Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1866-1868, April 13, 1867, Image 1

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Oregon City Enterprise "
G o
, m
s, W
I)C iUcckln Enterprise.
X ,By D. 6. IRELAND,
OFFICE: South east comer of Fifth and
Mi iv streets, in the building lately known
as the Court House, Oregon City, Oregon.
Terms of Subscription.
One copv, one vear in advance $3 00
K- il delayed 4 00
Terms of Advertising-.
Transient advertisements, one square
(12 lines or less) first insertion ...$250
For each subsequent insertion 100
Business Cards one.square per annum
; payable quarterly 12 00
Vae column per annum .100 00
4 uc half column " t.... 50 oO
. w. r " " v.. :.f
yne qt. ''''nz at the estaished rates.
lrfgai '
Multnomah "fe . fy-3s
F & Xm 5!. Holds its regular
communications on the first .nd jd Sat-
Tirdavs of each month, at half pas- six P. M.
Brethren in good standing are invited to
siiKMid Ifv order of V. M.
oSon City, Nov. 6th, 1366. 3:ly
Oregon boage mo. , x. .
; 5j(0f O.F. Meets every Wednes
day evening at 7 o'clock, in the
Masonic Hall. Members of the order are in
y ited to attend. Br, order N. G. 3;ly
Willamette fjolgc Xo. 151. O. U. T.
Meets everv Saturday evening, at the rooms
S.E. corner'of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2
ucl'ck. Visiting members are iuvited to
uttend. i"7
UvCOrder of W. C. T.
w. c. jonxsox. f. o. m cows.
Notary Public.
f Will attend to all business entrusted
(.our care in any of the Courts of the State,
tllcct money, negotiate loans, sell real es
tate, etc. ,,
:ffTarticular attention given to contested
1 and cases. l.yl
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
XJ1L1j attend promptly to all
W business entrusted to his care,
Oc fick One door north of Bell & Parker's
I 'rug store, Oregon City, Oregon. 8:ly
" 1 I a
Oregon City, Oregon.
Office over Charman & Brother. S:tf
Dr. F, Barclay, M. R. C L.v
(Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. B. Co.)
OFFICE: At Residence,
Main Street (52) Oregon City.
o Dr. H. Saffarrans,
OFFICE In J. Fleming's Book Store.
O Main xiiift, Ort'Mn, City. (52
Pirmanendi Located at Oregon City, Oregon
Rooms over Charman & Bro.'s store. Main
6tt.' (12.lv
public be informed that
T. L. HACK, Artist,
1 1 ;s removed to the Photographic Hooms on
; Main street, lately occupied by Morrison C.
Atliqy where he is prepared to execute bet
J ter work 1h in ever.
i l'or Children's Pictures the best hours arc
betvveen 'J and 12 o'clock a. m. 23. ly
Justice of the Peace c City Recorder.
Office In the Court House and City
Council Room, Oregon City.
Will attend to the acknowledgment of
iads and a!l other duties appertaining to
tb.o yJUee of Justice of the Peace. 2.ly
John Fleming,
Thankful for the patronage heretofore re
ceived, respectfully solicits a continuance
of the favors of a generous public.
His stoiis between Jacobs' and Acker
man's bricks, on the west side of Main street.
Oregon City, October 27th, V?. tf
William Brcughton,
mxui street, Oregon City.
ill attend to all Work in his line, con-W-uig
m part of Carpenter and Joiner work
h aimng, building, etc, Jobbing promptly
attended to. 1 (52
Black Smiths and Boiler Makers.
Corner of Main and Third streets,
(trefoil City Oreg
V- ,ii ill lis Ul illllUUSi lUlit
.Turing und repuinpg. Alt work yarranted
'Ogrve satisfaction. ' (52 '
Mjnufaeturer aud Dealer in .
Mm street, between Third aud Fourth,
Oregon City.
PHE attention of parties desiring anything
X. 111 my lme, is directed to my stock, be-
'"fe purchases elsewhere
,f . c A. LEVY,
. -Mam Street, at the Telegraph Office,
0reS"Q City ...Oregon.
Tr Dealer in
tester's Ready-made Clothing,
'gors, Tobacco, Pipes, Slationqry,
Cutlery, Willoio and Wooden
v. Ware, YankPe Notions,
'Wand staple -Groceries, Candies, Nuts,
o ioys, etc. ' (B3-
o o
Main Street,
Nearly Ormosite Woolen Factorv.
T.W. RHOADE3, f Proprietors.
Oregon City. Oregon.
We invite the citizens of Oregon City, and
the traveling public, to give us a share of
their patronage. Meals can be had at all
hours, to please the nrost fastidious. 15
Main Street, one door north of the Woolen
Oregon City Oregon.
"Wm. Barlovr, Proprietor.
The prnetor, thankful for the continued
patrouaeehe h.1 received, would inform the
public that he will C?11"1 his efforts to
pleast his guests. (52
Paper Mauuf'sr
Manujactvre, and have constantly o?i
hand, a very Superior Article of
Straw Wrapping Paper.
EdT Orders will receive prompt attention.
22.1yJ J. 0. MILLER, Secretary.
Iiisperisil Mills,
IT Parties wanting feed must furnish
their sacks. lb.Sm
Having purchased the above Brewery,
wishes to inform the pubiic that he is now
prepared to manufacture a No. 1 quality of
As good as can be obtained anywhere in the
State. Orders solicited and promptly filled.
Oregon City, December 2Sth, 180(5." lOtf
City Draymaii)
All orders for the delivery of merchandise,
or packages and freight of whatever descrip
tion, to any part of the city, will be executed
promptly and with care. 10.6m
Clse sap Csasla Store !
Under the Court House, in Oregon City.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, etc., etc.,
Which thy propose to sell as cheap as any
House in Oregon.
Oregon City, October 23, lSGfi. 2:ly
Main street, Oregon City,
Adjoining t lie Brick Store of
S. Ackerman.
JAMES 3IA(V,V, fropr.
This popular saloon is always supplied
with the very best quality of Wines and
Liquors, Ale, Porter, liecr and Cider, Cigars
and Tobacco. Give me a call.
. Fashion Billiard Saloon;
Main street, between Second and Third,
Oregon City.
J. C. Tflann, Proprietor.
TnE above long established and popular
Saloon is yet a favorite resort, and as
only the choicest brands ot Wines, Liquors
and Cigars are dispensed to customers a
share of the public patronage is solicited,
(ly) J. C. MANN.
ilain Street, opposite the Post Office, Oregon
E. PAYNE Proprietor.
The undersigned taVes this method of in
forming the public that he has purchased
the above saloon, ang. now offers a choice and
well selected stock of foreign and domestic
wines, liquors, etc., which cannot ijajj to.
please those who may extend their patron
age. The best Lager Beer, Ale and Porter
in the State.always on draught.
3:1 yj E. PAYNE.
West Side Main Street, between Second and
Third, Oregon City.
GEORGE A. AAS Proprietor.
rr- 1 loave to 'nform his
Tne proprietor bcfi ieave 10 v, the
friends and the public gentrauy - :
above named popular galoon is open iorlt,eir
UVLUlil 1 1 J 4. I 1 1 , M Itll U HS. (fltt '
ed supply of the finest b&uds of wines,
liquors and cigars. 52
V reci?!iy of Canemah, that they hav
establislied a Store at that place, where they
will keep on hand a well assorted stock of
Merchandise and Groceries.
which will be sold at reasonable rates, for the
purpose of establishing permanently such a
necessity at. Canemah. Try us. 0 :'
Salem ? Oregon,
is prepared to accommodate the public,
in as good "style as any house on the ipoast.
He has determined to make the Bennett as
good as the best, and better than any public
house in Salem. Charges moderate.
front Street, Portland, Oregon.
Plans, Specifications, and accurate
; - i r.i.nnjrniVnn short notice
after the latest approved style. jiy)
I J tion, for sale at the Exteftrise office
I Light of the Heard).
She comes with fairy footsteps ;
Softly the echoes fall ;
And her shadow plays like a summer shade,
Across the garden wall.
The golden light is dancing bright,
'Mid the mazes of her hair,
And her fair young locks are waving free
To the wooing of the air.
Like a sportive fawn she boundeth
So gleefully along,
As the wild young bird she caroleth
The burden of her song.
The Spring like flowers are clust'ring thick
Around her dancing feet,
And on her cheek the pleasant breeze
Is breathing soft and sweet.
The very sunbeams seem to lingr
Above her holy head,
And the wild flowers at her coming
ThvT.'r richest fragrance shed.
And, 0, how IcJ hght and fragrance
Mingle on the light wlf?1" J
O, how fondly do they nestle
Round the soul that knows nu si'1-
She comes; the spirit of our childhood;
A thing of mortal birth,
Yet breathing stiH a breath of V eaen,
To redeem her from the earth.
She comes i bright robed innocence,
tlnsoiled by blot or blight,
And passeth by our wayward path,
A gleam of angel light.
O, blessed things are children !
The gift of heavenly love !
They stand betwixt our worldly hearts
And better things above.
They link us with the spirit world
By purity and truth,
And keep our hearts still fresh and young
With the presence of their youth.
Tlc Bridal Wine Glass.
"Pledge with wine pledge with wine!"
cried the young and thoughtless Harvey
Wood ; "Pledge with wine !'-' ran through
the brilliant crowd.
The beautiful bride grew pale the de
cisive hour had come. She pressed her
white hands together, and the leaves of
the bridal wreath trembled on her pure
brow ; her breath came quicker, her heart
beat wilder.
"Yes, Marion, lay aside your scruples
for this once," said the Judge, in a low
tone, going toward his daughter ; "the
company expect it, do not so seriously in
fringe upon the rules of etiquette ; in your
own home act as you please ; but in mine,
for this once please me."
Every eye was turned toward the brill
iant pair. Marion's principles were well
known. Henry had been a convivialist,
but of late, his friends noted the change in
his .manners, the difference in his habits
and to-night they wratched him to see, a.s
they sneeringly said, ir he was iied down
to a woman's opinion so soon.
Pouring a brimming beaker, they held it
with tempting smiles toward Marion. She
was still very pale, though more compos
ed ; and her hand shook not as, smiling
back, she gracefully accepted the crystal
tempter, and raised it to her lips. But
scarcely had she done so when every hand
was arrested by her piercing exclamation
of "O, how terrible-!7
"What is it?" cried one and all throng
ing together ; for she had slowly carried
the glass at arm's length and was fixedly
regarding it as though it were some hid
eous object.
"Wait," she answered, while an inspir
ing light shone from her dark eyes ; "wait,
and I will tell you. I see," she added
slowly, pointing one jeweled finger at the
sparkling ruby "a sight that begars all
description ; and yet listen I will paint
it for you if I can. It is a lonely spot, tall
mountains crowned with verdure rise in
awlul sublimity around ; a river runs
through, and bright flowers grow to the
water's edge. There is a thick, warm
mist, vthich the sun seeks Vainly to pierce.
Trees, lofty and beautiful, wave to the
airy motion of birds, but there a group
of Indians gather round a postrate form
with sorrow upon their dark brows. But
his cheeks, howT deathly ; his eye, wild
with the fitful fire of fe er ! One friend
stands beside him nay, I should say
kneels j for see, he is pillowing that poor
head upon his breast.
"Genius in ruins oh ! the high, holy
looking brow ! why should death mark it,
and he young? Look how he throws
bacl. edamp curls! see him clasp his
hands I 'hear Lis thrilling ?hrieks for life !
iftarlv how he clutches at the form of his
companion, imploring to be saved ! Oh,
hear him call pitieously fcjs father's name
see him' twine his fingers together aa'hV
shrieks his sister his only sister the
twinofhiasoul-WCfping for him in his
distant native land ! .
"See !" she exclaimed, while the brida
party shrank back, the untasted wine
trembling in their faltering grasps, and the
Judge fell, overpowered, upon his seat
sep, his arms are lifted, to heaven he
piavs, how wildly, for mercy! hot fever
" - . mi . f "1 I
rushes through his veins, ino if-ienu up
side himis weeping, awe-stricken, the dark
men move eiieutly, away, and leave the
livimr and . the dying together." There
was a bush in the princely parlor, broken
only by what seemed a smothered sob
from some manly bosom. The bride stood
lln nnd tears.
yet upright, wnii ijuivwo -r,
stealing to the outward of her lashes. Her
beautiful arm had lost its tension, and the
glass, with its little, troubled red waves
came slowly toward the range of her vis
ion. She spoke again, every lip was mute.
Her voice was faint, yet awfully dbtract ;
-- - .. v
she still fixed her sorrowful glance upon
the wine cup.
"It is evening now ; the great white
moon is coming up ; and its beams lie
gently on his forehead. lie move3 not ;
his eyes are set in their sockets ; dim are
their piercing glances ; in rain bis friend
whispers the name of father and sister
death is there. Death and no soft hand,
no gentle voice to bless and soothe him.
His head sinks back ! one convulsive shud
der ! he is dead?"
A groan ran through, the assembly, so
vivid was her description, so unearthly her
look, so inspiring her manner, than what
she described seemed actually to have
taken place, then and there. They noticed
also that the bridegroom hid his face in
his hands and was weeping.
"Dead!" she repeated again, her lips
quivering faster, and her voice more and
more broken : and there they scoop him
a grave : and there without a shroud, they
lay him down in that damp reeking earth.
The n!y son of a proud father, the only,
the idolized brother of a fond sister. And
he sleeps to-day iu that d'slaat country,
with no stone to mark the spoi. The?? he
lies my fathers son my own brother '
a victim to this deadly poison. Father,"
she exclaimed turning suddenly, while the
tears rained down her beautiful cheeks :
"Father shall I diissk it b-ow? Tire
form of the old Judge seemed con
vulsed with agony. He raised not his
head but in a smothered voice he faltered
"Xo, no, my child, in God's name no !"
She lifted the glittering goblet, and let
ting it suddenly fall to the floor, it was
dashed in a thousand pieces. Many a
tearful eye watched her movement ; and,
instantaneously, every wine-glass was
transferred to the marble table on which
it had been prepared. Then, as she look
ed at the fagments of crystal, she tumod
to the company saying, let no friend, here
after, who loves me, tempt me to peril my
soul for wine. Not firmer aro the ever
lasting hills than my resolve, God helping
me, never to touch or taste that terrible
poison. And he to whom I have given
my hand who watched over my brother's
dying form in that solemn hour, and
buried the dead wanderer, there by the
river in that land of gold, will, I trust, sus
tain me in that resolve will you not my
husband ?"
His glistening eyes, his sad, sweet smile,
was his answrer. The Judge left the room,
and, when an hour after, he returned, and
with a more subdued manner took part in
the entertainment of the bridal guests, no
one could fail to read that he, too, had de
termined to banish the enemy at once and
forever from his princely home.
Those who were present at the wedding
can never forget the impressions thus sol
emnly made many from that hour for
swore the social glass.
The Jaffa Coloxy. The latest reports
from Palestine indeed most of the reports
from the first have been decidedly unfa
vorable to the success of Elder Adams'
efforts to colonize Palestine, and not at all
complimentary to the gentleman's discre
tion or honesty. The Bangor (Me.) Times,
of the 12th inst., however, gives the other
side, contained in the letters of the mem
bers of the Colony. The Times says :
The extracts are from letters shown to
us by a gentlemen of this city. The Col
ony can have just as much land as they
w-ant. Everything works in their favor,
although there had been some sickness
and a few deaths. Their meetings are at
tended by many strangers and foreign
consuls. The mass of the people are
friendly. An old Turk, the next door
neighbor, voluntarily offered wheat and
barley at the lowest price, with the priv
ilege to pay -when convenient. Another,
worth Sl,UO0,0OU, said they could have all
the money they wanted. Their lot is not
all fenced in, and any one can come in
that chooses. Lumber, laths, etc., are lay
ing about unguarded, yet none are stolen.
Kniifc gardens ares aH Voui. them loaded
with oranges and all kinds of fruit. The
letter concludes as follows :
"I tell you we are received with kind
ness by all ; still there are some few one
or two who want to get back to America.
You will ask, 'What for?' Because you
cannot get pork and beans, pound, cake
and such like. There is enough here to
eat, but the articles are not of so fine a
quality as in America. I tun well pleased
with the country. I don't put, my hands
to the plow and look back.'
Another letter dated at Jaffa, Dec. 1G,
states that ten or eleven houses have been
built, and others are in process of erec
tion. Over 150 bushels of grain had been
put in the ground, and a part of it was
looking "first rate.7' It was as pleasant
there as in. Mjiine during the summer.
It has been stated that the Turkish Gov
ernment refused from the first to grant the
colony privileges indispensable to their
success. This is not so. A firman was
granted them by that Government, a copy
of which is now at the State Department
at Washington, permitting them to land
their goods free of duty, and to pre-empt
unoccupied lands on the same terms al
lowed the natives,. Thi statement prov
ing incorrect, may not others from, the
same source be placed in the- same cate
gory t
'Very Cijsar. A Minnesota land specu
lator, in describing a lake in that State,
say3 it is so clear and deep tnat oy iooh.iug
into it you can see them making tea in
That's nothing in comparison with Ore
gon. Here you cannot only see them
making tea in China, but you can actually
hear the. John's talking, as you look into
any of the streams or iakc3. Fact.
Rather Dull.
The stagnation of trade has been se
verely felt by all business men, and even
that enterprising c lass of onr fellow crea
tures known as " drummers," or traveling
salesmen, despite their almost inexhausti
ble invention and resources, have been
obliged occasionally to yield to the pres
sure of the times.
One of these gentlemen, who has re
cently returned from a trip tor Thistle
Bros. & Co., of this city, did not show a
very large exhibit of orders to balance the
liberal expense account allowed him by
the firm, and Mr. Thistle, after looking
over his returns, said :
" Mr. Rataplan, X am afraid you do not
approach the dealers in the right way ; I
used to be very successful in this line.
Now just suppose mo to be Mr. Eigter, of
Sellout, Illinois, and show me the way you
introduce the house."
Accordingly Rataplan stepped out of
the counting room, and re-entered, hat in
hand, inquiring, " Is Mr. B gher in ?"
"That's my name," said Thistle, ur
banely. "My name is Rataplan, sir, I represent
x'uC house Cf Thistle Bros. & Co., of Boston.
(Thistle, in his character of Western mer
chant, here rose, offered the salesman a
chair, and expressed his pleasure at see
ing him.)
" I am stopping with Overcharge, at the
Stickem House, and have a fine wubroken
lot of samples which I would like to show
you ; think we can offer you some special
advantages, etc." And Rataplan delivered
himself of a neat speech in professional
" Very well, very well," said Thistle ;
" I don't see but you understand the way
to get a customer."
" Excuse me, Mr. Thistle," said Rataplan,
" I am afraid you do not understand the
style of Western merchants just now ; sup
pose you exchange place with me, and we
repeat this rehearsal."
" Certainly," said Thistle, and picking
up his hat, he stepped out. Returning, he
found Rataplan with his chair tilted back,
hat cocked fiercely over his right eye, his
heels planted on Thistle's polished desk,
and a lighted cigar between his teeth.
Thistle looked a little staggered, but
nevertheless he commenced
"Is Mr. Higher in ?"
"Yes, he is," responded Rataplan,
blowing a cloud of pure Connecticut into
Thistle's eyes. " Who in are you ?"
" I represent the house of Thistle Bros.
& Co.," said the astonished employer,
coughing out about a quart of smoke from
his throat.
" The blazos you do ; are you one of that
concern ?"
"No, sir, I am not," said Thistle.
" Well, it's lucky for you that you
ore not. for 1 've had two drummers to one
customer for the last two months, and if I
could get hold of the blamed fools that
send 'em out here at this time, I'm durned
if I wouldn't boot 'em clean out of the
town of Sellout."
" That'll do, that'll do, Mr. Rataplan,"
said Thistle ; " I've no doubt you did the
best you could for the interest of the house.
Trade is a little dull. Boston Commercial
TnE Power of Cyphers. The enlight
ened man may have a clear understanding
of thousands, and even millions ; but much
beyond that he can form no distinct idea.
A simple example, and one easily solved,
will illustrate the observation. If the
vast bodies of water that cover nearly
three-fourths of the globe were emptied
drop by drop into one grand reservoir,
the whole number of drops could be writ
ten in two words, -eighteen sextillions.'
and expressed in figures by annexing
twenty-four cyphers to the number eight
een, (18,000,000,000.000,000,000,000,000).
Man might as well attempt to explore the
bounds of eternity as to form any ration
al idea of the units embodied in the ex
pression above ; for although the aggre
gate of drops is indicated by figures in the
Fpace of only two inches of ordinary
print, yet if each particular drop were
noted by a seperate stroke like the figure
1, it would form a line of marks sufficient
ly long, to wind around the sun six thou
sand billions of times.
Now, if you please, the. marvelous power
of value which the cyphers, insignificant
by themselves, give significant figures. IS.
The young reader will be surprised to
learn that the use of the cypher to deter-,
mine the value of any particular figure,
which is now practiced by every school
boy, was unknown to the ancients. There
fore, among the Greeks and Romans and
other nations of antiquity, arithmetical
operations were exceedingly tedious and
difficult. They had to reckon ;with little
pebbles, shells or beads, to transact the
ordinary business of life. Even the great
Cicero, in his oration for Roscius, the ac
tor, in order to express 300,000, had to
make use of the very awkward and cum
brous notation, cccjaio ccciooo. How
verv'odd. this seems "in the year of our
Lord MncecLXVii!" (1867.) ElucationaX
Monthly. -
Happy Once. An editor up inMinneso
t.i. savs he was never happy but once m
hi3 life and that was on a warm summer s
day, when he lay in tne lap u iwu
ing maidens, being fanned by a third, and
kissed by all three.
A lady sends us the above from Cali
fornia, and asks if that was us ? We, are
sorry to sy, wo were not aa editor there,
"ccly a printer."
The Benefit of Railroads.
The following suggestion to Oregonians,
is from the Napa Register :
Although no work has yet been done
upon the railroad, the prospect of its early
completion has already caused a very de
cided advance in the prices of land in the
county generally, and in and about Napa
City in particular. Within a week $100
has been offered and refused for , lands
near St. Helena which could have been
purchased for $40 per acre less than six
months ago. Lands anywhere whitbAa -a
mile or a mile and a half from Napa have
risen in an equal degree, but by no means
reached the price, which they will bear by
next Fall. A small capital judiciously in
vested now in lots in or near town would
undoubtedly pay a better interest than
any other investment. Magnificent site3
for building, within 10 or lo' minutes ride
of our business street could probably be
purchased now for $100 per acre, by "tak
ing from 20 to 40 acres, and we greatly
mistake if the same could be brought two
years hence at an advance of 150 per
cent. Of course, prices are much higher
in the immediate vicinity of. our business
streets. Now would be the time to pur
chase to advantage, while business is still
stagnant and money rather "tight," after
a severe winter. A few months of good
weather and active business will place a
different complexion 'upon matters! and
purchases will be compelled to "fish for
clams at high water."
Stron g Butter. A farmer named Davis,
of Jackson county, sent Mad. Jeannie Gil-"
foyle, of Jacksonville, 300 pounds of ran
cid butter. She was so incessantly both
ered by Davis that at last she paid him off
in greenbacks. After this Davis published
her. In her reply the following occurs ;
That this butter was as bad as I have
represented it to be, I can bring any
amount of proof. One of my boarders, to
whom I was talking, yesterday, in regard to
this matter, got oil" a couple" of good hits, i
as follow s : Talking of the fact that Davis
sent in the place of bringing the butter
into town, he said " that didn't appear at
all wonderful to bim ; and, in fact, it
wouldn't have surprised him very much if
the butter had risen in its majesty, and
walked into Jacksonville. And, Madame,"
said he, " certain facts which this green
backing affair has brought to view, suffice
to explain the fact that, for some months
past, the Good Templars have appeared
generally to withhold their patronage from
' The Franco-American' they have taken
avow not to use anything strong.
In Taix Circumstances. The Lafayette
Courier relates the following :
Boswell Lamson, son of Jeremiah Lam:
son, present member of the General As
sembly from this county, served awhile
during the war, in the U. S. Navy. After
the close of the struggle he come into pos
session of a livrge lot of improved Govern
ment arms, which he disposed of in Europe
at an enormous profit, becoming vastly
wealthy thereby. He subsequently formed
a matrimonial alliance with an heiress in
England, thus doubling his already im
mense fortune. Young Lamson was reared
from boyhood in Yamhill county. , Won
der if. in his hours of revcry, he ponders
retrospectively over his life, picturing
himself what he was. the son of an unpre
tending farmer, living quietly in an ob
scure but fertile valley of the Yamhill,
with no visible future beyond that appar
ently in store for the humblest of his co
temporaries in boyhood sports? Verily,
his future no man knowetii !
A Pretty Ixcidext. The following
is related as having occurred recently at
the Winter Garden, New York :
The immense audience was deeply inter
ested in Booth's admirable character of
Shylock, in the Merchant of Venice. The
play had proceeded to the first scene in
the fourth act,
Portia Then must the Jew be merciful.
Shylock On what compulsion mustl? Tell
me that.
Portia The quality of mercy is not strained
It droppeth as the "gentle rain from heaven ;
Upon the place beneath, etc.
At which instant the rain of an approach
ing shower struck the roof of the theatre,
and with miraculous effect the whole au
dience burst into applause.
Well Answered. A story being cur
rent that Anna Dickinson and Theodore
Tilton had matrimonial designs upon each
other. Mr. Tilton responds to a letter of
inquiry on the subject as follows:
My Dear Sir :
In reply to your kind inquiry whether
the story be indeed true that I am about
to marry my pleasant menu .miss Anna
Dickinson, permit me just to mention
which must suffice for the present that in
this, as in every important matter, I am
bound by a rule which I have observed
now for nearly eleven years, and that is :
Not to take a conclusive action without
the advice of Mrs. Elizabeth R..Tilton, a
very sensible woman, and the wife of
Yours truly, Theod. Tilton.
. ii
The same vanity which leads us to as
sign our misfortunes or misconduct to
others, prompts us to attribute all our
lucky chances to our own talent, prudence
and forethought. Not a word of the fates
or stars when we are getting rich and all
goes on prosperously. So deeply rooted
iu our nature is the tendency to make oth
ers responsible for onr own misdeeds, that
we lapse into the process almost uncon
sciouilv. Men scold their children, serv
ants, and dependents, for their ovn errors;
coachmen invariably punish their horses,
after they themselves have made any stu
pid blunder in driving them ; and even
children, when they have tumbled over a
ehair. revenge themselves for their awk
wardness by beating and kicking the im
passive furniture.
Should Come to Oregon. The editor of
the Jacksonville Sentinel, speaking of that
peice of femininity, in a Good Templar
lod"-e, who declares that rather thaa live
without cider she will eat apples and get
some nice fellow to squeeze- her, says :
"We think we would like that gal, and
wouldn't mind being a 'cider press,' just
in ai-cnmriflate her. She had better come
to Oregon where apples and muscle are
dog cheap.
. .
Marble fire-places should not be washed
with suds ; it will in time destroy the pol
ish. After the dust i3 wiped off, rub the
spots with a nice oiled cloth, thon rub dry
with, a eoft ra. "
Pacts and Fancies.,
Why is Athens, like, a worn-out shoe ? .
Because it once had a Solon.
Why is wit like a Chinese lady's foot ?
Because brevity is the sole of it (
1X1,. 1M- i I t.
uj in c man vyes une stage norsea i
Because they are always under the laes.
What word will make you sick if you
leave one of the letters out? Music' 6
Better be honorable and be despised
than to be despicable and be honored.
-T!he man who trumpets his own fame
will soon have no fame to trumpet. O
Beer fills many a : bottle, and the bottlo :
fills many a bier. " ;, , ' q
Punch says that the best way to kill
time ,is shoot ecery day.
There are in New York about 31-1 build
ings set apart for religions uses. -. '
Coal oil is certain destruction to bed
bugs. i ;
Gilt frames, slightly rubbed over with
coal oil, will not be troubled byies.
The sulphate of lime will stop the fer
mentation of new cider.
The artist Oertal has abandoned paint? .
ing and taken to preaching.
On a' child '.being told that it must ba
broken of a bad habit it honestly replied:
" Pa pa; hadn't I better be mended V '
A bachelor arithmetician says a girl is
"sum'.' when she caiises one to sigh for
Why is a selfish friend like the letter P
Because, though first in pity he i-j last in
help. o
Fine charcoal, placed over any animal
or vegetable decaying substance, will ar
rest all offensiveQmuvia.
Great men direct the evegts of their
timer; while men take advantage of(therh ;
weak men are carfjed along in the current.
Forty of the costumes recently provided O
for a transformation scene in a London .
pantomime cost two hundred dollars each.
What is the use of sighing and weeping
as we float down the stream ? Why make
the voyage of life a wailing, voyage ?
A wife agency is in operation at Cleve- O
land, Ohio. It is conducted on the em
ployment systera. ... . o
MdTle Rosa Bonheur has nearly Com
pleted a large picture of cattle and dro- o
vers in the Highlands. . . , r
It is not what we eat. bftt what we digest,
that makes us fat. It is not what we make
but what we save, that makes us rich.
Why can persons occupied in canning
frust stOiW away more of it than anybody .
else? Because they can. q . "q
Miss Vinni Ream; the handsome yoing
sculptress who received $10,000 to make a
statue of Lincoln, will execute her com
mission at Florence. , ,:7 " o.
Why is John Morrissey prize fighter. ,
gambler, and Member of Congress like
t he Red Sea ? Because he was death to
Faro. .. . ; . J ' V '
A bucket of water with some hay in it, O
if stood in the middle of a newly painted
room all night, will remove the offensive
" A traveler" wishes an eastern paper to
explain what sense there is. in the term
"railroad securities," since there is no se
curity on any of the railroads. q
Dear Laura, when we were courting
you were very dear to me ; but now you
are my wife and I am paying your bills,
you seem to get dearer and dearer to me."
" Six feet in his boots,". exclaimed Mrs.
Partington : ." .Why, .what will., the import
ance . of this world come to, I wonder.
They might as well tell me that he trad six
heads in his hat." j - - . ,
The Ilicksite branch of the Society of
Friends ; of Philadelphia, are erecting a
spacious College at Westdale. Pa., for the
education of their own children. It will
cost $200,000.
Queen Victoria has ordered a collection
of everything attainable relative to Mi-
ehael Angelo, in deference to the admira
tion which Prince Albert entertainedfor
his works.
Quilp thinks it rather remarkable that
while several thousand feet aro required"
to make one rood, a single foot, properly
applied, is often sufficient to make one
civil. , "
In 1858 a general asked9i Texas lawyer
at Houston for a copy of the statutes of
that State. The lawyer opened a drawer,
and taking out a large bowie-knife handed
it over.
What is the difference between a rifle
man who shoots wide of the target, and a
husband who blackens his wifto? eyes?
The one misses his inarkQtnd the other
marks his missis.
" A railroad train was delayed in conse
quence of an axle of the tender giving way
A lady inquired ot a gentleman passen
ger why they were so delayed : He grave
ly replied, " Madam, it was occasioned by
what is often followed by serious conse
quences the sudden breaking of a tender-
attachment. 7
Attorney Frightened. An improved
apparatus for ventilation is employed in
the County Court Room. It consist of a
cylinder about three feet in diameter,
reaching to the roof, covered with a raised.
capand partially closed at the bottom by
ornamental scroll work. Just above th
perforated bottom jets of gas 13 kept con
stantly burning, which causes a more rapid -draft
of foul air upward, and of course any
one by looking up at the ceiling can see
the light shining through. A go-otf story
is told in connection with it. A celebra
ted lawyer had a ease- ino Court, and quito
a crowd of spectators3 had assembled.
When he was about to open his case, some
wag "went up to him and whispered :
"Aint this Court room on fire I Look up
tbere," pointing at tke ventiator. The
lawyer looked up aad saw the light, then
took hold of his. hat, eltitcheJ Wood's. Di
gest, and to show bis presence of mrod -even
in the presence of the most startling '
and overwhelming danger, exclaimed to -the
crowd in the room : "Don't rush, gen
tlemen ; go slow, and we can all get out -safely.
If you rush, you w ill block tho '
doors and we will be lost keep cool V '
The crowd had not seen any cause of
alarm, and thought the attorney had be- .
come suddenly insane : so there was no -
i rush, save of bloodr-to his cheek3. wben
ho saw how he cad been sold. tr i Ttrrtej