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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1867)
G .0 o O O o 0 0 O 0 o ) I 0 0 o f o o 0 O 0 o 0 tEljc "UJcckln (Enterprise. Oregon City, Oregon : P. C. IKEl-AXD, KllffOli AXI I'KOPKIETOIt. J Saturday, May 25th, 1867. Foil Sitea,. The .Fiddlier , -was adver tised to leave Portland last evening for Sitka. Colorado Paper. A paper mill will be started in Denver,-Colorado, on the 1st of June. Toombs Uoli. Caix. It seems that the roll of Iiobt. Toomb3' slaves will be called at a Georgia ballot-box instead of at Bun ker llill1 Mail Service. The Post Office Depart ment baa advertised for proposals for mail aue-anisbip service between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands. Bids will be received until July 1U, 18G7. For Sax Francisco. The California, Oregon and Mexico Ste. mship Company's steamer Montana will leave Portland this - evening for" Sim Franekeo. Capt. Jos. William in command. The Live Hoosier. Hon. A. Delano, of Grass Valley, belter known oa this coast --as'' Old Block' is spoken of as a candi date for Governor of California on the Union ticket. The live lloosier would give any Cop. a hard run. O - Inman- War in Moxtaxa. Our worst fears have been nalized in regard to Mon tana. A terrible Indian war is now raging in that Territory. The papers from there are Ailed with. accounts of murdering and scalpi g. Our friends in Idho and Wash ington Territory will do well to note the fact that the-' disaffection among the Indi ans is fearfully extendiug westward. New Pai'Kiss. -We have received the Urst copy of. a new paper printed by A. Pettygrove & Co., at Port Townsend. Alse, Uie Recorder, from Vallejo. Solano county, California, by G. A. Poor &. Co. Both are neatly printed, medium sized journals. The Tlecorder shows symptoms of a reaction ia favor of the propects of Taliejo. We sec no cause why that point should not be made the terminus of the lac.dkllaHroad.-- The S-IIour. Movement. We are in formed that there is not much vitality left in the 8-Loar m verrient in Chicago. La borers employed by the city who have been working eight hours for eight hours pay, have unanimously petitioned to be allowed to work "ten hours for the old pay. All now work under the old system.' A few discontented strikers continue to hold daily meetings, b it 'they exclude news paper reporters. Inflammatory harangues are made, and threats of violence are frequent. The Reign. of. Terror. The papers are full of reports of crime, all over the coun try, and each day's dispatches adds to the long list of murders, suicides, arsons and criminal assaults. This state of thiags is not confined to the East. Owyhee has lately been the scene of an attempted as sassination A. P. Minear the victim. A terrible tragedy occurred at Port Town send also, recently, in which four men were killed. Novel Book.. C. - Godfrey Leland's book, written upon the subject of the Union Paci ie IlailroafI, is entirely new and ! rather novel. The author introduces a (table of distances with a daring joke, sings merry songs over such serious matters as dollars, bonds, mortgages, tonnage, speed, mileage, and monthly profits! Gives us genial notes on geo.logy and a rollick ing -page on surveying! Funny as it all is. it is useful, and the information is solid. Rigwalt& Brown, publishers. Philadelphia. The New Route. From an advertise ment in the Portland dailies, signed by Mr. Ilogue, managing agent for the Oregon and Montana Transportation Co.. we learn that the two additional steamers on Clark's iork, to connect with the steamer Mary 1 M " .7 . 11 T 1 iit O jnooay on i enu u uriene jaKe, wm te running by the 1st of June. Passengers are$l;eii through from Portland to Helena in six or seven days. The fare from Wal lula to Thompson Fail3 ii but $12 50 ; .freight") 7 cents per lb. Stcpjo. Some lew Democratic papers Qieeta determined to maintain their char acteristic and unmitigated stupidity. Their conductors cannot see the difference be tween breaking up a disreputable negro dance house in Louisville, Kentucky, and the passage of the Civil Rights Bill to pro tect freed men in the South. Their bril liant comprehension confounds a New Or leans massacre, and an arrest of dissolute rioters at the North, as being one and the same thing. - O Hard Ur. The Democratic papers (some of thorn) seem determined to drag the order of Good Templars into politics. They have little to do when they resort to this system of electioneering, and must be hard up for a topic. In his speech at Van couver on Saturday last, Mr. Flanders al luded to the statement of the Herald in reference to his connection with the Good Templars . as a matter exclusively person al to himself, with which the public had nothing to do. lie said it was nobody's business but his own whether he was a Good Templar or rioi. and h should there fore decline any public explanation. He did right. . A Difference in Persons. When the .bark Xahumkeag was wrecked at Drake's Bay. on the 11th ult, a brave Italian fish erman named Andrea ; Larco was Uie me dium cf safe escape to all on board. T perform this he stood exposed in the water from a. m. until 9 i. m.. and .was almost exhausted, but did not relax his exertions until everything bad been accomplished. He did not desire any recompense, but we are informed that he did not receive even the thanks of those he had been in 0Btrumental in saving. There is a trader up on the north, coast, near Burrard's In let, who ;has .saved .from perishing three .different crew3. of wrecked vessels in five years to our knowledge, yet ho has never een recognized .by those in authority as yserviag of any ppeial raorit A Checlc Cion Horn Jlfanafucturn. We copy an article, on the first page to day, from the Alta. giving the views of that paper, in a plain way, on the subject of the checJc which it is said our home manufactures have received. The real cause is' winked -"at.-and the Alia goes stu pidly at work to say that the causes may be traced to the ''insane clamor raised by prejudiced, ignorant parties who have blindly disturbed the equilib rium that must always be maintained be tween capital and labor' With some men. the ruling passion is strongest in adverse cases. The Alta pre viously states, in the article referred to. that the moving cause for this disastrous state of affairs, ' originated in the Eastern States." That is a. more sensible view : It undoubtedly had its origin there, and if the Pacific coast manufacturers had had their wits about them, and systematized their prices to keep out importations for a short time, we would never have felt the symptoms of the Eastern depression here. As it is, we believe the estimates of the Alta to be greatly exaggerated. The im portations amount to nothing near the fig ures set by the '-Alta, and we challenge them to show it. The prospects are briefly cammed up. We shall have dull times in this, and certain other branches of trade so affected, for perhaps sixty or ninety days. Many kinds of goods will be sold below cost, but we will bet a new hat that nobody will burst up in this State on ac count of it. The Albt make? use of pretty plain lan guage to enforce attention to its conclu sions respecting this matter. We shall not be so harsh, and shall accuse no persons of ignorance, except such as are themselves willing to concede that the trouble might have been avoided by a careful observ ance of the Eastern markets, and by properly managing our own. U. S. District Court Deady J. This Court adjourned on Tuesday morning un til 10 o'clock, a.m., of Monday next, at Portland. Washing rov Gi ardPicNjc On Thurs day next Oswego Lake will be the lively scene - oi a o her excursion from Portland, g;v -a this t me under the aus ices of the Wadiingtcn Guard. Steamer Antelope. This steamer is being pretty thoroughly overhauled at Pacific street wharf, says the Bulletin. It is rumored that she will soon ply upon Oregon waters, where the Xeio World and other California craft went some time ago. The Antelope is still a good river boat , and for fast traveling would put the best or them oa their mettle. ' Paper Stock. The bark Xereid. for New York from San Francisco, takes among her items of freight a large amount of paper stock in bales for the Eastern manufacturers. " We send our paper stock on a journey of 1 5.000 miles, and then buy it back again in the shape of paper, with a large '-'profit to the manufacturer.. We shall do better than this some day. The First " Proof."' The Denver Xeics ays: E. II. Collins contributed much to our happiness to-day by the present of a splendid photograph, of largo size, ele gantly framed, of the ' First Proof. A. D. 1110,'" showing Faust and Guttemburg in specting the first sheet from the newly in vented printing press. It is a fine illus tration of the infancy of an art which now does more than all others Jo control regulate the destinies of the world. md The Almighty Dollar. It will be re membered that less than one year ago landlords in the city of New York were very exacting, and rents increased full 50 per cent, often 90 per cent, being asked. Now many of those landlords go begging for tenants at the old prices. Their greed for the Almighty dollar, within reach, eo to speak : " killed the gooe that laid the golden egg."' Are there any in Oregon whose short-sightedness has caused them to act similarly ? We think we can count a few. Labor and Capital. The origia of the struggles now going on in the Atlantic States between labor and capital is par tially exp'ained by a friend in St. Paul, Minnesota, who writes us under date of March 9th that printers' wages have been reduced to 20 cents per thousand ems. (or about $8.10 per week.) and that he has paid SI 9.50 per barrel for flour io feed hi family upon, besides an increase of 7 per cent, rent for a dwelling house, over what he paid when wages were 25 cents per thousand ems. Denver, Colokako. We publish the an nexed paragraphs in juxtaposition, from the Rocky Mountain Xeies. One it will be seen contains a prediction, the other we take as evidence of th thrift and enter prise which is to verify the former : Boston has but three A very spirited dog daily papers, while fight occurred this af Denver has two. Be- ternoon opposite the fore our city has at- postoffice. Wc ex- tained one-fourth the pect full account of age of the modern the entertainment in Athene, it will be bet- a day or two. ter entitled to her name. Tides in the Great Lakes. The ques tion of the existence of lunar tides in thei great lakes has never been fully estab lished until quite recently, whun Col. J. D. Graham, U. S. A., presented to the American Association for the Advance ment of Science, the result of a series of careful observations and measurements, made wi'h the especial view of determin ing the question. It appears from his re port that there is tach a tide, but that its maximum height U only four and a half inches. Sad Termination. Minnie Boker. the daughter of the proprietor ,of the famous Dus.eldortr gal!eryof paintings, who cre ated so great a sensation some years ago by an elopement and marriage withjher father's coachman, has turned out very badly. Her husband, whose passion was avarice, and oiot love for his beautiful wife, failing in getting a share of his father-in-law's wealth, abused and finally forsook poor Min lie. who. completely broken in spirit ant reduced to the dregs of poverty, is now low. debauched and degraded woma.i ' in the vilest dem of infamv in 1 New Yrk. . . OKEUO.V Dr. Carpenter of Salem is examining surgeon for pensions in this State. A telegram states that the Salem delega tion to i he Paris Exposition were in New York on the 17th hist. . Cattle have been driven this Spring in considerable number from Southern Ore gon to California markets. Handly &Sinnott. lessees of the UrcftUi! la House in Dalles City, have lately pur chased the property lor $3,00i in coin. The average attendance at the Dalles public school during the last month was Walla Walla flour is arriving freely at the Dalles. " Thirty -six tons came down last week. The corner stone of the new Masonic Lodge at Lebanon Linn county, will be laid on the 30th inst. They have got up a story of an earth quake at Ashland. Jackson county. We still remember that fearful Klamath Lake cataclysm Says the Oregoniaa. A piece of quartz has been found in Jackson county which weighs one hundred and forty ounces, and which it is expected, will yield one hundred ounces of gold. Charley Binder, who is pretty general ly known, drew the highest prize in the Oluey lottery, to-wit : The house and block valued at $5,000. The Oregonian of Tuesday last acknowl edges the receipt of 'a printed copy of the Superintendent of schools fur Marion county' He must have been a solid old 'take ' for the typo who set"' him up. The Mountaineer learns that Tygh val ley is infested by grasshoppers. Fears are entertained that other portions of the country ' will be visited by this innumer able army. A tire occured at Albany last week which consumed Joseph Lawrent's coop er shop. Loss, S:5.0:J0. 1,300 gallons of native wine was stored in the cellar of the building, all of which was lost. A new boiler and engine have been man ufactured to take the place of the pres ent machinery which has been found too small to do the required work, at the Willamette Iron works Portland. The schooner Afred Crosby, from San Juan Island, was towed up to Oswego on Monday morning, by the steamer Sen atfjfr, laden with limestone, etc., for the Iron Works. We have a hope that at an early day Clackamas county can furnish an article equally as good Irom the quarry of Mr. 12. U eddel. A lodge of Odd Fellows, with the title of Orient Lodge No. 17, was instituted at East Portland on Saturday, by the officers of the Grand Lodge. The follow ing are the officers of theIodge install- ed: A. M. Lorvea. N. G. J. L. Shep- hard. V. G. A. Enqua. G. W. R. S. : Wm. Beatty, S. W. ; John Cox. of Lane County, has invent ed what he calls an oscillating morti ser. He claims he can mortise holes of any desire length or breadth by merely changing chisels. The machine is porta ble, and can be used in iram ng as hand ily as a patent auger. The residence of S. Iv.lsworth at Eugene City was entered by burglars last week and pretty thoroughly overhauled. Some very valuable jewelry escaped their ob servation. A two dollar and a half piece comprised the major portion of the boo ty. S. D. Smith, the popular proprietor of the Western IliCel. has resigned his seat in the Bachelor's Club, and allied i.i-n-self to a young lady whom he will hereafter call "wife."7 We learn the re maining b ichelors adopted resolu'ions of condolence for the loss oi" their brother, says the Herald. We learn that 't is in contem lation by the Turn Vereins of California and Ore gon to hold a general convention or Bundes Mai Fest. of ail the Turn Verein Socie ties of the Pacific coast, about the mid dle of next May. It has already been determined to hold the Fest at Portland. Oregon, but the day and the details are not yet settled upon. The festival will continue through three days, and it may be confidently expected that it will be the grandest thing of the kind ever got up iu this State, or perhaps, on this coast. The little steamer Yamhill started up the Tualatin river on Monday last, for the. purpose of cutting away overhang ing branches, and clearing the river of -all obstructions to the free navigation. It is the iiik'ntien of the Company to forth with eomience the construction of a steamboat about the size of the O. S. N. CVs steamer J&xme. It is believed tliat before ib end of the season, the trade of the Tualatin will have grown to such proportions as to justify the necessary expenditure in procuring a new bo it We can but w'ali the enter prise abundant success, says the Herald. The Jacksonville Press has the follow ing on the new diggings ia that county : Mr. James Poole one f our most zeal ous and persistent proseeioTi5 who has been absent on a prospecting lour in the vicinity of the Wines diggings re ports the discovery of sx or seven dol lar diggings on the head of Jack's creek, some seven cjiles from Wines' Cajajp. Tie diggings are said to be some two miles in extent. We have heard of an other strike of new diggings somewhere near the head of Applegate. The lucky discoverers this time are said to be China men, one poor celestial having picked up a solid chunk of pure gold weighing some fourteen ounces. The best brands of Oregon flour are in demand in San Franeisco for shipmest to New York. A large lot of Imperial Extra was shipped via Cape Horn to New York, on the clipper ships Mary E. Parker and Seminole. There are no direct ship ments from this place at present, owing to the steamships being engaged for every voyage up to September next. Oregon flour is selling at the highest market rates in San Francisco, and shippers are satisfied as long as it thus continues. A California gentleman, writing to a flour manufacturing in this city, states that the Californians interested in flour shipments to New York complain that New York ers do not know how to mix up their flour, 'while the Oregon so closely rasem bles the Genessee as to yield good re turns to the manipulations of the simple minded people who live in the great metropolis. We wonder what reason our neighbors will next advance for the fail ure of their productions to compete with those of Oregon, says the Herald. At a late meeting of wool growers in Linn county the following resolution was adopted and signed by those whose names are appended : We the undersign ed, citizens of Linn county, Oregon, do hereby pledge ourselves that we will not dispose of our wool at a rate less than iietntyjice cents per pound. Other wise we pledge ourselves to ship our wool to an Eastern market. John Crooks ; Olney Fry, Sr. Martin Payne. Jese Par rish. M. Thompson SamT Cooper. R. S. Burkhart. Richard Clark, F. S. Powell. Wm. McCoy, Jos. Hamilton, Vincent Wat son, F. L. Knox, Silas Height. C. P. Burk hart. C. T. Jngraham, C. Miller. L. Cox, A W. Staanard. II. L. Knox. S. Slater, J. F. Hulburt, Milton lionghton. Geo. Knox. Huge Kickerson, J. W. George. Knox, Hiu T. S- Kendall, W. Mcllree, J. Nixon. W. F Vlexauder.C.Wesilake. The convention spoke right out in meeting,'' by way tt the following resolution, which was adopt ed unanimously. Jlesolved, That the praQ . iice of assorting our wools in San Fran c' 0. and placing our floe wool to the credit of California mixing the burry and inferior wf.oi of that State with the coarser grades of Oregon wool, and marking It Oregon .wool.7' is downright rascalit v. and deserves our censure. Such practice is calculated to work us great injury in the Eastern market.7' This is not the first time that this downright rascality" way the Californians -have of treating Oregon wool, ha3 been public lv mentioned, says the Oregonlan. That the charge is true admits, perhaps, of very positive proof. It is just of a piece with the practice which succeeded for years in keeping Oregon flour in a second rate place in the market. No sooner, however, did Oregon flour get into the New York market, than California had to take the second place. The dodge of calling it all California flour did not win. because Oregon merchants shipped without the intervention of California forwarders, and it went in the original brands on them. The same course pur sued Avith Oregon wool will straighten out the kinks which have always here tofore existed in the Pacific coast ship ments of that article. Onr wool grow ers should by ail means send their wool direct, with the Oregon brand on it. In this way only can we prevent California from making a name and fame, at our expense and with our products. Focnd Gciltt. The trial of Fitzhugh and Hannah, the Roseburg rioters, was concluded at that place on Lhe 18th, when the arguments in the case were beard. The Ensign of the 21st says there were fifty-five witnesses examined, and twenty on the defense not examined. Sixty-seven jurors were called before a jury was empaneled. Attorneys for the State were J. F. Watson, Prosecuting Attorney, J. F. Gazley. W. R. Willis and Dinger Herman. For the de fense, ex-Go v. Gibbs. S. F. Chad wick. Mosher & Lane. The attorneys of each side had four hours each in which to make the closing argument, which was divided into two hours' speeches. The verdict was given on Sunday the 19lh. at 5 p. m., of guilty of manslaughter,'' with a recom mendation of clemency. . The Loyalist Protected. There is apt to be a reverse of the decision of Judge Deady. in the McCa'.l McDowell case. It now appears that among the last acts of Congress was one to declare valid and conclusive certain proclamations by the President authorizing military arrests, and to indemnify fully the officers who made such arrests ; which was approved March 2d. If tliis law bad been received at Saa Francisco before the late decision against Gen. McDowell, for the arrest and con finement of McCall. the decision would, in all probability have been difierent, audit mav vet be reversed. Idaho City Burnm. Superintendent Br'ggs, of Wells, Fargo & Co.'a Express at Portland, received a dispatch from San Francisco. on Thursday, slating that Idaho City was again destroyed by fire on the If th. No doubt is attached to the authen ticity of the report by the Portland press. It is a somewhat singular coincidence that the gieat fire of 1865a which destroyed nea ly the entire, town, occurred on the lSthofMav. Southern" Reijef. At the meeting held in Portland on the evening of the 17th for the purpose of aiding the Southern Relief Fund, lion. E. D. Sh ittuek was appointed President. Mr. S. E. Briggs Secretary, and Mr. W. S. Ladd Treasurer. Messrs. C. II. Lewis. Bishop Scott, and J.. C. Ainsworth were appointed as an executive committee. to determine upon the bst meihod of ap plying funds which might b" raised. CoxGRATCi.A'roiii'. The friends of Mr. Robert Newell and family, will be pleased to learn that on the fifth of May the birth of a son contributed much to their happi ness, at Lewiston, Idaho. P. S. It becomes our painful duty to add that intelligence was received, just as we go to press, that Mrs. Newell died on the 1'Jth, at Lewiston. How true that "In the midst of life we are in death." How sudden the transformation from joy to sorrow, in the household of our friend. Heavy Undektjkixos. Our old friend Reynolds ha3 undertaken to give a history cf the meanness of Jim O'Meara, in the Boise Statesman, and Brother Hewitt of the Olympia Iribune has. opened his col umns to the publication of Frank Clark's record. Railroad Ties. The report that a gang of thirteen men left Portlaudon Thursday, for the purpose of cutting railroad ties is probaby a mistake, but. we will bet a new hat that before this day one year we can ride to Portland in cars on a'T rail track; If so we shall hunt out the men entitled to credit, and give them their just dues. For PoitTLAXft. At least eight teams per day have passed through this city within the last week, en route for Portland. We need not say that the roads prevent a great number from traveling in that di rection. Wassermax & Co. The- reader -who glances over our new advertisement to day will observe that Washerman & Co are in the field, and offer a fine stock to the trade. This house has a most excellent reputation, and tbey know how to keep it good. IcsCueam. Mr.L. Diller. proprietor of the Lincoln Bakery, is now prepared to serve the lovers of ice cream with that cooling dish, in ample style, with all the accompanying delicacies. Oregon- Stoxs Ware. J. Myers & Bro. of this city, have the Oregon stone ware, made at Buena Yista, for sale. We" repeat what was said last week, that this is the best ware of the kind extant. Retcrxixg. Postal Agent Quincy A. Brooks, sailed from New York for San Francisco, by the steamship Henry Chaun cey on the 11th. New Paper. The prospectus for a new paper ai l ortianu wm soon be issued. It wni not oe an otlicial organ. Latest. McCormick. of the Franklin Book Store. Portland, has all the latest newspapers and magazines. Mr. and Mrs. Jeflersoa Davis have both been confined. - "Weelily Commercial Kevien-. FxTERrill'E Otfick, Oregon City, May ii4th. 1SS7. We are informed by the San Francisco pa-" pers, that there are scarcely any Wool buy ers in that market, although fleeces this year are iu much better condition than fast season Lynch's New Y oi k Wool Report, of 'April 20th, says " Manufacturers are not in good credit," that "'buyers make very low bids," etc., which will explaiu to Wool growers why shippers keep out of the market. We have no doubt but that prices in the east are low, and buyers mostly in bad credit. The tiii-iff seems not to have bad the effect to aid anyone. The San Francisco Times, is pleased to saf that the general complexion of business af fairs on the coast is healthy. With all the seeming lethargy, it says, jobbers are send ing forward liberal supplies on orders. We kuow such to be the case in Portland. . A New York dispatch of the 10th says freights to California are lower. Quotations by measurement are 20a30 --ts per foot,- and by weight 3-laT-S cts. per lb. Eight ships were ready for San Francisco. There is yet considerable demand in Cali fornia for Oregon flotir, for New York and China. On the 22d 1,000 qr sks Oregon City Mills, sold at round figares. Wheat is dull with a range for good to choice at 2 to $2 15 perewt. In this markei no change i advised in curreut prices. We cpaote : FLOUR Imperial and Standard brands $5 50 (- bbl., in 4 sacks ; Country brands 1 50. WHEAT Limited demand at 60c bu. OATS :'6 Ca)4i)c. CORN MEAL $2 50(rt)$3rt3 cwt. FEED Ground $25 ton ; Middlings $13ill; Bran S12. FRUIT Green Apples bx 7551 25; Dried Apples lb b10c; Dried Peaches 20c: Plums iOc. CURED MEAT Bacon 1 lb 13c 11c.; Hams lb lM.15e.; Shoulders 7bc. LARD In kegs l'lhc. tins 15c. EGGS Die. doz. BUTTER Ordinary to prime ) lb 25 35c. POULTRY' Chickens 1 doz $1 50; tame Ducks 75c. 1 pair ; tame Geese 62 50 pair ; Turkeys 52 50 53 pair. GAME Grouse 50c. 7 pair, or S3 -ft doz.; Pheasants 40c. fj pair, or $2 doz. VEGETABLES Potatoes bu. 50 50c; Onions 100 lbs $1$1 50.; Beans yi 100 lbs S3 50 $1, HIDES Salted lb 4 J5c; dry J? 10. SPE CIA L N O TICKS. Li. P. FISHER C33 WasHingtOH ., San Francisco, California, isthe only author ized Agent of this establishment in that city. Advertisements from other parties, to insure insertion, must be accompanied with ihe cash. 1. C. IRELAND. Provide fh thk Summer. As; the hutsummer advances, every man, woman and child should be clothed to suit the weather. Kohn & Fishel have all imagin able wearing tt paiel.son hand, to suit every body in price and quality. Ho if yn wish to purchase clothing or dry good, be Mire to go to Koiin & Fu-he!, No. '.'!, Front sstreet, in the stoi c fo.-merly occupied by Weil Bros., Portland. More Picnics. Tlu-re are to 1 e more picn'cs yet before May closes Every body goes ; and everybody before going shnuid go to Bat mui Bibs, p.nd bay one of their elogaat an. l cheap picnic suits. Family Dve C-lrs After n careful and continuous U3e cf the Family Tie UurnoT llmc & Stevens for fire years, the public with one voice have declared en thusiastically in their favor. It would be strange if they did not, fur I hey aretae only dyes to the market people will buy. Firm, beautitiil, easily ujJ, safe '-what wonder tlu'V are so popubir? Huw At! vi-rlls. men's. GRAND EXHIBIT I GH! Just Arrived from Paris f rrHE AN 'HATED CGSMOEAMA ! JL Tiie latest, and greatest tr:unijh of sci ence, which will produce the most wonderful effects in magnificent sceneries, of true na ture and sudden con trasts, which Panoramas can never produce, Will Exhibit in Oregon City for two JSrights only, at the Hall opposite ihe Enterprise Office, next week Tl e exuet date of arrival in Oregon City cannot now be stated, due notice will ue given, however. Boors open at 7 o'ebjck, performance com mences at 8. Admission 5'J cents; Children half price ; Within the reach of all. tSClILEICHERT & WINTr R, Proprietors. KOT-CE. rpiIE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LIST, tin X tier the U. S. Internal Revenue Law,for Division No. 4, consisting of Marion, Polk ami Clackamas counties, in the District of Oregon, will be open for public examination and correction at my othee, in Salem", from the 1st day of June to the 10th day of June, 1SG7 ; where all persons claiming deductions or abatement of taxes, in consequence of erroneous assessment, must do so in writing before the expiration of this notice, as no deduction will be allowed after the list is closed aud turned over to the Collector. W. A. K. M ELLEN, U. S. Ass.'t Assessor. 4th Division SL1J . District, of Oregon. Fill S T OttASD TOCALAXDiXSTBUHEXTAL CONCEET. rpo BE GIVEN BY PROFESSOR GROB JL and bis pupils, will take place at Oro Fiseo 'Hail! PORTLAND. On Tuesday, June 6th, 1867. - ' (SLSt) .' JUST OPENING AT THE NEW STORES Nos. lt6 to 172 FIRST STREET, roiiTiA-r, RY HURGREN & SHINDLER ! FURNITURE direct from Eastern Manufac turcrs. Complete assortment. The Tiade supplied on liberal terms. PULU AND OTHER MATERIALS FOR - Beddmg. THREE-WHEELED CIIILDRN'S CABS, at unusually low rates. IMPERIAL FILLING a new, elastic, and pure article for matrasses. ( " IVcw Advertisements.., AT Five dollars a Thousand. B. C. IIORNE & CO., Cor. Front and Clay San Francisco NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED' HAVING CLOSED out his business, takes this method of r;tifvinsr those knowing themselves indebt ed to him. that he is now ready, and must have bis book accounts settled immediately.' Mr. GEO. A. SIIJEPPARO is my authorized Agent, to settle and receipt the same. All per.-sns having claims against the undersigned will please present them for settlement. (31.2t WM. BAULOW. Notice to John F. EasJi. "VroU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TICVT JL I have made application at the Land Ottice at Oregon City, Oregon, to enter nn ter the Homestead Act the N half of SE quarter, the E quarter of SE quarter of Sec. l'.t, and the NE quarter of the NE quarter of Sec. SO, T. 2S. li. 1 E., and that I will; on Saturday the 22c day of June, 197, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., produce testi mony before the Register nU Receiver of said'Land OSice, to show that you have for feited vour right to said, tract of land, by abandonment thereof. Geo..W. PROSSER. May si'Jd, 1S7. 31.4t SHElt ; IT 'S SALE. IN PURSUANCE OF A CERTAIN JUDG nient and decree rendered in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, in a certain suit in equity wherein James Shirley is plaintiff, and George Burchaidt, Elizabeth Burehardt, and J. E. tlurford are defendants, and by virtue of a certain execution and order of now in my hands duly issued on said judgment and in pursuance thereof, tested the 21st day of June, lOT. . I have this 24th day of May, 1S07, levied on and will proceed to sell in one parcel to the highet bidder for gold or silver coin, the following described tract or parcel of land situated in Clackamas coun ty St te of Oi egon, to wit : The south half of section twenty-one (21) in town-diip live, S- ut'. Range one (1 ) East of the Willamette Meridian, containing three hundred and seven (Su7) acres, noire or less, for the pur pose of paying the judgment before men tioned and "costs of sale, said sale to take place On the 22d dag of June, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court House door in Oregon City, Clackamas county. Oregon. VM. P. BURNS, Sheriff Clackamas County. May 21st, 1SG7. (31:4t SHERIFF'S SALE TY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued X) from the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, in fa vor of A. F. Hedges, executor of the estate of Win. Arthur Sen. deceased, md against N. P. Mack, for the sum of one hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty-live cents, also the sum of twenty-six dollars and thirty five cents, damages and costs, and for want of personal property out of which to make the same, I have this 24th dav of Mav, 18f'7, levied this execution on the south half of the following described tract of land, situ ated iu Clackamas county, State of Orejon, known in the Land Office in Oregon City as tiie land described in Notification No.-ii'.tl, Certificate No. hb';i, as claim 37, being parts of sectioas 27 ana 28, 33 and S4, in township 2 S flange 8 E. Bound' d as follows : Be ginning at a point t 7M00 chains East, 23 lo -li'O chains South of the South East corner ol the South West quarter of said section 27, ths nee West 81 07-1 no chains, thence North 1 E S; 00-1 00 chains, theuce'East SO chain., th-nce South 7S SO-li'O chains to the place of begimiing, tiie whole tract containing 0i; 00 "loo acres, more or less. I will sell ail the ruht. title and interest of said N. V. JLick in and to the south half of-saul trvct of land, 10 the highest bidder for cash in Inn I, ou Saturday, the'i'ld day of June, A. I). 18i7, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the Court House door in Oiegon City, in said count v and State, to satisfy the above amounts and .costs acemin- WM. B. BURNS, Sheriff Ciackaaias Conntv. May 24th, 1SS7- (Sl:4t SEER FFS SALE. rY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ortgmi for the county of Clackamas, and to me d'l-ecied, in favor of E. D. Kelly and against B. Jennings, for the sum of two hun dred aud eiirhtv-seven doliar.s and ninety -ihree cents." (287 y:;-100), also the um of 19 80-100 dollars, costs of suit, and for want of personal property out of which to inai'e the same, I bare, this 24th dav of Mav, A 1) lS'57, levied said execution on all the right title and iutert st ol sid B. Jennings iu and to the following described tr.ict or parcel of land, to-wit: That certain tract of land des cribed in Notification No. luo-i, now on file in the Land OfHce at Oregon City, Oiegon, as follows, to-wit: Being a part of Sections 13 and 24, T. 2 South, Range 1 E. and a partf of Sections IS and iy in Township 2 south, Ran-e2 E, bounded as follows : Beginning at a point 22 J4-li0 chains south, and ; f.O-lOo chains west of the N E corner ot section 24, Township 2 S, Range 1 E, running thence north j-$w;jo', cast t6 chains, along P. M. Rt ivearson's line, thence north 45, west 42 chains, aloug McNary's line, thence south 6o-'S5", west to the Willamette river, thence pouth-easierly to the place of beginning, containing 320 acres, more or less, and I will s-il tiie same at public auction to the highest bidder, on Saturday June 22d A. D I8r57, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Oregon City, in said Countv and State, to sati fy the above mentioned atnounts, and accruing costs. WM. P. BURNS, Sheriff Clackamas Countv. May 2fih, 1S57. (3i.4t SHERIFF'S SALE. I-Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued y out of the Circuit Com t of the State cf Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, 011 a judgment rendered MaVch 2Sth, A. D. 18ti7, for the sum of one thousand eight hundred and forty-six (l,84(!) dollars, in an action v.i'.crein R. S. Partiow is plamtifi", and Wm. Whi-tiack is defendant, which judgment is 111 favor of .said plaintiff, and against said de fendant, and interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from March 2sth A. I). 137, and also the sum of sixty nine and 80-I00 (?iy tj.woo) aouats, costs 01 said action, which execution is tested May 24th, I8t;7, and to me directed by the Clerk of said Court. I have, for want of personal property, this dav levied upon the following described real es tate, the property offend Wm. Whitlock, sit uated in Oregon City, Clackamas comity, State of Oregon, to-wit : A part of lots Nos. three (a) and six (t)'11 block numbered three (3). bounded and mirticularl v described . foliovvs, to-wit: Beginning at the north west - r 1 . . 1 3 . 1 . . tiiruer ui iui nuuiurreu ms oj in saiu (HOCK numbeted three 8. at the corner of Waiw street and an alley ten (b) feet wide.runnmw alon'? said allev one hundred and lliirtvii.vor. (137 feet, to land heretofore sold by Walter a t .l I . romeroy 10 v huiock, tnence southerly, and namllel with said Water strept thi 5v.n, (:I) feet, thence westerly, and parallel with said alley, one hundred and thirty-seven (137) f.H-t. to Water street, tlu-nr nnrtl:..Wi- ..i..., , I . ..... 1 uiuiiv the we.-t side ot Water street thirty-one (81) icei, lvj nt jciuui ug, lo,riilier With all the improvements aid appurtenances thereunto belonging; and I will proceed to sell all the right, title, interest, claim and 01 me saiu w m Whitlock, both in raw and equity, in aud to the said described premises uuu appurtenances thereunto be longing, at public auctiou to the hbdiest bid uei , ou Saturday the 22d day ot June a. iV". " ten (in) o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in 1 county of Cldckamas to sn&fv tKV, id Sc. vuoia in suie. yv Al. I JiURS AUWIOXANDC0MMIS&QX A. BlllcIaiiiHg; ? AUCTIONEER! ' Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries. General lUTa dise and Ho, O Every Wednesday and Saturday t A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATESSAfcE.. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Raspsi saws ' Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R.'g Tron .0 ALSO r A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. Richardson-, Auctioneer Sew A d vert iscmcii its. " DRAY FOR SALE CHEAP! A FIRST RATE HEAVY DRAY IV good order, will be sold chean for raK upon application to C. GREENMAX ) Oregonitr. WATERLOO! THIS CELEIOiATED HIGH bred Trotting Stallion will be ia OREGON CITY, At JLsii low's Stable Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY hereafter, until the end of the present sea on. , J. L. BARLOW May 10th;-lS67. . (3!"2t A CARD FOR THE Spring & Summer Clothing rl'i atlt oi" San Pranciseo. B AUGER & LINPEnSergER, Nos. 411, 413 and 41.r Battery street, Cor. '.erchant, San Francisco, ' Importehs and Wholesale Dealers ENTIRE NEW ANB FRESH STOCK ! o WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION OF Country Merchants to our usually large stock of Goous. Our stock comprise; ' every article ia the Closing; and Furnishing line." We have constantlven hand the larg est and greatest variety of Cassimeres and. Wool Huts, of any. house in San Francisco and our prices for these goods are less thau' those of any house, as we receive them di rect from ibe manufacturer's consignment. Our stock of Spring and Summer Goods i particularly attractive, and the great feature to the country iiierchant is the uuusually low prices. JLrss than the Cost of Importation ! We also keep the staple articles in the Dry Goods line, which Goods weQiave pur chased in this market under the hammer, and are offering them at New York cost, or less. We publish this card in order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce these who have not heretofore purchused of us, call and exan.ine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Arc the greatest inducements to all wHb' purchase H sell again. Mei chants who buy of us can rnshe u good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. Jf? remain, Utipvet fully your OVt Sern'ts, 15 AUG Eii & LINOENBERGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos 411,413 andr415 Battery street, San Francisco. T3CACG0JJCBACG0! JUST RECEH ED, DIRECT FRQJI the Manufacturers, 3,000 ISoxos Choice Xxss.cL Yiignit cnvmijug 1 - COMPRISING Lisht Pressed Natural Leaf ; Hard Bright lbs. in Cajldies ; Sweet Honey Dew in Cdie; Tajixt, Pocket Piece, and other Fancy Styles. ALSO, 10.000 BOUNDS Select Virginia Smoking- Tobacco I Of the best brands, put up in bales and packages of one pound, halves and quarters. Also : SOLACE, SOLAR Ajcn TOTTXG AMERICA FINE CUT CHEWING! Whith we are receiving every thirty days,. fresh from the manufacturers. f We offer the above goods to the trade, in bond or tax paid, at Sari Francisco price, for cash. We have now on hand, and are con stantly receiving, a large assortment of Havana and American Cigare !! To which we particularly cQl the , attention- of Har-booms and Dealers in general. t-s?" There can also be found at this estab s!i merit, a complete assortment of Yankee- Notions and Fancy Gonds, Billiard Biil!s Cue Wax and leathers, Fishing Tackle, etc WASHERMAN & CO., l.Sm) 77 Froat St., Portland". ENAPP, BURRELL & CO., 5 IMPORTERS OF FARM IMPLEMENTS AND 3IACIIIXES! Nos. 03 and 100 Front St., Portland Oregon. OFFER FOR SAL.E Easterly's Reap ers and Mowers; New York Reapers and Mowers, hand and self-rakmg, 5 1-2 to 6 feet cut.; N. Y. Reapers (California Giant) 7 1-2 feet cut; Burt's Eagle Reapers and Mowers, 6 feet cut, double and single gear; McCormick3 Reapers and Mowers. 2 and horse, hand and self raking; Dodge's im' proved Reapers and Mowers, (" Ohio and "Bnckeye,' patents combined) 5 to t fthand and self-raking ; Badger State Reapers and Mowers, ft ft cut ; Wood's Prize Reapers and Mowers, ft feet cut, cheap ; Kirbv's Reaper's and Mowers, ft ft cut ; llaiues' lffinojs head ers, genuine; .Union Mowers, the gtng jof the Meadow ! 2 sizes; McCorjiiicf Improved 2 wheeled Mowers, strong and reliable; Wood Prize Mowers, jointed finger bar ; Pitt's Im proved " Challenger" Thresher, 4 to 10 horse tower; Ball's tornado Thresher, Ohio make; Wheeler, Melick & .Co.'s Endless Chain Threshers, 2 size ; Horse Powers Pht's Improved double pinion and endless chain all shies; " ulkey," -'Revolving" and Wire Horse 1 1 ay stakes; Hay Presses, Horse Hf.y Forks, Bdiag rope. Scythes, Snaths, Rakes, Cradles, Forks, Gang plows, Gram crill-S Fan mills. Grain mills, Churns, Cider mills. Wheel barrows. Plows, Cultivators, Horse hoes, Road drapers, Portable grist mills, Mill stones, Bolting cloth, etc.; Rubber and Leather belting all widths ; Carriages Dog gies, Spring drays toe-ether with a full line of Agricultural Machinery ; also a large sup ply of extra sickles and "sickle-sections for Reapeis and Mowrs. ST4?fSend for our new Illustrated and Des criptive Catalogue, jnst issued.- Sampeg of Machines can be seen at our store . KNAIT, BURRELL A CO., - A srriciiltnral and Seed Warehouse, CD pur j Tj Cn J ate the eve; Cap wer On Joh wer new tnn fbc aac lo( iad .hat j t a the f t n l er; ren po. la; lull or ipo le e a-1 Ve ett he tile tr. id les It a lei u til u el in It) re I.J te U H k oi Se er it N i & h re f r ?I & ft: o o o o O G o ! 'O o f O I e i i