, - O o o o o o o O O o o 0 o o 0 O o O o o o o o o o 0 o O o o 0 o o O O o o G O O o i o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 o o 4 -1 ' -- . 1 A Kalse Step. Sweet, thou bast trod oa a heart ; Pass ; there's a world fullot men ; And women as fair as thou art .1 Musi do s9ch things now and then. Tbou only haa stepped unaware ; ; Malice, not one can impute; And why should a heart have been there, In the way of a fair.woman's foot ? It was not a stone that could trip, Nor was it a thorn, that could rend ; Tut up thy proud under lip ! 'Twas merely the heart of a friend. And yet, peradventure, one day Thou, sitting alone at the glass, Remarking the bloom gone away, Whre the smile and its dimplement was. And seeking around thee in rain From hundreds who flattered before, Such a word as, " Oh, not in the main Do I bold thee less precious, but more !" Thou'lt sigh, very like, on thy part, " Of all I have known or can know, I wish I had only that heart 1 trod upon ages ago 1" ... , Chinese Agriculture. Our farmers who think it hardly worth their while to use the heaps of manure which accumulates about their barns and feeding grounds, would not relish the practice of the pains taking Chinese, as described by a lato writer : " The Chinamen does not man ure the field, but the plant, with the ex ception of rrce. All animal or vege table substances are collected carefully and turned into manure. OHy matters, horns and bones are valuable, also soot, and particularly ashes. The Chinaman is $lso acquainted with the effects of gypsum and lime. No Chinese farmer sows the seeds or cereals before they have been thoroughly soaked . in suds and water, and have commenced, to germinate. Ex perience has taught him that not only the development of the plant is thus advanced, but also that the seed is shelter ed from insects. During the Summer months, all sorts of vegetable shreds, chips, or cuttings etc., are mixed with grass, (raw, turf weeds and soil, are then form ed in heaps, dried and ignited, so as to burn slowly for several days, and the whole is thus turned into a black mass. This manure is only used for the seed. When the time for sowing arrives, one man makes the holes, another follows and puts the seeds in, a third adds the black substance, and the young seed planted an this manner develops itself with such force that it is enabled to drive its roots through the firm soil and take up the elements it requires. The Chinese farmer sows the wheat in seed-beds ; after it has been well soaked in suds from man ure, very close, and transplants them af terwards to the fields. Sometimes the eoaked seed is planted at once on the prepared fields about four inches apart. By this method they yield a hundred and twenty fold and more which rewards them amply for the labor and trouble spent over it.'7 . Dogs Startling Figures. The March report of the Commissioner of Agriculture dwelts upon the ravages committed by dogs among the sheep of the United States. In I860, five hundred thousand sheep were killed by dogs, and their value was $2,000,000. The number injured was 300,000. and the loss is . estimated at $000,000. The Commissioner says : The eost of keeping dogs, most of them utterly worthless, when calculated for the whole country, assumes startling proportions. 'The estimate made in the report of 18G3, -of ten dollars per annnra, or less than one -Cent, per meal, cannot be considered ex travagant, '-m view of the price paid for "boarding dogs, the cost of keeping large numbers of them in cities, and their ex clusive, consumption of meat." As to their numbers, it is believed by many that they will average one to each family, or ieveh millions in the United State?. In eities and towns that average would not be reached, while many a pack of hounds and assemblage of curs of low degree .mtght be found in the ownership of single families. Possibly seven millions may be too large. Ohio, with half a million lami- 4'es, is supposed by many to have half mil lion of dogs, although little more than one third of that number are found on the as sessors' books. It may be assumed, in view of all the data obtained, as a low es timate, that there are five millions of dogs in the United States, and that their sub sistence involves an expenditure of fifty juillions of dollars. 9.- . Boiling Meats. Never put them into Cold water, but plump them into that which is boiling briskly. This will coag ulate the albumen on the outside, close the pores, and prevent the water from .poaking , out the rich juices. If salted meats need freshening, let it previous ly be done with cold water, taking all needed time, with frequent changing of jtho water, if it is very salt. To Preserve Meats Cooking. There as a simple rnlo for preserving game or jneat which it is wished to keep, and -which is the custom among cooks to half roast. Such re-cooked meat is usually a flavorless, tough morsel, like greasy leath er on the outside and without any mois ture within ; but Lady Llanover says, by roasting completely, but not over doing," ami when wanted placing the bird or joint thus treated in a double vessel, with a little pure suet over it, and a mall quantity of pure broth, sufficient to make a steam under it, and letting the water boil slowly in the outside ves sel, and then serving it with another pure gravy from roast meat (if possible the same sort.) it will bo difficult to know that it was not roasted the day be fore. So.vp Without Grkask. The single but universal defect of soups made in poor houses is greasiness, a greasiness usually visible to the eye, but always precepti ble to the palate. Most cookery books teouiKien4 as the cure for this, incess ant and troublesome skimming ; Lut Lady Llanover solves the difficulty in the twink ling of an eye : " And did it never oc cur to you," said the Hermit, "that if you Wanted soup on a Wednesday you Iiad only to make it on Tuesday? by which means you would be able, the morn ing' you require it, to remove every partiele of the objectionable ingredient with a sharp knife, when it can be taken oir as a solid cake, and that your soup or broth, whether in jelly or liquid, would (jben be as pure, and as clear of all oily particles, as if it had been skim med and re-skimmed again and again, when in a loiliisr itate. iv tho first cook in Europe." o Cows Casting WiTHERs.-Dr. Cole, of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., treats a cow w Inch has cast her withers to a dose of two ounces of laudanum mixed with a pint jf arm milk. He says in about half an iiowr all pain will cease, and the protruded parts may be returned with ease. 1 1 Efficacy ok Onions. A writer says : "We are troubled, often with severe coughs, the result of colds of long stand ing, which, may turn to consumption or premature death. Hard, coughs cause sleepless nights -by irritation in the throat and. a strong effort to throw off offen sive matter from the lungs. The remedy I propose has been tried by me, and recommended by me with good result, which is simply to take into the stomach before retiring -for the night a piece of raw onion after chewing. This esculent in an uncooked, state is very heating, and collects the waters from the lungs and throat, causing immediate relief the patient." to The Foot Root in Sheep. A shepherd succeeds in curing his sheep of this disease by paring off all the diseased parts and no more, being careful not to draw too much blood, and applying thoroughly blue vit riol and white lead, equal parts, pulver ized fine and mixed with a little linseed oil, persisting in the application until a cure is effected. . -a Holding up Milk. Mr. L. Morton in forms the Rural American that when his cows trouble him in this way, he reaches his hand up and places the ends of his nngers on the backbone, forward ot the hips, and presses down hard for a minute or so, and they will always give down. 3 Recipe for Hams. For one hundred pounds of ham, eight pounds of fine salt, two pounds of brown sugar, two ounces of saltpeter, one and a half ounces of pot ash, tour gallons ol salt water. The brine must be boiled ond cooled. The meat must be well washed before being cut up, then lie m a cool -place for some days. Hub each piece with fine salt, and pack the whole down. Let it remasn two or three days, according to the weather. The brine should then be poured into the cask at the sides. Leave the hams six weeks in the brine. Take out and rinse in cold water. Hang up to dry four or five days, uiuii snioh-e wnn mcuory wood. -o--e . 1 eeding Calves. Mr. Lewis, a noted dairyman of Herkimer county, New York, feeds his calves milk for the first four weeks, and near the close of this time re duces the quantity of milk, adding whey ; then commences feeding whey and oil meal. For morning feed, dip the whey from the vat when the curd is being scalded, and when the heat has reached about 00 degrees carry directly to the calves and feed. For night's mess, put a pound of oil-cake in a tub for each calf, scald the whey and turn upon the oil-cake at boiling heat ; this will lorrn a mucilage that will keep sweet during the day. waives fed in this way make very thrifty growtn. Points of a Good Milker. A writer in the Country Gentleman gives them as fol lows : In selecting a milker, look to the udder. Before milking, it should be wide and broad, not hanging down like a sack, and hard and fchiny, nearly destitute of hair, and what there is should be fine, short, and bright. After milking, the ud der should be soft, and apparently a skin bag. It. after milking, the udder is hard and full, it shows that it is flesh, not milk, that i hstuni o if- For Scratches ox Horses. Dr. N. II. Paaren recommends : Pyroligenous acid. linseed oil, turpentine, of equal parts. Mix. Let the heels first be washed with lukewarm water and soap 5 then wiping them dry, apply the mixture twice daily. The feet and heels of horses should never be left wet after having been worked in muddy soil, and then be exposed to draughts of cold air. LrcK and Labor. Luck 13 ever wait ing for something to turn up ; labor, with, keen eyes and will, will turn up something. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas ss. buit in equity for divorce. Caroline A. Robinson, plaintiff, vs. John W. Robinsen, defendant. 50 cent revenue stamp cancelled. To John W. Robinson, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and aaswer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on the" first day of the first term of said Court, which is held at the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas county, State of Oregon, next after the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of this sum mons, and the publication thereof for six successive weeks. And you are hereby no tified that if you fail so to appearand an swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you ana said plaintiff, and also that piaintm nave the care and custody 01 .Mary L. Robinson, and for the other relief prayed for in said plaintiff's complaint. June the 1st, A. D. 1S67. D. M. McKENNEY, Solicitor for Plaintiff. By order of Hon. E. D. Shattuck. S2:6t SUMMONS. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE "N THE State of Oregon for the county of Clack amas ss. bait m equity for divorce. Isaac Newton, plaintiff, vs. Eliza Newton, defendant. 50 cent revenue stamp cancelled. To Eliza New ton, defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against vou in the above entitled suit, on the first day of the first term of said Court, which is held at the Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas county, State of Or egon, next after the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of this summons, and the publication thereof lor six successive weeks. And you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment againstyou for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between vou and the said plaintiff, and for the other relief prayed for iu said plaiiitifFs.complaint. June the 1st, A. D. 1867. D. M. McKENNEY, Solicitor for Plaintiff". By order of Hon. E. D. Shattuck. S2:Gt NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned was duly appointed Administrator f the estate of Henry Uaker deceased, v the lion Judse of the County Court cf CJaekauias County, Stats t' Oregon, at the May term of said Court, A. D. 1SG7. All persons having claims against said estate are required Jo present the same, with proper vouchers, to thft nndersiorried. at the omce 01 Jonnson s Mofiown m Oresron City. Clackamas counv State of Oregon, within six months from tne date of this notice. WM. S. YOUNG, 20.5t Administrator, 'bated May 11th, 15G7. Administrator's Notice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator on the estate of John Baker de ceased, late of Clackamas county Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them with the nec essary vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice, at my residence in Pleas ant Hill precinct of said county, and all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. E. BAKER, May 18th, 1667. t32.4t) Administrator. F (JUTLAND B U SI NESS GUIDE. Persons haviug business in I'crtiana are uti lised to note the loiiowing iirnis. Dr. CHAILLES BLACH, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OFFICE Corner of Washington and Front , streets, Pamsh s Block, Portland, uregon. RESIDENCE Salmon street, between Third and Fourth, opposite the Plaza. aii.iy J. H. MITCHELL. J. N. DOLPH. A. SUIT!. IHitckell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. W3f Office over the- old Post Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. (ly) Card. AT ITS LAST CONGRESS SESSION Kj having passed a BANKRUPT LAW, it is.now within the power of every man that is hopelessly in debt, to tree mmseir trom the press of debts which cramp his action, i 1 - i ; V. 1 1 iu , i anu WniCQ lie is wiiuiijr uuuuic uiuc wise iu discharge. The District Court of the United States, which sits alone in the city ot Port land, has, under tins law, an exclusive juris diction of all cases in Bankruptcy. The un dersigned have procured a copy of the law and are ready, as soon as a ivegister is ap pointed, to attend promptly to procuring discharges in Bankruptcy for all who may feel disposed to favor them with their patronage. , Jjgf Also attention paid to procuring let ters patent for new inventions. Mrrunbiiii, DULi-ii & smith, Attorneys-at-Law, 26:Gm. Portland. Oregon. L. C. J1ILLAIID. W. J. VAX SC1IDTVEK MILLARD & VAN SCHUYVER, Successors toLadd, Reed & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Also: Sash, Doors and Blinds. No. 73 FIIOXT STREET, 14 ly Portland, Oregon. A. G. ERADFORD, 39 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Wines and Liquors, ALSO : Sole Agent in Oregon, and "Washington Territory, for the Golden State Champaign", manufactured by lloliman, Imke & Co., Irom California grapes. i2:y E.G.RANDALL, IMPORTER ANlJ DEALER 1ST myaiUML mho i numz.vi i o? Sheet Music, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Sole Agent in Oregon for Mit son & Hamlin's CELEBRATED CABINET ORGAN t AND Sieinway & Son's GOLD MEDAL PIAXO FORTES t First street, next door to the Post Office, Portland Oregon. - f -i:ly WM. CORBITT, MACLEAY, Portland. ban! rancisco. Importers & Wlioiesale Grocers, 74 FRONT STREET, Portland Oregon. G1 OODS SOLD FOR CAS EL AT A SMALL JT advance upon SAN FRANCISCO JOBBING PRICES I C. & M. Would thank merchants visiting the city to price their stock before purchasing. 14.1y HIGGINS & GO'S " Homo Manufactiirecl Soap. f-?i AND AFTER :-.t V we will sell our Soap it the following rates, for CASH, only : FAMILY SOAP. Per 100 Boxes, or over, at ?1 45 per Box. 50 " 1 i" " 25 " 1 55 " CHEMICAL OLIVE. 40 Bars, SS lb. 3 20 20 " 19 lb. 1 70 "TTE warrant our Soap to be equal to any Y article that can be imported, and su- penor to many brands that are ouered m this market. HIGOINS & CO. 1 block north O. S. N. 8 Front street, Co.'S wharf. Portland, January 1, ISO", ril:ly 0. D. SNYDER & GO., BOOK BIND ERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. OREGON IAN BUILDING, No. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSTC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of styie known to the trade. Orders from the countrv promptly at- tended to. C. D.SNYDER & CO. TOBACCO 1 TOBACCO TUST RECEIVED, DIRECT FROM the Manufacturers, 3,000 lloxes Ch.oi.ce Brands Virginia Chewing ! COMPRISING Light Pressed Natural Leaf ; Hard " " " Bright lbs. in Caddies ; Sweet Honey Deiv in Caddies ; Twist, Pocket Piece, and other Fancy Styles. ALSO, 10.000 POUNDS " Select Virginia Smoking Tobacco ! Of the best brands, put up m bales and packages of one pound, halves and quarters. Also : SOLACE, SOLA a AND YOUNG AMERICA FINE CUT CHEWING! Which we are receiving every thirty days fresa from the manufacturers. We offer the above coeds to the trade, in bond or tax paid, at San Francisco price, for caeii. Vv e have now on band, and are con stantly receiving, a large assortment of Havana and American Cigars ! To which we particularly pall the attention ot uar-Kooms and Deaujrs in general. There can also be found at this est&b lishment, a complete assortment of Yankee Notions and Fancy Goods, Billiard Balls Cue Wax and leathers, Fishing Tackle. c WASHERMAN & CO., 31 .Sm) 4 77 Front st, Portland TOR SALE. Property in Oregon City f One house and two lots, together with the household goods and furni-, m tare. '2,i Apply to J. E. UURFOKD. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, roil TLA XI) B USI.NESS G U1DE Persons having business in Portland are au- vised to' note the following nrm. hats; .'HITS. MEUSSDORFFER & BR0-, Manufacturers and Importers of , And Wholesale and ReUiil Dealers zn, HATS, CAPS, . AND HATTER'S MATERIALS, No. 72 Front street, Portland Oregon. Are receiving, in addition to their extensive stock, bv every steamer, all the latest styles of New York, London and Parisian taste, for gentlemen s and children s wear, whicn tney will sell cheaper than any other house on the Pacific coast. P". S. Hats of everv style and description made to order, also : neatly repaired. 13y New Cwools! JUST OPENING AT THE NEW STORES Nos. 166 to 172 FIRST STREET, FOUTLAND, TLX HURQREN & SH1HDLER ! FURNITURE direct from Eastern Manufac turers. Complete assortment. The Trade supplied on liberal terms. PULU AND OTI1ER MATERIALS FOR Bedding. TUREE-WIIEELED CHILDRN'S CABS, at unusually low rates. IMPERIAL FILLING a new, elastic, and pure article for matrasses. (ui.tf C. II. MYEES, " PLIMIMG. (US & STEAM Fitting liStablisliment, No. 110 First Street Portland. Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top Washstands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Dead ripe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, EL BO WS, RETURN BENDS, NIPPLES, E US JUNGS, d-c, fur Steam, Water and. Ua$. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water CJuages, Whistles, Tallon Pumps, Hteam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants ot tins marxet. May IS, 1807. l:ly C. II. Ml hKS. 1851.. ...1867 L J. NORTHROP & Ci OFFKIt FOU SAI-E LOW Builders1 Hardware and Carpenters1 Tools, Blacksmiths' and Machinists' Tools, Coopers1 and Tanners1 Tools, Mining and Farmers' Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Sairs, Ship and Steamboat Hardware, Tar, Pttci, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Powder, F'use, Shot, Lead and Caps; Wooden Ware, Twines and Brushes. st: 5 K7 l SU- axp , Cumberland Coal, Put ;id G I'illin Hoi rie Nails, and lions for Bug- Blacksmiths Goods, nam, New York a: Malleable Nuts gies and Wagon Wagon Skeins and Iron Axles, all sizes. WAGON TIMBER. Hale, Sj'ot..i, ' AxU, role and Shafts, Bent E0118, Sawed ledoc, vc, ore. A sent j for A. S. Haiti Mic & Co.. Wire liope Jlaiiufiiriurcrs. 57" Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in the Eastern Markets being of a "superior charac ter, we are enabled to offer goods in our line at as low rates as they can be purchased in this market. We call the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line ever offered in ims market, E. J. KOBTURUP & CO., 1S1 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. May 18th, 1867. 30:3m KNAPF, BURR-ELL & CO., IMPORTERS OF FARM IMPLEMEN ad machines: I Nos. 93 and 100 Front st Portland Oregon. 1 -v- j-t 5 -tWJf AFFER FOR SALE Easterly's Reap- ers and Mowers; iNew 1 ork Reapers and Mowers, hand and self-raking, 5 1-2 to (i feet cut ; N. Y. Reapers (California Giant) 7 1-2 feet cut ; JJurt s bagle Reapers and Mowers, 0 feet cut, double and single gear : McCormick's Reapers and Mowers, 2 and 4 horse, hand and self raking; Dodge's im proved Reapers and Mowers, ("Ohio" and Mowers. 5 feet cut, cheap ; Kirby's Reaper's and Mowers, 5 ft cut ; laines' Illinois head ers, genuine; Union Mowers, the King of the Meadow! 2 sizes; McCormick's Improved 2 wheeled Mowers, strong and reliable; Wood3 Prize Mowers, jointed linger bar ; Pitt's Im proved " Challenger" Thresher, 4 to 10 horse power; Ball s tornado Thresher, Ohio make wv,,.i f.,i:l- i. n f.. Tin . Threshers, 2 sizes; Horse Powers Pitt's improved double pinion and endless chain all sizes; " Sulkey," "Revolving" and Wire norse nay nakes; Hay Fressos, Horso Hav toi-Ks, Baling rope, Scythes, Snaths, Rakes, vv.avAic., vr;iug piows, Gram cnlls ran nuns, uram mills, Churns, Cider mills n neei narrows, Blows, Cultivators, Horse Vf-Vr scrapers, Bortabie grist mills, Mill Stones. Holtinc r!nth . ; Leather belting all widths ; Carriages Bug gies fcpnng drays together with a full Hue of Agricultural Machinery ; also a large sup ply of extra sickles and sictle-sectiona for Keapers and Mowers. p7Send for our new Illustrated and Des c.ipuve araiogue, just issued. Samples of ..v-10 v.4iii uc rtii tit our stor p KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., :ultunil and Seed Warehouse Agric U.3m) use. Portland, Oregon 1 y "Buckeye, patents combined) 5 to 6 ft, hand and self-raking ; Badger State Reapers and Mowers, 5 ft cut ; Wood's Prize Reapers and PORTLAND BUSINESS GUIDK Persons having business in Portland are ad vised to note the following firms. W. A. ALDR1CH. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN M CRAKEX. M'GRAKEN, MERRSLL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oicgon Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt, Saudwich Island Sugars, Coffee, Rice, and Pulu. . Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Ctment and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of -Merchandise or Produce in New Yrork, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDllICH, MERRILL & CO., Nos 204 and 206 California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., 16 North FrontStrcet, Portland. Island Sugar and Molasses. 2,500 KEGS ISLAND SUGAR 150 BELS. ISLAND MOLASSES, ex-Honolulu Packet, and for M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO. sale by W I L L A M E TTE IRON WORKS COMPAN ! North Front and E sts. Portland. Oregon. Sir 022. IFoiiialcfs, STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER BUI LDERS. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and eibciently. Wc have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AMD STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &ZC, &C. Manufacture and. Repair Machinery of all kinds. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francixco cost a ltd freight. Wieeler tb Han daWs Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar's and S'ecen's Self Adjusting I'atent PUtoii Parting, either applied to oil or new st-eam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron. S:ly Removed Removed ! The old and well known D. M ONNASTES, Proprietor. PORTLAND OREGON, TTAS NOT DISCONTINUED WORK ! I I but has been removed to Second street, between Alder and Morrison streets, where business will be conducted on as large a scale as in years past. 2:ly II. w Importer and Wholesale Dealer in American and English WW ir Uso : BOOTS and SHOES o. 5o Jbront street, corner ot Oak. 1 ortland rhf ildlng T - Ha iruwarp, uarjjenicrs anu Fools, Cutl-nj, Stddlery t ... . n , .... 7 ooincrs 1 rr- J. ( IT, Blacksmiths1 Tools, Agricultural Implements ! MINING TOOLS! ENGLISH HARDWARE! Direct from England, selected expressly for this Market. P 0 w d e r, Lead, and Shot! Ilavinsr had an EXPERIENCED AGENT in New York, who attends exclusively to purchasing and forwarding Goods for me, I am enabled to obtain them direct from the Aianufacturcrs, at the lowest rates, and to oher superior inducements to purchasers. 0:ly G. w. KOBIXSON. J. R. LAKE. Stove and Tin Store! No. 154 Front street, Portland. Oregon, next door to Everding & Beebe. ROBINSON & LAKE, DEALERS IX Stoves, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, TTAVE JUST LAID IX A LARGE stock JL JL of stoves of the latest styles, consist ing 111 part ot the loiiowing cook stoves Pride of the Pacific, Republic Uolden Gale, Buck's Patent, Diamond Rock, Crystal Palace, Harvest Queen, Hearthstone, Also : A good stock of Parlor and Box stoves, tin ware, &c, &c. Also An assortment of Pumps, etc. vv e are satistied that wc can uive satisfac tion 10 our patrons, in every respect, as we aic ueiei iimieu 10 scu at lair prices. Wc hold ourselves in readiness, and are piepaieu to uo rooting, spouting, and all Kimi3 01 job work, on short notice, and in a oau3iai.iuij manner, t , . ROBINSON & LAKE. j oruanu, iiarcn loth, 1S07. 2Lly THE BEST SELECTION And. largest assortment of Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys' and Childrens' 00TS and SHOES. ,v n J'aA r,1 tho riIILA DELPHI A BOOT 1 , STORE, No. 112 Front street, l oriuind, opposite Walter Bros. Carpet store, ..L i;uuus 01 me latest styles are re ceived by every steamer, direct from the east, cuauinig us to sell cheaper than any other store in ttis city. KAiST & CA1IALIN. 14- 112 Front street, l'ortlaud EXCELSIOR SODA WORKS ! THOMAS STEPHENS, DEALER IX ttne Jj randies, English Ale tb Porter, Cltam- pagne uiacr, JJocfc Jieer, dec ALSO, Manufacturer of all kinds of Syr ups, Soda Water and Ginger P011 Yru,Vrs lof "kr'sh Ale and Porter filled iu uuih. or oy ine case. 20:ly OREGON CITY B USINESS. CITY BAKEKY ! Main street, Oregon city. BARLOW Si FULLER, (Successors to Wortmaa & Slieppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds'! Orders in .this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY GROCERIES ! AND PROVISIONS I STEAMBOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary m Purposes 1 BARLOW & FULLER Sell a fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail ! Attention is also directed to the fact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT! Farmers and the public generally, are in vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that our stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kiuds of produce taken in exchange for goods. HARLOW & PULLER. Oregon City, Jan. yth, 18G7. (12:ly GREAT FENIAN LOOK A HERE! Notwithstanding there was a Rebellion over in Ireland the other day, and the Print ers all became Demoralized, and George up set a "form" and knocked my advertisement into " Pi," nevertheless, E. D. KELL Y Is on hand at the old Stand, and has for sale the following articles, to wit: Coffee, Japan Tea, Tea, Black Tea, Dried peaches, Linen twine, Coffee sugar, Pulverized d. Crushed do. Chemical soap, Castile do. Golden syrup, Green lea, Sugars. Chocolate, laratus, Corn starcn, Packing salt, Dairy salt, Oswego do. Candles Table salt, Ground coffee, Fancy toiletdo. Cooking soda, Farrnrr Zante currents Sal. -soda, Sardines, Soda crackers, Butter do. Lemon sjrup, Flavoring ext. Kerosene oil, Olive oil, Clothes pins, Ci earn tartar, Gun caps, 6 Shooter balls 5-Shooter " Blast' g powd'r Sporting do. Valley Mills do V east powd'rs, Washing do. Rope, Mackerel, Corn Meal, Codfish, Brooms, Nut-megs, Lead, Blacking, Shot, Snuff, White Beans, I runes, Buckets, Macaroni, Pails, Vinegar, Liquorish, Cheese, Borax, Raisins, Stove polish, Hominy, Dried apples, Blueing, Rice, Feai 1 nancy, lagc, J le lruits, Writing ink. Vanilla ext. Tacks, Wash boards, Wash-tubs, Satin gloss starch, ermacili, Cau.-strawberries, Concentrated Lye, Tola.cco, Candies, Nuts, Oysters, Ground spices,Engl. pickels, Cinnamon. American do Lobsters, Tomatoes, Cloves, Cann'd fruits, Beache-?, Green corn. Ginger, Mustard, l'epper, do sauce, Cranb'v-sauce, Woicstr 'shire, F'ench must'd Block matches, Jellies, Catsup, Cash, and one price to everybody No sjoods misrepresented to ell'ect sales. 7.1 1 E. D. ivELLY. HIGHLY IMPORTANT ! yf'-2' To all wishing . TTA per cnnpiv "i r?T a pi: SMITHING, IRON, ETC. a k 3 JLiewis5 Corner cf MA IN and SECOND streets, OREGON CITY, Takes this opportunity to inform his old customers, aud the public in general, that he now has on hand THE CELEBRATED f And other patterns which he warrants in every particular to srive satisfaction. The Farming community are especially and earnestly invited to call and see these im plements, before purchasing elsewhere. AH work in his line is done m the best pos-sible manner, and at such prices as must suit all. In connection with the above de partment of business the undersigned is also prepared to manufacture Wagons and Carriages of every kind! in point of style and durability EQUAL. TO ANY IMPORTED! Having constantly on hand forsale-a lanre assortment of material, consisting in part of WAGON TIMBER, IRON, STEEL, ETC., The proprietor is Enabled to fill all Orders ! Ear sveh Articles on The Most Favorable Terms. Pif All work from this establishment. and all material sold on oivder, is warranted 1 . to oe as represented. J. W. LEWIS. OregonCity.Decl.lfsf.fi. i:iy INJIOSS1 BUILDING, Main Street. Oreaon Citv. The undersigned will keep on hand all the varieties of fresh and cured meats : Poultry, Vegetables, Corned Beef and Pork, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tallow, t-c A liberal share of patronage is solicited. as I expect and of as g which will xpeci to Keen as sood an assortment. oou quality, as the country affords, be delivered to purchasers at anv . 1 reasonable distance in tho citv. 6:1yJ "B. MAYER. H. C. MYERS. -J. MYERS & BROTHER, Under the Court House, in Oregon City. Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Buena Vista Stone Ware. Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc., Which they propose to sell a ch-eap as any House in Oregon. Oregon City, October 23, 1SGC. 2:ly MISCELLANEOUS. NEW CI O O u 8 AND - . CES! o o Come r Ot Alain, and T...- j 1 . oregonoCjtV stre rpiIANKPUL FOR PAST vs v,, . JLfe.a continuance of S'iJ? nuumiuuMJ Hie attention r.f v same. his large stock now in store conSr fancy and staple ' con&lst"i .vu V 1 L 1 1 f f Tinh . ' cto gof DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS' READY MADE CLQTHIV'rf BOOTS AND SHOES d HATS AND CAPS Y ALICES, TRUNK'S AND UMBRELLAS Groccrics,Crockery,GIass and Plated ,Ware. Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicixs, Chimneys, and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc, eU, Being Hundreds of Other Articles t Too numerous to Mention r7 Call and examine for yourself I tak pleasure in showing goods, and customers win una me articles at reasonable figures for cash or produce. I. SELLING. Corner store, opposite the ly Tin and stove store. REMINGTON'S ARMORY ! Ilion, New York. Agency for Pacific Coast, Washington St., Sn Franclsd. ON HAND FOR SALE, 0 Greatly Pieducef Prices I LARGE STOCK m e 310 At R EVOLVERS, Navy and Gliclt, Single Double Action. Army, and RIFLES,. Breccli Goatling. KtTOIving and U. S. filler fiiivF KEPE1TERS. Single Barrel Vest Pocket Pis'cl (New Models.) All tlie Different Patterns and Styl of Finisli. GUN BARBELS ANU MATERIAL. UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED thousand furnished, the United State Government since 18(11. Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibeft Navy Revolver, Gfi-100 in. Caliber. Beit Revolver (self cocking,) Navy Cak9 Belt Revolver, 'Navy Size Caliber. Police Revolver, Navy Size Caliber. New Tocket Revolver (with loading lever. Pocket Revolver (self cocking.) Repeating Pistol (Elliot pt.) No. 52 Cart. Repeating Pistol (Elliot pt.) No. 22 Cart. Vest Pocket Pistol No. 22, 30 and Zi CaU. CJun Cane, using No. 32 Cartridge. Single Barrel Shot Gun. Revolving Rifle, 3t and 45-100 in. Caliber. Breech Loading Rifle, No. 32 Cartridge. Our Breech Loading arms have just been approved and adopted for military ser vice in Europe. r E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. Y. A1.U EltT K . C II A X JZ , 22:tf. Arrmt. San Francisco. ")AIN KILLETt CUKES SOKE THROAT. o FAVORITE MEDICINE WITH All classes, is Daris' Pain Killer. A IF OU HAVE PAINTER'S COLIC, USB the Pain Killer. -VTO- MEDICINE 19 SO POPULAR AS JLl the Pain Killer. K1 EEP THE IAIN KILLER ALWAYS at hand. F YOU HAVE A COUGH OR COLD, us the Pain Killer. 0 LOOK OUT AND NOT GET CAUGHT without a L'Ottle of the Pain Killer. I ET EYERYOODY USE THE PAIN Killer for sprains and bruises. g EYERY TRAVELER SHOULD CARRY a bottle of" Pain Killer with Lim. EEMEMBER, THE PAIN KILLER IS far both Internal and External use. .!tSF The Pain Killer is sold by all Drug' gists an4 Dealers in Family Medicines. Sold by Bell & Parker, Oregon Citv, and by Hodge, Calef & Co., and Smith & Dms, Portland. Perry Davis and Son Proprietors, 74 Kish street, Providence, R. 1., St. Paul st., Montreal, C. E.; and 17 Southampton Row London, England. 41 Notice to Henry C. Webster and Thomas Eonrne. TAMES L. DALY vs. HENRY C. WEU ?j ster and Thomas Bourne. Contest for the N W quarter of seQion 5, T 2 Sid & in the Oregon City Land District To said Henry C.Webster and Thomas Bourne: Too and each of you are hereby notified that the above mentioned case will be investigated at this office on Thursday the 31th of July 1S67, commencing at the hour of W o'clock A. M, at which time all parties in terested will be allowed an opportunity for a hearing. OWEN WADE, Register, HENRY' WARREN, Receiver. Land Office, Oregon City Oregon, JuneCtb, 1807. ' (33.41 Notice to Chafes G.Warren. ylUIlf AYT XT Vr nf SPC, 22, J T 1 V T? 1 IV. "V o. ImroSr notifies y - a X if 1 uu ill v -f that I hare made application at the Lan!l OHiee at Oregon City, Oregon, to enter under the Homestead Act the E halt of N W qn' ter and W half of section 22, T 1 N R 1 and that I will, on the first dav of Angnsti 1S67, at ten o'clock A. M. producHtcstinionj before the Register and Receiver of saia Land Oflicc, to'show that you have forfeited your right to said tract of land, by abandon ment thereof. PETER SALTZMA June -1th, 1SG7. Jt- Notice to John F. Bush. "7-OU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAI .L I have made application at the Unu Oilice at er the Oregon City, Oregon, to enter Homestead Act the N hal quarter, the SE qfBtrter of SE quai ter 01 l'.t, and the NE quarter of the NE q:'rU,f Sec. SO, T. 2S. R. 1 K., and that I will, on Saturday the 22d day of June, 1'.' at the hour of 3 o'clock p. sc., produce testi mony before the Register and Rccenef.,r. said I.and Office, to show that xoa ti3TC,Iby feited your right to said tract of abandonment thereof. Geo. W. l'-5,, it May 2d, 1867. T 10'-'- O Wool TFiisitod. 500,000 t wnnli W.VMEP; O Ml fc x- 1 1,; i, oth -nrice Will paid by bCiIARMA3BJ-tf Oregon City, March 2'Jth, JSG7- Q - ' n o o o o 0 o o Breech Loading Carbine, No. 4; Cartridge, U. S. Rifle (Steel Barrel) Sab-re Bayonet U. S. Rifle Muskei, Springfield Pattern.