ;
Nor do I think that Belting, in order
to bear the strain of Oregon Machinery, must
be made in the Atlantic State.
1. zi i im C Ii :i ii o !
And I will prove, to the satisfaction of all
concerned, that Oregon Leather is the bett
on the Coast.
; All orders will meet with prompt at
tention. Address :
3ci.lv) Milwaukic, Oregon.
Webber BEAFER ! I
JL ufaeuiririg. ami have joaced in market
for the coning harvest, fifty of the above
named Reapers, which they will cheap, and
He! tea Ssiiijlsiclioia
Titan any Other Reaper ever
For sale by the
oe-tU) Portland, Oregon
New York Manufacturers of
EsII Ilett-J Patent AgralTe
Grand Scab Pianofortes !
JL peesftidy annone.ce to his old patrons
and the public gi-nendly, that he will keep
cens'.ar,t'y on hand a good assortment of the
above class Pianos, winch lie oilers whole
sale and retail at New Yoik prices.
Celebrated Pianofortes !
Patent Sti.l and Voice Tkemelo
Choral Oik; an.
N. P.. Pianos aod Organs carefully tuned
and repaired. 11. SINSIIEIMER,
tchlv) 111 Front st. Portland, Oregon.
Estat3 cf Thoiua3 Johnson, deceased.
JL mas Couutv, State of Oregon. In the
matter of the estate of Thomas Johnson,
deceased. F. O. McCown, administrator of
sa;d csb.te, having tiled his accounts for a
tical siUiement in said County Court, it was
ordered by the Court that
Monday the ith day of August, 1SG7,
be lixed as the day for a final settlement and
determination of sai l accounts. Therefore,
notice is hereby given to all parties interest
ed in said matter, to appear en said day at
the Court I Ions j in Otvg'on City, Clackamas
Co tint v State of Oregon, end make their
obiectmns to said ucconnts. it thev have any
By order id' W. T. MATLOCK, '
County Juige of Clackamas Co., Oregon.
Oregon City, July 1st, l-i-7. (:';7.:t
Estate of Wm. Smith, deceased.
In the county court of clacka
mas Ceo.iutv, State of Oregon. Ju the
matter of the estate of William Smith, de
ceased Francis Smith, executrix of said
estate, having iilcd her accounts far final set
tlement in sanl Couiitv Court, it was ordered
by the Court that
Monday the 5th day cf Attyast, 1SGT,
be fixed as the day for a final settlement and
determination of said accounts. Therefore,
notice is hereby given to all parties interest
ed in said matter, to appear on said dav t
tho Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas
Comity. State of Oregon, and make their
objections to said accounts being allowed, if
they have an v.
By order of w. T. MATLOCK,
County .J uJ.gr- of Clackamas Co., Oregon.
Oregon City, "July 1st, isC,7. rg.t
Koties to Leonard- A. Cunvmins.
Richard outui vs. lkoxaud a.
CUMMINGS. Contest fur laud in T, 1
N. R. 10. Notice to Leonard A. Cumnungs,
Richard Ough having applied at this oiliee
to enter as a pre-emotion l ight, the lot 4 of
section t;l, ine N. W. quarter of N. Wr.
quarter of section g;, and the ik half of
N. E. quarter of section H, in T- 1 N.
R. 5 E., alleging that you have abandoned
said land, am! li ling proof in support of such
allegation ; ou are, therefore, hereby no
ticed that you will be allowed until ihy'Soth
U; y ot Juiv. l.Sf7. to am. ear at tl.i l!i !n.l
es.abhsh your right to said tract of land,
otherwise s:ud proof of abandonment will
be taken -as true, and your entry thereof re
ported for cuncilation."
OWEN WADE, Rcgi-der.
Land Office, Oregon City Oregon, June -A,
1S'-i'"- (S.'k4t
bis stock of
Wines and Liquors,
X. IO First Strut, Portland, Oregon.
Directly m the reared his former place of
business. Parties in want of Extra Fine
Wines and Brandies, will do well to call.
Empty Files and Barrels for Sale. 7.ti'
Corner of Front ancl Oak street,, ior,k
Of Real Estate Grocer, Ge:,,ralM,. ,
dise and Horses, 'Urda
Evcry WcdnezdayCdnd Saturday t
A. b. I.icEuuDsojf. Auctioneer.
English reitned Bar and Bundle Iron
English Square and Octagon Cast Med -Horse
slices. Iocs, Kaspa, saws
Screws, I'iy-par sheet iroa, p.u j
A large assoitmentoi Groceries and Liquors
A. B. Rjciiarpsox, Auctioned
at. i ix Street, on eg ox cirr
(Successors to Wortiaaa & SUcardt) "
Keep constantly cn hand
And Craecrs of. all kinds '
Orders in this Line -vrill iaeet xtiti
B A R L 0 "&F OIL E R
Also keep on h-nd all kisds ofi'O
1'AMILY G POCr. Ml E8 -! :
And all Articles Ui.e4) for) Culinary
Purposes I!
Sell a hue assoi tmert- cd"
By the Ca.se, of) at reTtai '.
Attention is also directed tn tlie fact
that nobody else sells ih'e
Farmers and the public generally, are iQ
vited to call at the City Bakery, whcio1 th
truth vs-iil be made apparent that our stock it
complete, aifd oer prices reasonable. A!!
kious of produce t iken ia exchar.gr. f r
goods. BAiiLOW LL'LLl.k.
Oregon City, Jan. l'th, IsV,7. (L:!r
Notwithstanding there was a Rehe'iir.n
over in Ireland the other dav, and the (int
ers all became 1 t a u r a 1 i zedy' w d Geui-ste up
set a "form" and knocked my adve: '.ibeaieit
into 44 I't," nevertheless,
Is on .and at the old Slan t, and
has for sate the following
articles, to wit:
Coffee, Japan Tea, Pried peru-hos,
Tea, Black Tea, Linen twino,
Golden syrup, Green Tea, Coii'ee yagir.
Sugars, Chocolate, Lvdvi rii..d u.
Salaiatos, Corn starch, (4rn sited do.
racking salt, Oswego do. Ch inieu! s; .e.
P.urv salt
Candles, CafMuf d
Tabic S.dt,
t 'ookir-g soda
Sal. -soda,
( J round coffee, Fancy toikui i. O
N ilt-lol i'S,
ZoTTIe cur.-'TU
Soda cracker.',
BnKer da.
1 ."men rur.
Flavoring t-i
Ken-setie oil,
Olive oil,
( doilies w'::.,
t 'r,:-.n l-;:'.::.',
Gcti caps,
6 ShsoU-r balU
feSjOf'ter "
PUst'g ; e.vd'r
SffTliag .hi.
Valley li!!sk
east" poi' Tr.,,
Washing uj.
cn Mf
l .rooms.
White Beans, Primes,
J e e : et.s, ., :::t r:i:: j,
Pads, Vinegar,
Lio amis!), Obiese,
Hominy, Borax,
Dried apples, Raisins,
blueing. Stove polish.
Rice, Pear! barley,
ago. Pie I'riiits,
"A riling ink, Vanilla ext..
Talks, Wash boards, Wsish-t'.ihs,
Satin gloss starch, Vernuu-.li,
Can.- strawberries, Concentrated loo,
Tultnt-fo, Candies, 5sxJr
(J recti corn,
;r Cash
(.'round spices, Engl, picked.
Cinnamon, American da
Cloves, Can n'd flails.
(Singer, Cranb'y saace, q
Mustard, Worcstr Vliut,.
Pepper, French wast'd
do sauce, Block iiiatc'uesr
and one price to everybody.
No goods misrepresented to effect sales. O
7. If ' E. D. Klil.l-Y.
To all ici shiny
Jolin W. Lewis,
Comer of :.t,t IXo.nd SECOXD streets,
Takes this opportunity to inform h:s
old customers, and the public
in general, that he now q
has on hand
And ether patterns which he warrants iu
every particular to give satisfaction. The
Farming community are especially ioid
earnestly invited to "call and see these im
plements, before purchasing elsewhere.
AH work in his line is done in the best
possible manner, and at such prices as mutt
suit all. In connection with the above de
partment of business the undersigned is al
prepared to manufacture
ti - i y- i . .. V'
ayons ana carriages of every
in point ot style and durability
E Q, t' A 1 T O A X V I M I O It T E D'
Having constantly on hand for sale a larc-J
assortment of material, consisting ia TJ?
The proprietor is
Enabled to0iill all Or3ers
Fur such Artick o;i
Tho Most Faforafcle Terms.
Z-T All work froui this establislnn-.
and all material sold on order,' is warrant
to be as represeuted.
1 T - T VW l..
i Oregon City. D. I.ISC.r,. ' -hJ
Ms3;rei-s allstrl-i-t I
I Main Street. Oregon C'tW
till ,
cured meats :
Poultry, Vegetables,
Corned Beef ami Pork, Q
Bacon, Hans, lard, Tallow,
A liberal share of patronage is s0''
as I expect to keep as good an assort n O
and of as good quabtv.as the country atwr .
which will be delivered to pnrchasttrs at .
reasonable ui.stauoe in tho city.
:ly' r Jux
"Xsk yonrneiglibor to subscribg
for the ENTturKii-'.