Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, May 04, 1867, Image 2

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' V, u .
uTIjc lllcchln (Cntcrprisc.
Oregon City, Oregon :
Saturday, May 4th , 1867.
The Oregon' Railroad. The Jleciw
says : There appears to be good reason
to believe that the proposed ruilro'ad from
Fortland south through the Willamette
valley will be commenced during the
present year. We have ho d with us, dur
ing the past week, several gentlemen
railroad men by occupation and represen
tatives of Eastern capitalists who came
hither to see and report the character of
the country and the inducements offered
for the construction of the work contem
plated. These men unite in declaring the
route a favorable one, and are quite en
thusiastic over our advantages and the ex
tent and beauty of this valley, which,
they say, excels most Eastern countries in
many respects, and will certainly prove
remunerative to a railroad. They tell us,
what we knew before, that the commence
ment of the road will draw population
here and that its construction will find us
soon quadrupled in wealth and inhabi
tants. This result will of course follow.
but we who have so long been residing
upon the futthest limit of the nation, can
not readily appreciate the effect of public
improvements. When we are connected
with the world by direct, easy and fre
quent communication, then we will begin
to be appreciated abroad, and aware of
our natural advantages and capacities.
A company has been formed under the
State laws to consider a proposition
brought by these gentlemen from eastern
men offering to commence the construction
of one hundred and fifty miles of road
within a year, and complete it for that dis
tance within five years. The proposal
seems to be a fair one. and to have been
favorably received and acted upon. Ar
rangements are made, which, when fully
ratiiied and understood, are expected to
result in the speedy commencement of the
work. Tiiis much we are given to under
stand and full particulars of the plan of
operations and of the organization of the
company will be made public when all
arrangements are completely effected.
We learn that the people generally will
have opportunity to become interested
upon favorable terms. The company when
completely organized, will include many
proniiuent gentlemen throughout this val
ley, and leave little room for differences.
The route will be decided by natural cir
cumstances as the proposal is made on the
judgment of the contractors. Capital al
ways seeks the most popular and profita
ble channels for exercise, and what suits
the majority will inevitably add to the
prosperity of the State. There are always
persons ready to question the character cf
an organization, the motives of men and
the effect of undertakings, when they are
commenced, and a thousand jealousies
find expression, while no question remains
aso the public necessity. We make this
remark to urge upon our friends the need
of harmony and union. We need this
road. Eastern men propose to build it and
are satisfied with the company that or
ganizes to act with them. From what we
know of the arrangements and the men
interested, we have confidence that there
will be no reason to doubt their judg
ment. The government aid must be con
firmed by Congress, ar.d State aid must
be rendered. There is no trouble an tic i
Q paled in securing this, and then the people
lQtist understand that something depends
upon them that according to their means
utjd their appreciation of the enterprise
they must invest in it. The matter will
soon be presented to them by public can
vassers, and we invite every man to re
Snember that the cash value of the land in
this valley will be doubled when that one
hundred and fifty miles of road is com
pleted. When they appreciate that fact
they can then decide how much they
should iuvest in it to secure its accom
plishment. Feeeta Feint. We are sometimes asked
to hame Fleeia Flint, but one of our Fail
ings is a genuine weakness for guessing.
Ther-icorrespondent is well posted, how
ever, as will be-observed by the following
paragraph in his last letter : Are there
not in Oregon some learned orators, devo
tees of science, who will take up the sub
ject for the Web-foot rjregarmcsl Consider
this, all ye lovely ladies who live along
the fertile bottoms of the Columbia
slo(urhs, or on the loamy banks of Long
Tom : ye sweet and comely maidens who
reside by the rippling waters of the Rick-
real, or sojourn by the fern fields of Soap
creek ; and ye darling dames who toss
your heads so high, and set your beauties
nil abroad on Front street ; or who dwell
upon that delta formed where the diverted
waters of the Santiam, Mowing through
Rector's ditch, down the gravelly stream
of Mill creek, cheating Jeffersonians of
half their summer's supply, drips its dual
liood through mill and factory gates into
the iliamette.
The Markets. A London dispatch of
the 1st notices a decline in cotton. Bread
stuffs unchanged. In New York on the 1st
dry goods were reported dull ; freights
steady, and barley advancing. On the
same day saies ot 1 lu.oUu lhs wool were
reported in San Francisco of fall and
spring clip-, clean, at lo(W)21c. i lb. Ship
ments of wheat from San Francisco for
the month of April amount to 4(59.410
sacks, valued at 934,890. The quota
tions for " coast. v (probably meauing
Oregon) were 1.80 100 lbs ; good
milling 2.00. The extremes were given
at . 100 lbs. For the same
period 71,091 bbls of flour were shipped,
valued at 402.030. These figures show
an unusually active export. The market
w still active and prices firm.
Distances. The distances from Boise
City to bait Lake City, by the stage route.
i- 390 miles. From Umatilla to Boise.
i?y, the advance u 257 miles.
On Monday next the voters of this city
will be called upon to cast their ballots
for a Mayor, Recorder, men to represent
them in the Common Council, an Assessor
and Collector, a Treasurer, City Attorney
and Street Commissioner. Very desirable
improvements in which the whole city are
interested having been inaugurated by the
present administration, it is hoped that
they may be carried out in the "same good
faith with which they were started. By
reference to the Reports of the Finance
Committee and the Recorder, published in
another column, it will be seen that the
city is now in good condition with re
spect to its financial matters. The present
council have done all that cculd reasona
bly be expected of them, and in case the
nominations made last evening by the
Union party are sustained, no doubt the
future of the city will be a promising as the
past year has been satisfactory.
As previously expressed. we -were in
favor of disregarding political lines in the
nominations for these offices, but the will
of the party being different we cheerfully
acquiesce in the action taken last evening,
and would urge upon all good Union men
that on Monday next they present solid
column at the ballot box, and by their
united efforts place the men whose names
are hereunto appended, in the offices for
which they have been severally chosen.
For Mayor Henry Warren.
For Recorder J. M. Moore.
For Councilmen Dr. F. Barclay, J. W.
Lewis. A. J. Apperson, George A. Pease.
Win. Broughton, C. W. Pope. J. M. Frazer.
Assessor and Collector N. W. Randall.
For Treasurer F. Charman.
For City Attorney F. O. McCown.
For Marshal -J. W. Ryan.
For Street Commissioner J. W. Ryan.
The above is strictly a Union ticket.
The men composing it are too well known
in this city to need any special comment
from us. Vote for one and all of them, in
opposition to the ticket which will be pre
sented from the Democratic ranks, in con
vention to assemble this evening, at the
Court House.
We have not room for the entire pro
ceedings of the Convention last evening.
Mr. "Warren and Dr. Barclay were the
principal competitors for Mayor. After
the first ballot Dr. Barclay declined a re
nomination, and Mr. Warren was chosen
on the second ballot, receiving oS of -15
votes cast.
Mr. J. M. Moore was chosen for re-election
to the office of Recorder on the first
Messrs. Barclay, Pease, Lewis and Ap
person, were chosen for the Council on the
first ballot ; Mr. Broughton on the second ;
Mr. Pope on the third, and Mr. Frazer on
the fifth.
Mr N. W. Randall was chosen for Assessor
and Collector on the first ballot, a hand
some complimentary vote appearing for
the present incumbent, Mr. Wm. P. Burns.
Mr. Fred. Charrnan was re-nominated
for the office of City Treasurer by accla
mation. Mr. McCown was chosen for City
Att.uney on the first ballot, and Mr. Ryan
for Marshal and Sheet Commissioner on
the first ballots. These two last offices, if
tilled by one person, will no more than
compensate the holder. We hope to see
the whole ticket elected.
Judge M. P. Dead y, has lately given an
important decision upon the subject of
military arrests. The case was tried in
the United States District Court of Califor
nia, without a jury. The court found that
the arrest complained of was made under
a military order issued without malice.
but from good motives, but that, being
done without authority ot law, the plant!!!'
as a matter of law, is entitled to recover
SDine damages.
The good motives of Gen. McDowell.
and the necessities of the public, when
he issued the Order as well as the gross
misconduct of the plaintiff, have been
duly considered, says the Court, in esti
mating the damages of the plaintiff. But
these alone, however worthy or imper
ative, do not constitute a defence to the
action. Congress may relieve a meritor-
ous officer against a loss incurred while
in the discharge of his duty to the pub
lic : but in this tribunal, whose only func
tion is to administer the law, the defend
ant must be held liable for the legal
consequences of his act. The Court finds
that the defendant, Irvin McDowell, is li
able to the plaintiff as complained against
him, and that the plaintiff is entitled to
have judgment against said defendant for
the sum of $C3o damacres and his costs
aud expenses in this behalf sustained.
We are not a little surprised that Judge
Deady should thus follow in the wake of
the Supreme Court, in its decision in the
late Indiana case.
Maunamuois. A Fortress Monroe dis
patch says Henry Wilson called upon Jeff
Davis, when at the Fortress a few days
since. That was truly magnanimous of
you : Henry ! man of great mind' ; sou!
elevated in finer sentiments : rrenius of
7 o
generous virtne ; purity in the last re
cesses of noble spirit, long will your call
upon Jeff be remembered.
Tobacco. The Xorthara-pkm (Mass.) Ga
zette says tobacco is a dull crop just now.
Most of the raisers in the vicinity have
two years' crops on hand, with no more
prospect of a ready sale for it now than
there was a year ago. At lIartford,ConK.
eeed leaf finds few buyers.
The site of the new Woolen Factory
Southern Oregon, will be at Ashland.
A smooth nugget of gold was taken out
on Jackson creek a short time ago which
was worth $R?0.
A Convention of Good Templars will
be held at Jacksonville on the 10th of
A verv rich silver lead is reported to
have been struck in the Canyouville
mountains, near town.
The Oregon Presbytery of the Cumber
land Presbyterian Church will meet at
Lelpassi, on Thursday, the Jth of May.
The annual meeting of the Oregon Bible
Sociefv will be held in Portland on the
10th of May, at the Methodist Episcopal
The Woolen Manufacturing Company
at the Dalles are very assiduous in their
efforts to prosecute this important project.
The Albany Journal says the Samiam
Canal project" is abandoned. Digging ca
nals tor water-power must be laborious
business, when nature has already provid
ed the State with such privileges as may
be obtained at Orego 1 City.
It is stated that the farmers of Douglas
county are somewhat concerned about the
appearance of the "scab'' in their docks
of sheep. A letter from there says that
from present indications few sheep are
likely to escape.
The Jacksonville Press confirms all the
late encouraging reports from the new
mines in that county and predicts addi
tional developments as soon as the coun
try can be more fully prospected. The
snow appears to be the chief obstacle in
the way of mining operations at present.
Oregon was provided for in the appro
priation law passed by the last Congress,
as follows : Light House at Cape Blanco.
$7..00i) : Custom House at Astoria. $25.
008 ; Indian service, (Oregon and Wash
ington) 5D5.000 ; appropriations for Indi
ans, $50,000 ; survey of boundary of Ore
gon and California, $l:j.S17. It is also
understood that $3'),0i)0 was appropriated
for the improvement of the Willamette
The Roseburg Ensign furnish.es us with
the following : An extensive field of gold
bearing quartz has been discovered and
partially prospected, from the head waters
of the North Umpqua river reaching out
into the Cascade Mountains. We have
seen some specimens from there in which
the gold is clearly visible Copper ore
is abundant and unqestior.ablv rich in
m.mv parts of this
mineral district j
Iron, in exhaustless quantities, is lying
idle in the hills and mountains of this im
med ate vicinity : and plewty of the best
lime stone to form the ready means for re-
ducing it to inerch-intile value Silvei
has recently been found, no doubt in pay
ing quantities, in the vicinity o! Canyon
ville. ihe ore, in appearance, compares
well with the rich ores of Nevada It is
not. generally known that there are placer
gold diggings in Douglas county, which
pay fifty dollars per day to the sluice ; yet
such is the met.
The Herald of yesterday has the follow-
lowmg : v e learu that several ot our lead
ing capitalists have combined together for
the purpose ot erecting a Sugar Hennery
One of their number is now in San Fran
cisco procuring the necessary information
upon the subject. v e are ot the oj.inion
that a sugar refinery at this point will
prove highly remunerative, and form the
nucleus of a commerce to sugar ports
v.-hich will be doubled as years roll on.
We hope the enterprise wiil be carried
lorward without lad i he little steamer
Yamhill arrived from Forest Grove on
Tuesday last, and discharged a freight of
8;0 bushels gram. She returned wuiiniit
delay, anil will continue to marie trip n
long as freight oiiers The steamers
Julia and iUscvh are not able to couvev
the cat'le to the Cascades which were on
the wharf hft niaht. The Julia will make
a second trip with the balance to-dav.. .
The steamer Pa.-taer took 400 head ot
sheep to Monticcilo yesterday morning.
Yv'e cull from the Oregonam as follows
At tne entiance to .Mr. Joseph ".nicoU'l s
Photograph Gallery, may be seen a tine
picture of the Court House, ;,nd a portion
of the Piaza and buildings in the neigh
borhood. The picture is sxxi unusually
clear one and shows what Mr. Buchtel
can do in the way ot taking scenic views.
. . . .Mr. Frank Cooper inform us that the
Butte Creek coal brought down by him
on Thursday, was tested at t lie Gas Works
yesterday. The test was made of (00
pounds, libout half of which Ihe operator
nronounced shale. The re.-ult was 1.580
leet of gas, or at the rate of 10.533 feet
per ton of the pure coal. In consequence
of the nrevaience of shale in the coal, it
does not produce much coke. The gas
resulting from the lest was run into the
reservoir, and the people of Portland
were furnished last evening, for the lirst
time with Web foot gas The ofiicers of
the Irish Aid Society in this city forwaid
to New York bv this steamer a draft for
7(15 coin, and t i P) in currency. being tin
amounts subscribed bv the citizens of
Portland, for the relief of Irel uel.. .
Boats will hereafter m.ike tri-weekiy trips
between Celuo, Lina'dhi and Halmla
leaving Ceiilo on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays : retnnrng, leave Walinla
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
The Thursday boat from Ceiilo of each
week will connect at Walhila wiih the
boat for Lewiston During ihe month
of April, the amount of treasure received
at Portland, by Welis, hargOtVCo. was
170.0)0. During the same time there
was exported the sum of lis!).t)0;).
During the month of .April, the number of
passengers arriving here bv ocean steam
ere. was 924. Those departing numbered
4G5. Excess of arrivals. -L9.
From Pen d'Okeieee Lake. The 3lov.n
iainter has received a letter from Pen
d'Oreille Lake. I. T. written by II.
Ilogue. on the 15th tilt, lie says :
Travelers and trains arrive on
Spokane Prairie every day. and at
time I have engaged for transportation by
steamer Jlarti MmxPi. from this ptaee to
Cabinet Landing, a distance of fin y miles,
live hundred and fifty dive pack animals.
The travel has fairly started: the trail
i3ove is broke, and trains are rushin;
ui rou gn : we nave cameo oer me iukc
.1 1 I 1 -..i T
(illy travelers and (heir horses ; two pack
trains, one of forty, the other forty-eight
animals. We are now making a trip and
a half a day running one hundred and
fifty miles and carrying one hundred ani
mals and their cargoes. The spring has
been so late that there is a large crowd ot
trains laving on cpokane. and in the next
two weeks vif 110 accident) we will carry
1.000 to aumiais wkd toon- cargoes
to Catnnet Banding, atrer which we can
take them up as fast as they come in.
Faith in (he new- diggings on Thompson s
or Vermillion river, still holds out. I ex
pect soon to have reliable news from
them, upon receipt of which. I will advise
Ox the Move. During the past week,
large numbers of Chinese have passed
through this city., bound for the mines of
Pastern Oregon. They generally travel
on foot, with - poles and packs." " We are
pleased to see them pas.-" here, but pity
the locality where they stop."' Corvallis
We take the following telegraphic news
from dispatches to the Oregon inn.
Dates to 3IJ
The 8-hour law went into effect in II-
'Hi:j nil i f iSt. i,VJ
.!...-.-. ' hn i meano oi'T"".-,
. . tor a cr.iml us-
menssoc eue " -w 1v
D?av with procession ai -ev-
p. av. l i l!1,.v The mono
Governor 'giesoy auu ... - -
of tue workmen is - eight bom, labor
and nine hours pay. -' .' J
insist on the old rates or pa io i f .i
time, while employers will a, most
unanimously refuse to pay -.is before. Ihe
nit will be awaited witti mucu uueiv
- , . ..!, ; litinnis iuit other
on all smes , ii'n iu.i--
The Pittsburg iron mills have resumed
work at the old hours.
Th. first train on the Northern Paci.ic
Road crossed the Mississippi bridge at trt.
Cloud on the 30ih.
Washing. on special dispatcher say tne
leading Northern Republicans ;ue y-ie-graphing
the repudiation of lhaddeus
Stevens" confiscation doctrine.
A Treasury circular has been issued.
stating that hereafter all bonds, notes una
coupons payable to the nearer, ana ueas
ury notes in blank, wiil be paid to the
party presenting tnem.
It is asserted on the highest authority
that the Government has uttered release
to Jeff Davison his own paroie. ntu ne
positively declines freedom unless it is un
conditional. A monument to E. D. Baker is proposed
in Philadelphia.
The receipts of the snb-trensury in Apru
ii. .o. a..,,...,, ,,,.,
WeiV 1M. OOU.WJO i IUO u.susii " mi .ti-s.
1 1 n-: o.t;) nn.l the custom house re
ceipts. $U.50J.0.)0.
A Cretan letter or March 30th says every
r.-, "I 1 1
attempt ot the lurks to auve.uce nas ueeu
The bill appropriating t'0.000 lor the
. t- .. ..!,.. t. 5 1 . . .;, 1 !.;.!.- -! i) it '?! tl'-S
passed the Legislature of Virginia.
Seward has decided to continue the n::s
s'mi to Rome 111 defiance ot tne vote ot
It is reported that there is a falling off
of wheat in store 111 MinmW.a ot ne.iriy
tu-o millions of bushels compared with
last year.
A call for a State Convention of Union
ists, to meet at Charlottesville, May -Una.
is circulated in Richmond.
At Columbia. S. C. Gov. Orr addressed
a meei.ntr urgmg tne negroes not to ai-
J 1 . A.
xach themselves to any political party.
The citizens of Halifax, Va.. are to give
the negroes a complimentary dinner.
About ;'.0;n emigrants have arrived at
New Vcrk within the past three days.
A San FiMHtttsco dispatch of the 1st says
the counsel for Gen. McI.Kv.7ei have up-
plied tor a new cr: u in tuu case 01 -.1c1.au
vs. :.i : ;o',veii, and Judge lioaman has
ordered a slay of proceedings on the
judgii.eat until the motion lor a new
inus is heard and determined at Mia r ran
ciseo. Major Iloyt, Acting Quartermaster ad
vertises tor -1.U horses, and l.0 miuesior
wagon teams.
A Lo-n-don dispatch says the general
conference lt consider tne Luxemoousg
question will meet in May. It is agreed
that m the mean tune iie lorn-ess wut
be dismantled. It is understood that the
fallowing lias been r. greed upon as a
basis of deHbcrufion of confeience of
great powers on the Luxembourg ques
tion : France shall not be enlarged r,t
present;; he boundaries and Joriiiieauons o
Luxembourg sls.u! be difmanUed. t i.e
tauire status of Luxembourg shall be
detet mined bv the conference. The decis-
ia io be iraranieed bv ail powers panic
i nating.
Col. Masse v the Fenian informer, has
been produced es Cueeu's evidence a
i'iioim. lie ueuuied the Siory ot the
The Mt iral's special dispatch says the
long unknown grave oi J ur.st.n s lather
has been discovered and the ihe 1 're si-
en t will v.v.noss the ereciien oi .1 nienu-
ment. lie w.l, bv- accompanied bv eew:.M"d
taking the Richmond route, end wiil
vish the other towns if possible aud ad
dress the people.
Dr. Blackburn, who attenuated to intro
duce iniected clothing in the .ordi
during the war, has petitioned the At
torney General Iro.n Canada for v-er-
misiion to return to Kentuckey and take
his trial.
It is stated that (he British Trades Union
system wnien extends to r ranee :s com
o! Englishmen chietly.
the United Suites.
It exists
also in
The floods iu Canada West have de
stroyed much property. Reports indicate
that tne waters are generally subsaii!:
everywhere. Floods have been general
turougnoui tne Slates.
The Hoods in Minnesota have done con
siderabie damn ire. A portion of St. Paul
is under water.
A special to the Herald savs it, is proba
ble that the trial of Surratl wiil not pro
ceed. There is a deep impression in ihe
Administration i;: it bnrratt s mother was
innocent. The trial of ihe son will make
the fact muniiest.
A i-reneh National Convention met at
Detroit, Michigan, on the i'Clh. The
speaker (leaouueed the oenres'-uon nraeoe-
j upon me v rcnen iu vauaua
declared that .Canada 101 iirany bejon
ed to the L-nKcd Stales: that r.iinexuUun
was sure to come, and that the French ot
boih count: ies longed to see it.
The Government is not acquainted with
(ue object of the visit of the Japanese.
They will be received, however, like a
deputation from any other foreign power,
A IrUj;'iti correspondent protests that
tne cable news published in New York is
grossly inaccurate iu representing affairs
in Tu iky.
Salt Lake and Con .m::ia River Rate
eom). The Salt Lake Telegraph notice-.
tne ueparruro 01 uapiam uates svmi a
1 1 - . t . r. .
corp ot engineers, ior tne purpose of
surveying the route for a railroad to con
nect Salt Lake Valley with the Columbia
River alley. The project of a branch
railroad, allhongli attracting but Utile at
teution hereabouts, excites great interest
at Salt Lake and in the Boise Basin, am
judging from the energy with which tin
project is being pressed, tne budding ot
road is an event sure to happeji. aad
that, too, at an early day.
Rosebcko Ensign. We have receive
the nrst number oi this new paper. It is
a neatly got up sheet of twenty-four col-
u!nn-s. and looks as though it would be ;
p ivi -. ;
ev . lie
establishment. The Rtslr.i wit
.1 mm supporter 01 -me union
cause, l.ros. ('ale we
greeting, ami wish you
perous career.
extend the usuu
a long and pros-
Smaij. Pox. A late resident of Cuttin
ville, in this county, states that the smal
nox broke nut t1u!. .m.i .,n 1
, v..., 1U1U twl uenizens
except possibly about thirty, left the tdaoe
No danirer nee.l Iu ndt .-.,.. 1..
-- - - - X U HMV . IIUU Ol 0 rt .-
j wuc is uoi, a case Known in the town.
Gtncial Orders !Vo. 1.3.
Ifr id Quarters JDpt of tie Colunibiq, )
Portland, Oulgox, April 2", lSt?7. )
I Officers arriving in this Depart
ment will immediately report in person or
by letter to these Head Quarters, giving
the date of their arrival, the number and
date of the order assigning them to duty,
and such other information us will enable
this office to take proner action in their
II . . . .The following section from an Act
of Congress, it hereby published for the in
formation of all concerned :
Act in liclxtioii to llarl-oring or Concealing
J.h-!'.iu r.t.
" Site. -1. And be it further enacted.
That every person not subject to the rule's
and articles ot war. who shall procure or
entice, or attempt to procure or entice, a
sohLer in the service of the United States
to desert ; or who shall harbor, conceal,
or give employment to a deserter, or carry
him away, or aid in carrying him away,
knowing him to be smcIi ; or who shall
purchase li om any soloit'r Ins a; ms. equip
ments, ammunition, uniform, clothing, or
any part thereof; and any captain or com
mand. ng officer of any ship or vessel, or
any superintendent or any conductor of
any ra iroad, or any other public convey
ance, arrying away any such soldier as
one of his crew, or otherwise, knowing
hhn to haVo deserted ; or shall refuse to
de.tver him up to the orders ot his co ra
ni and! ng oi'tieer. shall, upon legal convic
tion, be fined, at. the d.seretion of any
court having cognizance of the same, in
any sum not exceeding live hundred dol
lars, and he shall be imprisoned not ex
ceeding two vears. nor less than six
months." (Act approved March :).
j;v order of Pvt. Mai. Gen 1 V. Steele
Vst LA. 7th Inf., A. I). C, A. A. A. G.
Aon iCEi.TEiiAi. Society Meeting. On
Wednesday last, that being the day ap
pointed for hearing the reports of the sev
eral committees chosen at the meeting of
April id io e.ury out the plans for organ
izing an Agricultural Society in Clackamas
county, but lew 'persons were present. An
inform ; I meeting was held at this office,
and upon the suggestion of C. F. Beafie.
President, it was agreed to adjourn until
Saturday the 25th instant at which time it
is hoped there will be a large attendance
at the Court House in this city, to hear the
various reports. Messrs. J. L. Barlow aud
C. Dearuoui, lroin the committee on
ounds. were prepare:! to make a report..
ni u was uecuieu to suomit tne same at
the Suture meeting. Mr. A. J. Dafer. of
"orlland, was present, and assured the
memoers tnat tut noma u couiuy wouia
it 1 . 1 i. i
secomt tiie mot eineui wira an earnest, ei-
frt. lie brought words of good cheer
from Fx i'overnor Gibbs and others,
whom it would le de-irable to have co
operate in the enterprise. Let all farmers
remember, and noi forget the meeting for
May loih. at 12 o'clock, at tue Court
House in tins cii v.
A DnivE. Gn Tuesday last we were
i.iviied to vide in a new buggy made by
V,'. E. Cooler & Co of Portland, lor Y.
B. Partlow. tlio Pioneer livery man of
ihis City. Tiie horse was one of Partlow's
best, and ilie buggy was unexceptionable.
but oil ; her ors. what roads. We felt a
verv slrorxi weakness at the stomach or
acre in taat vicinity, several times,
r over bump.-;, and stumps, in s. etc.
P.: n
It ;s a tact that we nave not sixteen rods
of decent road vi-hin a inile of Oregon
Cite, inhere is r.nv energy in the plae.
if we claii.i to be a town, if we would not
forever be pinched by hard time a. this
matter of roads is one that requires urgent
Oi'E:cE:t.s EekcGvO. At the regular
meeting of Willamette Lodge No. 15, I. O.
G. T.. held on ihe evening of the 27th the
following elective ofiicers were chosen for
(he ensuing erm.
J. M. Bacon .
JFiss Marv W
C. T.
arren .
V. T.
P. l. Mc.venuev
Mrs. L. VfhUe
W. L. While
Ii. Thoiupkkis
Tiiss Mary L 1 very
( "eo. A. Harding
The ofiicers so elected will be
this evening.
. . . w. s.
. . . W. T.
.W. F. S.
... W.C.
. W. I. G.
As.-,A! I.T V.'iTH A IAN:;EnofS Vv'EAI'ON.
On Wednesday last Bavid Eggleston was
brought before Jnsiiee J. M. Moore of this
y on a charge of assaulting Mrs. Jane
conn t v.
in the south we-t purl of
being armed with an axe.
t!i is
was n id io bail n
1 ho sum of Siii;),
his appearance at tiie next
Circuit Court, and in dif.mlt
committed to the couuiy
term of
Of bail
jail. W
Johnsoti appeared for defendant,
11. Stinson for ihe prosecution.
and J.
Bah:: Bali, Ci.t n. At a meeting of the
members of the Clackamas Base Ball Club,
held on the evening of the 2(i(h ins1'. Hon.
W. Carey Johnson was chosen President
for (lie ensuing season. X. W. Randall
Vice President. Peter T. Barclay Secretary,
and Fred Charman Treasurer. Directors
-J. McWdliams. F. O. McCown, Geo. A.
Sheppard. Tiie first regular m.vting will
!e Lei 1 on Tuesday evening next May 7th.
and wdl meet theroaf er bi-monihfy on
the first and third Tu-'-davs 01' e -ich month.
Neav Goons. -In order to fully appre
ciate the magnitude and quality of goods
comprising Messrs. Charman & Bros.
Spring and Summer stock, we advise our
readers to give that firm a call. They will
give all the particulars possible, " next
week, in a new advertisement.
Communication. J
Oregon City, May 1st, ls57.
Euitor ExTKunasi: ;
I see un ices poured up that vou favor a
mixed ticket for City officers Now, sir, al
low ;ue to say to von that it won't take.
these are too many Republicans that have
resolved, unu renewed that resolve a hundred
times, that thev would never vote for a Coo
,.,..1,, ...a I..- ..u . .. ., '
I'n in .t-.i. m. ji 11 iu iuh.e et v sniooiniy it is
100 soon, 1 lie L iiion oi the Sbdes is not
yet fully consummated. The leaders of this
same Copperhead party are opposed to -pay
ing our .National debt, and are in favor of
shouldering the Confederate debt. In view
of these (acts the Union man that would unw
splice with the Democrats, must be verv do
cile indeed. Nor can I persuade myself that
iue I'emocriiuc party are any more disposed
to vote lor Lnioti men, than Ution men are
10 uw :or i;emocruts. is there any one of
incni tnat lias not said a thousand times that
ne would i.ot vote tor any of the Abolition-
digger i.oving-Parfy? And do vou suppose
they are now ready to take it back? I do
not. me lion and the lamb may lie down
n-'geuier, ana tte tiger may cat straw as the
ox, out 1 no not think that all this will come
auout oy next .Monday. John Mklouum
rrri 1
! ine aoove needs some comment from us
so f-r as the personal inferences are concern
ed. V-c did favor the policy of making uom
luauons witnout respect to party lines in
case it was agreeable to the partv which we
represe.it. Such not being toe wish of the
paiii.we comormed at once to ihe suIkp.
(pient action of the retoran members in the
city, and so far any influence we may exert
is to go, will cust it readily and cheerfully
where it belongs. En. t " J
At Mihvaukie, on Monday morning, April
20th, Airs. Charlotte Hathaway, wite of Syl
vester Hathaway, aged i'S years, 4 mouths
aud -J.7 davs.
The Astoria Lt Sale. There
will be no postponement of the Astoria lot
sali,'. The distribution will positively take
place on the loth of May.
Marriagi- ;ml Celibacy, an essay of
Warning' and Instruction for Voting Men.
Also, Diseases and Abuses vvhi?h prostrate
the vital powers, with sure means of relief.
Sent free of chars; - in sealed letter envelopes
Address: !.-. ,J. SKJLLLV HOUGHTON.
SI) Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
Consolidated. L.arinan Bros, have
consolidated their two stores into one at
the corner of Siorrison and Front streets.
They w 11 continue to seii, as heretofore, on
such terms as to induce cast am- rs come
again. They are permanently settled in the
business in Portland and cannot afford to
practice the dodges to which many tempo
rary clothiers resort, to skin and cheat, a
custodier while they have him, without ex
pecting him to 1 eturn.. Itarr.ian Ibot. troat
their customers so as to retain then.
Free t EvEHvmrv. A large & pa.
Circul ir, giving information of the greatest
inqiortauce to the young of both sexes. It
teaches how the homely may become beauti
ful, the despised rejected, and the forsaken
loved. No young ludy or gentleman should
fail to send their "address, and receive a copy
post-paid, by return mail. Address P. O.
Drawer -Jl, Troy, X. V. (i:ai27
Home Agun. The ntiit'rons jmt
10ns of the Premium Arti-t of Oregon, Mr.
Joseph Buchtel, will be pleased to learn that
Buchtel & Cardwell's Photograph Gallery, so
long and favorably known, 8l First street.
Portland, has again passed into tiie bands of
Mr. Buchtel, who is now Proprietor aud Op
erator, lie has recently returned from S.au.
Francisco, with all the latest styles known to
the art, and hence is prepared to give the
utmost satisfaction. When at Portland re
gardless of the weather call upon Buchtel,
at his old stand. (1-fo
The Best remedy tor joir dViiitr tiie
Blood, Strengthening t.hn Nerves, Restoring
the Lost Appetite, is FRESE'S HAMBURG
TEA. It is the best preservative atramst al
most any sickness, if used timely.- Composed
of herbs' only it can be given safelv to infants.
Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger
man, with every package. TRY IT!
For sale at all fhe wuulesal and retail
drug stores and groceries. . 'A
E M 1 L FRES'E, Wholesale Druggist,
Sole Agent, 41" Clay street, San Fiaoeisco.
WoNDEKFt'L BUT TkUK. Madatne
Remington, the wor!d-renovned Astrologist
and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a
clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are tnarry, and by ihe
aid of an instrument of intense power,
known as the Psychoniotrope, guarantees to
produce a perfect and life-like picture of the
future husbiHid or wife of tiie applicant, with
date of marriage, occn pation, leading traits of
character, Ac. This is no imposition, as tes
timonial:'' without number can assert. By
stating place- of birth, age, disposition, color
of wes aud hair, and euehsirig fifty cents.
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself.
you win receive me picture uy return man,
itogetber with Ueirtnl information. Address
iu "confidence, Madame Geuir-cms IIkvixg-
TON, I . U. esi 1. zi:l
A Young Ladv Uelurning to her
country home, alter a sojourn ox- a ie
months in the city, was h.iroly recognized
by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic,
flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion
of almost inarbie smoothness, .ml instead of
twenty-three she really appeared out eigh
teen. Upon imjuiry as to the euusc of so
great a change, she 0! -only tola thetnhat
she used the Circassian Bairn, and considered
it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's
toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman
can impi ove their personal appearance an
hundred fold. It is simple io its combi
nation, as Xai uie bcrseli is simple, yet
unsurpassed in its efficacy in dt awing
impurities from, also healing, cleansing
and beautifying the skin and complfxiou
By its direct action on thi cut cle it draws
from it all its impurities, kindly heating the
same, and k-avunr the surfa.'.e as Nature in
tended it s.'Ouid be, clear, soft, smooth avid
beautiful. Price !, sent by Mail or Fx press,
on receipt of an oroer by V". L, CLALK A
Co., Chemist, No. 3 West Fatte Street,
Syracuse, N. V. Th-.; only-Atnerican Agents
fur the sale ef'thi- same. if.:lv
Knc-av'ihv Dko'i "inv.-Mutjanut I'
F. Thornton, the great English Astrologist
Clairvoyant and I'sychomctrician, who has
astonished the scientific classes of the Old
YVoihl, has now loeated herself, at Hudson,
X. V. Madame Thornton possesses such
woudeful powers ot second siht. as to ena
ble lier to iiupart knowledge of the greatest
importance to th-- single o.- 'oairiid ut'eilher
sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates
the very features of the person you are to
marry, and by tiie aid of an instrument of in
tense power, known as the I'svchoinotrope,
gn u unlet s in ju coued a life like picture of
the future husband or wile of the ai'spiicm,
together with da'e of mania c, posiiinu in
lit-, leading traits of character, &c. This is
no humbug, as thousands ot testimonials
can assert. She will .-end when desired a
certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that ihe picture is s bat it purports to be.
Iv eneloMtig a small lock of hair, and stat
ing place of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, and enclosing ii.'ty cents and
stumped envelope addressed to youi se! f, f on
wiil receive t he picture and desired informa
tion by return mail.. Ail com unieations
saere:liy couiideniiah Address in ecrdidence,
Madame L. F. Thornton-, P. O. llox -2",
Hudson, N. V. (g'lrly
A Vest Side 31aln Srcc,
Oregon City Oregon.
L. DI LLEK Proprietor.
I still continue the manutacture of
Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda
In addition to which 1 will keep constantly
on baud a large stock ol the best staple and
I am also prepared to supply orders for
Flowers and Shrubbery, from the celebrated
nursery aud garden of II. MILLER, Mihvau
kie. 1-ly L. DILLER.
CP 1 11 OTTCi v7 A rj nn irrr
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portia m
Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan
dise and Horses,
Ecery Wednesday and Saturday!
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
English refined liar suid TJundIe!on ;
English Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse shoes, Eiies Rasps. saw ; ' .
Screws, Fiy-pans, sheet iron, K. G. Iron;
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors
A. B. Richardson-. A notion Jr
To the Voters of Oregon City ! 3
y City did, according to previous notice
meet at thf Court House in tin's city on the
'2d day. of May, fir the nomination of City
officers inijynectivc of party, aud that suhsr
quentlv, notice being given for a meeting t
be held at the same place 0:1 Friday evening
for ihe riomiiu'iiou of Union, or Ib'public-ui,
candidates, and that certain aud severai
gentlemen, m consequence of said call, de
sired to be reaeved ; Now, theref. re, (J;e
the citizens of this city, hereby give notice
that on Saturday evening May -tth at 7
o'clock there will be a. meeting held at the
Court House for the purpose of making nom
inations of good men irrespective ot party
to till the respective cilice of(t)us city.
Many Citixs.
Agency for
IViisIiingloo St
Greatly Reduced
-A. 11 A L S.
v e r-s,
Ariiiy, "Vavy sti i
UelG Single
Double Action.
E I F X, S ,
2?Atisl:?t .
Single Barrel iPssFccket Pistols.
(New Moiiels.)
All tiie Different P:i.ctti-rts atl Styles
of Fiiiislu
thousand furnished the United States
Govoniiicn!, since J S. ; ; I .
Army Revolver, 41 loo in. Caliber.
Navy Revolver, in. Crliber.
Heii llevolver (self cockin ) Navy Cul.
Ik-it Hevidver. Navy h'ize Caliber."
l'oiice Uevolvcr, N;ivy Size Caliber)
New Rocket Revolver (with loading leve$..
Rocket Revoiver , self cking.
Repealing RisI 1 ii iiot pt.) No. S2 Cart.
Repeating I'isiol iEl'.sot pt.) No. s Cart.
Vest Rocket Pistol No. 1':', So and 32 Cart.
Gun Cane, usieg No. G(g)art ridge.
Sing' Uarrel Shot Gnu.
Rev.irving lit 'io, r,; an. I 4-lo- in. Caliber.
Rreech Loud i 11 g Ride, No. :- Cartridge.
Rreech Loading Carbine, No. 46 Cartridge.
U. S. Ride 1 -ted d'iarrel0S abre Ibivonet.
U". S. HifieMuskef, Springfield Pattern.
J't7 Onr Rreech Loading arms have just,
been approved and adopteaVlyr military ser
vice in 1' a: rone.
A L.U V. ;iT K. C 1 '?,
2Z'Af. Ajr , Francisco. '
1,000,009 Founds
-i. big IP's t mat ktt or ice in cash for good
Fleeced Wool, aud fuQush wu.-.l s-ick. "
Oregon Citv. Annl t:f!:, 17 4t
Wool Tsai2fed
500,000 uu
For which the highest cash price ill he
P'-i'd by tlllARM AN & RRO.
Oregon City, March 'Jtuh, Is'o.
Y7ool wanted i
For wliich the highest cash price will
be paid, at the re of 0
-tfe! Oreiron Cit.v.
having -passed a RANKUURTLAW.it
is now within the po.ver of every man that
is hopelessly hi debUtofree iiiinself from
the press of d.'ots which cramp his action,
and which he is u roily unable otherwise t.
discharge. The District Court-of the United
States, which sits alone in the citv of Port
land, has, under this law, an exclusive juris
diction of ail cases in Eankruptev. The un
dersigned have procured a copy of the law
and are reudv, as soon as a Register is ap
pointed, to icr,d promptly to procuring
discharges in Bankruptcy for all who may
feel disposed to favor them with their
2-rj Also attention paid to pro5iriug let
ters patent for new inventions.
At lornejKs-at-Law,
RortiTiiKl, Orcgou.
I8ai E-jtafcPFor Sale.
City Claim is offered for sale, contain-'
ing about i:o Lots, and about io acres of
land. Terms : One-fourth of the purchase
motley to be paid down, and the balance oiv
apprwved security for ten years if desired,
at one per cent, per month. The prifi w
considerably less than one half at which it'
is assessed by the city assess:,ientPOr the
proprietor would exchange thsamc at the
above named rice lor real estate laving in
the city of Portland or SaledPat its full cJtv
assessmesi venation. q "
For full iarticulars, anply to DANIEL
IIARVEV, Portland, or .nr. j. RALSTON,
Origon Citv. 2s:Sw.
Oregon City, May 1st, 18G7.
I U JXTJL V X I), i It E GO'.
Fine Brandir, Engli-ah A'e f Porter, Clown-
put me 6Wr. IUkic Jieer, d'C.
LSO, M annfacturer of all kinds of Syr
ups. Soda u ater and Ginger Pop.
Orders for English Ale and Porter filled
in bulk or by the case. 'J0:ly
The und-rsigned will continue thPabove
busiuess at the old stand. No. 4 North Front
street, .Portland Oregon, where he will br
happy to see his old customers as well as ne-j'
ones. TUOS.STEl'HEX.-
& '