Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, April 27, 1867, Image 2

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1)C lUcckln Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oref21 :
Saturday, April 27th, 1857.
Europe vs. America.
"We are permitted to extract the follow
ing from a letter to a friend of the writer
here. The impressions expressed, if made
upon the shoal of travelers abroad who
seem just now to be swarming across the
Atlantic, would bring about a healthier
tone of feeling concerning the people and
institutions of Europe than seems to pre
vail. The writer has visited every part of
the United Statc3feand knows whereof he
epeaks, and although his stay abroad was
short, his conclusions from what he saw
and heard are evidently the result of a
iturcd mind and sound American heart :
The lftt steamer from Liverpool brought
vour friend home from foreign parts,"
and very happy am I at being again on
my naal heath. I am too gratified that I
can claim to be an American. I was all
through England, and a small part of Scot
land and France. I passed a week in
Paris like a " rat in a strange garret." It
was always a strong desire with me to see
England to look at us ancient monu
ments, its places of fame and especially
its universities. I was at Oxford and
Cimbri dare, and visited Shaksnears old
house, Westminster Halls, &c, etc. Lou
don is Philadelphia enlarged greatly, but
reallv nnt in anvresnect improved. New
York to-dav, in all the essential items of a
grat city,' is ahead of London. In the
raagmfleent character of its public and
prit ate buildings, in its world-wide com
merce, and in all that makes a great city,
it seems to me that New York is without a
rival, at least it has no superior in London.
OXow as to my impressions: The English
ui-ti reallv ooor and servile. The charac
ter of the government, and the teachings
of society make overbearing arrogance on
one-fide, and servility on the other. I was
greally .imprsssed on my return with the
wide deference in the manner and bearing
of all I saw.
Caxdia, on
long and varied history. Minas
Crete. Canuia has had a
there. Then came a succession of chiefs,
who held changeful and precarious sway.
A century before Christ; it was a republic,
and nurtured the ineradicable love of lib
erty, which lias survived all changes in the
heart of the (.1 reeks. The great heart of
America is with the Christians of Candia
in their struggles of to-day. We have no
interests to b? periled by the sundering of
chains. What care wi
andj affrighted dyms!
for shaking thrones
rights as are supposed
the assumed necessities of jrovcrn;
principle which sanctifies manifold
ies : me more 01
UbertvQ the mightier our ioy. It is at
once our mission and our ambition to sec
civilization set on a new basis the inalien
able rights of man. The civilizations of
Europe Romish, Protestant, and Mahom
medan are all erected on the necessities of
government. Men are to be governed and
are to be clo tiled with so manv and such
to harmonize with
merit. It
is a
oppression and crushes the soul 3 of men.
America, with a sublime faith in God and
humanity, rears her civilization on the di
vine announcement : "Oxe is your Master,
CHRIST : and all yc are brethren.''' Cov-
of men, not the rights of
meat. The difference u
Wherever a people struggles to assert in
alienable rights, monarchy looks on with
distrust and fear ; but America instinct
ively espouses the cause of the oppressed.
CandkVxleserves our moral aid ; perhaps
more than that. The triumph of that
brave people would be worth more to ns
Cthan all the diplomatic platitudes of
courtesy that bedizened courtiers have
joined since the foundation of the world.
For Silica, 2Yevr Arclianjrcl and Vic
The Oregon and Mexico Steamship Com
pany will dispatch the splendid steamer
Oriflamme, Capt. Francis Connor, as above,
on June 1st, from Fulsom street wharf,
San Francisco.
This is a striking commentary upon
American enterprise. No sooner does the
telegraph announce that the treaty giving
us this territory has been adopted than
commerce stretches out her eager arm'',
and a steam line is projected to a part of
the vorld that two weeks before was re
garded as a terra incognita. How forcibly
this fact illustrates the vivifying influences
of our national institutions, and the faith
of our people in them. Before anything
was known of the cession, says the San
Francisco Times, our merchants would
have thought as quickly of starting a line
of steamers to the island of Spitzbergen or
the Antarctic Continent as to Russian
America. But no sooner is it known that
this territory is to form part of the Union
than all the commercial values and possi
bilities connected with it are changed, and
we look to see towns grow and a lucrative
trade arise in a country which before was
expected to remain a howling wilderness
for centuries to come. Had California re
mained in possession of Mexico it would
have now been what it was thirty years
ago ; its immense capabilities undreamed
of ; known only to commerce by the few
hides it annuall' supplied ; and San Fran
cisco would still be the little village of a
dozen adobe huts. And the change that
was worked here a3 soon as California be
came a part of the Union will now take
place in tho territory which forms the
latest addition to tho national domain.
Whatever there exists of natural wealth
will be dragged to light and turned to ac
count by the daring enterprise and restless
energy which follows wherever our flag is
planted. Russian America will grow fast
er and grow greater than British Columbia
so long as that country remains an Eng
lish colony, which, however, is not likely
to be a great while, as its natural gravita
tion towards the Union must now be
greatly increased.
That this new line will prove a success
there can be no doubt. Already sufficient
is known of the resources of our new tor
ritory to justify anticipations of a valuable
trade, and the keen-sighted explorers who
wm soon visit it, wm quickly discover
otuers now little dreamed of. One effect
of steam communication with the far north
western coast will be to greatly stimulate
the fishing business, which is already at
trading considerable attention. Rendez
vousing at New Archangel, or at some
town yet to be founded, the fishing vessels
may send their cargoes to San Francisco
by steamer, and be thus enabled to make
many more trips. The northern whaling
fleet will also derive great advantage from
this line of steamers, and will furnish it
with much valuable business, and under
the new stimulus a trade with the North
ern tribes will soon grow up, which in ex
tent and value will make the previous op
orations of the great fur companies appear
jonvmont accommodates ltseii to the riguts
men to
Victor Salt Works. These works, sit
uate in the vicinity of St. Helen, began
operations on Monday last. The capacity
of the Works will admit of the manufacture
of 4,000 lbs of salt per da'. The Company
having this matter in charge have expend
ed about $20,000, but they have established
the fact that there is not more than one
place in the world that can produce an
article of salt equalling their manufacture,
hence the venture was a most successful
one. It is a matter of congratulation for
all Oregonians.
Stfrt. T. tt.j One nf nnv S:in 1VfirfMf r
exchanges a little given to John Bull
ism states that steel rails are of English
origin. According to our understanding,
and the facts, the American Iron and Steel
Association were the first to produce these
new rails. At a meeting of the Associa
tion held in Chicago, on Thursday, May
23th, IStio, pursuant to adjournment Eber
O B Ward 6f Detroit, President of the As
sociation, remarked that, before commenc
ihg'businessgit might be interesting to the
members of the Association to be informed
that a steel rail had been rolled at the
Chicago rolling mills on the previous day.
At tiie close of the proceedings a speci
men of steel rail made at the Chicago
Union rolling mills, by the pneumatic
process, and manufactured from raw pig
iron in twentyrniinutes, was exhibited, and
this was the first steel rail made, after the
success of the process was established.
Japanese Treaties. The Towers which
have treaties with Japan are the United
States, England, France. Holland, Prussia,
Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia,
Ttaly, and Denmark. The brother of
Stotsbashi, a young man of twenty-one
years, has gone to Paris, accompaied by a
Commission, and will spend some throe or
four months in France, and afterward
visit other European countries. He is
said to be as sharp as a Yankee, liberal in
his views, and as cosmopolitan as a Par
isian. It is not likely to make much for
the interest of the balance of the Treaty
Powers that French foresight and courtesy
have captured an influence so conspicuous
in the politics of Japan as this shrewd and
progressive young noble.
For Waijla Walla. Our friend Julius
N. C. Moreland, who has resided for sev
eral year3 in this city and at Vancouver,
savs the Oreaonian of Tuesday last, starts
this morning for alia Y alia, intending to
make ins residence mere, it is ms pur
pose to engage in the practice of the law
for which he has been preparing himself
for some time. Julius is a, " print' all
the craft" known him well and will be
gratified to hear of his success in his new
pursuit. He is one of our young men who
deserve prosperity.
The road from Albany to Canyon City
will be completed by the 10th of May.
A Post-office has been established at
White House, in Baker county.
The " commencement"' exercises at the
Pacific University begin on May Sth.
E. Fox and Bros, have purchased tho
stock of L. White &. Brc. Portland.
The Oreaonian learns that a Mormon
Birhop will soon "hold forth 7 at ion-land.
Mr. Thomas Carter, lately of Portland,
is now a wealthy resident of Washington
The neonle on the extreme south eastern
boundary of Oregon are much in need of
a county organization.
The western portion of Benton county.
including Yaquina Bay, will be surveyed
soon by Mr. George Mercer.
The celebrated horse CJburg is dead.
His successor will be one of the same
stock, named Edmund Burke.
A lodge of Good Templars has been in
stituted at Oswego in this county, lae
lodge has christened Pearl.
Every dollar of the slock in Rogue
River Woolen Manufacturing Company
has been taken.
The new diggings in Jackson county are
rich. Further prosperity reveals the fact
that they are more extensive.
Hassalo Lodge No. 15, I. O. O. F., will
give a ball at Oro Fino Hall, Portland, on
the evening of May lGth.
V driving wheel eight feet in diameter,
weighing 1,SL lbs. was cast at tue n
lamette Iron Works re. -en fly.
The Board of Managers of the State Ag
ricultural Society will meet at Salem, on
V ednesday, May 2'Jth, at o clock a. sr.
There will be a meeting atllillsboro on
the 4th of May for the purpose of organiz
ing an Agricultural fcociety.
Tillamook and the Nehalem contain a
great coal basin that will be of incalcula
ble benefit to that portion of the country
some dav.
Gen. S. Coffin has liberally offered the
city of Portland right of way for Morrison
street to the west limit of the cit. It is
hoped others will follow his example.
A man named Andrew Christien, com
mitted suicide at his cabin five miles west
of Portland, sometime between the 13th
and 20lh.
A three story brick hotel will be erected
at Albany the coming summer. The
Journal says that fifty houses are now go
ing up m that town.
The Courier learns that the eccentric and
erratie Nazro Smith died in Benton county,
lately. He expired pouring out wither
ing anathemas against " the man who sold
him whisky'
A Tillamook correspondent of tho Ore-
mi r i i n 1 1
goman says : ine faculties lor lumoering
and the water power tins harbor has, can
not be surpassed in any portion of the
State of Oregon.
Tillamook county contains about six
hundred square miles bounded on the
east, north and south, by the Coast range
and its spurs and west by the Pacific
Nearly every steamer from Wallula
brings to the Umatilla merchants and pro
duce traders a supply of Walla Walla
flour, while that manufactured at La
Grande supplies the entire Grand Ronde
Valley and surrounding country.
A few days since, in the vicinity of
Brownsville, says the Journal, a party of
children and older persons were riding in
a cart, which capsized, one of the wheels
falling on the head of a little boy named
Simmons, killing him instantly.
Rev. Benj. Todd has been discoursing
the Portland people upon spiritual doc
trines for several days and evenings. The
Oreaonian of Monday says he talks a good
deal of irood sound sense, a good deal of
humbug, and some matter intended merely
to catch the ear or trickle the fancy
Capt. I. D. Applegate. one of the de
fendants in the suit of Mill key against the
oflicers who arrested that distinguished
Democrat for throwing himself into a
paryoxism of delight v, hen President Lin
coln was murdered, lias commenced suit
for $500 damages. It is said that Mulkey
and las mends have ottered to com
Copper leads in the Eagle Creek mines
Baker county, arc assuming considerable
prominence. So great is the confidence re
posed in the value of these copper mines.
that a contract for a long term of years
has been made with the O. S. N. Co., to
ship the metal at a stated price per ton.
Upon the application of several mem
bers of the order of Odd Fellows, the
Grand Master of this jurisdiction has
"ranted a charter for a lodge at I
boring population cannot command a de
cent and independent support by their
daily labor. There is no slave more ab
ject "than the slave of necessity ; no mendi
cant more pitiable than the strong man
forced to beg for the poor privilege, or
toiling for his daily bread ; no country
more accursed than that which builds up
an aristocracy of wealth by the degrada
tion of the labor of its own citizens. There
is no part of the world where labor is bet
tor paid than on this coast, and yet le
anv advocate of Chinese labor try the ex
periment of supporting a family for a short
time upon a laborer's wages and see how
much manhood he would have left in him
at the end of a month.
The Courier says : " We noticed lately a
pile of regular, old fashioned home-spun
flannel, double width, spun and wove in
the family of Mr. Yoeoin, residing near
Lafayette, and nicely striped so as to
adapt it for ladies' and children's Wear.
The sight of this evidence of home skill
and home industry, revived afresh, a rec
ollection of times past, when woman
never seemed so lovely as when clad in
the products of her own industry. This
flannel, though not so smooth of surface
prior to being worn, is far superior to the
best eastern flannels, and would therefore
be cheaper to the consumer at three times
the cost of the latter. The larmer s para
dise is home presided over by geniuses
like Mrs. and tne .Misses i .
Sneaking of Mail service in Eastern
Oregon, the Oreaonian says: "It usually
takes about one week for the mail to go
from Umatilla to La Grande, a distance,
by a direct route, of not more than one
hundred miles. I rom numerous com
plaints which have come to us from Union
and Baker counties, we are made aware that
our pauer is about two weeks in reaching
that, nart of the State. This is hist about
as convenient as having no mail at all
We were compelled, several weeks ago, to
''shut down on sending to one ot our
agents in Eastern Oregon for tins very
condense from the
' Extf.kfrisf. OrncE, )
Oregon City, April 26, 1367." f
p.ncinpss is dull, and no changes in current
. V r
Quotations are noted.
. -. . -t i i
FLOUR Imperial anil fctanuara oranus
50 OU J DUl.j Ill 4 www , ummj "'""
S-t 50.
WHEAT Limited demand at ouc du.
OATS Sop :10c.
CORN MEAL $2 50$3 cwt.
FEED Ground S25 i ton j Middlings
sns.Sl-i: Bran $12.
FRUIT Green Appies pu. io(u,..,
Dried Apples ib 10c.; Dried Peaches
0a: Plums 20c.
CURED MEAT Bacon lb l.5e(VH ic;
Hams lb 13(W)15c; teuoulders (Vr,&e.
LARD hi kegs izjc; tins 10c.
EGGS lCc. i doz.
BUTTER Ordinary to prime lb 23
1'UUL. im tnicKcns p uoz
t.niTift l)n eks ijc. nair : tame ueese ou
- - i
r pair ; Turkevs $2 500?$3 ti pair.
UAJlt uronso ouc. -p pair, or 90 ,
doz.: Pheasants. 40c. pair, or iyi doz,
JL'AtI:. 11LL'-.o 1 ouuoes f 5 ou. ouw)
50c; Onions rri 100 lbs $1($1 o0.; JLScans
3H 100 lbs 3 50(S4.
HIDES baited f, id ii(a)oc; dry viu.
Marriage and Ceinjaej an essay of
Warning and Instruction for 1 oung Men.
lsn. Disen and Abuses which prostrate
the vital powers, with sure means of relief.
Sent free of charge in sealed letter envelopes.
Address: Dr. J. SKILLLN HUUmiiU.
31) Howard Association, Philadelphia, i-a.
Tnfe Best remedy for purifying the
Blood, Strengthening tho Mr-, Hefltor.ng
the Lost Appetite, is' FRESE'S HAMBURG
TEA. It is the best preservative against al
most anv sickness, if used timely. Composed
of herbs' only it can b 2 given safely to mtants.
Full directions in French, Spanish, and Ger
man, with every package. 1K 111 -
For sale at all the wnolesale and retail
j : -. i
drug stores ami iirwei ic. .
EMIL FUESK, YY holesale Druggist,
Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, San Francisco.
In this city, on Monday April 22d, by Rev.
I. D. Driver, Mr. James A. femitnoi lirowns-
ville, and Miss Henrietta L. Francis, of this
city. STNew York City and San Francisco
papers please copy.
New Advertisements.
The Astoria Lot Sale. There
will be no postponement of the Astoria lot
sals. The distribution will positively take
place on the i-5t-i 01 May.
Free to Everybody.-A large G;;?.
flireulir. srivincr information of the greatest
importance to the young of both sexes. It
teaches how the homely may become beauti
ful, the despised rejected, and the forsaken
loved. JNo young lady or gentleman snouiu
fail to send their address, and receive a copy
nost-naid. bv return mail. Address 1 . O.
Drawer 21, Iroy, jx. x. ,m-,
size rather above medium, light should
ers, heavy body, color Ited with white mark
on one hip, running down on the leg. Has
other white marks, out c&n 1 joeaie iiiem
now. Horns slender, and not very long, age
about S or 9 vears. Any person finding and
hrino-iu"-her to town will be rewarded for
time and trouble, or iuform me and I will
brintr her in mvself. H. L. KELLY .
Oregon Citv. Anril 2Cth. 186.. 2,tt
r '
A.. IS. iiielasiiMisoai,
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland.'
Of ileal EHatc; Groceries, General Merchant
disc and Horses,
Every Wednesday and Salutday !
A. B. Ricitarpsox, Auctioneer.
English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ; .
English Square and Octagon Cast steel ;
Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ;
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ;
also :
A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors.
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
1,000,000 Pounds
by telegraph
Pin. Docs. We are under many obliga
tions to Senator Williams for valuable
favors. Among other documents sent us
we find a copy of the report of the Com
mittee to investigate the New Orleans
riot. It is a hook of five hundred and
ninety-six large and very closely printed
pages. It proves the industry of the com
mittee as well as the outrageous barbari
ties it commemorates.
TiXE tin a riii c. We
Orcrjonian dispatches, news
to the 2Pth as follows :
The Georgia frccdnich favor the Ec'pxib
The Senate adjourned sine die on the
Several case of starvation are reported
in South Carolina.
The Republican party is extending
throughout the South.
On the Omaha branch of the P. R. R.
forty miles of track are under water
Rivers in Iowa are doing great damage.
DesMoines city is half under water
The Missouri river is a torrent five miles
wide at Omaha, which cannot be crossed.
A fire-damp explosion in a Pennsylvania
coal mine on the loth killed 13 miners.
Medical Director Tenbroeck relieves
Grizlin at San Francisco. That's all right,
A light house district has been establish
ed, with head-quarters at Astoria. Oregon.
The Republicans carried Chicago by
4,000 majority. Council stands 11 Repub.,
A rain storm of extraordinary violence
has been raging for the last two d tys in
Eastern Ohio.
Intelligence has been roc
fresh encounters in Crete,
favor of the Christians.
Wendell Phillips in a Cincinnati speech,
made a vigorous onslaught on Gen. Grant
for keeping an equivocal reticence.
The amount of purchase money iavolv-
ed in the late transfer of steamships prop
erty to the Holliday line was $1,000,000.
The English papers express much
chagrin at the ratification of the Russian
treaty, considering that England was en
titled to the refusal of the territory.
It is rumored that negotiations are pend
ing with England for the purchase of the
Western portion of British Columbia, in
cluding Vancouver Island.
Home Again. The numerous pat
rous of the Premium Artist of Oregon, Mr.
Joseph Buchtel, will be pleased to learn that
Bachtel & Cardwell's Photograph Gallery, so
lontr and favorably known, b'J r irst street.
Poitland, has a2;aiu passed into the hands ot
Mr. Buchtel, who is now Proprietor and Op
erator, lie has recently returned irom tan
Francisco, with all the latest styles known to
the art. and hence is urenared to srive the
utmost satisfaction. When at Portland re-
imrdlcss of the weather call upon Buchtel,
at his old stand. (14o
The New Mines. Among the many new
fields open t prosperous development the
present season, that at Jump-off-Joe, in
Jackson county, is reported rich. The
mines on '41) creek, those on Thompson
river, and those at Lemhi, are all said to
be extensive, and pay largely.
Eastern" Floods. Hardly had the emo
tions, created by the floods of California,
passed off, until we were startled by re
ports of the greatest floods ever known in
the Southern States. Now we are inform
ed that the Western States are suffering
from the same cause.
The Aiazoxv -Euoi.ite. In 1?C2 an
tvrolite was found in Arizona and for
warded to Gen. Wright, at San Francisco.
It has lately been received by the Smith
sonian Institute at Washington. If -is
about four feet in length and eighteen
inches inreadth, and varying in thick
ness from the rounded edge of one inch to
ftmie eight inches. The surface is quite
uneven, and shaped somewhat like a mam
moth fin of a porpoise. In appearance it
is like a piece of mailable iron, and weighs
v.bout eight hundred pounds. It is pnre
lerolite metal, and not a particle of earthy
substance to be seen. It has the ring 01
the purest bell metal, and when properly
suspended, will vie with the tone of e
As it snoriJ Bk. A San Francisco dis
patch at the time of the sailing of the Sac
ramento for Panama, says : She has the
smallest treasure on record, about $300,
000. She also takes about 10,000 barrels
of flour." Glad to hear it.
The P. T. Company are yet moving the
head of navigation on the Willamette up
stream. Last Saturday the steamer Enter
prise, Capt. S. E. Miller, returned to this
city from Springfield, a point six miles
south of Eugene. A point never belore
reached by steamer, we believe.
LiQroR ixM-vrxE. An Augusta dispatch
of the 17th says the liquor law is now
.strictly tviforced in the old State of
Maine. A grocer was arrested and fined
for selling one glass of new cider ! After
the first week in June, all similar offenses
will be punished by imprisonment.
.nved of two
resulti m
Wonderful but True. Madame
Remington, the world-renowned Astrologist
and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a
clairvoyant state, delineates the very features
of the person you are to marry, and by the
aid of an instrument of intense power,
known as the Psyehomotrope, iruaranfees to
produce a perfect and iit'e-like picture of the
future husband or wne 01 t lie applicant, witn
date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of j
character, &c. Ihis is no imposition, as tes
timonials without number can assert. In
stating place of birth, age, disposition, color
ot eyes and hair, and enclosing iuiy cents,
and stamped envelope addressed to yourself,
von will receive the picture bv return mail.
together with desired information. Address
in confidence. Madame GERTiirna IvKMixfi-
tox, 1'. O. Box 2'.'7. West Troy, N. Y. 2G:ly
Whiskers and Mu&tacnes !
ITOIICED to growupfli thV siuoothest facj
. in from three to five weeksHby using Dr.
Sevigne's Restaurateur Capillaire, the most
wonderful discovery in modern science actiufj
upon the beard and hair in an almost mirac
ulous manner. It has been used by the elite
of Paris and London with the most flattering;
success. Names of all purchasers will be'
registered, and if entire satisfaction is(Sbt
given in every instance, the money will be
cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed
and postpaid, ?1. Descriptive circulars and
testimonials mailed free. Address,
BERG Ell, SI1UTTS & CO., Chemists, -No.
285 River st., Troy, N. Y.
Sore Agents for the nitcd States. (t7.1y.
Territory Politics. Washington Ter
ritory is now brim full of politics. The
campaign is fairly opened between Clark
and Flanders. The contest will be close.
.1 the !
beus iu UiC CU
Secretary. E. A. Smith has been con
firmed a Secrof frv of Washington Territory.
Grande. Oi'Pgon, and it will soon be in
stitutcd by a special Deputy Grand Master
Says the Oreaonian.
Mr. D. M. Field has started a serdHveek-
ly line of hacks from Portland to McMi:?n
ville passing through" Hillsboro. Forest
Grove, Centerville, West Chchalem and
Lafayette, curryisg the United States mails
and as many other males and females as
wish to take passage.
The Oregonian of Monday last says that
over 500 passengers left for the npp'er Co
lumbia, over one-half of which nnmber
were from the Willamette valley. It is
doubtful whether one-eighth of these ad
venturers better their condition, but such
is the mania for speculation.
Tho Albany Journal has been resuscita
ted. In coming to life it appears well, and
we congratulate the people of Linn county
on their having once more a respectable
medium through which to make known to
the public at large their many good traits.
May the Journal live long for the service
of its country.
The Corvallis Gazette, speaking of the
Commercial Colleges, says President
Laudenslager of the National College at
Portland is meeting with encouragement
beyond his most sanguine expectations.
Every young man, at a eomparatively
small expense, may now fit himself for any
business calling that ho may desire.
Scholars taken at any time.
The Oregonian says that in addition to
the regular weekly steamers, to leave San
Francisco every Saturday hereafter for
Portland, the packets will run regularly,
and a slow steamer will run in competition,
probably twice a month. The steamer ar
rangement is sole'y controlled by the most
liberal of the late monopolies, the Califor
nia, Oregon and Mexican line late Ben.
Holliday s.
The editor of the Albany Journal, who
recently came to this State from California,
says of the rates of wages here : We are
glad to see that labor is so well rewarded
in this State. The average rate of wages
is anout one-third niGrner man in v.,a nor
ma for all kinds of mechanical employ
ment. In this town, in all the leading
trades the rate is from $1 to $.3 per day.
In Linn county last fall not half as
much wheat was sown, according to the
Democrat, as usual. Hundreds and thou
sands of acres, however, of Sonora, Club
and Sawyer wheat have.either been sown,
or will be sown this spring. Some of the
spring wheat is already up and looks ex
ceedingly well, and is growing thriftily.
Speaking on the labor question the
Herald sys : Labor becomes degraded
and the country demoralized when its la-
A Paris correspondence says, were it not
for the Exposition, Napoleon would open
war against Prussia. A European war is
sure to come yet.
A Baltimore Republican Convention is
called to meet on May 4th. The call in
vites all Republicans, without respect to
past differences, race or color.
The Nova Scotia Assembly have passed
a bill to incorporate a company to con
struct a canal across the Isthmus, connect
ing with New Brunswick.
Jeff. Davis must be disposed of at the
next term of the Circuit Court of the United
States which convenes at Richmond, on
the first Monday in May.
London papers says that the American
display at the Exposition, is very creditable
when compared with that of other nations.
especially Italy and Prussia.
A plan for the solution of tho Luxem
bourg question has been submitted by
other powers. Francois willing to accept
it. It is believed tho peace of Europe will
be kept.
Frank A. Hill, agent of the Great Eastern
tit Oregon City, will take down his sign.
The ciiUrtcrers having lost heavily on tho
first trip she will discontinue running in
connection with tin? Paris Exposish.
There is great suffering among the home
stead settlers in northern Iowa and Minne
sota, from the long continued and severe
weather. Numbers of cattle, sheep and
hogs have perished.
The General Agent of the Southern
Famine Relief Commission states that the
cash receipts are $105,000. of which sum
California contributed $31,000 in gold.
Increased contributions are urgently solicited.
The World says : The full testimony of
Dr. McMillan, of" Canada, before the Judi
ciary Committee in the Surratt case, shows
his ignorance of the conspiracy to assas
sinate but his complicity in the plot to ab
duct Lincoln.
The Cretan National Assembly has issued
a proclamation declaring in favor of re
ligious toleration and political rights.
Omar Pacha has left Turkey with ships of
war and a large force of troops for the
purpose of joining in the movement for
the suppression of the insurrection in
The Kentucky canvass is made up.
There are three tickets in the field. The
candidates for Governor are as follows :
Radical, S. M. Baird ; rebel, John L. Helm ;
Conservative Democrat, Aaron Harding.
There are also Congressional and State
ticket. Election for State officers takes
place in August. Congressmen will be
elected May 4th.
An expedition to Russian America
being organized by the Jepartment
State, for the purpose of making
thorough and scientific exploration.
will start about the 1st of Ma-. Tke offi
cers have not Ijeen designated, though
Professor Bayard Smith or Henuing will
be one of the members. It will assemble
at San Francisco and take the Revenue
Liuter lAncohx and go to Sitka, and thence
explore the interior and coast.
A Youxg Lady lteturninjr to her
country home, after a sojourn of a few
months 111 the city, was hardly recognized
,- her friends. I." nlacc of n coarse, rustic,
flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion
of almost, marble smoothness, and instcau 01
twenty-three she really appeared but eigh
teen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so
great a change, she plainly told them that
she used the Circassian Balm, and considered
it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's
toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman
can improve their personal appearance an
hundred fold. It is simple in its combi
nation, as Nature herself is simple, yet
unsurpassed 111 its efficacy in drawing
impurities from, also healing, cleansing
and beautifying the skin and complexion.
By its direct action on the cuticle it draws
from it all its impurities, kindly healing the
same, and leaving the surface as Nature in
tended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and
beautiful. Price 1, sent by Mail or Express,
on receipt of an order bv W. L. CLARK &
Co., Chemist, No. 3 West Fayette .Street,
Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents
for the side of the same. 26:ly
uro. J . xi. Lpton, of the Lafavettc
Conner, paid us a flying visit, on Tuesday.
The Courier has of late been greatly im
proved, and Mr. Upton designs ti!l further
improvements if proper encouragement is
meieu out to mm. Mipport your county
paper wc-ii, lamtullians. It will pay you
Know thy Destiny. Madame
F. Thornton, the great English Astrologist
Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has
astonished the scientific classes oF the Old
World, has now located herself at Hudson,
N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such
wondeful powers ot" second sight, as to ena
ble her to impart knowledge of the greatest
importance to the single or married of either
sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates
the very features of the person you are to
marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in
tense power, known as the Psyehomotrope,
guaiauteejs to prcducd a life like picture of
the future husband or wife of the applicant,
together with date, of marriage, position in
lif e, leading traits of character, &c. This is
no humbug, as thousands of testimonials
can assert. She will send when desired a
certified certificate, or written guarantee,
that the picture U what it purports to be.
By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stat
ing place of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, and enclosing fifty cents and
stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you
will receive the picture and desired informa
tion by return mail. All communications
sacredly conlidentia'. Address in confidence,
Madame E. F. Tuorxtox, P. O. Box 220,
Hudson, N. Y. (26:ly
highest market price 111 cash for good
Fleeced Wool, and furnish wool sacks.
JACU1J & liKU.
Oregon Cit.y, April 25th, SC7. 7At
Oh ! she was beautiful and fair,
With starry eyes, and radient hair,
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined,
Enchained the very Leait and mind.
Crisped Coma, for Curling the hair of
either sex into Wavy and Glossy
Kinglets, or Heavy Massive cnrK
Bvtislnac this article ladies and gentlemen
can "beautify themselves a thousand fold. It
is the only'article in the world that will curl
straight hair, and at the same time give it a
beautiful glossy appearance. The Crisper
Coma not only' cutis the hair, but invigor
ates, beautifies and cleanses it; it is highly
and delightfully perfumed, and is the most
complete article of the kind ever offered to
the American public. The Crisper Coma will
be sont to any address, sealed and postpaid,
for t. Address all orders to (-'7.1y
W. L. CLARK & Co.. Chemist.
No. S West Fayette st., Syracuse, X. Y.
At the Wonderful llevelatlons
Madame II. A, PERRIGO.
She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew.
Restores to happiness those who, from dole
ful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss
of money, c, have become despondent.
She brings together those long separated,
sives information concerning absent friends
or lovers, restores lost or stolen property,
tells you the business you are best qualified
to pursue anil in what you will be most suc
cessful, causes speedy marriages and tells
you the very day you will marry, gives you
the name, likeness, and characteristics of the
person. Sl.e reads your very thoughts, and
by her almcsi supernatural powers, unveils
the dark and hidden .mysteries of the future.
From the stars we see in the firmament the
malefic stars that overcome or predominate
in the configuration from the aspecti and
positions ol the planets and the fixed stars in
the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces
the future destiny of man. Fail not to con
sult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It
costs you but a trifle, and you may never a
gain have so favorable an opportunity. Con
sultation fee, with likeness and all desired
information, 1. Parties living at a distance
can consult the Madame Iry mail with equal
safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in
person. A full and xplicit chart, written
out, with all inquiries answered and likeness
enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price as
above mentioned. 1 he strictest sccrcsy will
be maintained, and all correspondence re
turned or destroyed. References of the high
est order furnished those desiring them.
Write plainly the day of the'month and
tl;e yeir in which you were born, enclosing
a small lock ot hair. Address,
27.1y) MiOAME If. A. PERRIGO,
P. O. Drawer 2j3, Buffalo, N. Y.
Auburn, Gol&en,Flaxen, Silken Cnrls
1) PRODUCED by the use of Prof. DBruex
Friser Le Chevaux. One application
warranted to curl the most straight and stub-?
born hai of either ex into wavy ringlets
or heavy massive curls If as been used by
the fashionables of Paris and London, with-'
the most gratifying results. Does no injury
to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post
paid, $1. Descriptive circulais mailed free."
Address: Beuger, Shxtts A Co., chemists,
27.lv) No. 285 River st., Troy X. Y."
Sole Agents for the United StatQ.
1 J (till ill UtlU
the onlv really
Patent Medicines. We have but
little confidence ill the trumpet tongued
statemeuts of the proprietors of advertised
medicines srcnerallv. savs the Saleni fMass.)
uoecrrer, but wc are forced to concur in uie
opinion, uniformly expressed by all who have
used Perry Davis' I'ain Killer, that it is a
very valuable article, and one that it would
be well for every household to have at hand,
in case ot bruises, scalds, burns, diarrhoea,
dysentery, cholera, fever and ague, and the
host of diseases, external and internal, which
it is adapted to cure or alleviate. o article
of medicine ever attained to such unbound
ed popularity and extensive diffusion. It
has penetrated to every part, even the most
remote of the known world, bearing with it
its healing influences more potent than those
of the spices of " Araby the blest." We are
informed by our principal druggists, that
they sell more of this article &r eepoa-tation
than any or all others, and that the demand
is constantly increasing.
Miraculous Cure. Dr. William
Healey Dear Sir : I feel it but a duty to
inform 3 0U and the public what a miracu
lous effect your Royal Balsam had on my
wife. She had been affected with a severe
cough for several weeks, which had assumed
a dangerous feature, for which many physi
cians have been trying without any material
benefit, and all the remedies failed to gire
her any relief. Without relief was got, I
feared for the worst, in her present condi
tion. The coKgh appeared to be worse at
night, she could get uo rest when Mr. Ran
dall, of this place, advised me to try your
Royal Balsam; all other remedies having
failed, I concluded to try it, and I purchased
two bottles. Strange to say, by the time I
gave her three spoonsful of "the Balsam she
got relief, and slept, a thing she had not done
for three nights previous. By the time she
had taken one bottle the cough was checked.
Its effect was truly miraculoiw?, aa tho cute
was effectual ; hence, I have no hesitation
in recommending the Royal Balsam to all
who are ahucted and it appears astonishing
to me that medicine of such great merit, and
I might say magical effect, is not more m
use. xiy canuia opinion is : it persons use
it once they never will be without it in the
nouse. 11. cociikax.
Vancouver, March I, .1SC7.
J havinor passed a BANKRUPT LAW. it
is now within the power of every man that
is hopelessly in debt, to free himself from
the press of debts which cramp his action,
and which he is wholly unable otherwise to
discharge. The District Court of the United
Mates, which sits alone in the citv of Povt
,1 1 T jl 1
iaiiu, oas, uuuer mis law, an exclusive juris
diction 01 an cases in uankruptcy. The un
dersigned have procured a cop" of the law
ana are reaoy, as soon as a uemster is ai-
..... . -
pointed, to attenn promptly to procurms
discharges in Bankruptcy for all who mav
feel disposed to favor them with their
Alio attention paid to procuring let
ters patent for new inventions.
Attorn evsat-Law,
2G:Cm. Portland. Oregon. 0
Fur fLmocing Superfluous IFd.
r iO the ladies specially, this invnluabler
1 depilatory recommends itself as being
'an almost indispensable article to female
beauty, is easily applied, does notburn(Bjr in
jure the skin, but (acts oiitfti' on the roots.
It is warranted to remove superfluous hairQ
from low foreheads, or 0111 any part of the
body, completely, totally, and radically ex
tirpating tiie sameQ leaving the skin sott,-
smooth and natural. 11ns is
used bv the French, and it
effectual depilatory ireistence. Price?"
cents per package, sent postpaid to any at3
dress, on receipt of an ordjr, by
BEKGER, SIfUTTS cVCo.Rhemists,
27.1j) 2r Ji'iver st., I roy, N. 1 .
Th.c-e comcth (glad tidings of joy to all
To young and to old, to great and small; ,
The beauty which once was so precious ajid
rare,' q
Is free for all, and all may be fair.
Hy ila'e iisc of
For improving and beautifying the com
plsxion. The most valuable ayd Jttrfect prep-,
aratiou in use, for giving the skiu abeautifm1
pearl-like tint, that is only foundJn youth,
it quickly removes Tan, Freckel-VPhnples,
Blotches! Moth Patches, Sallowness, Erup
tions, and nil impurities of the skin, kindly
healing the same leaving the skin white and
clear as alabastar. Its use cannot bdetected
bv the closest scrutiny, and being vegeta
ble prenai ation is perfectly harmless, ft i.V
the onlv article of the kind used bv French
and is considered by the Parisian as ind;-.
pensablc to a perfect toilet. Upwards of
80,000 bottles were sold during the past year
a suillcient guarantee of its efficacy. Priew1
75 cents. Sent by mail, post paid, ou receipt
of an order, bv
BERG Eli, SHUTTS & Co., Chemists,
27: !y) 2. Reiver st., Troy, N Y.
When by tlnoise of Dr.Joixville's Elixir
you can be cured permanently, at a trifling
cost. The astonishing success which has at
tended this invaluableieoGeine for Physical
and Nervous Weakness, General Debility
and Prostration, Loss oPif uscular energy
Impoteney, or any of the consequences of
youthful indiscretion, reQders it the most
valuable preparation ever discovered. It
will remove all nervous affections.Qepression
excitement, incapacity to study or business.
loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-
destruction, fears of insanity, &c. It wilt c
restore the appetite, renew tl health of those
who have destro3"cd it by excess oCevil pracj
tices. Young mJ), be humbiiggd no more
by " Quack J)oetors," and ignorant practi
tioners, but send without delay for the Elixir
and be at once restored to health and happi
ness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every
instance. " Price $1, or four fottles toona
Home Manufactured Soap.
we wil
ill sell our Soap at the following
rates, for CASH, only :
Per 100 Boxes, or over, at $145 per Box.
SO " 1 50 " "
23 " 1 ."
40 Bars, 38 lb. 3 20 " "
20 " 101b. 170 'f "
"VX7E warrant our Soap to be equal to any
article that ca,n be imported, and su
perior to many "brands that are offered in
this market. UIGGLVS A CO..
No. 8 Front sireet,
t,o. s wharf.
Portland, January 1, 1SS7.
1 Uoek north O. S. X.
address, C.
One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in
any ordinary case.
Also : Di. Joixville's Specific Pills, for
the speedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhea
Gleet. fJrethal discharges, GraTel, Stricture,
and all affections of the Kidneys and biad.
der. Cures effected in fi omne to five days.
They are prepared from vegetable extractn
that are harmless on the system, and never
nauseate the stomaehe or impregnate thai
breath. No change of diet is necessary whilo
using them, nor does their action in any way
interfere with business pursuits. Price Jl
per box. O '
Either of the above mentioned articles will
be sent to any address, closely sealed, and
postpaid, by mail or expression receipt of
price. Address all orders to
BEKGER, SHU-CTS & Co., Chemists,
27.1 y) No. 285 Rivert., Troy, N'.qV,
For which the highest cash price will be
Oregon City, March 2'jth, 1S;7. 0.3 tf
For which the highest cash price will
be paid, at the store of'
21-tf I Uregoa Citv.
Throw way your false frizzes, your switches
your wig
Destructive ocomfott, and not worth a fig;
Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fju?
And rejoice iu vour own luxuriant hair.
Beparator Capilli : For restoring-:
Ilairnpon bald heads (from what
everc;use it may have fallefPout,
an,d forcing a growth of hair upon
the face,, it h:3 no equal.
It -iv ijl force the beard1 to grow upon th
smoothest face in from five to eight weeks
or hair upoibald heads in from two to thre
motrthf. A few ignorantQractitioners have
asserted that there is nothing thatyiil force
or Iwisteu the growth of the" hair or beard.
Their assertions are false, as thousands 06
living witnesses (from their own experience t
can bear witness. But manv will say, how
are we to distinguish the jiuine from the
spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine
tenths of the different preparations adver
tised for the hair and beard aie entirely
worthless, aud you may have already thrown
away large amounts in their purchase. !'
such we would say, try the Reparator Caulli
it will cost you nothing unls it fully comes
up to our representations. If your druggist
does not keep it, send us 01$ "dollar and wc
will forward it, postpaid, together with a re
ceipt for the money, which will be returned
you on application, providing entire satis
faction is not given. Address: (27: ly
W. L. CLARK & Co., Chemists, r
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, t